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Study Worksheet English Department Miss Dbora Pinto P.

Name:_______________________________________________Grade: _____Date:______

Career Aptitude Tests for Teens

Career aptitude tests help teens assess their skill level, competence and interests. The tests give them insight into the occupations they are most likely to do well in and enjoy. They also can help teens recognize the strengths they have and show them how their specific assets correspond to various professions. Want to know more about career aptitude tests? 1. Function The goals of the tests are to assess a teen's individual characteristics and capacity in different disciplines including: creativity, philanthrop, physical activity, social exchanges monetary compensation and social interactions. The results reflect the careers that encompass the above characteristics and produce a list of fitting occupations rooted on the nature and environment of the work.

2. Identification There are several types of career aptitude tests. Some measure a teen's quantitative (mathematics, logic, objective) aptitudes while others reveal qualitative (attitude, perspective, subjective) abilities. A teenager who scores high in the philanthropy and social interaction realms, for example, may want to consider a career like teacher, social worker or human resource manager. Someone more inclined toward the quantitative may be want to find out more jobs such as scientist, accountant, economist or salesperson. Read more: Career Aptitude Tests for Teens |

Quiz! What's Your Job Personality?

Your mom is just about to drive you to school when the car won't start. What do you do? a) ______I take a look at the car to see if it's something I can fix and then either bike, board or blade to school. b) ______ I run in the house to call a mechanic and figure out which bus I need to take to get to school on time. c) ______ I throw a tantrum even though I am usually fashionably late for class every day. d) ______ I tell her not to worry and walk to school.

You're doing a group project in Design class. Which task will you perform? a) _____ I'll build the outside structure and sew up curtains, bedspreads and furniture covers. b) _____I'll be the one who presents our house to the rest of the class. c) _____ I'll draw up the designs for the house. d) _____ I'll color coordinate all the rooms and paint them.

Which is your favorite subject in school? a) b) c) d) ____ Mechanics or Home Ec. ____ Drama or Music. _____ Creative Writing or Art. _____ Science or History.

You have the day off school because of snow. What do you do? a) ____I get out there and build a snowman, make snow-angels and start a giant snowball fight. b) ____I head to the video store with a bunch of friends and rent a ton of videos. c) ____ I put on some classical music and get to work on my novel manuscript or paper creation. d) ____I spend the day watching nature programs on the Discovery Channel.

If you could be a beverage, what kind of beverage would you be? a) b) c) d) _____ Gatorade. _____ Cherry bubblegum soda. ____ Something herbal and healing like Ice Green Tea. ____ Fruit juice made from concentrate.


Who are your favorite cartoon characters? a) b) c) d)

____Superheroes like Batman or Spiderman. ___ The Lul ____ Belle from Beauty and the Beast and Ariel from The Little Mermaid. ____ Dexter from Dexter's Lab.

ANSWERS Mayority A : You're A Reactor! When push comes to shove, people look to you to get the job done. You're always jumping in to fix things. You prefer to be working on a hands-on project, rather than reading the latest Harry Potter book. You're best suited for jobs like carpenter, seamstress, mechanic, gardener or firefighter. Keep that in mind when you're applying for your next after-school job. It's never too early to start shooting for the perfect career. Mayority B: You're A Performer! If there's a spotlight shining, you're usually directly underneath it. You love to be the center of attention and aren't afraid to let people know it. You're destined to be an actress, singer, dancer or maybe an audience-pleasing circus act! Keep practicing in front of the mirror - it's bound to pay off sooner or later Mayority C: You're A Feeler! Although you can work well with others, you really prefer to go it alone. Your idea of a great Sunday afternoon is having the house to yourself so you can work on your latest masterpiece. You're in touch with the world around you and how others are feeling. You're are best suited for a job as a social worker, painter, writer or something that will exhibit all your talents, like a kindergarten or pre-school teacher. Imagine a day of playing house and finger painting while molding the minds of others. That's a pretty cool opportunity! Mayority D: You're A Thinker! When the lunch bell rings, your friends will find you in one of two places - the library or the science lab. You want to absorb all there is to know about the world and you enjoy working on extra-curricular projects in your free time. You're the perfect candidate to become a professional tutor, marine biologist, police detective, journalist or a research lab technician. Keep reaching for the stars and you may end up discovering a new planet.

Activity I Follow the example and Create an interview related to the professional you want to be, according to your career attitude.

Full Name: Roco Aguilar Pereira Age: 28 Profession: Lawyer Experience: 5 years

Questions: 1. Can you tell me what your name is? 2. I wonder how old you are. 3. Could you tell me what your profession is?

4. 5. 6. 7.

Id like to know how much experience you have. What are the advantages of being a lawyer? Which do you think are the disadvantages? Do you recommend this profession? Why?

Activity II Interview a real person, using similar questions and expose your interview to the rest of the class to share your experience.

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