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One on One

The One-On-One Column provides scientifically

supported, practical information for personal trainers
who work with apparently healthy individuals or
medically-cleared special populations.
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Guidelines and
Practical Tips for
Training the Prenatal
Erica Ziel, BS1 and Katie M. Smith, PhD, RDN, LD2
Knocked-Up Fitness and Core Athletica Inc., Ankeny, Iowa; and 2Department of Sport Science and Health Education,
Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa

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ABSTRACT regnancy can bring about a vari-  How many pregnancies has she had
P ety of changes that will require
modification and adjustment of
workouts as the pregnancy progresses
in the past? If any, how old are her
other birth children?
 Was she on bed rest or limited activ-
but including both aerobic and resis- ity any time during the current or
tance training can bring about tremen- previous pregnancy?
dous benefits for both mother and  What types of exercise is she inter-
child (18–19). Appropriate modifica- ested in and has she previously
tions and emphasizing deep core engaged in (weight training, pi-
strengthening, while avoiding certain lates, yoga, high intensity, low
movements, will better prepare your intensity, spinning, running, cross-
client for pregnancy, delivery, and the fit, etc.)?
functional and physical demands of  Does she have a history of miscar-
COMMON AILMENTS OF PREG- motherhood. riages, surgeries, chronic pain, scoli-
Before beginning any exercise sessions osis, etc.?
with a prenatal client, it is recommen-  Is she currently experiencing any
ded the exercise professional (EP) discomfort?
CAN BE FOUND IN VIDEO, SUPPLE-  Does she have diastasis recti (see
has written permission from her phy-
sician, along with asking the following Diastasis Recti section)? Umbilical
questions: hernia? Pelvic organ prolapse?
Address correspondence to Katie M. Smith,  How far along is her pregnancy Incontinence daily or with force (how many weeks)? (coughing, sneezing, jumping)?

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association 55 Strength and Conditioning Journal |

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
One on One

The more that is known about the pre- awareness.” Include exercises she will pain, especially if she already has
natal client’s current health and health (or may) not be able to do later on in another young child.
history the better because a specific pro- the pregnancy such as back strength- Tips:
gram can be created. Create a workout ening exercises in the prone position,  Ask how she spends her days, (sitting,
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that is more than just a workout but full range of motion lunges and var- standing, or slouched over) and
also creates balance throughout the iations, planks and variations, and encourage her to change positions
body. Provide take home tips that the core exercises. often, get up from sitting, and do
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client can perform throughout the day, It is recommended that prenatal a short set of squats or walk around.
such as “stand or sit tall”; such simple women exercise most days, if not every  Remind her to lightly activate her
little tips can help carry out day of the week for approximately deep core throughout the day, by
the techniques taught in the exercise 30 minutes or (1) even up to an hour, standing tall and lifting through the
sessions and apply them to daily life. (5) at a moderate intensity; using the top of her head and avoid locking
Start each session by asking how she is talk test to determine intensity, she her knees.
feeling; some days she may feel much should be able to carry on a light con-  Properly pick things up and avoid
better than others, and adjust the work- versation; if she can hardly speak, she is lifting with her back. Lunges and
out accordingly. Although it is important working too hard and the intensity squats are good exercises for teach-
to work on increasing strength during should be decreased (1). Include resis- ing proper techniques for picking up.
the first trimester (described in the next tance training, as research has shown
section), it is also important to help the resistance training and aerobic exercise DIASTASIS RECTI
client feel her best. The client should to be more beneficial than just aerobic
Diastasis recti is the separation of the
leave feeling better than she was when exercise on its own, specifically noting
rectus abdominals, specifically wid-
she walked in. If she is more exhausted a significant decrease in gestational dia-
ening of the connective tissue, the
when she finishes a workout session that betes and hypertensive disorders (18). It
linea alba (9). Pregnancy creates tre-
indicates intensity or duration or both is important to understand the absolute
mendous stretch on both the skin
may be too high. Each and every exer- and relative contraindications to exer-
and fascia of the abdomen, and
cise must serve a purpose, and if it does cise for your prenatal clients (See Tables
women older than 45 years appear
not feel good for that day, or for a longer 2 and 3 in the complimentary Special
more likely to experience more severe
period even after the appropriate mod- Populations column “Training the Pre-
diastasis recti (9). There is a lot of mini-
ifications, move on to other exercises. natal Client”). For specific exercise pre-
mizing of diastasis recti that can be done
scription recommendations using the
for the prenatal client.
frequency, intensity, time, type (FITT)
PRENATAL EXERCISE GUIDELINES principle, see Table 1 of this column. These suggestions could help in pre-
During the first trimester, it is impor- venting and minimizing separation:
tant to focus on strength, helping her ENCOURAGE GOOD POSTURE  Avoid supine forward flexion (11)
find her deep core connection, creat- Encourage good posture and proper once in the second trimester or
ing good posture, and teaching “body lifting to prevent and minimize back sooner if there is coning of the

Table 1
Using the FITT principle during pregnancy

Aerobic Resistance
Frequency 3–5 d/wk 2–3 d/wk
Intensity Moderate exercise, RPE 12–13; Vigorous exercise, RPE 8–10 repetitions or 12–15 repetitions at a submaximal intensity
14–17 to a point of moderate fatigue
Time 30 min/d, totaling $150 min/wk of moderate- One set for beginners, 2–3 sets for experienced women;
intensity exercise or 75 min/wk of vigorous
intensity exercise
Type Weight-bearing and non–weight-bearing activities Variety of machines, free weights, and body weight exercises
such as walking, swimming, group exercise, and such as squats, lunges, seated rows; target all major muscle
hiking groups
American College of Sports Medicine, ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 10th ed, Wolters Kluwer, 2017 (15).

RPE 5 rating of perceived exertion.

56 VOLUME 39 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2017

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
 If her belly feels really tight (most
common with first pregnancies),
have her practice relaxing her belly
(Figure 1) to allow the abdominal
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muscles and skin to stretch.

 To transition to lying on her back,
teach her to start on her side, then
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roll to her back. This can greatly

decrease the intra-abdominal pres-
sure. To transition from a supine
position to an upright position, teach
her to roll to either side to get up
Figure 1. Relaxed belly position and deep breathing. Include this relaxed belly from her back or out of bed. It is
position and deep breathing to help relieve low back pain, improve good to practice getting up from
oxygenation and breathing, and allowing for relaxation of the deep core both sides to minimize creating im-
muscles. This is particularly important in the third trimester. balances. If she is feeling the need to
rest, or is feeling lightheaded, recom-
mend to lie down on her left side to
belly. This holds true for any exercise aration or at least widening and thin- avoid compression of the inferior
that creates any coning effect of the ning of the linea alba. vena cava and decreased blood flow
belly. The pregnant belly should be  Focus on strengthening the deep core to the heart.
smooth and round in the center; muscles (see section on Deep Core– It is important to understand that
coning is when you see a slight bulg- Focused Strengthening), along with strengthening the deep core by stim-
ing in the midline of the belly, this good lengthened posture for each ulating fascia in the abdominal wall
could indicate that there is some sep- exercise. plays a big role in helping to mini-
mize diastasis recti during pregnancy
and promotes easier healing postpar-
tum (9). Even if she has previously
experienced diastasis recti or already
has diastasis recti, further separation
can be minimized by strengthening
the deep core effectively (see
Deep Core–Focused Strengthening

A structured exercise program,
including exercises focused on
strengthening deep core muscles with
the pelvis in a neutral position, is opti-
mal (12). This combination can help
minimize current symptoms of incon-
tinence or prevent future occurrences,
low back pain, hip pain, neck pain,
poor posture, pelvic organ prolapse
symptoms, and diastasis recti. It is
important to avoid exercises that put
stress on the pelvic floor or cause
incontinence, as that indicates the
deep core is not strong enough for
such movements or exercise (9).
Figure 2. Cat cows. Include cat cow exercises to help relieve hip, low back, and pelvic
pain. Inhale to lengthen and exhale to round for cat cow. This is a good The deep core includes the following:
movement for strengthening the deep core muscles throughout preg-  The pelvic floor muscles and obtura-
nancy and relieving tightness around the hips, abdomen, and low back. tor internus muscles (8).

57 Strength and Conditioning Journal |

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One on One

 Transversus abdominis and internal and glutes is key; an EP can partially of the spine with deep core activation
obliques (8,12). identify that by the client’s breathing (Figures 2, 3, 4). Full body exercises
 Multifidus, intercostals, and thoraco- and position of the pelvis. If holding such as squats with rotations (Figure 5)
lumbar vertebral column (8). of the breath or tucking of the pelvis along with foam rolling release exer-
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 Diaphragm and psoas muscle is noticed while trying to keep the deep cises (Figure 6) and encouraging good
because of the fascia that blends with core connected, she is likely overacti- posture throughout the day, can help
the pelvic floor (8). vating. For many, this feels foreign ini- minimize back pain during pregnancy.
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 The fascia that intertwines within tially, but with practice and time, it will
the core, including the layers of fas- improve. Squats and other full-body REMAIN STRESS-FREE
cia in the abdominal wall (8,9). exercises can be good for strengthening Anxiety during pregnancy has been
All the deep core muscles play a critical deep core muscles, whereas lengthen- related to outcomes such as fetal devel-
role in functioning together (8). Pelvic ing through movement plays a critical opment (17), fetal distress, premature
floor strengthening has been shown to role in helping her find and keep mus- labor, low birth weight (6), and possible
increase the likelihood the active phase cle and fascial activation. childhood problems (13). Keeping the
of labor will last under 60 minutes (16). pregnant client’s workouts stress-free is
The importance of relaxation also plays MINIMIZING BACK PAIN extremely important. You want her to
a major role as discussed in the third More than 60% of pregnant women leave feeling more energized and em-
trimester in preparing the body for labor. experience some form of low back powered then when she walked in. This
Strengthening deep core muscles pain during their pregnancy (1); how- will vary depending on your client, as
through movement and exercise plays ever, pain can be minimized and pre- some need a more intense workout to
a key role in improving overall strength vented from getting worse as the relieve their stress but many, especially
and energy, decreasing aches and pain, pregnancy progresses. Teaching deep as they near the end of their pregnancy,
improving confidence, minimizing diasta- core strengthening plays a major ro- will find it more of a stress release if
sis recti, and setting up for a potentially le, including exercises that encourage exercises are chosen in order to feel
easier and quicker labor and recovery, articulation of the spine which can better, while executing each repetition
while decreasing the chances of an emer- help minimize range of motion from in a slow breath-focused manner.
gency cesarean delivery (1,4,16,18,20). decreasing too drastically. Including
stability ball exercises may reduce EDUCATING ABOUT THE
Instruct how to connect her deep core: low back pain during pregnancy and BENEFITS OF EXERCISING
 First relax the deep core muscles on
make daily life function easier (20). Proper awareness and education are
the inhale (including pelvic floor) Encourage daily movement and pro- popular roadblocks for many prenatal
 Exhale to initiate light contraction of
vide 1 or 2 simple exercises such as moms. Physical activity declines dur-
the pelvic floor muscles (from pubic forward rolls, cat cows, and arch and ing pregnancy for many, with more
bone to tail bone and sit bone to sit round, which all focus on articulation than half of prenatal women thinking
bone)—then move if doing an exercise
 Cue to “lightly zip up” or “lift a wet
towel” from the pelvic floor up
through the top of the head.
 Avoid sucking the belly to spine as
this restricts deep core activation and
proper breathing (9).
 Lengthen tall through the torso and
top of the head to positively affect
posture and deep core strength.
 Encourage diaphragmatic breathing
(inhaling out to the sides and back
of the ribcage); exhale feeling the
lengthening as stated above while
also adding a light wrapping “down
and around” of the lower ribcage.
Avoid exercises that cause her to
hold her breath as this could put
unnecessary force on the pelvic Figure 3. Arch and round. Include this arch and round exercise to help relieve hip, low
floor (9). back, and pelvic pain. It is a good movement for teaching your prenatal
Teaching her to lightly connect and client how to find and strengthen the deep core muscles throughout
avoid gripping the pelvic floor muscles pregnancy while relieving tightness around the hips and abdomen.

58 VOLUME 39 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2017

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WEEKS 1–12)

 Avoid supine forward flexion:

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after the pregnant belly becomes

noticeably present, or
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if abdominal coning is present and

she can no longer maintain deep core
connection in a neutral spine position,
or she reaches week 12 of pregnancy.
 Avoid overstretching because of the
hormone relaxin (2); encourage
stretching to a point that feels good
but never painful. Limit movements
that could overstretch the pubic sym-
physis and surrounding pelvic areas. It
is more likely she may notice discom-
fort in and around her pelvis as her
pregnancy progresses. Stretching
through exercises that encourage
length and strength will best benefit
as pregnancy progresses (Figures 2, 3,
4, 5).
 Avoid positions that increase the
likelihood of falling. Changes in
hormones causing vasodilation and
an increase in blood volume can
cause her to feel lightheaded or
dizzy easily (4).
 Modifications to the total volume of
exercise may not be necessary.
Dr. James Clapp II demonstrated
conditioned pregnant athletes can
safely exercise 5 + times/week at
65–90% of their regular intensity
Figure 4. Forward rolls. Forward rolls can help to relieve back pain and neck providing they do not feel overly ex-
pain, improve deep core strengthening, and elongate the spine. It is hausted afterward (4).
important to focus on articulating the spine through the movement  Use the talk test to determine moder-
and keeping the hips over or behind the knees to avoid increasing
intra-abdominal pressure.
ate intensity. She should be able to
carry on a light conversation; if she
is extremely winded, the intensity
activity will actually decrease their but at this stage of pregnancy she may should be decreased (1). It is always
not feel comfortable doing so. Thus, it is better to stay on the lighter side than
energy (10). Many are unaware that
important to follow her lead but con- overdo the pregnant client.
staying active during pregnancy could  Avoid jarring exercises, movements
decrease their risk of gestational diabe- tinue to encourage her to keep staying
physically active and moving often. that change direction quickly, and ex-
tes and do not realize that if they are ercises such as downhill skiing, con-
overweight they are more likely to tact sports, and scuba diving (2) (See
have a child who is overweight (10). MODIFICATIONS Table 4 of the complimentary Special
EPs see firsthand that working out can A summary of modifications and sug- Populations column in this issue enti-
actually increase energy, which is why it gestions for exercise prescription tled “Training the Pregnant Client”).
is recommended to keep the line of com- within each trimester of pregnancy is  Running may be a good option for
munication open and adjust the work- available in Table 2. More details are some pregnant women if they
outs accordingly. EPs may know their provided regarding each modification have previously been regularly run-
client is capable of working out harder within the sections here forward. ning before pregnancy, but if

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One on One
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Figure 5. Squats with rotations. Squats with rotations are an important full-body exercise to improve overall body strength and
fascial stimulation, while improving posture, deep core strength, and relieve aches and pains.

running does not feel good or is  Staying hydrated is important when the ability to get rid of heat through
causing pain, running volume can working out especially if working out the skin and lungs (4). That said, it is
be decreased or replaced with in a warmer temperature. However, still best to play it safe and avoid
other cardiovascular exercises such the concern about body temperature extremely warm temperatures.
as walking, swimming, and ellipti- getting too high is actually low Encourage dressing for warmer
cal and stationary biking (2). because of pregnancy improving weather with layers and encourage
her to drink plenty of water.
 It is important to work the major
muscle groups using a variety of body
weight, free weight (15), and exercise
band exercises such as squats, lunges,
seated or standing rowing, lat pull-
downs, tricep pull-downs or kick-
backs, and bicep curls and modify
as pregnancy progresses by:
 decreasing the weight
 decreasing range of motion
 changing the direction of the pull
(such as seated lat pull-downs may
need to be adjusted to kneeling lat
pull-downs to decrease intra-
abdominal pressure, typically occur-
ring midway through pregnancy).


Many pregnant women may not
feel like exercising during their
first trimester because of increased
Figure 6. Foam rolling release. These foam rolling releases can help to relieve aches fatigue or nausea or may have had
and pains of the low back, hips, and sciatic area. reasoning from their physician to

60 VOLUME 39 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2017

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Table 2
Overview of trimester-specific modifications

First trimester Second trimester Third trimester

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Use the “Talk Test” to determine moderate intensity X X X

Decrease intensity as needed X X X
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Avoid any prone lying exercises X X X

Avoid supine forward flexion (includes traditional crunches in any X X X
Avoid overstretching, encourage stretching to a point that feels X X X
good and never painful
Limit movements that could overstretch pubic symphysis and X X X
surrounding pelvic areas
Avoid changing positions too quickly X X X
Include exercises to strengthen deep core muscles X X X
Include exercises that improve energy X X X
Teach her to go from her side, to her back when laying on her back, X X
and then roll to her side to get up from her back or out of bed
Encourage deep belly breathing; practice daily X X
If experiencing round ligament pain, minimize movements such as X X
lunges, running, and walking
If experiencing symphysis pubis dysfunction, minimize X X
movements, such as deep squats and lunges, running, and
possibly walking
Minimize lying in the supine position for more than a couple X X
of minutes and avoid completely if she does not feel good lying
supine or has been instructed by her doctor to avoid
Encourage increased emotional relaxation and general movement X
throughout the day
A brief overview of modifications specific to each trimester is listed to aide in developing an exercise program for the progressing prenatal client.

avoid or limit first trimester activity. (14). Improvements in fetal oxygena-  Minimize lying in the supine position
Once in the second trimester of tion may reduce risk of gestational dis- for more than a couple of minutes.
pregnancy and a physician has given orders associated with impaired Avoid it completely if she does not feel
permission to begin or resume physi- endothelial function (14). well lying supine or has been instructed
cal activity, it is then safe and encour- by her doctor to avoid it completely.
aged to get started on a regular SECOND TRIMESTER Signs to avoid lying on the back:
prenatal workout routine. The EP MODIFICATIONS (IN ADDITION  lightheadedness
should gradually progress and modify TO FIRST TRIMESTER  nausea
exercises as appropriate for the cur- MODIFICATIONS)  contractions
 she simply “does not feel good”
rent level of fitness.
 Avoid supine forward flexion move-  Encourage her to deep belly breathe
Create workouts that include both ments once in the second trimester. (relaxing her belly and body while
resistance and aerobic exercises. There  Avoid exercises that create coning of breathing deeply into the sides and
is a positive correlation between exer- the belly, as this indicates she is not back of her ribcage and abdomen
cise and improved fetal oxygenation, properly activating the deep core while also relaxing her pelvic floor)
even when a prenatal woman begins and that the intra-abdominal pres- a little each day to encourage relaxa-
exercising during the second trimester sure is too great. tion of her deep core muscles along

61 Strength and Conditioning Journal |

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One on One

with stretching of the abdominal as lunges, running, and walking. The the second trimester with the possi-
muscles, fascia, and skin to help min- pain is usually a sharp or jabbing pain ble need to decrease intensity. The
imize severity of diastasis recti (Figures in the lower belly or groin area. As EP should be aware of the potential
1, 2, 3, 4). the baby grows, the round ligament for the client to fatigue more easily;
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 Challenge her with exercises that which attaches from the uterus to be aware that some exercises are
encourage the deep core to engage, the groin stretches and can cause likely to not work now and eliminate
such as squats with rotations (Fig- pain for some during part or all of those movements. Include move-
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ure 5), lunges with full range of the pregnancy. Include exercises ments and exercises that help the
motion and light weights, or for the such as pelvic tilts and hip rolls client feel better and encourage her
advanced client with previous bal- (Figure 7) keeping the feet wider to continue to strengthen her
ance and BOSU training, squats on than hip-width apart (3). deep core.
a BOSU. Squats on a BOSU should  Minimize movements that may exac-
As the end of her pregnancy nears,
be supervised, and the EP should erbate symphysis pubic dysfunction encourage and include some relaxa-
remain close by to prevent a fall, if (movement or spreading between tion exercises (Figure 1). Teach her
the client was to lose balance. Body the pubic bones causing pain) such to relax, specifically the pelvic floor
weight only is encouraged on the as deep wide squats and lunges, run- muscles. Many strong women may
BOSU, so it is easier to focus on bal- ning, and possibly even walking (9). tend to grip their pelvic floor muscles,
ance and catch herself in the event Choose exercises that help stabilize especially when in pain, so it is impor-
she starts to lose balance. the pelvis but encourage strength tant now to encourage her to think
 The point at which lunges may need to such as side lying leg exercises, small about relaxing as she prepares for
be modified to more supportive sta- range of motion squats, quadruped- labor. She can continue resistance
tionary movements will need to be positioned exercises, pelvic tilts, hip and aerobic activity up until she deliv-
individualized. This is largely because rolls (Figures 2,3,7), and seated or ers. Sticking with the exercises that
of the rate of gestational weight gain standing upper-body exercises. feel best is encouraged, even if the
and abdominal growth that will result  Swimming is a good physical activity
EP finds himself or herself feeling as
in a shift of the women’s center of option as pregnancy progresses and though the same exercises are taught
gravity. When the exercise needs mod- could help with managing and decreas- during those last sessions of the
ified, a variety of squats can be included ing pelvic or low back pain or both (7). pregnancy.
such as wall squats and sits, wall squats THIRD TRIMESTER EMPHASIS
with a medicine ball between the legs, AND MODIFICATIONS
squats with rotations (Figure 5) or use (GESTATIONAL WEEKS 27–40+) SUMMARY
of a cable pulley, or on a BOSU. The third trimester allows continua- Creating a well-balanced, deep core–
 Minimize movements that may con- tion of training the prenatal client focused, regular (preferably daily)
tribute to round ligament pain such according to what she was doing in workout regimen including both

Figure 7. Pelvic tilts and hip rolls. Include pelvic tilts and hip rolls to relieve low back and hip pain, specifically for those
experiencing round ligament pain and to encourage deep core strengthening. Can be taught through pregnancy as
long as she feels well on her back or her doctor has not instructed her to completely avoid lying supine.

62 VOLUME 39 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2017

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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