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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
City Schools Division of Puerto Princesa

Second Quarter Written Assessment

Name: ________________________________ Score: ______________

Grade/Section: ________________ Date: _______________

TEST 1 Directions: Read and understand each item carefully. Shade the letter of the
correct answer. (10 points)

1. In 1900, _____________ became the official medium of instruction in Philippine

a. English b. Filipino c. Japanese d. Spanish
2. During the Apprenticeship Period, the first teachers were_____________ and their
a. army men b. leaders c. priest d. teachers
3. In 1920 the _____________ the first Filipino daily in English, was founded. It paid for
literary work it published and thus gave a financial reward to writers in English.
a. Philippine Herald b. UP Folio c. Manila Tribune d. Dead Stars
4. _____________ is the first known Philippine poem in English; it appeared in the
Philippine Free Press in 1907.
a. Dead Stars b. Sursum Surda c. Thinking of Ourselves d. Noli Me Tangere
5. The first notable collection of Philippine essays` in English is _____________
compiled and edited by Vicente M. Hilario and Eliseo M. Quirino.
a. Dead Stars b. Sursum Surda c. Thinking of Ourselves d. Noli Me Tangere
6. What presents did Mr. Angeles bring home for the family?
a. mats b. pillows c. pots d. vases
7. Who had given Nana Emilia a decorative mat as a wedding gift?
a. her aunt b. her brother c. her mother d. her sister
8. Who received the first mat?
a. Jaime b. Marcelina c. Nana Emilia d. Victoria
9. What decided the color of the mats?
a. their birthmarks b. their birthstones c. their favorite color d. none
10.What’s the best description for the last three mats?
a. colorful b. bright colored c. plain d. vibrant
TEST 2 Directions: Identify the following possibilities of resolving conflict being
described. (5 points)

11.Both persons involved in an argument may insist that they are right and would
refuse to listen to the other person.
a. Get angry b. Get help c. Give in d. Postpone
12. Both may put off talking about the problem until they are both calm to talk.
a. Get angry b. Get help c. Give in d. Postpone
13. The other person surrenders to what the other one wants.
a. Get angry b. Get help c. Give in d. Postpone
14.The two persons involved in the disagreement would ask a third person to help
them solve the problem.
a. Compromise b. Get help c. Give in d. Postpone
15.Both persons involved in the conflict talk calmly and find a solution that would
make them both satisfied.
a. Compromise b. Get help c. Give in d. Postpone
TEST 3 Directions: Read and understand the following statements. Shade the letter
of the correct answer. (10 points)

16.Berto was tasked by Delia to kill Berto’s adopted dog.

a. figurative b. hyperbole c. literal d. personification
17.Centipedes often scare people because of how they look.
a. figurative b. hyperbole c. literal d. personification
18.Delia’s resentment toward Eddie could be traced back to their mother’s death.
a. figurative b. hyperbole c. literal d. personification
19.Eddie saw his sister as a thorn on his side – something which should be
a. figurative b. hyperbole c. literal d. personification
20.Eddie’s feelings toward his sister could be compared to that of an overheated
a. figurative b. hyperbole c. literal d. personification
21.Eddie’s sister was stunned when she saw the centipede.
a. figurative b. hyperbole c. literal d. personification
22.Even as a young boy, Eddie already had the instincts of a hunter.
a. figurative b. hyperbole c. literal d. personification
23.For most of the story, Eddie and Delia were like oil and water.
a. figurative b. hyperbole c. literal d. personification
24.Once, Eddie thought that Delia was extending the olive branch to him.
a. figurative b. hyperbole c. literal d. personification
25.Their father often told Eddie and Delia to keep the peace.
a. figurative b. hyperbole c. literal d. personification

TEST 4 Directions: Determine which part of the book is shown in the picture below.
(5 points)

a. Foreword
b. Glossary
c. Table of Contents
d. Title page

a. Foreword
b. Glossary
c. Table of Contents
d. Title page

a. Foreword
b. Glossary
c. Table of Contents
d. Title page

a. Foreword
b. Index
c. Glossary
d. Title page

a. Foreword
b. Index
c. Glossary
d. Title page
TEST 5 Directions: Read the following expressions and indicate the literary device
being used. (10 points)
31. Girdling my loins is blood rich in milk.
a. literal b. simile c. metaphor d. personification
32. Mighty rivers are furrowing the earth.
a. literal b. simile c. metaphor d. personification
33. My house is my land.
a. literal b. simile c. metaphor d. personification
34. Trees rise as temples.
a. literal b. simile c. metaphor d. personification
35. Trees grapple with winds.
a. literal b. simile c. metaphor d. personification
36. Life is a dream.
a. literal b. simile c. metaphor d. personification
37. The white mares of the moon rush along the sky.
a. literal b. simile c. metaphor d. personification
38. The wind tapped like a tired man.
a. literal b. simile c. metaphor d. personification
39. His speech is like a whisper of a thousand bees.
a. literal b. simile c. metaphor d. personification
40. He is a lion in a fight.
a. literal b. simile c. metaphor d. personification

TEST 6 Directions: Choose the appropriate non-verbal cue/s that can be used in the
following situations. (5 points)
41. To ask the teacher a question
a. move your head from side-to-side c. point using your index finger
b. move your head up and down d. raise your hand
42. To show someone something
a. move your head from side-to-side c. point using your index finger
b. move your head up and down d. raise your hand
43. To indicate NO
a. move your head from side-to-side c. point using your index finger
b. move your head up and down d. raise your hand
44. To indicate YES
a. move your head from side-to-side c. raise your hand
b. move your head up and down d. wink
45.To share a secret or joke
a. move your head from side-to-side c. raise your hand
b. move your head up and down d. wink

TEST 7 Directions: Choose the correct verb complement to be used in the following
statements. (5 points)
46. Andrea’s father doesn’t approve of her __________________ to the party.
a. go b. going c. gone d. to go
47. The team found it very difficult __________________ a goal.
a. reach b. reached c. reaching d. to reach
48. Lita is interested in __________________ a restaurant.
a. open b. opened c. opening d. to open
49. Jerico has no intention of __________________ the school now.
a. leave b. left c. leaving d. to leave
50. His friends are eager __________________ to school in summer.
a. return b. returned c. returning d. to return
God bless and Good luck!

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher 1

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