PEH Notes

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FITT Principle Heart Rate Zone

Frequency – Basic configuration of training and resting days. ZONE % OF MHR EXERTION LEVEL FITNESS GOAL
5 90-100% MAX Increasing Sprint Speed
Intensity – Intensity of the exercise based on physiological indicators.
4 80-90% HARD Increase Anaerobic Threshold
Type – Type of exercise, could be bone and muscle strengthening (Resistance Training) or 3 70-80% MODERATE Improve Aerobic Fitness and Muscle
Aerobic training. Strength
2 60-70% LIGHT Basic Endurance, Fat burning
Time – Duration of training and intervals based on Training-to-rest ratio. 1 50-60% VERY LIGHT Warm up, Cool Down, and Active

SPORRRVIA Training Principle

Energy Systems Overview
SPECIFICITY - Specific training targets a specific goal. System ATP – PCR LACTIC ACID OXIDATIVE SYSTEM
Fuel Source Stored ATP Glucose Glucose and Fat
PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD - A gradual Increase in training intensity should be implemented ATP production Low Mid/Low High
for continuous improvement. By product None Lactic Acid Carbon dioxide and
REVERSIBILITY - Acquired level of fitness can regress if training stops.
Exercise Duration 6 – 30 seconds 30s – 2 minutes > 2 minutes
REST & RECOVERY - There should be an allowance body to recover or repair itself. Intensity of Exercise Max / Vigorous High Intensity Low to moderate
VARIABILITY - Patterns of routine and types of exercise must be altered to maintain an Work : Rest Ratio 1:6/10 1:2/3 1:<1 or 1
individual's enjoyment and motivation. Examples Explosive power Long duration /
INDIVIDUALIZATION - People are different in terms of their fitness level and fitness needs. movements endurance

ADAPTATION - The body can adapt to stress to which it is subjected to.


Functional Fitness = Health Related Fitness

Target Training Heart Rate Athletic Ability = Skill Related Fitness
[HRR X (% Effort) + RHR] Circuit Training = a type of training that alternates the use of muscle groups in short bursts or
Resting Heart Rate (RHR) Different Types of Stresses
Max Heart Rate (MHR) = 220BPM – AGE
Stress is the body’s response to changing stimuli or stressors (Challenges/demands)
Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) = MHR-RHR
Distress vs. Eustress

Eustress is more of a positive reaction, it is what energizes us and motivates us to make a

change while, Distress is a stress that negatively affects you.
Three types of Stress Safety in Physical Activities

Acute stress results from your body’s reaction to a new or challenging situation. It’s that - Best progression before engaging in physical activities:
feeling you get from an approaching deadline or when you narrowly avoid being hit by a car.
Warm-up > Stretching > Physical Activity/Training/Exercise > Cooldown > Stretching
We can even experience it because of something we enjoy. Like an exhilarating ride on a
- Common Risk in Physical Activities
roller coaster or an outstanding personal achievement.
> Hyperthermia – Abnormally high body temperature.
Acute stress is classified as short-term. Usually, emotions and the body return to their
normal state relatively soon. > Hypothermia – Abnormally low body temperature.

> Dehydration – The body is losing fluid more than its intake.
Episodic acute stress is when acute stress happens on a frequent basis. This can be because > Overexertion – Pushing the body beyond its threshold in terms of physical
of repeatedly tight work deadlines. It can also be because of the frequent high-stress activities. (When a person is not sure or new to exercise, it will always be advisable
situations experienced by some professionals. to start with a light intensity)

Chronic stress is the result of stressors that continue for a long period of time. This type of
stress feels never-ending. We often have difficulty seeing any way to improve or change the
situation that is the cause of our chronic stress.

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