Weather D y

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1. Sunny - (adjective) When the sun is shining brightly in the sky.

2. Cloudy - (adjective) When the sky is covered in clouds, and you can't see the sun.
3. Rainy - (adjective) When it's raining, and water falls from the sky.
4. Snowy - (adjective) When it's snowing, and the ground is covered in snow.
5. Windy - (adjective) When there's a lot of wind blowing.
6. Foggy - (adjective) When visibility is reduced due to thick fog.
7. Stormy - (adjective) When there's a storm with strong winds, rain, or snow.
8. Temperature - (noun) The degree of hotness or coldness in the weather.
9. Forecast - (noun) A prediction of what the weather will be like in the future.
10. Season - (noun) A period of the year characterized by particular weather patterns.
11. Climate - (noun) The typical weather conditions of a region over a long period.
12. Thunder - (noun) The loud noise that comes after lightning during a storm.
13. Lightning - (noun) A sudden burst of bright light in the sky during a storm.
14. Umbrella - (noun) A device used to protect oneself from rain.
15. Rainbow - (noun) A beautiful arc of colors in the sky after the rain

1. It's a beautiful day today.

2. The weather is so pleasant.
3. I can't stand this heat!
I love it when it's sunny.
4. The rain is really coming down.
5. I hope the rain stops soon.
6. It's quite chilly outside.
7. The wind is picking up.
8. The snow is piling up.
9. The fog is so thick you can't see.
10. I heard there's a thunderstorm coming.
11. The weather forecast predicts a clear day.
12. What's the temperature like today?
13. It's freezing out there!

1. How's the weather today? What's the weather like today?

2. What's the forecast for this weekend?
3. Is it supposed to rain later?
4. What's the temperature right now?
5. Do you like hot weather?
6. What's your favorite season?
7. Have you ever seen a tornado?
8. What do you do on a rainy day?
9. How do you stay warm in the winter?
10. Have you ever been in a snowstorm?
11. Do you like it when it's windy?
12. What's your opinion on cloudy days?
13. Have you ever experienced a hurricane?
14. Do you enjoy a sunny day at the beach?
15. What's the best weather for outdoor activities?
16. How cold is it today?

1. Meeting a Friend:
 Person A: Hey, how's it going?
 Person B: Not bad, but this weather is crazy! It was sunny in the morning,
and now it's pouring.
 Person A: I know, right? I got caught in the rain on my way here.
2. In the Office:
 Coworker A: Good morning! Did you see the weather forecast for the
 Coworker B: Morning! Yeah, they're saying it'll be sunny and warm. Perfect
for my hiking trip.
3. At a Café:
 Customer A: Can you believe this weather today? I thought it was
supposed to be spring.
 Barista: Tell me about it! I've been craving some sunshine.
4. On the Phone:
 Person A: Hey, it's been a while! How's everything?
 Person B: I'm good, just dealing with this winter cold. How's the weather
on your side?
5. Planning an Outing:
 Friend A: Want to go for a bike ride later?
 Friend B: Sure, if the weather cooperates. I hope it stays dry this afternoon.
6. At the Grocery Store:
 Shopper A: I think I need an umbrella. It's been so unpredictable lately.
 Shopper B: I just bought one last week. Can't trust the weather these days.
7. Waiting at the Bus Stop:
 Commuter A: The bus is late again. It's freezing out here.
 Commuter B: Yeah, and the weather app said it would be on time today.
8. Discussing Travel:
 Traveler A: I'm thinking of booking a trip to the beach next month.
 Traveler B: That sounds nice. Check the weather so you can pack
9. School Pickup:
 Parent A: I hope the rain holds off until after I pick up the kids.
 Parent B: Me too! We don't need any more muddy backpacks.
10. In a Store:
 Shopper A: Do you think I need a heavier coat for the winter?
 Shopper B: Definitely. The weather can get pretty harsh here.

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