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Due Date: 12:00 8th November , 2023
Student Name:……………………Student ID:……………………………….
Note: Your homework must be written by hand, hand it in the Intro’s box on the 4th floor. Use
online literature research if necessary. Remember to box all numerical results.
Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Total

Question 1: (10pts)

1. What are the duties and objectives of BME?

2. Spell out the full name of each agency and indicate their tasks: FDA, AIMBE, NIH, ABET, NA

Question 2: (10pts)

An engineering project consists of 9 events, including event 1. The project begins at event 1 and ends at
event 9. 15 activities have been identified and their duration, in a month, is estimated as below:

Task Task Duration


1-2 7

1-3 2

1-4 9

2-7 7

3-4 4

3-5 5

3-6 6

4-5 3

4-7 2

5-8 10
6-8 1

7-8 10

7-9 6

8-9 8

1. Develop an activity network model based on the above information. How much time may you save?
Indicate the Critical Path.
2. Generate the Gantt Chart.

Question 3: (10pts)

1. What are the main differences between a medical device and any other non-medical devices?
2. What is the meaning of these terms: In-vivo, In-vitro, In-silico, and Non-invasive?

Question 4: (10pts)

1. What is an optical fiber? Sketch the anatomy of an optical fiber.

2. An optical fiber having a coefficient of attenuation of 10dB/Km is used for the communication
between the distance of 80Km. How many regenerators need to be installed? As a rule, reamplification of
the signal is necessary when the power is dropped by a factor of about 10−4.

Question 5: (10pts)

1. What are converging lens and diverging lens? Give 1 example for each lens.
2. What is total internal reflection? What are the conditions for index of refraction of the 2 media
and incident angle to make the total internal reflection happen?

Question 6: (10pts)

A biconvex lens of the same radius R, when placed in air, has a focal length f = 30 cm. Immerse the lens
in a water bath, make its main axis vertical, and then let a parallel beam shine vertically from the top
down, the focus point is 80cm away from the lens. Calculate R, given that the refractive index of water
is 4/3.

Question 7: (10pts)

1. Sketch the eye anatomy and indicate the name of 6 parts.

2. Indicate the functions of the retina’s 3 main layers.

Question 8: (10pts)

A system of three polarizing sheets is set up in the path of initially unpolarized light with intensity of
100W/m2. The polarizing direction of the first sheet is parallel to the y axis; the second sheet forms an
angle of 60 degrees to the x-axis; the third sheet is parallel to the x-axis. Find the intensity of light after
passing through sheet 2, sheet 3.

Question 9: (10pts) A monochromatic light ray strikes the side face AB of a prism whose cross-section
is an equilateral triangle ABC, parallel to the base BC. Rays coming out of AC have the same direction
as AC. Calculate the refractive index of the prism.

Question 10: (10pts)

A person can only see clearly objects that are 50cm away from his eyes
 What's wrong with the eyes?
 Calculate the change in lens condensate when this person observes objects within the clear field
of view of the eye.
 This person must wear converging or diverging glasses, with how much converging to be able to
see clearly the objects 25cm in front of his eyes. Wear glasses close to your eyes.


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