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ELSEVIER Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83-105


Critical review

A critical review of ohmic and rectifying contacts for silicon carbide

Lisa M. Porter, Robert F. Davis
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7907, USA
Received 10 May 1995


For more than three decades, SiC has been investigated as a wide band gap semiconductor. This paper reviews ohmic and
rectifying metal contacts on n- and p-type ~- and fl-SiC reported throughout that time period. Electrical characteristics, Schottky
barrier heights (SBHs), thermal stability, and chemical reactions are discussed. Most metals formed very good rectifying contacts
in the as-deposited condition on both n- and p-type 6H-SiC with Schottky barrier heights ~>1 eV. Low ideality factors (n < 1.1)
and high breakdown voltages (> 1100 V) have been displayed in this material. The electrical properties of contacts on 3C-SiC have
been more dependent on the quality of the 3C-SiC films, which have been plagued by higher defect densities than 6H-SiC. In
general, a partial pinning of the Fermi level has been evidenced by positive correlations, which are less than 1 (~0.2-0.6), between
the SBHs and the metal work functions. Ohmic contacts with low contact resistivities (~< 10 -5 f~ cm2), especially important for
high power applications, on any of the SiC polytypes have been exceptionally difficult to achieve. Most of the ohmic contacts have
relied on high doping concentrations in combination with annealing at temperatures between 800 and 1300 °C. Annealed Ni and
A1 have primarily been used in ohmic contact metallizations for n- and p-type SiC, respectively. The tendency of SiC to react with
metals to form carbides and/or silicides at potential device operating temperatures ( ~ 600 °C) can be a problem for potential long
term applications at high temperature. These critical issues are discussed along with future perspectives for research approaches.

Keywords: Silicon carbide; Semiconductors; Ohmic metal contacts; Rectifying metal contacts

I. Introduction actuality, this polytype is only 33% hexagonal. Its

ABCACB stacking sequence consists of two (identical
In certain close-packed materials such as SiC, there neighboring) hexagonal bilayers and four (different
exists a one-dimensional type of polymorphism called neighboring) cubic bilayers. All of these noncubic struc-
polytypism. Polytypes are alike within the closest- tures are known collectively as a-SiC.
packed planes but differ in the stacking sequence in the The multitude of extreme thermal and electronic
dimension perpendicular to these planes. The stacking properties of SiC produces numerous and novel combi-
sequence of these closest-packed planes is commonly nations of attributes for a semiconductor material for
described by an ABC notation. In SiC each letter refers both optoelectronic and for high-power, -frequency,
to a bilayer composed of individual layers of Si and C. -temperature, -speed, and radiation hard microelec-
A repetitive ABC stacking sequence yields the zinc tronic devices.
blende structure. This is the only cubic SiC polytype The great potential of (6H)-SiC as a semiconductor
and is referred to as 3C- or fl-SiC, where the 3 refers to in such electronic device applications is challenged by
the number of Si/C bilayers in the periodic sequence. the difficulty of controlling metal contact properties.
The hexagonal (wurtzite) ( A B A B . . . ) sequence is also These properties of the metal/SiC interfaces include
found in SiC. Both can also occur in more complex, uniformity and thickness of the interfacial region, sta-
intermixed forms yielding a wider range of ordered, bility at high temperatures ( ~ 600 °C), and most impor-
larger period, hexagonal (H) or rhombohedral (R) tantly, the Schottky barrier height (SBH), or the energy
structures of which 6H-SiC is the most common. In barrier for electrons traversing the interface.

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84 L.M. Porter, R . F Davis / Materials" Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83 105

Table 1
Selected structural, thermal, and electronic properties of 6H- and 3C-SiC at 300 K

Property 6H-SiC Ref. 3C-SiC Ref.

Band gap Eg = 3.0 eV [31 2.3 eV [3]

Lattice parameter a = 3.08086 A [116] a - 3.08269/k [116]
c= 15.1174 A e = 7.55124/~
Work function ~s = 4.75 + / - 0.10 eV [12] ~s ~ 5.2 eV calculated
(n-type, (0001) surface): from Xs
4.85 + / - 0.10 eV (p-type, value
(0001) surface)
Electron affinity Zs = 3.3 eV calculated Zs - 4.0 eV [12,117]
from [12]
Electron mobility /~n-700cm 2 (Vs) I (at n= [118] /Ln=980cm 2 (Vs) t (at n [119]
1.1 x 1016cm 3) =4.0× 1016cm 3)
Saturated electron vs~,t= 2.0 x 107 cm s i [120] Usat = 2.5 x 107 cm S i [121]
drift velocity
Breakdown E R = 4 x 106Vcm i [122] EB - 3 × 106Vcm i [122]
electric field
Dielectric ~:1(0)= 10.03 [123] ~:(0)= 9.72 [1231
constant c±(0) = 9.66 c(,z) = 6.52
~;11(3c)= 6.70
~:±(oc)= 6.52
Thermal ~rT=4.9Wcm I deg-t [124] aT--4.9Wcm --Ideg ; [124]

T h e S c h o t t k y b a r r i e r height d e t e r m i n e s the electrical e m p i r i c a l d e v i a t i o n from the S c h o t t k y - M o t t limit led

b e h a v i o r o f an o h m i c o r S c h o t t k y contact. A n o h m i c to the d e v e l o p m e n t o f a t h e o r y b a s e d on surface states
contact, i m p o r t a n t for m a k i n g o u t s i d e c o m m u n i c a t i o n r a t h e r t h a n w o r k function differences [2]. Because the
to a device, is defined as having: (1) a linear a n d surface o f a m a t e r i a l is itself an imperfection, surface
s y m m e t r i c c u r r e n t - v o l t a g e r e l a t i o n s h i p for positive a n d states can exist within the energy gap o f the bulk
negative voltages; a n d (2) negligible resistance c o m - s e m i c o n d u c t o r . Bardeen f o u n d t h a t the density o f sur-
p a r e d with the b u l k o f the device. Therefore, a low face states can be so high t h a t they p r e d e t e r m i n e the
S B H is necessary to create a g o o d o h m i c contact. b a r r i e r height, such that ~B is c o m p l e t e l y i n d e p e n d e n t
H o w e v e r , a large S B H is necessary to create a g o o d o f q~M- In this case the b a r r i e r height o r the F e r m i level
S c h o t t k y , o r rectifying, contact. A rectifying c o n t a c t is said to be ' p i n n e d ' , a n d c o n t r o l over the b a r r i e r
allows c u r r e n t to flow for only one sign (positive o r height is lost. Usually the actual r e l a t i o n s h i p between
negative) o f v o l t a g e bias, t h e r e b y b e c o m i n g a c o m p o - ~B a n d ~ u falls s o m e w h e r e between the S c h o t t k y
nent o f the active region o f the device. M o r t limit a n d the B a r d e e n limit.
Because o f the critical i m p o r t a n c e o f the S B H (also In a d d i t i o n to the electronic interactions at an 'inti-
written s y m b o l i c a l l y as ~B), m u c h research has been m a t e ' m e t a l - s e m i c o n d u c t o r contact, the chemical a n d
d e v o t e d to achieving an u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f the u n d e r l y - structural interactions m u s t be considered. M o s t b a r r i e r
ing p h e n o m e n a , its c o n t r o l , a n d the e x p e r i m e n t a l p r o - height m o d e l s d o not address chemical b o n d s at the
cess routes by which the latter m a y b e achieved. W h e n interface, yet few interfaces c o n t a i n m a t e r i a l s which are
two m a t e r i a l s c o m e in contact, the respective F e r m i inert with respect to each other. T h e structure m a y be
levels m u s t align. In 1938 M o t t [1] defined a relation- i m p o r t a n t in terms o f affecting the n u m b e r o f surface
ship which is n o w k n o w n as the S c h o t t k y M o t t limit (interface) states, which in t u r n affects the v a r i a b i l i t y o f
for an ideal metal s e m i c o n d u c t o r contact. This rela- the b a r r i e r height.
t i o n s h i p states t h a t (for an n - t y p e s e m i c o n d u c t o r ) the
b a r r i e r height is equal to the w o r k function o f the
metal, ~M, m i n u s the electron affinity o f the semicon- 2. Important properties of silicon carbide
d u c t o r , Zs
T a b l e 1 lists some o f the structural, thermal, a n d
(1)B = ( ~ M - - X S (1)
electronic p r o p e r t i e s o f c~(6H)-SiC a n d fl(3C)-SiC. T h e
This r e l a t i o n s h i p implies t h a t c o n t r o l over the b a r r i e r b a n d gaps o f the 6H a n d 3C p o l y t y p e s at r o o m temper-
height is achieved b y the choice o f metal. ature are ~ 3 . 0 a n d ~ 2 . 3 eV, respectively [3]. Different
In practice, however, it is c o m m o n l y f o u n d t h a t ~B is rating systems for s e m i c o n d u c t o r s , d e p e n d e n t on the
either w e a k l y d e p e n d e n t on o r i n d e p e n d e n t o f ¢~M. This p a r t i c u l a r o p e r a t i n g specifications, have been d e v e l o p e d
L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83-105 85

as "figures of merit." Johnson's figure of merit [4], temperatures were not used in order to avoid the forma-
(EBVsat/TC)2 is based on high frequency and high power tion of excess carbon on the surface as a result of Si
operation in discrete devices. Keyes' figure of merit [5], eyaporation. However, heat treatment at those tempera-
av(Vs,t/e) 1/2 considers high speed operation in devices in tures should still leave a C-rich surface according to [13].
integrated circuits. Thus, both a high breakdown elec- The work function remained constant for each do-
tric field, EB, and a high saturated electron drift veloc- pant type within the temperature range measured. In
ity, Vsat, are desired for high frequency/power operating addition, the difference in work functions between n-
conditions. In the case of SiC, it is the high breakdown and p-type samples (4.75 and 4.85 eV, respectively) was
field which gives it a high rating. A high thermal small. These results led to the conclusion that the Fermi
conductivity, aT, is needed to dissipate heat quickly level is pinned at the surface due to intrinsic surface
from small, closely-spaced devices. The conductivity of states. However, if the surfaces were graphite termi-
SiC is superior to that of Cu at room temperature. nated, as is likely for the temperatures used, these
Baliga's figure of merit [6], (g,t/Eg3) is based on the need surface states may have been extrinsic in nature rather
to minimize conduction losses in power field effect than intrinsic.
transistors (FETs). Here e is the dielectric constant of The electron affinity, which is closely related to the
the semiconductor,/z is the electron mobility, and Eg is work function, was also calculated by this group. Using
the band gap. Baliga later developed a figure of merit the method of Frese [14], where Zs = O s - 0.5Eg, the
for high frequency applications which accounts for room temperature electron affinity was calculated to be
switching losses [7], (/,tEBZV~°5/(2VBI'5)), where V~ is 3.7eV. However, using the intrinsic work function
the gate drive voltage and VB is the breakdown voltage. value of 4.80 eV and subtracting 1.5 eV, which is half of
These four figures of merit for a few semiconductors the band gap, a value of 3.3 eV is obtained. Because the
are normalized with respect to Si in Table 2. The very 3.3 eV value follows from the measured work function
high figures of merit for 6H-SiC combined with the of Pelletier et al., it has been used in the present
ability to grow boules and films as well as dope the research as the electron affinity of 6H-SiC to calculate
material both n- and p-type make it a distinguished predicted Schottky barrier heights. Any error in Zs
wide band gap semiconductor. The reader is referred to simply shifts all of the theoretical barrier heights by the
Refs. [8-11] for detailed descriptions of properties and same amount and, therefore, does not affect the slope
technological status of SiC and other wide band gap of • B vs. OM. While the room temperature work func-
semiconductors. tion was not measured for 3C-SiC, the room tempera-
Two other properties of the semiconductor which are ture electron affinity was reported to be 4.0 eV. Using
important in terms of contacts are work function and the method stated above, this would correspond with a
electron affinity. Pelletier et al. [12] measured under work function of 5.2 eV for intrinsic fl-SiC.
ultra high vacuum conditions the work function of n-
and p-type 6H-SiC as a function of temperature be-
tween 300 and 1600 K, and from these measurements 3. Surface chemistry
the electron affinity may be calculated. The n-type
material was doped with N and the p-type material As the preparation of a clean semiconductor surface
with A1. Special attention was given to cleaning the is critically important to the resulting contact proper-
surface so as not to introduce extrinsic surface states ties, this section briefly reviews the various cleaning
caused by impurities. The normally Si-terminated procedures used on SiC, the resulting chemistry and
(0001) surfaces were heated to T~< 1230°C. Higher structure of the surface, and associated problems.
Preparation of a chemically-clean, atomically-ordered
surface has proven to be a nontrivial problem in SiC.
Table 2
Figures of merit calculated for selected semiconductor materials
The surface chemistry and structure of single crystals of
ratioed to silicon: Johnson's figure of merit (JFM), Keyes' figure of the e (6H) polytype were first investigated in 1975 by
merit (KFM), Baliga's figure of merit (BFM), and Baliga's high van Bommel et al. [13]. The surfaces were monitored
frequency figure of merit (BHFFM) with low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and Auger
electron spectroscopy (AES) after exposure to various
Material JFM [115] KFM [115] BFM [7,125] BHFFM [7,125]
temperatures under ultra high vacuum (UHV) condi-
Si 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 tions. As a result of low temperature heating (at
GaAs 7 0.456 13 10 250 °C) for an unspecified amount of time, the Si-termi-
InP 16 0.608 l0 7 nated (0001) surface exhibited a _x/3 × ~/3 LEED pat-
GaN 282 1.76 910 100 tern, while the C-terminated (0001) surface exhibited a
6H-SiC 695 5.12 106 13
3C-SiC 1137 5.8 40 12 1 x 1 pattern. A 6x/3 × 6x/3, R30 ° pattern began to
Diamond 8206 32.2 8574 454 develop on the (0001) face during successive 15min
anneals at 800 °C; this became the only pattern after
86 L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83 105

heat treatment at 1000 °C. As a result of annealing at oxide as volatilized SiO. Prior to this step and to
1500 °C the surface exhibited a 1 x 1 graphite phase. loading into the U H V chamber, the samples were
The (000]-) face showed 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 patterns after chemically cleaned successively in detergent solution,
800 and 1000 °C. After 1500 °C graphite rings appeared trichloroethylene, acetone, and methanol. Some sam-
on this latter face, indicative of polycrystalline graphite. ples were also dipped in hydrofluoric acid followed by
The surfaces after the 800 °C exposure showed AES deionized water, but this treatment did not noticeably
C peaks of the carbide type. After 1000 °C the Si-to-C affect the amount of residual oxide. The 6H-SiC (0001)
ratio decreased, and the C peak changed from carbidic and fl-SiC (111) surfaces were indistinguishable. Faint
to graphitic. These two results, along with the develop- satellite spots appeared with a small amount of oxide
ment of a peak at 20 eV, indicated the formation of still present. After heat treatment at 850, 950, and
graphite. > 1000 °C, the LEED patterns were 3 x 3; (x/3 x x/3),
The L E E D results at 250 °C were interpreted by van R30°; and 1 x 1, respectively. The Si surface concentra-
Bommel et al. as being representative of reconstructed tion decreased with temperature. Parallel electron en-
surfaces with possible submonolayer impurities. The ergy loss spectroscopy (PEELS) revealed the beginning
6x/3, 30 ° pattern was attributed to the SiC substrate of graphite segregation at 950 °C. The 3 x 3 phase was
with a monocrystalline graphite top layer, which had asserted to correspond with an adsorbed Si bilayer with
rotated 30 ° with respect to the underlying SiC lattice. a high vacancy concentration. Annealing at 950 °C
Thus, under the U H V conditions used by these investi- depleted the surface Si and caused the surface recon-
gators graphite begins to form at the (0001) surface as struction to change to a x/3 x x/3 phase. Additional
low as 800 °C. Graphite formation occurred at lower annealing at > 1000 °C resulted in continual depletion
temperatures on the (000i) surface. On both faces the of surface Si, and the development of a corresponding
mechanism was reported to consist of the collapse of 1 x 1 pattern. The 1 x 1 phase was attributed to a range
three C layers to form one graphite layer due to the of surface chemistries and defect structures. As would
incongruent evaporation of Si. Many orientations are be expected from the above model, with the continued
possible, but apparently only one is favored on the Si depletion the amount of graphitic C increased. The
Si-face. initial appearance of the 1 x 1 phase was believed to be
Following the work of van Bommel, researchers have due to the elimination of the Si adlayer resulting in
experimented with methods to clean the SiC surface defects. By comparison, the work of van Bommel ex-
without forming a graphitic surface layer. Kaplan and hibited a direct change from x/3 x x/3 to a graphitic
Parrill [15] heated fl-SiC (100) and 6H-SiC (0001) and state without first exhibiting a 1 x 1 phase.
(000i) samples at progressively higher temperatures, In order to more efficiently remove the oxide at low
typically for 3 min, in the presence of a Ga flux to temperatures, metals which form vapor phase oxides
volatilize the surface oxide. The oxide was reduced at with more negative free energies than O bound to Si are
temperatures as low as 850 °C; however, complete re- worth considering as an extension of the experiments
moval was a very slow process below 1050°C. In with Ga and Si. A promising candidate might be A1,
addition, temperatures which resulted in complete re- which readily forms vapor phase oxides (A10 and
moval of oxygen also resulted in a decrease of the Si/C A120) and which may be easily evaporated from the
ratio. After annealing at 1185 °C for 3 rain, the Si/C surface. Other possible choices are Mg or Ca.
ratio decreased significantly, and the data indicated the Bozso et al. [18] investigated the Si-terminated (0001)
initial formation of graphite. In fl-SiC C2 x 2 struc- surface of 6H-SiC crystals using X-ray photoelectron
tures were observed by LEED, which were in agree- spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray and electron excited
ment with the results of Dayan [16] for comparable Auger spectroscopy. Prior to these analytical studies,
temperatures. The C-face of 6H-SiC displayed 1 x 1 the crystals were dipped into concentrated aqueous HF,
patterns, except after extended heating at 900 °C, when rinsed in distilled H20, and cleaned in acetone and
some areas displayed a x/3 x x/3 reconstruction. The propyl alcohol. The major residual contaminants left
Si-face displayed a 3 × 3 reconstruction. were fluorine and oxygen. After the chemical clean the
The residual, tenacious oxide was thought to be samples were exposed to a combination of low angle
located in regions of the surface where oxygen can ( ~ 80 ° angle of incidence) argon ion sputtering (500 eV)
penetrate well into the surface defects. Therefore, com- and high temperature annealing. Fluorine and oxygen
plete oxide removal on rough surfaces should be more remained after this treatment at 800 °C for 40 min but
difficult. Although the surface oxide was volatilized by were removed at 1000 °C for 2 min. However, Ar was
the Ga, the temperatures required to completely remove still present, but was eventually eliminated after pro-
the oxide resulted in the same problem of graphite longed heating. An atomically clean surface was
termination. achieved, and preferential removal of Si or C was not
In later work [17] Kaplan heated SiC in the presence observed. However, possible surface damage due to the
of an elemental Si flux, which removed the surface sputtering process was not reported. The resulting state
L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83-105 87

of the surface should be further investigated before this (b) C ls

preparation technique is employed for metal contacts, tf
as defect states can pin the Fermi level. If the annealing
prevents surface damage, this technique may be a viable
solution to the surface cleaning problem.
The Si- and C-faces of a mixture of 6H and 15R
polytypes were investigated after cleaning and disorder- ..........Before 700°Cdesorption f
.," :.:
ing by Ar ion sputtering (similar conditions as above) ..... After 700°0 desorption .~/ ,," ~ ~ ~
and subsequent annealing [19]. In agreement with the
previous study [18], the Si/C ratio remained constant. I . . . . I . . . . I . . . . . . "
295 290 285 280
Changes did occur with heat treatment to ~ 1000 °C, Binding Energy (eV)
which caused a decrease in the XPS C (Is) binding
energy. The Si (2p and 2s) binding energies remained Fig. 1. XPS C ls spectra of 6H-SiC (0001) after 10 min in 10% HF
followed by a deionized water rinse. The minor peak attributed to
constant. These results indicated a change in the C hydrocarbons was removed after heating at 700 °C for 15 min in
chemistry. Examination of the peak areas revealed an UHV [21].
increase in the C/Si ratio on the C-face between 630
and 830 °C and a substantial increase on both faces upward band bending of a few tenths of an electron-
above 1030 °C. The C enrichment was much higher on volt was calculated, indicating the presence of surface
the C-face. These results were reaffirmed by the AES states.
analyses. Electron energy loss spectra indicated the Evidence for the absence of surface states in the band
formation of graphite at ~ 900 °C. gap under different conditions has been reported by
While in the latter two studies 500 eV Ar ions were Parrill and Bermudez [22]. Alpha SiC, of unspecified
used in the sputtering process, Andreev et al. [20] polytype and undetermined Si or C termination, was
sputtered oxidized (0001) and (0001) surfaces of 6H-SiC chemically cleaned in acetone, methanol, 30s in concen-
with 640 eV electrons at a flux density of 2 - 5 x 1017 e/ trated aqueous HF, and a final rinse in methanol
(cm 2 s). The sample temperature was between 700 and followed by annealing at 850-950 °C in a Si-flux. All of
1000 °C. Electrons were used instead of ions because of the oxygen was removed, but the surfaces did contain
their low mass and, hence, lower tendency to damage excess Si. The excess Si was removed by annealing for
the SiC surface. Auger analysis showed that this proce- 1-2 min at temperatures ranging from 960 to 1160 °C.
dure resulted in an uncontaminated, stoichiometric sur- The surface showed a 1 x 1 L E E D pattern after anneal-
face. However, it was stated that graphitization ing in the Si flux. Subsequent heating at ,~ 1160 °C gave
occurred when the procedure was continued after the a 3 x 3 reconstruction and no graphite formation ac-
oxide was removed. Although evidence was not given, cording to Auger analysis. Data was collected only
the surface was reported to have been undamaged. from the 1 x 1 surface (Si-rich surface) since 3 x 3
Considering the chemical and microstructural results surfaces were not uniform. The bulk valence band was
along with the experimental process, this cleaning pro- studied by using high energy photons (Mg K~,
cedure may be a viable technique if the equipment is 1253.6eV) for which the photoelectron attenuation
available and the parameters are carefully controlled. length is ~ 7 monolayers in the valence band. The
A chemical and thermal cleaning process [21], which
would be more easily implemented for commercial
devices, was developed in conjunction with the fabrica-
tion and characterization of Schottky contacts on SiC. Ec J
Oxidized 6H-SiC (0001) surfaces were first etched in a EF . . . . . . . . - j
10% H F aqueous solution. Thermal oxidation was
found to be a critical step for leaving a non-C-rich Ev
surface. Hydrocarbons were the main contaminant left
on the surface after the etching step, as shown by the
minor peak component on the high binding energy side
of the C ls XPS peak (Fig. 1). After heating the
samples in a vacuum system (base pressure ~ 1 -
5 x l0 9 Torr) at 700 °C for 15 min, these hydrocar-
bons were removed from the surface, while residual O EC is J
and a trace amount of F were still present. As illus-
Fig. 2. Energy band diagram of 6H-SiC showing the relationship
trated in Fig. 2, XPS was also used to determine the between • B and the binding energies measured by XPS. Prior to
amount of band bending before and after deposition of metal deposition, the value of • B was calculated to be 0.40 + 0.1 eV
various metal contacts. After these cleaning steps an [21].
88 L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis' / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83 105

surface valence band was investigated using low energy elemental G r o u p IV and I I I - V semiconductors were
photons (Zr M-zeta, 151.4 eV) for which the attenua- found to be nearly independent of work function. Al-
tion length is ~2.5 monolayers. The photoemission though the work functions of Au and A1 differ by
results showed no states within the optical band gap; ~0.8 eV, their resulting barrier heights on SiC were
however, they do suggest that surface states exist below 1.95 and 2.0 eV, respectively. It was reported that for
the valence band edge. most G r o u p IV and III V semiconductors where both
The evidence seems to indicate that certain adatom vacuum cleavage and chemical preparation could be
terminations (e.g. Si or O) on the (0001) or (0001) employed, the barrier heights resulting from the two
surface of a-SiC result in a reasonably low or the preparation techniques were the same; however, it was
absence of surface states within the band gap. In the not specified if both processes were used for SiC. There-
case of the partial monolayer of oxygen, there appears fore, it cannot be concluded whether the results can be
to be a sufficient density of surface states to reduce the attributed to the surface preparation.
index of behavior, defined as the slope of the plot of the Subsequently, Hagen [25] also found q~B on a-SiC
barrier height vs. metal work function, from 1.0 but crystals, comprised of the 6H and 15R polytypes, to be
which is insufficient to actually completely pin the independent of qbM. The barrier height on n-type sam-
Fermi level (shown in later sections). An index of ples was 1.45 eV for Au, Ag, and A1. In addition, q~B
behavior of 1.0 for a particular semiconductor indicates for Au contacts on etched (0001) surfaces was the same
that the Fermi level is unpinned, and the Schottky as that on cleaved (IT00) surfaces. The former surfaces
barrier heights follow the ideal behavior predicted by were etched in a molten s o d a - b o r a x mixture, rinsed
the Schottky Mott relationship. with deionized water, treated with an H F solution,
Other work [23] does indicate that there is some again rinsed with deionized water and kept in methanol
pinning due to intrinsic C vacancies, which vary in until placed in the vacuum system. It was concluded
concentration with polytype. The barrier heights of Cr that the Fermi level is fixed by surface states at the
on m a n y different SiC polytypes were compared with middle of the band gap.
the theoretically predicted behavior of vacancies on the Notable results were reported for Au contacts ther-
surface of a semiconductor. Carbon-terminated surfaces mally evaporated (base pressure < 10 6 Torr) on n-type
were prepared by chemical cleaning, which was not 6H-SiC (0001) [26]. The C-terminated surfaces were
described, and then heated in vacuum at 600 °C for 1 h. cleaned with concentrated HF, etched in molten sodium
The barrier height correlated well with the degree of peroxide, rinsed in dilute HC1 and deionized water and
hexagonality for several hexagonal and rhombohedral then dipped in methanol and dried with N2. The semi-
polytypes. Although the band gap varies similarly, the logarithmic current vs. voltage plot extends over seven
Fermi level did not sit at a constant value of the band orders of magnitude with an ideality factor of n = 1.07.
gap, as would occur if this were purely a function of The calculated barrier height of 1.45 eV was in agree-
band gap. As the concentration of vacancies increased, ment with that of Hagen [25] for Au on the Si-termi-
the barrier height decreased. (The barrier height of nated (0001) surface.
Cr/6H-SiC was 1.1-1.2 eV.) The report claims that Platinum, Au, Ag, Ni, Cr, and A1 sputtered on
carbon vacancies form a level at the surface in the 6H-SiC produced rectifying contacts [27]. Surfaces were
upper half of the band gap and that a higher concentra- etched in a mixture of potassium hydroxide and sodium
tion of carbon vacancies causes a greater shift of Ev nitrate in ratios ranging from 1:4 to 1:100 at 4 7 7 -
towards E c. Comparing this theory with SBH results 577 °C. However, the carrier type and orientation of
presented later, one might conclude that intrinsic prop- the SiC were not indicated. Depending on the metal
erties (vacancies) of SiC m a y cause some gap states at and the surface preparation, the band bending at the
the surface, but the specific details of the surface and its semiconductor surface ranged from 0.6 to 2.5 eV. Alu-
preparation will be the final factor in determining the minum evaporated in vacuum (10 ~'Torr) on n-type
density of surface states and where they are located. SiC was characterized after heat treatment by another
group [28]. The substrates were etched in molten K O H .
The resulting oxide was then etched by dipping in H F
4. Contacts to ~-silicon carbide followed by deionized water. Prior to the A1 deposition
Ni was deposited on the back and annealed for 3 min at
4.1. Schottky contacts to or-SiC 1200 °C in an Ar ambient to create an ohmic contact.
After the AI was deposited (vacuum pressure
4. I. 1. n-type a-SiC 10 6 Torr) the samples were annealed in an Ar ambient
Some of the early investigations of Schottky contacts for 3 min at 660 °C (m.p. of A1), 770 and 900 °C.
on n-type ~(6H)-SiC (summarized in Table 3) were Before annealing, the AI contacts showed high leakage
performed in 1964 by Mead and Spitzer [24]. In this currents. After annealing, the leakage decreased
report barrier heights for metals on SiC and other ( ~ 2 × 10 2 A c m 2 at - 5 V ) , and the ideality factor
L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83 105 89

Table 3
R e c t i f y i n g c o n t a c t s o n n - t y p e ~ ( 6 H o r m i x e d ) - S i C . O n l y t h o s e studies w h i c h r e p o r t e d S B H s a r e listed h e r e f o r brevity. T h e s u r f a c e p r e p a r a t i o n s
w h i c h c o n s i s t e d o f a t least a s u r f a c e o x i d e e t c h i n g step a n d a h y d r o c a r b o n r e m o v a l step b y h e a t i n g in h i g h o r u l t r a - h i g h v a c u u m w e r e r e a t e d as
' v e r y g o o d ' . T h o s e w h i c h c o n s i s t e d o f at least a c h e m i c a l c l e a n a n d a s u r f a c e o x i d e e t c h i n g step b u t l a c k e d the c a p a b i l i t y f o r h e a t i n g in h i g h
v a c u u m w e r e r a t e d as ' g o o d ' . T h i s r a t i n g s y s t e m is b a s e d o n a n a l y s e s o f the SiC s u r f a c e b y X P S

Metalliza- Deposition Deposition Deposition Annealing ~ a (eV) SiC Method of Origin of Surface Ref.
tion method temperature pressure (Torr) condition surface qba m e a s . SiC preparation

Au NR NR NR none 1.95 NR C-V NR NR [24]

A1 NR NR NR none 2.0 NR C-V NR NR [24]
Au thermal evap. RT ~10 9 none 1.45 (1i00) C - V , PR NR cleaved in [25]
Ag thermal evap. RT ~10 9 none 1.45 (1i00) C V, PR NR cleaved in [25]
AI thermal evap. RT ~ 10 9 none 1.45 (1100) C - V , PR NR cleaved in [25]
Au thermal evap. NR < I0 6 b.p. none 1.40 (000T) C - V , PR, subl. good [26]
AI thermal evap. NR 10 - 6 to 900 °C, ~ 1.7 (0001) C-V Acheson good [28]
3 min
Ti e-beam evap. RT 10 io b.p. none 0.84-0.88 (0001) I-V, C-V, seeded sub.; very good [21,30,34]
Ti e-beam evap. RT 10- io b.p. 700 °C, 0.86-1.04 (0001) l-V, C-V seeded sub.; very good [21,30,34]
4 0 - 6 0 min CVD epi
Pd thermal evap. RT 10 to b.p. none 1.60-1.62 (0001) I - V , C V, CVD very good [32]
1.11 (0001) and XPS
Au thermal evap. RT 10 io b.p. none 1.14-1.19 (0001) I-V, C - V , CVD very good [32]
1.37-1.40 (0001) and XPS
Ag thermal evap. RT 10 io b.p. none 1.10 (0001) l - V , C V, CVD very good [32]
0.83-0.92 (0001) and XPS
Mn thermal evap. RT 10 - l ° b.p. none 0.79 0.81 (0001) I - V , C V, CVD very good [32]
and XPS
AI thermal evap. RT 10 lo b.p. none 0.84-0.89 (000I) I V, C - V , CVD very good [32]
0.26-0.30 (0001) and XPS
Mg thermal evap. RT 10 ~o b.p. none 0.33 (0001) I - V and XPS CVD very good . [32]
0.30-0.34 (0001)
Pt sputtered 140 °C NR none 1.04-1.10 NR I V and seeded sub.; NR [441
C-V CVD ept
Ti thermal evap. RT 10 lo b.p. none 1.0-1.03 (000T) 1 V, C - V , seeded sub.; very good [33]
0.73 (0001) and XPS CVD eD
Ti thermal evap. RT 10 1o b.p. 400 °C 0.98 (000I) I V, C V, seeded sub.; very good [33]
0.93 0.97 (0001) and XPS CVD epl
Ni thermal evap. RT 10 ~o b.p. none 1.54 1.68 (000i) I V, C V, seeded sub.; very good [33]
1.24 1.29 (0001) and XPS CVD e D
Ni thermal evap. RT 10 ~o b.p. 400°C, 1.51-1.66 (000i) I V, C - V , seeded sub.; very good [33]
30s 1.23-1.25 (0001) and XPS CVD e D
Ni thermal evap. RT 10 - I ° b.p. 600 °C, 1.16-1.39 (0001) I-V, C-V, seeded sub.; very good [33]
30 s and XPS CVD ep~
AI thermal evap. RT 10 io b.p. none 0.84 0.89 (0001) l - V , C V, seeded sub.; very good [33]
0.26-0.30 (0001) and XPS CVD epi
AI thermal evap. RT 10 ~o b.p. 600 °C, 1.36-1.66 (000T) I V, C - V , seeded sub.; very good [33]
30s 0.82-1.12 (0001) and XPS CVD epi
Au thermal evap. RT NR none 1.4 (000T) I-V Acbeson good [45]
CVD epl
Pt e-beam evap. RT 10 ~o b.p. none 1.06 1.33 (0001) I - V and XPS seeded sub.; very good [34,36]
Pt e-beam evap. RT 10 1o b.p. 450 750 °C, 1.15-1.26 (0001) I-V seeded sub.; very good [34,36]
20 min CVD ept
Hf e-beam evap. RT 10 ~o b.p. none 0.97 (0001) I V and C - V seeded sub.; very good [34]
CVD epl
Hf e-beam evap. RT 10 ~o b.p. 700 °C, 1.01-0.86 (0001) l V and C V seeded sub.; very good [34]
20 60 min CVD e D
Co e-beam evap. NR 10 7 none 0.79 (0001) 1-V and C V seeded sub.; good [90,126]
CVD ep~
Co e-beam evap. RT 10 ~o b.p. none 1.06-1.15 (0001) l - V , C V, seeded sub.; very good [35]
and XPS CVD epl
Ni e-beam evap. RT 10 ~o b.p. none 1.14-1.21 (0001) I - V and C V seeded sub.; very good [43]

OB = S c h o t t k y b a r r i e r height; N R = n o t r e p o r t e d ; R T = r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e ; b.p. = b a s e p r e s s u r e ; sub. = s u b s t r a t e ; epi = epilayer; I V = c u r r e n t -

voltage; C V = capacitance voltage; XPS = X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
90 L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83 105

Fig. 3. High resolution TEM image of as-deposited Ti/6H-SiC. The boxed-in region in the upper part of the image is magnified in the lower part
of the image. The arrow at the interface marks the position of a step in the SiC surface. The misfit dislocations which are marked with lines, did
not extend all the way to the interface. After Ref. [21].

was 2.0-2.3. The built-in voltage was 1.7 V after an- leakage currents of thicker 1000 ~ ) films were as low
nealing at 900 °C. It is likely that annealing the SiC at as9xl0 8 A c m 2 a t - 1 0 V , and theideality factors
1200 °C prior to deposition of A1 depleted some of the were between 1.01 and 1.09. The contacts remained
surface Si, which in turn may have caused leaky con- stable after annealing at 700 °C for 1 h, which resulted
tacts. Reaction of A1 with the excess C very likely in a thin, crystalline TiC layer at the SiC interface and
occurred during post-deposition annealing and resulted TisSi 3 in the remainder of the reacted region. Barrier
in lower leakage currents. The lower temperatures heights before and after annealing were 0.88 and
should not be sufficiently high to activate A1 in SiC and 1.04 eV, respectively. The change in barrier height is
create a p-type surface layer. attributed to the chemical reaction, which created a
Titanium films deposited by UHV electron beam new metal/SiC interface.
evaporation at room temperature onto n-type 6H-SiC From the results of I V, C - V , and XPS analyses,
(0001) grew epitaxially and displayed rectifying behav- Waldrop et al. [32] have calculated the barrier heights
ior [21,29 31]. Both Ti ( a = 2 . 9 5 A , c = 4 . 6 8 / k ) and of Pd, Au, Ag, Tb, Er, Mn, A1, and Mg deposited at
6H-SiC (a = 3.08 A, c = 15.11 A) have hexagonal crys- room temperature on the Si- and/or C-faces of n-type
tal structures, corresponding to a - 4 % lattice mis- 6H-SiC. The metals were deposited in UHV by evapo-
match between the close packed planes. Fig. 3 shows a ration from W wire baskets. Prior to the depositions
high resolution T E M image of this nearly ideal inter- the substrates were RCA cleaned, oxidized, etched in
face. The misfit dislocations did not extend to the HF, and desorbed at 600 °C under UHV conditions. It
interface, and therefore, the Ti film was considered was estimated that ~ 1/2 monolayer oxygen remained
pseudomorphic. Surfaces were cleaned in a solution of on the C-face and ~ 3 / 4 on the Si-face. A relatively
ethanol/hydrofluoric acid/deionized water (10:1:1) fol- large barrier height variation resulted. With the exclu-
lowed by a 700 °C thermal desorption in UHV. Analy- sion of the rare earth elements, in general there was an
sis of unannealed, thin ( 4 - 1 2 / k ) Ti films by XPS increase in q)~ with q~M. This trend is displayed in Fig.
indicated Ti C bonding at the Ti/SiC interface. The 4, where the SBHs calculated from the three techniques
L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83 105 91

are plotted vs. the work functions of the metals and 2.5-
-l.. theoretical I .e

compared to the theoretical SBHs according to the Zx measured (I-V) I S=1.0 , ' "
S c h o t t k y - M o t t limit. Three linear fits to the three sets 2.0- 0 measured (C-V) .-'"
>A 0 measured (XPS 1 o• •
of data points are also shown. The slopes, S, of these o
lines, often referred to as the index of interface behavior, ~- 1 . 5 - -• S=0.41

give a quantitative indication of how closely the system •1- o °

.~_ 1 . 0 - ~ 2 ZX
follows S c h o t t k y - M o t t behavior (i.e. how close S is to P_
1). As is evident from Fig. 4, the index of interface
behavior may depend on the technique used to measure
the SBHs. In this case S varied from 0.47 to 0.63. These 0.0-
results give evidence for a partial pinning of the Fermi 3.5 4.0 4.5 510 515 610
level in 6H-SiC. While not shown in the figure, the barrier Metal Work Function (eV)
heights of the rare earth elements, Er and Tb, ranged Fig. 5. Data points of experimentally-determined and theoretical
from 1.61 to 2.18 eV calculated from C - V measurements barrier heights on n-type 6H-SiC (0001) vs. work function of the
and 1.04 to 1.41 eV calculated from I - V measurements. metal contacts. The experimental data points are from Porter et al.
Barrier heights of unannealed and annealed Ni, Ti, and [21,34-36,43]. The slopes, S, of the linear fits through each set of data
A1 were later measured by the same group on n-type points are indicated.
6H-SiC [33]. These data points are also included in Fig.
studies. The main difference in the two sets of results
4. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses indicated
the formation of TiC and TiSi~ in the unannealed Ti/SiC occurs between the calculations based on I - V measure-
interface region. No chemical reactions were detected on ments and XPS. This result is quite interesting consider-
the Si-face before or after annealing Ni/SiC at 400 °C. ing that I - V measurements are very dependent on the
In addition to the Ti contacts described in a previous homogeneity of the interface [37-41]. The lower slopes
paragraph, Porter et al. [34-36] have also studied the in the former set of data are believed to be partly due
chemistry and microstructure along with the electrical to the particular metals studied. For example, the Pt
properties and SBH's of other metal/SiC systems. The contacts yielded a significantly lower SBH calculated
SBHs calculated from I - V , C - V , and XPS analyses of from I - V measurements than that calculated from XPS
Ti, Pt, HI', Co, and Ni contacts are shown in Fig. 5. analyses, a result attributed to inhomogeneity of the
The slopes S vary from 0.12 for the data points calcu- interface [36].
lated from I - V measurements to 0.40 and 0.41 for In this latter study the increase in grain size and grain
those calculated from C - V and XPS measurements, orientation with the temperature of the anneal was
respectively. While these slopes are somewhat less than accompanied by an increase in the SBH calculated from
those derived from Waldrop's data, both sets of results I - V measurements. The samples were successively an-
show a significant, positive correlation between SBH nealed for 20 rain at 450, 550, 650, and 750 °C. No re-
and metal work function and a susceptibility to mea- action occurred at temperatures below 750 °C. The first
surement technique. Differences due to processing reaction phases, crystalline PtzSi and an amorphous C
should be minimal since similar cleaning and deposition phase, formed after annealing at 750 °C. This interfa-
procedures and substrate material were used in both cial reaction was proposed to reduce any adherence
problems associated with Pt contacts. These contacts
displayed low ideality factors (n < 1.1) and typical leak-
2.5- age currents of 5 × 10 - S A c m 2 a n d 2 × 10 8 A c r e -2
-I- theoretical


_=z 15-
I •", measured (I-V) I
0 measured (XPS)
0 measured (C-V)

~s=047 <c-v)
at - 1 0 V before and after annealing, respectively.
Cobalt contacts [35] deposited at room temperature
also formed excellent rectifying contacts with ideality
factors and reverse leakage currents similar to the Pt
~, 1 . 0 - o ~ ~ '~ contacts. However, annealing at 800 °C for 20 min re-
S-0.62 (XPS) suited in a substantial increase in the leakage currents,
o.5- . - ~ s=o.6s 0-v) while ohmic-like behavior was displayed after annealing
at 1000 °C for 2 min. Analysis of the latter contacts
0.0- revealed that extensive reaction occurred resulting in
the formation of CoSi and graphite. This reaction
Metal Work Function (eV)
resulted in a highly irregular interface, as shown in Fig.
Fig. 4. D a t a points of experimentally-determined and theoretical 6. Nickel, which reacts with SiC at even lower tempera-
barrier heights on n-type 6H-SiC (000l) vs. work function of the
ture [42] and is chemically similar to Co, is commonly
metal contacts. The experimental data points are from Waldrop et al.
[32,33]. The slopes, S, of the linear fits through each set of data points used as an ohmic contact to n-type SiC and may also
are indicated. form a highly irregular interface after annealing.
92 L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83 105

single crystalline SiC material of a single polytype was

very difficult to grow. Therefore, substrate material was
likely a mixture of polytypes.
It should also be noted that both the source of the SiC
material and the surface preparation were similar in the
experiments by Waldrop et al. [32,33] and Porter et al.
[21,34 36,43]. Therefore, comparisons of the results can
more easily be made than in cases where the material and
its preparation differ.
Table 3 summarizes the Schottky barrier heights
calculated for rectifying contacts on n-type 6H-SiC. Most
of these calculations were based on XPS and/or I V and
C - V measurements. Only those studies which reported
the SBHs were included in the table for brevity. In most
cases the surface termination (i.e. Si or C) is indicated in
parentheses next to the calculated SBHs. Most of the
metals on the Si-face had SBHs between approximately
0.8 and 1.25 eV. On the C-face most of the SBHs were
between 1.0 and 1.6 eV. This limited range is most likely
associated with the fact that most transition metals have
work functions within about 0.8 eV of each other. The
first seven contacts listed, which represent the earlier
studies, showed higher SBHs; while in the more recent
studies, A1 and Mg, which have lower work functions,
showed lower SBHs.
Schottky diodes with very high breakdown voltages
Fig. 6. High resolution T E M image of Co/6H-SiC interface after
and low specific on-resistances have been fabricated with
annealing at 1000 °C for 2 min. After Ref. [35].
Pt [44] and Au [45], which is good news for power device
As stated previously, the contacts studied by Mead and applications. The Pt diodes on the Si-terminated surface
Spitzer [24] and Hagen [25] showed no correlation of 6H-SiC yielded breakdown voltages of greater than
between SBH and metal work function. These results give 400 V. The Au diodes on the C-terminated surface of
strong evidence that the barrier height mechanism in 6H-SiC yielded breakdown voltages of greater than
both studies was due to Fermi level pinning. The fact that 1100 V. In addition, the leakage currents of the Au diodes
the Fermi level is evidently completely pinned in these were very low, 4 . 0 x 10 6 A c m 2 at - 2 0 0 V and
studies as opposed to the more recent studies in which 2.1 x 10 3 A cm 2 at - 1100 V. Referring to Table 3, the
partial pinning is evident may be due to different surface higher SBHs of metals on the C-terminated surface may
preparation and perhaps more importantly the quality of allow higher breakdown voltages than on the Si-termi-
the substrate material. Prior to about the last 10 years, nated surface.

Table 4
Rectifying contacts on p-type ~(6H or mixed)-SiC. See Table 3 for a description of the rating system for surface preparations

Metallization Deposition Deposition Deposition Anneal q~B (eV) SiC surface Method of Origin of Surface Ref.
method temperature pressure (Torr) condition q~B meas. SiC preparation

A1 thermal evap. RT ~ 10 9 none 1.36, 1.45 (1100) PR, C V NR cleaved in [25]

Ag thermal evap. RT ~10 9 none 1.15 (1100) PR NR cleaved in [25]
Au thermal evap. RT ~10 9 none 1.07, 1.37 (1100) PR, C V NR cleaved in [25]
Au e-beam, evap. RT 10 io b.p. none 1.27 (0001) I V seeded sub.; very good [127]
'~ CVD epi
NiA1 e-beam evap. RT 10 io b.p. none ~ 1.37 (0001) 1 V seeded sub.; very good [43]
C V D epi
Ni e-beam evap. RT 10 to b.p. none ~ 1.36 (0001) I V seeded sub.; very good [43]
C V D epi

q~B=SChottky barrier height; N R = n o t reported; R T - r o o m temperature; b . p . - b a s e pressure; sub. =sublimation; epi=epilayer; I

V = current voltage; C - V - capacitance voltage; PR = photoresponse.
L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83-105 93

4.1.2. p-type a-SiC to contain a thin (5-15 A) layer of silicon nitride at the
Table 4 summarizes the limited number of Schottky interface, creating a metal insulator semiconductor
contacts on p-type a-SiC found in the literature and (MIS) structure. While TiN has a low work function
their calculated SBHs. These studies were not as exten- (favorable for an ohmic contact on n-type material),
sive as m a n y of those performed for Schottky contacts ohmic behavior did not occur in the absence of ion
on n-type SiC. assisted deposition, a process associated with the for-
Gold and A1 on p-type samples produced SBHs of mation of the S i - N layer. This insulating layer was
0 . 9 - 1 . 2 5 e V and 1.30-1.47eV, respectively [25]. The critical to the creation of ohmic contacts but not solely
higher SBH of A1 compared with Au on p-type material responsible for this behavior, as Pt contacts (high work
would be expected considering the lower work function function) with a S i - N interlayer resulted in rectifying
of the former. characteristics. It was stated that the insulating layer
Our measurements on p-type SiC have shown consis- may act to passivate surface states, resulting in an
tent differences from measurements on n-type material. electron energy band relationship which behaves ac-
The SBHs tend to be higher on p-type than on n-type cording to the Schottky Mott limit. Because the insu-
6H-SiC. While leakage currents for Au, NiA1, and Ni lating layer was so thin, electrons would be able to
contacts on p-type 6H-SiC (0001) were comparable tunnel through it.
with those on n-type 6H-SiC, the ideality factors were The Ti W (10:90 wt.%) contacts formed ohmic con-
higher (n ~ 1.1-2.1). These higher ideality factors indi- tacts after annealing at 600 °C for 5 min following
cate that thermionic emission is not the dominant exposure of the SiC surface to an oxygen plasma.
current transport mechanism. Deep level transient Ohmic behavior did not result without the oxygen
spectroscopy (DLTS) will probably be used to deter- plasma exposure. It is likely that this process step
mine whether recombination at deep levels accounts resulted in the formation of a thin SiO2 layer at the
for the electrical behavior of the contacts on p-type surface, which may be responsible for the ohmic behav-
material. ior by forming a MIS structure similar to that for the
TiN contacts.
4.2. Ohmic contacts to c~-SiC Annealed Ni has been the most widely used metal for
ohmic contacts to n-type SiC. As shown in Table 5, this
4.2.1. n-type e - S i C process generally involves annealing at temperatures
The earliest work found in the literature on ohmic above 900 °C. While Crofton et al. reported in an
contacts to n-type a-SiC was performed in 1970 on Cr earlier paper [51] a room temperature contact resistivity
and Cr alloys [46]. The remainder of the work has been in the mid 10 2 ~-~cm 2 range (5 x 1018 c m - 3 c a r r .
confined within the past few years. In the former case conc.), they were later able to lower this value to less
the main concerns were to form ohmic contacts which than 9 x 10 - 6 ~ cm 2 (7 9 x 1018 c m - 3 c a r r . conc.) [52].
were both ductile and oxidation resistant and had low The substantial decrease in the calculated contact resis-
resistance. The contacts described were Cr or Cr alloys tivity was partly attributed by the first author (private
(at least 5 wt.%) with Fe, Ni, or Fe and Ni. To form communication) to a combination of the higher carrier
ohmic contacts the metals were heated to above their concentration and of the changes in the measurement
respective melting temperatures (1500-1900 °C). These technique, the annealing conditions, and the processing
high temperatures assured a significant reaction with systems.
the SiC, and very likely created a graded, highly-defec- Comparably low values (1.7-6 x 10 5 ~ c m 2) were
tive interface associated with the ohmic behavior. Due also reported for Ni on 6H-SiC with a 2000/k thick,
to the processing requirements and the confinements of highly-doped ( 1 - 3 x 10 I9 c m 3) 3C-SiC interlayer [53].
size in today's devices, lower processing temperatures The authors attribute the low contact resistivity to the
are required. smaller band gap of the 3C polytype. To determine
Although lower annealing temperatures have been whether the 3C-SiC layer does in fact reduce the barrier
used in the more recent work, in most cases the temper- height at the 6H-SiC surface, the energy band relation-
atures have been above 900 °C. The exceptions to this ship at the interface should be measured.
last statement have been in those cases where the SiC The lowest values reported to date of contact resistiv-
was very heavily doped [47,48]. The two exceptions ities of ~< 1 x 10 6 ~ c m 2 [54] have been achieved for
listed in Table 5 along with the other ohmic contacts annealed (1000°C/5min) Ni on very highly doped
are the TiN contacts reported by Glass et al. [49,50] (4.5 x 1020 cm 3) n + 6H-SiC (000i). The n + 6H-SiC
and the TiW contacts reported by Crofton et al. [51]. In films were grown by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) on
both cases the ohmic behavior is likely associated with Acheson-grown 6H-SiC substrates. Silicon nitride was
a thin insulating layer. The TiN contacts were de- contained in the melt to achieve the notably high N
posited by ion assisted reactive evaporation and an- doping levels. Prior to the annealing step, the contact
nealed at 600 °C for 30 min. They were found by XPS resistivities were greater than 1 x 10 4f~ c m 2.
94 L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83 105

Table 5
O h m i c c o n t a c t s on n-type c~(6H or mixed)-SiC. See T a b l e 3 f o r a description o f the rating system for surface preparations

Metallization Deposition Deposition Deposition Annealing p , ( f l c m 2) SiC carr. conc. SiC Method Origin of Surface Ref.
method temperature pressure condition (cm 3) surface of p~. SiC preparation
(Torr) mess.

Cr melting 10 3 b.p. melting NR NR NR NR NR [461

(~>2130 °C)
Ni e-beam NR NR 100M °C/20 s 1.7 x 10 4 4.5 × 1017 (0001) T L M seeded sub.; N R [128]
evap. C V D epi
TiN ion-assisted 3 5 0 ° C 10 io b.p. 600°C/30 4 x 10 2 ~1 x 10 ~s (0001) T L M seeded sub. very good [49,50]
e-beam min
TiW sputtering RT 10 ~' b.p. O2plasma+ 7.8x10 4 4.7x10 ~ (0001) circular seeded sub.: 0 2 plasma [51]
600 °C/5 min TLM C V D epi
Ni e-beam RT 10 6 950°C/5min mid 10 2 4.7 x 10 ~a (0001) four- seeded sub.; good [51]
evap. point C V D epi
Ni C r sputtering RT 10 6 b.p. 9 5 0 ° C / 5 rain 1.8 × 10 ~ 4.7 x 10 ~8 (0001) circular seeded sub.; 02 plasma [51]
(60 40 wt.%) TLM C V D epi
W thermal NR NR 1200 1600°C 5x10 ~ lxl0 4 3x1018 lxl0~,~ (0001) four- Lely varied [59]
evap. I x 10 2 5 × 10 4 1 x 10 J7 I x 10 ~'; (000i) point
TiW sputtering RT 10 6 b.p. 750°C/5min ~ 8 x [0 4 7 8 x I(11~ (0001) circular seeded sub.: good [1291
TLM C V D epi
Ti thermal RT NR none lxl0 2 <2x10 52x 1018 1 × 10 ~° (0001) circular seeded sub. good [47]
evap. TLM
Mo sputtering 10 7 b.p. NR none ~ I x 10 4 > l x 10 I~) (000l) fotlr- seeded sub.: good [48]
point C V D epi
and T L M
Ta sputtering 10 7 b.p. N.R. none ~ 1 x 10 4 > 1 x 10 a~J (0001) four- seeded sub.: good [48]
point C V D epi
and T L M
Ni/3C-SiC resistive NR NR 100M °C/30 s < 1.7 x 10 5 1 2 x 10 as (0001) Cox and Lely very good [53]
evap. < 6 x 10 5 (0001) Strack
Ni e-beam RT 10 (' 950 °C/2 min < 5 × 10 6 7 9 x 1018 (0001) T L M seeded sub.; good [52]
evap. (000i) C V D epi
Ni sputtering NR 10 5 b.p. 1050°C/5 10 3 10 4 9 . 8 x 1017 (0001) T L M seeded sub. good [130]
W/Ti/Ni sputtering NR 10 s b.p. 1050°C/5 10 3 10 4 9.8 X 1017 (0001) T L M seeded sub. good [1301
Ni thermal NR NR 1000 °C/5 1 x 10 ~' 4.5 x 1020 (0001) contact LPE good [541
evap. min area
Ti-AI thermal NR NR 1000°C/5 < 1 x 10 3 4.5 x 102" (000i) contact LPE good [541
evap. min area

N R = not reported; R T = r o o m temperature: b . p . = base pressure; s u b . = sublimation: epi = epilayer.

4.2.2. p-type e - S i C Table 6 lists a chronology of the various ohmic

It is difficult to form ohmic contacts to p-type mate- contacts to p-type c~-SiC. Boron, which is a deep level
rial by reducing the SBH because o f the large band gap acceptor in SiC, and A1 were used in the earliest
and work function o f SiC. Aluminum is conventionally contacts of this type to SiC [58]. The contacts were
used in pure form or as an alloy to create ohmic made by fusing pellets of A1-Si ( ~ 1:1) or Si with a few
contacts. Annealing the contacts causes A1 to diffuse percent B to the SiC. This process required tempera-
into the SiC, resulting in an enhanced p-type carrier tures o f 1700 °C for the A I - S i and from 1700 to above
concentration near the surface. A higher carrier concen- 2000 °C for the Si-B. It was believed that the enhanced
tration corresponds to a narrower depletion region p-type concentration at the SiC surface was formed by
through which holes can effectively tunnel. However, recrystallization from solution rather than diffusion of
the low melting point and the oxidation characteristics A1 into the SiC. While the temperatures required for
o f AI make processing the contacts difficult. The melt- these contacts are extremely high, these materials may
ing point can be increased by using A1 alloys (e.g. be more desirable as interlayers, as Si has a significantly
A1-Ti [55 57]), but the extremely high thermodynamic smaller band gap than SiC.
driving force for oxidation o f A1 places strict require- Hall [58] also investigated W as an ohmic contact
ments on processing and passivating layers. because of its similar thermal expansion coefficient to
L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis/Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83-105 95

Table 6
Ohmic contacts to p-type ~(6H or mixed)-SiC. Multi-layered contacts are designated with slashes to separate the distinct layers; layers at the
surface to the interface with SiC proceed from left to right. See Table 3 for a description of the rating system for surface preparations

Metallization Deposition Deposition Deposition Annealing p~ ( ~ cm 2) SiC carr. conc. SiC Method Origin of Surface Ref.
method temperature pressure condition (cm 3) surface of p~ SiC preparation
(Torr) meas.

Al-Si (~1:1) melting NR 1700°C NR NR (0001) -- Lely NR [58]

S i - B (a few melting NR 1700 2000 NR NR (0001) -- Lely NR [58]
%B) °C
W melting NR 1900 °C NR NR (0001) -- Lely NR [58]
Cu-Ti melting I0 5 > 8 8 0 °C NR NR NR -- Carborun- good [131]
(71:29 at.%) d u m Co.
AI-Si melting -- 10 5 900-1000 NR NR NR -- Carborun- good [131]
(88.7:I 1.3 at.%) °C d u m Co.
A1-Ti NR NR NR 950 °C/5 NR NR (0001) -- seeded sub.; good [55]
min LPE epi
AI e-beam RT 10 6 700 °C/10 1.7 x 10 3 1.8 x 1018 (0001) TLM seeded sub.; good [51]
evap. min CVD epi
W / A u W / W / A I sputtering NR NR 1800 2 5 x 10 4 NR (0001) four- Lely varied [59]
°C/120 s and point
AI Ti sputtering RT 10 6 b . p . 1000°C/5 2.9×10 2 1.5)<10 5 5xl0tS 2x1019 (0001) circular seeded sub.; good [57]
min TLM C V D epi
Mo sputtering NR 10 " v b.p. none 2 x 10 4 > l × l019 (0001) four- seeded sub.; good [48]
point CVD epi
and T L M
Ta sputtering NR 10 7 b.p. none 7 x 10 4 > 1 x 1019 {000l) four- seeded sub.; good [48]
point CVD epi
and T L M
Ti sputtering NR 10 7 b.p. none 3 × 10 4 > 1 × l0 ~9 (0001) four- seeded sub.; good [48]
point CVD epi
and T L M
AI sputtering NR l0 5 b.p. 800°C/10 10 2 - 1 0 -~ 8 × 1018 (0001) TLM seeded sub. good [130]
W/Pt/At sputtering NR 10 5 b.p. 800 8 5 0 ° C 10 2 - 1 0 3 8 x 1018 (0001) TLM seeded sub. good [130]
/10 min
Ti/AI/C- e-beam NR NR 950 °C/2 2 - 3 x 10 s NR (0001) TLM Lely sub.; very good [53]
SiC evap./ min L P E epi
Pt e-beam RT 10 m b.p. 450 850 NR >1 x 10 Is NR seeded sub.; very good [60]
evap. °C/20 min C V D epi
Ti/AI thermal NR NR 1000 °C/5 NR NR (000i) Acheson good [54]
evap. min sub.; L P E

N R = not reported; R T = r o o m temperature; b . p . = base pressure; s u b . = sublimation; epi = epilayer.

SiC. However, annealing these contacts resulted in even contacts [48]. Contact resistivities measured by
greater penetration depth than for the Si alloys. Kuphal's 4-point method were in the 10 -4 ~ c m 2 range,
T w o eutectics, C u - T i and A1 Si, were later found to which was reported to be a conservative value since the
be ohmic after annealing at > 8 8 0 °C and 9 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 °C, method does not account for nonuniform current densi-
respectively [13]. These annealing temperatures are ties.
above the eutectic melting points and resulted in pene- The patent by Glass et al. [60] is based on the
tration o f the contacts in the SiC o f up to 1 pm. Similar relationship that the contact resistance decreases with
penetration depths occurred for the W/AuW/W/A1 con- increasing doping concentration and decreasing SBH.
tacts [59]. These extensive chemical interactions would When tunneling dominates the current transport, as
be devastating in many of today's devices. occurs for high doping concentrations and a finite
As in the case of n-type SiC discussed above, the barrier, the following proportionality holds
need for annealing can be reduced or eliminated by
heavily doping the surface to create a p + layer in
R c oc exp(OB/x/N) (2)
p-type SiC. As-deposited Mo, Ta, and Ti contacts on where Rc is the specific contact resistance, OB is the
p + SiC epitaxial films grown by C V D yielded ohmic Schottky barrier height, and N is the carrier concen-
96 L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis Materials' Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83 105

Table 7
Rectifying contacts on n-type fl-SiC. The deposition and annealing conditions, calculated Schottky barrier heights, and SiC information are listed
for most of the contact metallizations. See Table 3 for a description of the rating system for surface preparations

Metallization Deposition Deposition Deposition Annealing qbB(eV) SiC Method of Origin of Surface Ref.
method temperature pressure condition surface OB means. SiC preparation

Au e-beam NR 10 7 none; to 500 1.2 (100) C V CVD good [62]

evap. °C/1 h
AI thermal RT 10 ¢' b.p. 900°C/3 5 m i n NR (100) CVD good [70]
Au thermal RT 10 ~' b.p. none 1.2 (100) C V CVD good [70]
A1 thermal ~RT 10 m b.p. none 1.4 (100) XPS CVD Si-rich [67]
Pd thermal RT 10 m b.p. none 0.95, 0.92 (100) XPS, C V CVD very good [63]
Au thermal RT 10 m b.p. none 0.78, 0.87 (100) XPS, C V CVD very good [63]
Co thermal RT 10 m b.p. none 0.69, 0.73 (100) XPS, C V CVD very good [63]
Ti thermal RT 10 m b.p. none 0.53 (100) XPS CVD very good [63]
Ag thermal RT 10 m b.p. none 0.40 (100) XPS CVD very good [63]
Tb thermal RT 10 m b.p. none 0.35 (100) XPS CVD very good [63]
AI thermal RT 10 m b.p. none 0.16 (100) XPS CVD very good [63]
Au thermal RT 10 6 b.p. none vicinal & CVD good [64]
evap. off-axis
Ni sputtering NR NR none NR carbonization good [71]
of Si

N R = not reported; RT = room temperature; b.p. = base pressure; XPS = X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; C V = capacitance voltage.

tration [61]. To reduce the SBH on p-type material, a high contacts to this material. However, large concentra-
work function metal should be used. Although empirical tions of stacking faults, associated with the low stack-
evidence indicates that there is a partial pinning of the ing fault energy of this polytype, as well as twins and
Fermi level in 6H-SiC, the SBH has some dependence on threading dislocations occurring in heteroepitaxial
metal work function, as shown in Figs. 4 and 5. In this films have precluded the achievement o f the predicted
invention ohmic contacts were fabricated by depositing electrical properties, both within the semiconductor
Pt on p-type SiC with a p-t- layer at the surface. Both substrate and at the metal/SiC interface. Table 7 lists
as-deposited contacts and contacts annealed at tempera- the rectifying contacts on n-type //-SIC found in the
tures to 850 °C displayed ohmic behavior. Platinum has literature. No rectifying contacts on p-type fl-SiC have
several advantageous properties, including its high melt- been reported.
ing point and oxidation resistance; however, even its high Several of these studies have included Au [62 64],
work function (5.65 eV) is not enough to eliminate the which has a high work function and is nonreactive
SBH on p-type SiC. For this reason the carrier concen- with Si and C. Ioannou et al. [62] deposited Au films
tration at the SiC surface was increased by ion implan- on chemically cleaned substrates by electron beam
tation of A1 (at 10kV, 6 x 1015cm 2 dose or 50kV, evaporation at approximately 1 )< l0 7 Tort. The
2 x 1015 cm 2 dose; 600 °C substrate) and annealing at cleaning procedure, which consisted of degreasing with
1500 °C prior to metallization. solvents and etching in HF, should have removed al-
most all of the O, while some hydrocarbon contamina-
5. Contacts to fl-silicon carbide tion could have adsorbed to the samples during their
brief exposure to air while loading in the vacuum
5.1. Schottky contacts to /]-SIC chamber. The as-deposited contacts displayed ideality
factors of 1.5 (linear region > 6 decades) and soft
With the advent of the ability to grow //-SIC thin breakdown at 8 - 1 0 V ( l e a k a g e s 2 . 5 × 10 7 A c r e 2
films in the 1980s came a thrust of research on metal at 1V). A Schottky barrier height of 1.2 eV was
L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis /Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83 105 97

calculated from C - V measurements. After annealing at from XPS and C - V measurements, respectively. Al-
300 °C for 1 h, the ideality factors and SBH decreased though the slope from the data points calculated from
slightly, while the reverse leakage currents increased. C - V measurements is very high, the small number of
Subsequent annealing at 500 °C for 1.5 h resulted in data points over a small range of work function values
further increases in the reverse leakage currents. Ohmic introduces a higher susceptibility to variation. If the
behavior ensued after annealing at 700 °C for 30 , i n SBH of Tb (@M = 3.0 eV) is neglected, S for the XPS
Auger analyses showed significant diffusion of Si into set of data becomes 0.58, which is more than twice as
the Au film after the latter annealing step. As the high as S for the complete set of data. Thus, it is again
substrates are believed to have been relatively clean, it shown that the index of behavior, S, can be very
is quite likely that the inferior Schottky characteristics susceptible to both the particular metal contacts and
(in comparison to 6H-SiC) and degradation after low the measurement technique. As for 6H-SiC, all results
temperature annealing were associated with defects in indicate some positive correlation between SBH and
the fl-SiC films. metal work function.
The study of Das et al. [64] gives strong evidence for From XPS analyses Bermudez [67] found an upward
the degrading effects of defects on electrical properties band bending of 1.5 eV at the (100) fl-SiC surface after
in /7-SIC substrates. Gold films were thermally evapo- annealing in UHV at 1150°C for 2 , i n followed by
rated onto fl-SiC films grown on both nominal on-axis exposure to a Si flux, which resulted in a Si rich surface.
(100) and off-axis ([100] oriented 2 ° 4 ° toward [011]) The surface states, which are indicated by the band
Si. A previous study [65] had shown the presence of bending, may have been enhanced by the excess Si;
antiphase domain boundaries (APBs) in films grown on however, the high degree of covalency of SiC makes it
the on-axis (100) substrates. The values of both the likely that some surface states are intrinsic to this
ideality factors and the reverse leakage currents were material [68]. After depositing 9 A of AI (sample tem-
greater for the contacts on the on-axis films. In addi- perature <200 °C), the band bending was reduced by
tion, current transport was determined to be dominated 0.1 eV, yielding a SBH of 1.4 eV. No pronounced inter-
by space charge limited current rather than thermionic diffusion was detected after "flash annealing" the 9/~
emission, which has been dominant in many 6H-SiC films to 1050 °C. This result suggests that longer an-
contacts [66]. nealing times at that temperature are necessary to acti-
As listed in Table 7, Waldrop and Grant [63] mea- vate AI in any p-type SiC polytype for the fabrication
sured the SBHs of several metals on (100) fl-SiC by of ohmic contacts from A1 or AI alloys.
XPS and C - V measurements. The metals were de-
posited at room temperature in UHV after chemical 5.2. Ohmic' contacts to ~7-SIC
and thermal cleaning which left ~ 1 monolayer of O as
the only detectable contaminant by XPS. The calcu- 5.2.1. n-type fl-SiC
lated and theoretical barrier heights are plotted vs. the In addition to 6H-SiC, annealed (900-1250 °C) Ni
metal work functions in Fig. 7. Both sets of data (XPS has also been commonly used for ohmic contacts to
and C V) show a positive correlation between SBH fl-SiC [69-72]. Steckl and Su [71] employed as-de-
and metal work function. The slopes, S, of the linear posited and annealed (900 °C for 3 - 5 , i n ) Ni for recti-
fits to the two sets of data points were 0.26 and 1.52 fying and ohmic contacts, respectively, in one device.
However, Cho et al. [72] reported Ni to be ohmic on
10mY 10JScm 3 / - S I C in the as-deposited case. The
1.0- s = 1.o. , # ohmic behavior in the latter case is likely to be the
(C-V) result of a high concentration of defects in the SiC films
(owing to its high work function, one would not expect
.E Ni to be ohmic on any n-type SiC polytype); thus, the
"r 0.0-
substrate quality is very critical to the contact proper-
ties. Daimon et al. [69] and Edmond et al. [70] found
.'' .Q- theoretical I both annealed Ni and as-deposited AI to be ohmic on
• ; measured (XPS) n-type fl-SiC (100) with low carrier concentrations
• •-• measured (C-V
(5× 1016 l x 10~7cm-3). The latter study reported
-1 . 0 -
high contact resistivities for both contacts, as might be
2.5 30 315 20 .15 510 5!5 expected for the low doping levels in the substrates. The
Metal Work Function (eV)
relatively low work function of A1 probably contributed
Fig. 7. Data points of experimentally-determined and theoretical
to the formation of a low SBH. Annealing the A1 at
barrier heights on n-type 3C-SiC (100) vs. work function of the metal
contacts. The experimental data points are from Waldrop and Grant
900°C for 3 - 5 , i n resulted in rectification. This
[63]. The slopes, S, of the linear fits through each set of data points change was attributed to the creation of a p - n junction
are indicated. by diffusion of AI into the SiC.
98 L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83 105

Table 8
Ohmic contacts on n-type//-SIC. M u l t i - l a y e r c o n t a c t s a r e l i s t e d in s e q u e n c e (left t o r i g h t ) f r o m t h e t o p m o s t l a y e r to t h e l a y e r in c o n t a c t w i t h t h e
SiC. See Table 3 for a description of the rating system for surace preparations

Metallization Deposition Deposition Deposition Annealing p~ at R T (f~ SiC carr. SiC Method of p~ Origin of Surface Ref.
method temperature pressure condition cm:) cone. surface meas. SiC preparation
(Torr) (cm ~/

Ni NR RT NR 930 °C/3 min NR 6 x 1() [¢' (100) CVD fair [69]

I x 10 Iv
AI NR RT NR as-deposited NR 6 × 10 It' (100) CVD fair [69]
1 x l0 w
Au e-beam NR 10 7 700 ° C / 3 0 m i n NR 5 IO n' (100) NR CVD good [62]
evap. 5 IO w
A1 thermal RT 10 ~' b.p. as-deposited 1.6 x 10 5 I0'" (100) three-contact CVD good [70]
evap. and
Ni thermal RT 10 (' b.p. 1250°C5min 1 . 4 x 10 5 10 ~r' (100) three-contact CVD good [70]
evap. and
Cr thermal RT l0 (' b.p. 1250 °C,5 rain 7.0 x 10 2 5 × 1() 16 (100) three-contact CVD good [7(I]
evap. and
Au Ta (9% 3 thermal RT 10 (' b.p. 1250°C5min 3 . 0 x 10 2 5 × I() I(' (lO0) three-contact CVI) good [70]
at.%) evap. and
TaSi 2 sputtering RT NR 850 °C,'5 rain 2.0 x 10 2 5 x 10 I(, (100) three-contact CVD good [70]
Ag MBE RT UHV 1000 °C NR NR (100) CVD sputtered w/ [86]
500 eV A r
ions: no
W sputtering RT 10 7 850°C/30min 2 . 4 × 10 i 2 × l0 w (100) contact area CVD sputtered [74]
Ti sputtering RT 10 v b.p. 300 °C/30 90 7.6 9.2 x 10 ~ I() v~ I() ~ (10(/) four-point CVD good [75]
W sputtering RT 10 7 b.p. as-dep, to 600 1.5 × 10 : 10 ~ I(# s (100) four-point CVD good [75]
°C/10min 2.3 x 10
TiSi: sputtering RT 10 " b.p. 1000°C/10s ~ 1.1 × 10 4 I() ~v I() ~s (100) four-point CVD good [75]
450 °C/390 min
WSi: sputtering RT 10 v b.p. 1000°C'10s+ 3 . 9 x l0 4 I() Iv 1() I~ (100) four-point CVD good [75]
450 °C, 390 min
Mo e-beam NR 10 ~' b.p. as-dep, and 1200 6.2 4.0 × 10 2 1017 10/~ (100) extrapolation CVD NR [72]
evap. °C/6(I min
Ni sputtering NR NR 900 °C/3 5 NR NR NR carboniza- good [71]
rain tion of Si
Au/Pt/Ti sputtering NR l0 v b.p. operated at I.l x 10 4 l0 u' 10 r (100) four-point CVD sputtered [76]
650 °C,,I h
Au/Pt/W sputtering NR 10 7 b.p. operated at 2.0 x 10 4 10 I(' l017 (100) four-point CVD sputtered [76]
65O °@8 h
Au/Pt/TiN/Ti sputtering NR l(I 7 b.p. operated at 1.4 x l0 4 l0 I(' 1017 (100) four-point CVD sputtered [76]
650 °@31 h
Pt/TiW, Ti sputtering NR 10 v b.p. operated at 2.6 x I0 4 1() I~' l0 w (100) four-point CVD sputtered [76]
650 °C/3 h
W sputtenng NR 10 v b.p. as-deposited 10 3 lO 17 IO Is (100) circular T L M CVD good [10(I]
Ta sputtering NR 10 7 b.p. as-dep, to 7 x 10 7 5 × I() I'~ (100) circular T L M CVD fair [77]
1000 °C/I h 4.3 x 10 ~'
Re sputtering NR l(I 7 b . p . as-dep, t o 9 0 0 ° C 1 × 1 0 "* l x 5 × 1 0 v; (100) circular T L M CVD t~fir [771
/30 min I0 s
Pt sputtering NR 10 v b.p. as-dep, to 5 0 0 ° C 6 × 1 0 <~ 1 × 5 × 1() I~ (100) circular T L M CVD fair [77]
/30 rain 10 5

NR = not reported; RT = room temperature; b.p. = base pressure.

L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83-105 99

Table 8 lists these studies along with several other reduction in the contact resistivity of Ti contacts (an-
ohmic contact metallization schemes. While most of nealed at 650 °C for 3 h) to the formation of TiC.
these contacts were annealed above ~ 8 0 0 °C, there The silicides of these metals (TiSi 2 and WSi2) yielded
does not seem to be any simple formula for creating an lower contact resistivities than the pure metals and
ohmic contact to n-type fl-SiC. One of the metals (Ni) displayed better thermal stability [75]. The lowest re-
is a silicide former, m a n y (Cr, Ta, W, Ti, Mo) are both ported values for these metallizations were
silicide and carbide formers, and some (Ag and Au) are 1.1 x 1 0 - 4 ~ c m 2 for TiSi2 annealed at 450°C for
neither carbide nor silicide formers [73]. In addition, the 390rain and 2.0 x 10 4 f ~ c m 2 for WSi 2 annealed at
work functions of m a n y of the silicides are quite similar 450 °C for 10 min. A correlation between a high contact
to the pure metals; thus, it is not believed that the resistivity and an interfacial oxide layer was observed,
product phases in general have the intrinsic properties emphasizing the importance of surface cleaning and
to create an ohmic contact (i.e. as-deposited). While processing conditions on good contact properties.
low work function metals may form relatively low Substantially lower contact resistivities were reported
barrier contacts, the data suggests that the formation of by Chen et al. [77] for Ta, Re, and Pt contacts. In the
most of the ohmic contacts to n-type fl-SiC has been latter study the metals were deposited on both uninten-
associated with the creation of defects (e.g. vacancies) tionally-doped ( ~ 10 IT cm 3) and N-implanted
after annealing and possibly aided by defects present (5 X l019 c m - 3 ) n-type (001) fl-SiC. On the unintention-
within the SiC films. ally-doped samples the Ta and Re contacts were ohmic
Gold formed ohmic contacts after annealing at with contact resistivities of 5 x 10 5 f~ cm 2 and
700 °C for 30 min [62]. Auger analyses showed that the 4 x 10 4 ~-~c m 2, respectively, calculated using the T L M
annealing resulted in Si diffusing into the Au film. In method. The contact resistivity of Ta increased to
this case the ohmic behavior is very likely associated 1 x 10 - 4 ~ c m 2 after annealing at 500 °C for 30 min;
with the creation of Si vacancies rather than the forma- that for Re decreased to 2.5 x 1 0 - 4 f ~ c m 2. Both of
tion of any new interface compounds. these contacts became rectifying after annealing 900 °C
Many of the studies listed in Table 8 reported contact for 30 min. The Pt contacts were not ohmic before or
resistivities. Edmond et al. [70] reported room tempera- after heat treatment (to 1000 °C) on these samples.
ture values on lightly doped SiC (5 x 1016 cm 3) to be However, all three metals were ohmic in the as-de-
between 2.0 x 10 2 f~ c m 2 and 1.6 x 10 i f~ c m 2, with posited condition on the implanted samples. The con-
TaSi2 yielding the lowest value. Some improvement in tact resistivities for as-deposited Ta, Re, and Pt on
the TaSi2 contacts was observed with heating at 400 °C. these latter samples were 7 x 10 7, l x 10 4, and
Geib et al. [74] estimated contact resistivities of 6 x 10 - 6 ~ c m 2, respectively. The Pt contacts became
2.4 x 10 1 and 8.0 x 10 2f~ cm 2 (2 x 1017 cm 3 carrier rectifying after annelaing at 900 °C for 30 min. After
conc.) for W contacts at 23 °C and 900 °C, respectively. annealing at 1000 °C for 1 h, the contact resistivity of
In comparison Chaudhry et al. [75] calculated a the Ta contacts increased to 4.3 x 10 6 f~ c m 2. These
contact resistivity of 1.5 x 10 2 f~ cm 2 for as-deposited contacts remained ohmic after heating to 1100 °C for
W contacts o n 10 j7 t o 1018 cm 3 fl-SiC by the four 30 min, but interfacial voids formed, resulting in erratic
point probe method. This value decreased to I V measurements. The Re contacts were annealed to
6.1 x l 0 - 3 ~ c m 2 after annealing at 300 °C for 30 min. 900 °C for 30 min, which resulted in a decrease in the
The contact resistivity of Ti contacts on the same contact resistivity from the as-deposited value to
material decreased significantly from 1.69 ~ cm 2 after 1 x 10 5 ~ c m 2.
annealing at 300°C for 3 0 m i n to 7.6 x 10 3 ~ c m 2 Shor et al. [76] investigated multilevel metallization
after 90 min. The decrease in both cases was attributed schemes based on Ti and W for high temperature
to the dissolution of an interfacial oxide layer. Anneal- (650 750 °C) operation (see Table 8). This type of
ing the Ti contacts at 600 °C for 10 min resulted in a study is very important for extended high temperature
slight increase to 9.2 x 10 3 ~-~c m 2. The authors stated operation of electronic or optoelectronic devices, yet
that this increase may be due to the formation of a high very little has been published on this subject. The main
resistivity TIC0.6 phase. Recent work [21,31] has shown concerns include the reactivity and diffusivity between
that a thin layer (2 3 nm) of TiC1 , forms at the the contact metallization and the SiC substrate and the
interface with 6H-SiC after annealing Ti/SiC at 700 °C oxidation of the contacts. Prior to the I - V measure-
for 20 60min. It is possible that the formation of a ments taken at room and elevated temperature, the
thin carbide layer resulted in a slight increase in the contacts were annealed at 650 and 750 °C for various
contact resistivity; however, a significant increase due times. The most promising metallization scheme was
to the higher resistivity of the carbide is unlikely consid- Au/Pt/TiN/Ti, which remained ohmic throughout
ering its thickness. In addition, the much smaller work operation at 650 °C for 31 h after which it became
function of TiC is more likely to cause a reduction in rectifying. The reported contact resistivity of the as-
the SBH. In fact, one study [76] attributes an observed deposited contacts (1016-101Vcm-3carr. conc.) was
100 L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis Materials Science and Engineering B34 (19951 83 105

Table 9
O h m i c c o n t a c t s on p-type/']-SIC. M u l t i - l a y e r c o n t a c t s are listed in sequence (left to right) from the t o p m o s t layer to the layer in contact with the
SiC. All of the /]-SIC (1001 films were grown on Si by CVD. See T a b l e 3 for a description of the r a t i n g system for surface p r e p a r a t i o n s

Metallization Deposition Deposition Deposition Annealing p~. at R T SiC carr. M e t h o d of p~ Surface Ref.
method temperature pressure condition (f~ cm 21 cone. mess. preparation
(Tow) (cm ~)

AI Si NR RT NR 930 °C,'3 min NR I x 10/r' fair [691

(89:11 wrY/o) 4 x 1017
Au Ta-A1 thermal RT 10 (' b.p. 1200°C, ' 4.7 x 10 ~ 1 x 10 u' three-contact good [70]
(91:2:7 at.%) evap. 30 min and
TaSi./AI sputtering/ RT 10 ~' b.p. 1200 °C,' 2.0 x 10 ~ I x 10 ~6 three-contact good [70]
thermal 30 min and
evap. extrapolation
AI thermal RT 10 ~' b.p. 8811°C:3 min 3.1 x 10 2 I × 10 t~' three-contact good [70]
evap. and
Ni e-beam NR 10 (' b.p. as-dep, to 7 0 0 ° C 4.1 x 10 2 ll) ~7 10 ~ extrapolation NR [721
evap. :15min 2.8 x 10 -'

N R = not reported: R T - r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e ; b.p. - base pressure

1.4 x 10 4~'~cm2. This value was reduced by 65% It is believed that the variation in, and sometimes
(4.9 x 10 s fl c m 2) after annealing at 650 °C for 1 h. It conflicting, results regarding contacts on fl-SiC may be
was believed that the TiN layer acted as a good diffu- attributed to two main causes: (1) differences in crys-
sion barrier, thereby improving its thermal stability. talline quality of the //-SiC films, considering that the
While the authors suggest that a high defect density in defect densities are much higher than in 6H-SiC; and
the fl-SiC films may have contributed to a higher (2) differences in the states of the surface prior to metal
contact resistivity than may be achieved on better qual- deposition. For example, in one study [72] Ni was
ity material, we believe that these same defects may also ohmic as deposited on p-type (1017 l0 Is cm 3) /]-SIC.
contribute to the actual ohmicity of the as-deposited Ti After annealing at 700 °C (15 min?), X-ray diffraction
and W contacts. The Au/Pt/W contacts also displayed indicated the formation of Ni2Si, and the contact resis-
relatively good thermal stability. Considering the facts tivity decreased from 4.1 × 10 2 to 2.8 × 10 2f~cm 2.
that W has a high melting point and TiN is a good These results indicate that the ohmic behavior was not
diffusion barrier, it would be interesting to see if the caused by the formation of Ni silicide; however, it was
thermal stability could be improved by combining both likely associated with a high concentration of defects
of these materials in the same metallization scheme. near the SiC surface, which probably increased upon
5.2.2. p-type ~l-SiC
The small number of studies on ohmic contacts on
p-type /l-SiC are listed in Table 9. All but one of the 6. Discussion
contact metallizations contains AI. As mentioned in a
previous section, Al is used because it is a p-type 6.1. Suit/hoe states and Fermi level pinning
dopant in SiC and therefore can be used to highly dope
the surface of the SiC, narrowing the depletion region Throughout this paper the characteristics of many
and allowing carriers to tunnel through the barrier. contacts on n- and p-type c~(6H)- and //-SIC were
The contact resistivities of A1 annealed at 880 °C for reported. Considering the contacts in their unreacted
3 m i n and TaSi2/A1 and Au Ta AI annealed at forms, Figs. 4, 5 and 7 show a positive correlation
1200°C for 30min were 3.1 x 10 2 2 . 0 x 10 ~, and between the SBHs and the work functions of the metals
4.7 x 10 1 f~ cm 2, respectively on I x 10 ~6 cm 3 /l-SiC. on both ~- and /]-SIC as the Schottky Mott limit
This high annealing temperature should be enough to would predict. However, these empirically determined
substantially increase the doping level in the substrate; correlations were significantly less than 1.0, indicating
thus, a higher carrier concentration in the substrate a partial pinning of the Fermi level attributed to sur-
may not significantly improve the contact characteris- face states. A partial pinning of the Fermi level in
tics. However, the very high driving force for oxidation SiC agrees with the work published by Kurtin et al.
of AI could have resulted in A1 diffusing away from the [68].
interface to react with O. This problem should be For many decades it has been known that Fermi level
considered with any contact metallization involving A1. pinning is more common in covalent materials than in
L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83-I05 101

ionic materials [78,79]. Pioneering work was performed in a silane flux, both ultra-violet photoelectron spec-
by Kurtin et al. [68] who plotted results [80,81] of (I)B troscopy (UPS) and XPS analyses indicated that sur-
vs. XM, where XM is the electronegativity of the metal, face states were present within the band gap. These
for several metals on Si, GaSe, and SiO2 substrates ~. surface states, however, were removed after hydrogen
The values of S for Si, GaSe, and SiO2 were ~0.05, 0.6, plasma exposure yielded a H terminated surface. There-
and 1.0, respectively. The slopes increased with the fore, it is possible to passivate the surface states with H.
degree of ionicity of the substrate, as defined by the If these states could remain passivated after depositing
difference in the electronegativities, AX, of the two metal contacts, more control over the SBH, and, hence,
components [82]. the electrical properties, could be achieved.
A very important trend was revealed in a plot [68] of
S vs. AX, for many semiconductors including the three 6.2. Reactivity of SiC
above. The plot, which is represented in Fig. 8, shows a
region of low S ( < ~ 0.1) for semiconductors with Extensions of the coavalent vs. ionic theory [68] have
A X < 0 . 6 and a region of high S (>0.9) for semicon- also included heats of formation, AHf, of the semicon-
ductors with A X > 0.8 connected by an abrupt transi- ductors. Brillson [85] plotted the S values taken from
tion region (0.6 < A X < 0 . 8 ) . Carbon and silicon have Mead [79] (and references therein) vs. AHf for a variety
electronegativities of 2.55 and 1.90, respectively, which of semiconductors. The plot showed the same type of
corresponds to A X = 0.65 for SiC. The data indicates transition from covalent to ionic as for S vs. AX.
that Fermi level pinning dominates Schottky barrier Covalent semiconductors have low heats of formation
formation in covalent materials, plays a variable role in and are less stable against chemical reaction.
materials with a mixture of ionic and covalent bonding It has been shown through many of the studies
(0.6 < A X < 0 . 8 ) , and does not determine the SBH in discussed in this paper that SiC readily reacts with most
the more ionic materials. According to Fig. 8, SiC is in metal contacts. However, the critical reaction tempera-
the transition between strong Fermi level pinning (sur- tures are usually greater than those for Si. These reac-
face states) and no Fermi level pinning (no surface tions are very important to the resulting electrical
states), which is in good agreement with the empirical characteristics, especially for operation at elevated tem-
results presented in this paper (e.g. Figs. 4, 5 and 7). peratures. Even those metals such as Au which do not
Kolomiets et al. [83] attributed the frequency depen- form silicides or carbides have shown interdiffusion
dence of the capacitance of SiC on relaxation (filling with SiC [62], while Ag has evaporated from the SiC
time 10 2 - 1 0 6 S ) of surface states. The c u r r e n t - surface at temperatures above 600 °C [86]. This may
voltage characteristics of metal/SiC contacts were inde- mean that diffusion barriers will be a necessary part of
pendent of the metal work functions. In addition, very contact metallizations for long term operation at high
recent work [84] has also shown direct evidence for the temperatures.
presence of surface states on 6H-SiC (0001). After Although SiC consists of 50 at.% Si, the reaction
etching for 10 min in 10% H F and annealing at 960 °C characteristics of SiC with metals can be very different
from the metals with Si. In addition, it is difficult to
predict the reaction products in material systems having
AJN • ZnO A.1203SrTiO
I 0 -- ZnS
three or more components and in the process of attain-
sio5 ing thermodynamic equilibrium, e.g. a metal and SiC
0.8 ,o~d] GaS Ga203
chemically bonded at an interface and heated to the
• CdS
0.6 Se extent that chemical interdiffusion occurs. Thermody-
0.4 SiCfOxI ZnSe
namic data can yield the equilibrium phase fields; how-
• ~/q s~ ever, the diffusion path is controlled by the diffusion
CIIFe • ,
0.2 ~e GaA
coefficients of each component in the pertinent phases.
It is the ratio of the diffusivities which determines the
0.0 I I I I I I I I I I I
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 interface compositions, and accordingly the diffusion
AX path [87].
Fig. 8. Index of interface behavior, S, plotted for various semicon- It is possible that reactions in certain metal/SiC
ductors as a function of the electronegativity difference in their systems are limited by the dissociation of SiC because
elemental components. The index of interface behavior is defined as of the strong Si C bond. Evidence in support of this
the slope in a plot of Schottky barrier height vs. metal work function. statement is provided by the initial formation of metal-
After Ref. [68].
rich silicides, for example between SiC and Ni
[42,88,89], Co [35,42,90], and Pd [88,91], which in most
The electronegativity has been shown to have a linear relationship
with the work function (W. Gordy and W.J.O. Thomas, J. Chem. cases were followed by the formation of less metal-rich
Phys, 24 (1956) 439-444). However, the work function is dependent silicides. Other metals such as Ti [21,92-95], Mo [96],
on the crystal plane, whereas electronegativity is an atomic property. Fe [97,98], Nb [99], and W [100] formed both carbides
102 L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83 105

and silicides after annealing At temperatures between Similarly, it would be very desirable to decrease the
570 and 1200 °C, the product phases in Ti/SiC were band bending at the SiC surface so that low barrier
reported to be TiC [101,102], TisSi3 [103], or both height contacts could be produced. This might be
TiC1 ,. and TisSi3 [21,92 95]. These results were simi- achieved by depositing doped semiconducting interlay-
lar in the Mo/SiC [96] system annealed at 1200 °C for ers with favorable band lineups between the conduction
1 h and W/SiC [100] system annealed at 950 1100 °C or valence bands on n-type or p-type SiC, respectively.
for 60s in which MesSi 3 and Me2C ( M e = m e t a l ) A similar but alternate approach is also advocated.
formed. It is immediately apparent that these product This would involve depositing thin insulating interlay-
phases are very different than if these same metals ers followed by low (on n-type) or high (on p-type)
reacted with Si. Not only is the temperature important, work function metals as an extension of the investiga-
but the thickness of the films and the amount of time tions of TiN [49,50] and TiW [51] contacts discussed in
are very important determinants of the resulting phases Section 4.2. In addition to a potentially reduced SBH, a
in metal/SiC systems. good diffusion barrier between the metal and the SiC
may be a beneficial result.
6.3. Future perspectives Because the long term operation of SiC devices is an
important goal, diffusion barriers are a legitimate con-
There are still important questions left unanswered sideration. The reactions of SiC with many metals at
regarding SiC contacts. However, important strides potential device operating temperatures ( ~ 6 0 0 °C) can
have been achieved which have provided opportunities destroy a device. Therefore, it is important to develop
for further research. Because of the nature of SiC, good contacts which are stable at high temperatures. How-
Schottky contacts with SBHs of approximately l eV ever, very few studies have reported the thermal stabil-
can be easily fabricated. However, these same proper- ity of contacts at elevated temperatures for extended
ties make it difficult to form low barrier ohmic contacts. periods of time. This is another important issue to be
It is the ability to create ohmic contacts with low addressed by the SiC community.
contact resistivities ( ~< 10 6 f~ cm 2) which will be one of As a result of the research which has been performed
the major challenges facing the SiC community in the for the past few decades, a good understanding of the
foreseeable future. limitations of metal contacts to SiC has been gained.
Perhaps it would be wise to examine solutions to We must now use these achievements as the foundation
similar problems in GaAs. The practical difficulties of for further improvements in contacts if the potential of
creating good ohmic and/or Schottky contacts to GaAs SiC devices is to be realized.
has led to recent efforts in barrier height engineering.
The tendency of the Femri level to pin near midgap in
this material led several investigators to try to decrease 7. Conclusions
the band bending at the surface by using doped inter-
layers of Ge and Si [104 109] and to increase it by Schottky and ohmic contacts on n- and p-type ~- and
using interlayers of NiA1 and AlAs [109-114]. //-SIC have been reviewed and discussed in terms of
To decrease the barrier height on GaAs, Chambers their electrical properties, Schottky barrier heights,
[109] deposited thin semiconductor interlayers of n+Si, thermal stability, and reaction characteristics.
n + G e and GaSe,.As~ , with a smaller band gap and a There is significant evidence for the presence of sur-
favorable band lineup with the substrate. Chambers face states in SiC. However, if the surface is maintained
and Loebs [108] grew thin epitaxial overlayers of un- relatively clean, the density of surface states is not
doped and As-doped (n +) Si on n- and p-type GaAs sufficiently high to completely pin the Fermi level.
(001)-(2 x 4) to determine their influence on surface Positive correlations ( g 0 . 2 - 0 . 6 ) between the SBHs on
band bending. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) both ~- and fl-SiC and the work functions of the metals
measurements indicated that the Fermi level remained were displayed, The partial pinning of the Fermi level is
pinned after depositing undoped Si (at ~0.6 eV below believed to be associated with the percent ionicity of
the conduction band for n-GaAs and --~0.5 eV above SiC in agreement with the results of Kurtin et al. [68].
the valence band for p-GaAs). However, depositing n Most metals in the as-deposited condition form very
Si onto n-GaAs (p-GaAs) resulted in a significant good rectifying contacts on both n- and p-type 6H-SiC
reduction (increase) in band bending ( ~ 0 . 3 e V for with SBHs of ~>1 eV. Low leakage currents, low ideal-
n-GaAs and ~0.8 eV for p-GaAs). The authors con- ity factors, and high breakdown voltages have been
cluded that the Fermi level was not unpinned, which displayed. The quality of contacts on [i-SiC seems to be
would be associated with an elimination of interface limited by the quality of the /t-SiC films.
states. Intead, it was believed that the reduction in band On both polytypes it has been difficult to fabricate
bending could be attributed to charge transfer from the ohmic contacts with low contact resistivities. Heavily
highly-doped Si interlayer. doping the surface has shown some success and may be
L.M. Porter, R.F. Davis / Materials Science and Engineering B34 (1995) 83-I05 103

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Acknowledgments [27] L.A. Kosyachenko, E.F. Kukhto and V.M. Sklyarchuk, Trans-
lated from Zhurnal Prikladnoi Spektroskopii, 41 (1984) 615
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to J.S. 620.
[28] K. Yasuda, T. Hayakawa and M. Saji, IEEE Trans. Eleetron
Bow, M.J. Kim, and R.W. Carpenter of Arizona State
Devices, ED-34 (1987) 2002 2008.
University for contributing the TEM images. We would [29] L.M. Spellman, R.C. Glass, R.F. Davis, T.P. Humphreys, H.
like to thank Cree Research, Inc. for providing the Jeon, R.J. Nemanich, S. Chevacharoenkul and N.R. Parikh,
6H-SiC wafers on which the research at N C S U was Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proe., 221 (1991) 99 104.
based; S. Tanaka for taking valuable time to translate [30] L.M. Spellman, R.C. Glass, R.F. Davis, T.P. Humphreys, R.J.
Nemanich, K. Das and S. Chevacharoenkul, Electrical charac-
literature; and M.C. Benjamin, S.W. King, and R.J. terization of epitaxial titanium contacts to ~(6H) silicon carbide
Nemanich for contributing unpublished data regarding (presented at Amorphous and Crystalline Silicon Carbide IV,
surface states on SiC. We would also like to thank K. Santa Clara, CA, 1992), in C.Y. Yang, M.M. Rahman and
Das, R. Kaplan, J.R. Waldrop, S.A. Chambers, J. G.L. Harris (eds.), Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 71,
Springer, 1992, pp. 417-422.
Crofton, and D. Alok for valuable discussions and R.S.
[31] J.S. Bow, L.M. Porter, M.J. Kim, R.W. Carpenter and R.F.
Kern for contributing helpful information. We also Davis, Ultramicroseopy, 52 (1993) 289 296.
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sending us copies of their publications. Appl. Phys., 72 (1992) 4757 4760.
[33] J.R. Waldrop and R.W. Grant, Appl. Phys. Lett., 62 (1993)
2685 2687.
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