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Task 1. Identify the level of measurement of each of the variables below

Ratio a. Weight in kilograms

Interval b. The daily body temperature of a baby over the course of a week
Nominal c. An elective course choice
Ordinal d. The rank of a student in a class
Ratio e. The number of male participants in a study
Interval f. A standardized university entrance exam test (scores can range from 300 to 1000)
Ratio g. The time taken to swim 50 meters
Nominal h. The name of the university you attend
Ordinal i. The finishing places of drivers in a race
Ratio j. The number of correct answers in an algebra test.

Task 2. Identify the level of measurement of each of the variables below

Nominal (a) Gender:  Male  Female
Nominal (b) Occupation:  Salaried  Self-employed  Professional  Student  Others
Ratio (c) Annual income:  Below 60 mil  60-120 mil  120-180 mil  180-240 mil  Above 240 mil
Ratio (d) Age:  Up to 20 years  21-30 years  32-40 years  41-50 years  Above 50 years
Nominal (e) Marital status:  Single  Married
Ratio (f) Number of children you have: ………
Ordinal (g) Your opinion about the quality provided: HD= Highly Dissatisfied, D= Dissatisfied, M= Moderate, S= Satisfied, HS= Highly Satisfied

Task 3. Read and choose the best answer.

1. You are measuring the listening skill of TDTU freshmen. You would like to know whether the listening test you use is reliable. To determine
this, you would have to test the same students in January and February and then correlate the set of scores. The type of reliability established
in this situation is…….
a a. test-retest b. parallel-forms c. inter-rater d. internal consistency
2. Dr. Lennon developed a personality test. The reliability coefficient of the test was 0.7. It could be said that the test was…….
a a. reliable b. not reliable
3. Your friend has just developed the RLSW test of English, which contains 100 items and tests a high school student’s language skills. What
kind of validity would your friend need for a test like this?
d a. face validity b. predictive validity c. concurrent validity d. content validity

Task 4. Identify the source of error (trait error or method error) in each of the following.
Source of error
trait a. Some participants were in a hurry and marked all center scores. ……………

method b. The rater was in a bad mood when marking the tests. ……………

method c. The participants were given different versions of a survey. ……………

method d. One group was measured in a hot day, the other group on a cold day. ……………
trait e. You could not understand the questions in the test. ……………

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