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Braga, Patricia D.

NCM 119 LP1

Situation Exercise 1.0

You are the night shift charge nurse on a busy surgical unit in a large, urban teaching hospital.
Surgeries occur around the clock, and frequently, noise levels are higher than desired because
of the significant number of nurses, physicians, residents, interns, and other healthcare workers
who gather in the nurses’ situation or in the halls outside of patient rooms. Today, the unit
manager has come to you because the hospital’s score on the Centers for Medicaid Hospital
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey for the
category Always Quiet at Night falls for below the desired benchmark. She has asked you to
devise a plan to address this quality of care issue. The management goal in this situation is to
achieve an HCAHPS score on Always Quiet at Night that meets the accepted best practices
benchmark, thus assuming that patients get the rest they need to promote their recovery. The
leading goal is to foster a shared commitment among all healthcare professionals working on
the unit to achieve the Always Quiet at Night goal.

1. Identify five management strategies you might use to address the problem of excessive noise
on the unit at night. For example, your list might include structural environmental changes or
work redesign.
2. Identify 5 leadership strategies you might use to promote buy-in of the Quiet at Night initiative
by all healthcare professionals on the unit. How will you inspire these individuals to work with
you in achieving this critically important goal? What incentives might you use to reward behavior
conducive to meeting this goal?
3. Discuss whether you feel this goal could be achieved by employing only the management
strategies you identified. Could it be achieved only with the implementation of leadership
strategies for team building?

1.Improving patient’s condition and well-being is not only based on how well the nurses or
medical professionals have provided the necessary care and treatment. It is also based on how
they are able to make their patients feel safe and secured by providing a healthy environment.
In a hospital setting, noise is sometimes inevitable to control especially if situations tend to
become toxic. Strategy enables nurses and managers to respond to the challenging trends
occurring in health service delivery. To address this problem, management strategies should be
implemented. It includes:

 Goal Setting. Identify what is your goal. ‘To foster a shared commitment among all
healthcare professionals working on the unit to achieve the Always Quiet at Night goal’.
Knowing what your goal is enables you to narrow down the focus of your strategy.
 Identify vulnerable areas. It is important to know where your hospital is failing. It is only
by identifying these areas that are vulnerable and work to strengthen them. The most
qualified staff can then be applied to these areas to ensure effective management.
 Formulate a plan. Structural and environmental changes should be considered. Rooms
of the patients receiving treatment must be in a space where there is minimal to none
level of noise heard from the outside. Clients for appointments or check ups should also
have enough space to receive care. Sufficient and appropriate rooms is very vital not
only to the patients but to the medical professionals as well, these could improve a
quality rendered care.
 Develop an effective communication strategy. Nurses, doctors, residents and any
medical professionals included in the care and treatment of the patient should know
what the problem is and what solution is there to be made. Cooperation between
hospital staff members will make it easier to achieve its desired goal.
 Remain patient centered. Regardless of any innovative actions you plan to initiate in
your hospital, the main priority should always be the patient. Communicative staff or the
latest technology will not matter if the patient is suffering. Therefore, effective hospital
management lies in remaining patient centered.

2. Addressing this problem also include leadership strategies such as;

 Lead by example. Be genuine. Extraordinary leaders only succeed when they show
others how to extend and push for betterment and greatness. When a leaders actions
align with what they say, they become people who inspire others to want to follow them
and achieved whatever goals they have set.
 Communicate objectives and goals early on to ensure success of the plan. By
communicating the objectives and goals early on, the member can identify strategies
and determine ways to achieve success while slowly eliminating the cause of problem.
Communication helps align teams to a common goal while working together.
 Ask and let others speak. It creates an environment for your employees to grow
confident and become comfortable in sharing their ideas. It is important to hear the
thoughts and perspectives of other staff members to build strong relationships within
each other.
 Identify and address employee dissatisfaction. Identify what it is that hinders
employees to do what is necessary. Identify, confront and understand that finding
solution to an employee’s unhappiness can take time. We might not know their problems
but as leaders it is important that we have ears to lend and a heart that can understand.
 Praise and motivate them. Leaders understand the importance of motivating and
praising others for their work, may it be good or bad. It is very important to ensure that
employees feel appreciated in the workplace. When employees and their work are
valued, productivity rises and people feel motivated to improve their work.

-By taking responsibility with my words and actions, I will make them see and feel that I am not
leaving them towards achieving our desired goal. I will be present throughout the process. I am
willing to hear any opinions and ideas. I will provide room for us to grow as individuals and
colleagues who only wanted to gives what is right and necessary for the patients. I will continue
to inspire, motivate and uplift them even when things get tough, painful and complicated. If I
have the chance to give incentives to these employees, I would probably create a healthy and
pleasant environment for them, I will recognize and appreciate their hard work and
achievements and especially I will give an extra paid time off. I know that a time off from work
will help them regain their energy. They will have time to unwind and think of themselves even
for a short time. To know what really is their purpose.

3. In a hospital setting, patient is as important as medical professionals. It is hard to achieve one

specific goal if there is a lack of rapport and collaboration. Management strategies can be
implemented but it will not be established the right way if the staff members are not motivated
and productive. Management and leadership strategies should always come hand in hand. A
goal is achievable regardless of it being critical if there’s a safe and healthy place for

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