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Fleeting lovers © nimish sonar | Page: 1
Fleeting lovers © nimish sonar | Page: 2

A dark thriller

nimish sonar
Fleeting lovers © nimish sonar | Page: 3

Copyright © 2023 NIMISH SONAR

All rights reserved.

This novel is written for entertainment purpose only.

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious.

Any similarity to real people, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended
by the author. However, few references of places, songs and movies used in
this novel are real.

The medical information used in this novel is fictionalized to suit the story
and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations.

No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission
of the publisher.
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Dedicated to all my school,

college and corporate friends!
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Akshay - An IT professional

Richa - Akshay's wife

Mohini - Vishwanath's wife
Jeff - Akshay's boss

Dune & Deborah - Akshay's UK friends

Sofia - Waitress

Anabella - Sofia's mother

Lucas - Sofia's brother

Franco - Sofia's boyfriend

Jacob - Sofia's father

Watson - Rebecca's boyfriend

Amanda - Sofia's friend

Revati - Mohini's friend

Maya - Doctor
Shruti - Doctor

Tarini - Mohini's sister

Sumedh - Tarini's classmate
Rohini - Akshay's daughter

Arpit - Akshay's son

Anil - Akshay's brother

Rebecca and Raghav - Akshay's colleagues

Dipesh - An IT professional

Dipika - Dipesh's wife

Jyoti - Dipesh's colleagues

Mitali - Dipesh's daughter

Shyam - Maya's son
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Introduction ......................................................................................................... 5
Prologue ................................................................................................................. 9
1. Love out of sight .......................................................................................... 12
2. Pleasant surprise ........................................................................................ 15
3. Match making ............................................................................................... 17
4. Under the table ............................................................................................ 22
5. Tips and tricks.............................................................................................. 25
6. Moonlight helps! ......................................................................................... 31
7. Coffee with friend ....................................................................................... 33
8. Welcome baby! ............................................................................................ 38
9. Troubled waters .......................................................................................... 40
10. Contentment .............................................................................................. 43
11. Crying cradle .............................................................................................. 45
12. Hello Doctor ............................................................................................... 50
13. The three men ........................................................................................... 51
14. When they met .......................................................................................... 54
15. Free: birds and advice ............................................................................ 57
16. Opportunity ................................................................................................ 65
17. Trauma ......................................................................................................... 71
18. Side Effects.................................................................................................. 76
19. Fantasy and reality .................................................................................. 79
20. The appeal................................................................................................... 81
21. Fair affair? ................................................................................................... 84
22. Time wheel ................................................................................................. 87
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23. Terrace tales! ............................................................................................. 90

24. The parting ................................................................................................. 98
25. Where are you? ....................................................................................... 103
26. Doctor Love .............................................................................................. 105
27. Rays of hope ............................................................................................. 108
28. The ruthless conspiracy ...................................................................... 115
29. Devastations ............................................................................................. 120
30. Maya or Mohini ....................................................................................... 126
31. Deception? ................................................................................................ 130
32. Borrow a soul .......................................................................................... 131
33. Pain in pleasure ...................................................................................... 134
34. Criss-cross ................................................................................................. 138
35. Immoral proposal .................................................................................. 141
36. Memories recalled ................................................................................. 147
37. Memories betrayal ................................................................................. 150
38. Blaming flames ........................................................................................ 153
39. What lies ahead? ..................................................................................... 155
40. Clue .............................................................................................................. 159
41. Prey.............................................................................................................. 161
42. The attack .................................................................................................. 166
43. Aftershocks ............................................................................................... 172
44. Eye opener ................................................................................................ 176
45. Get, set and go! ........................................................................................ 178
46. Caught? ....................................................................................................... 182
47. Mind games .............................................................................................. 186
48. Winning her again! ................................................................................ 191
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49. Life goes on… ........................................................................................... 197

Epilogue ............................................................................................................ 201
About the author............................................................................................ 204
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O ne person was driving the car and another was sitting

beside him. Both had fastened seat belts. Car started
running on the busy street.

The driving seat person said, "Friend, one thing for sure.
They say that what goes around, comes around! Like a
boomerang! Does it happen in reality?"

The other person replied, "No!! All these are just rumours
spread by people to create fear and refrain them from
doing sins!"

Both agreed to this point, started laughing and said in

unison, "And people like us are unaffected by such

They increased the speed!

The traffic was tranquil and harmonious.


A husband and wife were watching a Bollywood movie

"Murder" at home.
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During the interval, he asked her, "What do you think? Will

the heroine realize her mistake and come back to the
husband in the end?"

"Yes, she will", she answered and thought why suddenly he

asked this to me.

"How are you so damn sure?", he asked further.

"Yes, because they will always show that good wins over

"Then, what is the point in watching the movie!"

"Ok. You are right! Let us stop here! Let us watch news!"

She was surfing for news channels and her phone beeped.
A message from her boyfriend had arrived. She slid her
mobile quickly under the bedsheet, but he noticed it.

The news channel was showing a news in the UK. An

incident happened on Granville Road, Bexley. His heartbeat
started beating faster now. What if my wife hears that

And his dream broke! He was sweating...

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Another couple was watching "Kal Ho Na Ho".

At one point in the movie, she paused the movie and

worryingly asked him, "what will happen next? Will the
hero die because of his disease?"

He thought and said, "May be, yes!"

"But it will create a negative impact. People will lose hope

that this disease can't be cured!"

"It is proved that if hero dies in the end, he gets sympathy

and movie becomes a hit! No matter hero dies of disease
or by the hands of villain!"

"May be, you are right! Then no point in watching it


They cancelled the plan to watch the full movie and went
to bed. Both slept.

After some time, she heard baby crying painfully. She got
up and went to cradle. The baby was sleeping peacefully.

Later in her dream, she saw an unknown woman standing

behind the baby!

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1. Love out of sight

D ipesh Sujalgaonkar had done his computer engineering

from Pune and a few months back, he got his first job
in Magneto Solutions, an IT services multinational
company, through a job consultancy. He worked in three
different shifts: morning, afternoon, and night on a
rotational basis. He lived in Saswad village near Pune,
Once, he went to Jejuri to attend a marriage function of his
distant relative with his parents unwillingly because during
long weekend, he wanted to go for a small trip with his
friends but instead, he was forced by his parents to attend
this marriage. They were planning to project him as a
prospective groom in the market of marriage. He had no
intention to marry so early. He had a very different image
of a life partner which he thought wouldn’t be ever found
in such type of marriage functions.
The usual marriage rituals were going on and then he
noticed her! He saw her running down the stairs wearing a
glittering red Ghagra, green Choli. He was also wearing red
Kurta and dark green jeans. She caught his attention
immediately because she was very pretty, smiling, agile,
delicate, and had a perfect figure that any healthy Indian
girl could have!
And to his surprise, she came running to his parents
standing nearby and touched their feet. Dipesh was sitting
nearby on a chair with his cousins. He couldn't remove his
eyes from that girl who was now going somewhere else.
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Then she went back to a group of women and became busy

doing the needful related to the marriage function. She
fascinated him so much that he thought of enquiring about
her but couldn't gather the courage to directly go to his
parents and ask about her.
It wouldn't have looked good to show such eagerness, as a
few of his cousins were also sitting with him.
Dipesh thought, "There is a possibility that one of my
cousins may also be a prospective groom for the same girl
or what if her engagement is already done?"
Till the marriage function finished, his eyes were on her
movements, what she was wearing, the way she was
smiling, the way she was running while adjusting her
Ghagra skillfully, the way her long loose hair was covering
her back, the way she carried herself confidently.
She also noticed many times that Dipesh was looking at
her. She also threw a few mischievous looks at him. He
once caught her looking at him, but she quickly moved her
eyes away. However, he didn't get any chance to go and
talk to her directly so that he could know more about her
and observe her delicate beauty from a very close distance.
However, while all were having buffet lunch, his eyes were
still searching for her. But now he couldn't find her. Post
lunch he went to both the floors and casually checked
everywhere in the marriage hall, but she was nowhere.
Maybe she had left early with her parents?
Disappointed, Dipesh started climbing down then his phone
rang. His father was calling.
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"Beta, where are you? We must go now!", his father said in

a worried tone.
"Yes, yes papa coming", Dipesh's voice seemed to be a bit
Dipesh came down. His eyes were still looking at the stairs
from where she had come down in the morning. It was the
much-talked case of "love at first sight" for him. But
currently, his love was "out of sight".
In the late afternoon, at the railway station, while Dipesh
and his parents were waiting for their train, his eyes
noticed the same girl. She was stepping onto another train
that just had arrived.
Finally, he gathered the courage to ask his father, "Papa,
who is that girl?"
"Which girl beta?", said his father throwing a meaningful
look at Dipesh's mother.
Dipesh pointed towards the bogie however the train
started leaving the station and he missed her, again!
"The same girl papa, which touched your feet in the
morning!", said Dipesh.
Dipesh's father gave a suggestive look to his wife and told
Dipesh, "I don't remember beta, which girl touched our
feet? Many girls did it since morning."
"But anyway, what is that about the girl?", Dipesh's mother
enquired further.
"Nothing. I simply asked!", Dipesh said hesitatingly.
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2. Pleasant surprise

T he next day, before Dipesh was about to leave for Pune,

his mother was serving him his favorite breakfast -
Thalipeeth with fresh home-made butter.
Suddenly, she said, "Beta, your father has fixed your
The spoon filled with butter fell from his hands.
"What? How? I mean with whom? and without asking me?"
And then immediately his father came and put his mobile
phone beside Dipesh's plate. On the mobile screen, was the
photo of the same girl.
"Is it the same girl you were enquiring about yesterday,
Dipesh beta?", Father asked.
Dipesh looked at the photo, surprised, "Yes, yes! Same girl.
But how do you know?"
"In the marriage function itself, we noticed your eyes were
following in every direction Dipika was moving. That day
she was going with her parents to some nearby village to
visit their relatives after the marriage function was over."
"Oh papa, thanks very much. So, her name is Dipika? nice
name!", He said.
"It is the same girl we want you to marry! We have already
talked to her parents. However, you don't know much
about them because you were studying in a hostel and
rarely attended any such functions before. Dipika had come
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to our home a couple of times! She had seen you in photos.

Now we need a firm yes from your side!"
Dipesh's happiness knew no bounds. With a renewed sense
of enthusiasm and colourful butterflies flying in his heart,
he travelled to Pune.
He also had taken Dipika's number and biodata from his
He was very excited to talk to her. Sitting in his room, he
sent her a message at night "Hi Dipika, Dipesh here!" and
waited for her reply.
No reply from her. Finally, after some time sleep engulfed
In the morning he got ready for work and checked
messages. Yet there was no reply to his message and
suddenly, his phone rang! His mother was at the other end.
After regular inquiry, she asked, "Beta, before we plan your
engagement, we need to hear a final yes from you for this
girl. Your papa and I are okay but want to hear from you!"
"Mom, give me a few days. Just a few days! Let me check
from her. Let me interact with her and understand her”.
After initial hesitation, she agreed. She wondered and
worried about the new generation's fickle mindedness.
When she told this to her husband, he told her to give
Dipesh the time he wanted and told her not to worry.
Now, Dipesh was eagerly waiting for Dipika's response.
Calling her directly wasn't a good option, he thought! He
wanted first to have a chat with her.
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3. Match making

W hen Dipika replied, they chatted on general topics first.

Eventually, she told him that whenever she visited his
house in his absence and overheard his parents' talks about
a possible marriage between her and him, she felt happy
and became excited because she was impressed by his
personality and character. She was impressed by the
struggle he did to study in adverse circumstances during his
school and college days. He was sincere and honest.
Hardworking and obedient.
Both had borrowed some time from their respective
parents to confirm their final yes. They required this time
to get to know each other better.
Later with many successive phone calls and chats, both
realized that they had many things in common. For
example, both liked to play with kids since their childhood.
They used to bring neighbors’ kids home and play with
them and spend a good amount of time with them. Both
were experts in handling crying babies. They could easily
stop a baby from unnecessary crying and make them giggle.
It always gave them an immense sense of joy and
Both were fond of watching cricket and movies. Of course,
there was a bit of mismatch when it came to the food, they
liked but still, the saving grace was that whatever food
items he liked, she was an expert in cooking those also.
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Meanwhile, they met twice personally in Pune and

watched movies together and spent some time together in
different gardens.
One day, both got to know that 29 out of 36 points were
matching in their Kundlis.
Further, Dipesh initiated a conversation in chat regarding
one more important topic which was bothering him since
"Hi, Dipika how are you?"
"Hey, dear, I am good, tell me. How is it going for you?'
"I am fine Dipika. So, what have you thought about your
"Career? I am not particular about it."
"Means what? Don't you have any vision in mind about
your career as I have?"
"Okay, before I can tell you, can I know what vision do you
have? Don't get embarrassed, I just want to know from you
first. You are so talented, educated, studious, and in the
science stream whereas I am an art student!"
"Since my school days, I was clear about my career. I
wanted to get a job in the IT service industry, and I got it. It
was my dream and I fulfilled it."
"I respect and adore you for that. Very few can chase their
dreams till they come true!"
"Thanks for the compliment! Now my next challenge will be
to survive in this industry for a long time."
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"You will survive, I know! You are capable of it. You are very
hardworking and honest and confident."
"What about your views on my career as well as your
"I have a very clear view that I will always support you on
your career front and decisions!"
"Good Dipika. Thanks. I liked this very much. So nice of you
dear. You will always be my inspiration!"
"And for my career, I leave the decision to you. Do you
want me to do a job or be a homemaker?"
"A homemaker. I would like you to handle household things
and our children well. I am not old-fashioned, but I am very
particular about this thing. This was the thing I was
hesitating to tell you since our first meeting."
"I also think the same. Raising children isn't easy. Children
are our future. We should take good care of them. We
should carefully raise them with proper attention and make
them good human beings. While you will be away doing
work for us, I will be happy to stay home and handle home
and kids for us. Kids do need full-time attention." With kids
"I love you so much Dipika. I can't mention in words how
grateful I am to you for this. You spoke my mind. We are
made for each other! I now feel like coming there right
away and hugging you tight!" With lots of heart emojis.
"I am waiting for that. Love you, dear. Lots of love to you!
Now let's stop chatting and save something for
tomorrow.", Dipika.
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"You forgot one thing!", Dipesh.

"What?", Dipika with a questioning emoji.
"Kiss!", Dipesh with lots of lips emojis.
"Let's meet and I will give you one which will make you
forget the world!", Dipika with earth and lips emojis.
"Oh really? So, you are an expert in this field and also like
cooking?" Dipesh with mischievous emoji.
"I am no expert. I learned from you last time. Last time you
kissed me and next is my turn to return it." Dipika with
hands on mouth emoji.
"Okay, Dipika. So sweet. Eagerly awaiting our next
meeting!", Dipesh.
"Me too! But remember, only kisses before marriage.
Nothing more than that. Let us do everything else only
after marriage." Dipika.
"Okay. Point taken!", Dipesh.
"Thank you, Sir!", Dipika with an emoji of shaking hand and
an emoji with coat and tie.
"Why Sir?", Dipesh.
"Because I know from our earlier conversations that you
are much more educated in sex. You boys always think
more about sex than us girls." Dipika
This message was sent by her following lipstick and lips
emojis together.
"Yes, that's true but sometimes girls surpass boys!",
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She sent a winking emoji.

"And how do you know this?" Dipika with a thoughtful
"Friends are greatest source of knowledge!"
She sent laughing emojis.
He further typed:
"So tomorrow we both will confirm to our respective
parents that we are ready to become life partners and they
can plan our engagement!" With a shake hand emoji.
"Bye dear, sweet dreams!" Dipika with lots of kissing
Before sleeping that night, Dipesh was dreaming with his
sleepy eyes that he was being kissed by Dipika everywhere
on his face along with lips.
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4. Under the table

B ut later Dipesh’s dream was broken because their

parents now had restricted their meetings till
marriage. Only they could meet, during the
engagement ceremony and then directly after marriage.
"So, what about the kiss before marriage promised by
you?" asked Dipesh on phone.
"Still, I will keep my promise, you see!", Dipika
mischievously said.
That statement made the male hormones start running fast
through his body.
"So, you think you will manage it on our engagement day?"
"Yes, my dear!"
"Wav, then I am looking forward to it."
The engagement was a small function that was arranged at
Dipesh's home.
Limited guests from both sides were present.
While sitting, a few rituals were done.
Later all stood up. The would-be bride and groom gathered
near the table to wear the engagement ring to each other.
When first Dipesh started wearing the ring on Dipika's
finger, she suddenly gave a slight jerk so that the ring falls
on the floor, but she captured it in her hand before it fells
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"Oh no. The ring fell down!", She shouted, and everyone
became alerted.
One veteran auntie said, “This is not good omen.
Engagement ring falling down on engagement day, before
engagement? Not good!”
However, others were busy finding it and no one took
cognizance of what she had just said.
Dipika quickly winked at Dipesh and gestured for him to
bend down below the table.
He realized what she was up to and did as she directed.
Both bowed down and went under the table inside the
table cloth.
She showed him the ring in her fist and quickly drew him
closer to her and gave him a very passionate lip-to-lip kiss.
She held him close and caught his lower lip gently in her
pair of lips and sucked it gently.
She purposely didn't wear lipstick on that day. It was a
hasty and stolen kiss and hence it gave immense pleasure.
And coming out of the table cloth, before others could
realize anything, she declared, "I got the ring! Under the
table. Let's continue now”.
No one could notice what had happened under the table
except both and the table cloth.
Throughout the day, Dipesh was praising her with his eyes
and gestures for the way she kept her promise.
Both would remember and cherish this kiss forever in their
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Dipesh got only 10 days of leave for his marriage as he was

part of a team doing critical work.
After all the marriage rituals finished and marriage was
over, the day came on which Dipesh and Dipika would be
experiencing their first night, planned by their family at his
village home.
Then the next day they decided to go to Mahabaleshwar
for a honeymoon for 3 days. Dipesh had taken a 1 BHK flat
on rent in Pune and soon he was planning to buy a home
by taking a home loan.
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5. Tips and tricks

A kshay Sutre was also in the IT field working as a

program manager which was a much higher post than
Dipesh. Akshay worked in another department of the
same company and was just two years elder than Dipesh.
Both became friends when they met at an event arranged
by the company in their Mumbai office at Harmony IT Park,
In Pune, the company head office was in Hadapsar where
Akshay worked, while Dipesh was in the Viman Nagar office
which was a small office as compared to the head office. It
especially accommodated the 24X7 support projects
comprising shift duties.
Most of the time, Akshay had to stay in Mumbai in a nearby
hotel for two or three days a week for company work.
Akshay's father had died when he was in high school due to
some incurable disease and his mother was handling the
remnants of the farms since then with the help of some
accomplices of Akshay's father.
Akshay had a younger brother, Anil who was studying
mechanical engineering in a nearby small city. His
education expense was done by his mother when she
recently sold some part of the farm. They had a small
house of their own in the town called Korlewadi in North
Maharashtra which was a Taluka place and was an
overnight journey from Pune.
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Akshay's mother used to come to Pune from time to time

and stay with him only for a few weeks as she did not like
the urban environment much.
Inside Akshay’s row house at Kharadi, Pune -
"By the way can I know from my sweet husband who was
on the call and what advice was being given with a lower
tone and giggling?", Richa asked in a sarcastic tone.
Akshay was giving some “tips” to Dipesh on his first night.
"Be alert Akshay! Be ready for the missile attack full of
questions! A word war may begin soon", Akshay warned
himself anticipating impending calamity.
Before he could answer, their daughter Rohini, age 11
shouted, "Mom, I couldn't find my pencil colors. I must
submit two projects tomorrow!"
Richa got angry at her, "Rohini, every time you declare
about your project in the late evening. Why didn't you tell
me before?"
Arpit, their son, age 5 came from his room shouting,
"Mummy Maggi, Mummy Maggi!"
Now, this got on Richa's nerves, and she shouted, "Stop!
Stop. Just shut up both of you and by the way, your
Mummy is not a Maggi, understand?"
Then with a spoon in hand, she moved hurriedly to the
room where Akshay was sitting and said, "And Akshay? You
came early from the office today and instead of helping me
or our children, you are distributing free sex advice to all
your newly married friends. Why can't you do one thing?
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Start a sex counsellor business. It will suit you. You are

wasting your time doing program management."
Now Akshay started laughing loudly sarcastically, closed the
bedroom door and held Richa's face in both hands, and
tried to kiss her but she reluctantly moved her face away
with great force.
"Oh, oh. Richa Madam is very Angry today. Oh. Come on,
dear. I was not giving any advice. And occasionally, it's
okay. I mean my friend won't get married again and again.
So at least, let him get some benefit from my experience. I
mean our experience and..."
His voice started fading and stopped suddenly as Richa was
looking at him with inflated eyes which almost frightened
She held two fingers in front of him, "Hold one please!"
"But at least tell me what it is about?"
"One finger, you will make Maggi for Arpit, and another
finger, you will do drawing projects for Rohini. See at least I
give you choices!", Richa said with wry lips.
With a sigh, he chose one finger.
"Yeh, yeh, you got the drawing project. Now shoot and do
it. It's easy for me to make Maggie and you have to work a
lot on the drawing projects", she teased him and both
came out from the bedroom.
Rohini and Arpit were standing there with their hands on
their waist.
"Richa dear, this is a win-win situation. Rather than making
Maggi, I would like to do drawing projects. I like art, you
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know!", Akshay happily took the drawing material from

Rohini and went to the children's study room.
At night, when the children slept in their room, Richa in
their bedroom hurriedly removed her clothes and became
She caught Akshay unaware when he was scrolling
messages on his mobile and said, "Mister Akshay Kumar.
Apply all your sex knowledge on your wife now which you
keep freely distributing to your friends!"
Akshay suddenly looked at her and got surprised to see her
eagerness for sex.
Akshay was in no mood for sex as there was some
discussion going on regarding a project issue on his office's
WhatsApp group but now, he must attend to his wife. He
kept his mobile aside and looked at Richa.
She was wearing his favourite black transparent bra from
which her full and round breasts were visible. The dim
white light in the room was perfectly showing her bodily
curves with shadows at the correct places on her body.
"This light feels like moonlight", Akshay said.
"Remember our honeymoon darling? Same moonlight?"
"Dear, no one ever forgets honeymoon! It is a memory to
cherish lifelong!", saying this he kissed her passionately for
2 minutes.
"Wav. Dear, your passion and energy are the same as our
first night! Two minute's kiss?", said Richa after recovering
from the sensation she got in her body with such a strong
and long kiss.
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"That's called Akshay - the great! what say?", he proudly

Richa winked and thought, "Though he is not that energetic
like before, I still falsely praise him. It works in my favour
during sex, and I get more of him inside me!"
Richa was a small-time actress. She had worked in a few
short films and a play at her college. Then she had a
perfectly toned body while Akshay also had a gym-built
After the second delivery she had started gaining weight,
still her body was attractive. Akshay loved all the perfect
curves of her body and considered himself very lucky to
have her as his wife. Besides, she was also a good dancer.
She and Akshay fell in love during a dancing competition at
their college.
Akshay was also a good dancer. It was their love marriage.
She was from Delhi, but their family was settled later in
Maharashtra due to her father's job.
That night, the two of them melted into each other. Richa
enjoyed the sex completely. However, Akshay couldn't.
One of the reasons was that every time she became naked,
he would compare her current figure with her stunning
figure in past. Every time during sex, that comparison was
adversely affecting his performance and was keeping him
away from full satisfaction. Also, after Arpit came into their
life, Richa had gained a lot of weight and somehow their
sex chemistry was not matching. Both could sense that
something wasn't right in between them but exactly what?
Both would have failed to answer, if asked them.
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Many things happened recently, due to which Akshay's

mind used to drift somewhere else while making love with
This time also while making love, he falsely kept praising
her beauty however his mind was partially thinking about
tomorrow's customer meeting in which a new agreement
was to be signed but here Richa was moaning with
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6. Moonlight helps!

A t 6 pm, Dipesh and Dipika were very much excited

about their first night.
Both were kept in different rooms, and they messaged
each other.
"Ready for it, finally?", Dipika messaged.
"Yes! ", he replied.
"See you at the battlefield tonight called the bed!", She
reverted mischievously and became offline instantly.
On reading this, he smiled and kept his phone away.
Dipesh and Dipika failed to make love on their first night as
they were exhausted due to all the marriage rituals and
overall fatigue and performance anxiety.
They fell asleep soon half-naked without the actual
intercourse. Both didn't know exactly what went wrong.
Suddenly, at 4 am both woke up and saw a milky moonlight
coming from their window. A little cold breeze was moving
the curtains of a glass window. The dim moonlight was
falling on Dipika's body which made her look like a perfectly
carved sculpture. On realizing that Dipesh was looking at
her without blinking his eyes, she felt shy and got aroused
when he put his hands around her bare breasts and started
fondling her.
He kissed gently on her breasts and her erected nipples and
moved up kissing her neck, lips and the earlobes. His
tender and kind foreplay made her excited and aroused
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completely, like a bud gradually blossoms into a beautiful

Then, he realized that the erection he had just got was just
the perfect one. And he finally moved inside her gently. She
felt immense pleasure and got a feeling like never before!
That was the moment. Their moment! Private moment!
Experiencing something that they had never experienced
before, something which can't be experienced alone! A
moment of complete satisfaction, a moment of two souls
trying to merge and become one, through their rhythming
And the silent moon became witness to their first
lovemaking which was a grand success. The satisfaction
showed on their faces.
After one hour, they made love again. This time more
passionately. It made their morning memorable.
Later, their Mahabaleshwar honeymoon was also
memorable. They enjoyed every moment of togetherness.
After a few days, both shifted to Pune in their flat on rent
which was in Chandan Nagar, and soon he was planning to
buy a 1BHK flat by taking a home loan in the same area as
he could easily travel to his Viman Nagar office by bus, cab
or Rikshaw from there.
He started going to his work while she was happy as a
homemaker. She used to wait for him eagerly in the
evening with his favourite food item cooked.
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7. Coffee with friend

T wo years later:
Dipika was pregnant. She and Dipesh were very happy
because both will soon have a baby to play with round the
Dipika had gone to her mother's house for pregnancy and
currently, Dipesh was alone in his flat.
One day Akshay visited Dipesh at his flat with just short
notice on the phone in the morning. That day it was the
first shift for Dipesh and hence he was home at 3 pm.
Akshay had bought some liquor with him.
They arranged a table and put the salted peanuts and
boiled eggs on plates.
Akshay poured a glass of whisky for him and when tried the
same for Dipesh, he said, "No Akshay, though earlier I used
to drink occasionally, after marriage I almost stopped
"Oh, so it is my Bhabhi effect or influence. Isn't it?"
"No, not exactly. No such restrictions from her but I put it
on myself. The more you stay away from any type of
addiction, the better!"
Then Dipesh took coffee to give him company.
"Wav. I am impressed. I wanted to arrange a family get-
together for both of our families but somehow it didn't
happen due to work pressure and all!"
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"Arey, it will happen soon. You all come once our baby
comes into the world!"
"No, that won't be possible."
"I am going to the UK for a few months."
"Wav. That's pretty good news. Congratulations. So, are
you going with family?"
"No, it's not much a long-term assignment. Disturbing my
children's education isn't a good idea."
"Yeah. That's right. Once you are back, we will arrange a
get-together for our families!"
"What else? How is your married life?"
Dipesh was surprised by such a sudden change of subject
from Akshay.
Then he answered, "Honestly speaking, I am very happy.
We enjoy sex a lot. It is a very divine experience. It gives us
a sense of contentment. People say many wrong things
about marriage and joke about it and circulate husband-
wife jokes, but I feel that marriage is a divine gift. I don't
think we both would get bored of each other, never! "
"Wav. Your words seem something straight out of some
classic novel. Like living happily together ever after! It's
your arranged marriage and still, after 2 years you are not
"Not at all my friend."
"Great and as, I believe you didn't have an affair before
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Dipesh paused for a while, his eyes were rolling and then
convincingly he finally said-
"Yes, it's the truth."
"Not even love? Forget about the sexual experience!"
"Oh, you are such a saint. Saint Dipesh Babu, cheers!"
Both clinked with one cup and another glass!
Dipesh asked, "By the way, what about you? Your married
life? Is everything okay? I mean I am less experienced than
you in this regard but still, you can share it. Your
experience may help me in fact in the future."
Akshay was expecting this question. He leaned backwards
with glass in one hand and said, "Well, I can tell you as we
are close enough but..."
He seemed apprehensive.
"Please tell me without hesitation. Believe me, I won't
share it with anyone."
"It's not that I don't believe you. I am trying to find correct
words to express it."
"Take your time, I will wait. Till then I will switch on the TV,
and we will watch some songs to change the mood."
After some time-
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"Somewhere something is missing in our married life",

Akshay started speaking from the bottom of his heart.
By then, Dipesh had ordered a pizza.
Akshay continued, "As you know ours was a love marriage.
We got married early in court before our education was
completed. My wife is from Delhi. She is Richa Roy. And I
am Akshay Sutre. Both of our families were not ready for
our marriage because it was an inter-caste and inter-state
marriage. I was a bit aggressive in college but when it came
to convincing our families, I was fearful and couldn't gather
the courage to do that!"
"Oh. Then who did it for both of you? Any cousin, relative,
or common friend?'
"No, it was Richa who finally took the lead and convinced
not only her parents but mine too. Her parents agreed
easily but mine wouldn't. Finally, she won their hearts and
they agreed!"
Akshay paused and took a sip and spoke again, "Initially
they had a fear about what relatives and people will say?
But you know nowadays people are also becoming mature
and open to accepting such things in society. However, still,
there was one condition from our parents!"
"And what was that?"
"They accepted us on the condition that we have to give
them a gift of grandchildren as soon as possible! Because
they might have thought that we are marrying because of
just youthful infatuation, and we may quarrel and break up
later. Hence, probably they tried to tie us forever with the
child link."
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"And you guys followed it?", Dipesh said, smiling and

"Yes, we had to. The circumstances were like that. We
loved each other like anything at that time!"
"Oh, that's great to hear! Otherwise, parents most of the
time don't take responsibility for their son and daughter-in-
law financially when none of them earns!"
"Exactly. However, her and my parents were financially
strong and supportive till I got a job and supported Richa if
she also wanted to complete her education. But, as she was
involved in raising our kids, she chose to stay home while I
was out for a job search!"
"So far, so good. Lovely love story! And now what
Akshay's phone rang and he said, "Friend, I need to leave
now. Some critical office work came up which needs my
urgent attention as a manager. This is important for my
upcoming UK assignment. See you later. Bye!"
He left hurriedly saying, "Next part of the story next time!
Let us keep in touch regularly."
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8. Welcome baby!

W hen Akshay left, Dipesh got a call from Dipika.

"Hello Dippi, what is our baby saying?"
"Baby is missing you and expressing displeasure by kicking
inside my stomach!"
"Tell the baby that Papa is so eager to meet that he is
asking its Mumma to swallow him so that the father son
duo can meet inside his current solitary residence!"
"Shut up. Don't talk nonsense!", she said lovingly.
"I am missing those hugs and kisses, cuddles, and love
"I am too! Dear, one thing to tell you. Recently I started
liking sweet tomato curry. So, that means the baby likes it
hence I am now. Like father, like our baby!"
"Wav, I’m glad to hear that. Hey, one thing! I have selected
a few boys' and girls' names from the internet”.
"Send me on WhatsApp. Then we can finalize a few
"Done. Love you. Take care of your health. Have proper
After their conversation, Dipika's mother talked to Dipesh
and inquired him earnestly about his food and overall well-
being. Later Dipesh told Dipika in short about Akshay's visit.
After the call, Dipesh recalled the days when he had visited
the hospital many times with Dipika and her mother, during
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pregnancy days, and had seen the baby image on the

screen of the sonography machine.
Both were very excited to have their baby.
Many days later:
Dipesh got a call that Dipika was taken to hospital, and very
soon their baby was likely to enter the world.
And finally, the hospital heard the cries of the baby. It was
a baby girl.
Both families were happy. Sweets were distributed. Akshay
went to Jejuri the next day to meet a new member of his
When the baby was 5 months old, Dipika shifted back to
Pune. For a few days, family members from both sides kept
coming to visit their place.
Their happiness knew no bounds.
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9. Troubled waters

A kshay and his family went to a mall to buy things and

clothes for his UK travel and stay. When Arpit insisted
on buying a Doraemon soft toy, they went inside the
Toy House. There was one little beautiful girl of Arpit's age,
who was looking at few barbie dolls while her parents were
roaming in some other section.
Arpit suddenly said to Akshay, "Pappa, look at the girl. She
is so beautiful na?"
Before Akshay could respond, Richa looked at Akshay with
inflated eyes.
Akshay shrugged and wondered why Richa was looking at
"It's all because of you. Like father, like son. You were
famous in college for looking at girls. I know you very well.
He is following your path now!"
Akshay started laughing.
"Richu dear, let me first respond to Arpit. Hello Arpit Beta,
yes she is very beautiful. Now say hi to the pretty little girl
and make her your friend."
It was an innocent comment from Arpit and Akshay felt
that whatever he responded was the correct way to handle
Arpit's comments. Then Arpit and the little girl started
talking and mingling with each other.
"Richu dear, to counter your accusations on me, I would
say there is nothing wrong in appreciating beauty. Be it in
any form. Nature or human or anything else! And you also
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know there is no lust in children of his age! Do you think

when we were of his age, it was possible for us to talk
about such things with our parents? Now it's different
times. We should accept the change."
"Really? Great. What a philosophy! And what about
appreciating the beauty who is around you all the time
working for your well-being?"
"But, when did I say that you are not beautiful? I mean
when I failed to appreciate your beauty? You are beautiful.
As always! Like our college days!"
"No. I don't think so. A few minutes back, you were ogling
at the lady sitting with her daughter in the toy train!"
"No dear. I was not ogling her. I was just throwing a little
glance. Trying to get a glimpse. You know, appreciating
beauty and all that theory!"
"Oh ho! My husband is now inventing theories like a
scientist. It’s my mistake that I failed to understand many
such virtues residing within you! By the way my scientist
husband jee, as per your theory, may I know what the
minimum time is defined for a glance to get just a glimpse
of a woman's beauty?", Richa raised her volume.
Akshay took it on a lighter note while Richa was in no mood
for any mischievousness. Akshay failed to notice it and said
sarcastically, "Richu, the minimum time differs from person
to person. Mine may be more!"
Rohini was nearby helping out Arpit to choose the soft toy.
She was listening to all this conversation. She came near to
both and said, "Mummy pappa! Please stop now. It's not
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good to quarrel on such topics in the presence of your son

and daughter!"
"Rohini, tell this to your mom. She is making a mountain
out of a molehill."
"What? Me? Every blame coming on me! You have
changed a lot, Akshay! Disgusting", she walked out of the
shop hurriedly and furiously and started going down on the
escalator, almost crying.
Rohini quickly chose the soft toy, paid and all three moved
out of the shop and started following Richa.
Rohini was murmuring slowly to herself, "Mummy always
makes a scene. I don't like that!"
Arpit didn't understand why everyone suddenly went back
Akshay thought, "I know her very well. She just is feeling
insecure because I am going to the UK and that too alone!
Let me handle her tonight! She was a small actor before
and acts in a melodramatic way, in real life too."
Before his flight to the UK, Akshay managed to pacify the
anger of his wife and she took promise from him that he
won't look at or befriend any other woman in the foreign
country. It was his first time travelling abroad.
Then Akshay had sex on his wife's insistence but because of
all the drama that happened recently, he couldn't
concentrate on his lovemaking with her. She slept
peacefully after that, but he wasn't satisfied and lay awake
for hours that night.
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10. Contentment

A kshay congratulated Dipesh on WhatsApp on the

arrival of their baby girl.
He had said that he would talk to Dipesh in length
later when he gets a good amount of free time. They had
named their baby Mitali aka Mittu.
Dipesh recently took a home loan and started living in his
new 1 BHK flat in the Chandan Nagar area, Pune. Now he
must work harder for his family as the home loan was
Days passed.
Dipesh and Dipika were alone in their flat. Akshay had
noticed a change in Dipika's body post-delivery. Her breasts
had become bigger and heavier and started producing milk
to feed the baby.
The veins on the breasts had become more visible under
the skin because of increased blood volume in them after
the breasts started producing milk.
Her skin also had become thinner than before.
"These veins lessen generally after you give birth, but they
can persist afterwards, especially if you breastfeed", Doctor
had once told Dipika.
Dipika had been transformed into a completely mature
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Also, she had gained little weight, and regained her flat
stomach back though she had a normal delivery with the
help of regular yoga exercises.

She was back in shape and started looking even more

beautiful than before. Dipesh also had gained considerable
weight in recent times and still his tummy flat, again with
regular exercise and Suryanamaskar.
When they had sex for the first time after Mittu's birth, it
was far more satisfying than the ones they had in past.
Dipesh was looking at Dipika's body when he undressed her
fully, in the manner as if he was looking at her for the first
He felt that he would spend hours just looking at her naked
body and admiring the beauty of her body and the soul
Beauty of her submissiveness and gentleness.
Beauty of her delicacy and bigger black seducing eyes.
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11. Crying cradle

O ne day, Dipika noticed Mitu's unusual movement of

face, neck and eyes while Mittu was trying to touch
her little hands to the revolving toy, tied to the cradle
top. The same thing she had observed a few days back.
She then took the baby to her for breastfeeding. She was
not wearing a bra hence when she unbuttoned her thin
blue blouse, her breasts duo came out and she held her
right nipple inside the baby's mouth.
However, the baby was not able to suck milk properly. It
was struggling to suck milk. Her movements were not
looking normal. And then it started crying. And the crying
wouldn't stop. She tried to feed her milk with a spoon, but
the baby refused. Later, due to the fatigue of crying, baby
fell asleep.
Dipika worried a lot thinking about the way the baby
behaved and hence couldn't sleep. She began to think that
the baby was suffering from some kind of disorder for sure.
Dipesh was on the night shift that day. Dipika called him
however there was a critical incident going on and he was
busy with customer calls. Dipesh sent her message.
The next day Dipesh came home at 6 am and slept. Later he
woke up at 11:30 am. By then, Dipika had finished her
cooking. The baby was sleeping.
Dipesh was taking a shower bath and remembering their
recent passionate lovemaking and hence started getting
hardness. Dipesh tried to pull Dipika into the bathroom
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however she looked reluctant. She stayed at the corner

where shower water couldn't fall on her.
He went to her and removed the saree from her chest
making her round boobs half-visible from her blouse.
She also got tempted to enjoy lovemaking with him,
wanted to feel his gentle and tender touch all over her
body but half of her mind was now reluctant.
Dipesh asked, "What happened Dippi?"
She just looked at him and then looked away and put back
the saree on her chest so that her boobs were hidden
Dipesh thought she is shying away purposely to increase his
temptation. So, he pulled her again with mischievous eyes
and kissed on her erected nipples which were clearly visible
from her thin blue blouse. But she pushed him away and
forcibly moved away.
"Stop dear, please stop!", She said angrily.
"Hey, what happened? No mood of love today?", Dipesh
was still looking at her mesmerizing stunning figure, which
was tempting him to make love with her. She was like a
delicate flower.
"No dear, there is no question of mood here. It's something
different!", And she almost started crying.
Dipesh closed the shower tap and both came out of the
bathroom. In deep thinking mode, Dipesh said to her,
"hmm? Let me guess! I think yesterday I didn't pick up your
call hence you were upset, right?"
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"No dear. it's something different. I am fearing how to put

into the words. Even I am afraid to talk about it. I have
been observing something about our baby for the past few
"Oh yes, once you told me that her moments were
suspicious and not like other normal babies! I also had
observed it."
Dipesh remembered Deepika telling him a few days back
that she had observed unusual neck and eyes movement in
"Yes, that is the concern, and yesterday she was not able to
you suck milk from my breasts properly, then she gave up
the efforts and because of that she started crying and then
"In the morning I fed her milk with a spoon."
"Maybe it takes time in a few babies to get all these
movements proper. I think everything should be fine. Shall
we wait for a couple of months otherwise we will go to
some doctor?"
Deepika started crying. Dipesh held her close!
"Don't worry Dippi. Please don't cry. You know how eagerly
we both were waiting to have our baby as we both are fond
of babies. We like babies a lot. Playing with them gives us
immense happiness. It is said that babies are a form of God.
Maybe now God is examining our patience in the form of
Mittu this time. Maybe our baby will do all the things but a
little late?"
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"Thanks, dear. Let what you say to become true word by

word. Your words lessened a great deal of worry and
pressure from my mind!"
Dipesh was having great convincing power. That's why in
the office also Dipesh was always put in front to convince
customers in difficult situations. Same convincing power
Dipesh tried to use on Dipika, and she was convinced and
got assured by his words.
However, with some fear in mind, Dipesh was thinking of
something else. He had hidden something from her.
A few days ago, when he searched the internet for children
who were unable to do normal movement, he came across
some disturbing facts. Many types of diseases were listed
for these symptoms. However, he removed any further
sinister thoughts, stopped searching for anything further,
and reassured himself that nothing wrong will happen to
their baby.
After some time, Dipika's mood lightened. Now when
Dipesh was checking a few emails on his mobile, Dipika
suddenly moved her hands on his bare chest to arouse him.
He turned back keeping mobile away quickly on the bed
and removed her saree and blouse.
"Wow. You look stunning Dippi. Let me get you and bite
you now", Dipesh said and started kissing her and they
heard Mitali crying very loudly.
Both dropped the thought of making love and ran to the
cradle. This cry was not for hunger but soon they realized
after what they observed that when Baby Mitali was trying
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to move her neck in a particular direction, she must be

feeling pain resulting in a cry.
Dipesh and Dipika looked at each other. Their eyes met
filled with fear and worry.
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12. Hello Doctor

D ays passed. On the first birthday of Mitali, the parents

of both, and a few neighbours and some of their
relatives came. All were discussing Mittu not being
able to walk and sit properly yet. Dipesh and Dipika didn't
discuss other abnormalities they had observed about Mitali
with any of the parents. They didn't want to scare them
and initiate unnecessary attention. They wanted to avoid
talking about it among relatives.
Dipesh discussed with his mother and mother-in-law in
short about it taking Dipika in confidence. However, he just
gave a little hint so that they won't worry much. He also
assured them that they will soon show Mittu to a Doctor.
Later, after a few days, all guests went to their respective
places. Dipesh searched on the internet, but it gave him a
lot of information which was frightening and confusing
also. Hence, he decided not to search for anything more
until and unless they visit a good doctor. One of Dipesh's
colleagues called Jyoti who recently joined the company in
their team and had quickly become a very good friend of
Dipesh, suggested one doctor to him.
Some of her distant relatives in the United States of
America also had a baby with similar kinds of symptoms.
Through a discussion with them, she had come to know
about very few doctors in India who only can treat this type
of disease. Few of them were in Pune. But she didn't know
much about the disease, but she said that Mitali may be
suffering from Cerebral Palsy. When Dipesh told this to
Dipika, both decided to show Mitali to the Doctor.
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13. The three men

L isbon, Portugal:
Sofia Mendes was a brunette with brown hair and a
stunning figure. She was smart and intelligent. She was
living with her mother Anabella and younger brother Lucas
in Baixa, Lisbon's oldest downtown area.
Her mother, a housewife, raised them by working in a mall
since her father Jacob left home one night and never
returned. Sofia didn't know the reason behind her parent's
frequent quarrels since her childhood. However, later she
learned from her mother that there was another woman in
her father's life and he left them for that woman.
Sofia started detesting her father since then, otherwise,
she had a good tuning with him and he also loved her a lot
and never hurt her. Sofia's brother Lucas was a kid when
Jacob left Anabella.
She had grown up watching her mother struggle for their
day-to-day living as her father didn't leave much money for
them except for the house which was in Anabella’s name in
which they were living currently of which loan was almost
paid. The remaining small part of the loan was later repaid
by Anabella.
Sofia gave up her studies and started working as a chef to
earn bread and butter to help her mother. Both had now a
responsibility to raise Lucas. Both worked to fulfil Lucas'
education needs, as he was very brilliant in his studies.
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She decided then that she won't marry. She also lost faith
in any permanent relationship with men. She met Franco
Felix in the hotel where she was working as a chef. She was
a good cook only because of her mother. Franco was a
gentleman and with initial hesitation, she became friends
with him. She started to see a ray of hope in him in terms
of her future partner as he helped her family a lot including
financial help.
Sofia was fond of travelling since childhood, however,
couldn't complete her dream. She remembered once her
father took her and Lucas to Madrid when he had some
work there. She enjoyed her stay with her father there and
visited lots of tourist places.
One day her mother got half paralysis and got bedridden
and complete responsibility fell on Sofia's shoulders.
By then, Lucas' education was almost complete. But he
decided to go to the US as he got an opportunity there and
he left them one day despite opposition from his mother
and sister.
He never came back. No phone call. Nothing.
One day an earthquake shook the area and destroyed their
house. Sofia's mother was buried under it and died when
Sofia was away at work. Sofia couldn't even have the last
word with her mother. She felt very sorry for her mother.
Everything for Sofia was lost. The only hope was Franco.
She called him and told him everything. He promised to
meet and support her as he was in some other town at that
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She waited for days, and he didn't return. He never came

back. No phone call. Nothing.
His parents were hiding from her something and couldn't
talk to her with eye-to-eye contact. Anyway, it was not
their fault. She thanked herself that, at least she used
protection every time when she had sex with Franco in the
past. Later she learned that her boyfriend also had got
some other girl. And he left Sofia for her.
Further, she also tried to get help from some of her
relatives in nearby cities but no help.
That day she lost faith in men. All of them. Her father,
brother, and her boyfriend all were treacherous.
"All men are like that", she thought.
She got some amount from home insurance and some
compensation from the government for the earthquake
victims. Also, she had a good amount of savings in her bank
account out of her job.
She lived in a hostel for a few days. With time, her sorrows
and griefs faded.
However, she no longer enjoyed the city and her work. She
wanted to become free from all the painful memories. The
injured corner of her mind decided not to get involved in
any relationship with any man in future.
Then, she decided to leave the city of Lisbon and go to
London to try her luck for a better opportunity as a chef
and further fulfil her dream as a traveller. A solo traveller.
She started a new journey of life further which had no
destination but had a definite purpose.
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14. When they met

L ondon:
Sofia came to London. She knew the English language
well and hence she faced no issues while roaming in the
city. She stayed in the hotel for a few days.
Then she applied for a chef job with the help of local
newspapers however, there was tough competition for the
job everywhere.
London was a very expensive city and she had to get a job
soon otherwise all her money would run out. She finally
settled for a waitress job in an Indian Restaurant and bar, in
London, called "Fairly Spicy".
She had heard and was fascinated a lot about Indian
culture and cuisine as a chef.
One day at a table, two male customers were sitting
waiting for someone to come and take orders for their
dinner. They were already done with their choice of food
As they were about to get uncomfortable, Sofia sensed that
and quickly went to them and said, "Sir, yes please! Sorry
for the delay. May I know your order?"
"Please get us two paneer tikka masala and flying eagle red
wine. We will order our main course later!", Akshay said to
She took the order on her digital device and went away.
She was looking stunning in her waiter uniform which was a
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white shirt with a black tie and a black skirt. All her
womanly curves looked prominent in that dress.
Akshay couldn't remove his eyes from her.
Raghav, his colleague waved his hand in front of his eyes
when Akshay was back to present and smiled.
Raghav said, "What man? what happened? Mesmerized by
"So much!", Akshay said and sighed.
And then his phone rang, "Hello dear!"
Raghav asked by gesture, "Is it Bhabhi?"
Akshay confirmed with his eyes, answered the call and
spoke further, "Yes, yes. I came out for dinner with my
"What time will you go home?"
"But why dear?"
"Arpit and Rohini want to have a VDO call with you. Arpit
wants to hear a story from you and then only he will
"Will catch the next train immediately after dinner and will
call you after that, okay?" while saying this, his eyes were
still on the glimpses of Sofia he was getting whenever she
was moving here and there walking through customers.
Sofia easily noticed that he was looking at her.
"Okay, waiting for you. Bye!", Richa said and cut the call.
Akshay stayed in a rented home at Slough, a suburb of
London that was about 1 hour from London by train.
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Though Akshay yet couldn't gather the courage to talk to

Sofia, his frequent visits for dinner to the "Fairly Spicy"
restaurant worried Raghav.
One reason for worry was that Akshay's inclination toward
her was making him a little reckless towards work and the
second reason was Raghav knew Akshay and his family. He
liked Akshay's kids.
Both were very lovable and clever.
Raghav after a breakup with his only girlfriend, suffered a
He was a homely man wanting a family, like the Akshay's,
and knew the value of having a family.
He dreamt of a similar family, but the dream couldn't
complete. His girlfriend chose a career over him and went
to Paris to pursue her fashion designing and modelling
Then Raghav immersed himself so much in work that he
could suppress the haunting memories of his girlfriend.
Raghav knew that a person realizes the true value of any
relationship only when the person goes away from life!
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15. Free: birds and advice

O ne day when Raghav and Akshay were returning

home from London after office work on a train,
Raghav asked Akshay, "If I am not wrong, yours is a
love marriage!"
"You are right, Raghav!", Akshay said smilingly.
"Can you please tell me your story? I mean your love story.
How do you and Bhabhi love each other? Our time will also
pass, and I will get to know you better!"
"Why suddenly do you want to know about this? I mean I
don't have any problem telling you the story. But are you
asking me to tell the story because you are remembering
your girlfriend?"
"Yes, you may assume something like that!"
"Okay. I assume but still surprised by your increased
interest in my personal life, especially my family. Anyway,
so what do you want to know? Not the whole story, right?"
"Yes, of course! I am not writing your autobiography. I just
want to know the moments in your love story which proved
that you loved each other like anything!"
Akshay started laughing and said, "Yes, of course. You
already know ours is inter-cast and inter-state love
marriage, right?"
"Yes, right!"
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It was an attempt from Raghav's side to remind Akshay his

memories so that Akshay will probably lose the fascination
for Sofia.
Akshay started narrating: "So let me tell you one incident of
our college days when I broke my left leg and was
hospitalized. All this to protect my love, Richa. Many boys
were jealous because I had got such a beautiful girl like
Richa who was clever, smart, and outgoing and on top of
that, a very good dancer also”.
The facial expressions of Akshay changed when he started
depicting the incident as if he went back in past and relived
that incident.
The train kept going at its own pace from London to Slough.
At the same time plus 5:30 hours, in India Richa was lost in
Akshay's thoughts. The geographical distance between
them had brought him closer in her mind.
She was telling the story to both kids while taking their
"You know Rohini and Arpit? I will tell you a true story
today. Once when I and your papa were studying in college,
a few bad college students tried to hurt your Mumma!"
Both kids moved closer to her to listen.
"When me and your Pappa were returning home on the
bike after college annual function, on a bridge four of our
jealous classmates started chasing us on two bikes saying
bad words about me!"
Arpit asked, "Wow. Like in movies!"
"Yes, like in movies!"
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Arpit asked excitedly, "So, did Pappa fight with them like
the hero in the movies fights? Dishoom, Dishoom!"
Rohini said sarcastically, "I know it was a love marriage and
also know few things happened with both of you before
marriage. But Mumma, if you were in so much love with
each other, why do you keep quarrelling nowadays
frequently? I also now understand marital things! So, tell
me why? Is it because now you lost your charm and figure?
Is it because you gained so much weight? Is it because all
men get bored of their wives few years after marriage? Is it
that all women lose attractiveness after pregnancy?"
Richa was surprised by Rohini's question, and little got hurt
but she gestured her not to ask such direct questions when
Arpit is around. Arpit noticed this but he was too young to
understand the meaning of it.
She said, "Why you are saying we WERE in love. We ARE
still in love and remain forever. And when two people love
each other, that doesn't mean, there won't be any
differences between them. Few things I can't tell you in
front of Arpit. You may get answers when you will get into
a relationship. We can probably discuss this later. Now
listen to what happened next."
Rohini seemed to be partially convinced.
Richa continued to tell the story...
During the train journey, Akshay said to Raghav, "They
were passing obscene comments on us. On Richa's beauty.
I got angry. I stopped my bike and used some expletives
against them. The two bikes carrying four of them also
stopped. We all were now standing in front of each other.
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They were four. We were two. I warned them politely to

stay away from Richa but one of them moved quickly, came
from behind and grabbed Richa's breasts in his both hands
and started fondling them.
Second came and covered Richa and first one. Third one
came and held me before I could move. Fourth one was
keeping an eye on the bridge to check whether any police
vehicle is coming. Richa was bewildered by such tenacious
touch and tried to resist but his hands were very tight on
her breasts. She thought of kicking on his genitals from
backside with her sharp-edged Sandals but couldn't do
because he held her so tight that she barely could move
herself. As soon as, he was about to tear out her top with
great force, my patience ended. I had learned wrestling
from my uncle in childhood and also I had a flexible body
due to regular dancing!"
"Oh. Sad to hear all this. It seems like a Bollywood movie!"
"My life is full of melodramatic events having even more
drama than in Bollywood masala movies. Listen further!" ,
While saying this Akshay was looking outside the window
from where Thames river was visible.
"Like we are travelling parallel to the Thames River, which
is described as a calm and peaceful river, we were standing
on the bridge on Tapi River when the incident in college
happened. It's originally called Tapti meaning burning. Tapti
is the daughter of Sun. It originates from Satpura. The
Satpura is a range of hills in central India."
As Raghav was from South India, Akshay rightly explained
to him the things related to Maharashtra whenever
appeared in his narration.
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"Interesting. Thanks for the information. What next? I am

eager to know!", Raghav said.
"Like Tapti, I was also burning with fury and rage. It was
dark and traffic was comparatively less. Only streetlamp’s
light was illuminating the road. Passing vehicle owners
were looking at us by slowing their speed but later ignored
us assuming that we were some sort of spoilt college
students. Why would anyone invite unnecessary trouble by
intruding into other people's quarrels?
Burning with anger, I pushed the person hands who were
holding me with so much power that his bones were
twisted and broken. I heard the sound of his breaking
bones. He fell down and became useless. Seeing this,
before the fourth one ran to hit me, with fast movement I
went to my bike and kickstarted it, increased its race, and
rammed it in between the legs of the one who was
covering Richa and the man holding her.
He fell down crying with pain. Then I kicked hard on the
stomach of the one who was holding Richa. His grip on
Richa loosened and Richa was free. The fourth one came
running to me and pushed me to the cement railing of the
bridge. I almost was about to lose my balance when Richa
came running and held my hand and pulled me back on the
Raghav was listening with interest...
Arpit stopped doing his homework and asked Richa with
fear on his face, "What happened Mumma further? Did
Pappa fall into the river?"
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Rohini interrupted, "No, My Pappa is brave and strong. He

must have punched both of them!"
Richa smiled and said, "All the time it is not necessary that
only a hero is powerful. Sometimes, heroine can also come
to the rescue of the hero."
Both were now eager to know what their mummy did
Richa continued, "Pappa was also injured in all these fights.
I had learned Karate and I knew a few techniques of one-
on-one combats. I hit my head hard on the forehead of the
fourth one and when he was losing his balance, I hit him on
his left leg with great force with my sandal and he fell down
on top of all three who were already groaning.
Still, the fourth one woke up and came running towards
me. I quickly ran towards our bike and took a big spanner
from the toolkit and kept hitting him repeatedly on his
nose, eyes, and forehead! Then we both thrashed all four
of them. Me with a spanner. And Akshay with an extracted
side mirror from their bike."
Arpit started clapping, "My Mumma is great, my Mumma is
On the train, Akshay continued telling Raghav, "While we
were about to leave from the place on our bike, one of
them picked up a cement rod and threw it at my leg which
was about to kick start my bike. My leg got badly injured
and started bleeding. Then we left the place. We went to a
common friend of ours and got a bandage applied. This
happened when none of our parents was aware of our
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Hearing all this Raghav sighed and asked, "So Akshay what
happened now that you are after other ladies?"
Akshay became angry, "What do you mean by saying this?"
"I mean you are after that hotel waitress, right?"
"It's none of your business Raghav! Don't try to become my
wife. Instead, concentrate on the PowerPoint presentation
we have to submit to the customer next week!"
"Akshay, I think we are more than just colleagues. Hence,
it’s my duty to warn you against any wrong step you take,
especially toward that waitress. We don't know her
"I say stop it. Right now. This issue will not be discussed
between the two of us anymore."
"As you wish. Let us talk about tomorrow's meeting. Jeff
will ask about the timeline for delivery of the 4th phase of
the project!"
"Yup. I have some plans ready for me. Let us discuss that
first thing in the morning tomorrow once we arrive in the
"Yes. Sure. What about the weekly project report?"
They kept talking about office issues, the train was moving
at its own pace and several magpie birds were chirping.
Noticing one such bird, Akshay dreamt of being a bird. Free
to fly anywhere! Free to sit on any tree, any branch!
One such branch could probably be Sofia.
Akshay's mind kept on thinking about Sofia.
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A sparrow sat in the window to drink water which Arpit

would keep daily.
Arpit told Richa about the sparrow and Richa was thinking
about her childhood days when she was like a bird who
could always wander anywhere with her friends.
One thought was repeatedly coming into her mind,
"Whether Akshay will get involved with another lady in the
UK? Is he hiding something from me lately? No, I think, I
have allowed the devil to set up his workshop in my empty
mind! I shouldn't allow it to corrupt my mind!"
Later Richa kept thinking about how to spend her extra free
time which she was getting since Akshay was away and
when kids go to school daily.
"Yes!" She got an idea, "I can pursue my acting and dancing
hobbies again, I will call Suhani tomorrow and see if any
short film is being made in which I can act, or maybe I can
join dance classes nearby!"
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16. Opportunity

R aghav stopped coming with Akshay to restaurants and

only concentrated on his work. Then Akshay
sometimes started taking Rebecca Smith, his colleague
with him for dinner. Rebecca knew the family background
of Akshay.
Akshay knew that she was a lady with liberating thoughts.
He would share and discuss any topic in the world with her
which he even sometimes couldn't discuss with his wife or
even his best male friends.
In a very less time, his frequency matched with her. He also
told her that he is attracted to Sofia.
One day he invited her to taste Indian food in the "Fairly
Spicy" restaurant and to show her who Sofia is.
They ordered paneer butter masala and rotis.
Rebecca liked the Indian food. After some silence, she
noticed Akshay looking at Sofia and told him, "Shall I ask
you one thing? Why can't you go and directly ask her if she
is interested in you?"
"Don't know. Haven't yet gathered courage."
"I don't think so. This may not be the reason. The real
reason may be something else."
Akshay smiled and said, "Ok then, what is that you think?"
"Your conscience, your inner voice must be stopping you
from doing this. That must be telling you that you are
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married and having an extramarital relationship is not

"You guessed it partially right! That is why you are a very
good friend of mine, Rebecca! You are more than a
colleague. I know I still love Richa. I owe her a lot. She
changed me a lot after marriage. Still, I didn't know why I
am getting strong feelings for Sofia?"
Rebecca was anticipating what comes next. She was silent!
Akshay spoke further, "Can I ask you a question? Can one
person fall in love with two people at the same time?"
Rebecca said, “Yes, you can fall in love with two people,
equally. One might make you feel safe, loved, and
connected while the other might bring out your sexy, wild
side and you'll love them for it"
"This may be happening in your culture but for us..."
"Human feelings and behaviors don't change with
geography. To some extent, the feeling might be less or
more suppressed, but these feelings exist everywhere.
Laws and concepts of sins may vary geographically but
humans and their emotions are the same all over the
world! And yes, don't feel guilty about anything. Accept
your feelings for Sofia! Until and unless we accept
something which is bothering us, we keep suffering from
"I felt relieved from a sense of guilt now!"
"Hmm. I would suggest you should go and talk to Sofia first.
Check whether she is also feeling the same. "
"Ok, so can you help me now?"
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"Help in what?"
"Can you talk to her on my behalf?"
"Okay. I can do that for you. You are clever and a very
talented and expert manager. Someone like you deserves a
girl like Sofia. But this is my opinion. I would be happy to do
that for you!"
That day post-dinner, Rebecca initiated a conversation with
Sofia and requested her to talk to Akshay. As Sofia knew
English well, there was no problem with language.
Finally, Sofia became ready to talk to Akshay. Now she was
waiting when Akshay to make advancements.
Rebecca moved away from them and waited for Akshay in
her car while Akshay and Sofia sat at a table talking.
They just started discussing general things first when
Akshay's phone rang.
His mother had called him. He cut the call twice but again
the phone rang. Now he could not avoid it as something
must be serious. He answered the call.
"Akshay beta, how are you?"
"I am good ma. And you?"
"I am good. Had dinner?"
"Just now. In an Indian Restaurant."
"Take care of yourself in the unknown place beta."
"Yes, Ma. Don’t worry. I am not a child now!"
"I know, and that's why I called you for your help."
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"Help? What happened? Is everything fine there? Any

problem in farming?"
"Yes. Nowadays due to the uncertainty of rains, we got less
income from crops harvesting. But that's okay. Still, the real
problem is something different."
"What ma?"
"Your brother Anil. You know how spoiled he is. He is
careless about his future. After completing his engineering,
he was not interested in doing the job!"
"I know. What can we do for that?"
"But he had started a new business for which I sold some
part of our land, and also he took some bank loan!"
"What? Why didn't you tell this me before? And..."
"Sorry beta, but yet I haven't told you the real trouble!"
"One minute please! Hold on."
Keeping his mother on mute, Akshay told Sofia that he will
talk to her some other day. His mood was gone.
"Yes, ma, tell me!"
The unmuted ma gave him surprises one after the other.
Ma said, "Anil suffered a huge loss in that business, one of
the reasons is his carelessness. Now, we don't have money
to repay the loan. We can't afford to sell more land now
otherwise our source of income will be lost. You have to
help him beta!"
"This is not fair at all ma. He should understand his
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"Now I am planning to marry him to a girl I know. After

marriage, he will understand his responsibilities."
"Don't make that mistake ma. Girls are not someone who
takes the contract of repairing their husbands after
marriage! And I really feel bad that while taking some
serious decisions like spending money, selling lands for a
business, you and Anil even didn't think to inform me, let
alone ask my opinion, and now when all the money is lost,
you are coming to me for help? You are taking me for
"Now you teach me the philosophy of life. And at your
time? Even your education was not completed, and you
brought that girl home. Forgot?"
"Ma, you are referring to Richa as 'that girl'? she is your
"She disappointed her mother-in-law in many aspects! I
accepted her only because you liked her, otherwise, it is
difficult to digest the Karva Chauth instead of Vat
"Ma, be any festival, it is Indian culture only. And leave
those things aside now. Let us talk only about Anil. And yes,
talking about responsibilities, I understood my
responsibilities very well when I and Richa got married and
I earned money by doing some DTP and printing work to
support papa."
"I agree but, we older ones had to take care of our younger
"Now that is your philosophy, ma!"
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"Please send some money to him monthly. You are working

in London and earning a lot. You must help your brother.
You will also have to give me some money for his marriage
and all."
"You have left no option with me. But tell me one thing ma.
Why Anil is making you as a mediator to convince me. Why
didn't he talk to me directly? Elder ones also have the right
to reprimand younger ones when they make mistakes!"
"Don't do that. He is under a lot of tension and pressure
"Waw. That is a great excuse!"
While driving back to the train station, Rebecca asked
Akshay, "What happened? Instead of talking to Sofia, you
were talking with someone. Was it your wife?"
"No, it was my mother. Asking for monetary help for the
stupid things my brother did! After that, all the mood of
talking to Sofia was lost. I will talk to her on some other
Hearing the mention of Richa from Rebecca, Akshay
wondered why didn't Richa recently call him? He was
somehow missing her. He was missing Arpit and Rohini
more, to be more precise. Lately, relations between him
and Richa have been tense. Both couldn't figure out why?
but something was wrong. Was it a lack of satisfying sex,
lack of love, affection, need, or something else?
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17. Trauma

P une:
Dr Maya Gatve's clinic was full of patients.
The nameplate of doctor read:
"Pediatric neurologist and Mental health specialist."
Though Dipesh and Dipika with Mittu had come with an
appointment, they had to wait for 30 minutes. Dipesh had
given an idea to his and Deepika's mother about their
today's Doctor's visit. He had taken a leave for the day.
Both were very worried after reading the words like a
neurologist and mental health and by looking at bizarrely
behaving little patients who had come there.
Dipika had become more vulnerable in the past few days.
She started crying putting her head on Dipesh's chest.
Mittu, who was in the stroller, was looking at both smiling
Dipesh moved his hand lovingly over Dipika's back. After a
while, she felt better and stopped crying.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine. That's why we came
to the doctor, right? They will have a cure for this. Let them
first diagnose and then things will be clear!", Dipesh
assured her, however, he also was apprehensive and
worrying about Mitali's future from a corner of his mind,
but he didn't show it on his face openly.
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Later, Dipesh searched more about this clinic and the

doctor. He looked for the ratings and comments from
various patients and other doctors.
Finally, a photo of Doctor Maya flashed on the screen for a
moment. That face seemed familiar to him.
While he was straining his mind to recall and recognize that
face, their name was called and all three went inside…
Dr Shruti Tyagi welcomed them and asked them to sit.
"Hi, I am Dr Shruti, assistant to Dr Maya. Dr Maya had to go
to another hospital for some emergency and hence today I
will attend you."
"But Doctor?", Akshay said.
"Don't worry. We will do some tests today based on your
experience with your child. Then in your next visit, Dr Maya
will also attend you!"
Both felt a sigh of relief.
"So, tell me since when and what have you both been
observing about Mitali and who suggested you come to
Akshay told all the events in brief. Then she called a nurse
and both led Dipesh, Dipika, and Mitali to a bigger room.
The room was full of other toddlers, kids, infants, and their
parents. Colourful toys, slides, books, soft toys, and
building blocks were kept everywhere, just like we see in
any nursery, LKG, UKG school. Cartoons, birds, rainbows,
and monkeys were painted on walls. The room was named
aptly "Toy and Enjoy Room."
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The same thought after entering the room came into

Dipesh and Dipika's minds which both understood even
without telling each other verbally. And the thought was:
"How much better it would have been if we had visited
such a place after putting Mitali in school as a student and
not a patient."
Their eyes met and Dipesh noticed that Dipika's eyes had
become moist.
Both Dipesh and Dipika were fond of children since their
childhood. Here in this room also, both felt like playing with
them. But later the fact kept piercing their mind that, no
these are not the "normal" children.
Then Dr Shruti and the nurse did various tests on Mitali.
They asked Mittu to crawl, checked how she handles the
toys, responds to moving objects, etc. She asked her to
The nurse took her in hand and made some movements of
her body parts like arms, hands, fingers, legs, neck, etc.
Then further Doctor suggested doing MRI and CT scan.
Every time Mittu was taken for the scan, Dipika started
Later, when they were back in the consulting room, Dr
Shruti started explaining.
"The results of these two scans usually take 24 hours. You
may take the next appointment next Tuesday as all
appointments are full till then. Reports will also be
available by then and we can discuss them with Dr Maya in
more detail!"
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"So, anything serious about Mitali?"

"See, I don't want to keep you in dark unnecessarily!"
Dipesh and Dipika looked at each other and Dipesh
gestured to Dipika to keep calm and Listen to Dr Shruti.
"With all the tests we did with Mitali in the 'Toy and Enjoy'
room, we could confirm that it is cerebral palsy. However,
it will eventually be confirmed once MRI and CT scan report
"So could you please let us know exactly what cerebral
palsy is?"
"Well, symptoms of cerebral palsy include problems with
muscle tone, movement, balance, and coordination. Stiff
limbs or low muscle tone, inability to use one side of the
body, asymmetrical movement that is, one side of the body
moves differently than the other side! We saw almost all
the symptoms in Mitali."
Dipika started sobbing and wiped her eyes with her saree.
Dr Shruti continued, "We know as a mother how it is
difficult to accept this and.."
Before Dr Shruti could say more, Dipika rose and moved
out of the cabin sobbing. Another nurse accompanied her
outside while Akshay sat with Dr Shruti.
She continued, "In some infants, problems are evident soon
after birth. In others, the diagnosis comes in later infancy
or toddlerhood. In normal children, we see symmetrical use
of hands and legs. If a child is not able to walk even after 18
months, then we must do the tests. Though I would say,
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you came at the right time, but you should have come even
Now it was Dipesh's turn. Tears rolled down his eyes.
Dr Shruti gave him a tissue. He wiped them out and stayed
alert to listen to what comes next. It was a trauma for both
Dipesh and Dipika.
Dr Shruti said, "Now I would suggest you take care of
yourself and your wife. Stay positive. Give your wife
emotional support and when you come back during the
next appointment, Dr Maya will give you more details
based on CT and MRI scan results. Also, she will suggest
treatments for it. Till then do some muscle exercises for the
baby. Here are the instructions."
And she handed over an instruction manual to both of
Akshay thanked Dr Shruti and took Mitali outside the room.
Then he booked a cab and all three came home. Dipesh
informed them on the phone, in brief, about their visit to
Doctor his mother and mother-in-law.
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18. Side Effects

T hat day, Dipesh even didn't talk much to Jyoti and

other colleagues. he even didn't have lunch at his usual
time of 3 pm during the second shift. His hunger was
lost somehow. Instead, for three hours, he drank three
cups of coffee.
Later, he made a few mistakes in his work due to an uproar
of thoughts in his mind regarding Mittu and flashing images
of crying Dipika. Another reason was he was feeling very
Finally, he stopped his work and requested his manager to
allow him to go home early. He had called Dipika twice, but
she didn't answer the call. That was also worrying him.
"Dude, any issue? I mean, recently I have observed you are
out of your mind. Tell me what is bothering you?"
Dipesh was not sure whether to tell his manager about
Mittu and their visit to the doctor. He was not yet that
close to his manager to discuss it.
"No, Sir. It's fine. Nothing. Last night I was not able to
"Do some yoga and meditation. Avoid using the mobile till
late at night. We cannot afford the mistakes from your side
for a longer time."
This was a kind of soft warning from his manager. He was
right from his point of view.
"Yes Sir. I will take care”.
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"So I will ask the night shift person to come early so that
you can leave at 7 instead of 10 pm."
"Thank you, Sir, for considering my situation!"
Dipesh left at 7 pm and went home.
He then found that the food ordered in the morning was
not touched. It smelled bad. Dipika was sitting on the floor
with her hair scattered. She was playing with Mittu for
namesake, but she seemed to be lost somewhere else.
Her eyes were looking at the wall towards a poster of a
happy kid. She gave a limpid smile when Dipesh came
home. Even she didn't ask him the reason or seemed to be
surprised for his coming early from the office.
"Dipika, what happened to you? Don't behave like this. It
worries me more. Already I was not able to concentrate on
my work. And if you behave like this, I will break down."
"Hmm", she said and again held another toy in front of
"Dippy!! Come on. Why haven’t you had your meal?"
"No hunger!", She stared at the corners of the wall now.
"Come on Dipika. Eat something. I will make Khichadi for
He said and started collecting items like rice and pulses,
salt, water, edible oil, turmeric powder, etc. He switched
on the gas burner and put all items in proportion in a
pressure cooker and came back to Dipika.
"Dippy, we have to accept first whatever is happening to
us. I told you earlier also!"
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"Yes! You told", She said staring into space.

"We yet haven't met the main doctor. She will give us some
remedy. Mittu will be fine. Believe me!"
"Yes! I believe!", she said with a dry tone.
Losing his patience, he went close to her and held her at
her shoulder with both of his hands and shook her.
And he shouted, "Come on Dippy. Come back to your
And the cooker whistled and at the same time doorbell
Hearing the doorbell, Dipika lost the trance, rose, and
stood up, tumbling.
Dipesh opened the door. Dipika's mother was there at the
door with a bag in her hand.
"I had to come. When I called her, she talked like she lost
her senses!"
"Yes, Thanks very much that you have decided to come."
Dipika was now feeling better at the sight of her mother.
She felt a bit relieved. All ate the Khichadi with the pickle
Dipika's mother brought with her. At night Dipika, her
mother, and Mittu slept in one room while Dipesh slept
somewhere else.
Dipesh couldn't sleep till 1 am. Finally, he started listening
to his favorite songs. And then sleep engulfed him at 3 am.
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19. Fantasy and reality

P une:
The next couple of days went bad for both Dipesh and
Dipika. Neither Dipesh could concentrate on his work in his
office nor Dipika was properly able to do all her household
In addition to this, this thing slowly spread into both of
their families and some insensitive comments made by
some of the relatives worried them more, even though
there was no confirmation of cerebral palsy yet. But who
cares about what is the name of it?
Merely the mention of some mental illness was enough for
people to start petty talks. No one was to blame but only
the way people looked at mental illness over the years.
Neither were able to sleep properly. One was under the
impression that the other was sleeping only to find out that
the other was just pretending to sleep. The only thought
which was keeping both awake was what lies ahead in their
Dipika used to hug him tight crying and sobbing throughout
the night however, Dipesh would say, "Don't worry, Dippy.
Everything will be all right. Medical science has made a lot
of progress in all types of diseases. Be it physical or mental.
Like there is a solution to every problem, there is a cure for
every disease. We are lucky to be born in this era of
advanced medical science where a heart can also be
replaced. A time will come when Doctors would be able to
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install happy thoughts in our brains or correct the way of

thinking of a person. Who knows?"
Dipika would feel slightly relieved by these positive words
from Dipesh however, still would keep sobbing
uncontrollably while looking at their sleeping baby who
was completely unaware of what her parents were going
through and what she is suffering from.
"Dippy, I know you are worrying that what people would
say. We cannot hold people's tongues. Let them say what
they want. Because still in India, we don't have awareness
and acceptance of any mental diseases. Anyone of any age
who might be facing any type of issue related to mental
health is labelled straightaway as a mad or insane person.
But listen! As long as we both stay strong and teach our
child also the same, we should not care about what people
One night both slept very late, at 4 am. Dipika didn't wake
up before 11 am.
But Dipesh had to get up for the office. So, there was no
breakfast and no tiffin ready at home. He got ready for his
second shift at 12:30 pm. He ordered food for Dipika
though she said she wasn't hungry.
As he was getting late for the office, he thought of eating
something outside, though he was also not very hungry.
He had to eat something otherwise, he wouldn't have been
able to work.
As instructed by Doctor Shruti, Dipesh told Dipika to
continue doing the muscle exercise for Mittu and left for
the office.
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20. The appeal

O n the way, to lighten his mood Dipesh went to a

restaurant near to office and decided to eat idli
sambar. He liked it only in that restaurant. Not only
that, but he also was fond of Veg Cutlet, Bombay Masala
Sandwich, Sabudana Wada, French Fries, and Gobi
Manchurian in that restaurant.
He knew that sometimes eating his favorite food created a
positive mood in him. And he was sure that at least that
would be useful for him to stay enthusiastic enough to
concentrate on his work ahead.
While waiting for the Idli Wada Sambar he had ordered, he
noticed a beautiful girl sitting alone at a table two tables
away from him, in western clothes that were a thin pink
shirt and a black tie, and a dark blue mini skirt. Though he
didn't have a habit of looking at every lady around him in
public places, she was so beautiful that somehow his eyes
weren't allowing him to ignore her.
Other people sitting in that restaurant were also throwing a
sneak peek at her. She was a full-breasted healthy lady
whose legs were long, hefty, and beautiful.
She knew the fact that she was beautiful and didn't pay
much attention to such peeks.
While she was opening her mouth fully to eat the burger,
her movements of mouth and lips were looking very
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Dipesh recalled something which Akshay had told him

while having a friendly chat during lunchtime in his
company one day and a smile spread on his face.
The topic of discussion was ladies' "sex appeal" and it was
being discussed among Dipesh, Akshay, and Bipin who was
a team member in Akshay's then project.
Bipin and Dipesh only knew that sex appeal in women lies
in breasts and buttocks and thighs etc. But that day, Akshay
enlightened them with so many different things through
which men can feel attracted to women.
Mainly he categorized it into three sections - visual
perception (physical traits), audition (voice), and olfaction
(smelling). Bipin and Dipesh were surprised by his
knowledge in this area.
So, Akshay gave them examples like a woman tucking her
hair strands behind her ears, the vision of an overall
healthy woman, specific body movements while a lady is
dancing, facial movements while a lady laughs freely, the
delicate sound of a lady's laugh, a lady laughing shyly by
keeping her hands on mouth, a lady keeping her both
hands on her chest while she is scared etc.
Then to show them a live example, he drew their attention
to a table at which four girls were sitting and having their
"Look at that girl, who is eating Jilebi."
Both looked at her and then Akshay said, "Carefully
observe her fully grown lips' movements while she eats
Jilebi. Waw! What an appeal."
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"Haan Yaar! We never thought of this. You are simply

great! Now we feel attracted to her seeing her lips
movement. Something happens inside us!"
Then we played a game to observe and identify a sex
appeal. Bipin said, "See that girl with long hair! What an
Then he pointed towards the library and said, "See the
other one who is wearing spectacles and engrossed in her
studies silently."
Dipesh was feeling a bit shy but finally expressed his
feelings when Bipin and Akshay forced him to speak.
Dipesh said, "My problem is when I start speaking about
sexual things, my voice shakes because I feel it from
"Then what's the big deal? It almost happens with
everyone who doesn't speak such things frequently. If you
get habitual of speaking about it, you will speak that
The Dipesh said, "Look at the girl who has worn a mini skirt
and sitting cross-legged. Her full and fleshy legs have very
delicate skin with green veins visible on them. I am
speechless. I can't say further." And he gulped!
Bipin and Akshay gave each other a hi-five and said
teasingly to Dipesh, "See, we thought Dipesh is a
gentleman, but he went ahead of us and reached below the
belt to the 'main point’!
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21. Fair affair?

"E xcuse me, Sir! Here is your Idli Wada Sambar", the
waiter said.
Dipesh came back to the present. He was
comparing the burger-eating lady and the Jilebi-eating girl
in mind.
But the burger girl was now paying the bill and ready to
And suddenly Dipesh felt a lump of fear in his stomach
after remembering their visit to the Doctor for Mittu.
He became slightly nervous and started eating idli Wada
While eating his breakfast, he overheard a conversation
between a couple sitting at the right-side table.
"When your husband would come home?", the man was
"He will not come before 4 pm"
"I will come by 1 pm. We will eat light food and then we
will make love before 2 pm, will take a rest and then I will
"Yeah. That would be great."
"But what about CCTV?"
"Wear a helmet and mask or some cap on the head. Or
wear a T-shirt in which you may look like a delivery boy or
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"Wav. That's great! you are so a genius! I can't wait now!"

"And what about your wife?"
"She knows it!"
"Yes, I told her about you, and she is okay with it."
"How come? Is she also having an affair?"
"No! She just learned to accept all my affairs", he said but
bit his tongue as he used the plural form of the affair. The
truth came out suddenly from his mouth.
"Affairs? You mean you had another affair also in past!"
"In fact, along with you, I am involved in one more woman
in parallel!"
"You are a cheat! Scoundrel...!"
Dipesh was surprised by hearing this. How openly
nowadays people are doing adultery!!
They even don't fear talking about it in public places.
Then he kept on thinking while reaching his office desk:
"It is not my responsibility to change the world. Why the
people in the world will behave the way I want to be? I
must accept the world and the people in it as it is. But I
hate such people. They don't know the value of marriage.
Why in the first place do they marry if they know they can’t
be loyal to their spouses?"
"That day Akshay visited my home and asked something
similar to me. How could he be so direct? He is vocal about
everything and also asked me about my affair. Why should I
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tell him even if I had one? It is a strictly a personal thing.

We should not share a secret with anyone!"
"Right now, I should concentrate only on the big issue I and
Dipika are facing. Our Mittu's disease and its cure. And the
work in the office is earning me my bread and butter for
my family. We will do anything in the world to cure Mittu.
Nothing else is important now as far as my family life is
concerned. Nothing else!"
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22. Time wheel

P une:
The day of the appointment with Doctor Maya arrived.
Dipesh didn't get leave, however the appointment timing
was adjusted with his shift time. He had the night shift on
that day. He entered Doctor Maya's cabin with his mother-
in-law and Mittu in the stroller as Dipika preferred to stay
outside. Dipesh was surprised and shocked when he looked
at Doctor Maya. His heart skipped a bit because she was
none other than Mohini Gore, his first love. She also looked
at him with a surprised expression. However, as both
quickly got aware of the situation, they preferred to
overcome the expressions quickly, still, the eyes of both
met for a longer time.
Then Dipesh looked away and started talking, "Hello
Doctor. What do the reports say?"
While looking at the reports of the scans on a monitor, she
confirmed that Mittu had cerebral palsy.
Doctor Maya said, "Cerebral palsy is caused by abnormal
brain development or damage to the developing brain. This
usually happens before a child is born, but it can occur at
birth or in early infancy. In many cases, the cause isn't
known. Many factors can lead to problems with brain
development. These reports confirm that."
Dipesh's mind was filled with thoughts of mixed emotions.
The sudden unexpected encounter with his past love and
the diagnosis of the disease his child was suffering from.
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Doctor Maya continued, "Treatment of this disease

depends on severity. In this case, I am sorry to say but it is
on the verge of becoming severe. We will need long-term
treatment for this. I cannot guarantee that this can be
completely cured but yes, our incessant attempts can do
miracles. Have faith in the almighty God. Long-term
treatment includes physical and other therapies, drugs, and
sometimes surgery. So we will go step by step."
Dipika's mother suddenly cut the Doctor and asked a
question that surprised Dipesh and the Doctor.
She asked, "Is this a hereditary disease?"
The doctor said, "While Cerebral Palsy is not a hereditary
condition, researchers have discovered that hereditary
factors can predispose an individual to Cerebral Palsy.
Although a specific genetic disorder does not directly cause
Cerebral Palsy, genetic influences can cause small effects
on many genes!"
"Can you explain in simple words doctor, please?"
"In 14% cases, yes! Genes are responsible for incomplete or
improper development of the wires in the brain. Here just
imagine the brain is like an electronic circuit. Like the one
we see when we see inside a radio or a computer
motherboard residing inside CPU when we open them by
"In our family, there is no such history. Maybe in my son-in-
Dipesh was surprised and had mixed feelings of being
angry, awkward, and disappointed at the same time by
such an insensitive and blunt statement from his mother-
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in-law and that too in front of the Doctor. Maya also felt
embarrassed and awkward. There was quick eye contact
between Maya and Dipesh.
Dipesh quickly said, "Sasubai, we can discuss this later in
private. If you want, I will allow you to do your
investigation but please don’t do it now and not in front of
the doctor, please!"
Maya continued, "So as I said that abnormal brain
development or injury can cause CP. The damage affects
the part of the brain that controls body movement,
coordination, and posture! By the way, may I ask you a
"Yes, please!"
"In the past, any chances that baby got hit on the head or
fallen down from cradle or something?"
"No!", Dipesh said. "We are sure it's not."
"Okay then. I will suggest some initial treatments..."
The doctor stopped talking as she saw a nurse opening the
cabin door and informed, "Madam, send someone outside
as Mittu's mother is feeling uneasy and feeling like she will
lose consciousness. Probably, she couldn't bear watching
other kids being treated."
Dipika's mother said, "Okay, I will go outside. Jawaibapu,
please get all the treatment instructions properly from the
doctor. We will wait outside."
She then took Mittu with her. Dipesh continued to discuss
with Maya in their cabin for longer time.
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23. Terrace tales!

L ondon:
Rebecca messaged Akshay.
Rebecca: Hey, how are you mate?
Akshay: Good dear and about you?
Rebecca: VGM. Thanks. I am also good. By the way, all
Akshay: What all?
Rebecca: Your Mom's call and that stuff?
Akshay: Oh oh. Yes. I mean not sorted but yes, finally I will
have to repay my brother's loan. But let me tell you one
Rebecca: Tell me, dear.
Akshay: Generally, most parents raise their children close-
fisted when it comes to money but the sooner their son
starts earning, they start expecting bigger monetary gains
from him. Especially, the elder son is tortured and
exploited. They have soft corners for younger ones.
Irrespective of gender in many cases.
Rebecca: You type very fast and very big sentences. Great!
Akshay: Thanks.
Rebecca. But I feel sad about hearing this. What can I say?
Anyways, there is good news for you.
Akshay: What?
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Rebecca: Guess what?

Akshay: Is it about Sofia?
Rebecca: Rightly guessed.
Akshay: What is that?
Rebecca: She called me late at night after we left without
you completing the conversation with her due to your
mother's call.
Akshay: What did she say?
Rebecca: She said she started liking you and wants to meet
you. She has a free pass at a five-star hotel on a terrace. I
have given her your number. Now enjoy.
Akshay was very excited to hear this. His heart started
beating fast in the same way when he was about to start a
conversation with Sofia that day at the dinner table. It was
beating the same way when he had met his wife Richa for
the first time in college.
Rebecca: Hey, what happened? Suddenly silent?
Rebecca: Akshay?
Rebecca: I have sent you the Hotel location and other
Rebecca: ???
Akshay typed after hearing four beeps of notifications: Yes
yes. Thanks a lot. You made my day.
Rebecca: Party?
Akshay: Definitely. We will go on someday. Deal.
Their conversation ended.
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In the evening, he reached the Royal Guardian hotel and

pressed the 7th-floor button in the lift.
On reaching the terrace, Akshay noticed that many people
were sitting and enjoying dinner. A few couples were
enjoying a musical concert. James young's "Infinity" song
was sung by a female singer. It was one of his favorite
He looked for table number 7 and finally spotted Sofia
sitting. His heart skipped a few beats.
On noticing him, she rose and started coming towards him.
She was looking stunning in short sleeve black wrap dress
with yellow flowers printed on it.
She led him to his chair. Both ordered a red wine as Akshay
also liked it.
Akshay started the conversation, "You look so beautiful in
this dress. In any outfit, you look great and stunning. Since
the first day when I saw you, I got attracted to you."
She was listening silently.
Sofia said in English, "Thank you. Rebecca told me. I also
started liking you when you started visiting the hotel
Wine came. The waiter poured it into glasses. They cheered
and started sipping.
Akshay appreciated the taste of wine and then continued,
"I have a family in India and.."
Sofia cut him and said, " Let us not tell each other about
our family background and all other stuff. I would also not
like it if you asked anything about my family or my past. I
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also won't ask you. I am lonely and I guess you are also
lonely. And we are attracted to each other. I think that is
enough for us to be in a relationship. Let us see how it
develops further between us."
Akshay was stunned by her direct approach and became
speechless, but what she said was exactly what Akshay was
also expecting from their relationship.
Akshay only nodded and said, "I agree, totally agree!"
Sofia smiled and said, "Let us not give any name to our
relationship. No matter how much time we give to each
other, if we enjoy it wholeheartedly, it is certain that we
love each other's company. It doesn't matter what we do at
that time. Be it lovemaking, traveling together to places,
eating, dancing anything and everything which we can do
She was straightforward. Akshay liked it. He was looking
exactly for the same kind of relationship. He felt that a
married man cannot have sex with his wife in the later
years of his marriage with the same newness as in the
initial days. In his opinion, in the later stages of marriage,
some inevitable factors and responsibilities make it difficult
for a couple to maintain a healthy sex life. Women also lose
their shape due to pregnancies. One cannot enjoy sex in
that way. Or this was true for at least him, for sure!
And if one suppresses sexual desires, it can incite anger and
frustration. Similarly, if one continues a sexual relationship
with a marriage partner unwillingly, that incites more anger
and frustration. '
Finally, he decided to cheat on his wife, Richa!
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Sofia waved her hand and said, "What happened? You

seem to be lost in thoughts?"
Akshay said, "No nothing, please continue with what you
were saying!"
Sofia further said, which was a kind of soft warning, "Okay.
so, if suppose in the future, one of us is attacking the
other's freedom and personal space, we will have to
discontinue the relationship."
Akshay agreed. She was saying things as if she was writing
some terms and conditions in a written agreement.
She then asked him whether he likes swimming. Akshay
knew swimming. He nodded.
Both went to a swimming pool area where ladies and gents
were swimming together.
Though Akshay knew about it, he was going to experience
it for the first time. She beckoned Akshay to the swimming
area. They kept their belongings, including mobile phones
in lockers.
Later, they got swimming costumes. Couples were allowed
to change clothes together. Both went to a changing room.
Akshay was feeling nervous to remove clothes in front of
Sofia, the lady with whom it was just his first meeting.
Seeing his hesitation, she told, "If you are not okay, we can
cancel this plan and will go for dinner. It's fine with me!"
Akshay said, "No no, It's fine with me. Let us enjoy
She removed her dress with ease. Now she was in a bikini.
Akshay looked at her body without blinking his eyes. She
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had got a perfect body as if it was built by an expert

Akshay also changed his clothes and wore a swimming
Both dived into the water and slowly started swimming and
talking to each other. She said, "I saw you were not able to
remove your eyes from me!"
He embarrassingly admitted.
She said, "No need to get embarrassed or shy. Accept your
feelings. Why hide? I like you and you like me. Minutes
before we confessed that, right?"
She said and came close to him and started kissing him. She
seemed to be an expert in kissing. Akshay was experiencing
such pleasure from just kissing for the first time in his life. It
was a long kiss. Then a silent moment and again she kissed
him, this time differently.
After a few minutes, it was Akshay's turn. He kissed her a
lot on her lips and ears and every part of her face while
holding his hand around her.
With all the musical background, both felt deeply satisfied
after kissing each other. After the kissing ended, they kept
on staring at each other's faces, which reflected sheer joy.
A person standing nearby was taking photographs of
Akshay and Sofia on a mobile when they were kissing each
other madly inside the swimming pool with their eyes shut.
However, the person ensured that no other person present
there would notice it.
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The person not only took photographs but also shot a short
video of them kissing. Later the person slowly walked away
and started enjoying the musical concert.
Now the singer was singing Alan Walker’s "Faded" song.
After kissing Sofia, a thought came to Akshay's mind that,
now he has got an option for his wife Richa.
No more dependency on sex on Richa.
No more buttering her up for sex after the quarrels that
she initiates purposefully after seeing Akshay's genuine
interest in sex.
No more losing interest in sex till she gets ready for sex if at
all she agrees! Does she do it on purpose?
Anyways recently Akshay noticed that somehow Richa had
lost interest in sex.
When he was really interested, she used to make different
excuses and when he was not interested, she demanded it.
Now he will be partially relieved from this situation. He has
got an option to Richa in the form of Sofia.
In the locker of the swimming pool, a phone call from Richa
was vibrating Akshay's mobile phone. There were five
missed calls. She also sent him many WhatsApp messages.
Richa got annoyed as Akshay was not picking up. Already
they had a quarrel over the repayment of his brother's
And now Arpit was suffering from fever. He insisted on
talking to his father. But his father was with another
woman kissing her in a swimming pool. Richa had shown
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Arpit to the doctor and medication was going on but he

was eager to talk to his father because in the past also,
whenever he used to fall ill, it was Akshay who would sit
near him and tell him stories and motivate him.
While Richa got frustrated after her call wasn't answered
and Arpit was crying, Rohini was chatting with her new
boyfriend in her room. She was engrossed in her virtual
world, which nowadays almost every teenager indulges.
The so-called social media.
Soon after the swimming and diving were done, Sofia
received a call and hence she left. Both had a very nice time
together during the very first meeting. Though not Sofia,
Akshay gave his mobile number to her.
Akshay remembered the kiss again and again. It was
something to cherish in his heart.
The next day in the morning he saw lots of missed calls and
messages from his wife. Then he called her but she didn't
pick up. He messaged back saying he had slept early due to
a lot of work these days and hence he couldn't attend her
call as the phone was kept silent.
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24. The parting

L ondon:
The next full week, Sofia didn't show up. Akshay visited
the hotel for dinner but after enquiring about her, he
learned that she had gone on emergency leave.
He also had messaged her but none of his messages were
read yet. He became uneasy and restless with all of her in
his mind. Unrest enveloped in him.
Every time he thought of her, he remembered the
exchange of kisses between them in the swimming pool.
He became so anxious that he couldn't eat properly that
night. He drove home in frustration.
Only one question was bothering his mind: "How can she
go suddenly without even informing me?"
The next moment a voice representing his inner soul
warned him:
"Beware! Just recently you started a relationship with her,
and you can't expect her to tell you everything. Remember
what she told you if anyone of them encroaches on the
freedom of the other, then the relationship will end. There
must be some reason. Otherwise, why would she go on
leave suddenly?"
Akshay said to the voice:
"Okay, so I will have to wait until she reads my message!"
"Yes", the voice said, "Otherwise you will lose her if you
take such hasty steps!"
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He even cursed himself for not even taking a single

photograph of her. Once he insisted but she denied, and he
had respected her decision.
He was alone for dinner on that day. His frequent dinners
in hotels instead of preparing food at home had cost him a
lot of money in pounds. Indian food comes for at least 7 to
10 pounds which was equivalent to around 1000 rupees.
While driving, Akshay called Rebecca thinking at least by
any chance she might know where Sofia was.
Rebecca was on leave on that day and was sitting with her
live-in partner Watson on the bed wearing only a bra and
panty. Watson was admiring her bra and panty design
which was blue with red and yellow flowers on it. Watson
was eager to unhook her bra when Rebecca's phone
started vibrating.
Watson's attention diverted as he saw her phone vibrating.
Looking at her screen window he asked, "Hey darling who
is that idiot calling you at this time? I think someone
"Akshay Office". Knowing that you are on leave, how can
they call you? At this time?"
Rebecca was surprised as her face was opposite the table
on which her phone was kept. She turned her head back
and cut the call by extending one of her hands. Then she
smiled and looked back at Watson and went on kissing
He now unhooked her bra and started admiring the beauty
of her fully rounded twin assets. Rebecca looked in his eyes
while he was looking at her breasts.
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And then the phone rang again. "Akshay office" calling.

This time Watson picked it up in frustration and switched
off her phone.
Akshay had experienced great satisfaction after kissing
Sofia like never before. And he was now looking forward to
having sex with her soon. He was sure she would give him
immense pleasure in bed which he felt he was lacking to
date. But now Sofia suddenly was out of sight.
Late at night, when Akshay reached home, he got a call
from his customer Jeff Bennet, who was an important
stakeholder without whom no decision could be taken
regarding the set of projects Akshay was handling.
Akshay immediately came out from the never-ending
thoughts of Sofia and got alerted to see a customer calling
at this time.
He answered quickly the call in just three rings and greeted
Jeff, "Hello Jeff?"
"Yes Akshay," I have an important thing to convey to you!"
he spoke in a British accent.
"Yes, please. Tell me, Jeff. We are here for you."
"We had an internal meeting late evening in which we are
planning to create an onsite-offshore model for our
This was something very unexpected.
Even before he could respond with astonishment, Jeff
continued, "Basically we have made this decision to save
costs. Instead of reducing resources, moving fifty percent
of them offshore in India will save a lot of costs. And we
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have chosen you to arrange the offshore team, as now

things are quite streamlined here at onsite location. Our
project financers have suffered a loss recently and they
want to cover it up in the best possible ways like the one I
told you just now! "
"How soon are we planning this?"
"You will have to go back to India in the next couple of
weeks once formalities and arrangements at our on-site
location are completed!"
"So, Jeff. What about my chances of coming back here?"
There was a silence for a while at Jeff's end when Akshay
asked the above question.
And then a reply came from Jeff: "As you are a critical and
important resource to us, we will think of calling you back
again, once things get settled and streamlined at offshore
location. Though I can't guarantee you anything
immediately and concretely, I will definitely try my best to
bring you back here."
Akshay listened to Jeff in silence. He was the program
manager, a senior to all the project managers. His
responsibility was more.
As a program manager, he could not oppose this decision
as it was taken at a high level with an agreement between
important stakeholders from both sides including the
department of sales. Akshay's work permit was expiring
after six months but now he would have to go back to India
6 months earlier. So with this, his earnings would be
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Jeff ended his call by saying, "We will have an important

meeting tomorrow at sharp 10 am, with all the project
managers and you. Be there! Cheers! Good night!"
Britishers say cheers at the end of the conversation, which
is an old-fashioned way of saying goodbye but still used by
"Cheers Jeff!", Akshay said and the call ended.
That night Akshay could sleep only at 3 am.
Many issues were bothering his mind before sleep.
Going back to India early unwillingly, his recent mentality
which was urging him to somehow stay away from Richa,
recent petty spats between them and her recent
detachment from him, his brother's irresponsible behavior,
and his mother's support to his brother despite his
stupidity, the disappearance of Sofia without informing
him, broken friendship with Raghav over Sofia and many
He thought of calling Richa once his tomorrow's meeting
was over to inform her about his early arrival in India.
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25. Where are you?

L ondon:
The next day the important meeting was held at the
All the major and important stakeholders were present.
Sofia's thoughts had taken possession of Akshay's mind
completely and hence he tried his luck by suggesting to the
client and his seniors that they should send Raghav to India
instead of him.
Including Raghav, all were surprised by this. Raghav was
already hurt since the day Akshay straightforwardly told
him not to teach him philosophy. He sensed Akshay's
personal hidden agenda behind suggesting his name. And
he guessed it right that Akshay must be wanting to stay
here for more time for Sofia.
Now, Raghav got determined not to accept at all the offer
to go to India, let anything happen!
And Raghav declined it.
Akshay was looking with fierce eyes at Raghav. Initially,
Raghav was a bit terrified but then recovered quickly.
Finally, Akshay accepted it.
During the whole meeting, Akshay was looking
intermittently at his phone like a thirsty person in the
desert waiting for water droplets. He was expecting that
some magic will happen, and a message will come from
Sofia, and he would be able to see her before going back to
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India. He had searched all social media by her name but in

Not knowing when he would be able to come back here
again, he decided to visit places in the UK whenever he had
free time with a few of his local friends. Who knows if by
any chance he gets to spot Sofia somewhere?
Dune and Deborah were his local friends. He went with
them on weekends to various places in London. But his
motive for going to these places was to look for Sofia. In
every crowd of London Eye, London Dungeon, Hyde Park,
and Tower of London Akshay's eyes were searching for
While walking on the famous London bridge, Akshay took
binoculars from Deborah and enjoyed views of the river
At one instance, when his binoculars focus was moving
from one cruise ship to another, he suddenly noticed one
face which looked like Sofia. Was it Sofia? He again focused
back on the same ship and zoomed in to maximum
But to his disappointment, the face which he had just seen
was now not there. Was it just his imagination or really
Sofia was there?
He looked carefully at each girl who was brunette with
brown hair. But, no! He didn't find his Sofia.
This way the vigorous and rigorous search for Sofia went
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26. Doctor Love

P une:
Dipesh unexpectedly encountered his past love,
Mohini Gore, in the form of a doctor whom he and his wife
were now depending on for curing their child's disease.
What an irony!
"Why has this happened to me?" Dipesh had thought when
he first saw Mohini.
Dipesh had set her memories in the corner of his mind for a
longer time and now suddenly those memories resurfaced
and were trying to occupy his thoughts.
While Dipika, her mother and Mittu were sitting outside,
Maya had told Dipesh on that day:
"Common types of treatment for cerebral palsy include
physical therapy and rehabilitation. A child with cerebral
palsy usually starts these therapies soon after being
diagnosed. Physical therapy is one of the most important
parts of treatment. Along with that, we give a few
medicines which are suitable for children which help in
muscle relaxation and anticonvulsants which help in
reducing the future occurrence of epilepsy etc. You will
have to do the muscle exercises daily and bring her twice a
week for therapies and some treatments!"
Then there was a discussion on the cost involved.
Later, when Dipesh rose to leave with the files and
medicines and instructions in his hand, Maya stopped him.
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"Yes?", He looked back and their eyes met.
"Going? Won't talk to me?", A kind pleads in her eyes was
seen while saying this.
"Yes, going! You didn't care when you suddenly
disappeared during college time. Without even talking to
me or leaving messages for me? Now asking me why I am
leaving?", Dipesh said in a sarcastic and complaining tone.
"Did you try to know why I did that? What must have
compelled me to do so?"
"Had you left any clue so that someone can check? You and
all your family members disappeared and left the town
within 3 days while I was away on a tour with my family!"
"Clue? I left a message in the form of a letter with Revati
for you! Didn't she tell you?"
"Yes, she told me that..."
There was a knock on the door, "Anuradha sister here,
"Please come in!"
Dipesh stood aside to let Anuradha in.
Anuradha said, "Madam, if you are done with Dipesh Sir,
then can we let him go outside? Dipika fainted and the
patient Mittu started crying! Can you please also come and
see Dipika?"
Maya aka Mohini threw a meaningful glance at Dipesh and
all three went outside.
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Maya checked Dipika and wrote a few medicines for Dipika.

Later, she became conscious. They booked a cab. Dipika
and her mother sat in a cab.
Before Dipesh went to the cab, Maya told Dipesh in his ear,
"Please take care of your wife. She is very delicate. You
have got a very beautiful wife!"
Maya had noticed this when she closely checked Dipika
when fainted.
"Thanks", Dipesh said.
Dipesh had a strange feeling after getting appreciation for
his wife's beauty from his suddenly discovered ex-lover.
Now was not the time for sure to discuss their past. So,
Dipesh left.
While returning home, Dipesh was thinking, "What Mohini
must have told Revati? Did Revati lie to me?"
And while occupying her chair back in her cabin, Mohini
was thinking, "What Revati must have told Dipesh? Did she
lie to him?"
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27. Rays of hope

P une:
Recently there was turmoil in Dipesh and Dipika's life.
Hence, Dipesh couldn’t concentrate on his work and his
performance started degrading. His manager had allowed
him a sufficient time period to recover from all his personal
drama. Even Dipesh's colleague Jyoti who had a soft corner
for Dipesh, helped him a lot and completed a few of his
assignments. Dipesh couldn't find words to thank her. The
help she provided him was priceless.
However, after that, Dipesh's manager started giving
Dipesh warnings to concentrate on work and avoid
mistakes because now the limit was crossed. How long
Jyoti could help? After all, she also had her own work to do.
One day Dipesh left his laptop unattended without locking
the windows. This was a serious security offence. It was
possible that someone could easily sneak into his laptop
and steal confidential project related information or play
with Dipesh's personal data. Coincidentally, the manager
got there and locked Depesh's laptop.
After this incident, the HR of the company sent Dipesh to
many psychology sessions arranged by the company
appointed Doctor to learn how to balance work and life in
such situations.
Dipesh sincerely worked on those steps suggested by the
Doctor and was able to balance out the work and life to
some extent.
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There was still a blame game in their families going on

regarding whose fault it is so that such a mentally retarded
child was born. Is it hereditary in Dipika's family or Dipesh's
While Dipesh tried to explain to everyone that, in cases of
Acquired Cerebral Palsy, the child acquires the brain
damage before the brain fully developed.
Acquired Cerebral Palsy is not inherited. Up to 10% of all
cases of diagnosed Cerebral Palsy are acquired. But no one
was really in the mood to listen to this.
A well-wisher suggested that the couple should take the
chance to give birth to one more child and prove all the
accusations wrong. This would also have helped both to
recover from the trauma of the existing child's disease.
Both mulled over it but didn't find it practical, fearing the
possibility of the next child will also be born with the same
or another disease.
Besides this, Dipika lost her sense of womanhood during all
this. Due to negligence of health and worries and tensions,
her monthly periods or menstrual cycles started becoming
irregular. She didn't look after herself and didn't make any
efforts to even apply the minimum makeup which every
woman likes to do.
She lost her all-womanly charm. She would forget to comb
her hair and would leave it loose, sometimes hair was
found lying on her face carelessly blocking her vision. Many
a time, she even would forget her bath. She stopped
looking into the mirror. Even if she looked in the mirror by
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chance, there would always come a pathetic smile on her

face for herself and for her life.
For many days, they had not turned on the TV, listened to
any song or watched any cricket match. All they thought
about was Mittu and her future.
In addition to this, a few sadist relatives installed fear in
their minds that no one would marry Mittu because she is
mentally retarded. There were no chances of recovery from
such diseases, no matter what fancy name you give to the
disease or the methods of cure. They went further telling
the couple that having a mentally disturbed girl child
unmarried for a lifetime in the house would be the worst
thing for any parent and what would happen to her when
both would die? Who will take care of her after them?
Few suggested sending her to mental asylum, but the
couple was confident that this disease would be cured by
the ongoing treatments. All these thoughts started
disturbing them and both suffered many sleepless nights.
Dipesh's company was providing insurance for him and his
family but for such a disease there was no provision to pay
him the complete expenses because there was no time
limit for the treatment. He then started looking for some
other insurance companies that can provide him with more
money for his daughter's treatment for a longer time. He
found few but the premium amount was beyond his
All he needed now was more money so that he could
overcome the ongoing difficult situation in his life and can
cure his daughter and everyone's life to return back to
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As they say, everyone joins us in our happiness but leaves

us alone in our sorrows. Dipesh and Dipika were now
realizing this slowly. To some extent, family members can
support us emotionally and financially but, in the end, they
cannot support us endlessly.
It was only Dipika and Dipesh who would have to face the
harsh realities of their life.
A friend of Dipika once had come to meet them at home.
She suggested that Dipika should hand over Mittu to
Dipika's mother for a day and both should find some time
together somewhere outside, be it watching some movie
or sitting in the garden or doing things that may make them
happy because staying strong with a presence of mind was
very much necessary for both of them to handle the future
situation in their life.
One day they decided to act upon the advice of Dipika's
friend, and both went to watch an English movie together.
Dipika's mother reluctantly agreed to this.
They booked a cab directly to the multiplex where many
movies were showing. They had chosen a romantic movie
with an adult theme that featured a famous hero and two
actresses and there was a love triangle. But it was not a
traditional love triangle. Till the interval, the story looked
like the usual traditional love triangle between the three.
The second half was shocking. There was a twist that
caught every audience completely unaware. One more
angle of love was introduced into the existing traditional
triangle. That's why the movie name is aptly kept as
"Tangled Rectangle".
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Both Dipesh and Dipika recalled their past memories before

marriage when they had gone to see a then superhit
Bollywood romantic movie together named "Sabse Badi
Aashiqui" without the knowledge of their family. After all, it
is human nature to find more thrills in enjoying sexual
pleasures in hiding and before marriage rather than
enjoying it after receiving a marital stamp.
During a song in the movie, the hero removes the heroine's
T-shirt exposing her bare back as she wasn't wearing any
bra inside and she further sits on a wooden chair. Hero
further moves his both hands towards her breasts and
squeezes them gently.
Dipika had given a suggestive look to Dipesh seeing this.
Dipesh then put his right hand around her waist and when
he found that she didn't resist this touch at all, he slowly
moved it up to her breasts. This was the first instance when
he had touched her breasts and that too from her clothes...
Dipesh came back to the present where now another
movie was running in front of them.
This time, both decided to relive that memory again. For a
while, both had forgotten about their personal worries and
were enjoying the movie. Dipesh put his hand around her
waist and Dipika also reciprocated in the same manner and
put his hand on her right breast...
Finally, both became damn sure that they will have sex at
night on that day. After coming out of the theatre both
smiled and laughed at each other as if they were meeting
for the first time.
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After the movie, both spent some time in a park full of

greenery and flowers.
The aroma of flowers tickled their senses. Later they had a
meal together. All in all, it was a good time together. After
a long gap.
When they came home, a pleasant surprise was waiting for
them. Dipika's mom was looking happy, and Mittu was also
playing and smiling with two unidentified teenage boys.
Dipika asked, "Mom, who are they?"
Mom said, "Dipa, remember in childhood you used to bring
a child from our neighborhood and play with him?"
"Yes, of course. His name is Bhanugopal?"
"Yes, so this is the same Bhanugopal. He has grown up now
and is taking education in Pune."
"And who is the other one?"
Mom took a pause and then said, "Dipa beta, call it a
coincidence or not, but the other one is..."
Suddenly Dipesh spoke, "Hey, are you Kirankumar?"
"Yes, Uncle. you still recognize me?"
"Arey, how can I forget you, boy? You used to help me
pluck tamarinds and guavas from trees though you were
much younger than me. You when kid, used to stay with
me at my home and play with me."
"Yes, both of the boys are staying together, studying in the
same institution. Both later learned on Facebook that both
of you are married and live in Pune. So, they somehow got
the address and came over!"
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Dipesh and Dipika sat down and looked at each other.

Mittu was behaving in a very friendly manner with
Bhanugopal and Kirankumar. Dipika's mother had already
told both about Mittu's disease.
Both said in unison, "Uncle and aunty. Don't worry. Good
things happen with good people. Everything will be fine.
We both have decided to come over to your place
whenever we get time after hearing about Mittu. We will
also help in doing the exercise for Mittu!"
And then there were lots of discussions and chatter.
Dipesh and Dipika were looking at each other as if God has
sent some angels for them.
And why not? Even the smallest ray of light also creates
hope for a person who is sitting in complete darkness for a
longer time.
Though these two angels were not magicians who could
cure Mittu's disease, at least some positive development
was taking place and that made both happy.
At least they met those who are talking positively. Both
belonged to the new generation who had an unbiased way
of looking at such mental diseases.
However, this ray of hope also caused them some
inconvenience because Dipika's mother had told both
Bhanugopal and Kirankumar to stay at their home
overnight and there was no chance tonight that Dipika and
Dipesh could have sex tonight due to space constraints.
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28. The ruthless conspiracy

F lashback:
Tarini was very clever and intelligent since childhood.
The study was the matter of life and death for her. She was
a favorite student of many teachers. She would easily solve
third std math problems in the second std. She received a
lot of love from everyone at school. However, few
teachers, as well as students and their parents, were
feeling secretly jealous of her. Sometimes jealousy could
show on their face.
Especially the town in which Tarini was living with her
family was so small that most of the families knew each
other. Tarini's family was a middle-class family. Her father
had a small hardware business in the town's market and
her mother was a housewife. The shop was ancestral. Their
home was also ancestral.
Tarini was very kind, compassionate, selfless and sensitive.
She would put others first than herself. If her friends forgot
to do homework, she would help them. She would give her
notebooks to her friends, but some would deliberately
forget her notebook at home.
Teachers used to punish Tarini, but she never got angry
with her classmates for forgetting her notebook because
she thought they genuinely had forgotten. Also, she never
stopped helping them.
She was a favorite student of her math teacher. She got
more than 90% marks always. Not only did she use to help
her classmates but also her 2-year-old younger sister
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Mohini who was not that clever like Tarini but would get
marks in the range of 60 to 70%. But again, most of the
credit for Mohini's academic progress was because of
Tarini was so caring to Mohini as her elder sister that
Mohini didn't remember a single instance of any quarrel
between them.
She would give her toys and other things to Mohini quickly.
Mohini not only respected Tarini but adored her.
Tarini got 95% marks in her SSC board exams. She became
famous overnight. News articles were published about her.
Radio and TV journalists were taking her interviews. In
those interviews, she revealed that she wanted to become
a gynecologist and do something for underprivileged
women in the country and improve the overall health of
women while they were pregnant so that they further can
give birth to healthy children.
She also wanted to actively do something for stopping the
female feticide in society. At such a young age, such a great
maturity is rare which was present in Tarini.
After completing her 12th, she was planning for medical
studies but there was no medical college in her town.
Days passed.
Now Tarini was studying in her town in her junior college in
12th where she had chosen the biology stream. She did not
know where the huge amount of money for her upcoming
medical education would come from, but she was trying to
get an education loan and some scholarships.
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She also worked part-time to earn money to help her

parents. Her mother, father and sister were feeling very
proud of her.
While she was studying in junior college, Tarini's
grandparents had died in an accident that occurred while
they were on a tour on a bus with their peers. That incident
changed her life a lot. This had a profound effect on her
She was disturbed for many days after the incident. The
ephemerality and uncertainty of human life made her
uneasy. Later slowly she concentrated back on her studies.
A few of her school classmates were also studying with her
in the same junior college. Some of them were jealous of
her. Not only students but also a group of professors were
part of this jealousy brigade.
That group always detested Tarini and everything else and
everyone else that supported Tarini.
Tarini's supporter group believed Tarini would come first in
12th std in the HSC board at the state level while another
group wanted one of the professor's sons Shirish to come
This later turned into a serious political and mind game.
Few fellow students of Tarini started connecting her name
with Sumedh.
Sumedh purposely started going to Tarini pretending to ask
for her help in her studies. She began to help him freely.
She spent a lot of time in the library with him just to help
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Gradually, Shirish started spreading rumours about

Sumedh and Tarini's affair. Students started gossiping.
Sumedh started talking to his friends in such a way that
these rumours would spread further.
When Tarini asked Sumedh about all the rumours, he told
her not to pay attention to what people were saying.
Shirish was the mastermind of all this and his father
indirectly supported him in this matter. Shirish's father was
affiliated with a political party and he wanted to become
whole and sole of this college very soon.
As a first step towards it, he wanted his son to attain the
first rank in the state.
The child's marks could have been raised using his political
influence by pressurizing the educational board, but that
would have raised suspicions as Tarini was so brilliant that
even if Shirish had come first, no one would have believed
Then a plan was devised to distract Tarini from her studies.
One day, Sumedh and Tarini were studying in the library till
late evening, there was no one in the library that day
except both.
Only the librarian was sitting in a corner and busy reading
Suddenly Sumedh started moving his face near to hers and
started kissing her.
She was very surprised by such a sudden and unexpected
move of Sumedh but as she was also a young girl, she
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somehow liked the feeling and slowly she also responded

to his kiss.
And then three professors including Shirish's father and
Shirish came into the library pretending to collect fee
books. Tarini and Sumedh stopped kissing when they
spotted the professors and felt ashamed.
The professor's group rebuked them like never before.
The plan was successful.
Sumedh said sorry to Tarini privately later. He said he was
deluded and couldn't stop his youthful feelings. Tarini
believed that it happened to him by mistake.
Later, a purposeful and cleverly planned defamation of
Tarini was started by the venomous group.
Comments were being written overnight on college trees
and walls and verandas mentioning the affair and kiss
exchange in the library between Tarini and Sumedh in a
very obscene way.
Sumedh had stopped meeting her after this incident. Tarini
took a lot of tension because of all this. It started affecting
her studies adversely.
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29. Devastations

F lashback continues:
Unaware of all these happenings, Mohini was studying
in her school. She observed that Dipesh was secretly
watching her. She also started feeling some sort of
attraction towards him.
However, at their age, it was difficult to understand
whether what they were experiencing for each other was
love or just an infatuation.
Revati was a common friend of Dipesh and Mohini. One
day Mohini directly asked Dipesh whether he liked her.
Dipesh nodded.
Revati also found out about this love story of theirs later.
Revati grew up watching her parents’ quarrel. She also
watched her father beating her mother badly. At her age, it
was difficult for her to understand the reasons behind
these things, but somehow, she started losing faith in the
love between a man and a woman and overall, the
marriage. Her brother ran away from home because of
these things. He never returned.
Police also investigated and searched for him a lot but in
vain. Later everyone believed that he might have
committed suicide. Revati was stronger mentally than her
brother so at least she survived such an atmosphere at
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The gossiping about Tarini and Sumedh escalated. She

suffered a lot of torture due to various comments and
taunting. It somehow tarnished her image in college. Being
overly sensitive, Tarini couldn't handle all this. It affected
her studies. In addition, teachers purposely started
pointing out mistakes in her practical.
Some sensitive and impeccable souls can't handle
conspiracy and cruelty and gambit. They feel everyone in
the world is also straightforward like them. She didn't know
that Sumedh purposely kissed her that day in the library
and it was a part of the plan plotted against her.
She started keeping as much distance as possible from
everyone in college. She feared what would happen when
her parents will know about this.
She started becoming stressed. That led to sleepless nights.
Then it affected her health and overall studies. The strange
behavior of a few of her classmates, as well as teachers
with her, was beyond her understanding. When Her
Mother noticed this, she simply said that it was due to the
pressure of studying.
In the middle of the night, she used to wake up suddenly
with sweat on her face with all the different taunting voices
of teachers and classmates in her ear.
She got delusions that the students and teachers are
standing outside her house and laughing loudly at her in
During this, Mohini was in another world of her thinking
about Dipesh. She couldn't notice much about the changes
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in her sister. Does love to make someone blind? It was

proving true with Mohini.
Finally, one day when her mother talked to Mohini about
this, Mohini tried asking Tarini, but Tarini didn't tell
anything. Mohini checked with some of her friends who
knew a few well-wisher classmates of Tarini. They told the
whole story. Mohini was sure that Tai couldn't have
behaved irresponsibly. It must be the guy Sumedh who
might have done this purposely. The good wisher was also
sure of this.
Mohini took Tarini outside in a restaurant one day and took
her into confidence and told her that she would not tell the
incident to their parents as both knew that their parents
were orthodox. Anyways Tarini hadn't done anything
wrong at all. So She suggested that Tarini come out of all
disturbing thoughts and concentrate on her studies. Tarini
felt relieved and agreed.
But unfortunately, she couldn't implement Mohini's advice
practically. Day by day her mental condition deteriorated.
Her parents thought it was due to the pressure of her
She started laughing suddenly without any reason. She
would suddenly start irrelevant chatter. She also started
losing sense in doing day to day tasks. She would brush her
teeth for hours until someone stops her. She used to drink
water repeatedly even if her thirst was quenched. She
would keep her hair loose. She would forget to comb her
One day she suddenly woke up at midnight and we went to
a neighborhood house and stood near an open window.
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A child was sleeping inside the house near the window…

She stared at him for a longer time and started laughing.
That made the child wake up from sleep.
The child got so scared of a lady with loose hair in the
moonlight laughing that he fell sick. His temperature
crossed 104.
Since that day, everyone in the colony realized about
Tarini's mental condition. Even well-educated people in
urban areas do not have a good view of mental illness, and
here it was just a small village.
Words spread. Later, her parents found out about what
happened with Tarini in her college. And in addition to that,
the deteriorating mental state made them decide to leave
the town as soon as possible.
The family decided to leave the town immediately and
settle in Pune. In that city, they were having a temporary
residence arranged by their community settled for years
Dipesh had gone out of town with his family at that time.
Mohini made a firm decision after seeing the condition of
her elder sister.
Forgetting everything else in life including love, she wanted
to get admission to medical college and master whatever
degree available in medical science related to mental
illness and heal her sister at any cost.
She knew the family couldn't fight alone with the people
who did wrong to her sister. And now revenge wasn't
important. Healing of Tarini was important. And in all such
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situations, by telling her parents about her love, she didn't

want to give one more shock to her parents.
Still, with a slight ray of hope in mind, she left a message in
the form of a letter with Revati for Dipesh:
The letter read as below:
"Dear Dipesh,
Writing this letter in hurry.
Some unavoidable circumstances made me leave the town
suddenly with my family, but I have not forgotten our love
and I will meet you whenever it becomes possible and when
things become better.
But first, I must set a few things right in my family. It's the
priority now.
Everything happened so quickly that we made this sudden
decision. Revati will tell you in short what happened to us. I
will contact you once things get under control.
At that time there were no mobile phones with everyone,
and Mohini didn't know the landline number of Dipesh's
Revati on the way to Dipesh's home, burned the letter with
a matchstick.
Then she went to Dipesh and told him, "Mohini left the
town forever with her family as her father got a good job in
a city. She is no longer interested in you now. She feels that
what you and she are calling as love is just an infatuation
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and nothing else. She said, you shouldn't try to follow her,
and you have to forget her."
Revati had a very strong personal grudge against the
concept of love, marriage and love marriage because she
had seen her parents quarrelling a lot daily and her mother
falling victim to domestic violence.
By telling a lie to Dipesh, she had prevented one love
marriage from happening.
Dipesh wanted Mohini to be happy. He said to Revati, "If
she feels that she will remain happy after leaving me, then I
will also be happy!"
While returning home on her scooter after she met Dipesh,
the words by Dipesh were echoing in her mind and she was
thinking, "Does such a sacrificial love exist in today's
A cunning smile spread on her face showing her success in
breaking a couple.
While she was lost in her thoughts, a speedy truck rammed
her scooter from behind due to its failed breaks. Revati lost
her balance and fell and died due to an injury to the head.
Later Dipesh didn't bother to check what happened with
Mohini and her family, because he also had his own
education and career and ambition ahead. Very soon he
went to another city for his junior college education and
then for his engineering degree.
Before the bud of their love could blossom into a beautiful
flower, it was broken by ruthless situations in their life
created by destiny.
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30. Maya or Mohini

P resent day:
All the flashback was played in the minds of Dipesh
and Maya vividly when one-day Dipesh took Mittu for
regular therapy with Maya and Dipika couldn’t accompany
him as she was not keeping well. This was the first chance
for them to discuss their past and this time when therapy
was done, Mittu was handed over to a nurse while Maya
took Dipesh to her house which was just on the upper floor
of the hospital.
"Why didn't you just check even once about why did I left
my family suddenly and where did I go?", Dr Maya asked
On the teapoy, glasses of juice were kept which were
empty after both had already finished the juice in it.
"Oh, come on! Mohini... Sorry, I should call you Doctor
Maya. So, Doctor Maya, what was our age at that time? We
were too young to do these things like checking these
things on our own. We even didn't know whether we felt
physically attracted to each other or if it was real love.
After you left, I spent many days recalling you in my mind. I
was not able to concentrate on my daily tasks. Then later,
this feeling faded away gradually and then I went to
another city for my junior college and further education.
Anyways, there is no point in discussing this now! But I can
also ask you a question?"
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She laughed sarcastically, "See. You just said that it's no

point in discussing that and now you also want to know
something from me, right?"
"No. I asked because you asked!"
"Oh, I see but then what about our story that we recalled
just now? We both became emotional when we discussed
it, right?"
Now Dipesh seemed to be answerless with her argument.
Then she continued, "Ask please whatever you wanted to
ask me!"
Dipesh looked up and said, "As per your claim regarding
what you had written in the letter, why didn't you come
back even once to this city or try to contact me by any
"The same answer which you just gave me applies to me as
well. Our whole family was in great tension at that time,
and it was even difficult to think for me about us!
"I agree! None of us is a mistake!"
She then continued, "My father sold out all our property in
the town with the help of well-wishers and started a new
business in Pune. Later I met Vishwanath who is the owner
of the residence of our community in Pune and helped our
family a lot in bad times. I became a doctor and also took a
lot of effort to cure my sister. I applied all my knowledge at
its best to cure her. And finally, she is almost normal now.
Though she couldn't complete her dream, I found her a job
also. She is earning her bread and butter. Vishwanath owed
me a lot. He has done so much for us that I can't repay him
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in his entire life. Later, I married him when things got to

normal. After marriage, my husband changed my name to
Whenever she mentioned the name of Vishwanath, Dipesh
observed that she had some reluctance in her voice and her
eyes were moving all over Dipesh’s body.
Ignoring that, Dipesh said, "You are great Mohini, sorry
Doctor Maya! And I am sure you can cure my daughter's
disease as you did for your sister. You are an expert. I saw
4- and 5-stars ratings of your clinic and especially for you
on the internet."
Dipesh was trying to bring back the conversation
intermittently to the present, however Mohini was still
lingering in the past. He was concerned about his daughter
and worried about his wife who recently started getting
depressed. Mohini was an expert doctor in Pune, and he
didn't want to displease her hence he was still showing
interest in their past story. The only hope for him to cure
his daughter was for her.
"You can call me Mohini. I won't feel bad and yes, I will do
my best for your baby."
"Mohini, thank you very much for your kind words. Let us
move out from all these memories before they catch us on
the web! By the way, can you give me an idea about the
expenses for all the treatments for Mittu?"
"See Dipesh, you are my friend but..."
"Please, don't hesitate. Tell me the amount. I know such
treatments cost more. And even though you know me, that
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doesn't mean you have to do me a favor in terms of

money. No! Please tell me the expense!"
"For the next 6 months, you will have to pay 5 lacks
That was more amount, but he didn't show nervousness on
his face and said, "Sure. I will arrange! Thanks!"
Dipesh had to leave now because it was his second shift
that day.
Dipesh left with Mittu but realized that he didn't ask
Mohini about her kids and her husband because he
observed that there was no one at home when they sat
together at her home.
What only he knew was that her husband was currently in
Canada for his business work. Only Tarini was there with
her. Sometimes Tarini would lose her mind because still
some phobias were haunting her which she was still trying
to overcome with the help of Her sister Mohini.
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31. Deception?

M ohini didn't have any kids yet. In the initial year of

marriage, both had sex without using any
protection. Still, Mohini didn't get pregnant. When
both checked with a doctor, it was found that Vishwanath
was infertile. They decided to take all possible treatments
and just told everyone that, yet they are not planning for
kids so early.
Initially, Vishwanath went for different treatments for his
infertility, however, it was not successful. The doctor found
that his testicles were injured, and it was irreparable. He
remembered one incident in his childhood when he got
injured while playing cricket and that may have caused
damage to his testicles as the hard cricket ball had hit him
on his genitals.
Doctors at that time had told his parents that there is a
possibility that Vishwanath might not become a father. His
parents kept this fact hidden from him as well as from
others. However, he was getting erections sometimes as
other fertile men would get.
When Maya found out this truth, she got a feeling that she
had been deceived.
In night, sometimes Maya would sit on a chair in her home
for hours looking at ceiling and Tarini would observe her.
The changes of expressions on Tarini’s face during that
time were not at all good. If a person would watch it even
for 2 minutes, he would not watch it again and leave the
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32. Borrow a soul

T hough Maya felt sometimes that she had been

deceived, she thought that it was Vishwanath only who
helped her achieve all her goals in life.
With that huge burden of good things done by him for her,
she never complained about it to him.
However, while watching different children around, she felt
like having her own baby.
And at some point, of time Maya felt the strong urge to
experience the marital life and sexual pleasures, which she
was deprived of partially.
She and Vishwanath had ruled out the possibility of
adopting a child because Vishwanath and his family wanted
to keep his infertility a secret forever to avoid any infamy
about their family in their community.
For the past year, both didn't have sex at all. This was
because stress, anxiety, and guilt started building inside
Vishwanath. Due to this, he also started suffering from
erectile dysfunction!
Recently before Vishwanath went to Canada for his work,
both finally had agreed on getting sperms from a sperm
bank, and this way she could get her child and the world
will think that it's their own child.
However, whenever Mohini further tried to initiate the
conversation regarding this on phone, Vishwanath avoided
the subject somehow. After a few days, Maya got a call
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from her husband who told her that his stay in Canada got
extended for another 6 months.
So, she asked him, "Vishu, what about our decision? I want
to become a mother. I want a final decision from you. We
talked about getting sperm donation! What did you decide
on it?"
He dryly said without much emotion in his voice, "Maya,
Listen! You know that, to make it happen, I should stay
with you for some months, however, work is keeping me
busy here!"
Seeing Dipesh's child recently, Maya had become eager like
never before to bear a child.
She kept thinking that probably if she had been married to
Dipesh, she would have led a normal married life with
Probably, both would have got a healthy child.
Destiny had played games with her and Dipesh badly, she
Maya started crying with such indifferent behavior of
Vishwanath and started crying and told him, "See
Vishwanath, I owe you a lot. Without your help, it wouldn't
have been possible for me to become a doctor. It wouldn't
have been possible to cure my sister. I adore you for that.
However, that doesn't mean you can simply disregard my
emotions. Please come back early. We both will go to the
sperm bank! Then you can go back!"
Vishwanath said, " Why so hurry? Let me come back after
six months. We will go then...!"
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Maya said, "But Vishwanath...!"

Before she could say anything, he cut the call.
Vishwanath was taking her for granted. Maya felt betrayed.
Tears were rolling down her cheeks and seeing this, Tarini
's facial expressions were changing.
She thought, "My sister is everything to me. She did
everything for me. I can't see tears in her eyes! Whoever is
responsible for these tears will have to pay the price!"
That night, Maya was restless in her bed. Suddenly, she had
an idea in her mind. It made her euphoric.
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33. Pain in pleasure

P une:
Akshay was back at his home in India. Children were at
school. No one came to the airport to receive him as Richa
was busy with some film shooting which he was completely
unaware of. Their maid told him so.
Richa knew driving. On the way back home, she collected
Arpit from school while Rohini would come by her school
Doorbell rang. The maid opened the door. Richa threw
some unfamiliar and indifferent look at Akshay which made
his heart skip a bit, not because he was seeing her after a
long time but because he was terrified from the thought of
what he would hear next from her.
Arpit came running to him. Akshay hugged him. Arpit had
many stories to tell him. Father and son talked a lot.
Later there was an awkward silence. No word from Richa
for a long time. Finally, Akshay went to their bedroom
where Richa was standing in front of the mirror. She had
gained weight so fast.
"Darling how are you? I heard you again have started your
acting hobby!"
She kept looking into the mirror and talked to him in the
mirror without looking back at him face to face.
"Oh. Yes. I had to do that. You don't have time for me. You
don't have time to take my calls. So, I thought of engaging
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myself in some creative activities. I started acting and

dancing again. Besides, it is giving me some money!"
"Come on Richa. It's not true that I don't have time for you.
It's only that I was busy with work. And we have enough
money. Why did this thought come into your mind that you
also have to start earning? Pursuing a hobby is okay but I
don't think you have to do it to earn money!"
She sighed and said, "Hmm. Nowadays you are paying
loans for others so I thought to fill that void, I should earn!"
"Oh, now I got it. You are talking about the loan which I am
repaying for my brother Anil. I was also against it however
in some cases, we can't do anything!"
"Akshay. It is not appropriate to cover up Anil's mistakes
every time. He's already careless and paying off his debt
like this will make him completely dependent on us for
money. Very soon your mother is planning to get him
married. After that, his expenses will increase but he still
has not earned enough yet. Who will take the responsibility
for his family?"
Akshay currently didn't have an answer to her question.
To some extent, she was right. Actually, she was
completely right!
He said, "I agree with you but why did you start this topic
immediately after I came home after a long gap!"
Richa, "So what did you want me to do? Sit in front of you
doing make-up and become ready for sex? Recently I have
observed that there is no eagerness in your eyes to hug me
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and cuddle me which earlier was there when you would

come back home from Mumbai visit!"
Akshay went to her and placed his hands around her neck
and put his hands on her breasts and said, "No darling. That
is not the case!"
She looked back at him.
With his gesture, Richa assumed that he wants sex with her
now. She called the maid and told her to take Arpit to a
nearby garden for a while and give him the chocolates
which Akshay had bought with him from London.
"Don't forget to lock the main door after you leave!", Richa
told her.
The maid understood the warning and within five minutes
she took Arpit and went downstairs. Yet, it was much time
remaining for Rohini to come back.
Akshay did that gesture only to calm her and he didn't want
sex right now but now he couldn't stop her otherwise there
was a danger to facing her disappointment and wrath.
She stood up and turned towards him and started kissing
him passionately. The way she kissed him was the same as
Akshay had never tried such a kiss with Richa before. He
started wondering whether Richa is aware of his affair with
Sofia? Or is she trying to fill the recent cleft in their
relationship by doing something different in their sex life?
Lots of questions started dancing in his mind asking for
immediate answers. This made him distracted from
responding fully to her kiss. But he moved away from all
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these distracting thoughts in his mind and made efforts to

concentrate on her.
She pushed him onto the bed, removed her clothes,
removed his pant and underwear hastily, sat on him, and
took his half-erect male hardness in her hand.
she penetrated it inside her vagina and started moving to
feel his fully erect male hardness inside her. He wasn't
ready for such immediate sex without much foreplay but
finally, he pretended that he was enjoying it.
It was painful sex for him, but she seemed to be enjoying it
by riding on him, mentally and physically.
While Richa was enjoying the sex, Akshay was thinking of
Sofia. For a second, he felt that Sofia is sitting on him.
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34. Criss-cross

A kshay was fed up with Richa. He felt suffocated in her

presence. All he wanted now was to stay away from
her for a longer time and meet Sofia anyhow. But she
was missing. He may find her out once he goes back to the
UK. But for that, he needed a chance to go back on-site for
his project. If someone becomes ready for taking his
position in India, he may ask his seniors to give him back
the chance to go back to the UK.
It was not that he didn't love his children, but he currently
wanted some time away. Richa's parents were coming
regularly to stay for a few months. They also sensed
something was not right between Richa and Akshay. They
were thinking: "Is this the same couple of the past who was
eager to do and die for each other" No one would have
thought that something like this would happen to them
And then he got a call from Dune and Deborah, his UK
friends that they had followed secretly and spotted Sofia's
home in a small village near London. Hearing this, Akshay's
happiness knew no bounds.
After some time, Dipesh called him, "Hi Akshay, how are
you? I heard you are back in India!"
Akshay, "I am back but unwillingly. Anyway, your voice
looks pale. What happened man? Any problem?"
Dipesh told him in short about recent happenings and
asked him if he has any job for him with a better salary
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because he needed more money for his daughter's

Hearing this, one idea spiked Akshay's mind. What if he
convinces Akshay to work in his place and then he can go
back to onsite?
He quickly said, " Hey! Will you come to my project? It will
pay you far better than what you are earning currently!"
Dipesh immediately said, "Yes! But what about the
technologies that are used in your project? I have very little
knowledge about it and the role is also a little different."
Akshay told him, "Don't worry about it. I will give you all
the knowledge. The only thing is you will have to spend
more time and work dedicatedly. But we will have to see if
your manager agrees to release you from your existing
Dipesh, "Actually, he may release me because somehow
the recent happenings at home affected my work. He will
be happy to release me!"
Akshay, "But the role which I am offering you is not easy.
Such negligence will not be accepted here!"
Dipesh thought for a while and then agreed, "Yes. I will
work dedicatedly. I will work hard. That will also boost my
career and help me financially. I don't know how to thank
you. You came like a God when I was really in need of
Akshay thought, "Actually you came like a God for me.
because of you, I will get a chance to go back to the UK and
meet my Sofia!"
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Akshay further told, "Don't say like this again! We are here
to help each other. If you need some money immediately, I
will give you it!"
Hesitatingly, Dipesh said, "Umm... Yes, I mean...!"
Akshay told him, "Arey Yaar! Do not hesitate. And take your
own time to return it. I will not demand it until you return
it. Tell me, how much do you want?"
Dipesh was unaware that, all this help coming from Akshay
was only because of Akshay's lust for a foreign woman.
Dipesh, "I need 5 lacks immediately!"
Akshay, “I will transfer it by tomorrow! and now feel free
and tell your manager to release you from the project!"
Their conversation ended.
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35. Immoral proposal

D ipesh told about his conversation with Akshay to

Dipika, but she seemed to be a little affected by this.
Recently, she was lost in thoughts. It was good that
her mother was staying with them otherwise it would have
been very difficult for him to handle the situation.
The next day, he received 5 lacks from Akshay. Also, he had
written an email to his manager to release him from the
current project. His manager had agreed.
Dipesh went to Doctor Maya with Mittu for regular
treatments the next day. Dipika's mother and Dipika stayed
Dr. Shruti Tyagi took Mittu from him. Maya told Shruti to
further handle the next patients and she gestured for
Dipesh to come with her to her home.
Dipesh refused.
Maya insisted and said in a sarcastic tone, "Come on Yaar
Dipesh. Don't behave so indifferently. At least with your ex-
"This transformation from Dipesh to Yaar is amazing,
beware Dipesh! And where did this X and Y come into her
mind? "He warned himself.
He purposely didn't want to create personal bonds with
Maya. He just wanted to have a relationship that any
Doctor and a Patient's father can have. But his daughter's
future was in his hands, and he observed Maya was an
aggressive person. He decided not to resist her much.
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Dipesh replied, "Okay! Let's go!"

They climbed the stairs and entered Maya's home. She told
him to sit in the hall and went to the kitchen to make him
Suddenly he sensed that someone is watching him from
behind. He turned and found Tarini staring at him and
smiling aimlessly without any reason. Still, she didn't
remove her gaze from him. That frightened him and he
removed his eyes from her direction.
"She may not have recovered fully yet. If Mittu is not cured,
she after growing up may behave like Tarini", Such
thoughts scared him.
In his earlier visit, Maya had already told him the story
about Tarini. But Dipesh didn't know about her family
When Maya came back from the kitchen with a tray of
teacups in her hands, she noticed Tarini staring at Dipesh
and she gestured for her to go back to her room.
She put the tray on the teapoy and gave one cup to him
and she sat on a sofa in front of him.
"Dipesh, how is the tea?"
"Good. Tasty. Kadak!"
"Dipesh, I want to share something with you!"
"Yes, please? It's about Mitali, right? Tell me, will she be
cured fully and lead a normal life?"
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"Dipesh, I am not much concerned about that. It will

eventually happen. Trust me as a doctor. Trust me as your
"Thanks, Doctor Maya. But friends?"
"Yes. Why can't we be friends?"
"I am married. I don't think it is a good idea to start a
friendship between a married man and a woman."
He remembered the conversation in a hotel between a
couple who were talking about their adultery openly!
"Come on Dipesh! You are thinking about the era of Maine
Pyar Kiya movie. Kya ek ladka aur ladki dost hote hain?",
She started laughing.
Dipesh thought, "Waav! she also has linking for movies like
me and Dipika! What a coincidence!"
She looked pretty while laughing. He felt awkward and
asked, "Don't you have kids? Where is your husband?"
She answered, " My husband is a businessman. He is in
Canada on a business trip. And I don't have any kids.
Because my husband is infertile and now impotent also!"
Dipesh was surprised by her openness to such personal
matters of her.
He was not sure what to say. Still, he said, "oh, I am sorry
to hear that!"
Maya said, "Why you be sorry for this? Nonsense!"
While seeing this she had a very aggressive expression on
her face.
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Dipesh sensed that something is wrong now and he should

Putting down his finished teacup on the teapoy, Dipesh
rose and started leaving.
"Maya, thanks for the tea. Now I should leave!"
"Why you are in such a hurry? Yet the treatment is going
on for your daughter!"
"Then I will sit and wait in the hospital below. Not here!"
Suddenly she held his hand and with a helpless expression
on her face said to Dipesh, "Dipesh please listen to me. I
want a child from you!"
"What??” Dipesh shows not expect this at all from her.
He stood aghast and speechless and tried to release his
hand from her grip, but her grip was firm.
"You heard it right. I want your and mine child."
"Don't talk nonsense, please! I am married! And don't you
know that my daughter is suffering from Cerebral Palsy?
Don't you fear that if it's not acquired Cerebral Palsy and if
it happens to be hereditary? What if our child also suffers
from the same disease?"
He tried to tell her everything by which she could be
dissuaded from her strange demands.
She took his face in her both hands and tried to kiss him
but he with great force moved away his face.
"You are making a mistake, Mohini. I am married. You are
married. This is wrong!"
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"I love you, Dipesh. I don't care about any other thing. My
conscience is telling me that there is no fault in you and it's
not hereditary. I want you at any cost. I know our child will
be perfectly normal. If you refuse, I will not treat your
"No Mohini. You can't do this to me!", Dipesh said with a
helpless tone in his voice.
He further thought, "On one side, my in-laws want to prove
that Mittu’s disease is a hereditary from my family, and on
the other hand there is Mohini, who believes in me
unconditionally and ready to take risk to have a child from
me! What an irony!"
Dipesh knew that she was one of the best Doctors in the
whole city for such types of diseases. It won’t be good for
Mitali if Maya stops treatment for her!
"Look, Dipesh. Think about it. Don't you even have a slight
place for me in your heart?"
"No, it's not like that Mohini. You were my first love,
though it didn't manifest. But now we both are married!
Please understand."
"Look, if you agree to my demand, I will spend half of the
money on your daughter's treatment."
"So, you are trying to buy my body with money?"
"I want both your body and soul! If you don't agree, I will
stop the treatment of your child. This is a final warning."
Dipesh felt helpless. Maya had disregarded all medical
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Maya spoke further, "Dipesh, I will let you go now but on

your next visit, we will make love. I will send Tarini
somewhere else on that day. Your next visit is on Sunday. I
will be waiting for you!"
Dipesh went down to the hospital and sat on a bench
waiting for Mitali to come back with Doctor Shruti.
After some time, when he was taking Mitali back home in a
cab, he noticed Mohini was looking at him from her home
For the past few months, Dipesh and Dipika's love life was
almost in a forgotten state. Dipika had stopped looking
after herself.
And now, the slight touch of Mohini's lips aroused new
desires in him. He was not sure about what will he do on
his next visit to Mohini.
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36. Memories recalled

B y now, Dipesh had finished his hard work and started

handling competently Akshay's work in India, while
Akshay finally had gone back to London.
Dipesh's motivation behind accepting the offer and his
further hard work were to get more money so that along
with daily bread and butter, he could also earn more for
curing his cute beloved daughter Mitali.
He also thought that if Mohini insists on him having sexual
intercourse with her, then with more money, he could take
Mittu to some other Doctor.
However, he observed that on their next visit, Mohini had
not insisted on it and there was a good improvement in
Mitali's health. He felt a sigh of relief thinking that the
ghost of her wanting a child with him must have left her
However, Maya had some other plans and Dipesh was
unaware of it! Occasionally, Dipesh's parents and Dipika's
parents would come and stay for a few days with the
Kirankumar and Bhanugopal also regularly visited his house
on weekends and played with Mitali. In their presence,
Mitali played with more vigor. Dipesh handled the work
given by Akshay so nicely that the managers thought of
giving Dipesh a hike in salary and promotion.
Dipika's health was much better than before, but she had
lost her libido. She had lost the desire to have sex.
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Past few months, there was no single instance where

Dipesh and Dipika could come together and spend a few
moments of love together.
One day, in their bedroom Dipesh and Dipika tried to relive
their initial years of marriage by watching a DVD of the
marriage of their relative. Leaning on the bed, both
watched how Dipika got down the stairs and how Dipesh's
eyes were behind her.
Also, they watched their own marriage DVD multiple times.
Also, they recalled how Dipika planned a kiss under the
table. There were three photographs and a short VDO of
that event but nowhere it could be seen in it about their
under-the-table kiss. Dipesh slowly moved his hands to her
belly and moved them toward her breasts.
Dipika responded to his advancements and further, they
were on the verge of removing their clothes, and then
Mitali started crying loudly. It took the next 2 hours to
pacify her.
Later, they lost the will to make love.
During company project parties, due to Dipesh's best
performance in the office and his good physique, a few
female colleagues were eying on him and one of them
offered him a one-night stand.
Dipesh refused. He was a strong opponent to extramarital
affairs. Her name was Mandakini. Though Dipesh rejected
her offer, she was still hopeful that one day she would lure
Very few in his office knew about Mitali's disease. Only
Jyoti and a few others.
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Dipesh used to share everything with Jyoti. He also used to

tell her about their married life which was going through
trouble these days.
But the word of mouth spread, and Mandakini thought that
she can take advantage of this.
But Dipesh was solid like a rock when it came to principles
and beliefs.
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37. Memories betrayal

O ne day, Dipika's mother had gone to the market to

bring vegetables. Mitali was playing with building
blocks. Her exercise was just done by Dipika's
mother. By now Mitali was able to stand up with some
object's help and walk slowly. Kanta, their domestic help
just washed the floor marbles with detergent water.
Dipika took a stool and stood on it to wipe the glass
window of the kitchen above the gas stove. She was
thinking about Mitali's future all the time, while Mitali was
slowly moving to hold the sofa towards teacups kept on the
She was trying to extend her and started crying but this
was known to everyone that whenever a muscle is
stretched, she cries.
Suddenly, Dipika heard the crash of teacups and a big cry
from Mitali...
If Mitali might have hurt herself from the broken pieces of
cups, Dipika quickly looked back in worry and hurried and
lost her balance and fell down from the stool. Her head
crashed badly on the floor.
She shouted and lost consciousness. There was no one to
open the door when the doorbell was rung by Dipika's
mother. It was a relief that she was carrying spare keys to
the flat.
Then she opened the door with those spare keys and found
Mitali's leg bleeding due to pieces of teacup being pierced
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and on the other hand blood coming out from Dipika's

head. Gathering courage, she called immediately to Dipesh.
He didn't answer because he was in an important client
meeting. Then she dropped an SMS to him about this event
in short.
Then, she called immediately to Doctor Maya who
promised to send an ambulance immediately and further
called her doctor friend in Pune's renowned Hospital.
Dipika was admitted.
Doctor Maya personally went to that hospital and ensured
that the operation should be done by expert doctors. The
bill amount for admission, the operation, and further
estimated stay in the hospital was paid in advance by
The amount was 10 lakh rupees. The chances of saving
Dipika's life were 50-50. Later, when Dipesh came to know
about this, he came to the hospital.
Looking at the red light above the door of the operation
theatre, Dipesh thought in despair that troubles do not
come alone, they come one after another like the bogies of
a fast-approaching train on a station!
Before you can view one bogie, another one comes before
your eyes. And it blocks your vision of a hopeful future.
Here, Dipesh didn't know how many bogies were
Dipesh thanked Maya for her timely help who was also
sitting near his mother-in-law.
The operation took 4 hours.
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The doctor came out from the operation theatre and said,
"Though she is out of danger, we are sorry to say that she
has lost her memory! She also will not be able to speak for
the rest of her life! The section of the brain which controls
and processes our speech also has suffered damage! "
This was a big trauma for Dipesh.
Sorrow engulfed both Dipesh and Dipika's mother.
The life which was left ahead with Dipesh was more
difficult and challenging now.
The hospital walls were revolving around his head.
For a few minutes, Dipesh could not hear anything.
He suddenly sat down against a wall with his hands on his
Dipika's mother consoled him, "Jawaibapu, please gain
composure. We all need you to deal with the situation. If
you lose courage, who can we look to for help?"
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38. Blaming flames

A fter a few days, Dipika got discharged from the

At home, she was bedridden.
Whenever possible, Dipesh started taking care of his wife
with all medication. In parallel, he also handled the work in
the office well.
They had to keep one nurse to give attention to Dipika’s
biological needs. There is a limit to the extent, to which a
mother can help her daughter in such situations.
The expenses were skyrocketing.
When Kirankumar and Bhanugopal heard this, they did
their best to help the family. Now there was a big question
haunting Dipesh. How to take care of Mitali? How to take
care of Dipika?
Meanwhile, Dipesh's relatives were now having a befitting
answer to give to Dipika's relatives, "See, you were blaming
us for the faulty child. You were blaming our heredity. Now
what? Your daughter got confiscated to bed. So, is our son
giving up on her? Our son Dipesh is a gem. It is difficult to
find such a gem in today's world."
So, the blame game was still going on!
Many relatives would come to see her. Some of them still
fought over all these happenings!
"There is some fault in Dipesh's Kundli!"
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"There is a fault in Dipika's Kundli! The bad planets in her

birth chart are making my son's life miserable!"
"No, the planets in Dipesh's Kundli are responsible for all
"Dipesh should give divorce to her and marry again!"
"In fact, this whole marriage is invalid."
"Our Dipesh could have got a better girl than this!"
"Oh. You are saying this as if Dipesh is some prince. Our
Dipika is no lesser than a princess”.
“All this happened because the engagement ring had fallen
down that day!”
Hearing all this, Dipesh warned all of them to shut up and
go back to their respective villages and cities and never
show up their faces again!
Maya also helped Dipesh in every possible way during this
bad phase. She helped him with money. She helped him to
get the best treatment from her friend's hospital.
While Maya herself was still fighting troubles in her life.
Tarini was also recently becoming more unstable. She was
blabbering aimlessly and endlessly sometimes.
And then was laughing in such a way that some outsider
could get frightened.
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39. What lies ahead?

I n the meantime, on the other side, Akshay's sole

motivation behind coming back to the UK was to meet
and see with full eyes his new love Sofia.
Dune and Deborah had given him the address of the house
where they had spotted Sofia. When Akshay landed in
London, he had a lot of additional work due to which
despite his strong will, he was not able to go to that
The additional work was because of the recession in the IT
industry. Due to that, in addition to handling the onsite
part of the projects, Akshay also had to handle a couple of
other small projects. Raghav kept his distance from Akshay.
He talked to Akshay only for work. While Rebecca was
friendly with Akshay as earlier.
Meanwhile in India, with her yesteryear friends, Richa kept
herself busy with her acting in short films. She also got
roles in a weekly comedy program named: "India Laughs
Out Loud!".
She got the role of a fat lady and was successful in using
body shaming as a part of the humor. It was a program in
which different skits were enacted on stage and people
used to taunt each other regarding baldness, fatness, and
ugliness and make the viewers laugh.
Richa's mother was staying with her currently to look after
the house and kids and to keep Richa company. Richa's
mother sensed that there was something wrong with the
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married life of Richa and Akshay, but she didn't gather the
courage yet to start a conversation with Richa about it yet.
On the other side, the young generation like Arpit and
Rohini would not listen much to their grandmother. Rohini
was in a relationship with a boy called Golam. Neither Richa
nor her mother was aware of this.
Rohini's boyfriend Golam was chatting with her while
Richa's mother was busy doing house chores.
Golam: Hey, send me your pic.
Rohini: Yesterday only I sent u my pic.
Golam: Not that pic. A nude pic.
Rohini: Come on. I won't.
Golam: Then I will end our relationship.
Rohini: You boys want it so early nowadays.
Golam: Disgusting. You are so old-fashioned. You are aunty
Rohini: What? No. I am not.
Golam: Then send me your nude pic.
Rohini went inside the bathroom and her grandmother was
unaware of this. She clicked her half-nude pic above her
Akshay received a WhatsApp message from an unknown
number. The profile picture was that of Sofia. The message
was: "I am dying to meet you, Akshay. Please come!" And
one address was given below which was different from the
one given by Dune and Deborah. Akshay was so eager to
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meet Sofia that the next day he took sick leave and at 9 am
he boarded the train which led him to the suburb in which
the mentioned address belonged. Akshay only called
Rebecca and told her where he was going. No one else
knew why Akshay took sick leave.
While traveling to the address, the words during his
conversation with Rebecca, Raghav, and Sofia were echoing
in his mind:
"So, Akshay why are you after other ladies?"
"It's none of your business Raghav! Don't try to become my
"Foolish Raghav! A typical Indian male!" Looking from the
window of the train, Akshay thought.
"Can one person fall in love with two people at the same
“Yes, you can fall in love with two people. One might make
you feel safe, loved, and connected while the other might
bring out your sexy, wild side!"
"I felt relieved from a sense of guilt now! Can you talk to her
on my behalf?"
"Only Rebecca understands my real feelings!" Akshay
"Let us not give any name to our relationship!"
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"If one of us is encroaching on the other's freedom and

personal space, we will have to discontinue the
And then he recalled the kiss on the terrace of the Royal
Guardian hotel...
"I am eager to meet Sofia now!", Akshay was restless now
on the train.
Finally, the train reached Bexley. Akshay got down and
quickly started walking toward the house on Granville
He had taken a rose and an expensive gift for Sofia in his
It was afternoon and the streets were deserted. In some
houses, people were watching movies on TV while sitting
on the sofa with a pet cat sitting in the window.
There it is! B33. The house of Sofia!
He pressed the doorbell button but there was no sound.
Hence, he knocked on the door.
But later he realized that the door was open. He entered
the house and with a habit, closed the door. There was
darkness inside. He slowly walked ahead cautiously. He
called, "Sofia? Sofia..."
On the lunch table in the hall, there was a candle lit up.
And in its dim light, he noticed a face of a lady with blonde
hair. The face was smiling cunningly at him, but she was not
Sofia. She was someone else.
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40. Clue

D ue to company work, Dipesh had gone to Mumbai for

a week. Tuesday, he had travelled to Mumbai and the
next Tuesday he had to go back. It was Saturday and
he decided to spend some time alone, so he went to
Marine drive for a walk.
He sat on a rock and started throwing small stones into the
sea. For a while, he had forgotten all his worries.
Sometimes change of place makes a person's mind free
from worries. But suddenly the thought of memory loss
and speech loss his wife kept on lingering on his mind. He
was always wondering about all the positive attitude
quotes and books and motivational programs he had heard
in his life before.
Once he had visited a seminar on self-development where
the motivational speaker had said that there lay an answer
to every problem of life hidden in our Indian mythology.
Later, he remembered that the speaker further mentioned
about the Epic Mahabharata where all the possibilities of
human life were taken into consideration. He also had
further mention that in Mahabharata one can get solution
for any problem of the life. But it is not straight forward. It
is hidden. We must search for it and get it. Bhagavad Gita,
which is part of Mahabharata, also describes the
philosophy of life. It is not to run away from the problems
of our life. The same teachings Krishna had given to Arjuna.
Dipesh decided not to give in to the difficulties which he
was facing currently. He decided not to become
discouraged due to these challenges.
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Dipesh had seen Mahabharata many times before on

Television. He slowly tried to recall what he had seen on
Star Plus. One episode he remembered where the king
Drupad, had performed holy Yadnya, from which he got
Drushtadyumna and Draupadi, which he wanted to use
against his friend but now enemy Dronacharya.
One song was played where they had mentioned that
Draupadi had never seen her childhood. She came into this
world directly as a grown-up woman, but later she learns
everything and then everyone knows what happened next.
Drushtadyumna was also born from Yadnya only for the
purpose of killing Dronacharya. Suddenly Deepesh had got
a clue. So, what if my wife's memory had been lost?
I can program her mind from now onwards that there is no
fault in our daughter. In fact, I will instill in her mind that
our daughter is special and better than any other child in
the world.
Once she recovers, she can start handling Mitali in such a
way that there is no fault in Mitali. There is no disease. She
will have no prejudice while handling Mitali and that will
work in favor of Mitali, and she will get cured soon.
Let her forget everything else. Doesn't matter! I will tell her
only some important events in past life which are good and
positive. What if other people tell her otherwise? I will tell
her not to believe anyone else if told something otherwise.
Yes, Me, Mitali and Deepika, we all will live a normal and
happy life not immediately but after few years, yes, I am
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41. Prey

W hile sitting on the rock near Mumbai's Marine drive,

Dipesh's phone beeped and his message from Maya.
She knew that he was in Mumbai for one week.
Her message read: "Hope you are fine. I am here in
Mumbai to meet some of my colleague Doctors. It is a
professional visit. However, this weekend I am free. Dr
Shruti is there to take care of my hospital. Can you come
and join me this weekend for lunch and dinner? You will
get some change and then with a renewed and rejuvenated
mind, you can go back to face the challenges of life, again!"
"Not a bad idea!", Dipesh thought, and he started going
towards the hotel in which doctor Maya was staying.
Dipesh’s opinion towards Maya changed when Maya
helped financially after his wife's accident. He owed a lot of
money to Dr Maya. Maya had come into their life like an
angel. But now the angel needed help from them?
Dipesh reached 6th floor and went to the room number
603 of Regency hotel. He rang the doorbell and Maya
opened the door. Dipesh came inside and sat on the sofa.
Maya gave him water and ordered coffee for both.
After some time, coffee came, and both started drinking
Maya started the conversation by breaking the silence,
"See Dipesh. One should not carry all the burden of life all
the time in mind. Sometimes we must forget our worries
and enjoy our life!"
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"Yes, you are right!"

"There is no person in this world who don't have any
problem in his or her life!"
"Let us do one thing. Once we finish our coffee, we will go
to see some places in Mumbai!"
Dipesh agreed hesitatingly. She went to her bedroom,
changed her dress and came back into the hall in a very
attractive attire in which her feminine body parts were
prominently visible.
Dr Maya took Deepesh to Juhu beach. She chose a place
where there was no crowd of people.
Maya insisted Dipesh to have some red wine which she had
brought with her in her car.
Darkness was falling. But twilight in the sky added a special
effect to the evening.
Dr Maya said, "Dipesh, when was the last time did you have
sex with your wife?"
Dipesh gradually came under the influence of wine and
slowly got intoxicated.
Though he was surprised by such a direct question, he
didn't show it on his face. He was surprised in the same
way when Akshay once asked him a similar question in past
and, he remembered the couple in a hotel which was
openly talking about their adultery.
He said, "Long back. May be a year? Anyways she is useless
for sex now", Dipesh's mind and hence tongue was not in
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his control. It seemed that truth was coming out of his

Dr Maya, "So what about me? Am I not attractive? Why do
you keep rejecting me?"
Dipesh said, "No. I am not rejecting you. In fact, I am not
worth you. You are so much a great beauty. I cannot handle
it! Besides, you owe me a lot in my life now. I am not sure if
I can ever pay back the benevolence and favor done by you
for me and my family. Not sure how I can repay it in my
whole life. My own blood relatives showed their back
towards me and the one like you helped me."
"Oh, come on. Have I ever said anything regarding this to
you? And what did you say? You cannot handle my beauty?
Oh, come on. I am not as beautiful and delicate as your
"Agree. Dipika is delicate and beautiful but you. You are
wild and sexy! Hence, I am not sure whether I will be able
to handle it or not."
"You think I am wild and sexy! So, this wildness wants to
merge into you, tonight!"
And Maya kissed Dipesh's upper lips.
"But Maya?"
She kept her finger on his lips and said, "Okay. Now I tell
you to do me a favor. If you want to repay some of the
favors, I have done to you, then accept my love. I want to
have you inside me. My body wants you. My mind, my soul
needs you!"
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Dipesh was feeling helpless and a little bit resistant, but

one side of his mind was telling him to accept what Maya
was asking him to do.
"Okay. Let us go to the hotel room. I want to see this wild
beauty tonight. I want to satisfy your body and the mind
and soul within. This starved body and soul is desperate to
merge in you and become one!"
Overjoyed, Maya held Dipesh and walked him to car and
both drove to their hotel room.
Really, Maya was wild in bed. She sat on top of Dipesh and
moved his hardness inside her and stroked herself in
rhythm. Dipesh had never tried this position before and
this gave him a very different pleasure.
He was able to see her frontal beauty throughout their
lovemaking and it made him more aroused.
They mad sex again after two hours. This time they
attempted a different position and did it in a more
passionate way.
In regency hotel's room number 603, a person who strongly
believed in monogamy fell prey to the lure of an aggressive
lady and committed the crime of having sex with a woman
other than his wife!
In the morning Maya was taking her bath in winning style.
Hearing the shower sound, Dipesh thought inside his quilt
on bed, "Let me use Maya for helping me in every way
which will cure my daughter.
Though Maya says that she wants my mind, body and soul,
she will only get my body and never get soul and mind.
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Never ever...
And if Maya wants my body in return of her favor, so be it!
If she wants a child from me, so be it. Whatever helps in
curing my child, I will do it. And, as far as Dipika is
concerned, I will make every effort to cure her! However, it
is sure that as I have now tasted Maya’s beauty, I will taste
it again and again!"
Next week, Doctor Maya went to Canada and decided to
stay there for few weeks.
She looked happy and told her husband that she had
arranged a sperm donor. She promised him that it would
be kept a secret and the world will think that she got
pregnant from him.
However, her husband didn't know that she knew the
donor and had got involved with him mentally and
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42. The attack

T he lady with both hands behind her back standing near

the dining table in the hall of house number B33,
Granville Road, Bexley was completely unknown to
She was cunningly smiling at him. The complete hall was lit
only by the light of the candle burning on the table. Her
shadow fell on the adjoining wall and was making the
atmosphere scary. Akshay sensed danger in the
atmosphere but still he went more near to the table
cautiously and gathered courage to ask the lady, "I suppose
this is Sophia's house. So may I ask where Sofia is?"
The lady was still holding her both hands behind her back.
She replied, "No Mister. This is not Sofia's house! This is
Amanda's house, and I am Amanda."
"But she sent me a message to come and meet her at the
same address!", Akshay said after taking out his mobile
phone and checking the message once again.
There was an awkward silence for a while.
And the lady suddenly started laughing said, "Ha ha ha!
someone got scared! someone got scared! But you are a
man, right?! Then, how can you be so cowardly?"
Akshay was not sure how to react.
Then Amanda quickly moved forward and raised her right
hand from her back towards Akshay. He noticed that there
was a sharp knife in her fist. She immediately attacked
Akshay on his chest, but he quickly moved away and
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avoided the stab. In doing this, Akshay lost his balance and
fell on a nearby sofa. She quickly ran to him and attacked
him, but Akshay got up, and moved away quickly and the
knife missed its target and the sofa was cut. Sponges came
"These sponges could have been my intestines if I had not
moved quickly!", Akshay thought.
"Who are you lady? Why are you attacking me? Where is
Sofia?", Akshay shouted.
"You love Sofia?", She asked with the knife in her hand.
There were some blood stains on it. Akshay felt a little pain
in his chest. He touched his hand on his chest and realized
that the knife had caused a little injury to his chest.
"Yes Amanda, I love her but why you are concerned about
it? Why should I be answerable to you?"
"Because I love her. Because she does not have permission
to love any man. She has to love me only! She is part of our
team now who don't need men. All men are deceptive.
There is no need for women to depend on men for sexual
pleasure. And for any other thing in the world! We know
how to please ourselves! We women are self-dependent."
"What?? No! You can't do this to us. Please tell me where is
Sofia? I think she must be here, in this house only!"
"Man! I know you have a wife in India. Still, you are after
Sofia. You pervert! We will eliminate such men from earth.
They don't deserve to live. Such men should die!"
Seeing the anger in her eyes and the revenge on her face,
he got scared. He tried to punch her in her face, but she
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skipped it. Then he tried to hit her hand to loosen her grip
on the knife but in vain! Then she attacked him with
amplified vigor. Now the only option left with Akshay was
to run because she was very agile in movements and
seemed to know all combat techniques.
Then he quickly started running towards the door, but
Amanda ran after him and stuck her legs in his legs and
kicked him hard and knocked him down. The mobile phone
from his hand fell down due to a jerk and creeped towards
the fireplace and stopped there. But before this, he had
quickly and secretively pressed keys on his mobile phone
which would alert the police. Till the time Akshay could get
momentum, she opened a drawer, took keys from it and
locked the main door with it.
Akshay didn't attempt to get up and kept lying on the floor.
He thought something in his mind, raised his hands up in
defense and said, "Please! do not attack on me! I
surrender! I will not harm you. But please do not harm me.
Tell me where is Sofia? Tell me what happened? Just let me
see my Sofia once. Then you can do whatever you want
with me."
Akshay wanted to buy time till police arrive. He wanted to
keep her engaged in talks somehow. She dropped her knife
on the floor.
"There are some rules to follow in my team. Once someone
joins my team, we never love men. Not allowed. But she
met you. She was reluctant to meet you. Still, you never
stopped following her. You succeeded in making her ready
to have a relationship with you. One of my team members
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took photographs while you were kissing each other in the

swimming pool on the hotel terrace!"
Akshay was horrified by hearing this.
Amanda continued, "Our team is made of all such women
who are deceived by men. We all become lesbians. We
meet men but only to break their hearts. It's a revenge. We
meet men once and vanish. We send the photographs to
the wives of men if they are married. I don't know your
wife's number as of now. But I will find out. If someone like
you come following to our houses, we finish them! Sofia is
mine! She is different than my any other girls. I love her. I
can't see her with any other man. I also can't allow her to
meet any other woman!"
Akshay shouted, "Where is she?"
Sofia cunningly smiled and said, "Even after hearing all this,
still you want to know where she is? She is there inside. I
have locked her in one of the bedrooms on first floor! She
seemed to be really in love with you. I sensed it because
since when she returned after meeting you, her interest in
me gradually decreased. I didn't like this! So, I hit her with
belt and whip. Now her body has many red bruises. Her
body is in such a condition that no man can ever think to
love it! From her mobile phone, I sent you a message. And
you rat, you fell into my trap!"
Akshay could not believe what he was hearing. He was sure
that she was a psychopath. He could not imagine how
Sofia's body must be looking like. His desire to have sex
with her died immediately. He never would have thought
that his desire to have his first ever extra marital affair will
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lead him to such a danger. Now he was remembering

Richa's face. Arpit and Rohini's face! His family!
Akshay asked her with tears, "So is Sofia alive?"
She sarcastically said, "What do you think? Had she been
able to bear all the whiplashes, she would have been alive
by now. You want to check? Come with me! But one
minute! She didn't make any movement since past few
hours. Also, I saw her breathing was stopped. Does that
mean she had died? If yes, then you can say Sofia is dead!"
Akshay couldn't bear her blabbering now.
She continued, "Whoever breaks the rules in our team, she
has to face such severe punishment and pain! So now,
what is the best punishment I can give the adulterous men
like you?"
Saying this she looked at the fireplace. She took a glove and
wore it. The she went to fireplace and took a burning piece
of wood in her right hand and held it near his face. Its heat
was unbearable. Akshay creeped away from her and tried
to get up but she punched him down with her left hand.
Now she had started moving the burning wood towards his
genitals and said, "I will set your penis on fire!".
Then there was a knock on the door…
"We are police! We will break the door if not opened by
the owner in 30 seconds!"
Hearing this, she quickly flung back the burning peace off
wood back into fireplace and quickly reached the knife on
the floor and picked it up. Holding knife in one hand she
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held Akshay in other hand and dragged him with her and
reached the door and opened it with the key.
There were one male and three female police standing in
front of the door. One female police were having gun in her
hand pointing towards Amanda.
"Surrender or we will shoot you!"
"Before you shoot me, I will kill this Indian guy. He doesn't
deserve to live. He is adulterous!"
"Who gave you the right to punish someone? There is a
justice system, there are police to decide who can be
punished and for what! There are laws which decide this
and not psychopaths like you! We were already looking for
the suspect who was doing serial killings. Please drop the
knife or we will shoot you!"
Hearing this, Amanda filled with rage and in anger she hurt
Akshay with her knife on his left shoulder.
Before she could attack him again, the policewoman shot
her on her leg with a bullet.
She cried with pain and fell down. Other two policewomen
applied handcuffs on her hands.
Akshay further told the policeman about the dead body of
Sofia which must be inside one of the bedrooms. Police
recovered the body. It had many bruises. Akshay was not
able to look at it for more than 10 seconds.
All his libido died at that time.
That was the same body he had seen in swimming pool.
It was lifeless now!
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43. Aftershocks

T he news of Amanda's arrest was published in local

newspapers and shown on local TV channels. In the era
of internet, still one can read newspapers of other
countries online but it is a rare chance that Richa will read
any UK newspaper. Hence, Akshay thought that there is a
rare chance that his family in India would ever know about
this incident. However, his colleagues in the UK came to
know about this incident.
Raghav was happy from inside however he did not show it
on his face when he heard about this. Though he was a
well-wisher of Akshay initially, still he turned hostile
because of Akshay's rude behavior with him in recent past.
But as Akshay was his senior, there were less chances of
Raghav talking about this incident to Akshay's family. Next
two weeks, Akshay had to go regularly to the police station
for police interrogation however there was no evidence
about Akshay's involvement in murder of Sofia. Later,
police declared a clean chit and Akshay was now free from
any danger.
Akshay was in touch with his family in India. But the phone
talks didn't contain love. Just formal talks. Akshay used to
tell stories in the night on phone for Arpit so that he can
sleep. Richa showed less interest in talking to Akshay on
Sometimes even if a person gets stumbled upon a stone,
his original habit or behavioral patterns doesn't allow him
to improve immediately. Akshay felt a ray of hope in the
form of Rebecca.
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Akshay once called Rebecca for dinner with him.

This time they did not go to the regular hotel where Sofia
was working. Instead, they went to some other hotel.
They ordered red wine. Then both started drinking red
Akshay suddenly started subject with her.
"Rebecca, I started liking you. Can we start a relationship?
You are so liberal minded woman, so I thought of asking
Hearing this Rebecca became furious.
"Sorry but I am already in a relationship!"
"So what? You are a liberal modern girl. I know you also like
me. You can also have a parallel relationship with me!"
"What do you think Akshay? Because just you failed to get
hold of Sofia for whatsoever reason, you will go to any
other girl like me, and I will accept your offer? What do you
think? Just because I am your junior, I will say yes under
pressure. You are mad for sex. Nothing else! You see every
woman as a sex object. Women is nothing but just a body
for you to fuck!"
"What happened Rebecca? You are so liberal minded
woman and why suddenly you started acting like a typical
Indian woman?"
"Shame on you Akshay! You are making fun of women of
your own country. Your own wife. Disgusting!"
"Indian women can't act as lover once she becomes a
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"It’s not only Indian woman. Everywhere it's like that. A

mother is a mother. Everywhere in the world, she is the
"Oh, come on Yaar. You are talking bullshit!"
"You are bullshit, Akshay. A dirty bullshit. Marriage is not
every time just sex and sex alone. Yes, it is an important
part of a married life, but it's not the only part. There are
many other aspects also! "
"Don't try to become my wife, Rebecca! Last time you said
one person can fall into love with more than one person at
the same time. And blah blah... What happened to that so
called liberalism mindset of yours?"
Rebecca said laughing sarcastically, "Akshay, the same
thing you told Raghav that don't try to become my wife
who doubts on her husband. Considering your position and
post in office, he further refrained from showing you the
right direction in life because you reminded him of his
place in your life as only a colleague but not as a friend. He
had depicted the whole thing to me! He also knows that
one of the reasons you are upset with your wife is her
fatness. And hence when you asked me about Sofia and all,
I said what you wanted to hear. Because I knew, you won't
hear anything else opposing your point of view!"
She further continued.
"See Akshay, there are different type of people in the
whole world having different views on sex. Maybe some
are liberals, but I am not. I believe in only one life partner.
And by the way do you want to see who my life partner is?"
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"As per my knowledge Rebecca Madam, you are not yet

married. So why didn't you get married to whoever you
"Yes, we will be shortly getting married. Don't worry about
that. And if you think that you will trouble me in the office
because I have rejected relationship with you, then you are
wrong. Better I resign!"
Akshay became angry after feeling dejected and threw
glass full of water on the ground. It broke into pieces.
He sat silently feeling sorry for what he just did. A waiter
came and collected the broken pieces.
"Let me tell you Akshay. You just got frustrated with your
wife, then you tried your relationship with Sophia. It didn't
materialize. Now all that frustration you’re venting on me.
She went to the counter quickly to pay the bill and went
home in her car. Akshay was not in his senses. He was
shattered due to recent incidents.
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44. Eye opener

T he next day there was a resignation email from

Rebecca. The day she also didn't come to the office.
She had to serve a notice period. However, she
mentioned in the email that she was not well.
Realizing his mistake, Akshay went to her house and rang
the bell. She opened the door and was surprised to see
him. As Akshay guessed, she was fit and fine.
He knew that she falsely mentioned her sickness because
she was angry with him.
She reluctantly told Akshay to sit on Sofa.
Suddenly a handicapped man came in the hall on
wheelchair, "Rebecca, who is there?"
"It's my boss, Akshay!"
Akshay looked in surprise at the handicapped man.
Rebecca gestured to Akshay that she didn't tell him about
her resignation.
"Akshay, meet my life, my fiancé- Watson. He met with an
accident three years ago and lost his both legs. But we are
happy and will be marrying soon, once I get enough money
to buy a house!"
This was a slap on Akshay's face. The previous night he
thought about his behavior and realized partly that what
recently he has been doing was wrong. Now seeing such a
beautiful girl as Rebecca in a relationship with such a
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handicapped person, this was another big aftershock for

And it was enough for him to realize the value of true love!
When she came to see off him on the road, Akshay told
her, "I am rejecting your resignation. Please join back the
office. I have realized the true value of love. I have realized
that true love doesn't lie only in bodily pleasures. It's also
much beyond that. Like you have a handicapped life
partner, and you seem to be happy with him, why can't I be
happy with my wife? Afterall, it was our love marriage. We
loved each other a lot. What went wrong in recent times
was not only because of her, but I was also equally
responsible. Yes, I will also correct my mistakes. I will soon
go back to India and meet my lovely wife! Please I am sorry.
I apologize for the recent behavior with you in hotel!"
Rebecca said, "Okay. I will join back, and I am happy that
you are back on track. You look like a true lover boy. And
yes, I have heard your love story from Raghav. And would
like to hear more of it later!"
Akshay left her house. Sometimes aftershocks are
necessary following an earthquake.
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45. Get, set and go!

R ecent events somehow made Akshay realize the real

value of true love. The value of a wife. The value of
family. Kids.
He became desperate to meet them now. He managed to
get one month assignment of his office work in India. In this
one month, he decided to straighten all the ugly curves in
his life.
When he reached, he realized that his wife Richa got fully
engrossed herself into acting career. She had become a
heavy weight woman but managed to get different roles
with the help of her acquaintances in TV and film industry.
She got a reality show in which all plus sized models
participated and interacted with each other for 10 days in a
studio with various competitions and games and quizzes.
Also, in parallel she was doing a shooting for a Marathi web
series based on extra marital affair which was also being
shot in Lonawala.
She was too busy with that. Now that Akshay had come
back, Richa's mother went back to her home after few
days. Now, it was like walking on a rope for him to handle
both children at home in Richa's absence as well as manage
the work either from home or office.
When he arrived, Richa didn't show much interest in him.
She looked detached. She just talked to him for the sake of
talking. For the sake of their children.
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Sometimes, she used to come very late in night. The

shooting location was in Lonawala. Many a times, Akshay
suspected that someone has told Richa about his UK affair.
Was it Raghav? Don't know. Even if she knows it, now it's
my duty to win her again.
Akshay thought, "I will do anything to win against my wife
again. I will go make all the effort. Even if I must woo her
again, I will do!"
Rohini and Arpit became happy to see their father again,
however were missing their grandmother.
Golam pinged Rohini on chat again but she didn't reply.
On that day, though she clicked her half nude pic, she
didn't send it to him. She knew that, he will demand such
pics frequently form her and one day will blackmail her. He
may circulate it on various WhatsApp groups and social
media. She had heard many such news and hence, she
reprimanded him for asking her to send him her nude pics.
Also, she scolded him for looking at her as a sex object. She
wanted to test him more. She wanted to test his morality.
Rohini became much aware about relationships when she
saw troubles in her father and mother's relationship. She
had decided not to fall for any relationship. Instead, she
thought she would study well and become able enough to
earn her own bread and butter to avoid being dependent
on husband.
She continued her friendship with Golam but kept him
away so that he wouldn’t do any sexual advancement.
One day Rohini sensed that something was not right
between her parents. So, she asked her daddy about it.
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Akshay told her, "Sometimes it happens beta. No one on

this earth is perfect. And when two imperfect people live
together, clashes happen. Especially when a man and a
woman come and stay together post marriage
permanently. There is a complex relationship between a
man and a woman always. Due to differences in thinking
patterns probably. But I promise you beta, I will mend all
the differences."
"Mumma used to cry sometimes Papa. You had hurt her a
"I will correct everything. If not, at least 80 to 90%. Because
nothing is 100% pure and perfect in this world. I will
sometimes need your help. Will you help me?"
"Yes Pappa. I also want to see both of you happy together!"
Both hi-fived each other.
"So, while sometimes I will be away to win Richa again,
please take care of yourself and Arpit. Also cooperate with
the maid!"
Later one day, when Akshay called Dipesh after coming
back to India, he was surprised to hear Dipesh's inebriated
and intoxicated voice.
Dipesh agreed that he recently has become alcoholic.
While Akshay was so much involved in handling his own
personal matters, he didn't plan any meeting with him.
As far as work was concerned, Dipesh was doing good work
and Akshay was satisfied with that. Akshay quickly asked
him about his daughter's health and became happy to
know that she was recovering.
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However, Dipesh didn't mention to him about his wife's

accident and any other stuff. The additional money from
increased salary helped Dipesh a lot and he thanked Akshay
for that again. Still Akshay sensed that something must not
be right in Dipesh's life.
Meanwhile, during past few months, Dipesh was able to
return the 5 lakh rupees to Akshay in 3 instalments, which
Akshay had given him.
Recently. Maya didn't take any visiting fee from Dipesh.
Nowadays, only Dipesh would come with Mitali for her
regular treatment and medication. Also, she would waive
many other miscellaneous charges for him.
Only he must pay for the medicines and other hospital
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46. Caught?

D ipesh's plan to program Dipika's mind taking

inspiration from Draupadi' character failed. Because
he was not able to stop her relatives form telling her
different negative things about him, their child and overall
situation. Dipika came under complete influence of her
mother and few of her aunties. In fact, the concept of
programming her mind was skillfully implemented by her
mother rather than Dipesh.
Now somehow Dipika also started believing that there is
some fault in Dipesh's genes. She spoke her mind one day
and said the same to Dipesh. But now Dipesh had become
indifferent to all this. He had left no feelings for Dipika.
Still, she was residing somewhere in a corner of his mind.
He got frustrated and then became more and more
Meanwhile, Maya succeeded in confiscating not only
Dipesh's but also his soul and mind. Dipesh finally became
addicted to Maya. Somehow Maya also started finding
solace and comfort in Dipesh's presence.
Both took utmost care to not come in the eyes of public or
Tarini because Tarini recently had become possessive with
Maya and Maya wasn't sure what Tarini would do if she got
a fit of anger.
They managed their sexual interactions mostly somewhere
outside, in hotels that too in some other city. Dipesh would
go to Mumbai for office work and Maya managed to go to
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Mumbai for conferences and seminars and meeting other

Doctor friends.
Once at Maya's home, Maya left upper two blouse buttons
open in a hurry. Seeing the glimpse of her round and
beckoning breasts, Dipesh couldn't control himself. They
hastily removed each other's clothes in Maya's bedroom,
while keeping the bedroom door unlocked by mistake.
Dipesh was so eager that without foreplay, he entered into
her hastily but still both had managed to get enough
wetness in them. Maya liked this wild sex and started
moaning with pleasure.
Suddenly Tarini came home to collect something she had
forgotten. She opened the hall door with her extra latch
key and heard moaning sounds from bedroom. Maya's face
turned towards the bedroom door as she heard footsteps
and hall door open sound while Dipesh's manhood was still
inside her. She whispered to Dipesh, "I think Tarini has
come!" Both couldn't complete their lovemaking and
quickly put on clothes and Dipesh hid under the bed. Maya
came out of the bedroom looking normal but in hurry she
had again forgotten fastening upper two buttons of her
That made Tarini suspicious, and she asked, "Didi, what
were you doing in the bedroom. Were you with someone?"
"No, no, I was changing my clothes!"
"Why, suddenly you felt the need to change clothes?"
"I spilled a medicine on clothes hence!"
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Still, she looked suspiciously from the half open door of

bedroom. She noticed thumb of Dipesh's leg popping out
from under the bed. She realized it was Dipesh, but she
didn't mention it to Maya. With furious eyes, she then went
back to her work. Tarini recently observed the interaction
between Maya and Dipesh and suspected that both were
having an affair. Today her suspicion turned out to be true!
Since that day, both decided not to do sex in her house.
Dipesh's frustration further kept on increasing. Sometimes
his mother would visit and stay for a few days and go back.
But it was just a formal kind of visit. She also didn't much
seem to bother about the situation through which Dipesh's
family was going. She and Dipika's mother recently would
fight and quarrel over trivial matters.

She once suggested Dipesh to take divorce from Dipika and

marry again which he denied because he already had Maya
in his life. However, he didn't tell his mother about his
affair with Maya. But another reason for not going for
divorce was his unconditional love for his little princess. He
loved Mitali too much. He wanted to see her getting fully
recovered and living a normal life. For her, he would do
Due to frequent visits of Bhanugopal and Kirankumar,
Mitali started giving positive response to the exercises and
treatments suggested by doctors. Both were doing their
best to help the family in curing Mitali.
Dipesh told Maya all the situation in his home one day. He
told her everything. Maya stayed true to her medical ethics
at first but later she started realizing that Dipesh may leave
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her if his daughter gets cured soon. But her another wish
was also about to come true in near future. One day her
pregnancy test came positive. She told this to Dipesh. He
was happy because Maya was happy. But Maya also now
got completely involved in him. She didn't want to lose him
now. She also wondered about the two little frequent
visitors about whom Dipesh told her recently, who
miraculously were proving helpful in recovering Mitali
Maya knew that Dipesh wouldn’t divorce his wife. But, then
how long she must meet him in hiding? She wanted him all
the time, for all her life. Even for the so-called reputation of
her husband's family and her husband's unreturnable favor
done to her, it was also not possible for her to divorce her
husband. Hence, they decided to continue their
relationship the same way which was going right now.’
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47. Mind games

W hen we face any physical pain, we take medicines.

After few days we get relief from the pain. But
there are always side effects of any medicine. It is
possible that the medicine can have effects on some other
part of the body. You don't get to know about it
immediately, but it happens after some time period. You
take painkillers for headache, but it can cause you nausea,
irritability. If you take paracetamol, you can get allergic
reaction which can cause rashes, swelling or low blood
pressure or a fast heartbeat.
Same thing applies with mental diseases. When you give
medicines to cure one mental disease, it may cause you
some other mental disease as a side effect. Not
immediately but after some considerable time period. In
fact, a medicine for curing physical pain or ailments can
sometimes cause side effects mentally and a medicine used
to cure mental diseases can also show side effects on body.
After the purposeful torture that had happened with Tarini
in her college, she had started suffering from post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It was like a trauma for
her. She was a straightforward and simple person and
hence was not able to handle these things and the
conspiracy against her was like a trauma for her. She had
started suffering from hypervigilance, self-destructive
behavior, social isolation, fear, severe anxiety, loneliness
and mistrust.
Though they take psychological therapy sessions with such
mental patient, to improve their symptoms, teaching skills
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to deal with it and restore the self-esteem and recover

from all the symptoms. Still in parallel, Doctors give
medicines to cure it. That medicines may also cause
drowsiness, sexual problems, hormonal imbalance,
insomnia, hairfall and weight gain etc.
Maya knew this very well. Hence, she was worried when
she saw that day the eyes of Tarini when she saw her with
Dipesh. Tarini had got most of the side effects of her
treatment on her body and mind. She had gained lot of
weight and suffering from hairfall.
Recently, she had started developing sudden increase in
sexual desire followed by sudden possessiveness and
dissociative identity disorder and mood disorders. She
suddenly had started imagining that she loved Vishwanath.
Recently Maya started getting feedback from Tarini’s office
that her behavior has been changed. She told them not to
show it on their faces and behave normally with her.
After a few days, Tarini was in no condition to go to her
office again. She also had started showing all prominent
symptoms of mood disorders and dissociative identity
One day Maya couldn’t sleep and suddenly heard that
Tarini was blabbering in sleep, but the words were clear:
“Didi is enjoying her life, not thinking about me. What
about my body? My desires? She has become selfish. She
must search for a life partner for me. Instead, she is having
affair with that guy. She is cheating a godly person like
Vishwanath, who did a lot for her and me. I haven't
expressed this in front of anyone, but I love Vishwanath! I
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will tell one day this to him that I love him. Yes, I love
Vishwanath. But I kept this feeling to myself. But will he
also love me back? Yes, but for that he should hate Maya
first. And to make him hate Maya, I will tell him about her
affair with that guy Dipesh!”
Maya looked at Tarini. Her eyes were shut but there was a
cunning smile on her face.
Maya rose and sat on her bed, decided something in her
mind. She was not sure whether it was complying to the so-
called medical ethics or not, whether it is right or wrong,
but she changed the medicine course of Tarini. She decided
to give more strong medicines to Tarini which were not
right for her brain.
To make sure that Tarini doesn’t suspect this sudden
change in medicines, Maya kept the same labels on the
bottles but changed the medicines inside it. While doing
this, only one face was flashing before her eyes, and that
was of Dipesh!
Maya had become more and more obsessive about Dipesh,
day by day! Maya thought that she could pacify Tarini’s
over-active and agitated mind using these strong doses and
remove those thoughts from her mind.
Doctors don’t usually recommend these medicines, until
there is extreme mental condition, but Maya decided to
use it otherwise Tarini could do something wrong. She
either could have hurt herself, Maya, Dipesh or
Vishwanath. It was also a possibility that she might attempt
a sexual attack on someone!
So, Maya started giving these new medicines to Tarini.
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After change of medicines, Tarini's mental condition

deteriorated day by day. On the other hand, Mitali showed
a drastic recovery in recent days. She was responding well
to the therapies. Bhanugopal and Kirankumar helped a lot
in the physical therapy and the muscle training and
exercises which included strength, flexibility, balance and
Dipesh made a lot of efforts along with both the children
and his efforts were now paying. Of course, it was Doctor
Maya who worked a lot honestly on it. Dedicated therapies
by Maya and other doctors in her staff made it happen. It
was noted as one rare case of recovery from acquired
cerebral palsy. It was a rare achievement for all the doctors
though, it was not a complete recovery but recovery
percentage was more than any other case so far.
Mitali got significantly cured after a few months. She finally
uttered the words "Mummy and Pappa". Ears of Dipesh
and Dipika were eagerly awaiting to hear this. Dipika also
was recovering slowly however, still she couldn't remember
many past events.
Taking all the treatment history, one day Dipesh and Dipika
went to a school where they were able to convince the
head mistress that she got cured significantly and the
school became ready to admit her in school. Maya was also
accompanying them and felt happy for Dipesh.
Maya was pregnant and now she expected that Dipesh
would stay with her. Hence, she increased therapies for
Mitali so that Dipesh can take Mitali to hospital for few
more months and that way both can spend some time
together. Vishwanath and his mother also visited Maya,
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they stayed for few days and left. Both were happy that
finally a child will be born.
Meanwhile, mental condition of Tarini got more and more
deteriorated. The altered medicines didn’t prove to be
effective. In fact, it made her condition even worse! She
had gone beyond control. Also, it was a risk to keep her at
home. So, Maya decided to keep her in a mental asylum.
One day when Maya delivered a baby boy, she heard news
that Tarini was missing from the asylum. Police had started
their investigations with the help of CCTV cameras but
there was no clue.
Some asylum housekeeping staff and the CCTV footage saw
her for the last time near a broken wall of the asylum at
midnight. Before they could come out and stop her, she
disappeared. On the other side of the wall there was
nothing but a deep dark trench, in which if someone falls,
never returns! However, for a normal human being it was
impossible to climb on the wall as the wall was too tall and
steep and slippery to climb for any human being.
Maya cried a lot for her missing sister as well as she
became happy that she got a child. Her own child! Her and
Dipesh's child!
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48. Winning her again!

A kshay was all set to win Richa again. He started going

to the place in Lonavala secretly where Richa was
doing her shooting. He applied a moustache and
beard in such a way that no one could recognize him. Richa
was playing the character of a lady who slaps her husband
when she finds out about his extra marital affair. For a
moment, Akshay felt that slap on his face.
He for most of the days came there without her knowledge
and observed her. He had changed his get up so that no
one could recognize him by chance. Sometimes he drank 20
cups of tea, sitting in a restaurant watching Richa like
Sanjay Dutt did in Saajan movie for Madhuri Dixit.
Later, on one day when she returned in her make up room
after the shooting schedule, he knocked the window and
moved aside. She was surprised and looked outside the
window but she noticed no one. Again, she came back,
closed the window and door of her room and started
removing her make up.
Then suddenly Akshay called out, “Richa!”
She startled, “Who is there?”
“Open the window, please”, he spoke in a different tone.
She opened the window and saw the unknown person but
slightly familiar voice.
“Who… Who are you?”
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“R.. R.. R.. R.. Richa. I love you!”, he said in Shahrukh Khan’s
Ki.. Ki.. Ki.. Kiran style of Darr movie and moved the rose in
his hand inside from the gap of the window bar.
“Get lost, whoever you are, otherwise I will call police!”
Then he quickly removed his moustache and beard and
said, “Richa, Richa listen! This is me! Akshay!”
She looked at him and didn’t show the surprise on her face
and said, “Who Akshay? I don’t know any Akshay! Get lost
from here!”
“Oh, so this will not work! Okay!”, Akshay thought.
He went back home and started worrying! Rohini enquired,
“What happened Papa? Didn’t Mom accept your
“Rohini, she even didn’t recognize me!”
“Did you forget to remove your extra make up Papa?”
“No. Not at all. I faced her without my extra make up but
still she didn’t recognize me!”
Rohini put her fingers on her chin and said, “Oh Oh!
Winning a wife again after marriage is more difficult than
winning her for before marriage it seems! But Papa she was
disappointed a lot with your overall recent behavior with
her. It is your mistake also Papa! I agree she also has some
flaws but…”
Akshay said, “You are right. Now what to do to win her
Rohini thought, “Hmm. Let me think!”
Arpit peeped in and said, “Pappa one suggestion from me!”
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Both Rohini and Akshay turned to him and said, “Hey you,
please concentrate on your studies! Do not participate
when two elders are talking!”
“But Papa, I have a very good solution!”, Arpit said while
doing homework but was also listening to their
“Please do your homework! We will decide what to do!”
“Okay, fine! But you will regret if you don’t listen to my
“Oh oh, is it? And what is that?”, Rohini teased him.
“Papa, kidnap her on horse! And bring her back home”,
Arpit said with blinking eyes and with cutest face.
“Waav. From where your fertile mind got this idea?”
“Papa, recently on cartoon channel they are showing a
series on Krishna. I saw he kidnapped Rukmini on chariot!”
Akshay became startled by the smartness of his kid.
Further Arpit said, “But Papa there is one problem”.
“And what is that?”, Akshay said.
“You have to bring strong horse which can bear Mamma’s
weight on it!”
“Beta, beta! You should not make fun of fatness of
someone. Whoever it may be! People have some unusual
bodily features for various reasons. That doesn’t mean we
have to make fun of them! Don’t ever tease any bald or
handicapped person. Everyone has some flaws in their
character. Be it physical or mental. We should not make
fun of it!”
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“Papa, you are right, “Rohit said, “I know what you are
saying! I was not making fun of Mummy. I was telling you
just the fact that you should get strong horse!”
Akshay smiled with a smart answer from Arpit.
Rohini also said, “Papa. Idea is good. Recently I watched
Akshay Kumar’s Samrat Prithviraj movie. He does the same
in that movie. But Papa, it will disrupt her shooting
schedule and Mamma will become very angry!”
“You are right!”, Akshay said, “I will do this on last day of
her shooting!”
All 3 hi-fived each other and said, “Done!”’
Akshay had learnt horse riding in childhood. He arranged a
On last day of her shooting, Akshay did make up like a king
and in the evening, he suddenly came outside the place
where shooting was finished, and everyone were saying
good bye to each other.
“Khamosh!”, Akshay unsheathed his sword, but it was too
heavy. His hands were shaking.
Everyone present there was bewildered by the sudden
appearance of Akshay.
Richa recognized him. She knew Akshay would do
something like this. In her mind she became excited and
her anger subsided a little as she knew that Akshay was
following her since long. That made her excited.
“I have come to kidnap her!”, said Akshay and moved the
horse near her, she started running but couldn’t run faster
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because of her weight and also the traditional lehenga she

was wearing.
Others started laughing at this scene. Few of Richa’s work
mates were aware that recently something was not right in
between them and today they were witnessing that the
time has come for them patch up.
The director of the serial Hansraj Gurhale said, “You may
kidnap her! Anyway, shooting is done! She is all yours
Akshay quickly reached towards her and grabbed her hands
and tried to pull her up on horse but couldn’t, so he
requested others, “Guys, help her to get on horse!”
Two of the ladies ran towards them and mischievously said,
“Mister, what kind of kidnapping is this? Can’t you do it
Akshay laughed at their comment and after Richa got
settled on horse, he announced, “Next week party from my
side to all of you! I will send official invitee soon!”
And the horse slowly went away from the place of
shooting, and everyone said good bye to both of them.
Slowly it became a news that the husband of the actress
Richa Roy- Sutre kidnapped her from a shooting place in

TV anchors were shouting: “Is this a publicity stunt for

Richa’s next movie?”
“There is traffic jam due to a bizarre act done for movie
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Ignoring all the TV cameras which were shooting their

horse riding from Lonawala to Pune, Akshay and Richa
were busy in forgiving each other for their mistakes did so
far and not repeating the mistakes again.
It was sure that Richa was not aware of what happened
with him in the UK.
So was Akshay unaware of the fact that, she also had slept
twice with one of her co-actors willingly only to give
befitting reply to Akshay who she was suspecting to be
having an affair.
But she promised herself that she would never do that
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49. Life goes on…

A rpit and Rohini welcomed their parents as if they got

married again.
Akshay’s parents and in laws were also happy to learn
that all is well in their family. The only issue was that day by
day his brother Anil was becoming reckless. And his mother
was planning to tie him to a girl in a hope that he will
become responsible after marriage.
In Anil’s marriage, Akshay had invited Dipesh and his
family. He also invited other office colleagues including
Rebecca, Watson, Raghav and others. And they attended
because they wanted to see an Indian wedding.
Akshay apologized to Raghav for his misbehavior with him.
Raghav forgave him with a big heart.
Before and after Anil’s marriage also, Akshay and Dipesh
talked a lot about their married life and other happenings.
Akshay was surprised to know about Dipesh.
Rather than blaming Akshay and his mother always for the
reckless and spendthrift nature of her brother-in-law Anil,
Richa decided to make him a responsible person by giving
some moral doses to Anil and his wife. She succeeded
partly by making friendship with his wife. Both resolved
that one day, Anil will behave like a responsible family
Dipesh had told Akshay everything right from having an
affair with Mohini to the cure of his daughter. However,
what Dipesh didn’t tell him was his one more affair with his
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colleague Mandakini. He recently had started having an

affair with Mandakini because now Maya was unavailable
for him for sex for some time period due to pregnancy.
In the past, Mandakini had offered him one night stand.
When she experienced it with him, she no longer kept it for
one night stand. They continued their regular sexual
relationship. Dipesh thought that in future, he should have
an option if due to some reason, Maya becomes
unavailable for him. His mind had gone on a very different
track. From Dipika, Maya and Mandakini, Dipesh learnt and
experienced different flavors of lovemaking.
Dipesh sometimes felt while sleeping on bed beside Dipika
that, the couple at the hotel which was openly talking
about their adultery was now grimacing at him and
laughing at him. In case, if Dipika would want sex from him,
he would give it to her without hesitation and was able to
satisfy her completely.
After Mittu started going to school, everything had almost
become normal. However, Dipesh and Dipika had to make
extra efforts on her studies!
Maya was asking Dipesh to take divorce from Dipika, but
Dipesh denied. Maya agreed to Dipesh’s decision after a
long spat with Akshay. And why not? Dipesh had given her
a gift from a little boy.
Maya and Dipesh named him Shyam, taking “Sh” from
Dipesh’s name and “M” from Maya’s or Mohini’s name.
Sometimes, Maya suspected that Dipesh is having more
affairs with his office colleagues, but she never mentioned
Fleeting lovers © nimish sonar | Page: 199

that to him. And Dipesh continued to visit Maya because

she was the one whose efforts cured Mittu.
Besides, Dipesh had become habitual of her companionship
and body.
Only Jyoti, Dipesh’s colleague and best friend knew about
his affair with Mandakini. But, what Dipesh and Jyoti didn’t
know was that Mandakini and Maya were friends of each
other on Facebook. Maya usually doesn’t use Facebook
much, but Mandakini uses it extensively.
Vishwanath and his mother were happy because his honor
and that of the family was preserved. However, he didn’t
show much interest or attachment to the child. He loved
Maya and it was enough for him that Maya was happy.
Of course, major help came from Kirankumar and
Bhanugopal to cure Mitali. Dipesh and Dipika never forgot
their contribution in curing Mittu. They say rightly that
what goes around comes around.
The impeccable efforts taken by Dipesh and Dipika in their
childhood to entertain and play with different children,
were paid in the form of both and it contributed to curing
their own child.
Akshay and his family lived and loved happily together.
Richa continued her career in acting. Akshay gave her full
Once day Akshay and Richa had gone to a hill station.
Sometimes, Akshay’s face turned towards direction of
beautiful faces walking on the roads and Richa noticed it.
The mischievous child in her surfaced and next time when
she spotted another beautiful girl and she showed it to
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Akshay and said, “See Akshay! That beautiful girl. What a

nose, sexy lips and stunning b…”
Akshay quickly kept his fingers on her lips because he saw
that the girl suddenly looked at both furiously.
“What a bitch? Why are you describing my beauty to your
husband? Instead, let us both make love. I am a lesbian!”,
she said in cursing tone.
Akshay quickly apologized her, and the lady left. For some
time, Akshay remembered the horrible Amanda.
Both then started laughing endlessly. After that day,
Akshay didn’t look at any lady while Richa was with him!
In the meantime, Richa’s career as an actress also got a
boost and she made sincere efforts to lose her weight.
Akshay also made all efforts from his side to make their
marriage work.
Richa never confessed about her small-time affair with her
co-star because she did it just because she assumed that
Akshay had an affair outside, but she didn’t have any
evidence of it.
Similarly, Akshay also never told her about what happened
in the UK with him and, he never mentioned the story
about Rebecca, Ananda and Sofia.
Tarini was not seen later making everyone believe that she
might have died or committed suicide.
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Few months later:

While playing in a garden, Mittu came chasing a happy
butterfly to another corner of the garden and saw a woman
with acnes and rashes on face, disintegrated hair, fearful
look and wearing dirty gown.
The woman was looking at her from behind a big tree. She
was holding a bag in one hand and a chocolate in another.
Mittu was looking at her as if she got hypnotized while
Dipika called her from a distance.
Mittu looked at her mom and said, “Coming Mom, one
minute please!”
While going with her mom back to the see-saw of the
garden, Mittu was looking at the tree. The woman behind
the tree was staring and smiling at her and suddenly
disappeared behind the tree.
Then the woman behind the tree, Tarini, went to a nearby
road and stopped two children and said by grinning her
teeth, “Come with me. Come with me! I will take you to
chocolate’s bungalow! Lot of chocolates!”
Seeing her bizarre appearance, both children ran away with
fear. She was looking inhuman. Then she started walking
on the street, which was busy with traffic, fearlessly! The
vehicles had to stop but she wouldn’t.
One such vehicle applied sudden breaks to let Tarini move
out of its way. The two persons sitting on front seat of the
car got a glimpse of her face. One of them, at driver’s seat
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was Shirish who said to the other Sumedh, “Look at the

mad woman on the road. I think I have seen her before!”
Sumedh said, “Yes, she looks familiar to me! Anyways,
leave it.”
Suddenly, Tarini turned back smiling bewitchingly and
cunningly. For a moment, Sumedh and Shirish’s heartbeats
skipped a bit by her fierce look. Later, seeing her move
away, both increased the speed. For a moment they got a
flash of past events when they had planned a conspiracy
against Tarini in school.
Suddenly, Tarini again turned back and started moving in
the middle of the road in front of their car.
Seeing her again in front on the road, Shirish was unable to
apply breaks quickly. Instead, in a hurry, he moved the
steering wheel clockwise to prevent her from dashing
against their car.
A loaded 18-wheeler heavy truck was approaching from
behind in full speed. The truck driver got bewildered,
couldn’t apply breaks in time and rammed into the car. The
truck’s front side bumper got broken and it got stuck in the
car and both vehicles together dashed against the strong
divider. The truck driver managed to jump on the other
side of the road and the people nearby quickly picked him
up and moved on footpath at safer place. The truck driver
was out of danger.
The crashing of both vehicles on divider, loosened one of
the truck’s front wheels and the axle got twisted and
plunged into Sumedh’s body. Sumedh died instantly,
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leaving Suresh alive for few minutes to experience what

happens next.
Both vehicles’ glasses broke into pieces and got pierced in
the body of Sumedh and Shirish. A long metal rod under
the bumper got plunged into car’s bonnet. Petrol leakage
also started. Shirish had applied seat belt hence couldn’t
move himself anywhere. A spark was triggered, both
vehicles caught fire with a deafening blast and flames
spread everywhere. This time, it was Shirish’s turn to die!
The car’s number plate in CCTV made it easier to confirm
the identity of the car owner and the other person.
People were wondering where the lady had gone who
caused this accident. Since that day, no one saw Tarini.
Many witnesses saw her during this accident on the road
wandering endlessly but CCTV cameras didn’t get any of
her images!
At a hotel in Mumbai, Dipesh and Maya were unaware of
this, because they were busy making love in a room. Once
they finish, they will probably turn on the television and
find out in the news!
(The story ends here but karma continues!)
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About the author

Author Nimish Sonar lives in Pune, Maharashtra (India) and

is an IT professional. Writing is his passion, and he has
written 3 Marathi novels till date: Valay, Jaljiva and
Detective Negative. Fleeting Lovers is his first English novel.
Author can be followed and contacted on:
Fleeting lovers © nimish sonar | Page: 205


"A mind blowing science fiction novel"

- Rahul Dave, Engineer, California
(For author's science fiction Marathi novel - Detective

"Very complex story and concepts explained in cinematic

- Medha Inamdar, Kothrud, Pune
(For author's science fiction Marathi novel - Detective

"A marvellous novel on the dark side of film and television

- Akshar Prabhu Desai, Ebook publiser, California
(For author's Marathi Novel - Valay)

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