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CC Mine


Ships cannot move through (but may move into) nebula. Any fleet
Nom R I T Nebula defending in a nebula receives +1 to combat rolls. Any ship leaving a
Emptiness nebula always has its movement reduced to 1.
Lead Pds SD GF/ST

Ships cannot move through an ion storm. PDS cannot fire into an ion
D Cr Dr W Ca Fi Ion Storm
storm. Fighters do not fight within an ion storm.
Ion Storm 1 Supernova

Archon Ren 2 3 Supernova Ships may not pass through or end movement in a supernova system.
Archon Tau 1 1 Moll Primus 4 1
Nothing Asteroid Ships may not pass through asteroids unless player has the Antimass
1 SD 2
Field Deflector technology. Ships may never end movement in system.
Lisis 2 2
1 2 3
A system with a wormhole is considered adjacent to the system with the
Velnor 2 0 R Hope's End 3 0 ST Tar'mann 1 1 Wormhole
Ion Storm 2 other end for purposes of movement.
Abyz 3 0 Bereg 3 1 R
2 d g 1
Fria 2 0 B Litra IV 2 3 G
Ashtroth 2 0 M 1 1/2 1
1 Centauri 1 3
Loki 1 2 1:a 1 3 1 1:a 1 1
1 Saudor 2 2 § Thibah 1 1 § Gral 1 1 B
Abaddon 1 0 R d 1
1 Qucen'n 1 2 A B
2 2 1 2 1
HIGH ALERT Primor 2 1 GF Mecatol Rex 1 6 Rarron 0 3 G Mallice E
0 3
Lazar 1 0
2 1
Sumerian 2 2 TG
1 1 3 1 A
Vetful II 2 0 R Sakulag 2 1 Perimeter 2 2 Arturus 1 1 §
1 Rigel I 0 1 G M 1 d 2
1 Rigel II 1 2 1
g SD 1
Asteroid Field 1 Nebulae
Rigel III 1 1 B
Tsion 2 2 TG e
2 2:a 1
Tequ'ran 2 0 R A Arinam 1 2 B

Bellatrix 0 1 R Torkan 0 3 B Lodor 3 1 G Meer 0 4

Lisis II 1 0 Arc Prime 4 0

d SD 4
Ragh 2 1 Wren Terra 2 1

CC Mine 1 4

Asteroid Field 2 Asteroid Field 3

Nom R I T Coorneeq 1 2 R
Lead Pds SD GF/ST 1
Resculon 2 0
D Cr Dr W Ca Fi 1


Xxcha Mentak Letnev Saar

Round 1. Leadership 2. Diplomacy 3. Assembly 6. Warfare De Cr Dr Ws Ca Fi GF ST Mine SD PDS Ref. Col. De Cr Dr Ws Ca Fi GF ST Mine SD PDS Ref. Col.
2 Current Total Previous Total
Round Value Round Value
5. Trade 8. Bureaucracy 4. Production 7. Technology x8 x8 x5 x2 x4 ∞ ∞ x 12 x 12 x3 x6 x8 x8 x8 x8 x5 x2 x4 ∞ ∞ x 12 x 12 x3 x6 x8 x8

Turn 1 S Trade T Perimeter S Assembly T Vetful II Xxcha 3 1 1 3 4 2 1 1 25 Xxcha 3 1 3 4 2 1 1 20

Turn 2 T Primor S Diplomacy T Qucenn S Technology Mentak 2 3 0 7 1 1 18 Mentak 4 1 6 1 1 20

Turn 3 T Lisis S Bureaucracy T Bereg S Warfare Letnev 0 1 1 4 4 9 2 34 Letnev 1 1 1 2 3 1 20

Turn 4 S Leadership T HS S Production T Lazar Saar 4 4 4 4 8 2 2 42 Saar 2 2 3 2 8 2 28

Turn 5 A Armistice Pass T Coorneeq T Ashtroth

Turn 6 T Abyz x T HS T Rigel

Turn 7 Pass x Pass Pass

Turn 8 x x x x

T : Tactical / R : Race / S: Strategic / X : Transfert / A : Action card

Ctol Chovesh Daniel78 Umpapa2

Xxcha Mentak Letnev Saar
Unspent: 0 0 Unspent: 0 0 Unspent: 0 0 Unspent: 0 1
Archon Ren 2 3 x Moll Primus 4 1 x Arc Prime 4 0 x Ragh 2 1 x BONUS
Archon Tau 1 1 x Litra IV 2 3 G x Wren Terra 2 1 x Lisis II 1 0 x
Hope's End 3 0 xST Centauri 1 3 x Lodor 3 1 G x Tequ'ran 2 0 R x 1. Leadership
Saudor 2 2 § x Gral 1 1 B x Arinam 1 2 B x Torkan 0 3 B x
Abyz 3 0 x Sumerian 2 2 TG x Meer 0 4 x Tsion 2 2 TG x 2. Diplomacy
Fria 2 0 B x Arturus 1 1 § x Perimeter 2 2 x Bellatrix 0 1 R x
Primor 2 1 GF x Qucen'n 1 2 x Rigel I 0 1 G 3. Assembly

Lisis 2 2 x Rarron 0 3 G x Rigel II 1 2 x

Velnor 2 0 R x Bereg 3 1 R x Rigel III 1 1 B x 4. Production
Coorneeq 1 2 R x Vetful II 2 0 R x
Resculon 2 0 x Lazar 1 0 x 5. Trade
Sakulag 2 1 x
Ashtroth 2 0 x 6. Warfare
Loki 1 2 x
Abaddon 1 0 R x 7. Technology

Total: 19 9 7/9 Total: 11 11 5/6 Total: 19 18 9/11 Total: 18 14 13/15 8. Bureaucracy


SA FS CP SA FS CP SA FS CP SA FS CP Rd Who Action Card Rd Who Political Card
Agent Mentak captured by Letnev
2 Letnev Moral Boost 1 Xxcha Minister of Policy

0 4 1 1 5 1 1 3 0 0 5 0
2 Xxcha Armistice 1 Mentak Resource Management
R 1 5 3 1 3 2 R 1 5 1 2 Xxcha Master of Fate 1 Saar Arms Reduction
Total CC /16 = 5 Total CC /16 = 7 Total CC /16 = 4 Total CC /16 = 5 1 Saar Enemy of the Throne
1 Letnev Colonial Redistribution
Trade Trade Trade Trade 1 Letnev Colonization Licensing
Agreements Agreements Agreements Agreements 1 Letnev Holder of Mecatol Rex
TOTAL TG /40 =

2 Mentak Wormhole Research

2 1 2 1 2 1


2 Xxcha Planetary Security

2 Xxcha Neutrality Pact
0 2 0 2
ACTIVE LAWS 2 Xxcha Checks and Balances
MINISTRY OF POLICY 2 Letnev Minister of Internal Security
Trade Goods Trade Goods Trade Goods Trade Goods

+1 Action Card at status phase

Antimass Deflectors Hylar V Assault Laser Hylar V Assault Laser Antimass Deflectors
Enviro Compensator Enviro Compensator Antimass Deflectors XRD Transporters
Stasis Capsules Stasis Capsules XRD Transporters Hylar V Assault Laser
XRD Transporters


Total Tech. = 4 Total Tech. = 3 Total Tech. = 3 Total Tech. = 3

(7 AC max)


5 2 4 2

2 AC /Status 1 AC /Status 1 AC /Status 1 AC /Status

(5 PC max)


0 0 0 0

Ctol Chovesh Daniel78 Umpapa2

Xxcha Mentak Letnev Saar


Blue Artifact § on ???? (1 VP)


1 Green Artifact § on Arcturus (1 VP)

Yellow Artifact § on ???? (1 VP)

1 Red Artifact § on Saudor (1 VP)

I control the planets needed to have at least

1 1 one of each of the 3 technology specialities [1 VP]

I succesfully invaded one planet containing

1 at least 1 opposing GF this turn [1 VP]

I have more than one tech in 3 different colors [1 VP]


2 Secret Objective 1 (2 VP)


Secret Objective 2 (2 VP)


Jol-Nar - Spatial Conduit Network (6 resources):

Once per turn when moving, you may move ships from one system you control to another you control as if both were adjacent. Ships using this movement must end their
movement in a system you control.
Yssaril - Shuttle Logistics (3 resources):
At start of status phase, choose a system not containing enemy ships. Your GF in this system may move to any friendly planet in same or adjacent system (that does not
contain enemy ships).
Sardakk N'orr - Berserker Genome (5 resources):
Roll a die for each unit you lost at end of space combat round 1. If you roll at least one '10', your opponent must take 2 additional casualties.
L1z1x - Dreadnought Invasion Pod (2 resources):
Dreadnoughts may carry one additional GF.
Mentak - Salvage Operations (4 resources):
Gain 2 TG at end of each space combat you participated in. If you won, you may build a ship in this system that was destroyed in combat (you must pay for it) .
Hacan - Production Centers (3 resources):
As an action, spend 1 CC from Strategy Allocation area to gain 6 TG. You must then give 2 TG to any other player. You may only do this once per turn, and only if you have
fewer than 6 TG.
Xxcha - Diplomats (5 resources):
Once per turn when an enemy activates a system you control, you may spend 1 CC from Strategy Allocation area to force him to instead place the CC into his
reinforcements and immediately end his action.
Naalu - Telepathic Mind Weapon (5 resources):
When an opponent activates a system you control, he immediately loses one CC from ship supply.
Letnev - L4 Disruptors (6 resources):
You may use your race's special ability during Invasion Combat without paying any TG.
Sol - Mark II Advanced Carriers (4 resources):
Your Carriers now have a capacity of 8 and gain the "sustain damage" ability.
Saar - Foating Factory (3 resources):
Your Space Docks now have a production capacity of 5, movement of 2 and can support 5 fighters.
Yin - Fanaticism (4 resources):
You may use your race special ability twice at the start of each invasion combat.
Winnu - Bioptic Recyclers (3 resources):
As an action, discard an action card from your hand and receive 2 TG or one CC.
Muaat - Magmus Reactor (5 resources):
Your War Suns get +1 movement and cost 10 ressources.
Unit Cost Mov Hit Max Special

Carrier 3 1 9+ x4 Carry up to 6 units (Fighters, GF or PDS)

Fighter ½ - 9+ ∞
Destroyer 1 2 9+ x8 Anti-fighter beam (2D10)

Cruiser 2 2 7+ x8 Lay mines

Dreadnought 5 1 5+ x5 Sustain damage / Bombardment if invasion and no PDS

War Sun 12 2 3+ (x3) x2 Sustain damage / Bombardment (3D10) / Carry up to 6 units

Ground Force ½ - 8+ ∞
Shock Troop - - 5+ x 12 Capture Facility, SD & PDS / Die first during invasion / Should be with at least 1 GF

Space Mine 2 - 9+ x 12 Can damage each non-fighter ship ending their move in the space mine system

PDS 2 - 6+ x6 Planetary shield / Space Cannon

Space Dock 4 - - x3 Production (Resource + 2) / 3 Fighters capacity

Refinery 1 - - x8 Production +1 / Planet is exhausted when refinery is built / Not considered as an unit

Colony 1 - - x8 Influence +1 / Planet is exhausted when colony is built / Not considered as an unit

Xxcha Mentak Letnev Saar

- Technology discount of 2 credits rather than 1 on technological planets

- Cost of SD = 2 resources
SCIENTIST (S) - PDS +1 on any rolls
- Planets with PDS and Scientist can't be bombarded by WS

- Delay invasion for 1 round

DIPLOMAT (D) 2 1 1 - Can move through opponent's fleet (with opponent's permission)

- Reroll up to 2D10 per round (invasion)

GENERAL (G) 1 1 - Bombardement -4 for Dreadnaught and WS (defense)
- GF +1 combat (defense)

- Combat +1 additional D10

ADMIRAL (A) 1 0 1 1 - Movement Dreadnaught +1
- Opponent can't retreat (except if an another Admiral is present)
- No ennemy PDS fire during invasion
AGENT (E) 1 1 - If invasion is succesful, ennemy Facility, PDS and SD can be captured
- Sacrifice to Sabotage an Action Card
Home World(s) – Arretze (2r/0i), Hercant (1r/1i) and Kamdorn (0r/1i)
Starting Units – 4 ground forces, 2 carriers, 1 cruiser, 2 fighters, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Enviro Compensator, Sarween Tools
Leaders: 1 General, 1 Diplomat, 1 Scientist
Trade Agreements: 3, 3
Special Abilities :
- Your trades do not require approval during Trade Negotiations.
- You do not need to spend a Command Counter to execute the secondary action of the
The Emirates of Hacan
Trade Strategy.
- When you receive Trade Goods from a Trade Contract you receive one additional Trade
- No player may ever (except for war) break a Trade Contract with you.
- During the Status Phase you may trade Action Cards with other players.
Racial Technology :
Production Centers (3 resources): As an action, spend 1 CC from Strategy Allocation area to
gain 6 TG. You must then give 2 TG to any other player. You may only do this once per turn,
and only if you have fewer than 6 TG.
Home World(s) – Archon Ren (2r/3i) and Archon Tau (1r/1i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 3 fighters, 1PDS, 1 carrier, 2 ground forces, 2 cruisers
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, Enviro Compensator
Leaders: 1 Admiral, 2 Diplomats
Trade Agreements: 2, 2
Special Abilities :
- When executing the secondary action of the Diplomacy Strategy you may execute the
The Xxcha Kingdom primary action instead.
- Immediately after a political card has been drawn and read you may spend one Command
Counter from your Strategic Allocation pool to cancel the card and force another political
card to be drawn.
- Your opponent receives –1 on all combat rolls against you during the first combat round of
all Space Battles and Invasion Combats.
Racial Technology :
Diplomats (5 resources): Once per turn when an enemy activates a system you control, you
may spend 1 CC from Strategy Allocation area to force him to instead place the CC into his
reinforcements and immediately end his action.
Home World(s) – Druaa (3r/1i) and Maaluuk (0r/2i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 4 ground forces, 1 PDS, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 4 fighters
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, Enviro Compensator
Leaders: 1 Diplomat, 1 Admiral, 1 Agent
Trade Agreements: 2, 1
Special Abilities :
The Naalu Collective
- The initiative number on your chosen Strategy card is always considered to be zero (this
means you’re always first in the order of play).
- If attacked a Naalu fleet may retreat before the beginning of the Space Battle.
- Your Fighters receive +1 on all combat rolls in Space Battles.
Racial Technology :
Telepathic Mind Weapon (5 resources): When an opponent activates a system you control,
he immediately loses one CC from ship supply.
Home World(s) – Jord (4r/2i)
Starting Units – 5 ground forces, 2 carriers, 1 destroyer, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, Cybernetics
Leaders: 1 Admiral, 1 Diplomat, 1 Agent
Trade Agreements: 2, 2
The Federation of Sol
Special Abilities :
- As an action, you may spend one Command Counter from your Strategic Allocation pool to
place two free ground forces on any one planet that you control.
- During the Status Phase you receive one extra Command Counter.
Racial Technology :
Mark II Advanced Carriers (4 resources): Your Carriers now have a capacity of 8 and gain the
"sustain damage" ability.
Home World(s) – [0,0,0] (5r/0i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 1 carrier, 5 ground forces, 1 dreadnought, 3 fighters, 1 PDS
Starting Tech –Enviro Compensator, Stasis Capsules, Cybernetics, Hylar V Assault Laser
Leaders: 1 Diplomat, 1 Scientist, 1 Agent
Trade Agreements: 1, 1
The L1Z1X Mindnet Special Abilities :
- The base cost of your Dreadnoughts is 4.
- Your Dreadnoughts receive +1 during Space Battles and your ground forces receive +1
when attacking during Invasion Combat.
- You start with one extra Command Counter in your Strategic Allocation pool.
Racial Technology :
Dreadnought Invasion Pod (2 resources): Dreadnoughts may carry one additional GF.
Home World(s) – Quinarra (3r/1i) and Tren’Lak (1r/0i)
Starting Units – 5 ground forces, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 PDS, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Deep Space Cannon
Leaders: 2 Generals, 1 Admiral
The Sardakk N’orr Trade Agreements: 2, 1
Special Abilities :
- You receive +1 to your combat rolls.
Racial Technology :
Berserker Genome (5 resources): Roll a die for each unit you lost at end of space combat
round 1. If you roll at least one '10', your opponent must take 2 additional casualties.
Home World(s) – Retillion (2r/3i) and Shalloq (1r/2i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 5 ground forces, 1 PDS, 2 carriers, 1 cruiser, 2 fighters
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, XRD Transporter
Leaders: 1 Admiral, 2 Agents
Trade Agreements: 2, 1

Special Abilities :
The Yssaril Tribes - You are allowed to skip your action turn during the Action Phase (you may not skip two
such action turns in a row).
- You draw one additional Action Card during Status Phase.
- You are never limited to a hand size of Action Cards (ever).
- Once during the Strategy Phase you may look at one other player’s hand of Action Cards.
Racial Technology :
Shuttle Logistics (3 resources): At start of status phase, choose a system not containing
enemy ships. Your GF in this system may move to any friendly planet in same or adjacent
system (that does not contain enemy ships).
Home World(s) – Arc Prime (4r/0i) and Wren Terra (2r/1i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 1 dreadnought, 1 destroyer, 1 carrier 3 ground forces
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Antmass Deflectors
Leaders: 1 Diplomat, 1 Admiral, 1 General
Trade Agreements: 1, 1
Special Abilities :
The Barony of Letnev
- Before any Space Battle or Invasion Combat round, you may spend 2 Trade Goods to give
all your spaceships +1 or all of your ground forces +2 on their combat rolls (for that combat
round only).
- Your fleets may always contain one more ship than the number of Command Counters in
your Fleet Supply pool.
Racial Technology :
L4 Disruptors (6 resources): You may use your race's special ability during Invasion Combat
without paying any TG.
Home World(s) – Jol (1r/2i) and Nar (2r/3i)
Starting Units – 2 ground forces, 2 carriers, 1 fighter, 2 PDS, 1 dreadnought, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Antimass Deflectors, Enviro Compensator, Sarween Tools
Leaders: 2 Scientists, 1 Admiral
Trade Agreements: 3, 1
Special Abilities :
- You receive -1 to all your combat rolls.
The Universities of Jol-Nar
- When executing the secondary action of the Technology Strategy, you may execute both
its primary and secondary action.
- You may spend a Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation pool to immediately re-
roll any of your die rolls.
Racial Technology :
Spatial Conduit Network (6 resources): Once per turn when moving, you may move ships
from one system you control to another you control as if both were adjacent. Ships using
this movement must end their movement in a system you control.
Home World(s) – Moll Primus(4r/1i)
Starting Units – 1 carrier, 3 cruisers, 1 PDS, 4 ground forces, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Enviro Compensator
Leaders: 1 Agent, 1 Admiral, 1 Diplomat
Trade Agreements: 1, 1
Special Abilities :
- You start the game with one additional Command Counter in your Fleet Supply pool.
The Mentak Coalition- Before a space battle begins (in which you are a participant) you may fire up to two
Cruisers/Destroyers (or a mix thereof). The enemy takes casualties immediately with no
return fire allowed.
- During the Strategy Phase, you may take one Trade Good from up to two different players
(who have at least three Trade Goods).
Racial Technology :
Salvage Operations (4 resources): Gain 2 TG at end of each space combat you participated
in. If you won, you may build a ship in this system  that was destroyed in combat (you must
pay for it) .
Home World(s) – Lisis II (1r/0i) and Ragh (2r/1i)
Starting Units – 4 ground forces, 2 carriers, 2 fighters, 1 cruiser, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, XRD Transporter
Leaders: 1 Agent, 1 Admiral, 1 General
Trade Agreements: 2, 1
Special Abilities :
The Clan of Saar - Gain 1 Trade Good every time you acquire a new planet.
- Your Space Docks have a movement of 1 but cannot move & build in the same activation.
Your Space Docks are never on planets and have a production capacity of 4. If your Space
Dock is present in a system with enemy but no friendly ships, it is destroyed.
- You may fulfill objectives even if you don't control your Home System.
Racial Technology :
Foating Factory (3 resources): Your Space Docks now have a production capacity of 5,
movement of 2 and can support 5 fighters.
Home World(s) – Darien (2r/4i)
Starting Units – 4 ground forces, 2 carriers, 1 destroyer, 4 fighters, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Automated Defense Turrets
Leaders: 1 General, 1 Diplomat, 1 Agent
Trade Agreements: 1, 1

Special Abilities :
The Yin Brotherhood- Before an Invasion Combat in which you are the attacker begins, you may roll 1 die. On a
5+ your opponent looses 1 Ground Force and you gain 1 Ground Force.
- Immediately before the second round of a Space Battle, you may discard one of your
participating Destroyers or Cruisers to choose one opposing ship present and immediately
inflict one hit on it.
- Once per turn, as an Action, you may place your control marker on an unexhausted Planet
Card you control. Until the end of the round, its Influence and Resource values are reversed.
Racial Technology :
Fanaticism (4 resources): You may use your race special ability twice at the start of each
invasion combat.
Home World(s) – Winnu (3r/4i) Yellow tech discount
Starting Units – 3 ground forces, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 2 fighters, 1PDS, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, Enviro Compensator, Stasis Capsules
Leaders: 1 Scientist, 1 Admiral, 1 Agent
Trade Agreements: 3, 1

The Winnu
Special Abilities :
- You may always add Influence value of your Home System planet to your votes, even if is
The Winnu
- Your planets that contain at least 1 Ground Force are immune to the Local Unrest Action
- You do not need to spend a Command Counter to execute secondary ability of the
Technology Strategy.
Racial Technology :
Bioptic Recyclers (3 resources): As an action, discard an action card from your hand and
receive 2 TG or one CC.
Home World(s) – Muaat (4r/1i)
Starting Units – 4 ground forces, 1 war sun, 2 fighters, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Enviro Compensator, Sarween Tools, War Sun
Leaders: 1 Scientist, 1 General, 1 Diplomat
Trade Agreements: 2, 2
Special Abilities :
The Embers of Muaat- Your War Suns have a base movement of 1. This improves to 2 when you acquire the Deep
Space Cannon technology.
- As an action, you may spend 1 Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation Area to
place 2 free fighters or 1 free destroyer in any one system containing one of your War Suns
or your Space Docks.
- Your ship may move through but may not end their movement in Supernova systems.
Racial Technology :
Magmus Reactor (5 resources): Your War Suns get +1 movement and cost 10 ressources.
en Tools

1. - Receive 3 CC. - Receive 1 CC for every 2 influences spent (up to 3 CC maximum).

LEADERSHIP - You may execute immediately this card's secondary ability. Cost = Tap planets or pay TGs.

A) Choose one system containing a planet you control. Each opponent must place a
2. - Claim an empty planet adjacent to a system you control.
CC from his reinforcements.
DIPLOMACY II B) Execute this card's secondary ability without paying a CC or any influence. Cost = 1 CC & 3 influences.

- Draw 1 political card and 2 action cards.

A) If you are not the Speaker, claim the Speaker token. Choose one other player to - Refresh any number of your planet cards with total combined resource and
play a political card and resolve its agenda. influence of 6 or less.
ASSEMBLY B) Choose one other player to claim the Speaker token. Play a political card from Cost = 1 CC.
your hand and resolve its agenda.

- Build in one of your system (even activated) containing a SD with a bonus of 2 - Build up to 3 units in one of your system (even activated) containing a SD.
resources. - Building doesn't activate the system.
PRODUCTION - Building doesn't activate the system. Cost = 1 CC.

- Receive 3 Trade Goods OR Cancel up to 2 trade agreements (except Hacan's trade agreements).
- All players receive Trade Goods from their active trade agreements minus 1 (except active player).
TRADE II - Open trade negotiations. Active player must approve all new Trade Agreements.

- Choose a system to place the High Alert token. Your ships in this system gain +1 - Move up to 2 of your ships from unactivated systems into any adjacent system you
6. movement and +1 on space combat rolls. control.
WARFARE II - You may move the High Alert token with any ships that move out of the system. The - This does not activate the destination system(s).
token is removed at the start of the Status Phase. Cost = 1 CC.

7. - Receive 1 technology advance. - Receive 1 Technology advance.

TECHNO II - You may buy a second technology advance at the cost of 8 resources. Cost = 1 CC & 6 resources.

After selecting this card, reveal cards from the objective deck equal to the number of
bonus counters on this card.
8. - Receive 1 CC. - Draw 1 political card and 1 action card.
BUREAUCRACY - Draw the top 2 cards from the objective deck. Reveal one and place the other on Cost = 1 CC.
the top of the deck.
- You may immediately claim 1 public objective that you qualify for.
- Game in 9 VP
- Option Long War : NO
- Option Age of Empire : NO
- Option Distant Suns : NO
- Option Leaders : YES
- Option Sabotage Runs : NO
- Option Homeworld : YES
- Option Star in the Crown : NO
- Option Ancient Throne : NO
- Variant Imperial Strategy Card : NO
- Variant Strategy Cards : YES
- Variant Objectives : YES (+ Original PO)
- Variant Race-Specific Technologies : YES
- Variant Artifacts : YES
- Variant Shock Troops : YES
- Variant Space Mines : YES
- Variant Wormhole Nexus : YES
- Variant Facilities : NO
- Variant Tactical Retreats : YES
- Variant New Distant Suns Domain Counters : NO
- Variant Territorial Distant Suns : NO
- Variant Voice of the Council : YES
- Variant Simulated Early Turns : NO

- Basic rules of Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition, Twilight Imperium Expansion and Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition FAQ (version 2
(see House Rules below).
- The Game Master (GM) maintains the official count of all game variables, including, but not limited to, the game board, u
Counters), Command Counters, Planet Cards, Trade Cards, Trade Goods, Technology Advances, Action Cards, Political C
and Secret Objectives. The GM also keeps track of all deadlines.
- All players are encouraged to regularly check all publicly accessible information pertaining to the game. In case of discrepa
and ask to correct the mistake. Any problems arising from a player's failure to notice such discrepancies will not be considere
case of irreversible negative consequences for the player(s) involved.
- The GM has final say on all issues.


- 10's always hit in combat. 1's always miss in combat.
- Emergency Repairs takes precedence over Direct Hit! If both are played at effectively the same time, then Emergency Repair
Direct Hit! re-damages it, but does not kill it.
- When purchasing a Technology Advance, you can apply the Technology Specialty discount from a planet even if that planet i
Technology Advance purchase.
- The special re-roll ability of Universities of Jol-Nar and The Recheck Action Card can be played on any die roll after all rolls ha
or defender) during a single round of combat, or on pre-combat rolls.
- The Diplomatic Immunity Action Card should read "round" instead of "turn".
- During voting, if it is apparent to the GM that the outcome is certain, minority voters may be marginalized (forced to abstain) to
- Any action card that could normally be played as a response to a previous action card, can be played after the previous action
* No more than 24 hours have passed since the previously played action card ;
* The player playing the delayed response action card has not yet posted in the message board for any reason.
If the GM does not feel the player is abusing this rule, the GM will rewind the game to the previously played action card and the
resolved and play will continue again from that point.
- After any action card causing major changes, the GM may "pause" the game for responses to the action card played from all
action cards are allowed against the action card after all players have passed or played responses.
- For quick resolution, secondary activations should be PM'd to the GM. If you wish to decide whether to participate or what to d
secondary activation is, this is still possible. If you are after that player in the turn order, submit your conditional activation in the
order. After resolving them, the GM will post secondary activation results to all players. Note that this does not apply to the sec
will be resolved in the normal manner.
-Players have 24 hours to submit secondary strategy card plays. Players may always submit "Pre-Orders" for secondary plays
conditional clauses…

- The Hacan player can make trade agreements without the permission of the player activating Trade A, but must still have the
he wants to make a trade agreement.
- If a player plays the Strategic Shift action card, no one can later take the excluded strategy card using the Strategic Flexibity a
- Q: Can the extra resource from multiple spacedocks with Sarween Tools be combined to purchase one unit (eg two spacedoc
- Q: Are fighters considered "ships" for the purposes of determining legal destination systems for In the Silence of Space? No
- Q: For elect two planet cards, does each player elect two planets or does each player vote for one planet and the highest and
Elect two planets, two highest voted planets are elected
- Q: For elect two planet cards, is the voting conducted simultaneously for both or are there two 'rounds' of voting, with the resu
before the votes for planet #2 are cast? 1 round of voting, elect two planets at once
- Q: When does the effect of Skilled Retreat happen in relation to other pre-combat effects? Handled same as Naalu retreat ab
before the next battle round.
- Q: While moving carriers between the two systems with a Transfer Action, can fighters be temporarily without support? No
- Q: If both sides have the same combat pre-fire (eg Assault Cannon) who takes casualties first? Simultaneous casualties
- Q: Can Jol-Nar reroll Ancient Artifact if they activated Political? No
- Q: Can Experimental Battlestation be played on another player's spacedock? No
- Q: How long does the effect of Diplomatic Immunity last? Until the end of round
- Q: In a fleet of carriers (or Warsuns or Cruiser/Dreadnaughts with Stasis Capsules) should each carrier's individual load be tra

GM will accept majority opinion of FFG TI3 main forum [4], if player wishes to post a rules question not specifically covered her
In all other cases, GM will use TI3 Fan FAQ as basis for rulings not covered by standard rules and errata.


Pre-Conditional Moves will be allowed and recommended, especially if you'll be away from the game for a time period. If a pl
(to the GM), and is gone for more than 24 hours without any word, I'll institute an AUTO PASS order.


-The best thing we have going for us, is that we're all very fast posters and these rules are going to be moot.
-Send in conditional moves to the GM, if you think there is a chance that you'll not be online 24 hours from your last post. Whe
any previous conditional orders well be deleted outright. Posting an order ON the board prior the the GM's posting of a conditio
any (and all conditional orders sent to the GM.)
-Post a note ON the board, notifying the group that you need a 6 to 24 hour extension. Every player can request as many exte
post such extension requests to the board. They CAN'T request multiple extensions at once. If the general consensus of the g
rule, then continual extensions may be disallowed (after like 10 extension requests)
Regarding AUTO PASS orders:
-If a player HAD sent any conditional orders to the GM, he'll reveiw those first to see if he can figure out a potential move to sub
-If the player hasn't played his strategy card, when the AUTO PASS would be instituted, an AUTO SC PLAY would be instituted
instituted afterward as normal. If a player still hasn't shown themselves after an AUTO SC PLAY was instituted, an AUTO PAS
Regarding the SCs in specific when they are AUTO Played:
Leadership: The primary would receive 3 CCs which would be placed +1/+1/+1, no additional CCs would be purchased with in
Diplomacy II: The option A would be chosen and placed on their HS.
Assembly: If they were the speaker, option B would be chosen this would be given to the players on their immediate right. Th
would be voted on. If they weren't the speaker, they would choose still choose option B, like before. If they have more ACs tha
the newest ACs they received.
Production: the primary would be built at their HS, using ONLY the 2 free resources. (2 fighters and 2 GF, or 4 GF if the new f
Trade II: the primary would receive 3 TGs, and automatically approve any new Trade Agreements, suggested by two players.
Warfare II: The High Alert token would be placed on which ever system contained the most ships, in resource value.
Technology II: The primary would be chosen, a random tech would be selected for which they had the prerequisites.
Bureaucracy: The CC would be placed in their CP. The TOP PO would be selected, and turned face up. The Primary would
they normally could.
-If the AUTO PASS would occur in the Strategy Phase, they would automatically choose their strategy in this order: In reverse
-If the AUTO PASS would occur in the Status Phase: They wouldn't claim any Objectives. They wouldn't use any refresh abili
like this: +1/0/+1, if they received 3, like this: +1/+1/+1. If they needed to discard ACs they would discard any new ACs they re


-For each future Turn, specify which turn you mean. (Examples: "Turn 3: play my strategy card…"; "Turn 4: activate System X,
-For each conditional secondary play: use the "IF THEN" format. (Examples: " If Production is activated, then activate the sec
activated, then pass on the secondary.", "If either Bureaucracy, Tech, or Warfare are activate, then pass on their secondaries
-For truly conditional responses: use the "IF THEN" format. (Examples: " If Player1 attacks me at system X, then play my AC Z
within range of my PDSs then do NOT fire at his units.")
-When stating Build orders (in conditional orders, OR when posting them on the message board), please use this format: B
GFs(1) [on planet X]. Exhaust Planet Y(2), Planet Z(1), 1 TG and Sarween(1). If you don't specify how you will pay for a build/
TGs, then start exhausting Planets from the Top of your list of Planets down the spreadsheet, until the full cost is paid, even if r
Number of Planets Total Unit Strenght
Rd 0 Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Rd 7 Rd 8 Rd 9 Rd 10 Rd 0
Xxcha 2 6 Xxcha 16
Mentak 1 7 Mentak 17
Letnev 2 6 Letnev 15
Saar 2 9 Saar 15

9 30
6 20
5 Xxcha 15
4 Mentak
3 Letnev 10
2 Saar 5
0 0
Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Co
mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn I mn J mn mn L mn mn mn mn m

Victory Points
Rd 0 Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Rd 7 Rd 8 Rd 9 Rd 10
Xxcha 0 1
Mentak 0 2
Letnev 0 0
Saar 0 1

1 Xxcha
Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu
mn mn mn mn mn F mn mn mn I mn J mn mn L
Unit Strenght
Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Rd 7 Rd 8 Rd 9 Rd 10


olu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu Colu
n mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn
Units: All in table but Facilities and Space Mines (see back of page).
Ships: All units except for PDS, GF and Space Dock
Spaceships: All ships except for Fighters (self ruling)
Fighter Capacity: Max number of Fighters supported in the system (by Carriers, War Suns and Space Docks).
Wormholes: Adjacent for purposes of movement only.
Empty systems: Systems without any units (MAY have counters). Special systems are NOT empty.
Special systems: Asteroid Field, Ion Storm, Nebula and Supernova
System you control: You control all planets in the system (if any) and have 1 spaceship in the syste m.
Strategic Allocation Area (SA)
Command Counters (CC) in your Strategic Allocation Area are mostly used to initiate the secondary ability of strategy cards and some racial abilities.
Fleet Supply (FS)
You can never have more spaceships in one system than the number of CCs in your Fleet Supply. Remove excess spaceships instantly (even before landin
Command Pool (CP)
CCs in your Command Pool are mostly used for Tactical and Transfer actions.
Strategy Phase
Select strategy cards (SC) clockwise, speaker picks first. If card the SC has bonus counters, the player gets one CC or Trade Good (TG) per counter.
3 or 4 players: select 2 cards per player one at a time.
Action Phase
Each player executes an action in turn order. Order of play is determined by initiative on strategy card, lowest first. In case of tied initiative, Speaker decid
Strategic Action
Turn over SC and execute primary ability, then all other players execute its secondary ability.
Transfer action
1. Activate two inactivated systems by placing 1 CC from command pool, 1 CC from reinforcements. Only activate systems that are adjacent,
2. Movement between systems (Fighters must be transported)
3. PDS fire (once per PDS) / Space Mines
4. Landings (friendly only)
5. Production in one of the activated systems only.
Tactical action
1. Activate system (CC from command pool)
2. Movement into system from any number of systems.
3. PDS fire (once per PDS) / Space Mines
4. Space battles
5. Landings
6. Invasion combat
7. Production
Play as an action
Some action cards have “Play as an action” listed.
Only if your SC is turned over (both SCs if you have 2). After passing, no new actions are allowed this game round. Executing SCs’ secondary ability i
Status Phase
1. Each player claims 1 Public Objective and/or 1 Secret Objective (clockwise – beginning with Speaker)
2. Repair all damaged ships
3. Remove Command Counters
4. Refresh planet cards
5. Receive 1 action card and 2 command (in order of init)
6. Redistribute Command Counters (check fleet supply).
7. Return strategy cards
- Scuttle Units: once Step 1 is complete, at any time during the Status Phase, a player is allowed to destroy (return to reinforcements) any of his u
- Trade Agreements may be broken at anytime during the Status Phase.
- Refresh Ability: Some planets and all Trade Stations (see below) have a “refresh ability”. You may exhaust the planet or Trade Station during the S
Game end: A player has 9 points unless a public objective states otherwise
Victory: Highest points; if tie lowest initiative; else game tied
Imperium Rex: Game End, winner = highest VP, if tie resolve in order: most objectives, planets, unused CC, tie
To Activate a System
The player places a CC in the hex (system) he wishes to activate. If one of his CCs is already there, the player may NOT place a new CC there (i.e. activ
Movement (tactical)
All units within range may move into system if they can trace a route within range and without enemy spaceships (non-fighter). May move through activa
Movement (transfer)
Units may move between system, fighter capacity still counts, just as fleet supply. Movements are simultaneous .
Transfer action summary:
1) Activate two systems
- Must be adjacent
- Must have at least one of your units in each system
- May not have any enemy units in either system
- Activate one system from command pool, activate other system from reinforcements
2) Movement between systems
3) PDS Fire
4) Planetary Landings
5) Production (in one system)
As a Tactical Action, you may activate a system to fire at enemy ships within that system (or support your attacking fleet).
When an adversary activates a system, all your PDS within range of the activated system may fire at enemy ships within the system (the ships MUST be
You cannot fire through a Wormhole. A planet may never have more than 2 PDS.
When a fleet ENDS ITS MOVEMENT in a system with enemy Space Mines, roll 1 die for each spaceship in the fleet (9 or 10 = hit). Remove 1 Space Min
During pre-combat (see Space Battles for timing), players announce which Fighter will be used against which enemy War Sun (attacker first).
Outer defenses: roll for each fighter, on a natural 9 or 10 Fighter lives
Inner defenses: roll for each remaining Fighter, one at a time. On a natural 10, War Sun is destroyed, otherwise, Fighter is destroyed.
Before Space Battle: PDS, Space Mines, Action Card (stating “before space battle”)
Pre-Combat: Anti-Fighter Barrage, Assault Cannons, Mentak ability, Minister of War, Naalu ability, Sabotage Run;
1. Announce Withdrawals/Retreat
2. Roll Combat dice (if result ≥ battle 1 hit)
3. Remove Casualties (Fighter capacity DOES NOT apply during Space Battle)
4. Execute Withdrawals/Retreats
Repeat until withdrawal/retreat or no ships remain.
Withdraw/Retreat: If enemy has not been destroyed move to a previously activated (or inactivated) system containing no enemy units. If system is inactiv
If an enemy ship is present in the same system as your Space Dock, this Space Dock is “blockaded” (cannot produce units).
Announce all landings; a unit can only be assigned once. Resolve hostile landings according to active player’s wishes. Landings on several planets are
Friendly landings: Landings on planets you control
Neutral landings: Landings on uncontrolled planets. Take planet card exhausted
Hostile landings (invasion): See Invasion Combat
Pre-combat: Bombardment (War Suns and Dreadnoughts fire once), PDS fire.
1. Roll Combat dice (if die ≥ battle 1 hit)
2. Remove casualties
Continue Step 1 & 2 until either side lost all units.
If successful remove all enemy PDS, Facility and Space Dock and remove control markers, hand over planet card exhausted to new controller.
Shock Troop (ST) is a subtype of GF. Any effect applying to GF applies to ST also. If a natural 10 is rolled in favor of a GF during an invasion, substitute
1. STs are taken as casualties before GFs.
2. STs capture Space Dock, Facility and PDSs if invasion is successful.
3. STs must always (inside ships also) be with a GF or an ST becomes a GF
Build units in activated system.
Build Space Dock and/or Facility:
1. System has been activated by tactical.
2. Planet under your control for entire Game Round
3a. Space Dock: No Space Dock on planet.
3b. Facility: No Facility on planet.
4. No enemy ships. Place Space Dock and/or Facility on planet
Building units (other than Space Docks):
Only at Space Docks. Must have had Space Dock for entire Game Round. May not build more units than Production Capacity (Planet Resource Nu
Spend resources by exhausting planets. Select units and spend resources. Ships are placed in space. GF and PDS are placed on same planet as
Deploying Space Mines:
Cruiser must be present in activated system.
1 Space Mine token per Cruiser; a Cruiser built during the same activation cannot deploy Space Mines.
May be given to other players freely. This is the only way things can be given freely unless other effects state so differently. May be used instead or in ad
You can NEVER have more than 7. If more discard immediately. Player declares that he is playing an Action Card (face down), players may then respon
Sabotage: Sabotage Action Card can be played after the Action Cards have been revealed. If the sabotaged Action Card was played as an action, althou
You can never have more than 5. If more discard immediately. Played only during the Assembly Strategy Card’s primary ability as instructed on the Asse
The instant your ship ends its movement in the system, place your control marker on the Trade Station. If an enemy ship should end its movement in the sy
Race Username First Name

Xxcha Ctol Cédric

Mentak Chovesh Aaron

Letnev Daniel78 Daniel

Saar Umpapa2 Boguslaw

Username List: Umpapa2, Chovesh, ctol, daniel78

PBEMNexus List:,,,
Email List:;;;
Email Time Zone GMT +1 GMT -6 GMT +1 GMT +2,,;;

# Title Description Phase Play When Detail

2 Place 2 Ground Forces or 1 Shock Troop on any one planet you control. Action Action

2 Place 2 Ground Forces or 1 Shock Troop on any one planet you control. Action Action

Alien Technology You may immediately spend 4 resources to receive one Technology advance (for which you have the necessary prerequisites). This cost cannot be reduced. Action Action

Armistice Choose an opponent and a planet you control. The chosen opponent cannot invade the chosen planet this round. Action Action

Bribery You may add one additional vote to your total for each Trade Good you spend. Political Specific Immediately after all players have voted on an Agenda.

If you have a Dreadnought in a system containing an enemy-controlled planet, play this card to destroy half of the defending Ground Forces (round up).
Chemical Warfare Combat Specific Immediately before an Invasion Combat.
Chemical Warfare bypasses enemy PDS.

Civil Defense Place two free PDS units on any planet you control that does not already have a PDS unit. Action Action

Command Summit Receive 2 CC. Strategy Strategy

2 No players may play Action Cards until the end of the battle (except the Sabotage Action Card). Combat Specific Immediately before a Space Battle in which you are participating.

2 No players may play Action Cards until the end of the battle (except the Sabotage Action Card). Combat Specific Immediately before a Space Battle in which you are participating.

Corporate Sponsorship You may purchase a Green Technology for 4 fewer resources. Tech Specific Immediately before purchasing a new Technology.

Immediately after a player executes the primary ability of the Political

Council Dissolved The player who chose the Political Strategy does not draw a Political Card. Political Specific
Strategy card.

Roll 2 dice. For each roll equal to or greater than your ship's combat value, your opponent must immediately take one casualty. you may use this card even
2 Courageous to the End Combat Specific Immediately after one of your ships is destroyed.
if your ship should not receive return fire.

Roll 2 dice. For each roll equal to or greater than your ship's combat value, your opponent must immediately take one casualty. you may use this card even
2 Courageous to the End Combat Specific Immediately after one of your ships is destroyed.
if your ship should not receive return fire.

Cultural Crisis Choose a player (the chosen player may be yourself). That player loses all racial special abilities this round, both advantages and disadvantages. Strategy Strategy

Choose any agenda from the Political Deck, from the discarded Political Cards, or from the current laws in play. The Council must now vote on this agenda
Determine Policy Political Specific Immediately before a Political Card is drawn.
rather than draw a new political card.

Diplomatic Immunity Choose a system in which you have at least one spaceship. Only you may activate the chosen system this turn. Action Action

Immediately after the ship has been damaged in a Space Battle in

4 Direct Hit Destroy an opponent's damaged ship. Combat Specific
which you are participating.

Immediately after the ship has been damaged in a Space Battle in

4 Direct Hit Destroy an opponent's damaged ship. Combat Specific
which you are participating.

Immediately after the ship has been damaged in a Space Battle in

4 Direct Hit Destroy an opponent's damaged ship. Combat Specific
which you are participating.

Immediately after the ship has been damaged in a Space Battle in

4 Direct Hit Destroy an opponent's damaged ship. Combat Specific
which you are participating.

Disclosure Look at all of an opponent's Action Cards. Then choose and discard one of them. Any time Any time

Immediately after another player casts a vote during the resolution of a

Discredit Change another player's vote to “abstain,” even if the Political Card is an “Elect” vote. Political Specific
Political Card.

Dug In Choose a planet. Your Ground Forces on that planet are immune to planetary bombardment this round. Combat Specific Immediately before bombardment.

2 Emergency Repairs Choose a system. Immediately repair all of your Dreadnoughts and War Suns in the chosen system. Action Any time

2 Emergency Repairs Choose a system. Immediately repair all of your Dreadnoughts and War Suns in the chosen system. Action Any time

2 Enhanced Armor Until the end of the round, your Cruisers gain the “sustain damage” ability. Action Action

2 Enhanced Armor Until the end of the round, your Cruisers gain the “sustain damage” ability. Action Action

2 Equipment Sabotage Destroy up to 2 PDS units on the planet of your choice. Action Action

2 Equipment Sabotage Destroy up to 2 PDS units on the planet of your choice. Action Action

Experimental After an opponent has activated a system and moved any ships into the
Choose one Space Dock. That Space Dock can immediately fire three times at an enemy fleet in range as if the Space Dock were one of your PDS units. Combat Specific
Battlestation system.

2 Until the end of the combat round, all hits from your Dreadnoughts and War Suns may not be applied to Fighters (unless there are no other ships present). Combat Specific Immediately before any round of combat.

2 Until the end of the combat round, all hits from your Dreadnoughts and War Suns may not be applied to Fighters (unless there are no other ships present). Combat Specific Immediately before any round of combat.

Fantastic Rhetoric You gain 10 additional influence for one vote. Political Specific Immediately before you vote on the resolution of a Political Card.

Faulty Targeting
2 Cancel a Minelayers Action Card or discard 1 Space Mine in any system or force one opponent to reroll one of his PDS rolls. Any time Any time

Faulty Targeting
2 Cancel a Minelayers Action Card or discard 1 Space Mine in any system or force one opponent to reroll one of his PDS rolls. Any time Any time

Fighter Prototype Choose a system. All of your fighters in that system receive a +2 on all combat rolls for one combat round. Combat Specific Immediately before a Space Battle.

2 First Strike You may take your first action of the Action Phase before the player with the lowest initiative number. Then resume order of play as normal. Strategy Specific Immediately after the Strategy Phase.

2 First Strike You may take your first action of the Action Phase before the player with the lowest initiative number. Then resume order of play as normal. Strategy Specific Immediately after the Strategy Phase.

4 Flank Speed Choose a system you have just activated with a Command Counter. Increase the movement of all ships moving to that system by 1. Action Specific Immediately after activating a system with a Command Counter.

4 Flank Speed Choose a system you have just activated with a Command Counter. Increase the movement of all ships moving to that system by 1. Action Specific Immediately after activating a system with a Command Counter.

4 Flank Speed Choose a system you have just activated with a Command Counter. Increase the movement of all ships moving to that system by 1. Action Specific Immediately after activating a system with a Command Counter.

4 Flank Speed Choose a system you have just activated with a Command Counter. Increase the movement of all ships moving to that system by 1. Action Specific Immediately after activating a system with a Command Counter.

2 Flanking Tactic Your opponent may not retreat from the battle (regardless of Special Abilities or Action Cards that would allow a retreat). Combat Specific Immediately before a Space Battle in which you are participating.

2 Flanking Tactic Your opponent may not retreat from the battle (regardless of Special Abilities or Action Cards that would allow a retreat). Combat Specific Immediately before a Space Battle in which you are participating.

You may execute the primary ability of any Strategy Card not chosen during this Strategy Phase. Each other player may then execute the card's secondary
Flawless Strategy Action Action
ability as usual.

Immediately before purchasing a Technology that requires another

Focused Research Spend six resources to ignore one prerequisite Technology requirement in the tech tree. Tech Specific
single Technology that you do not possess.

4 Friendly Fire If your opponent has more Fighters than non-Fighter ships in this system, he must immediately lose half of his Fighters here (rounded down). Combat Specific Immediately before a Space Battle in which you are participating.

4 Friendly Fire If your opponent has more Fighters than non-Fighter ships in this system, he must immediately lose half of his Fighters here (rounded down). Combat Specific Immediately before a Space Battle in which you are participating.

4 Friendly Fire If your opponent has more Fighters than non-Fighter ships in this system, he must immediately lose half of his Fighters here (rounded down). Combat Specific Immediately before a Space Battle in which you are participating.

4 Friendly Fire If your opponent has more Fighters than non-Fighter ships in this system, he must immediately lose half of his Fighters here (rounded down). Combat Specific Immediately before a Space Battle in which you are participating.

Ghost Ship Place a free Destroyer in any wormhole space that contains no enemy ships. Action Action

Good Year Receive one Trade Good for each planet you control outside your Home System. Action Action

There is no Fleet Supply limit for your ships in your Home System this round. At the end of the Status Phase, you must remove any ships that exceed your
Grand Armada Strategy Strategy
normal Fleet Supply limit.

Choose one of your fleets. All ships in that fleet with a movement of 2 or more can pass through, but not stop in, a system occupied by enemy ships during
3 In the Silence of Space Action Specific Immediately after activating a system with a Command Counter.
this activation.

Page 25

Choose one of your fleets. All ships in that fleet with a movement of 2 or more can pass through, but not stop in, a system occupied by enemy ships during
3 In the Silence of Space Action Specific Immediately after activating a system with a Command Counter.
this activation.

Choose one of your fleets. All ships in that fleet with a movement of 2 or more can pass through, but not stop in, a system occupied by enemy ships during
3 In the Silence of Space Action Specific Immediately after activating a system with a Command Counter.
this activation.

Influence in the
Break one trade agreement in play. Action Action
Merchants' Guild

Insubordination Remove one Command Counter from the Command Pool of one opponent. Action Action

Choose one Dreadnought. All ships in the fleet containing that Dreadnought receive +1 on all combat rolls for the remainder of the battle. The first two hits
Into the Breach Combat Specific Immediately before any Space Battle begins.
against your fleet must be applied to the chosen Dreadnought.

Choose a planet in a non-Home system. Exhaust that planet and destroy one Ground Force on it, if able. If there are no Ground Forces left on the planet, it
4 Local Unrest Action Action
reverts to neutral status.

Choose a planet in a non-Home system. Exhaust that planet and destroy one Ground Force on it, if able. If there are no Ground Forces left on the planet, it
4 Local Unrest Action Action
reverts to neutral status.

Choose a planet in a non-Home system. Exhaust that planet and destroy one Ground Force on it, if able. If there are no Ground Forces left on the planet, it
4 Local Unrest Action Action
reverts to neutral status.

Choose a planet in a non-Home system. Exhaust that planet and destroy one Ground Force on it, if able. If there are no Ground Forces left on the planet, it
4 Local Unrest Action Action
reverts to neutral status.

Lucky Shot Destroy one enemy Dreadnought, Cruiser, or Destroyer currently in a system containing a planet under your control. Action Action

You may immediately move one of your existing Space Docks to another friendly planet. A route that does not contain enemy ships must exist between the
Massive Transport Action Action
two planets.

Draw a number of Action Cards equal to the number of players. You may look at them and distribute one of them to each player. Players will receive 1 fewer During the Status Phase, immediately before any players have drawn
Master of Fate Status Specific
Action Card during this Status Phase. Action Cards.

Master of Trade Play only if you have two trade agreements. Choose and refresh up to two of your exhausted planets. Any time Any time

Place the destroyed ship on this card. At the start of the next Status Phase, place this ship at any one of your Space Docks (for free) and discard this card. If
2 Military Foresight Combat Specific After one of your ships is lost in a Space Battle.
you do not have any Space Docks on the board during the Status Phase, the ship is discarded.

Place the destroyed ship on this card. At the start of the next Status Phase, place this ship at any one of your Space Docks (for free) and discard this card. If
2 Military Foresight Combat Specific After one of your ships is lost in a Space Battle.
you do not have any Space Docks on the board during the Status Phase, the ship is discarded.

Minelayers Choose a system containing one of your fleets. Each of your Cruisers in the system inflicts one automatic hit before the first round of a Space Battle. Combat Specific Immediately after an enemy fleet enters the system.

5 Morale Boost For one combat round (not an entire battle), all of your units receive +1 on all combat rolls. Combat Specific Immediately before any Space Battle or Invasion Combat round.

5 Morale Boost For one combat round (not an entire battle), all of your units receive +1 on all combat rolls. Combat Specific Immediately before any Space Battle or Invasion Combat round.

5 Morale Boost For one combat round (not an entire battle), all of your units receive +1 on all combat rolls. Combat Specific Immediately before any Space Battle or Invasion Combat round.

5 Morale Boost For one combat round (not an entire battle), all of your units receive +1 on all combat rolls. Combat Specific Immediately before any Space Battle or Invasion Combat round.

5 Morale Boost For one combat round (not an entire battle), all of your units receive +1 on all combat rolls. Combat Specific Immediately before any Space Battle or Invasion Combat round.

Multiculturalism Choose one racial special ability possessed by one of your opponents. You gain that special ability this round. Strategy Strategy

Opening the Black Box All your red planets grant a tech credit of 2 (rather than 1) when you purchase a red Technology. Tech Specific Immediately before purchasing a Technology.

Move up to two Cruisers or Destroyers in an activated system to an empty adjacent system or systems. Then place Command Counters from your
Patrol Action Action
reinforcements in those systems.

Choose a planet your opponent controls. Roll a die for each Ground Force unit on that planet. If the number rolled is even, that unit is destroyed. Your
Plague Action Action
opponent retains control of the planet even if all of his Ground Forces are destroyed.

Policy Paralysis Choose an opponent. That opponent may not participate in the secondary ability of the currently active Strategy Card. Action Specific Immediately after the primary ability of a Strategy Card is resolved.

Keep your current Strategy Card instead of relinquishing it at the end of the game round. You do not select a new Strategy Card during the Strategy Phase
Political Stability Status Status
of the upcoming round. You cannot play this card if you chose the Imperial or Initiative Strategy card this round.

Choose an opponent. Take all Trade Goods from that opponent's Trade Goods area. Place half of them (round down) in your Trade Goods area and
Privateers Action Action
discard the rest.

Productivity Spike Choose one of your Space Docks. The production capacity of that Space Dock increases by a number equal to its planet's influence this round. Strategy Strategy

Public Disgrace After a player has chosen a Strategy Card, play this card to force the player to return that Strategy Card and choose a different one. Strategy Specific Immediately after a player has chosen a Strategy Card.

Rally of the People Receive one Dreadnought in your Home System. Action Action

3 Rare Mineral Receive three Trade Goods. Combat Specific Immediately after successfully invading a neutral planet.

3 Rare Mineral Receive three Trade Goods. Combat Specific Immediately after successfully invading a neutral planet.

3 Rare Mineral Receive three Trade Goods. Combat Specific Immediately after successfully invading a neutral planet.

Immediately after you or an opponent has rolled a die during a Space

4 Recheck Force any one combat die to be re-rolled. Combat Specific
Battle or Invasion Combat in which you are participating.

Immediately after you or an opponent has rolled a die during a Space

4 Recheck Force any one combat die to be re-rolled. Combat Specific
Battle or Invasion Combat in which you are participating.

Immediately after you or an opponent has rolled a die during a Space

4 Recheck Force any one combat die to be re-rolled. Combat Specific
Battle or Invasion Combat in which you are participating.

Immediately after you or an opponent has rolled a die during a Space

4 Recheck Force any one combat die to be re-rolled. Combat Specific
Battle or Invasion Combat in which you are participating.

Choose and exhaust a planet controlled by an opponent who has just taken control of a planet from you. Then choose and refresh one of your planets with
Reparations Combat Specific Immediately after you lose control of a planet to an opponent.
an equal or lesser resource value.

Rise of a Messiah Receive one Ground Force unit on each planet that you control. Action Action

Immediately after the chosen player receives Trade Goods from his
Ruinous Tariffs Choose a player with whom you have a trade agreement. That player must give you half of the Trade Goods in his Trade Goods area (round up). Trade Specific
active trade agreements.

Rule by Terror If you have a War Sun or 2 Dreadnoughts present, then your opponent must either immediately retreat (if able) or immediately take 2 casualties. Combat Specific Immediately before a Space Battle in which you are participating.

5 Sabotage Play this card to cancel the effect of any Action Card just played, then discard both cards. This card cannot cancel the effects of another Sabotage card. Specific Specific Immediately after another player plays an Action Card.

5 Sabotage Play this card to cancel the effect of any Action Card just played, then discard both cards. This card cannot cancel the effects of another Sabotage card. Specific Specific Immediately after another player plays an Action Card.

5 Sabotage Play this card to cancel the effect of any Action Card just played, then discard both cards. This card cannot cancel the effects of another Sabotage card. Specific Specific Immediately after another player plays an Action Card.

5 Sabotage Play this card to cancel the effect of any Action Card just played, then discard both cards. This card cannot cancel the effects of another Sabotage card. Specific Specific Immediately after another player plays an Action Card.

5 Sabotage Play this card to cancel the effect of any Action Card just played, then discard both cards. This card cannot cancel the effects of another Sabotage card. Specific Specific Immediately after another player plays an Action Card.

Scientist Assassination Choose a player. That player cannot acquire or purchase Technology this turn. Strategy Strategy

Secret Industrial Agent Destroy any one Space dock that is not in a Home System. Action Action

Immediately after your opponent has rolled all combat dice and before
Shields Holding Cancel up to two hits during one round of a Space Battle in which you participate. Combat Specific
you have removed casualties.

4 Signal Jamming Choose a non-Home system. Take a Command Counter from any other player's reinforcements and place it on the chosen system. Strategy Strategy

4 Signal Jamming Choose a non-Home system. Take a Command Counter from any other player's reinforcements and place it on the chosen system. Strategy Strategy

4 Signal Jamming Choose a non-Home system. Take a Command Counter from any other player's reinforcements and place it on the chosen system. Strategy Strategy

4 Signal Jamming Choose a non-Home system. Take a Command Counter from any other player's reinforcements and place it on the chosen system. Strategy Strategy

Choose one of your fleets that is participating in a Space Battle. Place a Command Counter from your reinforcements in a friendly or empty unactivated
4 Skilled Retreat Combat Specific Before any round of a Space Battle.
system adjacent to that fleet. Move the chosen fleet into that system.

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Choose one of your fleets that is participating in a Space Battle. Place a Command Counter from your reinforcements in a friendly or empty unactivated
4 Skilled Retreat Combat Specific Before any round of a Space Battle.
system adjacent to that fleet. Move the chosen fleet into that system.

Choose one of your fleets that is participating in a Space Battle. Place a Command Counter from your reinforcements in a friendly or empty unactivated
4 Skilled Retreat Combat Specific Before any round of a Space Battle.
system adjacent to that fleet. Move the chosen fleet into that system.

Choose one of your fleets that is participating in a Space Battle. Place a Command Counter from your reinforcements in a friendly or empty unactivated
4 Skilled Retreat Combat Specific Before any round of a Space Battle.
system adjacent to that fleet. Move the chosen fleet into that system.

Spacedock Accident Choose a Space Dock in a non-Home system. The owner of the Space Dock may not build units at the chosen Space Dock this round. Action Action

Choose a planet in a system containing one of your War Suns. Destroy all Ground Forces, PDS units, and Space Docks on that planet, then place a Immediately before the Planetary Landing segment of the tactical action
Star of Death Combat Specific
radiation Domain Counter on the planet. The planet immediately reverts to neutral status. sequence.

Stellar Criminals Choose an opponent. That opponent must choose and exhaust half of his unexhausted planets (round down). Action Action

Strategic Play only if you have a War Sun in a system containing one or more planets controlled by an opponent. Exhaust those planets. Then roll a die. On a result
Action Action
Bombardment of 1-5, discard this card as normal. On a result of 6+, return this card to your hand.
During the Strategy Phase after all players have chosen their Strategy
Strategic Flexibility Play this card to return the Strategy Card you have chosen and replace it with one of the remaining Strategy Cards. Strategy Specific Cards, but before Bonus Counters have been places on the unchosen
Strategy Cards.
You do not have to pay Command Counters from your Strategy Allocation area in order to execute the secondary ability of Strategy Cards for the remainder
2 Strategic Planning Strategy Strategy
of the game round.

You do not have to pay Command Counters from your Strategy Allocation area in order to execute the secondary ability of Strategy Cards for the remainder
2 Strategic Planning Strategy Strategy
of the game round.

During the Strategy Phase, before the first player chooses a Strategy
Strategic Shift Choose one Strategy Card. No player may choose that Strategy Card this round. Strategy Specific

Successful Spy Take two random Action Cards from one opponent. Action Action

Surprise Assault Immediately after (optionally) moving ships into the system, you may build at your blockaded Space Dock(s). A Space Battle is then initiated. Action Specific After activating a system containing one of your blockaded Space Docks.

Synchronicity Search the Action Card deck, choose one Action Card, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle the deck. Strategy Strategy

Choose one of your ships and target one opposing ship. Roll 1 die. If the roll is equal to or greater than your ship's combat value, the target ship is
2 Target Their Flagship Combat Specific Immediately before a Space Battle in which you are participating.
immediately hit (and does not receive return fire). Your ship does not roll during the first round of combat.

Choose one of your ships and target one opposing ship. Roll 1 die. If the roll is equal to or greater than your ship's combat value, the target ship is
2 Target Their Flagship Combat Specific Immediately before a Space Battle in which you are participating.
immediately hit (and does not receive return fire). Your ship does not roll during the first round of combat.

Play only if you chose the Technology Strategy this round. After executing the primary ability of the Technology Strategy, you may spend one Command
Immediately after executing the primary ability of the Technology
Tech Bubble Counter from your Strategy Allocation to also execute the secondary ability this round. You must pay the normal cost for the Technology you purchase using Tech Specific
this card.

Players may not play any Action Cards until the Status Phase (except the Sabotage Action Card). Any player may discard 3 Action Cards from his hand at During the Strategy Phase, before any players have chosen their
Temporary Stability Strategy Specific
any time to cancel this card. Strategy Cards.

Immediately after the text of a Political Card has been read and before
Thugs Choose a player. That player may not participate in the vote on a Political Card for the remainder of this round. Political Specific
the first vote is cast.

Touch of Genius Spend three influence to duplicate the effects of any other Action Card in the discard pile. Specific Specific At the time specified by the card being duplicated.

Trade Stop Break all trade agreements in play, including your own. Strategy Strategy

Choose a planet you control. You may move up to three Ground Forces from the chosen planet to another planet you control. A route that does not contain
Transport Action Action
enemy ships must exist between these two planets.

Unexpected Action Remove one of your Command Counters from the board and place it with your reinforcements. Action Action

Uprising Choose one non-Home System. Exhaust each planet in that system, if able. Action Action

Play only if you control Mecatol Rex. Place this card on the Mecatol Rex system. While this card is in play, you gain votes equal to twice the influence value
Usurper Strategy Strategy
of Mecatol Rex (instead of its normal influence value) even if it is exhausted. Discard this card from play if you lose control of Mecatol Rex.

After a Political Card is read and before any player has voted on its
Veto Discard the current agenda. The active player must draw another Political Card. Political Specific

Voluntary Annexation Choose any neutral planet in a system adjacent to a system containing a planet you control. Place three free Ground Forces there. You now control this planet. Action Action

Choose one system. Your Fleet Supply limit in that system is increased by two for the rest of this game round. At the end of the Status Phase, you must
War Footing Action Action
remove any ships that exceed your normal Fleet Supply limit.

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