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1. Founder: This is likely you.

You are in charge of the overall vision, strategy, and funding of the

2. General Manager/Operations Manager: Manages day-to-day operations, oversees other staff,

and ensures that the business runs smoothly.

3. Website Developer: Responsible for creating, updating, and maintaining your website. They'll
ensure it's user-friendly, secure, and optimized for search engines.

4. IT/Technical Support: Helps address any technical issues with the website or other digital tools
used by the business.

5. Loan Officers: Evaluates loan applications, assesses the creditworthiness of potential borrowers,
and recommends approval or denial of the loans. They also help manage loan repayment.

6. Customer Service Representatives: Helps answer customer inquiries, address complaints, and
provides information about loan terms and conditions.

7. Financial Analyst: Reviews the company's finances, analyzes risks, and makes recommendations
on lending rates, loan limits, and business strategies.

8. Marketing and Outreach Team: Creates campaigns to attract new borrowers, manages the
business's online presence, and works on establishing partnerships or collaborations.

9. Legal Advisor: Especially important for a money-lending business to ensure compliance with
local regulations and laws. They'll also help draft loan agreements and handle any legal issues or
disputes that arise.

10. Accountant/Bookkeeper: Manages the financial records of the company, ensuring that loans
and repayments are accurately recorded. They'll also help with taxes and financial reporting.

11. Quality Assurance/Compliance Officer: Ensures that the business adheres to local regulations
and maintains a high standard of service. They might also handle audits or reviews.

12. Risk Manager: Responsible for identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing potential risks. They
develop and implement processes and policies to minimize the impact of these risks on your
business. In the lending world, risk assessment is crucial to prevent potential defaults and bad

13. Security Specialist: As a money-lending business, you'll be dealing with sensitive personal and
financial information. A security specialist will ensure that all data is protected, both online (on
your website) and offline.

14. Public Relations (PR) Manager: Manages the public image of your business. In the event of any
disputes or controversies, they'll help handle media relations and ensure a positive public

15. Human Resources (HR) Manager: Takes care of hiring, employee relations, benefits, and other
personnel-related tasks. Given that your team will be a crucial part of your business's success,
having someone dedicated to managing and supporting your employees can be valuable.
16. Credit Analyst: Specifically looks into the credit history of applicants, making predictions about
their ability to repay based on past behavior.

17. Loan Processors: Once a loan is approved, loan processors handle the documentation,
verification, and all processes required to disburse the loan.

18. Public Relations (PR) Manager: Manages the public image of your business. In the event of any
disputes or controversies, they'll help handle media relations and ensure a positive public

19. Human Resources (HR) Manager: Takes care of hiring, employee relations, benefits, and other
personnel-related tasks. Given that your team will be a crucial part of your business's success,
having someone dedicated to managing and supporting your employees can be valuable.

20. Loan Processors: Once a loan is approved, loan processors handle the documentation,
verification, and all processes required to disburse the loan.

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