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Assalamu alaikum Wr.

Honourable, the headmaster of MTsN Dharmasraya
Honourable, the vice headmaster of MTsN Dharmasraya,
Honourable, the teachers of MTsN Dharmasraya,
And All my beloved friends…

Dear Audiences,

It is my pleasure to be here this sunny morning to meet all of you who share the commitment
to promote moral education to children. First of all, let us express our gratitude towards the
Almighty for His endless blessings so that we all can be together here in good condition and

Dear Audiences, one’s character is very important for one’s life and others. Why? It is
because characters are related to morality. When one has good morals, he treats himself
and others very well. The formation of one’s character begins from his childhood. It can be
said that parents are children’s first moral educators. Although moral education can be
learned everywhere, such as at home, school, college, and workplace, children learn ethical
education more at home than in any other place. That is why parents have an important role
in building their children’s characters.

The development of morality is a significant aspect of the formation of good character. A

good character is needed to build a good society. The moral aspect is ironically often
neglected by society and even the state. To prove this point, let’s take a look at the
educational programs in our country. Our educational system only focuses on intellectual
education. It is compulsory for students to get good grades. Principles that moral education
teaches, like honesty, tolerance, kindness, sympathy, love, etc are often ignored. It is our
duty to balance out the intellectual education and moral education.

Dear audiences,….

as we know, children are excellent observers. They by nature like to imitate things they
observe. Thus, moral education is given best by examples. Instead of only asking them to
behave well, it is more effective to teach children what good etiquette is and how to behave
well by being a person with a good attitude ourselves. It would be no use if we advise our
children to have good behavior while we never show them what good behavior is. That is
why it is necessary that teachers of moral education are people of good character so that the
students can absorb their good qualities.

In short, just like intellectual education, moral education is also important and the process
takes a lifetime. We should get ourselves ethical education first before we can teach moral to
our children. Building moral values and attitudes to our children takes time and effort. This is
not an easy task, but we should determine to rise to the challenge.

Dear Audiences, this is the end of my speech. Thank you so much for your time and

Assalamu alaikum Wr.Wb

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