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When I decided to further my studies overseas, I spent a long time looking for a destination.

this process, I spent a significant amount of time scouring the internet and attempting to speak with
people in my immediate vicinity who had studied overseas. As a result, Taiwan became my final
destination, which suited my goals. One of the reasons I selected Taiwan is because of its thriving
economy, which promotes education in every way possible. They have already accomplished a great deal
in education, in my opinion. One of my top priorities when looking for a study destination was a well-
developed educational system. Taiwan is an appealing destination for many due to its unique combination
of cultures, magnificent scenery, different cuisines, lively city life, and well-developed hotel industry. Of
course, safety was a consideration in my search, and Taiwan's incredibly low crime rate makes it an ideal
destination for students, particularly first-time international travelers. I am overjoyed to have been
accepted to study a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at Mingshin University of Science
and Technology, which will allow me to improve my studies and expand my knowledge. The following is
my study plan for the duration of my studies:

First Year (2023 - 2024)

In my first year, I'm concentrating on building a solid foundation in both science and mathematics. I'll
begin with beginning calculus, physics, and engineering graphics courses, followed by Mandarin classes
to increase my skills. I'll also join engineering groups or student organizations to meet new people and
learn new skills.

Second Year (20024 - 2025)

In my second year, I'll go deeper into key mechanical engineering topics. Thermodynamics, materials
science, and mechanics courses will be necessary. I intend to begin looking for research opportunities
with professors. In addition, I'll continue to improve my language skills and take elective classes based on
my interests.

Third Year (2025 - 2026)

I expect that the program will become more specialized in my third year. I'll be researching heat transfer,
machine design, and control systems, among other things. I'm considering a summer internship or co-op
work in the field to obtain practical experience. My language abilities will remain a priority, and I will
look at elective courses that will help me advance in my work.

Fourth Year (2026 - 2027)

My concentration will move to my thesis or research project when I enter my fourth year. I aim to attend
conferences and workshops to broaden my network and work closely with advisers and mentors. In
addition, I'll continue to improve my language abilities and concentrate on essential soft skills such as
project management and communication.

Following graduation, I plan to further my education by getting a master's degree in mechanical
engineering or a related profession. This advanced degree can lead to new career opportunities and allow
for specialization in a particular field of study. I'll explore potential programs, study for admission exams
if necessary, and apply to colleges that match my academic and professional aspirations.

This study plan details my four-year journey through Taiwan's mechanical engineering curriculum. It
focuses on progressively acquiring knowledge, gaining practical experience, and preparing for a
successful transition to the professional world, including the option of earning a master's degree for
further academic and career advancement. This approach will be tailored to my specific circumstances
and goals.

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