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Vince Jikyser B.

Zulita BSCE-1C 3:30-5PM

1.Write a reflection on your experiences of Jesus as the Healer. The reflection

should be able to answer the following: what was the event? Who was the people
involved? What is the impact of that event to your life now?

- We all have experienced God’s healing upon us, may it be life struggles or love.
In my experience it was both, I faced life struggles to the point that I feel like
nothing’s going to work and it will be the end of the road. I stayed in my room and
let depressions and negativities consume me, but then 1 day I met friends that is
really active in terms of going to church and pray. My friend invited me to come
with him, I was hesitant but then go with him in the end. I see that it’s good, and
every Wednesday we go to church and pray. My life then slowly change for the
better and I faced my struggles with God.

2. In today’s time, what do you think are the diseases in people and society that
need the healing power of Jesus? Please explain further.

-I believe that the problem in today’s generation is that there were many people
that don’t believe in God, even if there life is in misery they still refuse to ask God
for help. It’s a serious disease or problem nowadays, they need to realize the gift
of God and how his power works to those people who are in need of saving.

Theme of Jesus teaching Biblical Passages Reflection

Theme on forgiveness “For if you forgive other Forgiving someone when
people when they sin they sinned against us
against you, your helps us in many ways, it
heavenly Father will also will also beneficial for our
forgive you.” hearts because we will
feel the freedom of not
having to hate anyone.
Teaching about the laws "The teachers of the law Not all that we see and
and the Pharisees sit in they teach us is right.
Moses' seat. So you must Sometimes we need to be
obey them and do cautious of what they tell
everything they tell you. us to do, cause we know
But do not do what they for ourselves if it is the
do, for they do not right or good.
practice what they
Teaching about prayer When you pray, do not be Prayers become more
like the hypocrites, for whole heartedly and
they love to pray standing effective if we go to
in the synagogues and on places were it is quiet.
the street corners to be You can feel God’s
seen by men … but when presence if you are alone,
you pray, go into your pray to him and ask for
room, close the door and forgiveness. We don’t
pray to your father who is need to be in a crowd to
unseen.” pray, just for them to see
that we are religious.

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