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Inttake Num
ourse Naame:
Exxamination Subm
This is a Take‐Hom me examinaation. You are expectted to answ wer all listed
d questionss on the
case stuudy mentiooned, wheree you are kiindly requirred to elabo
orate as mu uch as you can and
use illu
ustrative dra
awings wherever posssible. Your answers willw be in th he same sheeet, and
shall bee in handwrriting.

omer Beh

M m – May 29th 2012



In the 202 plus yeaars since itt was introd duced, the personal computer haas become a mass-
market product. Inn 1997, the number off persons inn the United d States thatt used compputers at
least onnce daily ex
xceeded 80 million.
m Theese numberrs were grow wing all oveer the worldd, Along
with the rapid devvelopment of o computerr technologgies, compuuter prices were
w cominng down
fast. Inn fact, somme fully feaatured modeels are currrently sellinng for as liittle as $5000. With
dozens of brands on the marrket, the prrocess of deeciding whiich computter to purchhase has
becomee extremelyy difficult for consu umers. Sevveral publiccations (, BusinesssWeek,
Consum mer Reportss) issues annnual buyin ng guides thhat may heelp consum mers make purchase
decisionns. The folllowing tabble illustratees the finddings of a Consumer
C Reports stuudy that
comparred several brands
b of peersonal com
mputers quite a while aggo:

Model Price
e Speed
d Power Display Images S
Sound Fe

Gatewaay Essential 450 $1,290 4 3 4 4 4 5

q Presario 5724
5 $1,298 3 4 4 4 3 4

Dell Dim
mension L50
00 $1,168 4 4 4 4 4 4

d Bell 8975 $1,129 4 3 2 3 4 3

IBM Aptiva E Series $1,149 4 4 4 3 3 4

HP Paviillion 8560C
C $1,248 3 4 2 3 4 4

eMachines eTower $64

48 3 3 3 3 3 3

eMachines eOne 433

4 $874 3 5 3 3 3 4

*Apple iMac 333M

Mhz $1,199 4 4 3 4 4 4

Ratings: 1 = Poor; 2 = Fair; 3 = Good;

G 4 = Very
V Good; 5 = Excelleent

(Adapteed from Con

nsumer Repports, Decem
mber 1999)

Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing
Many cconsumers find f themseelves perplexed by all of
o the featuures of perso
onal compuuters. In
the tablle above, for
fo examplee, some connsumers maay fail to reealize that the Apple iMac is
significcantly differrent from thhe other com
mputers listeed. Anotherr problem with
w the tablle above
is that iit does not feature servvice. That is, the ease with whichh a personaal computer may be
servicedd is not expplicitly conssidered in thhe table. This
T is one feature
f of a personal computer
that maany consum mers may vaalue highly y. The key issue then n is how caan consumers make
importaant decisionns when faceed with a task as difficuult as buyinng a personaal computer?

Imaginee that you are

a the VP for
f marketin
ng for a majjor computeer retailer, such
s as CommpuME,
Radio S
Shack, or Computer
C Shhop. One of
o your markketing strattegies is to assist
a consuumers in
evaluatiing and chooosing compputers.


1. Define the problem

p ideentified in the
t case.

2. Discuss thee consumer behavior cooncepts from

m the chapteer that applyy to the prooblem.

3. Discuss thee marketing implication

ns that tacklled by this case
c study.

4. Identify all of the probblems that you can withh the spread
dsheet used by
b Consum
Reports to assist
a compputer buyerss.

5. Develop ann improved spreadsheet

s t.

Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

























Graduatte Diploma in
n Internation
nal Marketing

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