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1. Please leave SrNo and TimeDuration blank.

2. Fill out the FirstName, LastName and Username. Make sure there are no spaces in the
username. If the name is Robert Dela Cruz, Christian De Jesus and Anton Del Rosario, the
usernames could be robert.delacruz, dejesuschristian or adelrosario. Usernames can also
be student account numbers or email address/es depending on the school policy.

**Please take note that there are NO DUPLICATION of usernames. Username should be
UNIQUE for every student.
3. Fill out ParentsName. It can either be the full name of the parent/s or Mr. & Mrs. Then
write the Relation which is Father, Mother, Parent/s, Aunt, Guardian or Sibling.

4. Make sure that the Email of the parents are complete and valid emails address/es. This is
very important because God’s Park notifications are sent to the registered email
address/es. Parents may provide one or more email addresses.

4. For the last column WithMultipleKidsInGp,

a. write NO for parents with only one child enrolled in God's Park.

b. write NO for parents using the different email addresses for each child enrolled in
God's Park

c. write YES for parents using the same email address for all children enrolled in God's
5. Please separate the Old Students from the New Students for each class using the same
enrollment template.

6. This is the enrollment template with complete information that should be submitted to
us for GP console enrollment.
7. Please take note that we only enroll the students with filled out information from
Username until WithMultipleKidsInGp.

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