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NPM: F623013

1. Answering WH question
Wh question Answering
Who are in the late shift now? Kalila and sinta are now in the late shift
What do yo you feel now? I feel trrible and I hate to smell any kind of food
When did you sleep last night? I slept at 9pm
When does she usally brestfeed Even morning before going to work and afternoon after she
her baby? comes back home
How long have you felt sick? It has been 3 days
How long will you make the 15 drops per minute
fluid rate?
Which part is sick On my chest


Y/N Question Answering

Will you take the USG? Yes, I will

No , I plant to do it tomorrow

Does your husband smoke? Yes, he does

No, he doesn’t
Did you sleep well last night ? Yes, I did
No, I didn’t
Are you worried about your pregnancy? Yes, I am
No, I am not
Is it your first pregnancy? Yes. Is it
No, it’s not
3. Make a WH question :
WH Question Answering

What is your name My name is Mrs. Fatima

How old are you? 35 years old

Are you married? Yes, I am married

What is your profession? I am a teacher
What is your ethnic? I am javanese
What is your religion? I am muslim
What is your address? My address is Nakulo st 26,Medan
What is your problem? My problem is contraction in uterus after
Since 3 days ago
How many children do you have ? I have 1 son
When was your previous baby born? He was born on march, 5th
Where were you deliver your previous At independent midwife
How many kilos was your previous baby His weight was 3000 gram
born ?
When did you get the first time period? When I was 13 years old
What type of contraceptive did you use I never used any contraceptive method

Filling the medical record

Name Mrs. Fatima
Age 35 years old
Marital status Married
Job Teacher
Ethnic Javanes
Religion Islamic
Address Nakulo st 26, medan
Obstetric history She has 1 son 3 years old, he was born on march, 5th. He was healthy at
independent midwife, normal, term. His weight was 3000 gram.
Now, mrs fatima is pregnant
Mestrual history Her last menstrual period was on march 13th 2013.
Menarche when she was 13 years old, never had problem, regular every
month, normal
Contraception She had never used any contraceptive method

4. Conversation
Patient : Assalamualaikum, good afternoon
Midwife : Waalaikumsalam, good afternoon too, please come in.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Anggit.
What is your name?
Patient : My name is Mrs. Putri
Midwife : Where do you live?
Patient : I live in Ujung Berung Bandung
Midwife : I can help you ? What complaints do you feel now?
Patient : The last few days I often have headaches and haven't been able to sleep
Midwife : How many times do you experience of pregnancy?
Patient : This is This is my first pregnancy
Midwife : So the headache that you feel is normal for pregnant in the 1st trimester
Patient : is this dangerous for my pregnancy?
Midwife : No, it's just that you need to get lots of rest, I will give you vitamins and you
also need to reduce excessive activity.
Patient : OK, I understand
Midwife : Take vitamins 2 times a day, if there are other complaints, please come back
Patient : OK, I'll come back if something happens. Thank You

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