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Advancing Grass root

Economies: The Pivotal

Role of Cooperative
Society Amendment
Bill and Insurance in
With a reach extending to over 250 million people via 8 lakh entities,
cooperative societies have carved a unique niche in India's socio-economic
fabric. Contributing significantly to India's GDP, especially in rural sectors and
agriculture, these societies symbolise resilience and collective growth. The
arrival of the Cooperative Society Amendment Bill 2022, along with the
shielding arm of insurance, marks a promising juncture for these societies,
setting the stage for an era of sustained growth and enhanced stability.

by Hitesh Saini
Understanding the Cooperative
Sector in India

Multi-Faceted Role Diverse Membership Democratic Process

Cooperative societies play a Cooperatives attract members The members elect their board of
critical role in the rural and from various socio-economic directors democratically, ensuring
agricultural sectors, providing strata, with some of the fair and transparent decision-
indispensable services, inputs, vulnerable populations as well. making.
and credit.
Emerging Dynamics and Statistics

Rural Reach Contribution to GDP

Cooperative societies have a presence in over 6 The cooperative sector contributes about 7% of
lakh villages in India, serving over 250 million India's GDP, with the potential to grow
people. substantially.

Employment Generation Female Empowerment

Cooperatives create a significant number of Cooperatives act as a powerful tool for female
employment opportunities, especially in rural empowerment, providing them a platform to
areas. participate in socio-economic activities.
The Cooperative Society Amendment
Bill 2022

The bill emphasizes digitization, bringing the

cooperative sector under the larger digital
umbrella and ensuring better transparency and

1 2 3

Democratization Fraud Prevention

The amendment ensures democratic control of The amendment strengthens the regulatory
the cooperative societies and strengthens framework of the cooperative sector, ensuring
democratic governance. greater fraud protection.
Unleashing the Power of Insurance for
Cooperative Societies

Crop Insurance Health Insurance Life Insurance

Crop insurance can provide Health insurance plays a critical Life insurance assures financial
financial security against role in enhancing members' well- protection to the families of the
increasing instances of crop being and financial stability. It cooperative society members in
failures due to climate change, prevents undue monetary strain case of unfortunate events.
assuring farmers of production during health crises.
levels despite potential
The Power of Asset
1 Protection

Asset insurance safeguards cooperative societies from financial losses

due to accidents, natural disasters, or other unforeseen incidents.

2 Financial Stability

The cooperative sector being a contributor to 40% of rural credit in

India, asset insurance measures can considerably enhance financial
Ensuring a Promising Future for the
Grassroots Economies of India
The Need of Hour Empowerment of Collective Growth
Marginalized &
The Cooperative Society Cooperative societies symbolize
Amendment Bill 2022 and resilience and growth, setting
Insurance policies in India are Cooperative societies have the the stage for an era of sustained
critical tools to boost the potential to act as a powerful growth and enhanced stability.
resilience and efficacy of the tool for female and marginalized

Cooperative sector. community empowerment.

The Cooperative Society Amendment Bill 2022 and Insurance policies together offer a comprehensive safety
net to cooperative societies, ensuring greater resilience and stability. These measures bring hope for a future
of collective growth and empowerment for the marginalised and vulnerable communities across India's socio-
economic spectrum.

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