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Quantum University

HRPD (Human Resource Planning and development)

Total marks :30
Tutorial 1
Max marks :5
Q 1. Write two objectives of HR Planning.
Q 2. Discuss the various components of HRM
Q 3. HR Planning refers to –
 Planning of human
 Proper utilization of available HR
 Maximum utilization of available HR
 Management and maximum utilization of HR
Tutorial 2
Max marks :5
Q 1. List three methods of HR Planning.
Q 2. What do you mean by manpower forecasting
Q 3. Give us 2 benefits of forecasting
Tutorial 3
Max marks :5
Q 1. Define career planning.
Q 2. Discuss the concept of job analysis
Q 3. Why job description is important?
Tutorial 4
Max marks: 5
Q 1. What do you mean by job description.
Q 2. Give 3 components of career counseling
Q 3. Job analysis means
 Searching for the Job
 Investing for the job
 Examine for the job
 All of the above
Tutorial 5
Max marks :5
Q 1. List different type of performance appraisal system
Q 2. Write down the impact of training on development Of employees.
Q 3. How many stages does the recruitment process comprise of?

a. 2
b. 6
c. 9
d. 5
Tutorial 6
Max marks:5
Q 1. _________ refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build
a pool of qualified job applicants.

a. Selection
b. Training
c. Recruitments
d. Induction
Q 2. Discuss the concept of performance appraisal
Q 3. List the factor influencing recruitment and selection

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