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Pros & Cons Of Social

Ai Sriussadaporn
M.2/1 No. 13

Social media is a big part of our lives now. It helps us connect with others and
share our thoughts. But, like everything, it has good and bad sides. Let's look at the pros
and cons of social media.

The best thing about social media is how it brings people together. No matter
where we are, we can talk to our friends and family. It makes us feel closer, even when
we're far apart

Furthermore, Social media lets us share news and important things quickly. We
can learn about events, disasters, and good causes. It's a powerful tool to spread
awareness and make positive changes.

On the other hand, Using social media can be risky for our privacy. Sometimes,
our personal information gets into the wrong hands. It's important to be careful about
what we share.

Also, Social media can affect our emotions. When we see others having perfect
lives, we might feel bad about ourselves. Also, cyberbullying can hurt people online. We
need to be kind to each other.

In conclusion, Social media has its good and bad sides. It helps us stay
connected and share important information. But, we must be careful about our privacy
and how it affects our feelings. By using it wisely, we can make the most of social

media while avoiding its bad sides.

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