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Baseball Journeys

Naeun Kim

Do you know who the most famous player in South Korea baseball history is? Most people

would say it’s Daeho Lee. Dae-ho Lee, a name synonymous with excellence in South Korea

baseball, stands as a towering figure in the sport’s history. Daeho Lee has left an indelible

mark on the hearts of baseball fans not only in South Korea but around the world. I consider

the highly esteemed Daeho Lee as my role model, and it is indeed an honor to share some

common traits with him. I will explore the similarities and differences between Daeho Lee

and me, shedding light on the fascinating interplay between a dedicated athlete and an

ordinary individual. First, as a baseball player, our backgrounds in the sport are similar. I am

a baseball player who enjoys the sport as a hobby, playing on weekends, while he is a

professional baseball player. Both of our back number is 10, and we share similar strengths

and weaknesses as baseball player. Our shared strength is being power hitters with substantial

strength, often earning us the nickname ‘homerun hitter.’ On the flip side, our common

weakness is our slower running speed. Second, we also share the same hometown, Busan. I

was born in Busan in 2002 and have been raised in Busan ever since. Daeho Lee was also

born in Busan, South Korea, on June 21, 1982. He was in Busan from elementary school all

the way through high school and until he joined the professional league. Now, let’s uncover

our differences, starting with personalities. I have a mild temperament and lack charisma, as

I’m not prone to getting angry easily. In contrast, he was a senior with a commanding

presence that younger players truly respected within the baseball field. One of his juniors
mentioned in an interview that he was so intimidating that they were also afraid to crack

jokes, but they deeply respected him as a senior. The last distinction is our difference in

baseball careers. I entered a women’s baseball team at the age of 20 and I’m currently in my

third year as a rookie baseball player. On the other hand, Daeho Lee started playing baseball

in the elementary school team at the age of 10 and made his debut with the Lotte Giants, a

professional baseball team in Busan, at the age of 20. While he retired last year, he left an

indelible mark in the history of Korea with remarkable records spanning 22 years in both

Japan and Korea, accomplishments that are truly unmatched. In conclusion, the captivating

journeys of Daeho Lee and myself, intertwined with shared attributes and unique disparities,

reflect the rich tapestry of the baseball world and the diverse stories it holds.

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