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NOVEMBER 2, 2023
rescheduled from 10/26

The meeting was called to order by President Margie Herberger at 2:00 PM.
Eleven members were present.

President’s Remarks:
Margie thanked Candy and Linda for organizing a great Member/Member
Tournament on October 28. She acknowledged how much work it took to sign up
24 ladies. The tournament went well, and the food was good, too. Hopefully it will
be easier to get ladies to play in future Saturday tournaments.

Nick Finkel: reporting on Golf Course re-rating

This process has just been completed and the course rating has gone from 69.6 to
72.4 for women. Ladies’ handicaps will therefore be higher, effective now. Other
changes will be a new red tee box on Hole 17 and movement of the red tees on
Hole 3 to be higher, like the current blue tee box.

Treasurer’s Report: Karen Lord

Emailed to members. The year should end with a surplus in the operating account
of about $2400. There was much discussion about what to do with the surplus.
Ideas mentioned included a donation in the late Mary Salopek’s name to the
Community Foundation, and a gift for our outgoing manager, Mike Dixon, who
has always supported the LGA. Margie polled the members present for their
opinions. Final ideas will be voted on at the Nov. 30 meeting, which is the last
meeting of 2023.

Nominating Committee: Candy Slover and Linda Chagares

The slate for 2024 includes the following volunteers:

President - Margie Herberger
Vice-President - Lynn Zeemont
Secretary - Judi Richards
Treasurer - Karen Lord
Border Rep – Lori Coffelt
Advisory Board Rep – Paula Hansen

Procedure for voting:

1. The slate of officers is presented at the October meeting (today).
2. The election takes place at the November meeting (11/30) after solicitation of
nominations/volunteers from the floor.

Anyone else who would like to volunteer, please contact Candy or Linda before
the 11/30 meeting.
Thanks to Candy and Linda for taking on this responsibility.

Border – Lori
Our last tournament of the year is at Sierra del Rio next week. Three ladies are
going to play. Look for a meeting in the new year plus an informative flyer about
costs, procedures, and new shirt choices for 2024. Please consider joining this fun

Advisory – Paula
The Advisory Board meets once a month on the 2nd Tuesday at 3:30 PM. Anyone
with concerns or questions should contact Paula so that she can bring them up at
the meeting.
There are several events planned – a Thanksgiving dinner, a Christmas dinner,
plus several new events on the calendar such as Bingo Night this month, etc.
Bailey is now in charge of scheduling so things should run smoothly.
Nick and Chad are working to meet our needs in the golf shop and course.
Renovation of the new pub area is currently held up by the County.

Senior Women – no report

December Events:
Annual Cookie delivery to Pro Shop, Office staff, Maintenance staff:
• Lori volunteered her house to be the Dropoff site – date TBA, last year was
12/14. Lori will determine a date convenient to her work schedule.
• Plan to drop off at least a dozen cookies and stay to sign the card.
• We need 3 large containers – baskets or trays plus 3 cards for ladies to sign.
• We still need helpers to organize into 3 containers and to deliver to Pro
Shop, Office, Maintenance building.
• Please let Lori know if you can volunteer to help. Linda Chagares offered to

Scramble – 9 holes and Lunch on Saturday, 12/16

Margie and Lynn will meet with Nick and Chef Amber to work out details, meal
items, cost, invitation. Look for the email to come.

Moving Forward Discussion (and thank you from Margie to those who took the
time to answer the email)

Query results (including both email responses and in-person discussion)

1. Shall we dispense with points?
Members are in favor of keeping points if we have the membership numbers and
budget to support them. Much depends on whether or not we pay dues. It was
pointed out that points might not be so meaningful when there only a few ladies
playing each week.

2. Shall we keep our current surplus for future spending (by charging dues
for 2024) or use some of it for our December luncheon, charity
donations, funding of Jill of the Hill and/or tournament prizes for next
Most agreed to donate some to charity, to a gift for Mike Dixon, who is leaving,
and to save some for budgetary expenses next year in case we have no dues.
Tournaments result in extra expenses for tee prizes, etc.

3. Would you be willing to pay dues, perhaps $30-40 depending on

membership numbers, in order to keep our Treasury funded for future
Most answers were yes if the funds were needed to keep the organization
solvent. It was agreed that fewer members would mean higher dues; most ladies
present were willing to pay $60 annual dues.
There was discussion of how to make tournament fees fair to both dues-paying
members and those who do not play regularly with the LGA, who therefore do
not pay dues. A two-tiered system of payment could solve this: Member price and
Non-member price.

3. Will you volunteer to be Play Day Chair, to arrange games with the Pro
Shop and keep track of game day points if membership chooses the
annual points rewards?
Candy Slover volunteered to keep track of points. The Pro Shop has a list of games
from the past, so they don’t need help arranging games.

Discussion, Additions:
The financial discussion lingered. It was suggested that Margie send another email
survey to clarify members’ opinions on dues/donations, etc. We urge everyone to
make their opinions known by answering the survey in advance of our 11/30

Jill of the Hill for October is Paula Hansen. Congratulations!

October Birthdays: Cheryl Tom-Nelson, Kaye Frye, Karen Lord

Meeting was adjourned at 3:16 PM.

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