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[11/13, 7:51 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie

By Author Rennie
A mother's love is the kind of love that can never be replaced. It's the most genuine love that ever
exist. It's more precious than silver or gold.
Some mother shower their kids with too much love, some with less love. But How much more
those that grow up without mother's love or affection.
ARIANA GILBERT is a girl who accidentally killed her mum when She was four. She grows up to
become a very anti social girl who hides behind a hoodie and deals with many challenges. She
fights to get her father to love her but it didn't work. No one has seem her talking nor smiling.
Jason Anthony is the only son of a very rich business tycoon who lost his only love to a plane
crash. He becomes very cold and brutal.
Problems arise when he crosses paths with Ariana. Things get worse when Ariana's secrets are
revealed and everyone hates her. She is on the verge of giving up when the person She least
expected came to her rescue.
How did ARIANA kill her mum?

What happens to her after She meets Jason?

How did her secret become revealed?

What happened ?

Find out in this intriguing story of love, pain,betrayal and above all,mother's love.

Author Rennie
[11/13, 7:58 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author rennie
Chapter one
Eleven years later...
Jason Anthony got down from his car, obviously lost in thoughts. The girls went wild as soon as
they saw him. They surrounded him,taking pictures and struggling to touch him. His guards ran
towards him and tries to prevent the girls from touching him. He walked into the school hallway
and all eyes were on him.
Today made it two years that he lost the love of his life. Caressing the watch he was wearing
which was a gift from her,his eyes began to moisten. He walked into the room the school reserved
for him and his friends and slumped on the sofa,feeling heartbroken. Tears ran down his skin and
he wiped them off.
Silva was his first love,first kiss,first everything. Their relationship went well and smoothly. Her
father travelled to Italy to launch a new product and he took his family with him. On their way
back,they all died in a plane crash.
Jason,on hearing the news, went into into coma for six months. The shock was too much for him.
Weeks after he woke up he became really arrogant,selfish and rude. Everything reminded him of
Silvia and he vowed never to fall in love again. He brought out his phone and stared at her
pictures,causing memories to flood back to his mind;her smiles, laughs and jokes. The way she
walks,talks and her perfect green eyes.
"Silvia,my feelings for you have never changed and will never change... I promise you that no one
will ever replace are my heart and you will always be "
He said and lit up a cigarette. His phone rang and he looked at the caller's ID. It was Alera
Thomas,his girlfriend or should I say Sex toy.

Ariana's pov
Ever felt like taking your own life is the only solution to your problems?

I sat in the corner of the room,smirking as I made the eight cut on my arm. I closed my ears and
screamed in pain as I kept hearing voices whispering about how evil I was for killing my mother.
Tears ran down my cheeks..
[11/13, 7:59 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author rennie
Chapter 1b
Tears gushed down my cheeks as I held my chest in pain. Everything hurts.
Today is my mum's remembrance. Well I killed her. I sent her to the early grave. I cut her life
I got up,walked to my wardrobe and searched for the perfect hoodie to wear. I finally picked the
one that says "my life sucks". Yeah it does.
"Ariana!!!" My dad called and I rolled my eyes. I ran down the stairs and came face to face with
him. He glared at me angrily and walked towards me. Suddenly, he grabbed my ears and I
shrieked in pain.
"Must you disobey me? How many times have I warned you to always go to school get
I bowed my head quietly ,fighting back the Tears that threatened to spill.
"Dad,how about the money I asked for?" He raised his eye brows and grabbed my neck.
"Don't you ever call me dad...I am not your father or do you wanna kill me like you killed your
mum?get a Job and fend for yourself... I am gonna be kicking you out of this house in a month's
time...your presence disgust me"
I felt my breath seize and Tears gushed out of my eyes. The urge to speak sense into him came
upon me but I ignored it. I wanted to tell him to respect her. I wanted to tell him to stop reminding
me of my mistake but I just couldn't. He released me and I slumped to the ground, sobbing
uncontrollably. I walked to my room and grabbed my bag. Stepping out of my house,I covered my
face completely with my hoodie and walked to school,another hell on earth. Let me introduce
My name is Ariana Gilbert,I killed my mum when I was four. That's all I know about myself. She
was all I wanted and I took her away. Now the whole world hates me including my dad. It's not like
I deserve love anyway. Well I don't deserve it. I deserve pain and hatred. I am sure my mum is
looking down at me now with hatred. But everything is my fault,now am paying for it.

Anyword for Jason and Ariana?

[11/13, 8:00 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author rennie
Chapter Two
Ariana's pov
I walked into the school and glanced at my watch. It was 10:00am already. I missed my first class.
I sighed and walked into the school hallway. Fidgeting as everyone stared at me. Someone
blocked my view and when I looked up,I shivered in fear. It was Already Thomas,leader of the
cheerleading team and the girlfriend of the school hottest guy. She smirked and made to drag my
hoodie down. I stopped her. I could feel everyone staring at us and I really wanted to run away.
"Hello!hoodie girl...I missed you" I rolled my eyes and murmured word without meanings.
",I expect an answer from you or you can't talk?? "
I kept quiet. Don't blame me for being quiet. I have never said a word to anyone for good five
years. I really hate Alera but She has been my bully since I started Mountain High. She whispered
something to her minions and one of them passed a bottle containing hot sauce. She smirked and
spilled them on my face. I closed my eyes as some entered my eyes. I could hear people
laughing and my heart became heavy. I opened and closed my eyes repeatedly,trying to get rid of
the hot sauce in my eyes.
She pushed me to the ground and poured flour on my body. I could feel eyes landing on my body
from different directions. My heart broke and my mouth shivered.
"Alera!!!! What the fuck are you doing? " I gasped as my brain tried to process the owner of the
voice but it couldn't. I felt someone carry me up but I became really weak to even open my eyes a
"Alera!!! You won't go scotfree!"
I heard Alera cackling and her minions joined her.
"I am Jason's girlfriend... you can't do anything "
I placed my hands across my Knight in shining armour neck and rested on his chest. He pulled me
closer and I felt his stare burning into my skin. I felt safe somehow, for the first time in eleven
years. Atleast I felt secured cause I knew he won't hurt me..
Who is Ariana's Knight in shining armour ?
[11/13, 8:00 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author rennie
Chapter 2B
Jason's pov
I watched Rhynes as he paced up and down the hospital. He looked really edgy and scared. Don't
blame him. The idiot is in love with some damn girl he claimed to have saved from the hands of
Alera. Jace looked at me and gave me a sign that means I should calm down. The doctor walked
up to us and Rhynes immediately rushed to him.
"Doc is She gonna be okay?" He asked and Jasper placed his hand across his shoulder while I
stood there,totally not interested in what they were saying.
"Yeah She will be...her eyes need to be administered a particular eye drop but within a period of
two weeks,She should be okay.. She will remain in the hospital during this period " Rhynes
heaved a sigh of relief and we all walked into her Ward. I rested my back on the wall while Rhynes
and the rest walked up to her. I stared at her and truth be told, She is really beautiful. Blessed with
soft looking red lips. Why would She hide such beauty behind a hoodie?
Rhynes caressed her forehead and pecked her cheek and I rolled my eyes.
"Can we go now? " I asked,feeling really uncomfortable.
"Chill man! Just give me a few minutes" Rhynes said and grabbed a piece of paper. Her phone
rang and he looked at us. We gave him a go ahead and he answered the call since he was her
"Ariana! get your useless self home right now... can't you be less useless? you have two minutes
to bring your stupid self home or else? I will..."
Rhynes ended the call and we stared at each other. I rolled my eyes, not caring about what was
going on.
"What the heck! What sort of father would say that? " he asked no one in particular.
"Can we go?" I asked and they nodded. Rhynes looked at her for the last time and placed the note
on the counter before walking out.
I really don't blame him. He has been inlove with Ariana for two years but he never told her cause
She never said a word to anyone. For me,love is pure shit; It's meant for kids...
[11/13, 8:34 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author rennie
Chapter three
Rhynes' pov
I sat in the car grinning happily. Why wouldn't I be happy? The girl I have loved for two years will
finally notice me. My mind went back to when I kissed her cheek and I blushed. I looked at my
bestfriends and shook my head. I keep wondering How we get along cause we are so different.
Michael, he is the really quiet type; Jace,the really noisy and yet most reliable of them all;
Jasper, our very own chef and music freak; Jason, mysterious yet deadly. I smiled as our driver
pulled into the school caused we needed to grab our bag. Our principal sighted us and walked up
to us,her heels making noise. We got down,but Jason said he doesn't wanna go back to class so
we should help him grab his bag.
"Where are the three of you coming from?" She asked,an evil smirk displaying on her lips. We
looked at each other for an answer but we couldn't provide one.
Jason came down from the car and when she saw him,she started stammering.
"Hkmmm you guys have just earned detention" Jason smirked and looked at her.
'We earned detention, you have just lost your job" he picked his phone and wanted to call his dad
but she stopped him.
"Just take whatever you wanna take
and pretend we never had this conversation " with that she stomped off. That is Jason Anthony for
you. Actually that's the nicest side of him.

Ariana's pov
I tapped the bed and opened my eyes gradually. I looked around, feeling really weak. My eyes
landed on the counter and I saw a note. I sat up and picked the note.
"I will be back tomorrow.... your saviour " I dropped it and sighed in frustration. I really wanted to
see the person who saved me. My phone rang and when I checked three caller's ID,it was my
dad. I answered the call,shaking with fear.
",Hey bitch, you don't wanna come home right... well don't bother, him come and pick your
things... now I can breathe without fear...i hate you..get lost"
What! he can't throw me out,no!
[11/13, 8:35 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author rennie
Chapter 3B
Still Ariana's pov
Tears ran down my cheeks and I hugged myself tighter. I really need to talk to my dad. I looked at
the drip that was fixed to my hand and I yanked it off. Blood trickled out but I ignored it. I took off
my hospital garments and wore my clothes,covering my face totally with my hoodie. I opened the
door quietly and slipped pass the nurses but my only problem was the security guards. Heaven
helped me as a nurse came to call him, giving me the opportunity to sneak out. I ran all the way
home, my body aching all overall as I panted like a dog. I knocked on the door and a very beautiful
lady opened it.
"Well,hello may I help you?" She said calmly but I couldn't help but wonder who she
was. I studied her for a while before speaking.
"I am looking for one mr Gilbert " my voice came,almost in a whisper,the first in five years.
"Oh!!! He doesn't live here anymore... sold the house to my husband but he did ask me to give you
this" the lady said,handling me my bag containing few of my clothes.
My heart stopped for a while. The lady stared at her and went inside. I stood there,erect,
completely lost in my thoughts. I tried calling my dad but it went into voicemail. I slumped to the
ground,feeling hopeless. The sky became darker and very soon it started raining heavily. I got up
and gradually walked to wherever my legs could take me. I shivered as a result of the cold. I could
feel myself becoming weak as I was beginning to lose consciousness. I looked up to the sky and
tears ran down my eyes. All this would not be happening if I didn't call my mum. Everything is
totally my fault.
"Am sorry mum!" I whispered closed my eyes as I became unconscious.

Rhynes' pov
I banged my table in anger as rage took over me. What the heck is this doctor saying? They can't
find her?
I tapped my head in frustration and grabbed my bottle of whiskey and gulped down the remaining
[11/13, 8:35 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author rennie
Chapter 4
Still Rhynes' POV
I gulped down the remaining contents and smashed the bottle on the wall. What the fuck!! How
can she leave the hospital? I rushed to the sitting room and grabbed my car keys but I met my
friends already waiting for me. I was surprised when I saw Jason.
"Bro, we are looking for Ariana not Silvia yunno" I told him and he smiled. He snatched my car
keys from my hands and started the car engine. I just sat there quietly, my mind overshadowed
with fear. It was 11:30pm already yet the doctors haven't found her.
"Wait!! I can see her! " Jason shouted and he stopped the car. We all ran out, excitement running
through our veins. The happiness died down when we noticed that she was cold, pale and
unconcious. I picked her up in bridal style and rushed her to the hospital.

Jason's POV
I watched Rhynes as he stared at Ariana's face. A feeling of jealousy came upon me and I
gasped. Its been long I felt this way. Could it be that I am in love? I quickly broke my thoughts
and my eyes found their way back to them. I really can't be in love especially not with a girl like
Ariana. I don't know what made me go with them to search for her but I was really worried when
they couldn't find her. I stared at her lips, then her nose, then her face. She looked perfect . I can't
fall in love. Love is dumb. Its a complete waste of time and above all, love is for kids.

Unknown's POV
I sat down in my office, analyzing my plot to bring down Mr Anthony Alex. For good five years, he
has been the richest business tycoon. I clenched my fist in anger as I remembered how he
disgraced me in front of the board members. I am really gonna ruin his life. I am gonna kill his
only child and heir, he will be so heartbroken he wont even remember he has a business. I picked
up my phone and dialed a particular number. The person picked it at the third ring.
"Hello! Mr gilbert" I said, smirking evily.
[11/13, 8:36 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author rennie
Chapter 4B
Arabia's pov
I gradually opened my eyes and I saw Rhynes staring at me with anger. I groaned and sat up,
sighing in frustration. I looked up and I saw Jace and Jasper staring at me with care. I looked
around for Jason but he wasn't in the room. Ofcourse I didn't expect him to worry about me, when
he clearly hates me.
"Why did you run away?" Rhynes asked,causing tears to trickle down my cheeks. He sat on the
bed and I told him the reason.
They all opened their mouths widely and stared at each other.
"So you can talk " they chorused in surprise and I nodded.
"It's Okay... you can live with us...right guys? " he asked and they nodded. I smiled a bit and he
hugged me. I flinched a bit before hugging him back. My mind raced faraway. What is Jason kicks
me out again? What if he makes my life miserable? What if he hates me the more? I knew I was
taking a big risk but it's just for a short while cause I will be getting a job. I sighed and smiled at
Jace and Jasper who grinned widely.

Jason's pov
I didn't enter the hospital ward but rather I stood by the door,eavesdropping and as soon as
Ariana told Rhynes the reason she was ran away,I went back home. I could feel my heart
slamming against the walls of my chest. My palms were sweaty. She is gonna be living with us?
No way! My feelings might just increase. I am not gonna allow her live with me. Never! I really
need to keep all this feelings. I lit a cigarette and picked my laptop and got myself busy but I
couldn't concentrate as Ariana was on my mind. I walked to the wine bar,grabbed a bottle of
brandy and I squirmed as it burned my throat. I don't even know how I am feeling right now. I
picked up my phone and I called Alera. She picked at the second ring and I could hear her
squealing from the other end. Bitch!
" can you come to my house? "
"Yeah sure" and I cut the call immediately. I really need to get my mind of all this. A hot sex would
[11/13, 8:36 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author Rennie
Chapter 5
Ariana walked into the mansion with Rhynes carrying her bag. To be honest,she was really scared
of what Jason was gonna do or say. They both stepped into the living room, Rhynes with a happy
face and Ariana with a scared face. Immediately Jason saw her,he raised his head up and stood
up hastily. He raised his eye brows,pretending he had no ideas about her coming. Jace and
Jasper who were arguing about somethimg,stopped and stood up to welcome her.
"Why are you guys welcoming the slum girl" Jason asked,hands akimbo. Immediately he said that,
Ariana's heart broke.
"Jason,watch your mouth...her father threw her out so she's gonna be staying her" Jason
cackled,making Ariana to become edgy. He stopped and faced them.
" you guys made a decision to bring this shit here with..." Rhynes got angry and interrupted him.
"Who her whatever you wanna call her...she staying either you like it or not"
Jason smiled and faced her.
"I dont care if you stay or not...i am gonna give you three rules...stay away from me,dont ever talk
to me,dont ever talk to me...i hate you and all those fucking slum girls" With that he stomped away

Ariana's pov
I feel so guilty right now. Its my fault that Rhynes and Jason are quarelling. Rhynes showed me
my room assured me everything will be fine. I showered and dozed off immediately.
Jason's pov
I took deep breaths and tapped my forehead. It wasnt easy saying all that to her. Atleast i know
she wont try to talk to me. I stood up and walked to the large drawing of Silvia in my room. I heard
someone knocking on my door.
"Come in!" Jace walked in,a sheepish smile displaying on his lips. He walked up to Jason and
looked at the potrait.
"She was really special to us" he said and Jason nodded,as tears trickled down his face.
"Why do you hate Ariana so much?"
"I hate slum girls" Jason said and he bit his lips as those words came out by force as they werent
the truth...
[11/13, 8:36 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author Rennie
Chapter 5B
Monday came faster than Ariana expected and she was really sad. She knew she had to go back
to school once again. She wore her school uniform and grabbed her school bag. She knotted her
tie as she walked out of her room.
"Good morning " she said as soon as she got to the dinning table. Immediately Jason saw her,he
hissed and left the dinning table. Breakfast was macaroni and cheese and Ariana ate to her
satisfaction. After that, they left for school. Immediately we got to school,.I could hear cameras
from different angles. I took a deep breath and got down from the car. I heard gasps and
murmurings from the crowd.
"What is that piece of shit doing with my Jace? "
I bowed my head and walked to the class,but not without earning glares from the girls.

Ariana's pov
I walked to my locker,looking drained. I heard heels clicking and I sighed. I turned and came in
contact with the last person I wanna see.
"Hi miss mute... heard you live with the populars now" she moved closer and pinned my neck to
the wall. Many students nodded their heads in agreement.
"Kill her"
"Cut her head off "
She smiled and gave me a slap. I gasped and held my cheek.
"Stay away from Jason or else..." she said and walked away. I turned back to my locker. What's
with her and Jason? She totally has nothing to worry about cause Jason never talks to me. I
rubbed my cheek as I made my way to Music class.

Rhynes' pov
I studied Jason's face as Ariana got to the dinning table. It's not like he hates her,it's like he is
scared of something. I made up my mind to find out what was really wrong with him. Ever since
our little quarrel yesterday,he has been ignoring me. Jason and his temper. I grabbed my guitar
and rushed to music class,accidentally colliding with a girl.
"Sorry" I said to her and she grinned widely.
"He touched me...I am never taking my bath" she said crazily, causing me to giggle as she
reminded me of Ariana...oh Ariana
[11/13, 8:37 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author Rennie
Chapter 6
Still Rhynes' pov
I met Ariana at the door and I rushed to meet her. She gave me one of her crazy smiles and my
heart raced. I sighted Jason walking to class and as soon as he saw us,he stared at us
Jealously....did I just say jealousy? Jason is never jealous... something is not right here. We all
walked into class but Mr Ferdinand already finished lectures.
"You three come here " he said and we walked up to him. Immediately he sighted Jason,he
dismissed us and somehow I was happy.

Ariana's pov
I was walking out of Music class when my phone rang. I looked at the caller's ID and my eyes
almost popped out. It was my dad. Fear overshadowed me and I quickly excused myself from
Rhynes who was busy sending glares to Jason. I moved to the girls' toilet and answered the call.
"Hello bitch,long time no see"
I swallowed imaginary saliva as beads of perspiration stood out on my forehead.
"What do you want? Why did you throw me out of my mother's house? You didn't even bother to
know why I didn't come home early! You don't care!" Tears welled up in my eyes and I could here
him hissing from the background.
"So you talk now...I am glad you know I don't care...I hate you...your mum was a very dumb birth to you was a mistake... you are a complete mistake...your mum should have
aborted you but rather she chose to keep you...You see...even life understands that she is a fool
so it made you kill her...I will answer that when we meet tomorrow... by 4pm after school at
Donald's coffee store...If you love yourself, don't be late... I have a job for you"
I raised my eyebrow and sighed. His words were like a sword as they sliced my heart to pieces.
"What job"
"Since you are; Jason Anthony,I want you to end his life for 10 thousand dollars or I will reveal
your secret to the whole school " my heart sank. How did he know I live with Jason? End Jason's
life? Or protect my secret? ....
[11/13, 8:37 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author rennie
Chapter 6B
Still ariana's pov
I cut the call,my mind really faraway. How am I gonna protect Jason and protect my secret. Oh my
God! What kind of father do I have?, why does he wanna kill Jason?
I walked out of the toilet, plastering a fake smile on my face. I walked up to Rhynes who stood
there waiting patiently for me with his hands in his pocket.
"Who called you?" He asked but I ignored him and remained quiet. The bell for closing rang and I
quickly told Rhynes that I have to rush to somewhere. He looked at me in a confused manner and
shrugged. I took off,running all the way to Donald coffee store. I got there, walked in and I saw my
dad,sitting with a scary looking man. I walked up to their table and murmured words of greetings to
them. My dad faced me,smirking stupidly. He introduced the man as Mr Christian and I rolled my
"Are you gonna do it nor not?"
I looked down, staring at my shoe. He banged the table and glared at me.
"Am sorry dad, I can't "
He smirked again,typing something and when He was done,He showed me. I gasped in horror
and breathed heavily. My palms became sweety and tears clouded my eyes. He had uploaded my
past on the school blog. I ran out of the store all the way home. I banged the gate and when the
gateman opened it for me,I ran inside,ignoring the boys that were seated in the dinning table. I ran
to my room,locked the door with my key and grabbed a blade. I sat on the floor and began to cut
myself, tears streaming down my face.

Rhynes' pov
For good three hours we have been knocking Ariana's door but she refused to open. Jason stood
there with the usually I don't care look on his face.
"Will you guys just give up already? " He said, with a note of irritation in his voice. I glared at him
and moved closer to him.
"If you know you have nothing to say...keep quiet" He just hissed and left,we soon got tired and
walked to our separate room, with the hope of seeing her in the mornin
[11/13, 8:37 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author rennie
Chapter 7
Jason's pov
I laid on my bed,unable to sleep. My mind was laced with worry as I really wanted to know what
was wrong with Ariana.
Morning came sooner than i expected and i got dressed for school. I met the boys knocking on
Ariana's door and as usual I pretended not to care. I entered my car and zoomed off. I got to
school in less than 5 minutes and I could are Alera ordering crates of eggs. She had this devilish
look on her face. She sighted me and walked to me. I kissed her and she blushed
"Have you checked the school blog " she asked and I nodded negatively. She gave me her phone
and I read the contents. I gasped and my eyes nearly popped out of the sockets. I moved away
from Alera to call Rhynes to tell Ariana to stay at home but He didn't pick. I began to panick. I saw
his car in the park but He wasn't in the car. I groaned and wiped off the beads of perspiration on
my forehead. Ariana walked into the school minutes later,looking really sad and before I could run
to where she was, the students already got there. I quickly ran to get the boys.

Ariana's pov
The students surrounded me and fear gripped me. Alera came to the front, holding a whip. She
moved closer to me,smirking.
"How could you kill your own mother? You are really a bitch" she raised her whip up and the first
lash touched my neck. The students chanted in approval. She slapped me and I fell to the ground.
Eggs landed on be from different angles and I felt sticky. Alera grabbed a bag of flour and emptied
it on me. I coughed, and my eyes began to close. I felt myself being dragged to the top of the
school building.
"Who wants her to jump down"
"Me!!!!!" Came the reply. I smiled and somehow I felt grateful to Alera. She is helping me end my

Jason's pov
I searched the whole school for my friends but I couldn't find them so I gave up and ran back to
where Ariana was. I couldn't find her there and my heart sank...
[11/13, 8:38 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author rennie
Chapter 7B
Jason's pov
I heard noises from the top of the school building and I looked up. I saw Ariana about to walk down
death's valley. I rushed to the top of the building immediately. Students were busy taking pictures
of Ariana who was covered in eggs and flour. I quickly rushed to her,ignoring Alera who was
ordering me to Stop.

Ariana's pov
I stood on the top of the building, feeling blurry. I guess this is it...the end of my miserable life. I
was about to jump when someone dragged me down. I looked up and tears ran down my eyes. It
was Jason. He looked at me and shifted my hair before claiming my lips. We kissed passionately
for a while before I pulled away. He hugged me tight and carried me up in a bridal style.
"Alera,what Is the meaning of all this? " He asked
"You kissed her Jason "
" Yeah I did.. it's over between us"
He said and I smiled inwardly. I cuddled Jason who looked down at me...with affection.

Rhynes' pov
I sat in our secret room with Jace and Jasper. I tapped my feet angrily on the floor. I heard Jace
gasped and I looked at him and He passed me his phone. It was a picture of Jason kissing Ariana.
I got up in anger when Jace pulled me back. I read the strange post and I gasped. We all ran
outside and found Jason carrying Ariana.
"What happened? " I asked but He just pointed to Ariana. Jace followed Jason to the clinic while
Jasper came with me. I am gonna teach that plastic faced bitch a lesson. We went to the principal
office and dragged her out.
"Ma'am are you seriously doing your job in this school or what?" She raised her eyebrow.
"One of your students almost got killed today...and you carry your stupid ass around doing
nothing... if Alera goes unpurnished,I swear I am gonna make Sure you lose your job and rot in
jail" I concluded and walked out. Now it's time to confront Jason about that kiss.
Chapter 8 loading.....

What Next?
[11/13, 8:38 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author Rennie
Chapter 8
Mr Gilbert's pov
I looked at Mr Christian as he clenched his fist in anger. He was totally angry with me for the
fulfilling my promise of ruining Mr Anthony's life and it was all because of that bastard called
Ariana. I dusted my gun and dipped it in my pocket.
"So do you want his death to be just simple or really bloody?" I asked him but rather he flared up.
"My Gilbert, I want the son dead and the father alive to see me succeed". I nodded and walked out
of his office. All this would have been cleared if only Ariana agreed to help. I smiled as soon as I
remembered Alera How Alera dealt with her. Well I am gonna do more than that. Very soon,she
will join her mum. They will both be rotting in he'll.

Ariana's pov
I sat in the dinning table,eating my lunch in silence. Rhynes and Jason kept sending looks to earn
other. Jace and Jasper. Ever since Jason kissed me,Rhynes has been acting wired. I looked at
the both of them and banged the table.
"What is wrong with the both of your? "
Rhynes looked at me and dropped his spoon
"Jason was busy boasting about How cheap you are for kissing him"
My heart dropped. Me? Cheap?
I looked at him and he opened his mouth to say something but he closed it back. I glared at him
disgustingly. My first kiss was nothing to him. Yeah what was I thinking. I ran out of the dinning
table with a broken heart.

Jason's pov
I looked at Rhynes as soon as Ariana left and banged the table really hard .
"Hope you are satisfied now...she prolly hates me cause of your lies... I am gonna stay away from
her if that's what you want" I said and walked away. The kiss I had with Ariana meant everything to
me. I never said she was cheap. I allowed Rhynes lie to her cause I broke the bro code. I am not
allowed to love Ariana since Rhynes already loves her. I punched the wall in my room,anger rising
in me. I slumped on my bed and soon I got lost in my own thoughts....
[11/13, 8:38 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author Rennie
Chapter 8B
Jason's pov
It was a Saturday morning so I decided to go for a walk. School has been a lot more peaceful
since Alera was suspended. I dressed up and grabbed my headphone. Stepping outta my room,I
met Ariana drinking coffee. The feeling to talk to her came over me but I resisted. I walked out of
the building, wore my headphone and walked to the city park. I had a feeling that I was been
followed and I turned back. I heard a gunshot and I found myself falling. The bullet had penetrated
deep into my stomach. I managed to look up and I saw someone smiling at me before I became

Ariana's pov
The feeling to follow Jason was really really strong for me to fight. I found myself walking towards
the city park when I heard a gunshot. My mind raced faster than Usain Bolt and I stood erect for
five minutes. I increased my pace and I found Jason lying in a pool of his blood. I didn't know
whether I should shout or quietly turn back but I found myself rubbing my body in his own blood,
wailing and screaming. This attracted passers By who quickly called the ambulance and he was
rushed to the hospital.
I quickly called the Boys and told them of what happened and in less than 5 minutes they got to
the hospital, panicking.
"Is he gonna be alright?" Jace asked and I shrugged.
"Who could have done this? " Rhynes asked me and I could only think of one person, my father,a
selfish bastard.
Suddenly,men in suits rushed in and line up. I saw a man,looking so mighty. He had no smile on
his face. He was really handsome with thick hair. He was followed By a very beautiful woman.
They approached the boys,the man vowed to find who shot Jason and the woman hugged them.
"Thanks for rushing him to the hospital "
"Actually we didn't.. she did" Jasper said,pointing at me. The woman turned to me and pulled me
in a tight hug,murmuring words of appreciation. And my mnd spoke "It's something she'd do for
[11/13, 8:39 AM] Martin Martino: The guilt girl in hoodie
By Author Rennie
Chapter 9
Author's pov
Mr Christian glared at Mr Gilbert for a while. He wondered what this man was up to.
"Why isn't his son dead yet?" He asked and Mr Gilbert laughed. He had a plan of his own. He
raised up a syringe and showed Mr Christian.
"You see this...I am gonna visit him at the hospital and inject it into his body."
Mr Christian smiled and shook hands with Mr Gilbert.
"You are a smart man"
Mr Gilbert's pov
I got to Mountain Hospital where Jason was admitted and heaved a sigh of relief as I walked into
the hospital. Dressed as a policeman, I was allowed to enter. The nurse showed me his Ward and
I smiled cause it was going easier than I thought. I walked into his Ward and met the shocker of
my life...
Ariana's pov
Jason's parents left, promising to be back and the boys went to the mall, leaving me alone with
Jason. I caressed his hands and tears trickled down my face. It was really sad seeing him in this
state. The policemen walked in and asked I'd I had any statement to make and that was when
Jason woke up.
"I was able to see his face" was the first thing he said and somehow I became edgy. Another
policeman walked in and my jaw dropped.
"That's the man " Jason said and I bowed my head in shame. It was my dad. Before he could
escape,a policeman dragged him and handcuffed him.
"Well we meet again Mr Gilbert... he was just released from jail sixteen years ago "
"Ariana do something " he said and I looked at him with disgust.
"Seriously?? Now you need my help...have you forgotten when you almost had me
never loved me and always blamed me for accidentally killing my exposed my secret all
in the name of having an innocent boy killed... what has he done to you...absolutely nothing " I
turned to the officer
"Jason is right... he once asked me to kill him since I was living with him but I refused " the door
creaked open and the boys walked in, followed By Jason's parents....
[11/13, 8:39 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author rennie
Chapter 9B
Still Arabia's pov
THE boys walked in, followed by Jason's parents. They all had looks of surprise plastered on their
faces. The policeman dragged my dad away and Jason's parents followed them. I moved away
from where the guys were and sat on a chair. I could feel Rhynes' burning into my skin. He walked
up to me and sat on the chair.
"You love him right? " he asked and I nodded positively. He sighed and smiled.
"I am gonna let you go since it's Jason. He doesn't know how to's your duty to teach
him,He might be stupid and dumb but He has a huge heart. He never said your kiss meant
nothing... I made that sorry "
I looked at Rhynes and my heart smiled. What a friend! I hugged him and walked you to Jason
who was looking weak. I hugged him tightly.

Author's pov..
Everything went on peacefully; Jason was discharged three days later, Ariana's dad was tried to
court alongside Mr Christian. They were both sentenced to life imprisonment. To Ariana,it was like
a blessing. Alera resumed back to school and somehow avoided Ariana like a plague.

Ariana's pov
I woke up early on Saturday morning, with the aim of seeing my dad. The boys wanted to come
along so I agreed. Getting there,I was granted just twenty minutes to talk to him. A policeman
called him and excused us. My dad was looking really old and unkempt.
"How are you doing dad? " I asked but He ignored my question.
"I wanna confess Ariana" He said rather.
"Confess What"
He looked down and up again. A look of regret and pain appeared on his face.
"I killed your mum"
My heart seemed to stop working for like ten seconds. My mind raced faraway. Memories of how I
shot her flowed to my head. I could her the boys gasping.
"Why would you kill your wife,Mr Gilbert? " Jason asked
"She wasn't my wife.. she was a lady I slept with... she told me she was pregnant and that she
would keep the baby.. I told her not to but she didn't listen..."
[11/13, 8:39 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author Rennie
Chapter 10
"So when Ariana accidentally shot her,I took her to the hospital ofcourse she survived the
bullet...but I injected a poison into her drip and that was What killed really so... " I didn't
allow him complete his statement when I gave him a slap. The boys looked at me In shock.
"You killed my mum...why? What did she ever do to you? Yiu deprived me of a mother's love ?" i
fought back the tears that threatened to spill and walked out.
On getting home,i ran into my room and shut the door. How could he do this to me? He blamed
me for everything. Someone knocked and I said "come in"
Jason walked in with a catchy smile on his face which made me smile too. He wrapped his hands
around my waist and pecked my cheek.
"Ariana,it's Okay to be angry but don't you think you should at least be at rest cause you are
innocent... I love you Ari, I don't want you to hate your dad so much, please forgive him...He has
wrong you,hurt you, done so many things but you really need to forgive him".
I smiled and hugged him,thanking him for his advice. I blushed as we held hands and walked
outside. I saw Rhynes and He smiled at me. Jason took me to the park and we had a lotta fun. As
we walked back home,I made up my mind to visit my dad again.

Jason's pov
Today was probably the happiest day of my life. Ariana and I had a lotta fun and it was amazing. I
could feel my heart slamming against the walls of my chest. I really never expected that I'd fall
unlicensed with Ariana but here I am,madly in love with Ariana. I really owe Rhynes alot cause he
let her go so i can have her. I felt really grateful to him. We walked home,holding hands and she
was busy skipping like a school girl. stopped and dragged her closer before claiming her lips. The
sky became cloudy and we kissed under the rain just like I have always wanted to. I pulled away
and she smiled. My Ariana, my unexpected love...
[11/13, 8:40 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author Reenie
Chapter 10B
Semi finale
Author's pov
Things moved really fast for ariana. And everything seemed to get Better. She visited her dad and
told him that she has forgiven him. For the first time in sixteen years,he hugged her. Seeing him
look so emotional brought tears to her eyes. She really wished she could do something to free
him. She made it a point of duty to always visit him everyday after school.
Soon,she got a job and was able to save up enough money to purchase a house. Jason flared up
when she told him she will be moving out. The boys felt sad to but she promised to visit most of
the times. Jason glared at her and from that day onward,he stopped talking to her.
They would see each other in school and yet ignore each other. Ariana felt bad. She knew her
moving out was really gonna affect him. I really need to talk to him.
She searched for him,round the whole school and her mind told her to check the boys' closet but
she met the shocker of her life.
"Jason" she silently called. Jason who was busy smooching Alexa looked up and quickly pushed
Alera away.
"It's not what you think" he said and tried to touch her but she moved back.
"So this is it right?...wait why am I jealous...I am not even your girlfriend...sorry didn't mean to
interrupt you guys " she said and walked out. Alera just hissed and walked out too,leaving Jason
in the city of wild thoughts.

Jason's pov
I banged my locker. I can't believe I just allowed Alera kiss me. Now Ariana is mad at me. I am
really sad and heartbroken right now. I really didn't like the idea of her leaving. It reminds me of
How I lost Silvia. If I lose Ariana, I might just die. I want her by my side every day,every
second,every minute but now she is leaving. We will only meet in school. I really really need to talk
to her.

Rhynes' pov
I bounced the ball and paused as soon as I saw Ariana walking towards me. She was fuming and
her face was red due to anger....
[11/13, 10:15 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author Rennie
Chapter 11
Still Rhynes' pov
She walked up to me and broke down into tears. I moved closer to her and patted her back.
"I caught Jason kissing Alera" she said and broke down again.
"Do you realize How much you moving out is gonna affect him?" I asked but she shook her head
"He didn't tell you about Silvia"
I sat her down and gave her details about who Silvia was. She bowed her head looking really sad.
"I should talk to him" she said and pecked my cheek. I smiled and watched her leave the Ariana.
Ariana's pov
I searched for Jason and I found him in the lawn for popular kids. I walked up to him and smiled.
He looked up and was about to talk when I shut him up with a kiss. I totally didn't know where the
confidence came from. I could her people whispering as he deepened the kiss. I pulled away and
highest him tight.
"I am sorry "
He looked at me and smiled
"I know I am a jerk and I decided to kiss a public toilet rather than kissing my private property. I
dont want you to leave... I want you to be by my side all the time...every minute,second and
hour...I wanna stare at your beautiful face all the time...Ariana Gilbert,would you do me the honour
of being my girlfriend " he said loudly. His proposal brought tears into the eyes of many girls.
Some fainted while some cried their eyes out. I screamed yes and he hugged me. I could feel
Alera glaring at me. I saw a girl walking towards her.
"I thought you said Jason was your boyfriend? " she asked as soon as she got to Alera. Alera just
stood there staring into space. The girl hissed and walked up to me.
"Alera has been stripped off her position as the queen of mountain high. The position goes to
Jason's girlfriend, Ariana "she said and placed a tiara on my head. Everyone clapped and the boys
joined us. We had a group hug and my heart nearly burst due to too much joy.
My life is gonna change. Well everything is.
The end....
[11/13, 10:17 AM] Martin Martino: The guilty girl in hoodie
By Author Rennie
Ten years later....
Ariana stood by her mother's grave with her husband, Jason. She carried their one year old son
and a bunch of roses. Tears rolled down her eyes and Jason pulled her closer.
"Hello's been a long time right...I am now married to the best guy in the whole world.. "
she paused and looked at Jason who was blushing really hard. She faced the grave again and
"I gave birth to twins,mum. Their names are Daniel and Daniella. I am sorry I couldmy visit you.
But mum just know I love you so so much...from now henceforth, I will visit you all the time. I love
you mum" she concluded and stopped the bouquet of flowers with Jason doing the same.
Life has been very sweet to Ariana. She graduated from college three years ago and now owns
the world largest textile company and an orphanage. Getting married to Jason was the best things
that ever happened to her. She has a family of her own. She is a proud mother of twins. What
more could she ask for.
As for The boys, Rhynes got married to a girl he met at a business dinner. She is pregnant now.
Jasper travelled out of the country for his masters.
Jace took over all his father's companies.
And Jason established his own oil firm as well as managed his father's company.
Life was indeed good to them. As for Ariana, she was mostly grateful to the boys. She still visited
her dad at the station and took her kids along. On Saturdays,she visited her mum's grave with
Jason and the kids. She was really thankful mostly to God.
The End...
if our love was unbreakable
I'd stare at your smile
Rather than at the moon
I'd love all of you
I'd love all your imperfections
if our love was a unmistakable
I'd show you off to my friends
I'd be your addiction
I promise to be the reason why you smile
Thanks for reading...
Much love
Author Rennie
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