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CHE 102 Midterm

 Question 1
0 out of 2.5 points
What is the product of the following reaction?

 Question 2
0 out of 2.5 points
Which of the following will give a silver mirror when treated with Tollens'
Selected 2-pentanone
 Question 3
2.5 out of 2.5 points
What term describes molecules that have the same molecular formula,
but have different structures?
Selected isomers

 Question 4
2.5 out of 2.5 points
What is the molecular formula of the simplest alkyne?
Selected C2H2
 Question 5
2.5 out of 2.5 points
Which equation correctly represents the complete combustion of
propane, C3H8?
Selected C3H8 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O
 Question 6
0 out of 2.5 points
The reduction of acetaldehyde (ethanal) is an important biochemical
reaction. Which of the following is the product of its reduction?

 Question 7
2.5 out of 2.5 points
What types of carbon-carbon bonds are found in saturated
Selected single bonds

 Question 8
0 out of 2.5 points
How many moles of hydrogen gas (H2) are needed to convert one mole
of ethyne to ethane?
Selected 3
 Question 9
2.5 out of 2.5 points
What is the name of the alkyl group represented by the structure below?

 Question 10
2.5 out of 2.5 points
What is the product of the following reaction?

Selected CH3CHBrCH3
 Question 11
2.5 out of 2.5 points
What is the common name of the simplest aldehyde? (Aldehyde with 1
carbon atom)
Selected formaldehyde

 Question 12
2.5 out of 2.5 points
Give the structure and name of the product of the following reaction?
Selected CH3CH2CH2CH3, butane
 Question 13
0 out of 2.5 points
What is the geometry (shape) around a carbon atom which has one
triple bond and one single bond to its neighboring atoms? What is the
angle between these two bond directions?
Selected tetrahedron, 109.5°
 Question 14
0 out of 2.5 points
Which of the following compounds has the lowest boiling point?

Selected NaCl
 Question 15
2.5 out of 2.5 points
What is the name of the product formed in the following reaction, the
catalyzed hydrogenation of 2-butanone?

Selected 2-butanol
 Question 16
2.5 out of 2.5 points
The Benedict's test can be used to distinguish between an aldehyde and
a ketone.
Selected True
 Question 17
2.5 out of 2.5 points
What is the product of the following oxidation reaction?
Selected propanal
 Question 18
2.5 out of 2.5 points
Which linear alkane contains seven carbon atoms?

Selected heptane
 Question 19
2.5 out of 2.5 points
What is the I.U.P.A.C. name of the following compound?

 Question 20
2.5 out of 2.5 points
What is the I.U.P.A.C. name of the following compound?
Selected methyl cyclohexane

 Question 21
0 out of 2.5 points
What is the I.U.P.A.C. name of the following compound?

Selected 1-propyl butanal

 Question 22
2.5 out of 2.5 points
Which compound is the most soluble in water?
Selected 2-butanol
 Question 23
2.5 out of 2.5 points
The -OH group is called the ________________.
Selected hydroxyl group

 Question 24
2.5 out of 2.5 points
What is the I.U.P.A.C. name of the following compound ?
Selected 1-Chloro-3-hexyne

 Question 25
0 out of 2.5 points
Which compounds below contain substituents that are in cis position?

Selected (A) and (D)


 Question 26
2.5 out of 2.5 points
To what class of organic compounds do food items like almonds and
cinnamon belong?

Selected Aldehydes
 Question 27
2.5 out of 2.5 points
Which compound is NOT an isomer with the molecular formula C5H12?
 Question 28
2.5 out of 2.5 points
The group is called the ________________.

Selected carbonyl group

 Question 29
0 out of 2.5 points
What is the product of the following reaction?

Selected 1, 2-
dichloro benzene
 Question 30
2.5 out of 2.5 points
Aldehydes and ketones can be formed from the respective alcohols by
Selected oxidation

 Question 31
0 out of 2.5 points
What is the I.U.P.A.C. name of the following compound?

Selected 2-methyl-3-hexanal

 Question 32
2.5 out of 2.5 points
Which of the following compounds is a phenol?

 Question 33
0 out of 2.5 points
The dehydration reaction between the two alcohols shown below
produces what type of organic compound?

Selected alkane

 Question 34
0 out of 2.5 points
What product is formed when the following alcohol is oxidized?

Selected CH3CH2COCH2CH3
 Question 35
0 out of 2.5 points
The alcohol shown below can be classified as:
Selected Quaternary (4°)

 Question 36
0 out of 2.5 points
◦ ◦
How many secondary (2 ) and tertiary (3 ) carbons, respectively, are in the
following compound?

3, 3
 Question 37
2.5 out of 2.5 points
As the molar mass of an alkane increases, the melting point ______:
Selected increases

 Question 38
2.5 out of 2.5 points
Which of the following is the formula of the ether, 1-methoxy butane?
Selected CH3CH2CH2CH2OCH3
 Question 39
0 out of 2.5 points
What is the I.U.P.A.C. name of the following compound?
 Question 40
2.5 out of 2.5 points
Alcohols with less than four carbons are miscible (capable of being
mixed) with water because these alcohols:
Selected form hydrogen bonds to multiple water molecules.
Mid-term Exam Review Questions:

1) What is the IUPAC name of the following compound?

(CH3)3C(CH2)2CH(CH3)2 2,2,5 tri methyl hexane

2) What are isomers?

Isomers are molecules with the same molecular formula but different
structures, different name and different physical properties.
3) How does melting point/ boiling point of alkanes change?

The melting point/boiling point of alkanes increase as the molar mass of an alkane
increases. This means that longer chain alkanes have higher melting/boiling point
than short chain alkanes.

4) a) Saturated hydrocarbons contain carbon-carbon………single………bonds and

bond angle is……109.5 degree…….and molecular geometry around carbon-
carbon bond is……tetrahedral.

b) Unsaturated hydrocarbons (alkenes) contain carbon-carbon…double …bond

and bond angle around carbon-carbon bond is……120 degree…….and
molecular geometry around carbon-carbon bond is ….trigonal planar.

c) Unsaturated hydrocarbons (alkynes) contain carbon-carbon…triple..bonds

and bond angle is……180 degree…….and molecular geometry around carbon-
carbon bond is…..linear.
5) Identify following isomers as cis/trans:

trans cis none

6) What is the name of the compound formed by the bromination

(addition of Br2) of 1-butene?
CH3-CH2-CH=CH2+ Br2 ----------> CH3-CH2-CH-CH2 (1,2 dibromo butane)

Br Br

7) Combustion of hydrocarbons:

C4H8+ 6 O2 -----------------> 4CO2 + 4H2O

C7H16 + 11 O2 ---------> 7 CO2 + 8H2O

8) What are the products of following reactions:

a) CH3CH=CHCH2CH3 + H2O --------> CH3-CH-CH-CH2-CH3 2-pentanol


Br H
2-bromo 2-methyl pentane
b) CH3CH2CH2C=CH2 + HBr -------> CH3-CH2-CH2-C-CH2

9) Identify the type of carbon atoms as primary (1o), secondary ( 2o) or tertiary
(3o) in the following structure.

• There are 6 Primary (1o) carbons*.

• There is no secondary (2o) carbon.
• There are 4 tertiary (3o) carbons**.

*Green arrows show Primary (1o) carbons.

**Blue arrows show tertiary (3o) carbons.

10) Complete the following oxidation reactions?

a) CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2OH

This is a 1o alcohol Aldehyde


OH Ketone
This is 2 alcohol

c) CH3-C-CH2-CH3 NO Reaction

This is a 3o alcohol
11) Classify the following alcohols as primary (1◦), secondary (2o) or tertiary (3o)


a) OH b) (2o) alcohol
(3o) alcohol

c) d)


CH3 CH3 (3o) alcohol

(1o) alcohol

12) The conversion of pentanal ( aldehyde) into pentanol (alcohol) is a/an:

a) hydration b) dehydration c) reduction d) oxidation

13) What is the formula of the ether, 1-ethoxy propane?


14) Which of the following will give a silver mirror when treated with Tollens'
a) 2-pentanone b) butanal c) propanone d) 1-pentanol
15) Which of the following is the most soluble in water?

a) pentane b) pentanal

c) butane 1, 3 diol d) 2-pentanone

16) What is the common name of aldehyde with two carbon atoms.

17) What is the structure of the carboxylic acid produced by oxidation of ethanol.

a) b)

c) d)
1. Alkenes & Alkynes:
o Defini�on: Alkenes and alkynes are hydrocarbons that contain double and triple bonds,
o Structures: Alkenes have a double bond (-C=C-) and alkynes have a triple bond (-C≡C-).
o Examples: Ethene (ethylene) is an example of an alkene, while ethyne (acetylene) is an
example of an alkyne.
2. Naming Rules:
o Alkenes: Use the suffix "-ene" in the name of the compound.
o Alkynes: Use the suffix "-yne" in the name of the compound.
o Number the carbon atoms in the longest chain containing the double or triple bond,
star�ng from the end closest to the bond.
o Examples: Ethene (C2H4) is named as ethene, and ethyne (C2H2) is named as ethyne.
3. Cis-Trans Isomerism:
o Defini�on: Cis-trans isomerism refers to the different spa�al arrangements of
subs�tuents around a double bond.
o Cis: When similar subs�tuents are on the same side of the double bond.
o Trans: When similar subs�tuents are on the opposite sides of the double bond.
o Examples: Cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene are examples of cis-trans isomers.
4. Hydrogena�on, Halogena�on, Polymeriza�on, and Triglycerides:
o Hydrogena�on: Addi�on of hydrogen to the double bond to form a saturated
o Halogena�on: Addi�on of halogens (e.g., chlorine or bromine) to the double or triple
o Polymeriza�on: Joining of mul�ple monomers to form a polymer.
o Triglycerides: Esters formed from glycerol and three faty acids.
o Examples: Hydrogena�on of ethene forms ethane. Halogena�on of ethene forms 1,2-
dichloroethane. Polymeriza�on of ethene forms polyethylene. Triglycerides are found in
fats and oils.
5. Meanings of Fat Names:
o Saturated fats: Fats with only single bonds between carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon
o Unsaturated fats: Fats with at least one double bond or triple bond between carbon
atoms in the hydrocarbon chain.
o Monounsaturated fats: Fats with one double bond in the hydrocarbon chain.
o Polyunsaturated fats: Fats with mul�ple double bonds in the hydrocarbon chain.
o Examples: Palmi�c acid is a saturated fat, oleic acid is a monounsaturated fat, and
linoleic acid is a polyunsaturated fat.
1. Aroma�cs and Cyclic Compounds:
o Understand the concept of aroma�city and how it relates to cyclic compounds.
o Learn about the unique proper�es of aroma�c compounds, such as their stability and
2. Naming Aroma�cs and Cyclic Compounds:
o Review the rules for naming subs�tuents in cyclic compounds.
o Prac�ce naming examples of aroma�c compounds, such as benzene and its deriva�ves.
3. Resonance in Aroma�cs:
o Understand resonance and how it contributes to the stability of aroma�c compounds.
o Learn how to draw resonance structures for aroma�c compounds.
4. Common Reac�ons and Uses of Aroma�cs:
o Study the common reac�ons of aroma�c compounds, such as electrophilic aroma�c
o Learn about the various uses of aroma�c compounds in everyday life, such as in
pharmaceu�cals and fragrances.

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