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Energy 32 (2007) 1375–1380

Trace compounds of biogas from different biogas production plants

S. Rasi, A. Veijanen, J. Rintala
Department of Biological and Environmental Science, University of Jyväskylä, P.O. Box 35, FI-40014 Jyväskylä, Finland
Received 24 February 2006


Biogas composition and variation in three different biogas production plants were studied to provide information pertaining to its
potential use as biofuel. Methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sulphur compounds were
measured in samples of biogases from a landfill, sewage treatment plant sludge digester and farm biogas plant. Methane content ranged
from 48% to 65%, carbon dioxide from 36% to 41% and nitrogen from o1% to 17%. Oxygen content in all three gases was o1%. The
highest methane content occurred in the gas from the sewage digester while the lowest methane and highest nitrogen contents were found
in the landfill gas during winter. The amount of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) varied from 5 to 268 mg m 3, and was lowest
in the biogas from the farm biogas plant. Hydrogen sulphide and other sulphur compounds occurred in landfill gas and farm biogas and
in smaller amounts in the sewage digester gas. Organic silicon compounds were also found in the landfill and sewage digester gases. To
conclude, the biogases in the different production plants varied, especially in trace compound content. This should be taken into account
when planning uses for biogas.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Landfill; Sewage treatment plant; Biogas plant; Methane; Volatile organic compounds

1. Introduction o1% nitrogen, biogas from organic waste digesters usually

contains from 60% to 70% methane, from 30% to 40%
Biogas is produced in different environments, e.g., in carbon dioxide and o1% nitrogen while in landfills methane
landfills, sewage sludge and biowaste digesters during content is usually from 45% to 55%, carbon dioxide from
anaerobic degradation of organic material. Methane, 30% to 40% and nitrogen from 5% to 15% [3]. Typically
which is the main component of biogas, is a valuable biogas also contains hydrogen sulphide and other sulphur
renewable energy source, but also a harmful greenhouse compounds, compounds such as siloxanes and aromatic and
gas if emitted into the atmosphere. Methane, upgraded halogenated compounds. Although amounts of trace com-
from biogas, can be used for heat and electricity produc- pounds are low compared to methane, they can have
tion or as biofuel for vehicles to reduce environmental environmental impacts such as stratospheric ozone depletion,
emissions and the use of fossil fuels. Biogas is considered a the greenhouse effect and/or reduce the quality of local air.
carbon dioxide-neutral biofuel and if used as vehicle fuel, Many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) harmful to the
emits lower amounts of nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbon and environment or to humans can occur in biogases as they
carbon monoxide emissions than petrol or diesel engines have high vapour pressure and low solubility. Aromatics,
[1]. Upgrading of biogas for use as vehicle fuel is feasible in heterocyclic compounds, ketones, aliphatics, terpenes, alco-
large-scale sewage and biowaste digesters (e.g.) [1], and hols and halogenated aliphatics are found, especially in
pioneering work has recently also been done on farm-scale landfill gas [4–8]. Many toxic VOCs are emitted from or
biogas concepts in this field [2]. formed in household waste which includes cleaning com-
Biogas from sewage digesters usually contains from 55% pounds, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, plastics, synthetic tex-
to 65% methane, from 35% to 45% carbon dioxide and tiles and coatings [9]. Aromatic and chlorinated
hydrocarbons are widely used in industry as solvents and
Corresponding author. Tel.: +358 14 2602340; fax: +358 14 2602321. fluorinated hydrocarbons have been used as refrigerating
E-mail address: (S. Rasi). aggregates, foaming agents, solvents and propellants [10].

0360-5442/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1376 S. Rasi et al. / Energy 32 (2007) 1375–1380

If biogas is used for energy production, compounds 2.2. Biogas sampling and gas analyses
containing organosulphur or organochloride contribute to
corrosion in vehicle or combustion engines [4]. Biogas The gas samples from the landfill and sewage treatment
containing organic silicon compounds is harmful to engines plant were collected during 2004–2006 and from the farm
because the silicon compounds are oxidised to silicon in summer 2005. Samples for methane, carbon dioxide,
oxides during combustion, causing scuffing to engine parts oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur compound measurements
[1]. Biogas from sewage treatment and biogas plants is were collected in TECOBAG (PETP/AL/PE 12/12/75)
commonly used for heat and electricity production but also aluminium gas bags (volume 10 l).
increasingly for vehicle fuel production. Landfill gas is used Samples for VOC measurements were collected in
for heat and electricity production in many countries, but Nalophan NAr bags. The samples were drawn from the
its use for vehicle fuel production is considered in many bags into sampling tubes at a rate of 90 ml/min using a
cases to be too complicated and thus expensive because it Gillian Personal Air Sampler (LFS-113DC). The adsorp-
contains trace compounds, such as sulphur, chloride and tion material in the sampling tubes was Tenax GR. The
silicon compounds [7]. tubes were capped and stored at 18 1C until analysed. The
The objective of the present study was to determine the adsorbed VOC samples were analysed using thermal
major and trace organic compounds in biogas and the desorption gas chromatograph–mass spectrometry (Tek-
variation in biogas composition in three different types of mar Purge & Trap Concentrator 3000/Agilent 6890+/5973
biogas producing plants, a municipal landfill, a sewage N MSD).
treatment plant and a farm biogas plant in order to assess Methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen were measured
the need for upgrading the biogas in each case. More with an infra-red gas analyser (GA 94) and nitrogen with
specifically, the aim was to determine methane, carbon Perkin-Elmer Autosystem XL gas chromatograph. Ammo-
dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen content and to identify VOCs nia was analysed using Rae Systems gas detection tubes
that have potential corrosive or toxic effects. Biogas (range 1–30 ppm). Methylmercaptan, dimethylsulphide
samples from the landfill and sewage digester were taken (DMS) and dimethyldisulphide (DMDS) were measured
at different seasons to determine variations in gas content with a portable gas chromatograph (Photovac GC/PID).
under different climatic conditions while biogas samples Hydrogen sulphide was measured with an infra-red gas
from the farm were taken only in summertime, as climate analyser (GA 94) equipped with electro-chemical cell,
was not considered a significant factor in farm-scale biogas Dräger and Rae Systems gas detection tubes (range 0.2–6
production. and 2.5–60 ppm) and portable gas chromatograph (Photo-
vac GC/PID).
2. Materials and methods
3. Results
2.1. Biogas sources
The content of methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen,
The biogas samples were taken from a municipal landfill nitrogen and hydrogen sulphide in the three biogases and
and a mesophilic municipal sewage treatment plant sludge the variation within them were determined. The highest
digester both in Jyväskylä, Finland and from a farm methane content, 65%, was detected in the gas from the
mesophilic biogas plant in Laukaa, Finland. In the landfill sewage digester and the lowest, 47%, in the landfill gas
studied, gas is collected from a 12-extraction well system (Table 1 and Fig. 1). The methane content of the biogas
over an area of 16 ha. The extraction well system was built from the sewage digester and the farm varied by less than
in 2001 and the gas was flared until December 2003, since 4% and carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen by less than
when most of the gas has been used for district heating. 2%, while in the landfill gas differences in methane and
The landfill gas samples were taken from a collector pipe nitrogen content were from 10% to 15%. The amount of
[11]. The sewage treatment plant treats sewage from hydrogen sulphide in the landfill gas varied from 36 to
Jyväskylä and three other surrounding towns and indus- 115 ppm and in the farm biogas from 32 to 169 ppm, while
trial wastewater from two factories. Biogas is produced in hydrogen sulphide was not detected in the gas from the
two 2750 m3 digester tanks where the primary and sewage digester. Other reduced sulphur compounds were
secondary sludge of the plant is stabilised. Most of the found in all biogas samples (Fig. 3).
biogas is used to produce heat and mechanical energy for The occurrence of VOCs in landfill, sewage digester and
the plant and rest of the gas is flared [12]. The biogas from farm biogases was studied. The farm biogas contained lower
the farm, produced by digesting cow manure and confec- amounts of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs)
tionary by-products, is used for combined heat and power (from 5 to 8 mg m 3) than the other gases (Fig. 2) and
generation and also to produce vehicle fuel. All of the gas variation between samples was small. In the landfill and
produced is used for energy production. In the year 2003, sewage digester, the amounts of TVOCs varied from 46 to
1.9 Mm3 of biogas was collected from the landfill, 1.5 Mm3 173 mg m 3 and from 13 to 268 mg m 3, respectively.
from the sewage treatment plant and about 0.06 Mm3 from Chromatograms from the different gas samples were
the farm biogas plant [13]. compared and differences in VOC qualities evaluated.
S. Rasi et al. / Energy 32 (2007) 1375–1380 1377

Table 1
Methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen sulphide, benzene and toluene contents in biogas from different biogas producing plants

Biogas CH4 (%) CO2 (%) O2 (%) N2 (%) H2S (ppm) Benzene (mg m 3) Toluene (mg m 3) Ref.

Landfill 47–57 37–41 o1 o1–17 36–115 0.6–2.3 1.7–5.1 a

Sewage digester 61–65 36–38 o1 o2 b.d. 0.1–0.3 2.8–11.8 a

Farm biogas plant 55–58 37–38 o1 o1–2 32–169 0.7–1.3 0.2–0.7 a

Landfill 59.4–67.9 29.9–38.6 n.a. n.a. 15.1–427.5 21.7–35.6 83.3–171.6 [7]

Landfill 37–62 24–29 o1 n.a. n.a. o0.1–7 10–287 [4]
Landfill 55.6 37.14 0.99 n.a. n.a. 3.0 55.7 [6]
Landfill 44 40.1 2.6 13.2 250 n.a. 65.9 [8]
Sewage digester 57.8 38.6 0 3.7 62.9 n.a. n.a. [21]
Sewage digester 62.6 37.4 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. [22]
Sewage digester 58 33.9 0 8.1 24.1 n.a. n.a. [23]

b.d.—Below detection limit 0.1 ppm. n.a.—not analysed.

This study.

Nitrogen Carbon dioxide Methane Toluene and benzene were detected in all the gas samples
100 % (Table 1) while halogenated compounds were found in the
90 % landfill and sewage digester gases, 0.3–1.3 and
80 %
70 % o0.1 mg m 3, respectively. The landfill gas contained more
60 % benzene than either the sewage digester gas or farm biogas
50 % while toluene content was higher in the sewage digester gas.
40 % Benzene concentration in the farm biogas was higher that
30 %
20 %
in the sewage digester gas. The amounts of organic silicon
10 % compounds found in the landfill gas were from 0.7 to
0% 4 mg m 3, in the sewage digester gas from 1.5 to
10.6 mg m 3 and in the farm biogas less than 0.4 mg m 3.
Ju 4
Ap -04

Ap 4

Ju 04

Ju 04

Ju 4

Au 5

O 5

N 5

D 5

Ja 5
















4. Discussion
Fig. 1. Methane, carbon dioxide and nitrogen contents of landfill gas at
different seasons. The present results showed some differences in biogas
contents—both in major components as well as in trace
components—in the studied biogas production plants
Differences in the amounts and quality of VOCs are given producing biogas from different and varying substrates
in Fig. 3, which shows example chromatograms of biogas under different conditions. Differences in biogas composi-
samples from the landfill, sewage treatment plant and farm, tion should be taken into account when biogas utilisation is
with a list of the major trace components. Gas samples planned because certain compounds, such as VOC and
from different plants are on the same scale and thus sulphur compounds also found in all the biogases in the
comparable with each other. In the landfill gas molecular present study, can cause health problems to humans,
weights of most of the compounds varied from 62 to 140 g/ environmental impacts, as emissions, and be harmful to
mol and in the sewage digester gas from 92 to 198 g/mol, as engines when used as a source of energy [7].
the retention times in the chromatograms show. In farm The amount of methane and carbon dioxide in different
biogas, molecular weights of the compounds varied more biogases in this study were on the same level as found in
widely but concentrations of compounds were lower. Most previous studies in similar plants (Table 1). The low
of the VOCs, especially in the landfill and sewage digester variation in methane and carbon dioxide content observed
gas samples, were aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in the sewage digester and farm biogases in this study
although organic silicon, halogenated and reduced sulphur makes the gas utilisation easier and apparently less
compounds were also detected. The landfill gas contained expensive. The amount of nitrogen and oxygen in biogases
more aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons than the from sewage digester and farm biogas plant are usually
biogas from either the sewage digester or farm. Most of the low, as found also in this study, because the biogas is
VOCs from sewage digester were aliphatic but there were produced in sealed tanks, avoiding contact with air. The
also some aromatic compounds. The biogas from the farm presence of nitrogen and oxygen in the landfill gas is due to
mostly contained reduced sulphur compounds and only air flow in the gas collection pipes. In landfills the
small amounts of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons. recovered gas flow (and gas composition) is controlled by
Benzene, toluene, halogenated and organic silicon the vacuum pressure in the gas collection system. With a
compounds were determined from the VOC samples. small vacuum, landfill gas flows from landfill body into
1378 S. Rasi et al. / Energy 32 (2007) 1375–1380

extracting wells and air flows from surface of the landfill oxygen in the landfill gas studied were less than 1%. In the
into collection systems are small, but gas also can pass the present study the observed lower methane and higher
gas recovery system. On the other hand, if air flows into the nitrogen content in the landfill gas in the winter was either
collection system because the vacuum is too high, it can due to adjustments in gas recovery system or due to
also reduce anaerobic degradation and reduce the energy differences in landfill gas production. In landfills gas
value of the landfill gas by increasing nitrogen and oxygen production is dependant, on the degradation status of the
content [14]. High amounts of air in landfill gas can be waste material as well as moisture and temperature, all of
harmful because the higher concentrations of oxygen which may vary greatly in different parts of the landfill
increase the risk of explosion, although the levels of body.


Ap -04

ar 4
Ju -04
Ju -04

Ju -04

Ju -04
Ju -04
Ju -04

Ju -05
Ap -04
Ju l-04

Ju 04
Au 05
O 05

Ju 05

M -0












Landfill Sewage plant Biogas farm

Fig. 2. TVOC content of landfill gas, sewage digester gas and farm biogas.

13* *
11* * Landfill gas
7000000 *

3-8 16
5000000 *
12 * * *
3000000 14
2000000 9 15 ** 17
2 10 * 19 22
1000000 ** 20 23
1 18 * 21 24-26 27
2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00

Sewage gas
8000000 13*

5000000 16 20
3000000 3,4,
2000000 6-9,
28 29
1000000 15
12 30

2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00

Farm biogas
6000000 11*

4000000 3,4,6,
3000000 7,32 13*
2000000 27 24 20,38, *
30 17,18, 16,17, 27, 23, 25,26,
12 39
1000000 15 34,35 21,22 36,37 40,41
33 31 42,43

2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00
S. Rasi et al. / Energy 32 (2007) 1375–1380 1379

The hydrogen sulphide content in the biogas of the takes place in a stable environment but the source of the
studied sewage digester was lower than in the other treated material is both industrial and household. The
biogases and previously reported digester biogases presence and variation in biogas VOC contents in landfills
(Table 1). In the studied sewage treatment plant, ferro has also been reported by other researchers [4,7].
sulphate (FeSO4) which is used to precipitate phosphorus Although the concentration of TVOCs in this study
from sewage, also precipitates hydrogen sulphide under varied across the different samples and different biogas
anaerobic condition of sludge digestion. In the present producing plants, the trace components were similar from
study the biogas from the farm contained greater amounts sample to sample for a given location. In case of landfill
of different reduced sulphur compounds than either the gases this has also been reported by other researchers [6,7].
landfill or sewage digester gas (Fig. 3). In biogas hydrogen The higher amounts of aromatic compounds in landfill
sulphide and other sulphide compounds originate in compared to sewage digester or farm biogases (Fig. 3) are
anaerobic conditions along several different pathways probably associated with older waste [4] even though high
[15]. For example, methanethiol and DMS are formed concentrations of aromatic compounds have also been
from the degradation of sulphur-containing amino acids measured in urban waste disposal bins [17]. Aromatic
(present e.g. in manure) and from the anaerobic methyla- compounds are produced during anaerobic process via
tion of sulphide. DMS is reduced to form methane and breakdown of abundant lignins [15]. Levels of alkanes and
methanethiol following to methanogenic conversion. aromatic compounds as well as halogenated and oxyge-
Methanethiol later forms methane, carbon dioxide and nated compounds are dependant on stage of decomposi-
hydrogen sulphide [16]. In the present farm biogas plant tion and composition of waste [4]. In the studies on
hydrogen sulphide is upgraded by aeration, so the variation halocarbons in landfill gases, Allen et al. [4] and Jaffrin et
in hydrogen sulphide content indicates some variation in al. [8], respectively, detected from 118 to 735 and
aeration. 169 mg m 3 of total chloride and from 63 to 256 and
The fact that TVOC content and variation was lower in 25.9 mg m 3 of total fluorine. In the present study the total
the studied farm biogas than in the landfill and sewage amount of halogenated compounds was even lower
digester gases was probably due to more homogenous (0.3–1.3 mg m 3) than either of those alone.
material (manure and confectionery by-products) in the Benzene content in the landfill gas was higher than in the
farm biogas plant. Although much waste material is sewage digester and farm biogas probably for the reason
recycled, wastes in landfills still contain wide range of that benzene is a natural component of crude oil and is
different kind of materials and probably even some widely used in industry, wastes from which enter the
hazardous waste from time when it was not separately landfill. The toluene concentrations in this study were also
collected. In the sewage treatment plant biogas production higher in the landfill and sewage digester gas than farm

Fig. 3. Total ion current chromatograms (TIC) of VOCs from landfill gas (above), sewage digester gas (middle) and farm biogas (below)

1. 1-Chloro-1-fluoroethane (1.71), Ethyl chloride (1.80)

2. Dichlorofluoromethane
3. Methylene chloride
4. Carbon disulphide
5. 1-Chloropropane
6, 8. Thiols
7. Trimethylsilanol
9. 1,2-Dichloroethene
10. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane
11. Benzene
12. Hexamethyldisiloxane
13. Toluene
14. Tetrachloroethylene
15. Hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane
16. Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane
20. 2,4-bis(trimethylsiloxy) benzaldehyde
26. Decamethyltetrasiloxane
28. 1-Propanethiol
29. Thiophene
30, 31. Methylthiophenes
32. DMS
33. DMDS
34, 35. Ethylthiophenes
17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43. Alkyl disulphides (C3–C10)
23, 25. Alkyl trisulphides (C6)
*Aromatic hydrocarbons
1380 S. Rasi et al. / Energy 32 (2007) 1375–1380

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