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Angel G. Langomez Grade 12 St.


A literature Review of The School Absenteeism among High School

Students: Contributing Factors Duru Erdinc 2016

I. Related Literature

Kamla- Raj quoted in his article in 2011.Absenteeism is the

mostimportant factors which impact on the assembly line function
inthe development of administration of University. Theseabsenteeism
levels decrease the level of production because ofwork specialization.
One analysis given that, absenteeism bringsout hundreds of cases of
negative impact on the building offuture of students. Empirical
evidences confirm that absenteeismproduce the high level of problems
and failure. There is declinein value of specialization among the
students and significantdecrease the achievements of students (Steyn&
Van, 2002).Kamla-Raj quoted in his article in 2011, Physical presence
ofstudent on discussion in class and learning performance ofstudents’
relationship is close relative. The only way ofmeasuring the learning
ability of students is class participation.In the units of learning of
student, student and teacher relationship is one of fundamental unit in
the class (Moore,Armstrong et al. 2008)

II. Variables

Independent variable < > Dependent variable

Unwillingness cause of lateness

Unwillingness cause of
lateness < >
Long distance from house to school < > Student laziness
In this study ,two main things are being looked at. First, there’s the
independent variable, of interest—days absent—varies almost yearly
within students in the panel, making fixed effects ideally suited to the
analysis.Secondly, in order to examine whether level of student
absenteeism differs or not in respect to parents’ educational level and
income level, an analysis of variance was performed.

III. Research gaps

Children from certain racial and ethnic minority backgrounds, in

poverty, and/or with a disability, often face distinct challenges in
attending school, leading them to miss more school relative to their
non-minority, more socio-economically advantaged and non-disabled
peers. This brief describes these disparities in absenteeism in the US,
discusses the challenge of explaining these disparities, and considers
the implications that disparities have for addressing absenteeism.

IV. Statistical Data

The study of absenteeism is very important for every institution and

every teacher to improve the results and the studies. It is useful to
make the students disciplined, punctual and regular. The present study
was aimed at finding different factors of absenteeism at secondary
level, particularly in Lahore city. The researchers‘ effort was to sort out
varied significant factors involved in the students‘ absenteeism at
secondary level. It has always been a burning issue and especially
nowadays as government is very much concerned with it. For the
improvements and bringing.
V.Statistical Treatment

The achievement variables are composed of vertically-scaled test scores

on the Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC) in ELA and mathematics.
These tests are available for Grades 3 to 8 and grade 11. Grades earlier
than third grade and Grades 9, 10, and 12 are not tested.

Social-emotional data come from CORE surveys of students. The data

provide scale scores generated from survey items using a generalized
partial credit model4 measuring the following constructs: (1) self-
management, the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and
behaviors effectively in different situations; (2) growth mind-set, the
belief that one’s intelligence is malleable and can grow with effort; (3)
self-efficacy, the belief in one’s own ability to succeed in achieving an
outcome or reaching a goal; and (4) social awareness, the ability to take
the perspective of and empathize with others from diverse
backgrounds and cultures, to understand social and ethical norms for
behavior, and to recognize family, school, and community resources
and support (Hough et al., 2017). A validation study found the CORE-
generated SEL constructs to have high structural validity, and high
reliability in most of the factors (Meyer et al., 2018).5 Scaled SEL scores
range from 5.5 to 4.6 depending on the construct, but we standardize
all scaled scores to a mean of zero and standard deviation of 1 by
school year and by construct.6 Table A1 in the online appendix
(available on the journal website) contains descriptive statistics on all
variables used in our analyses.
VI. Sampling Procedure/ Technique

The sample of the present research had segments in it. One major
segment of the sample was students. Using multi-stage stratified
random sampling technique the schools were divided into two Strata:
boys and girls. in the next stage, 10 schools of each stratum were
selected randomly. Hence, 20 schools (10 boys and 10 girls) were
selected. the purpose of this research was to explore the factors of

absenteeism of secondary school students only, therefore, only 9th and

10th classes were selected. since, the researchers were studying only
absenteeism, the students considered for sample were only those who
remained absent for 20% days at least. Thus, our sample comprised
those students both girls and boys who were absent from the schools
for more than 20% of the academic days. This selection was made on
purposive basis.


After analysis it is found that 38.65% and 30.75% arerespectively

strongly agree and agree that absenteeism effect thestudents
grades .15.46% replied that it may or may not affect thegrades and
13.63% and 1.5% are respectively strongly agree anddisagree about
these effects

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