12 - Nutrition-Recovery-Fat

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Fat Requirements,
Performance, Timing and
Lesson Overview

• Basic fat structure and function

• Fat effects on hypertrophy and body composition
• Are you high fat or high carb?
• Fat Intake Recommendations
• Fat Meal Timing
• Fat Periodization
• Fat Source Selection
Internal organ cushion
Body temperature
Vitamin absorption
Cell membranes structure and function
Hormones and prostaglandin production (interleukins)

Saturated (meat, dairy, tropical oils)
Medium Chain Triglyceride
Short Chain Fatty Acids: Butyrate (milk, grains, seeds, nuts)

Monounsaturated (olive, macadamia nut oil) Omega 9

Polyunsaturated (fish, vegetable oil, nuts, avocado)
Omega 3: Alpha-linolenic acid, EPA, DHA
Omega 6: GLA, Arachidonic Acid, Linoleic Acids (Flax seed)
Fat Effect on Resistance Training

Fat is not limiting factor in resistance training
Intramuscular triglycerides used in training but limited
Anerobic dependent

Low fat (15%) alter testosterone levels
Low carb (30%) can alter free test:cortisol ratio
Type of fat overfed can matter, PUFA vs Saturated fat
Decrease visceral fat gain and increase lean mass
PUFA Omega 3
Increased protein accretion
Enhanced intracellular signaling via membrane fluidity
Fat on Body Composition

Low Fat intake and drops in testosterone likely more related to energy
availability (body fat and energy intake)

Low carbs diets related to lower insulin and IGF1

Ketogenic diets trend toward decrease performance and FFM losses

In overweight and obese populations, calories equated, the

carbohydrate and fat percentages are not impactful.

Interindividual difference between carb and fats

Are You High Carb or High Fat?

• During exercise and at rest individuals can have 4x the difference in fuel substrate

• Improved insulin sensitivity may lose more weight on high carb diet
• Insulin resistant individuals may lose more on low carb diet

• Low training volume considerations

Advantage high fat:

Ease of Calorie Surplus
Slowed Digestion and Hunger
Low food volumes

Disadvantage high fat:

Low insulin levels
Lowered gym performance
Can over suppress appetite for hard gainer
Easy fat storage
Lower glycogen levels (AMPK)

• Monitor blood glucose, A1c , and lipid levels for dietary response
Fat Intakes

0.5-1.5 g/kg/day or 0.3-0.7 g/lb/day

*recommend lower intake for optimizing lean mass

15-30% of total energy needs

Optimal Protein and Carb Intake should not be compromised by a high

fat intake

Omega 3: American Heart Association AHA 1g per day, 3-4g

Omega 6: AHA: 5-10% PUFA (12-17g)

<10% Saturated fat

Remainder mix of MUFA and PUFA
Fat Periodization

Post Show
Hunger high fat intake palatable and decrease GI transit

Low fat intake to increase carb and insulin levels

Contest Prep
Balance between carbs and fats for performance and dietary adherence

Cruise Phase
If insulin resistant via GH/insulin usage, increase fats lower carbs
This may correspond with lower training volume as well
AAS dosage lowered decreases carbohydrate and protein partitioning

Fat Cycling
Higher Fat and Low carb on off days from training
Low calorie more tolerable
Insulin resistance and inflammation management?
Fat Meal Timing

Even spread of fat during the day

Less fat around training

Increase fats at times for blood glucose management

• Pre bed
• Intra-workout
• Morning work flow
Fat Source Selections

• Reduce Saturated Fats and Replace with PUFA and MUFA

• MUFA being the largest contributor to fat intake

Fat choices:
Wild Caught Salmon, Trout, Sardines
Grass Fed Beef
Omega 3 eggs
Nuts (macadamia, almond, walnuts, peanuts, brazil nuts)
Seeds (Flax seed, Chia Seed)
Oils (Extra Virgin Olive oil, mac nut oil, avocado oil, peanut oil)
Dark Chocolate
Low Fat Dairy

Butter, Lard, Trans fats, Refined Vegetable oils, Processed meats, fried
Helms ER, Aragon AA, Fitschen PJ. Evidence-based recommendations
for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and
supplementation. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2014;11:20. Published 2014
May 12. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-11-20

Iraki J, Fitschen P, Espinar S, Helms E. Nutrition Recommendations for

Bodybuilders in the Off-Season: A Narrative Review. Sports (Basel).
2019;7(7):154. Published 2019 Jun 26. doi:10.3390/sports7070154

Schoenfeld B. Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy.

Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2021.

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