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Attachment is the way people give and receive love with one Then we have to take those feelings and build relationships with:
another. It’s the secure connection wherein you share your needs • Friends
and get them met. The security of your attachment determines • Siblings
the quality of your relationships. • Lovers
• At work
Attachment forms the basis for how you get your needs met. Are
• And with ourselves
you going to act upon others, get acted upon, or act with them
cooperatively for mutual care? And as we do so, we have to keep everything inside without
revealing ourselves. This creates a perpetual inner struggle where
Attachment is learned based on how our parents treat us. The way we crave intimacy but can never have it.
they meet our needs, or don’t, shows us what we should expect
from others around us. Primal Attachment Theory
Why do humans bond like this? And why do we break in such
Good attachment feels warm and secure. You can ask to get similar ways? The answer is something I call Primal Attachment
your needs met without fear of rejection, punishment, or Theory.
abandonment. You’re able to relax into relationships and enjoy
social engagements with other people. Our bonding patterns were designed by evolution during our
Hunter-Gatherer days. And they haven’t changed, because our
When attachment is broken, everything becomes fearful. You brains have not had time to evolve since the Neolithic Revolution
can’t ask to get your needs met because you think no one a mere 11,000 years ago.
cares. You aren’t able to trust others because you either believe
something is wrong with you or that something is wrong with Given this reality, we must understand the environment which
everyone else. Either way, there’s no means for working together. shaped us. That will allow us to build similar conditions in our
You’re alone in the world and have to figure out how to get your modern world for us to be healthy. Because though we may not
needs met without getting hurt. be running from saber tooth tigers, our brains are still afraid
of abandonment, harm, and death. We can build a modern
With broken attachment, everything is terrifying. experience which gives the same benefits our ancestors enjoyed
from healthy social circles.
As I said before, this colors everything in your life. If every social
interaction is fearful, life becomes painful and scary. You won’t Ancient Attachment
know what to do or how to act. Your romantic relationships For information on Hunter-Gatherer tribes, I lean heavily on
become power struggles. It becomes impossible to form real work by Peter Gronn. Check out his detailed analyses for more
partnerships based on trust and love because you’re waiting for information.
them to betray or leave you.
What do Gronn and other anthropologists say that daily life
This gets handed down to children as you don’t know how to looked like 10,000 years ago?
model healthy attachment. They grow up just as fearful. And the
pattern repeats.This leads to generational brokenness. Hunter-Gatherers lived in family units in a small society. They
were closely connected in every way. And everyone had a role to
Where did you get your attachment from? play. Leadership shifted around between those with the best
Attachment is learned based on how our parents treat us. The way expertise for the moment. Surplus, wealth, and power were not the
they meet our needs, or don’t, shows us what we should expect goal. Family survival was.
from others around us. We believe no one will treat us better than
our parents did, so we never expect more. Who connected best survived, Who did not, died.


Interestingly, male and female communication appears to have isolating with close contact frowned upon in much of the West.
evolved around gendered tasks.
Think of attachment then as a model in a person’s head for
People also stayed fairly local to their community and rarely where they would live in an ancient village. Broken attachment
traveled from their place of birth - because there was nothing leads people to believe they live outside the village as an outcast,
to travel to! Unless they were following game, in which case the among the rocks and predators. No one cares for them or will help
whole family would come. them. The brain responds like it’s on the edge of death because
we have no close connections.
With everyone around you, secrets were difficult to keep. You
didn’t have a bedroom door to close for privacy. And survival of And so many people live like this in our modern age. It’s become
the group required members to keep each other healthy enough more and more normal for people to live lives of fear as if they are
to work and bond. Again, bad bonding equaled death while good about to die.
bonding equaled survival. So everyone looked out for each other
and knew each other’s concerns and needs. There was no need How did we get to where we are now?
to worry about imposter syndrome because everything was fully
known. And you would be fully accepted by necessity. Modern Brokenness
Let’s talk about the last 100 years of broken attachment in the
Our brains also evolved certain chemicals to enhance bonding. West, especially in the US. To begin, let me take you back to World
Let’s talk about vasopressin and oxytocin. War I.

Vasopressin These will be generalizations on the various generations. Not

What is vasopressin and how does it work? Vasopressin is everyone will fit, because groups aren’t monolithic. But these
the hormone that allows us to bond while overcoming stress generalizations are important to know because it’s how those
together. When you can hang out a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED groups trended and how they shaped society.
banner and high-five under it, you’ve vasopressin bonded.
The past 100 years since World War I have seen unprecedented
Interestingly, men have more vasopressin receptors than women. social and family upheavals. These changes have moved away
And vasopressin is older than oxytocin because it predates from our natural biological and evolved needs. As these changes
lactation, which oxytocin allows for. have occurred, our generational attachment has grown worse.

Here’s something you’ll need to remember for later: Our brain Before WWI, most Americans lived in rural areas on farms. Their
can shift to bond MORE through vasopressin than oxytocin extended families lived around them in large communities.
depending on our childhood experiences. Hold onto that thought They’d have aunts and uncles and cousins and maybe five
for when we discuss broken attachment. generations alive at the same time.

Vasopressin bonding kept us alive in times of struggle by Then WWI hit hard and led to a lot of trauma. We lost an entire
rewarding us for working together as a team. generation of young men, the Lost Generation. And in 1920, the
number of Americans living in cities surpassed rural areas for
Ancient man also had greater physical contact and closer the first time. The federal dollar led to inflation and easier money,
proximity, and thus more potential oxytocin events than we do. the credit system was invented, the stock market inflated, and
Oxytocin allows us to bond in the absence of stress, when we everyone left for the glamor of the city. This led to the roaring 20s
feel warm and safe with someone we trust. Physical contact is a where young people said, “I don’t need anyone but me.”
big part of oxytocin release. Modern life is much more physically


Then came the massive market crash, the Dust Bowl, and the achieve accomplishments and BUILD who they are, since they feel
Great Depression. Americans flooded cities for relief and found like failures and think they’ll fall short.
terrible factory conditions. 18 hour days, misery and squalor. They
survived by breaking up their families and working themselves to The next generation, Gen Z, is even worse off because they’re
death. raised in the rubble by broken Gen X and Millennials parents.
They’ve never seen healthy behavior except in old movies.
Then came World War II. More trauma in a meat grinder. And the Attachment seems like a fairy tale. Love isn’t real to them. Which
war also pulled women out of the home to work factory jobs. is why Gen Z is in a meat grinder right now as 11 year olds are
Kids spent less time with mom that way. Before, they at least committing suicide. The ones who aren’t killing themselves are
had one parent, but now none. Little contact. Parents came home split between more extreme risky behavior for attention and “to
exhausted and broken down, and kids didn’t bond well. feel something” through their pain, and being angry at the world
that created their suffering and wanting to find traditional ways
The Baby Boomers came out of this split into two camps. “My to fix it.
parents loved me so much they suffered for me,” or “My parents
didn’t love me at all, so screw the whole world, it’s all about me.” This has fueled an even stronger divide in the newest generation,
Boomers led cultural revolutions which overthrew the last pieces which will likely turn into a polarizing social war as the years
of tradition. Some were good, like ending unjust racial laws. progress and Boomers die off.
Some led to drug-fueled group sex in parks as Boomers created
the “free love” movement. Sex no longer mattered for bonding, it Modern life, reexamined
was all about feeling good. Many emotional pieces of the human Now we live alone in single apartments or in a temporary couple
experience became detached from relationships entirely. Life with a pet as our baby. We’re isolated, alienated, and we look for
became about getting what you want even at the expense of your connection in safe ways. We get addicted to video games and
family. porn and substances to ease our pain and feel the dopamine
we never get from our relationships or lives. And the suicide
Generation X and Generation Y hit a world controlled by youthful epidemic is increasing.
Boomers and had no idea how to react. Gen X and Gen Y were
the unwanted kids dumped in daycare and latch key and with Daycare teaches kids they aren’t wanted, even if they are.
stranger babysitters so Boomer parents could get drunk and “I have to live with strangers and earn their approval and
explore their sexuality. Boomers saw Gen X and Gen Y as confused attention.”. Single mom comes home too exhausted to engage
deer in the headlights, failures to launch. enthusiastically. Kids think, “She doesn’t want me.” Or parents get
divorced and say, “Sometimes people just stop loving each other.”
So the Boomers divorced and moved into second marriages. They
created the Millennial generation, the second batch of kids from Sexual abuse rates climb as kids cohabitate with parents’ new
Boomers’ second marriage after their youthful marriages failed. partners. And kids think, “I deserve to be used.” “I can’t speak up
Millennials have never seen a world that works, their healthy or everyone will hate me.”
grandparents were too old or dead to connect. Millennials got the This is the new normal that children see others living through,
brunt of Boomers’ impatience as older parents and rebelled. too.

This created a second Boomer generation where “It’s all about Tindr allows unrestricted sex without even knowing the person.
ME” but without the resilience and tough-guy internals of You meet up with strangers from the internet to swap fluids.
Boomers. Millennials are Boomers with no idea what they’re Totally impersonal.
rebelling against and no mental fortitude. Totally lost and
crushed. “Who am I? I need to find out.” Afraid to attempt to And the new generations can’t imagine another way. They believe


this is our natural state. That “monkeys do this so it’s normal.” We work long hours at jobs we hate that barely help us afford to
live empty lives.
Current life seems perfectly designed to prevent both vasopressin
and oxytocin bonding. In short, all our relationships are built around protecting us from
exposure. We have sex with strangers and then wonder why our
But monkeys don’t even do this. They’d die out. Just like our sex drive doesn’t work well and why we get overly attached or
hunter gatherer ancestors, monkeys rely on structured group under attached. Meaningless sex with strangres is death a from
dynamics that hold them together. We reject group dynamics, hunter-gatherer perspective, It’s born from total desperation as
responsibility, and expectations as if they’re slavery. Monkey you’re the last survivor of your tribe and have to rebuild. An “I’m
troupes in the forest are healthier than modern human society the last woman on earth” scenario. But it’s all we have left.

That’s the last 100 years of broken attachment and reveals how Why? What causes this?
each generation has fared worse than the one before it, up until
modern attachment styles. Specific factors which break attachment
A child’s brain is always working to learn cause and effect. But
Now let’s talk about how to fix it it uses itself as the origin of all events. Even with gravity. “Oh,
I made that happen.” Sometimes it gets things wrong, but
HOW DO YOU FIX BROKEN ATTACHMENT? hopefully in time it can be corrected.
To learn to fix broken attachment, we need to figure out what
went wrong. Only then can we undo what was done. That means But then comes a parental divorce. And the parents say,
identifying those broken parts as “wrong” instead of “normal” and “Sometimes families just break up” or “Sometimes people just
building a new system that replaces the old which we’ve lost. fall out of love.” Or daycare as an infant where the child’s brain
thinks, “My mother doesn’t have time for me or doesn’t want me.”
To get there, let’s go even more in-depth about why modern life Or parental neglect or absence where the child thinks, “If I was a
breaks attachment. In particular, let’s examine modern life as a better kid my dad would want to spend time with me.”
contrast to the Hunter-Gatherer and Neolithic structures to reveal
how far we have fallen from our basic needs. Abuse makes the child’s brain believe, “I’m doing something to
deserve this.” Sexual abuse too - “This is what people want from
Causes for broken attachment me becaue it’s all I’m worth.” Medical scares including NICU make
Family groups are broken, not only with extended families the child think, “No one is going to rescue and me, I’ll experience
disappearing but constant divorce or not even getting married. pain and no one will help.”
And families live globally instead of locally, so even if you have a
healthy-ish family you might move to another state or country for Trauma like the death of a family member teaches, “Bad things
work and lose what little you have. Grandparents are older and out happen and I can’t stop them.” Parental depression - “I’m not
of touch. They die as we become teens or early adults and aren’t worth enough for them to try and connect with me.” Parental
there to help us grow into adulthood. Plus they have attachment drug use - “This is how people deal with problems, I can’t expect
issues, too. The extended family members who could pick up the better than this.” Parental disengagement because the parents
slack - 10 aunts and 10 uncles and forty cousins - don’t exist or have attachment issues so they’re anxious and don’t know how
don’t speak to us. There’s no one to help us get better when our to connect - “Something about me causes them to stay away and
parents mess up it’s my fault.”

Friend groups are temporary and based on school. Then we leave What the child’s brain learns over and over is, “Something is
school and don’t know how to make adult friends we actually like. wrong with me deep down inside that other people can see but I


don’t know what it is. But it’s there, and it makes people abandon deficit and have to push buttons so other people won’t learn
me or want to hurt me.” you’re a fraud and leave you. This changes your relationships from
connecting to human beings to moving objects around to get the
So the solution is simple: “I have to lock down my inner self and outcome you want.
make sure no one ever sees who I am, or they’ll see this awful
thing that’s wrong with me and reject me.” Extreme sociopaths have the worst version of this where they
exploit objects for their own pleasure. But attachment issues give
The child becomes a cardboard cutout of the perfect person you a small version of this. You want to make objects happy so
who never asks for help or causes problems. Life becomes about they don’t leave you or hurt you. Because you can’t connect past
earning approval and love from others by acting right. They might the cardboard cutout of yourself. You can’t connect AS PEOPLE, so
become a perfectionist and need to get an A+ on every test or you have to play a video game with the world. Every interaction
people will see they’re a stupid failure. They might go the other is playing a video game with the right and wrong button combos
way and become a joker to earn approval and laughter. Or they that will lead you to success or failure.
even become defiant as they believe it’s impossible to ever earn
love. Ever hear of oppositional defiant disorder? This is why interactions are so exhausting. And it’s why people
with attachment issues tend to unconsciously seek out people
The belief is that they can never earn real love because the with attachment issues. Neither person feels threatened behind
moment someone gets too close, they’ll see what’s wrong with their cardboard cutout. Marriages like this work until you have
the person and abandon them or hurt them. Every relationship kids and one parent wants the kids to be healthy while the other
then is a series of pushing the right buttons to make people like is afraid to connect, Which leads then to divorce.
you more without letting them close enough to see you’re a fraud.
And people with attachment issues can’t ask for what they want,
Why isn’t attachment fixed by our family systems? they have to earn love and approval by doing good deeds. So
Because we don’t have family systems to fix them. We lost that it’s “I’ll do 10 nice things for you and you’ll be so grateful you’ll
generations ago. No aunts or uncles or grandparents or cousins decipher my clues and do the one thing I’ve been wanting” -
are around to help us. And the family we do have usually have which might be sex, in the case of men. When the other person
broken attachment too. That’s where we got ours from. doesn’t read your mind you blame yourself at first. After a few
cycles, you get resentful. “If you really loved me you’d know what I
So why don’t we challenge these wrong ideas as we grow up? want and you’d pay me back for all the nice things I do for you!”
The same reason we don’t challenge other laws of the universe.
They’re hardwired into our brain as a basic rule. “Water is wet, Some people with attachment issues need to be “The good one”
gravity makes things fall down, and I’m an unlovable piece of and rationalize how they do everything right even as they believe
crap.” You don’t question it because it’s a basic building block they’re a fraud. They might even connect with people who have
your brain has totally accepted and now builds decisions from. horrible problems and behaviors so they feel like the savior and
“The good one” in the relationship.
That’s why even learning about attachment is a huge step. It
challenges the foundations of your worldview. If you can accept Over time this total lack of honesty and treating your partner like
there’s a better way, your brain will start looking for new solutions an object leads to resentment and coldness and lots of pain.
that work better. People look elsewhere for love - into affairs or even leaving the
relationship completely.
Why is broken attachment such a problem in relationships?
Because it turns you into an approval seeker or a button pusher
rather than a healthy human being. You’re playing at a constant


The root cause

• This is the foundation for many of our modern problems
• High divorce rate
• High infidelity rate
• Porn addictions
• Drug addictions
• High rate of depression and anxiety medication use
• The suicide epidemic

So what can we do about it?

Building your roadmap

Here’s how we’re going to fix attachment your in 10 steps

Part one is about fixing yourself. That includes:

• How to open up to others
• Conquering your fears: breaking the worry cycle
• Building up your self-respect
• Identifying your needs and figuring out what you want
Part two is about finding your tribe. That includes:
• Making real friends
• Building functional social circles: family, friends, work

Part three is about discovering real love. That includes:

• How to date properly: the do’s and don’ts
• Understanding Romantic Male Bonding
• Understanding Romantic Female Bonding
• Happily Ever After - how to love forever

It starts with fixing yourself enough to open up to just one other

person. Getting an outside perspective will help challenge your
beliefs. “I’m an unlovable piece of crap” to “Oh wait, maybe I’m

And don’t worry, “loving yourself first” is crap. If you don’t love
yourself yet, I’ll explain why it’s not the first thing you have to do.

As you go, you’ll be afraid and hit various snags, and we’ll address
those in order as we go from building a better self to better
relationships to better love.

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