Pulp Fantastic

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Writing: Chris Halliday, Christopher Helton, Jonathan Nichols and Jonathan M.


Additional Development: Adrianne Compton, Lee Szczepanik, John Snead, DM

Elliot, Anna Dobritt, Stephen J. Miller, Ramsey Lundock, Neale Davidson, José
Porfírio, Timothy Brannon, Eric Pavlet, J. Thomas Pavlat and Luke Green

Editing and Proofreading: T.R. Knight, Lee Szczepanik, Cameron Lyle, Martin

Interior Art: Dean Spencer, Some art is © Otherworld Creations and is used here
with permission, Freepik

Graphic Design, Typography and Digitial Pre-Press: Morne Shaap

Playtesters: Jonathan M. Thompson, Adam R. Thompson, Terrence Thompson,

Clay Weeks, Christopher Helton, Ramsey Lundock, Mark Vorwerk and José

Cover Art: Robert Hack

Adventure: The Nemo Diary by Shawn Hilton

Pulp Fantastic (Savage Worlds Edition) Copyright © 2019 Christopher Helton and Jonathan M. Thompson. Pulp Fantastic is published by Battlefield
Press International, 4009 Baronne St. Shreveport, Louisiana 71109 First printing. ISBN 978-1-9162632-7-7. This game references the SAVAGE
WORLDS game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. SAVAGE WORLDS and all associated logos and trademarks
are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or
suitability for purpose of this product. Fantastic Universe, Pulp Fantastic, Fantastic World, Steel and Swords, Savage Adventures, The Legendary Flying
Calvary and Mystic East are all Trademarks of Christopher Helton and Jonathan M. Thompson. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be
duplicated without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder.

Errata and other feedback can be sent to thompsonjm@gmail.com. Attention: The bearer of this PDF has the permission of the publisher and the
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CREDITS................................................................ 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................. 3
INTRODUCTION.................................................... 4
THE PULP WORLD GAZETTEER............................... 25
THE PULP YEARS................................................... 47
CHARACTER ......................................................... 72
CREATION............................................................ 72
ARCHETYPES........................................................ 81
GROUPS & .......................................................... 93
BASES.................................................................. 93
GEAR................................................................... 98
PULP VILLAINS..................................................... 139
BESTIARY............................................................. 180
LOST LANDS......................................................... 201
ADVENTURE: THE NEMO DIARY ............................ 220
ADVENTURE GENERATOR...................................... 228
BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................... 249


They were larger than life colossi who stood astride
he characters in a Pulp Fantastic campaign are the mighty metropolitan cities in which they were
like the heroes from the pulp magazines of long based, while their adventures spanned the globe…
ago. They let the players be faster, stronger and and sometimes beneath the Earth’s surface or far
smarter, in a by-gone era where truth and justice into outer space. These mythic figures were never
could change the world for the better, even if only intended to reflect their contemporary world.
on a smaller scale. They are the technological
knights who sweep from the tops of their gleaming The pulp heroes were the last burst of those
high-technology towers with their wonders from the mass-produced, formula-fiction factories known
world of tomorrow. They are the shadowy avengers as the pulp magazines. Born about the turn of the
who step out of the darkness of back alleys to strike century, the pulps — they took their name from the
against the criminals who are choking their city. inexpensive paper on which they originally were
They are the garishly dressed masked mystery men printed — were usually of suspect literary quality,
who use the loudness of their anonymity to work but besides inflaming the imaginations of millions
against the forces of evil. They are the heroes of of readers, the magazines provided a financial
Pulp Fantastic. foothold for numerous writers who went on to
create stories and books that are the great works that
Back in the Pulp Era, the lines between those who the pulps were (for the most part) not.
were heroes and those who were villains were
clearly demarcated in the stark contrast of black Ray Bradbury, Max Brand, Jack London, Sinclair
and white. The heroes were giants in their world, Lewis, Stephen Crane, H.P. Lovecraft, Walter
towering over even the colossal skyscrapers going Gibson, Lester Dent — the list of writers whose
up in the gleaming metropolis that they would works appeared in the pulps is long. The list of
safeguard. In the chapters that follow you will find styles and genres that flourished in those magazines
the rules that are the backbone of character creation is just as long. They promised fantastic fantasy and
in Pulp Fantastic. thrilling thrillers: from the whodunit to the horror
story, from the Wild West to the moons of Mars, the
But these rules are only a part of the process of pulps helped establish science fiction and fantasy in
creating characters. Pulp heroes are stories, modern the literary experience of the early 20th Century.
day mythologies that reflected the time period in
which they were created, as well as amplifying that The pulp publishers were in it, of course, for the
world. Those stories should be the most important money (some things never change). Fortunes flowed
element of the character creation process, and those from the promises of the sensational and the sleazy.
stories should take precedence over the rules. The With literally hundreds of competitors on the news-
rules of character creation should help to simulate stands, the publishers constantly searched for the
the stories of the character, stories yet to be told, not type of story that would sell. And, in the 1930s, they
limit them. struck gold with tales of modern knights battling
evil —the tales that provided the fodder for Pulp
If at times Pulp Fantastic sounds too corny to be Fantastic.
true, remember this: The pulp heroes that inspire
this game were not life-sized characters when they The publishers could hardly help but notice that
were created in the 1930s, and the decades have their largest-selling issues were ones featuring
done little to make them appear any more realistic. heroes — or villains — familiar to their audience,

main characters developed in earlier editions. From hard, and people wanted to escape their lives with
that formula, it was a short alley-vault to continuing light reading. They wanted stories in which the
series based upon the daring exploits of a Pulp hero. good guys were stalwart, true and victorious, and
And it is the exploits of the hero that Pulp Fantastic life’s problems could be solved with a solid right
and almost all other rpgs are influenced by. hook. The pulps weren’t about realism, they were
simply about entertainment, about stirring stories of
The first of these pulp heroes was The Shadow; adventure, intrigue, action and horror.
the nemesis of the night, born from the runaway
typewriter of Walter Gibson in the early 1930s. The This world – a world of square-jawed heroes and
pulp business was no more imaginative then than villainous masterminds, of weird science and lost
television or Hollywood is today; soon, a host of worlds, of mystery men and two-fisted justice – is
heroes was spawned to capitalize on the success of the world of Pulp Fantastic.
The Shadow, from The Spider and The Octopus to
Doc Savage and countless others. ***


Well, that is an easy answer. It is an alternate NICHOLS
history set during what was called the “pulp era,” or
the period in history existing between the wars. This New York City, 1937
game is designed to emulate the adventure stories
from that period, this also includes radio dramas The stake sank into the crumbled wall with
a shrunk and Veronica Pentecost sent the
and modern movies set in the period.
vampire back to Hell. As the last pockets of
The world of Pulp Fantastic is the world of the air wheezed out of the skeletal remains of
the undead thing of the night, Veronica lit
popular fiction of the 1920’s and 1930’s. It’s the
a cigarette and blew smoke into the fanged
past of our world, but idealized, simplified, and
skull of her prey. Her client would be pleased.
greatly exaggerated. Satisfied with her victory, Veronica pulled her
trench coat around herself and turned to exit
First, the bright spots were brighter. Scientific
the abandoned Brownstone.
achievements really could deliver on its many
promises. Heroes were generally the noble and But before the detective could even reach
strong characters in stories, even if they had a flaw the doorway, a most terrific upheaval of the
or two. The question wasn’t if the good guys would earth occurred! Debris fell from the ceiling
win. The question was usually “how?”. and came crashing to the floor. The walls
buckled and began to give way as well.
On the other hand, the darker spots were dark. Veronica was going to be trapped in seconds!
Crime and corruption in the cities was even worse
Or rather she would have been, had she
than what the papers were reporting. Nefarious
not vaulted through the doorway and into
schemes hatched by masterminds both criminal and
the street. It was perhaps not the safest of
political were everywhere. But this all just gave the moves, but a resident of New York seldom is
heroes something to fight against. taught earthquake safety. And indeed that
is exactly what appeared to be happening
The reason for this more ‘idealistic’ view of the that very day in the nation’s largest city: an
world was simple. The Great Depression was a earthquake.
recent, ugly memory. Not too long ago, there’d
been a brutal war in Europe, and it looked like Asphalt streets were cracked and split
another was on the way. In 1918 Spanish Flu had open, building foundations had slouched and
suddenly, swiftly and inexplicably killed nearly dozens wandered in the dust-filled air of
five per cent of the world’s population. Times were the aftermath. As the tremors subsided, fire

trucks and NYPD arrived on the scene, eager surrounded by long, white wisps of hair,
to put out the blazes instigated by broken “The Doc” as he was known looked every bit
gas mains and fallen flammable materials. the part of the prototypical mad scientist.
Residents turned out to help one another out Perhaps that is why he disturbed Veronica so.
from under the rubble and to rush those who
were wounded to waiting ambulances. And finally, there was Sterling Westinghouse,
millionaire Wall Street man and
In still other pockets of the neighborhood, philanthropist (how rare those two titles
plumbing had ruptured, spewing forth were seen together). Whenever the world
water and lowering the water pressure was in danger, Westinghouse would call
to a dangerously low level, a hazardous upon Veronica and the three men mentioned
development for the firemen. previously. Together, they would confront
the threat and always they would emerge
What could have caused such a disaster to victorious. Perhaps that is what gave
occur in this part of the world? Veronica Veronica hope when all seemed lost.
did not know, but as her wristwatch began
to blink red, she knew that she would be on “Ms. Pentecost,” Sterling Westinghouse said
journey towards the answer soon. as he approached her in one of his custom-
tailored suits. He took Veronica’s hand and
Hours later in the midtown Manhattan lightly kissed it. “We were worried. When
penthouse of millionaire philanthropist you hadn’t arrived we feared you to be a
Sterling Westinghouse, Veronica Pentecost casualty of the quake.”
brought her sleek and silky form to what
would otherwise be an all-boys club. And “As you might imagine, it’s nearly impossible
what a posh and expensive tree house to make it across the city right now,”
that this boys club held their meetings in. Veronica explained.
Overlooking the city and out onto the Atlantic
Ocean, the penthouse was furnished with “I’ve had a late supper brought up and
every modern convenience conceivable (the placed on the bar. If you’d care for any food
largest television set that Veronica had ever or drink, please feel free.”
seen was placed in the lounge area near
the bar. She thought momentarily that she “Rather get straight to work if you don’t
might get to see “The Ed Sullivan Show,” but mind,” Veronica said while taking a seat
then realized that it most likely would not air dangerously close to Chase.
due to the tragedy and the moderate damage
“Very well. Obviously, New York City has
sustained by the show’s studio theatre)
suffered a terrible natural disaster this day,”
as well as many a strange and ancient
Sterling said, taking center stage as it were
archeological relic.
on a rise overlooking the lounge.
As was instinctive to the detective, Veronica
“But how?” Wash protested. “The city isn’t
automatically surveyed the penthouse in a
anywhere near a fault line?”
flash, finding it full of the usual suspects:
“Precisely, muchacho!” bellowed Dr. Fleming
Dr. Washington “Wash” Stuttz, archeologist
while his body quivered with nervous
and worldwide adventurer. He was a man’s
twitches and jerks of excitement. “Something
man if there ever was one. Perhaps that is
is indeed rotten in the Big Apple and it’s not
why Veronica disliked him so.
the garbage scows!”
Chase Danner, former agent of the O.S.S.
“It is beginning to look conspicuously as if
Although he was a skilled pilot and renowned
this disaster was not natural in any respect.
man of action, Chase was yet to turn thirty
For as you might not be aware, Moscow,
and still had a brash and impulsive nature.
London, and Paris have all suffered similar
Perhaps that was why Veronica was so drawn
fates this day. Someone is orchestrating
to him.
these earthquakes and I have been
Dr. Campbell Fleming, theoretical physicist authorized to put an end to them. Doctor?”
and inventor. With a balding head
With that, Doctor Fleming stood up and

snorted. He then motioned for the others discovery of the location.
to follow him as he walked away from the
lounge. They proceeded to follow him to The metal needle drew a slow but deliberate
an open area of the hardwood floor where line from New York City across the Atlantic
some sort of mechanical device stood. It Ocean, over the coast of North Africa, and
was replete with tubes, wires, coils, and finally came to rest in the center of the
components hitherto unseen before by nation known as Egypt.
anyone in the room save for Jonathan.
Excitedly, Doctor Fleming rubbed his hands “I will telephone the airport and have your
together and then flipped a switch. plane fueled and furnished,” Westinghouse
announced. “You will leave presently for the
“Walla rutabaga!” the eccentric old man sands of Egypt.”
exclaimed as the electric device buzzed to
life. “Hot dog!” Chase slapped his hands on
the machine, causing no small amount of
“It’s a doozy, Doc,” Chase said with a whistle. consternation from Fleming. “I’ve been
“What is it?” achin’ something awful to get back into the
skies, Daddy-O!”
“In the aftermath of today’s quake,
inspiration struck me! I became host to “Pack few personal effects but make
a grand idea that I hope will one day take absolutely certain that you have your
root in the rest of the scientific community wrist communicators. Dr. Fleming and I
as well. Behold my fantastic device! The will remain in constant contact with you,”
siesmo-locater!” Dr. Fleming said, pressing ordered Westinghouse. “With you lies the
another button and causing his device to hope of humanity, democracy, and most
utter a series of beeping noises. importantly…America itself! Godspeed!”

“Congratulations, Doc,” Wash grunted. Moments later, a C-47 lifted off from a
“You’ve invented the seismograph…an municipal airport on Long Island. Chase
instrument that’s been around for years.” Danner, one of the world’s top pilots, sat
smiling in the captain’s seat as he nudged the
“Oh no…” Dr. Fleming said with all plane higher and higher into the sky.
seriousness. “This is far beyond any
seismograph. It is meant to trace energy and But perhaps he would not have been smiling
force of an entirely different order.” so had he seen the mysterious man in the
gray suit who stood at the airport, watching
“You were correct earlier, Dr. Stuttz,” their every move before going to make a
Westinghouse interrupted. “Each of today’s phone call…a call uttered entirely in German.
catastrophic earthquakes occurred in
proximity to no known geological fault lines. CAN OUR BAND OF HEROES LOCATE AND
Therefore, they would have to be caused by STOP THE SOURCE OF THESE EARTHQUAKES
a construct made by man that emanates BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE?? AND WHAT OF
powerful waves of force.” THE MYSTERIOUS MAN IN GRAY FROM THE
“Force that I have called ‘epsilon waves.’
And now for the first time, you are about to ***
witness my device track these epsilon waves
to their point of origin,” Dr. Fleming said
excitedly. CAIRO, EGYPT
Without another word, his machine clicked The wailing of street vendors and beggars
and whirred and beeped in rapid succession. assaulted the eardrums of the three as they
Within the center of the device was a globe made their way through the marketplace. To
of the world, a globe that turned slowly as a Veronica Pentecost, the entire display felt dirty
metal pointer dragged across the surface. and untouchable as she continuously yanked
her flowing robes away from grabbing hands.
“It’s moving…it’s moving…” Fleming said
with bated breath, anxiously awaiting the “Want to explain to me again why the hell

I have to wear this again?” Veronica cursed compliments,” Wash said to him in response.
from behind her veil.
“You know this cat?” asked Chase.
“Because doll, that’s how women are
supposed to dress round these parts.” “Westinghouse called me just after we took
Washington Stuttz explained. “Me and Chase off and said he’d found us a local contact,”
here just look like a couple of white men. Wash said.
But if the locals got a good look at your
gams, we’d be in the soup for sure.” “And when were you going to let us in on
that? I nearly blew this guy’s head off!”
“How many times have you been here, Veronica growled.
Stuttz?” Veronica asked as she squeezed
herself between denizens of the densely “Come! Come! I have hotel waiting for you!”
packed bazaar. beckoned Re-Zal Evad as he moved off into
the sea of humanity that was the streets of
“I’m an archeologist,” Wash said blithely. Cairo.
“Can’t really call yourself that until you’ve
been on at least a couple of digs in Egypt, A warm bath and a change of clothes later,
toots.” our heroes found themselves in their modest
hotel rooms, sitting and letting a ceiling
Veronica Pentecost took hold of Wash by the fan attempt to push back the desert heat.
shoulder and spun him around to face her Washington Stuttz sat on the bed and tuned
glare. the knobs of his wrist communicator until
the vision of Sterlington Westinghouse came
“One day you’re going to call me ‘toots’ or into view in vivid black and white.
‘doll’…and the next words out of your mouth
will be ‘my crotch! She stabbed me in my “We’ve checked into the hotel,” Wash reported
crotch!’” threatened Veronica. to the boss. “Our expedition leaves tomorrow
morning. Anything new?”
“That’s right,” Wash replied with a dirty
smile. “I like ‘em rough!” “No new quakes just yet, thank God. Be
careful…and contact me when you’ve reached
Mercifully, Chase arrived in their midst the target,” Westinghouse ordered.
and broke the confrontation apart. He was
wearing a turban and robes. “Got it, boss,” Wash said before cutting the
channel and lying back on his bed where he
“So what are you supposed to be?” Wash promptly fell asleep.
asked incredulously.
Engulfed by the dense fog of exhaustion,
“One of the first rules of espionage. Blend in Washington was oblivious that night to the
with the populace and don’t call attention to cloaked figures that surrounded the hotel
yourself,” the young secret agent stated. “Got and even made their way inside and up the
these from a vendor for a swell price.” stairs. Unaware was he that three of these
cloaked ones in fact had arrived inside his
“Friends! Friends!” shouted a just-arrived room while he slumbered and snored. So
stranger. light were their steps that not even the
squeaky floorboard beside Wash’s bed uttered
The approaching stranger was a portly Arab the smallest creak as it was pressed upon.
man in an ill-fitting and equally ill-fashioned The lead would-be-assassin drew the length
suit. A scraggly black beard surrounds his of his scimitar blade from the cloth belt
lips and chin, contrasting against the pale that was around his waist. Directly and
teeth of his smile. with sinister intent, the assassin pointed
his sword downward, raised high above
“Welcome to Cairo, City of the Pharaohs! I
the midsection of Dr. Stuttz. If performed
am to be your guide here, Re-Zal Evad,” the
correctly, Stuttz would never even utter a
man said with arms wide open.
sound during his own murder. Were it not for
“Sterling Westinghouse sends his

a single, solitary bead of sweat fallen from men clothed exactly like the ones who had
the sword wielder to Wash’s nose, that is attempted to commit his murder ran into the
exactly what would have happened. lobby. As they approached the stairs, these
men were met with the mace of Washington
Wash groggily came to after being jarred Stuttz.
awake by the impact of the sweat drop. His
open eyes saw the assassins above him The leading man got the mace in his stomach,
and immediately he gasped. This shocked the one who followed across his jaw, and
gasp continued as the cloaked men jerked another a pile driver to the top of the head.
and jolted from the multiple gunshots that Over and over, swing after swing, bash after
suddenly tore through their bodies. Once bash, Wash left the veiled attackers in a mess
they had fallen to the floor, Wash could see that was unfit to be viewed by any decent
Chase Danner standing in the doorway, American.
holding a smoking automatic handgun in
each hand and smiling inexplicably. Upstairs, Re-Zal Evad came out of his room,
still wearing the soft, cotton cabana pajamas
“Sorry to disturb your sheep countin’, that he had bought in London. He was just
Daddy-O. But it appears our hotel is in time to see Chase climb out of the window
surrounded by some mean hombres,” Chase that was his firing position and take up a
said. stance on the ledge.

Washington Stuttz was not happy. They were “They’re splittin’!” Chase reported of their
in danger, he had just come within a sweat attackers, firing off a few rounds in their
drop of being a shiskabob, and his rest was direction for good measure.
disrupted…meaning he would be well beneath
his required 7 hours of sleep for the day. “Friends! Friends!” Re-Zal chirped with great
Wash reached into his leather travel bag and alarm. “Of what is this?”
pulled from it an iron mace that dated to
medieval times. “Being from out of town,” Veronica began as
she dragged an attacker’s corpse from Wash’s
“Sons of bitches must pay!” he sneered room. “We were going to ask you the same
before following Danner into the hallway. thing. Any idea who these jamokes might
Veronica was already in the hotel hall when
Chase and Wash arrived. She slapped a clip “I have no idea who these could be!” Evad
into her pistol as bullets ricocheted from all replied, perplexed.
directions. The other attackers were now
pelting the building with rifle and machine “Not a scrap of traceable evidence,”
gun fire, indiscriminately shooting at the Veronica spat as if what she had said were
windows in hopes of hitting their prey. a curse. Her hands continued to scour the
Boldly, Veronica charged to one such window body beneath her. “This fellow’s face is
and began to blazingly return fire. nondescript; he’s got nothing personal on
his body. All I can tell is that he smells like
“I could stand some help here!” she yelled to goat.”
her cohorts.
“Yeah, but that’s everybody around here,”
“You got it!” Chase said, taking a stance at Chase said ignorantly. “No offense, Re-Zal.”
another window where he let the attackers
have it with both of his barrels. His reply “Oh none taken!” Evad said through a forced
came in the form of machine gun fire being smile.
raked across the face of the hotel.
“That one seems a little cold for your tastes,
Meanwhile, Washington Stuttz had entered Veronica,” Danner chided, as Veronica could
the hotel lobby where guests were fleeing not give up the search. “Should try to find
their rooms in droves and the night manager one a little hotter.”
had ducked behind the front desk. Stuttz
“I don’t try anything, I just do it,” Veronica
hid himself behind the potted palm trees
Pentecost stated as she stood to look Chase in
near the stairs and watched as a group of
the eye. “Want to try me?”

With bloody mace in hand, Washington Stuttz the tunnel that led into the ancient Egyptian
came up the stairs just as Re-Zal Evad was grave, a set of heavy, wooden spears tipped
growing very uncomfortable. with bronze launched out of the walls,
seeking to skewer whomever they could and
“Well, that was a lovely way to spend the then block the way for the rest. It was only
evening,” joked Wash. because of Wash’s quick reflexes that he was
able knock the rest of the party backward
It was a two-day journey into the desert and spared them the fate of certain
to reach the target location. In a convoy impalement. Wash then immediately set
consisting of two old Ford pickup trucks and about to smash the crisscross of spears with
the many camels brought by the local diggers his mace while Evad went back to the camels
and workers that Re-Zal Evad had hired, for a change of pants.
the three from America moved at a snail’s
pace to their destination. On the morning After the spears came the fire. Some form
of the second day, the expedition awoke to of flammable substance had been released
find that the tires on the trucks had been through holes in the sandy floor of the
slashed during the night, along with many of antechamber ahead and lit by a torch fallen
the water skins they had brought along. The from the hieroglyphic-laden walls. Stuttz fell
local help they had hired ran from the scene backward into the others from the blast of
even as Evad begged them to stay on until heat cast forward by the crackling flames.
they had reached their destination. To that,
the workers only replied, “mesh mumken!” “Stand back!” Chase shouted, forcing his
<impossible!> Evad then had to break way past Stuttz and leaping through the fire.
the news that he and Stuttz, Danner, and His feet found their mark on the modest
Pentecost were on their own. sarcophagus that was in the center of the
chamber. “Just tell me what I’m looking for!”
With the shapes of the great pyramids rising
in the distance before them, the desert “How the hell should we know what an
travelers finally arrived at the coordinates earthquake machine looks like?” Wash
provided by Dr. Campbell’s invention. The hollered back at Chase, hands to his head in
destination itself was unremarkable, but as order to deflect the heat.
they dismounted from their camels while
Washington rubbed his chin and gazed upon “Boss? Are you there?” Veronica said into
the rock with great scrutiny, he rapidly her wrist communicator, wasting no time in
determined the object’s true nature. taking matters to the top.

“It’s a tomb,” Stuttz stated glumly. “Yes, Ms. Pentecost,” a black and white image
of Sterling Westinghouse said. “I am here.”
“I thought those were the tombs,” Chase said,
pointing to the pyramids in the distance. “Get Doc Fleming on the line,” she asked, the
heat oppressing her succulent form.
“Not all the ancient Egyptians were buried in
pyramids,” Re-Zal pointed out politely before “I need a few answers here!” Chase shouted
waddling across the sand to join Wash at the as he did a veritable tap dance upon a grave,
carved rock. dodging the tongues of fire licking at his boot
“Maybe your next question will be better,”
Veronica suggested in a hot whisper directly Elsewhere, the image of Dr. Campbell Fleming
into Danner’s ear. had replaced that of Westinghouse on
Veronica’s wristwatch. His white hair seemed
“Well let’s get started clearing the entry way,” even more out of place than usual, his lab
Washington suggested as he brought a shovel coat more stained, and his demeanor more
over to the rock-hewn door. “It’s the grave of harried than typical.
a commoner. Shouldn’t have to worry about
any traps.” “What’s going on? What’s wrong?” he asked
in rapid succession. “I don’t have much time
But nothing could have been further from the because I’ve got to get back to the lab! One
truth. As Wash Stuttz led his crew through of my atomic experiments is not going at all

the way I had expected and I’ve left Miss from licking across his legs and igniting his
Akimoto and my monkey charge of things pants on fire.
and I really shouldn’t even have departed
because an isotope of this nature can be so Finally, Chase emerged on the desert surface
readily…” as the fire consumed the entire underground
tomb. Immediately he fell to the sands,
“The earthquake device!” Veronica cut him rolling about in order to extinguish the
off. “What does it look like?!” burning of his pants. Naturally, Veronica
Pentecost immediately went to his side in
“The earthquake device?” Doc Fleming order to determine just how much of his
repeated the question. He then shrugged pants had in fact disappeared.
and gave Veronica a dumb look. “Heck if I
know. Uhhh, it would have to be a massive “Here it is,” a coughing and smoky Chase
mechanical construct. Power cables and announced as he unwrapped the machine
conduit should be stretching out from it, it that he had carried forth from the inferno.
should be radiating a great deal of power…
can’t miss it,” Fleming explained. “You were lucky,” Veronica told him. “You
could’ve gotten yourself burned alive by
“There’s nothing even close to that in here!” charging into the chamber that way.”
Veronica screamed.
“I tell you, lady. There’s the safe way, there’s
“Huh, no foolin’?” replied Fleming, perplexed. the dangerous way…and then there’s the
Chase Danner way,” Chase said as he lit a
“Might it be underground?” Evad suggested. cigarette that had mercifully not been ignited
by the flames.
Then Chase pointed. In the direction of
his extended finger was a conical wedge “A most tiny machine to cause such large
of metal, camouflaged in the corner of the earthquakes,” Re-Zal Evad said aloud as he
antechamber amidst a few pottery urns. inspected the salvaged device that was now
Stuttz looked it over skeptically. Could Chase sitting in the sands before he and Wash. At a
reach it through the flames? As he looked loss, Wash activated his wrist communicator.
around at the burning room, Wash decided
that Chase Danner would have to and tossed “You there, boss?” he asked aloud.
a heavy cloth bag to him.
“I am here, Dr. Stuttz,” came Westinghouse’s
“Grab it and get out!” Wash ordered and then voice from half a globe away. It still
turned to Veronica and Evad. “The rest of astounded Stuttz how Doc Fleming could
you get out, too! I think this fire is a self- arrive at such marvelous inventions.
destruct mechanism!”
“Have Doc take a look at what we’ve found,”
As his compatriots evacuated the tomb, Chase Wash said as he pointed his wrist towards
leaped upon the odd metal object in question. the machine so that the two men in New
Rapidly he wrapped it in the heavy cloth York could see it for themselves. “It’s cone
as to protect his hands from what was now shaped, kinda bent at the ends, there are
undoubtedly metal that had been heated to a wires hanging out at the bottom from where
most scorching temperature. Lifting it he felt Danner ripped it free…”
resistance. With time running increasingly
short, Chase Danner gave the object a mighty “Mazoomba! It’s not the earthquake device,”
tug and felt it rip free. Beneath it stood now the voice of Campbell Fleming said.
severed electrical wires and cables…leading
to where Chase did not know. “You better be joking,” Veronica Pentecost
said with no expression.
Nor did he have time to investigate the
matter. With smoke now beginning to fill the “As near as I can tell, it’s an amplifier…a
entire underground chamber, Chase took two mechanism that magnifies the quake waves
more determined leaps and bounded his way as they move outward from their point of
past the ring of fire. Though fleet of feet, he origin. There could be many of these hidden
was not fast enough to prevent the flames all over the world,” Doc explained.

“So what is it that we do now?” Evad hope to locate Stuttz…let alone the quake
said, asking the question that was now on device?
everyone’s minds.
“Zanzibar!” Chase hissed. “I’m back in
“We can only move on down the line,” Zanzibar!”
Dr. Fleming replied through the wrist
communicator. “I’ll use the seismo-locater to “Not fond of ‘Africa’s Jewel?’” Veronica
run a trace.” asked as she dodged a bicyclist and made the
charge through traffic in order to get to the
“It’s probably going to be a while,” Wash marketplace across the street.
announced to the others. “If you want,
Veronica, maybe you can go find a mirror “Was here about a year or two ago,” Chase
somewhere and you can pretty up.” explained as he tried not to bump into a
table that was covered with a pile of green
“I think I’ll toss you back into the fire vegetables that he could not recognize. “We
instead,” Veronica replied with complete knew that the Reds were real interested
sincerity. in Africa. I went here on the sly-like to
discourage what the Commies had in mind.”
“I’ve got it!” Dr. Fleming’s voice mercifully
declared, breaking the ugly silence between “You wouldn’t have been involved in a certain
the bitter rivals. “Your next stop is… Soviet freighter explosion from around
Zanzibar!” that time, would you?” wondered Veronica,
again squeezing between pedestrians, some
All that Dr. Fleming’s audience of four could carrying heavy loads atop their heads.
then think about is the hot, sandy, windy
journey back to the C-47 parked at Cairo’s “All I remember is how this damned
airport. humidity made me constantly sweaty,” Chase
complained. Veronica stopped dead in her
WHAT AWAITS OUR HEROES IN ZANZIBAR? tracks, and then turned to face Danner
VERONICA FINALLY SNAP AND JUST KILL “And what’s wrong with being sweaty?” she
WASH? asked in her typically sultry way. Though
known for his cool, smooth, hipster repartee,
*** even this spy could be left speechless by the
withering and unbridled eyes of Veronica
Pentecost. Truth to tell, she loved every
ZANZIBAR moment of reducing the young agent to a
befuddled schoolboy.
Where was Washington Stuttz? That was
the single question on the collective minds “We…we’d better find Wash. Hey!” Chase
of Chase Danner and Veronica Pentecost as shouted, grabbing the shoulder of a young,
they raced through the streets of the island bare-chested boy who happened to be passing
of Zanzibar, the two of them again finding by. He displayed an old photograph of Wash
themselves in a crowded and exotic locality. to the boy, perplexing him even further.
Shortly after Chase landed the plane on the “Have you seen this guy?”
island, the four of them dispersed in search
The young African boy shook his head
of the earthquake machine. That was 8
negatively and then scurried off for fear of
hours ago. Wash had not been heard from
being further accosted.
“Well, that didn’t work. Time to try
The streets were clogged with bicyclists,
something else,” Chase said.
pedestrians, and a handful of cars that
seemed antique by American standards, “WASH!” he screamed into the bustling
and even a healthy number of oxen driven crowd. “WASH! WHERE THE HELL ARE
carts were thrown into the mix. Amidst the YOU?!” It was the best that Chase could
teeming throngs of humanity, how could they come up with. At his urging, the two of
them resumed their hurried pace of walking.

“Let’s hope that Re-Zal is doing better than “Oh one more thing if I may ask?” Re-Zal
we are.” questioned timidly, the question bordering
on ingratitude and causing a raised eyebrow
Elsewhere, Re-Zal Evad was seated in a café, from Leermeister. “I wish to go to America
fanning himself with his hat as the ceiling and see…movie stars! And listen to this
fans did little to reduce the heat in the jazz!”
room. He looked about tautly and nervously;
worried that someone would see him there, Leermeister pushed his chair back and
even though there were only three other stood away from the table, never once
people in Zanzibar at that moment that removing his narrow, predator’s eyes from
might question his presence in a café. The Re-Zal. Grabbing the edge of the table and
waiter brought Re-Zal his drink, unknowingly the tablecloth, Leermeister flipped the table
bringing with it at least a small degree of over, spilling the drink onto his sniveling
distraction and comfort. conspirator. Without saying another word,
the Colonel turned and exited the café.
And then the man in the gray suit sat down
at the table and Re-Zal jumped agitatedly. “So…I suppose that was the infamous
German temper,” Re-Zal said very very
“Colonel Leermeister!” Re-Zal said in glumly as the contents of the table saturated
surprise. him.

“You have information for me?” the German Once in an alleyway beside the café and off
asked humorlessly. He was bald, craggily of the bustling streets, Leermeister removed
faced, and seemed genuinely disdainful of life what appeared as a small black and white
in general. television set from his suit coat pocket. He
manipulated the contraption much as one
“Please sir!” Re-Zal begged in a hushed tone. would the wrist communicators invented by
“Do not call attention to me! There are ears Dr. Campbell, turning small knobs to tune in
and eyes about us!” a fuzzy black and white image and coaxing
it into a clear form. A bald man with
“I am not concerned with that. I wish only
pointed ears, a slender goatee and vaguely
to know what you have planned.”
Oriental features stared menacingly back at
After looking about to make certain that the Leermeister from the screen.
café patrons were far more engrossed in
“We have success, Your Excellency,” Col.
their own business than in his, Re-Zal leaned
Leermeister told the sinister figure.
across the table and divulged his secrets.
Despite the language barrier between he
“All is ready and in place. Dr. Stuttz already
and his native guide, Stuttz felt confident
has been taken care of,” Re-Zal reported.
that at the end of the hike he would be
“One of the natives here who is on my
staring at two things: the earthquake device
payroll is leading him to a substation of the
and whoever had built it. The native guide
earthquake device that is located deep in
seemed every bit as adept at finding his way
the jungle...but he will never find it. There
through a foliage-ridden jungle as Wash,
are a good many things in that jungle that
for Wash had certainly done his share of
will have their way with him and very soon,
exploring in rough terrain. Along the way,
I will bring the others there for the same
Washington had spoken with several villagers
who had reported strange, mechanical sounds
“And they are unaware of your and strange, electrical glows emanating from
involvement?” Leermeister questioned. what used to be a temple of worship deep in
the jungle, confirming the rumors that the
“They suspect nothing!” a giddy Re-Zal guide had reported to him.
And now as the guide jabbered in a tongue
“Stupid Americans,” the Colonel breathed incomprehensible to Wash, he pointed past
through a toothy grin. “You have done well, enormous, green leaves the size of elephant
Evad. Your payment will be wired to your ears and directed Stuttz’s attention to what

lie ahead. It was indeed a temple, centuries “Pretty sure, yeah.”
old by Stuttz’s reckon. But by catching
sight of the gleaming metal tube that was “I don’t understand. Why don’t you see the
at the temple’s center, appearing entirely power coupling?”
as an anachronism juxtaposed against the
ancient stonework, Wash knew that his “Look Doc, if I knew that we’d be able to skip
archaeological curiosities would have to take this conversation altogether.”
a back seat to the dangers that the world
“Now where are you on the device again?”
faced. He was, however, entirely oblivious
of the dangers that lurked just around the “Just where you told me to go! Under the
corner for him. gizmo where the nodule protrudes!”
Wary of booby traps placed in the temple “Oh,” Fleming said with realization followed
from ages forgotten, Stuttz entered the by a brief silence. “That’s not it then. Let’s
structure that was overwhelmed by vines start over.”
and other foliage. The metal of the device
shined before him, looking most distinctly Dr. Fleming is indeed fortunate not have been
out of place amidst the ruins. He looked it in the jungle temple with Dr. Stuttz, as the
over for a bit, studying all of its lights, wires latter would most certainly have shown the
and panels. All told, the entire thing was no former just where he could place the device’s
longer than three or four barrels placed end protruding nodule.
to end. Raising his wrist to his mouth, he
made what was to Stuttz, the only sensible In time the proper instructions were
decision. conveyed and the machine was indeed
deactivated. Wash tromped wearily out of
“Doc, you there?” Wash said into the the ancient Zanzibarian temple and met
communicator. “I found the machine, but I’m his native guide. Though his intellectual
a little out of my depth here.” curiosity implored him to return to the
structure in order to study it and discern its
“Well done Washington! Well done!” Dr. social and historical implications, physical
Fleming exalted from all the way in New exhaustion eventually won out in the
York. “Now move over to the bottom of the argument.
device where you’ll see a nodule protruding.
It should be the power coupling.” “Let’s go,” the archaeologist said to the
native. “I’ve had enough for one day.”
Wash complied. He removed his fedora and
ground himself through the dirt until he was After they had been underway for a few
underneath the rear compartment of the moments, Stuttz looked back and noticed that
technological cylinder just as if he were about his guide was no longer behind him, thus not
to change the oil on a car. fulfilling the obligations of a native guide.
Where could he have gone?
“What am I looking for again?” Wash asked
while struggling with the gizmo. Wash got his answer as the guide came
running out of the dense trees, hollering in
“A power coupling,” the Doc replied. his native language. Though Stuttz attempted
to steady the man and calm him down from
“What’s it look like?”
hysterics, it was of no use. Instead, the
“A black cable.” native merely pointed behind them in the
direction that he had just come running
“Is it bigger than a bread box?” from…so that they could both watch the
largest crocodile either of them had ever
“Of course it is! Don’t be ridiculous!” seen come rising out of the jungle!

“I don’t see anything like that.” “Oh great,” Washington sighed in

“Really? Are you sure you’re in the right
place?” Ominously it crawled, low to the ground and
slithering its tail. Its powerful, beak-like

snout opened ever so slightly and allowed then gently rub its abdomen until it falls
a reptilian hiss to escape. In a desperate asleep. Of course this was a crocodile…and a
panic, the native guide charged the croc, big one at that. Still, there was little choice.
causing it open its ever-gaping maw. The
guide moved swiftly to jam his walking stick As a mother would to a child with a tummy
between the upper and lower jaw of the great ache, Washington Stuttz brushed, rubbed,
lizard, rendering the beast unable to bite. smoothed, and even caressed the stomach of
Infuriated by this, the crocodile mustered the croc. He fought the urge to twitch and
all the strength in its jaw and snapped the retch as his hand moved over the outline of
obfuscating walking stick as if it were a dry the native guide, being slowly digested within
twig. The native guide then proceeded to be the animal’s stomach. Eventually, the reptile
swallowed whole, down into the gullet of the massage paid its benefits and the crocodile
animal. collapsed, fast asleep.

Stuttz did not believe the croc to be sated, Wash followed suit. He fell backward into
despite the human outline now in the belly the grass as a spent shell casing on the
of the beast. It eyed him with eyes cold and battlefield of the wild.
devoid of emotion. They appeared as two
black pools, darkened voids which stared Through the tropical foliage and across the
back at Wash. The giant reptile was rattled flimsiest of rope and plank board bridges,
and it knew that he was there, making Stuttz Re-Zal Evad led Danner and Pentecost on a
a potential threat. Steeling himself, Wash most precarious trail that they could only
drew his mace and prepared for the worst. hope would end in finding their colleague, Dr.
First came its tail with a broad slash just
slightly over his head. Stuttz jumped back a “Hurry! Hurry!” Evad encouraged them,
good six feet, narrowly avoiding connection even as the rope bridge began to give and
with the spiny appendage. The second time buckle under their weight. “This way!”
around he was not so lucky. The tail swung
“And how exactly did you find out that he
back and slapped into Wash’s hand with
was here?” Veronica asked as she fought to
surprising force. He watched helplessly as
keep her footing.
the mace rolled away and into the green,
bushy, undergrowth of Zanzibar. The lizard “I bribed one of the local officials!” Re-
moved swiftly towards him, mouth agape Zal said as if he simply wanted the line of
just as it had done with its previous victim. questioning to end. “Now we must hurry!”
Empty-handed combat between a Harvard
professor and a giant crocodile; sounded fair End of bridge reached, the shores of Indian
to Wash. Ocean could be seen ahead with the sun
setting in the distance. As fast as his stubby
With fight-or-flight instincts fully in place, legs could carry his rotund body, Re-Zal
Washington Stuttz leaped onto the crocodile’s ran to what appeared to be a log in the
head. The head was essentially flat and brush upon which a figure was splayed in
made for a perfect springboard. Wash was exhaustion.
able to propel himself to the animal’s rear
flank in order to grab hold of its tail. A “Wash!” Chase exclaimed as soon as he
wrestling match of evolutionary proportions recognized the figure and then joined Re-Zal
commenced. Reptile versus mammal. Cold, in the beach foot race.
indifferent blood versus hot, American blood.
Much to everyone’s surprise, it was not a log
As expected, the crocodile put up a fierce that Wash was upon, but rather a sleeping
fight. It flipped. It snapped. But Wash African crocodile. Stuttz was barely conscious,
eventually was able to twist its tail enough his mumbled and barely audible babble were
to render it completely upon its back. Now made all the more incoherent by the proximity
came the most harrowing and treacherous of the jungle noises. Chase urged him to keep
part. Could he remember how to do it? He still and quiet while he administered a canteen
had seen it done once before at the World’s of water to him and cautiously dragged him
Fair in New York. You pin a gator down and away from the deadly reptile.

“What the hell happened to him?” Veronica “Come!” Leermeister barked. “We depart for
asked as she arrived on the scene, observing New Berlin!”
Wash’s torn clothes and bloody scrapes. “Is
he going to live?” Despite Veronica’s obvious repulsion to their
hands, the soldiers took hold of her and
“He will live as long as the rest of you, Chase and Wash, just before demonstrating
fraulein, which I’m afraid is not very long,” that the contraptions on their backs were in
came a sneering voice on the beach behind reality rocket packs that would hoist them
them. into the air and into the gondola of the Nazi
Zeppelin. Where they would go to from
Veronica spun on her feet, her handgun there…none could say.
drawn and at the ready, only to find that
they were surrounded by soldiers holding ***
rifles who were dressed in entirely gray
uniforms and bearing the red and black NEW YORK CITY
emblem of the swastika upon their lapels.
On their backs were metal gizmos the likes of “Dr. Fleming!” Westinghouse said sharply
which neither Veronica nor Chase had ever as he entered the wood-paneled room that
seen before. Standing amidst these troops had once been another study of his but
was a triumphant Col. Leermeister, smiling was now an impromptu laboratory for Dr.
like a fisherman who had just caught a prize Campbell Fleming, who was waving his hands
trout. Bitterly resigned, both Chase and
defensively in response to his name being
Veronica raised their hands in surrender
as the barrels of each rifle pointed towards called.
“Not now, Westy!” Fleming pleaded in a
“My name is Leermeister and I am Colonel manner resembling an epileptic seizure.
in the Fourth Reich. I have pursued you “I’m up to my ass in alligators!” With that,
halfway across the globe, mein freunde. At Jonathan returned his full attention to the
last, I may stop chasing,” Leermeister said tuning knob of one of his devices.
calmly. “You have done well, Evad.”
“As is the rest of the world, Doctor. I’ve
With that Re-Zal Evad took his place at just received word that Bombay, India has
Leermeister’s side, stunning the ones who just been toppled by a severe earthquake.
were once in his charge. What is the status of our adventurers?”
Westinghouse asked.
“Money is in my account now, yes?” Evad
asked. Col. Leermeister nodded affirmatively. “That’s just it!” Fleming explained. “I don’t
know! Maybe they’re alive…maybe they’ve
“There’s two things in the world I hate, met an ill-fate. I don’t know…because I can
Daddy-O,” Chase said to Re-Zal. “Nazis and no longer get into contact with their wrist
traitors…and you gone and done did both of communicators!”
Sterling Westinghouse paused briefly and
“Enough!” the Colonel hushed. “It is time for allowed his gaze to drift while he mentally
us to depart.” measured what his chief scientist had just
told him. If the expedition of the three was
Having said that, Col. Leermeister removed indeed lost, then whoever was responsible
a flashlight from his belt and pointed it into for these insidious earthquakes had already
the darkening sky. After flashing as series won.
of timed pulses from the hand-held light
into the sky, a response of similar flashing “You may have just written the world’s
occurred. Then came a low, rumbling sound, epitaph, Dr. Fleming,” Westinghouse said
as if the sky were about to become filled with somberly.
large airplanes. But no such thing occurred.
Instead, a large blimp came into view
overhead…a blimp that bore the swastika
emblazoned upon its canvas side.

HOW LONG CAN THE WORLD HOLD OUT aircraft hangar. And what aircraft it housed!
AGAINST THE EARTHQUAKE DEVICE? WHAT Chase’s jaw dropped as his eyes fell upon
WILL BE THE FATE OF OUR CAPTURED them for never before had he seen their level
HEROES? HAVE THE NAZIS RISEN FROM of sophistication. Some were jets shaped
THE ASHES TO AGAIN TORMENT THE as batwings, others as saucers (explaining
WORLD? to him the source of what people had been
calling UFO’s. Little did the world know
*** they weren’t from little green men, but from
ANTARCTICA men more evil even than the Commies), and
others were…yes they were! They had to be!
Silently and effortlessly, the Nazi blimp glided They were rocketships, on launch pads placed
above the frozen wastes. Securely fastened beneath silo doors in the rocky ceiling and
to a chair in the gondola, Washington Stuttz pointing towards outer space!
looked down at the mountains of ice and
swirling snows. Below him was the coldest “Damn,” Chase said with a long whistle. “I’d
continent on earth. Temperatures were give my right nut to fly one of those babies.”
regularly well into the hundreds below zero,
“When exactly did your people invade
any exposed human skin would freeze on
Antarctica, Colonel?” asked Veronica
contact with the frigid air, and with nothing
Pentecost as they were ushered into warmer
but white in all directions, it would be so
parts of the hangar. Technicians and
simple to become lost. There would be no
mechanics still moved about, shouting at each
means of escape for Stuttz and his crew this
other in German.
“We’ve been here for a very long time,
“Don’t be so glum, Jack. I hear it’s nice
fraulein,” laughed Leermeister.
down there, this time of year,” came the voice
of Chase Danner, the man who was chained SS troopers on guard snapped to attention
next to him and reading the creased copy of and raised a flat palm upward as Leermeister
On The Road that he carried with him. approached victoriously with the prisoners.
the guards stood aside and allowed heavy
“Sure…if you call over a hundred degrees
doors to move away, revealing an entryway
below zero ‘nice,’” Wash said with a sullen
over which hung a swastika-bearing flag.
“Quite an igloo you got here, Colonel,” Wash
“Sounds cold,” remarked Veronica Pentecost
remarked as his eyes wandered about. “Like
who was likewise chained to a nearby chair.
something out of Buck Rogers.”
“We’ll just have to keep each other warm,
won’t we Chase?” “This is all from technology invented by the
Reich years ago,” boasted Leermeister as he
The Nazis dispersed parkas to the prisoners
led them through metallic hallways, dotted
and soon the blimp descended and attached
occasionally with electronic access panels
itself to a gantry tower born skyward
and glorious portraits of Hitler. “Once you
out of the snow and anchored in a metal
had invaded France in 1944, we knew that
platform. The entire area around the tower
we were kaput in Europe. So into U-boats
was bustling with activity as the Germans
went our most secret technologies, our most
had apparently carved an airbase out of the
brilliant scientists, and our most elite troops.
ice of the Antarctic shelf. Snow crawlers
All of them brought here to the South Pole to
and tanks scurried about with mechanics as
build this Neuschwabenland that you see here
Leermeister brought his captives down to the
metal platform via elevator.
“And while you stupid Americans occupied
At the edge of the apron platform was a
yourselves with your ridiculous victory
gaping black mouth that formed the entrance
parades, we were building rockets,”
to a cave. As the troops plodded them along
Leermeister said with a sly sneer. “And jet-
in a hurry to get out of the cold air, Chase
powered aircraft that far surpass any of the
could see that the cave stretched deeply
‘kites’ in your arsenal.”
into the recess of the ground. But what’s
more, the cave served as an improvisational

“This guy’s startin’ to bug me, Wash,” Chase “Namely, world domination,” Leermeister
said in anger as he attempted to wriggle said as he raised his recently filled flute of
loose of his captors. Stuttz cautioned him champagne.
to remain as he was and allow for time to
formulate a proper escape plan. As if on cue, the sound of thunder rocked
the dining room and rattled all glasses and
“I think you’ll find that the wings of liberty dinner plates on the table. For Veronica, the
haven’t lost a feather, Herr Jack,” Stuttz telltale shockwaves were far too akin to those
bragged with all confidence. “America and she had felt in New York.
her allies stopped you once before and we
can do it again.” “Earthquake!” she cried as she attempted to
crawl under the table, but was denied by Nazi
“Ja? How interesting…” the Colonel smiled guards.
menacingly as he brought the prisoners
to a halt by a closed door. “This time, “No, no, silly frau,” Leermeister cackled.
Deutschland has allies of her own…and we’ve “That is a squadron of our X-Jets, returning
recently made an arrangement that will have from patrol, no doubt.”
most dire consequences indeed for America.”
“Man, I ain’t never heard engines like those
With that, the Nazi opened the door. On the on a plane before,” Chase marveled in awe to
other side was a chamber that resembled the sound of the Nazi jets.
a dining room, complete with a long and
grandiose table with chairs and place settings “I would wager that there are a great many
all around. At the head of the table was things here that you have never seen before,”
a man in purple robes, a bald man with a Xan mused.
sharp goatee and pointed ears. Slowly, the
“Yeah, like an earthquake device,” interjected
sinister being began to clap his hands…a
Wash, attempting to bring the matter
considerable feat given his sickeningly long
to a head. “What exactly do you hope
to accomplish by bringing that kind of
“Welcome, Americans,” he said with an accent destruction to the world’s cities?”
that was vaguely Oriental. “I am Xan, an
“Oh certainly I have now made our goals
emissary from the kingdom of Hyperborea.”
most clear, Dr. Stuttz,” the sinister man from
This announcement was met with only an beneath the earth pompously stated. “Unless
exchange of dumb looks and disaffected the nations of the world turn total control
silence from our heroes. over to Hyperborea…and of course the
Fourth Reich…we will level every major city
“Of course, I should not expect you to on the surface world in less than two days.”
know of where I’m from,” Xan said smugly.
“Please sit. Our mid-day meal will be served “You fiend!” cursed Stuttz as he stood to
shortly.” vault over the table and wring Xan’s olive-
toned neck. He was impeded however by
The Nazi troopers shoved the prisoners to Chase’s outstretched arm. This prompted
their places at the table. Resigned, Wash, only laughter from Xan and Leermeister.
Chase, and Veronica each sat down and
unfolded their napkins. “A pity, this aggression of yours, Dr. Stuttz.
You all could become part of the genesis of
“Hyperborea is a civilization which exists the new world order,” offered Xan with a
many miles beneath the Earth’s crust,” Xan fingernail thoughtfully poised at his lips.
explained. “Unbeknownst to your pitiful
scholars, an entrance to this kingdom lies “Hey I might not be a church-going, cookie-
below the ice of this continent. We recently baking, Donna Reed kinda gal,” Veronica
encountered Nazi scouting parties and began, incensed. “But this girl stands for
though our rapport was tenuous at first, we only the good ol’ red, white, and blue!”
eventually came to find that we have…mutual
“No dice, square,” Chase concurred.
“Very well then,” a contemplative Xan replied

before pressing a button on his ornate direction that he came.
belt. “I shall have you now meet a few of
our other creations who escort you to your “Oh yeah?” Chase called after him, barely
cells…where you will await whatever form of able to stick his head through the bars. “I
execution we deem most amusing.” hope your jazz show gets cancelled…and they
announce a puppet show instead!”
At that, the door to the dining hall slid
open…and six killer penguins entered the “I like puppet shows,” Veronica spoke for the
room. first time since they had been forced from
the dining room and into the brig.
Yes! Killer penguins! Ordinary Emperor
penguins of the Antarctic now had rows of “Yeah? Well I like not being locked up in a
razor-sharp, piranha-like teeth in their beaks cell by Nazis!” Washington complained. “Now
and heavy weapons held in their modified you want to actually contribute something
flippers. Around their waists were belts to our planning here, or are you going to
laden with ammunition clips and grenades. continue to just sit and stare like you have
The penguin in the lead of the formation been?”
leveled his heavy rifle at the three captives
and opened his beak for the first time and Without saying anything else, Veronica placed
spoke: her hand down her cleavage and removed
a lock pick in the same manner that a
“Eep!” magician might extricate a rabbit from a hat.
She brandished it about in the air pompously
After being herded and corralled by the for the men to see.
killer penguins into a frigid jail cell, Stuttz,
Pentecost, and Danner had no course of “Where’d you get that?” Chase asked,
action but to sit and wait…and wait…and surprised yet delighted.
“I’m a private investigator,” she replied
“This is driving me crazy!” Wash exclaimed plainly. “How else do you think I get into
as he stood up to pace, frustration finally buildings and rooms that I’m not supposed to
getting the better of him. “I can’t just sit be in?”
here! We’ve got to do something!”
Leaving that question to hang in the air,
“You’re flippin’ out, man!” Chase hollered Veronica reached her hands through the bars
back. “There’s nothing we can do right now, and around to the lock mechanism that she
so let’s use our marbles to come up with began to pick with all deftness and skillful
a plan!” And all the while, Veronica sat tenacity. After what seemed like endless
silently, seemingly oblivious to their rant. seconds of rattling and clanking of metal,
the lock popped and the door swung free.
“Oh yoo-hoo!” a girly voice called from down Before they were trapped and desperate, now
the hallway. Re-Zal Evad entered the brig to thanks to Veronica’s crafty handling of the
stand before their cell and taunt sadistically. situation, the fight was again theirs to be
His corpulent form had been squeezed into had. Overwhelmed by enthusiasm for this
the accoutrements of an American teenager. prospect, Wash took Veronica in his arms and
kissed her…before promptly dropping her.
“Re-Zal! You’re lucky I don’t tear through
these bars and stomp on your head while “Sorry,” he said wiping his mouth. “Got a
cryin’ cocka-li-doodle-lee-doo!” Chase said little excited.”
with his hands firmly planted on the steel
bars of their cell. “S-seems I underestimated you, Stuttz,”
stammered an uncharacteristically doe-eyed
“Oh but sir! I was wanting to tell you that Veronica.
soon I leave for America! I am going to hear
live jazz for first time! And I could not have “Chase, you get to a radio transmitter…or
done it without money gained from your whatever kind of Flash Gordon gizmo they
imprisonment! Shukran! Shukran!” With have around here…and get word to the boys
that, he cackled and departed in the same back in New York. Veronica and I will find

the earthquake device and see how we can Listen, you must detonate the reserves of
blow it up. Now let’s move like we’ve never jet and rocket fuel that they have in storage.
moved before!” Once you do, the heat from the blast will
ignite the geothermic gases…and that entire
With those final instructions from hall of nightmares you’re in will go up like a
Washington Stuttz, the three moved out. second sun. If we’re lucky, the blast might
even be severe enough to shut off the tunnel
Back in New York City, the experiments of entrance to Hyperborea. At any rate, we
one Dr. Campbell Fleming were suddenly must make certain that the Nazis not reach
interrupted by the sound of an incoming into space! Just make sure that you’re all
transmission on the radio receiver. plenty far away from there when it happens,
okay, Chase? Chase?”
“Uhh, hello?” Fleming spoke into the
microphone quizzically. His reply was a “Dammit! Doc! I gotta go!”
voice garbled through static. “Hello? Who is
this? What do you want?” And with that final, pleading statement from
Chase, the airwaves fell silent.
“Doc! It’s Chase!”
“Hold steady, boy! I’ll send help!” but
“Chase?” a startled Fleming hooted. “Chase Fleming had absolutely no idea how he would
Danner?” make good on that promise.
“The one and only, Daddy-O.” “You’ve found them?” asked Westinghouse
as he re-did his cufflinks and walked into the
“Where in blazes have you people been? I’ve
room behind Dr. Fleming.
been trying to reach you for…”
Rapidly, Campbell Fleming recounted
“Cut out the hubbub, bub. We’ve been
everything that the secret agent man had
Shanghaied to Antarctica by a bunch of
reported to him over the radio and watched,
Nazis. They’re in cahoots with this other
as the face of Sterling Westinghouse grew
strange guy who claims to be from a kingdom
grimmer by the moment. Though he
inside the Earth and together they’re causin’
momentarily raised his eyebrows in optimism
the quakes with an earthquake device.”
as Dr. Fleming explained the physics behind
“Great Scott!” Campbell exclaimed after the explosion that he had just ordered them
slapping his forehead and jerking about. to create, Westinghouse was still greatly
troubled as to how to get his three operatives
“That ain’t all, Doc,” Chase cautioned. “These quickly out of harm’s way.
Nazis we got here in the South Pole? They’re
building up for an attack. I’ve seen a lot of “I will call President Truman,” a determined
military installations in my time and I should Westinghouse finally announced, and then
know. I got a look at the hangars on base promptly turned for the telephone that sat on
and I saw they’ve been building super attack the edge of Fleming’s cluttered desk. “And
jets, rocket ships, and they’ve been breeding tell him that a rapid strike force is needed in
an army of killer penguins.” Antarctica.”

“All right! All right!” Dr. Fleming “But Boss! Won’t he think we’ve failed in
interrupted. “Listen, Chase? How warm is it our mission? Won’t he think…”
in that base?”
“Truman will think what I tell him to think!”
“You mean other than the brig? It’s actually snapped the multi-millionaire as he picked up
very warm.” the phone and dialed.

“A steamy sort of warm?” Well, that’s a radio that’ll never work again,
Chase thought to himself as he looked over
“Yeah. How’d you know?” the shattered and smoldering radio console
with the legs of a Nazi trooper sticking
“If they’re working with the Hyperboreans, out of it. Far more serious than the state
then I assume that the Nazis must now have of communications though, this trooper
the ability to tap geothermic energy sources.

would eventually be missed and it would be from the inferno that was the Earth’s core.
discovered that Chase and his compatriots Veronica Pentecost shrugged off the matter,
had effected escape and were on the loose. claiming that dodging death was what they
did best and that the steaming gases had
With those facts squarely in his mind, actually been a benefit to her by curling her
Chase Danner drew upon all of his learned hair. Less concerned with lady’s fashion and
instincts as a special agent in order to skulk more with escaping the Nazi’s Antarctic lair,
stealthily through the corridors of the Nazi the men of the three rushed for the surface
base. Deeper and deeper into what he was to where the aircraft…and their escape…
sure was the recesses of the Earth beneath awaited.
the Antarctic ice and snow, Chase’s heart
leaped when he came across Veronica and “Fools!” Xan cursed after the S.S. lieutenant
Wash as they were crammed into a confined informed him that the cells containing Wash,
space that overlooked an open expanse of the Chase, and Veronica were empty. “Find
building that held storage tanks of fuel and them! You have 30 minutes to do so…before
housed generators to power the hidden Nazi I begin to find new ways of motivating you
fortress. and your men!”

“Here,” Veronica winked before tossing

a handgun to him. “I got our guns and
communicators out of hoc. Got Wash’s mace,

“Cool, man, cool. But I got to the radio and

chewed the fat with the Doc. Here’s what we
gotta do,” Chase began as re-told the plan to
the others.

“Theoretically sound,” Stuttz ruminated to

himself. “All we have to do is find a way to
blow this dump without getting ourselves
killed in the process.”

“Plenty of planes up top in the hangar,”

Chase remarked. “Just get me to any of ‘em
and I can fly us out of here.”

“Great, pretty boy. But outside of that we’re

stumped,” confessed Veronica. With no better
ideas coming, the three gave in and contacted
Dr. Fleming on their wrist communicators.

“Great day in the morning!” came Dr.

Fleming’s exclamatory expression,
transmitted from thousands of miles away.
“None of you ever studied science? Oh
for the love of… Break the piping of the
geothermal gases near one of the large fuel
tanks. The metal of the storage tank will
slowly rise in temperature and then ignite
the liquid fuel, causing a domino effect
throughout the area!”

And with the help of Wash’s mace, that Not wanting to waste a precious minute
is exactly what the three accomplished, of that 30, the lieutenant gave a Nazi
despite the fact that all three of them were salute and bolted out of the door. Xan
very nearly sent to a scalding death by the then turned to the table next to him and
ensuing rush of gases that came straight ran his frighteningly long fingernails over

the scale model of the lunar base that was his opponent.
planned. On the wall behind him were
biological diagrams showing the level of With a shove on the shoulders, the giant Nazi
genetic intricacy that went into breeding a flung Stuttz from on top of him, sending him
killer penguin. Too much was on the line. flying into yet another series of steel drums.
Too much stood to be accomplished and After quickly picking himself back up, Wash
conquered to have it all in ruins because drew his mace and closed to engage the
these insignificant three. Leermeister stood wrench-wielding menace.
in the corner smoking a cigarette, seemingly
without sharing these concerns of Xan’s. Their metal weapons clashed and clanked,
connecting with each swing like swords in
“They must not be permitted to disable the a duel. Wash could feel the Nazi’s superior
earthquake device,” Xan told Leermeister, his strength battering away at him and did not
Hyperborean confidence breaking. know just how much longer he could hold
out against him. Suddenly, the bald Nazi had
POW! POW! Gunfire filled the entire hangar found an opening and gave Wash a haymaker
as Nazi troopers took cover behind aircraft of a right hook to the jaw. Wash immediately
and equipment from the pistols of Veronica crumpled to the floor, seeing stars and very
and Chase. Rapidly they returned fire, their nearly blacking out, an action that would
stray bullets hitting a drum that contained surely have doomed them all. The Nazi stood
some form of flammable material and causing over him, giving him insidious prodding kicks
a raucous explosion in the main hangar. to the stomach and jeering at him in German.

“Keep ‘em pinned down!” Stuttz shouted. “I’m That was all it took for Wash to fight back
going to secure a plane!” Chase nodded in the falling curtain of unconsciousness. No
understanding to Wash and then went back way was this man going to take a fall for a
to drawing a bead on the enemy soldiers. Nazi! Thinking his prey had been sufficiently
disabled, the guard leaned his face downward
Scurrying about and stopping to take cover to inspect and ridicule his fallen foe. It was
behind whatever equipment had been left a perfect opportunity for Wash to give a
strewn about the aircraft hangar, Wash made massive swing of his mace and cave in the
his way over to his plane of choice: a bat- side of the Nazi’s head entirely.
winged Nazi super jet. Not only did it appear
large enough to him to accommodate all Elsewhere in the hangar, Veronica and Chase
three of them and not only did it look speedy had commandeered a tug cart. Veering and
enough to carry them safely away form the careening between the parked jets, Veronica
blast, but it just looked cool as all get out. drove the tug while Chase’s handgun spat
Crouching low, Wash made his play for the hot, leaded death at their enemies. A few
plane. Nazis fled, fearing that if a bullet didn’t kill
them, Veronica’s wild driving would run them
It was then that his head bumped into the over. Others still met one of the previously
firmest set of abdominal muscles he had ever mentioned fates.
seen. A large, bald Nazi guard had emerged
from behind the plane, carrying a workmen’s “Hold on!” Veronica ordered as she found
wrench and batting it menacingly into his herself unable to brake in time to avoid
left hand. Every muscle in the giant’s torso hitting a wheeled tool chest.
rippled in a show of pure testosterone and
his face sneered in challenge to Washington Chase ducked and wrapped his arms around
Stuttz. his head just before there was a prodigious
crash and metal went flying. The tug went
That’s the biggest damned German I’ve ever into a skid. The world began to spin. And
seen! Stuttz thought to himself. Oh well, no though Wash stood by the flying wing,
sense dragging this out any further. With frantically attempting to wave Veronica off,
that, Stuttz thrust himself forward and the heavy vehicle clipped straight through
slammed into the man’s mid-section. Though the nose gear of the jet, snapping it clean
tiny by comparison, Wash was a brawler by from the fuselage. The front end of the
nature and was not going to go down without aircraft dropped to the floor with a heavy
swinging a few. But then again, neither was crash, shattering the canopy and fragmenting

the nose into cracks with a small electric fire reflected by the snow and ice. That is when
beginning to burn. The tug came to a stop Veronica took the first shot. The rapport of
after it veered out of control into the side of the gun made a sharp crack in the cold air.
the hangar, jolting its occupants free. A killer penguin suddenly fell over dead…but
another soon waddled into its place. Chase
“It’s ruined,” Stuttz said sadly. “We fought Danner joined in on the action, blazing his
our way here for nothing.” handgun towards the deadly beasts.

“We don’t have much time left,” Veronica said “Uh-oh,” Danner said as his pistol began
somberly. making a tattletale clicking sound. “I’m out…
completely out.”
“Come on!” Stuttz said, shaking loose any
self-pity for their situation. “There’s a snow “Probably should have saved a few bullets for
crawler outside. Grab a parka from the ourselves,” Stuttz remarked, grimly assessing
mechanic’s rack and let’s go!” the tide of oncoming killer penguins.

“This is a drag, Daddy-O!” Chase called out as It was not in the nature of Chase Danner to
he held on to the side of the snow crawler. “I give up quite so easily. With all the foolish
think I just saw a turtle race pass us!” recklessness of youth, he dove from the
edge of the snow crawler and into the mass
Even Stuttz had to quietly agree with him. of penguins. He punched. He kicked. He
The vehicle was already at top speed in the wrestled. He had a decent-sized chunk bitten
snow and they had made only a modest out of the flesh of his back.
amount of distance from the base. The
ground shook from the shockwaves of the “Crazy kid,” Dr. Stuttz muttered while
initial detonation in the lower levels of the shaking his head in disbelief.
base. Soon, the entire area would go up in
a gigantic paroxysm of fire. They weren’t Mace at the ready, Wash followed Chase and
going to make it. jumped swinging into the fray. Through
fisticuffs and a mace, as well as the last
Fissures began to develop in the ice as the remaining shots from Veronica Pentecost,
tremors from the blast flowed outward from many a killer penguin fell that day in the
the center. As these cracks in the ice gaped Antarctic snow. But the situation grew
open wide, a moving mass of black and white bleaker by the moment. For every avian
began to spill forth from them…the Killer adversary that was killed, two more seemed
Penguins. Their incubation chambers had to follow in its place. The three fought as
broken apart and the penguins had been Sisyphus against the stone.
set free…massing their way straight for the
snow crawler. It did indeed look like the end for our heroes.

“Man, those things are going to devour That is until the blast of a laser beam
every scrap of flesh on our bodies,” Chase incinerated the penguin nearest Chase. Ray
said in soft awe, catatonic in the face of the after ray of red lasers shot down from the
oncoming tidal wave of penguins that emitted sky, reducing the mass of penguins to a wide
and endless chorus of “Eep! Eep! Eep!” pile of smoldering ash and cutting an arc of
safety around the snow crawler.
“Devouring my flesh has been tried on me
before. But I somehow doubt it’s going to be And as the three looked to the sky to
as fun this time,” said Veronica as she lit a determine the source of their salvation, they
cigarette in preparation for an ugly fight. found it in the form of a group of men flying
through the clear Antarctic sky by way of
The region around the snow crawler had rocket packs strapped to their backs. Their
turned from an endless field of white to copper helmets gleamed in the sunlight and
a sea teeming of black and white. Stuttz shone as justice before the spawn of the Nazi
turned the beam of the snow crawler’s rotary menace. It was the United States Rocket
searchlight directly upon the encroaching Corps…The Fightin’ Rocketmen.
killer birds. Their beaks squawked out at the
light as they became blinded from the glare Three of the Rocketmen landed on the snow

crawler, causing Veronica, Chase, and Wash “It’ll do, Boss,” Chase said with false
to avert their faces from the brief burst of indifference.
heat that radiated from the rocket pack.
“And the entrance?” interrupted a frantic
“We’re The Rocketmen. We’re here to get Doc Fleming. “Did the explosion seal the
you out,” the lead Rocketman said plainly entrance to Hyperborea?”
to Veronica. “Let me get a hold on you,
Ma’am.” Chase and Wash exchanged dumb looks while
Veronica continued to make out with her
“Oh you betcha!” Veronica turned around Rocketman.
with a grin and allowed her to be enveloped
in the arms of the Rocketman. “Doc, there’s no way we can know that. We
had to high-tail it out of there before we went
Wash and Chase also allowed themselves to up with the place, too,” Wash replied.
be held by the other two rescuers (by the
underarms only) and soon they were soaring “Yes, I understand,” Fleming sagged with
up into the sky…just as a fireball of immense dejection. “But I fear we may get our answer
proportions erupted forth into the air from to that question someday soon.”
beneath the polar ice.
Xan continuously lost his footing on the loose
Soaring away from the blast like an insect rock of the tunnel, mainly due to the fact
spat forth from an inferno was one of that he was only wearing slippers on his feet.
the Nazi super jets. It desperately made He fell yet one more time onto his posterior
its attempt at escape, desperately for it and uttered a curse in Hyperborean.
contained Re-Zal Evad.
“Have you no decent footwear?” chided
“Hurry my friends!” Re-Zal whimpered to the Colonel Leermeister who was ahead of him in
Nazi pilot and co-pilot. “If you can get us to the tunnel.
Argentina in an hour, I will pay you double!”
“Royalty seldom travel this way,” Xan
Before the pilots could answer the sniveling growled. “Besides, what time had I to change
coward, three Rocketmen appeared in front shoes before our work went up into flames?”
of the plane, causing the pilots to point out
of the cockpit window and shout nervously in Leermeister could feel the heat from the
German. The Rocketmen aimed their laser intense fire that burned above them and
guns at the plane, motioning for the pilot to would probably continue to burn for another
ditch the jet in the icy waters below so that week.
he and his passengers might be apprehended.
“They shall all pay dearly for this,” Xan
“I would have liked to have met Betty swore aloud as he once more started
Grable,” Evad sniffled pathetically in defeat. down the path that led into the Earth.
“Hyperborea shall again rise to the surface
The other remaining Rocketmen delivered and when it does…I shall first go looking
their rescuees to the deck of a U.S. submarine for Veronica Pentecost, Chase Danner…and
that awaited them in the waters off of Washington Stuttz.”
Antarctica. Veronica promptly commanded
her Rocketman to remove his helmet so that
she might give him a deep kiss of gratitude.
Chase and Wash told their rescuers that a
hearty handshake was all they were getting
from them.

“How is that for a rescue with style?” came

the voice of Sterling Westinghouse on their
wrist communicators.

to unrest among the natives, civil unrest and even
open rebellion. Visiting heroes may find themselves

having to choose between supporting the rebels or
defending the interests of the colonial empire in
order to achieve whatever their current goals are.
Globetrotting adventurers in the pulp era Rebellions tend to be scrappy, ill-equipped affairs
led by hotheads, fighting guerilla wars with little
are living in the end days of the great colonial
thought for collateral damage, often using the
empires. Many European nations still had
opportunity to settle old racial or religious scores
significant empires, with colonies spread all over
along the way, and are easily put down by the
the world. Great Britain, for example, could still
military might and technology of their oppressors.
boast an empire upon which the sun never set.
Communist infiltrators can often be found behind
The coming war will soon change this, rewriting
rebellions, providing weapons and advice in their
the world map for decades to come, but all that
attempts to destabilize the empires of the West.
lies in the future. During the pulp era, heroes will
often have to deal with colonial authorities rather Many pulp heroes gained their military experience
than local governments, and the differences in from putting down local rebellions, experiences that
the relationships between the colonizers and the may come back to haunt them in later years (and
colonized can lead to some tricky situations. make good adventure seeds!).
A list of 1930s colonies can be found in the book
on p. 26-27. Colonies are normally run by a

representative of the colonizing nation, who ensures
that their country’s best interests are protected. This ravelers in Africa and Asia could often do
can mean anything from ensuring that business so without encountering anyone but Europeans,
interests from the homeland are giving preferential such was the spread of European control. Those
treatment, to organizing outright slave labor. The locals who were encountered very often occupied
representative is usually back by the power of subservient roles, such as waiters, valets, clerks and
a military garrison, and can make and unmake other functionary positions. This often leads some
laws as he sees fit, though the more enlightened American travelers to think of the world in the same
nations do at least pretend to be mindful of the way they think of a distant state, somewhere distant,
colony’s laws and the freedom of its people. Some but basically the same as home. Nothing could be
colonies are allowed a limited form of home rule, farther from the truth, and it is this blindness to
in which the colonial representative takes on the cultural differences that has created many of the
role of a counsellor or ambassador rather than a problems Americans face when travelling the world
ruler, allowing the colony more political and social of the 1920’s and 30’s.
Travelers in the colonies are expected to check in
Regardless of the nature of the colonial relationship, with the colonial authority on arrival, who will
the representative normally retains the power to advise them on the current political climate and any
overrule the decisions of the local government. local difficulties they might encounter. If the heroes
In well-ordered colonies this power is only rarely are of high enough social prominence, the colonial
used, as experienced empires soon learn this leads authority may choose to provide them with support

(such as an armed escort if the times are particularly
turbulent) or may attempt to engage them as spies
or couriers. Alternatively they may take great
Colonial Holdings
pains to ensure that the heroes never see the way Around the World
things really are; in these situations, the heroes will Aden: Great Britain.
almost never encounter a native who hasn’t been Algeria: France.
thoroughly briefed on what they can and can’t say Angola: Portugal.
to the visitors. Annam: France.
Australia: Great Britain.
Casual racism and intolerance are often endemic in Bechuanaland: Great Britain.
the colonies, with the European colonists regarding Belgian Congo: Belgium.
the locals as naïve children who must be taught the Bissao: Portugal.
right way to live at best. Too often the colonizers Borneo: The Netherlands.
regard the natives as unwashed, lazy and ignorant British Guiana: Great Britain.
savages who cannot be trusted. In many colonies Burma: Great Britain.
white Europeans and Americans are strictly Cambodia: France.
segregated from the locals, who are prohibited Cameroon: France.
from sharing the same lodgings, transport and even Celebis: The Netherlands.
restaurants. Some colonies even had degrees of Ceylon: Great Britain.
segregation, keeping different ethnicities separate Cyprus: Great Britain.
from each other based on how “white” they Dahomy: France.
were. How you handle this in your Pulp Fantastic Dominion of Canada: Great Britain.
campaign is up to you, but Game Masters should Egypt: Great Britain.
be sensitive to how their players may perceive this, Federated Malay States: Great
and plan accordingly. As with the sexism of the Britain.
time, it’s up to you to decide whether to address it Formosa: Japan.
or ignore it. French Equatorial Africa: France.
French Guiana: France.
Gambia: Great Britain.
Gold Coast: Great Britain.
Greenland: Denmark.
Hawaii (Sandwich Islands): United
India: Great Britain.
Iraq: Great Britain.

The world of the 1930’s is still dominated by
European interests, though times are changing
rapidly. At the beginning of the pulp era, Great
Britain and France were the dominant powers of the
world. The United States, for its part, was emerging
as a potential super-power and had gained enormous
respect very quickly.

Jamaica: Great Britain.
Java: The Netherlands.
Kenya: Great Britain. A land of opportunity and growth, the countries of
Korea: Japan. North America can be a focal point for adventure
Madagascar: France. and excitement. Cheap pulp magazines fill young
Morocco: France. minds with tales of action, mystery, and danger in
Mozambique: Portugal. the western lands of the continent. With influences
New Guinea: The Netherlands and from all of the great and not so great powers of
Australia. Europe, North America can be a hotbed of activity.
New Zealand: Great Britain.
Nigeria: Great Britain. THE UNITED STATES
Nyasaland: Great Britain.
Palestine: Great Britain. America in the 1930’s was a far simpler place than
Philippine Islands: United States. it is today. The Federalism ushered in by Franklin
Puerto Rico: United States. Roosevelt and the Second World War had not yet
Rhodesia: Great Britain. happened. States and communities largely tended to
Sardinia: Italy. their own affairs.
Sicily: Italy.
Sierre Leone: Great Britain. Police power was held in the city or state police.
Somaliland: Italy, Great Britain Federal agents were called in for the ‘big’ criminals,
and France (separate such as the mob, but there were only a handful of
regions). such agents, and they were usually busy enough in
Sudan (Anglo-Egyptian Sudan): the largest American cities.
Great Britain/Egypt.
Internationally, the United States did its best to
Sumatra: The Netherlands.
distance itself from the rest of the world. Though
Syria: France.
the States had significant colonial interests in the
Tanganyika Territory: Great
Trans-Jordan: Great Britain. Gold and Silver
Uganda: Great Britain. Up until 1934, American citizens
Union of South Africa: Great were allowed to own gold, but this
Britain. was rendered illegal by the passage
West Africa: France. of the Gold Reserve Act, which
Zanzibar: Great Britain. required citizens in possession of
gold in forms other than jewelry,
dental work or coin collections to
turn it in to the Government for a
Europe, though, was beginning to lose hold of
financial reward.
her assets. The Great War had cost the old powers
dearly, and insurgents were popping up everywhere.
Prior to the Gold Reserve Act, gold
The times became more and more turbulent, and a
was valued at roughly $20 per troy
smart adventurer could find fortune and glory just
ounce (1/12 of a pound). After the
about anywhere.
passing of the act, the price was set
at $35 per troy ounce.
Private ownership of silver remains
legal. Prior to the Great Depression,
silver was valued at roughly
$1.25 per troy ounce. During the
Depression prices dropped to half

Pacific, and some interventionist policies in Central
America, isolationism was exceedingly popular.
Forbidden Valley
This wasn’t entirely unjustified. Though America Mentioned in legends for hundreds
emerged as a potential super-power with the of years but first explored by
closing of the Great War, Europe seemed more modern man in 1904, Forbidden
resentful than thankful of American ‘interference’, Valley is an anomalous region
refusing to pay debts, and often belittling the United located in the deserts of Mexico
States’ pivotal role in ending the Great War. Most and bounded by high rocky walls.
Americans simply considered the rest of the world Despite being located in an arid
not worth worrying about, an attitude that helped desert with little water, the valley
keep the United States from entering the ill-fated apparently maintains a Jurassic
League of Nations. ecology including a thriving
dinosaur population. Like many
On the other hand, having apparently beaten Europe anomalous regions, there appears to
at its own game, Americans had seemed to many be only one entrance to the valley.
to become ‘swaggeringly arrogant’, a not-entirely All attempts to locate it through
inaccurate perception that endures nearly a century other routes have failed. Even
later. more curiously, a 1908 follow-up
expedition reported penetrating 12
CANADA miles into the valley and uncovering
a dense jungle before turning back
The British colonies of Canada were a battleground in the face of increasing losses to
for the British and American governments during dinosaur predation.
the War of 1812. The treaties following the war
sealed a low-level animosity between the Canadian
colonies and the new nation of the United States,
and cannibalism are still current among the Native
slowing the migration between the countries and
American population. Some claim that Wendigo
increasing the American expansion to the west.
wander the wildernesses of Canada, preying on
In 1867 the British North American Act took the
hunters, trappers, and explorers of the arctic regions.
Province of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova
Others claim that the spirit creatures have been
Scotia and formed the Dominion of Canada, the
encountered in towns like Vancouver and the newly
first and largest self-governing colony of the
incorporated city of Winnipeg. Whether the tales
British Empire. The majority of Canada was a
of the Wendigo and related stories of Sasquatch are
vast, forested, unexplored wilderness. The great
true or just the myths and stories of the local Indians
cattle herds of Alberta, the metropolis of Montreal,
are unknown. Nobody who has gone hunting for
and the growing wilderness town of Vancouver,
either creature has come back with one. Of course, a
were all linked in 1886 with the completion of
few expeditions have never come back.
the transcontinental railway by Canadian Pacific
Railway. The opening of rail service, and the grand
hotels built along the route, sped up the expansion
of the Canadian west. After a long period of scientific and technocratic
rule under the dictatorship of General Porfiro
By the 1930’s, Canada is a modern nation, as
Díaz, Mexico in the 1920’s is a turbulent country,
technologically and culturally advanced as her
recovering from a recent civil war that has
southern neighbor, if slightly more civilized. The
transformed its cultural and political landscape.
combination of the American can-do attitude and
American business interests in collusion with
British social restraint has produced what some
wealthy Mexican landowners destabilized the
have referred to as the nicest nation on Earth.
region in 1910, resulting in the collapse of the
Great swathes of the country remain heavily Díaz government and a flood of immigrants to the
forested and largely unpopulated. Stories of United States fleeing economic depression. Though
Wendigo, the embodiment of winter, isolation, the conflict has largely ended by 1917 with the

Mexico has a long history, and is dotted with
Anomalous Regions ancient ruins, lost Aztec cities, and enough
adventures to keep anyone busy for many years.
The term “anomalous region” is
one that is applied to geographical
areas where the normal laws of
nature – and sometimes physics –
are suspended or behave in ways
contrary to the predictions of
science. These regions often appear
to be in some way hidden, concealed
from the rest of the world as if This politically unstable region was a hotbed of
existing within a fold of space and intrigue and conflict, with numerous factions
time. Normally these regions can fighting over the vast reserves of natural resources.
only be accessed in a very limited For explorers, the interior was an unexplored
and specific way; though a certain wilderness, potentially full of lost cities and ancient
cave, by following a concealed valley ruins just waiting to be discovered. For those
or by navigating a specific course. seeking the relics of lost civilizations, the Incas and
Attempting to find the region by Aztecs had left behind more than enough to keep
any other way will usually fail, as if even the most active adventurer or explorer busy,
the region only exists when accessed and more than a few lost their lives chasing fortune
by the specific path. Exactly what and glory among the winding tributaries of the
causes anomalous regions to exist Amazon.
is unknown, though it cannot be
a coincidence that these areas ARGENTINA
often contain deposits of Element
X. Anomalous regions are often The United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata was
called “lost worlds” after the most formed in 1816 from the Spanish Viceroyalty of
well-known and well-documented the Río de la Plata, the last short-lived Viceroyalty
example; Maple White Land in of the region. The United Provinces comprised the
Venezuela. area of present-day Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and
Argentina. Political turmoil in the region caused the
Provinces to split apart, forming the four separate
adoption of a new constitution, much damage was
done, and feelings still run deep in some regions. Argentina is a largely agrarian country, with a
Revolutionaries like Pancho Villa and Emiliano smattering of farms and a large number of cattle
Zapata are revered folk heroes to the common ranches. This stable economy helped to unite the
people. The power of the Catholic Church is being mostly Spanish population. Exporting of cattle,
eroded, government power is being consolidated, sheep, and wheat kept the nation from suffering the
and industrialists are trying to navigate a difficult effects of the worldwide depressions of the mid-
landscape. Foreign powers are interested in Mexico 1800s, but it did not make them wealthy either.
for its strategic position and natural resources,
and the American government is concerned that While the immigrants to Argentina were a united
Communist agents are attempting to turn the nation people, they still suffered from attacks by the
into an ally of the Soviet Union. Indian tribes of the region. Argentina inherited the
problems of the Spanish Viceroy when it came to
Mexico in the pulp years is a land of great contrasts; dealing with the local tribes to the south, and they
opulent wealth in the cities contrasting with dire did not handle this problem any better than the
poverty in the slums, technology and high fashion Spanish.
alongside mule-drawn carts and almost feudal
serfdom among the peasants.

Buenos Aires still has a colonial feel, even long Empire lay in Rio for several years, with the colony
after its independence. The influx of Spanish and formally becoming the Kingdom of Brazil in
Italian immigrants, along with a healthy dose of 1815. The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and
financial backing from the banks of London, gives Algarves, was ruled from Rio until 1822, when the
the capital city a definite European feel. The rich King of Portugal went back to Lisbon. A year later
plains of the Pampas in the northern half of the Brazil gained its independence, with Dom Pedro
country and the rolling plateau of the south, contrast the first Emperor of Brazil. Emperor Pedro I, and
sharply with the rugged Andes along western later his son Pedro II, ruled the Brazilian Empire
border, giving the country an air of exotic mystery. through the late part of the 19th century. Turmoil
and revolution resulted in the abdication of Emperor
BOLIVIA Pedro II in 1889 and the Republic of the United
States of Brazil was formed.
Of all the countries of South America, Bolivia
is the most unstable politically, economically, In the 1930’s, Brazil is about to undergo another
and even geographically. The European wars of upheaval, as army officers disillusioned with the
Napoleon had their effects felt in far off South rule of Washington Luis and the upper classes band
America. The Spanish colonial territory known together in mass revolt.
as Upper Peru declared its independence in 1809.
Sixteen years of bitter war began, until finally In the pulp era, Brazil is still sparsely populated,
the Spanish were defeated, and a new Republic with heavy rainforests and the largest river system
was created. Calling themselves the Republic of in the world. The great and mysterious Amazon
Bolivia, they joined forces with neighboring Peru River is the heart of Brazil. Many European
to form the Peru-Bolivian Confederation. Wars expeditions venture into the Amazon Basin to
with Chile and Argentina, while at first victorious, explore and bring back the natural treasures of the
turned disastrous. By 1840 the Confederation had region. Few ever return, but those that do bring with
dissolved, Peru had found its independence, and them tales of immense snakes, rivers full of flesh-
Bolivia entered a period of political and economic hungry fish, and of merciless tribes deep within the
upheaval. Wars with Peru, Chile, and Brazil over jungle whose poisonous darts bring instant death.
the next few decades saw Bolivia lose much of
the land it once controlled, including access to the CHILE
Pacific Ocean and the fertile lands of the west.
Like many of its neighbors, Chile was a colony
Rising silver prices around the world had brought of Spain until the forces of France’s Napoleon
about a rise of prosperity in Bolivia near the end invaded Spain in the early 1800s. This led the
of the 19th Century. Now, in the 20th Century, people of Chile to break away from Spain. After a
prospecting, mining, and treasure seeking are all brief attempt by the Spanish to re-conquer Chile,
still profitable forms of employment in Bolivia. the Republic of Chile proclaimed its independence
With governments constantly teetering on the edge in 1818. This declaration did little to change
of disaster, Bolivia is a land of adventure, intrigue, the colonial lifestyle of Chile, where social
and danger. The Andean Mountains of Bolivia stratification, family politics, and the influence of
hold many secrets and treasures, perhaps even the the Roman Catholic Church strongly dictated the
remains of the Empire of the Inca. course of the Republic. Chilean culture changed
very little over most of the 19th century, and the
BRAZIL generally stable government was a change of
pace in the otherwise turbulent history of South
Once the colony of Portugal, the largest nation of America. In the late 1870s, wars with the new
South America has gone through many changes. For countries of Peru and Bolivia, culminating in
three centuries the colony of Brazil was a powerful, the War of the Pacific, brought great expansion
though often neglected, colony of Portugal. The to the lands of Chile. Territories rich in nitrate
invasion of Portugal by the army of Napoleon deposits, which were part of their treaty settlements
caused great uproar in the Portuguese court, with with Bolivia and Peru, lead to an era of national
the King and his retinue fleeing to Brazil and setting affluence. In 1886, José Manuel Balmaceda
up in Rio de Janeiro. The capital of the Portuguese was elected president. His economic policies

were radically different than those of previous
presidents. He began to violate the constitution
and slowly began to establish a dictatorship. These
The British Empire
The saying that “The sun never
actions were not tolerated by the Congress, who
sets on the British Empire” is more
voted on deposing him. Balmaceda’s refusal to
than just a cliché, though it is often
step down led to the beginning of the Chilean Civil
followed with “because God doesn’t
War of 1891. The President’s forces were quickly
trust the English in the dark”.
defeated, and Balmaceda fled to refuge in the
Britain still has colonies of one sort
Argentinean Embassy. There he committed suicide,
or another all around the globe.
ending his reign.
Britain still controls vast swathes
During the era of Pulp Fantastic, Chile is a highly of Africa and Asia, as well as the
regimented, tightly controlled, and predominantly Caribbean and Canada. Spain still
Catholic republic. While it may look calm and bridles at the presence of the Union
orderly, underneath is a hotbed of subterfuge. Jack over the colony of Gibraltar,
The mountains of Chile are large, dangerous, and Argentina looks covetously at
and potential full of raw gold, silver, and perhaps the Falkland Islands.
the lost treasures of the Inca or Aztecs. The
“savage Indians” of Chile can also be a surprise to
adventurers. They could seek revenge for wrongs
done to them by the Chilean government, or London is still the social, political, and moral center
they could be out to aid those hoping to find and of the Empire, though the Imperial Age is coming
“preserve” the treasures of the mountains. They to an end. The home of the English Parliament,
may even know of the mysterious tunnels and caves the West End theater district, the British Museum,
under Drakes Passage that lead to a legendary long- and a host of gentleman’s clubs to meet any man’s
lost kingdom below Antarctica. tastes, London can truly seem to be the center of the
universe, if one avoids looking at the poor wretches
ENGLAND AND begging for coins in the gutter.

EUROPE Great Britain brought the train to the world,

making many places accessible that were truly
out of touch with the time. Scottish inventors
GREAT BRITAIN and doctors managed to bring civilization to the
world, improving the quality of life everywhere.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain was the epicenter of the Industrial
during the Pulp Era, consisted of four different and Revolution, which brought about the development
interdependent countries, all united under a single of steam powered railways, ships, electrical power
flag. Wales is a land of rugged mountains and green generation, and machinery meant to make life easier.
valleys and is a center for the mining of iron and For two hundred years, Great Britain had been the
coal. Ireland, the center of unrest in the Empire, dominant force in the world. The Great War changed
fights for independence and freedom from their that and had been a humiliating experience. With
repressive absentee landlords in England. Scotland, almost an entire generation of young men killed
the center of philosophy and science, has flourished or maimed in the fields of France, the Empire’s
in its Union with England more than it ever could confidence was broken. Colonies broke away, and
as a free state, though no Scot will ever admit this. even Ireland had achieved its independence. Britain
England, the center of government and the heart of could no longer be complacent.
the British Empire, sees herself as the jewel in the
crown. For many, England is the height of fashion, The Great War has hurt British pride substantially.
style, and culture. By the 1930’s, Parliament has fallen under control
of a disturbing type of isolationism. Many believe
“If one does not live in London, one simply does the lesson of the Great War was that peace is
not live,” is how any “true Englishman” feels. desirable at any cost.

This policy of appeasement is designed to ‘keep the
beast at bay’, though many worry that this policy
only encourages Britain’s enemies to even more
audacious demands. Divisions between the ‘hawks’
and ‘doves’ in Parliament are exceptionally bitter.

Despite this conflict, the Empire is still a powerful

force with colonies and governance over much
of the world. Africa, Asia, and even pieces of the
Americas and Europe pay fealty to the Union Jack.
To the modern Englishman, it still feels as if the sun
will never completely set on the British Empire.

The history of France before the 20th Century is
one of periods of great turmoil in between periods
of great art, innovation, philosophy and scientific
thought. During the era of the Third Republic,
France saw great urbanization, industrialization,
and economic growth unheard of in Europe. Many
wonders and innovations come from France at this
time, which were highlighted in the Exposition
Universelle of 1889. There the people of the world
came to marvel at the recreation of the Bastille, and
the wondrous tower created by Gustave Eiffel.

By the Pulp Era, France’s colonial empire was

reduced, but still extensive and diverse. Most of
North, West, and Central Africa are under French
control, with the protectorate of Tunisia as one of stories, a grand mixture of myth, hard fact, and
the centers of power. Morocco, Algeria, French mystery that garners respect no matter where they
Somaliland, and French West Africa are French go.
holdings. In the South Pacific France has established France was devastated by the Great War and is
joint control of the New Hebrides with Great still struggling to recover. The Great Depression
Britain. France also controls New Caledonia and further demoralizes the battered Republic. Sensing
the various island groups which made up French weakness, France’s colonies demand constant effort
Polynesia. French colonies even extend into the Far be put into maintaining the empire. Stretched thin,
East in French Indochina and a French concession France develops a unique blend of diplomacy,
in Shanghai. France’s influence in the Western precise military force, and intrigue to keep control.
Hemisphere is also quite broad. They maintain It’s a complex juggling act, but one that can’t go on
an interest in Mexico, supporting the landowning forever.
upper classes from behind the scenes. In the South
American colony of French Guiana is the notorious France has begun to rearm itself, though it is heavily
penal colony Île du Diable, or Devil’s Island, the reliant on expatriates serving as mercenaries,
most feared prison in the entire French domain. irregulars, or within the Foreign Legion. A large
number of these are Americans, aiding a loyal ally
Throughout the varied and diverse French colonial against Communist and Fascist insurgencies.
system one can be assured of one constant: the
presence of the French Foreign Legion. This near The emphasis on espionage within the French
legendary military unit is the source of many government has one major drawback; corruption

has established deep roots within the colonies and During the 1930’s, Italy is becoming a power once
at all levels of the government. Illicit deals are not more. Mussolini’s Fascism has propelled the nation
uncommon, particularly in the Empire’s overseas forward, becoming a strong military power and a
holdings. At this time, even weakened, France has leader in science and technology. Many believe
had many decades of relative stability compared to that Italy will be a strong power for the next few
many times in French history. decades.

SPAIN Despite Mussolini’s brutal suppression of organized

crime and political dissent, Italy is far from unified
Once a major power in world politics, Spain has lost under their leader. Communist agents, rival fascists,
the majority of her colonies by the 20th Century and disaffected nationalists, and other groups are
will suffer through the depression as did any other demanding their share of power. The Mafia, though
nation. Political unrest plagues the nation through wounded, is not yet dead and they are plotting their
the 1920’s and 30’s. Communist, Fascist, and even revenge. Technologically, Italy is being outstripped
religious uprisings occurred sporadically throughout by Germany, due in no small part of a covert “brain
the era as each group promised a return to better drain” by the Nazis; making off with promising
times and citing the elected governments as failures. scientists and research from all over Europe.

The situation takes a more dramatic turn in 1936 During the 1930’s Italy’s relationship with Germany
as General Francisco Franco led an uprising that is fluid. In the early part of the decade, Italian troops
turned into a full-scale civil war. The two largest were posted to Austria as a defense against Hitler’s
camps, the Communist Republicans, and the plan to annex the country. After Italy’s invasion of
Fascist Nationalists, grapple for control of the Abyssinia in 1935 and her subsequent censuring by
nation. Russia, Germany and Italy all supply their the international community, closer diplomatic ties
respective sides with men and materiel. Volunteer with Germany were sought. These ties only became
legions and mercenaries from America and around stronger after Germany and Italy both supplied
the world fight on one side or another, but most of General Franco’s Nationalist during the Spanish
Europe wants no part in the conflict, fearing that Civil War. By the decade’s end, Italy and Germany
the violence will spread and ignite a far greater have formed the Pact of Steel, a mutual support
conflagration. treaty designed to stave off action against Germany
by the rest of Europe.
During the Pulp Era, Italy is a wealthy European
superpower, with a respected military and a strong During the era of Napoleon, Switzerland was
technological and industrial infrastructure. Inspired occupied by forces from Russia and Austria during
by a vision of a new technologically advanced their battles with France. After Swiss autonomy
Roman Empire, in which the weaknesses of was restored in 1815 the country suffered a period
emotion and sentimentality would be bred out of political and civil unrest, which culminated in
of the “new man”, and science would be revered
a month long civil war in 1849. The war produced
above all things, fascist political parties are on the
rise. Outraged by the outcome of the 1919 Paris few casualties, but made the people realize they
Peace Conference, in which Italy was forced to needed to be united and strong in order to fend off
cede control of the Croatian seaport of Fiume to all external troops. A federation of all the cantons of
Yugoslavia, Italian fascists form the National Fascist Switzerland formed a united and stable federal state,
Party. Their paramilitary wing, the Blackshirts, soon which gave the country a level a peace not seen in
establishes their power base through a campaign of most of Europe.
violent action against their opponents, culminating
in an attempted coup d’état in 1922. Though the Since medieval times, Switzerland has been known
coup fails, King Victor Emmanuel III agrees to make as a stable, safe, and private banking community.
the leader of the fascists, Benito Mussolini, head of One can have money in a private account in
the Italian government. Switzerland, and be assured that nobody will know
it is there, or where it came from. Swiss bankers

are notoriously close-mouthed. The many treasures mostly by his regents. In 1848 revolutionaries took
and secrets hidden away in the vaults of Zurich and over the empire, entered the emperor’s palace, and
Geneva stagger the imagination and could produce convinced him to abdicate in favor of his nephew
a host of adventures for a Pulp Fantastic campaign. Franz Joseph.

In 1863 in Geneva, the International Committee Emperor Franz Joseph, in an attempt to increase
of the Red Cross was founded. This unique the power and influence of the Empire of Austria,
humanitarian organization was created to protect the negotiated an agreement with the nobility of
lives and dignity of the casualties of war. Many of Hungary. In 1867 the Austro-Hungarian Empire was
the countries of Europe, and later the United States formed. While the government and the economy
and Brazil, signed up to the guidelines, named “The both expanded and improved during the early years
Geneva Convention” after the meeting at which the of the new empire, it was also a hotbed of anarchist
rules were formulated. The legally binding rules activity.
guaranteed neutrality and protection for wounded
soldiers and field medical personnel, as well as The Empire of Austria-Hungary was a modern land
protecting the rights of specified humanitarian of great prosperity, an increasingly industrialized
institutions, in wartime. In the years since, the nation that is a multi-cultural region of prosperity
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and intrigue. While the emperor’s spies and secret
have spread all over the world. police were ever present, so were spies from
other countries and anarchists bent on ending the
Since the middle 1900s, Switzerland has maintained Emperor’s grip of power over the vast Empire’s
strict neutrality, making it an excellent place for domain.
business and for meetings needing to be kept from
prying eyes or governments. Despite this, every In the end of the First World War an Austrian
young adult is trained in the use of firearms, and has republic was formed, moving the nation into the
a government-issued rifle, exemplifying the Swiss modern times and away from a monarchy. Times of
penchant for wisdom and caution in all things. change have come to the Hapsburgs and along with
the times and change, comes opportunities.
The Empire of Austria, founded in the early 1800s,
was created on the heels of the abolition of the
Holy Roman Empire. Francis II, Holy Roman
Emperor, in the wake of the defeat of his military
coalition against Napoleon, was forced to dissolve
the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, but prior to that
in 1804 he declared his personal holdings to be the
Empire of Austria. This allowed him to retain rule
over this smaller realm after the dissolution of the
Holy Roman Empire. Emperor Francis I, a greatly
suspicious man, set up a vast network of spies,
censors, and secret police. This vast network of
informants was used throughout his reign to keep
the emperor informed about the actions of many
people he did not trust, including his own brothers.

The Emperor’s death in 1835 was sudden and

greatly mourned. His funeral was a spectacle unto
itself, with people filing past his casket for three
days. His successor, Emperor Ferdinand I, was
an epileptic, and most considered him to be not
terribly intelligent. Emperor Ferdinand I had a
mostly uneventful reign, with the government run

and some more devious tactics, by the 1930’s the
GERMANY Nazi party has become the dominant force within
In 1871, following their victory in the Franco- Germany.
Prussian War, the Kingdom of Prussia allied the
At first, the Nazi party seems like a godsend to
many small German states into a single empire, with
Germany. Austria and other lands are ‘annexed’
the king of Prussia, Wilhelm I, as Emperor. The
back into the Fatherland. The Treaty of Versailles is
Prime Minister of Prussia, Otto von Bismarck, was
terminated, and Germany, under Hitler’s unyielding
the true force behind the unification, and as Prime
command, becomes a superpower.
Minister and later Chancellor of the Empire, much
of the power of the empire lay in his hands. Under But beneath the smooth skin, however, the darker
the hands of the German Empire, the constituent heart of Nazi Germany beats relentlessly. Jews,
states flourished and became an industrial power Gypsies, and Blacks are being rounded up and
unrivaled in Europe. The manufacturing of steel, either ‘exported’, sterilized, or exterminated in
the exporting of coal and the industrial works camps. The master race’ doctrine has been taken to
of companies such as Krupp, all resulted in the its extremes, and the new Reich now sees itself as
German dominance in industry in the latter part of being the eventual rightful rulers of Europe, if not
the 1800s. the entire world. (For more information on the rise
of the Nazis, see page 133.
Germany was also the home of several semi-
autonomous regions, such as Bavaria, ruled by
King Ludwig II until his mysterious death in 1886 BEREZKIA
Often called “Mad King Ludwig”, he was a man of Nestled in the heart of the Balkans is the tiny nation
peculiar vision. He loved to build lavish fairy tale of Berezkia. Alternately conquered, fought over
castles and buildings of elaborate design. Besides and ignored by the greater powers for centuries, her
his masterpiece New Hohenschwangau Castle, later people are a mish-mash of ethnicities and faiths, but
renamed Neuschwanstein Castle after his death, are staunchly proud of their land and their history.
King Ludwig oversaw the construction of the Largely over-looked in the 19th Century, Berezkia
Winter Garden in Munich. The garden, complete suddenly came to prominence with the discovery
with a lake and a technologically advanced that enclosed within her borders was the largest
glass and steel roof design, included a grotto, a deposit of Element X ever recorded. By cleverly
Moorish kiosk, an Indian royal tent, an artificially exploiting historical treaties and alliances, the
illuminated rainbow and intermittent moonlight. Berezkian leadership maintained their independence
When the Great War ended, Germany suffered the while using their new-found wealth to build up
indignity of a harshly punitive reparations treaty their defenses. Today Berezkia is a fortress nation,
imposed on it by European powers hungry for heavily guarded by the loyal troops of General
revenge. The Treaty of Versailles limits Germany’s Kazan while her neighbors look enviously on.
military strength and is so harsh that the Great
Depression nearly drove the nation back to a feudal RUSSIA
state, forcing the people in some regions to resort to
During the 1920’s and 30’s, Russia is a nation in
cannibalism in order to survive.
transition, transforming itself from an autocratic
The bitterness over Germany’s humiliation at the monarchy to an industrialized totalitarian
end of the Great War has fostered the rise of radical superpower.
political groups, particularly the National Socialist
After the first revolution in 1907 toppled Tsar
and Communist parties. Both groups promise to
Nicholas II from the throne, the succeeding
terminate the punishing treaty and rebuild Germany
government had continued to pursue Russian
into a modern nation once more.
involvement in the Great War, leading to food and
The National Socialist party, led by Hitler, offers fuel rationing. The provisional government – an
these promises without sacrificing religion or unelected body of the social and political elite who
personal liberties as the Communists demand. Using had been given their jobs by the ousted government
popular sentiment, a promise of a greater nation, – was unpopular with the people, representing a

Element X Continued exposure to the element
over long periods produces stable,
Element X is a curious radioactive
beneficial mutations in higher
metal of extraterrestrial (and
organisms. Certain less reputable
possibly extra-dimensional) origin,
scientists have theorized that
that is known to behave in ways
Element X was used in the creation
contrary to the established laws of
of many “occult artifacts” and may
physics. Perhaps the most famous
be responsible for incidences of
specimen of Element X is the Wold
apparent supernatural or magical
Cottage meteor of 1795; the largest
observed meteor landing in Britain.
However, since Element X has been
In its natural form, Element X
identified, traces and small deposits
appears as a translucent green
of it have been discovered all over
crystalline substance, like jade.
the world. Of particular interest
When subjected to an electrical
is the relatively high quantity of
field, the crystal glows faintly with
Element X in the K-Pg Boundary,
a viridian luminescence. If subject
the layer of sediment deposited by
to intense heat in this “excited”
the extinction event that wiped out
state, the crystalline element melts,
the dinosaurs.
becoming a dark green vitreous
material that can be cast, smelted
The exact composition of Element
and shaped like steel.
X remains a mystery, and there
is much debate as to whether it
Conventional science has yet to fully
is an element at all. While under
explore the exceptional properties
normal circumstances it behaves
and structure of Element X, possibly
like a stable transuranic element, it
because of its great scarcity (in 1910
displays no radioactive decay unless
it is estimated that less than five tons
placed within a mild electrical field,
exists on Earth, though this figure
whereupon it becomes a source of
is later revised upward after the
remarkable power. Furthermore,
reported discovery of large deposits
there is some evidence that the
in Berezkia), but also because of
Element is capable of warping
the high number of bizarre and
probability around it in some way,
unpleasant accidents that seem to
making it susceptible to unusual
befall researchers involved in its
coincidences and unlikely events.
study. Many scientific authorities
prefer to deny the material
While Element X displays no
even exists, rather than try and
detectable radioactive decay under
incorporate its anomalous behavior
normal circumstances, it has
into their model of the universe.
been known to act as a mutagen.

mere reform of the status quo, rather than the lasting the Bolshevik Red Army and the largely-monarchist
change the people had been promised. Eight months White Army that lasted until 1922 (though some
after the February Revolution, Vladimir Lenin’s resistance from the White Army continued in the
Bolshevik Party staged an armed insurrection in Far East continued until 1923, and in Central Asia
Petrograd, ostensibly placing power in the hands until 1934). During the chaos, many former states
of the Soviets (elected local councils formed by of the Russian Empire succeeded in breaking away
rural and urban workers). Though popular among and establishing themselves as independent states,
the proletariat, the revolution was not universally including Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Poland.
accepted in Russia, leading to a civil war between

The end of the civil war saw Russia firmly under
So, just what is the control of the Bolsheviks in the form of the
Communist Party, who formed the Soviet Union by
Element X? uniting the Transcaucasian, Russian, Ukrainian and
Like any good MacGuffin, it’s Byelorussian (now Belarus) republics into a single
whatever the Game Master wants it entity in 1922. In 1924, Vladimir Lenin, the father
to be. There is no game information of the revolution, died in his dacha in Gorki, and
associated with it as its properties and after a brief power struggle Josef Stalin succeeded
its effects will vary according to the him as leader of the Soviet Union.
needs of the plot. As a mutagen it may
be responsible for the extinction of the From the time they first claimed power in 1917, the
dinosaurs (as well as their survival Bolshevik government had attempted to radically
in isolated parts of the globe) and the shake up Russian politics by redistributing land
presence of psychic powers in a small among the peasants and nationalizing the banks
percentage of the human population. and industry. Now the Cheka, the Bolshevik secret
Descendants of those present during police, conducts a violent campaign of suppression
the impact of the Wold Cottage against the government’s political enemies, with
meteor are known to include some tens of thousands killed or interned in concentration
of the 19th and 20th Century’s most camps in what has come to be known as the Red
remarkable men and women, which Terror. The Cheka reign of terror uses fear to
can’t be a coincidence. turn anyone into a potential informer, creating a
Traces of Element X released into the population too scared to speak their minds in their
atmosphere by volcanic eruptions or own homes in case a family member turns them in
meteor impacts may be the cause of for “disloyalty”.
“magical” phenomena or those brief
On the global stage, the Soviet Union openly
periods when the gods seemed to have
supports the Communist International or Comintern,
walked the Earth. Perhaps the strange
an organization formed by representatives from
skies caused by the Tunguska Impact
radical left-wing parties around the world to
of 1908 were caused by Element X
promote revolution as a means to the creation of
contamination, heralding the start of
an international Soviet republic as a transitional
a new age of heroes and monsters.
stage to the complete abolition of the state. Lenin
As to where it comes from, nobody
believed that unless communist revolution was
knows. It could be the radioactive
widespread in Europe, Russia would be crushed by
remnants of a distant world,
monarchist militaries, and so created the Comintern
preceding the arrival of a strange
as a means of destabilizing potential enemies from
visitor with stranger powers. Perhaps
within. The Comintern provides arms, training and
it is all that remains of magic in the
agitators to communist cells in other countries,
universe, awaiting the birth of a new
sometimes forming secret paramilitary wings in
age of miracles. It could be ur-stuff
readiness for the opportunity to revolt and smash
from the beginning of time itself, or
the ruling classes. This tactic has proved remarkably
a relic of the reality before this one.
successful, with the Comintern being involved in
Maybe it’s not even matter at all,
several European revolutions.
but concentrated chunks of pure
probability, falling to Earth from After the death of Lenin and the ascension to power
some higher Platonic dimension. of Josef Stalin, Russia and the rest of the states of
Whatever Element X really is, and the Soviet Union become even more oppressive.
wherever it comes from; it’s rare, Stalin is paranoid about enemies within the Soviet
valuable, unpredictable and in the Union and is known for “disappearing” those who
wrong hands, very dangerous indeed. displease him. By 1934 this culminates into a
series of sweeping purges, during which time over
700,000 “enemies of the working class” are arrested
and executed.

In an effort to accelerate the country’s industrial and aid of mustard gas, they succeed, Emperor Halie
economic development, Stalin has implemented Selassie fleeing the country. Abyssinia’s future is
a series of Five-Year Plans, based around the unclear, as the League of Nations has turned a deaf
collective ownership of farmland. Peasants work ear to the emperor’s cries for aid.
the land and sell their surplus food to the state at
a State-regulated price. State propaganda declares Visitors will find this country modernized in
this a great success. Though food shortages are comparison with other African nations, but it still
becoming more and more common, the hungry are holds its enigmas. For example, questions persist
too scared of the Cheka to grumble. as to whether the title of emperor is equivalent to
the medieval “Prester John.” Likewise, the city of
While the Comintern supports several anti-fascist Lalibela holds eleven eight-century-old churches,
organizations throughout Europe, Stalin is pursuing hewn out of solid rock, supposedly with the aid of
an amicable relationship with Adolf Hitler, and angelic beings. The nearby caves have never been
in 1939 signs a non-aggression pact with Nazi fully explored.
AFRICA The Congo is foremost a site for human tragedy.
Even great men, faced with the full intensity of
In the early 1900s, Africa fell increasingly under mystery and suffering the Congo has to offer, have
European control, whose superior transportation lost their sanity here.
and firepower enabled them to conquer vast swaths
of land and take the Africans’ natural resources. The Belgians exploited it first for ivory, then for
Most Europeans saw it as the “white man’s burden” rubber, and later for copper, gold, and diamonds,
to control natives they viewed as incapable of with brutal oppression for Congolese who failed
managing their own affairs. While some heroes to meet their quotas (especially in the first decade
were ahead of their time regarding racial equality of the century, when millions lost their lives).
and opposition to imperialism, only after the period Inhabitants of the eastern Congo faced danger not
represented in this game did the empires gain only from the Belgians, but also from Zanzibar’s
some degree of enlightenment and begin divesting slave raiders, from whom they sometimes ransomed
themselves of their colonies. their family members. In the North, the Portuguese
were slightly better rulers, avoiding the genocidal
During the Pulp Era, there are still large areas of violence of the Belgians and allowing a Kongolese
Africa unexplored by white men. The continent still king to serve as vassal until a 1914 revolt.
holds great allure – and great danger – for those
wishing to uncover her secrets. The pygmy survives as a small minority in the
Congo, living in small hunter-gatherer communities
ABYSSINIA in various climates or serving as slaves to the
Bantu-speaking Congolese. Using traps, spears, and
Abyssinia may surprise visitors by having a crossbows with poisoned bolts, they are a source
history traceable to the fourth century. Throughout of fascination for the public, one having been
antiquity, it has been a Christian nation with a displayed in a cage at the 1907 World’s Fair.
notable Jewish population. Their religious leaders
claim to have the fabled Ark of the Covenant under Safari hunters come to the Congo for its wild game,
lock and key, though none may see it except the especially the increasingly hard-to-find elephants,
religious hierarchy and the Emperor—who claims prized for their rich ivory, and an elephant
to be descended from King Solomon. graveyard would make any explorer wealthy beyond
imagining, though none has been found yet. A 1909
All of Abyssinia’s borders are mountainous, making volume by one hunter notes Congolese locals’ tale
it naturally defensible. In the late 19th century, Italy of a creature whose description reminded him of a
tried to take it as a colony, but it was humiliated in brontosaurus, a tale widely reported in newspapers.
defeat, as had been all other nations who tried to A 1919 Smithsonian expedition trying to ascertain
conquer it. In 1935, Italy tries again, and with the the truth ended with a train derailment, resulting in

four deaths. Mysterious roars, not identifiable with dunes over 100ft high. Water is limited to a handful
any known creature, had been heard earlier in the of oases, far and few between. Stone plateaus and
expedition. valleys can be found amidst the sands, sometimes
the sites of tombs or cliff settlements carved into
EGYPT the rock. Ancient mastabas (“houses of eternity”)
or tombs can be found singly in isolated areas, or
In 1904, Aleister Crowley, an Order of the Hermetic gathered together in a vast necropolis, and these are
Dawn member, claimed after visiting the Cairo a temptation to treasure hunters and tomb robbers
Museum of Antiquities to have an encounter with a alike. Rumors yet persist of a vast black pyramid of
being named Aiwass, in the voices of three Egyptian a size to rival those at Giza buried somewhere in the
gods. The Book of the Law was the result of this shifting sands, and yet more tales tell of the ruins of
meeting, a book several members of the Nazi party a city so ancient that the desert-dwelling Bedouin
were known to possess in later years. believe it was raised not by men, but by djinn.
Many visitors come to this museum, for the Travel through the Sahara is likely to be fatal.
discovery of the Valley of the Kings in the Victorian It’s simply hot, arid, and impassibly large. Even
Era kicked off a mania for Egypt that has yet to if you’re prepared with a camel, proper dress,
pass. From 1907-1922, archaeologist Howard and several days of water, violent Tuareg nomads
Carter has excavated in the Valley, less a three- could attack, as could Arab slavers. Finally, there
year break during the Great War. In November are natural dangers, such as poisonous snakes and
of 1922, Carter’s discovery of the tomb of King scorpions, sandstorms, and even the uneven ground,
Tutankhamen, still intact with all its treasures, prone to injuries from sprains to broken bones. Even
reignite the mania. Rumors of the tomb’s fatal near the oases, one may find hyenas. So why would
curse have surely been exaggerated. Diplomacy, anyone go through the Sahara?
entanglements, and spies are of far more importance
than supposed sightings of walking mummies, as Wealth. There are lost cities to be found: Zerzura,
Egypt—Cairo in particular—serves as the meeting the white city, an oasis of precious gems and
place of Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. Of sleeping rulers, for example. It’s possible that this
particular importance there is the recent rise in anti- is a false lead, like Timbuktu, but that doesn’t stop
Semitism, exacerbated by the recent publication of groups of explorers in the early 1930s from trying to
the fraudulent “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. find Zerzura. (Of course, impoverished Timbuktu’s
real treasure subsists not in gold, but in in its tomes
The Nile River, economically priceless, has become of forgotten wisdom, its volumes of forbidden
one of the most explored in the world during lore.) Other explorers may wish for bragging
this period, as adventurers try to find its source, rights, surviving a trip to the top of Kaf Ajnoun,
leading them south through the Sudan and beyond. “the Devil’s Hill,” where the Djinn supposedly
The river – though many view it as the source of hold council. Alternatively, clandestine scientific
life – is home to Nile crocodile, hippopotami, and expeditions could search for the secrets behind what
over ten varieties of venomous snakes, so it pays would later be named the “Eye of the Sahara,” a
to be careful while navigating. Malaria-carrying 25-mile-wide crystalline depression, looking from
mosquitos are ubiquitous, and if one goes far a zeppelin rather like a bulls-eye mark. The French
enough south, the rapids become … problematic. Foreign Legion patrols the Sahara, albeit irregularly,
making it nominally safer than it was some years
THE SAHARA DESERT earlier. Still, you’re more likely to see bones in the
desert than you are a fellow traveler … if you can
Away from the river, much of Egypt is desert. discern anything besides heat-based hallucinations
Referred to as the “Red Land” by the ancient and mirages.
Egyptians, these vast, arid wastes were a natural
defense against invasion from the west. Sandstorms
can change the entire landscape in a day, creating

Mami Wata
Circumnavigating the southern tip of Africa is The Igbo people of West Africa
still dangerous, given the storms around the Cape sometimes report having encountered
of Good Hope, and sailors still report seeing the a half-human, mermaid-like creature,
ghostly Flying Dutchman there on occasion. On a witch and a snake-charmer, who
land, the once-formidable Zulus have become, steals their children at night or
while not exactly docile, somewhat tractable in the drowns their men in the river during
face of the overwhelming technological superiority the day. Oddly, she is often seen with
of the English and the Boers, and now face crushing modern trinkets, such as watches
poverty. or lighters. She has been known to
possess her followers during ritual
The English defeated the Boers (descended from
dances. Eyewitness reports of her
the Dutch) during the early part of the pulp era,
appearances have been surprisingly
and soon after the start of the Great Depression, the
consistent, but no expedition has
nation of South Africa declared its independence.
turned up reliable evidence of any
At the end of the era, there is still great tension
such being yet.
between not only the black Africans and the
whites, but also among the whites themselves, Lost Cities
divided by heritage and language into winners Following the publicity surrounding
and losers. Additionally, during the entire period, the research about Great Zimbabwe,
the indigenous people had virtually no economic Europe became very interested in the
or civil rights, despite their actually comprising idea that lost cities could still exist
more than 80% of the population. Complicating somewhere in unexplored corners of
the matter was South Africa’s third set of rights for the world, perhaps concealed within
“colored” people: those of mixed race and those anomalous regions. Zerzura, Opar,
who came from India, looking for jobs. Loo, and Kôr are all examples of this
trope. Often part and parcel with it,
The southern Zulu would rather keep a discreet unfortunately, is the racist idea that
silence about some mysteries, such as the Rain Africans, unaided, could not build
Queen of the Karanga, or the carnivorous river a city themselves— yet it was the
god Inkanyamba. The northern, central regions of Shona, a Bantu people, who built
southern Africa are less explored, giving rise to Great Zimbabwe!
legends of lost cities—including one confirmed One never knows what one is going
discovery, the abandoned Great Zimbabwe—and to find in a lost city. Riches? New
of a completely different ethnic group of hunter- technologies? Natural wonders as
gatherers, as yet unknown, using poisoned spears in yet unseen? All that’s certain is that
the bush to catch their prey. adventure and science mandate a
complete mapping of the African
ASIA continent, so that all may benefit from
their discoveries.

Afghanistan has been known as “the graveyard
of empires” for its role as the battleground for the
“Great Game,” a conflict fought between Great
Britain and Russia over control of Central Asia.
The First Afghan War (1838-1842) would end in
a humiliating defeat for the British, and although
guaranteed free passage, the British Army was
slaughtered during its retreat. Meanwhile, the

The Walking Shade Shambhala and
The coast of East Africa is rife with
tales of a man who never dies. For Agharta
The twin kingdoms of Shambhala and
five centuries, observers have noted
Agharta exist on the borders of Tibet,
a strange, small sign on certain
nestled within an anomalous region in
buildings and individuals, a sign that
the Himalayas.
locals call a “seal of protection.” In
hushed breath, the indigenous people
Shambhala is a holy land in the
tell stories of a cave shaped like a
Buddhist faith, and was long thought
skull, a wolf and horse who respond
to be purely mythological. However,
only to the speech of the undying, and
in recent years a number of Western
a stretch of coastland free from the
explorers and mountaineers have
piracy that plagues so much of the
returned home with tales of the
Indian Ocean. But, like an apparition,
beautiful warm valley hidden
the origin of these legends … and the
amidst the snowy peaks, and of the
origin of the skull-shaped wounds
curiously ageless and gentle people
on some pirates’ faces … remains
impossible to find. that live there. Many seem to have
returned home oddly rejuvenated,
as if they have somehow become
younger, while others appear to have
Russian army steadily advanced southward into undergone some form of spiritual
Afghanistan. During the Victorian Age, the British transformation.
would try again, sparking the Second Afghan
War in 1878. After getting a good part of its army Like other anomalous regions,
annihilated in Kabul, Britain managed to put an Shambhala is extremely difficult to
Emir on the throne with whom both Britain and locate, though in this case whether
Russia could live. During the 1880s, Emir Abdur the land can be found at all seems
Rahman Khan would consolidate his power in to depend on the favor of the people
Afghanistan, strengthening military control and within it. Legends says that those who
modernizing the nation. are destined to find Shambhala will do
so, while those with evil in their hearts
In the Pulp Era, Afghanistan has become a center never will.
point of the intrigues going on between two great
World Powers, Russia and The British Empire. Agharta is an underground realm
Situated at a crossroads in a geographical context, that exists somewhere beneath
it is riddled with spies as well as those that follow the mountains of Tibet and can
such activities. be reached through tunnels in
Shambhala. Reputedly the home of
BHUTAN the mystical Meh-Teh, the realm is
also said to be the site of the dread
Bhutan is a small country nestled in the Himalayas Forbidden Lamasery of the Mara
and was battered by civil war during the Victorian Brotherhood. Rumors persist that
Age. Governors of different territories within Agharta was once an Atlantean
Bhutan were vying for power through skirmishes outpost, and that still functioning
with the others. This came to an end in 1885, when examples of their transcendent
Britain backed Ugyan Wangchuck, the Governor of technology can be found there, if one
Trongsa. He would consolidate his power through only knows where to look.
the rest of the Victorian Age (and was destined to be
crowned king in 1907).

Ironically, although Bhutan was strengthening its surrounded it. Rangoon was made the capital of
ties with Britain, it conducted most of its trade the Burmese Province in 1886.
with its northern neighbor Tibet. Tibet sided with
a rival governor against Wangchuck. A treaty with CHINA
Britain in 1865 allowed Britain to control Bhutan’s
southern border passes with India. The Empire of China is still a mystery to many
westerners. The vast landscape of a country full
Not much has changed during the Pulp Era, of strange customs, cryptic writings, and imperial
Bhutan is now a part of the British Empire, intrigue keeps many people fascinated and
allowing for a presence in this distant part of the sometimes obsessed with this great nation. During
world for the English. the Pulp Era, China remains in the grip of a vicious
civil war, funded and supplied by interested parties
BURMA in the West. Nationalist forces led by Chiang
Kai-shek battle Communist insurgents led by Mao
Although not part of the Indian subcontinent, Tse-tung, while lesser local warlords attempt to
Burma was slowly incorporated into British grab and hold onto as much power as they can.
India during the Victorian Age. Burma shared Western corporate interests, volunteers, spies and
its northeast border with China, and successfully mercenaries all add to the mix, making China a
repulsed four Chinese invasions in the 18th century hotbed of conflict and intrigue.
before being absorbed into British India during
the next century. The lowlands of Burma have a Unfortunately for the Chinese, the First Opium
tropical climate similar to neighboring Bengal, War had showed the outdated nature of the Chinese
while the highlands can range all the way up to military. Many stunning defeats at the hands of the
heavy snowfall and arctic conditions depending on Royal Navy and by soldiers armed with modern
elevation. Like Bengal, Burma was also prone to rifles and tactics had forced the Manchu government
floods and droughts. to surrender in 1842. The Treaty of Nanking forced
China to open her ports and created the British
It was Burma’s territorial expansion that concerned colony on the island of Hong Kong. This foothold
both the Chinese and the British. Ill-defined borders in China, along with trade centers in Shanghai,
were part of the problem, as military operations and finally allowed western governments to have access
refugees challenged territorial assumptions. Britain to the great wealth of products and labor that they
fought Burma in a series of three wars during the had long desired. During the 1920’s and 30’s, a
19th century, resulting in total control of Burma in series of false-flag operations by the Japanese paved
1886. Burma then became a province of India. the way for an invasion that allows the invaders to
turn Manchuria into the puppet state of Manchukuo.
Burma thrives economically in rice production, but
at great cost. When the opening of the Suez Canal China, and the “inscrutable china man”, is for the
increases demand for rice, Burmese farmers borrow most part a great mystery to most of the western
money to meet it, but often default on their high- world. The high quality of silk and porcelain, the
interest loans. As a result, the beneficiaries of the exotic art and treasures of the ancient land, and the
Burmese rice trade are British and Indian firms and strange forms of martial arts they use to protect
migrant workers. Many Burmese are unemployed, them all draw large numbers of adventurers to
and neither the ICS nor the British military accept China. If one believes just half of the rumors of
them into their ranks. what can be found within China, then fame and
fortune awaits!
The British annexed Rangoon in 1852. The British
immediately went to work on modernizing the INDIA
city, building colleges and bringing western
education to the Burmese people. Rangoon The Indian subcontinent has a varied geography.
primarily exported rice and timber. This stood in While most people think of India as a jungle, the
stark contrast to the impoverished villages that entire spectrum of climates can be found on the

subcontinent. The British divided the subcontinent
into northern and southern India, with the Vindhya mistletoe, though the two species are
and Satpura mountain ranges acting as a natural unrelated.
dividing line. The shamans of the Tsang-Chan
and priests of the Black Scorpion
Brotherhood believe that chewing

Black Lotus Powder the leaves of the Black Lotus will

give them strange powers and
The Black Lotus is a rare parasitic an extended life-span, though no
plant which grows naturally only in scientific evidence has been gathered
the deepest jungles of Central Asia. to support this. Burning the dried
The pollen of the plant, when ground leaves of the Black Lotus produces
up and dried, forms a powerful a dense soporific vapor, which
psychoactive hallucinogen that its if inhaled induces rapid loss of
users believe can grant ecstatic visions consciousness followed by a period
of different times and places. The of delirium punctuated with horrific
priests of the barbaric Tsang-Chan dreams. Some native shamans claim
peoples believe that inhaling the dust to be able to use the roots of the
of the Black Lotus links them to the plant to create a potion that induces
spirits of everyone who has ever taken a state of hypnotic suggestibility in
the drug or ever will. those who drink it, but again there
Black Lotus powder is highly has been little scientific investigation
addictive, and regular use creates in to support this claim.
the user a peculiar veneration for the Regardless of the veracity of the
Black Lotus itself, resulting in the many claims made about the plant,
slow spread of the cultivated plant its rarity makes live specimens
across the planet. Addicts manifest among the most valuable plants in
reduced willpower, a curious group the world today. While the Black
mentality, low empathy and a marked Lotus can be grown elsewhere in
disregard for their own personal the world, it is extremely difficult
safety, making them easily dominated and requires constant care. Some
by a powerful personality. even whisper that in order to grow
The Black Lotus is the subject of a outside of its natural environment,
number of dark myths and legends. In the plant must be watered in
some stories, it was carried to Earth fresh blood, though this is almost
as dust on the sandals of the gods, certainly a myth. Pound for pound,
sprouting in their footsteps in the Black Lotus powder is more
sacred places of the world. In others it valuable on the black market than
was sent from beyond as a sacrament, diamonds, and even dead plants
to allow the faithful to commune with are highly sought after for their
their brethren across time and space pharmacological properties.
in worship of the Old Gods. Still
others claim that the Black Lotus is
itself a god, sharing itself among its
worshipers that it might live in them. Northern India is bordered by mountain ranges
Botanists point out that the Black along most of its borders. The largest of the
Lotus is misnamed. Though the bloom northern ranges is the Himalayas, which India
itself resembles a lotus flower, it is not shares with Bhutan, Nepal, and Tibet. The highest
aquatic and appears unrelated to any peaks in the world are found here, including Mt.
of the lotus family (genus Nelumbo). Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. It is
In fact in many ways it is similar to named for the British Surveyor General, Sir George

Everest, who first spotted it. To the west are the and Madras. These three regions acted almost
Hindu-Kush Mountains that separate British independently of each other, and up until the late
India from Afghanistan. The Vindhya and Saptura 1870s. Civilians considered themselves exclusively
mountains, as mentioned, border the south. belonging to one of the Presidencies (e.g. the
Bengal Civil Service), rather than India in general.
Three major rivers dominate Northern India: the Among these regions were also many autonomous
Brahmaputra, the Ganges, and the Indus. These “native states,” where the princes, (Maharajahs,)
rivers deposit rich, fertile soil during frequent were left to run their own affairs, provided that they
flooding, and are densely populated as a result cooperated with British rule.
(although the Indus is threatened by the Thar Desert
to the east). JAPAN
Southern India is home to two environments, the The Tokugawa (or Edo) period of Japan’s history
coastal regions and the Deccan Plateau. The Deccan began in 1603. This time was marked by a major
Plateau is separated from the coast by two mountain decrease in the amount of violence that the Japanese
ranges known collectively as the Ghats. These people were accustomed to surviving. Except
mountain ranges keep the plateau hot all year long. for common problems of the time such as the
The coastal regions, like northern India, have rich occasional peasant revolt or famine, life for the
soil. Coastal India usually has a mild winter, then a average citizen was greatly improved. However, the
short hot season, a rainy season, and then another country remained in almost total isolation from the
hot season before winter. outside world.
Most of India is subject to the rainy season The first significant exhibit of Japanese items in
between June and September. This is the period of the west was during the London International
monsoons, a seasonal wind that brings heavy rains Exhibition of 1862. These items were primarily
and flooding. While the Indian people welcome the collected and presented by Rutherford Alcock, the
rains after a hot season, the resultant flooding can British minister of Japan. It would be five more
cause loss of life and crop damage. years (1867) before the Japanese government
The British Empire politically separated British- presented their own cultural displays to the
run India into three Presidencies: Bengal, Bombay, world. In 1868, just one year later, the shogunate

government was overthrown in a popular revolt disaster from both the Great Depression and the
and Meiji emperor was returned to power. It was powerful Kanto Earthquake of 1930.
under this government that Japan was opened to
‘westernization’. Though the land was ruled by Emperor Hirohito,
it was controlled by a network of political groups,
One group that did not benefit from the Tokugawa secret societies, and cults. Power brokering
peace or the return of the Meiji reign was the was commonplace, but the military, through
little-known Ainu people, who by this time had assassination and persecution, amassed power
been forced to live only on the northern most island through the decade.
of Hokkido. The members of this hunter/trapper/
farmer culture appeared to have more in common In 1931, China’s warring factions began to expand
with Native American than they did with their Asian power into Japanese-claimed Manchuria. This gave
the military an easy excuse to consolidate power,
as well as reclaim Manchuria by force. After heavy
criticism for its actions, Japan pulled out of the
Skull Island already-weak League of Nations in 1933.
For centuries sailors in the South Seas
have told each other blood-curdling By 1936 there are threats and rumors of war with
tales of the “cursed isle” and the China, and even the most devout pulp heroes are
“cradle of monsters”, also known as reluctant to take but a few assignments into the
the Island of the Skull. Supposedly heart of Japan.
an uncharted island located far from
the shipping lanes and encircled by AUSTRALIA
permanent storms and fog, Skull
Island named for the numerous The Australian colonies of Great Britain covered
carvings of human skulls found the entire continent and the surrounding islands. By
among the ruins that sprawl across the late 1800s, the colonies were: New South Wales,
the isle’s southern coast, and for the Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, South
skull-shaped rock formation that Australia, the Northern Territory, New Zealand, and
dominates one side of the isle’s central Tasmania. Many of the early British immigrants to
volcano. Extremely hard to find, Australia were prisoners, sent to the far outreaches
the island sits within an anomalous of the empire as punishment for a variety of crimes.
region. Few have landed there, and of By 1868 penal transportations officially ended,
those few even fewer have lived to tell though they had been sparse for several years before
of it. Legend tells of an island of lush that.
jungle, swamp-land, deep crevasses The discovery of gold in New South Wales in 1851
and high mountains, bearing flora and in Victoria shortly after that brought a surge
and fauna both wild and monstrous. of both population and prosperity. During the gold
For more details, see page 218. rush, many people from England, Ireland, China,
and the United States came to Australia to discover
not only gold but creatures that defied description.
Kangaroos, koala, kookaburra, emu, and platypus
overlords. The Ainu were systematically persecuted were just a few of the strange things they found.
not only for their Caucasian racial stock but also The strangest things encountered by the new
because of the strange animistic religion they inhabitants of Australia were the old inhabitants, the
practiced. The Ainu religion was one of the last aboriginals of Australia.
‘Bear Cults’ to survive into the 19th Century.
These strange people, living in “primitive” nomadic
Despite the pulp image of Samurai and Ninja clans groups, were a great puzzle to the newcomers. How
operating in Japan in the 1930’s, the feudal age of did they get to the isolated continent? How did they
Japan really ended with the Meiji restoration of develop their strange customs? And should they
1868. Japan of this new era was a nation struggling be given rights and privileges of the “civilized”
to become modern, despite suffering economic colonists? The aborigines’ oral history, their talk of

the ancient era known as the Dreamtime, all seemed Poetically referred to as “the Land of the White
to be a collection of myths and legends to the Death” by some explorers, Antarctica has no native
English colonists. The boomerang and the strange people, and precious little plant or animal life.
musical instruments used by the aborigines added What human life there is, is restricted to whaling
further mystery to these already curious people. stations inhabited during the summer, and scientific
exploration teams. Animal life is strictly limited
The vast deserts, crocodile filled mangrove to the coastal area, and consists of seals, penguins,
swamps, thick tropical jungles, and sweeping birds, fish and the occasional orca and colossal
grasslands make Australia a diverse environment for squid. Plant life is limited to lichens and fungi.
exploration. The largely unexplored desert regions
could be host to ancient ruins, lost cities, or even Rumors of a hole in the middle of the continent,
gateways to the aboriginal Dreamtime. leading into the Earth’s interior, have persisted for
years. No one has ever returned from an expedition
ANTARCTICA with evidence of the legendary hole, or at least no
one was ever believed. Stories also persist of a lost
At the south end of the world is the frozen continent world; a region of tropical environs surrounded by
of Antarctica, twice the size of Australia and almost nearly impenetrable mountains.
entirely empty of life. It is the coldest place on
Earth, covered by a crust of ice with an average
depth of over a mile. Temperatures range from
-89 ˚C (-128 ˚F) to a maximum of 5 ˚C (41 ˚F) at
the coast during the summer. Despite the abundance
of ice and snow, it is also the driest place on Earth,
as the sub-zero temperatures freeze the moisture out
of the air.


War was far from new in Europe, but this war
his chapter is not a complete history on the Pulp would change everything. New weapons were
Era, it is an overview of the things that happened brought to the field, including tanks, aircraft, and
during the period, a timeline and a general sense the horror of chemical weapons. Nearly twenty
of what is what. There are many other books both million people would die in the Great War’s four
in reference and roleplaying games that go into years, devastating the European powers. The cost of
much more detail on the era than we have gone into war was simply too high for the ‘old world’ mindset
here, and any of them can be used as supplemental to continue.
material to a Pulp Fantastic campaign.
The end of the war found Germany as the defeated
instigator, much of the rest of Europe in ruins, and
INTERESTING the United States both victorious and relatively
unscathed. The Treaty of Versailles ended the war,
TIMES laying all the blame at Germany’s feet. It also
established the League of Nations, a political body
The “pulp era” is a little difficult to pin down. Pulps that was supposed to mediate disputes between
themselves, in one form or another, existed since nations. It only had modest success, even at its
the late 1800’s with fantastic tales and adventures inception.
drawn from the Old West and far-away places being
sold to readers in New England and Britain. For better or worse, the Great War had
accomplished bringing in the Pulp age. But it had
Tales of courage, daring, and science were done little to settle the disputes in Europe and
popularized through the turn of the century, the invited even more. Skirmishes and government
Great War, and well beyond. But the pulps hit upheavals would last for the next twenty years,
its stride in the 1930’s, as many people turned to bringing rise to Fascism and Communism. The old
cheaper entertainment to try and escape the rigors ‘class system’ was falling apart as the workers of
of the Great Depression and the political upheavals the world, who had suffered the most in the war,
happening all over the world. were no longer content with their nobility. The ‘War
to End All Wars’ concluded with an even more
For many, this decade between the wars would unstable world largely in economic collapse, and
define the Pulp genre. seemed to ensure that more, even more vicious wars
would be coming.
The ‘War to End all Wars’ started with the
assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914, For the United States, the 1920’s seemed like a
though it had been a long time in coming. Tensions period of great promise. Though Prohibition had led
between various European powers had been to dramatic increases in crime, they were considered
escalating and brewing for years. Skirmishes were a to be good times.
common occurrence as old nobilities vied for power
over one-another. The assassination was simply The United States didn’t suffer as badly in the
a match in a room full of gas. Everything simply ‘Great War’ as Europe. Indeed, most of Europe
exploded. owed the United States great amounts of money.

Cities hadn’t been brought to their knees and
required rebuilding. Unlike the rest of the world,
everything in the United States was up and running.
Black Thursday
Though most of Europe struggled
With enthusiasm bordering on delirium, Americans
in the 1920’s, America had enjoyed
charged to the future. Scientific achievement was
a tremendous financial boom. The
often celebrated without often being understood.
Great War that had devastated
Technology promised cures for every disease, as
Europe barely touched the Americas,
well as a new convenient gadget for any worldly
and all the new science and
inconvenience. Companies spent millions buying
technology that the war brought was
into the idea.
being applied to civilian life. New and
Movies had changed entertainment as well, bringing greater uses of electricity promised
the glamor and glitz of a new age of celebrities, as a brighter and greater future for all.
well as some mindless fun over the weekends at the Banks and citizens invested millions
matinee. In the homes, radio programs of music, hoping to cash on the next new
comedy and sports brought people together in a way technological or medical innovation
that hadn’t happened before. It really seemed that that promised to change the world.
the miracles of technology and ‘new science’ were And, for a while, things were well
reshaping the world. and good. But the euphoria of the
time was reckless. The first sign, for
But beneath the wood grain and brass gadgetry, America, that trouble was coming
however, lied a different image, even in the was the Dustbowls of the Midwest.
incredibly optimistic America. Crime and Terrible farming habits and a windy
corruption were rampant. Labor Unions had turned drought had eroded the earth,
to organized crime for muscle and were easily devastating crops. Precious, fertile
infiltrated by Communist insurgents. Prohibition land was literally blowing away in
and dramatic corruption had destroyed public a choking wind. Farm after farm
confidence in the government and police. Everyone failed, destroying that aspect of the
seemed to be drinking, and they were in much larger American economy.
numbers than before prohibition set in. Things got
so bad in Chicago that the city is still known for its Technology too was floundering.
booze-smuggling gangsters, a full eighty years later. Despite great achievements, the
demands of the investors, and
On top of this, race relations were atrocious in the the promises of the scientists, just
states, and not just for black men. Due to economic couldn’t possibly be met. Enthusiasm
disaster in the rest of the world, immigrants came became frustration, and the sell-
to American shores by the millions. Trouble is, offs began. The decline started
there weren’t that many jobs even in the land of most severely on 24 October 1929.
prosperity. Small ethnic clashes over work and older Seeking to escape disappointing
disputes erupted frequently. markets, investors began to cash out
in large amounts. The ‘boom’ was
Race relations in the south were even worse. Many
going ‘bust’. By 29 October 1929,
sons of the Confederacy had power, and weren’t too
the infamous ‘Black Thursday’,
fond of the black race that they blamed the Civil
the bottom had dropped out of the
War upon. Segregation was the law, and any man,
market, despite J.P. Morgan’s last-
regardless of color, often had more to worry about
minute attempt to shore it up.
than just getting arrested. Racial tolerance was
nearly unheard of.

The decade of American excess may have been

good times for some. All that excess, however,
came at a terrible cost, and the worst of it was just
around the corner.

attack, President McKinley signs an Executive
Order creating Division 4, the American
version of the British MI7 group.
Citizens that had invested heavily
couldn’t manage to sell their now • President William McKinley of the United
near-worthless stocks, and often States is assassinated.
lost their homes. Businesses folded
from their losses, causing dramatic • Sam McCord strikes the largest gold strike in
unemployment. Even worse, many the Alaskan Territories.
banks had overextended into the
markets and were unable to pay 1902
their member’s accounts, destroying
the personal savings of millions. • 5 workers killed in an explosion during IRT
Within a few months of Black subway construction (New York City).
Tuesday, the United States had
joined in the Great Depression. Even • American Automobile Association, AAA,
worse, since the United States was founded in Cleveland, Ohio.
one of the few nations supporting the • 1st motion picture theater opens in Los
struggling nations within Europe, Angeles. Denmark is 1st country to adopt
the already-destitute economies fingerprinting to identify criminals.
collapsed even farther without its
aid. The party that was the Roaring • Sherlock Holmes investigates the “Adventure
20’s had left one heck of a hangover. of Shoscombe Old Place.” Cuba gains
independence from Spain.

• President Teddy Roosevelt became 1st U.S.

chief executive to ride in a car.

TIMELINE • Trans-Pacific cable links Hawaii to US. Boers

and British army sign peace treaty.
1901 – 1939 1903
1901 • San Francisco - Hawaii telegraph cable opens
for public use. Harry Houdini performs at
• Queen Victoria dies. Prince Albert Edward Rembrandt Theater, Amsterdam. 1st regular
becomes King Edward VII. transatlantic radio broadcast between U.S. and
England. Harry Houdini escapes police station
• The Boston Gun Club builds a large cannon in Halvemaansteeg in Amsterdam.
Florida (United States) which they say will be
used for exploration of the Moon. The firing of • The killer known as “The Hoxton Creeper”
the canon attracts the attention of the war-like, resurfaces in London after being presumed
space faring Martians, who have spent decades dead for over five years following an encounter
preparing for an invasion of Earth. with Sherlock Holmes. By means unknown the
brutish back-breaker finds his way to America,
• Creatures believed to be from the planet Mars apparently tracking the notorious Borgia
invade Great Britain; they are seemingly Pearl after its sale to an unknown American
defeated by terrestrial bacteria but are in truth millionaire. Over the next three decades, for
killed by an unknown synthetic toxin. Smaller reasons unknown, he will find and murder
Martian taskforces land in China and the United every owner of the Pearl.
States. The invasion of Britain is chronicled by
H.G. Wells, but due to the efforts of the Invisible • Ford Motor Corporation and Pepsi Cola
College, much of the world regards his report Company both form.
as a work of fiction. In response to the Martian

• Joe Pulitzer donates $1 million to Columbia elected assembly (the Duma). U.S. President
University and begins Pulitzer Prizes. Theodore Roosevelt begins a full term. Russian
troops begin to retreat from Mukden after
• First motorized flight performed at Kitty losing 100,000 troops in 3 days. The Japanese
Hawk, North Carolina by two bicycle makers capture of Mukden (now Shenyang) completes
from Ohio, Wilber and Orville Wright. Fire at the rout of Russian armies in Manchuria.
Chicago’s Iriquois Theater kills 602.
• Albert Einstein works on the special theory
1904 of relativity as well as the theory of Brownian
• Russo-Japanese War begins between Russia
and Japan, with Japan launching a surprise • The Japanese fleet under Admiral Heihachiro
attack on Port Arthur. The United States of Togo destroys the Russian fleet under Admiral
America gains control of the Panama Canal Zinovi Petrovich Rozhdestvenski in a 2-day
Zone. battle.

• Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany becomes the • The Norwegian Parliament declares the union
first person to make a political recording of a with Sweden dissolved, and Norway achieves
document, using Thomas Edison’s cylinder. full independence.
Russian troops in Korea retreat toward
Manchuria, followed by 100,000 Japanese • Russo-Japanese War ends results in disastrous
troops. defeat for Russia; a treaty mediated by U.S.
President Theodore Roosevelt is signed by
• The Louisiana Purchase Exposition World’s victor Japan and Russia. Russia cedes the
Fair opens in St. Louis, Missouri. People claim island of Sakhalin and port and rail rights in
that Government agencies chased a “Beast Manchuria to Japan, and major civil unrest at
Man” through the fair. The government flatly home for Russia.
denies any such activity.
• The Wright Brothers’ third airplane (Wright
• U.S. Army engineers begin work on The Flyer III) stays in the air for 39 minutes with
Panama Canal. Wilbur piloting. This is the first airplane flight
lasting over 1/2 an hour. Tsar Nicholas II is
• Cy Young of the Boston Americans throws the forced to grant Russia’s first constitution,
first perfect game in the modern era of baseball. conceding a national assembly (Duma) with
limited powers.
• The third Modern Olympic Games opens in
St. Louis, Missouri as part of the World’s Fair. • Prince Carl of Denmark becomes King Haakon
The British expedition under Colonel Francis VII of Norway.
Younghusband takes Lhasa in Tibet.

• The Russian Baltic Fleet fires on British

trawlers it mistakes for Japanese torpedo boats • British launch HMS Dreadnaught, first
in the North Sea. The first underground line of “dreadnought” class battleship.
the New York City Subway opens.
• Mount Vesuvius erupts and devastates Naples.
• Republican incumbent Theodore Roosevelt
defeats Democrat Alton B. Parker. The first • Alfred Dreyfus is exonerated. He is reinstalled
successful caterpillar track is made (it later in the French Army on July 21, thus ending the
revolutionizes construction vehicles and land Dreyfus Affair.
• The first Victor Victrola, a phonographic record
1905 player, is manufactured.

• Tsar Nicholas II of Russia agrees to create an

• Thomas Carnacki, psychical researcher, • Thomas Carnacki files a patent for his “Electric
is nearly killed during the “Black Veil” Pentacle”.
investigation. Dr Ronald Aster, a colleague,
dies of fright after refusing to take protective • Western bandits Butch Cassidy and The
measures. Sundance Kid are supposedly killed in Bolivia,
after being surrounded by a large group of
• The first German submarine, U-1, enters the soldiers. There are many rumors to the contrary
German Imperial Navy. however, and their grave sites are unmarked.

• On 18th April, a massive earthquake strikes • A 40,000-year-old Neanderthal boy skeleton is

San Francisco. The quake and the subsequent found at Le Moustier in southwest France.
fires destroy over 80% of the city and kill more
than 3000 people. • Professor George Edward Challenger mounts
a solo expedition to South America, during
1907 which he claims to have discovered evidence
that several dinosaur species have survived
• Elections to the new Parliament of Finland are into the modern day. His evidence is scoffed
the first in the world with woman candidates, at by scientific authorities, and the intense
as well as the first elections in Europe where interest (and mockery) of the press results in
universal suffrage is applied. Nineteen women Challenger assaulting several journalists.
are elected. The first taxicabs with taxi meters
begin operating in London. 1909
• Korea becomes a protectorate of Japan. • William Howard Taft succeeds Theodore
Roosevelt to become the 27th President of the
• Parties led by T. W. Edgeworth David became United States. Einar Dessau uses a short-wave
the first to climb Mount Erebus and to reach the radio transmitter, becoming the first radio
South Magnetic Pole. broadcaster. Theodore Roosevelt leaves New
York for a post-presidency safari in Africa. The
1908 trip is sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution
and National Geographic Society.
• A long-distance radio message is sent from the
Eiffel Tower for the first time. • Robert Peary, Matthew Henson, and four
Eskimo explorers come within a few miles of
• The Tunguska event, also known as the Russian the North Pole. They discover a previously
explosion, occurs near the Podkamennaya unknown Martian advance base, what they
Tunguska River in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Siberia, discover inside is classified Above Top Secret.
Russian Empire. The cause of the explosion is
never determined, though theories range from • Louis Bleriot is the first man to fly across the
the explosion of an extraterrestrial craft to the English Channel (thus a large open body of
impact of cometary debris. Shortly after the water) in a heavier-than-air craft.
explosion, the first samples of Element X are
discovered. • The U.S. Navy founds a navy base in Pearl
Harbor, Hawaii.
• Robert Peary sets sail for the North Pole,
ordered by his superiors in Division 4 to • King Albert I of Belgium succeeds his uncle,
investigate the source of strange radio signals. Leopold II, on the throne.

• At Ft. Myer, Virginia, U.S.A. Thomas Selfridge 1910

becomes the first person to die in an airplane
crash. The pilot, Orville Wright, is severely • Comet Halley is visible from Earth.
injured in the crash but recovers. Henry Ford
produces his first Model T automobile. • Edward VII of England dies from an unknown
lung condition. George V succeeds him as

King of England. History records the disease Sabotage to the Olympics steering mechanism
that kills Edward VII as bronchitis. Privately, by the Order of Victoria is suspected.
physicians suspect a pathogen left over from
the Martian invasion of 1901. • George V of the United Kingdom and Mary
of Teck are crowned as Emperor of India and
• The DELAG Zeppelin dirigible, Deutschland, Empress Consort, respectively, in New Delhi.
makes the first commercial passenger flight
from Friedrichshafen to Düsseldorf in 1912
Germany. The flight takes nine hours.
• New Mexico is admitted as the 47th U.S. state.
• A wireless telegraph sent from the SS Montrose British polar explorer Robert Falcon Scott and
results in the identification, arrest and execution a team of 4 become the second expeditionary
of murderer Dr. Hawley Crippen. group to reach the South Pole.
• Portugal becomes a republic; King Manuel II of • Arizona is admitted as the 48th U.S. state.
Portugal flees to England.
• On April 10, the British ocean liner, RMS
• Professor Challenger mounts a second Titanic, leaves on her maiden voyage for
expedition to South America, accompanied by New York, three days later she will strike
Lord John Roxton, Edward Dunn Malone and and iceberg and sink to the bottom of the
Professor Arthur Summerlee, and discovers ocean, taking with her the lives of more than
Maple White Land, the fabled “Lost World”. 1,500 people. Again the Order of Victoria is
On their return, Challenger presents a live suspected.
pterodactyl to the Royal Zoological Institute.
Despite the creature escaping, Challenger is • The 1912 Summer Olympics open in
vindicated. Stockholm, Sweden.

• While campaigning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,

1911 former President Theodore Roosevelt is shot by
• In London, in what becomes known as the saloonkeeper John Schrank. With a fresh flesh
Siege of Sidney Street, the Metropolitan Police wound and the bullet still in him, Roosevelt
and the Scots Guards engage in a shootout with delivers his scheduled speech. After finishing
a criminal gang of Latvian anarchists held up in his speech, he is admitted to hospital, where it
a building in the East End. is deduced that if he had not had his speech in
his breast pocket when he was shot, he most
• The United States Army formally adopts the likely would have died.
M1911 pistol as its standard sidearm, thus
giving the gun its 1911 designation. • Woodrow Wilson wins a landslide victory over
Republican incumbent William Howard Taft.
• Pancho Villa launches an attack against Taft’s base is undercut by Progressive Party
government troops in Ciudad Juarez without candidate (and former Republican) Theodore
Madero’s permission. Government troops Roosevelt, who finishes second, ahead of Taft.
surrender May 10.
• Edward Dunn Malone, assisted by Arthur
• Thomas Carnacki gains wide notoriety when Conan Doyle, publishes The Lost World, his
an investigation of an apparently haunted ship account of the Maple White Land expedition of
ends with the destruction of the vessel under 1910.
mysterious circumstances.
• The liner RMS Olympic, sister ship to the RMS
Titanic, collides with the Royal Navy cruiser • The United State Congress passes the Income
HMS Hawke outside Southampton, England. Tax amendment to the US Constitution.

• The United States Congress passes the (500,000 killed/wounded) in the Allied victory.
Senatorial Election amendment to the US China declares neutrality.
• British and German soldiers interrupt World
• Thomas Carnacki publishes a paper detailing War I to celebrate Christmas, beginning the
the workings of his “Mentaphone”, a device for Christmas truce.
detecting and recording mental impulses.

• The 50th anniversary commemoration of

the Battle of Gettysburg draws thousands of
American Civil War veterans and their families
to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

• The Federal Reserve is created by Woodrow


• The British steamship Calvadas disappears in

the Marmara Sea with 200 hands on board.

• Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce, American
editorialist, journalist, short-story writer and
satirist, disappears while traveling with Pancho
Villa, documenting the Mexican Civil War, and
is never seen again.

• Katherine Routledge and her husband arrive in

Easter Island to make the first true study of it.
(They depart August 1915).

• Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the throne of

the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his wife are
assassinated in Sarajevo.

• The Signal Corps of the United States Army is

formed, giving definite status to its air service
for the first time. Tsar Nicholas II of Russia
orders a full mobilization against Austria-

• Germany, an ally of Austria-Hungary, declares

war on Russia and demands the neutrality
of Russia’s ally France; France refuses and

• No member of the Triple Entente (Britain,

France, or Russia) may seek a separate peace
with the Central Powers. First Battle of the
Marne: Northeast of Paris, the French 6th
Army under General Maunoury attacks German
forces nearing Paris. Over 2 million fight

12,000 United States troops over the U.S.-
1915 Mexico border to pursue Pancho Villa; the 13th
• The first use of poison gas in WW1, by Cavalry regiment enters Mexican territory. The
Germany at Bolimow in Poland. U.S. 7th and 10th Cavalry regiments under
John J. Pershing cross the border to join the
• The United States House of Representatives hunt for Villa; however, Pershing’s real mission
rejects a proposal to give women the right to was to capture a Mayan crystal skull from Villa
vote. by any means necessary.

• German zeppelins bomb the cities of Great • The light switch is invented by William J.
Yarmouth and King’s Lynn in the United Newton and Morris Goldberg.
Kingdom for the first time, killing more than 20.
• The British 47th Brigade, 16th Irish Division
• Germany declares a submarine blockade of is decimated in one of the most heavily
Great Britain. Any ship approaching England is concentrated German gas attacks of the war.
considered a legitimate target.
• U.S. President Woodrow Wilson signs a bill
• The RMS Lusitania is sunk by a German incorporating the Boy Scouts of America.
U-boat, killing 1,198.
• Portugal joins the Allies.
• The Pennsylvania Railroad begins electrified
commuter rail service between Paoli and • British pilot William Leefe-Robinson becomes
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, using overhead AC the first to shoot down a German airship over
trolley wires for power. This type of system Britain.
is later used in long-distance passenger trains
• Press magnate Charles Foster Kane runs for
between New York City, Washington, D.C., and
governor of New York State and loses.
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

• The first prototype tank is tested for the British 1917

Army for the first time.
• President Woodrow Wilson calls for “peace
• Former cartoonist John B. Gruelle is given a without victory” in Europe.
patent for his Raggedy Ann doll.
• The United States severs diplomatic relations
• The U.S. recognizes the Mexican government with Germany.
of Venustiano Carranza de facto.
• Mata Hari is arrested for spying.
• The governments of Britain and France secretly
agree to overtake the Middle-Eastern regions • United States ambassador to the United
of the Ottoman Empire (mostly Syria and Iraq), Kingdom, Walter H. Page, is shown the
and establish their own zones of influence. intercepted Zimmermann Telegram, in
which Germany offers to give the American
Southwest back to Mexico if Mexico declares
1916 war on the United States.
• Paris is bombed by German zeppelins for the
• Professor Challenger and Lord Roxton take
first time.
a second expedition to Maple White Land,
• The Battle of Verdun begins in France. returning with dinosaur eggs, diamonds and a
small amount of Element X.
• Pancho Villa leads about 500 Mexican raiders
in an attack against Columbus, New Mexico, • The Russian Tsar is overthrown, Provincial
killing 12 U.S. soldiers. A garrison of the U.S. Government under Alexander Kerensky now in
13th Cavalry Regiment fights back and drives place.
them away. President Woodrow Wilson sends

• U.S. President Woodrow Wilson asks the U.S. be murdered by the Bolsheviks.
Congress for a declaration of war on Germany,
and they grant it. • In the Argonne Forest in France, U.S. Corporal
Alvin C. York almost single-handedly kills 25
• The workers of Petrograd in Russia, led by the German soldiers and captures 132.
Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin, attack the
Kerensky Provisional Government. • At eleven o’clock on the eleventh day of
the eleventh month of 1918, the war ends as
1918 Germany and Allies sign an Armistice.

• President Woodrow Wilson declares his 14 • President Woodrow Wilson departs by ship to
points as the path to permanent world peace. the Paris Peace Conference, becoming the first
United States President to travel to any foreign
• Germany, Austria and Bolshevist Russia sign country while holding office.
the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, ending Russia’s
involvement in the war. Moscow becomes the 1919
capital of Soviet Russia.
• The United States Congress approves the 19th
• Manfred von Richthofen, the infamous “Red Amendment to the United States Constitution,
Baron”, is killed in an aerial dog-fight. which would guarantee suffrage to women, and
sends it to the U.S. states for ratification.
• Grand Duke Michael Romanov is murdered,
thereby becoming the first of the Romanovs to • League of Nations formed, the USA is not a

• The United States fails to ratify a peace

treaty with Germany and sues for a
separate peace.

• John Moses Browning finalizes the design

for the M1919 .30 (30-06) caliber medium
machine gun, the first widely distributed
and practical air-cooled medium machine
gun introduced to the US Military. It
receives an official designation and
production is started in the same year, a
very uncommon happening.

• Prohibition goes into effect in the United
States as the “Law of the Land” by the
passage of the 18th Amendment to the
Constitution the following year.

• Pancho Villa takes over Sabina and

contacts de la Huerta to offer his
conditional surrender. He signs his
surrender on July 28.

• The Nineteenth Amendment to the United

States Constitution is passed, guaranteeing

women’s suffrage. • United States and Germany sign the Treaty
of Berlin, officially ending the state of war
• A bomb in a horse wagon explodes in front of between the two countries.
the J. P. Morgan building in New York City,
killing 38 and injuring 400. • Benito Mussolini becomes the youngest
Premier in the history of Italy.
• The first domestic radio sets come to stores in
the United States; a Westinghouse radio costs • British archaeologist Howard Carter discovers
$10. the tomb of Tutankhamen in Egypt’s Valley
of the Kings. When he enters the tomb on
• The League of Nations moves its headquarters November 21, along with Lord Carnarvon, he
to Geneva, Switzerland. is the first person to step into the tomb in over
3,000 years.
• In Geneva, the first assembly of the League of
Nations is held.
• The Brussels Conference establishes a
• Juan de la Cierva invents the autogyro, a
timetable for German war reparations intended
rotary-winged aircraft with an unpowered rotor.
to extend for over 42 years.
• Pancho Villa is assassinated.
• In Lakehurst, New Jersey, the first American
• Warren G. Harding is inaugurated as the 29th airship, the USS Shenandoah, takes to the sky
President of the United States. for the first time.
• The Allies of World War I reparations • Roy and Walt Disney found The Walt Disney
commission announces that Germany has to Company.
pay 132 billion gold marks ($33 trillion) in
annual installments of 2.5 billion. • Warren G. Harding dies in office and is
succeeded by Calvin Coolidge, as President of
• During an Armistice Day ceremony at the United States.
Arlington National Cemetery, the Tomb of
the Unknowns is dedicated by U.S. President • In Munich, Adolf Hitler leads the Nazis in an
Warren G. Harding. unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the German
government; police and troops crush the
• Russian Civil War ends after three years with attempt the next day.
Bolsheviks, led by Lenin and Trotsky, in full
control. • The crown prince of Japan survives an
assassination attempt in Tokyo.
• President of the United States Warren G.
Harding introduces the first radio in the White • Following the death of Vladimir Lenin, Joseph
House. Stalin immediately begins to purge his rivals to
clear the way for his leadership.
• United States commissions its first aircraft
carrier, the USS Langley. • Adolf Hitler is sentenced to 5 years in jail for
his participation in the Beer Hall Putsch (he
• Joseph Stalin is appointed General Secretary serves only 8 months).
of the Central Committee of the Soviet
Communist Party. • Harry Grindell Matthews demonstrates his
new weapon, the death ray, in London but
• U.S. President Warren G. Harding makes his fails to convince the British War Office of its
first speech on the radio. importance; however, he does gain the attention
of MI7.

• J. Edgar Hoover is appointed head of the States is intercepted by law enforcement and
Federal Bureau of Investigation. customs officials.

• U.S. President Calvin Coolidge signs the Indian • British explorer Percy Fawcett disappears while
Citizenship Act of 1924 into law, granting exploring the Amazon jungle.
citizenship to all Native Americans born within
the territorial limits of the United States. • Charles Francis Jenkins successfully
demonstrates his “radiovision” in public.
• Zeppelin LZ-126 makes a transatlantic delivery
flight from Friedrichshafen, Germany, to • British race driver Malcolm Campbell breaks
Lakehurst, New Jersey. the land speed record, exceeding 150 mph at
Pendine Sands in Wales.
• U.S. bootleggers begin to use Thompson
submachine guns. • The Ku Klux Klan marches in Washington DC,
with an estimated 35,000 attending.
1925 • The Schutzstaffel (SS) are founded by Adolf
• Adolf Hitler publishes Mein Kampf (My Hitler to act as his personal guard.
Struggle) in Germany.
• Russia and Japan sign an agreement to end
• Benito Mussolini begins his rise to power in hostilities left over from the Russo-Japanese
Italy. war of 1904-5. In exchange for oil and coal
concessions, Japan agrees to withdraw its
• Calvin Coolidge is sworn in as President of the troops from Sakhalin Island.
United States. His inauguration is the first to be
broadcast by radio. • The infamous German serial killer Fritz
Haarmann, known as “The Vampire of
• The Tri-State Tornado devastates Missouri, Hanover”, is beheaded for the murder of at least
Illinois and Indiana. Nearly 700 are killed, and 24 young boys and men. Haarmann’s favored
over 2000 injured. In the aftermath, Baron Ace technique was to bite out the throats of his
Franklin’s Air Cavalry fly supplies and aid to victims, and it is believed after dismembering
stricken communities. the bodies he sold some of the flesh as pork or
horse meat.
• Tuberculosis vaccination programs begin in the
United States. • John T. Scopes is found guilty of teaching
evolution in violation of Tennessee state law,
• The “Great Race of Mercy” ships diptheria despite a spirited defense by lawyer Clarence
antitoxin across Alaska by dog sled to fight an Darrow. Scopes is fined $100 and is ordered to
outbreak of the disease. pay court costs.
• Tennessee Governor Austin Peay signs the • The hydrocarbon synthesis necessary for the
Butler Act, making the teaching of evolution in development of synthetic oil (the Fischer-
state schools illegal. Tropsch reaction) is discovered in Germany.
• The Geneva Protocol against Chemical and • At the age of 77, retired Field Marshal Paul von
Bacteriological Warfare is produced by the Hindenburg is elected president of Germany.
Conference on the International Arms Trade. Former Crown Prince Wilhelm hails this as an
Both the United States and the Empire of Japan opportunity for the restoration of the German
refuse to sign. monarchy.
• Arkansas passes a law making pre-marital sex • US Navy dirigible Shenandoah crashes near
illegal. Caldwell, Ohio, killing 14 crew.
• The Treasury Department estimates that only
5% of the liquor smuggled into the United

• John Logie Baird successfully transmits 31, prompting a world-wide wave of grief and
television images in London. Rumors persist hysteria.
that the first transmission attempts instead
received strange images of another world. • The Weimar Republic of Germany joins the
League of Nations.
1926 • In Illinois, the North Side Gang attempts the
• A lightning strike ignites the Picatinny Arsenal assassination of Al Capone, firing over 1000
in New Jersey. Over the next 2-3 days, several machine gun rounds into his headquarters.
million pounds of explosives detonate, causing Miraculously, Capone escapes unharmed.
widespread destruction.
• Harry Houdini dies of gangrene and peritonitis
• Boxing champion Gene Tunney defeats after his infected appendix ruptures.
Jack Dempsey in Philadelphia to become
• San Francisco is terrorized by a necrophiliac
Heavyweight Champion of the World. The
serial killer the press dubs “the Gorilla Man”.
bout last 10 rounds and takes place outdoors in
heavy rain. • The village of Rocquebillier in France is almost
completely destroyed by a freak hailstorm.
• Explorers Richard Byrd and Floyd Bennett
claim to be the first men to fly over the North • The Great Miami Hurricane wreaks havoc in
Pole in a monoplane, in a flight lasting over 15 Miami, killing over 100 and causing millions of
hours. Some mechanics express skepticism, dollars of damage.
claiming that the plane could not have made the
trip in so short a time. • British crime novelist Agatha Christie vanishes
from her home in Surrey, re-appearing at a
• Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Treaty hotel in Harrogate 12 days later. She claims to
of Berlin, pledging neutrality should either have no memory of the intervening days.
party attack another country in the next 5 years.

• At Auburn, Massachusetts, Robert Goddard

successfully launches the first liquid-fuel • New Years’ Day: Bad booze causes at least
rocket. 41 deaths at Bellevue Hospital in New York.
By this point, “bathtub rotgut” has killed over
• General Francisco Franco becomes dictator of
50,000 people and caused thousands of cases of
Spain, Theodoros Pangalos becomes dictator in
blindness and paralysis.
Greece, while General Óscar Carmona seizes
power in Portugal. • Al Capone’s income from bootlegging
operations is estimated at $60,000,000 per
• Assassins fail to kill Italian Fascist leader
Benito Mussolini.
• Fritz Lang’s cinematic vision of the future,
• African American pilot Bessie Coleman dies
Metropolis, is released in Germany. The
after falling 500 feet from an airplane.
film features state-of-the-art special effects,
• Roald Amundsen flies over the North Pole in including a startlingly realistic robot woman,
his airship, the Norge. rumored to have been inspired by a real “iron
maiden” encountered by Lang in Bavaria.
• In the United Kingdom, Martial Law is
declared in response to a general strike in • After appealing to the Tennessee Supreme
support of coal miners, ending the strike after Court, John T Scope’s conviction for teaching
9 days. evolution in a Tennessee school is dismissed on
a technicality.
• Rudolph Valentino dies suddenly at the age of

• The first transatlantic telephone call is • Italian American anarchists Bartolomeo
transmitted by radio between New York and Vanzetti and Nicola Sacco are executed by
London. electric chair, despite world-wide protests.

• Britain sends troops to China to suppress anti- • Aviator Paul R. Redfern crashes in the
foreign riots. Venezuelan jungle while attempting a solo non-
stop flight from Georgia to Rio de Janeiro, and
• US Marines invade Nicaragua on the orders of is never seen again.
President Calvin Coolidge and remain stationed
there until 1933. • The Columbia Phonographic Broadcasting
System (later shortened to the Columbia
• The first armored car robbery takes place near Broadcasting System, or CBS) goes on the air
Pittsburgh. The Flatheads Gang gets away with with a network of 47 radio stations.
over $104,000 after detonating a home-made
mine beneath the vehicle. • Work begins on the Mount Rushmore National
Monument. It will not be completed until 1941.
• Henry Seagrave breaks the land-speed record,
becoming the first man to travel at over 200 • A chasm opens beneath the mining town of
mph on land. Worthington, Ontario, swallowing a mine
and much of the town. No-one is killed or
• The Great Mississippi Flood puts more than injured, as the town had been evacuated due to
270,000 square miles of land up to 30 feet unexplained tremors.
underwater, displacing over 700,000 people.
• Three gas storage tanks in Pittsburgh explode,
• Philo Farnsworth successfully transmits the killing 26 and causing almost $5 million in
first electronic television images. All previous damage.
systems have been mechanical.
• The Ford Model A automobile is unveiled as
• Andrew Kehoe, a 55-year-old school board the successor to the Model T.
treasurer, murders his wife and firebombs his
farm, before detonating incendiary devices • US Navy submarine S-4 is accidentally
placed in and around the Bath Consolidated rammed and sunk in a collision with a Coast
School Building in Michigan. The explosions Guard cutter, all hands lost.
kill 38 children and two teachers. Kehoe
then kills himself and several bystanders • The Jazz Singer, the first talking motion picture
by triggering shrapnel-wrapped explosives with synchronized sound and dialogue, is
concealed in his truck. Investigators later state released to theatres.
that his plan had taken months to conceive and
• Princess Elizabeth of York, destined to
be Queen Elizabeth II, is born in London,
• Charles Lindbergh is the first man to fly non- England.
stop across the Atlantic, from New York to
• The Stork Club opens on New York’s 53rd
Paris, in his aircraft Spirit of St. Louis. The
flight takes 33 hours and 30 minutes.
• Babe Ruth hits his 60th home run of the season
• The Gulang Earthquake in northwest China
for the New York Yankees.
kills over 40,000.
• Duke Ellington and his orchestra start a four-
• A new island, Anak Krakatau, begins to emerge
year run at The Cotton Club in Harlem, New
from the site of the Krakatoa eruption of 1883.
York City.
• The Soviet ambassador to Poland, Pyotr
• Leon Trotsky and Lev Kamenev are ejected
Voykov, is murdered.
from the Soviet Politburo, cementing Josef
Stalin’s control of Russia.

• Assassins attempt to kill Benito Mussolini by
1928 bomb, killing 17 bystanders. Mussolini escapes
• The novel Lady Chatterley’s Lover, by D.H. unhurt.
Lawrence, is banned in the United Kingdom on
• Federal Reserve withdraws $80 billion from the
grounds of obscenity.
US Government.
• During the Summer Olympic Games in
• Scottish microbiologist Dr Alexander
Amsterdam, women’s events are featured for
Fleming discovers penicillin after accidentally
the first time.
contaminating a staphylococcus colony.
• Experimental results reported by British
• Herbert Hoover is elected president of the
bacteriologist Dr Frederick Griffith indirectly
United States after decisively defeating the
prove the existence of DNA.
Democratic candidate, Al Smith.
• Dodge Brothers merge with Chrysler. The
• The United Kingdom lowers the voting age for
De Soto and the Plymouth models both
women to 21, giving them equal voting rights
launch later in the year. Riding high on these
with men for the first time.
successes, Chrysler announce their plans for a
new headquarters in Midtown, Manhattan, to • The first regular television broadcasts begin,
be known as the Chrysler Building. from General Electric’s station W2XB in
Schenectady, New York. Broadcasts are for two
• John Logie Baird successfully transmits a
hours, three times a week.
television signal across the Atlantic to New
York. • The first commercial television sets go on sale.
Priced at $75, only the very rich can afford
• 65 nations, including the United States, sign the
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact in Paris.
• Stock market breaks and falls in June but
• The Third International Congress of Eugenics
recovers quickly. Market breaks again
is held in New York. At the conference, Dr.
December 7, but once again recovers. Trading
Theodore R. Robie calls for the sterilization of
volume reaches almost seven million.
14 million Americans with low IQ scores. The
proposal is widely supported. • Aviatrix Amelia Earhart becomes the first
woman to cross the Atlantic, as a passenger in
• The LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin – Germany’s
a Fokker Trimoter airliner, piloted by Wilmer
hydrogen-filled, 776ft -long dirigible – arrives
at Lakehurst, N.J. after her maiden transatlantic
flight. The journey takes 111 hours. • The Italian Air Force dirigible Italia crashes
at the North Pole, prompting an international
• North of Los Angeles, the St. Francis Dam
rescue mission.
fails. The resulting flood kills 600 people.
• Australian aviator Charles Kingford makes the
• Charles Lindbergh receives the Medal of Honor
first successful crossing of the Pacific, from the
in recognition of his achievement in crossing
United States to Australia, by plane.
the Atlantic by plane for the first time.
• The first Mickey Mouse cartoon, “Plane
• The Republican Party primary elections
Crazy”, premieres.
in Chicago are disrupted by 62 bombings,
violence and assassination attempts. Two • At the annual exhibition of the Model
politicians, Giuseppe “Diamond Joe” Esposito Engineers Society in London, England,
and Octavius C. Granady, are killed. The inventor W.H. Richards exhibits Eric, the
election becomes known as the “Pineapple first humanoid robot. Consisting of a suit of
Primary” due to the use of hand grenades in the aluminium armor moved by electromagnets,

Eric can be activated by remote control or voice • The Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre leaves
control. five members of Chicago’s North Side Gang
and two civilians dead in a Lincoln Park
• John Logie Baird demonstrates color television garage. Al Capone is widely thought to have
for the first time in Glasgow, Scotland. ordered the hit against Bugs Moran, but this is
never proven. Moran escapes, having left his
• Serial killer Carl Panzram is arrested in
apartment late for the appointment.
Washington DC for burglary. He confesses to
thousands of burglaries and arsons, and dozens • The San Mateo-Hayward toll bridge, at the time
of murders. the longest bridge in the world, opens in San
Francisco bay.
• Ahmet Zogu is crowned King Zog I of Albania.
• The Young Plan sets Germany’s reparations for
• In Russia, Josef Stalin launches the first 5-year
the Great War at over $26 billion, to be paid
over the next 58 years.
• Opus Dei (Prelature of the Holy Cross and
• Fritz von Opel flies the first rocket-powered
Opus Dei) is founded in Spain by Catholic
aircraft in Frankfurt, Germany.
priest (and later Saint) Josemaría Escrivá.
• The Wall Street Crash wipes out over $30
• An iron lung respirator is used for the first time
billion from the New York Stock Exchange,
at Children’s Hospital, Boston.
more than ten times the annual Federal budget.
• The International Red Cross and Crescent The resulting Great Depression lasts twelve
Movement is founded. years and effects every industrialized Western
• The ruins of the Canaanite city of Ugrait are
discovered in northern Syria. • Richard E. Byrd, along with pilot Bernt
Balchen, co-pilot Harold June and
• Hans Geiger and Walther Muller make first photographer Ashley McKinley, are the first to
feasible Geiger counter to measure radiation. fly over the South Pole in a journey taking 18
Geiger had invented the original device in hours and 41 minutes.
• The old Waldorf-Astoria Hotel is demolished
• Professor George Edward Challenger invents to make way for the construction of the Empire
a drilling machine and drills into the Earth State Building.
in order to prove his theory that it is a living
being. Unsubstantiated claims are made that • Hans Geiger and Walther Müller develop
his machine is destroyed by an unknown the Geiger- Müller tube, refining the 1908
subterranean creature, contradicting the claims discovery by Geiger that led to the creation of
of previous deep geological explorers. the Geiger Counter.

• German psychiatrist Hans Berger publishes

1929 his first paper on the recording of cerebral
• The first Academy Awards are held at the electrical activity, leading to the invention of
Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles. the electroencephalograph. The paper is widely
The ceremony lasts 15 minutes. ridiculed by the German medical and scientific
• Belgian comic strip adventurer Tintin debuts
in the pages of Le Petit Vingtième, a children’s • Professor Challenger and Edward Malone meet
newspaper supplement. with Professor Theodore Nemor, who has built
a machine that disintegrates and reintegrates
• Italy and the Catholic Holy See sign the objects and people. Nemor is never seen
Lateran Treaty, establishing the Vatican City as again and the device is seized by the Invisible
an independent state within Rome.

College just prior to agents from MI7 arriving second, less wide-spread rumor, is that the craft
on the scene. was engaged in secret diplomatic work with an
extraterrestrial visitor. Little evidence is found
1930 to support either story.

• The Mickey Mouse comic strip debuts in US • Haile Selassie becomes emperor of Ethiopia.
• Mount Merapi erupts in Indonesia, killing
• Scotch tape goes on sale for the first time. 1,300 people.

• Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovers the • Ruth Wakefield invents the chocolate chip
planet Pluto, confirming the prediction made by cookie in Massachusetts.
Percival Lowell in 1909.
• Dr Sir John Hamish Watson, former colleague
• Mahatma Gandhi begins his campaign of of Sherlock Holmes, retires from medical
peaceful civil disobedience in India. practice at the age of 71, after the death of his
second wife. He moves to a villa on the coast of
• The Hays Code is instituted in the USA, strictly California, north of San Francisco, in order to
limiting cinematic depictions of sex, violence, be close to his remaining family.
crime and religion for the next four decades.

• The Interstate Bakeries Corporation invents and

markets the Twinkie. • Ernest Lawrence invents the cyclotron, the first
particle accelerator.
• On 18th April, BBC Radio reports from
London “There is no news”. • Albert Einstein starts his research at the
California Institute of Technology, alongside
• Warner Brothers release the first of their
astronomer Edwin Hubble.
Looney Tunes cartoons to movie theatres.
• The movie adaptation of Dracula, starring Bela
• Great Britain, Japan and the United States
Lugosi, is released in movie theatres.
sign the London Naval Treaty, regulating
submarine warfare and placing limits on naval • The Star-Spangled Banner is adopted as the
shipbuilding. national anthem of the United States.
• Amy Johnson becomes the first woman to fly • Nevada legalizes gambling.
solo from the United Kingdom to Australia.
The flight takes her 19 days. • The Porsche motor company is founded by
Ferdinand Porsche in Stuttgart.
• The British airship R100 flies from England to
Canada in only 78 hours. • Austria’s largest bank, the Creditanstalt,
declares bankruptcy, triggering a worldwide
• The Shadow radio drama debuts in the United financial collapse.
• In an attempt to mitigate the banking crisis
• Judge Joseph Crater vanishes in New York from spreading, President Herbert Hoover
City. He is never seen again. issues a one-year moratorium for war-debts and
reparations. Following the failure of Danat-
• The British airship R101 crashes in France
bank in July, all German banks close until
during a thunderstorm, killing 48 of the 54
August to prevent a run on currency.
passengers and crew. Rumors surround the
events of the crash. One has it that it was • Wiley Post and Harold Gatty complete the first
carrying a newly discovered Tesla device. Its aerial circumnavigation of the globe in a single-
whereabouts, if it existed, are unknown and is engine aircraft, completing the journey in 8
presumed to have been destroyed in the fire. A days, 15 hours and 51 minutes.

• The Jehovah’s Witnesses are founded in • Karl Guthe Jansky, an American physicist and
Columbus, Ohio. radio engineer, detects radio waves coming
from the center of the Milky Way galaxy while
• Devastating floods in China kill nearly four working at Bell Labs in New Jersey. His work
million people in one of the worst natural becomes the foundation of radio astronomy.
disasters in history.

• After being kept a virtual prisoner by her uncle 1932

for months, Geli Raubel, niece of Adolf Hitler, • The Shanghai Incident: 7,000 Japanese troops
commits suicide in her apartment. clash with the Chinese 19th Route Army
for control of Shanghai after five Japanese
• The Dick Tracy comic strip debuts in the
Buddhist monks are attacked. Japanese aircraft
Detroit Mirror newspaper.
launch from carriers to bomb the city. Facing
• The George Washington Bridge opens for stiff resistance from the Chinese, the Japanese
traffic across the Hudson River. ship an additional 80,000 troops to the area,
rising to 100,000 by February. Unable to
• Mao Zedong declares the creation of the defend against such overwhelming odds, the
Chinese Soviet Republic. Chinese withdraw, and agree with the Japanese
to make the city a demilitarized zone.
• Earthquake damage forces the temporary
closure of the Panama Canal. • Japan establishes the puppet state of
Manchukuo in Manchuria. Investigations
• James Whale’s movie adaptation of by the Lytton Commission for the League
Frankenstein, starring Boris Karloff, opens in of Nations reveal the Japanese deception of
New York City. the Manchurian Incident, and they argue that
Manchukuo should not be recognized. In
• The Manchurian Incident: Japan stages a
response, Japan withdraws from the League of
false-flag attack by bombing one of their own
railways and blaming it on Chinese dissidents
as a pretext for invading Manchuria. • In the United States, unemployment reaches
nearly 14 million. Worldwide the figure is
• Mahatma Gandhi and the British Viceroy of
closer to 30 million.
India sign the Gandhi-Irwin Pact, bringing to
an end the second civil disobedience campaign. • A general World Disarmament Conference
The British release all non-violent political begins in Geneva, to answer German demands
prisoners but hang several revolutionary leaders for Part V of the Treaty of Versailles to be
for conspiracy to murder. abolished.
• Construction of the Empire State Building • The SS Venture returns to New York from Skull
is completed. Reports that construction Island with a living specimen of an unknown
was delayed by sightings of strange robotic species of ape, larger than any previously
machines and pig-like humanoid creatures in recorded. At the first public exhibition of the
and around the building remain unsupported. creature it breaks free, causing chaos before it
dies in a fall from the top of the Empire State
• Al Capone is arrested and charged with tax
Building. The body is immediately confiscated
evasion. After a lengthy trial he is eventually
by Division 4, along with all charts and
convicted and sentenced to 11 years in federal
documentary evidence showing the location of
prison, is ordered to pay $50,000 plus court
Skull Island.
costs, as well as $215,000 in interest on
his back taxes. While in prison, Capone is • The British submarine HMS M2 is lost with all
diagnosed with syphilis and gonorrhea. He hands.
is eventually shipped to Alcatraz, where he
remains until 1939. • Buck Rogers in the 25th Century debuts as the
first science fiction drama on radio.

• Aldous Huxley publishes the dystopian • Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected president of
scientific romance, Brave New World. the United States in a landslide victory over
Herbert Hoover.
• The FBI Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory
opens in Washington DC. • Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to
fly solo across the Atlantic. Her flight from
• The BBC Empire Service begins radio Newfoundland to Londonderry, Ireland lasts
broadcasts from Daventry, England. 13.5 hours.
• Junnosuke Inoue, a prominent Japanese • Jack Benny’s radio show debuts.
businessman and former governor of the Bank
of Japan is assassinated by the right-wing • General Kurt von Schleicher conspires with
extremist terror group, the League of Blood. Adolf Hitler to bring down the German
government. Violent clashes ensue, and
• Charles Lindbergh Jr, infant son of aviation Schleicher convinces the Defense Minister
hero Charles Lindbergh, is kidnapped from to resign having lost the confidence of
the family home. After the ransom of $50,000 the Army. Schleicher takes control of the
is paid, the child is later found dead, causing Defense Ministry. President von Hindenburg
a public outcry. Violet Sharp, a servant of the dismisses the chancellor, and establishes a
Lindbergh’s commits suicide by poison under new government run by his friend, Franz von
the pressure of police questioning, but is later Papen. In July the German federal election
found to have been innocent. sees the Nazis become the largest party in
the Reichstag, winning 37% of the vote.
• The United States proclaims the Stimpson
Hitler immediately meets with Schleicher and
Doctrine, in response to Japanese aggression
demands he be made chancellor.
in China, stating that it will not recognize
territorial changes executed by force. • In the German town of Potempa, five
Nazi brownshirts break into the house of a
• During the Summer Olympic Games in Los
communist miner, castrate him and beat him
Angeles, a secret arm of the Nazi party attempts
to death in front of his mother. It is only the
to disrupt the games by killing athletes. They
are thwarted by agents of Division 4.

• Adolf Hitler is granted German citizenship, 1933

allowing him to run in the election for
• Unemployment in the United States reaches 17
• Dan Takuma, director of Mitsui Corporation, is
• Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge begins
murdered by the League of Blood.
in San Francisco.
• George Eastman, founder of Kodak, commits
• Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of
suicide in Rochester, New York.
Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg.
• Tarzan the Ape Man, starring Olympic In a secret meeting with his military leaders,
swimming gold medalist Johnny Weismuller, Hitler outlines his plans for Europe, beginning
opens in movie theatres. with the rearming of Germany in violation of
the Treaty of Versailles.
• Paul von Hindenberg is re-elected president of
Germany. • The Lone Ranger radio show is broadcast for
the first time.
• King Faisal I of Iraq orders that the graves of
two companions of the prophet Muhammad • Guiseppe Zangara attempts to assassinate
be moved, after he has a dream that they are President-elect Roosevelt in Miami, but
discomforted by water. succeeds only in fatally wounding Anton

Cermak, the Mayor of Chicago. successfully flying a plane over Mount Everest.

• The Reichstag, the German parliament • Monopoly is invented in the United States.
building in Berlin, burns under mysterious
circumstances. Adolf Hitler uses the fire to • The US Navy airship Akron crashes in New
force through the Enabling Act, granting him Jersey, killing 73 of its 76 crew.
dictatorial powers and ending most German
• The first modern sighting of the Loch Ness
civil liberties.
monster is reported by Mr and Mrs George
• The movie King Kong is released, based on Spicer.
events taking place in New York the previous
• Albert Einstein begins work in Princeton, at the
year. Despite protests from the families of some
Institute for Advanced Studies.
of the dead, the movie is a major success. Many
are convinced that the events of the previous • Franklin Delano Roosevelt launches his “New
year were a publicity stunt that went badly Deal” economic plan.

• Thomas Carnacki investigates an apparent

haunting in the vault of a central London bank. • The Flash Gordon comic strip debuts in
He is sealed in the vault overnight inside his American newspapers.
electric pentacle. When the vault is opened in
the morning Carnacki has vanished. He is never • Nazi Germany and Poland sign a 10-year non-
seen again. aggression treaty.

• Germany formally withdraws from the League • Right-wing extremists attempt a coup d’état in
of Nations. Paris. Police shoot and kill 15 demonstrators.

• Admiral Byrd begins his second Antarctic • In the Austrian Civil War, the fascist Fatherland
expedition, and locates Captain Nemo’s Front consolidates its grip on power.
hidden Antarctic Base. Byrd is debriefed by
his superiors in Division 4 and upon his return • Gangster John Dillinger escapes from jail with
to the United States and all records of his a wooden gun and rejoins his gang to begin a
discovery are seized. four-month crime spree that ends when he is
shot dead by FBI agents.
• Under the Secret World Treaty of 1933,
signed by all the members of the League of • Dr Robert Wilson takes a photograph that
Nations, the Flying Cavalry is given their purports to show the monster of Loch Ness.
role as the official “protectors of the skies”
• Outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow are
by world decree. Their activities are often
gunned down in a police ambush in Louisiana.
downplayed and passed off as part of the public
entertainment. • General Kimon Georgiev Stoyanov and his
right-wing Zveno movement stage a successful
• The United States repeals prohibition with the
coup d’état in Bulgaria having been inspired
passage of the 21st amendment to the U.S.
by Benito Mussolini. He soon bans political
parties and trade unions.
• Despite being blind in one eye, Wiley Post
• Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini meet for the
succeeds in circumnavigating the globe in his
first time.
Lockheed Vega aircraft, in 7 days and 19 hours.
• Nazis purge the government of anti-fascist
• Malcolm Campbell steals back the land speed
leaders in what becomes known as “The Night
record, reaching 273 mph in his car, Bluebird.
of the Long Knives”, executing nearly 700
• The British Marquis of Clydesdale leads the people.
Houston-Mount Everest Flight Expedition,

• After the death of President Paul von • Prontosil, the first broad-spectrum antibiotic, is
Hindenburg, Adolf Hitler becomes Führer of discovered by Gerhard Domagk in Germany.
Germany. The Wehrmacht swears a personal
oath of loyalty to Hitler. In a referendum of • Germany reinstates the Luftwaffe, violating the
the people, 90% of voters approve of Hitler’s Treaty of Versailles. Shortly afterward, Hitler
taking power. announces German re-armament.

• Police officers arrest German carpenter Bruno • Persia renames itself as Iran.
Richard Hauptmann for the abduction and
• The Dust Bowl: after a period of severe
murder of the Lindbergh baby.
drought, a series of dust storms devastates the
• The Muroto typhoon kills over 3,000 people American and Canadian prairies, forcing tens
in Honshu and Osaka, Japan. Two weeks later of thousands of farmers to abandon their farms.
a tornado hits Osaka and Kyoto killing 1,660,
• T.E. Lawrence, the famed “Lawrence of
injuring a further 5,400 and destroying the rice
Arabia”, dies in a motorbike accident in Dorset,
• The Soviet Union and Afghanistan join the
• The SS Normandie, the largest and fastest
League of Nations.
passenger ship of her day, travels from Le
• King Alexander of Yugoslavia is assassinated Havre to New York on her maiden voyage,
by Vlado “The Chauffeur” Chernozemski on a making the crossing in a record 4 days and 3
state visit to Marseille. The assassin is beaten to hours.
death by French police and bystanders. French
• Baseball superstar Babe Ruth plays his last
Foreign Minister Louis Barthou dies from a
career game for the Boston Braves against the
stray bullet fired by police during the fray.
Phillies in Philadelphia.
• The sonoluminesence effect is discovered
• At Quetta, Balochistan (now Pakistan) a 7.7
by Frenzel and Schultes at the University of
earthquake kills nearly 50,000 people.
• Britain and Germany sign the Anglo-German
• The Yomiuri Giants baseball club is established
Naval Agreement, allowing Germany a navy
in Tokyo, Japan.
limited to 35% the tonnage of the British Navy.
• Japan renounces both the Washington Naval
• Sir Malcolm Campbell sets a new land speed
Treaty of 1922 and the London Naval Treaty of
record, reaching 300 mph in his car Blue Bird.
• Outspoken politician Huey “the Kingfish” Long
• Serial killer, rapist and cannibal Albert Fish
is assassinated by the son-in-law of a political
is arrested after being tracked through a letter
opponent. His killer is shot more than sixty
written to the mother of a victim, in which he
times by Long’s bodyguards.
described eating the child.
• Germany passes the Nuremberg Laws, making
1935 all Jews non-citizens.
• Libya is formed from the Italian colonies of • The China Clipper, a flying boat, delivers the
Cyrenaica and Tripoli. first airmail across the Pacific Ocean, flying
from Alameda, California to Manila in the
• Amelia Earhart is the first to fly solo from
Hawaii to California.
• After publishing a series of articles accusing
• Ma Barker and her gang are killed in a shootout
politicians of collusion with organized crime,
with the FBI.
journalist and editor Walter Liggett is gunned
down by mobsters at his home. Despite

numerous eye-witnesses naming him as the • The Spanish Army of Africa revolts in
killer, gangster Isadore Blumenfield is acquitted Morocco, beginning the Spanish Civil War.
and goes free.
• African-American athlete Jesse Owens wins the
• The Nazis begin their Lebensborn program of gold at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin,
eugenics. Germany.

1936 • Beryl Markham becomes the first woman

to make a solo east-to-west flight across the
• Albert Fish is executed by electric chair in Sing Atlantic, travelling from Abingdon-on-Thames,
Sing prison, New York State. England, to Nova Scotia.

• King George V of England dies and is • Josef Stalin begins his “Great Terror”, purging
succeeded by his eldest son, Edward VIII. the Communist Party and Red Army leadership
of anyone Stalin deems a threat. Over one
• The Green Hornet debuts on radio in Detroit, million are dead by the end of the purge.
• Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini form the
• An occasional agent of Division 4, locates Rome-Berlin Axis.
and captures what is believed to be the Ark of
the Covenant from Nazi agents in the deserts • The BBC launches its first regular television
of Egypt. The device is stored in Division 4’s service.
Warehouse 51 for study by top men.
• Franklin D. Roosevelt wins a second term
• Synthetic radium is manufactured for the first as US President, winning in a landslide over
time. Kansas Governor Alf Landon.

• The Phantom debuts in American newspapers. • Japan and Germany sign the Anti-Comintern
Pact, pledging to support each other in the
• Junior army officers attempt a military coup in event of an attack by Soviet Russia.
Japan. Emperor Hirohito orders the arrest of
123 conspirators in the Tokyo government. 19 • A fire destroys the Crystal Palace in London.
are executed.
• Hitler makes it mandatory for all German
• Construction is completed on the Hoover Dam. boys between the ages of 10 to 18 to join the
paramilitary Hitler Youth organization.
• Nazi Germany reoccupies the Rhineland.
• In Britain, King Edward VIII creates a
• Radical hawk Kōki Hirota become Prime constitutional crisis by abdicating to marry an
Minister of Japan. American divorcee, Wallis Warfield Simpson,
and goes to live in Austria. Rumors abound that
• The St. Patrick’s Day Flood: with waters
he is a secret Nazi sympathizer ‘following’ his
reaching a depth of 46 feet, Pittsburgh,
abdication of the throne. The reality is much
Pennsylvania experiences the worst floods in its
worse. His brother becomes King George VI.
• Famine in west China kills over five million.
• Richard Hauptmann is executed for the murder
of the Lindbergh baby. • The LZ 129 Hindenburg passenger dirigible
begins regular transatlantic crossings.
• The RMS Queen Mary, the most luxurious
passenger liner of the day, completes her
maiden voyage across the Atlantic.

• Thousands die in a summer heatwave in North


thousands of Haitians living there, on the orders
1937 of President Rafael Trujillo.
• Howard Hughes sets a new record by flying
• The former King Edward VIII and his wife tour
from Los Angeles to New York City in just
Nazi Germany, meeting Adolf Hitler.
over 7 hours and 28 minutes.
• Italy joins the Anti-Comintern Pact and
• John Steinbeck’s novella Of Mice and Men is
withdraws from the League of Nations.
• In Brazil, President Getùlio Vargas becomes
• 17 leading Communists are put on trial in the
dictator and announces the New State (Estado
Soviet Union for plotting to overthrow Josef
Stalin. 13 are executed by firing squad, the rest
are sentenced to life in the labor camps. • Italian psychiatrist Dr Amarro Fiamberti
develops the controversial transorbital
• The first issue of Detective Comics is published
lobotomy technique to access the brain of a
in the United States.
patient through the eye-socket.
• A catastrophic natural gas explosion destroys
• Walt Disney Productions and RKO Pictures
a school in New London, Texas, killing 295
release Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the
students and teachers.
first full-length animated feature film. It is an
• Frank Whittle tests the first jet engine at Rugby, instant smash hit.
• The Luftwaffe bombs the town of Guernica in
Spain in support of General Franco’s forces. • The March of Dimes is established by President
Hundreds are killed and over three quarters of Roosevelt to fight infant polio.
the town is destroyed.
• The Benny Goodman Orchestra are the
• The airship Hindenburg explodes in flame over first jazz musicians to headline a concert at
Lakehurst, New Jersey, killing 35 passengers Carnegie Hall, New York City.
and crew.
• German War Minister Field Marshall Werner
• Police in Chicago shoot and kill 10 unarmed von Blomberg resigns after it is revealed that
demonstrators. his new wife had posed for saucy photographs.

• The White River Monster is sighted in • Adolf Hitler dissolves the War Ministry and
Arkansas for the first time in the modern era. establishes the German High Command
(Oberkommando der Wehrmacht) giving him
• Aviator Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred direct control of the military. Military leaders
Noonan disappear after taking off from New unsympathetic to the Nazi cause are dismissed
Guinea during her attempt to become the first and replaced.
woman to fly around the world.
• King Carol II of Romania assumes dictatorial
• Japanese military forces invade China. powers.
• The Irish Republican Army attempts to • Adolf Hitler meets with Chancellor Kurt von
assassinate King George VI in Belfast and fails. Schuschingg of Austria and threatens him with
invasion unless he allows greater Nazi power
• J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit is published for the within the Austrian government.
first time in the United Kingdom.
• The British present Hitler with the proposal
• Troops in the Dominican Republic murder for creating an international consortium to rule
Africa, with Germany taking a leading role, in

exchange for which Germany would promise and destroys thousands of square kilometers of
never to resort to war to expand her territories. farmland.
Hitler rejects the offer.
• The Hawaii Clipper, a Pan Am flying boat,
• German troops invade and annex Austria. In vanishes en route from Guam to Manila with
a national referendum, the Austrian people 15 people – 9 crew and 6 passengers – aboard.
approve of the move with an unprecedented
99% of the votes. • British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
returns to Britain from a meeting with Adolf
• Italian theoretical physicist and mathematician Hitler and declares he has brought “peace for
Ettore Majorana vanishes from a ship while our time”. Meanwhile, Hitler issues a secret
travelling from Palermo to Naples. He is never memorandum to his high command stating
seen again. they should prepare for the liquidation of
• Benito Mussolini is made First Marshall of
the Empire, granting him power of the Italian • Britain’s Professor Challenger dies at the
military equal to the king, Victor Emmanuel III. age of 71, peacefully in his sleep. Shortly
afterward, Enid Challenger, her husband
• The first issue of Action Comics brings the Edward Malone and Lord John Roxton found
astounding adventures of Superman to the the George Edward Challenger Institute for
readers for the first time. Exploration, Innovation and Research, more
commonly referred to simply as the Challenger
• The United States rejects the Soviet Union’s
Centre. The Centre’s annual Challenger Award
proposed joint defense pact against the rise of
for Scientific Reasoning becomes one of the
Nazi Germany.
most hotly sought-after prizes in the science
• Chile withdraws from the League of Nations. community.

• Joe Louis, the “Brown Bomber”, defeats Max • At the Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Germany,
Schmeling in the first round of their boxing Albert Hofmann synthesizes LSD from
rematch at Yankee Stadium. ergotamine.

• A 450-ton meteorite explodes 12 miles above • A hurricane strikes Long Island and the south
Pennsylvania. of New England, killing 600 people.

• The Evian Conference on Refugees is convened • Orson Welles broadcasts the Mercury Theatre
in France. No European country will accept on the Air’s adaptation of The War of the
Jews fleeing Nazi persecution, and the United Worlds for Halloween, causing nationwide
States declares they will take less than 28,000. panic. Welles is coerced into making the
broadcast by Division 4, as part of a cover-up
• Howard Hughes sets a new aviation record after a second Martian expeditionary force
after flying around the world in 91 hours. lands near the town of Grover’s Mill, New
Jersey. The invasion is swiftly halted by agents
• Douglas “Wrong Way” Corrigan flies from of Division 4. Despite several casualties and
Brooklyn, New York to Ireland. He claims to substantial property damage, the cover-up is
have done it by mistake but had previously successful and almost brings Welles’ career to
been denied permission to make a transatlantic a halt.
flight. Most people believe the “error” was
deliberate. 1939
• The course of the Yellow River is diverted • German science journal Naturwissenschaften
by the Nationalist government in China in declares that nuclear fission has been achieved
an attempt to slow the advancing Japanese by chemist Otto Hahn.
forces. The flood kills over 400,000 people

• An earthquake in Chile kills over 30,000 people • German politician Carl Friedrich Goerdeler
and flattens nearly 50,000 square miles of land. informs the British that Germany and the
Soviet Union are in talks to divide Eastern
• Adolf Hitler orders a 5-year program of Naval Europe between them. Goerdeler is not
expansion, intended to allow Germany to crush considered credible by the British and his
Britain’s Royal Navy. warnings are regarded skeptically.
• Hitler gives a speech at the Reichstag where he • Spain withdraws from the League of Nations.
states that “Jewish financiers” are attempting to
start a war with Germany that will result in the • Germany and Italy sign the Pact of Friendship
annihilation of Jews in Europe. and Alliance, known informally as the Pact of
• Neville Chamberlain, speaking to the British
Parliament, states that a German attack on • The United States turns away the St. Louis,
France will be considered an attack on Britain. a refugee ship carrying 907 Jews fleeing
Germany. They are forced to return to Europe,
• Borley Rectory, considered the most haunted where most of the passengers are later
house in England, burns to the ground in murdered in the Nazi death camps.
mysterious circumstances.
• Murderer Eugen Weidmann is guillotined in the
• In Durban, South Africa, the English and South last public execution in France.
African cricket teams play the longest game
ever recorded. It last twelve days, and only • The Kingdom of Siam changes its name to
ends because the English team have to catch Thailand.
the last ferry home.
• The First World Science Fiction Convention is
• Czechoslovakia effectively ceases to exist as held in New York City.
German troops occupy Bohemia and Moravia.
• Mahatma Gandhi writes to Adolf Hitler in an
• American adventurer and author Richard attempt to forestall war. Hitler’s reaction is
Halliburton disappears while trying to sail unrecorded.
a Chinese junk from Hong Kong to San
Francisco. • Leó Szilárd and Albert Einstein, in consultation
with Edward Teller and Eugene Wigner, write
• The Spanish Civil War finally comes to an end a letter to President Roosevelt warning him of
with a victory for the forces of General Franco. the possibility that Germany might develop an
atomic bomb, and suggesting that the United
• Hungary withdraws from the League of States should start its own nuclear weapons
Nations. program.
• John Steinbeck’s novel The Grapes of Wrath is • MGM’s movie adaptation of The Wizard of Oz
published in the United States. premieres in Hollywood.
• Singer Billie Holiday releases “Strange Fruit”, • Germany and the Soviet Union sign the
a song protesting the lynching of African Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, a neutrality treaty
Amercians. that also divides eastern Europe between the
two nations. When the news leaks, Britain
• In April the 1939 New York World’s Fair
orders the Royal Navy to a war footing, recalls
opens, drawing record crowds.
British citizens in Germany and begins the
• Batman debuts in issue 27 of Detective Comics. creation of coastal and air defenses.

• The first televised Major League Baseball game

is broadcast by experimental station W2XBS.

• Germany test flies the Heinkel He 178, the first • German physicist Hans Ferdinand Mayer
turbojet-powered aircraft. composes the Oslo Report, a letter detailing
weapons systems being used and in
• Nazi troops posing as the Polish Army stage development by Nazi Germany, passing it to
a series of false flag attacks, giving Germany British Military Intelligence.
a pretext for invading Poland. German shock-
troops cross into Poland, while the German • Semyon Kirlian invents Kirlian photography.
battleship Schleswig-Holstein begins shelling
Polish army installations in the Free City of • Sir John Hamish Watson begins a second
Danzig. career as a radio broadcaster in America.
He introduces a long-running series of radio
• Norway, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, adaptations of his adventures with Sherlock
Spain and the Irish Free State all declare their Holmes, with Holmes played by Basil
neutrality. Rathbone and the younger Watson played by
close friend Nigel Bruce. The introductions to
• The United Kingdom of Great Britain and each series are recorded in Sir John’s California
Northern Ireland, France, India, New Zealand home, and feature frequent interruptions
and Australia all declare war on Nazi Germany. from his two dogs. Watson uses this public
The United States declares its Neutrality. platform to campaign for War Bonds and
to speak out against the evils of racism and
• Winston Churchill is offered the post of First
fascism. Rathbone eventually gives up the role
Lord of the Admiralty by Neville Chamberlain.
of Holmes in 1946 when Sir John dies from
• Canada declares war on Germany. natural causes at the age of 87, and the role is
taken over by sound-alike actor and friend, Tom

T his section of the Pulp Fantastic rules outlines Gaslight Victorian
character creation. This is where you make your
character for the campaigns (or stories) created Fantasy in Pulp
by the GM of the game. Your character is like the
main characters in a Pulp Fantastic comic book.
There is no reason that you cannot
The player characters are the ones around whom
envision the world in Pulp Fantastic as
the action of the stories told by the Game Master
the pulp world for Gaslight Victorian
and the players revolve. Like the main characters
Fantasy. To pull this off all you have
in a movie, the player characters should be the ones
to do is pull the elements from the
doing the important actions of the story and not the
Gaslight Victorian Fantasy and apply
non-player characters (or NPCs) that are played
them to the Pulp Fantastic setting. The
by the GM. The player characters are always the
authors see no reason why you cannot
important part of the story, and at the heart of the
run this setting as a potential future for
the Gaslight Victorian Fantasy setting.
Really, the only way to play Pulp Fantastic The world they live in however, has a
incorrectly would be to not have the player couple of rules… even in this day and
characters at the center of the action of the age they have yet to recover healing
campaign. This is not a game just for the GM, it magic, so they must be very careful
is for everyone at the gaming table – players and when coming into gun fights. What is
GM alike. This is the best way to get the maximum deadly for anyone is especially deadly
enjoyment out of a Pulp Fantastic game session. in the world of Gaslight Victorian
Fantasy. Gamemasters should limit

spellcasters to exactly what they are in
the Gaslight Victorian Fantasy setting

(see Gaslight Victorian Fantasy for
more information) Everything else
should work the same as it is presented
Before beginning character creation, players and in this book, so go and have fun with
Game Master should get together to discuss how the it. It is also assumed that the races are
game is going to work. Questions that need to be public and well known to the general
considered are the kind of heroes everyone wants to populous, as if they had been there the
play, what might bring them together, and if there is entire time.
a theme or goal to the campaign? Ideally, everyone
will understand what the game is going to be like so
that they can make smart choices during character English Big Game hunter traipsing through the
creation. wastes of Antarctica, you have to have a reason
This shouldn’t prevent players from creating the
characters they want, but it should ensure that At the end of the discussion, the players will have
the characters fit well into the kind of adventures an idea of the campaign themes, the tone and the
they’re going to face. If you come up with an basic premise.

The premise for the campaign is the “elevator
pitch”; a quick, one paragraph summary of what the
game is going to be about. CAST?
For example, the Doc Savage stories were about an Who are the key non-player characters? Do the
altruistic scientific genius surrounded by men who characters have a mysterious benefactor who
were experts in their fields, who teamed up to help bankrolls their adventures in return for whatever
people and make the world a better place. While scientific knowledge they acquire along the way?
Doc was undoubtedly the powerhouse of the group Do they know a long-suffering Chief of Police, a
and the reason they stayed together, each member dry-witted University Dean or a particularly feisty
was a capable adventurer in his (or in the case of lady reporter with a knack for finding trouble? A
Pat Savage, her) own right. The Shadow and The good Premise gives the Game Master a few fun
Spider stories featured a vengeful crime-buster with recurring characters to play. The GM characters are
a cadre of assistants and operatives who frequently the supporting cast, not the stars of the show — it’s
went off on adventures of their own, often coming up to the player characters to actually solve the
to their leader’s rescue at the last moment. mysteries, defeat the bad guys and save the day.
What about your group? Are they a team of treasure
hunters and archaeologists, working for a major
museum? Are they government agents, bent on
cracking down on Nazi spies and threats from
the Orient? Are they G-men, striving to crush the
home-grown disease that is organized crime? Are
they the agents of an ancient mystical brotherhood,
fighting to push back the forces of supernatural When creating a group of heroes, it’s important
darkness? Are they explorers and hunters, trekking to consider how much support they have, and the
off the edge of the map in search of fame, glory and resources they can call upon. Are you amateur
a dinosaur head to mount over the club fireplace? A sleuths or secret government agents? Have you
good premise gives the characters something to do got a luxurious headquarters in one of New York’s
and a reason to do it. tallest buildings, or are you operating out of the
back room of a disreputable bar on the docks of
With the above examples, many different types Shanghai? Do you have the legal authority to go
of character can be brought together by similar stomping around the country looking for spies,
experiences. Perhaps the agents of the mystical cultists and madmen, or do you have to sneak
brotherhood all encountered some foul supernatural around and bluff your way in?
threat at some point in their lives and are now
bound together by a sacred vow to protect the Look at the rules for Groups & Bases on page 93
innocent from Eldritch Abominations. Maybe the for ideas.
wise-cracking, whip-wielding adventurer and the
stuttering, bookish scholar both lecture at the same
university, and maybe the grim government agent WHO’S AGAINST
has been assigned because the artifacts they recover
tend to be… dangerous. YOU?
Pulp adventures always had a notable antagonist.
Who opposes your group? Who’s your Evil
Mastermind? In Sax Rohmer’s classic Fu Manchu
stories, the eponymous “Devil Doctor” was the
main antagonist throughout the series, but there
were also lesser villains like his daughter, the

beautiful and venomous Fah Lo Suee and other
senior agents. Disposable mooks and goons make
good cannon-fodder, but longer campaigns work TABLE!
better if there’s some returning villains or ongoing
Nikola Tesla, the “wizard of the 20th Century”,
antagonists, the quirkier and more memorable the
has created a new technological Camelot in upstate
New York. Playing both Arthur and Merlin, the
quiet genius has recruited some of the world’s
TIE IT ALL most extraordinary men and women to serve as
his “knights”; guardians who serve to advance the
TOGETHER boundaries of human knowledge, and protect the
people from the willful abuse of that knowledge.
Once you’ve come up with some interesting ideas, Together the characters investigate abuses of the
take a look at them and see if you can find any new technology, fighting to stop the fruits of Tesla’s
connections. The stunning Femme Fatale is much genius from ushering in a new Dark Age. But how
more interesting as a character’s ex-wife or lover are dictators and mad men getting hold of Tesla’s
than if she was just a random spy, and the twisted designs? Is there a traitor in Camelot? And what
Mad Scientist’s grudge could be made even more of Thomas Alva Edison and his insatiable desire to
personal if he was once the lab partner of one of make Tesla’s discoveries his own?
the heroes, and blames him for being laughed out
of University. A few unexpected links can really TALES OF THE AIR
breathe life into the campaign.
What if your resources come from the wealthy
From their super-secret floating island, the
industrialist who ruined your father? What
brave airmen and women of the visionary Air
if evidence comes forward that he was a war
Cavalry protect the skies of the world from the
profiteer? What if the opposition are a secret faction
machinations of science villains, dictators and
of the US Government, run by a Shadow President?
criminal masterminds. Beholden to no nation, the
What could raise the stakes and tear your group
Air Cavalry has vowed that the skies shall remain
free from war. But as the nations of the world
move closer to conflict, and Herr Hitler’s scientists
SAMPLE experiment with new and faster aircraft, and newer
and more terrible technologies, can the Air Cavalry
CAMPAIGNS really hold back the tide and keep the skies open for


The characters are a group of naturalists, guides, TALES!
hunters and reporters who travel the world in search
of the biggest, most elusive and mysterious game The publishing industry in the pulp-era is a cut-
for study in a major metropolitan zoo. Funded by a throat business, and these days a magazine has to
mysterious benefactor, their mission is to investigate have a gimmick to stay in print. Say, wouldn’t it
reports of strange and unusual wildlife and retrieve be a great idea if, instead of paying hack writers to
live specimens if possible. So far they’ve not had churn out unbelievable stories month after month,
a lot of success, mainly because the Nazis keep the magazine had its very own real-life adventurers
getting there first. But what does the Fuhrer want and chronicled the scrapes they got into? Sure it
with these animals, some of which seem as if they would! If that’s not a sure-fire hit idea, then my
shouldn’t be native to the Earth at all? name’s not J. Montgomery. Cruickshank III. Get
to it boys! And where’s that copy-boy with my

Remember that regardless of which of these two
FIGHT THE FUTURE! general archetypes is used as a theme for your
You’ll always remember the night the time traveler character, that character is supposed to be a hero.
appeared. Grim, determined and weighed down The world of the Pulp Era can be brutal at times, but
with terrible knowledge, he first convinced you the characters are the heroes who are striving for a
of his veracity with information about your life; better world – even when their motives may appear
information that no-one alive could possess. Then vague and mysterious to others.
he told you a little about the terrible future he had
The Pulp Era was before the time of the anti-hero.
seen, on his voyages astride his chronovelocipede.
Whenever the pulp magazines tried to create
Finally, he told you that you, and others like you,
a magazine with a villain as a main character
were the key to stopping that awful, empty future
within a few issues that magazine would fail in
from coming to be. Shortly after the traveler
the marketplace. The readers wanted to know that
introduced you to his other recruits, he vanished,
there were heroes out there in the world, leading
leaving behind a tattered journal brimming with
by example and deed, making the hard choices
notes concealed in a complex cipher. The brightest
and who could not live an easy life. They wanted
guy you know is decoding it, and lets you know
heroes, and at its roots it is heroes that Pulp
whenever he uncovers something useful. The
Fantastic is actually about.
trouble is, you don’t know how that dreadful barren
world will come about. You hope you’re doing the Character conception is also the most important idea
right thing, but what if you’re just making it happen, to remember when actually playing your character.
or even making it worse?! And who are the dark- The basic, all-important basis of role-playing
suited strangers you seem to be running into more games is that the players role-play. Players put
and more often? Are they time travelers too? Or do together their characters according to their character
they serve an even murkier, more fantastic purpose? conceptions, and in all subsequent adventures react
to situations as would their characters.
MAKING HEROES This means that if a player has put together a
character who is a fearless-unto-self-destruction
Pulp characters tended to break into two broad
hero of heroes, when playing this character, he
categories: Protectors and Avengers.
should react as this strapping hero, even if the real
The Protector is a bulwark against evil; defending player is a skinny and pacifistic scholar. On the
the “common man,” society, the American other hand, a strapping player may wish to portray
government, Truth and Justice. While the Protector a near-sighted and indolent coward – and should, in
is willing to bend rules and laws in the pursuit of spite of any real-life inclinations, respond to most
higher goals, ultimately he is about upholding the threats by running away and using his wits.
that law. Regardless of what evil and heinous acts
Of course, the situations the GM creates will not
occur the Protector will work within the system to
merely be threats and danger. Role-playing games
prevent those acts from happening. The Protector is
should not consist of a series of incidents of random
a role-model, as well as a model citizen. He is the
violence and combat. So, our strapping hero may
one given the public plaudits, the honorary police
have the fighting ability of a squadron and the social
badge, the one handed the key to the city.
awareness of an orangutan, while the sniveling yet
The Avenger acts from the shadows and embraces scholarly coward may not be able to out-wrestle
them as a part of his way of life. While the Avenger an over-stuffed armchair but may be able to read
may hold the Protector in high esteem and respect, hieroglyphics by touch and operate every known
he knows that having high morals can get in the mode of transport in the world. And all this, of
way when trying to break a crime ring. The Avenger course, is at the choice of the individual player and
is about practicalities and getting the job done, even his GM.
when it means breaking the law…or the occasional

In order to role-play more effectively—providing they gain one free Edge during character creation.
for more depth, enjoyment, and color in the You may choose any nationality you would like.
campaign— you should; They automatically speak this language. If you
want to play something other than human – an
• Talk to your GM and understand the nature and atom-powered robot, or a strange visitor from a
scope of the campaign he is creating. You’ll destroyed planet – you’re going to need to discuss
want to create your character to fit comfortably
within the nature of the campaign. A chivalrous this with your GM and come up with a good reason.
adventurer or a genius inventor/ scholar will fit Examples of other species can be found in the
in well in practically any campaign; however, Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rulebook.
a hard-boiled detective may feel a little
foolish within the pyramids of Egypt, a devout 2) ATTRIBUTES
monster-slayer may feel useless in a campaign
where creatures of the night do not appear (or Your character’s attributes are determined normally
worse, do not exist!), and a whip-cracking according to the Savage Worlds rulebook. Each
and boisterous adventurer may be of little use character has five points to distribute among the five
tracking delicate sets of clues through the social attributes, starting with a d4 in each.
strata of Boston.

• Become familiar with the genre—understand SECONDARY STATISTICS

the very feel of the pulp adventures from
Your hero’s Pace, Parry and Toughness are
which this game is derived. Heroes were a
trifle more single-minded than those today; determined normally.
happily, distinctions between good and evil
were also clearer. Think in black and white, 3) SKILLS
and remember that your characters should be
portrayed as larger than life. Your character’s skills are determined normally
according to the Savage Worlds rulebook with the
• Try also to become familiar with the historical exceptions noted below. Each character has 15
period that is the basis for the campaign. The points to distribute among the skills.
Source-book included with this game, the
Pulps themselves, and many readily-available
books on history will supply you with most
everything you need to know. (You don’t need Modified Hindrances
to be as relentless as this game’s designers
and purchase mountains of books, magazines, • All Thumbs
almanacs, encyclopedias, and gazetteers from The All Thumbs Hindrance applies only to
the period for your research...but it helps).
complex technology, not simple technology as
• Lastly, get inside your character’s head. You might be found in more primative regions.
should essentially have done this already,
when conceiving your character. How does he New Hindrances
respond to danger? To prolonged stress? Is he
cynical or romantic? Curious or indifferent? • By the Book (Minor)
Outgoing or introverted? Absentminded or You follow the rules, even when it’s against
fiercely intent? Comprehend your character and your best interest. You follow proper protocols
react to the adventure’s situations as he would. at all times. This has good and bad points
– on the plus side, you’ve got a +2 bonus
That is role-playing. It is the most important part to Spirit rolls to resist influences that might
of a role-playing game. If the characters react to distract you from your duties. The downside
dangers, clues, and each other and without those is that you’re a stickler for following written
interactions, a game becomes nothing more than a
instructions and official policy – if you disobey
tactical exercise in mayhem.
the orders of a superior officer, breach the rules
of your organization, or even skip the boring
1) SPECIES paperwork, the Game Master can decide that it
Most characters in Pulp Fantastic are human, so costs you bennies.

Note: Cannot be taken with the Impulsive • Obsession (Minor or Major)
Hindrance. Your obsession consumes your life. It could be
as small as a compulsion for cleanliness, order
• Dependent (Minor) or justice, or it could be as grand as an insane
The character has someone they care deeply for scheme to wipe out humankind by igniting
such as a family member, close friend, or lover the atmosphere and then reseeding the Earth
and will do all they can to protect that person with your private menagerie of “improved”
so long as they are able to. plant and animal species. Either way, it drives
everything you do.
• Depression (Minor or Major) As a Minor Hindrance, it means you’ve got a
Your character’s emotional problems make compulsion of some sort, a nervous habit or
the very act of living a chore. Symptoms obsessive tic like always washing your hands
include sleep problems (either oversleeping or always worrying about disease or demanding
or insomnia), severe procrastination (to the that you be the driver of any vehicle you
point that the sufferer may find it hard to hold travel in. It’s annoying, but not especially hard
down a job), and a lack of interest in anything. to handle. The GM might demand a bennie
With anti-depressant drugs (limited to opioids off you if you’re forced to overcome your
and amphetamines during the Pulp era) there compulsion As a Major Hindrance, your
is no penalty, and this is a Minor Hindrance. obsession drives everything you do. You’ve a
Without drugs this is a Major Hindrance and +2 to any skill rolls related to accomplishing
characters suffer a −2 to most tasks and tend your obsession, but you find it hard to do
to avoid getting involved. A life-threatening anything that doesn’t further your crazy goal.
crisis or shock may snap the character out of This trait is really only suitable for NPCs and
it for a while, but when the crisis is over, the villains, but as always consult your GM prior to
character sinks back into inactivity afterwards. taking this hindrance.
Note: Characters with this Hindrance during
the Pulp era are at risk of becoming addicted to • Shell Shock (Major)
their medication (a Major Habit Hindrance), as At the end of the War the character had
non-addictive anti-depression drugs won’t be horrific experience on the battlefield. This has
discovered until the 1950s. left them with psychological scars, what in
the modern world is known as PTSD (Post-
• Love (Minor) Traumatic Stress Disorder). They often wake
The character is in love. As this is a Hindrance, up screaming in the middle of the night, may
it will be either a wild tempestuous destructive experience flashbacks in response to stress,
car crash type of a relationship, one that is not and must make a Fear check whenever an
reciprocated by the other partner or a similar unexpected loud noise goes off.
tragic and harmful situation, such as being in In the Pulp era shell shock was poorly
love with the spouse of a powerful political or understood, and was often confused with
criminal figure. cowardice. Officers on both sides of the
Whenever you have to choose between your trenches frequently executed men suffering
head or your heart in situations involving the from shell shock in the mistaken belief that
one you love, you must make a Spirit roll and they were weak and likely to desert.
score a raise in order to act as common sense or
your head would dictate. • Strange Visitor (Minor or Major)
Naturally the Game Master will use this love in Maybe you grew up in the jungles of the
African Congo, or on an isolated plateau
adventures in order to make your life difficult
populated with dinosaurs, or in a vast cavern
– for example, your love may become a villain
beneath the Earth’s crust colonized by the
and you’ll need those Spirit rolls to try and
last survivors of fabled Mu. Whatever your
bring them to justice, or they may keep getting origin, you’re not from around here. You’re a
into situations that require you to abandon other strange visitor in a different world to the one
activities and help them out, unless you make you knew. As a Minor Hindrance, you come
those Spirit rolls. from some another country or province with a
very different culture, but not too alien. Your

Skills are unaffected by these differences, but
it’s unnerving and you occasionally run into
more changes that you weren’t expecting.
Language Groups
There are thousands of languages to
The Major version of the Hindrance is only choose from when a character buys a
available with the GM’s permission; wherever language. A few are listed here, sorted
you come from, it’s a very different place. You into their general language groups.
suffer a -2 penalty to any rolls dependent on This list is by no means exhaustive
familiarity with the cultures and technologies, — there are many more language
and this penalty may be increased when groups, and most groups contain more
trying to do anything dependent on advanced languages than those listed here.
scientific knowledge or specialist training at the
GM’s discretion. • Algic: Algonkin, Arapaho,
Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Shawnee.
• Xenophobic (Minor or Major) • Armenian: Armenian
Whether because of simple racial intolerance or • Athabasan: Apache, Chipewyan,
past dealings, the character has a dislike of all Navaho.
cultures other than his own and finds dealing • Attic: Ancient Greek*, Greek.
with them unpleasant at best. He suffers a –2 • Baltic: Latvian, Lithuanian.
penalty to Spirit when dealing with foreign • Celtic: Gaelic (Irish), Gaelic
cultures with the Minor version and –4 with (Scots), Welsh.
the Major Hindrance. Openly voicing his • Chinese: Cantonese, Mandarin.
• Finno-Lappic: Estonian, Finnish,
xenophobic beliefs, something he finds hard to
control, may lead to confrontation or ostracism. • Germanic: Afrikaans, Danish,
Dutch, English, Flemish, German,
5) EDGES Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish,
This section contains new and modified Edges for • Hamo-Semitic: Coptic*, Middle
the Pulp Fantastic setting. Egyptian*.
• Indic: Hindi, Punjabi, Sanskrit*,
Background Edges Urdu.
• Iranian: Farsi, Pashto.
• Gizmo • Japanese: Japanese.
Requirements: Novice • Korean: Korean.
Your hero has found a piece of working Weird • Romance: French, Italian, Latin*,
Science technology, either from the arsenal of Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish.
a mad genius, the depths of a ruined temple • Semitic: Akkadian (aka
or from some other obscure source, and can Babylonian)*, Ancient Hebrew*,
use it as if they have the Arcane Background Arabic, Aramaic*, Hebrew.
(Weird Science). The hero did not create it but • Slavic: Belorussian, Bulgarian,
has been granted access to it for some reason. Czech, Polish, Russian, Serbo-
Croatian, Slovak, Ukrainian.
Perhaps they found it, were gifted it, or earned
• Tibeto-Burman: Burmese,
it somehow. Sherpa, Tibetan.
The device is created like a normal Weird • Turkic: Azerbaijani, Turkish,
Science gadget, but using it requires a skill Uzbek.
other than Weird Science (for example, • Ugric: Hungarian (aka Magyar).
Shooting for a Weird Science weapon, Piloting
for a Weird Science vehicle, Notice for a Weird *This is an ancient language. In the
Science detector, etc.). If damaged, the gizmo Pulp Fantastic world, it is spoken only
can only be repaired by a Weird Scientist. by scholars, or in some cases by small
populations in isolated corners of the
• Linguist world.
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+
This Edge from Savage Worlds Adventure

Edition has been modified for use in Pulp that uses realistic ammunition rules, but rather
Fantastic. The default globe-trotting Pulp assures that the character will not be forced to
Fantastic campaign uses the Multiple reload at a critical moment.
Languages setting rule, so all characters are
assumed to have this Edge for free. A character • Portable Armory
who actually buys this Edge has an ear for Requirements: Novice
languages and a rare talent for recognizing The character will always have easy access
similarities between them, and starts with a to any weapon required for a particular task,
number of languages equal to his Smarts die. including illegal weapons and accessories not
available to the general public. The actual
Whenever the hero encounters a new language,
weapons and accessories must still be acquired,
either spoken or written, that he or she does not
but remarkably, the character can access them
know the hero can make a Smarts check (in the
whenever he needs them instead of being
same Language Group at -2) to determine if he forced to return to where they are normally
or she can understand it. stored. Characters with Portable Armory may
also make field modifications on their weapons,
• Photographic Memory
switching options such as telescopic sights or
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+
specialised ammo in a single round. For every
Your hero can recall everything you’ve seen,
piece of gear beyond your starting list, you may
read, or experienced perfectly. If you forget make a Spirit check (Bennies apply to this roll)
some detail your hero experienced, you may against a Target Number assigned by the Game
spend a Bennie to have the GM remind you. Master. If the check succeeds you are able to
own that piece of equipment.
• Super-Amalgamated
Requirements: Wild Card, Smarts d8+ You Professional Edges
read a lot and tend to use large words. You
live by the philosophy of why use a fifty-cent • Breaking & Entering
word, when a two-dollar word will do, and Requirements: Agility d6+, Smarts d6+
your voracious reading has given you a little You’ve got a talent for bypassing security and
knowledge across a broad range of subject. sneaking past guards. Firstly, this Edge gives a
Once per game session, you may spend a +2 bonus to Stealth rolls when trying to get into
bennie to recall a useful fact that relates to the a guarded building or compound. Secondly,
current situation. you get to know the difficulty of the test before
you roll the dice. For example, if you come to a
Combat Edges locked, alarmed door, the GM must tell you the
difficulty of disabling the alarm before you roll,
• Long Shot so you know whether to make the attempt or
Requirements: Heroic, Marksman, Strength back off.
d8+, Shooting d10+
Some shooters can see a far target as if it were • Gold Bug
right in front of them. If a shooter does not Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+,
move in a round or has aimed the previous Academics d6+
round, the range of his ranged weapon is now Treasure Hunters are those people that travel
doubled. Targets at long range are treated as if the globe looking for treasure and priceless
they have +1 armor. relics. They can be found in ancient burial
grounds to ruined cities. Relic Hunters gain a
• One Shot Left +2 to Academics Tests when determining the
Requirements: Novice, Shooting d6+ location to ancient treasures.
The character will always have at least one
projectile remaining for his or her ranged • Master of Disguise
weapon, even after an extended combat. This Requirements: Novice, Persuasion d6+,
might be a final bullet in a gun, arrow in a Stealth d6+
quiver, or stone in a sling. This option does not There is an art to disguise, and if you are
very lucky you can fool everyone. You have
remove the need to reload weapons in a game
become an expert at the art of disguise. This

goes beyond the level of a regular disguise, • Older Than I Look
involving elements of performance as well, Requirements: Veteran, Ageless
allowing you to inhabit the disguises you The character has lived lifetimes, increasing
create. A Master of Disguise gets a +2 to his life experiences so that he adds +2 to most
Persuasion and Stealth rolls that involve Common Knowledge rolls. In a pinch, he
trickery of some kind, including disguises, may spend a Benny to gain a temporary d4 in
bluffing and outright lying. any normal Skill (not including Faith, Focus,
Psionics, Spellcasting or Weird Science), for
• Weapons Encyclopedia
the duration of the scene.
Reqirements: Smarts d8+
Your hero can recall the vital statistics and
important quirks of practically all known
commercially available weapons. This includes
– but is not limited to – general levels of The following setting rules are in place for the
reliability, material composition, ammunition default Pulp Fantastic campaign.
capacity, caliber, possible outfitted accessories,
etc. Characters without this ability will only • Born a Hero: Heroes may ignore the Rank
have such information on weapons they own qualifications for Edges during character
or use regularly and will need to successfully creation. They must still meet any other
roll a Smarts based Knowledge Skill check to Requirements as usual. The usual rules for
recall important details. In addition, Weapons Rank Requirements apply afterward.
Encyclopedia also includes knowledge on
• Fanatics: When a Wild Card enemy character
acquiring weapons, so characters will have a +5
is hit by a successful attack and the GM thinks
bonus on any Skill checks needed to locate or
it’s appropriate, one of his henchmen, goons,
buy weapons. or other allies jumps in front of his master and
takes the attack instead.
Social Edges
• Fast Healing: Wild Cards make natural healing
• Legal Protection rolls once per day instead of every five days (or
Prerequisites: Seasoned once per hour if the race has Regeneration).
Somehow, your hero’s police file has a little red
line across it that makes beat cops think twice • Bumps & Bruises: Wild Cards recover one
before they haul you in on minor crimes. The level of Fatigue from Bumps & Bruises (every
character gains a +4 Persuasion bonus when four hours instead of the usual 24.
dealing with the security forces in his or her
home area. • Multiple Languages: In the Pulp Era, heroes
trekked around the world, and didn’t usually
• Low Profile have to struggle with languages. The heroes of
Requirements: Novice Pulp Fantastic speak many different languages.
Even though you have had your name in the Wild Cards have the Linguist Edge for free,
and ignore its usual Requirements. A character
spotlight, you have managed to downplay your
who actually buys the Linguist Edge knows
involvement in events. When a roll is made to a number of languages equal to her Smarts
recognize you, the roll is at -4. This modifier (instead of half her Smarts).
can be doubled by spending a Benny.
• Unarmored Hero: Pulp action tales often
Weird Edges feature heroes with little or no armor defeating
far more heavily armored adversaries. In these
• Ageless settings, if a Wild Card chooses not to wear any
Requirements: Novice armor (ignoring shields), he adds +2 bonus to
The character doesn’t age like normal people his Soak rolls!
and is either immune to the passage of time or
ages very slowly.


T his chapter gives you several archetypes to play

in your Pulp Fantastic game. Archetypes can be Though not naturally adventurous, the academic is
used to make quick characters; all you need is the often drawn into adventure by their overwhelming
archetype, the rule book, dice and a piece of paper thirst for knowledge, for their hunger for the
to play. By using the archetypes, you can begin answers to the questions that plague them.
play within a few minutes. Let’s say you have a few Living between the explorer and the scientist, the
friends over and you want to play Pulp Fantastic academic is driven by their near-obsessive interest
that night, this is where the archetype comes in. You in their particular field (usually something dry,
can read the descriptive text below and determine like history, archeology, anthropology, linguistics
which character type (or archetype) you would like or paleontology). Academics rarely consider the
to play. They are built as any other character would scientific or practical application of the knowledge
be, with the exception that they have some places they uncover; for them, the great prize is knowledge
that are customizable. Add a name, Hindrances, and itself. Their desire for new information can be
gear, spend any remaining skill points, and you’re so great that it leads them into danger, as they
ready to play! This makes these archetypes more disregard their own safety in pursuit of new and
uniquely your own, and less like carbon cut outs of fascinating data.
character types.
While rarely well-suited for travel to strange lands,
These character types are the ones most commonly and uncomfortable outside the grounds of their
found in stories from the pulps. Contrary to the university of library, academics are nevertheless
popular belief that the pulps were dominated by often found in the field, accompanying explorers
white males, there were plenty of pulp heroes and relic hunters to ensure proper rigor and
who were black, female, and Asian, so there’s no procedure is followed at all times – or just to try and
reason for players to assume that there aren’t untold ensure that the “hot heads” don’t get themselves
stories of all sexes and races. We encourage players into yet more trouble!
and GMs to use these archetypes to go beyond
traditional stereotypes, creating new characters to Quote: “Fascinating! The inscriptions on this jar
represent the goodness and heroism of many people appear to be Etruscan, but the syntax is more like
at that point in history. Sumerian...”
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d6,
Game masters in a hurry may also choose to
Strength d4, Vigor d6
use these archetypes as the basis for non-player
Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d4, Common
characters and supporting cast.
Knowledge d4, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Research
Note: The Edges and Hindrances here are d8, Stealth d4, + 3 Skill Points
suggestions only. Feel free to swap them out for Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5
Edges and Hindrances of equal value as part of the Hindrances: Bad Eyes (Minor), Mild Mannered
customization process. All the following archetypes (Minor), Tongue-Tied (Major)
are Novice humans with one free Edge. Edges: Linguist, Scholar

defensive magic, in the form of exorcisms,
AIR ACE protective circles, charms or counter-spells.
While no longer a new technology in the Pulp Era, Offensive spells tend to be seen as inherently evil.
flight has yet to become commonplace and to many Many rely on a single powerful item - such as
the air ace personifies the spirit of the age. Flight Thomas Carnacki’s famous “Electric Pentacle”,
is still seen as daring, glamorous and alluringly John Thunstone’s silver sword, or John the
dangerous. Every passing year brings new advances Balladeer’s silver-stringed guitar – in conjunction
in aircraft, new achievements and new records with one or two spells. Very few are powerhouses
broken. With the Great War only a few years past, of magic in the tradition of Dr Stephen Strange or
aviators have become dashing, heroic figures, and Gandalf the Grey, or are interested in pushing the
their adventures are a thrilling escape from the boundaries of magical knowledge. In a very real
mundane problems of the day-to-day life. sense, it could be said that what distinguishes the
villains from the heroes is ambition. To the occult
Many of the Pulp aviators were ex-military pilots villain, magic is the key to power, and power is the
and veterans of the Great War against the Germans, gateway to the fulfilment of their desires; desires
though their adventures in the magazines were often that must be satisfied, at any cost…
even more bizarre than those of their comrades.
For example, heroes such as G-8 and his Battle Quote: “By the Eye of Odin, what is that?”
Aces fought mad scientists, monsters and even Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
supernatural menaces. The adventures of these Strength d4, Vigor d4
heroic aviators encompassed speed, travel to exotic Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
locations, high technology, the freedom of the air Fighting d4, Occult d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
and thrilling dog-fights with merciless and deadly Research d6, Spellcasting d10, Stealth d4, + 2 Skill
opponents. Points
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
There are only a handful of commercial airlines in Hindrances: Curious (Major), Stubborn (Minor),
operation, so unless they are of independent means, Vow (Minor)
most air aces will be forced into freelancing if Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), New Powers,
they want to stay in the air. Possible freelance jobs Power Points
include flying for Hollywood, mercenary work, Powers: Arcane Protection, Detect/Conceal Arcana,
giving lessons, or performing daredevil stunts at air +3 additional powers.
shows. Power Points: 15
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength
d6, Vigor d6 In a world largely unconcerned or unaware of
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight- animal extinctions and ecological issues, the big
ing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Piloting d8, Repair game hunter still cuts a dash in the Pulp Era as he
d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 returns from untamed lands far beyond the reach of
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 civilization bearing exotic trophies and even more
Hindrances: Impulsive (Major), Enemy (Minor), exotic after-dinner tales of peril and excitement.
Loyal (Minor) He brings with him a touch of the jungle’s primal
Edges: Ace, Alertness savagery, a hint of danger and more than a little
disregard for the rules of “polite” society.
Big game hunters often worked as safari guides,
Though magic-using Pulp Heroes did exist, they leading parties less-experienced hunters through
were by far the minority, their hard-won occult dense jungle and across lion-haunted savannahs
wisdom and experience tainting them with an inner or working with explorers. In the Pulps, he was
darkness and mystery not normally associated often the foil or business partner of the main hero.
with the heroes of science and technology. What Big game hunters were also frequently depicted as
normally separates occult heroes from the villains villainous; greedy poachers, insensitive colonialists
is the type of magic used; most heroes use purely or deranged obsessives.

Quote: “Move quietly, but confidently. If we act like Quote: “You gotta stay humble, kid. Remember
prey, they’ll act like predators.” where you came from, ‘cause there’s always
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength somebody tougher out there, and the way down is
d6, Vigor d6 faster than the way up.”
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight- Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength
ing d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, d8, Vigor d8
Stealth d6, Survival d6, + 2 Skill Points Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 ing d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Hindrances: Arrogant (Major), Death Wish (Minor), Stealth d4, Taunt d4
Thin Skinned (Minor) Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Edges: Alertness, Trademark Weapon Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Loyal (Minor), Ugly
Edges: Brawler
His whole body hurt, and Ted’s arms felt like he ESCAPE ARTIST
was trying to lift soaking wet blankets. This was
the big fight though, and he had to show the folks In the age of the Pulps, escapes artists like Harry
from back where he came from that he was as Houdini are big news, drawing massive crowds and
tough as they thought he was…at least as tough as gathering the attention of the Press wherever they
the palooka he’d been trading punches with. This go. Like Houdini, many were also stage magicians
is what it felt like to be thoroughly beaten and he and illusionists, with a side-line in debunking
didn’t like it. Ted didn’t like it when he was a kid claims of the supernatural.
either. Escape artists can break free from deadly traps
Being raised on the streets makes you tough. Tough and horrible contraptions. The twist is that the
guys can go one of two ways on the streets: go into traps belong to the artist. Most escape artists
crime or help others. The brawler didn’t start out to are consummate perfectionists — indeed, their
be a hero, but when it came time to make the tough profession, as well as their lives, depends on
decisions and push came to shove, he ended up on executing every twist, turn, and key perfectly.
that path anyway. You never thought that you would Quote: “For my next trick, I shall escape from my
ever end up as anything but another broken down shackles while immersed in an air-tight chest sunk
palooka, but it looks like your choices are taking in a vat of boiling acid...”
you on to bigger and better things in this world.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength
Many Pulp heroes were brawlers or boxers, tapping d6, Vigor d6
into the growth in popularity of boxing during Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
the era. Boxers were modern gladiators, manly ing d4, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Performance d6,
and heroic, and boxing itself was referred to as Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Thievery d8, + 1 Skill Point
“the pugilistic art” or “the sweet science”, valuing Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
technique and skill over brute force. Hindrances: Arrogant (Major), Doubting Thomas
(Minor), Secret (Minor)
Brawlers usually have a day job that involves Edges: Fame, Luck
physical work and a lot of exercise that helps keep
them at the peak of their fitness, and they often use
any spare time to work on improving their style,
technique and endurance. A brawler might work as
a dock worker, a meat packer, cop, bouncer, soldier,
sailor or mob enforcer while in training for his next

ambivalent – the femme fatale nearly always gets
EXPLORER what she wants and is mistress of every situation.
The world is an exciting place and the explorer She is skilled at manipulating men into doing what
views it as a huge opportunity. Explorers are the she wants and rarely does her own dirty work.
first to go anywhere from the unknown plateaus Though her facade is usually transparent to other
to the center of the earth, equally at home hacking women, she is a master at projecting an air of
their way through sweltering jungle or trekking wounded vulnerability and innocence, making their
across icy wastes. They rely on their bravery accusations seem petty and motivated by jealousy.
and experience to travel through the unknown
Quote: “If it’s fun you’re after boy, come on over.
on all seven continents, always seeking out new
But be warned - I bite...”
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
Explorers fall into two basic categories; sponsored d6, Vigor d6
and self-funded. Sponsored explorers are those Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Driv-
funded by external bodies such as scientific research ing d6, Fighting d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d10,
societies, museums, universities and governments. Stealth d6, Taunt d4, + 2 Skill Points
Due to the high cost of transportation, equipment Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
and qualified personal, most explorers fall into the Hindrances: Ruthless (Minor), Secret (Minor),
latter category. Vengeful (Major)
Edges: Attractive, Charismatic
Quote: “If you believe conventional wisdom, there
are no blank spots left on the map. Conventional
wisdom is wrong. If you want to find the blank spot, G-MAN
leave the map behind.”
Smart, stalwart and rigidly dedicated, G-men are
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength
agents of some branch of the U.S. Government:
d6, Vigor d6
the FBI, the Prohibition Bureau, the Treasury
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
Department, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics
Fighting d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Riding d8,
(FBN), the Immigration and Naturalization Service,
Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Survival d8
etc. Almost always college-educated, armed with
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
access to national resources and powers far beyond
Hindrances: Curious (Major), Loyal (Minor), Ruth-
that of local law enforcement, the G-Man is the
less (Minor)
sworn enemy of espionage and organized crime.
Edges: Linguist
Quote: “No sir, the FBI does not have a sense of
humor that we are aware of.”
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength
Equipped with charm, beauty and brains, the femme d6, Vigor d6
fatale uses her feminine wiles to achieve her goals Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Driv-
while stealing the hearts of the men around her. ing d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d8,
Using her sex appeal to turn men into stuttering Persuasion d4, Research d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
fools, this alluring vixen is strong-willed, confident, Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
highly intelligent, frequently physically formidable Hindrances: Heroic (Major), By the Book (Minor),
and often utterly lethal. In an era when women Obligation (Minor)
were encouraged to be little more than docile wives Edges: Connections, Investigator
and mothers, the femme fatale is anything but.
She craves adventure and excitement and is often
attempting to right a wrong done her in the past.

Usually portrayed as villainous – or at least morally

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
GANGSTER d6, Vigor d4
Like the gentleman crook, the gangster is a Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Driv-
criminal. Unlike the gentleman crook, he’s no ing d4, Fighting d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d8,
gentleman. The gangster may be a bank robber, Stealth d6, Thievery d6 +3 Skill Points
mob enforcer or simply a low level mook involved Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
with the rackets (illegal gambling, bootlegging, Hindrances: Secret (Major), Quirk (Minor), Obses-
extortion, kidnapping, fraud, etc.). The pulp era was sion (Minor)
highly conscious of crime. The “Ten Most Wanted” Edges: Charismatic, Luck, Thief
list turned bank robbers into national heroes of a
sort, while prohibition made bootleggers rich, and
gang wars with Tommy-guns created legends.
The grease monkey is a skilled engineer and
Quote: “Gangsters don’t ask questions, sweetheart.
mechanic with a natural affinity for technology,
Gangsters just get answers.”
particularly of the vehicular variety. With his
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength stained overalls and battered toolbox, the grease
d6, Vigor d6 monkey may often look slightly shabby next to the
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Driv- square-jawed hero types, and may have difficulty
ing d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, talking to anything that doesn’t have an overhead
Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 camshaft, but he’s the best there is at what he
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 does, and what he does is fix things. Courageous,
Hindrances: Enemy (Major), Ruthless (Minor), Sus- loyal and hard-working, the grease monkey is as
picious (Minor) invaluable a tool in the fight against crime as the
Edges: Menacing, Streetwise chrome-plated .45 and the domino mask. He’s the
one who keeps the crime-fighters esoteric vehicles
and arsenal of equipment in peak working order,
GENTLEMAN CROOK the one who coaxes a battered engine into life just
For the idle rich, boredom is a constant threat. long enough to track the gang of hijackers and who
With nothing more serious to do than plan the next is always willing to wade into a scrap armed with
party or the next seduction, the gentleman crook nothing but his trusty over-sized wrench.
has turned to crime to provide the ultimate thrill Quote: “I knew I should have brought a bigger
or to right some perceived wrong. Motivated by wrench!”
a need to outsmart the opposition, the gentleman
crook usually cares little for the money he steals, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength
preferring instead to focus on the style and daring d6, Vigor d4
of the crime itself. Rarely does he steal from those Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fight-
who cannot afford the loss, and his spoils are often ing d4, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Repair d8, Science
donated to the poor or those in need, giving him a d4, Stealth d4, + 3 Skill Points
“Robin Hood” reputation. Many gentleman crooks Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
prefer to steal only from those who it is felt deserve Hindrances: Clumsy (Major), Loyal (Minor), Thin
it; criminals, corrupt politicians or just people with Skinned (Minor)
appalling taste and bad manners. Edges: McGyver, Mr. Fix It

Some gentleman crooks operate under an assumed

identity, while others are known but rely on their
great skill to avoid being caught. Examples of the
gentleman crook are Simon Templar (AKA The
Saint), Arsène Lupin and A.J. Raffles.

Quote: “What a charming necklace, Lady


Quote: “I woke up feeling lousy, mostly because I’d
GUMSHOE gone to bed sober.”
Hard-boiled, cynical and wisecracking, this is the Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength
down-at-heel private detective in the tradition of d6, Vigor d6
Sam Spade and Mike Hammer, a tough guy often Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
ready to fall for the first dame through the door. In ing d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Research d8,
the Pulps, the gumshoe could be your best friend, or Shooting d6, Stealth d6, + 1 Skill Point
your worst enemy. Most of the time he’s broke, with Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
nothing to his name but the name on the door of his Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Habit (Minor), Loyal
rented office, a half-empty bottle of cheap bourbon (Minor)
in his desk drawer, a filing cabinet with the details Edges: Investigator, Streetwise
of the case that got away, a loaded .38 in his pocket
and a rep for getting the job done. The gumshoe’s
life is hard and often grimy, but it’s never boring. JUNGLE KING
While the Pulps did feature examples of rogue The Jungle King (or Queen) is a native of Western
private eyes who’d branched out into blackmail, civilization who – due to bizarre and unfortunate
theft and even murder, by far the majority were circumstance – was raised by animals in an isolated
bound by a deeply ingrained sense of justice and a wilderness and has attained a peak of physical
personal code of honor. perfection. Jungle Kings often possess enhanced
senses and the ability to communicate with animals.
A private detective with his own business will need They use their heightened abilities to protect their
to find suitable office space and advertise. On the “kingdom” from intrusion and exploitation by the
other hand, he can also set his own fees. The private outside world. Their adventures often bring them
detective’s relationship with the local police may into the civilized world, where their rough and
be one of mutual respect or complete antipathy. ready nobility highlights the hypocrisy and shifting
A private detective must have a license. It gives morality of modern life.
the private detective the right to advertise and to
charge for Investigations; otherwise he has the same Quote: “N’gawa!”
powers as any private citizen. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength
d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
ing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Riding d6, Stealth
d6, Survival d6, + 1 Skill Point
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Impulsive (Major), Loyal (Minor),
Strange Visitor (Minor)
Edges: Alertness, Beast Master

The martial artist hails from – or has travelled in
– the “mysterious east” and is a student of one or
more martial arts disciplines. To the martial artist,
these disciplines represent more than self-defense
and combat expertise. The training includes a
profound philosophy that teaches restraint and
humility. Martial artists work to master their mind
as well as their body, attuning both to work in
harmony through the techniques they have learned.
Martial artists might develop their combat skills
and philosophy to aid a career as an agent or a law

enforcer, or might become an independent operative a dark suit, a trench coat or cape, a fedora and a
whose entire person is a weapon. No matter domino mask or concealing bandana, though more
what career they choose to pursue, martial artists outlandish and garish costumes have been known.
possesses confidence, commitment, and the means
to get the job done. Due to their lethal methods, masked avengers were
often as persecuted by the police as they were hated
Quote: “If you know your enemy, but not yourself, by the underworld, hence the need for a secret
you will always be defeated.” identity. Masked avengers often faced gangsters and
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength mad scientists, but their investigations frequently
d6, Vigor d6 led them into conflict with stranger and darker
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fight- adversaries, such as vampires, ghouls and black
ing d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, magicians. While most masked avengers used
Stealth d4, + 2 Skill Points theatrical tricks and special effects to terrify their
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 5 opponents, some used psychic gifts and mesmerism
Hindrances: Enemy (Major), Mild Mannered to achieve their aims.
(Minor), Vow (Minor) While some masked avengers are motivated by
Edges: First Strike, Martial Artist tragedy, the majority are simply trying to do the
right thing. Many are wealthy young men (very
MASKED AVENGER rarely women) who have decided to put their
natural gifts and extensive resources to the service
The laughter lilted softly through the wet, dark of justice – as opposed to the Law. The masked
alley. “Crusher” Kreel had run into a dead end, avenger is a staple of the Pulp genre. Examples
and had just realized it. He drew his gun, more out include the Shadow, the Spider and the Black Bat.
of fear than out of any desire to use it. The quiet
voice of Smoke filled the darkness and the alley. It Quote: “Crime does not pay!” BLAM! BLAM!
was everywhere, echoing and filled with menace. BLAM!
“Guns are useless, Kreel. You should know that you Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength
can’t shoot…Smoke.” d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fight-
Kreel fell to his knees and dropped his gun as the ing d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
laughter again filled the alley. Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Taunt d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
The weed of crime bears bitter fruit, and the
Hindrances: Vow (Major), Secret (Major)
masked avenger intends to ensure it tastes very
Edges: Ambidextrous, Two-Gun Kid
bitter indeed. While some characters thrive on their
reputation – on being known – the masked avenger
thrives on being unknown. His weapons are rumor MOB MOLL
and superstition, his cloak secrecy. The masked
avenger represents those “normal” men who use Working in partnership with the gangster, the mob
their abilities at stealth and disguise to terrify the moll is his right-hand woman. Providing brains,
cowardly and superstitious criminals that they face, guidance, support and a safe place to stay, the mob
giving them a superhuman edge over their much moll is frequently a good woman who’s simply
more numerous opponents. fallen in love with the wrong man. More often
though, she is a hardened thrill-seeker; a tough-
Crime in the Pulp Era was often brutal, and brutal minded, glamorous dame who gives as good as
methods were sometimes necessary to fight it. A she gets. Some mob molls act as spies for their
vigilante who deals with criminals too powerful men, while others are the real power behind the
or strange for the police, the masked avenger is a throne, secretly running a criminal empire while
weird figure who uses terror, darkness and (usually) maintaining a facade of innocence.
blazing twin .45’s to deliver justice and hot lead to
the guilty. While a predecessor of the super-hero, Quote: “Fill ‘em full of lead, boys!”
the masked avenger’s costume usually consists of

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Driv- Grant could never get used to the view from up on
ing d6, Fighting d6, Gambling d4, Intimidation d6, top of his building…looking out over the city, his
Notice d4, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 city, he could almost fool himself into thinking that
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 it was clean…
Hindrances: Enemy (Major), Vengeful (Minor),
Loyal (Minor) Somewhere between the Masked Avenger and
Edges: Attractive, Streetwise the yet to emerge super-hero is the Mystery Man
(and Mystery Woman). From out of the shadowed
MYSTIC back alleys, and the rain slick rooftops, comes the
Mystery Man. Unlike the Masked Avenger, who
To the mystic there is no such thing as magic, prefers to remain in the shadows and have his
there are only occult sciences and technologies of existence known only to the criminals he haunts, the
the mind that man has yet to master. The mystic Mystery Man understands the value of publicity and
has delved deep in areas shrouded in darkness public knowledge in the battle against crime.
and ignorance, be they the secrets of lost Atlantis,
ancient Tibetan meditations, the true power of
mathematics, the power of the Chi, or the correct
pronunciation and power of a handful of the true
names of God. Some bear amulets or rings that help
them focus the power of their mind. The weight of
this knowledge separates mystics from their fellow
man, and they keep their secrets close.

Mystics use their innate psychic disciplines to

further their investigations into the higher laws that
govern the supernatural world, and tread a fine line
between scholar and scientist, with the occult and
the unknown as their specialty. Many mystics –
such as the “Dream Detective” Dr Morris Klaw, or
Simon Iff – operate as “ghost breakers”, using their
genuine arcane skills to uncover frauds and hoaxes.
Some mystics operate as supernatural detectives,
using their special gifts to solve both mundane and
arcane mysteries.

Quote: “The aetheric vibrations are very strong.

There’s been a manifestation here.”
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common
Knowledge d4, Fighting d4, Notice d6, Occult d8,
Persuasion d4, Psionics d6, Research d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Curious (Major), Cautious (Minor),
Secret (Minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Scholar.
Powers: Detect/Conceal Arcana, Mind Link, Arcane
Power Points: 10

The Mystery Man wears a (very often brightly- Something that is unverified is merely ‘alleged.’
colored) costume. Unlike the Masked Avenger, If two or more independent sources corroborate a
he prefers to use his fists rather than hot lead piece of data, that is enough to consider it a fact. A
to dispense justice. He is the prototype of the news hound who fails to obey this rule receives a
superhero, and his costume is as much a uniform -2 penalty on all future Persuasion checks against
to him as is a policeman’s. While most Masked people familiar with them.
Avengers avoid the limelight, the Mystery Man
embraces the attention, using it as a tool in his Protect the Source: Good news hounds never
campaign against crime. Public awareness and reveal the source of their information. A news
support can often be as valuable as the fear of hound who gives up his source quickly receives a
criminals. reputation as untrustworthy and finds it much harder
to get anyone to turn over information. A news
Quote: “Stand back, I’m here to help.” hound who does not live up to this restriction suffers
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength a -2 penalty to all Knowledge checks from people
d6, Vigor d6 who recognize them.
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driv- Remain Impartial: A good journalist always
ing d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, avoids making judgments about what he learns,
Stealth d6, + 2 Skill Points even if he is an eyewitness to events. The news
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 hound’s job is to present the news or information
Hindrances: Secret (Major), Heroic (Major) strictly as it exists, without any attempt to analyze
Edges: Hard to Kill, Rich it. If a news hound resorts to judging the news
or telling others what to think, he tends to make
NEWS HOUND others angry and upset. He receives a -2 penalty to
all Persuasion checks from anyone who knows the
The news hound is an agent of a major newspaper. news hound’s identity.
He is a high-caliber journalist and regards his
calling as more of a religion than a job. He sees it as Quote: “I need to phone my editor. Pulitzer, here I
his duty to locate a story and report it to the people, come!”
as long as his editors believe it will sell papers. The Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength
people have a right to know, and the news hound is d4, Vigor d6
the one to tell them. Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fight-
ing d4, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Research d8,
The news hound goes where the story is, wherever Stealth d6, + 2 Skill Points
that story makes take them. News hounds Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
sometimes travel with photographers, camera crews Hindrances: Curious (Major), Doubting Thomas
and other groups, but those are rare. There are far (Minor), Obligation (Minor)
more undercover journalists, writers, and news Edges: Investigator, Streetwise
hounds traveling around behind the scenes than
anyone knows. Not all these actually work for news
services. Some are researching articles, books, and OCCULT INVESTIGATOR
other publications.
To the occult investigator, magic and the powers of
In the end, though, journalists are all good at one the supernatural are simply another area of human
thing and one thing in particular – digging for study, to be analyzed and understood through the
secrets. To find out what they need to know, they proper application of the scientific method. Occult
will often do or say anything at all. They do have investigators tend to regard the forces of the arcane
their own level of integrity, however. In pursuing as impersonal and amoral, as simple expressions
their knowledge, all good news hounds instinctively of the natural (and supernatural) world, rather than
obey the following rules: spiritual beings with intentions and motivations of
their own. Occult investigators are prone to lengthy,
Verify the Facts: Journalists never report rambling explanations of magical phenomena, but
information as truth without verifying them first. usually possess the most open minds, preferring

to approach each new case as if it had an entirely Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength
mundane origin. d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
Occult investigators rarely use magic directly but ing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Research d4,
may occasionally use protective circles and other Shooting d6, Stealth d6
simple wards or protective devices. Usually they Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
use their knowledge of the laws of magic, rather Hindrances: Enemy (Major), Ruthless (Minor), Sus-
than using magic itself – a subtle distinction, but an picious (Minor)
important one. Edges: Calculating, Connections
Occult investigators such as Thomas Carnacki,
Anton Zarnak and Jules De Grandin use a blend of
arcane science and psychic mastery to overcome
genuine intrusions of the unknown into the The Personality is in the public eye by day. A movie
everyday world. star, radio star (or both!), a high-profile community
leader or politician, or maybe even a world-famous
Quote: “Stay within the circle! Your life – your very
novelist — all these and more fit the Personality.
soul! – depends upon it!”
Personalities are recognizable, have some amount of
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength fame and a following, and often have the reputation
d6, Vigor d4 and wealth (or illusion thereof) to go along with
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common the spotlight. Personalities might simply be famous
Knowledge d4, Fighting d4, Occult d8, Notice d6, because of who they are or may have earned their
Persuasion d4, Research d8, Stealth d4, Weird Sci- status by what they’ve done. A personality could be
ence d6 an entertainer, a celebrity, a dilettante, a politician,
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4 or the bored offspring of one of these public
Hindrances: Curious (Major), Overconfident (Major) personalities.
Edges: Investigator, Arcane Background (Weird
Science) Quote: “Daaarling! How simply delightful to see
Powers: Detect/Conceal Arcana, Arcane Protection. you!”
Power Points: 15 Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
d4, Vigor d6
OPERATOR Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
ing d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Performance d8,
Only three living people in America knew that the Shooting d4, Stealth d4, + 4 Skill Points
secret city existed underneath Washington D.C., Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
and even fewer knew as completely as Jimmy what Hindrances: Clueless (Major), Big Mouth (Minor),
secrets were inside of it… Vengeful (Minor)
Edges: Fame, Rich
Spies and Special Agents have long been a staple
of Pulp Fiction, and The Operator is the cream of
the crop, the best that his country has to offer. An RELIC HUNTER
Operator is the type of secret agent who tends to
We made our way through the tunnels at a run. I
tackle, and beat, foreign (sometimes very foreign)
could hear footsteps behind us, but with the echoes
invasions of the shores of his or her country, usually
and dripping water, it was impossible to tell how
single-handed. A government will often only have
close they were. Suddenly, a light at the end of
one person who has been elevated to the rank of
the tunnel. At the exit, a long stone ladder leading
being an Operator (on rare occasions two) per
down… way down. I hate heights.
branch of Intelligence or Espionage organizations.
Operators are as rare as they are deadly. – from the Journals of Malcolm Gideon
Quote: “History may be moving pretty quickly Part archeologist, part researcher, part adventurer,
these days, but I know which side I’m on.” the relic hunter explores ancient and unknown ruins,

seeking treasures from the past, either in the form of most are not scientists. Instead they are test pilots,
ancient artifacts or forgotten wisdom. Relic hunters stunt men or even simply hapless bystanders who
may be motivated by a desire for personal fortune happen to be in the right place at the right time.
and glory, or by an altruistic desire for what they These rocket men tend to come with a grease
find to expand the boundaries of knowledge and be monkey or scientist friend who maintains the device
available for all to see. Sometimes, it’s a little of and keeps it operating at peak efficiency (often with
both. the aid of strategically placed chewing gum).

Relic hunters, while tough and independent, Quote: “Ignition on and....rockets away!”
also work well in teams. They’re specialists and Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength
recognize the need for expertise in other areas. d6, Vigor d6
They’re often found in company with explorers, big Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
game hunters and air aces. ing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Piloting d10,
The villainous relic hunter is another Pulp Era Shooting d6, Stealth d4
staple. In this character the desire for knowledge Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
has become an obsession, eroding their morals and Hindrances: Impulsive (Major), Overconfident
humanity as they fight to be the first to obtain some (Major)
secret treasure. These individuals are often little Edges: Ace, Gizmo (Rocket Pack)
more than tomb robbers, holding little respect for Gear: Rocket Pack (Arcane Device, Powers: Fly,
the cultures they encounter and caring nothing for Power Points: 10)
the furthering of human understanding. As such,
they’re often found in the company of mercenaries, SOLDIER
Femmes Fatale, Evil Masterminds and Nazis.
The Soldier is a trained warrior, as good with a gun
Quote: “We are simply passing through history. as he is with a knife or some other melee weapon.
This...this is history!” The Soldier might be a dedicated idealist or a profit-
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength seeking mercenary, a recent veteran of the Great
d4, Vigor d6 War, a hired gun or a highly skilled adventurer.
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common Knowl- In all cases, the Soldier learns how to defeat his
edge d4, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, enemies, to complete his missions, and ultimately,
Research d8, Riding d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d4, to survive. Soldiers who survived the trenches of
Thievery d4. the Great War may suffer from shell shock.
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Impulsive (Major), Phobia (Minor), Mercenary characters fight on behalf of their
Stubborn (Minor) employer for as long as they are being paid.
Edges: Danger Sense, Gold Bug Mercenaries frequently find themselves dispatched
to hot spots for duties their employer would rather
not be associated with directly. Mercenaries may
ROCKET MAN work covertly for governments, corporations or
private individuals.
While the air ace personifies the spirit of flight,
the rocket man (or woman) is flight. It takes a very The soldier character is a well-rounded combat
special sort of bravery to strap a small bomb to expert, combining both melee and ranged weapon
your back, but it takes a particular kind of lunacy to expertise.
activate it and turn yourself into a human missile.
Rocket men have nerves of steel, lightning reflexes Quote: “A well-trained soldier can beat anything,
and an almost total disregard for their personal except a superior officer.”
safety. They have a love of speed, thrills and the Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
kind of daring that makes normal people question d6, Vigor d8
their sanity. Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
ing d8, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
While some rocket men create their flight packs, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d6

Quote: “Huh. That’s odd. I wonder if...”
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
Strength d4, Vigor d4
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fight-
ing d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Research d8,
Science d8, Stealth d4, + 3 Skill Points
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
Hindrances: Curious (Major), Driven (Minor), Pac-
ifist (Minor)
Edges: Scholar, Super-Amalgamated

Like the scientist and the grease monkey, the weird
scientist is technically and scientifically skilled.
Unlike both, weird scientists are also inspired in a
way that seemingly allows them to see beyond the
realms of the possible, forming theories and crafting
devices that apparently defy the laws of science as
they are currently understood.

Also known as the mad scientist or evil genius, the

weird scientist is a staple of the Pulps. Passionate,
driven and obsessive, they are also often jealous,
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 irrational, vengeful and arrogant, prone to grandiose
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Death Wish plans and even more grandiose speeches. While the
(Minor), Ruthless (Minor) scientist hero represents the potential of science for
Edges: Command, Hard to Kill good, the weird scientist represents its antithesis –
science without conscience.

SCIENTIST Not all weird scientists are evil, but even those that
aren’t are eccentric in some way, as if the bright
The scientist character excels at scientific theory flame of genius they carry within them can’t exist in
and knowledge and has the ability to apply it in the a completely normal mind.
field to solve problems and discover the truth of any
situation. Quote: “They laughed at my theories, and they
laughed at me! I’ll show them! I’ll show them all!
In the Pulp Era, the scientist is the prophet of HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
the coming age. His is the vision that will shape
the world of the future and bring that world into Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
the present. More than any other character, the Strength d4, Vigor d4
scientist is driven by curiosity, by the need to know. Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
Though he values his time in the laboratory, the true ing d4, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Science d6, Stealth
scientist knows that he needs to be out in the field, d6, Weird Science d6, + 3 Skill Points
gathering data, observing phenomena and testing Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
hypotheses. Hindrances: Jealous (Major), Ruthless (Minor),
Quirk (Minor)
An oceanographer willing to dive into the water
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science)
and swim with the sharks fits this category. So does
a meteorologist who chases tornadoes, a military Powers: +2 Additional Powers
mission specialist with a scientific background, a Power Points: 15
criminal psychologist who studies crime scenes,
and a zoologist eager to hunt crocodiles and handle
poisonous reptiles.

Doc Savage had the 86th Floor of the Empire
Note: This Edge can be taken more than once,
giving access to a different gizmo each time.
State Building and Superman had his arctic
Fortress of Solitude – what’s your group’s center of ARCHIVES
operations? Are you working out of a custom-built
secret fortress filled with technological wonders, or Requirements: 1+ group member with Research
are you hunting criminals from the sub-basement d8+
of an abandoned theater? Do you belong to a
The group has access to records and files relating
government institution, a secret military unit, or are
to their purpose. This might be in the form of an
you just a gang of amateur investigators who’ve
extensive specialist library, access to government
discovered the thrill of fighting evildoers?
records going back years, or the group may just
Just like characters, Groups and Bases have Edges be really good at collating data. Your hero has
and Hindrances. All the players decide collectively information at her fingertips, and the means to store
what Group & Base Edges and Hindrances to buy. and use it.
Groups start with three Edges and one Hindrance.
This Edge provides the group with 3 bennies per
They can gain additional Edges by taking further
game session that can only be spent on Research
Hindrances on a one-for-one basis.
rolls related to the groups purpose.


The group has an arsenal of weapons and other
ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY equipment. This might be an actual armory, with
racks and crates of weapons and ammunition, a
Requirements: 1+ group member with Arcane
wall full of guns hidden behind a sliding panel, or
Background (Weird Science)
a bunker full of illegal weaponry and army-surplus
Your group has some unusual technology related gear. Whatever its nature, you have firepower, and
to their purpose, the nature of which is decided plenty of it.
in discussion with the GM. The group has two
Your heroes can get any normal weapon required
options; either the technology is a gizmo assigned
without a problem and can spend a bennie to obtain
to everyone in the group as if they had the Gizmo
hardware normally restricted to the military from
Edge (page 78), or a larger device built into their
the Armory, such as grenades, mortars and high
explosives. Without this Edge your group is limited
The gizmo is created like a normal Weird Science purely to the weapons owned by the characters and
gadget, but using it requires a skill other than what they can purchase.
Weird Science (for example, Shooting for a Weird
Science weapon, Piloting for a Weird Science
vehicle, Notice for a Weird Science detector, etc.).
If damaged, the gizmo can only be repaired by a
Weird Scientist.

This Edge provides the group with 3 bennies per
BARRACKS game session that can only be spent on Science
The group’s base has a small security force of five rolls and related activities, like performing chemical
men, and the space to house them. This force (use analysis, producing anti-toxins and so on.
the soldier template in Savage Worlds Adventure
Edition) performs guard duties and will help repel LANDING STRIP
attackers. This Edge can be taken multiple times,
increasing the size of the security force by five men Requirements: 1+ group member with Piloting d8+
each time. The base has an airstrip or a Zeppelin dock and
hangar facilities, as well as the necessary equipment
COMPUTING POWER and staff to maintain the aircraft in usable order.
Pick one of the following to decide what aircraft
Requirements: 1+ group member with Science d8+
you have:
You’ve got access to a powerful calculating engine.
• Auto-gyros
This Edge provides the group with 3 bennies per
game session that can only be spent on Science rolls • Small planes
related to the groups purpose, like performing some
complex calculations to solve a problem. • Zeppelins

FORTIFIED • Armed Biplanes

The group’s base is a hard nut to crack. The walls Note: You can take this Edge more than once; each
are thick and sturdy, the doors are reinforced, the time you take it, pick another kind of aircraft.
glass is bullet-proof. The place is surrounded by
walls and fences. Anyone trying to take it is going LOCKDOWN
to have a fight on their hands. Enemies attempting
When necessary you can seal up your group’s base
to penetrate or attack the base directly suffer a -5
tighter than a drum. At the pull of a lever the doors
penalty to all related rolls.
lock, shutters drop over the windows, even the air
conditioning shuts down. Taking this Edge means
JAIL that nothing bigger than a whisper can escape your
You’ve got somewhere to keep unruly prisoners, base using conventional means when it is locked-
either a brig on a vehicle or cells in the basement. down. Bases with this Edge also have their own
Prisoners confined to the jail are going to stay emergency air supply, which can come in handy if
there until they get broken out or you transfer them the Death Dragon’s minions are attempting another
somewhere else. What you do with them while gas attack.
you’ve got them is up to you. Your jail’s cells may
even come with a few previously captured inmates! INFIRMARY
However, note that even a sturdy holding cell can’t
Requirements: 1+ group member with Healing d8+
hold an Evil Mastermind for long.
Your group has access to a good infirmary and the
LAB SPACE necessary medical staff to help you recover from
injury and illness. This Edge provides competent
Requirements: 1+ group member with Science d8+
medical care for even serious injuries without
Your base has a fully equipped laboratory and the having to involve the authorities, providing the
research staff to run it. These lab techs are lousy group with 3 bennies per every game session that
in a fight, but they can work a test tube with the can only be spent on Healing rolls and related
best of them, and can perform analysis, synthesize activities.
compounds and provide similar technical support

This Edge provides up to 3 additional Advances per
MENAGERIE game session, to be divided between the characters
You have a large holding facility for keeping exotic at no more than one per character.
creatures that you are unable to return to their
natural habitat. What is it with Evil Masterminds GARAGE
and their venomous pets, anyway?
Requirements: 1+ group member with Driving d8+
MOBILE HQ Your base has an extensive motor pool, and you’ve
got access to a variety of vehicles. Characters can
The base is a giant vehicle and can move under its
easily obtain any normal motor vehicle and may
own power. Maybe it’s built into an airplane, maybe
spend a bennie to get more unusual or specialized
it’s on board a ship or slung beneath your very own
Zeppelin! Whatever it is, it moves around, making
it harder for the bad guys to track you down and
easier for you to get back up in the field. WEALTHY
Requirements: 1+ group member with the Filthy
You’ve got official backing, and you can flash Your group is well-funded, and members have easy
an impressive-looking badge or ID. The Powers access to money when conducting group business.
That Be – the army, the navy, the government, the Characters can easily obtain normal items (not
secret service, the National Science Foundation, weapons or vehicles) easily and may spend a bennie
the League of Nations, or some other group with a to get more unusual or specialized items.
LOT of authority is backing your adventures. This
doesn’t give you carte blanche, but it does give Note: Groups can’t have both the Wealthy Edge and
you a +2 to all Persuasion and Intimidation checks Underfunded Hindrance.
made when attempting to get official cooperation in
pursuit of official business.
Note: A group cannot have both the Official Edge
and the Criminal Hindrance.

SECRET BASE Every Pulp Fantastic group faces terrible dangers

– bloodthirsty assassins, Evil Masterminds, Mad
Your base is hard to spot and is cunningly concealed Scientists, spies, gangsters, Things That Should Not
to prevent accidental (or deliberate) discovery. Be – but your group faces them with a handicap.
It could be disguised behind a bakery, buried
underground or just hidden beneath some Weird BYSTANDERS
Science active camouflage. Even if an enemy knows
the base is there, it’s still almost impossible to find, Your group’s base is in a public location. It might
requiring two raises to uncover. be famous, located in or near a tourist attraction
(if your group is famous it might BE a tourist
TRAINING ROOMS attraction), be in a or near a very public place or
simply have a lot of foot traffic passing by. When
Your group has access to training facilities, such the chips are down and the bad guys come calling,
as a gym, a firing range, pool, and others. Between your heroes will have panicking civilians to deal
adventures you have everything you need to keep with as well as armed goons.
yourselves sharp and in tip-top shape. Your base
includes a gym, a firing range, and other training
facilities. Between adventures, you’re busy honing
your skills.

Your group has a specific code of conduct that Your organization has a dark secret, and you don’t
you’re expected to adhere to. Maybe it’s the military know what it is. The nature of the dark secret
chain of command and rules of engagement, is up to the GM. It could be another Hindrance
or maybe you’re bound by religious oaths. (maybe your mysterious benefactor is actually a
Regardless, you must abide by the rules, and if you Nazi spymaster or a notorious crime lord, not the
don’t, there’ll be trouble bound by civil service government, so you’re actually Criminals; maybe
bureaucracy. You’ve got to keep to the code, or the organization was set up to atone for a dreadful
there’ll be trouble. crime, or to correct the effects of an experiment that
went horribly wrong) or something even worse.
All group members are treated as if they have either
the Obligation (Minor) or Vow (Minor) Hindrance – DEMANDING SUPERIORS
decide which in discussion with the GM.
You’re not your own boss, and your boss is a
CRIMINAL jerk. You’re in the hot seat and you’re expected
to perform, no matter what. Whatever it is your
The Law frowns on the activities of your group. group does, you need to do it better, and to a tight
You’re doing something that’s genuinely illegal, deadline. Your bosses want results!
like smuggling fugitives across state lines, or the
government doesn’t want anyone else fighting Your group answers to a higher power, one that
crime. If you’re caught, you’ll be arrested. can’t keep its sticky fingers out of your business,
keeps interfering with your decisions and generally
All group members are treated as if they have either makes your life hell. Taking this Hindrance gives
the Wanted (Minor) Hindrance. If a character is the GM license to go with the kind of Boss from
already Wanted, they are treated as if it was Wanted Hell who doesn’t understand why you haven’t
(Major). captured the Crimson Claw yet and won’t sign off
on your ammunition requisition.
Note: Groups can’t have both the Criminal
Hindrance and the Official Edge.
DANGEROUS CONSE- Someone in your organization is working for
QUENCES the opposition, feeding them information and
sabotaging your plans. Maybe they’re working for
Your group uses (or has used) your base for a an organization (like the Syndicate or the Tong
troublesome experiment involving Weird Science, of the Black Scorpion) or an enemy (Like Herr
Magic, Psionics or something else peculiar and Doktor Todeskopf or the Crimson Claw). The GM
dangerous. They might have once accidentally determines who the traitor is. It could be your
created a deadly bacillus, attracted the attention of superior in the organization, or a trusted underling.
Eldritch Abominations or a poltergeist by reading It could even be one of the player characters!
the wrong book aloud, or accidentally given
independent form to a latent psychosis. The fallout UNRELIABLE
from this can – and will – cause problems for your
base and the people within it. The consequences can Something about your base or group is unreliable
be awkward and troublesome but are rarely deadly. and is liable to fail when it’s needed most. Pick one
of your Group Edges. That Edge is now unreliable
Once per game session, the GM may choose to have and cannot be counted on all the time.
something related to the nature of the experiment
go wrong for those in the base, usually at the worst For example, if you have an unreliable Landing
possible time, unless every member of the group Strip, then either your source of aircraft is unreliable
sacrifices a bennie. (sometimes, your old war buddy just can’t get the

parts!) or the aircraft themselves tend to break down. Once per game session, the GM can withdraw a
Group Edge from play, unless every member of the Group sacrifices a bennie.

Your group is poverty stricken and desperately short of cash. You can’t afford new equipment, you can
barely make the rent, and you’re on a shoestring budget. A frayed shoestring.

Members of the group can’t buy even the most common equipment, items or services without first securing
the funding.

Note: Groups can’t have both the Wealthy Edge and Underfunded Hindrance.


T his section covers the wide variety of general

gear available to adventurers of all sorts. With most items of gear, the GM shouldn’t require
the player to declare their character is carrying it in
General gear mostly does not need any special advance. The Pulps played fast and loose with the
rules. Players are free to equip their characters capacity of their hero’s pockets, and you should too.
with whatever they think they are likely to need A simple rule of thumb should be that if an item is
in the form of tools, clothes, personal effects, and required for the character to use their skill, they’ve
other sundry items. Generally, these do not affect probably got it on them (unless it’s something too
Trait or Skill rolls in any way, though they may big to carry, like a boat or a car). For example, the
be necessary for the effective use of some skills. player of a big game hunter doesn’t need to tell the
For example, repairing an engine without a proper GM that he’s taking a hunting rifle with him every
toolkit is difficult and should be performed at a time he leaves the country – it’s always assumed to
penalty, and treating a wound without a first aid be in his travel chest.
kit likewise. Attempting a complex Skill without
the proper tools should be done with a -2 or more If an item is something you might have with you,
penalty applied to the roll. but it’s not something you’d normally carry around,
you can spend a bennie to have it, if you can justify
Certain items of equipment, such as any high (or it to the GM. If the big game hunter goes for a night
Weird) technology or arcane artifacts, may have at the Stork Club, he’s not going to bring a hunting
Powers. These are usually obvious, but the Game rifle with him – but he might have a derringer in his
Master makes the final decision on the capabilities pocket, just in case!
of any mundane equipment, though the expenditure
of Bennies to get minor things to work should be Losing equipment is a bigger problem. Even if an
allowed. item is part of the trappings of a skill, if you lose it
or it’s destroyed, it’s gone until you can realistically
Note that any device that uses batteries comes with replace it. Note that some skills require specialist
them. Generally, ignore battery life—assume that equipment to perform successfully, so be careful
heroes (and their antagonists) are smart enough with your gear!
to recharge or replace their batteries between
adventures, and that the batteries last as long as
needed during adventures, only running down when
dramatically appropriate. If you’re stuck on a dinosaur-infested South
American plateau, of course, you’re unlikely to
GEAR THAT’S NOT LISTED find a handy branch of Sears. The Survival skill
can be used to find food and build a shelter, while
Pulp Fantastic takes place in a rough analog of our a Gadgeteer could build basic gear out of any junk
world of the 1920’s and 1930’s (assuming you don’t they might have handy. The McGyver Edge can be
decide to create a truly fantastic pulp world). If you particularly useful in situations where you may not
want an item of gear that exists in the real world but have the necessary tools to hand.
isn’t listed here, discuss it with your GM.
When using improvised gear, any critical failure
result means that your improvised gear has broken.

Buying Used Optional Rule:
For some objects, a character can
try to go the cheaper route and Planning
Stricter GMs may prefer to follow a
buy used. Used car lots, used book
more traditional approach to gear,
stores, second-hand and refurbished
allowing the heroes to carry only
electronic equipment shops, pawn
their basic gear with them unless
shops—all these establishments
stated otherwise. If a player wants
and more offer deals on previously
to have an elephant gun and some
owned goods. In general, only
Nitro Express cartridges, then he
Uncommon items get a price break
has to say he’s going down to the
if you can find them used. Common
gun room to get them instead of
items don’t receive a price break if
just assuming he got them between
you find them in used condition.
scenes. This rule places more of an
Whether you can find an object
emphasis of careful planning and
to purchase used instead of new is
preparation over fast, furious and
entirely up to the Game Master.
fun, which is why we’ve listed it as
Except for purchasing a used car,
finding other objects through a used an optional setting rule.
market takes time and a bit of luck.
Shopping for a used object takes
twice as long as shopping for the
same object new. In addition, after
spending the time shopping, the
GM can determine that the exact
item you were searching for isn’t It’s a dangerous world out there, especially
available. You might find a similar criminals, enemy agents, or those who fight them.
object, or you might not find Most heroes carry weapons, ranging from baseball
anything like it at any of the used bats to Thompson submachine guns.
outlets you’ve checked out.
Buying used doesn’t negate the This section concentrates mainly on period specific
penalties and fees associated with firearms, as virtually all other weapons are covered
buying restricted objects or objects in the Savage Worlds rulebook. Note however
that require a license. that costs listed here are as they would have been
If you do find a used item, and the during the Pulp Era. As a rule of thumb, dividing
Game Master agrees that it qualifies the modern cost by 5 should give you a reasonable
for a price break, it is reduced by 1 approximation of the cost during the 1920s and 30s
rank (i.e. from Rare to Uncommon, (if it was available at all). As always, use a little
and Uncommon to Common). common sense when shopping for weapons; just
Used objects are harder to repair because we’ve listed a Martian Heat Ray doesn’t
if something breaks or is damaged. mean your character is going to be able to find one
Whenever a used object requires to buy!
a Repair check, the GM should
impose a -2 penalty. Players should also remember that even in the
Remember that buying something rough and tumble world of the Pulps, carrying a
used is different from buying weapon openly — especially a firearm — is rarely
something on the black market. acceptable, even in the rare cases when it’s legal.
While a hot object might be used, it
is sold as though it was new.

Since this is a cinematic-styled game designed
It’s entirely up to you how strictly
for fast play, we are not going to get into the nuts you want to keep tabs on how much
and bolts of varying gun calibers. When one starts ammunition characters have in their
worrying about the difference between 9mm and weapons. Some people prefer a light
9x18mm pistols, it is easy to lose sight of the more touch – maybe only running out
important aspects of play – action and drama. Thus, of ammunition when it adds to the
we break guns down into general categories instead story or they make a spectacularly
of specific calibers and loads. bad roll. Others like to carefully
manage their ammo expenditure,
Pistols and it can add tension when they
run low as the cultists close on their
Pistols are small, hand-held weapons that come
in a variety of shapes and sizes from tiny palm-
You don’t need to track individual
sized derringers to sleek semi-automatic jobs, to
shots. A failure or critical failure
imposing revolvers with 30-cm barrels. They have
could indicate that you’ve run out
a shorter accuracy range than rifles, but are much
of ammo and need to reload (“You
faster to use, less unwieldy to carry, and far easier to
hit the electric myrmidon with your
first shot, but the hammer clicks on
Handguns can be broken down into three smaller an empty chamber the next time
groups: autoloaders, revolvers, and machine pistols. you squeeze the trigger”). Reloading
a gun takes an action for most
Autoloaders (sometimes called “automatics”), such weapons.
as the Colt M1911 (the venerable .45 pistol), feature The ammunition that different
removable box magazines, and some models hold weapons hold is presented here as
quite a lot of ammunition. They work by using an ‘average’ for a weapon of that
the energy of a shot fired to throw back a slide, type. If your players have done some
eject the shot’s shell casing, and scoop the next homework on specific guns, by all
round into the chamber. They are more complex means use the information that they
than revolvers, but nevertheless have become have found.
increasingly popular in the modern age.

Revolvers, such as the .38 Special side-arms carried Option: Mercy

by many police officers, are relatively simple
firearms that store several rounds (usually six) in
Many scientist heroes and
a revolving cylinder. As the trigger is pulled, the adventurers prefer to use nonlethal
cylinder revolves to bring the next bullet in line weapons. One option is to
with the barrel. use tranquilizing “mercy bullets”.
Machine pistols are automatic weapons small Mercy bullets deliver an impact
enough to be fired with one hand. Some are similar to a quick punch and will
autoloader pistols modified to fire a burst of bullets leave a bruise but inflict no actual
in a single pull of the trigger, while others are physical damage. Instead the
modified submachine guns, cut down in size and damage for the weapon is applied
weight to allow one-handed use. to the target’s Vigor as per the rules
found in the Savage Worlds Core
Ranged weapons that use box magazines come with Rulebook.
one full magazine.

Holdout Pistol – tiny pistols that hold small caliber ammunition and do more shock than actual damage.
These guns hold from one (single-shot derringers) to seven (revolver) to fifteen (automatic pistol) shots,
and are generally double-action, meaning the gun can be fired as many times as the trigger can be pulled.
The character can empty the weapon in a single Round if he or she chooses. Examples include;

• Double Derringer: This pistol breaks open at the breech like a double-barreled shotgun. The two-shot
weapon has one barrel atop the other and is barely 5 inches long, making it easy to conceal in a boot or

• Pocket Revolver: Designed as a weapon of self-defense, this small revolver is a popular personal
weapon, though never as popular as the Derringer.

Holdout Pistols
Type Range Damage AP RoF Shots Min STR Weight Cost
Double 3/6/12 2d4 - 1 2 d4 1 $20
Note: −2 to
be Noticed if

Pocket 5/10/20 2d4 - 1 6 d4 2 $25


Small Pistol – any snub-nose weapon, such as an American Saturday Night Special, or snub-nose police
revolver, usually in .32 to .38 calibers. Most guns in this category are small revolvers, limited to six or
seven shots. These guns deal normal damage and can be fired multiple times in a Round.

• Beretta M1934: The standard side-arm of the Italian army through the Italian-Abyssinian War (1935-
36), the Beretta M1934 has a short barrel and underpowered ammunition, resulting in its low damage

• Walther Model PP: The Walther, designed as a replacement for the Luger, is widely issued to German
forces in the 1930s. The Swedish army also purchases Walthers in 1939.

Small Pistols
Type Range Damage AP RoF Shots Min STR Weight Cost
Beretta 12/24/48 2d6 - 1 7 d4 2 $50
Walther 12/24/48 2d6+1 - 1 8 d4 2 $40
Model PP

Colt 12/24/48 2d6 - 1 6 d4 2 $25


Medium Pistol: standard police and military side arms in 9mm to .40 caliber size, holding 10-15 rounds.
These guns can be fired multiple times but each additional shot after the first imparts a -2 cumulative
penalty from recoil.

Beretta M1934: standard police and military side arms in 9mm to .40 caliber size, holding 10-15 rounds.
These guns can be fired multiple times each Round.

• Nagant Model 1895: This Russian revolver is used in the time of the Russian Revolution and beyond.

• Luger P08 Pistol: This is the famous weapon of German officers in the Great War.

Medium Pistols
Type Range Damage AP RoF Shots Min STR Weight Cost

Nagant 12/24/48 2d6 - 1 7 d4 2 $50

Luger P08 12/24/48 2d6+1 - 1 8 d4 2 $30

Large Pistol: guns like the U.S. Colt Army Revolver or Russian Tokarov TT-33, from .45 to 7.62 caliber
in size and holding 6-10 rounds. Like a normal Medium Pistol, but deals higher damage. Period examples

• Browning High Power: Originally manufactured in Belgium, the Browning High Power is used by
military forces around the world: Lithuania, Canada, Germany, China, and Britain, among others. Its
large magazine capacity makes it particularly popular.

• Mauser “Broomhandle”: This popular, if slightly awkward, pistol has the magazine mounted in front
of the trigger, making it somewhat nose-heavy. Its nickname comes from the narrow grip. A stock can
be mounted to the grip, counterbalancing the magazine.

• Colt M1911A1: A slightly modified version of the pistol adopted by the American army in 1911, this
weapon’s .45 round gives it more stopping power than any other pistol in service.

• Tokarev Model TT33: Designed as a replacement for the Nagant, the Tokarev is based on the Colt
M1911. Because the Soviets favor mass produced submachine guns, the Tokarev never becomes an
especially common weapon in the Red Army. The same statistics can be used for similar weapons, such
as the Polish Radom (a 9mm pistol) and the German Walther P38 (also 9mm).

Large Pistols
Type Range Damage AP RoF Shots Min STR Weight Cost

Browning High 12/24/48 2d6 1 1 7 d4 2 $50

Mauser 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 1 8 d4 2 $30

Colt M1911A1 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 1 7 d4 2 $40

Hand Cannon: guns in this category include • Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum: Developed
.357 Magnums (introduced in 1934) or .50 caliber in response to the Colt .38 Super Automatic,
pistols. They hold 6-7 rounds. They deal a lot of this famous revolver was designed to be able
damage and may be fired a maximum of twice per to penetrate automobile cover and early “bullet
Round. Examples include; proof” vests.

• Colt Peacemaker: The most famous weapon • Smith & Wesson 38/200: Called a .38, this
of the Old West, the Peacemaker is widely revolver is Smith & Wesson’s standard Military
available, powerful, and rugged. The same and Police .38 but chambered to take the
characteristics could also describe similar British .38 cartridge - which actually measures
weapons of different calibers, such as the .38 .357 inches. While technically this weapon
caliber Colt Lightning or Thunder. wasn’t available until 1940 (after the scope of
this game) it could be possible that characters
• Tranter: This huge British single-action with access to advanced weaponry may have
revolver, developed in 1865, was designed to the pistol in their possession.
discourage opponents from approaching for
close-quarters combat, turned up in all corners
of the British Empire, even though few were

Hand Cannon

Type Range Damage AP RoF Shots Min STR Weight Cost

Colt 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 1 6 d4 4 $30

Tranter 12/24/48 2d8 2 1 6 d6 6 $45

Smith & 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 1 6 d4 5 $50

Wesson .357

Shotguns and Rifles Big Game Rifle: This is an elephant gun or other
big, heavy rifle. Expensive, but very accurate and
Rifles have a much longer accuracy range than long-ranged, plus it can stop a charging rhino.
pistols do, but are a lot more obvious, awkward, Guns like this are both rare and expensive. Classic
and less portable. Unless the rifle is set and aimed examples from the Pulp Era are the Continental .600
already (as with a prepared sniper) a character with and the Holland & Holland .500/450 Nitro Express,
a pistol will always shoot before a character with a both designed to stop a charging bull-elephant.
rifle. Shotguns have much shorter ranges but have
the drawback of being large and awkward like rifles. Shotgun: Shotguns firing buckshot (lots of
little pellets) add +2 to the user’s Shooting rolls
Rifle: These are hunting rifles of the bolt, pump, or and cause 3d6 damage at Short Range, 2d6 at
lever-action variety. They hold 2-10 rounds. Period Medium, and 1d6 at Long. Buckshot may not be
examples include the Winchester Models 1903 and fired at Extreme Range. Standard shotguns hold 2
1910, and the Remington Arms M1903 Springfield. cartridges, pump-action or automatic shotguns hold
• Mannlicher-Parravicino-Carcano Carbine
M1891: The Italian army uses this weapon • Double-Barreled Shotgun: Some shotguns
during the Great War. The Japanese Arisaka have two barrels welded side-by-side. If an
Meiji 38 is almost identical, except for its attacker wants to fire both barrels at the same
smaller magazine (5 rounds) and greater weight target, roll damage once and add +4. Once both
(10 pounds). barrels have been fired, it takes a full Round to
reload afterward.
• Springfield M1903: This American rifle is
licensed from an earlier Mauser bolt-action • Slugs: Shotguns can also fire slugs. The
rifle. The same statistics can be used for attacker doesn’t get the +2 buckshot bonus
later Mausers such as the Gewehr 43 or the to his Shooting roll, but the damage is 2d10
Sturmgewehr 44. regardless of Range (and they may be fired at
Extreme Range).
• Lee-Enfield SMLE MkIII: The British
Army’s standard rifle from 1895 to 1957. Assault Rifle: During the Pulp Era, assault rifles
were in their earliest stages of development and
• Mosin-Nagant M1891/30: The standard bolt- were Rare, though characters with access to
action rifle of the Soviet Red Army through the advanced weapons technology may be able to find
pulp era. Nearly the same statistics can be used them. An example of an early assault rifle is the
for modified versions of the M1930G, such as M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle.
the M1938G.

Shotguns and Rifles
Type Range Damage AP RoF Shots Min Weight Cost
Mannlicher-Parravicino- 24/48/96 2d8 2 1 5 d6 9 $120
Carcano Carbine M1891
Springfield M1903 24/48/96 2d8 2 1 5 d6 9 $120
Lee-Enfield SMLE MkIII 24/48/96 2d8 2 1 10 d8 9 $60
Mosin-Nagant M1891/30 24/48/96 2d8 2 1 8 d8 10 $60
Continental .600
Note: Snapfire 30/60/120 2d10 3 1 2 d8 11 $1000
Holland & Holland .500/450
Nitro Express
Note: Snapfire 50/100/200 2d10+1 4 1 2 d10 12 $750
Double-Barrel Shotgun 12/24/48 1-3d6 - 1-2 2 d6 11 $45
Sawed-Off Shotgun 5/10/20 1-3d6 - 1-2 2 d6 6 $45
Pump-Action Shotgun 12/24/48 1-3d6 - 1 2 d6 11 $105
M1918 Browning Automatic 24/48/96 2d8+1 3 3 20 d10 24 $800

Machine Guns
Machine guns are large, dangerous weapons used to inflict mass carnage. They are always mounted on
bipods or tripods and cannot be fired on the move unless by characters with Strength d8 or more. Using
a machine gun is identical to using an Assault Rifle on full auto, save that
machine guns deal more damage, and smaller arcs of fire can be better
controlled. A 45° arc uses one-half of an ammo clip or belt, and a
90° arc uses an entire clip or belt. A clip holds up to 100 rounds;
belts hold thousands of rounds but aren’t very portable. Smaller
or in-between arcs of fire may be possible at the Game Master’s

Period examples include;

• Maxim Gun Mk 1: The first automatic machine gun, the

Maxim gun is portable enough to see widespread military
use. A .450 caliber version of this gun was developed in
1885, but the British army’s adoption of the weapon in
1889 contributed to its great success. The Maxim gun
is water-cooled.

• Colt-Browning M1895: This early gas-operated

machine gun is colloquially called the “potato digger,”
because the movement of the gun’s levers sometimes
kicks up loose dirt from the ground. Its light weight
and portability compensate for its relatively slow rate
of fire compared to its main competitor, the Maxim.

• Browning M1917: This medium machine gun is used by the U.S. Army at the end of the Great War.
It is water-cooled, though an air-cooled version is issued to infantry (as the M1919A4) in the 1920s.
The Browning M1918 Automatic Rifle uses the same statistics, except that it has a small (20-round)
magazine instead of using linked ammo.

• Browning M2HB: Originally designed as an aircraft weapon, the Browning is adopted by the U.S.
Army in 1921.

Machine Guns

Type Range Damage AP RoF Shots Min Weight Cost

Maxim Gun 100/200/300 2d8 4 3 100 d8 60 $2,000
Mk 1
Colt-Browning 100/200/300 2d8 4 3 200 d8 35 $2,000
Browning 75/150/300 2d8+1 4 3 250 d8 104 $3,000

Browning 250/500/1000 2d8+1 6 3 100 d8 83 $2,800


Sub-machine Guns statistics can be used for similar submachine

guns, such as the Erma MP38/40, the Sten
Sub-Machine guns are somewhere between pistols Mark 2, the Shpagin PPSh-41 (7.62mm), or the
and machine guns. They look cool but are not Sudarev PPS-42 (also 7.62mm).
weapons of precision. In the Pulp Era, submachine
guns are exceptionally uncommon. Period examples • Waffenfabrik Steyr Maschinenpistol 34
include; (MP34): Developed in 1934 from the MP18,
which saw limited service in the Great War, this
• Thompson M1921 Submachine Gun: The exceptionally well-made submachine gun was
famous “Tommy gun” of American gangsters used by the Austrian police and by units of the
is one of the first hand-held weapons capable Waffen SS during World War II. The same stats
of automatic fire. Its large-caliber bullets give can be used for the later MP38.
it greater damage potential than many more
modern submachine guns, although at a shorter

• Beretta M1938A: Primarily an Italian

weapon, the Model 1938A is also issued to
some Rumanian and German troops. The same

Sub-Machine Guns

Type Range Damage AP RoF Shots Min Weight Cost

Thompson 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 3 20/30/50 d6 15 $200
Beretta M1938A 175/250/500 2d6+1 1 3 30 d6 9 $200

Waffenfabrik 65/130/260 2d6+1 1 3 20/32 d6 10 $300

34 (MP34)

Sniper Rifles • Lee-Enfield SMLE MkIII: The British

Army’s standard rifle from 1895 to 1957, when
Sniper weapons allow the shooter to remain at modified with a heavy stock and telescopic
a relatively safe distance, using high-powered sight became a highly effective sniper rifle.
telescopic sights and long-range weaponry. The
sniper usually holes up in a location that gives him • Mauser Gehwehr 98: The main German
the best possible view over the proceedings, taking infantry bolt-action combat rifle during the
shots of opportunity when possible. At this point Great War. When modified with telescopic
in history, most sniper rifles were simply standard sights and a modified bolt, this became one of
rifles fitted with a telescopic sight, rather than the the most effective sniper weapons of the war.
specialized sniper rifles of today.
• Springfield M1903: This is just the standard
Period examples include; Springfield fitted with a telescopic sight that
gives it a +2 to hit over long distances.

Sniper Rifles

Type Range Damage AP RoF Shots Min Weight Cost

Lee-Enfield 24/48/96 2d8 1 3 20/30/50 d8 10 $60
Mauser 65/130/260 2d6+1 1 3 20/32 d6 10 $300
Gehwehr 98
Springfield 65/130/260 2d8 2 1 5 d6 9 $150
M1903 Notes:
+2 to hit with
telescopic sight

Beam Weapons they are incapacitated. If the character rolls
a critical failure on their Vigor roll, they are
Beam weapons are weird technology devices that immediately Incapacitated.
project an oscillating beam of directed energy.
Usually derived from principles discovered from • Tesla Rifle: A bulkier version of the Tesla
recovered Martian armament, beam weapons pistol, the Tesla rifle has an extended range and
are incredibly rare to find and almost impossible battery life but does no more damage.
to build. They’re fragile, power-hungry,
• Tesla Cannon: This large tripod-mounted
temperamental, and incredibly expensive. So far,
weapon is the only Tesla weapon that does
no-one has found a way to mass produce them, and
lethal damage, with the effects being similar to
the knowledge that they’re even possible remains
being struck by a massive bolt of lightning.
extremely limited.
• Martian Heat Ray: The signature weapon
• Tesla Pistol: Named after the noted inventor,
of the Martian invader, the dreaded heat ray
the Tesla pistol transmits a massive electrical
is still a potent weapon. With a seemingly
charge to the target. Most “Tesla Pistols”
inexhaustible (and still unfathomed) energy
don’t pack enough punch to do much damage,
source, heat rays have been found in the
instead producing an effect like a modern taser.
possession of criminals and military forces all
They aren’t subtle weapons, producing a vivid
over the world. Still, functional heat rays are
blue flash of electricity and a loud crackle when
rare – many exploded with shattering force
fired. Targets of a Tesla pistol must succeed
when being probed for their secrets. Martian
with a Vigor roll at –2 or become Fatigued.
heat rays are bulky devices about the size of
Each successive hit before the fatigue state is
a man, designed to be mounted on the tripod
removed is resisted with a Vigor check at -2,
walkers, and need to be adapted for human with
plus penalties for being Fatigued. If the target
a tripod and a man-usable trigger system.
fails, their Fatigue increases by one level until

Beam Weapons

Type Range Damage AP RoF Shots Min Weight Cost

Tesla Pistol 12/24/48 See notes 1 1 10 d6 4 $10,000
Tesla Rifle -non- 25/50/100 See notes 1 1 20 d8 10 $20,000
lethal damage

Tesla Cannon 50/100/200 3d10 1 1 10 d10 50 $50,000

Martian Heat 500/1000/2000 10d10 4 1 ∞ d12 200 NA


successive failure increases the level of Fatigue
EXPLOSIVES until the hero is incapacitated. Resisting
Mines, rockets, grenades and other explosives the effects of a tear gas grenade counts as a
are area effect attacks, inflicting full damage to Reaction, so the hero will be at -2 to their next
everyone within a given blast template. Most roll made that round.
explosives are not for sale on the open market and
• Stun Grenade: Stun grenades (also called
are only available to military personnel.
Flashbangs) are designed to briefly overwhelm
• Anti-Personnel Mine: Heavy weapon. Step on their targets and weaken resistance. Targets
it, and it goes boom. Spotting an anti-personnel must make a Vigor roll (at –2 with a raise) or
mine requires a successful Notice check, with be Stunned.
a -2 penalty if the surface is muddy, overgrown
• Fragmentation Grenade: You throw
or generally uneven. If a character steps on a
them, they go boom, bad guys fall. Pulp era
mine, they get a Notice roll. Failure means they
examples are the British Army Mills Bomb,
realize it before stepping off and detonating it.
the Mk 2 US Army fragmentation grenade
Saving the victim requires a Repair roll at −4,
and the well-known German “potato-masher”
but failure detonates the device immediately.
• Anti-Tank Mine: Heavy weapon. Like the
• Dynamite: Perhaps one of the most common
anti-personnel mine, with a much bigger boom.
and straightforward explosives, dynamite is
Most anti-tank mines were designed to only
very stable under normal conditions. A stick
trigger in the proximity of vehicles and could
of dynamite requires a fuse or detonator to set
be walked over without detonation. Anti-tank
it off. Additional sticks can be set off at the
mines have an AP of 5 versus half the target
same time if they are within the burst radius of
vehicle’s Armor value (round up).
the first stick, increasing the damage and burst
• Bouncing Betty: Heavy weapon. The German radius of the explosion. Each additional stick
Schrapnellmine or S-Mine was designed to multiplies the damage (i.e. 2 sticks deal 3d6 x 2
launch 3-6 feet into the air when triggered and damage, 3 sticks do 3d6 x 3 damage, and so on)
then detonate in a lethal spray of shrapnel. It and increases the explosive radius by 2 yards.
was developed in the 1930’s for use in open
It’s possible to wire together several sticks of
areas against unshielded infantry, but pulp
dynamite for even greater explosive effect. Doing
heroes may come across early prototypes in
so requires a Repair check at -1 per additional stick,
their adventures. Only full overhead cover
with a success increasing the damage and explosive
offers an Armor bonus against such devices.
radius by a further 50%.
Simply being prone offers no protection from
these deadly explosives. To set off dynamite using a fuse, the fuse must
first be lit, requiring an Action (and a lighter or
• Smoke Grenade: Throwing a grenade uses
other source of flame). The amount of time until
the Throwing skill; a smoke grenade fills the
the dynamite explodes depends on the length of
area with thick, blinding smoke. Trying to do
the fuse—a fuse can be cut short enough for the
anything while blinded is worth a -4 penalty at
dynamite to detonate in the same round (allowing it
to be used much like a grenade), or long enough to
• Tear Gas Grenade: Like a smoke grenade, but take several minutes to detonate. Cutting the fuse to
the smoke released is a potent irritant, causing the appropriate length requires an Action.
blinding tears, choking and pain. Heroes caught
in tear gas without a gas mask that covers their
full face must succeed in a Vigor check at -2 or
become Fatigued, repeated for every round they
spend in the cloud without protection. Each


Type Range Damage AP RoF Shots Min Weight

Anti-Personnel Mine - 2d6+2 - - SBT

(4 yards) 10 NA
Anti-Tank Mine - 4d6 - - MBT
(8 yards) 20 NA
“Bouncing Betty” - 3d6 See notes - SBT 9 NA
Smoke Grenade 4/8/16 See notes - - LBT
(12 yards) 1 NA
Tear Gas Grenade 4/8/16 See notes - - LBT 1 NA
Stun Grenade 4/8/16 See notes - - LBT 1 NA
Mills Bomb 4/8/16 2d8 - - MBT 1 NA
US Mk 2 Grenade 4/8/16 3d6 - - MBT 1 NA
Stielhandgranate “Potato 5/10/20 3d6-2 - - MBT 2 NA
Dynamite Stick 5/10/20 3d6 - - MBT 1 $2

treat, but they can’t regularly afford anything more
expensive without spending a bennie.

What sort of lifestyle does your character live? Characters with the Rich Edge are comfortably
Does he drive an exotic car and own a speedboat, well-off. They can easily drop about $500 at a time,
throwing lavish parties and flying off to Rio for the meaning that they will fly, drink and eat first class
weekend? Or does he subsist on pasta in a one-room often. Having the Filthy Rich Edge means that
apartment? money is no longer something they must worry
An average character (one without the Poverty

Hindrance or the Rich or Filthy Rich Edges) can
afford a meal at a good restaurant, a ticket to a
basketball game, or a new book pretty much any
time they want. The essence of the Pulp Era is speed. As new
technologies shrank the world, people became
More expensive lifestyle options are always obsessed with travelling further and faster than
available, but they can’t really live beyond their ever before. Pulp characters in general are always
means for long without becoming temporarily leaping on a plane or a boat (or zeppelin!) and
Impoverished. Of course, if they already own a travelling across the globe in search of action and
Bugatti, becoming Impoverished doesn’t necessarily adventure. This section deals with the various
mean they have to give it up. The character can still vehicles the characters will rely on to get them from
drive an expensive car — they just can’t currently place to place.
afford to do all the other things people associate
with that kind of life.

A character with the Poverty Hindrance is nearly

always broke. A night at the movies might be a

• Alfa Romeo 8C 2900: The Alfa Romeo 8C
SAMPLE VEHICLES 2900 is a fast two-seat racer. It provides one-
third cover to its occupants.
• Duesenberg Model J Phaeton: This luxury
• BMW R12: A sturdy well-built motorcycle, automobile brought the term “duesy” (or
available with or without a sidecar, used by the “doozy”) into popular slang. It has a separate
Third Reich as a vehicle for scouts or couriers. windshield for the passengers in the rear seat!
With the convertible top up, it provides two-
• Indian Hendee Special: The Indian Hendee thirds cover to its occupants; with the roof
Special is the first electric start motorcycle. It down, this is reduced to one-third cover.
is a powerful bike capable of high speed. It’s
smaller than most vehicles occupying only a • Citroen Traction Avant: One of the first cars
single square. This bike is the favorite of a lot to use front-wheel drive, the 1934 Citroen
of daredevils and speed freaks. Traction Avant is a technology leader. It
provides two-thirds cover to its occupants.
• SdKfz 2: A treaded motorcycle half-track,
the SdKfz 2 Kettenkraftrad was originally • Buick Series 90 Convertible Phaeton: A
conceived as a light support towing vehicle popular car in the early days of Hollywood,
for mountain troops, but found favor with all the Buick Series 90 Convertible is elegant and
Wehrmacht troops, especially those in the often seen in light colors. With the convertible
Eastern Front where its excellent cross country top up, it provides two-thirds cover to its
ability allowed it to maneuver in the mud- occupants; with the roof down, this is reduced
bogged roads and the mountainous Caucasus to one-third cover.
• Auburn 852 Speedster: Another speedy racing
Cars car. With the convertible top up, it provides
two-thirds cover to its occupants; with the roof
• Bentley-3 Litre: Known for both speed down, this is reduced to one-third cover.
and reliability, the Bentley 3-Litre has been
jokingly referred to as “The fastest truck in the • BMW 328: A lightweight and aerodynamic
world.” With the convertible top up, it provides sports car, the BMW 328 is speedy (for its
two-thirds cover to its driver and passengers; time) and maneuverable. It is 3 squares long
with the roof down, this is reduced to one-third and 2 squares wide. With the convertible
cover. top up, it provides two-thirds cover to its
occupants; with the roof down, this is reduced
• Mercedes-Benz SSK: A fine early sports car, to one-third cover.
the SSK pales in comparison to the Alfa Romeo
that comes along a few years later. • Bugatti Type 57 Atalante: The Bugatti Type
57 is a sleek and elegant racer from 1937 and
• Model A Ford Roadster Pickup: This is a provides two-thirds cover to its occupants.
typical early pickup truck, lacking the large
capacity of more modern pickups. The driver • Hispano-Suiza H6C Saoutchik Xenia Coupe:
has two-thirds cover, while the rear bed A masterpiece of artistic design, this is a
provides one-third cover. successor to the classic Hispano-Suiza sedans
of earlier years. Its art deco styling and teardrop
• Model A Ford Station Wagon: Later known shape set it apart from any other car on the road
as a “Woody” for its wooden sides, this kind of at the time. It provides two-thirds cover to its
early station wagon is intended for commercial occupants.
use (replacing its passengers with additional
cargo capacity). It provides two-thirds cover to
its occupants.

Military Vehicles • Messerschmitt Bf109: One of the best
air superiority fighters ever built, the
• Panzerkampfwagen III: One of the Reich’s Messerschmitt was the predator of the skies.
famed Panzer tanks, the Panzerkampfwagen The Bf109 was the Luftwaffe’s standard single-
III was relatively lightly armed and armored, seat fighter since 1935 and was able to outfight
with 15mm armor. This vehicle is armed with a or outrun virtually all opposition. The fighter
single 37mm cannon and a MG34. was used primarily for intercept and bomber
escort duties.
• SturmGeschuetz III: The SturmGeschütz
(Assault Gun) was designed using the main • Junkers 87D Stuka: Stuka is the abbreviation
hull of the Panzer III. Originally designed as of the German word Sturzkampfflugzeug,
support artillery weapon it was later up gunned which designated all dive bombers. The main
with a massive 75mm cannon and used as a fighter/bomber used by the Luftwaffe, the Stuka
tank-killer. would play a major role in the Blitzkrieg that
swept across Poland, northern Europe and
• Type VIIA U-boat: Another iconic Nazi France. In the later years of the war, the Ju
vehicle, the U-boats traveled the Atlantic in 87 had a successful second life as an antitank
predatory “wolf-packs”, harassed shipping, weapon, striking armor columns from above.
delivered Nazi spies onto unsuspecting enemy
beaches, and carried secret archeological • Sikorski S-42 (Seaplane): Before the extensive
discoveries to hidden island fortresses! There development of airports, seaplanes such as the
were many types of U-boat – this vehicle is Sikorski S-42 (Seaplane) are popular passenger
armed with a 75mm deck gun, 11 torpedoes in planes. They can carry nearly three dozen
4 forward tubes. passengers in comfort.

• Curtis Condor: This was the ultimate airliner

prior to the 1933 introduction of the Boeing
In the 1920 and 30’s, the airplane was still a 247. Despite its – at the time – luxurious cabin,
relatively new technology, and flight was the the Condor was a beast to fly and a nauseating
gateway to adventure. ride for passengers.

• Fokker Triplane: The only fighter plane nearly • Autogyro: Invented in 1923, the autogyro is
comparable to the Sopwith Camel during the a predecessor of the modern helicopter. Built
Great War, the Fokker is just as well known, from airplane components, an autogyro has
as it was made famous by the exploits of the the body of a light plane such as the Sopwith
legendary Red Baron. It carries twin Spandau Camel, but with rotary blades mounted above
machine guns. (Use the statistics for the the cockpit in place of wings (though it does
Browning M1917 machine gun.) have a pair of light stabilizers extending to
the sides where the wings would be on a
• Sopwith Camel: One of the most famous monoplane). A propeller on the front or the
fighter planes of The Great War, the Sopwith rear moves the autogyro forward. Pre-WW2
Camel is a highly maneuverable biplane with autogyros cannot hover or reverse. Rare.
twin Vickers machine guns mounted in the
nose. (Use the statistics for the Colt-Browning Zeppelins
M1895 machine gun.) The breeches of the
guns are covered by a hump that gives the One of the most visually distinctive and graceful
plane its name. Other Great War-era biplanes means of transportation, the zeppelin is also
have -1 maneuver modifiers but are otherwise practically synonymous with the idea of Pulp in the
comparable to the Camel. minds of most modern gamers.

A zeppelin consists of a large hydrogen or helium world-famous Hindenburg was over 803 ft long, the
filled balloon that is steered by rudders on the largest object ever to fly, while the Graf Zeppelin
aft and given thrust by propellers. Rigid-bodied was the first aircraft to fly around the world.
zeppelins usually have a small control gondola
beneath, with passenger accommodation and cargo While most zeppelins were filled with highly
holds within the body of the craft. flammable hydrogen, American airships used
helium and therefore weren’t exposed to the same
At over 328 ft long with a carrying capacity of up risk from fire.
to 72 passengers, a standard large passenger airship
could cross the Atlantic in two and a half days. The

Land Vehicles

Type Size Handling Top Toughness Crew Cost Examples

Motorcycle -1 +1 100 8 (2) 1+1 $350 BMW R12

Large 0 +1 100 8 (2) 1+1 $450 Indian Hendee

Motorcycle Special
Small Car 3 -1 50 10 (3) 1+3 $350 Ford Model A
Big Car 4 0 100 10 (2) 1+5 $850 Lincoln Zephyr,
(Large) Packard Twelve
Victoria, Hudson
Sports Car 3 +1 130 10 (2) 1+1 Or $3,500 Bugatti Type 57
1+2 Atalante, Mercedes-
(with Benz SSK, Alfa
rumble Romeo 8C 2900,
seat) Auburn 852 Speedster
Luxury 4 0 120 14 (2) 1+5 $10,000 Duesenberg Model J
Car (Large) Phaeton, Rolls-Royce
Phantom III, Pierce-
Arrow Model 41
Utility 5 0 50 14 (2) 1+3 $600 Model A Ford
(Large) Roadster Pickup,
Model A Ford Station
Wagon, Ford Sedan
Truck 7 -1 70 14 (2) 1+3 $1000 Ford Model AA
Jeep 4 +1 65 10 (2) 1+3 Military Willys MB, 1940
Motorcycle +1 -1 70 10 (4) 1+2 Military SdKfz 2
Half-Track Kettenkraftrad
Light Tank 7 -1 5/10 20/15/14 5 Military Panzerkampfwagen II
(Large) (8/3/2)
Heavy 8 -1 5/12 21/16/16 5 Military M4 Sherman,
Tank (Huge) (9/4/4) Panzerkampfwagen


Type Size Handling Top Speed Toughness Crew Cost

Canoe/Rowboat 1 -2 5 (Paddle) 8 1/2 $25

Inflatable Dinghy 2 -2 5 (Paddle) 0 1+3 $30

Speedboat 4 (Large) +1 90 10 (2) 1+3 $2000
Luxury Yacht 7 (Large) 0 30 12 (2) 1+10 $60,000+
U-Boat 15 -2 20 (surfaced) 14 (3) 52 Military
(Gargantuan 9


Type Size Handling Top Toughness Crew Cost Examples

Autogyro 4 (Large) +1 110 10(2) 1+1 $10,000 Cierva C.30

Racing 4 (Large) +2 300 10 (2) 1 $25,000 Gee Bee R-1

Biplane 4 (Large) +1 113 10 (1) 1+1 $2000 Sopwith Camel
Fighter 6 (Large) +1 313 10 (2) 1 Military Curtiss P-36
Fighter 7 (Large) +1 211 10 (2) 2 Military Junkers 87D
Bomber Stuka
Utility 9 (Huge) 0 225 11 (2) 2+6 $50,000 Beechcraft
Plane Model 18
Cargo 11 (Huge) -1 230 15 (2) 2+30 $35,000 Douglas DC-3
Sea Plane 9 (Huge) 0 200 15 (2) 2+8 $25,000 Grumman G-21
Airliner 11 (Huge) -1 210 11 (2) 2+12 $35,000 Douglas DC-1

Zeppelin 20 -2 85 15 (2) 50+70 $750,000 LZ-129

(Gargantuan) Hindenburg

Organizations are important to any setting, but most this unknown group amassed great wealth for
of those in the Pulp Fantastic campaign are secret themselves along the way.
and hidden. They are active, and player characters
are typically members of one of these organizations As the years passed these secret masters, as they
and will do what they can in the best interest of the thought of themselves, split off and each had their
organization. own nation or region of the world to guide as they
saw fit. With this splintering of their core they
From the dawn of the fantastic there has been a war naturally came into more and more conflict as each
raging outside the view of humanity. This so-called sought to guide their part of the known world in
“Secret War” is a symbol of the way humanity is a direction which they thought was best. This led
viewed. Sides determined to release the new found to a rise in the struggles between nations as each
knowledge into the world, versus those who are master worked with a different methodology as well
determined to hide it, believing that the human race as competing aims came into greater and greater
is not yet ready and there are things out there that conflict.
“man was not yet meant to know.”
This competition ranged from political attacks
Across the centuries there have been wheels to discredit opponents, to duels between proxies
within wheels, secret deals, and behind closed- or actual masters, to outright assassinations and
door meetings that have resulted in the turmoil and religious denouncements. These led to instabilities
conflict over last few centuries. Intellectual powers in the world and politics as each master would
in conflict with each other have had their differences struggle against one and another.
moved into the greater world and in so doing caused
great strife across the planet. As centuries pass the secret masters would name
successors and groom them to take over when their
There is a secret war that rages across the class time would come. Naturally drift in ideology and
lines, national borders and even philosophy. There methodology came about, and when a master would
is a secret war that has spilled out into open warfare have multiple heirs or would die too soon, internal
that has taken the world by storm and destroyed wars would take over, leading to several revolutions
nations as well as families. in nations, such as the Protestant Reformation and
the American as well as French Civil Wars.
The records are unclear, but sometime in the 15th
or 16th century a group of learned men got together As time passed the secret masters of the world
to form a secret society dedicated to controlling the worked with or against each other, these efforts gave
world with political and economic force to ensure rise to wars in the 18th and 19th centuries such as
the safety and well-being of the human species. the Franco-Prussian War and with the assassination
A worthy and noble goal, which led to tragic of the Secret Master of Eastern Europe which led to
consequences. the start of the First World War.

As the years then decades passed this nameless With the advent of advanced technologies as
secret society worked to influence kings and well as the heroes of the modern age these secret
princes as well as captains of industry with varied masters would recruit those bravos and adventurers
results based on who was doing the manipulation to fuel or fulfill their goals and aims, often
and how well their advice was received. However, through intermediaries or by posing as wealthy

philanthropists funding these men of mystery or Materials acquired by Division 4 agents are stored
stalwart adventurers. in vast underground high-security warehouses
with attached laboratory spaces, normally located
This then is the secret history of the world, a war near major Universities, where they can be studied
that is being waged behind the scenes and now by “top men”. Research staff are clandestinely
waged in distant jungles or crime ridden streets by recruited from the Faculty in order to study and
the pulp heroes of the day. duplicate the technology, if possible. While most
of the scientific staff can be sworn to secrecy,
DIVISION 4 a few have had to have their memories altered
after proving to be a security risk. An unfortunate
In early October 1901, President William McKinley side-effect of this process has been the accidental
signed the executive order that created Division 4. creation of more than a few “mad scientists”, whose
Prior to this, the work that was eventually assigned lunacy grants them scientific insights denied to
to Division 4 was done by a special unit of the saner men. Curiously, these “mad scientists” often
Secret Service, under the direct authority of the display the unique ability to recreate magical effects
President of the United States. This transfer of by super-scientific means, sometimes even melding
power, and the creation of this new Federal unit, science and magic into something altogether
was done about a month prior to his assassination at different and more terrifying.
the hands of Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist.
Division 4 rarely cooperates with other secret
The primary mission of Division 4 is to locate, organizations due to their role in maintaining the
track and gather new technologies – whether alien, security of the United States, but will occasionally
arcane or terrestrial – and store them for the United approach research groups like the Citadel when
States government to study and duplicate. Division dealing with items that prove to have occult, rather
4 is under the direct command of the President of than technological, powers. These artifacts are
the United States, and they are quite often mistaken normally stored in dedicated facilities due to their
for Secret Service agents, and frequently use that tendency to react unpredictably with advanced
for cover as a notable amount of Secret Service technology. Even so, these supernatural storehouses
agents were doing the job of Division 4 prior to its suffer an unnervingly high staff turnover, with
inception. The President issues all orders directly, personnel developing paranoid delusions, strange
but depending on the President they are often left to diseases or simply vanishing without a trace with
their own devices. remarkable frequency.

What prompted the formation of Division 4 is Very rarely, Division 4 will call in so-called
unknown, though rumors and legends abound of “Science Heroes” to study those technological
crashed alien spacecraft, an ancient city of forgotten artifacts that have defeated their top men,
technologies, or even items falling backwards sometimes using less than savory methods to coerce
through time from a distant future war. If anyone the reluctant or unwilling. Those who cooperate
in the Division knows the truth, no-one is telling. willingly with Division 4 can find themselves in on
Division 4 guards its secrets even more jealously the ground floor of cutting edge research for years
than it does the items it recovers. to come, if they can keep their mouths shut.

Division 4 uses fair means or foul to acquire new Division 4 agents are frequently called upon to
technology, and has built in a substantial network test the technologies developed in the research
complexes, gloomily referred to as “suicide duty”
of informants, smugglers, thieves, tomb looters
due to the often-spectacular (and occasionally fatal)
and spies that it uses to locate new and interesting effects of malfunctioning experimental equipment.
finds. Division 4 agents have been encountered Division 4 agents themselves are rarely scientists,
doing everything from stealing – or neutralizing but are always college educated and intelligent
– new inventions developed by enemy nations young men and women. They are often equipped
to recovering “outsider technology” and ancient with strange devices and super-scientific gadgets,
artifacts from all over the globe. though they usually prefer to use the old-fashioned
– but more reliable – “mark 1 eyeball”, fist, and
automatic pistol.

whose identities are only known to the Grand
Master. Each division is tasked with certain duties
and responsibilities to keep GRAIL functional and
In the war to protect the mystical artifacts of the effective.
world, MI7 and Division 4 are foremost at the fight,
retrieving powerful objects, and storing them safely. The Heart serves as the information gatherers and
But there are more organizations at work then just power brokers of GRAIL. The most numerous in
those two, and the game will allow you to run inter- position, they are bankers, traders, merchants, and
agency operations. What are some of those other scholars, who gather, and direct the constant flow of
agencies and organizations? data that GRAIL receives. Their Knight-Director is
a curmudgeonly Spaniard, Lucia Martinez, a world-
What about objects that are too big to remove, or famous CEO and banker who has a sharp eye for
mystical locations? That’s where GRAIL comes unusual trends and developments. Internally, their
in. The origins of the name GRAIL are rooted operatives are called Chaplains, and considered
in Grail Banking and Investments, the massive among the most valuable of members.
multi-national bank that serves as a redoubt and
center of funding for their operations. To the The Shield protects the mystical sites and objects
public, GBI is a massive financial behemoth, but that cannot be relocated. Known as Paladins,
outside of the boardrooms and cubicles, GRAIL members of the shield are usually former security,
channels funds and equipment to both DIVISION paramilitary or police who live near the places they
4 and other organizations who defend the world. defend and protect, making sure that all remains
The operatives of GRAIL stand as the last bulwark safe. Considered the most dangerous job, their
against corruption of mystical sites and locations Knight-General is a bitter and grizzled Dane named
throughout the world. Adrian Ullrson, who nevertheless has been one of
the most lauded Paladins in GRAIL history.
GRAIL is an offshoot of the infamous organization,
The Poor Fell-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple The Sword is the smallest division, and they stand
of Solomon or the Knights Templar. After the fall as the tip of action against aggressors. While
of the Knights Templar in the early 1300s, the Division 4 has a retrieve and secure policy, GRAIL
escaping members granted their relics to some is willing to take the fight to the enemies of the
of the forerunners of various organizations and world, and this is the duty of The Sword. Almost all
vanished into the night. After hundreds of years, soldiers, operatives are are often called Templars
GRAIL returned, a fully-fledged organization in honor of their history, and their current Knight-
hidden inside one of the world’s oldest and largest General is the respected Egyptian warrior Asim ibn
banks. Over the last centuries, GBI has positioned Khalif al-Salah.
its fingers and informants in industries around the
world. Every port, every shipping center, every
financial institution, likely has secret members HERMETIC ORDER
of GRAIL who watch and wait, protecting the
world by tracking criminal activities, black market OF THE GOLDEN
antiquities, and desecration of ancient sites.
GRAIL works much like the Knights Templar of
yore in structure. Their head, the Grand Master The Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn, later
Jean-Baptiste Perrin, a citizen of France, who serves renamed the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, is
as the Director-General of UNESCO, and on the one of the largest and most influential organizations
board of Grail Banking and Investments. Perrin uses of western occultism. Though relatively new,
his position at UNESCO to protect mystical sites this organization has greatly expanded in both
and keep abreast of developing situations. membership and power, and some claim it has an
impact on both the political and industrial fronts
GRAIL has three arms, the Sword, the Shield, and that is without compare.
the Heart. Each of the three divisions is headed by
a secret leader known as “The Knight-Director”

In 1886 Rev. A.F.A. Woodford was given a
document called the Cipher Manuscript. The

Manuscript, written in English but encoded, did
not interest the Reverend, so he passed it on to his
friend Dr. William Wynn Westcott. Dr. Westcott
managed to decode the Cipher Manuscript, The Invisible College was born out of a dream…
discovering it to be a detailed outline of the Grade and a nightmare.
Rituals of the Order, and prescribed a curriculum
Mary Shelley, wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley and
of specifically graduated teachings that encompass
author of the gothic novel Frankenstein, found
the Hermetic Qabalah, Astrology, Tarot, Geomancy,
inspiration during her stay in Switzerland. In the
and Alchemy. Dr. Westcott brought in his fellow
summer of 1816, she accompanied Byron and
Freemason Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers
Shelley during their travels. The legend created by
to confirm his deciphering of the manuscript and
Byron and the Shelleys is that one night, when a
to assist in turning the writings into a usable set of
storm was raging over the lake, Mary Shelley and
rules for a new lodge order. Mathers asked a third
her husband spent the night at Lord Byron’s. Byron
Freemason, Dr. William Robert Woodman, to assist
challenged them to think up ghost stories, but Mary
in this endeavor, and the core of the Esoteric Order
Shelley wrote nothing. Then, the night before Byron
of the Golden Dawn was formed.
and Shelley’s boat trip on Lake Geneva, Mary
In 1887 the trio officially opened the Order to Shelley had a nightmare.
others, and soon a great many Initiates were
That nightmare wasn’t what would become a
learning the esoteric arts. As the number of initiates
popular book that would have a life longer than the
grew, the influence of the Order also grew. The
original author herself. No, her nightmares would
teachings outlined in the Cipher Manuscript were
be of humanity destroying itself with sciences that
quite detailed, and those who followed the course
it did not understand, advances that it had neither
of study soon found their astrological readings
the ethics nor morality to use as they were intended
were quite specific, and quite accurate. In 1891,
to be used, or to ignore those things that were not
new initiate Arthur Edward Waite began extensive
meant for mankind.
teachings in the use of the Tarot, consolidating the
knowledge scattered through the ages on their use From this weekend in Switzerland came a seed
and meaning. Other young initiates, like Edward that would bloom into the Invisible College.
Alexander “Aleister” Crowley in 1897, showed a Percy Shelley would begin to formulate some of
great deal of talent in Alchemy and the Qabalah. the theories of this organization in his 1819 essay
In Defense of Poetry: “Poets are the hierophants
In 1890 it is rumored that the Order managed to
of an unapprehended inspiration; the mirrors of
acquire the secret writings of Sir Isaac Newton,
the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon
which contained his notes on the creation of the
the present; the words which express what they
Philosopher’s Stone. Some claim that the Order
understand not; the trumpets which sing to battle,
was able to complete the work that Newton was
and feel not what they inspire; the influence
not able to finish, creating a Philosopher’s Stone
which is moved not, but moves. Poets are the
and ensuring the Order’s means of wealth. Turning
unacknowledged legislators of the world.”
base metals into gold meant that the order was not
dependent on the generosity of their members, and It was a feeling that only the artistic could save
meant that they could pursue even the most obscure the world and save humanity from itself. In this
and costly of rituals in their quest for knowledge. period between 1816 and 1819, the guiding lights
behind the Invisible College began refining their
processes. One of their primary methods is to make
actual events look fictional or so sensational that

people would not believe that the events could have evolved, changed and grown with each successive
possibly occurred. Hiding things in plain sight is set of leaders, so too does each individual cell
the best tool of the Invisible College. It was Mary (called Universities by the organization) make
Shelley’s Frankenstein that tested this technique for its own rules and interpret the ideology of the
the first time. organization according to its own goals and plans.
Often, people working towards the goals of a
It is not coincidental that the period of the University, or of its leadership, will not realize that
ascendancy of the Invisible College is parallel those goals do not completely match up with what
to the periods of the increase of the popularity the College itself is “teaching” to its membership.
of Spiritualism and of the general interest in All of this is intended to give a GM the maximum
the fantastic in literature. These were all tools flexibility with using the Invisible College in their
encouraged by the Invisible College in order to games. There is no one official Invisible College.
create an environment of belief in the unknown and
strange, but only amongst those who would be easy The role of the Invisible College in Pulp Fantastic
enough to discredit or mock. This created the fertile can be varied. However, the basic role of the
ground into which the membership of the Invisible organization will fall into one of two distinct
College could place ideas so that they could be categories; the rest is just further detail. The
more easily disbelieved by the majority of “right Invisible College is either the heroes or the villains
thinking” individuals in the world. of the overall story. In addition to the role of the
Invisible College, the GM and the players would
These methods also make it easy for a small, yet probably need to determine whether the player
incredibly dedicated group of individuals to be characters are employed by, or are acting against,
able to mold and form public opinions on what the Invisible College. These two do not have to
is rational and what is irrational, what can and impact each other in the way that players would
what cannot be believed as true and proper. These think though. The Invisible College can be a force
methods have also had far-reaching repercussions in for good in the world of the campaign, and the
the realms of politics and marketing, and have had characters could still be working to actively bring
an incredible impact on the world as a whole. them down (either to free the secrets that they have
or because the characters are misinformed about
It is always important to remember that the Invisible
their goals and nature).
College has never had a large membership. While
the founders felt that artists and writers of all
stripes were the best suited to invisibly guide the
world, they also knew that those very people were
very often the ones who could be the least trusted.
This is, in part, what has led to the existence of
the Invisible College information being revealed The year 1837 saw not only the coronation of
at all – the pettiness of individuals, particularly Queen Victoria, but also the foundation of the Most
those of an artistic nature, often leads to secret Holy and Restored Order of the Knights of the
information being released. This can also lead to Round Table. Joshua Griffyth-Jones, a prominent
rival organizations, fighting against the Invisible New York banker and amateur historian, began
College…or some even claiming to be the Invisible the fraternal organization because of his family’s
College! Just because players are fighting against fascination with the original knightly order. Family
the Invisible College, or think that they are tradition holds that the Griffyth-Jones family is
members of it, it does not mean that they are doing direct descendants of Sir Girflet, one of the last of
what they think that they are doing. the original Knights of the Round Table. Sir Girflet
fought alongside King Arthur in the great final
This is a problem in a world where there are too battle against Mordred. When Arthur fell, it was Sir
many secrets. It is so much harder to get at the real Girflet who was there to fulfill Arthur’s last wish.
truths of things, if that is what you desire to do. Arthur commanded Girflet to cast Excalibur into a
nearby lake. When he did so, a hand rose up from
This goes to demonstrate that there is no central
the lake, caught the sword, and sank below the
dogma to the Invisible College. As it has adapted,
water. Sir Girflet alone knew the secret of the lake.

Feeling as if he were the last defender of Camelot, of New York society, and so in 1835 he began his
Sir Girflet vowed that he would maintain the honor, own personal quest. In short order a dozen members
the integrity, and the true goals of the Order of the of the local aristocracy presented their pedigree as
Round Table. He swore that one day, when the knightly families, and the core of the new order was
world was in need, his descendants would restore formed.
the order and prepare the way for the Arthur, the
King Eternal. Over the centuries the descendants of In August of 1837 Griffyth-Jones gathered the
Sir Girflet is said to have kept this vow, though no gentlemen at his summer house in Montauk, on the
records of his family seem to exist anywhere. tip of Long Island, and proposed the re-founding
of the Knights of the Round Table. Headquartered
Joshua Griffyth-Jones was born in Hempstead in offices above Griffyth-Jones’s main Manhattan
Harbor, New York bank, the chosen men
in 1805, the son of power in New
of David Michael York took on a most
Griffyth-Jones, a daunting task. The
trader in gold and new Knights swore
silver. Joshua grew an oath to Griffyth-
up hearing stories Jones, who claimed
from his father about the title of Steward of
chivalry, knights in the Order, to defend
shining armor, honor, the code of chivalry,
fighting for the forces to right wrongs, to
of good, and always, not seek glory in
the story of the death their duties, and
of King Arthur. above all, to restore
The Knights of the honor and prepare
Round Table were a for the coming of
constant fascination King Arthur and
to young Joshua, and the recreation of his
he promised himself realm in America.
that he would become The Knights worked
a Knight of the Round both openly in
Table when he got charitable causes
older. and more actively
in clandestine tasks.
As he grew up, The Knights and their
Joshua remembered Squires -- trusted
the stories and the associates who cannot
rules of chivalry, honor, and loyalty his father had trace their lines to the original knights -- strive to
spun when he was a child. These rules guided him bring honesty to the business world, true justice to
as he attended Yale University, and continued to the legal trade, and fair practices to the factories.
guide him as he made his way through the intricate
and cutthroat world of financial banking. To the The altruistic goals of the Knights of the Round
surprise of many, his personal code of conduct was Table held strong until the death of their Steward in
quite successful, and Joshua Griffyth-Jones soon 1877. Rhys Griffyth-Jones, the eldest son of Joshua,
became a name to be reckoned with in the financial assumed the role of Steward upon his father’s death.
world. Rhys believed strongly in the stories of the original
Knights of the Round Table his father told him. He
Griffyth-Jones conducted constant searches about felt that the Restored Order needed reminders of
the original Knights of the Round Table, searching the original Knights, what they stood for, and what
for new information about the knights and their were their sources of power. His obsessions became
descendants. He felt sure that other descendants of the objectives of the Knights. That is when their
the Knights could be found among the upper classes most clandestine of tasks became The Quest.

The ultimate goal of The Quest is nothing short Created by order of King Edward VII in 1909,
of recovering artifacts of the original order. The the Secret Service Bureau was originally jointly
greatest honor for the knights is to be sent on a controlled by the Admiralty and the War Office,
Quest mission, to look for one of the ancient relics. under the guidance of the Prime Minister. Formed
The scabbard of Excalibur, the Holy Grail, the Staff with the task of controlling all secret intelligence
of Merlin, and Sir Gawain’s Armor are just a few operations both at home and overseas, the SSB
of the relics sought by the Knights of the Round initially concentrated its efforts on the Imperial
Table. Because the Steward believes that the relics German government. Bureau operations were
can only belong to true descendants of the original divided between army and naval sections, due
Knights, and because the members of the Order mainly to pressure from an Admiralty reluctant to
can prove their claims of heredity, Rhys Griffyth- share power and resources.
Jones feels that no action taken to recover them can
violate their Code of Conduct. This has led some During World War I, the Secret Service was
members of the order to take actions which could be absorbed into the Directorate of Military
morally questionable. Have the Knights found any Intelligence, which was divided into numbered
of them? Are the relics genuine or clever forgeries? sections according to function. MI1 dealt with
Only the Steward of the Round Table knows for codes and cyphers, MI2 and 3 dealt with specific
sure. geographical areas. MI4 made maps. MI5 (later the
Security Service) performed counterintelligence.
The Most Holy and Restored Order of the Knights MI6 dealt with foreign intelligence and later became
of the Round Table can take many different paths the Secret Intelligence Service, and so on. In total
in your Pulp Fantastic campaign. They could truly nineteen specialized sections helped coordinate
be descendants of the original order. They could and control the intelligence needs of the United
be a group founded on good meaning, but false Kingdom, before being themselves absorbed into
assumptions. They could be knowingly founded on the Defense Intelligence Staff in 1964.
false pretense. Are they truly a force for good and
the last bastion of chivalry? Are they a once proud, The smallest of these sections, almost lost among
but now corrupted fraternal organization? These are the vast budgets and sprawling staff, was MI7.
just a few of the questions a Game Master will want Officially, MI7 was the Press and Propaganda
to ask himself about this group. Section, rather sniffily referred to by operatives of
other sections as “Blue Pencils”, and eventually

destined to be absorbed into the Ministry of
Information in 1940.

Ask anyone working in Her Majesty’s government This is the official history. The reality, however, is
about MI7 and you will likely get blank stares. Ask somewhat different.
too many questions about MI7 and you might find
yourself being questioned by members of MI7. The history of modern spying and counter-
intelligence in Britain begins during the reign of
What is the mission of MI7? Officially they are Queen Elizabeth 1, with her Secretary of State and
tasked with uncovering and dealing with “unusual, spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham. Walsingham
exotic and unconventional threats to the United was a committed anti-Catholic and developed a
Kingdom, her interests, territories and allies”. network of spies to root out suspected subversives
The reality is that they find the unfindable. They and sympathizers when Elizabeth came to the
discover the reason behind the unreasonable. throne. At the same time, she took as her adviser
Everything MI7 is involved in has some curious or the noted natural philosopher, astrologer and
unusual fact or twist of logic behind it. Of course, sorcerer, Doctor John Dee. Dee was an advocate
what the public knows about and what the truth of a of the creation of a “British Empire” and helped
matter is can be two very different things. Often, the Walsingham build a network of spies across Europe
reason behind those differences is MI7. to provide the Crown with information on the
plans of her allies and enemies. As the network

grew, Walsingham and Dee became aware of an well. Director Holmes assembled a team to rebuild
increasing number of “unconventional” threats his Bureau, picking up the pieces of a shattered
to the kingdom, threats that could not be stopped organization. Prime Minister Balfour, unlike
by normal means or faced by ordinary men. his predecessors, did not find the Director to be
Walsingham and Dee agreed to divide the protection agreeable, or useful. The PM stymied the Director
of the realm between them, with Walsingham at every turn, thinking the department was not
dealing with mundane threats, and Dee the more necessary. The PM found the “stories” of the
exotic and specialized. exploits of the Bureau fanciful and unbelievable.
After two years of reduced funding, rescheduled
Dee developed his covert “Bureau of Secrets”, and or canceled meetings, and constant stonewalling,
encouraged the use of numerous codes and cyphers, the situation came to a head. To the surprise of
and pioneered the use of advanced weapons and those who knew the situation, in March of 1904
gadgets for his agents. He recruited exclusively Mycroft Holmes retired as the Director of the
intelligent, literate men (and unusually for the time, Bureau. After 16 years, the Bureau would be under
women) and began the now accepted practice of the guiding hand of someone other than its founder.
recruiting agents directly from university. Some Prime Minister Balfour had different plans. Instead
agents were rumored to possess magical powers, of appointing a new Director he left the position
and he is known to have recruited many mystics, vacant and suspended funding. For all intents and
seers and dabblers in the occult. Over the years, purposes, the department was dissolved.
the Bureau protected both the Crown and the land
from a variety of threats and in some circles is even When Henry Campbell-Bannerman became PM in
credited with the defeat of the Spanish Armada. 1905, he began a thorough review of the archives of
No. 10 to see what the Conservative PMs had been
By the late 1800’s, the Bureau was considered doing for the last twenty years. The Archives Panel
a myth, relegated to a roomful of dusty archives discovered references to a strange department of the
lost within the mazy corridors of Whitehall. This Ministry of Intelligence that ended abruptly the year
changed after the 1880’s, when concern over before. While no information could be found on the
a vampiric incursion on British soil, the occult activities of the department, one name came up time
activities of Jack the Ripper, and sighting of and time again: Mycroft Holmes. Meeting with the
flashing lights on the surface of Mars prompted a aging Holmes at the Diogenes Club, the PM learned
lone civil servant to press for the re-activation the of the purpose of the Bureau and of its shutdown.
Bureau in defense of the Realm. That civil servant Determined to restore the department to its intended
was the quiet yet brilliant Mycroft Holmes, elder purpose, the PM asked Holmes to return as its
brother of the noted detective. Director. Holmes refused, citing age and a desire
to avoid further adventure in his life. He suggested
Officially Mycroft was the only member of the
one of his former junior aides, Edwin Masterson-
Bureau, selected because of his excellent deductive
skills, said to exceed those of his brother, and
because of his discrete handling of information Masterson-Smythe reformed the Bureau, now
sensitive to the Crown while working with his code-named MI7, and built upon the foundation
brother on the Queen’s behalf. The fact that he of Mycroft Holmes’s work. Some of the former
never seemed to leave the Diogenes Club while Bureau agents were found and recruited to join the
working on a case was truly amazing. Unofficially new organization, but most of the agency consisted
Holmes maintained a network of highly capable of new agents. In the years leading up to World War
and experienced agents who faced – and dealt with II, MI7 agents operate around the globe, inspiring
– many of the horrors of the Victorian Age, from many of the myths of the British super spy, while
supernatural menaces to technology run wild. managing to hide the nature of the enemies they
faced from the world. During World War II, MI7
The Martian attack in 1901 left a mark on the
operatives worked together with Ian Fleming’s
Bureau. The destruction of many buildings in and
“Department of Ungentlemanly Warfare” and
around London meant that most of the resources
may have inspired the creation of literature’s most
and archives of the Bureau were destroyed as
famous spy.

The secretive nature of MI7 makes the organization Baron Ace Franklin was born too late to fight in the
an excellent resource for the Pulp Fantastic GM. Is Great War, but the sky was in his blood. His father
the Department a source of good information or a was a pilot of the Great War, an ace with thirty-
fountain of propaganda? Does the Department work eight German kills under his silk scarf. Raised in a
with the Player Characters or against them? MI7 traveling barnstormer show, Ace lived among planes
can also form a base from which Player Characters and pilots from the day he could walk. It was the
can launch their adventures. The choice is up to the life he knew, the life he loved, and Ace might have
Game Master. been content to live as a star of the barnstorming
circuit, but the Tri-State tornado of 1925 changed


In its earliest years, the Air Cavalry was a show,

famous war battles - including the final battle

The Charter of 1933 between the Red Baron and Captain Roy Brown
- were re-enacted for the amusement of paying
Charles Lindbergh was not the customers. Some of the pilots also flew mail, or
only one to recognize the value private passengers from city to city in order to help
of a free air force independent of pay for their expensive flying machines.
national politics and able to work
in areas where official presence In 1925, the Air Cavalry flew to the rescue for
was forbidden. In the spring of the first time. On March 18th, the great Tri-State
1933, and after months of work by tornado to tore through Illinois, Missouri and
the Cavalry’s best political minds Indiana, leaving hundreds dead and dozens of towns
(and careful work by agents of the and cities in ruin.
Invisible College); the civilized
nations of Italy, America, Russia and The Air Cavalry took to the skies on a mission
Great Britain signed a secret charter of mercy and battled the treachery of the Storm
with the Air Cavalry. Riders, a group of criminals who followed the path
Patterned after colonial Letters of of the tornado to steal and pillage those too weak to
Marque, the charter established a defend themselves.
protocol for allowing Air Cavalry
planes and personnel to cross
the airspace of the participating
countries, to make use of certain
military airbases and to act -
in certain ways - almost as an
independent country. In turn,
Baron Ace Franklin swore that his The world of Private Eyes begins with the
people would never attack any of legendary Pinkerton National Detective Agency.
the participating members, would Their logo, with its big central eye and the motto
follow the honorable customs of “We Never Sleep”, spawned the nickname Private
warfare and would come to the aid Eye, and the image of the tough guy determined to
of embattled nations and peoples solve a case.
the world over. It was an ambitious
promise, but the Air Cavalry In 1850 Allan Pinkerton and Chicago attorney
remains steadfast in its dedication to Edward Rucker formed the North-Western Police
these ideals. Agency, later to be known as Pinkerton National
The Charter was the final piece Detective Agency. Pinkerton became famous in
needed to bring the Air Cavalry into February 1861, when he foiled an assassination plot
the world as a force for good. in Baltimore, Maryland, of President-Elect Abraham
Lincoln. His efforts in this case impressed Lincoln
so much that Lincoln hired Pinkerton to provide
his security during the American Civil War as well

as performing as head of the Union Intelligence occurrences with a mystical slant, Vandercamp
Service during the first years of the war. Pinkerton’s became known for solving cases others thought to
investigative techniques, created during his days be unsolvable. His business grew from a one man,
in the North-Western Police Agency and refined third story walk-up to a 250-man office in their own
over the years, were an innovation that lead the building on Stony Island Avenue across from the
Pinkertons to be the most well-known specialists in famous Jackson Park, home of the World’s Fair:
criminal investigations and undercover operations. Columbian Exposition in 1893. Vandercamp’s
The Pinkerton National Detective Agency became a company became experts in the esoteric
unit to be feared. investigation field, making him a wealthy man and a
well-known socialite in Chicago.
After the end of the American Civil War,
Pinkerton’s offices opened across the United States. With the acquisition of the Vandercamp Agency,
Their services were used to track down outlaws Pinkertons became the preeminent investigative
such as Jesse James, The Wild Bunch, and the Reno service in the western world. Some of the cases
Gang. Their services spread far and wide, even pursued by the Pinkerton Agency include the
assisting Scotland Yard and Sherlock Holmes in Patterson possession case in 1922; the New Orleans
several cases involving crimes on both continents. mafia crackdown of the late 1920s; the Bassett-
Sutton bank robbery of 1930; the Lindbergh
Starting in the 1870s, the Pinkerton Agency was Baby kidnapping of 1932; and the Thule Society
hired by several large companies to investigate Conspiracy of 1936.
efforts to unionize workers. Quite often this led
to violent conflicts and a bad reputation for the The Pinkerton National Detective Agency makes a
Agency. Pinkerton Men became associated with great resource in any Pulp Fantastic game taking
“Corporate Thugs” and were known for being union place in the United States. Players can work for
breakers. Pinkerton Agent John McParland managed Pinkerton’s as investigative agents, as undercover
to infiltrate the militant labor union of coal miners agents, or even as consultants to Pinkerton’s. The
in Pennsylvania known as the Mollie Maguires. The Agency can also be used as an adversary, bringing
Mollies were a secret Irish organization that worked truth to claims that Pinkerton Agents were violent
for labor unionization and were known for stirring thugs with a badge of authority.
up trouble throughout Ireland. McParland, under
the name of James McKenna, became a member
of the Mollie Maguires in Pennsylvania. Using SCOTLAND YARD
the knowledge he gained from them, a great many
In the eighteenth century came the beginnings of
members of the group were arrested, leading to
immense social and economic changes with the
the end of the violent unionist efforts of the Mollie
consequent movement of the population of England
to towns. The parish constable and “Watch” systems
As the 20th Century dawned, the reputation of the used throughout the country failed completely and
Pinkerton National Detective Agency was anything the impotence of the law-enforcement machinery
but sterling. Hired by many large companies as was a serious menace. Conditions became
union busters, Pinkerton agents were often thought intolerable and led to the formation of the “New
of as little more than thugs, and often that was not Police.”
far from the truth. This changes in 1907 when Allen
In 1829 the Metropolitan Police Act introduced by
Pinkerton II, grandson of the founder, inherited the
Sir Robert Peel, was passed by Parliament. This
company. Slowly, over the course of the next three
Act replaced the numerous local constables with a
decades, the Pinkerton Agency gradually moved
single police force that covered Greater London,
away from union busting. Trying to improve its
excluding the City of London, which had its own
image, the Agency acquired the C. E. Vandercamp
Police Force. The Marine, or River Police as well
Aetheric Investigations Agency in 1920.
as the Bow Street Patrols (both mounted and the
Christopher Vandercamp started his business “Runners” on foot) were also outside the command
in 1915 in Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood. of the new London Metropolitan Police. The task
Investigating crimes, missing persons, and other of organizing and designing the “New Police” was

placed in the hands of Colonel Charles Rowan and The success of the men of Scotland Yard did not
Richard Mayne (later Sir Richard Mayne). These go unnoticed. Throughout the world, police forces
two Commissioners occupied a private house at 4 were modeled after the Metropolitan Police. By the
Whitehall Place, the back of which opened on to a end of the 1890s uniformed and organized police
courtyard. The back premises of 4 Whitehall Place forces could be found in nearly every major city.
were used as a police station. This address led to
the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police being Some of Scotland Yard’s most famous investigators
known as Scotland Yard. include Inspector George Lestrade, who consulted
with Sherlock Holmes on a number of cases;
By 1890 the Metropolitan Police had taken over all Detective Inspector Frederick Abberline, who
the buildings surrounding the original private house, headed up the dreadful Whitechapel Murder
as well as many buildings, stables, and storehouses investigations; Inspector Montgomery Pettiman,
in the surrounding area. Scotland Yard outgrew who broke the horrific case of Sweeney Todd,
its origins. Headquarters were moved in 1890 to but was unable to capture him; and Lady Molly
premises on the Victoria Embankment designed by Robertson-Kirk, the first female detective in the
Richard Norman Shaw and became known as New Metropolitan Police.
Scotland Yard.

Metropolitan police officers carried firearms only INTERNATIONAL

when given special permission by a judge; normally
they were only armed with a truncheon. Their

jurisdiction was limited to the London Metropolitan
area unless requested by outside authorities and
given permission by the Home Secretary (the
cabinet officer who commands the police). The The International Criminal Police Organization
officers, often called “Bobbies,” after Sir Robert (ICPO) is the worldwide, nongovernmental police
Peel, wore a unique and very sturdy hat. This officer agency that will in later years become known as
could stand on his hat, allowing him to see over Interpol. It is a clearing house for information,
fences quite easily. They were charged with keeping furnishing member nations with data on criminals,
order in public thoroughfares, ensuring that Public unidentified bodies, stolen property, etc. Founded in
Houses follow strict hours and serving laws, fining 1923 to reduce international crime, the ICPO deals
establishments that conducted bear baiting or cock strictly with international crimes - most revolve
fighting, and ensuring that people going about their around smuggling, narcotics and counterfeiting - but
lawful business were not menaced by “general riff- is strictly forbidden to meddle in political crimes
raff and ne’er-do-wells.” such as espionage and terrorism.

The Metropolitan Police Service Criminal Original founder countries were France, Belgium,
Investigation Department, or CID, the first criminal Germany, Hungary, Austria, Sweden, Italy, Greece,
investigation department, was set up in April 1878 the Netherlands, Yugoslavia and Switzerland. Great
by C. E. Howard Vincent. Originally it was only Britain doesn’t join until 1928, and the United
responsible to the Home Secretary, but since 1888 States doesn’t join until 1938.
it had been under the authority of the Metropolitan
Unlike most law-enforcement agencies, ordinary
Police Commissioner. CID officers did not wear a
ICPO agents do not make arrests themselves,
uniform, instead they were plainclothes officers.
nor do they detain criminals. Instead they act as
CID officers were involved in the investigation of
consultants, liaising between the law-enforcement
major crimes such as rape, murder, serious assault,
of member countries, helping to co-ordinate the
fraud, and any other crimes that require complex
international response to crime and terrorism. The
detection. They were responsible for acting upon
ICPO helps track criminals and criminal activity
intelligence received and then building a case; from
around the world.
analysis of the initial incident through the arrest and
prosecution of any suspects.

With the slow proliferation of recovered Martian
debris and Element-X technology throughout the

world, and rise of the “master villain” during the
1920’s and 1930’s, the ICPO committee created a
specialist division to deal with what they described
as “extraordinary threats to law and order”. This There are some that will tell you that the Red
highly secret division fielded operatives tasked with Headed League is nothing but a story. Others will
facing and overcoming problems too strange and tell you it was a “League” of two, thwarted in the
deadly for normal law enforcement. Divided into 1890’s by the crime solving duo of Mr. Holmes and
continental bureaus, the ICPO’s Special Crimes Dr. Watson. Only a truly rare person can tell the
Service works in much the same way as the modern truth about the Red Headed League.
FBI, taking command of investigations that may
The real Red Headed League was founded in 1875
involve master villains, weird science, magic and
in Boston, Massachusetts. Patrick Michael Sullivan,
the occult (though this remains highly controversial
David O’Hirllihy, Peter Flynn, and Kevin Muldoon,
within the organization) and other unusual threats.
all of them red headed men, formed the League for
Operatives for the SCS have full law-enforcement what could only be called nefarious reasons. This
powers in all of the signatory nations and can act criminal syndicate, which over the years expanded
as extradition agents in any nation with which a across the ocean and into Europe, was initially
signatory nation has an extradition treaty. Each created as an act of revenge.
signatory nation maintains an SCS office in the
capital city, run by a dozen operatives and overseen In 1872 Patrick Sullivan, an accountant of modest
by a commissioner – normally a senior ICPO means at the First Mercantile Bank of Boston, was
officer with field experience of weird crimes. accused of improprieties in his work and promptly
These operatives are rarely involved directly with fired as a result. Patrick was an innocent man set
field work, instead acting as a support team to the up by his superior, David Patterson, to cover up
Continental Inspector, who handles the majority
embezzlement and misconduct on his part. After
of the field work for the region on a roving brief.
Each office acts as a clearing house for information spending a year in search of proof of his innocence,
and coordinates local operations. When a national Patrick Sullivan’s efforts proved fruitless. Because
office obtains intelligence of an extraordinary threat he could not prove his innocence, and felt his life
in their region, the Continental Inspector is called was destroyed by the acts of David Patterson,
in to investigate. These individuals are the best of Patrick turned his energies to destroying the life of
the best; experienced, bold and resourceful, there his tormentor.
is very little they can’t handle. However, they are
authorized to obtain expert help if required, and Sullivan recruited his friends O’Hirllihy, Flynn,
very few that last long have a problem asking for and Muldoon to help in bringing his revenge upon
help or talking advice. David Patterson, and so the Red Headed League
was born. After quite a lot of discussion and
While the SCS favors working with local law planning, it was decided that Patterson should suffer
enforcement to accomplish their goals, they are a similar fate as did Sullivan -- to be found guilty
often resented by those they hope to aid, and there of a crime he did not commit and to not be able
are occasionally tensions between the ICPO, the to prove his innocence. Over the span of several
SCS and the signatory nations. As much of what years, Flynn and Muldoon worked their way into
the SCS accomplishes is kept secret from all but the confidence of David Patterson. Flynn began
the highest levels of government, cooperation working as a clerk for Patterson under the name
with the SCS is sometimes used as a political Thomas O’Hara. Muldoon, as Douglas O’Toole,
football by politicians and others ignorant of the became part of Patterson’s social circle, meeting
true necessity of the organization. As a result, the him at clubs, the theater, and the opera. Douglas
SCS is almost always underfunded, and has had to O’Toole was soon the close confidant of David
supplement their budget with resources and money Patterson, and they were often seen together about
confiscated from the master villains they fight, town.
which sometimes results in an undignified scramble
to annex the scenes of extraordinary crimes.

With Flynn and Muldoon supplying them with In Pulp Fantastic the League is a great foil for
information, Sullivan and O’Hirllihy crafted a a group of adventurers. Secretive, moderately
subtle plan to destroy David Patterson’s name and powerful, and spread out enough to make them a
his life. In 1786, on the Monday after Easter, it was hard target to eliminate. This is what a recurring
discovered that the First Mercantile Bank of Boston villain is meant to be.
had been robbed over the weekend. Someone had
entered the bank and absconded with nearly fifty
pounds of coins and gold ingots valued at more COMINTERN
than $20,000. Careful investigation of the banking
With the success of the October Revolution in
house revealed a muddied handkerchief belonging
Russia, many radical Socialist groups around the
to David Patterson in the bank’s gold storage room.
world began to take notice. The revolution and the
A search of Patterson’s home, much to his surprise,
rise of the Russian Communist Party showed them
revealed detailed written plans of the break in, and a
that there was another way to power. Rather than
small handful of gold coins. It was also shown that
try and fight the system from within, they could
Thomas O’Hara was hired by Patterson and was
undermine the establishment and seize power for
working under an assumed name, though his real
themselves. Founded at a congress in Moscow, the
name was not in the records.
Third Communist International or Comintern was
Patterson strongly professed his innocence, tasked to “struggle by all available means, including
claiming he and Douglas O’Toole spent most of armed force, for the overthrow of the international
the weekend together at O’Toole’s home. When the bourgeoisie and the creation of an international
constables went to Mr. O’Toole’s home, they found Soviet republic as a transition stage to the complete
it empty, and the owner’s whereabouts unknown. abolition of the state.” What this meant in real
With the mountain of evidence piled against him, terms was the creation of an organization dedicated
David Patterson’s life and name were in ruins. His to fomenting revolution in Europe and across
protestations of innocence fell on deaf ears. In a fit the globe, looking to create civil war when the
of melancholy, David Patterson took his own life conditions were favourable.
rather than suffer the punishment of others.
During the 1920’s, the Comintern concentrates
Many would think that this would spell the end of on exporting the idea of the Bolshevik revolution,
the Red Headed League, but that wasn’t the case. providing local communist groups with weapons,
The members of the League, flush with their ill- agitators and money. Several foreign communist
gotten wealth, found they rather enjoyed their more parties form their own secret paramilitary groups,
nefarious ways. They stayed together, developing like the M-Apparat and the Roter Frontkämpferbund
new means of acquiring wealth at the expense of (Alliance of Red Front-Fighters) of the Communist
others. Adding additional members as necessary, Party of Germany. The Comintern is heavily
the League expanded until they numbered 500 involved in the Aster Revolution in Hungary that
members. The “President” of the League, Patrick leads to the eventual formation of the short-lived
Sullivan, grew truly wealthy during the next 15 Hungarian Soviet Republic, at least two actions in
years, and upon his death the leadership of the Germany, and in a failed coup in Estonia.
League went to the son of Peter Flynn, Frederick
After the death of Lenin in 1924, Stalin turns the
Comintern into an organization intended not simply
Over time the League expanded and continued their to promote communist revolution, but also to
elaborate crimes of subterfuge and larceny. Flynn protect the Soviet Union by undermining attempts
diversified the League, getting them involved not to act against her. Stalin’s repressive regime makes
only in complex bank robberies, but blackmail, sure that only the Soviet model of communism
extortion, and selling secrets to the highest bidder. is to be tolerated, Anything else is disloyal, and
The true secret of the League is that each member disloyalty is likely to get you either a bullet in the
only knows a small number of members. You cannot head or a long stay in a Siberian labor camp.
reveal a secret if you don’t know it. That’s what
In several countries, the Comintern exploits anti-
leads the League to be so successful year after year.
fascist feeling by creating cover organizations with

which they can destabilize the current regime. sky, spectral visitors and other typically elaborate
In others, they create links to organized crime, legendary motifs. A sickly child, Rachel was blind
and occasionally undermine opposing political for several years, and spent most of her days shut
ideologies from within. up in her home, secluded from the world. It was
on September 2, 1192 (the very day that the Third
The Comintern are very, very good at playing mind Crusade came to an end) that Rachel’s blindness
games, and they excel at using dirty tricks like was miraculously cured by an anonymous traveling
extortion and blackmail to get what they want. In monk. Curiously, when Rachel’s sight was returned,
later years, this will lead to the Red Scare used so it brought with it an unasked for gift; Rachel
well by Senator Joseph McCarthy and his House claimed now to be able to see the spirit world, and
Unamerican Activities Committee, but in the 1920’s in particular the legions of angels and demons that
and 30’s the scare was real. fill the air around us.

ORDER OF SAINT Rachel’s visions brought her fame and suspicion in

equal measure, and she developed the ability to cure

RACHAEL illness and injury through prayer, and to unerringly

discern a person’s guilt or innocence. When she
displayed the ability to accurately predict who was
Throughout its history, the Roman Catholic Church
to become sick or mad based on the activity of the
has stood guard at the gates of Hell, steadfastly
spirits around them, she was accused of witchcraft
defying Lucifer and his many children. The
by Giles of Berwick, a local landowner, and put
Church has always known that monsters lurk in the
on trial. On May 4, 1210, Rachel was summarily
darkness. Jesus and His disciples cast out demons,
burned at the stake. Witnesses to the execution
and the Roman Empire was filled with stories about
claimed that the flames bent away from the young
sinister cults, shadowy monsters and even stranger
woman as if held back by invisible hands, only
things, things beyond the power of the human mind
claiming her body when Giles of Berwick shot her
to even begin to comprehend. Over the centuries,
with an arrow. Giles was later revealed to have
many different branches of the Church have
murdered his elder brother and his family in order to
waged a secret war against the cults, the beasts,
claim an inheritance, and a number of contemporary
the demons, the powers and the principalities who
commentators suspected that he acted out of fear
collectively threaten the lives and souls of mortal
that Rachel would perceive and reveal his crime.
men. Today, the battle goes on, more intense than
ever, and the brave warriors who fight it make Shortly after the revelation that Rachel had been
up the Order of St. Rachael. The Order of Saint executed based on false evidence, the monastic
Rachael is a secret organization within a secret Order of Rachel was formed. The Order was based
organization. Technically their members are part around the idea that a world of spirits and other
of the Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion, powers exists unseen around us, and that only
but they have a very different role in the Catholic by learning to see beyond our limits can we fight
Church. spiritual corruption and move closer to God. A
hundred and twenty years after her death, Rachel
The Order’s history begins in medieval England.
was canonized by Pope John XXII, and the Order
The coastal hamlet of Cobham, near Lytham St.
was absorbed into the Inquisition, becoming “an
Anne’s in Lancashire, is gone now, and even in
Office for the discernment, identification and
1187 it was a quiet and marginal settlement. On
punishment of sorcery, spiritual crimes and heresy”.
October 29 of that year, even as Pope Gregory
In reality this meant that the Order became a kind
VIII proclaimed the Third Crusade in the Bull
of spiritual counter-espionage agency, detecting
Audita Tremendi, nineteen-year-old Margaret, the
and eliminating attempts by supernatural evil to
fletcher’s daughter, gave birth to her third child, a
infiltrate the ranks of the faithful. It was at this time
girl given the name Rachel (spelled “Rachael” in
that the Order reverted to the variant spelling of
some accounts). According to later accounts, young
“Rachael” in order to avoid confusion with Rachel
Rachel nearly died in the womb and barely survived
the Matriarch.
her birth; her 14th century hagiography says her
birth was attended by white clouds in the night

With the rise of age of scientific rationality, the the modern man in the face, the Order feels that
Order slowly found itself becoming increasingly its job is to put a stop to it all so the true faith can
irrelevant, and it wasn’t until the Victorian remain strong.
era that things began to change. The spread of
Spiritualism and other false doctrines brought with
it an attendant rise in cults and magicians. Most THE TONG OF
of them were harmless (to others, at least, if not
their immortal souls), but a few were genuinely THE BLACK
dangerous. These were, of course, the most discreet
and difficult to locate, and the Church once again SCORPION
found itself looking towards the Order for help in
The first recorded mention of the Tong of the
locating and identifying the most dangerous threats.
Black Scorpion – then simply the Black Scorpion
The Order’s English, French and German cells Society – is in 14th Century China, as an anti-
were especially busy during this era, although the Manchu resistance movement during the Qing
infamous and brutal case of Martin Litzinger, a Dynasty, while mythology places their origin after
vicious serial killer and Satanist in Vienna, was the burning of the southern Shaolin Temple by
perhaps the most difficult to resolve. Litzinger one of the five survivors of the battle. Most likely
had a perverse ability to stay one step ahead of a schismatic offshoot of the White Lotus Society,
his pursuers, taunting them all the while (much the Tong of the Black Scorpion was originally a
like his contemporary, Jack the Ripper). He was political and philosophical society who espoused a
finally captured on June 20, 1888 and slain by the form of nihilism and found solace in the worship of
Austrian authorities (and then discreetly stolen the “Eternal Mother of Shadows”; a faceless female
from the Vienna morgue and properly destroyed deity who gathered her children to her beyond
by the Order, which ironically lead to stories death. The Society became a symbol of Chinese
about Litzinger being a vampire). The horrors that resistance to the rule of the Mongolian Yuan
Litzinger unleashed weren’t limited to his brutal Dynasty. Outlawed, the Society went underground,
murders, despicable as they were. Each of the funding its resistance activities through petty crime,
nine murders was part of a sinister pattern, and extortion and terror.
Litzinger was only captured after it had already
Over the years, the acts of resistance became less
been completed. Litzinger’s ultimate goal remains
and less important to the Society, who instead
unknown, even to this day, but a few half-burnt
began to relish the rewards of crime. As the Society
pages from the Necronomicon were discovered in
transformed into a fully criminal organization so the
his apartment (which had already been stripped
religious aspect turned darker, twisting in on itself
almost bare by an unknown party before Austrian
until it became something debased and cruel. In the
authorities arrived at the scene).
intervening centuries, the Black Scorpion Society
Today the Order does what it always has done, it became the Tong of the Black Scorpion, a by-word
stays on the trail of the strange and supernatural. for ruthlessness and terror.
Operatives are recruited from – and remain – within
The Tong emerged from the shadows again in
the priesthood and are usually trained exorcists.
the 1890’s in London, England, where they were
Most – though not all – are trained in a variety of
implicated in the kidnapping and murder of several
techniques that allow them to see at least partly
young women. When that branch of the Tong was
into the spirit world or possess some kind of
broken up by the actions of an unconventional
supernaturally enhanced senses. Agents of the Order
Scotland Yard detective, the survivors relocated to
are often found working with the Citadel, though
the USA, where they built up the Tong again by
they find the Citadel’s methods more than a little
hiring themselves out as muscle to masterminds.
The Tong of the Black Scorpion is governed by a
The Order firmly believes that the soul of man is
strict code of secrecy and obedience, maintained
constantly under siege by the powers of evil, and
through terror tactics and ruthless enforcement.
that only through constant vigilance can we return
Betraying the organization normally results in
to a state of spiritual grace. While a lot of this stares

execution by the monstrous “Death of a Thousand Physically, the Tsang-Chan appear to be of East-
Cuts” or banishment to one of the Tongs “hell Asian/Mongol stock, with physiques and culture
chambers” - subterranean cells where miscreants are remarkably similar to the head-hunter tribes of the
slowly and horribly tortured to death in a variety of Amazonian basin. In their native lands they are
diabolically creative ways. ferocious warriors and stealthy hunters, who use
body modification (ritual scarring and piercing) as
The Tong of the Black Scorpion is generally feared symbols of rank and social position. Tsang-Chan
by other Triads and Tongs, as their members are society is apparently male-dominated, with their
considered savages with no fear of death or injury. women very rarely seen and out-numbered by the
The traditional sign of warning from the Tong – a men by nearly ten to one.
dead scorpion pinned to one’s door with a slim
dagger – is considered by most to be tantamount to The Tsang-Chan, despite being despised by other
a death sentence, as the Tong has a reputation for local tribes and attacked at every opportunity, seem
being able to eliminate its enemies no matter how to have thrived during the early years of the 20th
well protected they may be. Century, spreading to Europe and North America
and forming tightly-knit communities. It was their
Tong members can usually be identified by a tattoo secretiveness and reluctance to talk to strangers that
of a scorpion somewhere on their body – most caused the Providence-based pulp author Howard
often on the sole of the foot. While they prefer to Philips Lovecraft to base his fictional Tcho-Tcho
use bladed weapons, Tong assassins are proficient on them. Like their fictional counterparts, the
in the use of firearms, bows, thrown weapons and Tsang-Chan have been accused of cannibalism and
even explosives. While most criminal Tongs and of the worship of dark gods, though there is little
Triads are business organizations that prefer to use evidence to support this. One particularly outlandish
intimidation and bribery, the Tong of the Black myth accuses them of being creatures only partly
Scorpion seems to enjoy violence and bloodshed for human, who must partake of human flesh to retain
its own sake. Most recently, the Tong of the Black their human form. Another infers that they are the
Scorpion seems to have fallen under the leadership servants of things beyond time, led by inhuman
of the dreaded Siwang Lung – the so-called “Death magician-priests who come from a future dominated
Dragon” – and his daughter, the lovely but deadly by a savage empire in which humans are bred like
Du Kai Hua or “Poison Blossom”. cattle for food.
NOTE: A “Tong” in Chinese can mean group, What is known is that the Tsang-Chan, with their
organization, association, club, etc. Most Tongs are short stature, high agility and traditional hunting
perfectly legitimate business organizations, rather skills, make excellent assassins. As such they are
like the Freemasons or the Rotary Club. Assuming frequently found in the employ of villains and
that every Tong they come across is a criminal gang criminal organizations as enforcers and torturers. By
or evil cult could land the heroes in a lot of hot the time World War II breaks out, many Tsang-Chan
water. can be found working for the notorious Japanese
biological warfare organization, Unit 731.
The Mafia is a name given to the many and various
The Tsang-Chan are a diminutive tribe of nomadic culturally-based organized criminal societies, the
hunters from the dense jungles of mountainous most well-known of which is the Sicilian Mafia
Central Asia. Shunned and loathed by their or “Cosa Nostra” (“Our Thing”). Mafias typically
neighbors, this secretive people are almost unheard use the threat of violence to practice a variety
of beyond the immediate area, but since their of crimes, including; extortion, counterfeiting,
introduction to Western explorers in the mid-19th fencing, murder, robbery, protection racketeering,
Century they have established small communities in fraud, loan-sharking, prostitution and illegal
almost every corner of the globe.

gambling. Mafia crime families are normally bound • Underboss: Sometimes referred to as the
together by a code of silence (Omertà) to protect “capo bastone”, this is the boss’s second-in-
the organization from outside interference and command. He oversees the activities of the
infiltration. soldiers and ensures that the profits from the
family’s criminal activities flow to the boss. In
The American Mafia, also known simply as the the event of the boss’s death or incarceration,
Mob or the Syndicate, is primarily an Italian- the underboss may take control of the family
American crime society. With roots in the Sicilian until a new boss is appointed.
Mafia, the organization emerged amongst Italian
immigrants in the Lower East Side of New York • Consigliere: The consigliere is a combination
and other major port cities on the East Coast of the of advisor, counselor and “right-hand man”
US during the late 19th and early 20th Century. to the boss of a crime family. Though ranked
During the early 1920’s, after Benito Mussolini third in the crime family, the consigliere has no
and his National Fascist Party took control of Italy, capos or soldiers working for him.
waves of fleeing Italian immigrants arrived in the
United States, including members of the Sicilian • Capo: Also known as a caporegime, captain,
Mafia fleeing Mussolini’s crackdown on organized skipper or “crew chief,” the capo usually
crime. Their arrival coincided with Prohibition; oversees a crew or borgata of ten soldiers,
the enforcement of the Eighteenth Amendment to though in recent years he may oversee as many
the US Constitution, which made the manufacture, soldiers as he can efficiently control. Each
transport or sale of alcohol illegal. Designed capo reports directly to the underboss, who
to promote public health and morals, in truth gives him his authority. The capo is normally
Prohibition ushered in a golden age for organized responsible for carrying out murders on
crime as the chief purveyors of bootleg alcohol. The behalf of the family and runs the day-to-day
Mafia profited, with the enormous financial boost operations of his crew.
transforming small crime families into vast criminal
• Soldato: The soldier,
empires based on the often-violent black market in
“button man,” “made
man”, “wiseguy” or
The Mafia is divided into regional “families”, with “goodfella” is the
each family dominated by a Don, or mob boss. most frequently
The Don will attempt to insulate himself from encountered
his soldato (soldiers) and any criminal activity by level of
passing orders through an underboss, consigliere or gangster. Each
capo. Initiation into the family is controlled by the soldato must
boss, underboss or consigliere, while the boss can have taken
promote or demote family members at will. an oath of
silence (and
Mafia crime families usually have the following usually
structure; have killed
someone) in
• Capo di tutti capi: The “Boss of All Bosses” order to be
or “Godfather”, this is the title given to the considered
top Mafia boss, the head of the most powerful “made.”
crime family. In later years this role will be
replaced by the “Commission”. • Picciotto:
A low-level
• Boss: Also known as the capofamiglia, capo soldier,
crimini, representante or Don, this is the title this is little
given to the leader of a crime family. more than a
thug used for

the day-to-day work of threats, beatings and Arbeiterpartei in a bid to quell political unrest.
intimidation. While attending meetings he was attracted to their
anti-Semitic, nationalist, anti-Marxist ideals and
• Associate: Sometimes known as a “giovane ended up joining the party for real.
d’onore” or man of honor. An associate is an
employee of a crime family that is not actually In 1920, the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei changed
a member. its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche
Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers

THE NAZIS Party) or Nazi Party and adopted the symbol of

a black swastika – formerly a symbol of good
in Indian religions – on a white circle against a
In the years following the Great War, Germany was
red background, as designed by Hitler himself.
a democratic Republic, suffering terrible political
Propelled by his skills as an orator, Hitler was
and economic instability. The reparations demanded
appointed Fuhrer (leader) of the Party in 1921.
by the victorious allies against Germany crippled
Under Hitler’s leadership the party membership
the country, leading to mass unemployment and
swelled, and they recruited their own group of
a vast number of angry, disaffected veterans. One
thugs, the Sturmabteilung or Brownshirts as
such veteran was Adolf Hitler.
protection from rival parties.
Much of the political instability was caused by
In 1923 Hitler and his Brownshirts, along with other
the infighting of groups of political extremists,
militant reactionaries attempted to seize power
one of which was the relatively minor Deutsche
from the Republic but were unsuccessful. In 1923
Arbeiterpartei, the German Worker’s Party. The
Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison but was
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei was little more than
released after only nine months. While imprisoned
the political arm of the Thule Society (Thule-
Hitler drafted the initial chapters of what would
Gesellschaft), a right-wing occult secret society
become his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle),
with a focus on racial purity, Aryan mythology and
laying down the basic framework of what the Nazi
anti-Semitism. Despite having a band of willing
Party would become.
thugs to use in battles against other extremists, the
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei was sliding into obscurity By proposing a society built on the principles of
by 1919 for the lack of effective leadership. racial purity and strength, governed by an elite
ruled by Hitler himself, the Nazis created a political
Born in Austria in 1899, Adolf Hitler was the fourth
platform that appealed to deep-seated elements
of six children who became fixated on warfare
within the national psyche. However, they still
after finding a picture book about the Franco-
failed to make political headway, with poor election
Prussian War among his father’s belongings. He
results keeping them in a minority in the Reichstag.
began to develop German nationalist ideal at a
In times of economic prosperity, it was hard for
very early age, and after losing most of his siblings
the people to take the Nazis seriously. Despite this,
and his father in childhood, he drifted and tried
party membership grew steadily, and the party
unsuccessfully to become an artist. Forced into a
gained funding from industrialists who hoped to
life of menial labor, Hitler left Austria and moved to
use the Nazis against socialists and communists.
Munich, where he was living at the outbreak of the
Strengthening his hold on the party, Hitler formed a
Great War.
personal body-guard, the Schutzstaffel, also known
During the war Hitler served as a dispatch runner as the SS or Blackshirts.
and was decorated for bravery, receiving the Iron
The Wall Street crash of 1929 gave the Nazis their
Cross in 1914 and 1918. He was wounded at the
opportunity, when desperate American investors
Somme and in 1918 was temporarily blinded in a
recalled their loans from Germany, crippling an
Mustard Gas attack. While recovering in hospital,
economy that depended on them. Banks collapsed,
he learned of Germany’s defeat. Embittered and
manufacturing and exports dried up, and within
believing the Germany had been defeated from
three years over a quarter of the German population
within by Marxists, civilian leaders and subversives.
was out of work. Losing faith in their government,
Wanting to stay in the army for as long as possible,
Hitler volunteered to infiltrate the Deutsche

the people turned to the extremist parties. By invaded Czechoslovakia and were beginning the
1930 the Nazis had become the second largest invasion of Poland, the act which finally began
political party in the Reichstag, and by 1932 they World War II and ended the Pup Era.
had a majority, despite the Communists making
tremendous gains. As seen in countless movies, books and games,
virtually no other group in history is better suited
Alarmed at the prospect of a Communist revolution, for the role of villain in a Pulp Fantastic campaign.
business interests put their support in Hitler, They are perhaps the greatest example of human
encouraged by his vocal condemnation of the evil in the last hundred years, and thanks to their
Communists. In 1933 Hitler was invited to become uniforms and philosophy, the most distinctive.
Chancellor of Germany and, following the death of Suitable for almost any kind of adventure, from
President Von Hindenburg, managed to concentrate straight-up action to espionage or bizarre super-
full legislative power in his hands. The oath taken science and occult horror, the Nazis can be found
by army officers was changed to swear allegiance anywhere on the globe from the 1930’s onward.
to Hitler personally, and Hitler himself took the title Even before that, groups of “proto-Nazis”, perhaps
of Führer und Reichskangler (Leader and Reich under the control of the secretive Thule-Gesellschaft
Chancellor and Supreme Commander-in-Chief), can be encountered, a terrible omen of the
officially beginning the Third Reich. calamitous conflict that is to come.

With the Nazi Party in complete control of THE GESTAPO

Germany, the entire population was subject to Nazi
indoctrination. Citizens were encouraged to report From 1933 onwards, within Nazi Germany dissent
those who they felt were not adhering to the new was dealt with by agents of the state secret police,
state directives. Those found to be insufficiently the Geheime Staatspolizei or Gestapo, under
“patriotic” in their outlook and behavior were the leadership of Heinrich Himmler, leader of
harassed, imprisoned or executed. the SS. The Gestapo began a steady program of
sending Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and anyone
Everything in the country, from education to else they found politically, religiously or racially
manufacturing, was geared to a war footing. “undesirable” to concentration camps under the
Schools became centers for the promotion of Nazi control of the SS, where they were subject to
ideology. Membership of the Hitler Youth became medical experimentation, starvation and execution.
mandatory. Libraries were purged of “non-Aryan The Gestapo was considered to be above the law.
thought”, teachers and lecturers were required by According to the principles of the Reich, if they did
law to wear the swastika and swear allegiance to the will of the Fuhrer, anything that they did – up
Hitler. to and including murder and torture – was perfectly
During the 1930’s, the Nazis began a program of
German re-armament, in violation of the Treaty The Gestapo maintains a network of spies and
of Versailles that had ended the Great War, in informers to ensure compliance with the Nazi
preparation for their conquest of Europe. Hitler regime. School children are encouraged to inform
planned to annex all German-speaking countries on their parents and neighbors, and almost every
first and ally with other Fascist states, such as German citizen lives in terror of being denounced to
Italy under Benito Mussolini. German industry the Gestapo and being made to “disappear”.
was subverted to produce aircraft and armor
under a cloak of secrecy, and in 1936 the German The Gestapo is responsible for overseeing internal
Army marched into the demilitarized Rhineland, security and counterintelligence, and are the
shredding the Treaty of Versailles when Britain and organization most involved with the detection and
France did nothing to stop them. In 1938 Germany arrest of foreign spies and other agents. Up until the
annexed Austria with the popular support of the start of World War II, the Gestapo is a plain clothes
Austrian people. France and Britain protested, but force, able to walk unnoticed amongst the people.
did little else other than begin re-arming their own
forces. By the end of the decade, the Nazis had

The Schutzstaffel (Protection Squadron) is a major Founded in 1935 by Heinrich Himmler, the
paramilitary organization under Adolf Hitler and Ahnenerbe is a Nazi research institute whose official
the Nazi Party, originally formed in 1920 as a guard remit is to research the archaeological and cultural
unit known as the “Saal-Schutz” (Hall-Protection) roots of the Aryan race, and later to experiment and
for the purpose providing security for Nazi Party mount expeditions to gather evidence supporting
meetings in Munich. Later in 1925, under the the Nazi theory that prehistoric and mythological
leadership of Heinrich Himmler, it grew from a Nordic populations had once ruled the world.
small paramilitary group into one of the largest and The name is derived from the society’s original
most powerful organizations in the Third Reich, designation, the German Ancestral Heritage
responsible for many of the Nazis crimes against Study Society for Primordial Intellectual History
humanity. During World War II the SS fielded more (Deutsches Ahnenerbe—Studiengesellschaft für
than a million men and wielded almost as much Geistesurgeschichte).
political and military power as the Wehrmacht.
While the Ahnenerbe has sections for the study and
Under Himmler, the SS carefully select its members recording of Germanic folksongs and mythology,
according to Nazi ideology and racial “science”, it’s secret primary focus is the acquisition and
with the intention of creating an elite order of study of occult knowledge and artifacts for the
superior men as a model for the Nazi vision of the Reich. Over the years it has mounted expeditions
master race. By the final stages of World War II, with the intent of securing the Holy Grail, the Ark
the SS come to dominate the Wehrmacht in order to of the Covenant, the Spear of Longinius, and the
eliminate potential threats to Adolf Hitler’s power. Yaktavian Bell of Agharta among others. Esoteric
scholars also suspect the Ahnenerbe of acquiring,
As the part of the Nazi seizure of political power in either by trade or coercion, a great deal of magical
Germany, functions such as law enforcement were and occult knowledge from a variety of sources,
taken over by the SS, and many SS organizations possibly including the mysterious subterranean
replaced government agencies. The SS established Vril-ya people, the Tsang-Chan and the faceless
and ran the SD (Security service) and took over inhabitants of the Forbidden Lamasery in Tibet. The
the administration of the Gestapo, the Kripo (the organization has mounted expeditions to sites of
criminal investigative police), and the Orpo (the occult importance across the world and seeks relics
regular uniformed police). Legal oversight of the of vanished cultures and civilizations, all suspected
SS and its membership was given to courts run by by the Nazis of harboring traces of the “true Aryan
the SS itself, effectively putting the SS beyond the history of the world”.
reach of the law.
Curiously, the Ahnenerbe have been heavily
A special division of the SS, the SS- involved with the renovation and reinforcement of
Totenkopfverbände (Death’s Head Units) was made Wewelsburg Castle, creating a center of occult study
responsible for the running and administration of and gathering together one of the largest arcane
Germany’s concentration camps, and was tasked libraries in the history of the world. Some highly
with implementing Hitler’s Final Solution, leading speculative reports even go as far as suggesting
to the eventual extermination of nearly 21 million that the Ahnenerbe is seeking the ability to field
people, including 12 million Slavs, 6 million Jews, Hexensoldat (witch-soldiers) and supernatural
3 million Soviet prisoners of war and over 2 million beings in the coming war. Some operatives are
ethnic poles. already rumored to have supernatural powers and
weird technology, and are researching ways to
In the years leading to World War II, the SS were
combine the two for the greater glory of the Reich.
tasked by Hitler with the control and monitoring
of the Third Reich’s scientific program and can be
found running any number of classified projects,
including human experimentation, nuclear research
and advanced weapons technology.

prompting a citizen uprising in May of that year.
Despite the loss of much of their leadership, the
Originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches
Thule Society continued to grow in power. In
Altertum (Study Group for Germanic Antiquity),The
1918 they purchased a newspaper, which went
Thule Society was formed by Walter Nauhaus in
on to become the main Nazi newspaper under
Munich in 1917 as a cover for the Germanenorden
the title of the Völkischer Beobachter (Völkisch
(Order of Teutons), a mystical neo-pagan secret
Observer). The Far-Right leader Anton Drexler
society with a focus on the concepts of Aryan
used his connections through the Society to form
“racial purity” and antisemitism. The Thule Society
a network of extremist workers rights groups,
went on to become a major occult power in Nazi
which he eventually forged together to create the
Germany, with many of Hitler’s most trusted
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Worker’s Party).
advisors being members.
In 1920 the Worker’s Party would become the
Founded by German occultists in 1912, the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
Germanenorden was part of the völkisch movement, (National Socialist German Workers Party) or Nazi
which espoused German racial superiority and Party, signaling their occult roots by adopting the
created a politicized, romantic view of German swastika formerly used by the Germanenorden.
folklore. This secret society was the first to use the
Though Hitler himself is not a member of the Thule
swastika as their symbol and had a hierarchy similar
Gesellschaft, many prominent Nazis are, including
to that of the Freemasons, consisting of lodges and
Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hess, Hermann Göring,
circles of initiation into which were inducted the
Gottfried Feder, Karl Haushofer, Hans Frank, and
elite of German politics and society. During the
Alfred Rosenberg. Dietrich Eckart, one of the
Great War, a splinter group – the Germanenorden
founders of the Nazi Party, is also a member, and
Walvater of the Holy Grail – was formed, and when
is a particular friend of Hitler’s, having shared his
the Munich branch of this offshoot was formed in
uncanny skill at public oratory.
1918, it was given the name of Thule Gesellschaft
as a cover. By the time Hitler comes to power, the Thule
Society has apparently faded into the background,
Though the group was originally led by Walter
officially disbanded due to Hitler’s professed dislike
Nauhaus, a veteran wounded in the Great War,
of mysticism. In truth it has merely consolidated its
he was soon joined by Rudolf von Sebottendorf,
grip on power, exerting a subtly malign influence
an occultist and writer, and together they began
on the Führer through his circle of friends and
to expand the groups membership. Sebottendorf
(whose birth name was Adam Alfred Rudolf Glauer)
was the son of a locomotive engineer from Silesia, The Inner Circle of the Thule Society consists of
but had been adopted in Turkey by the expatriate the elite of German society and industry, secret
Baron Heinrich von Sebottendorff shortly thereafter. adherents to the belief that the German peoples are
Sebottendorf had become fascinated by Eastern direct descendants of a mysterious Aryan people
mysticism while living in Turkey, and has travelled who came from a hidden island in the Arctic circle,
extensively in Egypt, studying alchemy, astrology, who were themselves the superhuman survivors of
meditation and numerology. His esoteric knowledge lost Atlantis. The Inner Circle is led by the occultist
impressed Nauhaus, and they began to incorporate and clairvoyant Karl-Maria Wiligut, known to the
it into the rites and rituals of the Thule Society. Inner Circle as Klingsor after the dark magician in
the legend of Parsifal. Wiligut is said to channel the
Thanks in part to Sebottendorf’s personal charisma,
dark spirits of the King-Priests of ancient Atlantis,
the Thule Society soon became greater than the
bringing forth terrible secrets of occult power and
organization for which it had been intended to
inhuman technology. While possessed by these
cover. By 1918, it had become such a threat to the
monstrous spirits, Wiligut designed many of the
communist government of Bavaria that its offices
occult symbols used by Himmler’s SS, including the
were raided and seven of its leaders – including
Sonnenrad (Sun Wheel) symbol inlaid on the floor
Nauhaus, Countess Heila von Westarp and Prince
of Wewelsburg Castle’s north tower and intended
Gustav of Thurn and Taxis – were executed,

to make the castle the magical axis of the world, has little to do with either parent religion.
the Totenkopfring (Death’s Head Ring) awarded to
senior officers of the SS, and laid down many of the Adherents of the Mara Brotherhood reject the
occult rituals of the SS. illusion of the world not by attempting to transcend
it, as Buddhists do, but by attempting to destroy it.
By 1937, Wiligut has lost both his powers and They believe that once the facade of reality is torn
mind, and has been confined to an insane asylum. down, all of humanity will liberate itself from the
The Thule Society has been completely absorbed by prison of flesh and ascend to a state of oneness with
Himmler’s Ahnenerbe and is located in Wewelsburg a godhead that exists above and beyond Nirvana.
Castle, guarding and researching Himmler’s vast Paradoxically, the Mara Texts encourage followers
occult llibrary. Under the code-name Schwarze to fully indulge their physical urges and appetites in
Sonne (Black Sun), they are tasked with recovering the belief that only by completely understanding the
and utilizing Atlantean arcane super-science false world around them can adepts fully grasp its
and technology in the mistaken belief that this unreality. To one of the Mara Brotherhood, any act,
is their birthright. So far, they have experienced no matter how vile, is in some way holy. Evil in this
limited success. While they have created several world, as far as they are concerned, does not exist.
prototype flying discs and weapons based on The murder of innocents simply frees them from
Atlantean designs, their attempts to teach soldiers the flesh that much faster and gives them another
how to channel Vril have only created immortal chance at life, in which they will surely see the
monstrosities. But they are learning all the time, truth; that the world around them is a lie.
and their research bunkers can be found all over
Germany. Members of the Mara Brotherhood practice many
“magic mantras”, cyclic humming chants that are

said to help re-shape the false world to match their
desires – more proof, say the Shadow Monks, of

the unreality of the world – and this practice is said
to turn the tongues of the chanters black or blue.
Many practice forms of self-mutilation and ritual
Where there is light, shadows fall. This universal scarification, harrowing the flesh to purify the spirit
truth is never more clearly demonstrated that with within.
the Shadow Monks of the Mara Brotherhood.
From their headquarters in the dreaded Forbidden Though the Mara Brotherhood retains many of
Lamasery of Agharta, the Shadow Monks subtly the trappings of Buddhism, it is essentially a
spread the cause and worship of Evil across the shamanistic religion, with novices going on a vision
world in the name of Enlightenment. quest while apparently possessed by elemental
spirits and ancestral shamans, and experiencing an
The history of the Mara Brotherhood is obscure and ordeal in the wilderness during which they envision
shrouded in secrecy. To this day, most Buddhists their repeated destruction at the hands of spirits and
deny there is any such thing, though whether this is daemons.
from shame or ignorance is unknown.
Members of the Mara Brotherhood (which consists
What little is known of the Mara Brotherhood of both male and female acolytes) are characterized
suggests that their beliefs parallel some of the by their complete lack of fear of death, their
early Gnostic Christian sects, cults that rejected the obvious enjoyment of the pleasures of the flesh,
physical world as the imperfect creation of a false and their contempt for the “unenlightened”. Though
god or “demiurge” and encouraged the indulgence they indulge their appetites, they are frequently
of their fleshly appetites. In a similar way the Mara expert martial artists, honing their bodies as a way
Brotherhood reject the teachings of Buddha as of increasing the depth of their understanding of the
the path to Enlightenment, and instead embrace illusory world they inhabit. Further, many of the
the Mara or Buddhist principle of evil as the true senior monks and abbots of the order have mastered
light of divinity. This curious twisting of belief has a wide variety of psychic powers, and some still
combined with certain elements of the pre-Buddhist practice what can only be described as Tibetan
Bon religion of Tibet, creating a hybrid faith that black magic.

More disturbing is the Brotherhoods practice of using the bodies of its enemies to create the entities they
call Kundalini Warriors. These creatures – whether they exist or not – are reputed to be captured enemies
whose internal Pranic energy flow is radically restructured through an aggressive and unholy form of
acupuncture. This horribly painful, irreversible procedure is said to turn the victims into mindless slaves,
overflowing with barely-contained Pranic energy, effectively creating walking psychic weapons of immense
and terrifying power.

Like the Hindus and more orthodox Buddhist sects, the Mara Brotherhood revere the swastika, though
like the Nazis they have inverted it, turning a symbol of life and renewal into one of death and decay. It is
perhaps this shared symbolism that has led the Nazis and the Mara Brotherhood to exchange information
– by the 1930’s the Fuhrer has authorized several expeditions to the Forbidden Lamasery of the Mara


The measure of a hero can be found in the quality (if extreme) motives for what they do. Very few Pulp
of his enemies. While the Pulp Era was a time of villains really believed they were evil.
great heroes, they were opposed by equally great
villains. While many pulp magazines were filled THE PATRIOT
with quite mundane menaces – gangsters and the
like – occasionally a villain appeared that raised the Though the Pulp Era was one defined by an ever-
bar, elevating themselves from a mere enemy to an expanding horizon and the desire to see beyond,
arch-nemesis. These villains were a match for their xenophobia and racism were endemic. The strange
enemies; twisted shadows of their opponents in and the exotic was fascinating, and paradoxically
every way as memorable and unique as the heroes scary, to the average pulp reader. While many pulp
they fought. villains were base caricatures of racist stereotypes,
there were those who were portrayed as patriots;
Professor James Moriarty is the classic arch- honorable men driven to extremes by the desire
nemesis, in every way the equal of Sherlock to protect their lands and their people from the
Holmes; a fun-house mirror reflection of the man perceived predations of Western civilization. Many
he could have been. Every great hero has his or her were more than mere ideologues, having suffered
nemesis; John Sunlight, The Master, Shiwan Kahn, terrible personal losses at the hands of Westerners,
Fu Manchu – all great personalities, each with and determined to either revenge themselves or
distinct motivations, goals and methods. ensure that no other should suffer as they should.
Perhaps the most notable patriotic arch-villain is Fu

BUILDING A Manchu, a man who saw the cultural collision of

East and West as a war that threatened to destroy his
BETTER VILLAIN land and heritage unless he saw to it that his people
dominated. In many ways, the patriotic villain is the
mirror image of the patriotic hero, made his enemy
Playing the villain is one of the great delights of
only by an accident of birth and geography.
running a Pulp-style role-playing game. Free of the
limits of polite society, common sense, decency or
empathy, the Pulp villain is a larger than life foil to THE THRILL-SEEKER
larger than life heroes. The need to overcome boredom and ennui is the
reason many pulp villains take up arms against
MOTIVE the forces of justice. These men and women have
exhausted the opportunities for diversion offered
Even during the era of the Pulps, very few villains
by the mundane world, and now they quicken their
are evil simply for the sake of it. Those that are, are
pulses and bring meaning to their otherwise empty
driven to it by their very nature. Perhaps they are
existence by risking life, limb and liberty gambling
actual monsters; a resurrected mummy or ancient
for the highest stakes of all. Very often their
reincarnated sorcerer-king. Perhaps they’re a bitter
tremendous natural gifts of intelligence or riches
golem of stitched-together flesh or a homicidal robot.
make this the only challenge remaining. These
Or perhaps they’re simply criminally insane, driven
villains are often extremely dangerous, due to their
mad by the trauma of war, a great loss or simply the
unpredictability and their willingness to risk it all
memory of being laughed out of the academy. The
on a single, wild chance. Many have been known
best villains are those with clear and understandable

to initiate dangerous schemes, only to go down in trying to gain control of City Hall, from generals
flames laughing at the spectacle as they burn. with an eye on control of their country or madmen
who want to hold the globe in the palm of their
THE QUESTER gloved hand.

Some villains do bad things for the sake of This kind of villain tends to be well-organized,
knowledge; because they seek forbidden truths, well-funded and ostentatious. Power is no fun
dangerous science and Things That Man Was Not unless you can use it, and it’s no fun using it unless
Meant To Know. people know about it. Ego is a driving force behind
empire-builders, and they can often be extremely
In a time when broadcast media and print were cruel, deriving great enjoyment from crushing their
bringing the wonders of science to the masses, it opponents through overwhelming force.
seemed that there was no limit to what mankind
might achieve, and many pulp writers explored THE GLORY HUNTER
the dark consequences of that possibility. They
presented scientists driven by the need to conquer Some villains aren’t necessarily bad; they just
death, to defy God and create life, to dabble with love a good fight. For them, the prize at the end of
the forces of creation and build weapons capable a battle isn’t really what motivates them, it’s the
of unmaking the world. These men and women battle itself. Glory Hunters need to test themselves
refused to be bound by the strictures of society, law physically against the worthiest opponents –
and morality (and occasionally the laws of physics usually, the heroes. These villains are often defined
as well), becoming renegades in their pursuit of the by a sense of sportsmanship and respect for their
power to know the unknowable. enemies. Not for them the inescapable death-trap,
the waves of ninjas or the carefully concealed car-
Questers weren’t limited to dangerous science. The bomb. Such things are unworthy, and just a little
pulps are full of driven mystics, drawn to the dark cowardly. No, it’s not enough for the Glory Hunter
side by the lure of black and ancient mysteries, by to simply defeat the heroes; he must face them on
the possibilities hinted at in forbidden and blood- an equal footing, to risk defeat and be seen to win.
soaked manuscripts of unholy provenance.
These villains are in many ways the most
Questers often start off as noble characters, before reasonable, as they will often concede defeat and
becoming corrupted by the dark secrets they step away from a battle when it becomes clear
uncover and the things they must do to obtain that they’re losing, only to return another day with a
knowledge, proving the adage about the road to new and more elaborate game to play.
Hell being paved with good intentions. Perhaps the
best example is H.P. Lovecraft’s character Herbert JUST PLAIN BAD
West, who begins as a doctor seeking to extend life
and save humanity from the specter of death, and For all our explorations of villain motivations, some
ends a murderer and a ghoul destroyed by his own are just plain bad. Whether they’re driven by a head
resentful creations. full of bad wiring, a corrupt ideology, greed, lust,
sadism or just a perverse desire to watch the world
THE EMPIRE-BUILDER burn, these are the villains that player characters
will end up hating. There is no depth to which they
These villains are victims of their own vaunting will not sink and no act too vile. Those who are just
ambition; the king-makers and empire-builders. plain bad may be charming, urbane and educated or
Like the patriotic villain, they often take brutish, stupid and crude, but they are all vicious,
responsibility for their fellows, but the empire- unprincipled, spiteful and malicious.
builder tends to see them more as property than
those who need to be protected. Since these villains have almost no motivation other
than being evil and / or insane, they are usually
Empire-builders range from the petty to the truly defined by their methodology. They deal death
ambitious. They can be gang leaders seeking to in obscure and horrible ways, and often have a
expand or hold their turf, to corrupt politicians signature weapon or modus operandi.

Bait & Switch VILLAIN
Game Masters should be aware
that the archetypes in this chapter
are purely there for inspiration.
One technique you may find useful THE FOREIGN
is the “Bait and Switch”, whereby MASTERMIND
the players believe that their latest
opponent is one kind of villain, One of the most popular and enduring Pulp
only to find he’s another kind archetypes, the Foreign Mastermind or Sinister
entirely. For instance, they may Oriental is the personification of our fear of the
be investigating an evil cult that strange and the unknown. He represents both
murders those who stand in their our fascination with, and our fear of, the exotic.
way with magic, only to find that Traditionally he is a superior Chinese crime lord; a
they’re run by a Mad Scientist who master manipulator and arch conspirator who uses
is using his Weird Technology to do his genius, ruthless cunning and array of fanatical
the killings. Another technique is the minions to pursue his goals, whatever they might be.
“Mix and Match”, where the Game
Master confronts the heroes with a The stereotype of the eerie criminal genius, with
team of villains, carefully crafted to his strange ways and alien outlook, pre-dates the
complement each other’s strengths Pulp era by nearly half a century, arising from the
and counter their weaknesses. Pulp xenophobic view of the East by the West. Chinese
villains rarely work alone, so it immigrants were viewed as racially and socially
makes sense to select one villain impure, an insidious threat seeking to overrun the
as the main leader and feature the West. Often, they were regarded as fanatics and
others as trusted lieutenants. portrayed as drug-using sexual deviants who lusted
after white women, while positive portrayals were
restricted to humble, simple-hearted peasants.
Perhaps the best example of this is Dr Jack Quartz, Perhaps the most famous Foreign Mastermind is
who opposed detective Nick Carter for over thirty the brilliant and ruthless Dr Fu Manchu, a gifted
years. Quartz, a genteel, charming and intelligent chemist with a genius for natural toxins and
man, was utterly without morality or conscience and horrible biological weapons, motivated not by
had a passion for vivisecting human beings in cruel greed or power but by a desire to thwart Western
and grotesque ways. And once said “I like beautiful Imperialism. Other notable masterminds included
girls. I like to cut them up. It is my passion.” Pao Tcheou, the “Master of the Invisible”; Kiang
Villains of the just plain bad variety are the most Ho, the Submarine Pirate; Dr Yen How, “The
likely to return from “certain death”, as they are Yellow Danger”; Quong Lung, the ruler of San
often so horrible that players won’t rest until Francisco’s Chinatown; Shiwan Kahn; Mr King,
they’ve seen the villain dead. the “Yellow Claw”; Dr Chu Lung; Li Shoon; Ssu
Hsi Tze, the “Ruler of Vermin”; Dr Yen Sin and his
doppelganger the mysterious Wu-Fang; and Ming
the Merciless.

The Foreign Mastermind prefers to act through

his minions and maybe a trusted lieutenant, rarely
getting his hands dirty himself, though he is
often quite physically capable. Where he excels,
however, is in the creation of terrible tortures,
vile deathtraps and horrific means of murder. Fu
Manchu himself commanded the dread assassins
of the Celestial Order of the Si-Fan and had a

formidable knowledge of rare venomous creatures, At the lord’s palace, the alchemist was accused of
poisonous plants, virulent bacilli and deadly fungi, murder by none other than the lord’s widow, and the
all imported from the “mysterious East”. alchemist slowly realized that he had been used.

Note that the Foreign Mastermind need not While awaiting execution the young alchemist used
necessarily be Oriental. While the most notable his skills to drug his jailers and escape. He fled to
examples are Chinese, Western incarnations the nearby mountains, where he lived as a hermit,
included Doctor Nikola (European) and Dr hunting in the wilderness and bartering his healing
Jack Quartz (American). A quirk of the Foreign skills to the peasants for food when he could. It was
Mastermind is that most of them are men of their while he was hunting in the mountains that he came
word and have a certain sense of honor. He also has across the sky craft. Details vary between different
an uncanny knack for escaping certain death. telling of the legend, but the common elements tell
of the discovery of a ship from the stars, half-buried
NOTE: Game Masters planning to use the Foreign in the side of the mountain and surrounded by
Mastermind – an embodiment of racist fears and the distorted bodies of the crew, tentacled beasts
attitudes – need to be careful to avoid offending similar to the devil-fish encountered in the South
their more sensitive modern players. China Sea. Tracks in the snow led the alchemist to a
cave, where he encountered the last survivor of the
SIWANG LUNG – THE crash, injured and dying due to some respiratory
DEATH DRAGON infection. Recognizing the creature’s intelligence,
the alchemist nursed it back to health using his
(Wild Card, Legendary) knowledge of the healing arts and the blood of
stolen sheep and goats. Through strange dreams
Little is known of the true history of the master he absorbed the secret of communicating with the
criminal and terrorist known to the world’s strange creature, and soon learned that it was like
governments as Siwang Lung – the infamous him, a scientist, sent to earth to assess the planet’s
“Death Dragon”. Few know anything of the man suitability for colonization. The alchemist learned
himself, and even fewer speak of him. Those who much through his dreams as the creature filled him
do so unwisely rarely live long enough to repeat the with the science and skills necessary to keep it alive
error. in a hostile environment. Together they salvaged
One legend persists, however, and it is given much of the sky craft’s technology, and built a
some level of credence by those who have fought home above the snow line, where the cold kept the
the Death Dragon and lived, though if true the creature protected from most of the ailments that
implications are far-reaching indeed. Indeed, given could prove fatal to it.
the events of 1901, the story appears to have more In order to allow him to aid it more efficiently, the
than a passing basis in truth... creature taught the alchemist the principles of its
The legend tells of an unnamed Chinese alchemist alien science and the operating procedures of its
who lived near the city of Kaifeng many centuries equipment. It taught him much of the science of its
past. This alchemist was skilled in the healing arts, home world, including how to alter the fabric of
but not wise in the ways of man. In visiting the life and bend it to his will, to create or cure disease
home of the local lord, he was unwise enough to organisms and to improve and adapt the flesh of
meet and fall in love with the lord’s beautiful young living things. The alchemist used these techniques
wife. In their stolen moments together, she told the on the only experimental subject he had available
alchemist of her husband’s dreadful treatment of – himself – to improve his health, strength and
her, of his cruelty and frequent beatings. Outraged, durability, enhancing his mind and extending his
the alchemist gave the young wife a potion to life-span.
administer to her husband, that would ensure for Returning to their stronghold after a hunting
him a swift death. In the morning the lord was dead, expedition, the alchemist came across his
and the alchemist believed that he and his lover companion in the midst of a hunter’s encampment.
would soon be wed. This was not to be however, and The hunters had strayed too close to the cave,
the lord’s men came for the alchemist soon after. and the creature had slaughtered them all. What

horrified the alchemist was the fact that the creature hair, and piercing green eyes. He is physically fit,
was drinking them, gorging itself on their life-blood. apparently in his late thirties and impressively
In its ecstasy, the creature’s thoughts were revealed adept in the martial arts. Well-educated and highly
to the alchemist in all their alien horror. In its mind cultured, he wields a formidable intellect and has
were visions of conquest, of humanity bred as cattle a grasp of the sciences decades beyond the current
for the consumption by their alien masters. Aghast, era, with a focus on biology, pharmacology and
the alchemist slew the creature before retreating to eugenics.
his mountain fastness to ponder what he had seen.
For at least fifty years, and perhaps much, much
No longer a simple alchemist, the young man longer, Siwang Lung has been a threat to the
knew that the creature’s companions would West, believing civilization, democracy
eventually turn their hungry eyes towards and modernization to be weakening
Earth once more, and when that humanity, robbing it of the skills
happened mankind would have and fortitude to survive a harsh
to be united in their response future. In opposing this, he has
or fall beneath the might of employed horrible diseases,
a superior force. Hardened plagues of insects,
by his experiences in the venomous lizards,
mountains, the young natural toxins and a
man reasoned that host of other, even
humanity itself could stranger biological
be toughened and weapons. He
molded into a considers
weapon with himself a
which to whetstone,
protect the against
planet against which the
the alien blade of
invaders. mankind will
To succeed, be sharpened
mankind for the war
would to come.
need to be Curiously,
tended, with when the
weaknesses Martians
pruned invaded
away as if in 1901,
by a careful China was
gardener. apparently
Morality, well-prepared
compassion and suffered
and infirmity were all things humanity would not be comparatively few casualties.
able to afford in a future under threat by conquerors
from the stars. In that moment, the young alchemist Around the start of the 20th Century, Siwang
was no more, and in his stead rose Siwang Lung, Lung seized control of the remnants of the Tong
the Death Dragon. of the Black Scorpion after the demise of their
previous leader in the sewers of London. Under his
How much of the legend is true is unknown, but it leadership, the Tong has become an international
does explain much about Siwang Lung’s methods, force for evil, an army of religious fanatics ready to
resources and abilities. kill and be killed at his merest whim.

Today Siwang Lung appears to be a tall, athletically Siwang Lung operates globally, with strongholds
built man of Chinese extraction, with long black in almost every nation on earth. He is always

accompanied by Omar, a hulking Turkish body Almost all diabolists, deliberately evil or not, suffer
guard fanatically devoted to his master and by from a towering case of hubris, and it is only a
Saber, a massive grey wolf with which he appears matter of time before their bill must be paid, in full.
to have some strange form of rapport. At times he is
also seen with his daughter, the beautiful and deadly
“Poison Blossom”, Du Kai Hua. Dr Edwin Dexter
(Wild Card, Legendary)
Note: The Death Dragon is a Legendary opponent
and should not be used lightly. He rarely takes a Known in occult circles as “The Sinister Dexter”
hand in the action himself, so create some trusted and notorious in the British press as “the man
lieutenants and named henchmen for him for the Crowley refused to meet”, Dr Edwin Samuel
players to test their strength against before letting Dexter is a well-known American occult author,
them take a crack at the man himself. archaeologist and fixture of the society pages. Like
his rival, Aleister Crowley, Dexter moves easily
Quote: “The decadent West must fall so that in high society, but unlike Crowley he apparently
mankind can survive!” does little to encourage the aura of scandal and
wickedness that surrounds him. Those who know
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
Dexter socially refer to him as a “good sport” and a
Strength d8, Vigor d6
desirable guest at the best sort of parties, where his
Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d8, Common
wit and charisma usually make him the center of
Knowledge d10, Driving d8, Fighting d8, Intimi-
dation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Piloting d8,
Repair d8, Research d8, Science d10, Shooting d8, Though unmarried, the young and handsome Dr
Stealth d8, Survival d8, Taunt d6, Weird Science d8 Dexter is rarely without female company and is
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 often photographed with a bevy of famous and
Hindrances: Driven (Minor), Ruthless (Minor), wealthy beauties. Indeed, it is rumored – though
Wanted (Major) never within his hearing – that many of the wealthy
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science), Age- women that he courts provide him with financial
less, Older Than I Look, Followers, Filthy Rich, support, as surely no mere academic writer could
Harder to Kill, Linguist, Martial Warrior, Command, possibly live the lavish lifestyle he seems to enjoy
Natural Leader, Beast Bond, New Powers, Power without help.
Powers: +4 Powers Edwin Dexter is a young man, perhaps only in his
Power Points: 20 early thirties, though records of his birth and early
life are hard to find. Elegantly slim, his blonde
boyish good looks are enhanced by his immaculate
THE DIABOLIST dress-sense and perfect manners, and many – both
men and women – seem to find him irresistible.
Diabolists are those men and women who have
Soft-spoken, unassuming, good-humored and
bought their power from the things that exist within
erudite, time spent in conversation with Dexter is
the vasty deep. The price paid for it varies from
always rewarding, in more ways than one.
case to case, but while it is no doubt a heavy one,
the diabolist either considers it fair, or has a plan Publicly, Dexter is an authority on primitive
to wriggle out of it. Diabolists use their uncanny superstitions and obscure religious practices. The
knowledge to contact, serve, bargain with or coerce author of several populist books on the subject,
infernal entities for their own ends. Many diabolists he writes columns in the popular press in which
are corrupt, sadistic monsters, while others are he points out the similarity between our modern,
cringing victims of the darkest powers. “enlightened” world and the practices of darker
eras. The columns have earned him a reputation as
Not all diabolists are thoroughly evil. Some are
a satirist of sorts and have been known to annoy the
simply dabblers in magic who have got in too deep,
conservative establishment as much as they outrage
and now find themselves either addicted to power
the liberal left.
or at the mercy of the equivalent of an infernal loan-

The truth about Dr Edwin Dexter is that he is Dexter leads a small cult, known to its members
neither a doctor, nor is he a “good sport”. He is a as the Order of the Morning Star. The order has
monster, though an altogether human one. Edwin members from all walks of life but is mostly drawn
Dexter is utterly corrupt, a powerful diabolist and from among the mentally and morally weak in
cult leader. His early history has been very carefully society. Members are loyal, but easily dominated,
obscured through a combination of hypnosis and and are primarily used by Dexter as a source of
intimidation. Diligent investigation might uncover psychic energy and material funds. Dexter trusts
some overlooked records of the young orphan almost no-one enough to have a lieutenant, but
suspected of burning his foster family to death one is often seen in the company of Cassandra, a
night, and the evidence of a long-established satanic mysterious mute girl who acts as his medium and
cult found among the ashes. In a small university high priestess. Cassandra is a gentle soul, deeply
in Europe they still whisper of the young man troubled by the uses to which Dexter is putting her
who arrived as a student, within weeks seemed powers and may be induced to help a handsome
to dominate the place, and vanished shortly after hero or stalwart heroine.
several unexplained and horrible deaths among the
faculty. And many in London still find it curious Quote: “Evil? Don’t be so pedestrian. Good and
that the so-called “wickedest man in the world” evil are entirely subjective. What is evil to the lamb
fled to Scotland shortly before the young Dr Dexter is good for the wolf. Which would you rather be?
arrived in England to consult what was left of the Predator or prey?”
library of the late Julian Karswell. Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
Strength d4, Vigor d6
Dexter, like Karswell before him, worships the Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d4, Common
powers of darkness. A master diabolist, he is Knowledge d8, Driving d6, Fighting d4, Intimida-
adept at summoning and commanding infernal tion d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Research d8,
beings to do his will. Unlike Karswell, Dexter is Science d6, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d4, Taunt d6
exceptionally careful, and very rarely puts himself Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
at risk either from conventional law enforcement Hindrances: Ruthless (Major), Vengeful (Major)
or from the dark powers he traffics with. Dexter Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Attractive,
uses his vast personal charisma (as well as threats, Charismatic, Connections, Followers, New Powers,
extortion and the muscle provided by his willing Power Points, Scholar, Strong Willed, Wizard
followers) to get others to do his dirty work for him, Powers: Fear, Summon Ally, Protection, +2 Powers
both magical and mundane. While Dexter may be Power Points: 15
behind a satanic coven or devilish curse, only rarely
will he be found conducting the ritual or performing
the sacrifice. Dexter knows the risks of dealing with THE MAD SCIENTIST
the dukes of Hell and prefers to put others in harm’s
way while he reaps the benefits in terms of wealth Perhaps the most recognizable Pulp archetype, the
and power. This is not to say that Dexter is not Mad Scientist is the personification of our fear that
personally dangerous. Skilled and ruthless, Dexter science and technology will outstrip our ability
knows a wide array of offensive and defensive to control it. The Mad Scientist is utterly devoted
magic, ensuring that he is well-protected from both to his field of study, to the exclusion of all else.
conventional and supernatural attack. For him the pursuit of scientific truth overrides
everything, including decency, morality and the
While Dexter is ostensibly a worshipper of the sanctity of human life. Sometimes he has convinced
infernal, he is not particularly devout or loyal, and himself that the benefits to mankind brought by
the only cause that really interests him is his own. his discoveries are worth the cost of a few paltry
His actions are motivated by a desire for power, and lives. Other times he simply no longer cares, driven
a need to escape the eternal damnation that surely by rage at his humiliation by his peers, or by the
awaits him. Aware of the price he must pay for the knowledge that he is an intellectual giant amongst
powers he has invoked; he seeks ever greater power pygmies.
in the hopes of one day being able to cheat the very
Devil himself…

Though Mad Scientists could probably make a Doktor Todeskopf
fortune from the fruits of their genius, they seem (Wild Card, Legendary)
to prefer raising funds through elaborate robberies
and other criminal enterprises, or by work for hire Even among Mad Scientists, the arch-villain known
for other villains. Most of the time they care very as Doktor Todeskopf is considered extraordinary.
little for the consequences or cost of these crimes
– they’re a means to an end, and where the Mad Born in Switzerland in the year 1876, Maximilian
Scientist is concerned, the end always justifies the Weisskopf was the only son of an unremarkable
means. watchmaker. A sickly child who was not expected
to live beyond infancy, the boy made up for what he
What those ends are varies from Mad Scientist to lacked in physical health with his indomitable will
Mad Scientist. Some seek the forbidden secrets of and prodigious intelligence. Records of his early
life and death, others desire to penetrate between life are scarce, but it appears that Maximilian’s
dimensions. Some build robots or monsters, others intellect developed at remarkable speed. Through
build rays or planet-cracking devices. Some are the patronage of a local priest, the boy was allowed
obsessed with advancing human evolution, while access to scholarly libraries, which he devoured
others are convinced mankind is a dead-end and at an astounding rate. Recognizing that the boy’s
plan to replace us with something...better. None mind was unique and would rebel at normal
care much for the consequences of their actions, schooling, the priest took young Maximilian to
and almost all consider themselves engaged in a the University of Zurich, where their study of his
personal conflict with a universe that hoards its apparently unique mind would in turn enable him
secrets jealously. to study whatever he wanted. Maximilian grew up
surrounded by academics and scientists, absorbing
In the Pulps, Mad Scientists often have beautiful everything he could learn from them, occasionally
daughters. Sometimes these are innocents, ready turning other fields of research on their heads as he
to fall head over heels for a handsome hero, while synthesized new theories.
others can be more villainous. On rare occasions
they are more gifted than their parents, and just as When Maximilian was ten his parents both died of
insane. Mad Scientists tend to be old, male, cackle influenza, and he became a ward of the University.
gleefully and have wild hair, though the Game Apparently uninterested in making friends of
Master might enjoy subverting those expectations his own age, he continued to associate with the
with one who is young, female, sober, well- staff, aware that they were studying him as much
groomed and lucid...right up until she happily as he was studying everything and anything
explains why it’s necessary to drill holes in a hero’s that interested him. He became particularly
head. fascinated by mathematics, chemistry, physics and
engineering, though he also studied music and the
Mad Scientists tend to be masters of wild growing fields of what would come to be known as
technology, but they don’t all have to be inventors. psychology and sociology.
Variants can be Mad Biologists or Monster Makers,
Mad Chemists (or Alchemists), Mad Psychologist, At the age of twelve, Maximilian Weisskopf
even Mad Sociologists. obtained his first degree. By fifteen he had obtained
three more. By eighteen, he was awarded a
Examples of the Mad Scientist include such doctorate in mathematics. Curiously few records of
worthies as; Herbert West, the notorious Re- his time at University have survived, but letters and
Animator; Victor Frankenstein; Crawford journals from the time describe him as a thin, wiry
Tillinghast in From Beyond; Dr Impossible and young man with a shock of dark hair and intense,
Baron Ether from Soon I Will Be Invincible; Dr. almost feverish eyes. One professor describes him
Henri Moreau; Doctor. Hawley Griffin (the Invisible as “a young man being consumed from within by
Man) and Doctor Henry Jekyll. Other villains, the power of a mind trapped in a body almost too
such as Fu Manchu and Professor James Moriarty weak to contain it”.
combine elements of the Mad Scientist with the
purpose and willpower of a crime lord.

It was at the age of twenty-five that Weisskopf’s War Office. There the tubes and their life-support
behavior seems to have changed. Having spent equipment, the Martian fighting machines and
several months apparently attempting to develop a other remnants of their technology, all underwent a
suite of equations with which human behavior could rigorous program of study to uncover the principles
be modelled and even predicted, young Weisskopf of their operation and perhaps even reverse engineer
seemed to suffer some sort of emotional breakdown. them.
Becoming melancholy and withdrawn, Weisskopf
locked himself away in his rooms at the University Though breakthroughs were made, progress was
for a period of several weeks, before emerging, slow, and the years passed and turned into decades.
packing his bags, claiming his inheritance – his As time went on, the brains all slowly failed and
parents had managed to save a small sum of money died. All except one. One brain seemed to thrive
for him that he’d previously shown no interest while the others withered, almost as if the lack of a
in – and travelling to England. It was discovered physical form had somehow freed it to reach its full
afterwards that Weisskopf had burned every piece potential.
of paper in his rooms.
With the outbreak of the Great War, the study and
In England the young man spent weeks travelling observation of the apparently undying brain was
the length and breadth of the land, talking with put aside in favor of unlocking the secret of the
scientists, philosophers and statesmen, though Martian Heat Ray and the dreaded Black Smoke.
the nature of these conversations has never been When this failed, the Institutes resources were
revealed. Whatever it was that Weisskopf was trying allocated elsewhere, and the research wing was
so feverishly to do, other events soon overtook sealed up. Locked in a store room, the brain was all
him when, in 1901, the Martian invasion began. but forgotten.
Weisskopf was in London when the first cylinders
In the face of massive casualties on the front lines,
fell, and witness accounts place him at some of the
Lemuel House was re-tasked as a hospice for shell-
worst incidents of Martian aggression. Indeed, it
shocked and hopelessly maimed officers, its former
seems highly coincidental that wherever he was
use apparently forgotten. By the end of the War,
seen, the Martian tripods seemed to appear soon
the building housed almost three hundred patients,
after, as if they were actively pursuing him.
almost all of them severely traumatized by shell-
In the months following the end of the Martian shock or rendered nearly catatonic by the horrors
invasion, many horrible discoveries were made they witnessed in the trenches.
in the alien installations and encampments. The
In 1919, doctors at the hospice started to note a rise
public already know about the Martian habit of
in the number of nocturnal disturbances amongst
feeding on human blood, and there has been some
the patients, with several of them being found
speculation in scientific circles about the purpose
wandering around the grounds, apparently in a
of the experiments conducted on human prisoners
somnambulistic trance. By 1920 it was revealed
in the Martian slave-camps. What was kept from
that several patients had gone entirely missing,
the public was the awful truth about the research
while one – a young infantryman from Leeds – was
installation the Martians buried beneath Wimbledon
heard speaking what was later identified as German,
Common. Within, horrified investigators discovered
a language he had previously been completely
a charnel pit filled to the brim with corpses, each
unfamiliar with.
with the top of its skull neatly sliced away and the
brain removed. One of these was identified as the In June 1920, a riot erupted amongst the previously
mortal remains of Maximilian Weisskopf. Worse docile patients. In the aftermath, it was discovered
were the strange glass tubes, each filled with thick, that fifty patients had vanished during the melee.
green liquid and containing a single, pulsing human Further, someone had used the riot to cover the
brain. fact that they had broken into the sealed research
wing of the building and made off with the
Over a period of months, the tubes and their
surviving brain and its support equipment, as
apparently living contents were carefully shipped to
well as a substantial amount of recovered Martian
the Royal Institute for Special Scientific Inquiry at
Lemuel House in Kent, a thinly-veiled front for the

Over the next few months, a series of bizarre thefts
occurred, thefts that targeted medical, scientific and
chemical apparatus. Thefts conducted by a band of EXPERIMENTER
well-trained, highly coordinated and utterly silent
Like the Occult Investigator, the Arcane
men. Not long after that, the Radium Men were
Experimenter is primarily motivated by the desire
sighted for the first time, armored robotic warriors
to push back the boundaries of knowledge and
controlled by sophisticated, adaptable programming.
uncover the secrets of the universe. Unlike the
At the same time, the silken but strangely hollow
Occult Investigator, the Arcane Experimenter
tones of the being that called himself Doktor
believes that there is nothing humanity is not meant
Todeskopf filled the airwaves. Todeskopf’s
to know, no force he is not meant to master, and no
broadcasts consisted of rambling discourses on the
price too high to pay for knowledge. He either does
cancer of war and the perfectibility of mankind
not understand that some forces object strongly to
through science into beings eternal, incorruptible
attempts to quantify or understand them or knows
and indestructible. The true meaning – and horror
and does not care.
– of this manifesto was only revealed when one of
the Radium Men was successfully captured and Arcane Experimenters are prone to trying the most
dismantled, revealing a lobotomized human brain horrible and blasphemous of magical rites just
within. to see what happens, and tend to see the laws of
morality, nature, man and the gods as things to be
The creature that now calls itself Doktor Todeskopf
tested, mapped and eventually overcome. They can
is the mad, disembodied brain of the genius prodigy
often be found surrounded by the twisted survivors
Maximilian Weisskopf, freed from his sickly body
of previous experiments, and often bear the marks
and augmented with stolen Martian technology.
of failure themselves, in the form of eldritch
Intended to become part of the Martians systems,
mutations or deformities.
Todeskopf has surpassed and usurped them,
becoming something close to immortal but driving Most often, Arcane Experimenters are encountered
himself utterly insane in the process. Worse, he either attempting to conduct blasphemous
believes that humanity must join him if it is to investigations or trying to deal with the aftermath.
survive the wars and future terrors that his equations
have predicted, whether they like it or not...
Dr Aina Tolulore
Quote: “Forgive me for not shaking hands. As you (Wild Card, Legendary)
can see, I am somewhat...indisposed.”
Born in Nigeria and educated at Oxford and
Attributes: Agility -, Smarts d12, Spirit d12, Strength
Harvard, Dr Aina Tolulore enjoys upsetting the
-, Vigor d10
primarily white male educational establishment
Skills: Academics d10, Common Knowledge d10,
of the United States with her accomplishments.
Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Psionics
Known for her scathing wit and impatience with the
d10, Repair d10, Research d12, Science d10, Stealth
foolish, she is a brilliant academic with degrees in
d4, Weird Science d12
anthropology, psychology and ancient languages.
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 7
She has authored several books on the cultural and
Hindrances: Delusional (Major), Driven (Major)
religious traditions of the Yoruba people, as well
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Arcane Back-
as analyses of points of similarity between folk
ground (Weird Science), Charismatic, Gadgeteer,
magic beliefs across the globe. A gifted speaker, she
McGyver, Scholar, Followers
lectures on anthropology at Harvard and is generally
Powers: Bolt, Puppet, Protection, Summon Ally,
popular among her students.
Power Points: 25 Dr Tolulore is also an arcane experimenter of
considerable experience and power. Born the
daughter of a Yoruba wise woman, Aina Tolulore
was educated in the ways of folk magic from a
very early age, though she placed little value on the
experience. Always ambitious, she disdained the

life that had been planned for her, instead focusing bones of their enemies. She guards her reputation
her efforts on obtaining an education and putting jealously, is quick to anger, and dislikes fools or
Nigeria behind her. With the sponsorship of Western those she considers weak. Like many in 1930’s
missionaries, she obtained scholarships first to America, she believes that Adolf Hitler and his
Oxford University, then to Harvard, impressing all Nazi party have some good ideas; and supports
who met her with her fierce intelligence and drive. the concepts of eugenics and submission to the
Her uncompromising nature and sharp tongue have state. However, she abhors unnecessary violence,
made her several enemies among the academic brutality and waste.
community, though this seems to bother her very
little. Dr Tolulore maintains a large magical laboratory
under her home in Massachusetts, guarded by
It was while she was studying at Harvard that zombies. Within she keeps the only thing she seems
she met, and was briefly courted by, Edwin emotionally attached to; the skull of her mother,
Dexter. Though their personalities were too which she uses as an advisor and medium.
incompatible and abrasive to form a
lasting union, he opened her eyes to the Dr Tolulore and Edwin Dexter maintain a
possibilities of occult knowledge, and it strong, if slightly awkward, relationship.
was this – coupled with the memories While not exactly friends, each does care
of her early magical education – that somewhat about the other, and they will
gave her a unique insight into the occasionally work together on large
way reality really works. occult projects.

Shortly after gaining her PhD, Quote: “Oh, stop crying! Yes, it’s
Dr Tolulore returned to Africa crude and it makes a mess, but you
for the first and last time. There can’t deny that there’s power in
she stole the skull of her mother blood.”
from her grave, binding her Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts
mother’s spirit to it with dark d10, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor
magics, before returning to the d8
United States permanently. Skills: Academics d10, Athletics
d8, Common Knowledge d8,
Now she lives a double life. Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimi-
In one, she is a respected – dation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion
though slightly scandalous d8, Research d10, Science d6,
– professor of anthropology Shooting d6, Spellcasting d10,
at a prestigious university. Stealth d8, Survival d8, Taunt
In the other, she is an d10
arcane experimenter, fusing Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Western and African magic Hindrances: Vengeful (Minor),
in new and unique ways. Ruthless (Minor), Secret
Dr Tolulore’s motivation (Major)
appears to be simply a Edges: Arcane Background
quest for knowledge. She (Magic), Followers, Lin-
is unmoved by moral or guist, New Powers, Power
ethical concerns and is Points, Retort, Scholar,
in many ways a pure Wizard
scientist… if scientists Powers: Havoc, Invisibil-
liked to play with ity, Mind Wipe, Summon
the raw fabric of the Ally, Zombie
universe and carried Power Points: 15
wands made from the

true. Once they have gained enough support,
THE DEMAGOGUE they often feel comfortable making claims
The Demagogue is that most dangerous of creatures, demonstrably in opposition to the truth, trusting
the self-styled political “man of the people” who that their followers have “bought in” to them
uses oratory, flattery and invective to whip up the to the point that their word can no longer be
passions of the masses, appealing to their hearts questioned. If caught in a lie, the Demagogue
rather than their minds. He promises everything to exhibits no shame and will smoothly move on
everyone, while evading the specifics of how these to the next lie.
things will be achieved. He uses racial, religious
• Scapegoating: Blaming the problems of the
and class prejudice to divide his opposition,
group they wish to appeal to on a group of a
normally targeting a specific group as “other” in
different ethnicity, religion or social class. The
order to make them to source of all the masses
rhetoric against this group gradually escalates,
woes. Often, he refers to the current political order
until they are being referred to as vermin,
as corrupt, incompetent or criminal, and promises
sub-humans, perverts and monsters. Taken to
to overturn the establishment in favor of something
an extreme, this can lead to pogroms and even
that will empower his followers. He creates fanatics
by laying the blame for their struggles at the feet of
others, and promises solutions to all their ills, then • Rabble Rousing: Demagogues use the power
uses his followers to shut down rational discussion of public speaking and personal charisma to
and deliberation. He will often call those who manipulate the masses, using rhetoric and
oppose him “traitors” and “enemies of democracy”. impassioned oratory as a sort of performance
Demagogues usually call for swift, decisive action that allows them to bypass the rational part
to deal with a national crisis, and if one doesn’t of the audiences’ minds and appeal directly
currently exist, they will often create one. to their emotions. During the Pulp Era, many
demagogues have embraced the power of
Demagogues have been around since the days of
the radio to broadcast their persuasive voices
ancient Greece, exploiting the masses to feed their
directly into homes across the country.
lust for power, but it is only in the 20th Century,
with its broadcast media, that they have really come • Accusations of disloyalty: Demagogues
into their own. Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini espouse immediate, forceful action, and often
are the best-known examples during the Pulp argue that those who oppose them are weak,
Era, but there were many others in US politics; disloyal, or actively working with the enemies
James K. Vardaman, William Hale Thompson, of the nation.
Huey “Kingfish” Long and Father Charles Edward
Coughlin, to name just a few. All use the principles • Impossible Promises: Demagogues care very
of free speech to exploit a fundamental weakness little for the truth, and often make impossible
of democracy; that it is possible for the people to promises to the people in order to garner their
legally elect someone utterly untrustworthy who support and loyalty. Such promises might be
appeals to the lowest common denominator. vague, such as “a return to prosperity and
old-fashioned values”, or specific, such as a
Demagogues are masters of the long game, using reduction in immigration and more jobs for
the following tactics to exploit the masses and gain the unemployed. Whenever questions arise
power; about how these things will be achieved,
the demagogue will answer only in the most
• Fearmongering: The Demagogue creates an
general terms, before launching an attack on
atmosphere of fear in order to persuade the
the questioner and attempting to discredit him
masses to give up their freedoms and submit to
or her.
greater authority.
• Violence and Intimidation: Demagogues
• Lying: The Demagogue has no compunction
often speak in violent terms, and will encourage
in lying to the masses in order to gain their
their followers to physical action, often in
support, with very little regard to what is
subtle ways that allow them to disavow such

action if it becomes known. Demagogues will Senator Roscoe Devlin
also threaten other nations, as well as their (Wild Card, Legendary)
political opponents, regardless of whether they
have the power to make such things happen. A savvy political animal, Senator Roscoe Devlin
is one of the youngest and most dynamic men on
• Insults and Ridicule: Demagogues tend to Capitol Hill. The son of a Baptist preacher, Devlin
shut down their opponents by ridiculing or learned the value of oratory early on, watching his
insulting them, often by repeatedly referring to father conjure fire and brimstone in the imagination
them with an insulting or unflattering nick- of his flock. Devlin was expected to follow in his
name, using easy laughs to distract from serious father’s footsteps, but instead he became a lawyer,
political points. putting the lessons he’d learned from his father
to use in the courtroom, frequently moving judge
• Vulgarity: Demagogues often behave
and jury alike to tears with his stirring speeches.
outrageously in order to demonstrate that they
Devlin was a good lawyer, but learned early on in
stand outside the normal political structure, and
his career that very few nice people had money, and
to gain media attention which they can then
so he began to court the Mafia for work, proving his
worth by winning several high-profile cases against
• Man of the People: Most demagogues claim the public prosecutor.
to be a “man of the people”, even if they were
Devlin’s skill at public speaking, and his talent
born to wealth and privilege. They tend to
for exploiting legal loopholes, soon made him an
speak in colloquialisms, using a simplified
invaluable asset to the mob as well as a certain
vocabulary, in order to project a relatable
degree of notoriety in the press. Devlin wasn’t slow
to exploit this exposure, using it to rail against the
• Reductionism: Demagogues promise foolish public officials who were wasting the public
quick solutions to complex situations by purse by pursuing legitimate businessmen while the
grossly oversimplifying them, often feigning real criminals went unpunished up on Capitol Hill.
amazement that the “establishment” can’t see Even Devlin didn’t expect to get far with this line –
the obvious solution, sometimes implying that he was just doing it to remain in the public eye – but
they must have some sinister reason for not something about his barnstorming manner caught
doing so. on, and he was soon being courted as a political
candidate by the major parties. Devlin had no real
• Discrediting the Media: While modern belief in either party – he felt that real politics was
demagogues rely on the news media to spread done in rooms far away from the public gaze – but
their word, they are also vulnerable to being threw his hat in with the one that he felt would offer
exposed, and so normally conduct a relentless him the most rewards. Thus supported, he began his
campaign to control their media image. This campaign for election.
usually takes the form of branding those news
outlets broadcasting an unflattering image as From the start, Devlin’s campaign rallies were
dishonest and unreliable, while deliberately success. Devlin himself seemed to carry the crowd
promoting those outlets whose portrayal is in the palm of his hand, making each attendee
more favorable. Over time, this allows the feel that he was speaking to them alone. He railed
demagogue to create a news bubble around against the power of the political elites, claiming
their followers, where they only hear and read that they were all too invested in maintaining a
what the demagogue wants them to believe. corrupt system. He vowed to clear out Washington
of “toothless old men”, frequently referring to
his main opponent as “gramps” – a nick name
that caught on in the popular press. He promised
lower taxes, more spending on the military to
keep America from being drawn in to more
“adventurism” in Europe. He made dark allusions
to the “hidden price” of immigration that America

would soon have to pay, painting a picture of a Edges: Charismatic, Command, Connections, Fol-
nation overrun by foreigners eager to strip the lowers, Humiliate, Provoke, Rabble-Rouser, Retort,
nation of the riches that her people hard earned by Work the Crowd
right of birth and blood. Devlin soon discovered
that the more extreme and outlandish his promises,
the more the public seemed to like them. THE CULT LEADER
Now, at the age of 32, Devlin is a powerful man; a It’s a wicked, sinful world, and it’s only going to get
United States senator, with a deep campaign chest, worse. God has turned his back on mankind, and
devoted staffers, and his eyes on the greatest prize the End Times can’t be very far away. The world
of all – the White House. is changing faster and faster every day, and many
people find change very scary indeed. Into this mix
Roscoe Devlin is a tall, handsome, athletic man strides the Cult Leader, a charismatic figure holding
with broad shoulders, a gleaming smile, and secret knowledge, promising salvation for those
the eyes of a killer. He hasn’t murdered anyone who follow his word.
personally – he has people for that – but there are
times when he’d clearly like to. He’s decided that The Cult Leader may be a charlatan or possess
he’s going to be the President one day, and he’s not genuine arcane knowledge, but his true power
about to let anyone stand in his way. Unfortunately comes from those who follow him, devoting
for Devlin, there are a few people around who themselves to his cause and fanatically willing to
remember his work for the mob and know how follow his every command. They bring him wealth,
he suppressed evidence and bribed juries in the power and status, and make him a dangerous and
early days. While they haven’t come forward yet, unpredictable opponent.
he doesn’t want to risk this explosive evidence
Cult Leaders are extremely flexible villains, able
surfacing when he starts his run for the Oval office.
to fill almost any niche the Game Master wants.
One by one, his enemies are having “accidents”,
The Cult Leader could be the high priest of some
and learning that having leverage over the senator
blasphemous religion, worshipping the Devil or
can be injurious to their health.
some monstrous ancient god (who may or may
Devlin’s current campaign stand is distinctly not actually exist). He may be a clever con-man
authoritarian, loudly proclaiming the need to or illusionist, or possess genuine occult power.
stern action to be taken to stem the rising tide of His personality, motives and methods will vary
lawlessness that’s arisen in response to the Volstead according to the nature of the cult and the truth
Act. Much of his campaign finance comes from the behind it. Cultists who worship an Eldritch
Mafia, as payment for his information on several Abomination and wish to free their deity to feast
high-profile investigations that have mysteriously upon the world are very different from those who
come to naught. Devlin is always accompanied by worship a devil (or the Devil) and wish to increase
his personal bodyguards; four large, armed men their personal power and wealth.
who will kill on his command without a second
In the Pulps, cults tend to fall into one of the
following categories;
Quote: “Let us build an America whose people can
• Apocalypse Cult: The End of Days is upon us,
stand proud, free and strong, for the sake of all our
and these cults see it as their duty to help their
children! Thank you, I’m sure I can count on your
god or gods bring an end to us all and make the
world anew. Apocalypse Cults often have some
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d12, Spirit d10, insane plan for mass murder, triggered by a
Strength d6, Vigor d4 supposedly supernatural omen, like a comet or
Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d6, Common Knowl- supernova.
edge d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d10, Notice d8,
Performance d12, Persuasion d12, Science d4, • Revival: This cult is based on an old –
Stealth d6, Taunt d8 presumably extinct – religion and may even
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4 make claims to be a direct continuation or
Hindrances: Secret (Major), Ruthless (Major) secret survival. Sometimes these cults seek

to take revenge on those responsible for the revealing the spiritual corruption within. Gifted with
extinction of their faith in earlier times. psychic powers beyond comprehension, always
accompanied by fanatical shadow monks who
• Space Gods: These cults tend to be based would lay down their lives to defend him, the Black
on supernatural interpretations of dubious Lama is a skilled martial artist, having inherited the
archaeological data, using them as evidence fighting skills of a thousand lifetimes. The Black
that mankind was visited in the past (and may Lama rarely needs to leave his stronghold in the
even have been engineered by) vastly powerful Forbidden Lamasery of Agharta, preferring to work
visitors from another world. Often cults of this at a distance through the adherents of the Mara
kind have apocalyptic leanings, promising that Brotherhood, the Kundalini Warriors or his own
the faithful will be taken up to live forever in psychic abilities.
their alien paradise – frequently after a mass
suicide. Quote: “Why should the only saints belong to your
pale god? The only miracles? Hell has it’s holy men
• Adventists: This cult is usually a radical too, evil it’s miracles.”
splinter group of an existing religion, based
around the return to Earth or rebirth of a Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d12,
messianic religious figure such as Jesus Christ Strength d6, Vigor d8
(most often in the form of the Cult Leader Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d8, Common Knowl-
himself, but frequently in the form of an easily edge d8, Fighting d12, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
controllable dupe). Persuasion d6, Psionics d12, Research d10, Science
d6, Stealth d8
• Dark Cult: This cult worships or believes Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 6
something truly evil. This could be Satan, an Hindrances: Vengeful (Major), Ruthless (Major)
Anti-God, or an Eldritch Abomination. Cults Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Followers,
of this kind are the most dangerous – with their Linguist, Martial Warrior, Mentalist, New Powers,
twisted beliefs and inverted morality, Dark Power Points, Rapid Recharge
Cultists have little or no self-restraint and have Powers: Blast, Illusion, Mind Reading, Mind Wipe,
a sadistic love of murder and mayhem. Puppet
Power Points: 15

The Black Lama

(Wild Card, Legendary) THE ANTI-VILLAIN
Just as Buddhism has its Tulkus, reincarnated Perhaps one of the most perplexing villain-types
enlightened beings (Bodhisattvas) who postpone the presented in the Pulps, the Anti-Villain is a bad guy
achievement of Nirvana in order to help enlighten with heroic ideals, motivations and virtues. What
others, so darker faiths have darker tulkus; malign they want is ultimately good, but they go about it
spirits filled with evil knowledge, who return again in the wrong way, resulting in collateral damage
and again from death to spread corruption and and misery. “You can’t make an omelet without
wickedness in the world. breaking a few eggs,” is the motto of most Anti-
Villains. Alternatively, the Anti-Villain could well
Such is – so legend says – the Black Lama, the have evil aims, but goes about achieving them in a
dread leader of the Mara Brotherhood. Whenever reasonably ethical and honorable way, seeking to
the current Black Lama dies, the Brotherhood minimize casualties - direct and indirect – as much
spreads out across the globe, searching for the one as possible.
who is the Lama reborn, looking for the spiritual
darkness that signals the return of a monstrous evil. Of all the villain types, the Anti-Villain is the
one most likely to be persuaded into a temporary
The current Black Lama is a young Tibetan man in alliance with the heroes when things risk getting
his early twenties, with delicate features, a slight out of control. While they may be “better” than
build and shaven head. His manner is always gentle normal villains and often appear to be reaching for
and polite, though his eyes are entirely black, redemption, they almost never completely defect to

the side of the angels, often believing that their sins the pulps, very few Nazi arch-villains appeared in
can never be forgiven and prefer “to rule in Hell fiction.
rather than serve in Heaven”.
Though Pulp-style Nazi villains tend to be over-
Despite this vein of decency and honor, Anti- blown and gimmicky, unless they’re being played
Villains are no less dangerous than any other for comic effect, they remain competent and
villain and may in fact be more so due to their ruthless enemies, well-equipped and driven by a
unpredictability. Most heroes don’t quite know quietly fanatical faith in the manifest destiny of the
what to do when their opponents don’t provide easy Third Reich. Unlike many other villains, Pulp Nazis
reasons for their extermination. Anti-Villains are are usually capable combatants; though they have
often quite respectful of the heroes, regarding them minions to do their dirty work, they often relish
as “worthy opponents” and expressing regret for the chance to prove their “Aryan superiority” by
their inevitable doom. engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the heroes.

Some Anti-Villains are a law unto themselves, Pulp Nazis tend to come in several varieties, which
aware that the world may view their actions as evil can be mixed and matched according to taste;
but believing themselves to have evolved beyond
the limits of conventional morality. • The Sadistic Interrogator: Most often a member
of the Gestapo or the SS, this villain is usually
We present no example of the Anti-Villain here, slender and softly spoken, with cold blue eyes
simply because they are a dark reflection of the glittering behind his wire-framed spectacles.
heroes and should match them in ability. The wise Dressed in a dark grey suit and a black leather
Game Master will wait until her players have overcoat he rarely takes his black leather gloves
created their characters, then weave her Anti-Villain off, unless it is to strike a helpless victim with
into a hero’s backstory. them. He loves his work, licking his thin lips
with anticipation of the unspeakable torments
Nazis make great villains. They represent
something utterly vile; a repugnant philosophy
with no redeeming features, a nearly faceless
horde of endless thugs who can be killed off in
waves without the heroes having to trouble their
consciences over-much.

Though they’re now seen as the quintessential Pulp

villain, the Nazis featured in surprisingly few pulps
of the time, coming in toward the end of the Pulp
Era, when World War II paper shortages killed off
most of the magazines. Where they did appear, they
were limited to military action pulps, spy thrillers
and the aviation magazines. For the most part, Pulp
publishers preferred to avoid real-world politics
wherever possible, preferring to import thinly-
veiled fascist counterparts from imaginary Balkan
countries (like Berezkia, p35).

Nazi villains are for the most part a modern

invention, created for Pulp pastiches like The
Rocketeer and the Indiana Jones movies. In reality,
since many real Nazis – including Adolf Hitler
– appeared every bit as bizarre as the villains of

he will soon inflict upon the heroes, and
A Question of Taste occasionally giggling inappropriately. For some
reason the Sadistic Interrogator often speaks as
Given Hitler and Himmler’s interest
though slightly short of breath. He never loses
in the occult, many GMs might be
his temper or raises his voice, and even the
tempted to place arcane science or
most hideous threats are made in a chillingly
magic at the heart of the Holocaust,
veiled manner.
with the awful death and suffering
of millions perhaps being used as • The Reluctant Nazi: If the heroes are in the
part of a horrific ritual or monstrous habit of dismissing all Nazis as cannon fodder,
summoning. Many authors and the Reluctant Nazi can be an interesting
artists have done this with varying change of pace. The Reluctant Nazi is a decent
degrees of taste and success. This is man who became a member of the party for
a matter of personal choice and a political reasons but does not ascribe to the
question that each GM must answer Nazi philosophy. Nevertheless, he is a patriot
for themselves. Should the GM and will do his duty, but unlike the other Nazi
choose to do this however, they must variants he takes no pleasure in it.
be prepared for the possibility that
their players may be offended by the • The Brute: The Brute is a thug, who doesn’t
idea that they are trivializing a truly really believe in the ideology of the Third
terrible event. Reich but became a Nazi in order to feed
their need to feel powerful. Being part of
There are no easy answers to the Nazi war machine gives them the power
this. Often fiction allows us to they’ve always craved, and they like to abuse
explore ideas that we might find that power at every opportunity. Brute Nazis
too difficult to address otherwise. are scum; arrogant bullies who enjoy the
While it is important to have fun humiliation and degradation of their prisoners.
within the context of the game, it They may be using the uniform to conceal a
is also important to understand deep-seated inferiority complex, or they may
that the Holocaust was a very real just be nasty pieces of work. Brutes tend to
and monstrous thing – the nadir of be selfish, greedy and under all their bluster,
human morality – that must never cowards. However, they are often also superior
be allowed to happen again. The combatants, and their treacherous nature and
author prefers to address this by innate viciousness translates into a host of dirty
having purely human stupidity, tactics.
greed and evil be the cause of the
Holocaust, limiting any arcane • The Bruiser: The bruiser is a big, solid lump of
element to merely an opportunistic muscle with fists like hams and a penchant for
exploitation of the horror. bare-knuckle fighting. He enjoys a fight, and he
GMs may also come across players enjoys showing off his impressive physique just
who refuse to believe that the before he beats the hero unconscious with it.
Holocaust happened, and some that He rarely speaks anything other than German
may think the Nazis had the right and tends to serve either as back-up muscle for
idea. These people are idiots, and a superior office, or as an unexpected stumbling
at the risk of causing offence, the block for the unlucky hero.
author humbly suggests you show
• The Intellectual Aryan: Smarter than the
them the door; you don’t need that
average Nazi, this villain is cultured, educated,
kind of toxic stupidity in your life.
intelligent and very astute. His perception and
For more information on the Nazis
quick wits make him a formidable enemy,
and their rise to power, see page 133.
and his ability to anticipate the moves of

his opponents make him a hard man to out- They may also possess Weird Technology that
maneuver. While he can be as violent, sadistic combines dark magic with high technology.
and brutal as other Nazis, the Intellectual Aryan Nazi Occultists can often be found advising, or
prefers to solve his problems in a more cerebral even leading, retrieval missions to holy sites
manner, and he is often using the resources of and mysterious lands.
the Reich to further his own ambitions. Most
senior Nazis fall into this category. THE CURSED
• The Nazi Scientist: Lacking the individual In the heroic pulps, many arcane villains suffer
spark of divine inspiration, Nazi doctors, from, and are motivated by, a curse of some sort.
scientists and researchers working in teams For many it is the curse of eternal life, for others it
are still capable of some incredible (and is undeath, while others still are compelled through
horrifying) achievements. Some care little the most twisted and powerful magic to endure the
for Nazi doctrine or the philosophy or Aryan most unnatural torments. Some individuals – like
superiority, instead seeing the Third Reich as vampires – have learned to exist in cooperation
a means to an end; the funding and resourcing with their curse and may even regard it as a “dark
of their research. Others are fanatical, seeking blessing” to be shared with the chosen. Others, like
to use their perverted science to prove the the tormented werewolf, lament their horrible fate
outlandish theories of Eternal Ice and Aryan and would do anything to free themselves from its
eugenics. Neither type cares for the pain they grasp.
inflict on their fellow human beings while they
conduct their foul experiments, seeing their Cursed villains can, depending on the nature of the
prisoners as simply an expendable stock of curse and their attitude towards it, range from the
“subhuman” test subjects. Nazi Scientists tend tragic and pitiful to the monstrous and diabolical.
to be utterly cold, exhibiting little personality They may seek to embrace their fate, transfer it to
and no conscience whatsoever, though they another, or struggle to free themselves from it no
seem to take no pleasure in what they do either. matter what the cost to the world. Cursed villains
Players may also derive some historical horror are often bitter, twisted and vindictive. They may
from the fact that many of these scientists will see themselves as victims, unfairly oppressed
be given new homes and new jobs in the USA and punished disproportionately, or they may see
and other Allied countries at the end of the themselves as heroic underdogs. Rarely do they see
war, made Government assets under covert themselves as they truly are, until the end.
operations like Paperclip. When it comes to
their projects, Game Masters can feel free to
let their imaginations run wild, but should be
Dr Hieronymus Grim
(Wild Card, Legendary)
warned if they decide to research the issue that
there’s almost nothing so vile or horrific that To the mundane world, Dr Hieronymus Grim is a
real Nazi scientists didn’t do it at some point – criminal mastermind and vivisectionist, a perverse
often on an industrial scale. madman with a penchant for bizarre physical
experimentation, horrendous cruelty and macabre
• The Nazi Occultist: Often found working
humor. Wanted on every continent for murder and
hand in hand with the Nazi Scientist, the Nazi
crimes so horrible they defy description, his name
Occultist is usually assigned to the Ahnenerbe
brings a cold sweat to the brow of law enforcement
(p.135) or one of Hitler’s other arcane research
officers across the world, and terror to the hearts of
organizations. The Nazi Occultist is usually a
criminals. How much more they would tremble if
career soldier who has seen the power of the
they knew the truth. To magicians across the globe
supernatural for himself and wishes to harness
Dr Grim is far more than a vicious criminal genius.
it as a weapon of war, a scholar of mysticism
He is an abomination, a walking crime against life
availing himself of the resources the Reich has
and the natural order itself.
to offer, or a disciple of darkness who is using
the Reich as much as they are using him. Nazi
Occultists often have access to arcane artifacts
and possess psychic or mesmeric powers.

Created in Florence in 1672, the creature that calls is remarkably hard to injure, bleeding a thin, clear
itself Dr Grim is a homunculus, distilled in a bottle liquid when his skin is broken, but heals with great
of fermented body fluids and dung in the laboratory rapidity.
of an unknown alchemist. Few such creatures last
more than a few weeks, but due to some minor kink Grim is a classic sadist and psychopath. While he
in the process, the stunted horror survived long can be both civil and charming when he wants to
enough to develop a personality all its own, and in be, he has no sense of morality, and no empathy for
so doing it became ambitious. Driven by a hunger anything living. Furthermore, he enjoys establishing
for knowledge and a desire to perpetuate its own his superiority over natural life, either by killing
existence, the homunculus carefully and secretly it, enslaving it, dissecting it, or humiliating it.
studied its creator’s occult library and then, when it That which he cannot destroy in one way, he will
had learned all it could, it slew him. destroy in another. Grim is known for targeting the
friends and loved ones of his enemies, and greatly
When the alchemist’s servants finally broke into his enjoys using vile surgery and alchemical mutation
laboratory, they found him dead, carefully dissected, to transform an abducted associate into a biological
with a blood-spattered anatomical text book open weapon.
next to what was left of his corpse. On the last page
of the book, written in the blood of the alchemist, Grim has few friends, and the only colleagues he
were the words “But where is the soul?” trusts are those he has made himself. Most of his
lieutenants are constructs of one kind or another;
Over the years, the homunculus moved from place reanimated corpses, surgically modified slaves,
to place, learning how to pose as human despite experimental homunculi, even a few subverted
its dwarfish proportions, and still it hungered for Radium Men.
knowledge. It understood that it should have died
a long time ago and knew that when that fate Most of Grim’s plots are motivated by his fear of
eventually caught up with it, as a soulless being it death and annihilation; he understands that as a
would face oblivion. This was something it could creature without a soul, only nothingness awaits
not allow. him on the other side. While hard to hurt, he will
retreat in the face of overwhelming odds, and can be
In the hundreds of years that followed, the cowed by the prospect of immediate destruction. He
homunculus has sought two things; firstly, to satisfy is cunning, however, and will instantly turn on his
its consuming curiosity about life and the way captors if he spies a way out. Like a starving rat, he
it works, and secondly to obtain a soul. Neither is most dangerous when cornered.
objective has yet been satisfied, though Dr Grim
continues to try. Today, Dr Grim spends most of his Dr Hieronymus Grim is a classic villain, one who
time in the shadows, preferring to be the spider at despises natural life and revels in its destruction and
the heart of the web. He rarely interacts with friend degradation. Player characters are more than likely
or foe in person, and when he does, it is a sure sign going to encounter him as an enemy, masterminding
that someone is about to die a most horrible death. some horrible scheme to gain a soul, acquire some
unique or unusual skill, creature or disease, though
Hieronymus Grim resembles a morbidly obese he may also be encountered as a resource, albeit
dwarf of indeterminate ethnicity. Though just less a treacherous one. Grim is a true master villain;
than four feet tall, Grim weighs over two-hundred should he gain sufficient magical knowledge
pounds and is abnormally strong, fast and resilient. some believe his ambitions go far beyond merely
Though apparently male, the creature is in fact acquiring a soul, and have hinted that he believes
utterly sexless and even a cursory examination will that it is the destiny of the created to usurp and cast
reveal that it is not in any way human. Grim has no down the creator, though whether that means man
fingerprints, no hair (though he sometimes wears or God is unknown.
a wig), a bifurcated tongue and several rows of
razor-sharp teeth resembling those of a shark. Grim Quote: “You really are a fascinating creature,
is unnaturally resilient and flexible, and sometimes aren’t you? I’m looking forward to finding out how
appears not to possess a bony skeleton at all. Grim you work. Let’s explore together. Scalpel, please.”

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, lines of work. A Corrupt Producer could use the
Strength d6, Vigor d12 machinery of Hollywood to smear his opponents,
Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d8, Common Knowl- while a Corrupt Banker might ruin his enemies and
edge d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, finance his allies.
Persuasion d6, Research d10, Science d12, Spell-
casting d10, Stealth d6 The classic Corrupt Corporate has no fighting
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 skills to speak of, though this has been subverted
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major), Wanted (Major) in modern times with idea of rich businessmen
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Fast Healer, who combine big business with a taste for extreme
Harder to Kill, New Powers, Power Points, Wizard sports and martial arts. Normally though, Corrupt
Powers: Blast, Blind, Entangle, Wall Walker, Zombie Corporates leave the fighting to their minions, led
Power Points: 15 by a trusted lieutenant. Lex Luthor, particularly in
his modern incarnations, is a classic example of the
THE CORRUPT CORPORATE Corrupt Corporate, combined with aspects of the
Mad Scientist.
The Corrupt Corporate is a uniquely American
villain. He is evil in a nice suit, an unscrupulous
businessman or tycoon who represents our fear of Rex Monday
manipulation and exploitation by the rich; bankers, (Wild Card, Veteran)
industrialists, financiers and politicians. Born of
the loss of public trust caused by the Wall Street Born to the privileged life of the scion of an old
Crash and the Great Depression, Corrupt Corporates and noble house, Rex Monday grew up pampered,
became useful villains for Pulp authors. Once hailed indulged and spoiled. Every day he was told that the
as the industrial backbone of the country world would be his, and that he could do anything
he wanted. Unlike most children, he believed it.
The Corrupt Corporate is motivated most often by Even more unusually, he still believes it now.
greed and the desire to maintain their share price.
He knows that wealth buys power and influence Rex Monday is a tall, handsome man in his early
and that everyone has their price. The only things thirties, with movie-idol good-looks, impeccable
that matter are the things that can be bought; to taste and perfect manners. He is also an extremely
the Corrupt Corporate, everything else – including dangerous man, what in later years will be termed
morality and human life - is irrelevant. a sociopath. Rex has little concept of real emotion
or of right and wrong. What interests him and
The Corrupt Corporate may appear urbane and motivates him is what is good solely for him.
cultured, but he has a lot to lose and will fight like He is intelligent and observant, skilled at faking
a tiger to keep it. His plots tend to involve vast his emotional connection to other people, but
swindles and confidence schemes, the discrediting eventually those closest to him see through the
or ruination of his competitors, the theft of large mask and realize that there isn’t much human about
sums of money, the annexation of valuable Rex Monday.
resources, complicated real estate scams or the
establishment and maintenance of vast monopolies. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn’t be
Usually the victims of these plots are the “little a problem. Rex would undoubtedly have ended
people”, the faceless masses of ordinary people who up confined in either prison or mental institution,
invest in the Corporates companies. where he could do no harm. Alas, he is one of the
richest young men in the United States, gifted with
Corrupt Corporates want more of what they already soaring ambition and the means to make most of his
have, and have the resources to achieve this. They problems disappear.
have money, minions, social connections and
Taking his inspiration from the Latin phrase that
political influence. Very often they also have social
echoes his name, Rex Monday aims to be nothing
prominence, making them hard to fight openly less than the king of the world. Patient and cunning,
and giving them the protection of society and he is a master of the long game, using his money
the law. Though Corrupt Corporates are usually and influence to move people like pawns on a chess
industrialists, they can be just as effective in other board, instigating subtle schemes that advance

his cause while removing his opponents, often little for the fate of mankind, and instead enjoys
without them even suspecting his involvement. the exercise of power for its own sake. Sadistic,
To the public, Rex is a wealthy industrialist and spoiled and devious, Du Kai Hua has attempted to
philanthropist, a man who supports unionization overthrow her father on numerous occasions but has
and encourages the education of his workforce. always managed to be forgiven. In her own twisted
A tireless charity fund-raiser and campaigner way, she cares for her father deeply, but she is also
for human rights, Rex’s reputation is almost
more than a little crazy and would kill him without
bulletproof. To his criminal associates, Rex is a
stone killer, a man without pity, with the will to do a second thought if he got in her way.
anything in order to achieve his goals. Those who
Thus far, Siwang Lung has yet to reveal to Du Kai
know his secret are terrified of him and would die
rather than betray him. Those foolish enough to Hua the secret of his prolonged life and unnatural
talk carelessly have found to their cost that Rex’s durability, which is perhaps the only reason his
millions buy him a long reach, and he does not daughter has yet to finally betray him.
Quote: “You will tell me what I wish to know,
Quote: “Of course, poor people aren’t like you and or I can promise you that your agony will be...
I. They’re barely people at all.” exquisite.”
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d4, Common Knowl- Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d8, Common Knowl-
edge d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d10, edge d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d10,
Persuasion d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d6 Persuasion d8, Science d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d8,
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 Weird Science d8
Hindrances: Secret (Major), Ruthless (Major) Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Edges: Aristocrat, Attractive, Charismatic, Connec- Hindrances: Ruthless (Major), Vengeful (Major)
tions, Filthy Rich Edges: Arcane background (Weird Science), Very
Attractive, Filthy Rich, Martial Artist
THE DRAGON LADY Powers: +2 Powers
Power Points: 15
The Dragon Lady is the female counterpart to
the Foreign Mastermind. Beautiful, seductive,
mysterious and sexually aggressive, the Dragon THE NECROMANCER
Lady is generally portrayed as less honorable than
her male opposite number, prone to violent rages Perhaps the most loathed of the arcane villains,
(and occasionally falling in love with a hero). The the necromancer rebels against the natural order
Dragon Lady is more hands-on than the Foreign in a fundamental way, by disturbing the sleep of
Mastermind, and while she prefers to let her the dead and enslaving them, either physically
minions do her bidding, she is often a skilled hand- or spiritually. Necromancers can often be found
to-hand fighter, taking advantage of the fact that commanding hordes of walking corpses or
Pulp heroes are rarely comfortable hitting a woman. ensorcelled spirits and are the most likely to have
grandiose plans for world domination. Necessarily
solitary creatures, necromancers often form
Du Kai Hua – Poison Blossom relationships with the dead in order to fulfil their
(Wild Card, Legendary) basic human need for companionship and are
frequently baffled and frustrated by the living.
The beautiful and exotic young woman who now
takes the name Du Kai Hua (Poison Blossom) is the Note that not all necromancers are evil or perverted.
adopted daughter of the infamous Death Dragon, Some are merely callous or indifferent, while a very
Siwang Lung. Rescued from the streets as a child, few consider themselves altruists who use their
Siwang Lung raised the girl as his successor, powers to bring comfort to both the living and the
educating her in the ways of science, crime and dead.
subtle cruelty. Unlike her father, Du Kai Hua cares

Marie Gautier – Queen of the or power – she already has those. Some occult
Dead observers have suggested that Gautier is gathering
(Wild Card, Legendary) a web of contacts and favors, preparing for an
eventuality only she foresees. As such, Gautier can
Marie Gautier is a brilliant, beautiful and wealthy be used as both an ally and an enemy for the Player
business woman with interests in a string of Characters, depending on the needs of the plot.
successful enterprises from hotels to airlines, who
has an interesting side-line in raising the dead. Quote: “Life? Life is an aberration, a temporary
Gautier is young and beautiful, with exotic looks condition. Death is forever, and the one who
from a wide mix of ethnic backgrounds. Apparently embraces death embraces eternity.”
in her mid-twenties, she bears herself with poise, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
grace and elegance. Among her confidantes, it is Strength d6, Vigor d8
rumored that she is descended from Marie Laveau, Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d6, Common
the notorious “voodoo queen” of New Orleans Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice
(some even go as far as to claim that she is Laveau d8, Persuasion d10, Research d8, Science d6, Shoot-
herself). Gautier rarely speaks of her past, but she ing d8, Spellcasting d10, Stealth d8
has alluded to growing up an orphan on the streets Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Hindrances: Ruthless (Minor), Secret (Major),
Vengeful (Minor)
Gautier is a ruthless and competent business-woman Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Charismatic,
who exploits the tendency of businessmen to Connections, Very Attractive, Filthy Rich, New
underestimate her because of her looks and gender, Powers, Power Points, Wizard
adding to this advantage a razor-sharp intelligence. Powers: Zombie, +4 Powers
Those few who have investigated her past and lived Power Points: 15
believe her rise to power in the business world to
have been accomplished before she rose to occult
Publicly, Gautier works hard and plays harder. She A beautiful woman with a heart of ice, the
has been linked with a succession of handsome Baroness has more than a hint of the dominatrix
bachelors and playboys, leaving a string of broken about her. Strict, intelligent and chilly, she often
hearts across the globe. No suitor seems to have exhibits a sadistic nature and a fervent belief in
captured her interest long enough to become the ideals of whichever cause she follows. Most
a serious attachment, and she seems intent on often of German or Russian extraction, she is
enjoying the single life as much as possible. Gautier always immaculately dressed, either in the highest
is known to support a wide variety of charitable fashion or a perfectly cut uniform. In the Pulps
causes, including several orphanages in Haiti. the Baroness was often portrayed as a closet (or
even overt) lesbian and man-hater, something
Privately, Marie Gautier is a powerful necromancer considered at the time to be quite perverse.
and medium. Capable of conversing with the spirits Regardless of her sexuality, she is often attracted
of the dead and raising their physical bodies into a to power and dominant personalities, but may not
semblance of life, she maintains a position of power be open to seduction.
in two worlds. All her personal staff and servants
are Enslaved Dead, an intelligent form of zombie The Baroness is often found as an icily beautiful
who serve her faithfully and loyally. Gautier’s Nazi or Communist temptress, or as the aide to a
main occupation is that of an information broker, Corrupt Corporate. She may even be found leading
extracting the secrets of the dead and selling them a team of Nazi scientists, or standing at the side of
on to the highest bidder, regardless of nationality. a Cult Leader. The Baroness may have a mannish
female bruiser as back-up, who may or may not
Marie Gautier is a morally complex individual. also be her lover. Some Baronesses can be found
While she raises the dead and dominates them for acting as the trusted lieutenant of the main villain.
her own purposes, those purposes remain veiled in Like the Dragon Lady, while she prefers to leave
mystery. She does not seem to want or need wealth the fighting to her minions, the Baroness is usually

quite a dangerous of scandal about her, the Baroness has never been
combatant, often directly implicated in wrongdoing of any kind, and
using a whip to her honor is staunchly defended by all those who
deadly effect. consider her a friend.

A variant of the In truth, the Baroness Devereaux is one of Europe’s

Baroness is the most successful blackmailers, poisoners, spies and
Battleaxe. She thieves. Selfish, utterly amoral, fiendishly cunning,
is usually an ruthless and cruel, the ambition of the Baroness has
older woman, no limit. She will do anything to advance her social
sometimes standing and personal wealth, up to and including
beautiful, often murder on a grand scale. She is completely without
not. She is likely mercy and is capable of almost demonic fury when
to be the main thwarted. An expert in toxins and subtle murder,
villain rather than the Baroness is never without a variety of tainted
simply his aide. weapons and secreted potions, but without a doubt
Regardless of her her uncanny beauty and her ruthless intellect are
sexuality, her greater experience tends to make her her deadliest weapons, ones that she wields with a
immune to seduction attempts. She more openly master’s touch.
enjoys her work and is quite happy to get her hands
dirty. The Baroness Devereaux is uncommonly beautiful;
in her late twenties or early thirties. Tall and
athletic, with long fair hair and ice-blue eyes, she
Baroness Veronique Devereaux moves with a natural elegance and grace and speaks
(Wild Card, Legendary) with a low, slightly husky voice that is almost
hypnotically seductive.
The woman now known as Baroness Veronique
Devereaux has done much to obscure her origins Quote: “No, I didn’t think you’d hit a lady. Now,
and history, and in so doing has conjured a mystique come sit next to me and let us discuss this like old
that both fascinates and intrigues. Judging from the friends. Drink?”
number of “unfortunate accidents” and “mysterious
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
illnesses” that befall those around her, it appears
Strength d6, Vigor d8
that being too curious about the Baroness’ past is
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowl-
not a healthy occupation. It is whispered (though
edge d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
never where she might hear of it) that she started
Persuasion d10, Research d8, Science d6, Shooting
life as an urchin, abandoned on the streets of
d8, Stealth d8, Taunt d8
Morocco, where she learned to survive through
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
theft and other, less reputable arts. From there she
Hindrances: Ruthless (Major), Secret (Major)
parlayed her extraordinary beauty and ruthless
Edges: Charismatic, Connections, Very Attractive,
intelligence into a place in a nobleman’s house,
Filthy Rich
first as a maid, then as mistress, and finally wife
after his first wife suffered an unexplained “wasting
illness”. Not long after, the nobleman himself died, THE OCCULT ROGUE
some say of over-exertion, while others mutter
darkly of poison. The newly-widowed Baroness The Occult Rogue is an individual gifted with
Devereaux moved her household back to Paris, arcane power who seeks to use it purely to their
where she became the darling of the social scene, own advantage. Unlike the arcane experimenter,
entrancing a string of near-fanatical lovers and they are not motivated by the quest for knowledge,
admirers and inveigling herself into the highest nor are they as prone to empire-building or long-
circles of power. She counts ministers, bishops and term projects as the occult mastermind. Occult
kings as her friends and confidantes, and seems to rogues are unafraid to get their hands dirty and tend
possess an inexhaustible fund of favors upon which not to use proxies or underlings in their dealings
she can call at any time. While having the whiff with the heroes. Some rogues have a distinctive

modus operandi, a signature theme through which isn’t anything he cannot kill, given time. Among
their handiwork can be identified, while others are those who dare to speak of him, stories circulate of
practical and seek to avoid unnecessary scrutiny. him killing ghosts, gods, mages and monsters, and
All rogues should be considered highly dangerous, it is thought that he maintains a hidden trophy room
as their lack of an organization or ties makes them full of enough grotesque relics to drive any normal
extremely flexible in their approach. Some rogues man mad.
will form short-lived alliances in pursuit of their
goals, but their independent natures make these The Red-Handed Man is a dour individual, with a
collaborations inherently unstable. bleak outlook and a sense of dark humor. He is an
implacable foe but is prepared to bargain should
he believe it to be to his advantage. He is deeply
The Red-Handed Man pragmatic and will use the most expedient means
(Wild Card, Legendary) that are open to him at any time. Highly intelligent,
he uses technology as well as magic to achieve his
If anyone ever knew the true nature of the being goals, whatever they may be.
occultists call the Red-Handed Man, they’re either
long dead or smart enough to keep their mouth Quote: “Killing is what I was made for. I’m very
shut. The Red-Handed Man is quite simply a killer, good at it. Remember that.”
perhaps the deadliest killer ever to exist. It is said
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength
that once he has set his sights on a target – no matter
d10, Vigor d12
who they are or how well protected they believe
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowl-
themselves to be – nothing in heaven or earth will
edge d8, Fighting d12, Intimidation d10, Notice d8,
save them. The Red-Handed Man has been called
Persuasion d6, Science d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d8
the Angel of Death, the Patron Saint of Murderers,
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 8
and the Spirit of Slaughter. Some believe him to
Special Abilities:
be the Biblical Cain or Judas Iscariot, while others
• Undying: The Red-Handed Man can’t be killed like
whisper that he is a living weapon, crafted by
normal people, returning from apparent death time
Lucifer himself to murder God. Perhaps all these
and again. He may still be killed, but the means are
legends hold elements of the truth.
rare, complex, difficult, or all the above. Prevent-
The Red-Handed Man is an immortal. Though he ing his resurrection should involve procedures as
can be wounded and even killed, this is a temporary complex as complete incineration and scattering
condition, one which rarely lasts more than a day. the ashes, dissolving the body in acid, firing them
History records him as having been burned to ashes, into the sun, or tipping the remains into an active
dismembered, and once even fed to the lions to volcano.
please the crowds of the gladiatorial arena. It didn’t Hindrances: Ruthless (Major), Death Wish (Minor),
work. Enemy (Minor)
Edges: Ageless, Killer Instinct, Linguist, Older Than
The Red-Handed Man is tall and powerfully built, I Look, Portable Armory, Weapons Encyclopedia
with a mane of dark red hair and bright green eyes.
His facial features and ethnicity seem to shift subtly
throughout the ages, giving him the ability to blend THE MASKED TERROR
in to whichever culture he chooses as home, though
The Masked Terror is the dark reflection of the
his height and build still make him stand out. One
Masked Avenger, a crime lord with a secret identity,
feature that has remained constant throughout the
a flamboyant disguise and often a theatrical modus
centuries is the peculiar marking of his right hand,
operandi when going about his extra-curricular
which appears to be stained a deep red, as though
activities. Unlike the Masked Avenger, the Masked
dipped in blood to the forearm.
Terror has eschewed the cause of justice for
The Red-Handed Man is proficient with virtually something altogether more personally satisfying.
every weapon known to man. It is said that there Exactly what that might be varies from villain to

Some Masked Terrors are vigilantes, taking a What is known of the Crimson Claw is that he (if it
stand against what they see to be the rampant tide is a man) is ruthless, utterly amoral and a brilliant
of lawlessness and corruption that threatens to tactician. Descriptions of him vary considerably
drown their city. The only difference between this from witness to witness, but he is usually described
incarnation of the Masked Terror is their willingness as being immaculately dressed beneath a deep red
to kill, often in cruel and unusual ways. In this form, cape and concealing hood with eye holes through
the Masked Terror has assumed the role of judge, which a pair of blazing eyes can be glimpsed. The
jury and executioner, and the sentence is death! Claw gets his name from a curious accoutrement;
These villains can be used to present the masked a gleaming red antique metallic gauntlet with razor
Avenger with a dark mirror, showing them what sharp talons worn on the left hand. Far more than a
they have the potential to become if they ever lose mere affectation, the gauntlet is the Claw’s favorite
sight of the importance of tempering justice with method of dispensing vengeance, from horrific
mercy and compassion. facial scars to disembowelment. In truth, it can
be said that the Crimson Claw literally rules his
Other types of Masked Terror could be seeking to organization with a fist of iron.
redress a perceived injustice, seeking vengeance
for a wrong (real or imagined) done to themselves The Crimson Claw is an expansionist crime lord,
or someone near and dear in the past. Others might working to either eliminate his criminal rivals or
simply be very clever criminals, motivated by a absorb their operations into his own. He responds
desire for power and riches. swiftly to threats and perceived slights, but rarely
reacts rashly. Indeed, he often seems to be working
Regardless of motivation the Masked Terror is to a long-term plan, often setting into motion events
nearly always, like the Masked Avenger, a respected that won’t pay off for him for some time. His most
citizen in his or her day to day life. Often Masked favored tactic is to stir up gang wars that cause
Terrors and Avengers move in similar circles and his rivals to eliminate each other, allowing him to
may even be friends. sweep in a fill the power vacuum once the dust has
Though the Masked Terror and the Masked Avenger
are extremely similar, the Masked Terror is usually The Crimson Claw is highly intelligent, patient,
far less hands on, using his or her minions to cunning, fearless and utterly ruthless. Completely
maintain some distance from any illegal activity. without morals of any kind, he seems purely
That said, when cornered the Masked Terror will motivated by the desire for power and the obedience
often abandon any semblance of propriety and fight of his subordinates. He has a talent for prolonged
like a cornered tiger. and inexorable revenge, and it is an unfortunate
character who finds himself on the Claw’s death list.
The Crimson Claw Curiously, the Claw has been recorded as dead by
(Wild Card, Heroic) the law enforcement agencies of several states,
For the last thirty years, the enigmatic crime boss though the body was not recovered in any case.
known as the Crimson Claw has been an ever- Strangely, a prominent member of the community
growing threat to the forces of law and order across suspected of being the Claw has always turned
the United States. Despite this, almost nothing is up dead at the same time, only for the Claw
known about this masked terror, and what is known to resurface in another city a short time later,
is often entirely contradictory, leading some leading apparently none the worse for wear...
authorities to suspect that there may be more The Claw’s organization consists mostly of the most
than one Crimson Claw. Often, those who have effective and ruthless mobsters, mooks and thugs
encountered the fiend can’t even agree as to the in any given city. He seems to have no favored
gender of their opponent! lieutenants, and rarely co-operates with other arch-

Quote: “Fools! To believe you can stand against... Enforcers, Masked Avengers, Mystery Men, Rocket
the Crimson Claw!” Men and Scientist heroes.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength
d6, Vigor d12 Otto Gruening
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowl- (Wild Card, Heroic)
edge d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Occult d8,
Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Science d6, Shooting d8, To the intelligence agencies of the West, Otto
Stealth d8 Gruening is little more than a file of suspected
Special Abilities: activities, and a long list of the dead. Ruthless,
• Undying: The Crimson Claw can’t be killed like clever, dedicated and bold, Gruening has made a
normal people, returning from apparent death career as a freelance espionage agent since the end
time and again. He or she can still be killed, but of the Great War and has been so successful that no-
the means are rare, complex, difficult, or all of the one knows what he looks like or even if Gruening is
above. Preventing their resurrection should involve his real name. They don’t even know for sure if he’s
procedures as complex as complete incineration and a man or a woman. At least one counter-intelligence
scattering the ashes, dissolving the body in acid, officer believes that Gruening may be a cover name
firing them into the sun, or tipping the remains into for an entire network of freelance spies, while many
an active volcano. more consider him to be nothing more than a myth,
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 a story spies tell each other to explain why things go
Hindrances: Vengeful (Major), Ruthless (Major) wrong.
Edges: Filthy Rich Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength
d6, Vigor d6
THE MASTER SPY Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driv-
ing d6, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Performance d12,
Another staple of the Pulp Era, the Master Spy is Persuasion d8, Research d8, Shooting d6, Stealth
an operative of a foreign power or the Comintern, d10, Taunt d6, Thievery d10
here to steal the secrets of the Government, the Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
military, big business and research establishments. Hindrances: Ruthless (Major), Secret (Major)
In times of war and the build-up to war, he Edges: Assassin, Charismatic, Connections, Master
may be a saboteur, sent to destroy stockpiles of of Disguise, Thief, Very Attractive
weapons, shipyards and other military resources Gear: Varies, but usually a concealed derringer
or make off with new technological and scientific (5/10/20, 2d6+1, Shots 2, AP1) or knife (Str+1)

The Master Spy blends in the society in which he THE GREAT DICTATOR
operates extremely well. He may even be a citizen,
betraying his country for the highest bidder. The The Great Dictator is unusual in that he already has
Master Spy often operates in high society, using his wealth, power and resources. In fact, he has control
position to gain trust and exploit confidences. He of an entire country, possibly several. The classic
usually has a network of spies and thugs working example of the Great Dictator is, of course, Adolf
for him, and maybe a trusted lieutenant or two. Hitler. However, there were several real-world
examples at the time, including Benito Mussolini,
The Master Spy tends to plan for every contingency, General Francisco Franco and Josef Stalin. Since
and nearly always has multiple escape routes ready Pulp magazines were all about escapism, the
for an immediate withdrawal. Like the Masked magazines tended to steer clear of plots that veered
Terror, the Master Spy prefers to keep some too closely to real-world politics. However, authors
distance between himself and any illegal activity, would often invent fictional dictators and war-
and when cornered will fight viciously for his lords from imaginary countries, who shared similar
freedom. characteristics with Hitler and his allies.

Master Spies make especially good enemies for

G-Men, Air Aces, Operators, Gumshoes, Law

Great Dictators make great recurring villains, as powerful cabal of loyal extremists to back his move
they possess enough resources and power that they to seize total power within the small country. While
can almost never be completely defeated, short of a initially the Western powers were unconcerned
full-scale war. Worse, they may be beloved by their with Kazan, the situation changed when it became
own people, effectively surrounding them with a apparent that Kazan’s forces, in investigating the
vast shield of innocent dupes willing to die for their legends of the gods of Asgard, had uncovered
leader. something remarkable. What that something was
only came to light when Berezkia – formerly a
Great Dictators have a tendency to rant and rave struggling agricultural country – suddenly began to
when thwarted, maintaining their iron-fisted rule produce advanced technology vehicles, equipment
through a startlingly well-informed secret police, and weaponry, much of it powered by Element X.
an army of jackbooted thugs and an elite guard of
intelligent, sadistic henchmen. They usually have an Under Kazan, the economy of Berezkia has
effective overseas intelligence network, operating flourished, though civil liberties have almost
spy cells in every country of the globe. They also completely vanished. Kazan himself is rarely seen,
seem to have a certain sense of style, employing though his secret police – known as the Hammer –
visually impressive iconography to promote and are everywhere. Worse, Kazan seems to instantly
unify their cause. know when dissent is plotted, leading the peasant
folk to mutter darkly about him giving up an eye for
Some Great Dictators combine aspects of the Mad omniscience, as Odin did. The people of Berezkia
Scientist or the Foreign Mastermind, and most have are well-paid, well-fed and healthy, but they know
a firm grasp of the power of advanced technology, they are not free. Most simply try to turn a blind eye
either using their own inventive genius or to their oppression, by pretending that they have
employing the services of scientists and engineers chosen to live the way they do, and by ignoring the
(often kidnapped) to develop advanced weaponry. disappearances and the occasional scream in the
While Great Dictators tend to rule totalitarian fascist
states, this is not always the case. Some may rule Kazan’s armed forces – the Fist – are well-trained,
monarchies, theocracies, or any other state structure well-equipped and motivated. To a man they appear
that places ultimate power in the hands of a single to be intelligent, capable and fanatically loyal to
individual. While Pulp examples tend to be Eastern their leader, almost unnaturally so. Again, odd
European, there is no reason why a Great Dictator rumors have emerged from Berezkia about the
can’t be the master of an obscure Asiatic country, large number of men who enter the military training
or of an African or Middle-Eastern nation, or of an academies and emerge weeks later, somehow
Atlantic or Pacific island. changed.

Kazan himself is a tall, muscular man in his late

General Vladic Kazan, Premier forties, though in excellent physical condition. He
of Berezkia wears immaculately cut, austere uniforms in black,
(Wild Card, Legendary) red and grey, and wears his long dark hair swept
General Vladic Kazan is the autocratic dictator back from his forehead. While shrewd, intelligent
of Berezkia, a small Balkan nation that has risen and urbane, he is also a racist, sexist bigot with a
swiftly in the last few years with the discovery of a powerful distrust of intellectuals.
large deposit of ores rich in the mysterious Element Quote: “It is the fate of the common to be ruled by
X somewhere within the Berezkan mountains. the uncommon. To be ordinary is to be weak. Free
A former chief of the Royal Secret Police, Kazan will is the lot of the strong alone. It is the lot of the
entered politics after the Great War, rising to power weak to obey.”
by exploiting the poverty, chaos and unrest endemic Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength
in the years following the defeat of Germany, d8, Vigor d12
Berezkia’s main ally and trading partner. Using Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Battle d8,
images of racial strength and purity, and invoking Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation
the mythology of the Norse gods, Kazan created a

d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth cowl of his inky black robes. A master of disguise
d4 and the quick change, Doctor Dread has perfected
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 the art of appearing from a crowd and vanishing
Hindrances: Ruthless (Major), Suspicious (Minor), into it once his nefarious work is done. He speaks
Vengeful (Minor) in a cultured yet sibilant whisper, and can even be
Edges: Brawler, Charismatic, Command, Connec- charming, despite the grotesquery of his costume.
tions, Filthy Rich, Master Tactician
Unlike most criminal masterminds, Doctor Dread
is not above making a personal appearance at
THE ARCANE MASTERMIND the scene of a crime and has been reported slain
several times in the two decades he has been active.
Like the Foreign Mastermind (p141), the Arcane However, in every case the body disappeared before
Mastermind is a criminal genius who prefers it could be unmasked, and the Master of Terror has
to deal with the heroes through dastardly plots, reappeared with a new scheme of evil before long.
fiendish traps and a variety of underlings. Unlike
the Foreign Mastermind, the Arcane Mastermind’s Doctor Dread appears to be a scientific and occult
grasp extends into the realms of the strange, either genius, and most law-enforcement agencies believe
the occult and supernatural, weird science or the him to be a former scholar or scientist of note. He
psychic domain. displays a keen grasp of chemistry, physics, and
biology, as well as the arcane arts. His overriding
Arcane Masterminds tend to be pragmatic obsessions are the nature and effects of fear, and
individuals, going with whatever methodology terror appears to be his favorite weapon. When
works best for them. If it serves them best to use bodies of those literally scared to death start turning
an assassin with a knife to dispatch a victim, so be up, look for Doctor Dread…
it. If, however, a murderous elemental could do
the job better and with less risk, they will happily While fear is Dread’s obsession, his main
choose that option. Arcane Masterminds tend not motivation appears to be simple greed, both
to be ideologically married to their particular brand for wealth and power. His schemes range from
of weirdness, instead treating it as just another extortion and blackmail to espionage and murder
resource or technology, no better or worse than any for hire, and he will rarely pass up an opportunity to
other. add to either his fiscal or occult resources.

Like the Foreign Mastermind, Arcane Masterminds Aside from his considerable occult and scientific
can be terrible foes, hard to predict and outwit due powers, Doctor Dread appears to have a magnetic
to the breadth of their resources. personality, and is capable of inspiring tremendous
fear and loyalty in his accomplices to the point
where most would rather die than betray him. Many
Doctor Dread – Master of Terror seem to believe that he owns their souls and could
(Wild Card, Legendary)
torture them beyond death for their disobedience.
Doctor Dread is a masked criminal genius with
Note: Doctor Dread is described here as a man
a special interest in supernatural fear. Wanted in
simply because of the chauvinism of the period
more than a dozen countries for murder, extortion
and his apparent masculinity but could easily be a
and racketeering, Doctor Dread is feared almost as
woman in disguise. Doctor Dread may even turn out
much by the underworld as by law enforcement.
to be a manufactured identity shared by a coven of
What only a few of his enemies know, however,
malign sorcerers, which would explain his apparent
is that he is no ordinary criminal, for his genius
extends far beyond the realms of normal science,
extending into the world of shades beyond death Quote: “The herd think that God is love. FOOLS!
itself. Tell that to the plague, the typhoon, and the
earthquake. God is fear. God is terror!”
No one living knows the identity of Doctor Dread,
and his face is always kept concealed behind a
silver skull mask that peers malignantly from the

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength in more ways than one.
d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d6, Common Born the son of a grocer in the slums of the south
Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice side, young Bruno was intelligent enough and
d8, Performance d12, Persuasion d6, Research d10, adaptable enough to realize that his best chance of
Science d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Weird Science escaping the ghetto was to run with the local gangs.
d8 Tough and smart, Bruno fought hard to control
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 his conscience and worked his way up through
Hindrances: Ruthless (Major), Greedy (Major) the ranks, graduating from petty theft to numbers
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science), Con- running. His ingenuity and intelligence caught
nections, Filthy Rich, Master of Disguise, New the eye of a local mobster, and soon Bruno found
Powers, Power Points himself doing minor jobs for the mob. It was during
Powers: Blind, Light/Darkness, Disguise, Fear. this time that Bruno gained his nickname “Bullet”,
Power Points: 20 for his habit of carrying a .45 caliber bullet with his
name carved on it in his pocket, apparently in the
belief that if he carried the bullet that had his name
THE MOB BOSS on it, it could never be used to kill him.

Some might assume that the Mob Boss is merely After proving himself a reliable man to the mob,
an ordinary criminal. They’d be wrong; the Mob he was soon inducted into its ranks, and killed
Boss is an extraordinary criminal. The head of an his first man at the age of 16. Bruno’s mob career
organized crime family, the Mob Boss has clawed was unremarkable, and he was set to become just
his way up through the ranks the hard way, through another disposable asset until he was caught in a
three-way shoot-out between the Police Department,
spilling the blood of his enemies. Now he’s at the
his mob and agents of the Crimson Claw. Trapped
top and enjoying the fruits of his labors, he demands and out of ammunition, Sposato used the last bullet
respect and he’s got the muscle behind him to get it. he had, his good-luck piece. Bizarrely, the bullet
ricocheted off a police officer’s badge and hit
Though the Mob Boss may operate with some Sposato in the left eye, travelling straight through
distance between himself and the front line, part his brain before exiting the back of his head.
of him misses rolling his sleeves up and breaking
heads. Like his henchmen, the Mob Boss is Sposato survived the terrible injury and was sent
more than capable of violence, often switching to prison for five years after leaving hospital.
from disarming urbanity to primal savagery in However, he was a very different man. Those who
a heartbeat. Unlike most of his henchmen, he’s knew him before his injury often whisper that
intelligent, if not educated. He’s gotten where he perhaps he didn’t survive after all, and that the
is by out-thinking and out-maneuvering his rivals, Bruno Sposato that walks today is merely the body
and he’s capable of almost anything to maintain his of the mobster, a body filled with something other
position. than Bruno’s soul.
Many Mob Bosses are family men and have a Though Bruno survived being shot in the head, he
somewhat old-fashioned view of the way things did not survive unscathed. The damage to his brain
should be done. They rule their organization like caused changes to his personality, eliminating his
a feudal lord, valuing respect and tradition. Oddly, compassion, conscience and most of his emotions.
despite their involvement in everything from Strangely, it also robbed him of his ability to see in
numbers rackets to white slavery, a lot of Mob color and his ability to feel pain. The Bruno Sposato
Bosses are patriots who will vehemently oppose any that emerged from prison was brilliant, ruthless and
truck with Nazis or other enemies of their country. utterly deadly. Within a matter of a month, he had
risen to the rank of Consigliere, before staging a
bloody coup that put control of the mob firmly in
Bruno Sposato his hands.
(Wild Card, Veteran)
Since that time Bruno “Bullet” Sposato has
Bruno “Bullet” Sposato is one of the city’s top
consolidated his grasp on the reins of power, while
crime bosses and considers himself a self-made man

working to present the facade of a “legitimate Thulian Koth – The Whispering
businessman” with an interest in property Skull
investment. Sposato is a neat, aristocratic looking (Wild Card, Legendary)
Italian American man with prematurely silver hair,
handsome despite his craggy looks and eyepatch. Amongst the dregs of society, amidst the mad, the
He rarely gets directly involved in anything lost and the broken of the world, power has a name;
criminal these days but remains fit and is more than Thulian Koth, the Whispering Skull. Few who
capable of beating a man to death with his bare have opposed the Whispering Skull have lived long
hands should it prove necessary. Due to his brain enough to tell of it, but those who have cheated
injury he is utterly unafraid of physical pain (he death long enough have told a bizarre tale of ancient
can be damaged; he just won’t feel it) and cannot magic, pre-historic civilizations, and the last scion
be intimidated or made the subject of emotional of the ancient gods.
In 1905, the Erskine-Wilder archaeological
Despite his criminal history, Bruno is a patriot, expedition to Guatemala discovered a previously
though he finds this difficult to articulate or unknown temple in the foothills of the Sierra
understand. He loves his country and despises the Madre Mountains, four miles from the Santa
thought of foreign spies and collaborators, and as Maria volcano. Dr Samuel Erskine’s expedition
such has proven quite an effective deterrent to the log records his theory that the temple complex had
agents of enemy powers unfortunate enough to been unearthed by the volcanic eruption of 1902,
operate in his city. in which five thousand people died. Curiously,
he noted that the temple gave every indication of
Quote: “Don’t disrespect me, boy. It is not a being buried in the volcano’s original cone-building
mistake you want to make.” eruptions, giving it an age of approximately thirty
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength thousand years and making it by far the oldest
d8, Vigor d8 architectural structure on the planet. Over the
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Fight- next six months, Erskine and Wilder jealously
ing d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, protected the secret of their find, employing a
Shooting d8, Stealth d6 hand-picked team of graduate students to excavate
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 and investigate the site. Maps, drawings and
Hindrances: Ruthless (Major), One Eye (Major) photographs of the site reveal structures rivalling
Edges: Connections, Improved Nerves of Steel, Rich the temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia but built on
a much larger scale. On day 175 of the excavation,
Wilder uncovered a burial chamber, and within it a
THE FIEND sarcophagus carved from black basalt.
The Fiend is a monster, a devil in human form. The details of what happened next are unknown.
He or she has power and uses it to express their Wilder apparently died after triggering some
contempt and loathing for humanity. The fiend sort of booby trap in the burial chamber, and the
lives to torture, degrade and exploit the weak and rest of the team died shortly afterwards from a
the powerless. They have no redeeming qualities, variety of causes including native attacks, disease
and no fine cause to justify their actions. They are and suicide. Samuel Erskine fled Guatemala and
the most dangerous of arcane villains, as no act is returned to his home in New York, a broken man.
beneath them and there is no outrage they would not His journals reveal a rapid mental collapse, typified
stoop to. Frequently insane, fiends are often literally by a persistent sense of persecution and horrible
inhuman; undead monstrosities, creatures from dreams in which he found himself being tormented
other planes, stranded aliens. Driven by hatred and by a “Whispering Skull”. Entries written on his trip
sadism, the fiend rules over their minions through home repeatedly make mention of a “pursuer”, a
pain and terror. They inspire no loyalty, only dread, being that he feared would drink his soul.
loathing and hatred.
Twelve days after arriving home, Dr Samuel
Erskine was found dead in his home, the victim
of a horrible murder. Something had liquefied the

flesh of his face, corroded a hole into his skull and but Stone claimed that Koth had spoken bitterly
somehow extracted every scrap of brain tissue. The of a “betrayal”, that had ended with him being
last entry in Erskine’s diary were those of a man imprisoned and entombed alive within the basalt
driven almost insane with the fear that his imminent sarcophagus. Released into the modern world, Koth
death might not be the end of his suffering. found himself repelled by humanity’s achievements,
and vowed to return the world to its rightful state;
It is not long after this series of events that law a savage land of magic, blood and darkness,
enforcement world-wide noticed a strange direction dominated by the sleeping gods and their regents,
to what had previously been deemed to be random the sorcerer-kings of Atlantis.
crimes, as if a hidden hand had seized control of
the mad, the vicious and the lost. Hushed voices The Whispering Skull derives his name from his
told nightmare stories of “The Whispering Skull”, skeletal appearance and hoarse, sibilant voice. Over
his coming empire and his Brotherhood of the six feet tall, cadaverously thin, with ivory skin and
Fleshless Hand. Those who bore the mark of the white, almost translucent hair, Thulian Koth is an
skeleton hand – burned into their flesh as if by arresting sight. Bright green eyes shine maliciously
extreme cold – became untouchable by the law, from his skull-like face, and his nose is so stunted
feared and revered by the criminal classes. Some as to be virtually non-existent. Curiously, his fingers
even appeared to gain unnatural powers, capable of are grotesquely elongated and have an extra joint,
summoning hungry shadows to devour those who making them horribly like the legs of a giant spider.
displeased or betrayed them. The Whispering Skull habitually dresses in flowing
black robes edged with delicate gold thread, and
The link between these apparently unconnected carries a warped black staff tipped with a silver
events was provided by the testimony of an skull.
American sailor and former drug addict, Conrad
Stone. Stone was recruited to the Brotherhood of the The exact nature of the Whispering Skull’s powers
Fleshless Hand from the opium dens of Shanghai is a matter of speculation, though many occultists
and became, for a time, an assassin working directly believe him to be perhaps the greatest black magician
for the man they called the Whispering Skull. the world has ever seen. Stories abound of his
Treated for his addiction and granted superhuman creation and use of supernatural monstrosities, the
strength by the potions of the Whispering Skull, employment of horrific curses, and transactions
Stone was a merciless killer and devoted slave, with demons and eldritch abominations too terrible
before being ordered to murder the daughter of an to safely name. The Whispering Skull can use the
Italian police inspector who was getting too close. senses of any that bear his mark and can reach out to
Stone, unused to moral dilemmas, found himself end instantly the life of any initiate who would betray
unable to murder the girl, and instead defended him.
her from his former compatriots until he too was
murdered under circumstances few like to mention. The ultimate purpose of Thulian Koth is a source of
It is during this time that Stone told the inspector some debate. Some believe that he intends to topple
and his superiors everything he knew about Thulian civilization by eroding its foundations, others that
Koth, the man the world knew as the Whispering he desires to create his own nation-state in which he
Skull. can resurrect the culture and practices of his ancient
world. Some, however, believe his plans to be far
The man – more accurately, the being, since it is not more ambitious, and suggest that his ultimate desire
certain that he is human at all – who calls himself is to literally turn back the clock upon the world,
Thulian Koth claimed to have been born over forty to undo thousands of years of human progress and
thousand years ago to a race of beings unknown summon once more to life the ancient and blood-
to modern science. A wizard-king of ancient stained empire of Atlantis.
Atlantis, he was selectively bred to be a living
conduit between the sleeping gods and their human Note: As Legendary character, Thulian Koth
slaves, ruling his land of magic and horrors with is designed to be a serious challenge. Only the
an iron hand for over ten thousand years. Exactly mightiest of heroes will stand a chance against him,
what happened to end that reign is unknown, and as such he works best as the shadowy antagonist
and the final encounter of a long campaign.

Quote: “Your civilization, your science, your • Improved Frenzy: The Dark Companion makes
technology – these are toys for children! I will show two Fighting attacks against every opponent within
you the world as it once was and will be again; a 2” of it each round without incurring a multi action
world of blood, iron and magic!” penalty.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, • Regeneration (Fast): The Dark Companion makes
Strength d8, Vigor d12 a natural healing roll every round.
Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d6, Common • Tentacles (4): Str+3. Each tentacle has a single
Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d10, wound, but damaging a tentacle causes no harm
Notice d8, Occult d10, Persuasion d6, Research d8, to the Dark Companion, which can sprout a new
Science d10, Shooting d8, Spellcasting d12, Stealth tentacle to replace a damaged one as a free action.
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 THE MAN-MADE MONSTER
Hindrances: Arrogant (Major), Vengeful (Major)
Edges: Ageless, Arcane Background (Magic), Con- A horror icon since the 1818 novel by Mary Shelley,
nections, Older Than I Look, Filthy Rich, New the Man-Made Monster is the ultimate product
Powers, Power Points, Sidekick (The Dark Com- of Weird Science. If the Science Hero is nature
panion), Scholar (Occult), Wizard improved by science, the Man-Made Monster is
Powers: Blast, Mind Link, Protection, Summon Ally, nature replaced and subverted by science. Whether
Teleport a clone, homunculus, robot, zombie or stitched-
Power Points: 15 together assemblage of reanimated flesh, the Man-
Made Monster is a created or otherwise engineered
being. Sometimes the Man-Made Monster is simply
The Dark Companion – muscle for his creator, other times he is a rebellious
Monstrous Familiar of the child, driven by an Oedipal desire to steal his
Whispering Skull “father’s” power (and occasionally his father’s love-
The Whispering Skull has a constant companion, a interest too). Man-Made Monsters are often tragic
diminutive figure enshrouded in a garment vaguely figures, misunderstood and filled with self-loathing
resembling a monk’s habit. This creature appears at their own monstrous nature, but are just as often
to be part companion and part familiar. If it has a hostile and aggressive, believing in their own
name Thulian Koth has never been heard to utter it, superiority over the “merely accidental” creations of
and the creature itself never makes a sound, other nature and evolution.
than a horrible high-pitched screech when the thing
Man-Made Monsters vary wildly in appearance,
attacks. The true nature of this creature is unknown,
often reflecting their manner of creation in their
but some have speculated that it is a demon familiar,
physical features. A being engineered from
brought back by Koth from a pilgrimage to the
disassembled cadavers may have a ghastly pallor
Outer Darkness.
and be covered in crudely stitched scar-tissue, while
Quote: “Ssssssssssss.” a creature grown in a tank of bubbling fluids may
lack a navel and have strangely colored skin, hair or
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength
d8, Vigor d12
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight- Some Man-Made Monsters may have successfully
ing d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Stealth d6 mastered the techniques that brought them to life
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8 and have wrought their own minions out of the
Special Abilities: same raw materials. Some may plot to replace or
• Armor (+4): The Dark Companion’s body is dominate humanity, while others might wish to be
squishy and boneless. left in peace or simply be acknowledged by their
• Fear (–4): Anyone seeing the creature’s form under creators.
its robes must make a Spirit roll at –4.
• Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. Exactly how the Man-Made Monster is created is
• Hardy: If Shaken, further Shaken results have no up to the individual Game Master. Perhaps the key
effect. to his creation lie in the long-forgotten notes of

Victor Frankenstein or his contemporaries. Perhaps creature was biologically dead, and the second was
he is the product of alchemical experimentation, or that its curious un-life was due to contamination by
a human being engineered in the womb. It could reptilian cell matter infused with a strange luminous
be a thinking machine, a reanimated corpse, or an chemical fluid.
animal brought to human levels of intelligence by
unthinkable surgery and hormone treatments. Faced with terrible losses, the German scientists
attempted to analyze and reproduce the reanimating
Though the Frankenstein Monster is itself serum, in the hope of creating soldiers that could
the product of the previous century, its most not be killed. The first such soldier was codenamed
recognizable incarnation was born at the height Die Schreck – The Terror. Stitched together from
of the Pulp era in James Whale’s famous 1931 the corpses of fallen infantrymen, its veins filled
movie adaptation. Another notable Pulp Man-Made with cultured reptile cells and the reanimating fluid,
Monster is the decapitated Major Sir Eric Moreland the horrible creature shrieked its way into the world
Clapham-Lee – reanimated by Herbert West – who in the winter of 1916. Escaping containment, the
went on to use his knowledge of West’s techniques undead thing destroyed the laboratory that birthed
to create and control his own band of undead it, killed the scientists who created it and vanished
servants, combining the Man-Made Monster with into no-man’s land, there to become just another
the Mad Scientist. Other period examples include battlefield horror story. But it did not remain there
the artificial people from Carel Kapek’s 1921 play for long.
R.U.R., the computer brain in Edmund Hamilton’s
story The Metal Giants, the alien automaton Gnut in In the confusion that followed the armistice, tales
the short story Farewell to the Master (Gort in the began to emerge from the ruined French countryside
film adaptation The Day the Earth Stood Still), and of graves defiled, of entire cemeteries being emptied
of course Futura the robot woman from Fritz Lang’s by an eerie band of silent, disfigured men under the
Metropolis. leadership of a scarred officer....

Physically, Die Schreck is tall – almost seven feet

Die Schreck tall – and athletically built. He dresses in black,
(Wild Card, Legendary) close, fitting clothing and a black officers greatcoat.
His face is handsome, save for a disfiguring scar
Many terrible stories are told of the Great War and that winds down from his right temple, across his
the horrors good men experienced in the trenches, eye and down to the right corner of his mouth. His
but some stories are far darker than others. One skin is pale, and his dark eyes glow with a strange
such is the story of what the advancing German greenish light. When he speaks his voice is cultured,
forces discovered in the bombed-out ruins of a field with a slight German accent and a curiously hollow
hospital in St. Eloi, Flanders, in the April of 1915. quality.
Soldiers securing the site, recently vacated by Die Schreck – he goes by no other name and
a retreating Canadian regiment, uncovered the does not seem to recall any previous life – is a
remains of a strange hidden laboratory, filled with true monster. His body seems to have become an
patchwork monstrosities and mindless undead eternally regenerating reservoir of reanimating
creatures. At the heart of the ruined laboratory was ichor, and he has demonstrated repeatedly the
a sundered vat of luminous serum, the contents of ability to raise and control the dead by injecting
which had drained away into the earth when the them with his own blood. Those that Die Schreck
hospital was destroyed. raises from the dead are, for the most part, mindless
zombies except when under his direct mental
In the months that followed troops on both sides of control. He has, however, succeeded in creating
the trenches reported strange visitations, sightings lieutenants – thinking undead creatures like
of fallen comrades resurrected as eerie revenants, himself – by carefully refrigerating corpses before
with mortal wounds that dripped a glowing green reanimation to preserve the delicate tissues of the
ichor. When one such creature was captured and brain. So far, however, none have demonstrated the
returned to the German High Command, doctors
soon determined two facts. The first was that the

same power to raise the dead. physical strength and durability. He is a figure of
terror with a reputation for dealing horrible death,
The ultimate aims of Die Schreck are unknown, usually with his bare hands. He almost always has a
but he has spoken of breaking down the barrier signature method of dealing with his foes, by which
between death and life, of “freeing humanity from his murders can easily be identified. Perhaps he
the tyranny of life” and of “emancipating the breaks backs, crushes skulls, snaps necks or twists
truly silent majority.” Despite being German, Die his victims into pretzels. Whatever his method of
Schreck seems to have no political or nationalist killing, the mere thought of him is enough to fill
allegiance, seeing himself as the leader of the nation those who know of him with dread.
of the dead
Though the Mangler is usually a reliable weapon,
Quote: “What you call life, I call slavery. You are he can sometimes be turned against his master (or
slaves to your emotions, to your need for warmth, mistress), by playing upon his tendency to obsess.
air, food and water. Truly, death is freedom from all
these things. Join me and be free...”
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
The Hoxton Creeper
(Wild Card, Legendary)
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d6, Common Knowl- The brutal killer known as “the Hoxton Creeper”
edge d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, in Britain, and later simply “The Creeper” in the
Persuasion d10, Repair d8, Research d8, Science d6, United States, is a deformed giant of a man whose
Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Weird Science d8 monstrous appearance strikes terror in his victims
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 shortly before he murders them by crushing their
Special Abilities: spines with his bare hands.
• Infravision: Die Schreck can see the heat emitted
by the living, and halves penalties for bad lighting The origins of the Creeper and the source of both
when attacking living prey. his great strength and his uncanny ability to cheat
• Undead: Die Schreck is an undead construct. He death are unknown. A medical report made while
adds +2 to recover from being Shaken, ignores one he was presumed dead having been shot several
level of Wound modifiers, doesn’t breathe, and is times by Sherlock Holmes, suggests that the cause
immune to disease and poison. Wounds must be of his facial deformity and great size may be a form
mended via magical Healing or the Repair skill. of acromegaly, a disorder of the pituitary gland.
Each attempt takes one hour per current Wound However, this does not explain the Creepers near-
level and ignores the “Golden Hour”. total silence, his apparent fearlessness, his cold-
Hindrances: Ruthless (Major), Driven (Major) blooded ruthlessness or his great physical strength.
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science), Arcane Nor does it explain his peculiar resistance to injury.
Resistance, Bruiser, Followers, Harder to Kill, Though records on the Creeper are sparse at best, he
Improved Arcane Resistance, Iron Jaw, Menacing is said to have been shot several times, hung twice,
Powers: Darksight, Zombie electrocuted, burned, drowned, poisoned and blown
Power Points: 15 up with gelignite. None of these took.

The Creeper first appeared in London during the

THE MANGLER later 1880s, working as hired muscle for several
different criminal masterminds. It is here that he
The Mangler is a character that shows up in various first gained his reputation as an unstoppable force,
guises throughout the Pulps. He is a hulking becoming a symbol of terror and ruthlessness for
homicidal man-mountain used as muscle by other whoever bought his loyalty. Though his appearance
villains. He frequently has a bizarre obsession was terrifying, he developed a tendency to become
with beauty, and is fixated on the Mad Scientists obsessed with one attractive young woman after
beautiful daughter, the mob bosses Moll, the another, silently stalking them in order to present
Baroness or the Dragon Lady, whoever is the most them with small tokens of his affection (and
inaccessible. incidentally break the backs of any potential rivals).
At some point however, each of these women would
The Mangler is characterized by his great size,

disappoint him, and they would shortly be found Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
somewhere with their spines crushed. ing d8, Intimidation d12, Notice d8, Persuasion d4,
Shooting d8, Stealth d8
The Creepers first reign of terror was ended when Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10
he was ambushed by armed officers of Scotland Special Abilities:
Yard. In the resulting melee it is estimated he was • Undying: The Creeper is too mean and stubborn to
shot between ten and twenty times without apparent die, returning from apparent death time and again.
effect, before he fell into the Thames and vanished To prevent his return, extreme measure must be
without trace. taken; the body must be incinerated until nothing
but ash remains.
The Creeper re-appeared in London nearly ten
Hindrances: Driven (Major), Ugly (Major)
years later, working for the notorious art thief
Edges: Bruiser, Brute, Fast Healer, Harder to Kill,
Giles Conover. Conover made an attempt to steal
Iron Jaw, Menacing
the notorious black pearl of the Borgias and ran
afoul of Sherlock Holmes. During this adventure,
the Creeper appears to have forged a strange bond
with the black pearl, as his life ever after seems MOOKS &
closely linked with the blood-stained treasure.
Holmes successfully managed to turn the Creeper MINIONS
against Conover by invoking the name of the
Creeper’s latest obsession, and later apparently
shot the Creeper dead. The Creeper revived during Radium Man
his autopsy, broke the back of the examining (Novice)
pathologist, and again disappeared.
Five years later, the Borgia Pearl was sold at auction sturdy mechanized minions of Doktor Todeskopf
to an anonymous American millionaire, and the were thought to be robots until someone found a
Creeper resurfaced once again. Displaying uncanny living brain inside!
stealth for a man previously considered to be rather Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength
stupid, the Creeper followed the jewel to New York, d12, Vigor d10
where he murdered the courier, a docking agent and Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
three deck-hands. ing d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Since then he has worked as mob muscle and a
Special Abilities:
killer for hire, always following the Black Pearl as
• Armor +2: Reinforced body.
it passes from owner to owner, always murdering
• Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken;
those foolish enough to keep it in their possession
Immune to poison, disease, and suffocation; No
long enough for him to find them. It has been
additional damage from Called Shots; Piercing
suggested that the Creeper can sense the jewel
weapons cause half damage.
somehow, as he has traced it several times when
• Doesn’t Breathe: Radium Men do not breathe.
every precaution had been taken to conceal its true
They aren’t affected by inhaled toxins, can’t drown,
and don’t suffocate in a vacuum. (They may still
In the mid-1940’s a character loosely based on the freeze, however.)
Creeper will be featured in several movies, played • Fearless: Radium Men are immune to Fear and
by the actor Rondo Hatton. Intimidation.
• Hardy: A second Shaken result does not cause a
Note that although the Creeper rarely speaks, he is wound.
not mute. Hindrances: By the Book (Minor), Slow (Minor)
Quote: “...” • Tesla Cannon (Range: 50/100/200, 3d10 damage,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength RoF: 1, Shots: 10)
d10, Vigor d12

Gangster Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength
(Novice) d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6,
Armed with smart suits, Tommy guns and Notice d6, Stealth d4
wisecracks, gangsters could work for the Mafia Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
or an independent outfit. Occasionally they’re Hindrances: Mean
unknowingly recruited as muscle for international Gear:
spy rings and tend to get quite mad when they find • Knife (Str+1) or Club (Str+1)
out – they may be criminal, but they’re patriots!
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength Nazi Soldier
d6, Vigor d6 (Novice)
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Driv-
ing d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, The average infantry soldier of the Third Reich.
Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 Found guarding Nazi installations as well as on the
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 front line, they are often considered expendable
Hindrances: Mean assets by Nazi High Command,
Edges: Rock and Roll! Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength
Gear: d6, Vigor d6
• Tommy Gun (12/24/48, 2d6+1, RoF: 3, Shots: 50, Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Driving
AP1, Auto) d6, Fighting d6, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Shooting
d6, Stealth d6
Legbreaker Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
(Heroic) Gear:
• Helmet (+3)
This henchman doesn’t have much in the way of • MP34 Submachine Gun (Range: 65/130/260,
brains, but his muscle more than makes up for it. 2d6+1 damage, RoF: 3, Shots: 20/32)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength • Grenades x 4 (Range: 5/10/20, 3d6-2 damage,
d10, Vigor d8 MBT)
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
ing d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d6, Persuasion
d4, Stealth d6 Nazi Thug
Pace: 6; Parry: 9; Toughness: 8 (Seasoned)
Hindrances: Arrogant, Overconfident Built like a brick outhouse, this hulking Nazi thug
Edges: Ambidextrous, Brawny, Brawler, Combat enjoys using his muscles and fists to beat people
Reflexes, First Strike, Improved Block, Improved into submission. They’re usually low-ranking
Frenzy, Iron Jaw, Sweep, Two-Fisted infantry soldiers, not very bright and too fond of
Special Abilities: fighting to progress in the ranks.
• Hands of Iron: The Legbreaker can inflict lethal
damage with his fists, if he chooses. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength
d12, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Driv-
ing d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
Thug Persuasion d4, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8
Thugs aren’t good for much more than acting tough Hindrances: Loyal
and petty crime. More experienced thugs may have Edges: Brawny, Combat Reflexes, First Strike
the Combat Reflexes and Frenzy Edges, as well as Special Abilities:
one or more extra dice in Strength, Fighting and • Hardy: Hulking soldiers do not suffer a Wound
Intimidation. from being Shaken twice.

• Helmet (+3) Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength
• MP34 Submachine Gun (Range: 65/130/260, d6, Vigor d8
2d6+1 damage, RoF: 3, Shots: 20/32) Skills: Athletics d4, Battle d6, Common Knowledge
• Grenades x 4 (Range: 5/10/20, 3d6-2 damage, d4, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice
MBT) d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Taunt d6
• Sturdy Wrench (Str+2) Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Hindrances: Arrogant (Major), Ruthless (Major)
Nazi, SS Soldier Edges: Command, Hold the Line!, Strong Willed
(Seasoned) Gear:
• Luger P08 (Range: 12/24/48, 2d6+1, RoF: 1,
Hardline Nazi loyalists, the soldiers of the Shots: 8)
Schutzstaffel (SS) are better trained and more
fanatical than the average Nazi soldier. The Nazi, Gestapo Officer
SS is divided into three main subdivisions; the (Novice)
Allgemeine SS (General SS), responsible for
general policing and enforcing the racial policies Tasked with identifying and eliminating threats to
of Nazi Germany; the Waffen-SS (Armed SS), the Nazi state, extracting information and enforcing
elite combat units within the military; and the Nazi policy among the people, the Gestapo officer
SS-Totenkopfverbande (Death’s Head Units), wields great power, and he knows it. Hitler’s
responsible for running the concentration and legislation literally puts the Gestapo above the law,
extermination camps. Other subdivisions were and the Gestapo officer enjoys the fear this puts
the Gestapo and the Sicherheitsdienst (Security into the hearts of those around him. He likes to
Service), tasked with detecting and neutralizing pretend that he is a civilized man, but he doesn’t try
current or potential threats to the Reich, and with that hard. After all, he’s a petty sadist and a bully
foreign and domestic intelligence. who can make people disappear with a snap of his
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength fingers.
d8, Vigor d8 Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Driv- d6, Vigor d8
ing d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6 ing d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6,
Pace:6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 Research d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Taunt d6
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major), Loyal (Major) Pace:6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Edges: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Rock and Roll! Hindrances: Ruthless (Major), Vengeful (Major)
Gear: Edges: Menacing
• Helmet (+3) Gear:
• MP34 Submachine Gun (Range: 65/130/260, • Luger P08 (Range: 12/24/48, 2d6+1, RoF: 1,
2d6+1 damage, RoF: 3, Shots: 20/32) Shots: 8)
• Grenades x 4 (Range: 5/10/20, 3d6-2 damage, • Brass Knuckles (Str+2)
MBT) • Creepy Leather Gloves (+1 Intimidation)
• Knife (Str+d4)

Nazi Officer

The command ranks of the Nazi war machine.

Intelligent, cruel and arrogant, these are often found
as mid-level villains, often serving as lieutenants for
more deadly opponents.

Nazi Spy Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science), Gad-
(Novice) geteer, Mr. Fix It, McGyver, New Powers, Power
Points, Rapid Recharge.
An agent of a Fifth Column, the Nazi spy is tasked Powers: + 4 Powers.
by the Reich with conducting sabotage, espionage Power Points: 20
and assassination in the name of the Fuhrer. He Gear:
rarely works alone, sometimes working with • Luger P08 (Range: 12/24/48, 2d6+1, RoF: 1,
local traitors (or dupes) to destabilize the enemy, Shots: 8)
sometimes in league with a master spy or arch
villain. Nazi spies dig up dirt on supporters of the Nazi Sorcerer
war effort, blackmail generals, steal blueprints, and (Wild Card, Heroic)
kidnap the beautiful daughters of scientists in order
to force them to give up their secret formulas. An officer of the Ahnenerbe, the Nazi sorcerer is
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength part of Hitler’s search for victory over the Allies at
d6, Vigor d8 any cost. Using occult rituals and artifacts looted
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fight- from sites all over the world, the Nazi sorcerer
ing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Research d8, seeks supernatural power and alliances for the
Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Thievery d6 further glory of the Third Reich. Like Hitler, he
Pace:6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 believes in a thousand-year empire of fire and ice,
Hindrances: Secret (Major), Loyal (Minor), Obli- populated by a “pure” Aryan race who have become
gation (Minor) like the gods through the exercise of will, sacrifice
Edges: Charismatic, Streetwise and the shedding of blood. Like Hitler, he’s also
Gear: more than a little mad, but that makes him even
• Luger P08 (Range: 12/24/48, 2d6+1, RoF: 1, more dangerous.
Shots: 8) Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d12,
Strength d8, Vigor d6.
Nazi Scientist Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
(Wild Card, Heroic) ing d6, Healing d6, Occult d12, Persuasion d4,
Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Research d10, Spell-
The Nazi scientist isn’t quite in the league of casting d10, Stealth d4
the Mad Scientist, but he’s getting there. He has Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
virtually unlimited funds, access to unwilling test Hindrances: Vengeful (Major), Overconfident
subjects, a staggering amount of belief in some (Major)
incredibly shaky “science”, and the SS waiting in Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Command,
the wings if he doesn’t get results. He’s more than Fervor, Level Headed, New Powers, Power Points,
willing to push the boundaries of science further Wizard
than they’re supposed to go, and has no concept of Powers: Bolt, Deflection, Entangle, Protection,
research ethics. In short, he’s incredibly dangerous, Puppet.
and the heroes must stop him before he succeeds Power Points: 15
in whatever crack-brained scheme the Nazis have Gear:
cooked up this time! • Luger P08 (Range: 12/24/48, 2d6+1, RoF: 1,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Shots: 8)
Strength d6, Vigor d6 • Knife (Str+d4)
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
ing d4, Healing d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Nazi Hexensoldat
Persuasion d4, Repair d10, Science d8, Shooting (Wild Card, Veteran)
d4, Stealth d4, Weird Science d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 The Hexensoldat (witch-soldiers) are products of
Hindrances: Arrogant (Major), Delusional (Major) secret Ahnenerbe training programs, where Nazi
sorcerers instruct SS troops in the use of magic on
the battlefield. These soldiers know only the most
basic spells, but enough of them could turn the tide

of the coming war. science, these hulking brutes pack the power of a
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength squad of heavily armed troops into the frame of a
d8, Vigor d8 single massive soldier. Though difficult to control
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Driv- and even harder to make, the Fuhrer believes these
ing d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, monstrous creatures may be the future of warfare.
Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Spellcasting d6, Stealth Worse, there are rumors that the Nazis are working
d6 on a new generation of these creatures with even
Pace:6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 greater abilities. Heaven help us all if they are true.
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major), Loyal (Minor), Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength
Vow (Minor) d12, Vigor d12
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Combat Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
Reflexes, Dodge, Rock and Roll! ing d8, Intimidation d12, Notice d8, Persuasion d4,
Powers: + 3 Powers. Power Points: 10 Shooting d8, Stealth d8
Gear: Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10
• Helmet (+3) Special Abilities:
• MP34 Submachine Gun (Range: 65/130/260, • Armor (+4): The Übersoldat has tough, leathery
2d6+1 damage, RoF: 3, Shots: 20/32) skin.
• Grenades x 4 (Range: 5/10/20, 3d6-2 damage, • Fearless: The Übersoldat is immune to Fear and
MBT) Intimidation.
• Knife (Str+d4) • Hardy: If Shaken, further Shaken results have no
Nazi Raketensoldat • Immunity: The Übersoldat is immune to poison
(Novice) gasses and blister agents like mustard gas.
• Low-Light Vision: The Übersoldat can see in
Wearing the latest product of Nazi super-science (or almost total darkness.
possibly something stolen from a Weird Scientist), • Regeneration (Fast): The Übersoldat makes a nat-
the Nazi Raketensoldat (Rocket Soldiers) are the ural healing roll every round.
Reich’s answer to the heroic Rocket Man; human • Weakness: The Übersoldat has a specific weakness,
missiles capable of out-flying Allied fighter planes. the nature of which should be chosen by the GM.
If they can be mass-produced, it’ll be a bad day for Hindrances: Driven (Major), Ugly (Major)
world freedom! Edges: Berserk, Bruiser, Brute, Fast Healer, Frenzy,
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Harder to Kill, Iron Jaw, Menacing
Strength d6, Vigor d8 Gear:
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Piloting • Helmet (+3)
d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d6 • MP34 Submachine Gun (Range: 65/130/260,
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 (2) 2d6+1 damage, RoF: 3, Shots: 20/32)
Hindrances: Overconfident • Grenades x 4 (Range: 5/10/20, 3d6-2 damage,
Edges: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Level Headed MBT)
Gear: • Knife (Str+d4)
• Armored flying suit (+2)
• Rocket Pack (Flight Pace 50, Handling +1)
• MP34 Submachine Gun (Range: 65/130/260,
2d6+1 damage, RoF: 3, Shots: 20/32)

Nazi Übersoldat
(Wild Card, Legendary)

The secret labs of Nazi scientists have produced

many horrors, only one of which is the Übersoldat
(Super Soldier). Mutated by infusions of Element
X and augmented using the finest Nazi weird

Ninja Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
(Novice) d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fight-
Often found working for Foreign Masterminds, ing d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Psionics d8,
these black-clad killers excel at infiltration and Stealth d6
assassination. These stats can also be used for Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
assassins working for the Mara Brotherhood, Special Abilities:
the Tong of the Black Scorpion, or any other • Fear (-2): The eyes of a Kundalini Warrior glow
group specializing in a quick and silent death; with a dim red light that burns brighter as they use
just substitute the weapons for something more their powers, causing anyone who sees them to
appropriate. make a fear check at -2.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength • Fearless: Kundalini Warriors have had their brains
d6, Vigor d8 psychically re-wired, making them immune to Fear
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, and Intimidation.
Lockpicking d8, Notice d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d8 Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major), Death Wish
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 (Minor), Delusional (Minor)
Hindrances: — Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), New Powers,
Edges: Acrobat, Quick Draw, Thief Power Points, Rapid Recharge
Gear: Powers: + 4 Powers (Suggested Power sets; Blast,
• Ninjato sword (Str+2) Damage Field, Protection, Teleport OR Flight,
• Shuriken (3/6/12, Str+1, RoF 3) Intangibility, Invisibility, Telekinesis)
• Smoke pellets (2/4/8, Small Burst Template, –6 to Power Points: 15
see or attack through template, lasts 3 rounds) Gear:
• Dagger (Str+d4)
Adherent of the Mara Tsang-Chan Warrior
Brotherhood Though small, the Tsang-Chan are deadly and
Adherents of the Mara Brotherhood form the rank Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength
and file of the Black Lama’s followers. They are d6, Vigor d6
fanatics, with no regard for their own life or the Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6,
lives of others. Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Survival d6
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
d6, Vigor d6 Special Abilities:
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fight- • Low Light Vision: All Tsang-Chan can see in
ing d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6 poor lighting and suffer no penalties except in total
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5 darkness.
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major), Vow (Major) • Paralysis (+0): The Tsang-Chan dip their blowgun
Gear: darts into paralyzing poison. Anyone Shaken or
• Dagger (Str+d4) wounded by a paralysis dart must make a Vigor roll
or be paralyzed for 2d6 rounds.
Kundalini Warrior • Poison (+0): Some poison darts are coated with
curare or other such deadly poisons. Anyone Shaken
or wounded by a poison dart must make a Vigor
The elite fighters of the Mara Brotherhood, the roll or suffer an automatic wound. Deadlier poisons,
Kundalini Warriors undergo a form of psychic which give a penalty to the Vigor roll, are some-
surgery that turns them into walking psionic times used.
weapons. The process is excruciatingly painful, Hindrances: All Thumbs, Bloodthirsty, Small
and eliminates their ability to feel fear, as well
as dramatically shortening their life-span and
eliminating much of their free will.

Edges: Woodsman Special Abilities:
Gear: • Low Light Vision: All Tsang-Chan can see in
• Spear (Str+2, +1 Parry) poor lighting and suffer no penalties except in total
• Blowgun (2/4/8, 1d6+1) darkness.
• Paralysis (+0): The Tsang-Chan dip their blowgun
Tsang-Chan Shaman darts into paralyzing poison. Anyone Shaken or
The Tsang-Chan worship something old, dark wounded by a paralysis dart must make a Vigor roll
and steeped in blood. It may be an Eldritch or be paralyzed for 2d6 rounds.
Abomination, the Devil, or something equally • Poison (+0): Some poison darts are coated with
powerful and horrible. Whatever it is, belief in curare or other such deadly poisons. Anyone Shaken
it drives them to perform awful rites of human or wounded by a poison dart must make a Vigor
sacrifice and acts of self-mutilation. At the heart roll or suffer an automatic wound. Deadlier poisons,
of this terrible faith is the Shaman, interceding which give a penalty to the Vigor roll, are some-
between the Tsang-Chan and their gods. What times used.
makes the Shaman dangerous is that sometimes the Hindrances: Small (Minor), Vengeful (Major)
Tsang-Chan’s gods answer… Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), New Powers,
Power Points
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, Gear:
Strength d6, Vigor d8 • Spear (Str+2, +1 Parry)
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Faith • Pointing Bone (+2 Faith)
d8, Fighting d4, Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Per- Powers: Bolt, Farsight, Fear, Protection, Summon
suasion d4, Stealth d6, Survival d6 Ally.
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6 Power Points: 15


• Nocturnal: Bats are disorientated by bright light
ach entry includes a physical description and suffer a -2 penalty to all checks made in daylight
of the creature, a summary of its nature and or equivalent illumination.
common tactics, and suggestions for how it might • Size -4: Tiny.
integrate into Pulp society or, in the case of a • Slow: Bats crawl at Pace 1 and cannot run.
fantastic creature, burrow its way into the human
subconscious. Many creatures have a difficult time
fitting into Pulp society in a traditional way and
Boar (Wild Pig)
A wild boar’s hide is covered with short, woolly,
are often found at the social fringes of urban life. grey-black hair. Along the spine, hair mixes with
Others are highly adaptive and can easily create stiffer bristles to form a sort of mane. The average
their own power bases within our world. adult boar stands 3 feet high at the shoulder and
measures roughly 4 feet long. Its formidable tusks

ANIMALS protrude from its lower jaw and can grow up to 12

inches long.

An opponent does not need to have a gun – or even Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6,
be human – to be dangerous, as any big game hunter Strength d8, Vigor d10
will testify. Nature is red in tooth and claw, and Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Pulp heroes often had to defend themselves against Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
hungry crocs, venomous insects and rampaging Special Abilities:
beasts. See the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition • Berserk: When a boar is Shaken it goes berserk. It
rulebook for an extensive bestiary of animals. gains +2 to all Fighting and Strength rolls and its
Toughness, but Parry is reduced by 2.
• Gore: If a boar charges at least 6” before attacking,
Bat it adds +4 to damage.
Nocturnal flying mammals, bats have long been • Hardy: A second Shaken result in combat does not
a symbol of supernatural evil, but are normally cause the boar a Wound.
quite harmless. Some, however, have been known • Tusks: Str+d4 damage.
to harbor rabies and other diseases, and can be
encountered in swarms. Camel
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Known as the ship of the desert, camels are likely
Strength d4, Vigor d6 to be encountered by heroes hunting ancient tombs
Skills: Fighting d4, Intimidation d4, Notice d8, in the desert sands. They’re uncomfortable to ride,
Stealth d12 but far better at coping with the arid desert heat than
Pace: 1; Parry: 4; Toughness: 2 horses.
Special Abilities:
• Echolocation: Bats can navigate perfectly even
in total darkness and suffer no penalties for poor
• Flight: Pace 12, Climb 6.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, their victims into pits full of them or deliver them as
Strength d12, Vigor d8 unpleasant gifts.
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6 Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6,
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8 Strength d4, Vigor d4
Special Abilities: Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d12, Shoot-
• Camel: Camels do not start making Vigor rolls for ing d8, Stealth d8
dehydration until the 8th day after Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 2
• water runs out. Special Abilities:
• Bite & Kick: They spit too. Str damage. • Poison: Snakes this size do little serious damage
• Ornery: Camels are contrary, stubborn creatures. with their bite but may inject deadly venom. A char-
Characters riding camels must subtract 1 acter bitten by a spitting cobra must succeed in a
• from their Riding rolls. Vigor roll at -2 and gain a level of Fatigue. With a
• Sand Walker: Camels treat traveling across deserts failure, the victim becomes Incapacitated and must
as normal terrain. make a second Vigor roll or die in 2d6 minutes.
• Size +2: Camels are only slightly larger than riding • Quick: Snakes are notoriously fast. They may dis-
horses. card action cards of 5 or lower and draw another.

They must keep the replacement card, however.
• Size -2: Cobras are four to six feet in length, but
The statistics below represent a chimpanzee, but only a few inches thick.
they can also be used for any small ape or monkey • Small: Anyone attacking a snake must subtract 2
of similar size, such as a howler monkey. Most such from his attack rolls.
animals are omnivorous, although some can be • Spit: Cobras can spray blinding venom to a Range
quite fierce and aggressive. of 1/2/4. A raise on the attack means the victim has
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8(A), Spirit d6, been struck in the face. He must make a Vigor roll
Strength d10, Vigor d6 at –2 or be blinded for 2d6 hours. While blinded, he
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, suffers a –6 penalty to all physical trait rolls.
Notice d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 Elephant
Special Abilities: Found in India and Africa, elephants are intelligent,
• Bite/Claw: Str+1. social animals, who are nonetheless hunted as
• Climbing: Chimps can move at their full Pace in trophies and for their ivory tusks. Normally
trees or similar environments and don’t normally gentle, elephants can be aggressive if wounded or
need to make Athletics rolls. threatened, or if they believe their family group is
• Hurl: Chimps can hurl rocks and heavy nuts from in danger. Some Jungle Lords may have elephant
the high branches of their homes. These cause Str+2 friends or use them as mounts.
damage if they are above a victim, or Str if the Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8(A), Spirit d8,
chimp does not have a significant altitude advan- Strength d12+5, Vigor d8
tage. Range is 3/6/12. Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6
• Leaper: Chimps can jump twice as far as listed Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 13
under Movement. In addition, they add +4 to damage Special Abilities:
when leaping as part of a Wild Attack instead of the • Armor +1: Leathery hide.
usual +2 (unless in a closed or confined space where • Large: Attacks are +2 to all attack rolls when tar-
they cannot leap horizontally or vertically—GM’s geting an elephant.
call). • Size +6: Elephants weigh over a ton.
• Size –1: Chimps are about 4’ tall. • Trample: Elephants can trample creatures of Size

+3 or smaller. If the elephant runs, anyone in its path
must make an Agility roll or be run down. Victims
Cobras are distinctive venomous snakes that can take damage equal to the elephant’s Str plus its Size
spit toxin and deliver a poisonous bite, usually and are knocked prone.
encountered throughout Africa and Asia. They’re • Tusks: Str+d6.
a favorite of Evil Masterminds, who like to lower

Gorilla • Semi-Aquatic: Pace 8. Hippos can stay submerged
for about 5 minutes.
The largest of the apes, gorillas are primarily
• Size +4: Hippos weigh up to four tons.
herbivorous and live in the forests of central Africa.
The closest relative to man, Gorillas are intelligent,
social and territorial. While generally shy of man, Rat (Swarm)
they can become aggressive if they feel their family Wherever there is man, the rat is sure to follow.
group or territory is being threatened. Omnivorous, scavenging rodents, rats are
remarkable survivors, adapting to many ecological
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8(A), Spirit d8, niches. On their own, rats can be quite timid, but
Strength d12+2, Vigor d10 in large groups they can be ferocious predators.
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, They rarely attack humans unless extremely hungry,
Notice d6, Stealth d8 cornered, rabid or under the control of someone
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 else. Rats are usually small, though in the inner
Special Abilities: cities some rats can be the size of small dogs. Rat
• Charge: If a gorilla charges at least 6” before swarms can fill a Large, Medium or Small Blast
attacking, it adds +4 to damage. Template.
• Frenzy: A gorilla can make two Fighting attacks
each round at –2 penalty. Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d12,
• Size +1: Gorillas are much stockier and larger than Strength d8, Vigor d10
humans. Skills: Notice d6
• Slam: Str. Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7
Special Abilities:
Hippopotamus • Bite: Rat swarms deliver hundreds of tiny bites
every round to their victims, hitting automatically
Hippos are responsible for more deaths in Africa
and causing 2d4 damage to everyone in the template
than any other animal except the mosquito. Hippos
not wearing a completely sealed protective suit.
are large, extremely territorial, and have a habit of
• Infection: Rats frequently carry disease. If the target
capsizing boats that drift too close to them.
of a rat swarm is Shaken or Wounded by the attack,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d8, they must make succeed in a Vigor roll or become
Strength d12+3, Vigor d8 Fatigued, increasing with successive bites until they
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, are Incapacitated. Fatigue levels are recovered at
Notice d6, Stealth d8, Swimming d8 one every 24 hours or following a successful healing
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 11 (1) roll. Death by rat swarm is rare (unless they carry
Special Abilities: rabies or are extremely hungry and eat the victim
• Armor +1: Hippos have thick, Blubbery hides. alive).
• Berserk: Hippos immediately go berserk if they • Split: Rat swarms will split into two smaller swarms
sense intruders in their territory. While Berserk, its when Wounded (GM’s call), or in pursuit of prey.
Parry is reduced by 2 but it adds +2 to all Fighting Reduce the Blast Template one size after a Wound;
and Strength rolls, and +2 to its Toughness. The Small swarms are destroyed. Every time a Swarm
hippo gains the Hardy ability while berserk. divides, it’s Toughness is reduced by -2. When
• Bite: Str+d6. smaller Swarms merge, their Toughness is raised
• Capsize: Hippos can capsize small boats. The hippo by +2
makes a Strength roll and compares the total to the • Swarm: Parry +2. Because the swarm is composed
boat’s Toughness (including Armor). If the hippo’s of scores, hundreds, or thousands of rats, cutting and
total is higher, it has capsized the boat, dumping the piercing weapons do no real damage. Area effect
passengers into the river. Boats with Heavy Armor weapons work normally, and a character can stomp
cannot be capsized by a hippo. to inflict his damage in Strength each round. Rat
• Dehydration: Hippos must immerse themselves in swarms may be foiled by total immersion in water,
water (salt or fresh) at least one hour out of every but rats can swim and may be waiting on the surface
24 or gain a Fatigue level each day until they are for the hapless hero.
Incapacitated. The day after that, they perish.

Rhinoceros Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6,
Strength d4, Vigor d4
Short-sighted, armor-plated and bad-tempered,
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Stealth
rhinos can – and will – charge a moving vehicle if
the mood takes them. Getting on the wrong side of
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 2
one can put a sizable crimp in your hero’s African
Special Abilities:
• Bite: Str.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d10, • Poison: A tarantula bite is unpleasant but does very
Strength d12+5, Vigor d10 little damage. If bitten by a tarantula, a character
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d10, Notice d4, must succeed in a Vigor roll at -2, or gain a level of
Stealth d6 Fatigue, or become Exhausted on a Critical Failure.
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 13 (2) • Size –2: Most species of tarantula are less than 6”
Special Abilities: across.
• Armor +2: Thick hide. • Small: Attacks suffer a –2 penalty to attack tarantu-
• Fleet Footed: Rhinos have a d10 running die. las because of their size.
• Gore: A rhino uses the Charge maneuver to gore its
opponents with its horn. If it can charge at least 6”
before attacking, it adds +4 to its damage total.
• Horns: Str+d6.
• Large: Attacks are +2 to attack rolls against rhinos
because of their size.
• Size +5: Rhinos are large creatures.
Scorpion The dark and lonely places of the world are home
These small, venomous arachnids inhabit the dry, to many mysterious creatures, organisms whose
sandy deserts and hot, humid jungles. Scorpions exist existence is not yet recognized by science, but
in a range of sizes, with the smaller specimens having are nonetheless real. Many masterminds and
more deadly venom. archvillains use these “cryptids” as guards and
weapons. Here are just a few of them.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6,
Strength d4, Vigor d4
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Stealth
Ape, Giant
Reputed to exist only on isolated and forbidding
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 2 islands in the South Pacific, these enormous
Special Abilities: primates closely resemble African mountain
• Pincers/Sting: Str. gorillas, but on an unprecedented scale. Thought
• Poison: The sting of a scorpion does little more than possibly to have descended from the giant pre-
a pinprick but may inject venom. A character stung historic Gigantopithecus of mainland Asia, these
by a scorpion must succeed in a Vigor roll at -2, or rare creatures are rumored to be worshipped as gods
gain a level of Fatigue, or become Exhausted on a on some islands. Thought to be nearly 25 feet tall,
Critical Failure. giant apes have long been regarded as simply the
• Size –2: Most species of scorpion are less than 6” subject of sailor’s yarns, though recent archaeological
across. evidence and the appearance of such a beast in New
• Small: Attacks suffer a –2 penalty to attack scorpi- York in 1932 suggests otherwise, and rumors of
ons because of their size. sightings continue to circulate in dockside bars.

Tarantula Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8(A), Spirit d8,

Strength d12+6, Vigor d8
Large hairy spiders found in Central and South
America. While alarming, they present little actual
danger unless they happen to bite someone who is

Neanderthal. Ape Men are usually either mute or
limited to grunts and signing for communication.
Ape Men typically exist in extended family groups,
dominated by a physically powerful and cunning
male and his mate. They are usually nomadic unless
restricted by geography and subsist by hunting
rather than agriculture.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength
d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8,
Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Stealth d8, Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Hindrances: All Thumbs, Mute
Edges: Brawny, Woodsman
• Club (Str+d8 damage, Parry –1, two hands).
• Spear (Str+d6, Parry +1, Reach 1, requires 2 hands).
• Thrown rock (Range: 3/6/12, Damage: Str+1d4).

Ape, White
The highly territorial and savage creatures referred
to as White Apes are darkly rumored to be a horrible
hybrid of man and ape, not so much a missing link
but a blasphemous merging of two evolutionary lines
that should have remained separate. Unlike normal
gorillas, White Apes are highly aggressive and
carnivorous, with a taste for human flesh. Physically,
they resemble albino gorillas, with pale gray fur and
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, yellow eyes, though they have greatly deformed
Notice d8, Stealth d4 skulls and a mass and height more closely resembling
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 humans. White Apes are naturally cunning and
Special Abilities: intelligent, and some evidence exists to suggest that
• Charge: If a giant ape charges at least 6” before they’re capable of strategic planning and tactical
attacking, it adds +4 to damage. coordination. They communicate with a primitive
• Frenzy: A giant ape can make two Fighting attacks language of grunts and howls, and have been
each round at –2 penalty. observed using tools such as clubs, spears and even
• Hardy: A second Shaken result during combat does simple armor. White Apes are found only in the most
not cause a wound. remote areas of the African continent, inhabiting the
• Large: Attacks against giant apes are made at +2. ruined cities of lost civilizations, violently guarding
• Size +6: Giant apes are nearly 25’ tall. their territory against all intruders.
• Slam: Str.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d10,
• Stones (Str+6): Giant apes can hurl 50-pound
Strength d12+1, Vigor d10
stones at their foes. They throw with a range of
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d10,
5/10/20 and cause Str+6 damage. This counts as a
Notice d6, Stealth d8
Heavy Weapon.
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8

Ape Man Special Abilities:

• Frenzy: An albino ape can make two Fighting
Sometimes referred to as a “Cave Man”, the attacks each round at –2 penalty.
Ape Man is a form of primitive man, like the

• Leaper: White Apes can jump twice as far as human-like sexual characteristics, but the males can
normal. In addition, they add +4 to damage when be distinguished from the females by their colorful
leaping as part of a Wild Attack instead of the usual crests. Like most reptiles the Curupuri lay eggs,
+2 (unless in a closed or confined space where they normally in clutches of two to six, which they bury
cannot leap horizontally or vertically—GM’s call). in sandy areas with lots of sunlight to keep them
• Low-Light Vision: White Apes ignore penalties for warm.
poor illumination (but not total darkness).
• Size +1: White Apes are large and powerfully built. The Curupuri are an intelligent and highly secretive
Gear: people, quite prepared to kill to ensure their
• Club (Str+d8 damage, Parry –1, two hands). secrecy. They use bone or obsidian knives, spears
• Spear (Str+d6, Parry +1, Reach 1, requires 2 hands). and blowguns, often coated in natural neurotoxins.
• Thrown Rock (Range: 3/6/12, Damage: Str+1d4). While they can understand human language, they
do not communicate with humans. Their own
Bat, Giant Vampire language consists of clicks, purrs, growls, buzzes
and whistles, soundly oddly bird-like but impossible
Unlike their smaller cousins, the Giant Vampire
for humans to duplicate. For more details of the
Bats are predators with a wingspan of over ten feet.
Curupuri, see the section on Maple White Land,
In Madagascar it is known as Fangalabolo (“the
page 207.
fear that flies by night”), while in Cameroon it is
called the Olitiau, and in Indonesia it goes by the Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength
name of Orang-bati. Thought to be large enough d8, Vigor d6
to carry off a child, the giant vampire bat preys on Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Shooting
cattle, primates and any humans foolish enough d8, Stealth d10, Survival d8
to be out at night. In times of scarcity swarms of Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
the bats have been known to descend on villages Edges: Brute, Woodsman
and ships at sea, leaving everyone white, dead and Special Abilities:
drained of blood. Some have been known to carry a • Nocturnal: The Curupuri are primarily nocturnal,
virulent disease often mistaken for rabies, which the are disorientated by bright light and suffer a -2
Javanese call Mlaku Pati (“walking death”), which penalty to all checks made in daylight or equivalent
turns victims into shambling cannibalistic undead illumination.
monsters. Gear:
• Club (Str+d8 damage, Parry –1, two hands).
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6,
• Spear (Str+d6, Parry +1, Reach 1, requires 2 hands).
Strength d8, Vigor d6
• Blowgun (2/4/8, 1d6+1).
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d12, Stealth d10
Pace: 0; Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
Special Abilities: Dero
• Bite: Does Str damage. The creatures known as the Dero are the mutated,
• Echo Location: Giant Vampire Bats can navigate degenerate descendants of forgotten Lemuria,
perfectly even in total darkness and suffer no penal- driven underground by the fall of their civilization
ties for poor lighting. in the same cataclysm that befell Atlantis, and now
• Flying: Pace 8, Climb 4. horribly warped and insane from their millennia
• Nocturnal: Giant Vampire Bats are disorientated in the dark. Twisted albino dwarves with swollen
by bright light and suffer a -2 penalty to all checks heads and pupil-less eyes, the Dero are sadistic
made in daylight or equivalent illumination. psychic cannibals who delight in the degradation
and torture of surface life. The Dero are immortal,
Curupuri as long as they avoid direct sunlight; solar radiation
causes them extreme discomfort and causes them
Native to Maple White Land (and possibly other
to age normally. They skulk in the caverns once
lost lands) the Curupuri are a humanoid reptilian
excavated by their distant ancestors, surrounded
species of unknown origin. Man-sized, they stand
by advanced technology they no longer remember
erect like a human, with slender bodies and long
how to use, using their psychic talents to amplify
limbs. Their faces are flat, with large eyes and a tiny
mankind’s basest urges.
nose above two slit nostrils. They do not possess

Colonies of Dero can be found all over the globe, that it may have formed the mythological basis for
preying on those humans who exist on the fringes what we today call magic.
of society. They use their psionic abilities to appear
human while hunting on the surface, luring the Obscure legends from before the age when man
unwary to isolated places where they can be put to walked upright hint that these elder horrors slithered
sleep and carried below ground to await a fate truly down from the stars before the dinosaurs arose.
worse than death. When not feasting on human They built mighty cities so alien that they warped
flesh or tormenting human prisoners, the Dero band space and time around them, fought terrible wars
together to use the collective power of their minds and made unholy alliances. How they lost their
to create natural disasters, accidents and wars, grip on the world is unknown. Some legends hint
delighting in the carnage they inflict on humanity. that God and His angels cast them out, while others
claim that there is no God and that they were
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength banished by things kinder but no less alien. Others
d6, Vigor d8 yet claim that they were overcome by the powers of
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, proto-human magician priests, or that they were the
Notice d8, Psionics d8, Stealth d10, Survival d8 victims of a cosmological shift – an event soon to
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 reverse itself and allow them purchase in the world
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Ugly (Major) of man once more.
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), New Powers
Powers: Bolt, Deflection, Disguise, Puppet, Slum- Many greater abominations lie trapped outside
ber Power Points: 10 normal space, hungering in the awful outer darkness
Special Abilities: between universes, while other lesser creatures
• Low-Light Vision: Dero are accustomed to subter- slumber in alien tombs and monstrous cities lost
ranean life and suffer no penalties for poor lighting beneath the earth or at the bottom of the sea. Others
(though they cannot see in total darkness). still lurk beyond gateways to distant worlds or
• Nocturnal: Dero are cave dwellers and will only hibernate in the depths of deep space, waiting for
come to the surface at night. They are disorientated the call to awaken and feed on minds and souls once
by bright light and suffer a -2 penalty to all checks more.
made in daylight or equivalent illumination
Physically, Eldritch Abominations come in a
Eldritch Abomination variety of forms, from almost human to physically
impossible, from living gases and spatial distortions
As alien and incomprehensible as the weather, the
Eldritch Abomination lies at the heart of the Cosmic to writhing masses of tentacles, eyes, tooth-filled
Horror pulp story, a monstrous weird menace from maws and wings. Many simply cannot be seen at
the outer darkness, existing in opposition to the all, while others are so utterly alien that simply to
physical laws of the known universe. It distorts see and comprehend them means madness or death
reality simply by existing, causing insanity, death for the viewer.
and... worse. In ages past it and its kind ruled the As terrible and horrific as these beings are, the
world – they may have even made the world and greatest threat comes not from them, but from
everything in it. Even us. the madmen and fanatics that worship them as
Their minds are beyond human understanding, gods. There is little evidence to suggest these
their motives utterly incomprehensible. Even their monstrosities even notice their supplicants, but this
bodies cannot be seen without twisting the minds does not stop demented cults and sects forming
of the viewer, imparting horrific insights into the around their legend and working towards hastening
true nature of the universe and the place of mankind the moment of their release into a shocked and
within it. Eldritch Abominations often don’t even screaming world. Such cults are usually debased
show up in the stories that mention them, but their and utterly beyond reason, practicing perverted and
shadow touches everything. Often worshipped as depraved rites and ceremonies, stopping at nothing
gods by primitive cultures and seekers of wisdom to secure the freedom of their terrible gods. These
driven insane by their delving into the forbidden, cults are often gifted with arcane powers and vile
they sometimes gift their supplicants with mutations, gifted either deliberately by the Eldritch
knowledge of an alien science so bizarre and arcane Abominations or merely as a side-effect of getting

too close to something so unfathomably alien that them; they can crush opponents with their great size,
the universe itself protests at their presence. adding their Size modifier to Strength damage and
subtracting their target’s size.
Note: For the best examples of Eldritch • Hardy: If Shaken, further Shaken results have no
Abominations from the Pulps, we recommend effect.
reading the works of H.P. Lovecraft and his • Improved Arcane Resistance: +4 Armor versus
associates, which provided much of the inspiration magic, and +4 to rolls made to resist magic effects.
for this section. We recommend that they not form • Size +12: Even Minor Eldritch Abominations are
the basis of the campaign though – if you want to vast, standing over 100’ tall and weighing nearly
do that there are other games far better suited and 100 tons.
with a wealth of published supporting material. • Tentacles (8): Str+12. Each tentacle suffers no
Instead they should be used sparingly, as ultimate multi-action or off-hand penalty, and can take a
threats, lurking in the thoughts of your players as sustained action, such as grappling a victim.
their characters explore subterranean temples or • Unkillable: Eldritch Abominations cannot be killed,
investigate dark cults, limited to casting twisted only banished. Even if they are apparently killed and
shadows on the walls of reality lest they overwhelm their remains destroyed, they return to life in full
your campaign. health less than 24 hours later.
We present no stats for the greater Eldritch
Abominations. They are creatures from the outer Fish Man
darkness, defined by their disdain for the rules of These humanoid creatures can be found in
our reality. Put simply, they are gods – living plot colonies in the abyssal deeps and are occasionally
devices – and they ignore the rules that affect lesser encountered in lost lakes and jungle lagoons. They
creatures. Meeting one face to gibbering maw is have bulging eyes, gills, scaled skin, webbed hands
something no sane character should ever want to and feet with sharp claws. Their true origin is
happen. The stats below can be applied to the lesser unknown, though traces of them appear in the fossil
Abominations; the creatures that slumber beneath record. Ocean-dwelling fish men are often found
the earth and sea, occasionally roused by intrusion worshipping Eldritch Abominations.
into their forbidden temples and lost cities. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12+2, Spirit d12+2, d10, Vigor d8
Strength d12+16, Vigor d12+10 Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d10,
Skills: Fighting d10 Notice d8, Stealth d10
Pace: 12; Parry: 7; Toughness: 30 (5) Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Edges: Unkillable Special Abilities:
Special Abilities: • Aquatic: Pace 10.
• Armor +5: The obscene flesh of Eldritch Abomina- • Claws: Str+2.
tions is thick and rubbery. • Dehydration: Fish men must immerse themselves
• Bite: The gaping, grinding maw of an Eldritch in water (salt or fresh) at least one hour out of every
Abomination does Str+d8 damage. 24. Those who don’t are automatically Fatigued
• Environmental Resistance: As a dweller between each day until they are Incapacitated. The day after
the stars, Eldritch Abominations take no damage that, they perish.
from heat, cold or vacuum.
• Fast Regeneration: Eldritch Abominations make a Kraken
Vigor roll each round to heal wounds. +2 to recover Krakens are gigantic tentacular aquatic predators,
from Shaken. distantly related to the giant squid. Known in Japan
• Fear (-8): Characters who see an Eldritch Abomi- as the Akkorokamui, these creatures inhabit the
nation must make a Fear check at -8. abyssal ocean deeps and only rarely travel to the
• Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. It surface. Unlike most deep-sea organisms, Krakens
doesn’t feel fear; it is fear. adapt quickly to pressure changes and seem to
• Gargantuan: All attacks by Eldritch Abominations experience no difficulty operating at different
count as Heavy Weapons; they have Heavy Armor; depths. Krakens vary in size, with juveniles starting
opponents gain +4 to ranged attack rolls to strike

at 100 ft long (about as large as a blue whale), with above). When attacking ships, krakens ignore their
no upper limit. Krakens appear to continue to grow Armor bonus.
throughout their life-span, with mythology reporting
creatures so large that they have been mistaken for
The minds behind the 1901 invasion of Great
Britain, and the 1946 invasion of the United States,
Unlike the giant squid, krakens are covered with
the creatures popularly known as Martians are an
dense armored scales. In adult krakens, these scales
intelligent, technologically advanced and hostile
carry large accretions of mollusks and other marine
alien species. Essentially octopoid in structure, an
adult Martian is roughly the size of a bear, with
It is unknown what krakens hunt in their natural sixteen tentacles arranged in two bunches of eight
habitat, but they have been reported attacking radiating from the underside of the body. Martians
whales, ships, submarines and occasionally even have large dark eyes and a slavering, V-shaped
coastal communities. Some krakens seem to be mouth. Apparently lacking vocal cords and any
able to produce bio-luminescent displays capable of form of normal speech, Martians communicate
inducing a hypnotic state. solely through telepathy. They move sluggishly,
with labored breathing, due to the relatively high
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d12, gravity and atmospheric humidity of Earth.
Strength d12+12, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8 The Martians appear to be an engineered species,
Pace: 10; Parry: 7; Toughness: 25 with an extremely simple and stripped-down
Edges: Improved Frenzy, Improved Sweep physiology supporting a vast brain. They lack a
Special Abilities: conventional digestive system and feed on the blood
• Aquatic: Krakens breathe water, and swim at Pace of living creatures, absorbing it directly into their
10. circulatory system through a hollow bone tube –
• Armor +5: Krakens have dense, muscular flesh. like the horn of a narwhal – which they can extend
• Bite: Str+3; must grab first (see below). The kraken from the mouth with enough force to pierce a
can bite as a free attack. human skull. It has been theorized that the invasion
• Fear (-4): Characters who see a Kraken must make of 1901 was motivated not by a desire for territory,
a Fear check at -4. but to capture and cultivate mankind as a food
• Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation. supply.
• Gargantuan: +12 Size/Toughness bonus. All
attacks by a kraken count as Heavy Weapons; it has As they are effectively giant brains, the Martians
Heavy Armor; opponents gain +4 to ranged attack have become adept at creating armored vehicles that
rolls to strike it; it can crush opponents with its great act as prosthetic bodies, such as their tripod fighting
size, adding its Size modifier to Strength damage machines or the smaller handling machines seen in
and subtracting its target’s size. their landing sites and fortified areas.
• Puppet: Krakens can hypnotize their prey into
immobility through weaving complex patterns of While it is popularly known that the Martians are
light with their bio-luminescence. fatally affected by Earthly germs and bacteria, this
• Size +12: Krakens are vast, with adults often over is not strictly true. While their lungs are somewhat
100’ long. vulnerable to respiratory fungal infections and
• Swallow Whole: Any grappled victim must suc- diseases such as the form of weaponized flu virus
ceed on a grappling roll the following round or be that was used to eliminate the 1901 expeditionary
shoved into the creature’s maw. Swallowed victims force (a biological weapon that is suspected of
that need to breath begin suffocating and must make having later mutated into the deadly Spanish Flu
a successful Vigor roll each round or suffer a level that killed nearly 5% of the world’s population
of Fatigue. between 1918 and 1920), they are in fact so alien
• Tentacles (12): d12+22 damage. Each tentacle that very few terrestrial viruses or bacteria can
suffers no multi-action or off-hand penalty, and can affect them. Those that do, however, are invariably
take a sustained action, such as grappling a victim. lethal to them.
Grappled victims may be swallowed whole (see Little is known of Martian culture, due mainly to

their unrelenting hostility and the difficulty inherent presented here as if they are independent Wild Card
in taking them alive. However, analysis of their creatures. War Machines are 100 feet tall and weigh
cadavers and the remains of their technology has led nearly 500 tons. Martian War Machines have two
to many scientists theorizing that they are not in fact flexible weapon hardpoints on either side of the
native to Mars but may have been using that planet main body, upon which are mounted a Heat Ray
as a staging post for their invasion attempt. Further, and a Black Smoke Launcher. Some War Machines
it is now thought that once they lost contact with the carry an extra Heat Ray instead of a Black Smoke
Earth expeditionary force, they turned their gaze to Launcher, or a metal holding cage for captured
Venus, which many suspect they have successfully humans.
conquered. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10,
Attributes: Agility d4 (d8 on Mars), Smarts d12, Strength d12+10, Vigor d12
Spirit d10, Strength d10, Vigor d6 Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d10, Shooting d10, Intim-
Skills: Athletics d6, Driving d10, Fighting d4, Intim- idation d12
idation d10, Notice d6, Psionics d10, Repair d8, Pace: 10; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12
Science d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Weird Science Special Abilities:
d12 • Armor +6
Pace: 4; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6 • Bellow: War Machines can emit a terrifying bat-
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Arcane tle-cry of “UUUUULLAAAA”. As an action, the
Background (Weird Science), Gadgeteer, McGyver, War Machine can Intimidate anyone within hearing
Power Points, Rapid Recharge range.
Hindrances: Ugly (Major), Slow (Major) • Construct: Martian War Machines add +2 when
Special Abilities: attempting to recover from being Shaken, ignore 1
• Feeding Tube: The Martian feeding tube does Str + point of Wound penalties, don’t breathe or eat and
6 damage. are immune to disease and poison, don’t Bleed Out,
• Fear (-4): Characters who see a Martian must make and Wounds are removed with Repair instead of
a Fear check at -4. Healing with no “Golden Hour.”
• Tentacles (6): Martians have two bunches of 8 ten- • Fear (-4): Anyone seeing a Martian War Machine
tacles, 6 of which they can use in combat at any must succeed in a Fear check at -4.
one time. Each tentacle suffers no multi-action or • Gargantuan: All attacks by War Machines count
off-hand penalty, and can take a sustained action, as Heavy Weapons; they have Heavy Armor; oppo-
such as grappling a victim. nents gain +4 to ranged attack rolls to strike them;
• Immunity: The cold, superior minds of the Mar- they can stomp opponents with their great size,
tians are immune to Taunts and Intimidation. adding their Size modifier to Strength damage and
• Size +1: Martians are about the size of a Grizzly subtracting their target’s size
Bear. • Infravision: Martian War machines can switch to
• Weakness: Martians have limited defenses against infravision in low-light or dark conditions, suffer-
certain terrestrial bacteria and disease pathogens and ing half the normal penalties for bad lighting when
must take technological steps to protect themselves. attacking targets that radiate warmth (including
A Martian who is Shaken and either injured or invisible foes).
exposed to diseased humans must make a success- • Sensors: Martian War Machines have a variety
ful Vigor check or become Fatigued. Fatigue levels of sensors that allow them to scan for objects and
increase daily unless treated by a Martian Healer potential threats. +4 Notice vs sound, motion, chem-
and can end in death. icals, radiation, and electrical fields up to 500 yards
Psionic Powers: Confusion, Mind Link, Puppet. distant.
Power Points: 15 • Size +12: (100 feet tall, +3 Wounds, Scale Modifier
Gizmos: + 2 Powers. Power Points: 10 +6, Weight: 500 tons)
• Tentacles (6): Six grasping metallic tentacles
Martian War Machine dangle below the main body of the War Machine.
and can be brought to bear in combat. Each tentacle
The Martians’ distinctive tripod war machines are
their signature weapon. Though they are vehicles, can easily reach the ground and the immediate area
Martians use them as prosthetic bodies, so they are around the War Machine, suffers no multi-action

nor off-hand penalty, and may take independent
sustained actions.
Moreau Hybrid
Created using the recovered notes of the notorious
• Weakness: Martian War Machines cannot function
vivisectionist Dr Charles Moreau, Moreau Hybrids
without a pilot.
are the results of foul experimentation and surgical
intervention. Most hybrids are humanoid, but with
• Martian Heat Ray (Range 500/1000/2000; 10d10
animal-like features; fur, fangs, claws, etc. Hybrids
damage; AP: 4; RoF: 1; Shots: ∞)
start off as animals and are constantly on the verge
• Black Smoke Launcher (Range: 150/300/600;
of reverting to their animal behaviors. Some can
RoF: 1; Medium Blast Template; Shots: 6): Black
speak, and most are in pain due to the surgery and
Smoke shells burst on impact and fill a Medium
hormone injections used to transform them.
Blast Template with heavy black vapor that pools
in low-lying ground and obscures all sight within Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength
it. Anything that breathes the smoke must make a d10, Vigor d10
Vigor check with a raise or take a Wound. Continued Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6,
exposure to the smoke requires further Vigor tests Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Survival d8, Stealth d6
as above for each round, until the character either Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
dies or escapes the area of effect. The smoke is not Special Abilities:
soluble in water, and the Martian War Machines can • Bite/Claws: Str+1
disperse the smoke with pressurized steam sprays. Hybrid Types: A hybrid’s animal features modifies
its statistics as follows:
Mongolian Death Worm • Ape: Strength d12+2, Athletics d6
• Boar: Spirit d8, Vigor d12, Toughness 8, Berserk
Also known as the Olgoi-khorkhoi (“large intestine
worm”) for its resemblance to human intestines, the (when Shaken)
Mongolian Death Worm is a bizarre and horrible • Cat: Agility d10, Athletics d6, Fighting d10, Parry
creature that lurks in the arid wastes of the southern 7. A cheetah hybrid also has Fleet Footed (d10
Gobi Desert. Ranging from 6 to 16 ft long, the running die).
Death Worm is the deep red of dried blood and is • Dog: Fleet Footed (d10 running die), Notice d10,
coated with a thick acidic slime that causes intense Survival d8.
pain when touched. The creature has a highly • Elephant: Strength d12+4, Armor (+1), Brawny,
venomous bite and can spray its toxin at a distance, Trunk (can use to make a Str attack at Reach 1),
an attack it uses to kill its prey before dragging it Tusks (Str+2), Toughness 9.
underground. Death Worms reproduce by laying • Hyena: Bite (Str+3, AP 2), Fleet Footed (d10 run-
eggs in the decaying remains of their prey, buried in ning die), Taunt d8
underground nests. • Piranha: Strength d8, Aquatic, Bite (Str+3),
Improved Frenzy.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, • Rhino: Strength d12+3, Armor (+1), Brawny, Horn
Strength d6, Vigor d6 (Str+2), Toughness 9.
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting
d8, Stealth d10
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Mummies are a form of intelligent undead,
Special Abilities:
deliberately created with mystical funeral rites
• Bite: Str+d6
and careful preparation. These rites were often
• Burrow (6)
used by ancient civilizations to punish those who
• Fearless: Immune to fear and Intimidation.
trespassed against the gods, by ensuring that their
• Poison (6)
torment would not end when death claimed them,
• Size +1: Increases Toughness by +1.
but instead would extend beyond the grave and
• Spray: The Death Worm can spray its poison using
into eternity. As a result, such undead creatures are
its Shooting skill. Range 5/10/20
extremely dangerous, driven by an overwhelming
• Stun: Whenever the Death Worm touches a char-
need for vengeance against the living.
acter not wearing thick protective gear, they must
make a Vigor roll minus any listed penalties or be Mummies are often thought of as being of
Stunned. exclusively Egyptian origin, but this is not correct.

Virtually every civilization has practiced some form Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Stealth
of mummification at some point in the past. Western d6, Swimming d6
examples include popes, saints and even national Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12
leaders. Special Abilities:
• Aquatic: Giant octopuses can breathe underwater
Resurrected mummies often display a wide range of and swim at Pace 6”.
apparently supernatural abilities which vary greatly • Camouflage: Giant octopuses can hide in plain
from culture to culture, and so are not listed below. sight by changing their color and the texture of their
Most possess the ability to create the illusion of skin to match the seabed. -4 on all Notice attempts
being a living creature. when trying to spot a giant octopus.
• Huge: Characters add +4 when attacking a giant
Note: These stats can be used to represent anyone
octopus due to their great size.
who has successfully extended their own existence
• Ink Cloud: A giant octopus can expel a cloud of
beyond death, either by supernatural or super-
black ink once per day. The cloud blacks out a
scientific means.
sphere of water equal to a Large Burst Template,
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, within which all vision is obscured.
Strength d12+2, Vigor d12 • Size +8: The body of a giant octopus is as big as a
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d8 small ship, with tentacles over 20 ft long.
Pace: 4; Parry: 6; Toughness: 10 • Tentacles (4): A giant octopus has eight tentacles,
Special Abilities: four of which it can make attacks with each round.
• Arcane Resistance: +2 Armor versus magic, and +2 On a raise, the creature has grappled the victim.
to rolls made to resist magical effects. A grappled victim may only attempt an opposed
• Fear: Anyone seeing a guardian mummy must make Strength roll each round to escape. Once grappled,
a Spirit roll. the octopus does its Strength damage automatically
• Fearless: Mummies are immune to Fear and by crushing with its arms and rending with its beak.
Intimidation. A victim killed by a giant octopus is usually crushed,
• Fist: Str+2. throttled or drowned.
• Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from being
Shaken; Immune to poison and disease; No addi-
tional damage from called shots.
Rat, Giant Sumatran
These dog-sized rats originated from a forgotten
• Weakness (Means of Creation): Mummies can be island in the seas off Sumatra but have slowly
destroyed by the magics (or Weird Science) that cre- spread throughout the world and may be
ated and sustains them; for instance, by burning the encountered in the sewers of most large sea-ports.
sacred scroll that records their curse, or by reading They’re a favorite of Evil Masterminds.
a ritual of unbinding.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8(A), Spirit d8,
Octopus, Giant Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8,
The most intelligent and adaptable of the
Notice d6, Stealth d8
invertebrates, the Octopus is an 8-limbed
Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
cephalopod mollusk with a hard beak and no
Special Abilities:
internal skeleton. Octopuses are ambush predators
• Bite: Str+1.
and have several defensive strategies, including the
• Infection: Anyone Shaken or wounded by a giant
ability to expel a cloud of ink, adaptive camouflage,
Sumatran rat must make a Vigor roll or suffer a level
the ability to move swiftly using water jets and their
of Fatigue from an infected bite. Cumulative bites
ability to hide. All octopuses have a venomous bite,
can lead to Incapacitation, but never to Death. One
but few are toxic to humans. Most octopuses are
Fatigue level is recovered every 24 hours or with a
small and harmless, but this specimen is far larger
successful Healing roll.
than it should be and can take on a ship! These stats
• Size –1: Giants rats are the same size as dogs.
can also be used for giant squid.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6,
Strength d12+4, Vigor d8

Scarab, Flesh-Eating measure nearly 13 ft in length. The Stinging
Bell Plant can launch the sting at high speed and
Found lurking in forgotten tombs, the flesh-eating
considerable accuracy. Contact with bare skin can
scarab looks very much like the harmless dung
cause an agonizing chemical burn, while repeated
scarab, but is far more dangerous, capable of eating
stings can be lethal.
a victim alive from the inside.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Bell Plants are ambush predators, striking from a
Strength d6, Vigor d6 distance (using their Shooting skill) to incapacitate
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Stealth d12 and kill their prey. Once a target has been stung to
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4 (1) death the Stinging Bell Plant uses its unique tri-
Special Abilities: pedal root structure to drag itself over to the corpse,
• Armor +1: Carapace. where it digs feeder roots into the body and excretes
• Bite: Str+1. digestive enzymes.
• Burrow: If a flesh-eating scarab scores a raise on
Stinging Bell Plants reproduce by releasing drifting
its Fighting roll, it has burrowed under its victim’s
white seeds, like dandelions, into the air.
skin and begins heading for the brain. Victims are
treated as being Shaken and must make a Vigor roll Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
every round for three rounds or suffer 2d6 damage Strength d6, Vigor d8
(against which armor offers no protection). On the Skills: Shooting d8
fourth round, the scarab reaches the brain, instantly Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
killing the victim. Scarabs can be cut out using a Edges: Trademark Weapon (Sting)
sharp object. Removing the Scarab requires either a Special Abilities:
Fighting or Healing roll. On a success, the scarab is • Sting: Str +d4, Poison, Reach 4.
removed but the victim takes a wound. With a raise, • Fearless: Immune to fear and Intimidation.
the scarab is removed without harming the victim. • Mindless: Immune to mind-affecting effects.
• Size –2: Beetles are only a few inches long. • Plant: +2 to recover from Shaken, ignore wound
• Small: Attackers suffer a –2 penalty to attack beetles modifiers, poison, and extra damage from called
because of their size. shots.
• Poison (6): The victim must make a successful
Stinging Bell Plant Vigor check at -6 or be Stunned, take a Wound (two
with a Critical Failure), and perish in 2d6 rounds
The Stinging Bell Plant is a mobile, predatory
carnivorous plant first encountered by explorers unless successfully treated.
in the steaming jungles of South East Asia, but
has since been found in the Congo Basin, the Spider, Monstrous
Amazonian rain-forest and other equatorial jungles Monstrous spiders are on average roughly the size
across the globe. The origin of the Stinging Bell of a family car. These creatures, like the common
Plant is unknown, but the wide distribution has spider, enjoy an almost 360-degree field of vision
led some authorities to propose the theory that due to their multiple eyes and possess fangs capable
the plants may have come to Earth on cometary of punching through metal. Monstrous spiders
debris. While many botanists refute this theory, differ from common spiders in that they possess a
and still more deny the Bell Plant even exists, it is unique internal hydrostatic skeleton as well as an
true that the Stinging Bell Plant resembles no other external exoskeleton, which helps support their
plant on Earth. Others believe it to be the product internal organs and enables their lungs to function.
of selective breeding, the deliberate creation of a Monstrous spiders also seem to possess a form of
diseased mind. hyper-efficient oxygen carrier in their blood instead
of hemoglobin, increasing the effectiveness of their
The Stinging Bell Plant resembles the funnel of respiration.
a greatly enlarged pitcher plant, emerging from
a dense round bole of thickly gnarled roots. The Due to their immense size and weight, monstrous
funnel contains a stamen-like stinger on a long- spiders are poor climbers and do not spin webs as
fibrous filament that, when fully extended, can traps. Instead they stalk their prey and bring it down

with brute force. All monstrous spiders are highly Powers: Farsight, Healing, Illusion, Invisibility,
venomous, paralyzing their prey with fast-acting Mind Link.
neurotoxins before injecting them with digestive Power Points: 15
enzymes and sucking out the resulting organic
slurry. Migoi
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d12, The Migoi are a more primitive off-shoot of the yeti
Strength d12+3, Vigor d12 race, having degenerated back into bestial savagery.
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Notice d8 Distinguished from their civilized brethren by a
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 8 shaggy coat of white fur, fangs and sharp talons
Special Abilities: on both hands and feet, the Migoi live in small
• Bite: Str+3. family groups amidst the snowy, arid peaks of the
• Venom: If the spider gets a raise on its Fighting roll, Himalayas. They are carnivores, normally living off
it injects a painful (but non-fatal) venom. Make a yaks, mountain goats and cattle, but occasionally
Vigor roll; if you fail, take two Fatigue levels. Take wandering into the lowlands and extending their
one if you succeed, or none on a raise. diet to human flesh in times of want. The Migoi
• Large: Opponents get a +2 to attack rolls. are often tamed and used as assassins and temple
• Size 4 guards by the priests of the Mara Brotherhood at the
Forbidden Monastery.
Meh-Teh Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
The Meh-Teh are tall, heavily built humanoids with d12+3, Vigor d10
short blue-tinted fur, powerful muscles, vaguely Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8,
simian facial features, yellow eyes and short, Notice d6, Stealth d8, Survival d8
protruding tusks on the lower jaw. Despite their Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9
fearsome appearance, the Meh-Teh are peaceful, Edges: Brute
intelligent creatures who dwell within the vast Special Abilities:
subterranean kingdom of Agartha beneath the • Armor +1: Thick fur
mountains of Tibet. Though they are incapable • Bite/Claws: Str+2 damage.
of normal speech, they use telepathy and a • Camouflage: The Migoi get a +4 to Stealth roll in
sophisticated form of sign language to communicate snowy terrain because of their white fur.
and trade knowledge and goods with the hidden • Fear ( – 2): Anyone seeing a Migoi must make a
monks of Shambhala. Fear check at –2.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, • Hardy: If a Migoi is Shaken, another Shaken result
Strength d12+3, Vigor d8 doesn’t cause a Wound.
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fight- • Immunity: Migoi take no damage from the cold.
ing d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, • Size +2: Migoi stand over 9’ high.
Psionics d8, Science d8, Stealth d8 Gear:
Pace: 8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 • Leather Armor (+1, Temple Guards only)
Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Brawny, New • Great Axe (Str+4 damage, Parry -1)

Temple Guardian
Powers, Power Points, Rapid Recharge
Special Abilities:
• Environmental Resistance: The Meh-Teh reduce Temple Guardians are monstrous creatures set
damage taken from the cold by 4 and add +4 to by the ancient gods to guard their temples and to
resist cold-based Hazards or powers with a similar enforce their rule. Since the ancient times, they have
Trapping. slumbered in the ruins and the dark places of the
• Low-Light Vision: The Meh-Teh are accustomed world, waiting to stalk and slaughter the unwary
to subterranean life and suffer no penalties for poor blasphemer who commits sacrilege or dares loot the
lighting (though they cannot see in total darkness). treasures of the gods. Many Temple Guardians take
• Fear (–1): Anyone seeing a Meh-Teh for the first the shape of the god they serve; in Egypt, Temple
time (without knowing their peaceful nature) must Guardians of Anubis appear as jackal-headed
make a Fear check at –1. humanoids, cat-headed ones serve Bastet, etc.
• Size +2: Meh-Teh stand over 9’ high.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, creature native to Tibet and the Himalayas, like the
Strength d12+2, Vigor d12 North American Bigfoot or Sasquatch. Regarded
Skills: Athletics d8, Faith d10, Fighting d8, Intimida- as a myth by the scientific community, the yeti is a
tion d10, Notice d6, Stealth d6 considered by many occultists and cryptozoologists
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 as a lost branch of humanity, the so-called “third
Hindrances: — root race” of mankind. Yeti can be encountered in
Edges: Arcane Background (Miracles), Block, two types; the civilized Meh-Teh or “High Yeti” and
Combat Reflexes, Improved Frenzy, Level Headed, the savage Migoi or “Wild Men”.
New Powers x2, Power Points, Improved Rapid
Recharge, Quick, Sweep
Special Abilities: Zombie (Enslaved Dead)
• Bite/Claws: Str+2. I will knock down the Gates of the Netherworld,
• Fear: Anyone seeing the creature must make a I will smash the door posts,
Spirit roll.
• Size +2: Most Temple Guardians are massive crea- and leave the doors flat down,
tures, as befits their status as representatives of the
divine. and will let the dead go up to eat the living!
Powers: + 7 Powers.
Power Points: 15 And the dead will outnumber the living

Tentacled Horror
The Epic of Gilgamesh

Children of the Eldritch Abominations, tentacled The Enslaved Dead are a form of zombie; corpses
horrors are often found guarding items of occult reanimated as servants by a controlling intelligence.
power or being worshipped by fiendish cults with This intelligence could be supernatural in origin,
grotesque acts of human sacrifice. They can take such as the magic of a voodoo sorcerer or the dark
a variety of forms, all of them horrible. They miracle of an Eldritch Abomination, or the power
normally appear as soft-bodied, toad-like things of perverted Weird Science. Unlike movie zombies,
with tentacles. With time and the appropriate these creatures are driven by the commands of their
sacrifices, they may grow into lesser Eldritch master, do not feed on living flesh or transmit their
Abominations. condition by bites.
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength
Strength d12+2, Vigor d10 d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d6 Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Driv-
Pace: 4; Parry: 7; Toughness: 12 ing d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d4,
Special Abilities: Persuasion d4, Piloting d6, Stealth d6
• Fear –2: Anyone who sees a tentacled horror must Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 8
make a Fear check at –2. Special Abilities:
• Flight: Tentacled horrors can exude wings and fly • Claws: Str+2.
at Pace 24 and may “run” for 2d6″ of additional • Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
movement. • Infravision: The Enslaved Dead can see the heat
• No Vital Organs: Tentacled horrors have a gelat- emitted by the living and halve penalties for bad
inous body, and Called Shots do no extra damage lighting when attacking living prey.
against them. • Undead: +2 Toughness; +2 to recover from being
• Size +5: Tentacled horrors can be as much as 20’ Shaken; Called shots do no extra damage; half
long. damage from piercing weapons. Wounds must be
• Tentacles: Tentacled horrors can attack every crea- mended via arcane Healing. Each attempt takes
ture within 2” for Str damage. one hour per current Wound level and ignores the
“Golden Hour”.
Sometimes referred to as the “Abominable
Snowman”, the yeti is a mysterious hominid

relationship with larger dinosaurs like sauropods,
roosting on their skin and feeding on their parasites.

Dinosaurs first appeared during the Triassic period, Individual Anurognathus are shy and easily startled
over 230 million years ago. They were the most creatures, fleeing from danger unless provoked by
diverse and successful form of animal life the world the scent of blood, when they become rapacious
has ever seen, and dominated the planet for 135 predators. Anurognathus swarms can fill a Large or
million years. They were so wide-spread, diverse Medium Blast Template.
and numerous that their dominance of earth was Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d12,
only broken by an extinction event so massive that Strength d8, Vigor d10
it eradicated 75% of all plant and animal life. Their Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d10, Notice d6
descendants, in the form of birds, are all around Pace: 10; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7
us. Is it any wonder then that, in the dark, isolated, Edges: Frenzy
strange places of the globe, small populations of Special Abilities:
dinosaurs may remain? • Bite: When swarming, Anurognathus flocks inflict
Today, dinosaurs are considered by all serious hundreds of tiny bites every round to their victims,
scientists to be utterly extinct, existing only as fossil hitting automatically and causing 2d4 damage to
remains. However, certain brave explorers and everyone in the template. Damage is applied to the
visionary scientists know the truth; that dinosaurs least armored location (victims in completely rigid
continue to live into the modern era, inhabiting armor suits are immune).
subterranean worlds, isolated plateaus, hidden • Bleed: A victim who is Shaken or wounded starts
valleys and distant fog-shrouded Pacific islands. Bleeding Out. They must make a Vigor roll each
Even in these remote locales though, the forces of round, on a raise they stop bleeding, on a failure
evolution have not stood still, and the dinosaur-like they become Shaken (this can cause a Wound).
creatures that may be encountered today are not • Flight: Anurognathus flocks have a Flying Pace of
exactly like their distant ancestors. 10”.
• Scent: Can navigate, track and detect blood by scent
Note: As there are far too many dinosaurs to present (range 6”, halved for upwind and doubled for down-
a full catalogue of species in this book, the stats wind, doubled again for very strong scents). Only
below can be used to represent broad families adjacent creatures can be pinpointed accurately, and
of animals that may be encountered. For a more attacks made using scent are made at –2.
extensive bestiary of dinosaurs for Savage Worlds • Split: Anurognathus flocks split into two smaller
Adventure Edition, we recommend The Dinosaur flocks when Wounded or when pursuing separate
Protocol, from Battlefield Press International. targets (GM’s call). Reduce the Blast Template one
size after a Wound; Small swarms are destroyed.

Anurognathus (Swarm) Every time a Swarm divides, it’s Toughness is

reduced by -2. When smaller Swarms merge, their
One of the smallest of the pterosaur family, Toughness is raised by +2.
Anurognathus has a wingspan of 20 inches and a • Swarm: Parry +2. Because the flock is composed of
body measuring 3.5 inches from nose to tail. It has hundreds, or even thousands of individual creatures,
a short head with a mouthful of needle-sharp teeth cutting and piercing weapons do no real damage.
and normally lives on a diet of insects. However, Area effect weapons work normally, and a charac-
when they scent blood, they become frenzied and ter can stomp to inflict his damage in Strength each
swarm their prey in a whirlwind of teeth and wings, round. Anurognathus flocks may be foiled by total
stripping most animals to the bones in minutes. immersion in water.
Anurognathus can be found on the Maple White
Land plateau and in the jungles of Skull Island, Ceratopsian
as well as the forests of hidden valleys and Ceratopsians (horned faces) are a family of beaked
subterranean lost lands. Flocks number in the herbivorous quadrupedal dinosaurs, characterized
hundreds, and they roost in vast rookeries amidst by a large bone frill extending back from the
the forest canopy. Some flocks develop a symbiotic skull over the neck. Ceratopsian species include
Protoceratops, Triceratops, Machairoceratops,

Pentaceratops, Diabloceratops, Styracosaurus and accurately, and attacks made using scent are made
Einosaurus, most distinguished by the number of at –2.
facial and or brow horns they possess. • Size +7: Thirty feet long; Toughness +7.

Ceratopsians all share a stocky, sturdy build, with a

stout body, four strong limbs and a short tail. Adults
Pteranodons are a family of pterosaurs (flying
average between 26 – 29.5 ft long, 8.2 – 9.8 ft high
reptiles rather than dinosaurs) encompassing several
and weigh between 6.5 and 13 tons. Though stocky
species. With an average wingspan of 25 ft and a
and powerfully built, ceratopsians can move with
body 6 ft long, they primarily feed on fish, squid
quickly when provoked, and will charge a foe at
and small reptiles, though they will supplement
speeds of up to 40 mph. The neck frill and horns
this diet with anything up to and including man.
of the ceratopsians protect them against predators,
Pteranodons have an elongated skull crest and a
and the frills can be flushed with blood in courtship
pointed beak. The crest is used to provide additional
stability during flight and is flushed with color for
Ceratopsians graze on shrubs and low-lying plants, mating displays, while their long beaks are used
occasionally rearing up to reach tasty morsels at to spear prey such as fish, insects and other small
higher levels. They are eating machines, devouring animals.
huge volumes of palms, ferns cycads and other
Pteranodons hunt in flocks and gather together in
vegetation. Ceratopsians prefer prairies, grasslands
large rookeries on cliff faces and mountainsides.
and savannahs, where they can scent the approach
They like to swoop on their prey, either spearing
of predators, but can also be found in light forests.
it with their beak or in the case of larger prey,
Ceratopsians are stupid, territorial and aggressive, grabbing it with their feet and dropping it from
especially during the mating season, and later a height to kill or stun it. Pteranodons prefer
when their young have hatched. While they will coastal areas where they can hunt for fish but can
tolerate intruders at a distance, approaching too be found anywhere that they can build their nests
close to a herd will usually prompt a threat display and rookeries. Inland they are most often found in
of bellowing and pawing the ground from the mountainous areas.
dominant male, followed by a charge.
Pteranodons are opportunistic predators and will
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, attack anything smaller than them. Anything larger
Strength d12+3, Vigor d12 and more fast moving will prompt a swift retreat to
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Notice d12+3, the air.
Survival d12+3
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6,
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 18 (3)
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Edges: Trademark Weapon (Gore)
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice d10
Special Abilities:
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 (1)
• Armor +3: Thick hide.
Special Abilities:
• Fast Runner: Roll d8 when running instead of d6.
• Armor +1: Scaly hide.
• Gore: +4 damage if move 6” or more in a straight
• Bite/Claw: Str+d6.
line before attacking.
• Flight: Pteranodons have a Flying Pace of 12”, with
• Hardy: A second Shaken result doesn’t become a
an Acceleration of 3”.
• Fly-By Attack: When the pteranodon is flying at
• Horns: Str+d8.
fully speed, it can do a fly-by attack, getting a +2 to
• Large: –2 to attack medium – sized foes, they
damage. If it gets a raise on its attack roll when per-
receive +2 to their attacks.
forming a fly-by against a human or smaller sized
• Low Light Vision: No penalties for dim or dark
opponent, it snatches them up and carries them off,
most likely to its nest.
• Scent: Can navigate, track and detect creatures
• Size +2
by scent (range 6”, halved for upwind and dou-
• Slow: On the ground, they have Pace 4” and cannot
bled for downwind, doubled again for very strong
scents). Only adjacent creatures can be pinpointed

Raptor • Bite: Str+d6.
• Fast Runner: Roll d8 when running instead of d6.
These relatively small dinosaurs are clever, fast-
• Low Light Vision: No penalties for dim or dark
moving pack predators, descended from dinosaurs
such as the smaller Velociraptor (“Swift Seizer”),
• Pounce: +4 attack/damage and –2 Parry after leap-
the Achillobator (“Achilles Hero”) and other
ing d6” in a straight line towards non–adjacent foe.
Dromaeosaurid Therapods. Perhaps the best-known
• Scent: Can navigate, track and detect creatures by
raptor is the Deinonychus (“Terrible Claw”), named
scent (range 6”, halved for upwind and doubled for
for the over-sized sickle-shaped claw on each foot,
downwind, doubled again for very strong scents).
which it uses to horrific effect for disemboweling
Only adjacent creatures can be pinpointed accu-
and clinging on to prey. Intelligent, aggressive and
rately, and attacks made using scent are made at –2.
virtually fearless, raptors prey on large herbivores,
• Talons: Str+d6.
leaping onto their prey and latching on with their
claws while delivering powerful, tearing bites.
All raptors use their long tails for balance while The sauropod (lizard foot) family encompasses
running and leaping, and can use their claws to help the largest animals ever to exist on land, including
them climb trees or other obstacles. Their eyesight Apatosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Diplodocus and
is keen and highly sensitive to moving objects, and Brontosaurus. These gigantic creatures are typified
their eyes are located high on their heads, enabling by long necks, long tails, massive bodies and four
them to spy on prey from cover without exposing sturdy legs. Herbivores, they feed on high-growth
themselves. Raptors have an exceptional sense of plant matter, stripping tree-tops to fuel their bulk.
smell, allowing them to track prey even when it Some can even rear up on their hind legs to reach
isn’t visible. higher growth despite weighing more than a blue
whale, shaking the earth when they drop back to all
Like wolves, these dinosaurs hunt in packs, but are fours. Adult sauropods can reach 60 ft high, 190 f)
adaptable enough to feed on carrion if live prey is long and weigh as much as 73 tons.
not available. Like most pack predators, they prefer
to pick off lone or otherwise vulnerable targets but Sauropods vary very little in basic structure and
are intelligent enough to use ambushes and herding only naturalists bother to distinguish the various
tactics when required. They can communicate in a species. Despite being herbivores, sauropods fear
rudimentary fashion with each other through clicks very little, being massive enough to crush most
and hisses and possess fore-claws dexterous enough predators flat. When provoked, sauropods can crack
to hold and examine objects, and even operate their enormously long tails like a whip, with the tip
door handles. Raptors usually exhibit intelligence travelling faster than a bullet.
and curiosity, and learn quickly, something
which has led to an unpleasant end to any foolish Sauropods communicate over vast distances using
enough to underestimate them. Some may even subsonic song, generated inside the massive body
be on the verge of using tools and developing true and transmitted through the ground via the leg
intelligence... bones. Sauropods communicate with others in their
herd using an audible version of the same sound,
Note: Raptors are closely related to birds, and highly reminiscent of whale song. They are social
many subspecies were either partially or completely animals, gathering in large herds. Within the herd
feathered. the animals are segregated by age, with the smaller
juveniles forming smaller sub-herds away from
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d6,
the adults, possibly to avoid crushing accidents.
Strength d8, Vigor d12
Sauropod herds frequent lightly forested plains and
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Notice d12, Stealth
grasslands, feeding from the canopy on the forest
d12, Survival d12
edge, as well as wetlands and coastal areas.
Pace: 12; Parry: 5; Toughness: 9 (1)
Edges: Alertness, Frenzy, Level Headed, Trademark Unlike most herbivores, sauropods are curious and
Weapon (Claw) not easily startled. Their massive size and power
Special Abilities: mean that they have few natural predators, and even
• Armor +1: Thick hide. carnosaurs like tyrannosaurus rex will hesitate at

taking on a 56-ton brachiosaurus. When presented They are generally found grazing on upland
with something novel, most sauropods will simply plains, away from the coast and forest areas where
stare at it for a while before returning to their predators might lurk. Naturally wary, stegosaurs
grazing. become highly alert to possible threats during the
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, mating season and when their calves are young
Strength d12+6, Vigor d12+1 and vulnerable. They are quite shortsighted and
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Notice d12+4, generally react to rapid movement but have a well-
Survival d12+4 developed sense of smell. If approached slowly and
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 21 (3) carefully they will tolerate humans up to a point, but
Edges: Sweep, Improved Sweep, Strong Willed, they are very stupid and can easily kill by accident.
Trademark Weapon (tail) Rapid movement in their peripheral vision can
Special Abilities: startle them into delivering a crushing blow with
• Armor +3: Thick hide. their spiked tail.
• Hardy: A second Shaken result doesn’t become a If startled, stegosaurs will flush their dorsal plates
wound. bright red with blood, paw the ground and bellow
• Huge: –4 to attack medium–sized foes; they receive as a threat display. When threatened by a large
+4 to their attacks. predator, stegosaurs hunker down and turn their
• Low Light Vision: No penalties for dim or dark back, relying on the bone-breaking power of their
lighting. heavily muscled spiked tail to drive off any attacker.
• Scent: Can navigate, track and detect creatures by When travelling with calves, adult stegosaurs form
scent (range 6”, halved for upwind and doubled for a protective circle around their young and thrash
downwind, doubled again for very strong scents). their tails.
Only adjacent creatures can be pinpointed accu-
rately, and attacks made using scent are made at –2. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
• Size +10: Eighty feet long; Toughness +10. Strength d12+3, Vigor d10
• Stomp: Str+d8. Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d12, Survival d12
• Tail: Str+d8. Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 17 (3)
Edges: Level Headed, Sweep, Trademark Weapon
Stegosaurus (tail)
Special Abilities:
These large, heavily-built quadrupedal herbivorous
• Armor +3: Thick hide.
dinosaurs are easily recognized by their arched
• Hardy: A second Shaken result doesn’t become a
back, spiked tails and the rows of plates
(osteoderms) and spikes following the spine. The
• Knockback: Opponent knocked back d8” on
distinctive back plates provide protection and can be
a raise; if they hit a solid object, they suffer +d6
flushed with blood for threat and mating displays.
They also help the animal with thermoregulation by
• Large: –2 to attack medium – sized foes; they
providing additional cooling surface. Adults average
receive +2 to their attacks.
30 ft in length and 13 ft tall, and weigh about 4.5
• Low Light Vision: No penalties for dim or dark
Stegosaurs are low-level grazers, though they • Scent: Can navigate, track and detect creatures by
will occasionally rear up on their hind legs to scent (range 6”, halved for upwind and doubled for
reach higher growth. Stegosaurs are ruminants, downwind, doubled again for very strong scents).
with broad, flat teeth designed to grind and chew Only adjacent creatures can be pinpointed accu-
vegetation behind a horny beak (rhamphotheca) rately, and attacks made using scent are made at –2.
designed to strip leaves from branches. Stegosaurs • Size +7: Thirty feet long; Toughness +7.
are about as intelligent as a cow, and are generally • Tail: Str+d8; Knockback.
placid beasts, though wary of possible threats,
especially during calving season. They are Tyrannosaur
notoriously shortsighted and can easily be spooked The best known and most feared of all dinosaurs
by rapid movement in their peripheral visual field. – the Tyrannosaurus Rex (“Tyrant Lizard King”) –
was a therapod carnivore; a bipedal apex predator

up to 42 ft in length with teeth like daggers. Other simply follow the animal until it collapses due to
similar dinosaurs include Gorgosaurus, Tarbosaurus the infection.
and Albertosaurus.
Tyrannosaurs have an incredibly powerful bite
Tyrannosaurs are hunters, opportunistic carnivores force, in excess of 23 tons – enough to bite through
that run down and kill their prey, then gorge on a family car. This enables them to devour the entire
the flesh, often returning to the kill for days at a carcass of a kill, bones and all, though they will do
time. Prey animals include everything from smaller this over a period of days, sleeping off a meal before
herbivores to big sauropods. returning to eat more.

The most successful and well-known family of Far from being the stupid, short-sighted creatures
therapod carnivores, the
tyrannosaurs (tyrant lizards)
dominate the dinosaur
landscape. Tyrannosaurs
come in a variety of sizes
and colors, depending on
environmental factors and
the amount of food available.
Some – like Tyrannosaurus
rex and Giganotosaurus –
are huge, up to 40 ft long,
12 ft high at the hips and
weighing a colossal 9.5 tons.
Tyrannosaurs continue to
grow throughout their life,
and while few live beyond
thirty years due to the
violence of their lives, some
lost worlds and anomalous
regions are dominated by
truly monstrous ancient

Tyrannosaurs have good

binocular vision and a
tremendously well-developed
sense of smell, making them
formidable hunters and
ambush predators. Their
powerful legs allow them to
run at 45 mph – as fast as an
Olympic sprinter – and they
can leap almost double their
own length given enough
space. Their teeth are roughly the size of modern portrayed in fiction, time, tyrannosaurs are highly
bananas and are designed for tearing off 500-600 lb. intelligent. As smart as a chimp, a tyrannosaur can
chunks of meat which are then swallowed whole. develop strategies for dealing with difficult prey
A tyrannosaur bite can kill even if not immediately and complex situations. They learn quickly, and
fatal; the teeth have tiny serrations in which while they are normally solitary hunters, they will
bacteria thrive, leading to the virulent infection of occasionally cooperate with others of their own kind
any wound inflicted. When faced with large prey, to bring down troublesome or well-protected prey.
a tyrannosaur can inflict a bite wound, and then

Their often-mocked small forearms are incredibly Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d8,
strong, capable of lifting over 500 lbs. each. Strength d12+4, Vigor d12
These limbs are used in mating and to help secure Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d10, Notice d12+7,
struggling prey while the powerful jaws tear off Survival d12+7
chunks of flesh. Pace: 8; Parry: 7; Toughness: 21 (3)
Edges: Hard to Kill, Level Headed, Strong Willed
Adult tyrannosaurs are solitary creatures outside Special Abilities:
of the mating and young rearing stages. In the • Armor +3: Thick hide.
mating seasons they gather together in large groups, • Bite: Str+d8; Grab.
where the males display and compete for mating • Fast Runner: Roll d8 when running instead of d6.
rights to the females. During this time, they are • Fear (-4): Characters encountering a Tyrannosaur
particularly aggressive and dangerous, as males will must make a fear check at -4.
often seek prey to present to the females as gifts. • Grab: Pin your opponent if you hit with a raise;
Many tyrannosaur males are wounded during fights they require a raise on an opposed Strength roll to
for dominance, though they are extremely robust escape.
and can survive injuries that would be fatal to • Huge: –4 to attack medium–sized foes; they receive
almost any other animal, including traumatic brain +4 to their attacks.
injuries. Once mating has been successful and the • Low Light Vision: No penalties for dim or dark
egg clutches have been laid, the females and males lighting.
cover them with dung to keep them warm during • Scent: Can navigate, track and detect creatures by
their incubation. scent (range 6”, halved for upwind and doubled for
downwind, doubled again for very strong scents).
The males then hunt for food while the female
Only adjacent creatures can be pinpointed accu-
guards the nest from opportunistic egg thieves.
rately, and attacks made using scent are made at –2.
Once the young have hatched the females drive the
• Size +10: Forty feet long; Toughness +10.
males away until the next mating cycle.
• Swallow: After successfully pinning a victim with
Young tyrannosaurs hunt in packs in the same way a bite attack, this creature may make an opposed
as raptors but are eventually driven off or eaten by Strength roll as a normal action. If successful the
the females once they reach maturity. victim has been swallowed, and automatically
suffers Str+d6 damage every round after that. A
Tyrannosaurs can adapt to a variety of different swallowed victim can attempt to climb back up
environments. They prefer forests and jungles, to the creature’s mouth as a normal action with an
however, where their coloration and ability to sprint opposed Strength roll, although it remains pinned by
after prey at surprising speeds puts them at an the bite. This ability only works on targets at least
advantage. one Size category smaller than the swallower.

Tyrannosaurs are aggressive, intelligent apex

predators, and very little can intimidate them.
Unless it has recently fed, a tyrannosaur’s response
to a threat is to chase it, catch it and eat it. If the
prey is lucky, the tyrannosaur will kill them before
it starts eating.

Note: These stats can be used for the descendants of

any number of large carnivorous therapods, such as
Afrovenatus and Allosaurus.


expect to find on the ground. An expedition to Skull
uring the pulp era, blank spots on the map were Island in the South Pacific will be very different to
vanishing through the effects of air travel and the one in search of fabled Ultima Thule, north of the
adventures of intrepid explorers, forcing writers to Arctic Circle.
create lost lands, inner earths and hidden plateaus
full of dangerous wildlife and even more dangerous HOW IS IT ISOLATED?
natives. Unhappily, with the rise of satellite
photography in the modern era, these stories have All lost lands are isolated from the modern world
largely died out. However, this is Pulp Fantastic, in some way. Maple White Land and its dinosaurs
and we can do what we like. For those who find sit on a remote plateau. Skull Island lies wreathed
it hard to engage their suspension of disbelief, we in permanent storms in a distant quarter of the
place our lost lands within anomalous regions, folds South Pacific. Lost Atlantis rests deep in the Hollow
in geographic space-time caused by the presence Earth, hundreds of miles beneath our feet. Isolation
of large deposits of Element X (see pages 36 and serves two purposes; it cuts the location off from the
37 for details), providing a reason they’re hard to world, making it mysterious and uncharted, and it
find and why exploring them would be a profitable cuts the heroes off from their support network when
exercise. they get there.

While the most famous lost land – Sir Arthur

BUILDING LOST Conan Doyle’s Maple White Land – is an inland
location, it is surrounded by miles of hostile jungle,
LANDS making escape an adventure in itself. H.Rider
Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines are located in the
GMs wishing to create their own unique lost land heart of Africa, at a time when that continent was
need to answer several questions; largely unexplored by Westerners. Most lost lands
are isolated by the ocean, preventing the heroes
• Where is the lost land? from simply walking to civilization. Others, like
H.P. Lovecraft’s blue-litten K’n-yan, Edgar Rice
• How is it isolated? Burroughs’ Pellucidar, Lin Carter’s Zanthodon, and
the Lindenbrock Cavern of Jules Verne’s Journey
• How do the heroes reach it?
to the Centre of the Earth, are buried deep beneath
• What’s there? the ground and reachable only by boring, caving
or (occasionally) teleporting. A rare few, such as
• How can the heroes escape? Lovecraft’s Antarctic city of the Elder Things in
At The Mountains of Madness and James Hilton’s
WHERE IS THE LOST LAND? Shangri-La in Lost Horizon, are isolated by
forbidding mountain ranges and severe weather.
The location of the lost land will drive the first part
of the plot as the heroes prepare for their expedition. No matter how the land is isolated, escaping it
What precautions they take and what equipment should be difficult and dangerous. Here, after all, be
they bring will be informed by the conditions they monsters.

Getting to the lost land should be almost as In several examples of lost lands, such as
dangerous as escaping it. Severe weather, hostile Burroughs’ Caspak/Caprona stories, the heroes
natives, dangerous wildlife, spies and saboteurs, find that escape back to the world they knew is
vehicle malfunctions, even occult visitations, all impossible, and so resign themselves to carving a
should plague and harass the heroes as they strive new life from the land that has become their home.
to reach their goal. There’s a reason these places Of course, this doesn’t really work for the kind of
have remained hidden for so long, and it’s not just globe-trotting high adventure that forms a good
the presence of large amounts of reality-warping Pulp Fantastic campaign, so the wise GM will
Element X. avoid painting the game into a corner by plotting
a plausible escape route in advance. Players are
The more difficult and obscure the means of endlessly inventive, however, so the GM should
reaching the location, the easier it is to mess with be prepared for them to come up with an entirely
it later. If the heroes fly their zeppelin to the lost unforeseen exit strategy.
plateau, have it spring a leak. If the heroes try to
re-inflate it, have them forced to use hydrogen. And In almost every good lost land story from the pulp
when they’re fleeing the hostile tribe of ape-men, era, the hero or heroes escape through their own
have them pursued by a hail of flaming arrows… efforts. Almost none of them escape by lighting
a signal fire and waiting to be rescued, simply
WHAT’S THERE? because it’s not dramatically satisfying. A good
escape should be daring, fraught with danger, and
Here’s where the fun really starts. Are there ripe with opportunities for things to go horribly
dangerous predators and if so, is it something the wrong.
heroes have seen before or an entirely unknown
creature with mysterious abilities? Is there an
isolated eco-system, and how does it work? Doyle’s ATLANTIS
Maple White Land for instance, is far too small as
written to maintain such a variety of dinosaurs and “Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great
other animal life (which is why we’ve cheated a bit and wonderful empire which had rule over the
by having it extend far further north than it should, whole island and several others, and over parts
thanks to the reality warping effects of Element of the continent . . . But, there occurred violent
X). Are there ruins full of occult horrors? Buried earthquakes and floods, and in a single day and
complexes full of arcane technology? Is the location night of misfortune. . . the island of Atlantis . .
inhabited? Are the natives friendly or hostile? .disappeared in the depths of the sea.”
Primitive or advanced? Human, or something else? Plato, “Timaeus”
Are there factions, or are they a mono-culture?
Is there treasure, perhaps a rich vein of gold or “Confound that infernal woman!” Challenger
diamonds to tempt the shifty local guide or the bellowed as he roughly crumpled his copy of the
impoverished grad student? Is there a beautiful morning Times and tossed it to the floor. I had
princess, or prince? (the answer to this one is almost seen such outbursts from my friend, the famed
always yes!) zoologist, naturalist and biologist Professor G. E.
Challenger. Indeed we all had, many times, and it
A recommended recent entry in the lost land genre
barely got a notice out of his wife or his man Austin,
is Warren Fahy’s novel Fragment, in which an
who continued to pour my tea as if it was the most
island isolated for millions of years has evolved
normal thing. The Professor stood and fumed.
a flora and fauna so unrelentingly hostile that if it My curiosity piqued, I collected the offending
escaped it would overwhelm and collapse the global newspaper and began to read. I had not found what
ecosystem, a delightfully inventive twist on an old could have possibly set him off, though there were
idea. many potential candidates, untill his wife pointed to
a small notice in the lower left third.

I read it aloud, “Mdme. Valerie Beaumont to nodded her good mornings to me and left the room.
be honored by the Royal Historical Society”.
Challenger glared at his wife who pointedly ignored “No. No my young friend. I have no desire to hear
him. I was puzzled. “Who is Valerie Beaumont?” I the famed Miss Beaumont speak.” Challenger
asked. said while crashing like a great bear back into
his reading chair. “But” he began more quietly,
“She is an infernal American charade! A hoaxer “She has a first-rate mind, for an American you
of the first order. I would expect such shoddy understand. She may actually be on to something
journalism” and he stressed the word as if it were this time. She certainly has the funds. But
a foul thing for him to say, “from your rag Malone, Americans always solve their problems by throwing
but not the Times!” more money at them. I would like to look over her
research notes. To correct them where there are
“Valerie Beaumont is” Mrs. Challenger continued errors of course.”
“and old acquaintance of George’s. That is til they
butt heads.” She shared a knowing smile with me. I smiled. I had seen this introspection in him
Challenger butted heads with everyone. “He felt before, usually before I am running for my life
her theories on geography were, how did you say it in some desperate jungle somewhere. Though it
dear, ‘utter garbage and the infantile ramblings of has to be said that if the distinguished Professor
a doe-eyed schoolgirl’. She was at the time I believe George Edward Challenger is not welcome at
your Professor.” these proceedings, I am sure the less distinguished
Edward Malone of the Daily Gazette will not even
“Jessie. Don’t start.” He growled. She ignored him. be noticed.
Challenger obviously chaffed under the memory. - From the notebook of Edward Malone
I knew the man too well to assume that his grief (1898)
with the Mdme. Beaumont had anything to do with
her gender or the fact that she was an American, A name recalled throughout antiquity, the great
although both were cause for the Professor to continent of Atlantis once ruled the Atlantic
dismiss her, his issues were entirely one of academic Ocean, with ports that reached Europe, Africa
issues and the Americas. She was the most powerful of
the antediluvian nations, rivalled only by demon-
“She claimed to have discovered a lost land.” He haunted Mu and dark Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean,
continued. and in one day it was gone. She sank below the
waves never to be seen again, only to exist in half
“Yes. I can see how that would be dismissed as
remembered tales and myth.
irrationality.” I replied back dryly. Challenger
glared first at me and then at his wife, who barely No less than a great scholar Plato himself spoke of
concealed a small laugh. I remembered our first Atlantis. He described it in Timaeus and Critias,
meeting led to one of the greatest adventures of my where he discussed its destruction and prior to that
life and the discovery of the South American plateau its perfect society in a city dedicated to Poseidon. In
known as Maple White Land. In truth, our first fact, the Princes of Atlantis were said by some to be
meeting ended with Challenger bodily throwing me the very offspring of Poseidon.
out to the street for assuming he was a fraud.
Perhaps the most well-known part of the legend
“We could go to this meeting tonight, see what the of Atlantis is her fall, though the details remain
old bird has to say” I suggested. obscured by time. Whether the fabled city-state
was brought low by war, natural disaster, meddling
“No! No!” Challenger thundered.
with dark magic or even darker science, we will
“Mdme. Beaumont has banned poor George from never be sure. What few survivors there were fled
any public function where she might appear.” His the destruction, either to mingle their divine blood
wife added. Challenger’s glare became almost with the common races of man, or to form reclusive
deadly in its intent. Mrs. Challenger simply rose and colonies, hidden away from the world to await a
time when the rest of humanity can catch up to their

own scientific breakthroughs. It is said that after themselves. They are almost always physically
10,000 years they are still waiting. perfect; well proportioned, muscular and athletic
looking, with skin tones ranging from albino white
Still others remained on the continent as it to jet black. These traits are obviously due to their
sank deep below the waves, their super-science breeding and physical makeup rather than exercise.
protecting them until they emerged on the other Their clothing is reminiscent of ancient Greece
side of the ocean, in the Hollow Earth. Here or even Egypt in cases. Their clothing is light but
these Atlanteans have continued the life their woven of no cloth of nature. Everywhere one
predecessors began on the surface. There are very, can find the use of their own metal, Orichalcum
very few Atlanteans left. (“ορείχαλκος”). This metal, often called “red
gold” or “mountain copper”, is one of the very
Atlantis, waned from its former glories, is the
few metals worked in the Hollow Earth, and bears
greatest power of the Hollow Earth. Located in what
some similarity to Element X. Trace elements of
is known as the Northern Sea, the island of Atlantis
Orichalcum can be found in the crops and drinking
is much smaller than the continent it used to inhabit.
water in Atlantis, giving them a curious golden
The city of Atlantis though, more properly a city-
glow, and may have some relation to the Atlanteans
state, is much the same as described by Plato. The
unearthly powers.
few remaining Atlanteans live in the city, while
metal automatons – some appearing as humans, The people of Atlantis speak Aklo, the Atlantean
others as great machines – work the fields and “root” language from which all other languages are
mines. Within the city itself one can find Atlanteans, derived. Typically, an Atlantean only needs to hear
Themiscyrans and other humans. Human slavery is a few words of any given language to be capable
illegal in Atlantis, though not in Themiscyra. of speaking with a person in their native tongue.
Atlantean can be learned by non-speakers rather
Themiscyrans will often bring their slaves with
quickly as well, but this does not convey the gift
them when visiting. Other races, such as various
of understanding all other languages as it does to
Beast Men, Neanderthals and even the occasional
Lemurian though are not considered sentient under
the laws of Atlantis and therefore can be owned as The people of Atlantis are also all, to some degree
slaves. Sometimes even an outsider human can be or another, practitioners of magic, and almost all
considered to be non-human if they fail certain tests, possess psionic powers. Most know the lowliest
such as Atlantean history or philosophy. of spells and enchantments (Novice) and there
are many learned masters. The occult libraries of
THE PEOPLE OF ATLANTIS Atlantis are extremely extensive and forbidden to
all but the most learned of the Atlantean Elders.
Most of the Atlanteans were killed on the day their
homeland sank beneath the waves. A few though The Atlantis of today is a shade of its former glory.
have survived. Most of the survivors remained on Where politics and philosophy were the topics of
the surface world – some using their occult powers even the most banal discussions and medicine,
and super-science to take on the roles of gods as astronomy and art were considered intellectual
the Aesir or the Olympians – while a precious pursuits worthy of all, present day Atlanteans spend
few ended up in the Hollow Earth. A few set up most of their time in long periods of catatonic
colonies elsewhere in the world, like the arctic stupors and brief intervals of drug induced semi-
island of Ultima Thule, and used technology to wakefulness. What was assuredly a survival
cloak themselves from the eyes of the world. When technique for the populace has turned into a sort of
referring to Atlanteans one can mean the surface living death for most Atlanteans. However, there
dwelling Atlanteans or the Hollow Earth dwelling are those who are fully awake, and they plot to
ones. return to the surface world. Some wish to resume
their rightful place in the world, others to assume
The Atlanteans of the Hollow Earth resemble their
dominance over the surface races. A handful
forefathers to a large degree. The typical Atlantean
want to destroy all the surface races and reclaim
is tall, taller than human average, with males at
sole mastery of the globe. The camps fight both
an average of 6’6” and females at nearly 6’0” themselves and the lethargy that curses the race.

Most Atlanteans believe that the surface world has
not much advanced much since the early Roman
Empire and would be greatly concerned to realize
Atlanteans as
that this is no longer the case. Player Characters
Atlanteans are a playable race and
Atlanteans are all extremely long lived, though some may choose to take up the
whether this is natural or due to their science is adventuring career. Atlanteans
unknown. How long an Atlantean can live is also have increased strength and health.
unknown. Since they do not measure time by the Their physiques are nearly perfect
passage of the sun or reckon the years as surface and each Atlantean is beautiful
men do, it is difficult to know how old any given to behold, their personalities are
Atlantean is. Atlanteans age slower than normal arrogant, abrasive, demanding and
humans, reaching sexual maturity at 20, and their difficult to get along with. They
majority at by their mid-thirties, at which point their see themselves as being superior
aging process simply stops. While a few may show to humans in every respect and
signs of age here and there – the odd wrinkle or they treat others as inferior beings.
silvery hair – these are extremely rare. It is possible Atlanteans learn languages very
that Atlanteans may live for upward of a thousand quickly and can start with a
years, until they choose to die, at which point they number of languages equal to their
begin to age like normal humans until they pass on. Smarts die, plus one. They are
knowledgeable of ancient history,
FEATURES OF ATLANTIS though often their facts are modern
day superstitions or have been
The ruins of Atlantis in the Hollow Earth are a
forgotten. Knowledge of Atlantean
far cry from their antediluvian glory. A number of
tech also has no modern day equal.
buildings though remain intact.
Racial Traits
THE TEMPLE OF POSEIDON • Strong and Healthy: Atlanteans
Atlanteans still honor their old gods in the old ways. have a starting Strength and Vigor
This large temple resembles a Greek temple with at d6
Egyptian influences. In truth these civilizations took • Advanced Civilization: Atlanteans
their cues from Atlantean architects. have a starting Smarts at d6
• Outsider: Atlanteans see
ATLANTEAN TECHNOLOGY themselves as superior to all other
races, and therefore receive a -2 to
Orichalcum is often considered to be the greatest all Persuasion skill checks when
technological advance. The red-gold metal is dealing with other species.
light-weight and easily molded into any fashion to • Athletic: Due to their enhanced
those that know its secrets. It is most often worn strength, Atlanteans gain a +2 to all
as jewelry, but of a simple sort. It is rumored to be Athletic skill tests
spun into thread to make their clothing and even • Mystically Minded: Atlanteans
their flying conveyances. gain a +2 to all Occult skill checks.

It is also the only metal that will allow a compass

to work in the Hollow Earth. A compass treated
with this metal will always point towards Atlantis
since it is the largest deposit of orichalcum in the
world. Of course, many adventurers speculate that
there are other sources in the Hollow Earth as well
and one must be far away from Atlantis in order to
discover them.

The technology of ancient Atlantis was said to with Weird Science have a difficult time (-4
be far beyond that of anything in their time, and modifier) learning how to use any given device.
this remains true today. Atlanteans guard their
technology as closely as they guard their magic. ATLANTEAN ENERGY
Indeed, the two may be one and the same. What has
been reported in both the writings on the Hollow
Earth and dealings with Atlanteans on the surface The greatest and highest of the Atlantean
is they can heal nearly any wound by means of a technological sciences is that of Atlantean
glowing light. They wield rays that can disable or crystallography. These strange crystals come in
kill. They can fly through the air and underwater a variety of shapes and colors, each with its own
in saucer-shaped craft called vimanās and can special powers. All of these crystals resemble quartz
communicate with others of their kind by merely to a degree, or even emeralds, rubies or diamonds,
speaking into the air. though these appearances are false. The crystals
are grown in special vats and actually have more in
Atlantean vimanā craft are made of orichalcum, common with salt (sodium chloride) than anything
and are smooth, metallic and shaped like a disc.
else. Save for their clarity and hardness one might
No reliable reports of the craft can be uncovered,
think they were more related to diamonds.
but one account describes it as a “wheel within
a wheel”, resembling the description of an angel All these crystals are very rare (unless noted) and
found in Ezekiel 1:16. These craft are powered by a all require special “tuning” in order to work. The
Green Atlantean Etheric crystal. crystals all are activated by certain frequencies of
light and sound, and channel forms of energy such
Crafting with as Etheric, Odic, Psychic or even Vril to achieve
Orichalcum their desired purpose.
Orichalcum has a similar weight, Etheric energy is the most common and is
texture and color to gold, but that transmitted across the ethereal or “spirit” plane.
is where the resemblance ends. It is the base energy of all Atlantean technology,
Orichalcum is much harder, with and its overuse in certain areas can produce bizarre
a much higher melting point. spiritual disturbances, such as poltergeists and
Working orichalcum first requires a hauntings. Some Atlanteans believe that it was an
character to make a Weird Science over-reliance on etheric energy that doomed Atlantis
check with a raise at least. Of many thousands of years ago.
course, the only ones that can teach
characters how to do this properly Odic is life energy and is generated naturally by
are the Orichalcum Masters of living beings. It is considered one of the safer
Atlantis, and they prefer to keep energies to use since it is a byproduct of life, though
their secrets to themselves. capturing it can be difficult. Odic energies can be
used to heal, repair bones and tissues, even give
sustenance for a brief period of time. Odic energy
is often collected in Green crystals for use in
technology or Blue crystals for personal use. Once
LEARNING ATLANTEAN used, odic energy passes into the etheric plane.

TECHNOLOGY Psychic energies are produced by sapient minds.

While all humans (and Atlanteans) can produce this
Atlantean technology was old when other races of energy, few can harness it. Blue crystals can convert
men were first grasping the basics of agriculture. psychic energy into healing energy and Red crystals
It continued up to the time of the sinking and has convert it into a deadly weapon.
progressed a little more since. Learning Atlantean
tech is much more difficult than learning other Vril is the most misunderstood of the energies, but
technological devices. Even those with familiarity potentially the most powerful. Sometimes called
geomantic force, it occurs in the natural world and

is described as flowing in the earth like water. Vril stronghold in the Hollow Earth is but one such
was the first form of esoteric energy harnessed by large group. There is a group of Atlanteans, if the
the Atlanteans and the one used most often by their tales are to be believed, living in an equally large
descendants. It is believed that Vril energy is the colony under the ocean waves. These Atlanteans
power found in “Ley Lines”, but this has never been are protected by some great science or magic from
confirmed. the crushing pressures, freezing cold and the more
pragmatic lack of oxygen. Another group, smaller,
The following crystals are known. Others are is believed to be living on an island in the middle
assumed to exist. of the Atlantic ocean. Due to the failure of their
protection crystals their island remains invisible and
Green: The most common, this crystal takes Vril
any ships approaching are destroyed.
(naturally occurring) and Odic (life energy) and
converts it to either Etheric energy to be used by Millennia ago communication was frequent between
other crystals great distances away or to power their all three using the communication crystals, but they
technology. have since gone silent and no one knows the fates of
these other outposts.
Blue: These crystals harness Odic, Vril and Psychic
energies for various uses including healing and
medical uses to protection from psychic intrusion. MAPLE WHITE
White: These crystals use all the energies and
amplify them, making them more powerful.
There are heroisms all around us! The era of
Red: These crystals take Vril and Psychic energies
romantic adventure and derring-do is not yet ended,
and focus them into weapons. A mental blast from
my friends. There are still blank places on the map
a red psychic crystal is roughly equal to that of a
to fill in and the Zoological Institute of London
lightning bolt. These can also be used to defend in
seeks worthy candidates to do just that!
the shape of shield of pure Vril energy.
You may have heard tale of the strange claims of the
Violet: These crystals take Etheric and Psychic
impossible Professor George Edward Challenger
energies and use them to communicate over vast
that there is a realm of fanciful creatures isolated
for eons against the encroachment of the rightful
Crystals and energies can be combined for extra mastery of mankind. A committee is being formed
effects. While Atlanteans can communicate with to put these outlandish stories to the test and prove
nearly every human-based society they had them either outlandish hoax or glorious truth.
difficulty with the non-humans of their ancient
Regardless of the veracity of the infamous
enemy Lemuria. A simple broach of violet, blue and
Challenger’s claims, the committee can expect to
white crystals made for a device that could translate
face dangers, disease and discovery in that vastly
any language heard or spoken into understandable
unexplored land. As such, any who bear amongst
speech. There are rumors of a black crystal that uses
themselves the character of the stalwart within
Odic and Etheric energies and can enable the user to
their hearts must feel at the very least a trickle of
speak to the dead.
the urge to set against these unknowns the powers
granted them by God and the British Empire, that
MULTIPLE ATLANTISES great pinnacle of Western civilization.
In dealing with an Atlantean for any length of Seek out the dignified Professor Summerlee or the
time one begins to hear talk of a fascinating idea. redoubtable Lord John Roxton to set your place
That there is more than one “Atlantis”. When the amongst these brave souls striking out into the
continent was destroyed and sank below the waves Devil’s heart of black ignorance.
different sections had different fates. It is known
among Atlantean scholars that there were some To reach Maple White Land, you must first travel
refugees that made it as far as the Americas; not up a tributary of the Amazon River leading out
just people, but sections of land. The Atlantean from the city of Manaos. It is advisable to do this

during the dry season, as the raining season makes unscalable in almost all places. Those of scientific
much of the region “too marshy for foot travel and bent will be amongst the first to note that the entire
too shallow for boating.” One might be able to hire structure appears to be volcanic in nature.
a steamer to take you most of the way, but, upon
reaching an Indian village deep in the jungle, it is The longer one remains in this region, the more
suggested to acquire light-weight canoes as there definite an encounter with a pterodactyl is likely to
will be rapids and shallows that you will have to occur, but these will still be far flying individuals
carry the boats around. instead of whole flocks. Most likely these will be
the outcasts of the flocks, or the smaller, possibly
Some days travel out of the Indian village, another younger males. Those that need to fly farther off in
river reputedly splits off. This river is difficult to order to gather enough food.
note as “there is no break in the trees” and the key
point of finding the concealed river is to look for The place nearest the approach is one of the lower
where there are “light green rushes instead of dark regions features a pinnacle of rock that reaches
green undergrowth” between “two great cotton up about six hundred feet and lies across from a
woods.” In the process of finding this hidden similarly low point in the cliff wall surrounding the
waterway, the explorer will hear the near constant plateau. This rock feature is comparatively easier to
thumping of war drums in the region all around ascend, though any amateur rock climbers will need
them. a fair amount of help getting to the top.

After roughly three or four days of travel on this A single beech tree growing to a height of around
hidden waterway, the water shallows and eventually sixty feet, grows out of the top of the pinnacle. The
disappears. The explorer will have to set aside their pinnacle top itself is easily wide enough for six men
canoes and begin a march upwards deeper into the to maneuver about in comfort. However, the top
Amazon. The animals in this region are not used to of the pinnacle and the top of cliff in that place are
man and are thus not afraid of his scent or approach. separated by a distance of about forty feet, so some
This can be dangerous with some of the more clever thinking will be necessary to finding a way to
predatory creatures. the plateau from there.

This last stage of the trip to the outskirts progresses To the west of the place the Approach meets the
ever upwards. About two days after reaching the Basalt Cliffs, there is a wide swamp that is infested
end of the river, the tropical plants start to fade. On with the Jaracaca snake. The Jaracaca is a highly
the third day is the beginning of a “rock-studded venomous and highly aggressive snake which
slope” which will take just about two days to travel will not fail to attack any man it sees. They attack
up. Nine days travel from the end of the river, is with speed and surprise, so that keeping a weapon
a tremendous growth of bamboo making almost such as a shotgun on hand is the preferred advice.
a wall “as definite as if it marked the course of a In addition, these reptiles lair in depressions of
river” that will take the better part of day to slice the earth in nests of dozens or even hundreds of
through. individual creatures. A single Jaracaca is dangerous,
but a swarm of them is something to be escaped at
The stalwart explorers will now have reached all speed.
a valley showing a wide plain studded with the
occasional tree. At this point, it is possible for a Further past this is a grove of sharp topped bamboo,
party to encounter pterodactyls that have flown far which is so thick that it is impossible for the
afield of their normal haunts to seek food. Such explorer to get entirely through it without ever
sightings will usually still be rare and far off and stumbling on the traces of human remains within
more common dangers should be more considered. the growth. Most of these will be old skeletons,
but it is quite possible that one will find the recent
The base of the plateau is at about three thousand remains of small, red-skinned Indians impaled upon
feet above sea level and trees from temperate the rocks after a fall from the heights of the plateau.
zones, such as beeches, start being found. The
cliffs themselves rise in some places as high as There is a cave further west past the bamboo
one thousand feet and are sheer and just about impalers which appears to have been worn by

water and exits out onto the plateau above, but an the world. Large enough that a moose or elk of the
earthquake in the last four years has collapsed the outside world barely reach their shoulders. There
ceiling closing that avenue of ascent. Maple White are also large armadillo like creatures with long,
has left a number of signs drawn in chalk to lead red tongues like ribbons. These creatures so far
future explorers to this cave, unaware that it would mentioned are largely not dangerous and eat plants
be closed soon after he used it the last time. despite their great bulk.

Another similar cave on the opposite side of the Besides the pterodactyl presence and the great
plateau has a tunnel that lets out one hundred feet herbivores, there are roving carnivorous dinosaurs
above the ground. The area, however, suffers from called “Stoa” by the natives, which appear to be a
earthquakes and such a tunnel bears the risk of nocturnal relation to the allosaurus. These are also
caving in. joined by a carnivorous, running bird far larger
than an ostrich, and called a phororachus. These
Maple White Land proper is a plateau roughly thirty are the primary dangers, aside from those presented
miles long and twenty miles wide, if measured by the ape-men and native Indians, which face
from the ground. However, when on the plateau it explorers on the plateau. Unlike the pterodactyls,
somehow seems far larger, and supports a much these animals seem to have no set lair or gathering
greater eco-system than would appear possible. It area and seem to spend their waking time roving the
was formed by volcanic action at some point in the Plateau in constant search of food as if they were
distant and prehistoric past and now stands separate some great, land-bound sharks.
from the rest of the world.
Thick bushes in Maple White Land will need to
Once on the plateau, the ground in general begins be checked for a large variety of blood tick which
to slope more or less gently downward as one gets attaches painlessly and can swell to the size of a
closer to the center. Five or six miles in from the purplish grape. These ticks are not an immediate
edge, there is a large lake called Lake Gladys where danger and do not swarm but camping in their
the rains have moved downward to pool in the vicinity will leave one open to being drained of
center of what is basically a massive crater formed blood by an unknown number of pests on a regular
by the forces that had raised the plateau. The lake occurrence. Besides the fatigue this is likely to
has a circumference of roughly ten miles and is cause over time, there is the threat of disease to
used as a watering hole and dwelling for a large consider.
number of creatures. It is shallow in many places,
with a great many sandbars, but deep enough for If you can assume the pinnacle of rock mentioned in
large creatures like freshwater plesiosaur and the previous section is at the center of the southern
ichthyosaurs to dwell. There are also mentions of side of the plateau, then there is a large swamp
giant, purple snakes stretching to a length of more north and east of the pinnacle. This swamp has soil
than fifty feet. of a sort of bluish clay and is populated by hundreds
of pterodactyls, not less than a thousand of the
For the most part, the terrain is thickly forested creatures. The males of these flying reptiles keep
with occasional glades and clearings as well as a near constant watch and have very keen senses.
small brooks and pools. There are a large variety On sensing an invader, all the males will fly up to
of fruit bearing trees as well as European bees in ascertain the location of the threat and then attack it
heavy population. It is possible to tell the difference en masse.
between the safe and poisonous fruits by seeing
which kinds are regularly fed on by the local birds. On the edge of the Plateau, situated directly above
There are a number of animals both large and small the impaling bamboo grove at the base of the basalt
in the Plateau’s woods, including dinosaurs such cliffs is a clearing where a number of “huts built
as the rarely seen stegosaurs and monstrously large of foliage piled one above the other among the
iguanodons. branches” in a semi-circle of trees. These sort of
nest huts represent the houses of a race of ape-men
There are also large mammals including deer and that are decidedly hostile to human beings.
elk which are larger than any other such animal in

North of the Ape-Town is a swampy region where The Plateau is riddled with tunnels in the form
a white phosphorescent creature “larger than a cow of ancient lava tubes and those worn away by
and [with] the strangest musky odor” can often the continual action of water over the course of
be seen. However, the vile and marshy nature of hundreds of thousands of years. There is little to no
the region makes getting even a good look at this telling what is in these tunnels, though explorers
creature a dangerous task and local humans and may come across dense veins of Element X only a
ape-men are fearful of the place. Further north from short distance from the entrance. However, as said
that is a wide rocky region largely unexplored. It before the area is prone to occasional earthquakes
is uninhabited by both ape-men and humans of the and still possesses hints of volcanic activity.
plateau. Moving into this area brings to mind talk of
Curupuri, a sort of Indian bogey-man or threat that It is highly possible, therefore, that the deep caves,
is supposed to dwell somewhere in these unexplored caverns and tunnels are generally uninhabitable
regions of the Amazon. by most animal life. In this case, the threat of cave
ins, sudden eruptions of scalding steam or bursts of
On the northwest corner of the plateau, another high poisonous gases are all dangers that explorers would
cliff-face, like those that isolate the entire Plateau, have to face in spelunking these depths. If, on the
can be seen. There are a large number of caves in other hand, they are habitable, then fresh horrors
these cliffs and they are thus used as shelter and might dwell within these tunnels. Perhaps that
storage by the humans who base their settlement strange white creature seen in the swamps on the
around this place. There are a number of caves east-side is not a single creature but the occasional
and at least eighteen of the higher ones are used as beast of the cavernous depths that has lost its way in
storage barns by the natives. One of these caves the tunnels and stumbled onto the outside world.
extends to a deeper tunnel that eventually lets out
a hundred feet over the surrounding plain from CULTURES
the second of the caves mentioned in the previous
section. Accala Indians: At some point in the distant past,
driven by warfare or famine or other powers, a
The Indians make a practice of digging large pit breed of human beings pushed its way up on to the
traps for the purposes of catching or killing wild plateau and they have ever since made it their home
animals such as the dangerous stoa. These pit traps and struggled against the various dangers of the
can be found, though are uncommon, in the forest place.
and clearings in places where the humans hold
sway. They are designed for larger prey, so a human They are a small red-skinned people, but of
is likely to see one before they stumble into it unless considerable bravery and character. Their language
traveling without light, distracted by other concerns seems to be more than half hand and body signs
or both. These pits often contain the rotting remains which seem easy for an outsider to lay a handle on.
of previous catches after the best parts of the meat Their culture is patriarchal and seems to be centered
were cut away. As such, while the impaling stakes around a lineage-based leadership: a chieftain
are set widely apart enough that a person is unlikely whose position is inherited. These nobles seem to
to be speared upon one in a fall, the clutter can still shave the front half of their head.
cause damage. In addition, smaller scavengers can
The Accala dwell along the north of the Plateau
likely be found in congregating around some of
in caves cut into the sides of another basalt cliff-
these pits, presenting their own danger.
face there. The lowest of their caves are eighty
Just south some miles is Challenger’s Geyser, feet above the ground and too small for the Stoa
which is an example of current volcanic activity as to get into. These caves are hollowed out of a soft
it bursts in spectacular manner fairly regularly. The rock that lies between the hard granite of the base
area is filled with sulfurous gasses, however, so few of the cliffs and the volcanic basalt that lies above
if any animals or people venture there. This is where them. The walls of these caves are decorated with
the asphalt the humans use to mark ownership of numerous pictures and cave drawings which are
the dinosaurs is harvested. quite accurate representations of the animals and
plants of the area.

These Indians have mastered the domestication of the edge in climbing and moving from branch to
the great iguanodons, using them as a source of branch. However, over open spaces, they are slow
meat. Ownership of individual animals is marked and clumsy and the advantage falls to humans.
by the placement of an asphalt mark on the animal They are incredibly subtle and stealthy, capable
that is particular to each individual. The animals of keeping a continuous eye on individuals or
themselves quite docilely allow themselves to attacking from ambush with little sign of their
be led to slaughter which is counter to the awful presence.
struggle such beasts put up when they are attacked
by the stoa. The ape-men live in a clearing on the southeast side
of the plateau and make strange little huts by taking
They arm themselves with spears for the most part, heavy amounts of foliage and piling them over the
or else poisoned arrows, and have reached a point of thicker and heavier branches of the trees. These
development where they can produce glass beads as make sort of upside-down birds’ nests scattered
jewelry. They build canoes similar to those used by throughout the semi-circle of tall trees that form
the Amazonian Indians everywhere and use those their town.
to traverse the Central Lake and fish for food, or to
travel quickly from one end of the lake to the other These primitive savages possess a vocal language
without having to go around. and are extremely skilled with knots and rope work,
but don’t seem to have many other advances of
They will be friendly and very helpful to outsiders technology or culture. They have, however, made
who help them, to a point. If the Accala see the a cruel sport of execution. They prefer to take their
exploring party as a benefit, then they will not targets alive when possible in order to indulge in
help the party in finding a way to leave the Plateau this sport. Their method of execution is to either
if the party does not already have one. They force a captive to jump or else to hurl them bodily
will do everything they can to make the stalwart over the edge of the Plateau and watch them fall to
adventurers happy up until questions regarding the sharp, deadly bamboo grove below. The Doda
getting off the Plateau are brought up. At which watch to see whether the victim is merely dashed on
point, the Accala will give an impression of the rocks or else speared on the bamboo, making “a
stupidity and pretend that they do not understand proper ceremony” about it releasing a “mad yell of
the meaning of the question, no matter how clear delight…howling in exultation” when an execution
communication is in other regards. They will go is particularly entertaining.
so far as to offer wives to men in order to convince
them to stay. If there are women in the exploring The ape-men have had a long-standing war with
party, then it is likely they will be seen as property the Accala and it is unknown whether or not their
somehow of the men folk. hateful and murderous nature already existed
or came about because of their conflict with the
Doda Ape-Men: The Doda, as they are called by Accala. However, the matter is moot at the current
the Accala, are descendants of some otherwise moment as they have a hateful and murderous
extinct Amazonian ape and seem to represent a dislike of all humans now.
sort of missing link between human and ape. They
have reddish fur and short bandy legs which appear Curupuri: The Curupuri are a myth of the Indians
to have prehensile feet. Their faces are long and of the Amazon Jungle for many hundreds of miles
whitish with flattened noses, projecting lower jaws around the Plateau. The entire region is avoided for
and coarse bristly beards. They have curved, sharp fear of this forest spirit and monstrous demon. What
canine teeth and at least some individuals suffer isn’t known is that the Curupuri are species that
from extreme acne, indicating a greasy sort of has evolved over eons and existed in the jungle for
skin. Their eyes are “bestial and ferocious” and lie thousands of years.
underneath thick and heavy brows.
They stand tall and erect and have slender builds
The Doda are extremely strong and use heavy with long, dexterous limbs. Their faces are flat
clubs as weapons which are noted to do monstrous and expressive equal to that of a human, but are
damage. They have the advantage in areas of very clearly reptilian. Their noses are not highly
heavy tree-cover as their prehensile feet give them prominent, seeming almost to consist of a pair of

nostrils and a very slight rising of the face. They It is apparent that the Curupuri are aware of the
possess a viper’s heat pits just under the inside of languages of most humans in their area and also
their round eyes. Females can be told apart from understand the superstitions surrounding them.
the males by the colorful crests of the males as They make deliberate, psychological use of these
compared to the subdued appearance of the females. beliefs as part of a weapon against those who are
curious and push close to their home. In addition,
They are nocturnal, which adds to the ease with it is probably the Curupuri who arrange accidents
which they have so far avoided extensive human to discourage those that would investigate the area.
contact. Since they are rarely active at the same Failing to discourage individuals, they will likely
time as humans or Doda, they are able to maintain try to eliminate them.
their secrecy and existence much easier than would
have been the case if they were day-time creatures. Drumming Indians: In the first stretch of the
approach, after leaving the friendly Indian village
If any creature of the plateau knows all the ways up tributary from Manaos, the sounds of war drums
to and from the plateau, it is the Curupuri, whose can be frequently heard telegraphing messages back
legend is spread far and wide in bedtime whispers and forth between each other. Some learned men
across the Amazon. However, they are a very have guessed that these are Miranha or Amajuaca
private and isolationist people who prefer to have cannibals, but no encounter has confirmed this.
their presence mostly unmarked, rumors and myths
notwithstanding. Half-Breed Slavers: A number of individuals of
half European and half native blood have taken up
The Curupuri predominately dwell in the rocky the occupation of pressing their fellows into slavery
northwestern region of Maple White Land which is and profiting off of such misery they inflict. These
also the least explored of the regions. Both the Doda are, in general, a cruel people who are prone to
and the Accala prefer to avoid those areas and have holding long grudges and willing to go to devious
an intense dread of them. The Curupuri encourage lengths in order to avenge a blood-debt.
this with quiet reprisals of any perceived invasion.
The lizard people have remained more or less Indian Village: The Indian village that serves as the
neutral to the Doda-Accala war, preferring neither stepping off point into the unknown of the Approach
side in the conflict, and visiting retribution on either to Maple White Land is typical of such villages that
side should their own territory be invaded. maintain friendly contact with Europeans. They are
mostly hunter gatherers following a chief. These
The lizard people dwell in caves in the rocky, chiefs have patriarchal powers and when they make
unexplored regions of the Plateau and have carved a decision regarding the worth of a bargain, that
out vast vaults and individual cells in that region decision is upheld regardless of the thoughts of the
for their settlements. They are more developed individual tribesman.
and technologically advanced than most of the
other natives, making intricate tools, jewelry and CAMPAIGN OPTIONS
even armor by carving and shaping bone. They
also domesticate animals, keeping small dog-sized There are several overall themes to a campaign in
dinosaurs similar to a raptor in build. These are used Maple White Land. Isolation, survival, discovery
as guard or hunting animals. and conflict of varying evolutionary branches.

Most of the Curupuri use spears as the Accala do, Isolation comes in the remote nature of the Plateau.
but their spears are of higher quality. Given their The characters are far from civilization and the
preference for being unseen and secretive in order conveniences of modern life. They are separate
to enhance the myths surrounding them, they from other humans save the occasional native
use blowguns with highly toxic poisons. Bone or villager. The isolation can push a party to depend
obsidian knives are common, subtle weapons, but more upon each other and trust each other, or it can
they also have axes and heavy war clubs for when cause people to descend into paranoia.
they want to leave a more disturbing message not to
invade their territory. Survival is connected to the isolation. There are a
lot of dangerous animals and situations in Maple

White Land and many of the conflicts a party will have a third (or fourth if, again, you consider the
have will involve a dangerous environment rather Europeans or other outsiders as a separate group)
than deliberate enemies, though those are hardly in side to the conflict.
short supply either.
The Zoological Committee: This is the campaign
Discovery comes from the fact that almost all of as it appears in the book. The characters would be
the campaigns assume a motivation of someone equipped for climbing and have plenty of food and
deciding to learn what there is to learn. Scientists weaponry. They will find things pretty much as they
and explorers are going to form the core of the are in the description above.
group. These are people possessed of curiosity and
intellect and characters who would not be drawn to The first task will be to actually get onto the plateau
the unknown are going to have a hard time fitting in since Maple White’s passage has already collapsed
here. due to earthquake. One option is to climb to the top
of the pinnacle of rock at the south of the plateau
There are multiple branches of the evolutionary and then jury rig a bridge of some sort to get
tree presented and mixed together into one place. across the forty feet to the cliff on the other side.
On the one hand you have the Accala Indians, who Otherwise, the players might end going all the way
are quite a bit like what the explorers are used around the base of the cliffs and somehow finding
to, though even they are likely to be considered the cave that leads up to the Accala’s store-rooms
a separate evolution from the Europeans. On the and finding a way to climb the hundred feet to
other hand, you have the Doda ape men who where it comes out.
present a savage and murderous possibility. The war
between these two races is characterized as a war of Arriving on the Plateau by the pinnacle of rock and
evolutionary need: one or the other species will not a jury rigged bridge puts the explorers closest to
be happy until such time as the other is subjugated the Doda Ape-Town, and thus means that they will
or eliminated. Throw in the Curupuri and you almost immediately come under those creatures’
murderous attention. Though it
will be a day or two before the
apes decide to attack.

The second option, finding the

cave that leads to the Accala
brings them up in the middle of
the Accala settlement. While not
as dangerous as the ape men, and
more likely to accept a human
face, coming up in the middle
of the Accala is not likely to
make them well disposed to the

Eventually, something should

occur which causes the party
to be stuck on the Plateau and
unable to escape it immediately.
This will force them to explore
the plateau at least partially, with
an eye toward eventual escape.
In this case, the scientific minds
brought along on the party will
likely push to continue studying
the Plateau rather than merely
escape and seek home.

Challenger’s First Expedition: In this case, the In such a case, it is probable that two separate
party is in the area and stumbles on to the existence groups of outsiders might intrude upon the privacy
of Maple White Land when they arrive too late to of the plateau, the war between Roxton and the
help the dying man but are left with his sketchbook slavers spilling over into this place. Someone might
and other such clues to indicate that there is even consider the plateau a great place to serve
something there. as a hidden base of operations and start trying to
establish a permanent presence in the area.
If you use this option, then the players are in a
time constraint as the rainy season is coming This is prior to Maple White, so the cave that gives
close and that will make travel in the regions easy access to the Plateau will still be clear.
nearly impossible. They will also lack climbing
gear and other resources necessary to an extended The White Beast: What is that phosphorescent
expedition. Should they get onto the Plateau and creature in the swamp north of Ape Town? Maybe it
find themselves stuck there, then they would likely is time for your characters to find out.
face a much more dire circumstances than with the
normal trip.
Assuming the explorers find the plateau but fail to
make a way up on to its top, then the quest becomes EARTH
how to get back to civilization with proof of the
The Earth is not a solid mass as so many learned,
discovery. The opponents here are nature and
but fallible, scientists assume, but rather is a hollow
possibly the Curupuri acting quietly to make things
sphere, with an entire ecosystem inside. No less
seem accidental.
than such an austere man of science than Edmond
Maple White’s Expedition: If desired, the party Halley, of the eponymous comet, has stated in
can explore this land in the time before Challenger a publication from 1692 his own belief that the
hears tell of its existence, travelling with the Earth is indeed hollow and is one of the reasons we
American poet and artist Maple White himself. In have varying magnetic poles and the cause for the
this case, the party is likely following hints of the Aurora Borealis. To date no other scientist has been
Curupuri in an effort to see what hides behind the able to proffer any other suggestions for these two
story. At this time, the collapsed cave mentioned in phenomena.
the Geography section is still capable of being used.
This should not be a surprise to even the most basic
It should come up somewhere in the swampy area
student of philosophy or religion. Long have the
haunted by the unidentified phosphorescent thing.
great philosophers speculated this. The Greeks
The explorers will likely be armed in order to deal spoke of Hades, the Jews of Sheol, the Christians
with the natural dangers of the region, but they and Muslims of Hell, even pagan religions speak
will probably not be as heavily armored as they of Svartalfheim or Tír na nóg and of Shambhala.
would be if they thought they were going to face Many scholars believe that these stories are based
large animals. There probably won’t be extensive on fragments of observation and evidence. The terra
climbing gear, making the cave the only real way of firma we stand on is not so firm after all.
getting up to the plateau.
In more recent years the late Captain John C.
Lord Roxton’s War: In this case, you are playing Symmes, Jr lectured extensively on the nature of
in the region of the Plateau before even Maple the Hollow Earth. Such was Captain Symmes’
White stumbled upon it. It is the middle of John credibility that no less than the then-sitting U.S.
Roxton’s war against the slave drivers. In this case, President John Quincy Adams stated that there
many of the conflicts will be between the slavers would be funding for such an expedition. After
and the party. Maple White Land in this case will be Captain Symmes’ death, another proponent,
something the players might not even be aware of Jeremiah Reynolds also took to the lecture circuit. It
and something they merely stumble on in the course was on account of his insistence that the Great U.S.
of their war with the half-breed slavers. Exploring Expedition was launched in 1838 and
lasted till 1842. Though that expedition went south,

rather than the north as hoped for by Reynolds. very center of the Earth. Indeed, this is how most
Closer to home Sir John Leslie published Elements journeys to the Hollow Earth are accomplished.
of Natural Philosophy in 1829, wherein he proposed However, while these tubes may be more accessible
a Hollow Earth. than their polar counterparts – if one considers a
descent of more than 800 miles through the bowels
While the theories have differed over the years, of a hopefully extinct volcano to be accessible –
Edmond Halley and Captain Symmes favoring the they are less obvious and far harder to find.
Concentric Spheres hypothesis, or worlds within
worlds. Others have adopted the most simplistic and There are long held beliefs that there are such
more likely Convex Earth theories like that of Sir tubes to be found in Iceland and Greenland, though
John Leslie, proposing that the inside shell of the their exact locations are unknown. The few that
Earth is as habitable as the outside that we presently have been discovered and reported back to men of
occupy. Most theories claim that not only is the science are often scoffed at and are never found
interior habitable, but inhabited as well! again, leading some to propose a link between the
legends of the Hollow Earth and the mysterious
GETTING IN timeless “summer land” of the Icelandic huldufólk
(hidden people, or elves).
There are a few known ways to enter the Hollow
Earth. The most often described option, but A Matter of Gravity
ironically the least used, is the openings at the While in the Hollow Earth
Poles. These polar holes have been described as characters will gain an advantage
being anywhere from 100 miles to 1400 miles to rolls involving strength-related
in diameter, with the most common reckoning skill checks, these effects are
at 800 miles. The issue is not lack of interest, as only temporary. For the first few
the American expedition shows, but the hostile days (1d6, rolled separately for
environment one must traverse in order to reach each character) in the Hollow
the poles. The harsh climes and remoteness of Earth, heroes gain a +4 bonus to
the areas prevent a direct expedition. Even then, all Strength-based checks before
explorers and scientists both differ on the exact their muscles acclimate. Upon
location of these holes. Even a hole 1400 miles in their return to the outer world the
diameter would be difficult to find in such extreme characters will experience a -2 to
temperatures and conditions. Strength and Vigor-based checks
for twice the number of days it
There are reports in occult texts of explorers that took them to acclimate to the lower
have successfully breached the Hollow Earth, gravity of the Hollow Earth.
either by accident or design. In one case a group
of sailors were pursuing a whale far beyond the
shores of Greenland. These men saw the lights of
the Borealis and were swept away in a current to Others report more “occult” means of gaining
the source of the lights. They had gone beyond what access to the Hollow Earth. The mythologies of
their compasses had told them was north, even as several peoples describe peoples living under the
they traveled the compass continued to indicate ground; be they spirits, demons, faeries or other
due north. They emerged in a warm sea where they malevolent entities often kidnap or otherwise
could see the sun over head as if it were noon. Their waylay travelers. One such species, more active in
captain, terrified and fearful for his men adjusted recent years, are the Dero (see page 185). These
course and returned the vessel home. diminutive, twisted creatures have been reported
extensively, not in the journals of science, but the
More common though are the various volcanic
grimoires of occult texts. Travelers and adventurers
tubes that will often snake down into the
are cautioned against such materials due to their
inner world. This Earth is a dynamic one and
unreliability, even the great philosopher Kant has
the knowledge of primordial volcanoes is
pointed out that some so called “occult knowledge”
commonplace. Some of these tubes, once their fury
may at some future date become “science”.
is spent, cool and form direct passageways to the

Of the possible hazards one can run into in the
PHYSICAL FEATURES AND Hollow Earth is the lack true magnetic North and
LAWS OF THE HOLLOW South. While the poles work on the surface of the
EARTH Earth, in the interior compasses are nearly useless.
Unless a compass is treated with the red gold of
This is what is known about the physical make-up Atlantis, orichalcum, it will spin wildly while in the
of the Hollow Earth. Hollow Earth, or worse, constantly point to either
north or south.
To begin the laws of the universe as observed on the
surface of the Earth are mostly the same as those in
the surface of the Earth. Mostly.
One predominant feature of the Hollow Earth is the
The most prominent concern is of course that of
Interior Sun. Hypothesized to be some 600 miles
across this burning orb appears to the inhabitants
The crust of the Earth is a shell, some 800 to 1500 inside the Earth much as our sun appears to us.
miles thick in places. The center of gravity is a line Indeed, it gives of about the same amount of heat
the runs in the center of this fold of land. Gravity and light. However, as the Hollow Earth rotates
has long been speculated to be some form of around the Interior Sun, this mysterious land never
magnetic energy, this would seem to be the case. experiences a true night. This, and the relative
As one descends into the Hollow Earth via volcanic closeness of the Interior Sun to the surface, gives
tube, gravity lessens until it equalizes roughly the Hollow Earth a tropical climate. Vast areas of
400 miles below the surface of the Earth, where land are covered in lush vegetation, tropical forests
it is possible to remain suspended in a state of and primordial fens and swamps. Due to the oceans
equilibrium. Continuing onward, gravity once again and other sources of water there are areas of mist
increases until one surfaces in the Hollow World, and even cloud cover to provide respite from the
where gravity is slightly weaker than in the outer constant sunlight. Indeed, there are weather patterns
world. like those of the surface world. Clouds, mists and
even rain can be experienced here as on the surface
Explorers who come to the Hollow Earth by sea world, but never snow unless one is close to the
via the polar holes will experience rough seas and polar openings.
curious fogs during the transition, but otherwise will
not notice the shift in gravity. The atmosphere of the Hollow Earth appears to
be charged with energy and is faintly luminous,
Inside the Hollow Earth the upward curve of the providing more light than might otherwise be
horizon is so subtle that, much like in the outer expected by the Interior Sun. This charged
world, it appears flat, and is almost impossible to atmosphere often leads to gigantism among
detect with instruments. Indeed, many visitors to the plant and animal species of the Hollow
the Hollow Earth simply believe they are in an Earth, causing them to grow to truly monstrous
unfamiliar area of the outer world and make their proportions. Accounts of giant mushrooms, titanic
way out none the wiser. trees and vast beasts are very common. This then, is
the primordial, antediluvian Earth.
The interior of the Earth has similar features to the
outer surface. There are land masses, great oceans, THE EXPEDITIONS TO THE
mountains, rivers, lush forests, plains and even
people. While most scholarly texts indicate that the HOLLOW EARTH
shell of the Earth is a land mass, there is ample occult Scholars work primarily from old books on the
evidence that the oceans of the Earth above and the subject, but there have been known attempts
great ocean of the Hollow Earth are one and the to investigate the interior of our globe. No one
same, suggesting that the oceans are far deeper than expedition has managed to map the entire interior
any have speculated, hiding depths and secrets that and the vast majority of the journeys have only
only the Leviathan knows. What is known that lost mapped the areas around the poles or other points
civilizations and land masses that have sunk beneath of entry. Other accounts are from people that have
the waves have found refuge in the Hollow Earth.

lived in the Hollow Earth or have visited it by other Much of what scholars know about the polar
means; telepathic connections, astral projections. regions of the Hollow Earth comes from this
Here are the major expeditions into the Hollow account. Thin, though it is. Scholars point to the fact
Earth. that this sailor could not have known of the tales
of Galileo and there was no way that Symmes in
THE DANISH EXPEDITION, America would have heard the tales of the Russian
1610 sailor. These two stories then they conclude are the
same because they are true.
This is one of the first, first-person accounts
of a planned trip into the Hollow Earth. Lars THE BEAUMONT EXPEDI-
Skaarsgaard and his crew of 50 men, including TION, 1854
scientists, geologists, naturalists and professional
explorers along with navies and a small militia, Nominally American and English, this group of
proceeded on a well-funded trip into the Hollow explorers consisted of a few scientists, explorers
Earth by accessing an opening recently discovered and a former Bavarian Army officer. This expedition
in the Luossavaara Mountains of Sweden. This is unique because it was led by noted occult expert
expedition which cost the lives of all but dozen of and woman Mdme. Valerie Beaumont. In her fine,
the men, took 7 years to complete. Much of the intelligent script this expedition first entered the
interior and what we know today of the Atlanteans, Hollow Earth via the Giant’s Causeway in Ireland.
Colonies of Mu, Tribes of the Moon and the From here the small band lead by Mdme. Beaumont
Themiscryans come from this expedition. The notes, and her bodyguard, Deiter “David” Braunschwieg,
as painstakingly detailed by Skaarsgaard’s own son, explored the remains of Atlantis, Themiscyra
would have been a boon to a university’s collection and even ancient Mu and her colonies. Here they
had it not been for the war that broke out between learned of the Tribes of the Moon and Lemuria,
Sweden and Denmark in 1611. After that the diaries though they did not explore these lands. Beaumont
were trivialized as “pseudo-scientific” or worse as also detailed how they spent many weeks with the
“propaganda” to embarrass one side or the other. Ascended Masters of Argatha. For eight years this
small group explored and lived in this land till they
Today, little remains of notes of the Skaarsgaard emerged in the mountains in Northern Mexico.
Expedition diaries. A few copies are known to exist Delayed on their return to England due to the
in private collections and at least one copy was American Civil War, they finally returned home in
housed in the Library of Edinburgh in Scotland. 1865. Beaumont produced her notes and a fantastic
This copy is what prompted the later Beaumont crystal skull. While her notes were copious, her
Expedition of 1854. details precise, and narrative clear, she was met
with critics on all sides. The scientific community
THE RUSSIAN SEA CAP- dismissed her as a woman and as an American. The
TAIN, 1752 occult scholars of the day respected Beaumont, but
her accounts were criticized by an up and coming
Of the more mundane accounts was one of a Russian occult figure, a young Madame Helena Blavatsky.
sea captain whaling in the Arctic Circle during the This was the first of what would become a war
Summer of 1752. The Captain, not at all familiar of the premier occult figures, both women, which
with the tales of the Hollow Earth ran his ship into would last for nearly a quarter of a century. As
one of the polar holes during his expedition. His time went on Blavatsky and later her Theosophical
account’s level of detail is what draws the modern Society would work to discredit Beaumont and her
scholar to his work. He detailed the shift in gravity, expedition while using Beaumont’s dairies as her
the change in stars and most peculiar his description own findings.
of seeing the internal sun for the first time. The
account, which is generally believed by adherents
to be a true story, appeared in some pamphlets and
newspapers at the time. For the most part this story
was believed to be at best a fantastic story or at
worst the tale of a drunken sailor.

EXPEDITION, 1863 Provisions for
Quite possibly the most famous expedition is the
the Lindenbrock
Lindebrock Expedition of the Summer of 1863. Expedition
The journey, taken on by the laudable Professor 1. A centigrade thermometer
Lindenbrock of Hamburg, his nephew Axel, and an of Eigel, counting up to 150
Icelandic guide, may in fact be one of the smallest degrees.
companies to ever investigate the Hollow Earth. 2. A manometer worked by
Lindebrock with his nephew painstakingly kept compressed air, an instrument
notes of all of their adventures. Their journey used to ascertain the upper
began in Iceland at the volcanic crater of Mount atmospheric pressure on the
Snæfellsjökull on the island’s far west side. They level of the ocean. Perhaps
followed the notes and clues left behind of the a common barometer would
famous Icelandic alchemist, Arne Saknussemm. not have done as well, the
atmospheric pressure being
Among the amazing findings of the Lindenbrock likely to increase in proportion
company were the giant mushrooms and luminous as we descended below the
fungi reported by many others before. But the most surface of the earth.
exciting would have to be the battle between the 3. A first-class chronometer made
giants of the prehistoric age, a giant Ichthyosaurus by Boissonnas, of Geneva, set at
battled an equally titanic Plesiosaurus in one of the meridian of Hamburg, from
the interior oceans. Their journey was however cut which Germans calculate, as
short when they stumbled upon an active magma the English do from Greenwich,
flow. A combination of water and steam thrust them and the French from Paris.
out of the center of the Earth and out of a volcano 4. Two compasses, one for
in Stromboli, Italy. Lindebrock and Axel returned horizontal guidance, the other
to Hamburg as heroes. Many scientists praise their to ascertain the dip.
work as the premier work on natural history of the 5. A night glass.
Earth’s interior. Other claim Lindenbrock’s journals 6. Two Ruhmkorff coils, which,
are nothing more than the ravings of a mad man and by means of a current of
a charlatan. Still others feel that the complete text is electricity, would ensure us a
nothing more than a clever bit of fiction. very excellent, easily carried,
and certain means of obtaining
7. A voltaic battery on the newest
Somewhere in the Indian Ocean, between Malaysia principle.
and Madagascar, there is a strange patch of sea 8. Two rifles and two revolver
that sailors avoid. It is forever wreathed in swirling pistols. Ammunition for both
clouds and stormy seas, where compasses spin types of arms.
wildly and where the distinction between sea and 9. Tools. Consisting of two
sky blurs. Ships that brave the thunder and lightning pickaxes, two crowbars, a silken
and stay the course through the rough seas and the ladder, three iron-shod Alpine
lashing rain, sometimes find themselves emerging poles, a hatchet, a hammer, a
from a wall of clouds to spy an island, seemingly dozen wedges, some pointed
eternally caught in the calm eye at the heart of the pieces of iron, and a quantity of
storm. At the center of the island, rising from the strong rope.
steaming jungle, is an extinct volcano, one side of
which resembles by accident or design a human

Surrounded by a vicious reef, whispered about in

dive bars all over the world, this is Skull Island. crags of the volcano itself host great rookeries
Few have landed there, and of those few, a bare of giant vampire bats, who feast on the blood of
handful have made it back, bringing with them tales anyone foolish enough to spend the night north of
of monsters, a nightmare jungle, and a god with the the wall.
body of an ape.
West of the volcano is dense jungle that extends
Skull Island sits within a geomagnetic anomaly, right up to the high cliffs that make the western
shielded from sight by a permanent storm. Ships coastline unassailable. Buried deep within this
claim to have sailed through the location without jungle are strange ruins that speak of an age of great
sighting it at all, as if the island simply isn’t there advancement, now lost forever. Some ruins extend
all the time. The dimensions of the island appear deep underground, and who knows what wonders
to change from time to time, depending on who is they may contain, or what horrors may call them
reporting them. home. Some ruins connect with a network of lava
tubes that honeycomb the island and can be used
Regardless of the fluctuating size of the island, to avoid the horrors of the jungle, though they are
several features remain constant. The southern tip often home to blood-sucking monstrous spiders,
of the island is dominated by a vast stone wall, colonies of giant Sumatran rats and worse. Some
built to isolate the pitiful human population from lava tubes descend deep beneath the island and
the horrors lurking in the jungle. The human eventually lead to the Hollow Earth.
tribe, degenerate, inbred and savage, are a unique
people, racially distinct from any other people on Despite its size, the island hosts a surprisingly
the globe. Cowering behind the wall, they worship large population of therapod dinosaur predators,
the monstrous creatures of the jungle, while living descended from the tyrannosaurs, and several clans
among ruins that point to their possible descent of creatures that have evolved from raptors. Some
from a powerful and advanced civilization theorized have suggested that the island’s vast array of animal
by some to be the last remnant of dark Lemuria, and plant life may have its origin in the Hollow
rival to Atlantis. Earth, carried up through the lava tubes by unknown
means, These creatures, freed from the moderating
Beyond the wall is the jungle, a dense, fetid, influence of the island’s vast ape-god when it was
steaming canopy of trees through which little stolen away to America in 1932, have run riot, and
light penetrates. The jungle is alive with a wildly are in danger of exhausting their food supply. It is
vicious ecosystem of flora and fauna, with stinging possible that more of the gigantic apes may exist on
bells plants and other carnivorous plants, savage the island, but so far no one has managed to survive
dinosaurs, monstrous insects and horrors hard to long enough to find out.
classify and even harder to describe. Gigantism
afflicts almost every species on the island, breeding Explorers willing to brave the vicious wildlife may
creatures larger and more savage than almost find that the cold heart of the volcano leads to vast
anything found on Earth. deposits of Element X, as well as smaller caches
of apparently naturally occurring arcane elements,
Between the wall and the volcano lies the chasm, including Atlantean crystals and small amounts
a deep crevasse that runs almost the entire width of orichalcum. The ruins may yet hold answers to
of the island. The chasm is home to colonies of the question of the identity of the mysterious wall
vast arachnids, centipedes, termites and man-sized builders, and the reason for their fall from grace.
leeches, all feasting on the creatures that fall to their

To the east of the volcano is a large lake, home to

enormous crocodilians, which drains into a large
swamp to the north, where at least one tentacled
horror lurks and swarms of bird-sized mosquitos
breed in vast numbers. The northern slopes of the
volcano extend into a large rolling plain, where
roam herds of sauropods and ceratopsians. The

THE BLACK-TIE The Nemo Pages
Powerful, connected, monied people
want these pages. They’ll lie, cheat,
steal, and murder to get their hands
The characters are attending the London Literary on them. Some want them purely
Library Association’s premier charity event, a for their monetary value, others
black-tie affair being attended by the social elite, desire to see the machinery of Nemo
high ranking government officials, a bevy of press put to use, and the Invisible College
associates, and a few lucky attendees that were may want to keep the world from
the “and guest” part of an invite. The LLLA is an seeing the pages. This scenario
organization that provides library services to the allows the GM to choose which
underprivileged. To help offset the costs of their antagonist they wish to use in their
current project, building five new libraries across game: crime bosses, mad scientists,
London, Geoffrey George Lilliamont has opened his book collectors, or even the
private collection of valuable literary pieces for the Invisible College itself may act as
evening and put them on display for London’s elite the antagonists of this scenario. The
to view. story is designed in a manner that
no matter which the GM chooses the
The most hotly discussed items from the Liiliamont
action and plot will run smoothly.
collection are two pages from the Nemo Diaries.
There are a few ardent fans of Jules Verne that
believe that Nemo was not a purely fictional
figment of the master story-teller’s imagination, ignored. All the servants are dressed as literary
but instead a real person whose genius allowed him characters (Robin Hood and his men, Don Quixote,
to create the Nautilus and escape from the surface the Three Musketeers, and any other characters
world and live under the oceans in a world where that the GM may wish to use). The party will
he found and knew peace. These few believers quickly become crowded as more and more guests
have hypothesized that Nemo, in constructing the are announced, characters can meet, mingle, and
Nautilus, had collected an exorbitant amount of make new acquaintances (a GM may use this scene
hard currency, and that these funds came from the to introduce background characters that may be
sale of numerous inventions that the notorious of use in future adventures if they are planning a
Nemo had created in his mind, and later put on campaign). Everyone seems quite pleasant, the
paper. Of the handful of experts that have studied party is going well, many cheques are being written
the supposed Nemo schematics, to a man they have and stuffed into a large box near the glass enclosed
stated that his genius either rivaled that of Leonardo case showcasing the Nemo Pages.
or his madness that of Hyde.

The characters are met at the door by a gracious

butler, Harry Perkins, who takes hats, coats, canes
and announces the characters. Characters of some
renown will be greeted with cheers and claps,
and other less known characters will be politely

a more challenging opening is desired. The extra
henchmen, if the fight gets to be too much for

the characters, can eventually be pummeled by
party-goers, whose courage returns as they see the
characters battling the party crashers or attempt to
Eventually Geoffrey George Lilliamont will tap trample the henchmen in a panic for the exits.
his glass repeatedly until the crowd quiets down
and begin to give a speech. His wife, Lady Lillian
Lilliamont, has been mingling with the guests Merry Men
engaging in small talk. This stunning woman of Quote: “Give us yer money!”
rare beauty should stop to speak with a character or Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength
group of characters just before the speech begins. d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
“I would very much like to take this opportunity
ing d6, Intimidation d8, Persuasion d4, Notice d4,
Shooting d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Layout of the Hall Edges: Menacing
The hall is two-tiered, with an Hindrances: Ugly (Minor)
upper balcony, where the guests are Gear:
introduced, and a double staircase, • Sap (Str+2 damage)
leading down to a checkerboard- • Rapier (Str+d4 damage, Parry +1)
floored ballroom, 100 x 50 feet,
with dazzling chandeliers and
mirrors that make the ballroom
Robin Hood
Quote: “Your money...or your life!”
look as if it stretches off into infinity.
Immediately opposite the balcony Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength
are a set of long windows, with d6, Vigor d6
two pairs of French doors leading Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
out to the grounds. Underneath ing d6, Intimidation d8, Persuasion d6, Notice d6,
the balcony is the entrance to the Shooting d8, Stealth d4
kitchen and servants’ rooms. Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Edges: Marksman, Steady Hands, Trademark
Weapon (Bow)
Hindrances: Arrogant (Major)
His words are cut off as an arrow pierces his side; Gear:
blood begins to pour forth through the white tux • Bow (2d6 damage, Range: 12/24/48, RoF: 1)
as he crumples to the floor. Several women in the • Rapier (Str+d4 damage, Parry +1)
crowd scream and faint. Others begin to panic and During the opening of the fight (beginning of the
push towards the exits as a booming voice from second round), the skylight overhead shatters as two
the wide staircase leading up to the second store massive ropes with oversized suction cups attached
interrupts the chaos. to the ends come crashing through. Glass rains
“GOOD DAY LADIES AND CADS, I, ROBIN down on the party goers, and the crowd quickly
OF LONDON, with my Merry Men...” he makes becomes an uncontrolled herd trying to avoid the
a flourish that quickly shows that there are several falling glass that continues to sprinkle down from
associates in the audience “are in attendance to the ceiling. It also quickly becomes clear that Lady
lighten not your wallets, but instead your host’s Lilliamont is one of the foci of the attacks as three
collection of stolen works of the master Nemo.” henchmen descend on her and attempt to murder
The henchmen quickly backhand, kick, or punch her.
a few party-goers as they attempt to block the “Robin Hood” quickly dispatches any NPC that
exits. The exact number of henchmen is left up attempts to stop him as he connects the two massive
to the GM, but at least one henchman for each suction cups to the glass case that the Nemo papers
character is advised. There may be even more if are displayed in. If unchecked, he will leap on top

of the glass container, wrap one arm around the remember that they heard a strange buzzing sound,
ropes, and give a deep bow with his sword in hand. and a voice coming from their outfits that made
“Please, continue your revelry in my absence.” As them believe they were Robin Hood’s men, and that
he finishes his bow, the glass case begins to quickly the party goers were plotting against Mr. Lilliamont.
rise into the air and out through the wreckage of the To protect their master, they needed to go along
skylight. with the charade, and when it appeared that Mr.
Lilliamont was injured the servants were to attack
A Notice check at -2 allows the player to notice a the conspirators.
strange zeppelin, large enough for only one person.
This mini zeppelin has been camouflaged so that it A successful Notice check at -2 will allow the
is quite hard to see in the foggy London night. characters to realize that each of the servants’
costumes has a cloisonné pin in the shape of an
If characters wish to attempt to shoot the cables, eye. Each pin appears to have a strange miniature
hitting them requires a Called Shot at -6 (being speaker behind it. A raise allows the character to
quite thin), and they take 10 points of damage to discover a flaky substance adhering to the pin.
snap (they are steel, after all). GMs may want to use this design later to draw the
characters into a greater conspiracy. As it stands
AFTERMATH now, they are merely to identify the “Merry Men.”

Merely touching the powder with exposed flesh is

The constabulary arrive a few minutes later, but
enough to force a Vigor check at -2; unsuccessful
in that time most of the henchmen are captured
characters suffer a vivid hallucination of some
by either the characters or the other party goers.
horrible event in the characters life. This lasts for
The police will expect the characters to submit
one minute for each point the character failed the
to all their questions, and anyone that is not
roll by. Successful characters are unaffected.
forthcoming or is uncooperative will be dressed
down and possibly arrested on the spot. Cooperative With a successful Healing or Science check, the
characters, after an hour or so, will be allowed to character is able to discern that the substance is a
leave the premises. The police will not be far along combination of morphine and opium in a powdered
into their investigation when a doctor arrives to form. It is a powerful hallucinogen, which would
check on Mister Lilliamont. After a few seconds explain why the servants were overcome by the
the doctor will motion for the senior police officer suggestion to attack the party goers.
and will quickly explain that Lilliamont must be
removed to a hospital at once if he has any chance If the characters are unable to awaken the staff,
of survival. they will eventually snap out of their apparent daze,
but no one remembers anything after they arrived
A Notice check at -2 allows the players to make at work and were handed their costumes for the
out what the doctor is saying. Characters that are evening. They have no recollection of the fight that
helping the doctor need not make the roll at all. just occurred, and those that are injured are even
Successful characters will hear the name of the more confused as they demand to know what has
hospital that Lilliamont is being taken to: Tandry happened.

Questioning the henchmen will be of no help to the

characters or the police. All of “Robin’s” henchmen
are upstanding staff members of Lilliamonts’ or the
library. As they are questioned, they look blank-
eyed and unresponsive.

A Healing check will allow a player to notice that

the staff appears to be mesmerized or possibly
hypnotized. A further successful Healing check
at -2 will allow the character can speed up the
staff’s recovery, while a raise will allow the staff to

Lady Lilliamont if Lilliamont has any other books or papers that
Quote: “I thank you for your courage, but I have they may need to research later), or the favor of her
one more thing to ask of you.” family’s name. Unfortunately, she has no clues as
to who may have perpetuated this atrocity. There
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10, were no threats, there were no strange occurrences,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 no strange people in their lives, and her husband’s
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Fight- behavior has not changed in recent history.
ing d4, Persuasion d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8,
Stealth d4 Lady Lilliamont is not without any leads. She can
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 give the players, under an oath of secrecy, the name
Edges: Attractive, Command, Connections, Marks- of a gentleman her husband had done business with
man, Filthy Rich in the past: Mr. Haberdrant of 22 Arcadia Avenue,
Hindrances: Obligation (Minor) an unsavory fellow of low stock and questionable
Gear: means. But his ability to track down hard to acquire
• Derringer (2d4 damage, Range: 3/6/12, RoF: 1, antiquities was never questioned. It was this
Shots: 2. −2 to be Noticed if hidden. A gift from an gentleman that helped Mr. Lilliamont acquire the
eccentric aunt) two Nemo pages.

As the characters are finally excused and allowed to MR.

leave the party, they will be met at the door by the
Lilliamont’s butler, Harry Perkins. The characters

will have noticed that Perkins has been helping the
injured, answering police questions, and looking

over Lady Lilliamont, who has been allowed to
retire to a private chamber of the library while the
police continue their investigation. Perkins explains
that “My lady wishes your presence before you Day or night, the lowly-looking hovel in an
depart.” unsavory part of London’s East End appears to be
a hotbed of activity. Cutthroats, purse snatchers,
The study is a simple private reading room, and the beggars, and on occasion, the strange sight of
Lady sits with a tray for tea set up nearby. She rises a gentleman can be seen entering the doors and
when the players enter and offers them tea, while leaving a short time later hurrying away. If the
apologizing profusely for the disturbance. It takes characters simply try to enter the establishment the
no Awareness roll to realize that the lady is irate mammoth form of an obese, toad-like man standing
over the attack on her husband, and she’s hiding her nearly seven feet tall meets them as they enter,
feelings as best she can. and he demands they leave unless they have an
appointment. Mr. Haberdrant doesn’t bother with
A Notice or Persuasion check reveals that Lady bodyguards or servants. His towering, blubbering
Lilliamont is tired, scared, angry, and fearing for her form is intimidating enough to scare any of the local
husband’s life. For her to call this meeting instead toughs away, and his reputation for violence keeps
of rushing to her husband’s hospital bedside clearly the better-trained bone breakers at bay.
shows how important she feels this meeting is.
Nothing short of a raise on a Persuasion or
She expresses her thanks for anyone that came to Intimidation check at -2 will allow the characters
her aid and will fuss over anyone that was injured to cow Mr. Haberdrant, who makes his living
while protecting her. After a few moments she intimidating others.
explains that this affront upon her husband cannot
go unanswered. The proper authorities will do what A simple bribe of a handful of pounds (three pounds
they must, but she is calling upon this group to do per person who enters his establishment) will find
more. She will offer them money, access to her the characters greeted with affection, offered a dirty,
husband’s private library (an interest to members of uncomfortable chair, tea from a chipped cup, and
the Invisible College who may be wishing to learn thrice-used tea leaves.

Mr. Haberdrant is unfamiliar with the villains The characters can spend the day preparing for that
behind the attack on Mr. Lilliamont, who Mr. night’s auction, or they can attempt to learn further
Haberdrant expresses his best wishes towards his information from informants. With a successful
recovery (he seems earnest in his sentiments), but Persuasion or Intimidation check, characters
he wishes that the thugs be apprehended and dealt with the right Connections Edge learn that the
with harshly. underworld community is very quiet, but excited
about the upcoming auction. One raise allows the
A Notice check will reveal that Mr. Haberdrant character to learn that every power broker in the
seems more upset about the method that the robber underworld has been sent a personal invitation
used than in the robbery itself. If confronted on to the underground auction. Two raises allow the
his demeanor, he will state simply that the flashy character to learn that an unknown gang is making
theatrics debase the fine art of robbery and turn a power play, and tonight will be the showdown
it into a circus act that brings about far too much between the established purveyors of crime in
attention. London and this new upstart group.
After just a few questions, intimidating tactics,
acts of aggression, or attempts to reason with this
criminal mastermind he’ll abruptly begin laughing
loudly. “Enough, the address will cost you the
same as it has cost everyone else this morning 25
pounds, hard money, no letters of credit please.” If As the characters arrive near 1870 Nedland
the characters pay, he’ll hand them a large envelope Way, they will view a lot of activity as horse and
which weighs about eight ounces and feels as if carriages are being maintained by well-dressed
it contains a hand mirror. “It’s a black-tie affair. servants, the lowest street cretins obviously acting
Tonight. 11PM sharp. The password is: HETZEL. as lookouts (no roll necessary to notice), and a few
hard-looking bully boys standing in front of the
warehouse doors to the auction site. The characters
Mr. Haberdrant will not be allowed into the warehouse until they
Quote: “Sit down. Let us do business like civilized have shown their paddle, in which case the biggest
people.” of the door thugs gives a crooked smile showing his
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d10, many broken and blackened teeth. Characters who
Strength d6, Vigor d6 try to enter the warehouse without an auction paddle
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driv- will be stopped at the door and denied entrance with
ing d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Persuasion d8, a promise of physical violence if they do not leave
Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4 immediately.
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Edges: Connections A successful Intimidation check will allow the
Hindrances: Obese (Minor), Ugly (Minor) character to browbeat the door thugs into allowing
Gear: them entrance or allow characters with criminal
• Browning High Power Revolver (Range: or law-enforcement backgrounds to use enough
12/24/48, 2d6 damage, RoF: 1, Shots: 7 names associated with illicit activities to convince
the thugs to allow them entrance. A successful
Persuasion check at -2 will allow the character
Inside the envelope, the characters discover a slip entrance as (s)he hoodwinks the doorman.
of paper with an address: 1870 Nedland Way.
Characters with a criminal or law-enforcement
backgrounds will be familiar with this area of
docks. It’s an area of illicit trade, black marketing,
drug dens, and a hotbed of criminal activity. The
object is an auction paddle with the number 20 on
it. If the players should acquire further paddles from
Haberdrant, the numbers will all be unique.

Thug woman whose visage is completely covered by a
Quote: “If yer name’s not on the list, yer not veil is none other than Lady Lilliamont in disguise.
getting’ in.”
A finely dressed man takes the podium, and blows
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength shrilly into a Bosun’s whistle, calling the party-
d8, Vigor d6 goers to order.
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fight-
ing d8, Intimidation d8, Persuasion d4, Notice d4, “Good day...ahem...ladies and gentlemen...” he says,
Shooting d6, Stealth d4 with a wink at several of the most uncouth-looking
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 creatures.
Edges: Brawny, Brawler, Menacing
Hindrances: Ugly (Minor) With a successful Smarts roll, the characters realize
Gear: that the voice of this gentleman is that of “Robin
• Browning High Power Revolver (Range: Hood.”
12/24/48, 2d6 damage, RoF: 1, Shots: 7) The man continues his introduction by explaining
• Sap (Str+2 damage) the rules of the auction: all items will be paid for
on completion of the auction. All items are paid for
Once inside the warehouse, the characters will see in cash, no exceptions. Anyone caught engaging
a brightly lit, palatial interior. The finest rugs of the in “the trade” while attending the auction will be
Orient cover the floors, each chair in the audience treated as a deadbeat bidder. Anyone who fails
is a plush, low-backed affair of immense comfort, to immediately pay for an item they have will be
and high, glass chandeliers cover the entire room considered a deadbeat bidder and will be dealt with
in an elegant glow that flutters as drafts from the in a manner that will leave them as a truly dead
door opening and closing caress the candles’ flames. bidder. Then he brings forward the man responsible
A stage has been erected in front of the audiences’ for the evening’s auction. A male figure dressed
chairs, and a podium and gavel stand empty upon sharply in a fine, flowing robe and a full mask that
it. There are several professional-looking thugs covers everything but his eyes comes forward from
in attendance, dressed smartly in tuxes, and all behind a partition set up behind the stage. The
carrying truncheons; a few near the stage have entire mask is covered in a copy of the eye symbol
firearms in hand. Each of these men wears the that has been seen on the cloisonné pins of the
same cloisonné pin in the shape of an eye that the henchmen. The masked man welcomes his guests
servants at the library attack wore. There are no to this unique auction. He introduces himself as the
windows, the walls are all slightly rounded, and “All-Seeing Eye” and expresses hope that everyone
overall gives the impression of a ship’s interior. will enjoy the auction. As he begins to turn to leave,
A Notice check will allow a successful character the disguised Lady Lilliamont will stand up and
to realize that the interior of the warehouse has the point her parasol at the masked man and exclaim
look, feel, and dimensions of an immense room “For the honor of my husband I shall see you dead,
aboard a ship. sir.” Her parasol lets out a crack as the built-in
derringer unloads its single bullet. Even if the
The crowd is a melting pot of the criminal elements players have come to her side this should come as a
of London and much further afield. Sadistic-looking shock. If the players stop her from firing the bullet,
men whose preferred form of communication she claws furiously at them before having a minor
appears to be sneers and grunts drink wine breakdown until her stiff British upbringing brings
alongside fine gentlemen of good breeding. her back under control.

Characters with a law-enforcement or criminal Regardless of Lady Lilliamont’s outburst, as soon

background can use Notice to spot several key as the masked figure bangs the gavel announcing
members of the underworld, while more refined the opening of the auction, two of the thugs begin
characters can use the same check to character to to bring out an astounding-looking cannon-like
pick out several influential members of high society.
A raise will allow the characters to realize that a

weapon, which the masked man describes as one as a massive window that looks out upon the
of Nemo’s greatest inventions, the Light Lance, warehouse’s walls, but not for long as the massive
and gets no further into his description as the zeppelin that has been disguised as a part of the
doors of the warehouse burst open and several warehouse begins to ascend into London’s night
police constables begin piling in with truncheons sky.
While the ship is rising into the air, the characters
The auction turns into a mad house as everyone have to deal with the Light Lance-wielding
begins scrambling to get out; the bobbies are henchmen, as well as the other henchmen that
pushed back outside as a wave of London’s criminal have been left to deal with the bobbies (one and a
element surges forward. A few bobbies manage half henchmen for each character rounded down
to keep to their feet and begin attempting to bring should be sufficient for a formidable fight). Lady
order to the madness when the henchmen (use the Lilliamont will engage the thugs as best she can
Merry Men template from above) carrying the Light while aiding the characters. The characters should
Lance turn it on the bobbies. be able to overpower the thugs in a few rounds, but
as they begin to get their bearings they will see that
LIGHT LANCE the All-Seeing Eye has set his disguised zeppelin on
a crash course for the Big Ben clock tower.
So heavy it must be carried by two men, this
immense weapon is a primitive (but reproducible) The characters must wrest the controls of the
terrestrial version of the dreaded Martian Heat Zeppelin from the desperate madman bent on
Ray. It has a spherical chamber pierced with what destroying all of those aboard. He’ll curse the
appear to be several ventilation holes, with in a characters for their interference and promises that
short, squat barrel protruding from it. It produces they will pay for their meddling. As the characters
an ominous hum as its inner mechanisms charge. begin to overpower the All-Seeing Eye, he’ll smash
The exquisitely beautiful, 4” wide shaft of light that a blinking green button on the console, which
emerges from the barrel is nonetheless quite deadly, triggers a series of small explosions.
causing terrible, searing wounds.
“The controls are now worthless, the explosives
The All-Seeing Eye runs behind the partition behind in the chandelier will set off the hydrogen in the
the stage, lets out a hideous cackling laugh, and the zeppelin, between the explosion and the wreckage
entire warehouse begins to rumble, shake, and jolt... everyone aboard and below will perish, and of
upward. Several people are knocked off their feet. course that clockwork eyesore will no longer plague
the skyline of London further. Let me go, and I will
It will require a reflexive Athletics check for stop this destruction.”
characters stay on their feet. Unsuccessful
characters are knocked to the floor for several A Notice check allows a character to know the All-
rounds equal to how much they failed this roll by Seeing Eye is lying.
(for example, failing by 3 = 3 rounds attempting to
get to their feet). As the characters attempt to regain control of the
The stage shifts, the partition behind the stage
falls over, crashing into the podium revealing a A successful Driving check at -2 allows a successful
large wheel like that of a nautical ship, as well character to regain some control of the zeppelin. A
raise allows the character to narrowly miss the clock

Light Lance

Type Range Damage AP RoF Shots Min Weight

Light Lance Notes: 50/100/200 3d6+4 4 1 10-20 d12 200
Snapfire, Three Round
Burst, Two Hands

tower. Regardless, the characters have an enemy in the
All-Seeing Eye, if he managed to escape, or the
If the characters can manage to reach the chandelier, second in command of this mysterious new criminal
they will find an extensive array of wires that appear element in London.
to be hooked to multiple explosives arranged all
around the ship. Characters should receive an Advance if they
successfully foil the All-Seeing Eye.
A Repair check at -2 will allow the character to
defuse the explosives.
The All-Seeing Eye
During the scuffle, the attempt to right the zeppelin, Quote: “None are hidden from the searing gaze of
fighting off any other henchmen the GM may wish the All-Seeing Eye!”
to throw at the characters, and the attempt to defuse
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
the explosives, the All-Seeing Eye will attempt to
Strength d6, Vigor d6
get away by jumping out of a window or a hatch
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Fight-
(escaping to plague the characters at a later time if
ing d6, Persuasion d10, Notice d6, Shooting d8,
the GM wishes). However, as he attempts to flee,
Science d8, Stealth d4, Weird Science d8
a character may grab the mask (if the All-Seeing
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Eye hasn’t already been unmasked) otherwise the
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science), Com-
mask catches on a piece of wreckage and his face is
mand, Connections, Marksman, Filthy Rich
revealed: Geoffrey George Lilliamont. The GM may
Hindrances: Secret (Major)
wish to substitute another NPC as the All-Seeing
Eye that better fits their campaign.
• Small Revolver: 2d6 damage, Range: 10/20/40,
RoF: 1, Shots: 6.
The surviving characters are thanked by Lady
Lilliamont, if she survived, who is in shock that her
own husband was the culprit that tried to have her
killed. The Lady can become a benefactor, ally, or
contact to the characters.

The police will want an explanation and may

even arrest the characters believing that they
had something to do with this whole thing. Lady
Lilliamont may come to their aid and manage their
release. A GM who wants to lead directly into the
next adventure may have Mr. Haberdrant arrange
their release, but only if they investigate a certain
matter for him.

Format (2D6)
2 Quest/Voyage
Even the most creative Game Masters occasionally
need help. With that in mind, we present a series of 3 Horror
tables for use either as inspiration, or to randomly 4 Mystery
generate the bones of an adventure. Using the tables
and tools presented below, the busy GM can create a 5 Chase/Hunt
plot, threat, plot twists, action scenes and locations.
Exactly what those elements are is up to the GM to 6 Heist/Infiltration
flesh out, but each table comes with suggestions and
examples to help you on your way. 7 Protection

8 Romance/Passion
THE FORMAT 9 Intrigue
First off, let’s determine exactly what kind of
adventure we’re creating. Adventures in Pulp 10 Drama
Fantastic can come in several flavors, each of which 11 War/Conflict
shapes the plot. Each format presents the characters
with different challenges, obstacles and goals. In 12 Disaster!
some adventures, the heroes must battle hordes of
thugs before facing their master, while in others
stealth, cunning or detective work might provide the
key to victory. HORROR
QUEST/VOYAGE There are terrible things in the dark places of the
Earth, and sometimes those things come briefly
The heroes must travel to find their goal, into the light. When they do, the heroes are all that
overcoming multiple obstacles and opponents stand between them and a world that would be
along the way. A quest can be anything from a driven mad simply by knowing they exist. Eldritch
scavenger hunt set by a mad bomber to a trip Abominations and their insane cultists, alien
across pre-war Europe in search of the clues to a monstrosities, intrusions from beyond the grave, the
high-placed enemy spy, to an expedition into the products of twisted science or dark magic, or a truly
jungle in search of lost cities and fabled treasures. twisted criminal mind are all suitable opponents for
Regardless, a quest should incorporate a variety of a horror scenario. Encounters with horror should
locations, encounters, obstacles and enemies, giving create feelings of fear, uncertainty and helplessness
every character in the party a chance to shine. in the hearts of even the most stalwart of heroes,
and work best in environments which isolate the
characters or separate them from their normal
surroundings, friends and support networks.

cultists, protecting a vital witness against mob
MYSTERY assassins, transporting a ultra-rare crystal to a secret
These scenarios are essentially puzzles for the laboratory or chaperoning a spoilt teenage heiress
heroes to solve. A theft has taken place, a murder or in a foreign land; the heroes have it, and the villains
some other monstrous crime has been committed, want it.
and the heroes must find out how it was done,
why it was done, and who did it. The scenario ROMANCE/PASSION
should present the heroes with a wide array of
suspects and facts from which they must sift the A romance doesn’t necessarily mean a love story
truth, pinpointing those with the means, the motive – in its classical sense the word means “the feeling
and the opportunity to commit the heinous deed. of excitement or mystery that you have from a
The challenge of the scenario should be in the particular experience or event”. In this case the
interpretation of the gathered information (some of scenario is driven by emotion – good or bad – and
which may be false), rather than in the gathering of may not involve the heroes’ hearts directly. Perhaps
the information itself. the heroes have to smooth the path of true love, or
mitigate the fall-out between feuding parties when
two lovers abscond. Perhaps the driving emotion is
CHASE/HUNT hatred or vengeance, and the heroes have to prevent
Unlikely the Mystery, the Chase/Hunt scenario is a wronged innocent from becoming a murderer in
not about identifying the target, but about tracking her quest for revenge.
her down and catching her. The target is on the
move and actively avoiding her pursuers. Perhaps INTRIGUE
the target is a spy moving through war-torn Europe,
an escaped criminal or madman. Perhaps he is a Intrigue scenarios tangle the characters in a web
disease carrier, unknowingly spreading a virulent of deceit, half-truths, betrayal and manipulation.
plague, or simply an innocent abroad who must The heroes should never be sure who they can
be retrieved before enemies find him and exploit trust in their search for the truth, what that truth
him for their own advantage. Regardless, the chase is, or even why it is important. Like the Mystery,
should involve lots of opportunity for high-speed the characters must sift out the truth from the lies,
pursuit, thrills, and perhaps even some broad in an environment where everyone has their own
comedy! agenda. Intrigues cloak everyone’s motives – could
the brutish thug be protecting someone from a sense
of duty or love, or is it just money? Once the true
HEIST/INFILTRATION villain is uncovered, the heroes must find a way to
Somewhere well-protected, there is a MacGuffin, prove it or face the prospect that their opponent may
and the heroes need to get it, overcoming not just escape justice, but win!
formidable obstacles in order to do so. Perhaps they
are being blackmailed, perhaps they need to retrieve DRAMA
something before the villain steals it, or perhaps
the MacGuffin is already in the hands of evil and Like the Romance, Drama is driven by motive, but
the heroes must find a way to get it back. These focuses more on moral choices and values than
scenarios are all about the gathering of intelligence, emotion. Dramas involve putting good people in
the planning of the mission, creativity in the face bad situations, where the decisions they make may
of adversity... and quick thinking when it all goes not always be the best and where there may not
horribly wrong. even be a “right” answer. Faced with supporting
the rightful king of a foreign land against fascist
spies, what will the heroes do when they discover
PROTECTION that their allies still own slaves? Will they aid the
Something, somewhere, requires protection, and spirited freedom fighters, or the regime that has
it’s the job of the heroes to provide it. Whether promised sanctuary in the coming war? When faced
it’s being bodyguards to an obnoxious visiting with a dire enemy in desperate need, will the heroes
dignitary, guarding a hidden temple against offer the hand of friendship, or take revenge for

past crimes? The choices they make will make the Why – What’s the Villain’s motive?
difference between triumph…and tragedy.
Where – Where does the action take place?
WAR/CONFLICT Let’s start with the Villain...
In the lull since the Great War, the world has been
largely at peace, but those with their eye on the WHO?
future know this cannot last. Armed conflict is part
Almost every Pulp Fantastic adventure needs a
of human nature, and in Europe and other parts of
villain. Roll below to find yours, and refer to the
the globe, the storm clouds of war are gathering
chapter on Villains, page 139.
once again. In a War scenario, the heroes are
dragged into an armed struggle on a large or small The Villain (3D8)
scale. Perhaps they’re trapped in the no-man’s land
between nations, or in the midst of a prolonged 3 The Foreign Mastermind
fight between rival gangs, corporations or families.
4 The Mad Scientist
A War scenario could pit the heroes against armed
thugs trying to drive innocent farmers off their land, 5 Arcane Experimenter
or against tanks and war machines rumbling through
city streets. Blood has been spilled, and now the 6 The Cult Leader
heroes must fight for what’s right.
7 The Demagogue
DISASTER! 8 The Anti-Villain
In a normal high stakes scenario, the heroes
must fight to prevent disaster, usually caused 9 Nazis/Communists
by the villain, from claiming lives and causing
10 The Cursed
property damage. In a Disaster scenario, the
damage has already been done, and now the 11 The Corrupt Corporate
heroes must do what they can to stop the situation
from getting worse, by aiding those affected and 12 The Dragon Lady
preventing others from taking advantage of it.
In these scenarios, the environment itself is the 13 The Necromancer
enemy, having turned against mankind in some
14 The Baroness
way. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis,
tornadoes and meteor strikes; all can turn the world 15 The Occult Rogue
of the heroes upside down. In an environment
where the basic structures that maintain life have 16 The Masked Terror
been swept away, even finding food and cleaning
drinking water can be a challenge. Can the heroes 17 The Master Spy
rise to the occasion and provide the stability and
support the survivors need? 18 The Great Dictator

19 The Mob Boss

THE BASICS 20 The Fiend
Now we know what kind of tale we’re weaving,
21 The Man-Made Monster
let’s build the basic elements; Who, What, How,
Why and Where? 22 The Mangler
Who – Who is the Villain? 23 Cryptid/Dinosaur
What – What is the Villains nefarious plan? 24 Fantastic Creature
How? – What is the Villain’s method?

WHAT? The Target (3D6)
3 A Building
Now we’ve identified the villain, we need to
understand what it is they’re trying to do. For this 4 A City
we present two tables; the first determining the
action the villain is perpetrating, and the second the 5 A Country
target of the action.
6 A Loved One
The Action (3D6)
7 A MacGuffin (A secret formula, Mystical
3 Blackmail/Extort
artifact, Weird invention)
4 Control/Manipulate 8 A Supernatural Power/Monster

5 Corrupt 9 A VIP/Someone Famous

6 Create/Discover 10 An Anomalous Region

7 Cripple/Scar 11 An Enemy/Rival

8 Expose/Reveal 12 Innocents/People

9 Hunt 13 Money

10 Infiltrate/Spy On 14 The Establishment

11 Kidnap/Hijack 15 The Hero/Heroes

12 Kill/Destroy 16 The World

13 Ransom 17 Treasure/Jewels/Art/Drugs

14 Sell 18 Roll twice and combine

15 Smuggle
To determine the Nefarious Plot, simply roll for
16 Steal/Acquire
the Action and the Target. When the rolls provide a
17 Terrorize result that either doesn’t make sense (even for the
Pulps!) or fails to provide some inspiration, simply
18 Roll twice and combine roll again.

For example: A roll of 14 for the Action and 17 for

the Target gives us “Sell” and “Treasure/Jewels/
Art/Drugs”. Clearly the villain has gotten his hands
on something precious and has decided to auction it
off to the highest bidder. A roll of 11 for the Action
and 12 for the Target gives us “Kidnap/Hijack” and
“Innocents/People”. The villain has decided that
her plan requires hostages, and plans to kidnap a
large number of ordinary civilians. A roll of 12 for
the Action and 16 for the Target gives us that old
standard “Destroy the World”...

HOW? Weird Science
Once you have determined what it is the villain is The villain employs or seeks new and barely
trying to do, let’s get an idea of how they are trying understood marvels of science in this plot.
to do it. Advanced weapons, exotic toxins, engineered
diseases and bizarre inventions may all play a part.
The Method (1D6)
1 Crime
Even though the Pulps often had simple plots, most
2 Deceit/Trickery
villains had motives beyond simply being evil. Very
3 Force few villains ever see themselves as anything other
than the heroes of their own story. Roll on the table
4 Subversion below to find out what’s driving your villain.

5 The Occult
The Motive (3D6)
6 Weird Science
3 Curiosity/Knowledge

4 Envy/Greed
5 Fame/Status
The villain intends to accomplish his or her goals
by the tried and tested methods of blackmail, theft, 6 Hedonism/Experience
coercion, or some other purely criminal enterprise.
7 A Mistake
8 Justice
The villains’ plan involves a con, grand lie or some
kind of elaborate ruse. 9 Love/Faith

10 Madness/Fear
11 Power/Ambition
This plan involves the use of brute force to
overwhelm the villains’ opponents. 12 Pragmatism/Necessity

Subversion 13 Pride/Patriotism

Treachery, subversion and destroying the enemy 14 Revenge/Hatred

from within are the hallmarks of this type of plan.
15 Social/Scientific Advancement
The Occult 16 Force/Trickery
This plan involves dark rites, pacts with the forces 17 To Achieve/Escape Destiny
of evil, and perhaps even the aid of Eldritch
Abominations. If your campaign world doesn’t 18 Money/Payment
include the supernatural, this plan simply involves
the semblance of such things, as part of an elaborate

Curiosity/Knowledge Madness/Fear
The villain is driven by the desire to know; either With madness as a motivation, villains have no
scientific zeal or sheer curiosity. Is the villain an choice but to do what they do. The way they see the
amnesiac, searching for answers, or obsessed with world is at odds – perhaps – with the way it really
discovering the answer to a scientific or occult is. They cannot be reasoned with or talked down,
riddle? What will the consequences of success be? because their actions make perfect sense to them in
the world inside their minds. Fear similarly warps
Envy/Greed the villains’ world view, justifying their actions as
self-defence. And what if they’re actually right?
Two of the simplest motives to understand, greed
and envy can be easy to underestimate. What is the Power/Ambition
villain envious of? What are they greedy for?
While the lust for power as an end to itself is a
Fame/Status cliché, perhaps the GM should define what it is
the villain actually wants to achieve? Power for
The egomaniac villain is a cliché for a reason; you the sake of power is boring, but power in order to
have to be a certain kind of special to call yourself complete a specific task or achieve a goal is more
“The Crimson Claw”, after all. Perhaps the villain interesting.
is simply an attention seeker, who wants his name
splashed across the headlines? Perhaps she wants Pragmatism/Necessity
respect from her peers in the circle of villainy?
“You can’t make an omelette without breaking
Hedonism/Experience some eggs” is the mantra of the pragmatic villain.
They see themselves as doing what is necessary,
One of the most dangerous motivations is boredom, no matter how unpleasant it may be. Siwang Lung
or the search for thrills. Villains driven by this will (the infamous “Death Dragon”) is a perfect example
go to any lengths to get their kicks. of this; a man who has seen what is coming and
will do anything he can to protect the entire human
A Mistake species, no matter the cost to individuals.

The villain has made an error, and the heroes have Pride/Patriotism
to deal with the consequences. Perhaps the villain
has assumed the heroes are on to him, or has The proud or patriotic villain is motivated by love
mistaken an accident for deliberate interference? of country, creed, culture, race or simply himself
Perhaps they’ve miscalculated in the construction and his achievements. Clever heroes can use this
of a weapon and now need help to stop it before it pride against the villain.
destroys the world?
The desire for revenge or sheer hatred are both
Another dangerous motivation. The villain feels that classic villain motivations. The GM needs to know
she, or someone she cares about, has been wronged, what is being avenged, and against whom this
and is out to balance the books. Villains motivated vengeance is sought. Perhaps the vengeance would
by a desire for justice can often feel justified in
be justified in the eyes of the heroes, if it weren’t for
committing the most heinous acts.
the collateral damage strewn in the villains’ wake?
Hatred is less likely to be laudable, but the question
Love/Faith of what or who is hated and why should still be
Even villains can have finer feelings, whether considered. What if the object of the villains’ hatred
romantic love, the love of family and friends, or is a corrupt government or the perpetrators of a
faith in a cause or higher power. How will the long-buried crime?
heroes react when they learn that the villains’ deeds
were driven by the purest of emotions?

Social/Scientific Advancement WHERE?
Altruism is an unusual motive for a villain, but the Now we need to determine where the adventure
“ends justifies the means” outlook is what separates is set. The Pulps were full of globe-trotting
them from the heroes. What if the villain is seeking adventurers, so don’t be afraid to yank your heroes
a cure for a crippling and horrific disease, but his out of their comfort zone and send them halfway
experiments require the use of unwilling subjects? across the world, or beyond!

Force/Trickery Location (1D6)

The villain is either acting against her will due 1 The Big City (see below)
to coercion or desperation, or has somehow been
tricked into her latest act of villainy. The interesting 2 The Sticks (see below)
factor here is what or who is doing the forcing or
3 On the Road (see below)
trickery, and what it is they hope to achieve? The
revelation of coercion can be used to illustrate the 4 Foreign Climes (see below)
villains’ secret weakness, or inner humanity.
5 Strange Horizons (see below)
To Achieve/Escape Destiny
6 Other
There is no doubt that villains and heroes are people
of destiny, whether they choose to embrace it or
deny it. Either way, their efforts to achieve or escape
their destiny can have wide-reaching effects. Heroes
are often the subjects of prophecy, but what if the
villains are too?

If money isn’t always the root of all evil, it can
certainly water those roots. In this case the villain
is motivated by money or the desire for payment.
Perhaps they need funds to finance their latest plan,
or are simply acting as mercenaries for a wealthy
client? Can they be trusted to carry out their task, or
are they planning to double cross their employer (or
is the employer planning to welch on the deal once
the deed is done)?

The Big City (5D6) The Sticks (3D6)
5 Uptown 3 Farming Heartland

6 Downtown / Business District 4 Deep Forest

7 The Docks / Warehouse District 5 Desert

8 City Park 6 Jungle

9 Theatre District 7 Mountains

10 University Campus 8 Rural Backwoods

11 Museum/Library/Art Gallery 9 One Horse Town

12 City Hall 10 River

13 Sewers/Subway Tunnels 11 Cabin in the Woods

14 Slums 12 Beach

15 Chinatown 13 Isolated Island

16 Rooftops 14 Natural Wonder

17 Construction Site 15 Ranch Land

18 Factory District 16 Swamp/Bayou

19 Airport 17 Canyons

20 City Zoo 18 The Lakes

21 Amusement Park

22 Church/Cathedral
On the Road (1D6)
23 Cemetery 1 On the High Seas
24 Shopping District 2 The Ocean Depths
25 Suburbs 3 Flying the Friendly Skies
26 Courthouse 4 The Orient Express
27 City Jail 5 Behind the Wheel
28 School/College 6 Sleeping beneath the Stars
29 Hospital

30 Sports Ground/Arena

Foreign Climes (2D6) The Hook (3D6)
2 The Mysterious East 3 Layover

3 Darkest Africa 4 Error

4 Continental Europe 5 Mission from God

5 South America 6 Favor/Obligation

6 Steaming Jungle 7 Rain of Frogs

7 The Cold Wastes 8 Shadow of the Past

8 Paradise Islands 9 Hearts Desire

9 Majestic Mountains 10 Too late!

10 The Empty Quarter 11 In Media Res

11 Ancient Ruins 12 Accused

12 Anomalous Region 13 Under Attack

14 Body in the Library

Strange Horizons (1D6) 15 Hired Hands

1 Another Plane/Dimension 16 Help Me!
2 Another Time 17 Extra! Extra!
3 Another World 18 Oh, the Humanity!
4 Outer Space

5 The Bottom of the Sea Layover

6 The Bowels of the Earth The heroes are travelling somewhere, and on their
way they accidentally arrive at the scene of the
action, which may or may not be related to the
reason they were travelling in the first place. Lay
THE HOOK over scenarios are good fillers to slip in as part of
a larger campaign or series of adventures, and can
Now that you’ve defined who the villain is and the be used as a palate cleanser or change of pace, or to
details of their nefarious plot, let’s take a look at give the heroes the chance to test themselves on a
the Hook, or exactly how you’re going to draw the lesser opponent before meeting the real villain.
heroes into the adventure.
Regardless, having arrived, there is usually little
chance of escape. Perhaps the ocean liner the heroes
are travelling on is overrun by pirates, the hotel they
are spending the night in is the lair of a homicidal
maniac, the sultry woman at the bar is really a spy
who has slipped stolen microfilms into a hero’s
pocket. Perhaps the characters are becalmed, ship-
wrecked or simply trapped on a transatlantic flight
with an Eldritch Abomination. Whatever the source

and location of the problem, it’s not what they were protected a hero’s secret identity, or tipped them
prepared for, but it has to be dealt with before they off to a villain’s plans. The hero owes them, and
can move on. they’ve come to collect.

Error Rain of Frogs

Through no fault of their own, the characters have Something weird and apparently inexplicable has
stumbled into something, and now they’re up to happened that is related in some way to the villain’s
their necks in it. Perhaps they saw something they nefarious plot. Perhaps a lake has mysteriously
shouldn’t have, have been mistaken for somebody frozen over in high summer, as the result of testing
else, walked through the wrong door in Chinatown, a new freeze ray, or an ultrasonic signalling device
helped the wrong person fend off an attacker. has caused every bird in the city to drop dead. In the
Somebody, somewhere, made a mistake, and now case of supernatural or paranormal villains, it may
the heroes have to clean it up before someone cleans be something as bizarre as a literal rain of frogs!
them up!
Shadow of the Past
Mission from God
Everyone has a past, including the heroes, and this
The heroes have been enlisted by a higher power kind of scenario involves the consequences of it
(the President of the USA, J. Edgar Hoover, Santa returning anew. This can be either an unaddressed
Claus, the Crown Prince of Ruritania, etc.) to plot thread from an earlier adventure, fallout from a
complete a task. While they can refuse, the higher previous scenario or something from a hero’s deep
power could easily make life very difficult for the background. Scenarios like this can give players
heroes if displeased, and can bestow great favour if and GMs the opportunity to fill in the gaps in their
properly cultivated. characters backgrounds.

Favour/Obligation Heart’s Desire

The heroes need something from someone, and in Everybody wants something. This scenario is driven
return that someone wants something doing. Like by desire; desire for a specific object, a person
the Mission from God scenario, the heroes are given or a state of being. Whatever it is, it overrules
a task to complete. Unlike the Mission from God, everything else for the character, robbing him of
they’re more invested in its completion. Perhaps logic and rationality. Others may choose to use that
they need an antidote for a rare and exotic poison, weakness to control him, either by offering to give
or a map showing the location of a lost temple. him his heart’s desire, take it from him, keep him
Perhaps they need evidence proving the identity from it or destroy it. Perhaps the heroes are enlisted
of a spy, or a chunk of Element X to power a new to retrieve it, promised great rewards if they can
invention. Whatever it is that they need, the GM recover it. Perhaps the MacGuffin is the object of a
must be careful to balance its value to the players hero’s desire, setting her against her comrades.
with the difficulty and risk of the task they are being
asked to perform. Of course, it’s always possible Too late!
that they won’t be told the complete truth about the
task and its risks. In this scenario, the heroes arrive on the scene too
late. The crime has been committed, the nefarious
The flip side of Favour is Obligation. This kind of plot successfully executed, the ritual completed
scenario is driven by the heroes’ sense of honour. or the wonder weapon test-fired. The heroes
Sometime in the past, someone did them a favour. have failed, and now they must deal with the
They’ve got red in their ledger, and now it’s time to consequences. Can they put things right, or stop a
balance the books. A face from the past has come bad situation from getting worse?
calling, and they need something, playing on the
memories of former glories to enlist the heroes’
help. Maybe they saved a hero’s life during the
Great War, or rescued a loved one. Maybe they

In Media Res of those who help them quite as highly as they
Scenarios of this kind start with the heroes already
in the thick of things. The bullets are flying, the Help Me!
monsters are battering down the door, the dirigible
is about to blow…then pause the action and let the Perhaps the simplest hook of all. The heroes have
players figure out exactly how this mess got started, received a plea for help from someone involved or
and how it’s going to end. affected by the villains’ nefarious plot.

Accused Extra! Extra!

Somehow the heroes have ended up on the wrong The heroes are drawn into the adventure by an
side of the law. Accused and beset on all sides item in the news; either in print or on the radio.
by former friends and allies, can they prove their Something about the item draws their attention,
innocence and uncover the real perpetrator of the perhaps a bank robbery by a man thought long
crime. Worse, what if they really are guilty, but the dead, or a burglary using the modus operandi of a
crime itself is not what it appears to be? Were they thief currently lounging in jail. Perhaps someone
discovered hammering a stake into the body of a is behaving out of character, such as a brutal killer
vampire, now indistinguishable from a mortal man? rescuing a kitten, a respectable city official beating
Have they been framed as part of an arch-enemy’s a hobo, or a noted wit and socialite being distracted
diabolical scheme? Worse, will the revelation of and lost for words.
their innocence betray a greater secret? Is their
reputation in tatters, or does the general public Oh, the Humanity!
believe in their story?
A terrible disaster has occurred, either because
of, or related to, the villain’s nefarious plot. The
Under Attack characters must investigate the disaster, and in so
Someone, somewhere, is gunning for the heroes. doing, uncover the villain’s plans.
The forces of evil have decided to sweep them
from the board, perhaps in preparation for the SUPPORTING CAST
commencement of the villain’s master plot. Friends,
allies and loved ones are no longer safe as the bad Every adventure needs a cast of supporting
guys come looking for them. These scenarios are characters, from nameless extras to “special guest
often a good opportunity to flesh out (or trim!) the stars”. Use the following tables to help create bit
supporting cast, and can often give a campaign a players for your Pulp Fantastic adventure. Most
much-needed shake-up. adventures will have between 1 and 6 supporting
characters, but you can use these tables to create
as many as you like. Roll once on each table
Body in the Library to determine their Personality, Description and
The heroes have stumbled across a corpse. Who is Occupation.
it? What killed them, how did they die, and why?
Finding the solution to these questions leads the
heroes into the adventure proper.

Hired Hands
As hired hands, the heroes have been promised fair
payment for their services. What form this payment
comes in (and whether or not they can trust their
employer) is up to the heroes to decide. Just be
aware that anything described as “easy in, easy
out” rarely is! The problem with employers is that
they don’t always value the health and well-being

Personality (5D6) Description (5D6)
5 Active 5 Beautiful/Handsome

6 Aggressive 6 Big

7 Agreeable 7 Demonstrative

8 Argumentative 8 Elderly

9 Brave 9 Elegant

10 Cautious 10 Fat

11 Charming 11 Foreign

12 Cheerful 12 Fragrant

13 Cynical 13 Local

14 Clever 14 Nervous

15 Cowardly 15 Poor

16 Distracted 16 Quiet

17 Dominant 17 Relaxed

18 Eager 18 Robust/Healthy

19 Flippant 19 Scruffy

20 Focused 20 Sickly

21 Grouchy/Dour 21 Small

22 Impulsive 22 Smelly

23 Indolent 23 Stoic

24 Naive/Stupid 24 Strong

25 Passive 25 Thin

26 Selfish 26 Ugly

27 Selfless 27 Uptight

28 Serious 28 Weak

29 Shifty/Sleazy 29 Wealthy

30 Submissive 30 Young

Occupation (5D6) For example: A roll of 19 for the Personality, 15 for
the Description and 18 for the Occupation gives us
5 Builder an “Eager, Poor Mechanic”, perhaps a guy or gal
who loves to tinker but doesn’t have much business
6 Bum/Hobo
sense. Rolls of 9, 21 and 16 gives us a “Brave,
7 Business Owner Small Loafer/Informant”, maybe a plucky little
street urchin with vital information.
8 Con Artist
Occasionally rolling on these tables will give you a
9 Doctor/Nurse result that doesn’t make sense no matter how hard
you think about it. When this happens, simply re-
10 Entertainer roll one or more of the elements.

11 Farmer ACTION!
12 G-Man/Operative Every Pulp Fantastic adventure needs some action.
To start the creation of your action sequence, roll on
13 Law Enforcement
the table below.
14 Lawyer
Sequence Type (1D6)
15 Librarian
1 Chase (Heroes Pursued)
16 Loafer/Informant
2 Chase (Heroes Pursuing)
17 Lunatic
3 Escape
18 Mechanic
4 Fight
19 Occultist
5 Infiltration
20 Pilot/Driver
6 Obstacle Course
21 Politician

22 Pretty Face (male or female) The Obstacle Course option represents action
sequences dominated by traps, snares and concealed
23 Scholar/Academic or unexpected environmental hazards. For example,
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade features a
24 Scientist
sequence where the hero must use brains, brawn
25 Servant and courage to navigate a series of traps to save
his father. The other sequence types are self-
26 Shop Worker explanatory.

27 Soldier/Sailor Once you’ve determined the type of action

sequence, roll on the tables below to determine the
28 The Idle Rich number of participants and what factors will affect
the sequence.
29 Thug/Lowlife

30 Working Stiff

Participants (1D6) Misunderstandings
1 1-2 per Hero Action sequences can be complicated enough
without some well-meaning member of the public
2 3-4 per Hero
or officer of the law mistaking your desperate battle
3 5-6 per Hero to recover the vial of plague bacillus for a simple
backstreet mugging.
4 6-10 per Hero
Need for Secrecy
5 10-20 per Hero
An interesting complication for an action sequence
6 Hordes! is when it needs to take place without anyone else
knowing about it. Perhaps the desperate struggle
is taking place backstage at an important theatrical
Factors (1D6) performance, or the guard must be subdued without
1 Dangerous Terrain alerting his comrades in the isolated mountain
2 Fixed Route/Rails
Rough Terrain
3 Innocent Civilians/Bystanders
Unlike Dangerous Terrain, Rough Terrain merely
4 Misunderstandings
forces the participants to use their agility and
5 Need for Secrecy dexterity to remain upright. Chases or fights on
shifting sands, loose cobble-stones, rain or oil-
6 Rough Terrain slicked streets, all counts as Rough Terrain.

Dangerous Terrain
No plan of action ever survives contact with the
From the sword fight on a tilting platform above enemy, and no scenario ever goes entirely as
a river of molten lava, to the high-speed chase written. Just when the heroes think they’ve got
through a mine-field, the Pulps are full of action things all figured out, shake things up with an
sequences where the environment, as well as the exciting plot twist.
villains, are capable of killing the heroes.
Fixed Route/Rails
The activities of the characters – heroes or villains –
Many action sequences can be complicated by cause something very bad to happen, or something
limiting the options available to both heroes and very bad happens in spite of the characters. An
villains. Chases can become exercises in tactical earthquake or volcanic eruption rocks the area,
awareness rather than speed when conducted along there’s a horrific industrial accident, the dam bursts,
the waterways of Venice, or through underground disease strikes the area, famine or drought run
passages with limited exits. Fights can become rampant. Perhaps there’s a supernatural or Weird
brutally deadly when conducted in confined spaces. Science aspect to the disaster; a plague of flies or a
mysterious rain of mutagenic fluid. Now the heroes
Innocent Civilians/Bystanders have to fight not only the villains, but the effects
of this catastrophe as well. Will they pursue their
Collateral damage is the favourite phrase of some vendetta, or will they join forces with their foes
villains, and often the heroes must fight to protect for the greater good? Will their enemies flee or try
the public as well as themselves against a desperate to turn misfortune to their advantage, or will they
and unscrupulous adversary. Civilians often turn display a shred of human decency and help their
up at the worst possible moment. Why don’t those enemies?
glaziers ever park on the correct side of the street?

Plot Twist! (3D6) Format Shift
3 Catastrophe! This plot twist literally twists the plot into a whole
new shape, changing the nature of the adventure.
4 Betrayed!
Select or roll again on the Format table to discover
5 Reversal of Fortune just how the format shifts. Perhaps the Mystery
becomes a Chase, as the villain flees from justice,
6 Format Shift or Protection becomes Romance as the prince the
heroes are guarding falls in love with a hero. Maybe
7 Scene Shift the Heist becomes Horror as the heroes realise that
not all of the MacGuffin’s guards are human, or
8 Villain Shift even alive…
9 My Only Weakness!
Scene Shift
10 Surprise!
Probably the simplest plot twist occurs when the
11 Nothing is what it seems! action moves to an unexpected location. The spy
flees from New York to the Himalayas, the trail
12 Flashback! of the kidnappers’ leads from the glitzy high-rise
apartments of Uptown to the dank tunnels beneath
13 On the Horns of a Dilemma the city streets, the assassin flees through a mirror
into another dimension, or the plane crashes into
14 Oops!
an Anomalous Region full of White Apes and
15 Dramatic Consequences dinosaurs. The relocation allows the GM to bring
new characters and obstacles into the adventure
16 Smokescreen and gives different heroes a chance to shine. To
determine the new location, roll again on the tables
17 Fortean Event in the WHERE section.
18 Roll twice and combine
Villain Shift
Another classic plot twist, this one involves the
Betrayed! revelation that the villain is not who the characters
thought she was. Perhaps she is actually trying to
In this plot twist, someone switches sides in a stop the heroes from dying at the hands of someone
dramatic and (hopefully) unexpected fashion. Why else, or perhaps she has been posing as another
have they done this? Were they working for the villain in order to frame them, draw the heat away
other side all along, or have they had a crisis of or simply throw the heroes off-balance. A variant
conscience? Are they being coerced, and if so, how? on this is that the villain is who they seem, but
that there’s another force behind them; the deadly
Reversal of Fortune phantom warrior is being summoned to kill by a
powerful sorcerer, the death-dealing robot is doing
Lady Luck is a fickle creature, and she proves it
the bidding of a mad scientist, the murderous ape is
with this plot twist. Whoever luck has favoured so
under the control of a psychotic animal trainer, or
far, finds themselves abandoned for their enemies,
the horribly strong somnambulist is the hypnotized
and vice versa. Perhaps the authorities decide the
slave of an evil mesmerist.
heroes aren’t moving fast enough and withdraw
their cooperation, or a sudden storm traps them in
port as the villain makes her getaway.
My Only Weakness!
Everyone has a weakness, and somehow the villain
has found out – and worse, knows how to exploit
– that of the heroes. Perhaps the villain knows

the heroes’ secret identity, or knows who their On the Horns of a Dilemma
loved ones are. Perhaps the villain can deactivate
the heroes’ advanced weaponry, or possesses the The Pulp Era is known (only somewhat
strange extra-terrestrial mineral that robs a hero of inaccurately) for the simplicity of its morals,
his powers. Regardless of its nature, the villain can but modern players are often more demanding.
somehow circumvent the heroes’ primary strength, Sometimes it’s dramatically satisfying to confront
whether it be strange powers, wealth, status, Weird the heroes with an ethical or moral dilemma, or just
Inventions or some other advantage. Now the a simple choice that will alter the direction of future
heroes must figure out how to triumph without adventures. If an enemy has brought much-needed
access to their most favored tactics…if they can. stability to a blood-soaked area of the world and
helped its people attain health and prosperity at the
Surprise! cost of only a few personal freedoms, should the
heroes still sail in guns blazing? With a murderer
During the adventure, the heroes discover escaping, is it better to stay and save the life of his
something that forces them to re-evaluate past victim, or leave them to die knowing that should
events, beliefs or relationships. Perhaps a murderous the villain escape even more will fall to his blade?
vigilante turns out to be a heroic vampire slayer, or When the heroes discover that a powerful senator is
an unassuming librarian and friend is revealed as a a Nazi-sympathizer and evil mastermind, is it better
former villain. Perhaps a hero is revealed to be the to make the facts public, or should he be dealt with
lost heir of a forgotten kingdom, or a strange visitor quietly, for the morale of the people?
from another world. Clever GMs will plant the
subtle seeds for this kind of revelation in advance. Oops!
Nothing is what it seems! Somebody screwed up. Maybe it’s the heroes,
maybe it’s the villain. Whoever it is, their actions
Everyone makes mistakes, and in this scenario the have had unintended consequences, and now
heroes realise that the assumption they have made everyone is running for cover. Perhaps the black
have been wrong all along. Allies may be revealed magician overestimated her ability to control the
to be enemies, enemies to have just causes or be Eldritch Abomination, and now it is ravening
innocent victims. Now the heroes have to deal with through the cave complex, eating hero and villain
both the original problem and any damage they may alike. Perhaps the powerful mechanical man has
have caused along the way. developed a mind of its own and has declared war
on all flesh. Perhaps the Earthquake Gun has gone
Flashback! off inside the secret volcano base, and now Blood
Island is shaking itself to pieces. The bigger and
This plot twist can be tricky, but if run well is weirder the adventure, the greater the possibility for
immensely satisfying. The players get to play entertaining (and terrifying!) screw-ups.
through an earlier series of events, either as their
earlier selves, or as other characters entirely. The
flashback could be any time from a few hours
Dramatic Consequences
to several hundred years ago, depending on the Like On the Horns of a Dilemma, this plot twist
needs of the story. Perhaps the heroes uncover a faces the heroes with the consequences of their
manuscript in the course of their investigations, actions, except in this case they don’t have much
which relates the adventures of past heroes facing in the way of choices. Overthrowing the evil
the same threat in ancient times. Perhaps it’s as dictator frees his people, but opens the field for his
simple as recounting the true events of a murder as opponents (who may turn out to be worse), and
they characters rattle their way across Europe on the causes political, economic and social chaos. Perhaps
Orient Express. Perhaps the events of the current the war machine bearing down on the city is full
adventure will remind the heroes of notable or of hostages hard-wired to the device, and time is
similar events in their own past, giving the players a running out. Perhaps the mad scientist they’ve just
chance to play their heroes as they were when they foiled was researching a cure for the disease that
were just starting out on the path of adventure and is killing a hero’s loved one. Doing the right thing

(or the least wrong thing in some cases) can trash To Be Continued…
a hero’s reputation. Do they make that sacrifice, or
step back and let things be? The adventure ends, but the heroes know that they
have unfinished business. Perhaps the villain is
Smokescreen defeated, only to reveal that another, more powerful
villain was the real power behind the throne, or his
This plot twist reveals that what the heroes thought loyal and fanatical henchman escapes to try and
was the plot is actually a con, a blind for the free him another day. Perhaps the heroes recover a
villains’ real agenda. Having been duped thus far, mysterious artifact, Weird Invention or ancient map
can the heroes recover and stop the true nefarious which will lead to new adventures. The adventure
plot? To determine the actual plot, re-roll on the isn’t over quite yet, and there’s a sequel in the
tables in the WHAT, HOW and WHY sections. offing.

Fortean Event Showdown

Much like the Hook Rain of Frogs, something The adventure ends in a pitched battle between the
bizarre happens, related in some way, to the forces of good and evil. Whether in massed combat
nefarious plot. GM’s can choose to use these against a horde of mooks, or a sword duel against
strange happenings to help ratchet up the tension, an evil mastermind atop a burning dirigible; when
perhaps using a crimson moon as an omen of an the dust finally settles, all the heroes’ problems will
approaching Eldritch Abomination, or a ground be resolved.
tremor and the howling of dogs as a portent of the
completion of an Earthquake Machine. Chase
THE CLIMAX With defeat on the cards, the villain flees, with the
heroes in hot pursuit. Using cunning, guile and a
The heroes have overcome obstacles, solved puzzles variety of vehicles and locales, the villain leads the
and triumphed against the odds. Now it’s time for heroes on a merry chase through narrow, twisting
the finale. Using the following table as a guide, let’s streets, down rough rapids or through dank tunnels
work on crafting a memorable conclusion to the filled with pitfalls and traps. Can the heroes catch
adventure. him before he gets away or leads them into a trap,
and if they do, can they hold him?
Climax (2D6)
2 To Be Continued... Race against Time
3 Showdown This adventure ends with the heroes dramatically
challenged to perform a complex task in a given
4 Chase time. Perhaps there’s an Element X bomb on a timer
hidden beneath the White House, or a horrific occult
5 Race against Time
ritual close to completion. Perhaps a homing beacon
6 Here comes the Cavalry! needs to be shut off before the Martian war fleet
arrives, or the Seismic Disruptor deactivated before
7 Amazing Escape it triggers a major fault line. Maybe a gang of
kidnappers will dispose of their hostage if a ransom
8 Duel of Wits isn’t paid, or a blackmailer release the information
that could bring down a dynasty. Regardless, time is
9 Revelation of the essence, and the characters need to deal with
any complications quickly before the deadline hits.
10 Extraction/Rescue

11 Pyrrhic Victory Here comes the Cavalry!

12 Special Effects When all is lost; the shadows seem blackest and
crowded with enemies, the villain has apparently

triumphed, the heroes succumb to thirst and sink dark secret from an ally’s past. Perhaps the secret
to the desert stands…the cavalry arrives! This weakness of a major villain – or hero – is revealed.
kind of ending can be tricky – few players enjoy GMs should take care to ensure that the knowledge
being rescued – but if run well can turn despair to thus gained carries sufficient dramatic weight to
celebration. The GM should be careful to set up the satisfy the players and reward their efforts.
possibility of rescue in advance, so that the players
know if they can just hold out long enough, help Extraction/Rescue
will arrive. In this way, the focus is not on having
someone else swoop in to save the day, but on the The adventure ends with the retrieval, extraction
endurance and determination of the heroes. or rescue of someone or something. Perhaps the
heroes have recovered a stolen isotope or invention,
Amazing Escape or freed the kidnapped child of a famous scientist.
Maybe they need to spring a wrongfully imprisoned
This climax involves the heroes in a daring escape ally from captivity, liberate the victims of horrible
from danger. Very few players enjoy running away experimentation or steal a notebook from a heavily
from the bad guys, but in this case it is life or death. guarded safe. In this scenario, careful planning and
Perhaps they have to flee a burning skyscraper, a intelligence gathering is essential, and the heroes
secret base about to self-destruct, an island in the should be rewarded for completing the mission
throes of a volcanic eruption, a flooding submarine and ensuring the safety of whatever it is they’re
on its way to a watery grave, or a doomed city in rescuing.
the path of an (apparent) meteor. Regardless of
the cause, the path to safety should be strewn with Pyrrhic Victory
obstacles for the heroes to overcome; panicking
civilians, vengeful henchmen, stampeding Victory often comes at a terrible price, and in this
animals, locked doors, impassive robot guards and climax it’s the heroes who must pay it. Perhaps
bottomless ravines. the ancient talisman that closes the portal can only
be activated by a human sacrifice, or the timer on
Duel of Wits the bomb is destroyed, necessitating that someone
stay behind to detonate it. Maybe someone needs
Like the Showdown, the Duel of Wits is a contest to cover the retreat of the escaping heroes, fending
between hero and villain. Unlike the Showdown, off the villainous hordes until freedom is attained.
this is a battle of minds. Perhaps the villain wants Pyrrhic victories do not always have to involve
to convince the heroes of the righteousness of her the death of a hero. Often they can revolve around
cause, perhaps she simply wants to recruit them. the sacrifice of her dreams, or her last chance at
Maybe he challenges the heroes to prove their redemption. Even in situations where death is
own righteousness through debate, in the hope that likely, the hero can survive, instead paying the price
he can reveal some hidden hypocrisy. Maybe she through heavy injury, loss or madness.
is simply too powerful to defeat through normal
means, and must be fought with the subtler weapons Special Effects
of the mind. Perhaps the heroes need to talk the
villain down and save his soul, to convince him that Roll again for the climax, and give it an incredible,
violence isn’t the answer, or possibly they need to Technicolor spin. Instead of a simple chase, have
trick him into incriminating himself. the pursuit use magical artifacts or Weird Inventions
to use mirrors as portals. Instead of simply
Revelation unmasking a killer, have him accused by the spirit
of his victim. Perhaps when the villain prepares to
This climax involves the disclosure of secret deploy his mystical gem, the heroes can use their
knowledge. Perhaps the heroes uncover some collected power to usurp control. Instead of a mere
sanity-blasting truth about the true nature of the duel between hero and villain, have it take place
world, or discover proof of the villain’s secret on an eroding rock platform floating in a pool of
identity. Perhaps a previously unknown relationship molten lava. Make the Duel of Wits a literal battle
is brought to light (“I…am your father!”), or a of minds on the psychic plane, or the Amazing

Escape a flight through a collapsing dreamscape Once we’ve assembled the elements above, let’s go
or pocket dimension. On the surface these are back to the advice of Lester Dent and check things
just cosmetic changes, but they can transform a for consistency;
mundane ending into one the players will remember
for a very long time. • Does it have SUSPENSE?

• Is there a MENACE to the heroes?

PUTTING IT ALL • Does everything happen logically?
Now we have all the elements needed for your
Dent advises that we “shovel more grief onto
adventure, let’s take a look at how best to put them
the hero.” Roll for a second action sequence and
another plot twist to lead us into Act Three. Once
again, let’s check for consistency;
THE FOUR ACT • Does the second part have SUSPENSE?
STRUCTURE • Does the MENACE grow like a black cloud?
Lester Dent, the prolific pulp writer and creator of • Are the heroes getting it in the neck?
the legendary Doc Savage, created a “Master Plot”
for writing pulp adventures, in which he advocated • Is the second part logical?
dividing the story into four parts – or “acts” – for
the purposes of building dramatic tension. That’s ACT THREE
what we’re going to do here. You can, of course,
choose your own structure depending on your needs Repeat the steps for Act Two. This time, the Action
and those of your players. Sequence should directly involve either the main
villain, or a senior lieutenant, and the plot twist at
First, roll on the tables for the Format and the the end should hit the heroes hard. When checking
Basics (the Who, What, How, Why and Where). for consistency, consider the following;

ACT ONE • Does it still have SUSPENSE?

Following Lester Dent’s advice, we need to “swat • Is the MENACE getting blacker?
the hero with a fistful of trouble. Hint at a mystery,
• Do the heroes find themselves in a hell of a fix?
a menace or a problem to be solved--something
the hero has to cope with.” Further, we need to • Does it all happen logically?
“introduce ALL the other characters as soon as
possible. Bring them on in action.” Towards the
end of the act, the “Hero’s endeavours land him in
an actual physical conflict” and there should be “a In the fourth and final act, all the pieces should be in
complete surprise twist in the plot development.” play. Lester Dent’s advice is;
Roll for the Hook to see how we’re going to Shovel the difficulties more thickly upon the
involve the heroes in the adventure. Then we can hero. Get the hero almost buried in his troubles.
roll to create the Supporting Cast, paying particular (Figuratively, the villain has him prisoner and has
attention to any results that seem especially fitting him framed for a murder rap; the girl is presumably
or “juicy”. Finally, we roll to create the first Action dead, everything is lost, and the Villain is about
Sequence, and roll for a Plot Twist to set the scene to dispose of the suffering protagonist.) The hero
for Act Two. extricates himself using HIS OWN SKILL, training
or brawn. The mysteries remaining – one big one
held over to this point will help grip interest – are

cleared up in course of final conflict as hero takes his tribe for a crime he didn’t commit. By selling
the situation in hand. Final twist, a big surprise, their prized artifact, he feels that he is obtaining
(This can be the villain turning out to be the justice in some way. The format is a chase or hunt,
unexpected person, having the “Treasure” be a dud, so let’s say that the villain has the artifact and is
etc.) laying low before his buyer turns up, and the heroes
have to track him down.
Roll for the Climax and another Plot Twist on
the tables above, but be prepared to ignore these ACT ONE
based on the actions of the players and the needs
of your plot so far. When reviewing the results for The Hook: 6 (Favor/Obligation)
consistency and plot holes, consider the following;
Supporting Cast:
• Has the SUSPENSE held out to the last line?
• 10 (Cautious), 19 (Scruffy), 16 (Loafer/
• Has the MENACE held out to the last? Informant)

• Has everything been explained? • 17 (Eager), 19 (Scruffy), 18 (Mechanic)

• Did it all happen logically? • 12 (Cheerful), 17 (Relaxed), 9 (Doctor/Nurse)

• Is the ending enough to leave the players with • 15 (Distracted), 30 (Young), 7 (Business
that WARM FEELING? Owner)

• Did God kill the villain? Or the heroes? • Action Sequence: 2 (Chase – Heroes Pursuing),
1 (1-2 Participants per Hero), 1 (Dangerous
You now should have everything you need to create Terrain)
your own exciting Pulp Fantastic adventure!
Plot Twist: 10 (Surprise!)
EXAMPLE Act One begins with the heroes needing

ADVENTURE something, in return for which they are tasked with

investigating the theft of the artifact. I’m going to
say that they need something related to the artifact
THE BASICS itself – perhaps it bears an inscription that carries
clues to the identity of a supernatural threat they
• Format: 5 (Chase/Hunt) are facing. The supporting cast include a cautious,
scruffy loafer (a wary, poorly-dressed ranch hand
• Who: 16 (The Mangler) who doesn’t seem to do much actual work, but
knows more than he’s telling), an eager, scruffy
• What: 14 (Sell), 7 (A MacGuffin) mechanic (she keeps the ranch’s trucks and tractors
• How: 2 (Deceit/Trickery) running, and is always smeared with engine oil
and grime), a cheerful, relaxed doctor (the town
• Why: 8 (Justice) doctor, comfortable in his work and who doesn’t
take life too seriously) and a distracted young
• Where: 2 (The Sticks), 15 (Ranch Land) business-owner (the owner of the ranch where the
villain works, fresh to the ranching business after
So, this adventure takes place outside of the Big the original owner’s sudden death at the hands of
City, on ranch land. The villain is a Mangler, the villain, and greatly harassed by his or her new
perhaps a hulking ranch-hand with the ability to responsibilities).
break a man’s back with his bare hands. He intends
to sell a MacGuffin – let’s say an ancient Native The action sequence is a chase, with the heroes
American artifact – which he’s obtained through pursuing across dangerous terrain. Clearly they
trickery, because he feels wronged in some way. He get on the trail of the villain quickly and he sets
is himself Native American, and was expelled from off through rough country (perhaps winding,

rocky canyons infested with rattlesnakes and other The plot twist sends the adventure in a whole
hazards) to avoid them, with his accomplices. new direction, turning it into a horror tale. The
aggression released during the fight triggers the
The plot twist is the surprise revelation that the long-dormant Manitou of the artifact, which drives
villain really was innocent of the crime for which he the townsfolk to ever-greater acts of rage and
was cast out of the tribe. He was a love rival with hatred.
the original ranch owner, who framed him, and the
loss of his love has forever blackened his heart. Can ACT FOUR
the heroes save his soul, or is he irredeemable?
Climax: 5 (Race against Time)
Plot Twist: 11 (Nothing is what it seems!)
Action Sequence: 1 (Chase – Heroes Pursued), 1
(1-2 Participants per Hero), 3 (Innocent Civilians/ Bloodied but unbowed after their battle with the
Bystanders) possessed townsfolk, the heroes must recover the
awakened artifact before it spreads its dark cloud
Plot Twist: 14 (Oops!) of rage across the state, and perhaps the continent.
Can they defeat the villain and destroy the artifact
This is interesting. The action sequence for Act in time?
Two has the heroes being pursued, with the same
number of participants and the added complication The plot twist reveals that this whole thing has
of onlookers. Perhaps the heroes have managed to happened due to the subtle manipulation of the
retrieve the artifact and are now racing back to town town’s doctor, who has secretly been under the
with the villain in hot pursuit! influence of the Manitou for years and wants
to release it to restore the land to the Native
The plot twist is that someone has made a big Americans!
mistake, with unfortunate consequences. I’m going
to say that there’s an accident during the chase
through town, which involves innocent civilians.
While the heroes try and help out, the villain
recovers the artifact and escapes.

Action Sequence: 4 (Fight), 4 (6-10 Participants
per Hero), 4 (Misunderstandings)

Plot Twist: 6 (Format Shift)

New Format: 3 (Horror)

Things are heating up nicely now. Act Three

contains an action sequence that involves a
fight, with a large number of participants and a
misunderstanding. As a result of the accident, the
town’s populace turns against the heroes (perhaps
with the help of the villain urging them on),
resulting in a mass brawl.


several flaws, but when dealing with the mystical
alternate history that is Pulp Fantastic, it has several
plot points that can be reused.
As it was a time of growth for mass media,
especially printed matter, the 1920s and 1930s were Doc Savage, The Man of Bronze. This first Doc
a time where much was written, and later, much Savage movie was developed in 1975 by the veteran
was written about. Almost any subject on the era producer George Pal, who is also responsible for
has a great variety of tomes and articles covering it. the War of the Worlds and The Time Machine
Most anything a GM needs for running a game or adaptations. It is not the best movie in the world,
creating ambiance can be found in print – or on the but it does allow people who are not familiar to see
Net. These references are by no means exhaustive, what The Man of Bronze is all about.
but they are both informative and fun, or simply
available. King Solomon’s Mines. There are several versions of
the classic H. Rider Haggard adventure novel. There

are DVD editions of the earlier versions (1937 and
1950). Please don’t watch the 1985 version with
Richard Chamberlain first – you won’t get the story
Nothing will prepare you better for running and/or at all. There’s also a 2004 version.
playing a pulp game than watching a pulp film or
television show. Bear in mind that we didn’t select Allan Quatermain and the City of Gold. Sequel to
this material based solely in its quality – some King Solomon’s Mines and much more visible.
of these movies and shows are BAD! Everything Quatermain searches for a lost city.
will have some redeeming quality, however, being
atmosphere, plot, slang, sets, or production values. Firewalker. Lou Gosset, Jr. and Chuck Norris
are the adventurers in this 1980s adventure film,
Raiders of the Lost Ark. The definitive pulp hero following the dreams of a beautiful girl through an
movie. This movie pits our hero against Nazis and imaginary South-American country.
the search for the mystical Ark of the Covenant.
Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins. A failed start
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Prequel to for a series of films based on The Destroyer series
Raiders. Great villains and the Temple of Doom is a of novels.
truly hellish setting.
Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Jones seeks Dimension. A cult classic from 1984, this movie
the Holy Grail aided by his father. Evil Nazis and a shows a hero and his companions in the style made
fanatical secret society oppose him. famous by Doc Savage: Buckaroo Banzai and his
Hong Kong Cavaliers, scientists and rock stars.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal They battle monsters, aliens, a mad scientist and
Skull. Famed archaeologist/adventurer Dr. Henry criminals bent on conquering the world.
“Indiana” Jones is called back into action when
he becomes entangled in a Soviet plot to uncover Romancing the Stone and Jewel of the Nile.
the secret behind mysterious artifacts known as Kathleen Turner at her most beautiful and Michael
the Crystal Skulls. This has been classified by the Douglas as a reluctant (anti-)hero. Adventure and
fan base as a non-Indiana Jones movie, and it has exoticism galore.

Zone Troopers. WWII soldiers deal with an invasion The Librarian: Return to King Solomon’s Mine.
from space in the Italian theatre of operations. Hitler Librarian-turned-adventurer Flynn Carsen
himself appears in this B-movie. endeavors to find King Solomon’s mines.

The Shadow. This entertaining adaptation of the The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice.
radio incarnation of the classic pulp hero, which After retrieving the Philosopher’s Stone at an
does a nice job of presenting a war between two auction but losing his girlfriend, the librarian
rival psychics with mesmeric powers. Flynn Carsen has a breakdown. In this adventure
he travels to New Orleans, meets a Vampire and
The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. Big time recovers the most precious gift of all time, the cup
adventure, extreme fun, distilled pulpery in both of Judas.
The Librarians. TV series that picks up where the
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Laura Croft: Tomb original trilogy leaves off. Flynn Carsen and a team
Raider The Cradle of Life. Angelina Jolie plays the of new librarians help retrieve items worldwide.
computer game heroine.
Tomb Raider (2018). Alicia Vakander plays Laura
Relic Hunter. A TV show focusing a modern-day Croft in this reboot movie based on the video game
treasure hunter. characters.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Fabulous Hooten and the Lady. A British Lady and an
imagery in this amazing recreation of a 1940s serial American adventurer travel the globe searching for
in just one movie. lost artifacts in this modern day setting.
The Phantom. The comic strip hero brought to the Blood and Treasure. A former FBI agent, and
big screen starring Billy Zane. his ex-girlfriend master thief, are on the hunt for
the sarcophagus of Cleopatra. They investigate
Hellboy. Mike Mignola’s hero – another comic book
a mysterious Nazi train and try to stop a terrorist
from weaponizing the remains. Would make a good
Hellboy 2: The Golden Army. Mike Mignola’s hero adventure containing the Thule Society, among
returns for another story adaptation. other organizations.

Hellboy (2019). Mike Mignola’s hero brought to the Warehouse 13: A TV series where a group of
big screen again in a reboot. individuals work for a secret (government)
organization. They spend their time protecting
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Heroes humanity from those things that must not get out,
from Victorian novels meet up to fight villains. It full of artifacts, Tesla guns, and magic. Even H.G.
is different from the comic of the same name, but it Wells makes an appearance. While modern, it
can be quite enjoyable. like The Librarians is very pulpy in its scope and
Sahara. Another modern day adventure movie,

Matthew McConaughey and Penelope Cruz seek
out a disappeared Civil War ironclad. It doesn’t
resemble the novel except in basic plot and name,
but it is an enjoyable way to kill a couple of hours. Terry and the Pirates, by Milton Caniff, was
one of the most popular comic strips of the 30s.
The Librarian: The Quest for the Spear. When the Adventures in China in their war against invading
Spear of Destiny is lifted from his library, a meek Japan. The look is very realistic, and the strip
librarian sets out to ensure its safe return. To do so, includes some of the more iconic characters in the
however, he enlists the service of a woman with pulps: Pat Ryan, the hero adventurer; The Dragon
exceptional martial arts skills - who becomes the Lady, slinkiest of femme fatales; Terry Lee, boy
enforcer in the relationship. growing up into hero.

Little Orphan Annie by Harold Gray. A very long advertising, they had persuaded the star author to
lived comic strip, run for almost 50 years since its write another series.
inception in the 1920s. Cliffhangers galore, Annie
has some of the most accomplished pulp heroes as Pseudonyms weren’t at all uncommon in the
allies. business. Lester Dent himself wrote stories under
his own name in the same magazine. And it was
Flash Gordon by Alex Raymond. The best of not unusual for authors to have several pen names.
science fiction comics (today it would be called Sometimes this was to differentiate works in
science fantasy), the landscapes, creatures and different styles. John W. Campbell wrote universe-
starships in this strip would live in the imaginations crashing, super-science space-opera under his own
of several generations. name and poetic, visionary stories under the name
Don A. Stuart. Biographies, bibliographies and

THE GENRE other references may list authors under their real
name or one or more of their pseudonyms.
The Hero Pulp Index, by Robert Weinberg and Lohr
McKinstry. A comprehensive index of the pulp
magazines. Difficult to find, since very few were These are usually paperback. Note that even most
printed. reprints are out of print and are hard to find, so
be prepared for some leg work in secondhand
The Shudder Pulps, by Robert Kenneth Jones.
Horror and weird menace pulps in a global
Doc Savage: His Apocalyptic Life, by Philip José SUPERHERO
Farmer. A biography of the Man of Bronze, and
his sidekicks, nemesis and ancestry (which include The Avenger. Warner Books began reprinting the
several fictional heroes). Avenger series in paperback in June of 1972, and
all 24 original stories are now available. Beginning

THE PULP with #25, the books are not reprints, but original
stories written in the mid-seventies. The reprints

MAGAZINES are fairly scarce, but the new stories (which are
generally more far-fetched than the originals) are
not too difficult to find -- some used book stores
Although many pulp stories have been reprinted
have several copies.
over the years, many thousands more weren’t.
Probably the only way to find some of the stories in Doc Savage. Beginning in 1964, Bantam set out to
the magazines is to collect them, a hobby many find reprint the entire series of Doc Savage stories. They
enjoyable. Some magazines may be found for little began with #1, The Man of Bronze, but broke the
money, especially the later pulps of the late 40s and original order immediately, following it with The
the 50s, but count on paying a tidy sum for early Thousand-Headed Man (originally #17), Meteor
work of the most famous magazines. Still, many are Menace (originally #13), and so on. They reprinted
appearing on the internet or in CD collections from nearly 100 of the stories before switching to two-in-
prices ranging from nothing to very cheap. one novels (hard to find) and finally choosing to do
the Doc Savage Omnibus series, currently in print.
Usually, the pulp publishers made use of house
Hard to find.
names. Street & Smith, for example, used the house
name Kenneth Robeson for Doc Savage stories, The Shadow. There are several reprints of The
written by Lester Dent (who wrote the majority), Shadow stories. However, beginning in September
Norman Danberg, Alan Hathaway or William 1963 there were several new stories published by
Bogert, as well as for their Avenger series written by Belmont Books using the same house name of
Paul Ernst. It became so famous that the publisher Maxwell Grant. This Shadow does not resemble
started a detective series for another magazine under the original pulp character. In 1969 Bantam Books
it, to be written by Lester Dent - According to the (happy with the success of their Doc Savage

reprints) began to reprint the original Shadow the name Jules de Grandin in the title (such as The
stories, which was short lived due to poor sales. Adventures of Jules de Grandin, the first book).
Pyramid Books reprinted some in the 1970s, and Recently the entire Jules de Grandin canon was
HBJ/Jove reprinted several (with excellent Steranko reprinted in five hardback and e-book volumes from
cover art) beginning in the late 70s. With over 300 Night Shade Books. Easy to find.
original Shadow stories in the pulps and many
reprints out, it shouldn’t be too difficult to put Lovecraft and Others. Perhaps the ultimate horror
together a fair collection. writer of the age, H.P. Lovecraft’s most famous
stories revolve around Things Man Was Not Meant
The Spider. In 1969, Berkley Books began to To Know -- the Cthulhu Mythos stories. Lovecraft
reissue the Spider in its original order. The first penned over a dozen by himself, and collaborated
two (by R.T.M. Scott) were not written in the same on many more. Many of his peers (August Derleth,
action-packed style as the rest of the Spider stories Robert E. Howard, Frank Belknap Long, Clark
(written by Norvell Page), and so the reprint series Ashton Smith and Robert Bloch, just to name a few)
was doomed to failure. It lasted through The Spider wrote stories set against the same backgrounds,
Strikes, The Wheel of Death, Wings of the Black providing hundreds of Eldritch Horrors for a horror
Death, and City of Flaming Shadows. Hard to find. campaign. The most famous Lovecraft stories
are The Call of Cthulhu, The Dunwich Horror,
AVIATION/WAR The Shadow Over Innsmouth, At the Mountains
of Madness (set in Antarctica), The Shadow Out
G-8. In the late 1960s Berkley Books began to of Time and The Thing on the Doorstep. All are
reprint the G-8 series. Even with terrific cover art available in anthologies. There is also an extensive
by Jim Steranko, the series failed to make it past the collection of Lovecraft’s letters, many of them to
first three: The Bat Staffel, Purple Aces, and Aces of other pulp writers; they are a good look into the
the White Death. Hard to find. world of the pulps.
Dusty Ayres. The reprints of these pulp aviation Robert E. Howard wrote extensively and in
stories (in which most of the world has been many pulp genres. Because of the success of the
conquered by the sinister Evil Eyes and his Black Conan stories, almost anything with Howard’s
Invaders) began in the 1960s by Corinth Books. name on it would sell; collections of his westerns,
It only last through five books: Black Lightning, boxing stories, weird menace adventures and
Crimson Doom, Purple Tornado, The Tesla Raiders, spicy stories (very mild by modern standards, but
and Battle Birds versus the Black Invaders, a series considered near pornography in the 30s) have all
of short stories. been published. Suggested is the new series from
Ballantine Books such as The Coming of Conan
HORROR/WEIRD MENACE and The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane. The series
Millennium Fantasy Masterworks has all Conan
Doctor Death. Reprints of a short-lived Horror/ stories in two volumes.
Weird Menace/Crimefighting magazine with
a villainous central character, Jonathan Death
paperback series (Corinth) was equally short-
lived. The series includes Twelve Must Die, The Operator #5. A series of reprints from Corinth
Grey Creatures, The Shrivelling Murderers, and Books following the adventures of Operator #5.
a collection of short stories, Stories from Doctor There are eight books: Legions of the Death Master,
Death. The Invisible Empire, The Army of the Dead,
Master of Broken Men, Hosts of the Flaming Death,
Jules de Grandin. Several of the Jules de Grandin Blood Reign of the Dictator, March of the Flame
stories (by Seabury Quinn) were reprinted by Marauders and Invasion of the Yellow Warlords. A
Popular Library in the mid-seventies with a science ninth book, Legions of Starvation, was announced,
fiction classification. Although they are horror but never printed.
stories, you might get some results if looking in the
science fiction department. The reprints contained Secret Agent X. Corinth also reprinted the exploits
several stories (usually 5-7) and usually included of Secret Agent X, another master of disguise. The

series includes The Torture Trust, Servants of the The Hard-Boiled Detective, edited by Herbert
Skull, Curse of the Mandarin’s Fan, City of the Ruhm. Another excellent collection of pulp tales,
Living Dead, The Death Torch Terror, Octopus of almost all reprinted for the first time in years.
Crime, and The Sinister Scourge.
Carrol John Daly may have invented the hard-boiled
Fu Manchu. Pyramid Books has reprinted many of detective; he was certainly one of the first to write
the Fu Manchu stories beginning with The Insidious of them. He was the most popular writer in Black
Doctor Fu Manchu (originally The Mystery of Fu Mask and contributed to several other magazines.
Manchu) in 1963. They have gone through several
printings, most recently from Titan Books, so they Raymond Chandler learned to write as a pulp
are fairly easy to find. Rohmer also wrote many contributor; most of his stories have been reprinted.
other books; most have been reprinted in paperback
Dashiell Hammett actually worked as a detective
and show up at the used-book stores.
before taking up writing about them. His
The Saint. Leslie Charteris began the chronicles Continental Op is the very definition of the pulp
of Simon Templar, the modern Robin Hood, in detective. He often mixed detective stories with
the 20s, and continued them for decades. In the other pulp genres.
30s, the Saint frequently visited America. The
Saint is a classic pulp hero in many ways: strong, SCIENCE FICTION
handsome, honorable, good with weapons. He is
also clever; he prefers to outwit rather than outgun Science Fiction of the 30s, edited by Damon
the opposition. The Val Kilmer movie of the 1990s, Knight, has not only a fine selection of stories but
while entertaining, was not an accurate portrayal of reproduces the original illustrations and has brief
Charteris’ Saint. notes on the writers and history of the magazines.

Before the Golden Age, edited by Isaac Asimov. A

ADVENTURE/ good example of what Science Fiction was before
EXPLORATION John W. Campbell, complete with Asimov’s own
notes about what it was like to write science fiction
Pellucidar. This series of stories by Edgar Rice for the pulps.
Burroughs is set in the world of Pellucidar, a land
in the center of the earth. GMs can use it as is, or The Lensman and Skylark of Space books, all by
exploit it for ideas for lost world adventures. E.E. Smith, Ph.D. Classic space opera, with heroes
and villains much larger than life and superscience
Professor Challenger. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The galore.
Lost World and other Professor Challenger stories
also excellent sources of pulp ideas for exploration GENERAL
campaigns centered around a hidden world or lost
civilization. Most were reprinted several years ago The Pulps. This compilation of pulp stories from
and can still be found second-hand. various genres (edited by Tony Goodstone) also
contains color reproductions of several pulp covers.
DETECTIVE STORIES The scarcity (and cost) of many of the old pulp
stories makes this valuable to GM and players alike.
The Hard-Boiled Anthology, edited by Joseph T.
Shaw. Shaw was the editor of Black Mask from There’s plenty of other stories reprinted, often in
1926 to 1936. He is the editor most associated with anthologies, which are not that hard to track down.
the “hard-boiled” school of pulp detective fiction. In Many libraries have collections. The University of
1946 he put together one of the first and one of the Texas at Austin, for instance, has a complete file
best anthologies of that style. of Adventure pulps. The revival of critical interest
in American popular literature has produced some
The Hard-Boiled Dicks, edited by Ron Goulart. good reprints, many with original illustrations; these
Edited by a science fiction writer who is also a pulp are also more likely to be found at a college library.
historian, this anthology saves some of the more
obscure detective pulp writers from being forgotten.

There are several mail-order bookstores that can and the FBI on pp. 100-113. there are other eras
provide copies at a reasonable cost. available in this collection.

Old encyclopedias. Consulting encyclopedia sets
published in or about the 1930s will provide the

point of view of the contemporary person. The
Encyclopedia Britannica is particularly useful, and
editions up the middle 50s still used mostly material
Congo, by Michael Crichton. A group of modern- from the 30s.
day scientists explore dark Africa in search of the
Lost City of Zinj. Excellent as a guide to modern Newspapers. Many libraries have newspaper
equipment available to adventurers in this era. collections. Old news, and perhaps even more,
old gossip, editorials and advertisements give the
Weird Heroes, edited by Byron Priess. There are a past a reality that is hard to duplicate from formal
handful of volumes in this series of “modern pulp” histories.
stories put out in the mid-seventies. It contains
excellent stories and artwork by many of the best PLACES
science fiction writers and artists of today. Great for
adventure and character ideas. Empires in the Dust and Lost Cities and Vanished
Civilizations, by Robert Silverberg. Well-
The Nemesis of Evil, by Lin Carter. Carter’s tribute written histories of such ancient peoples as the
for Doc Savage and other pulp heroes. Babylonians, Egyptians and Aztecs.
Planetary by Warren Ellis and John Cassaday. Richard Halliburton’s Complete Book of Marvels
Splendid comic book series about a trio of and other books by Richard Halliburton. Halliburton
archeologists discovering the weird secret history was a best-selling travel writer of the 1930s. He
of their super-hero and pulpish world. The best was a real-life adventurer and explorer, and visited
resource of all for campaigns in the contemporary many of the areas described in Chapter 2. He dived
world and for a mix of the not-to-dissimilar worlds into the Well at Chichen Itza, climbed the Pyramids,
of super heroes and pulp. trekked through Tibet and tried to visit Mecca.
Halliburton disappeared at sea in 1939 while trying
Hammett by Joe Gores. The most famous hard-
to sail a Chinese junk from China to America.
boiled detective writer stars in this book, as a
There’s also a posthumous collection of his letters
hardboiled detective.
giving a unique point of view of the times and
peoples he met.
National Geographic publications. Most libraries
This section refers to historical or contemporary
keep National Geographic magazine; large ones
resources about the 1930s.
have files that extend well before the 30s. Used
The New York Times Chronicle of American magazines are frequently for sale at used book
Life: From the Crash to the Blitz, 1929-1939, by stores and estate sales. They were printed on high-
Cabell Phillips. Almost 600 pages of stories and quality paper and usually have survived in good
photographs covering all aspects of American shape. Modern issues can be used for background
life during the 30s. Easy reading since it is a when running adventures in exotic locales; there
conglomeration of short articles on various topics. are frequent historical notes in the articles. National
Geographic books (such as Lost Empires, Living
This Fabulous Century; Volume 4, 1930-1940. Tribes detailing Central and South American
A great book for consulting information on natives) are always great reading and with
background including a Depression era shopping extraordinary photographs.
list on p. 27 and an excellent section on gangsters
Atlas of Ancient Archaeology, by Hawkes. An
excellent reference work for running Adventure/

Exploration campaigns. It locates and details spy and detective; the detail on 30s criminological
archaeological sites around the world. techniques is also authentic.

Roy Chapman Andrews explored in Asia from John P. Marquand was a serious novelist who wrote
before the Great War, and spent part of that war as magazine stories to finance his more important
a U.S. Army Intelligence officer in China. He led work. Only his Mr. Moto stories remain in print.
the first automobile expedition into Mongolia in Moto is a Japanese intelligence officer who gets
1920. He wrote several works of non-fiction, and involved in mysterious crimes. The backgrounds are
two “Young Adult” novels, Quest in the Desert and authentic and the attitudes of the era, without the
Quest for the Snow Leopard, with excellent pictures benefit of hindsight, give a feel for 30s characters.
of expedition life in Asia.

John W. Thomason, Jr. was a Marine Corps officer

from WWI until his death in 1944. He was also an
excellent writer and illustrator. Several of his books,
especially “-- And a Few Marines” and Salt Winds
and Gobi Dust, give a picture of life at the last of
the colonial era -- a literal picture because the books
are illustrated with Thomason’s own drawings. He
served in China, Haiti and Nicaragua and set stories
in all three.

John Masters was an officer of the Indian Army

in the last days of the Empire. He served as a
lieutenant in the 2nd Battalion, 4th (Prince of Wales
Own) Gurkha Rifles from the mid-30s until the
early part of WWII. His autobiography, Bugles and
a Tiger, is a superb picture of that vanished way of
life. His novel Man of War shows India, England
and Spain of the 30s from the point of view of a
professional soldier.

Hunter by John A. Hunter. Hunter was a

professional African hunter from before WWI
until the 50s. This book is an autobiography with a
background of the wild years of Africa.

African Rifles and Cartridges by John Taylor.

Taylor was another African professional; in his case
the profession was ivory poaching. The book is
intended as a treatise on the best guns for African
game, and it is a superb one. It is also a look at
a real adventurer of the pulp era, without any
polishing. It is full of the casual racism that is so
much a part of the pulp era, and so appalling today.

F. van Wyck Mason was a popular historical

novelist; he was also a pulp writer. His novels
about Hugh North, a U.S. Army intelligence officer,
started in the 30s and continued into the 60s. Mason
had traveled in Europe and Asia and the background
and detail of the novels is authentic. North is both


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