SoSo R3 3b

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T : Tactical / R : Race / S: Strategic / X : Transfert / A : Action card

Jol-Nar - Spatial Conduit Network (6 resources):
Once per turn when moving, you may move ships from one system you control to another you control as if both were adjacent. Ships using this movement must end their
movement in a system you control.
Yssaril - Shuttle Logistics (3 resources):
At start of status phase, choose a system not containing enemy ships. Your GF in this system may move to any friendly planet in same or adjacent system (that does not
contain enemy ships).
Sardakk N'orr - Berserker Genome (5 resources):
Roll a die for each unit you lost at end of space combat round 1. If you roll at least one '10', your opponent must take 2 additional casualties.
L1z1x - Dreadnought Invasion Pod (2 resources):
Dreadnoughts may carry one additional GF.
Mentak - Salvage Operations (4 resources):
Gain 2 TG at end of each space combat you participated in. If you won, you may build a ship in this system that was destroyed in combat (you must pay for it) .
Hacan - Production Centers (3 resources):
As an action, spend 1 CC from Strategy Allocation area to gain 6 TG. You must then give 2 TG to any other player. You may only do this once per turn, and only if you have
fewer than 6 TG.
Xxcha - Diplomats (5 resources):
Once per turn when an enemy activates a system you control, you may spend 1 CC from Strategy Allocation area to force him to instead place the CC into his reinforcements
and immediately end his action.
Naalu - Telepathic Mind Weapon (5 resources):
When an opponent activates a system you control, he immediately loses one CC from ship supply.
Letnev - L4 Disruptors (6 resources):
You may use your race's special ability during Invasion Combat without paying any TG.
Sol - Mark II Advanced Carriers (4 resources):
Your Carriers now have a capacity of 8 and gain the "sustain damage" ability.
Saar - Foating Factory (3 resources):
Your Space Docks now have a production capacity of 5, movement of 2 and can support 5 fighters.
Yin - Fanaticism (4 resources):
You may use your race special ability twice at the start of each invasion combat.
Winnu - Bioptic Recyclers (3 resources):
As an action, discard an action card from your hand and receive 2 TG or one CC.

Your War Suns get +1 movement and cost 10 ressources.

Home World(s) – Arretze (2r/0i), Hercant (1r/1i) and Kamdorn (0r/1i)
Starting Units – 4 ground forces, 2 carriers, 1 cruiser, 2 fighters, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Enviro Compensator, Sarween Tools
Leaders: 1 General, 1 Diplomat, 1 Scientist
Trade Agreements: 3, 3
Special Abilities :
- Your trades do not require approval during Trade Negotiations.
- You do not need to spend a Command Counter to execute the secondary action of the Trade
The Emirates of Hacan
- When you receive Trade Goods from a Trade Contract you receive one additional Trade
- No player may ever (except for war) break a Trade Contract with you.
- During the Status Phase you may trade Action Cards with other players.
Racial Technology :
Production Centers (3 resources): As an action, spend 1 CC from Strategy Allocation area to
gain 6 TG. You must then give 2 TG to any other player. You may only do this once per turn,
and only if you have fewer than 6 TG.
Home World(s) – Archon Ren (2r/3i) and Archon Tau (1r/1i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 3 fighters, 1PDS, 1 carrier, 2 ground forces, 2 cruisers
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, Enviro Compensator
Leaders: 1 Admiral, 2 Diplomats
Trade Agreements: 2, 2
Special Abilities :
- When executing the secondary action of the Diplomacy Strategy you may execute the
The Xxcha Kingdom primary action instead.
- Immediately after a political card has been drawn and read you may spend one Command
Counter from your Strategic Allocation pool to cancel the card and force another political card
to be drawn.
- Your opponent receives –1 on all combat rolls against you during the first combat round of
all Space Battles and Invasion Combats.
Racial Technology :
Diplomats (5 resources): Once per turn when an enemy activates a system you control, you
may spend 1 CC from Strategy Allocation area to force him to instead place the CC into his
reinforcements and immediately end his action.
Home World(s) – Druaa (3r/1i) and Maaluuk (0r/2i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 4 ground forces, 1 PDS, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 4 fighters
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, Enviro Compensator
Leaders: 1 Diplomat, 1 Admiral, 1 Agent
Trade Agreements: 2, 1
Special Abilities :
The Naalu Collective
- The initiative number on your chosen Strategy card is always considered to be zero (this
means you’re always first in the order of play).
- If attacked a Naalu fleet may retreat before the beginning of the Space Battle.
- Your Fighters receive +1 on all combat rolls in Space Battles.
Racial Technology :
Telepathic Mind Weapon (5 resources): When an opponent activates a system you control, he
immediately loses one CC from ship supply.
Home World(s) – Jord (4r/2i)
Starting Units – 5 ground forces, 2 carriers, 1 destroyer, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, Cybernetics
Leaders: 1 Admiral, 1 Diplomat, 1 Agent
Trade Agreements: 2, 2
The Federation of SolSpecial Abilities :
- As an action, you may spend one Command Counter from your Strategic Allocation pool to
place two free ground forces on any one planet that you control.
- During the Status Phase you receive one extra Command Counter.
Racial Technology :
Mark II Advanced Carriers (4 resources): Your Carriers now have a capacity of 8 and gain the
"sustain damage" ability.
Home World(s) – [0,0,0] (5r/0i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 1 carrier, 5 ground forces, 1 dreadnought, 3 fighters, 1 PDS
Starting Tech –Enviro Compensator, Stasis Capsules, Cybernetics, Hylar V Assault Laser
Leaders: 1 Diplomat, 1 Scientist, 1 Agent
Trade Agreements: 1, 1
The L1Z1X Mindnet Special Abilities :
- The base cost of your Dreadnoughts is 4.
- Your Dreadnoughts receive +1 during Space Battles and your ground forces receive +1
when attacking during Invasion Combat.
- You start with one extra Command Counter in your Strategic Allocation pool.
Racial Technology :
Dreadnought Invasion Pod (2 resources): Dreadnoughts may carry one additional GF.
Home World(s) – Quinarra (3r/1i) and Tren’Lak (1r/0i)
Starting Units – 5 ground forces, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 PDS, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Deep Space Cannon
Leaders: 2 Generals, 1 Admiral
The Sardakk N’orr Trade Agreements: 2, 1
Special Abilities :
- You receive +1 to your combat rolls.
Racial Technology :
Berserker Genome (5 resources): Roll a die for each unit you lost at end of space combat
round 1. If you roll at least one '10', your opponent must take 2 additional casualties.
Home World(s) – Retillion (2r/3i) and Shalloq (1r/2i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 5 ground forces, 1 PDS, 2 carriers, 1 cruiser, 2 fighters
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, XRD Transporter
Leaders: 1 Admiral, 2 Agents
Trade Agreements: 2, 1
Special Abilities :
- You are allowed to skip your action turn during the Action Phase (you may not skip two such
The Yssaril Tribes
action turns in a row).
- You draw one additional Action Card during Status Phase.
- You are never limited to a hand size of Action Cards (ever).
- Once during the Strategy Phase you may look at one other player’s hand of Action Cards.
Racial Technology :
Shuttle Logistics (3 resources): At start of status phase, choose a system not containing
enemy ships. Your GF in this system may move to any friendly planet in same or adjacent
system (that does not contain enemy ships).
Home World(s) – Arc Prime (4r/0i) and Wren Terra (2r/1i)
Starting Units – 1 space dock, 1 dreadnought, 1 destroyer, 1 carrier 3 ground forces
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Antmass Deflectors
Leaders: 1 Diplomat, 1 Admiral, 1 General
Trade Agreements: 1, 1
Special Abilities :
The Barony of Letnev- Before any Space Battle or Invasion Combat round, you may spend 2 Trade Goods to give all
your spaceships +1 or all of your ground forces +2 on their combat rolls (for that combat
round only).
- Your fleets may always contain one more ship than the number of Command Counters in
your Fleet Supply pool.
Racial Technology :
L4 Disruptors (6 resources): You may use your race's special ability during Invasion Combat
without paying any TG.
Home World(s) – Jol (1r/2i) and Nar (2r/3i)
Starting Units – 2 ground forces, 2 carriers, 1 fighter, 2 PDS, 1 dreadnought, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Antimass Deflectors, Enviro Compensator, Sarween Tools
Leaders: 2 Scientists, 1 Admiral
Trade Agreements: 3, 1

The Universities of Jol-Nar

Special Abilities :
- You receive -1 to all your combat rolls.
The Universities of Jol-Nar
- When executing the secondary action of the Technology Strategy, you may execute both its
primary and secondary action.
- You may spend a Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation pool to immediately re-
roll any of your die rolls.
Racial Technology :
Spatial Conduit Network (6 resources): Once per turn when moving, you may move ships from
one system you control to another you control as if both were adjacent. Ships using this
movement must end their movement in a system you control.
Home World(s) – Moll Primus(4r/1i)
Starting Units – 1 carrier, 3 cruisers, 1 PDS, 4 ground forces, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Enviro Compensator
Leaders: 1 Agent, 1 Admiral, 1 Diplomat
Trade Agreements: 1, 1
Special Abilities :
- You start the game with one additional Command Counter in your Fleet Supply pool.
The Mentak Coalition- Before a space battle begins (in which you are a participant) you may fire up to two
Cruisers/Destroyers (or a mix thereof). The enemy takes casualties immediately with no
return fire allowed.
- During the Strategy Phase, you may take one Trade Good from up to two different players
(who have at least three Trade Goods).
Racial Technology :
Salvage Operations (4 resources): Gain 2 TG at end of each space combat you participated in.
If you won, you may build a ship in this system  that was destroyed in combat (you must pay
for it) .
Home World(s) – Lisis II (1r/0i) and Ragh (2r/1i)
Starting Units – 4 ground forces, 2 carriers, 2 fighters, 1 cruiser, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, XRD Transporter
Leaders: 1 Agent, 1 Admiral, 1 General
Trade Agreements: 2, 1
Special Abilities :
The Clan of Saar - Gain 1 Trade Good every time you acquire a new planet.
- Your Space Docks have a movement of 1 but cannot move & build in the same activation.
Your Space Docks are never on planets and have a production capacity of 4. If your Space
Dock is present in a system with enemy but no friendly ships, it is destroyed.
- You may fulfill objectives even if you don't control your Home System.
Racial Technology :
Foating Factory (3 resources): Your Space Docks now have a production capacity of 5,
movement of 2 and can support 5 fighters.
Home World(s) – Darien (2r/4i)
Starting Units – 4 ground forces, 2 carriers, 1 destroyer, 4 fighters, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Hylar V Assault Laser, Automated Defense Turrets
Leaders: 1 General, 1 Diplomat, 1 Agent
Trade Agreements: 1, 1
Special Abilities :
- Before an Invasion Combat in which you are the attacker begins, you may roll 1 die. On a 5+
The Yin Brotherhood your opponent looses 1 Ground Force and you gain 1 Ground Force.
- Immediately before the second round of a Space Battle, you may discard one of your
participating Destroyers or Cruisers to choose one opposing ship present and immediately
inflict one hit on it.
- Once per turn, as an Action, you may place your control marker on an unexhausted Planet
Card you control. Until the end of the round, its Influence and Resource values are reversed.
Racial Technology :
Fanaticism (4 resources): You may use your race special ability twice at the start of each
invasion combat.
Home World(s) – Winnu (3r/4i) Yellow tech discount
Starting Units – 3 ground forces, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 2 fighters, 1PDS, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Antimass Deflectors, Enviro Compensator, Stasis Capsules
Leaders: 1 Scientist, 1 Admiral, 1 Agent
Trade Agreements: 3, 1

The Winnu
Special Abilities :
- You may always add Influence value of your Home System planet to your votes, even if is
The Winnu
- Your planets that contain at least 1 Ground Force are immune to the Local Unrest Action
- You do not need to spend a Command Counter to execute secondary ability of the
Technology Strategy.
Racial Technology :
Bioptic Recyclers (3 resources): As an action, discard an action card from your hand and
receive 2 TG or one CC.
Home World(s) – Muaat (4r/1i)
Starting Units – 4 ground forces, 1 war sun, 2 fighters, 1 space dock
Starting Tech – Enviro Compensator, Sarween Tools, War Sun
Leaders: 1 Scientist, 1 General, 1 Diplomat
Trade Agreements: 2, 2
Special Abilities :
The Embers of Muaat- Your War Suns have a base movement of 1. This improves to 2 when you acquire the Deep
Space Cannon technology.
- As an action, you may spend 1 Command Counter from your Strategy Allocation Area to
place 2 free fighters or 1 free destroyer in any one system containing one of your War Suns or
your Space Docks.
- Your ship may move through but may not end their movement in Supernova systems.
Racial Technology :
Magmus Reactor (5 resources): Your War Suns get +1 movement and cost 10 ressources.
Cost = Tap planets or pay TGs.

Cost = 1 CC & 3 influences.

Cost = 1 CC.

Cost = 1 CC.

Cost = 1 CC.

Cost = 1 CC & 6 resources.

After selecting this card, reveal cards from the objective deck equal to the number of
Cost = 1 CC.
bonus counters on this card.
-The best thing we have going for us, is that we're all very fast posters and these rules are going to be moot.
You cannot fire through a Wormhole. A planet may never have more than 2 PDS.

Before Space Battle:


Withdraw/Retreat:You cannot pick-up PDSs or GFs when withdrawing/retreating.



Build units in activated system.

Build Space Dock and/or Facility:

Building units (other than Space Docks):

Deploying Space Mines:

Sabotage: Sabotage Action Card can be played after the Action Cards have been revealed. If the sabotaged Action Card was played as an action, althou

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