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It is a set of principles relating to the functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling, and the
application of these principles in harnessing physical, financial, human and informational resources efficiently
and effectively to achieve organizational goals.
a. Administration c. supervision
b. Evaluation d. management
2. What is the other term for first lime manager?
a. Superiors b. supervisor c. leader d. boss
3. They are those who are responsible for making organizational decisions and setting policies and strategies that
affect all the aspects of organization?
a. First line managers c. top managers
b. Middle managers d. last managers
4. Which of the following are not top of the managers?
a. Project manager c. Chief of executive officer
b. Chairman of the board d. vice president
5. This essential in employing various types of person and performing various activities like training, development,
appraisal compensation, welfare etc.
a. Planning b. organizing c staffing d. directing
6. This the monitoring of activities to ensure the employees are accomplishing tasks as planned and correcting any
significant deviations
a. Directing b. controlling c. planning d. staffing
7. This requires giving instructions and motivating subordinate in accomplish their goals
a. Planning b. organizing c. staffing d. directing
8. Values work inside to awaken your secret talents. With bravery and confidence, you have it in you to go ahead
and realize your full potential.
a. Determined behavior c. motivation
b. Determined attitude d. underlie managerial behavior
9. In creating mission statement, statement on task describe the basic results to which organization is operating
a. Concise b. exclusive c. inclusive d. outcome oriented
10. While not as brief as statement vision, mission statement in one sentence usually get point across.
a. Concise b. exclusive c. inclusive d. outcome oriented
11. Help at the work-group to create a type of atmosphere and homogeneity.
a. Manager as a coordinator c. manager as delegator of authority
b. Manager as a leader d. manager a decision maker
12. After addressing various aspect of problems, taking decisions for various activities, evaluating them, designing
possible alternative and choosing the right one.
a. Manager as a coordinator c. manager as delegator of authority
b. Manager as a leader d. manager a decision maker
13. The managers have the ability to work well with other people both individually or in a group
a. Technical skills c. conceptual skills
b. Human skills d. None of the above
14. Managers must able to work with resources, equipment, strategies, procedures or technical skills.
a. Technical skills c. conceptual skills
b. Human skills d. None of the above
15. Managers have the higher level of intelligence relative to others because they have more roles in the
organization than the other men.
a. Intellectual quality c. leadership quality
b. Educational skills d. Technical knowledge and skills
16. A manager must developed organizational competence. Different competencies can be acquire by schooling
and practices.
a. Technical knowledge and skills c. maturity
b. Training d. self confidence
17. A manager has to make decision not just for the present but for the future. He would forsee what will happen
in the future.
a. Self-confidence b. intellectual quality c. training d. foresight
18. The manager cannot be efficient if he is lack s the knowledge and skills to do the job because it is the
foundations to his workers to be corrected and be driven.
a. Technical skills c. managerial skills
b. Human skills d. leadership skills
19. It assigned in deciding the task to be performed, how to do them, how to organize the task and where to make
the decisions.
a. Planning c. staffing
b. Organizing d. controlling
20. It is a process whereby an individual influence a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.
a. Goal b. leadership c. Leader d. Dream
21. This focuses on encouraging the success of others and also develops a vision of the future intended to excite
and inspire followers means?
a. Leadership c. Situational Leadership
b. Transformational Leadership d. Leader
22. This leadership style requires leaders to quickly assess a situation and recognize the appropriate personnel and
resources needed for a specific mission.
a. Leadership c. Situational Leadership
d. Transformational Leadership d. Leader
23. It is also termed as delegate. In this hands‐off approach, the leader encourages team members to function
independently and work out their problems by themselves, although he or she is available for advice and
a. Participative b. Autocratic c. Laissez‐faire d. Democratic
24. One of a “methods and terms of Leadership Styles” that is much like authoritative leadership except that it
relies on a rewards-based system to motivate subordinates
a. Authoritative Police Leadership c. Transformational Police Leadership
b. Transactional Police Leadership d. Transnational police leadership
25. It focuses on a “people-centered approach” that aims to inspire, empower and motivate one’s team.
a. Authoritative Police Leadership c. Transformational Police Leadership
b. Transactional Police Leadership d. Transnational police leadership
26. One of the most important traits of ethical leadership is the respect that is given to followers.
a. Respect others b. Honestly c. Justice d. Humane
27. Ethical leaders foster a sense of community and team spirit within the organization.
a. Honestly b. Justice c. Humane d. Focus on teambuilding
28. In ethical leadership, all decisions are first checked to ensure that they are in accordance with the overall
organizational values means?
a. Encourages initiative c. Value driven decision-making
b. Leadership by example d. Values awareness
29. An ethical leader will regularly discuss the high values and expectations that they place on themselves, other
employees, and the organization.
a. Encourages initiative c. Value driven decision-making
b. Leadership by example d. Values awareness
30. Ethical leadership is not just about talking the talk, this type of leader also walks the walk. The high
expectations that an ethical leader has of employees are also applicable on the individual level.
a. Encourages initiative c. Value driven decision-making
b. Leadership by example d. Values awareness
31. . It is a person who influences his followers to achieve a specified goal.
a. Leader b. Boss c. Manager d. Senior
32. It provides the foundation of effective leadership. Successful organizations rely on essential character attributes
and behaviors that transcend cultural and ideological boundaries.
a. Leader b. Boss c. Character d. Manager
33. It is how leaders achieve universal and benevolent outcomes.
a. Respectfulness b. Universalism c. Transformation d. Cooperativeness
34. It is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear,
a. Transformation b. Cooperativeness c. Passion d. Courage
35. It is essential to leadership. People value working for leaders they can trust.
a. Wisdom b. Integrity c. Honestly d. Leadership
36. It is important to exercise appropriate personal control over their thoughts and actions and can manage and
express emotions in constructive ways.
a. Self-discipline b. Wisdom c. Integrity d. Honestly
37. . It is an adage “Stepping into the shoes of others”. This is very important because fair judgement and
objectivity comes only then.
a. Empathy c. Humanist
b. Self-confidence and will-power d. Sense of responsibility
38. It’s not only means being responsible for something but also ultimately being answerable for your actions.
a. Responsibility b. Responsible c. Leader d. Accountability
39. Virtually all good leaders share the leadership trait of confidence. By being confident, leaders can reassure and
inspire others, establish open communications, and encourage teamwork.
a. Emotionally Stable b. Confident c. People-oriented d. Long-term Thinkers
40. Leaders exercise good control and regulation over their own behavior and can tolerate frustration and stress.
a.Emotionally Stable b. Confident c. People-oriented d. Long-term Thinkers
41. It is also referred to a leadership style in which the leader tells employees exactly how they would like
tasks/projects to be performed and the leader retains final decision-making authority.
a. Participative b. Autocratic c. Laissez‐faire d. democratic
42. The following are the characteristics of a leader except;
a. Self-awareness b. self-regulation c. self-motivation d. self-centered
43. The following are the leadership main factors except;
a. Can influence b. can motivate c. can motivate d. can lead
44. Refers to a representative of the organization responsible for the management of the work of a group of
employees and takes requisites actions whenever required
a. boss b. leader c. manager d. management
45. A type of a leader wherein people follow because of who they are, not what they know.
a. Managerial leader b. Relational leader c. motivational leader d. inspirational leader
46. A leadership style wherein they are driven by a deep desire to see different types of people (whether that is
racial, political or social) integrated and to see those less privileged being given voices and equal opportunities.
a. Autocratic style b. democratic style c. cross-cultural style d. Team leadership
47. A leadership style wherein they use their own radical, revolutionary power or different personality to
completely transform the status qou
a. Charismatic leadership b. visionary leadership c. coaching leadership. D. Facilitate leadership
48. Involves monitoring on the group dynamics as well as offering process suggestions and interventions to help
the group stay on track this come in handy when the groups is low functioning, or not effective as they should
a. Charismatic leadership b. visionary leadership c. coaching leadership. D. Facilitative leadership
49. These are the types of leadership who begin with the vision of the company, a form of social change, or even
just a community, and then strategize to employ the skills of others .
a. Charismatic leadership b. visionary leadership c. coaching leadership. D. Facilitative leadership
50. Means giving an activity or task on a group or in the people in order that the job could be used in means of
achieving the goals.
a. Leadership b. administration c. managerial d. boss

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