A Review of The Prospects and Constraints For Using Artificial Intelligence For The Interpretation of Remote Sensing Data

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Review of the Prospects and Constraints for

Using Artificial Intelligence for the Interpretation
of Remote Sensing Data
Md. Tarek Hossain, Rumi Afrin , Mohd. Al- Amin Biswas
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT

Abstract:- The abstract of a paper on the prospects and intelligence (AI) techniques into the interpretation of
restrictions of applying artificial intelligence (AI) for remote sensing data has emerged as a possible option to
remote sensing data interpretation will most likely address this difficulty.
discuss the junction of AI and remote sensing, stressing
potential benefits and challenges. It may discuss Machine learning and deep learning, in particular,
advances in AI approaches and their applications in have the potential to transform how we analyze and
evaluating large and complicated remote sensing interpret remote sensing data [2]. These techniques have
datasets, as well as limitations and issues that proven their worth in a variety of applications, ranging
researchers and practitioners should be aware of. The from image classification and object detection to time
abstract could underline the significance of precise series analysis and anomaly detection. Researchers and
remote sensing data interpretation for environmental practitioners are exploring novel techniques to improve the
monitoring, resource management, disaster response, efficiency, accuracy, and depth of information retrieved
and other essential applications. The rapid growth of from remote sensing observations by leveraging AI's
artificial intelligence (AI) tools has changed the field of capacity to discern complex patterns and relationships
remote sensing data interpretation, creating previously within data. This paper provides a thorough examination of
unimaginable prospects for extracting useful insights both the opportunities and restrictions connected with using
from enormous and complicated datasets. This study artificial intelligence to understand remote sensing data. It
provides an in-depth examination of the opportunities dives into the revolutionary potential of AI-driven
and restrictions involved with using AI to understand interpretation, demonstrating how these techniques have the
remote sensing data, offering insight on the ability to revolutionize industries such as environmental
revolutionary potential of this integration. This research monitoring, disaster response, urban planning, and a The
also discusses the essential restrictions and challenges incorporation of AI approaches opens up a plethora of
associated with AI integration in remote sensing. Some opportunities for better remote sensing interpretation [3].
AI models are black boxes, which raises concerns about AI systems excel at dealing with the inherent complexity of
transparency, interpretability, and the possibility of remote sensing data. AI-driven interpretation can give
biased decision-making. To ensure the ethical use of AI insights that human analysis may overlook by
in remote sensing interpretation, a careful balance of autonomously discovering subtle patterns and relationships
algorithmic complexity and the capacity to give within multispectral and hyperspectral data.
interpretable results that fit with domain knowledge
must be struck. This article offers a comprehensive Automated Feature Extraction: Artificial intelligence
evaluation of the opportunities and restrictions (AI) can automate the feature extraction process, allowing
associated with using artificial intelligence to for the detection of crucial environmental indicators such as
understand remote sensing data. Researchers and land cover, vegetation health, and hydrological patterns.
practitioners can use AI's revolutionary potential to This automation speeds up data processing while
gain deeper insights into Earth's dynamics and decreasing the need for manual intervention [4]. Artificial
contribute to a more sustainable and informed future. intelligence-powered systems can continually monitor
remote sensing data streams in real-time, discovering
Keywords:- Artificial Intelligence, Remote Sensing, abnormalities, changes, or events that demand rapid action,
Constraints, Interpretation, Prospects. such as natural catastrophes or pollution crises. Machine
learning and deep learning techniques make it possible to
I. INTRODUCTION build predictive models that predict future environmental
conditions, which aids in climate modeling, agricultural
The fast spread of remote sensing technology has yield predictions, and ecosystem health assessments.
changed our ability to observe and monitor the Earth's
surface and atmosphere at unprecedented scales and This review of the opportunities and restrictions for
resolutions [1]. This rush of data, however, has brought a employing artificial intelligence (AI) in remote sensing data
new challenge: how to efficiently and accurately assess and interpretation can make numerous significant contributions
extract valuable insights from massive amounts of to the field of remote sensing, AI research, and related
information recorded by satellites, drones, and ground- applications.
based sensors. As a result, incorporating artificial

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

An assessment of the opportunities and restrictions for Artificial intelligence (AI) is a fast developing branch
applying artificial intelligence (AI) for remote sensing data of computer science that focuses on developing systems
interpretation would comprise three important phases to and machines that can do activities that would normally
thoroughly analyze and evaluate the current status of the need human intelligence. Problem-solving, decision-
subject. Here's a high-level overview of the methodology: making, interpreting [7] natural language, identifying
patterns, and learning from experiences are examples of
A. Problem Definition and Scope: these tasks. Machine learning, neural networks, natural
 Clearly explained the review's goal, which is to examine language processing, and robots are examples of AI
the potential and limitations of AI in analyzing remote approaches and technologies.
sensing data.
 Defined the scope of the evaluation, including the types A subset of AI is machine learning, which allows
of remote sensing data (e.g., satellite imagery, LiDAR computers to learn from data and improve their
data) and specific AI techniques (e.g., machine learning performance over time without being explicitly
algorithms, deep learning models) to be addressed [5]. programmed. Neural networks, which are modeled after the
structure of the human brain, are used to model complex
B. Review of the Literature: relationships in data, allowing AI systems to process and
 Conducted a thorough literature study to discover analyze vast volumes of data [8]. Natural language
relevant research papers, articles, and studies relating to processing enables computers to perceive, interpret, and
AI applications in remote sensing data interpretation. synthesize human language, resulting in more natural and
 Analyzed and synthesize the available literature to intuitive interactions between humans and technology. AI
identify trends, difficulties, and advancements in the uses range from healthcare to finance to manufacturing to
topic. entertainment and beyond. AI-powered systems may detect
medical ailments, forecast financial market trends, improve
C. Explaining AI Techniques: supply chains, generate tailored suggestions, and even help
 Provided an introduced of several AI techniques with creative efforts such as painting and music.
typically used in remote sensing data interpretation,
such as machine learning algorithms (e.g., Random As artificial intelligence technology progresses,
Forest, Support Vector Machines) and deep learning ethical considerations, transparency, and responsible AI
models (e.g., Convolutional Neural Networks, development become more crucial. It is critical for the
Recurrent Neural Networks). successful integration of AI systems into society to ensure
 Discussed the advantages, disadvantages, and that they are fair, unbiased, and respect privacy [9]. While
appropriateness of these strategies for various types of AI has already revolutionized many aspects of our lives,
remote sensing data interpretation jobs. continued research and innovation are pushing the
boundaries of what is possible, offering a future in which
D. Constraints and difficulties: AI-driven solutions play a vital role in changing the world.
 Identified and discussed the restrictions and obstacles
associated with AI-based remote sensing data Traditional computational approaches have numerous
interpretation, such as limited labeled data, the advantages over ANNs [10]. An ANN composed of
interpretability of AI models, data preprocessing needs, nonlinear parts is nonlinear in and of itself, can learn an
and computational demands [6]. input-output mapping from a teacher, can adjust its synaptic
 Addressed any ethical, legal, or privacy concerns that weights to adapt to the environment, can deal with partial
may arise from AI-driven analysis of remote sensing information, and can deliver responses under uncertainty. It
data. is worth mentioning that the analogy with the brain
motivates or inspires ANNs, while the urge to create an
E. Examples of Cases: artificial brain lags far behind. ANN is now viewed as a
 Provided thorough case studies demonstrating the paradigm for doing computations in an effective and
successful application of AI approaches to remote efficient manner, rather than an attempt to replicate a real
sensing data interpretation. In each case study, brain [11]. To illustrate the differences between the brain
emphasize the approaches employed, the results and ANNs, events in silicon chips occur in nanoseconds,
obtained, and the lessons gained. whereas responses in neurons occur in milliseconds. The
brain performs enormous parallel computing to compensate
Following this methodology, this study would provide for the speed. The human cortex contains approximately 10
a comprehensive assessment of the current state and future billion neurons and 60 trillion synapses. In terms of power
possibilities of applying AI for remote sensing data usage, the brain consumes around 10-16 joules per
interpretation, providing significant insights for researchers, operation per second, whereas computers consume
practitioners, and decision-makers in the field. approximately 10-6 joules per operation per second.

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. AI ARCHITECTURE which is coupled to neuron k. An adder adds all inputs
together to generate a linear combination. The activation
A neuron is a computational element that serves as the function is employed to limit the neuron's output [12].
foundation of an ANN. Figure 1 depicts the most typical Figure 1 also includes an external bias w 0, having the
model of a neuron. A neuron receives x 1..., xm inputs. effect of raising or lowering the net input to the activation
Different synaptic weights influence each connection from function.
the input to the processing unit. A signal xj is multiplied by
synaptic weight wkj at the input of synapse or connection j,

Fig. 1: Anatomy of an artificial neuron.

A neuron is described in mathematical terms by the algorithm is closely connected to the architecture used in
following equations: ANNs. There are three types of ANN architectures: (i)
singlelayer feedforward networks, (ii) multilayer
where w0 is the bias and x0 =1. feedforward networks, and (iii) recurrent networks. Figure
2 also shows the AI architecture [13].
The network topology or architecture refers to how
neurons are placed in a neural network. The learning

Fig. 2: Artificial Architecture

V. THE USE OF ANNS IN REMOTE SENSING  Image Classification and Object Detection: ANNs are
used in remote sensing imagery to categorize land
The primary tasks of remote sensing data analysis in cover, land use, and other features. Convolutional
which the application of ANNs is reported are Neural Networks (CNNs), a form of ANN, excel at
classification, more specifically land cover classification, picture classification tasks by learning features at
unmixing, and retrieval of biophysical properties of cover various levels of abstraction automatically [15]. CNNs
[14]. ANNs have also been used for change detection, data are also used to recognize, locate, and classify
fusion, forecasting, preprocessing, georeferencing, and individual objects inside images.
object recognition. Because of their ability to understand  Semantic Segmentation: For semantic segmentation,
complicated relationships and patterns from vast datasets, ANNs, particularly Fully Convolutional Networks
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have found significant (FCNs) and U-Net architectures, are used. This entails
applications in remote sensing. ANNs are a type of assigning a distinct class to each pixel in an image,
machine learning model that is inspired by the form and allowing for precise mapping of land cover and land use
operation of the neural networks in the human brain. Here patterns [16].
are some examples of how ANNs are utilized in remote

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Change Detection: ANNs can detect differences in Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forests, and
time-series remote sensing images, assisting in the Decision Trees are examples of popular algorithms [19].
monitoring of urban development, deforestation, natural  Unsupervised Learning: This technique is used to
catastrophes, and other phenomena [16]. uncover patterns and relationships in data without the
 Analysis of Hyperspectral Data: Hyperspectral data use of labeled training samples [20]. Clustering
comprises information from hundreds of tiny, algorithms such as k-means and hierarchical clustering
contiguous spectral bands. Based on their spectral are examples.
characteristics, ANNs may analyse this data to identify  Semi-Supervised Learning: Semi-supervised learning
materials, minerals, and other compounds [17].ANNs combines components of supervised and unsupervised
can improve the resolution of remote sensing photos, learning by combining a small amount of labelled data
enhancing details and allowing for better feature and a larger amount of unlabelled data.
 Land Cover Classification: ANNs aid in the accurate B. Deep Learning:
classification of various land cover categories, such as  Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): CNNs are
forests, bodies of water, urban areas, and agricultural well-suited for image analysis jobs because they can
fields. automatically learn hierarchical features from raw pixel
 Terrain & Elevation Modelling: ANNs can build data.
high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) from  Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN): While useful for
remote sensing data, which can be used to aid in terrain sequence-based data, RNNs can also be applied to time-
analysis and flood modelling. series remote sensing data, such as satellite imagery
 Weather and Atmospheric Correction: ANNs are over time.
used to improve image quality and accuracy by  GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks): GANs
correcting atmospheric impacts in remote sensing may generate synthetic data that closely matches real
photos. remote sensing imagery, assisting in data augmentation
 Feature Extraction: ANNs are used to extract features and training.
from remote sensing data, allowing for the identification
C. Feature Extraction and Representation:
of relevant information for further study.
 Principal Component Analysis (PCA): Reduces the
 Data fusing: ANNs enable the fusing of data from
dimensionality of data by translating it into a new
several sensors (e.g., optical, radar) to improve
coordinate system.
information accuracy and richness.
 Autoencoders: Autoencoders are neural network
 Quality Control and Anomaly Detection: ANNs may
topologies that are used for unsupervised learning of
detect anomalies or errors in remote sensing data
efficient data encodings.
automatically, improving data quality and
dependability.  Feature Fusion: The integration of information from
several sources or bands of remote sensing data to
 Multi-Temporal Analysis: ANNs aid in the analysis of
improve interpretation.
remote sensing data collected at various time points,
allowing for the monitoring of land use changes, D. Detection and Segmentation of Objects:
vegetation growth, and other phenomena. To recognize and outline items of interest within remote
 The application of ANNs in remote sensing necessitates sensing data, techniques such as Faster R-CNN, YOLO
proper data preparation, model architecture design, and (You Only Look Once), and Mask R-CNN are utilized.
training. Because ANNs learn from data, it is critical to
gather high-quality and representative training datasets.  Segmentation based on semantics: A label is assigned
Considerations such as model interpretability, to each pixel in an image, allowing for detailed land
overfitting, and generalization must also be addressed cover or land use classification.
[18]. Overall, ANNs provide a robust and adaptable
toolkit for deriving meaningful insights from remote E. Learning Transfer:
sensing data in a variety of applications. Using pre-trained AI models and fine-tuning them for
remote sensing tasks on huge datasets, eliminating the need
VI. TECHNIQUES OF ARTIFICIAL for significant labelled data.
INTELLIGENCE FOR DATA  Methods of Ensemble: Predictions from various AI
INTERPRETATION models are combined to increase overall accuracy and
AI approaches have showed considerable promise in
 Analysis of Space and Time: Using spatial and
the interpretation of remote sensing data, allowing for more
temporal information from remote sensing data to
efficient and accurate processing of complex imagery. Here
examine changes and trends across time.
are some of the most common AI algorithms for
 Geographical Analysis: Using remote sensing data in
understanding remote sensing data:
conjunction with geographic information systems (GIS)
A. Machine Learning (ML):
to do advanced spatial analysis.
 Supervised Learning: Supervised Learning entails
 XAI (Explainable AI): Techniques aimed at improving
training a model on labelled training data in order to
transparency and trust by making AI model predictions
make predictions on new, unlabelled data. Support
interpretable and intelligible.

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
VII. STEPS OF INTERPRETATION OF REMOTE graphs, or other visualization tools to visualize the
SENSING DATA USING AI interpreted data.
 Domain Knowledge Integration: Work with domain
Interpreting remote sensing data with artificial experts to validate and contextualize interpreted
intelligence (AI) is a sequence of procedures that use AI outcomes. Domain knowledge contributes to ensuring
approaches to extract useful insights and information from that AI-generated interpretations are accurate, relevant,
data acquired by sensors, satellites, and other remote and applicable to the specific environmental setting.
sensing platforms [21]. The following are the main steps in  Constant Monitoring and Updating: Interpreting
the interpretation process: remote sensing data is an ongoing effort. To maintain
 Data Acquisition and Preprocessing: Gather remote the quality and relevance of the interpretations,
sensing data using a variety of sensors such as satellites, regularly update and retrain the AI model as new data
drones, or ground-based equipment. Preprocess the data becomes available or as the environment changes.
to remove sensor-specific distortions, atmospheric
effects, noise, and other artifacts that may have an By following these procedures, academics and
impact on the data's quality and accuracy [22]. practitioners can use artificial intelligence to extract
 Data Representation: Convert the raw data into an significant insights from remote sensing data, thereby
analysis-ready format. This may entail translating contributing to informed decision-making, environmental
imagery into distinct spectral bands, indices (for monitoring, and a variety of applications across domains.
example, NDVI for vegetation), or other data
representations that highlight specific aspects or VIII. CONSTRAINTS AND CHALLENGES
qualities of interest [23].
Despite the attractive promises, the integration of AI
 Feature Extraction and Selection: Use AI approaches
into remote sensing interpretation provides some important
to extract relevant features from data automatically [24].
restrictions and challenges:
This could include detecting textures, forms, patterns, or
other distinguishing characteristics associated with  Transparency and comprehensibility: Many AI
specific land cover types, events, or changes. models, particularly deep neural networks, operate like
black boxes, making it impossible to explain their
 Algorithm Selection: Based on the specific
decision-making processes [27]. It is critical to ensure
interpretation task, select relevant AI algorithms. For
transparency and interpretability in order to gain the
image analysis, this could entail utilizing machine
trust of stakeholders and experts who rely on accurate
learning methods such as random forests, support vector
and intelligible interpretations.
machines, or deep learning structures such as
convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [25].  Data Quality and Quantity: AI approaches rely
largely on labelled training data that is of high quality.
 Preparation of Training Data: Make a labelled dataset
Obtaining extensive and accurate labelled datasets,
with examples of the classes or phenomena you want to
especially for infrequent or dynamic occurrences, can
investigate. This dataset is used to train the AI model to
be difficult and may have an impact on AI model
recognize and categorize various features in remote
performance [28].
sensing data.
 Domain Expertise: To ensure that AI-generated
 Model Training: Use the prepared training dataset to
insights are contextually appropriate and matched with
train the AI model. The model learns to recognize
the specific intricacies of environmental dynamics,
patterns and correlations between data features and their
effective interpretation of remote sensing data requires
corresponding classes.
domain expertise [29].
 Validation and Evaluation: Assess the performance of
 Ethical problems: The employment of artificial
the trained AI model using validation datasets. Metrics
intelligence in remote sensing interpretation presents
such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score are
ethical problems about prejudice, justice, and
used to measure the model's ability to correctly classify
unforeseen effects. To avoid perpetuating current
and interpret features.
inequities and inaccuracies, it must be carefully
 Model Optimization: Improve the performance of the
considered [30].
AI model by fine-tuning its parameters and architecture.
 Generalization to Complex Environments: Data from
This step may include tweaking hyperparameters,
remote sensing cover a wide range of ecosystems,
employing data augmentation techniques, or
landforms, and atmospheric conditions. To deliver
investigating various network designs.
accurate interpretations in a variety of environmental
 Interpretation and Classification: For classification
scenarios, AI models must generalize well across these
and interpretation, apply the trained AI model to the
complexities [31].
complete remote sensing dataset. Based on learning
 Scalability and computational resources: AI models,
patterns, the model gives classifications or labels to
particularly deep learning systems, can be
individual pixels or regions [26].
computationally intensive [32]. It is a continuous
 Post-Processing and Visualization: Use post-
challenge to ensure that AI-driven interpretations are
processing techniques to refine the interpreted results.
computationally possible and scalable for large-scale
Filtering out noise, removing minor artifacts, or
remote sensing datasets.
combining pixel-level classifications into larger
meaningful units could all be part of this. Use maps,

IJISRT23OCT1223 www.ijisrt.com 1587

Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) tools The use of artificial intelligence into the interpretation
into remote sensing data interpretation holds great promise of remote sensing data holds enormous promise for
for furthering our understanding of Earth's complicated redefining how we perceive and adapt to Earth's changing
dynamics. This fusion, however, carries with it a set of dynamics. This study delves into the opportunities AI
opportunities and limits that influence the potential effect presents for improving data analysis, feature extraction,
and challenges of using AI in this domain [33]. AI real-time monitoring, and predictive modeling.
technologies, particularly machine learning and deep Simultaneously, it addresses the fundamental restrictions of
learning, can automatically evaluate massive amounts of openness, data availability, domain expertise, and ethical
remote sensing data. These algorithms excel in detecting issues that must be managed to ensure the responsible and
complex patterns, correlations, and trends that typical hand effective deployment of AI-driven remote sensing
analysis may miss. Artificial intelligence-driven interpretation. By solving these issues, academics and
interpretation allows for the automatic extraction of practitioners can realize AI's full potential and contribute to
relevant information from raw remote sensing data. This more educated, sustainable, and actionable insights from
feature speeds up the detection of crucial indicators remote sensing data. The successful integration of artificial
including land cover changes, urbanexpansion, and intelligence with remote sensing data interpretation is
vegetation health, resulting in more efficient and accurate dependent on interdisciplinary collaboration among AI
insights [34]. researchers, remote sensing experts, domain specialists, and
policymakers. We can harness the full potential of AI to
Artificial intelligence integration enables real-time unlock new frontiers in remote sensing applications by
monitoring of remote sensing data streams. AI-powered fostering an environment of continuous learning,
systems can detect abnormalities, odd events, or adaptation, and innovation, resulting in more sustainable
environmental changes quickly, allowing for early alerts resource management, improved disaster preparedness, and
and swift responses to natural catastrophes, pollution a deeper understanding of our dynamic planet.
problems, and other emergent circumstances. Based on
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