PM-EMS-07 Monitoring & Measurement

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Document No.

: PM-EMS-07
Process For Rev. No.: 00
Date: 01-10-2023
Monitoring & Measurement Page No.: 1 of 3


The intent of this process is to establish & maintain process for

- Monitoring & measurement on regular basis, the progress status of environmental
activities and programs.
- Ensuring calibration of environmental and equipments
- Ensuring the target achievement in Objective and management programme.
- Evaluating the compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations.


Relevant to all activities, products and services of PPPL which are significant impact


ISO14001:2015 Clause 9.1

Prepared By Approved By Copy Status

Mr R.Karthikeyan Mr A.Anantharaman ISO Std

Document No.: PM-EMS-07
Process For Rev. No.: 00
Date: 01-10-2023
Monitoring & Measurement Page No.: 2 of 3


Responsibility Activities Interface

Monitoring & measuring key
Concerned HOD/ MR 4.1 Management Programme
characteristics identification

Concerned HOD/ MR 4.2 Progress on MP/OPC status Management Programme

HOD QA Calibration of monitoring

4.3 Calibration schedule

Evaluation of Objective, MP status

Concerned HOD/ MR 4.4 Objective Monitoring sheet
and Compliance Obligation


5.1 Monitoring & measuring key characteristics identification.

5.1.1 The characteristics of operations and activities, which are significant impact on
environment, are identified for monitored and measured on a required periodical basis as
mentioned in Management Programme.

5.1.2 All EMS objectives parameters are listed for monitored and measured on a required
periodical basis. (PPPL-FMT-EMS-06)

5.1.3 All Compliance Obligation related parameters are identified for monitored and measured on a
required periodical basis as per legal and others requirement.(PPPL-FMT-EMS-05)

5.2 Progress on MP/OPC

5.2.1 The progress of MP's status & OPC (wherever measurable) performance is reviewed

5.2.2 MR updates the top management on MP status through management review meeting.

Calibration of Monitoring Equipments

5.3.1 The equipment’s, which are used for monitoring and measurement are identified in the
master list of instruments. Reference process:PPPL- PM-QA-09.

5.3.2 HOD QA maintains the calibration records.

5.4 Evaluation of Objective, MP status and Compliance Obligation

Prepared By Approved By Copy Status

Mr R.Karthikeyan Mr A.Anantharaman ISO Std

Document No.: PM-EMS-07
Process For Rev. No.: 00
Date: 01-10-2023
Monitoring & Measurement Page No.: 3 of 3

5.4.1 All EMS objectives parameters are monitored and measured on a required periodical basis
mentioned in objective monitoring sheet.

5.4.2 All Compliance Obligation related parameters are monitored and measured on a required
periodical basis as per legal and others requirement. (RPL-FMT-EMS-05)


S. Retention Disposal
Format Name Format No Responsibility
No Period Method
1 Management Programme Tear off Concerned HOD
07 Updation
2 Objective Monitoring Sheet One Year Tear off Concerned HOD

Compliance Obligation PPPL-FMT-EMS- Till next HOD HR & HOD

3 Tear off
Monitoring Register 05 Updating Maint.

Calibration of Monitoring Till

4 PPPL-PM-QA-09 Tear off HOD QA
and Measuring equipment Updation

Prepared By Approved By Copy Status

Mr R.Karthikeyan Mr A.Anantharaman ISO Std

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