Ogl482 - Unit 2 Thematic Analysis Presentation - Cody Summers

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Thematic Analysis

Cody Summers
November 6, 2023
Dr. Janice Lawhorn
A Thematic Analysis is a qualitative
approach to identify, analyze, and
interpret themes within my life. With
this presentation, I compile qualitative
data sources to further analyze what
motivates me, my behaviors, and my
inspiration. By utilizing this
information, I formulate and reflect
upon the ten most prevalent themes in
my life. The completed analysis is then
utilized to create my Personal Mission
and Vision Statements. Throughout my
Thematic Analysis, I explore my
research process, my data sources, my
themes, and the resulting statements I
will utilize to define my ideal future.
Research Processes & Methods
For my Thematic Analysis, I reflected on the most self-informative assignments and achievements
during my life. During this reflection, I engaged in a three-step process to code that information:
1. First Step involved the identification of significant statements from those data sources.
2. Second Step entailed the development of codes to relate those statements together.
3. Third Step consisted of narrowing those codes into the ten most prevalent themes in my life.
With this themes, I reconsidered my data sources to identify the supporting data and contradictory
evidence pertaining to those classifications. Overall, these findings helped to illuminate the unique
aspects prevalent within my leadership identity and helped me attain a greater sense of self-
My Data Sources
During my academic, personal, and professional life, I
have compiled various qualitative data to highlight the
development of my leadership themes. These sources
include completed self-assessments, an academic award,
a Leader Identity Narrative, and a digital portfolio
created to describe my leadership journey. With each
source, I retained a greater sense of the themes most
prevalent in my life. Throughout this section, I explore
these data sources and what insights they have provided
for me.
Data Sources
• ASU Dean’s List Fall 2021-Spring 2023 (DL) – Since transferring to ASU’s online program, I have made the Dean’s List
in each semester. This achievement highlights my dedication to academic excellence and consistency in putting forth my
best effort on assignments.
• Kuder Assessments (KA) – The Kuder Assessments include the Kuder Career Interest Assessment, Kuder Skills
Confidence Assessment, and Super’s Work Values Inventory. These assessments analyzed how I felt about performing tasks
and my workplace preferences to identify my Holland personality code, suitable career paths, and my work-life priorities.
• Motivation and Career Anchors Assessment (CA) – The Motivation and Career Anchors Assessment asked about the
importance I placed on work-life factors to identify which career anchor or self-concept is most integral to my work-life
• OGL220 Cultural Dimensions Self-Assessment Worksheet (CD) – The Cultural Dimensions Self-Assessment
Worksheet analyzed my responses on four criteria: individualism/collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and
masculinity/femininity. Then, I reflected on how my cultural background may have influenced those answers.
Data Sources Con’t
• OGL220 Indigo Assessment/DISC Assessment Worksheet (DISC) – The Indigo/DISC Assessment analyzed my
responses to determine my strengths, my top 5 skills, my motivators, and my DISC score. Through this analysis, I
understood my capabilities and behavioral tendencies, then reflected on how I can improve during my leadership journey.
• OGL220 Personality Self-Assessment Worksheet (PER) – The Personality Self-Assessment Worksheet featured three
assessments: Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, Keirsey Personality Test, and Big 5 Personality Test. With these
assessments, I reflected on my personality and temperament types to understand their implications when operating within
group formats and becoming a leader.
• OGL350 The Interrupters Discussion (INT) – This discussion board post and paper revolved around a video centered
around a group that focused their efforts on supporting at-risk individuals. Through this experience, I could better
understand the problems for others in different backgrounds and how to mediate an explosive situation.
• OGL481 e-Portfolio (EP) – The digital portfolio developed throughout OGL481 encouraged me to reflect on prior
assignments throughout my Organizational Leadership coursework to understand how I have evolved as a leader.
Data Sources Con’t
• OGL482 Unit 2 Leader Identity Narrative (LN) – The Leader Identity Narrative reflected on my life
experiences to understand my leadership style and how these critical moments have acted as turning points in my
leadership journey.
• Three Questions by Michael Himes (3QS) – Father Michael Himes posed three transformative questions about
what makes me happy, what are my strengths, and what can I contribute?
• Values Checklist (VC) – The Values Checklist required me to choose my top 10 values and narrow that list to the
five I value the most. With these five, I reconsidered my behaviors associated with them, how often they factored
into my life, and how these values have influenced my actions.
• 16Personalities Test (16P) – The 16 Personalities Test asked questions to gauge how closely aligned with certain social
behavior on a seven-point scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree. From these responses, it assigned a corresponding
personality type based on Extraverted vs Introverted, Intuitive vs. Observant, Thinking vs. Feeling, Judging vs Prospecting,
and Assertive vs. Turbulent.
My Ten Themes
The ten most prevalent themes occurring
throughout my life are Security & Stability,
Meticulous, Inclusion, Adaptability, Coaching,
Personal Development, Work-Life Balance,
Reliability & Trust, Family, and Knowledge. These
themes have provided different insights in my
leadership journey, but they are not unrelated.
Within this section, I explore how these concepts
can operate together in pursuit of one shared
leadership identity.
• Theme Statement:
• Security and Stability provides a sense of emotional, financial,
and physical comfort. By feeling secure in my role, I am better
equipped to perform at an optimal standard.
• Supporting Data:
Theme #1: • I have spent my entire life in Arizona and consistently relied on
support from nearby family members when making decisions.
Security & (LN)
• My high score in Uncertainty Avoidance highlighted my
Stability preference for controlled and predictable situations. (CD)
• My two most recent job opportunities have been long-lasting
companies known for valuing employee retention. (LN)
• Remaining close to family and within the same organization is a
priority when deciding on my career path. (CA)
• Security and Workplace graded as my two highest work values
in the Super’s Work Values Inventory. Because of this, I factor
in the safety and stability of my work situation. (KA)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• I have been successful despite several changes to my living,
working, and academic situation. (LN)
• My DISC assessment featured a low score in Steadiness,
indicating that I am impatient and change-oriented. (DISC)
Theme #1: • Reflection:

Security & • Security and Stability has played a pivotal role in my life by
ensuring that I feel confident and capable enough to fulfill my
responsibilities. This theme has manifested itself in my personal

Stability and professional landscape, as I have frequently operated in

established environments. However, despite this preference,
experiencing changes and adapting to them has drastically
Con’t affected my career trajectory. Therefore, rather than operating
in a comfortable state, this theme has illustrated my life’s efforts
to attain a state of secureness. Overall, by exhibiting this theme,
I continuously work to reach a sense of stability to support the
productivity of my and the organization’s efforts.
• Theme Statement:
• Meticulous is a trait that highlights my detail-oriented nature. By
being thorough and accounting for each variable of a task, I can
better understand the assignment and minimize errors.
• Supporting Data:
• Among my top values is Quality of What I Take Part In. To
exemplify this value, I spend extra time and effort on my
assignments to ensure that I have done my best. (VC)

Theme #2: • In my current role, I am tasked with validating the asset

information for thousands of photo and video files. (3QS)
• My ENTJ personality type score in the Humanmetrics Jung
Meticulous Typology Test is identified as most compatible to jobs requiring
analytical and planning skills. (PER)
• My thoroughness when utilizing the Strategic Planning
competency helps me understand the scope of a task and
prepare for potential obstacles. (EP)
• One of my top personal skills is Time and Priority
Management. With this skill, I remain conscious of how I am
utilizing resources to maximize organizational productivity.
• Contradictory Evidence:
• Due to aligning closer to the Passionate motivator score than
Utilitarian, this represented that I favored emotion over
practicality. Instead of methodically pursuing their career
aspirations, those within this classification navigate life based on
their feeling. (DISC)
• Prior to my transfer to Arizona State University, I did not study
the course material or take active notes of the assignment due

Theme #2: dates. This academic negligence led to missed deadlines and an
insufficient understanding of my classes. (LN)
• Reflection:
Meticulous • Meticulous is one of my characteristics that describe the
importance I place on understanding the details of an
Con’t assignment. This theme has manifested itself in my academic
and work lives to ensure that I understand what is asked of me
and reduce the possibility for errors. With this theme, I undergo
additional effort to validate my comprehension of each facet in
an assignment. Regrettably, this theme has not come naturally,
as I experienced academic failure due to my unsuccessful
attempt to implement this approach. Yet, after reaping the
benefits and consequences of becoming detail-oriented,
meticulous has exemplified itself as an essential part of my
leadership identity.
• Theme Statement:
• Inclusion is providing equal opportunities for success. By
involving others in the planning and execution process, I help
promote their development and support organizational
• Supporting Data:
• By closely aligning with the Social personality type in the Kuder
Skills Confidence Assessment, this signified my confidence in
developing others and seeking mutual growth. (KA)
Theme #3: • My experience in Organizational Leadership coursework has
illustrated the importance in understanding different

backgrounds and how to support them. (INT)
• My top personal skill was Teamwork, highlighting my
willingness to support employees and accomplish goals through
other people. (DISC)
• Utilizing the Delegation and Team Collaboration competencies
has helped reduce my workload and ensured others feel
comfortable in their roles. (EP)
• With a Femininity classification, I was identified to prioritize
maintaining good relationships and caring for the weak. In
utilizing this ideology, I actively look out for those that need
help in the organization and support their development. (CD)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• I grew up in a suburban middle-class neighborhood and didn’t
socialize with many people outside of my demographic. This
isolated viewpoint led me to become ignorant when relating to
others’ experiences and limited my worldview. (CD)
• With a ENTJ score in the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, it
signified that I aligned closer to the Judging personality type
than Perceiving. Due to this, I have struggled to ignore my

Theme #3:
initial unconscious biases and become more accepting. (PER)
• Reflection:

Inclusion • Inclusion has supported my ability to connect to and support

the development of others. Throughout my life, this theme has
manifested itself by recognizing when others struggle and

Con’t helping them understand important concepts. In doing so, they

become more productive in their roles and their unique
perspectives provide insight for my assignments. Unfortunately,
I have struggled to utilize this theme due to limited knowledge
of others’ backgrounds. As a result, this theme is an aspect of
my leadership identity that still needs work to successfully
• Theme Statement:
• Adaptability is the capacity to function effectively in foreign
environments. By being adaptable, I formulate a flexible
leadership approach that can conform to organizational change
and employee needs.
• Supporting Data:
• Among my core competencies are Conflict Management,
Critical Thinking, and Problem-Solving. To utilize these

Theme #4: competencies, I must be open to alternate perspectives and

adjust my approach to find a suitable solution. (EP)
• I have found success when operating at different academic and
Adaptability work environments. (LN)
• My desired career is centered in the Human Resources industry.
In this role, I will introduce and manage countless employees to
my organization. To foster their development, I must
continuously reflect on the efficacy of the organizational
processes tied to their efforts. (3QS)
• My low score in Steadiness aligns with people that are
considered flexible and spontaneous. (DISC)
• One of my top identified values was Work Under Pressure. To
demonstrate this value, I must mentally prepare myself for
potential obstacles and become flexible in my ideology. (VC)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• I have only resided in Arizona and operated in entry-level job
opportunities. Due to having insufficient variance in my living
situation and surface level work responsibilities, I have not had
a consistent need to adapt. (LN)
• With an ENFJ-A score, I leaned closer to Judging over
Prospecting. These results signified my preference for

Theme #4: predictability over spontaneity and highlighted my preference to

control variables. (16P)

Adaptability • Reflection:
• Adaptability has supported my ability to acclimate to change
Con’t and conform my leadership style to the situational needs. This
theme has manifested itself in my life, as I had to adjust to
changes during my academic, personal, and professional life. By
utilizing this theme, I avoid complacency by considering all
possibilities when obstacles arise. Despite this ideology, I have
limited experience when dealing with significant adjustments.
Therefore, while I value it highly as a leadership theme, it is an
aspect that must be refined.
• Theme Statement:
• Coaching is the transference of knowledge to support the
growth of another person. By sharing my institutional
knowledge, I can help others acclimate to a role and support
their proficiency in job-specific responsibilities.
• Supporting Data:
• As I experienced struggles in the Present Day regarding my
career path, I benefited from my counselors and family
members providing specific guidance. By sharing their
experiences and relating them to mine, I could better
understand what path suits me and establish the groundwork to

Theme #5: realize its fulfillment. (LN)

• At an early age, I had football coaches and mentors at school
that supported my understanding of important life concepts.
Coaching (LN)
• My introduction to group projects in High School provided the
opportunity to align my efforts with others’ strengths. These
projects gave me a chance to further their comprehension of
the class. (CD)
• My temperament type in the Keirsey Personality Test was
identified as Guardian. Those within this classification typically
take pride in assisting those that struggle. (PER)
• The Kuder Career Interests and Kuder Skills Confidence
assessments highlighted my interest in the Education industry.
In these roles, I would parlay my knowledge into supporting the
development of others. (KA)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• Among my lowest scoring personal skills was Empathy. During
my life, I have commonly viewed situations from a rational
viewpoint and separated my feelings. However, this has led
myself to viewed as cold and calculated toward their feelings.
• My cultural dimensions score aligned closer to Individualism
than Collectivism. Those associated with this classification
traditionally try to accomplish tasks by themselves. (CD)
Theme #5: • Reflection:
• Coaching has supported my willingness to implement others’
Coaching feedback and champion their efforts when necessary. This
theme has manifested itself in my life, as I sought external
guidance throughout my formative years and during critical
Con’t moments after. Through utilizing this theme, I recognize that I
can’t accomplish everything by myself and seek assistance to
meet organizational objectives. On the contrary, my
individualistic temperament type has worked
counterproductively to those efforts, as I attempted to finish
group tasks alone. In closing, coaching has been a prevalent
theme in my leadership journey by supporting my
understanding of critical life concepts and my tendency to
parlay that information to develop those around me.
• Theme Statement:
• Personal Development is a form of self-reflection to
understand how you must improve to fulfill your aspirations. By
looking within, I become more cognizant of my capabilities and
understand my potential paths for success.
• Supporting Data:
• After failing classes at Northern Arizona University, I
rededicated my efforts at Arizona State University and
consistently attained exemplary grades. This achievement
highlighted my increased commitment to fulfilling my
Theme #6: obligations. (DL, LN)
• Despite suffering due to facial acne and a stuttering
Personal impediment, I accepted those flaws and moved forward. That
increased self-confidence has helped me become more assertive
in pursuing my aspirations. (LN)
Development • My digital portfolio provided an opportunity for self-reflection
of what I have learned and its potential application for my
career path. With its creation, I imagined my leadership growth
throughout this coursework and envisioned career milestones
to reach. (EP)
• My secondary career anchor was Managerial Competence,
which highlights my pursuit of advancement up the corporate
ladder. With this goal, I strive to improve and capitalize upon
professional opportunities. (CA)
• When I applied for my current job, I had to overcome my
reservations and concerns about rejection. Instead of taking the
easy approach, I needed to take risks to further my career. (LN)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• I scored in the 22nd percentile in Agreeableness for the Big 5
Personality Test. This signified that I struggle to comply with
others’ perspectives. (PER)
• One of my life’s more consistent struggles has been coping
with others’ behavioral tendencies. Among these pet peeves are
my frustration when those eating food loudly around me and
Theme #6: repeating myself. These pet peeves are an aspect that I have not
yet found solutions for. (CD)

Personal • Reflection:
• Personal Development has supported my leadership capabilities
Development by recognizing my flaws and actively seeking methods to
improve. This theme has manifested itself in my life as my

Con’t experiences have shed light on my current leadership stature

and helped me formulate strategies on how to improve.
Because of this, I have become more purposeful in my actions
and goal-oriented. Sadly, my improvement process has not been
simple as there are many behavioral trends that I have not
developed coping mechanisms for. Overall, this theme
represents an ongoing process of self-reflection to understand
my current standard, while attempting to become the best
version of myself.
• Theme Statement:
• Work-Life Balance is the pursuit of a stable method of working
situation without incurring undue stress. By achieving my
definition of this balance, I can cleanly separate my professional
and personal life, then pursue each’s obligations.
• Supporting Data:
• My Aesthetic motivator score placed above the national
average. This signified that balance gives me a sense of

Theme #7: fulfillment in my career. (DISC)

• My third highest career anchor score was Life-Style Integration.
Those aligned with this anchor strive to ensure that they have a
Work-Life life balanced around different interests outside of work. (CA)
• One of my greatest life changes occurred upon entering a

Balance hybrid work environment. By operating from a remote

workspace, I experienced the benefits and difficulties from
merging home and work life. (EP)
• One of my highest scored work values in the Super’s Work
Values Inventory is Lifestyle. Those aligned with this value
strive to ensure that their work responsibilities do not conflict
with their personal time. (KA)
• With an Emotional Stability score in the 81st percentile for the
Big 5 Personality Test, this indicated that I can emotionally
compose myself daily. This score identified me as a person that
can manage my work stress effectively. (PER)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• Due to a lack of steadiness once beginning my work, I can
often overextend myself. One example of this happened at my
grandfather’s farm as I declined to take breaks when shoveling
gravel and became overheated. (DISC)
• My ENFJ-A score favored intuitive over observant. Individuals

Theme #7: aligned with this personality type focus on the hidden meanings
and distant possibilities. Due to this tendency, I often
overconcern myself with a work situation and complicate my

Work-Life personal life as a result. (16P)

• Reflection:

Balance • Work-Life Balance supports me by establishing a healthy

boundary between my personal and professional lives. This
theme has manifested itself in my life by testing my capability

Con’t to integrate the different facets of my life. Despite this ideology,

I have struggled to compartmentalize or cope with workplace
problems. Due to my tendency of immediately finishing what I
have started, that work stress often carries over into my
personal life as I rethink my decisions. While I continue my
leadership growth, I must learn how to efficiently manage my
lifestyle to avoid more undue stress.
• Theme Statement:
• Reliability and Trust institute confidence in a person’s
capabilities. By attaining this level of credibility, my teams can
more effectively operate with the assurance that I will fulfill my
• Supporting Data:
• After experiencing failure in my personal and work life, I
recommitted myself during my Emerging Adulthood to
become more diligent. This newfound approach led to greater
academic and professional accomplishments. Through these
Theme #8: accomplishments, I have developed perceived confidence in my
abilities and leveraged those opinions into an improved career
trajectory. (DL, LN)

Reliability • Among my top identified values is Honesty. By exhibiting this

value, I work to inspire faith amongst my team and help ensure
that we can operate with greater cohesion. (VC)
& Trust • From my DISC results, I was analyzed to excel in giving
feedback that encourages others to be open and inspires trust.
• My ENFJ-A personality score underlined my temperament as
closer to assertive than turbulent. Those aligned with this
leadership identity are more self-assured when experiencing
stress and striving to achieve their goals. (16P)
• My Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment results aligned with
the Social personality type, highlighting my confidence in
growing workplace connections. One of the core traits
associated with this is the development of trust to base their
relationship on. (KA)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• Despite excelling academically in my first semester at Northern
Arizona University, I struggled to maintain those efforts in the
second. This disregard of my responsibilities led me to question
my capability as a student. (LN)
• One of my most significant leadership flaws has been the
willingness to rely on others when delegating responsibilities.

Theme #8: Because of this, I have often taken charge of group

assignments and micromanaged others’ responsibilities. (EP)
• Reflection:
Reliability • Reliability and Trust is a core theme in my leadership identity, as
I aspire to foster group cohesion and improve upon the team’s

& Trust productivity. This theme has manifested itself in my life by

testing my capability to succeed despite obstacles and
willingness to have faith in others’ abilities. During my life, I

Con’t have struggled to successfully exhibit both as my lapses in

judgment led to failing grades and my group disposition
hindered the growth of team members. However, my
Organizational Leadership coursework and recent work
experience has since demonstrated the potential benefits of
successfully implementing this approach, as team member trust
led to greater efficiency. When embarking on the next stage of
my leadership journey, I must become more consistent and
purposeful in my efforts to inspire trust in my capabilities and
promote team solidarity.
• Theme Statement:
• Family provides a support system for me to rely on when I
experience periods of uncertainty. By soliciting their advice, I
gain clarity on a situation and become confident in my decision.
• Supporting Data:
• As a young child, my father introduced me to and coached my
youth sports teams. Through these experiences, I learned about
the qualities necessary to promote team success. (LN)
Theme #9: • I feel the most joyful when I can share daily activities with my
family. (3QS)

Family • My parents have helped to shape my individualistic nature by

encouraging me to try new things and separate myself from my
peers. (CD)
• My Traditional motivator score placed above the national mean.
Those aligned with this motivator prioritize family time. (DISC)
• When I felt uncertain of my career path and the necessary steps
to realize my aspirations, I sought advice from my family. With
them, I discussed the potential options and felt reassured in my
choice. (LN)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• My ENFJ-A personality score described me as assertive over
turbulent. Due to this, I am classified as self-assured instead of
requiring others’ support to cope with stress. (16P)
• One of my more transformative periods happened at Camp
Winslow during my Adolescence. For this experience, I was
isolated from my family and all digital devices. Despite this
disconnect, I experienced growth as I helped guide our football

Theme #9:
team through daily struggles and tested our limits. (LN)
• Reflection:

Family • Family has supported my ability to cope with work-life stress

and encouraged me to take active steps toward fulfilling my
career aspirations. This theme has manifested itself in my life

Con’t by providing a form of guidance during times of uncertainty.

With their counseling, I become more self-assured in my
decisions and become motivated to take greater risks.
Unfortunately, this theme can struggle to manifest when I
attempt to be self-sufficient despite my reservations. While I
continue my leadership growth, I must become more willing to
reach out for support and implement others’ feedback.
• Theme Statement:
• Knowledge keeps me informed of modern concepts and
supports my capability to execute organizational responsibilities.
By pursuing knowledge, I become more versatile and refine my
current leadership approach.
• Supporting Data:
• Among my highest graded career anchors was
Technical/Functional Competence. People classified under this
career anchor are motivated toward being knowledgeable. (CA)

Theme • Among my top work values in the Super’s Work Values

Inventory is Challenge. Those aligned with this value prioritize
maintaining their mental sharpness and seek opportunities for
#10: further learning. (KA)
• By encountering people from unique backgrounds, I have
expanded my worldview. This expanded perspective has
Knowledge supported my understanding of the differences tied to
experiencing different upbringings and helped me relate to
others like them. (CD)
• My Kuder Career Interests Assessment suggested a career as an
Education Administrator. To pursue this career, I would need
further education to earn my Masters Degree, and this
occupation would be tied to providing meaningful knowledge
for children. (KA)
• Through pursuing my Organizational Leadership degree, I have
learned about and practiced implementing leadership
competencies. This knowledge helped me understand
organizational processes and interact in corporate settings. (EP)
• Contradictory Evidence:
• My Theoretical motivator score placed below the national
average. This score demonstrated that I value knowledge and
continually learning less than the general population. (DISC)
• Within my Guardian classification in the Keirsey Personality
Test is the Supervisors quadrant that I closely aligned with.

Theme Those with this identity have a set notion of how things should
be done. Because of this perspective, I am often controlling
when managing the scope of a project and miss the potential

#10: knowledge to glean from others’ efforts. (PER)

• Reflection:

Knowledge • Knowledge has supported my comprehension of functional

details pertaining to my job responsibilities and organizational
processes. This theme has manifested itself in my life by

Con’t helping me diversify my capabilities and become more adept in

my area of specialization. While I wish to become more
knowledgeable, I have some habits that hinder my growth like
my interest in the subject and acceptance of alternate
viewpoints. When advancing in my leadership journey, I must
be willing to consider all educational avenues that might
support my development. Although not everything will be
applicable to my daily life, this pursuit of knowledge helps
expand my career possibilities.
My Personal Vision Statement
• My Vision Statement
• I envision a world where organizations optimize their procedures in the pursuit of employee
• Reflection:
• In creating my personal vision statement, I reflected upon my ten themes to understand my optimal
future state. With these themes, I emphasized the importance of supporting employees by providing
Security, Stability, and Knowledge. Throughout my life, this sense of secureness and increased
knowledge has helped me feel self-assured in my role and has refined my capabilities. Due to these
aspects, I have felt encouraged to reflect on my current state and the opportunities for further
development. By creating an environment where the employees feel secure in their roles and supported
in their pursuit of knowledge, I hope to bolster organizational creativity and productivity.
My Personal Mission Statement
• My Mission Statement:
• My mission is to become a leader that fosters employee collaboration to maximize organizational
productivity and worker fulfillment.
• Reflection:
• In formulating my mission statement, I reflected on my ten themes to identify what I must
accomplish to achieve my idealized future state. With these themes, I highlighted the value of
Inclusion and Coaching in my leadership identity. From my experience, the most effective method
in facilitating employee development is to provide them with the opportunities to grow. When I
was given opportunities, I felt supported when developing my capabilities and became a more
productive contributor. By creating an environment that encourages their collaboration and is
accepting of unconventional ideologies, I hope to help my subordinates realize their potential.
Completing my Thematic Analysis was a challenging, but rewarding process that
helped me reflect on my leadership identity. After only 23 years of life, I had concerns
regarding whether I had sufficient qualitative data, however, my completed
assessments and academic assignments illustrated a comprehensive review of my
development. From these data sources, I could connect details that support and
contradict my findings. Like this analysis, finding that balance between those
similarities and differences is an important aspect in attaining self-awareness. As I
further my professional career, I must be cognizant of my identity and strive to ensure
that my actions reflect positively upon my developed status.
• Cody Summers Digital Portfolio. (2023). Weebly. Retrieved November 4, 2023, from
• Free Personality Test. (2023). 16Personalities. Retrieved October 29, 2023, from
• Kuder Career Interests Assessment Results. (2023a). Kuder Inc. Retrieved October 8, 2023, from
• Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment Results. (2023b). Kuder Inc. Retrieved October 8, 2023, from
• OGL 220 Module 1: Cultural Dimensions Self-Assessment Worksheet. (2022). Canvas. Retrieved
November 4, 2023, from
References Con’t
• OGL220 Module 1: Personality Self-Assessment Tools Worksheet. (2022). Canvas. Retrieved
November 4, 2023, from
• OGL220 Module 4: Indigo Assessment / DISC Assessment Activity Items Worksheet. (2022).
Canvas. Retrieved November 4, 2023, from
• OGL350 Module 5: Writing Assignment. (2023). Canvas. Retrieved November 4, 2023, from
• OGL482 Unit 1: Motivation and Career Anchors Assessment. (2023). Scribd. Retrieved November
4, 2023, from https://www.scribd.com/document/676509296/motivation-and-career-anchors-
References Con’t
• OGL482 Unit 2: Leader Identity Narrative. (2023). Canvas. Retrieved November 4, 2023, from
• Part 1: The Questions. (2023). YellowDig. Retrieved November 4, 2023, from
• Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised Results. (2023c). Kuder Inc. Retrieved October
8, 2023, from https://journey.kuder.com/my-assessments/work-values-assessment-
• Values Checklist. (2023). YellowDig. Retrieved November 4, 2023, from

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