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Summer Holiday Homework

Class – XII Set 1 Subject – English
Max Marks : 25


I. Read the given passage carefully and answer the following (6)
1. As religious people believing in God, we are all aware of the influence of prayer in our individual lives. It
is true our temples, gurudwaras, churches and mosques reverberate with the prayers of the devout on festive
occasions and even in the course of daily life. When individuals face dire situations, often they are led into
prayer; their faith thus opens for them a source of comfort and encouragement in their hour of need.
2. But how does India as collective entity, exercise its faith in prayer? It may be recalled that during the
freedom struggle and subsequently after Independence, the Father of the Nation used to lead the people in
prayer on matters affecting its destiny. The men of different faiths used to take part in such meetings, which
gave them a sense of purpose and also a sense of solidarity as people sharing one destiny.
3. Since the Mahatma fell to the bullets of an assassin, no one else probably came forward to provide
leadership to an exercise of prayer at the national level. No doubt, people of all faiths had organized prayers
at their places of worship in the aftermath of national tragedies like the Gujarat Earthquake of the Orissa
cyclone. The hijacking of an Indian plane with its passengers of Kandahar in the recent past had moved this
nation to pray.
The whole nation again had taken to prayers in mass on two other occasions when Amitabh Bachchan fell
seriously on the sick bed.
4. Man's need for prayer is as great as his need for bread. As food is necessary for the body, prayer is
necessary for the soul. I have not a shadow of doubt that the strife and quarrels with which our atmosphere is
so full today are due to the absence of the spirit of true prayer. True prayer never goes unanswered,'' wrote
Gandhiji. According to Vasudevan, Secretary of the Rajghat Samadhi Samiti, all-religion prayer meetings are
held every Friday at Rajghat from 4 p.m. to 5.15 p.m.
5. It is said that the act of prayer changes people and situations. There is a general impression that prayer is
an act of seeking favours from God for selfish ends. It is as if all praying people are only interested in taking
their shopping lists to their Maker!
For from it, the very act of praying teaches one to sympathize with those who suffer. It broadens one's vision
and outlook. It builds up one's character by imparting a sense of responsibility towards other people and
6. The latest example of a praying nation comes from the United States which is often labelled as too
materialistic. Speaking at the national Prayer Breakfast at Washington in the second week of February,
President George Bush praised Americans of all faiths for turning to prayer in the wake of the September 11
terrorist attacks. He said he had spent much time 'one bended knee' since terrorists attacked the World Trade
Centre and the Pentagon, killing more than 3000 people.
7. Regardless of the religious affiliations, people in the affected areas showed an exemplary sense of
togetherness in the hour of tragedy. All differences of religion, ethnicity, race and language were forgotten as
volunteers got busy assuaging the pain and sorrow felt by the victims. The American example has several
lessons for India which is also a pluralistic society. It has demonstrated that differences of religion and
ethnicity need not stand in the way of the nation untidily facing all its challenges. If it is true that all religious
faiths teach tolerance, humility and the value of helping neighbours, then the religious leaders of this nation
could also engender unity and oneness of purpose by coming together periodically to pray for the nation. And
when they focus on the fact that all people, regardless of their differences share one common destiny, there
could be greater communal harmony. Such a consciousness ought to pave the way for peace in society.
1.On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following questions by choosing the most
appropriate option
a. People often pray when they _________
(I) Are sick (ii) Face dreadful situations (iii)Want their desires to be fulfilled (iv)Are depressed
b. What is the general impression about the prayer------------
(i) It provides food to the soul. (ii) It is an act of seeking favour from God. (iii) It teaches us to sympathies
with those Who suffer. (iv) It imparts in us a sense of responsibility towards other people and situations
c. All-religion prayer meetings are held at Rajghat. -------------
(i) Biweekly (ii) Weekly (iii) Monthly (iv) Annually
d. Does the writer support the view that ‘all praying people are only interested in taking their shopping lists
to their Maker!’
(i) Yes (ii) No (iii) Not sure (iv) Partially Correct
e. What should the religious leaders do?
(i) Coming together to pray for the nation (ii) Demonstrate the differences of religion (iii) Only teach
tolerance, humility and the value of helping neighbour (iv) They have no duty to the nation
f. Find a word in the passage (Para 4) which means ‘Killer’.
1. You are Babita/Biman the Secretary of the History Club of your school. Draft a notice in not more than 50
words informing the students of class IX and X about a proposed excursion to historical places of your city.
2. Along with air and water pollution our cities are also under an attack of noise pollution. Marriage
processions, DJs, during wedding receptions, loud music from neighbour flats etc. are all sources of noise
which is not good for the old, the ailing and students. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper
describing the problem and requesting the concerned authorities to solve it. You are Karan/Karuna, M-114,
Mall Road, Delhi (4)
Answer the following questions (2x4=8)
1.What changes did the order from Berlin cause in the school?
2.How did Franz react to the declaration that it was his last French lesson?
3 What were the parting words of the poet?
4 What are the two images of youth used by the poet ?
IV. Answer the following question briefly
1. ‘Bah! I have plenty of time. I’ll learn it tomorrow.’ Franz was shocked when he heard
that it was the last lesson in French and he hardly knew his mother tongue.
Many of us find ourselves in similar situations and regret when all is over. What should
we do so that we are able to achieve our goals?(The Last Lesson)
In today’s fast life, children neglect their ageing parents. What
do you think children can do to have an involved and inclusive
relationship with their elderly parents? (My Mother atSixty-Six)
Summer Holiday Homework
Class – XII Set 2 Subject – English
Max Marks : 25

I. Read the unseen poem and answer the following questions. (1x6=6)


William Shakespeare

All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.
At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school.
And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress’ eyebrow.
Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon’s mouth.
And then the justice, ‘
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modem instances;
And so he plays his part.
The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound.
Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

I. Answer the following questions (1X6=6)

(1) How has the lover been described here?

(2) How does a school boy behave?
(3) What happens at the sixth stage?
(4) Why is the old age called second childishness?
(5) What do you understand by ‘exits’ and ‘entrances?

(6) Find words in the passage similar in meaning as: a) complaining peevishly
b) forgetfulness

II.Section-B (Writing Skills)

1)Design a poster in not more than 50 words for your school library on the value of books and good reading
habits. You may use slogans (3)

2) Kumar Shanu of Bareilly has purchased a frost-free Godrej refrigerator of 265 litres from Life Style, civil
lines, Bareilly. After a month of purchase, the freezing section of the refrigerator has stopped functioning.
Write a letter to the Sales Manager of the firm complaining about it and requesting for the piece to be
replaced, since there is a two-year warranty.

III.Section -C (Literature)

I. Answer the following questions in 30-50 words

1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: (2x4=8)
Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.”
a) Why does she find it hard to pull the ivory needle?
b) Explain: ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’.
2. What did Charley do to be sure that he was really on the Third Level?
3.Explain “For children, garbage has a meaning different from what it means to their Parents.”
4.What do you think is the theme of ‘Lost Spring, Stories of Stolen Childhood’ and The Third Level?
II. Answer the following questions in 100 words(4)
A) “None of them knows that it is illegal for children like him to work in the glass
furnaces with high temperatures”. What can be done to improve a lot of poor children
in India?
B) Do you seean intersection of time and space in the story The Third Level? Comment on it.
Summer Holiday Homework
Class – XII Set 3 Subject – English
Max Marks : 25


I.Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow: (6)

For a cent

Each morning

corner of Pritchard and Joubert

and leaning on a greasy crutch

near a pavement dustbin

and old man begs,

not expecting much

his spectacles are cracked and dirty

he does not see my black hand

drop a cent into his scurvy palm.

but instinctively he mutters: ‘THANK YOU MY BAAS’


that for a cent

a man can call his brother


Don Mattera

I. Answer the following questions

1.What is a cent? (1)

2.Why is it significant that the poet should describe his hand as black? (2)

3. With which word does the word much” rhyme in the first stanza? (1)
4. What is a “scurvy palm”? (2)

II. Section-B (Writing Skill)

1. It is alarming that now-a-days many school and college going students are addicted to various tobacco
products available in the market. Different commercial companies are trying to attract the young minds
towards their tobacco products in colourful packets. You are very much concerned about this. Design a
poster highlighting the harmful effects of tobacco in not more than 50 words. You are Sagar/Sagarika, the
President of an NGO, “Health is Wealth”.

2. Write a letter to M/s. Oxford Publishing House, London complaining that the books sent by them were not
those you had ordered for. Ask for replacement. You are Varun Joshi, Sector-20, Chandigarh. (4)

III. Section -C (Literature)

Answer the following questions in 30-50 words

1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: (2x4=8)

Aunt Jennifer's tigers prance across a screen.

Bright topaz denizens of a world of green
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
A) What was Aunt Jennifer doing at that moment?
B) What are the traits of tigers that are a contrast to the aunt?
2.What, according to the psychiatrist, was Charley’s problem?
3. How does Charley describe Galesburg as it used to be in 1894?

4. What forces conspire to keep the workers in the bangle industry of Firozabad in poverty?

IV. Answer the following questions in 100 words

1.Justify the title of the story ‘Lost Spring’. (4)


b) You have read ‘Adventure’ by Jayant Narlikar in Hornbill Class XI. Compare the

interweaving of fantasy and reality in the story The Third Level.

Summer Holiday Homework
Class – XII Set A Subject – Physics
Max Marks : 25
Answer the following questions in brief. (1*3=3)
1. What do you mean by conservation of charge? Write an example of it.
2. What is the total field inside a conductor when it is placed inside a uniform externa field? Write an
equation indicating the relation of field and potential.
3. What do you mean by equipotential surface? Draw a diagram to support your answer?

Answer the following questions in short. (3*2=6)
4. Why do the electric field lines not form closed loops?
5. Two charges of magnitudes – 2Q and + Q are located at points (a, 0) and (4a,0) respectively. What is the
electric flux due to these charges through a sphere of radius ‘3a’ with its center at the origin?
6. State and explain Coulomb’s law in electrostatics?

Answer the following questions in short. (2*3=6)
7. a) Define electric flux. Write its S.I. units.
(b) Consider a uniform electric field
E→ = 3 × 103 i^ N/C. Calculate the flux of this field through a square surface of area 10 cm2 when
(i) its plane is parallel to the y-z plane, and
(ii) the normal to its plane makes a 60° angle with the x-axis
8. Derive the expression for the electric potential at any point along the axial line of an electric dipole. Also
write the direction of electric dipole moment.
Draw a plot showing the variation of
(i) electric field (E) and
(ii) electric potential
(iii) with distance r due to a point charge Q.

Answer the following questions in details. (2*5=10)
9. State Gauss’s law for the total flux obtained when +Q amount of charge is surrounded by a closed region
of shape sphere. And use this law to calculate electric field due to a uniformly charged square sheet.
Show that total work done to make an arrangement of four charges –Q,+Q,-Q,+Q as a four vertex of
square of side d is zero.
10. Derive a relation to obtain potential due to dipole at any point. The distance between the point and
midpoint of line joining two equal and opposite charges must be 0.5 meter
What happen when an electric dipole is placed on a uniform external electric field of strength E (along x-
axis) and axis of dipole makes 600 degree angle. With the direction of electric filed. Derive a relation to
explain your answer. Also draw a schematic diagram of the above situation.
Summer Holiday Homework
Class – XII Set B Subject – Physics
Max Marks : 25
Section- A
1. Very short answer type questions- (3Q×1M=3M)
(a) Define the term current density and state its unit.
(b) The emf of a cell is always greater than its terminal voltage. Why? Give reason.
(c) Show variation of resistivity as a function of temperature in a graph for metals and semiconductor
Section B
2. Answer the following questions in short- (4Q×3M=12M)
a. The network PQRS, shown in the circuit diagram, has the batteries of 4 V and 5 V and negligible internal
resistance. A milliammeter of 20 Ω resistance is connected between P and R. Calculate the reading in the

A network of four capacitors, each of capacitance 30 pF, is connected across a battery of 60 V as shown in the

figure.Find the net capacitance and the energy stored in each capacitor.

b. Derive the expression for the affective EMF and resistance of a series and parallel combination of cells.
c. Derive relation between drift velocity and electric current and hence establish Ohm’s law.
d. A battery of emf E and internal resistance r when connected across an external resistance of 12 Ω, produces
a current of 0.5 A. When connected across a resistance of 25 ft, it produces a current of 0.25 A. Determine
(i) the emf and
(ii) the internal resistance of the cell

A silver wire has a resistance of 2.1 Ω at 27.5 °C, and a resistance of 2.7 Ω at 100 °C. Determine the
temperature coefficient of resistivity of silver.

Section C
3. Answer the following questions- (2Q×5M=10M)
(a) State Kirchoff’s law for an electric circuit. Apply Kirchhoff’s rules to derive the balance condition of the
Wheatstone bridge.
Define mobility. Explain how temperature affects the resistivity of metals, alloys and semiconductors. Also give
example of two ohmic devices.
(b) Deduce the expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor when a dielectric slab is inserted
between its plates. Assume the slab thickness less than the plate separation.
A slab of material of dielectric constant K has the same area as that of the plates of a parallel plate capacitor
but has the thickness d/2, where d is the separation between the plates. Find out the expression for its
capacitance when the slab is inserted between the plates of the capacitor.
Summer Holiday Homework
Class – XII Set A Subject – Chemistry
Max Marks : 25

1. The unit of Ebullioscopic constant is: [1]

(a) K kg mol (b) K kg-1mol (c) K kg mol -1 -1
(d) K kg mol

2. The direction of flow of current in an electrochemical cell is : [1]

(a) Anode to cathode
(b) Cathode to anode
(c) Upwards
(d) Current does not flow

3. KHvalue for Ar(g),CO2(g),HCHO(g) and CH4(g)are 4.039,1.67,1.83×10–5,and0.143,

respectively.Arrange these gases in the order of their increasing solubility: [1]
(a) HCHO < CH4< CO2<Ar
(b) HCHO < CO2< CH4<Ar
(c) Ar< CO2< CH4< HCHO
(d) Ar< CH4< CO2< HCHO

4. State Henry’s law. Mention any two applications of Henry’s law. [2]
5. Mention the differences between ideal and non-ideal solution. [2]
6. Calculate the amount of KCl which must be added to 1 kg of water so that its freezing point is
depressed by 2 K. Assume 90% dissociation of the solute.
(Kf for water =1.86 K kg mol-1, Atomic mass K = 39, Cl = 35.5) [2]
7. The vapour pressure of pure liquids A and B at 400 K are 450 and 700 mm Hg respectively. Find out
the composition of liquid mixture if total pressure at this temperature is 600 mm Hg. Also, find the
composition of the vapour above the solution. [3]
8. Give reasons: [3]
(a) Soft drinks are sealed under high pressure.
(b) Osmotic pressure is used for calculation of molar mass of macromolecules.
(c) Molality is preferred over molarity for measurements in the experiments.
9. (a) Define : (i) Colligative properties (ii) Reverse osmosis (iii) Azeotropes
(b) What do you understand by positive and negative deviation from Raoult’slaw ? Give examples of
solutions which exhibit such behaviour. [3+2]
10. Answer the following questions: [3+2]
(a) What is an electrochemical cell? What happens when a reverse potential of magnitude greater than
or lesser than the cell potential is applied on an electrochemical cell?
(b) Write the cell notation of the following cell and find its cell potential.
Zn + Cu2+  Zn2+ + Cu

[ Given: E Zn ¿ = - 0.76 V , ECu ¿= 0.34 V ]

¿ ¿
Summer Holiday Homework
Class – XII Set B Subject – Chemistry
Max Marks : 25
1. Atmospheric pollution is expressed in terms of:
(a) ppm (b) Mole fraction (c) Mass percentage (D) Molality
2. When aqueous solutions of two electrolytes ‘X’ and ‘Yare diluted, themolar conductivities of both
change – the value for ‘Y’ increasesmanifold but that of ‘X’ increases only slightly.
(a) both ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are strong electrolytes.
(b) both ‘X’ and ‘Y’ are weak electrolytes.
(c) ‘X’ is weak and ‘Y’ is a strong electrolyte.
(d) ‘X’ is strong and ‘Y’ is a weak electrolyte.
3. Which of the following statements is incorrect about electrochemical cell?
(a) Electrons are released at anode.
(b) Chemical energy is converted into electrical energy.
(c) Salt bridge maintains the electrical neutrality of the electrolytes.
(d) Cell can work indefinitely.

4. Define : (a) Abnormal molar mass (b) Van’t Hoff factor [2]
5. Give reasons:
(a) When a little amount of common salt is added to water , its boiling point is raised.
(b) A peeled egg when dipped in water swells while in saturated brine solution it shrinks.
6. 200 cm3 of an aqueous solution of a protein contains 1.26 g of protein. The osmotic pressure of
solution at 300 K is found to be 8.3 X 10-2bar. Calculate the molar mass of protein (R = 0.0831 L bar K-1
mol-1) [2]

7. The conductivity of 0.001 M acetic acid at 25 0C is 4 X 10−5 S cm−1 .Calculate the dissociation constant
for acetic acid, if at 25 0C Δ m is 390.5 S cm2 / mol. [3]
8. Name the type of battery used in invertors. Write the cell reactions involved when that battery is in
use. [3]

9. Answer the following:

(a) If Kf for water is 1.86 K kg mol-1 , explain why 1 m NaCl in water does not have a freezing point
equal to : [2]
0 0
(a) – 1.86 C (b) – 3.72 C
(b) Mention the differences between electrolytic cell and electrochemical cell. [2]
(c) State Faraday’s first law of electrolysis. [1]

10. Answer the following:

(a) What do you understand by a Standard Hydrogen Electrode ? [2]
(b) Calculate the cell emf and ΔG for the cell reaction at 25 0C for the cell : [2]
Zn (s) | Zn2+ ( 0.0004 M ) || Cd2+ ( 0.2 M ) Cd (s)
Eo values at 250C : Zn2+ | Zn = - 0.763 V
Cd2+ | Cd = - 0.403 V
(c) Calculate the amount of copper deposited at cathode by the electrolysis of copper sulphate
solution with a current of 1.5 A for 20 minutes.
[Atomic mass of copper = 63.5] [1]
Summer Holiday Homework
Class – XII Set A Subject – Biology
Max Marks : 25

Section A ( 1x3=3)

1 Name the plant whose pollens causes allergy and its symptom

2 How does water hyacinth and water grass gets pollinated

3. What is the function of filiform apparatus and name one plant with two types of flower

Section B ( 2x4=8)

4. Explain pollination in vallisneria

5 You are conducting artificial hybridization on papaya and potato Which will require emasculation and

why, However for both you will use bagging justify

6 A bilobed ,dithecous anther has 100 MMC per microsporangium How many male gametophytes this

anther can produce ? What is perisperm and parthenocarpic fruits?

7. Draw TS of young anther.

Section C ( 3x3=9)

8 Write advantage and disadvantage of cleistogamy to flowering plants. Geitinogamy is functionally

cross pollination but genetically similar to autogamy comment What is sporopollenin

9 What is double fertilization? Apomixis is form of asexual reproduction that mimics with sexual

reproduction Comment

10 Draw diagram of male gametophyte of an angiosperm and label Explain two ways to prevent self

pollination in plants

Section D ( 1x5=5)

11 Name the cell that produces endosperm after double fertilization Explain formation of embryo sac

from megaspore mother cell with diagram

Summer Holiday Homework
Class – XII Set B Subject – Biology
Max Marks : 25
Attempt all the questions


1 N ame the two glands that contribute to human seminal plasma 1

2 What is aneuploidy and point mutation 1

3 A colour blind boy is born to couple with normal colour vision Write the genotype of parents


1What is parthenogenesis and write about haplodiplontic type of sex determination

2 Explain the role of hormones on spermatogenesis in humans

3 Explain about phenylketonuria and mention why possibility of human female to be

haemophilic is very rare


1 a Define alleles and explain is multiple allelism with an example

B What is thallesemia ? Write about its two types

2 a What is LH surge and foetal ejection reflex

B Draw diagram of blastocyst and label

C What is spermiation and spermiogenesis

3 What is double fertilization? Apomixis is form of asexual reproduction that mimics with sexual
reproduction Comment

Section D ( 1x 5 =5MARKS)

1 a Explain development of zygote upto implantation in humans

B What is polygenic inheritance ?give an example

c In a family each of four children have different blood group Their mother is group A and
father is group B Explain this with the help of a cross along with genotypes
Computer Science (XII)
Maximum Marks: 25 Time Allowed: 50 Min
General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory
1. Write the difference between Tuple and List (1)
2. Find the invalid identifier from the following a) MyName b) True c) 2ndName d) My_Name (1)
3. Given the lists L=[1,3,6,82,5,7,11,92] , write the output of print(L[2:5]) (1)
4. Identify the valid arithmetic operator in Python from the following. a) ? b) < c) ** d) and (1)
5. Write a python program to check given string palindrome or not with using functions (2)
6. Write the output of the following Python program code: (2)
for i in range(1,10):
for i in range(10,1,–2):
for i in range(len(L1)):
7. Find the output of the following: (2)
Moves=[11, 22, 33, 44]
for i in range (L) :
print (“Now@”, Queen[L-i-1], “#”, Moves [i])
8. Observe the following Python code very carefully and rewrite it after removing all syntactical
errors with each correction underlined. (2)
x = input("Enter a number:")
if (abs(x)=x):
print "You entered a positive number"
print "Number made positive:"x
9. Write a python program to count number of occurrences of given number in a list (2)
10. Write a python program given multiplication table (3)
11. Write a python program to find largest element from a list without using functions (3)
12. Write a python program to find the following (5)
𝑥 𝑥2 𝑥3 𝑥4 𝑥𝑛
𝑆 = 1 + − + − ……..
1! 2! 3! 4! 𝑛!
Periodic Test – II (2023-2024)
Class: XII Maximum Marks: 25
Subject: Computer Science Time Allowed: 50 Min
General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory
1. Name the Python Library modules which need to be imported to invoke the following
functions 1
i. randint() ii.ceil()
2. Differentiate between file modes r+ and r with respect to Python. 1
3. To read two bytes from a file object infile, we use 1
4. What is the default return value for a function that does not return any value explicitly ? 1
5. Explain different functions of statistics module 2
6. Write PUSH (Books) method in python to add Books considering them to act as Push operation of Stack.
7. Find the output of the following program 2
def calcresult () :
while i> 1 :
if (i % 2 == 0):
x = i%2
i = i-2
else :
i = i-1
print x**2
8. Find and write the output of the following Python code : 2
STR = ["90","10","30","40"]
SUM = 0
for I in [1,2,5,4]:
SUM = float (S)+I
print (SUM)
9. Write a function INDEX_LIST(L), where L is the list of elements passed as argument to the function. The
function returns another list named ‘indexList’ that stores the indices of all odd number Elements of L.
For example: If L contains [12,4,0,11,0,56]
The indexList will have - [0,1,3,5] 3
10. Define the function. And explain the different types of functions in python 3
11. Write a python function to find the roots of quadratic equation 4
12. Explain in detailed about different types of user defined functions in python with examples 5


Informatics Practices (XII)
Maximum Marks: 25 Time Allowed: 50 Min
General Instructions:
All questions are compulsory
1. What is the alternate name of a column in table 1
2. Name two types of data models 1
3. Primary key is also one of the candidate key (True/False) 1
4. Expand DBMS 1
5. Explain About DDL and DML Command in SQL 2
6. Write the SQL Query for the following 2
a. To add new column Dob to the table Stu
b. To display all the contents of the table Stu
7. Write the appropriate data type for the following 2
Date of Birth , Salary, Name, Contact Number
8. Identify the error in the following SQL Statements 4
a. Select * from Stu Where Name id=”Vanshika”;
b. Select * from Stu Where Fee between 1000,2000;
c. Select * From Stu Where Name=A%;
d. Select * From Marks Where Eng>55 and <89;
9. Define Primary Key,Candidate Key and Alternate key with the help of Example 3
10. Answer the Following 3
a. Command to add the column to a table
b. Command to see database in system
c. Command to Delete database
11. Consider the following table named „„DRINK‟‟. Write commands of SQL for (i) to (v) and output
for (vi) to (ix). 5
Table : DRINK
101 Lime and Lemon 20.00 120
102 Apple Drink 18.00 120
103 Nature Nectar 15.00 115
104 Green Mango 15.00 140
105 Aam Panna 20.00 135
106 Mango Juice Bahaar 12.00 150
i) To display drink codes, names and calories of all drinks, in ascending order of calories. 1
ii) To display names and price of drinks that have price in the range 12 to 18 (both 12 and 18
included). 1
Periodic Test (2022-23)
Maximum Marks: 25 Time Allowed: 1:00 hours
Class: XII Subject: Informatics Practices
General Instructions:
This question paper contains total 12 Questions
1. The ___________ operator is used for making range checks in SELECT queries. 1
2. A database can be opened with ____________<database> command. 1
3. Rekha wants to create the table with constraints, she wants to use FOREIGN KEY explain her what
is the role of it in table. 1
4. What is wrong with the following statement? 1
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE grade=NULL;
5. Write a query to display date and time 1
6. Which functions can be used as the group functions? 2
7. What are the different types of SQL functions? Explain them 2
8. What is the difference between UNIQUE and Primary key 2
9. Consider the following table named „„DRINK‟‟. Write commands of SQL for (i) to (v) and output
for (vi) to (ix). 5
Table : DRINK
101 Lime and Lemon 20.00 120
102 Apple Drink 18.00 120
103 Nature Nectar 15.00 115
104 Green Mango 15.00 140
105 Aam Panna 20.00 135
106 Mango Juice Bahaar 12.00 150
i) To display drink codes, names and calories of all drinks, in ascending order of calories. 1
ii) To display names and price of drinks that have price in the range 12 to 18 (both 12 and 18
included). 1
iii) Decrease the price of all drinks in the given table by 10%. 1
iv) To delete the record when calories is 115 1
10. Swarna is learning DBMS. She has written the following query: 2
Select * from emp where name = “A%”;
Select salary, name from emp where comm = NULL;
Both the queries are returning error. Help Swarna in identifying the error and also write the
correct query.
11. Write the output of the following queries: 3
a. Select length(trim(” Computer “));
b. Select mid(“Informatics Practices”, 7, 7);
c. Select instr(“Computer Science”, “e”);
12. Carefully observe the following table named ‘stock’: 4

Write SQL queries for the following:

(a) To display the records in decreasing order of price.
(b) To display category and category wise total quantities of products.
(c) To display the category and its average price.
(d) To display category and category wise highest price of the products.
Summer Holiday Homework
Class – XII Set A Subject – Mathematics
Max Marks : 25


1)Find the unit vector in the direction of vector ⃗

PQ , where P and Q are the points (1,2,3) and (4,5,6)

2)Find ‘ μ' whenthe projection of ⃗a = μ ⃗i + ⃗j+4 ⃗k and b=¿

⃗ 2i⃗ +6 ⃗j+3 k⃗ is 4 units .

3−x y+ 4 2 z−6
3)If the cartesian equation of a line are : = = , write the vector equation for the line.
5 7 4

4)Find the direction cosines of the lines joining the points (-1,-1,-1) and (2,3,4)


−x+ 2 y−1 z +3 x+2 2 y−8 z−5

5)Find the angle between the following pair of lines: = = and = = and
−2 7 −3 −1 4 4
check whether the lines are parallel or perpendicular.

6)Show that the points A(3,-2,1) , B(1,-3,5), C( 2,1,-4) do not form a right angled triangle.

7)If two vectors a⃗ ∧⃗b are such that :|⃗a|=2,|b⃗|=1, then find the value of (3a⃗ −5 ⃗b).(2a⃗ +7b⃗ )

8)Find the area of the triangle having the points:A(1,1,1) B(1,2,3) and C(2,3,1) as its vertices.


9)a) Find the shortest distance between the lines l1 and l2, whose vector equation are

1−x 7 y −14 z−3 7−7 x y−5 6−z

b)Find the value of ‘p’ so that the lines = = and = = are at right angles.
3 2p 2 3p 1 5
Summer Holiday Homework
Class: XII Subject: Economics
Marks: 25
Important Notes
Answer all the Questions 1 carry 2marks 2&3 Carry 3marks 4-6 carry 4 marks 7 carry 5 marks
1) Distinguish between Final goods and Intermediate goods.
2)Explain circular flow of income in a two-sector economy.
3) Distinguish between CRR and SLR
4) Explain the precautions that are to be taken while estimating national income by
value added method.
5) Define money Multiplier.
6) Explain the function of central bank as banker’s bank and supervisor.


Rs. in crores
1. Private final consumption expenditure 210
2. Govt: final consumption expenditure 50
3. Net domestic capital formation 40
4. Net exports (-) 5
5. Wages & Salaries 170
6. Employer’s contribution 10
7. Profit 45
8. Interest 20
9. Indirect taxes 30
10. Subsidies 05
11. Rent 10
12. Factor income from abroad 03
13. Consumption of fixed capital 25
14. Royalty 15
Summer Holiday Homework
Class: XII Subject: Economics
Marks: 25
Answer all the Questions (5Q*1Mark=5)
1. National income is a measure of the ……… performance of an economy.
(a) Industrial (b) Agricultural (c) Economic (d) Consumption
2. Per capita income is obtained by dividing the National income by …………
(a) Production (b) Population of a country (c) Expenditure (d) GNP
3. GNP = ………. + Net factor income from abroad.
(a) NNP (b) NDP (c) GDP (d) Personal income
4. Bank credit refers to
a) Bank Loans b) Advances c) Bank loans and advances d) Borrowings
5.In the first five-year plan, the top priority was given to ……. Sector.
a) Service b) Industrial c) Agriculture d) Bank
Answer all the Questions (2Q*3Mark=6)
6)Explain circular flow of income in a two-sector economy.
7) Distinguish between CRR and SLR
Answer all the Questions (2Q*4Mark=8)
8) While subsidies encourage farmers to use new technology, they are a huge burden on government
finances. Discuss the usefulness of subsidies in the light of this fact.
9)Those public sector undertakings which are making profits should be privatized. Do you agree with
this view? Why?
Answer all the Questions (1Q*6Mark=6)
Rupees in crores
1. Private final consumption expenditure 1000
2. Net domestic capital formation 200
3. Profit 400
4. Compensation of employers 800
5. Rent 250
6. Gov.: final consumption expenditure 500
7. Consumption of fixed capital 60
8. Interest 150
9. Net current transfer from row (-)80
10. Net factor income from abroad (-)10
11. Net exports (-)20
12. Net indirect taxes 80
Summer Holiday Homework
Class: XII Subject: Economics
Time: 50mins Marks: 25
Answer all the Questions (5Q*1Mark=5)
1. The value of national income adjusted for inflation is called ….
(a) Inflation Rate (b) Disposal Income (c) GNP (d) Real national income
2. Which is a flow concept ?
(a) Number of shirts (b) Total wealth (c) Monthly income (d) Money supply
3. Repo Rate means.
a) Rate at which the Commercial Banks are willing to lend to RBI
b) Rate at which the RBI is willing to lend to commercial banks
c) Exchange rate of the foreign bank d) Growth rate of the economy
4. Bank credit refers to
a) Bank Loans b) Advances c) Bank loans and advances d) Borrowings
5. In the first five-year plan, the top priority was given to ……. Sector.
a) Service b) Industrial c) Agriculture d) Bank
Answer all the Questions (2Q*3Mark=6)
6) Define the problem of double counting in the computation of national income. State any two
approaches to correct the problem of double counting.
7) Elaborate, How does a central bank Stabilize money supply through ‘ Bank rate’
Answer all the Questions (2Q*4Mark=8)
8) Explain how import substitution can protect domestic industry.
9) Do you think outsourcing is good for India? Why are developed countries opposing it?
Answer all the Questions (1Q*6Mark=6)
10) Calculate Gross Domestic Product at Market Price by
(a) Production Method (b) Income Method
ITEMS Rs. crores
a. Intermediate consumption by
i) Primary sector 500
ii) Secondary sector 400
iii) Tertiary sector 400
b. Value of output by
i) Primary sector 1000
ii) Secondary sector 900
iii) Tertiary sector 700
c. Rent 10
d. Compensation of employees 400
e. Mixed income 550
f. Operating surplus 300
h. Net factor income from abroad (-)20
i. Interest 5
Summer Holiday Homework
Class: XII Subject: Accountancy
Marks: 25
Important Notes
Answer all the Questions 1 carry 2marks 2&3 Carry 3marks 4-6 carry 4 marks 7 carry 5 marks

1) A company invited applications for 75,000 equity shares of ₹100 each. The application
money received @ ₹30 per share was ₹27,00,000. Name the kind of subscription. List the
three alternatives for allotting these shares.
2) 'Amrit Dhara Ltd.' issued 800 Equity Shares of ₹100 each at a premium of 25% as fully
paid-up in consideration of the purchase of plant and machinery of ₹1,00,000.
Pass entries in company's Journal.
3) Sangam Ltd. invited applications for 10,000 Equity Shares of ₹100 each issued at par. The
amount was payable on application. The issue was oversubscribed by 2,000 shares and
allotment was made on pro rata basis. Pass necessary Journal entries.
4) Citizen Watches Ltd. invited applications for 50,000 shares of ₹10 each payable ₹3 on
application, ₹4 on allotment and balance on firstand final call. Applications were received for
60,000 shares. Applications were accepted for 50,000 shares and remaining applications were
rejected. All calls were made and received except First and Final call on 500 shares.
Pass the journal entries in the books of Citizen Watches Ltd.
5) Ghosh Ltd. made the second and final call on its 50,000 Equity Shares @ ₹2 per share on
1st January, 2016. The entire amount was received on 15th January, 2016 except on 100
shares allotted to Venkat. Pass necessary journal entries for the call money due and received
by opening Calls-in-Arrears Account.
6) Better Prospect Ltd. acquired land costing ₹1,00,000 and in payment allotted 1,000 Equity
Shares of ₹100 each as fully paid. Further, the company issued 4,000 Equity Shares to public.
The shares were payable as: ₹30 on application; ₹30 on allotment; ₹40 on first and final
call.Applications were received for all shares which were allotted All the money was received
except the call on 200 shares.Pass journal entries.
7) U.P. Sugar Works Ltd. was registered on 1st January, 2019 with an authorised capital of
₹15,00,000 divided into 15,000 shares of ₹100 each. The company issued on 1st April, 2019,
5,000 shares of ₹100 each at a premium of ₹5 per share payable ₹25 per share on
application, ₹30 (including premium) on allotment and the balance in two equal instalments
of ₹25 each on 1st July and 1st October respectively. All the allotments and call moneys were
paid when due, except in case of one shareholder who failed to pay the final call on 100
shares held by him. His shares were forfeited on 1st November after giving him a due notice.
Show necessary entries in the books of the company to record these transactions.
Class: XII Subject: Economics
Time: 50mins Marks: 25
Important Notes
Answer all the Questions 1 carry 2marks 2&3 Carry 3marks 4-6 carry 4 marks 7 carry 5 marks

1) Bajaj company invited applications for 100,000 equity shares of ₹100 each. The
application money received @ ₹30 per share was ₹30,30,000. Name the kind of subscription.
List the three alternatives for allotting these shares.
2) 'Reliance Ltd.' issued 8000 Equity Shares of ₹10 each at a premium of 25% as fully paid-
up in consideration of the purchase of plant and machinery of ₹1,00,000.
Pass entries in company's Journal.
3) ITC Ltd. invited applications for 10,000 Equity Shares of ₹100 each issued at par. The
amount was payable on application. The issue was oversubscribed by 5,000 shares and
allotment was made on pro rata basis. Pass necessary Journal entries.
4) Sona Ltd. purchased machinery costing ₹17,00,000 from Mona Ltd. Sona Ltd. paid 20%
of the amount by cheque and for the balance amount issued Equity Shares of ₹100 each at a
premium of 25% . Pass necessary Journal entries for the above transactions in the books of
Sona Ltd .Show your working notes clearly.
5) Sure Ltd. purchased a running business from M/s. Rai Brothers for a sum of ₹15,00,000
payable ₹12,00,000 in fully paid shares of ₹10 each and balance through cheque.
The assets and liabilities consisted of the following:
Plant and Machinery ₹4,00,000 Stock ₹4,00,000
Building ₹4,00,000 Cash ₹3,00,000
Sundry Debtors ₹3,00,000 Sundry Creditors ₹2,00,000
You are required to pass necessary Journal entries in the company's books.
6) ABC Ltd. acquired land costing ₹1,00,000 and in payment allotted 1,000 Equity Shares of
₹100 each as fully paid. Further, the company issued 5,000 Equity Shares to public. The
shares were payable as: ₹20 on application; ₹40 on allotment; ₹40 on first and final
call.Applications were received for all shares which were allotted All the money was received
except the call on 400 shares.Pass journal entries.
7) Sivakasi Fire Works Ltd. was registered on 1st January, 2019 with an authorised capital of
₹15,00,000 divided into 15,000 shares of ₹100 each. The company issued on 1st April, 2019,
5,000 shares of ₹100 each at a premium of ₹5 per share payable ₹25 per share on
application, ₹30 (including premium) on allotment and the balance in two equal instalments
of ₹25 each on 1st July and 1st October respectively. All the allotments and call moneys were
paid when due, except in case of one shareholder who failed to pay the final call on 100
shares held by him. His shares were forfeited on 1st November after giving him a due notice.
Show necessary entries in the books of the company to record these transactions.
Summer Holiday Homework
Answer all the Questions: (5q*1Mark=5)
1) When shares are forfeited, Share Capital Account is debited with-
(a) Nominal value of shares (b) Called-up value of shares
(c) Paid-up value of shares (d) Market value of shares

2) Shareholders are……….. of the company.

(a) Customers of the Company (b) Owners of the Company
(c) Creditors of the Company (d) None of these

3) A company forfeited 2,000 shares of ₹10 each (which were issued at par)
held by Mr. Das for non-payment of allotment money of ₹4 per share. The
called-up value per share was ₹8. On forfeiture, the amount debited to share
capital will be
(a) ₹10,000 (b) ₹16,000 (c) ₹2,000 (d)₹18,000.

4) Those shares which are issued out of accumulated or undistributed profits of

the company, free of cost, to the existing shareholders are called-
(a) Bonus shares (b) Right Shares (c) Sweat Equity Shares (d) None.

5) KAKA Company. Ltd. Purchased a machine from PAKA Company. for ₹

6,40,000. It was decided to pay ₹1,40,000 in cash and balance paid by the issue
of shares of Rs. 10 each Issued at par. No. of shares to be issued to PAKA
(a) 5000 (b) 4500 (c) 6000 (d) None of these

Answer all the Questions (2q*3mark=6)

6) Hema Ltd. invited applications for 10,000 shares of ₹100 each payable as
follows:₹ 20 on application, ₹30 on allotment, ₹20 on first call and the balance
on final call.All the shares were applied and allotted. All the money was duly
You are required to Journalise these transactions.

7) Sugandh Ltd. issued 60,000 shares of ₹10 each at a premium of ₹2 per share
payable as ₹3 on application, ₹5(including premium) on allotment and the
balance on first and final call. Applications were received for 92,000 shares.
The Directors resolved to allot as:

Mohan, who had applied for 800 shares in Category

(i) and Sohan, who was allotted 600 shares in Category
(ii) failed to pay the allotment money. Calculate amount received on allotment.
Answer all the Questions (2q*4mark=8)

8) Journalise the following transaction at the time of issue of 12%

Debentures: Nandan Ltd. issued ₹90,000, 12% Debentures of ₹100 each at a
discount of 5% redeemable at 110%.
9)Pass necessary Journal entries for the issue of Debentures in the following
(a) ₹40,000; 15% Debentures of ₹100 each issued at a discount of 10%
redeemable at par.
(b) ₹80,000; 15% Debentures of ₹100 each issued at a premium of 10%
redeemable at a premium of 10%.

Answer all the Questions (1q*6mark=6)

10) Sunshine Ltd. issued 20,000 shares of ₹100 each payable ₹25 per share on
application, ₹25 per share on allotment and the balance in two calls of ₹25
each. The company did not make the final call of ₹25 per share. All the money
was duly received with the exception of the amount due on the first call on 400
shares held by Mr. Modi. The Board of Directors forfeited these shares and
subsequently reissued them @ ₹75 per share paid-up for a sum of ₹28,000.
Journalise the above transactions and prepare Share Capital Account.
Summer Holiday Homework
Class: XII Subject: Accountancy
Marks: 25

Answer all the Questions: (5q*1Mark=5)

1) When shares are issued at premium amount of premium will be credited to–
(a) Securities premium account (b) Share first call account
(c) Share allotment account (d) Share forfeited account

2) The forfeited shares can be reissued at-

(a) Par (b) Premium (c) Discount (d) All of them

3) Normal shares can be issued at-

(a) Par (b) Premium (c) Discount (d) a and b

4) The portion of the authorised capital which can be called up only on the
liquidation of the company is called-
(a) Authorized Share Capital (b) Issued Share Capital
(c) Subscribed capital (d) Reserve capital

5) A company forfeited 200 shares of ₹10 each (which were issued at par) held
by Mr. Loya for non-payment of allotment money of ₹4 per share. The called-
up value per share was ₹9. On forfeiture, the amount debited to share capital
will be
(a) ₹10,000 (b) ₹8,000 (c) ₹2,000 (d) ₹1,800

Answer all the Questions (2q*3mark=6)

6) Devika Ltd. invited applications for 1000 shares of ₹1000 each payable as
follows:₹ 200 on application, ₹300 on allotment, ₹200 on first call and the
balance on final call.All the shares were applied and allotted. All the money was
duly received.
You are required to Journalise these transactions.

7) Sony Media Ltd.issued 50,000 shares of ₹10 each payable ₹3 on

application , ₹4 on allotment and balance on first and final call . Applications
were received for 1,00,000 shares and allotment was made as follows :
(i) Applicants for 60,000 shares were allotted 30,000 shares,
(ii) Applicants for 40,000 shares were allotted 20,000 shares,
Anupam to whom 1,000 shares were allotted from category(i) failed to pay the
allotment money.
Pass journal entries up to allotment.

Answer all the Questions (2q*4mark=8)

8) Journalise the following transaction at the time of issue of 9%
Debentures: chiranjeevi Ltd. issued ₹100,000, 9% Debentures of ₹100 each at a
discount of 10% redeemable at 110%.

9)Pass necessary Journal entries for the issue of Debentures in the following
(a) ₹40,000; 10% Debentures of ₹100 each issued at a discount of 10%
redeemable at par.
(b) ₹80,000; 10% Debentures of ₹100 each issued at a premium of 10%
redeemable at a premium of 10%.

Answer all the Questions (1q*6mark=6)

10) Pass necessary journal entries in the books of the company for the following
transactions:Vishesh Ltd. forfeited 1,000 Equity Shares of ₹10 each issued at a
premium of ₹2 per share for non-payment of allotment money of ₹5 per share
including premium. The final call of ₹2 per share was not yet called on these
shares. Of the forfeited shares 800 shares were reissued at ₹12 per share as fully
paid-up.The remaining shares were reissued at ₹11 per share fully paid-up.
Summer Holiday Homework
Class – XII C Set 1 Subject – Business Studies
Max Marks : 25
Group A

Objective Type Questions(1 mark each)

1. A decision to acquire a new and modern plant to upgrade an old one is known as…………….decision.
a. Financing b. Working capital c. Investment d. Dividend
2. Of the following sources of funds,……………..are not borrowed funds.
a. Loans b. Retained earning c. Public deposits d. Debenture
3. Fixed capital is financed through:
a. Equity shares b. Preference Share c. Debentures d. All of the above

4. Which of the following statements is false regarding financial market?

a. Financial markets complicate the purchase and sale of financial assets.
b. Financial markets provide valuable information about securities being traded in the market.
c. They provide liquidity to financial assets
d. None of these.
5. Which of the following money market instruments is also known as Zero Coupon Bonds?
a. Call money b. Treasury Bill c. Commercial paper d. Commercial Bill

Group B

Short answers type Questions(5x3=15)

1. The Return on Investment(ROI) of a company ranges between 10-12% for the past three years. To finance
its future fixed capital needs, it has the following options for borrowing debt:
Option A: Rate of interest 9%
Option B: Rate of interest 13%
Which source of debt, ’Option A’ or ‘Option B’ is better? Give reason in support of your answer. Also state
the concept being used in taking the decision.
2. What is meant by financial planning? State any three points of its importance.
3. Myra is engaged in the Business of garments manufacturing. Generally she used to sell garments in Delhi.
Identify the working capital requirements of Myra giving reasons in support of your answer. Further Myra
wants to expand and diversify her manufacturing business. Explain any two factors that will affect her fixed
capital requirements.
4. Differentiate between Capital Market and Money Market on the following basis:
i. Liquidity ii. Duration, iii. Expected return, iv. Safety

5. ‘A business that doesn’t grow dies’, says Mr. Himesh Granite ltd. With glorious 5 years of its grand success
having a capital of Rs. 100 crore. Within a short span of time, the company could generate cash flow which
not only covered fixed cash payment obligations but also create sufficient buffer.The company is on the
growth path and a new breed of consumers is eager to buy the Italian granite sold by Himesh Granite ltd.
To meet the increasing demand, Mr Himesh decided to expand his business acquiring a mine. This required
an investment of Rs. 150 crore. To seek advice in this matter he called his financial advisor Mr. Sameer,
who advised him about the judicious mix of equity(40%) and debt(60%). Mr. Sameer also suggested him to
take loan from a financial institutions is low. Though this will increase the financial risk but will also raisr
the return to equity shareholders. He also apprised him that issue of debt will not dilute the control of equity
shareholders. At the same time the interest on loan is a tax deductible expense for computation of tax
liability. After due deliberations with Mr. Sameer, Mr Himesh decided to raise funds from a financial

a. Identify and explain the concept of Financial Management as advised by Mr. Sameer in the above
b. State the two factors affecting the concept as identified in part (a) above which have been discussed
between Mr. Himesh and Mr. Sameer.

Group C

Long answers type Questions.(5)

1. ‘Primary markets create long term instruments through which corporate entities raise funds from the
capital market.’In the light of this statements, explain various methods of floatation of new issues.
Summer Holiday Homework
Class – XII C Set 2 Subject – Business Studies
Max Marks : 25

Group A

Objective Type Questions(1 mark each)

6. The security and exchange board of India was established by the Government of India
and was given a statutory status in…………………...
b. 1988
c. 1992
d. 1996
e. 1998

7. Which of the following is incorrect regarding the functions performed by consumer

b. They carry out comparative testing of consumer products.
c. They do not provide legal assistance to the consumers.
d. They file complaints in appropriate consumer court on behalf of consumers.
e. None of the above.

8. Which of the following statement is true?

b. Asserting oneself to ensure that one gets a fair deal is the right of consumer.
c. Right to seek redressal entitles the consumer to get relief in case the product or
service falls short of his expectation.
d. Right to be heard empowers a consumer to have access to a variety of products and
e. All of the above

9. The basic purpose of SEBI is to create an environment to facilitate efficient mobilization

and allocation of resources through the securities markets. Who are the constituents of
this market for whom SEBI aims at creating a conducive environment?
e. Issuers of securities
f. Investors
g. Market intermediaries
h. None of these.

Group B

Short answers type Questions(4x4=16)

6. Sumit purchased an ISI marked washing machine of a famous brand ‘MG’ from TG
Electronics Ltd. The shopkeeper asked him to wait for two days for installation of the
machine. His friend, Vivek was very fond of experimenting with new electronic products.
He told Sumit that there is no need to wait for company’s representative to install the
machine and that he could do it. So, both of them installed the machine without following
the manufacturer’s instructions. Initially, the machine worked effectively and the wash was
good. But after two days the machine started stopping in between the wash cycle. Sumit
and Vivek tried their best to start the machine but failed in their efforts. Sumit, therefore
approached TG electronics Ltd., which refused to provide any service on the plea that th
installation of the machine was not done by the company.
a. State the responsibility which Sumit had to fulfill as an aware consumer to get the
services of the company.
b. Explain briefly any two rights which Sumit could have exercised “had he fulfilled his
responsibility identified in part (i)

7. Keeping in mind the emerging nature of the securities market in India, Securities and
Exchange board of India(SEBI) was entrusted with the twin task of regulation and
development securities market. Out of this, state the developmental functions of
Securities and Exchange Board of India(SEBI).

8. Ordinarily both the terms ‘Marketing’ and ‘selling’ carry the same meaning, but modern
thinkers differentiate between the two terms on various grounds. Differentiate between
the two on any four such grounds.
9. Give the meaning of term ‘Markeying’. In modern times marketing is described as social
process. Comment.

Group C
Long answers type Questions.(5)
2. Explain the three tier machinery under ‘The consumer Protection Act’ for
redressal of consumers grievances.

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