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ACI COMPt3lr ff 0662949 0525387 22q


Compilation 31

American Concrete Institute

Seismic Design and Construction
ACI Compilation 31


3 Rehabilitation of the Jordan River Concrete 32 Current Bridge Seismic Retrofit Practice in the
Buttress Dam for Seismic Loads, by Tibor J. United States by Mehdi "Saiid" Saiidi (Concrete
Pataky and Bradley G . Kemp (Concrete International, V . 14, No. 12, December 1992,
International, V. 15, No. 5, May 1993, pp. 55- PP. 64-67)
36 Shearwalls-An Answer for Seismic Resistance?
9 Bay Area Rapid Transit: Concrete in the 1960s by Mark Fintel (Concrete Intem'onal, V. 13,
by Bernard L. Meyers and Stephen H. Tso NO.7, July 1991, pp. 48-53)
(Concrete International, V. 15, No. 2, February
1993, pp. 4549) 42 Seismic Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete
Frame-Wall Buildings by Sashi K. Kunnath,
14 Precast Concrete Connection Details for All Andrei M. Reinhorn, and Young J. Park
Seismic Zones by C. E, Warnes (Concrete (Concrete International, V. 11, No. 8, August
International, V . 14, No. 11, November 1992, 1989, pp. 57-61)
PP. 36-44)
23 Precast Concrete in Seismic-Resisting Building
Frames in New Zealand by R. Park (Concrete
International, V. 12, No. 11, November 1990,
pp. 43-5 1)
- -_ L- . - _- .- . . _-
A C I COMP*31 Y Y Obb27q7 0525187 OT7


This ACI Compilation combines material previously published in CONCRETE

INTERNATIONAL Magazine to provide compact and ready information on a
specific topic. The material in such a compilation does not necessarily represent
the opinion of any ACI technical committee -only the opinions of the authors of
the compiled articles. However, the material presented here is considered to
contain useful information for readers interested in the subject.

M. "Saiid" Saiidi
Chairman, ACI Committee 341
Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Bridges

John W. Wallace
Chairman, ACI Committee 368
Earthquake Resisting Concrete Structural Elements and Systems

Todd Perbix
Chairman, ACI Committee 369
Seismic Repair and Rehabilitation

On the cover: A relatively new addition to the skyline of Minneapolis-St. Paul is the City CentedMulti-
Foods Tower. This 52-story building required 400,000 sq ft of sand-blasted precast panels. Architect:
Skidmore Owings & Merrill; general contractor: PCL; and precast contractor: Gage Brothers.

American Concrete Institute, Box 19150, Redford Station, Detroit, Michigan 48219
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A C I COMP*33 ** E Obb2949 0525370 817

the Jordan River

T e Jordan River Dam (Fig. 1) is

part of the Jordan River
Power Development on Van-
couver Island, approximately
50 km west of Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Three types of dam were considered
concrete in the buttresses and the up-
stream slab
Complete the dynamic analyses
started in 1985
Evaluation of existing
proportion to compressive strength is
quiteapparent,but the scatteris wide, as
indicated by a correlationcoefficientof
0.32. The degree of saturation had a
negligible effect on the readings.
Laboratory tests on concrete
during the planning stage in 1912 con- structure Laboratory tests were conducted to ob-
crete gravity, masonry gravity, and re-
inforced concrete buttress. Because of Field nondestructivetesting tain information on the physical prop-
the shortage of naturally available and erties of concrete such as compressive,
u~trasonicpulse velocity vir)testing shear, and tensile strengths. modulus of
readily usable construction materials a of Buttresses 38 and 40 was carried out
decision was made to build an Am- elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, thermal coef-
in July 1986. UPV readings were taken ficient of expansion, water absorption,
bursen type concrete buttress dam.The at a grid of about 1.2 m.A total of 192
dam was constructed between August and air void content.
readings were taken for Buttress 38 and
1912 and October 1913.12 136 for Buttress 40. A histogram of Compressive strength tests were car-
Under B.C; Hydro’s current dam UPV readings is shown on Fig. 2. A ried out in accordancewith ASTM C42-
safety program, comprehensiveinspec- rather subjective interpretation of 84a. Thirty-one 146mm diameter hori-
tions and reviews (CIRs) are carried out quality would be that a good portion of zontal cores were drilled; of these, 28
once every six years for high hazard the concreteis of acceptablequality, but were taken perpendicularto and 3 in the
dams. Such a CIR was carried out for 20 to 25 percent of the UPV readings plane of the buttress. Strengths varied
the Jordan River Dam in 1985 and the imply poor quality concrete. from a low of 6.25 MPa to a high of 38.7
results reported in Reference 3. The The UPV readings were correlated MPa, with a mean of 18.1 MPa.
major recommendationsof the CIR re- with compressive strength by con-
port were to: ducting tests on samples prepared from To determine the shear strength of the
15 cores. The relationship between UPV concrete at horizontal construction
Complete the foundation investiga-
tions started in 1985 on dry specimens and compressive joints, which appeared to be a potential
strengthis shown on Fig. 3. The general sourceof weakness, twenty 203 mm di-
0 Assess condition and strength of the tendency for the UPV to be in direct ameter cores were taken with their axis



Fig. 1 -Jordan River Dam prior to rehabilitation.




I 4
w 3.
t; 2.
5 1.

2: 0 3.- 0 s;0 NORMAL STRESS (MPal
UPV (krn/sl
Fig. 4 - Peak shear strengths for various joint
Fig. 2 - Histogram of ultrasonic pulse velocity readings. classifications.

5.5. LUST'SOUARES FIT: horizontal but perpendicular to the better quality than in the buttresses.
UPV=Zl.SICS) + 4115 Compressive strengths were between
planes of the buttresses. From these
cores 36 samples were prepared for di- 18.8 and 32.6 MPa, with an average of
rect shear testing. For joint classifica- 25.5 MPa.
tion and the recorded peak strengths see Dynamic analyses of the
$fit CORRELATION COEFF. Fig. 4. It was observed that rn over-
abundanceof cement paste along a joint
existing buttress dam
0 10 20 30 40
produced two major effects! The vulnerability of buttress dams to
COUPRESSIYE STRENGTH ICS) IWa) Overall strength was reduced cross-canyon earthquake-generated
loads was recognized during the Cali-
Fig. 3 Relationship between
Cohesion component of strength was fornia Dam Safety program in the late
ultrasonic pulse velocity and eliminated 1960s: "Nearly all of these dams were
comoressive strenath. Concrete samples without joints constructed with inadequatebracing."s
showed a remarkably high shear Others have recognized this inherent
strength of 3.0 to 4.2 MPa. Those with weakness in buttress dams.67
joints (and cement paste) did not, and Initialanalyses were carried out using
all of their shear strength seems to have simple pseudo-static analyses with in-
been derived from friction. creasing prototype reality built into the
30- The tensile strength of ten samples, structuralmodels as exemplifiedin Ref-
based on the ASTM C496-85 tests, av- erence 8. Pseudo-static analyses were
eraged 1.75 MPa which is about 10per- soon required to be replaced by dynamic
cent of the mean cornpressive strength analyses regardless of the results.9 A
COEFF. REO. 9 1 mentioned above. good example of dynamic analysis can
0 10 ' to 30 40
The modulus of elasticity tests were be found in Reference 11.
carried out in accordance with ASTM The existing structure was analyzed
C469-83 on 30 samples. Both dial and both for upstream-downstream and
Fig. 5 - Relationship between strain gauges were used in the mea- cross-canyon earthquake-induced
modulus of elasticity and ground motion. Peak ground accelera-
comDressive strenath. surement of strain. Good linear rela-
tionship was found between compres- tion values were 0.18 g and 0.35 g for
sive strength and modulus, with a cor-. the design basis earthquake (DBE)and
relation coefficient of 0.91 (Fig. 5). maximum credible earthquake (MCE)
Other relevant buttress concreteprop- respectively. Concurrent peak vertical
erties were: ground motion values were assumed to
Average poissons ratio = 0.19 be two-thirds of the horizontal peaks.
The Newmark-Hall Response Spec-
0 Average thermal coefficient of ex-
trum,'*scaled to 0.35 g with 3 percent
pansion = 9.15 x 1OVdegree C and 5 percent damping ratios, was used
0 Dry bulk specific gravity = 2.37 to define structural response.
2 -i io zb i io sb
FREOWNCY IHartzI 0 Average air void content = 0.9 percent Cross-canyon analyses with the as-
Tests on the concretefor the upstream sumption that the existing struts were
Fig. 6 - Response spectrum. slab of the buttress dam indicated much capable of developing both tensile and

compressive dynamic loads indicated Design of rehabilitation Sensitivity studies
the struts would fail. The tallest unsup- Initial layout of new strengthening Spring stiffness
ported buttresseswould deflect laterally frames was based on pseudo-static cal- The input value of spring stiffnesses to
320 mm and would have bending culations. Final response spectrum represent the elastic support provided
stresses of about 14 MPa. Not even analysisand frame optimization utilized by the strutson the singlebuttress model
modem concrete could withstand such the ANSYS-PCLINEAR4.3 finite el- was found to have a significant impact
tensile stresses without cracking and ement software package on an IBM- on vibration frequencies and stresses.
since the buttresses are virtually unre- compatible PC. Several sensitivity Several unit bad methods were studied
inforced, collapse of the dam would be studies were completed to test analysis for obtaining spring stiffnesses, in-
inevitable. assumptions. cluding placement of unit loads at:
Upstream-downstream analyses, One stqthuttress intersection
which included hydrodynamic effects, Design loads 0 Coincident at all strut/buttress inter-
indicated moderate tensile stresses Mass densities for concrete and water sections along a given strut line
along the upstream and downstream were assumed to be 2,400 kg/m3 and 0 Coincident at all strut(buttressinter-
edges of the buttress. It was postulated 1,OOO kg/m3 respectively. Reservoir hy- sections
that although these stresses could result drostatic pressures were based on El. The latter method was eventually con-
in cracking collapse of the dam would 386.2, the crest of the freeoverflow sec- sidered as best to represent strut stiff-
not likely occur. The results of these tion. Thermal effects were based on a ness during dynamic loading.
analyses are reported in Reference 10. mean annual temperature variation of
15 C. Mesh density
Rehabilitation alternatives Dynamic analyses used 0.35 g and Knowledgeof seismic-generatedtensile
Failure of the dam, with the reservoir at 0.24 g peak ground accelerations for stresses in the unsupportedbuttress con-
the normal maximum elevation, would horizontal and vertical motions respec- crete between frames was used to opti-
result in breaching of a power intake tively? Amplifications of ground mo- mize the frame layout. A study was
dam, flooding of Jordan River Gener- tion was based on the Newmark-Hall re- completed using models with variable
ating Station, and rapid and extensive sponse spectrum12 for 5 percent mesh densities in the buttress concrete
flooding of a log sorting area and the damping (Fig. 6). between pilasters. A relationship be-
community of Jordan River. Loss of a Hydrodynamic effects in the up- tween maximum tensile stress between
number of lives could be expected under stream-downstream direction were al- pilasters and mesh coarseness was then
these conditions. lowed for by attaching to the upstream developed, as it was found that as the
To reduce the potential hazard of the edge of the finite element model lumped mesh was made finer, a limiting value of
existing dam, a number of alternative masses derived from Zanger's hydro- the maximum tensile stress between pi-
remedial measures have been consid- dynamicpressure13 on a sloped surface. lasters was attained. Model-generated
ered, including: Hydrodynamiceffects were not consid- stresses were then factored to account
ered in the cross-canyon direction. for mesh density.
Strengthening the existing buttresses Element type
and struts ($8.5 x 106) Computer models
To conserve on computing time, plate
Single buttress model elements were investigated for use in
0 Infilling the spaces not occupied by
the buttresses with concrete to El. 378.0 A single buttress model was used for the single buttress model. For a com-
($10.3 x 106) both the cross-valley and upstream- parative study, two models were con-
downstream seismic motions. Refine- structed, one of plate elements and one
0 Infilling work rock fill to El. 378.0 ment of the strut/pilaster layout and de- of isopamnetricelements. Supportcon-
($9.6 x 106) sign of the new upstream-downstream ditions were kept similar for both
strengthening members were also car- models. The results of cross-valley
0 Infilling with concrete and extending ried out with the single buttress model. analyses showed the plate element
its top to El. 390.1 ($12.0 x 106) The model of the tallest buttress con- model produced modal vibration fre-
sisted of 1076 eight-noded isopara- quencies which were on the average 1.5
0 Building a new concrete gravity dam metric solid elements with 3 degrees of Hz lower. Since plate elements were
($14.8 x 106) freedom at each node. A total of 500 also found to not effectively model
master degrees of freedom were used. thickened areas of the structure, such as
There were non-structural solutions the buttress haunch and the new pi-
considered as well, such as abandoning Two-dimenslonal frame model lasters, use of them was not considered
the dam or relocating downstreamresi- Two dimensional frame models were further.
dents, however these were considered used for cross-valley dynamic analysis
neither socially nor economically ac- and thermal loading. All new cross- Damping ratio
ceptable. valley strengtheningmembers were de- Initial analyses were completed with a
In September 1988 a decision was signed using the output from these 3 percent damping ratio for the critical
made to streflgthen the existing but- models. cross-valley excitation. It was later de-
tresses with a seriesof ductile reinforced The upstream slab of the dam and the cided to use a 5 percent damping ratio
concrete frames consisting of pilasters buttress haunch were modelled using 1 to better reflect the inherent energy dis-
and continuous struts. The struts would dimensional mass elements. A total of sipating ability of concrete undergoing
be capable of resisting and delivering to 2584 plate elements were used in the cracking.This resulted in a 15to 20 per-
the foundation all earthquake-induced model with 500 master degrees of cent reduction in dynamic stresses and
cyclic tensile and compressive forces. freedom. reactions.
1- 15M




Fia. 9 -TvDical Dilaster reinforcement.
Fig. 7 -Two-dimensional frame model, deflected shape
for first significant mode. above: Cross-valley exitation;
below: Vertical exitation.


Fig. 8 - General arrangement of new strengthening ele- Fig. 10 - Unfactored horizontal stress contours (seismic
ments on tallest buttress. and dead loading), portion of frame along pilaster line P5.

Base support Mode combinations that at least six modes had to be added
It is difficult to realistically represent the The modal analysis makes available a to obtain a reasonably complete seismic
dam concrete./bedrockinterface in a fi- great number of modes of little practical response. A factor of 1.3 was applied to
nite element model. When using a base significance.The squareroot of the sum the set of stressedreactionsobtained to
that is assumed to be fixed or pinned to of the squares (SRSS) method was used account for the effect of the unused
the foundation at the node points, large for obtainingthe total effective stresses. modes. Fig. 7 shows the deflectedshape
tensile stressesappear at the toe and heel For cross-valleyloading of the single for the first significant mode for each
during upstream-downstream loading. buttress model, it was found that the first load direction of the tallest two dimen-
To represent more realistically the lack five significantmodes contributed to the sional frame model.
of tensile strength in the foundation, a majority of the total effective stresses.
singlebuttressfinite element model was The results of studies with the two di- Haunch support
constructed with gap elements pro- mensional frame models also showed The advantages of a connection be-
viding zero tensile capacity at the base. that for cross-valleyexcitationonly five tween the tops of pilasters and the up-
Resistance to upstream-downstream or six modes had to be added to obtain stream slab was studied. A single but-
loading was provided by sliding friction a reasonable estimate of the total tress model with the haunch only later-
only. seismic response. A factor of 1.1 was ally supported at the buttress nose was
Results showed that the high tensile applied to the set of stressedEactions compared with a similar model having
stresses at the heel and toe did disap- obtained to account for the effect of the this support in addition to lateral re-
pear, however the magnitude of the unused modes. straint at the top of each pilaster. A sig-
stresses higher up in the buttress did not For vertical seismic loading with the nificant decrease in stresses was noted.
change significantly. two dimensional model, it was found “Strut” slabs were hence used to pro-

__ -.- ..

ACI COMP*3L ** 0bb2949 0525194 4b4

vide a connection between the upstream stand the entire elastic tensile force on 3
slab and the top ends of the pilastem the pilaster cross-section. m i c a 1 pi- a
laster reinforcementis shown in Fig. 9. a
20M- c(

Optimization of v)

pilasterlstrut layout struts

Pseudo-static hand calculationpvided Struts are the most critical of the load-
resisting elements of the seismic reha-
a total of nine evenly spaced pilaster/
bilitation system. In addition to cyclic -2OM
smt frames.
tensiodcompression axial forces, they
Optimization was achievedwith iter-
ative finite element analyses, the aim of must also resist bending moments at the
stmt/pilasterjoints. Struts are designed
which was to maintain generated but-
as beamcolms, supportingthe com- STRUT
tress concrete tensile stresses at fairly
even and acceptable levels. Seven pi- posite pilasterhuttress members. 2.82% REINFORCEMENT
Struts are made continuous from one
lastedstmt frames multed, which wem
si& of the valley to the other by passing Fia. 11- Tmical strut reinforcement.
unevenly spaced (Fig. 8) along the up- through holes cut in the buttresses. Due
stream-downstream dimension of the to the limited installation clearance,
buttresses. The uneven spacing of these
strut reinforcement has one conven-
frames was found to promote develop-
ment of tensile stresses of similar mag- tional splice per span. The reinforce-
nitude in the unsupported zones be- ment ratio, as a percentage of the strut
tween adjacent frames. For a cross- cross-sectiond area, varies between 1.9
and 3.3 with an average of 2.4. The most
canyon MCE-generatedground motion, heavily reinforced struts are at the sup-
the principal tensile stresses in the orig-
inal buttress concrete were limited to ports. Stress contours, unfactored for
about 1400 kPa. mesh density, of typical struts adjacent
Optimization provided struts 0.7 m to supports can be seen in Fig. 10. Q p -
square and pilasters 0.7 x 0.6 m. ical strut reinforcement details are
shown in Fig. 11.
Fig.12 -Typical plan of slab
Structural design of Slabs reinforcement.
remedial works Slabs provide the uppeqost support for
The design of all new reinforced con- the new structural frame system. Cross-
crete members, with the exception of valley load is transferred through the
strut anchors, was carried out using the slab, in diaphragmaction, to dowels em-
limit state method. Because the MCE bedded in the underside of the existing
was considered, the seismic load factor upstream slab. The dowels are epoxy
was taken as 1.1. Design actions were coated for corrosion resistance. One end
attained after appropriate combination on each slab has a sliding support to REAM
of gravity, hydrostatic, earthquake-in- minimize thermal stresses while the
duced, and thermal loads. other end is fixed. Typical slab rein-
forcing details are shown on Fig. 12.
Pilasters provide stiffening and con- Buttress reinforclng strips
tainment for the basically unreinforced Seismic loading in the upstream-down-
buttress concrete. The pilasters are stream direction was found to produce
made to act composite with the buttress high tensile stresses in the upstream and 4
concrete and, because of their vertical downstreamedges of the buttresses.The Fig. 13 -Typical buttress reinforcing
orientation, are perpendicular to postu- pilaster on the downstream edge is de- striD reinforcement.
lated planes of weakness at horizontal signed to have sufficienttensile capacity
constructionjoints where crackingis ex- to resist both the upstream-downstream
pected to initiiite. and cross-canyon stresses. Along the strength of the dowels at the level of the
To improve composite action with the upstream edge of ten of the highest but- seat for the upstream slab. Ties are also
buttresses, u-shaped “shear ties” are tresses reinforcing strips were provided provided for confinement of the longi-
provided which pass through the but- to assist in the carryingof the upstream- tudinal reinforcement. Typical buttress
tresses, acting as both stirrups for the pi- downstream seismic stresses. reinforcing strip details are shown on
laster longitudinalreinforcementand as The buttress reinforcing strips are lo- Fig. 13.
shear reinforcement at the interface. For cated where the calculated tensile
increased ductility, hoop ties are pro- stresses exceed loo0 kPa. Longitudinal Anchors
vided around the longitudinal rein- reinforcement is designed to supple- The two dimensional frame models
forcement in the pilasters. ment existing reinforcementin the but- were used to obtain all vertical and
The reinforcement ratio, as a per- tress haunches. Reinforcement dowels transverse reactionsat pilaster bases and
centage of the pilaster cross-sectional with hooks are provided to promote strut ends for all appropriateload com-
area, varies between 0.6 and 1.6 with an composite action with the buttress. binations. Global right and left bank
average of about 0.8. Pilaster longitu- These dowels extend into the buttress bedrock slopes of 40 and 30 degrees re-
dinal reinforcement was sized to with- haunch to such depth as to develop the spectively .were used for the abutment
_. . __ __
A C I COPlPt3lr t t m Obb2949 0525395 3T0 m


Fia. 14 -TvDical Dost-tensionedanchor details.

surfaces. The horizontal and vertical re- single-stage grouted starting from the sistance of Buttress Dams, Russian Translation
bottom. Typical post-tensioned anchor Series B,A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1987.
actions were resolved on these surfaces 9. Committee on Safe& Critena for Dams of
into normal and tangential components. details are shown on Fig. 14. National Research Council, safty of Dams,Flood
Concrete/rock interface shear strength and Earthquake Criteria, National Academy
parameters,based on geological assess- Conclusions Ress. Washington. 1985.
ment of rock quality indices, were esti- Dynamic analyses of the Jordan River 10. B.C.Hydro.“Jordan River Diversion Dam.
buttress dam had conclusively shown Structural Analysis” BCH Report No. H1950.
mated to be a friction angle of 50 de- 1987.
grees and a cohesion of 100 kPa. Where that the existing buttresses would col- 1 1. Nordstrom, P.A.; Steby, B.; and Tarandi,
the net driving force along the inclined lapse under moderate cross-canyon T.. “Aseismic Design of Mtera Dam,” Intern-
surface exceeded the available resisting earthquake-induced loads. Cost esti- rionnl Committee on Large Dams,New Delhi,Q.
mates of the various rehabilitation al- 51, R. 7,1979.
force, anchors were provided. It was 12. Hall, W.J.. and Newmark. N.M.,Earth-
found that all strut ends required an- ternatives had indicated that strength- quake Spectra and Design, Earthquake Engi-
chors. Of all pilasterhuttresscomposite ening of the buttresses with a system of neering Research Institute,Berkky. B82.
bases only two required anchors, at all cast-in-place reinforced concrete pi- 13. Zanger. C.N.. “Hydrodynamic Pressures
lasters and struts is cost-effective. Rig- on Dams Due to Horizontal Earthquake Effects,”
other pilaster bases the verticalreaction, Eagineering Momgmph No. 11, Bureau of Recla-
composed mostly of buttress dead orous, iterative finite element analyses mation, Denver, May 1952.
weight, provided sufficientresistanceto had allowed for optimization of the final
design which was proven to be signifi- Selected for reader interest by the editors.
the driving force.
Geotechnical exploration showed the cantly below initial cost estimates.
ACI member nbor
bedrock on the right side of the valley References J. Pataky is Man-
to be fractured, particularly in the upper 1. Lee,C.A.. Jordan River Power Devebpment, ager of the Struc-
6 m. Bedrock on the left bank was typ- Vancouver Island, Canadian Society of Civil En- tural Department of
ically sound and competent. For this g i m , Montreal, 1915. the Hydroelectric
reason, fully grouted, passive anchors, 2. Water Powersof Canada,“Jordan River De- Engineering Divi-
were chosen for the left bank and post- velopment of the Vancouver Island Power Com- sion of British Co-
pany Ltd.,” WaterResourcesPuperNo. 16,1916. lumbia Hydro. He is
tensioned anchors for the right bank. 3. B.C. Hydro. “Jordan River Diversion Dam,
Although groundwater conditions Comprehensive Inspection and Review, 1985,” a member of ACI
were not found to be aggressive, an- BCHReponNo. H1851, March 1986. Committee 210, Erosion of Concrete in
chors were provided with corrosion pro- 4. B.C. Hydro. “Jordan River Development, Hydraulic Structures, and is actively in-
DiversionDam, Concrete Testing and Evaluation, volved in support of concrete research
tection. Passive anchors are epoxy- 1986 Rogram.” BCH Repor? No. H1944, July related to dam safety assessment.
coated and splice couplings are wrapped 1987.
in grease-impregnated tape followed 5. Cortright, C.J., “Reevaluation and Recon- Bradley G. Kemp
with a heat shrink plastic sleeve. Post- struction of CaliforniaDams,” American Society is a structural engi-
tensioned anchors are also epoxy- of civil Engineers Journal of the Power Division, neer in the Struc-
V. 96,No. POI, Jan. 1970. tural Department of
coated. Bonded lengths are premanu- 6.Riscu. R.; Popovici, A.; Stematiu. D.; and the Hydroelectric
factured and grouted into a corrugated Steve. C.. Earthquake Engineering for Large Engineering Divi-
plastic sheath. Unbonded lengths are Dams, John Wiley and Sons, New York 1985. sion of British Co-
wrapped in grease-impregnated tape 7. Jansen. R.B.. “Behavior and Deterioration
of Dams in California,” Transactions, Intcrna- lumbia Hydro. His
followed by a smooth plastic sleeve. tional Committee on Large Dams Congress, Is- interestslie in struc-
Splice couplings are similar to the pas- tanbul, V. 3, Q.34, R. 35, 1967. tural dynamics and thermal effects on
sive anchor design. The anchors are 8. Motsanelidze.N.S.. Stability andSeismic Re- concrete structures.

T he $1.45-billion San Fran-
cisco Bay Area Rapid Transit
(BART) system was the first
new transit system built in the
U.S. in 50 years. With preliminary
planning starting in 1959, the BART
system opened for service in 1972 and
absorb ground deformations rather
than to resist an applied lateral load.
The system is 75 miles (120 km)
long and connects 14 cities in San
Francisco, Alameda, and Contra Costa
counties. One-third of the system is
underground, consisting of 17 miles
girder without notches. Variable depths
were used on the right and left sides of
the box to provide the required su-
perelevation. A girder cross section is
shown on Fig. 1.
An innovative feature was the use of
continuous welded rails with direct
was completed in 1976. A joint ven- (27 km) of subways, the 3.6-mile (5.8 fixation fasteners. The rails were
ture of Parsons Brinkerhoff-Tudor- km)Trans-Bay Tube, and 4 miles (6.4 bolted directly to the girder decks and
Bechtel (PBTB), with Bechtel as the km) of rock tunnels. Another third second stage concrete was used to ac-
sponsor, served as general consultants consists of 25 miles (40 km)of aerial curately install the rails. This scheme
for design and construction. structures, with the remaining third be- eliminated the need for cross ties and
The project has shown that concrete ing 25 miles (40 km) of at-grade con- ballast, and saved millions of dollars.
is an excellent building material for struction, There are 34 stations and 3 The continuous welded rails also pro-
both aerial and underground structures. maintenance and storage yards servic- vided additional seismic resistance in
It has high load-carrying capabilities ing the 10-car trains in the BART sys- the longitudinal direction.
and an excellent ability to absorb tem.
sound and vibrations, qualities critical Standard design pier beam, foun-
in a system concerned not only with
Aerial structures dations, and columns - Elastomeric
the strength of the system but also with bearing pads supported the girders
the comfort of its passengers. Standard structures onto the pier beams. A 2 ft (0.6 m)
Many advances have been made in Aerial structures make up about 25 wide closure placement joined the
the art of concrete engineering since miles (40 km) of the BART system, girders after they were erected. At the
the beginning of BART, and there has with standard design stnlctures consti- fixed end of each girder, rebar ex-
been much research on the behavior of tuting more than 90 percent of this to- tended from the preeast piece into this
concrete structures under dynamic tal. Standard designs were *preparedfor placement. At the expansion end, a 5
loadings. Personal computers can now girders, pier beams, columns, founda- in. (127 mm) square steel tube ex-
run all but the most demanding ana- tions, and abutments. tended from the precast piece into a
lytical programs. The ultimate strength Girder design -Designs were pre- teflon-lined steel sleeve within the clo-
design principle has replaced the pared for three types of conshction: sure placement. 'I310 5 in. (127 mm)
working stress principle used during structural steel, conventionally rein- round steel pins extended from the top
the design of BART. These develop- forced concrete, and prestressed con- of the pier beam into the closure place-
ments, together with the advent of crete. This allowed contractors to ment. The girder end connection detail
higher strength concretes, have en- choose the most economical option for is shown in Fig. 2.
abled the engineer to design stronger each particular site. Spans reached up Fig. 3 shows a typical column and
and safer structures with less material to 40 ft (1 2 m) for reinforced concrete pier beam, Pier beams and columns
than was previously possible. girders and 96 ft (29 m) for both steel were either 5 or 6 ft (1.5 to 1.8 m)
Concrete also is rapidly becoming a girders and precast post-tensioned wide. The pier beam was 22 ft (6.7 m)
feasible option in many situations that girders. The p w a s t post-tensioned long to accommodate a track spacing
formerly dictated the use of steel. As concrete option using 6000 psi con- of 14 ft (4.3 m). The maximum depth
an example, a precast concrete lining crete was selected by every contractor. was 5 ft (1.5 m) and tapered up at a 4-
is so much cheaper than steel that the Standard concrete girders were 4 ft to-1 slope from the column. Standard
technical advantages of a steel lining (1.2 m) deep trapezoidal boxes with 11 columns were hexagonal and either 5
are no longer enough to ensure its se- ft-8 in. (3.6 m) wide decks. To enhance or 6 ft (1.5 or 1.8 m) wide across the
lection over the concrete alternative. appearance, the deck edges were canti- flats. Longitudinal reinforcing steel
A major consideration in the design levered from the sides of the boxes, consisted of #18 bars confined within
of any structure in California is its which were set at a 3-to-1 slope. Each a 5/8 in. (16 mm) diameter spiral at a 3
ability to withstand a major earth- standard girder carried one track. in. (76 mm)pitch. The spiral extended
quake. Innovations in seismic design Girder ends were notched to allow the from about 3 ft (0.9 m) inside the
from the BART system are still in use pier beam to be partly contained beam down to about 2% ft (0.8 m) in-
today. Some of those innovations in- within the girder depth. This scheme side the footing to provide the neces-
clude ultimate strength design and the provided a higher vertical clearance sary confinement for structures in a
design of underground structures to and a sleeker profile compared to a high seismic zone. The maximum col-


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A C I COMP*3L ** Obb29q9 0525397 373

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Fig. 1 -Typical aerial girder section; rebar not shown.



Typical aerial structure.

amount equal to Aerial stations

the lenfl tribu- Both center and side platform sta-
'0 *e piet tions were used although center plat-
divided by 2400 forms were preferred because one set
was more easily of stairs and escalators could serve
met with a pile both inbound and outbound passen-
foundation. gers. The structural system consists of
Fig. 2 -typical girder end details; rebar not shown. double column bents acting as moment
aerial frames in the lateral direction and as
structures - cantilevering columns in the longitudi-
Special designs nal direction. Bents were spaced at 70
umn height was 45 ft(13n7 m, be- were used where the standard sbruc- ft (21 m) to match BART car lengths.
tween the top Of the and the tures were not suitable, These special Standard girders spanned between
tom Of the footing, Or about 34 ft (lon4 designs included structural steel gird- bents and separate framing supported
m) clear height between the girder sof- ers, cast-in-place post-tensioned con- the Passenger COm~~rse and Plat-
fit and the top of the footing. The rein-
Crete girders, C-bents, and double The total Platformlength was
forcing steel strength was 40 ksi (275 700 ft (210 m) to match a 10-car train.
MPa) yield and the concrete compres- bents.
sive stkngth was 4 ksi (28 MPa) at 28
days. Cut-andlcover structures
Standard footing designs used either Seismic design requirements There are eight cut-and-cover lines
spread footings or 30, 45, or 60 ton Seismic design criteria permitted a and ten cut-and-cover stations in the
(27, 41, or 54 Mg) capacity piles. one-third increase in the basic allow- BART system. The typical soil profile
Spread footing designs used allowable able stresses for minor earthquakes consisted of varying layers of dense
soil bearing pressures of 2, 3, 4, or 5 with ground acceleration of 0.IOg. In sands, clayey sands, and sandy clay,
tons per square foot (190,290,380, or addition, an ultimate strength design often underlaid by stiff, silty clays.
480 H a ) and ranged in size from 18 to criteria was adopted to resist loads
from a major earthquake. The criteria The water table was high but the soil
28 ft (5.5 to 8.5 m) square. The foot- was usually dewatered during con-
ings on piles ranged from 14 to 24 ft assumed a certain amount of repair-
(4.3 to 7.3 m) square. The concrete able damage, but no loss of function or struction. Earth cover over structures
strength used in footings was 3000 psi collapse. Aerial structures were re- averaged from 8 to 9 ft (2.4 to 2.7 m)
(21 MPa). quired to withstand a specified hori- at stations and 20 ft (6.1 m) at line sec-
'Qpical pile types used were steel zontal deformation without straining tions.
HP, concrete-filled steel shell, precast the column reinforcing steel past twice
pretensioned concrete, and timber. The its yield strain. Seismic design considerations
pile type was chosen to suit specific During the 1989 Loma Prieta Earth- Most of the BART subway struc-
site conditions. To resist lateral loads, quake, sensors recorded a free field tures were constructed in dense or silty
exterior piles were battered at a 4 1 peak ground acceleration of 0.15g sand, which is stiff compared to the
slope and interior piles were battered horizontally and 0.08g vertically. structure. In such an environment the
at 8:l. Generally, pile foundations Maximum accelerations on the girder structure will simply conform to soil
were used instead of spxtad footings deck reached 0.60g in the transvene distortions; thus, the criterion for de-
even in areas of good soils. This was direction and 0.26g longitudinally. The sign was to absorb the imposed defor-
because the criterion limiting differen- resulting forces were not high enough mation rather than to resist applied
tial settlement between piers to an to cause any damage. forces.

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A C I COMP*:3L ** m Ob62949 0525198 O O T


Fig. 3 -Typical column and pier beam; rebar not shown. Fig. 4 -Typical two-cell structure; rebar not shown.

Structural systems ganic clay extended appreciably below secondary lining of cast-in-place con-
The structural system for most cut- the bottom of the excavation. Where crete. A post-Loma %eta Earthquake
and-cover lines and stations was the organic clay deposits were present and inspection revealed no damage to the
multicelled reinforced concrete box, the settlement of adjacent structures BART tunnels and that no realignment
with walls and slabs acting one way in needed to be minimized, the rigid was necessary.
the transverse direction to form a con- bulkhead method was used.
tinuous rigid frame to resist both the Soft ground tunnel (tunnel
vertical and lateral loads (see Fig. 4). Tunnels linlngs)
The box-type construction offered high In general, single-track tunnels were Design criteria -One of the major
resistance to shear and to uplift forces bored between stations where the lines engineering accomplishments of the
from a high groundwater table. went between busy downtown streets. BART Project was the development of
In stations, the reinforced concrete With the exception of the Berkeley design criteria and construction tech-
box with concrete or structural steel Hills and Fairmont tunnels, which pass niques that made shallow tunnels in
girders and columns was designed and through rock formations, all tunnelling soft ground both feasible and eco-
built with full or partial continuity in was done in alluvial ground, with nomical. Soft ground tunneling is af-
the transverse direction. Longitudinal much of it below the water table. fected by the amount of ground
girders and interior columns were used deformation, which depends on the
to open up the station interior. Where Rock tunnel physical properties of the ground, how
concrete girders and columns were
used, advantage was taken of the slab- Seismic design consideration - well the tunnel face is supported, and
The Berkeley Hills and the Fairmont how soon and completely the annular
band type of design, i.e., using wide space behind the shield tail is filled
bands at the columns instead of deep Hill tunnels are the only rock tunnels
in the BART system. The Fairmont with grout.
girders to keep construction depth Experience with existing soft
shallow. Alternatively, using structural Hill Tunnel is approximately 4000 ft
(1220 m) long, while the Berkeley ground tunnels of similar size in simi-
steel columns and longitudinal girders lar soil conditions indicated that the
instead of concrete columns and wide Hills Tunnel consists of two single-
track bores 16,000 ft (4877 m) long, deformation of the lining after it has
girders had the advantage of reducing been grouted into contact with the sur-
the column sizes and making the plat- 100 ft (30 m) apart with up to 600 feet
(183 m) of rock cover. rounding soil generally can be kept to
form and mezzanine areas more open. 1 in (25 mm). The design criteria of
The Berkeley Hills Tunnel is the
only structure in the system that the BART tunnel lining was based on a
Construction methods crosses an active earthquake fault - capacity to accept this deformation, in
Construction methods along the -
the Hayward Fault and the primary combination with a uniform radial
pressure equal to the overburden
BART subway alignment depended on concern in its seismic design was
many factors including site and envi- movement and distortion of the fault. weight plus the hydrostatic pressure,
ronmental conditions and line and sta- To accommodate tectonic deformation without exceeding normal working
tion configurations. Soldier piles and and to permit rapid repair and adjust- stresses.
lagging were used for subway s h c - ment of track after a major earthquake,
tures with favorable soil conditions the Berkeley Hills Tunnel was over- Design alternatives - l k o possi-
and with underpinning of foundations sized from BART's typical subway ble lining systems were examined for
when the excavation line was close to tunnel diameter of 16.5 to 17.5 ft (5.0 both performance and economy:
existing buildings. Sheet piling was to 5.3 m). During excavation, the tun- System I - A segmented lining of
used where dewatering resulted in det- nel was lined throughout with a pri- cast iron, fabricated steel, or precast
rimental settlements or where the or- mary lining of steel ribs and a concrete


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ACI CO MPt 33 t t Obb29Ll9 0525399 Tlrb

Fig. 5 Typical section of Trans-Bay Tube; rebar not
shown. Tunnel construction.

0 System II - Cast-in-place lining tube was given to Parsons Brinkerhoff, was concluded that any shear failure
(with or without initial temporary Quade & Douglas. would occur in loose material not deep
lining) The tube is binocular in cross sec- enough to damage the tube.
Evaluation of the two systems for tion (see Fig. 5 ) containing two track Liquefaction phenomena also were
performance and cost gave the follow- compartments and a central area for investigated and found to be possible
ing results: utilities and an inspection gallery. The only under vibrations far in excess of
0 The ground settlements due to the tube is founded on a course of gravel those associated with earthquakes.
installation of the tunnels would be in a dredged trench on the bay bottom As a final check, a model simulating
one-third less for System I than for and changes alignment both horizon- a 300 ft (91 m) long tube section in
System 11. tally and vertically in the 3.6-mile layered soil similar to the bay bottom
System I required less field control length between ventilation structures, was tested at the large shake table at
to achieve a sound structure. The dipping to about 135 ft (41 m) below the University of Mexico. The tests
bolted prefabricated steel segment sea level. Generally,the top of the tube confirmed the validity of the analytical
construction produced a more water- lies at least 5 ft (1.5 m) below the bay procedures used in predicting tube
tight tunnel than the precast concrete bottom. Grades are limited to 3 per- movements during an earthquake. Af-
construction. cent, with the minimum grade for ter the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, a
System I could be built faster than drainage being 0.3 percent. post-earthquake inspection of the
System 11. Trans-Bay Tube revealed no structural
0 System I1 generally has better im- Design concept and earthquake damage. Despite an observed 3/4 in.
pact and fire resistance qualities consideration (19 rnm) movement in the longitudinal
than System I. Though the tube crosses no major direction, no trackwork realignments
0 System I (with either cast iron or active faults, it is possible that the tube were necessary.
fabricated steel segments) was 7 to could be subjected to ground deforma-
20 percent cheaper than System II at tion caused by earthquakes originating Design features
1970 prices. (Since then, the price along the San Andreas and Hayward The Trans-Bay Tube is a composite
advantage has shifted toward the Faults. Consequently, a primary design structure. consisting of a 7’ in. (10
precast concrete segmented lining.) consideration was to locate the tube in mm) thick exterior steel shell and a 2
Metallic linings were chosen as su- a bed of soft alluvial material that ft (0.6 m) thick reinforced concrete
perior to precast concrete segmented would absorb much of the seismic lining inside the tube. The shell and
lining because of less ground settle- force instead of transmitting it to the lining creates a ductile waterproof
ment during construction, better dura- structure. structure capable of withstanding dis-
bility, and faster construction. Further The other major concern was the placements due to earthquakes. The
evaluation of the relative in-place costs possibility of shear failure of the deep structural steel shell is stiffened trans-
led to the adoption of fabricated struc- stratum of relatively soft silty clays, versely by 8 in. (203 mm) structural
tural steel segmented liners for all known as “bay mud,” as a result of steel tees spaced at 6 A (1.8 m) cen-
BART subway tunnels. ground shaking. To investigate this ters. Elastic joints of neoprene rubber
matter, soil samples from the bay bot- are used to absorb differential defor-
Trans-Bay Tube tom were subjected to dynamic labora- mation. These joints permit about 6 in.
The 3.6 mile (5.8 km) Trans-Bay tory tests specially devised to simulate (152 mm) of longitudinal movement,
Tube is the longest and deepest under- earthquake effects. The results showed plus associated rotational and trans-
water crossing of its type in the world. that the shear strength of the bay mud verse movement.
The twin-track tube connecting San increased rapidly with depth, reaching
Francisco with the East Bay region up to 800 to loo0 psf (38 to 48 kPa) at Construction
was the most challenging design prob- 50 ft (15 m) below bay bottom. At the Trans-Bay Contractors (a joint ven-
lem in the entire project. Responsibil- surface, the shear strength of the bay ture of Kiewit, Raymond, Tidewater &
ity for developing and designing the mud was about 200 psf (9.6 Wa). It Healy-Tibbits) was the contractor for

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A C I COMPM3L ** E Obb29q9 0525200 598

the tube construction. Tube sections

were floated to the site and sunk into
position with 500 tons (455 Mg) of
ballast placed in pockets on top of the
sections. The tube was placed in a
dredged trench beneath the bay bottom
and covered with protective layers of
gravel, sand, and a 2 to 3 ft (0.6 to 0.9
m) thick armor blanket of stone. A 2 ft
(0.6 m) bed of 3'/ to 3 in. (10 to 76
mm) rock was placed as a foundation
course in the bottom of the trench.

From its beginning twenty years
ago, BART has delivered on its prom-
ise of safe, reliable, and economical
transportation within the Bay Area.
BART remained in operation during
the Loma Prieta Earthquake, thereby
maintaining a vital link throughout the
local economy. On October 1991,
BART embarked on an ambitious pro-
gram to add about 32 miles (51 km)of
trackway and 10 to 12 new stations to
the existing system. Due to its many
advantages, concrete will once again
be the material of choice, this time
aided by the new advances in concrete
engineering and by the analytical capa-
bilities of the personal computer.

The authors wish to thank the many col-
leagues who contributed to this article, espe-
cially Car1 Goepfert, Peter Frobenius. Dave
Juday, C.C. Wang, Richard Tso, and Richard

Selected for reader interest by the editors.

Bernard L. Mey-
ers is a senior
vice president of
Bechtel Corpora-
tion and manager
of the Bechtel Nu-
clear Business
Line. He received
his PhD from Cornell University.

Stephen H. Tso,
ACI member, is
chief civil struc-
tural engineer in
Bechtel Corpora-
tion's San Fran-
cisco Regional
Office and has
been responsible for the structural
design and management of many
projects worldwide, including the
Bay Area Rapid Transit System.
ACI COMP*3L ** m Ob62949 0525203 424 m

Precast Concrete

T he analysis of reinforced con-

crete structures is generally
based on the assumption that
all of the separate elementsbe-
have as a unit. Of course, the actual
structure must be built piece by piece
due to construction limitations. Never-
of reinforcementare unavoidable. Rop-
erly designed splices are a key element
in any well executed design. Building
codes limit the methods of joining rein-
forcing bars to lapping (except #14 and
#18 bars), welding, and the use of me-
chanical connections. Many splice situ-
through ajoint is usually interruptedby
a fabricated assembly of some type.
In Japan and New Zealand especially
and, to an increasing degree in North
America, precast concretestructuresare
being constructedthat attemptto behave
like cast-in-place monolithic struc-
theless, one of the principal elements of ations are unique and require custom- tures.u This “cast-in-placeequivalent”
the art of design is to produce mono- made solutions. or “emulation” approach designs pre-
lithic behavior in the finishedstructure.1 The location of construction joints cast concrete structures in such a
Properly located constructionjoints, and splices of reinforcement in precast manner that their stress response char-
whether in precast or cast-in-place concrete are controlled by the practical- acteristics closely duplicate those of
structures, will ensure transmission of ities of manufacturing, transporting, and cast-in-place structures.4
compressive forces in concrete and re- erecting precast elements. As in cast-in-
inforcing steel. All tensile forces re- place concrete, the precast structure
quired to cross the construction joint must be built piece by piece. The dif- Building code
must be carried by the reinforcement. ference between the two forms of rein- requirements for cast-in-
Just as it is impossibleto cast all con- forced concrete occurs primarily in the place concrete
crete in one monolithic, continuous op
eration, it is also impossible to provide
methods used to join the elements. The three U. S. model e codes all
utilize the ACI Building Code for the
The conventional approach used in
full length continuous reinforcement North America in the past for con- concrete sectionsof their requirements.
throughout my large structure. Splices nectlng precast structural members has The Standard Building Code (southern
relied principally upon the use of Building Code Congress International,
“jointed” elements. Thejoints between Inc.) and the BOCA National Building
LAPPED SpLlcES N LARGE CONDUT precast concrete structural units gener- Code (Building Officials and Code Ad-
GROUT ally consist of weldmentsof steel plates, ministrators International, Inc.) both
bars, tubes, angles, studs, reinforcing adopt the ACI 318 Code by reference.
bars, and bolts in various combinations.
The continuity of reinforcing bars


P L N T Ic

11- kj- r-I LOCK H I T




Fig. 2a Special bars with rolled E r n CMCTION
Fig. 1 - Lapped bar splices in grout threads are joined with a threaded fe- UsHGwfEfwW
filled conduit which are extended full male mechanical connection and the Fig. 2b - Detail of “threadbar”
height through the structural element. system is grouted. system.




INET forced concrete technology. Numerous
PRfcAsT textbookshave been written about con-
ventionally reinforced concrete. Educa-
tors are well versed in teaching the de-
YLBER GROUT sign techniques for cast-in-place con-
INTERFACE crete smctures. The various ACI Jour-
nals and technical publications
continuouslyhighlight and update tech-
nical progress.
Fig. 3a -Special mechanical con- Precast concrete structures, even in
nectors are embedded into the pre- the most severe seismic areas, can be
cast element and grouted with a high- -
Fig. 3b Detail of grout-filled me-
built using emulation procedures if the
strenath non-shrink arout. chanical connection.
design and detailing meet the require-
ments of the codes.6
The International Conference of m a s t concrete structural members Rather than developing new connec-
Building Officials’s (ICBO) Uniform designed in accordat!= with the appro- tion technology when using emulative
Building Code (UBC) reprhts portions priate sections of the codes and pro- methods for connectingprecast concrete
of the ACI 318 Code and distinguishes vided with connections that will emu- elements, it is much simpler to follow
where the Uniform Building Code dif- late the structural performance of ‘cast- this procedure:
fers substantively from the ACI Code. in-place concrete connections are al-
“Concrete,” Chapter 26 of the 1991 lowed under Paragraph E In most of the 1.Design the structureas if it is to be
UBC, is copyrighted by ACI and is r e details shown below, test data on joint constructedby monolithic cast-in-place
produced with its consent. The contents performancehas confirmedthat the con- reinford concretemethods, keeping in
of this chapter are patterned after and in nections are equivalent to cast-in-place mind that the structure will be sub-di-
general conformity with the provisions connections. In some cases, test data vided into structural elements of a size
of ACI Standad 318-89 for reinforced was not needed inasmuch as the con- and shape that:
0 are suitable for plant fabrication,
concrete design. Section 2625 of UBC nection was made with cast-in-place
0 are capable of being transported,and
Chapter 26 is derived for the most part concrete and with conventional rein-
0 can be erected by cranes available to
from Chapter 21, “Special Provisions forcing bar details already permitted
for Seismic Design,” of ACI 318-89. under the code. the contractor.
Paragraph F of Section2625 is identical 2. Disassemble the structure “on
in wording to provision 2 of ACI paper” into appropriatesizes and shapes
3 18-89. It states that: “A reinforced Emulation design
to meet the foregoing criteria. This
concretestructuralsystem not satisfying approach process can be significantly enhanced
the requirements of this section may be The recommended procedure for de- with the assistance of a knowledgeable
used if it is demonstrated by experi- signing by cast-in-placeequivalentcon- precast concrete engineering specialist
mental evidence and analysis that the nection methods in precast concrete working with the structural engineer.
proposed system will have strength and structures is to follow the provisions of
toughness equal to or exceeding those the appropriatebuilding codes and pro- 3. Manufacturethe precast structural
provided by a comparable monolithic cedures for conventional cast-in-place elements, installing conduits, mechan-
reinforced concrete structure satisfying reinforced concrete.5 ical connections, or other methods of
this section.” There is a large body of technical in- joining the structuralreinforcing bars so
The key words are “experimentalev- formation available for the design of as to maintain the continuity of the re-
idence and analysis.” This is thefunda- cast-in-situ reinforced concrete struc- inforcement throughout the structure.
mental pmvision of the code that per- tures. Further, there is an extensive on-
mits construction of precast concrete going research and development pro- 4. Transport the prefabricated ele-
structures in seismic zones. gram for all types of cast-in-place rein- ments to the erection site.


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ACI COtIPt3L f t W 06627119 0525203 2T7

JOIN7 w t m
Yow(IcIL C o n C l I



v a MHEcrms a PlECAsl ulls n t T M S
Fig. 4 -Typical types of precast concrete "cruciform" ele- Fig. 5 -Various types of wet connections for connecting
ments. different confiaurationsof orecast columns and beams.

5. Erect and temporarily secure each manner as in cast-in-place concrete, ei- 0 Use the same size bars throughout ver-
precast element. ther by lapping, welding, or by joining tical structures instead of mixing bar
with mechanical splices. ACI 318 spec- sizes, Using larger bars opens up the
6. Connect the reinforcing bars be-
ifies that both welded and mechanical forms for easier placement of concrete
tween the precast concrete elements by
splicesmust achievestrengthsof at least and allows for wider spacing between
completing the mechanical splices,
125 percent of the specified yield sleeves. Using the same size bars rather
welding the bars, or by grouting the con-
strength$, of the bar. Requirements for than mixing bar sizes in vertical ele-
duit or sleeves with high-strength, non-
lapped splices are included in Section ments reduces the chances for plant and
shrink grout. 2612 of the UBC and Chapter 12of ACI field errors. Bars are discontinuedas the
7. Connect the precast concrete ele- Building Code 3 18. reduction of forces permits.
ments using a high-strength,non-shrink Welded splicesshould be made in ac-
grout in the interfacesor by placing con-
ventional concrete in the spaces be-
cordance with the recommendationsof Emulative connections
the American Welding Society standard Various conventional approaches to
tween the precast elements. D1.4. The use of ASTM 706reinforcing making emulative connectionsbetween
bars is strongly recommended in struc- pnxast concrete elementsare described:
Emulative details tural applications where inelastic per-
The following discussion will describe formance of the structural members is
only those emulative connections that intended. Cast-in-place closure
will satisfy code requirements in any
seismic zone. There may be other vari- When mechanical connections are Bars from two precast elements are ex-
used, and the designer selects the ap- tended into a closure space. Bars are
ations of usable connections whose spliced by one of the following methods
structural performance has not yet been propriate reinforcingbar size for a struc-
turalmember according to accepted de- and the space between the connecting
verified by experimental evidence and
sign practice for conventional rein- p m t concrete elements is filled with
analysis. Such connections are not de-
forced concrete, the bar size determines concrete in the field
scribed here.
Contemporary methods generally the size of the connection device. Addi- 0 Lap extended reinforcing bars ac-
employed for designing precast con- tional design calculations are not nec- cording to ACI Code requirements.
crete structuresthat can emulate cast-in- essary. Mechanical connection splices 0 Lap extended reinforcing bars with
place structures depend upon the prin- may be made for longitudinal bars in confinement by spirals.7
cipal of splicing reinforcing bars and both horizontal and vertical elements. 0 Splice extended bars with mechanical
providing a monolithic cementitiousin- Recommendations include: connections.
terface between the prefabricated con- Use the largest diameter bars possible 0 Weld extended bars with an approved
crete elements. Reinforcing steel consistent with the ability of the fabri- process that will ensure that the bars re-
splicing is accomplished in the same cator to procure and handle such bars. main ductile.

-.. - - __
ACI COMP*3L ** = Ob62949 0525204 133

Fig. 7 -Connection of girders to a

column with a cast-in-Dlace closure.



BOLTED STEEL PLATES w UELDED Esws Fig. 8 - Beam/column connection of
Fia. 6 - Variations of horizontal connections between beam or girder ends. through girder.

0 Use combinations of spliced bars in elements. Reinforcing bars are intro- mte elements and to a limited extent in
conjunctionwith bolted or welded struc- duced into the conduit and overlapped horizontal connections. It requires the
tural steel shapes. by the code-specified length. After the use of conduits for the full length of the
This is one of the most practical bars are placed, the conduits are filled precast concrete member and the use of
methods of achieving monolithicaction with grout (Fig. 1) The maximum bar a pumpable or flowable grout with ver-
in a horizontal connection between pre- size permitted by code to be lap spliced ifiable strength characteristics.
cast concreteelements. For vertical con- is #11. In designs for which ductility is a
nections,closureplacement connections A similar method, also employing a consideration, the use of high-strength
are costly and difficult to accomplish in conduit, uses a special form of propri- rods, deformed bars, or strands grouted
the field. etary reinforcing bars called "thread- in conduits is a special connection
bars" on which the bar deformationsare system not considered emulative of or-
rolled in the form of a coarse thread dinary reinforced concrete fabricated
Blind connections (Fig. 2a and 2b). The threadbars are with mild steel reinforcingbars. There-
"Blind" COMW~~OIUare so named be- joined with compatible mechanical fore it is not representative of conven-
cause they may be hidden completely threaded couplings. After the bars are tional reinforcedconcretedesign theory
within the precast elements at the man- coupled, the conduit is pressure grouted and concepts.
ufacturing yard and do not require through special fittings. The manufac-
patching or cast-in-place closure place- turer makes both a Grade 60 bar for reg- Integral mechanicalconnections:
ments in the field. Hidden connections ular reinforced concrete service and a A special mechanical connection is cast
can be made by one of the following high-strength Grade 150/160bar in se- integrally into the columns and shear
methods: lected sizes for prestressing applica- walls and is subsequently filled with
tions. grout after &headjoining concrete mem-
Bars In conduits: Conduits or corm- This method may be used effectively bers have been placed (Fig. 3a and 3b)
gated tubes are installed in the precast for connecting vertical structural con- This method is particularly appro-

- __
A C I COMP*3L ** W 0bb2949 0525205 07T W

priate for joining vertical precast con- beam a sufficientdistanceto achieve the
crete structural elements (columns and required developmentlength, and out of
shear walls). the ends of the beams into the closure
space. The bars in the enclosure space
Examples of emulative may be lapped (if there is sufficient
connections space), hooked, welded (if accessible),
or joined with mechanical connectors.
The following details are considered to
be emulative connections that will meet The beamlgirder ends over the
UBC 2625(c)1.F criteria. The list is not columns are then formed and fresh con-
complete and other variations are pos- crete with strength and quality equiva-
sible.8 However, most of the connection lent to that of the precast concrete is
details shown here have been used in placed in the enclosed space.
seismic regions and are practical for use After the closure concrete has gained
in North America. sufficientstrength, subsequentcolumns,
with mechanical connections installed
in the bases to engage bars protruding
Beam-column connections up from the joint, are then erected. A
(C) (d) A structural concept that uses conven- high-strength,non-shrink manufactured
Fig. 9 - Using mechanical connec- tional reinforced concretebeam-column grout is either pre-installed or is inserted
tions to make “blind” connections of connection design in a precast concrete later under the column base.
precast columns and column/beam el- joint is shown in Fig. 4. This has been Fig. 8 shows a direct connection at
ements. referred to as a “beam-column tree” or the beam/column interfacebetween pre-
a “cruciform” element.s.6 The precast cast single-story columns and a pre-
concrete beadcolumn element may in- castlprestressed girder. The girder is
clude one or more cruciforms in a row continuous through the joint. The main
horizontally andor vertically depending longitudinal steel from the top of the
upon the capacity of the erection equip- lower column is extended a sufficient
ment. The beam-column joints are length to pass up through plant-installed
monolithic. There are a number of pos- conduits high enough above the girder
sible variationsof the tree (Fig. 5). After to connect to the base of the column
the crucifonn elements have been set above. The procedure is outlined below:
into position, the beam ends may be
connected using one of the methods A temporary foam plastic dam is in-
shown in Fig. 6. stalled around the top of the lower
Vertical connections, which can be column.
designed to occur at locations of rela-
tively low moments, can be made with 0 A shim is installed.
appropriatemechanical connectionsand 0 Manufacturedbedding grout is placed
LC.1.P. manufactured grout. on the top of the lower column and is
CLOSURE Another type of beam-column con- confined by the foam plastic dam.
Fig. 10 - Precast shear tower using nection (Fig. 7) utilizes precast concrete
mechanical connections for blind ver- beams or girders meeting at the top of a The girder is lowered into position
tical connections and for horizontal precast concrete column.11 Mild-steel over the dowels and seated on the shim.
connections between elements with a reinforcementis extended from the pre-
cast-in-place closure. 0 The conduit and bedding space on top
cast girders or beams into the open
space over the top of the column. Posi-
of the beam is filled with a manufac-
tured grout.
tive steel may require hooks. Negative
reinforcing steel through the column is 0 The upper column is installed on a
installed in the stirrups after the beams shim and pre-installed grout bed, and
have been erected. The space between the reinforcement is connected by
the beam ends is then filled with cast-in- means of a mechanical connection
place concrete. Vertical column steel meeting code requirements.
t from the precast column below extends
upward through the beadcolumn junc-
LPRECf6T CONCRETE %a ture to engage mechanical connections Column-column
in the bottom of the column above. connections
2. PRESTRESSED HOLLOW-CORE UN1 T. A variation of this connection can be Fabricated, welded, and bolted assem-
5. % A W E OF PRESTRESSED TEE BEAN. used for connecting prestressed beams blies are not addressed in the codes, nor
Fig. 11 - Longitudinal joint between and girders by embedding mild steel is there experimentalevidencethat such
precast concrete partial thickness bars into the ends of the prestressed el- connections can be made to be equiva-
slabs with a cast-in-placetopping. ements. The bars are embedded into the lent to cast-in-place concrete connec-
Obb2949 052520b TOb



Fig. 12 - Methods of developing monolithic longitudinal 3. LECHANICU COWECTIONS. TEE BEAN.
joints between untopped precast concrete floor slabs. Fig. 13 -Full-depth longitudinal joint.

tions. Using methods that will emulate Beam to beam connections welded. Connections of bars where
cast-in-place concrete, columns may be In order for connections between beam welded splices are used are usually the
successfully spliced at the beam/Column or girder ends to perform monolithi- most critical connections for seismic
joint or at other locations as discussed cally, it is generally necessary to couple loads and should m i v e special atten-
elsewhere under Beam-columnconnec- the reinforcing bars by one of the tion. Recommended procedures estaG
tions. methods described previously and to lishedby the American Welding Society
make a closwe placement with cast-in- should be cadidly observed, especially
Cast-in-place closure place concrete. Several methods are in joining bars designedfor inelasticser-
placements available for making structural splices vice. A bulletin titled “From Experi-
Monolithic column-to-column connec- of horizontal reinforcing bars. ence” distributed by the StructuralEn-
tions have been made by welding ex- gineers Association of Southern Cali-
posed bars, enclosing the splicing area 0 Bars may be lapped according to fomia12comments on field welding very
with forms, and placing conventional code-prescribedlap lengths.With l q e r succinctly.
concrete between the concrete column sized bars, space considerations pre-
ends. This methd may be cumbersome clude lapping because the protruding
and time-consuming and often inter- bars may be quite long, creating han- Slab to slab connections
feres with efficienterection procedures. dling, transportationand erection prob
There is also some question as to lems for precast concrete elements. The Topped floors
whether adequate cross-sectional con- codes do not permit lapping of #14 or For some types of precast concrete floor
crete bearing is achieved after the newly #18 bars. elements, slab reinforcement is placed
placed concrete shrinks. 0 A modification of the above approach above the elements and topping con-
Only those methods for welding bars is to confine the lapped bars with steel crete is placed (Fig. 11). Precast con-
should be selected that will permit de- spirals. Tests7 have shown that the code- crete slabs that may be topped in this
veloping the longitudinalreinforcement required lap lengths may be reduced by manner include partial thickness slabs,
to the ACI Code minimum required as much as 50 percent when spirals are hollowcore units, or double tees rein-
i strength of 125 percent of the specified
yield strength.
used to confine the lapped bars. How- forced with mild steel or prestressed.
The use of topping concrete is also a
ever, the designer should verify this by
testing under his own conditions. convenient method for confining
Blind connections boundary elements and for tying floor
0 Some types of mechanical connec- slabs to beams and girders.
Fully cast-in-place equivalent connec-
tions between columns can be made tions may be used to join reinforcing
with mechanical connections that have bars provided that their installationdoes Untoppedfloors
been specifically developed for con- not cause linear volumetricchanges, ei-
ther by heat or deformation,which may The requirements for making mono-
necting precast concreteelements. Such lithic connections between full-thick-
connections have been describedearlier. cause severe stresses on the concrete
member (Fig. 6 and 10). ness slabs are essentiallythe same as for
Fig. 9 shows different details for lo- beam connections. Bars may be lapped,
cating the integral mechanical connec- 0Reinforcing bars may be joined by welded, or joined with mechanical con-
tions used in blind connections. welding. Bars may be butt or lap nections, followed by a cast-in-place
.. - . _

ACI C O M P X 3 L XX m Obb2949 0525207 9 4 2


/f:::. C L O S W POUR

Fig. 15 - Typical end connections of precast concrete
I Fig. 14 - Partial depth longitudinal joint. floor elements at a beam or girder.

concrete closure placement. Fig. 12 KCHANC

shows alternative methods of joining the S THREADED UECWICAL COMCTOR

slabs transversely. CHANICU OR E L O E D C ~ C T I O N

In some cases it may be desirable to
provide keys between the floor slabs to
provide for additional diaphragm re-
quirements. Pockets for the keys are
formed by installing removable block-
outs in the slab edges at intervals spec-
ified by the engineer. After the bars are
joined, the keys are filled with concrete OR PRESTRESSED)
or manufactured grout. This method (UILD STEEL OR PRcsTRcssroi
may be used to join the flanges of Fig. 16 - Especially reliable seismic 3. PRcsmrssro HOLLOW-C~ACSLM
topped double tee beams. detail where diagonal dowels cross 4. iw u s o BE USED WITH ivro
Fig. 13 shows a full-depth closure the wall into the omosite floor. OR WTOPPEO TEE erus)

placement with mechanical connections Fig. 17 - Monolithic connection be-

in which it was necessary to use con- tween precast concrete floor element
crete forms. The approach shown in Fig. topping and diagonal bars across the and a precast concrete wall.
14 eliminates the need for forms. Elec- wall that assures continuity in the floor
trical conduits and plumbing are often slab through the wall, even when the
installed in closure placement spaces. slabs do not directly bear on the walls.13 Later, threaded reinforcing bars are
Another method for connecting pre- screwed into the inserts. Also, as shown
Slab-to-beam connections cast concrete floor elements to precast inFig. 37 for floor-to-wallconnections,
Fig. 15 shows several different methods walls is shown in Fig. 17. The floor DBRs may also be used with other me-
of connecting precast concreteslab ends slabs bear on the ledger beams. Me- chanical connections in the closure
to beams and girders. chanical connections known as dowel space if there is not sufficient space to
bar replacements (DBR), also called make a lapped splice.
Slab-to-wall connections dowel bar substitutes (DBS), are in- The primary advantage of using
Fig. 1.2 & 3 show various methods of stalled in the wall. (Fig. 18) In this con- DBRs is that bars do not protrude
connecting slabs across walls and ex- nection method, specially designed and through the forms during manufacture
tending the walls vertically with me- patented threaded inserts with integral and are not subject to damage while the
chanical connections. Fig. 16 shows a reinforcing bars are fastened to the in- precast elements are in transit or being
method using cast-in-place concrete side of the forms during fabrication. positioned. Their use also eliminatesthe

- -
A C I COMPt3L ** Bll 0662749 0525208 889 D



f L f M E NT


Fig.19 - Use of small bar mechanical connections to

Fig. 18 - Detail of mechanical connection used for wall-to- create a monolithic connection behnleen precast concrete
slab connection shown in Fig. 17.

need to "rebend" bars. This method termediate smaller bars are used across Vertlcal joints between walls
also works well when connecting pre- the joint at regular intervals of 12 to 18 For verticaljoints between precast con-
cast elements to cast-in-placeelements. in. (300 to 460 mm). This does not pre- crete wall elements, emulative connec-
clude the use of larger bars at the ends tions usually require a cast-in-placeclo-
Wall-to-wall connections of the panels to provide for tiedown sure after the reinforcing bars arejoined
forces.14 (Fig. 19). In locations where larger bars
Horizontal wall joints
Emulative shear wall vertical connec-
tions require the use of mechanical con-
nections or lapped splices grouted in a
conduit to connect the vertical reinforc-
ing bars as shown earlier. .,-
tratidns' that &ne o f h e splices 19$~atthe.,Odversity of ~amsasto
For horizontaljoints between precast
shown in the chnnecdon' details of ' explore,thspoat-yid shrain charac-
concrete shear walls, a grout bedding is
longitudiqal reinforcihg bars have teristics of mechanicalConnections.
usually used. Some authorities believe
been staggereb,
that smooth panel interfaces bedded in ~ y ,is very littIe p s t -
~ ~ r i o i sthere
a non-shrink grout are sufficient to de- In Japan, neither welded nor me- yield strain data available about me-
chanical splices are staggered be-
velop the necessary shear. Others main- chanical connectiom or even rein-
cause full-scale tests of different
tain that some type of roughened sur- forcing bars'in the United States.
types of connecfiondetails with such
face or keyway be provided. Tests have
splices have shown that staggeringis
. Even more interesting is the dis-
shown that smooth form-faced finishes covery that there Seems to have been
are adequate for shear transfer when in- not necessary. The author has in- no criteria establishedfor evaluating
quired extensively and is unable to
ppst-yield strain. In Japan, a very
discover any research in North sp&ific test procedure is used'that
UECHAN I CAL America or elsewhere that indicates takes ipto aqcount the cyclic nature

A CONNECTION that either welded or mechanical

connections need to be staggered.
In 1988, a formal proposal was
of earthquake iinposed stresses and
strains. The procedure is being con-
sidered as'a model br such tests in
made to ACI Sub-Committee318-H,
the~riitqd'states. , '
Seismic Provisions, to eliminate the
requirement for staggering rnechan- b the meantim'e,a proposal made
ical connections in the ACI 318 to the International Conference of
Building Code Requirements. This Building officials to eli@ate stag-
proposal was passed to ACI Com- gering of meohanc i dconpections in
mittee439, Steel Reinforcement, and Section 2612(p)4 has beea approved
ACI committee368, EarthquakeRe by ICBO andis reported on page 32
sisting ConcreteStructuralElements of the 1992 Supplempt to the Uni-
and System, as well as 318-Hand form Building C0de:Tbis change is
has been under considerationfor the based on a Section provi-
Fig 20 - Use of mechanical connec- past three years. This has lead to a sion of the "Code Requirements for
tions and keying of precast wall ele- Committee 439, Steel Reinforce- Nuclear Safety Related Concrete,"
ments to create a monolithic shear
tower, without welding or cast-n-place ment, sponsorship of a research published by ACI Committee 349.

A C I COMP*31 t t .
I0bb2949 0525207 715 E

are needed, such as headers over door- 2. Hawkins, Neil M., “Overview of Seminar,”
ways, it is often not practical to use a -
1986 American Concrete Institute Japan Con-
crete Institute Seminar on Precast Concrete Con-
normal lap splice because of space lim- struction in Seismic Zones, P CI Journal, Pre-
itations. In this case, a spiral wrapped cast/Restresd Concrete Institute. March-April
lapped splice or a mechanical connec- 1987.
tion may be used. 3. Kanoh, Yoshikazu, “Review of Japanese
PrecastConcreteFrame SystemsUsed as Building
For walls where only shear or tem- Structures,” 1986 American Concrete Institute -
perature reinforcement is to be joined in Japan Concrete Institute Seminaron Precast Con-
verticaljoints between precast elements, crete Construction in Seismic Zones, Tokyo.
-there are several options: 4. Suenaga, Yasuyoshi. “Design Guideline for
0 Lapped bars (if there is sufficient
Precastconcrete Structuresin Japan.” Committee
Report of the Architectural Institute of Japan.
space). 1986.
0 Mechanical connections especially 5. Wames. C. E., “Emulation of Cast-in-Place
suited for smaller bars. Monolithic Design,” Repon to rhe Seismic Com-
0 Controlled welded splices. mittee, PrecastlRestressed Concrete Institute,
0 Dowel Bar Substitutes
6. Wames, C. E., “Precast Concrete Moment
Fig. 20 shows a concrete towerjoined Frames,’’ Seminar Presentations to Consulting
totally by mechanical connections and Engineers, Western Canadian Prestressed Con-
grout interfaces, eliminating the need crete Institute, 1990 and 1991.
for welded connections and closure 7. Yee, Alfred A., “Tests of Spiraled Lapped
pours. 8. Repon: “Existing PrecastFrame Systems in
Japan,” First Meeting of the U. S. - Japan Joint
Technical Coordinating Committee on Precast
Seismic Structural Systems, Precast Committee,
Conclusion Building Contractors Society of Japan. Nov. 29-
All of the connection details illustrated Dec.1, 1990, San Diego.
9. Yee, Alfred A., “New Precast Prestressed
here, with the exception of Fig. 6b. have System Saves Money in Hawaii Hotel,” PCI
been designed and used in one form or Journal, Precasflrestressed Institute, May-June
another in the construction of emulative 1973, V. 18, No. 3. 1973. (LOCALLY)
precast concrete structures. For those 10. Wames. C. E.. “Design and Construction
details where experimental evidence of
Features of a 37-Story Precast Concrete Rein- You already know the benefits of
forced Concrete Moment Frame Building in ACI national membership. But
performance has been required by Tokyo,” StructuralEngineers Associationof Cal-
building officials as a condition for ap- ifornia Annual Convention (1990). PreCasUPre- have you considered the benefits
proval, most have been tested for struc- stressed Concrete Institute Annual Convention of belonging to your local ACI
tural performance, especially in Japan. (1990). American Concrete Institute Spring Con- chapter? The local chapters func-
vention (1991), Sixth Canadian Conference on tion as distribution centers for the
Concrete structures using these con- Earthquake Engineering (1991).
nections may be designed according to 11. Repon: “FRPC System, Industrialization latest information and ideas. And
contemporary standard reinforced con- of Reinforced Concrete Structures,” Fujita Cor- you’ll find a group of colleagues
crete practice and current applicable poration. with ready answers for local con-
12. Bauer, Warren H., “Welding Reinforcing crete problems-problems you
building codes. Bars,” From Experience, Structural Engineers
With emulation design, it is not nec- Association of Southern California, April 1988.
encounter every day.
essary for the structural engineer who is 13. Yee, Alfred A., “Design Considerationsfor Clip and send the coupon below;
familiar with conventional reinforced Precast Prestressed Concrete Building Structures
in Seismic Areas,” PCI Journal, PrecasVPre-
we’ll rush you complete information
concrete design methods to learn a new stressedConcreteInstitute,May/June 1991. V. 36, on ACI local Chapter affiliation.
discipline or procedure. It is simply a NO. 3, 1991, pp. 40-55.
matter of being familiar with how pre- 14. Suenaga Y., Three successive reports on
cast concrete elements are manufac- “Box-Frame-Type Precast Reinforced Concrete
Construction” of five, six and seven-story apart-
Send me all the facts on ACI chapter
tured and assembled. To assist the engi- ment houses, Yokohama National University,
neer who is not familiar with precast 1974.
concrete manufacturing and erection NAME
techniques, there are a number of spe- Received and teviewed under lnstitute publica-
cialized consultants available who can tion policies. COMPANY
guide the designer through the practi-
calities of detailing prefabricated struc- ACI member Cloyd E. Warnes is man- 4DDRESS
tures. In addition, most precast concrete aging partner of CPM Associates, a
fabricators are staffed or associated with :IN STATE ZIP
consulting firm that specializes in con-
specialized engineers who can instruct ceptual design and construction of
structural designers about optimal precast concrete structures. He is a
shapes and sizes that can be eeciently member of ACI Committees 368,
fabricated and erected. Earthquake resisting elements and
systems; 442, Response to Lateral
References Forces; and 439, Steel Reinforcement,
1. Reinforcement Anchorages. Lup Splices and and is a member of Joint ACVASCE
Connections,ConcreteReinforcingSteel Institute. Committees 550, Precast Concrete
Third Edition, 1990. Structures.
Box 19150, Detroit, MI 48219
_ _ - _. -

A C I COMPt31 ** m 0bb2949 0525210 437

Precast Concrete
in Seismic-Resisting
Building Frames in New Zealand

E xperience of earthquakes and

extensive laboratory testing
have shown that well de-
signed cast-in-place continu-
ously-reinforced concrete frames
perform very well during severe
earthquakes. Moment-resisting
with numerous innovative ideas
from both practitioners and re-
searchers and the development of
the New Zealand capacity design
procedure, the approach to this
form of design has been revolution-
ized to such an extent that it is be-
mended for ductile structures in the
current New Zealand loadings code
for general structural design and
design loadings are significantlyless
than the inertia forces induced if the
structure responded in the elastic
range to a major earthquake.
frames incorporating precast con- ing used extensively for low and When analysis is based on equiv-
crete members, designed to be duc- high-rise construction. However, alent static forces representing the
tile and provide the primary earth- there are some difficult areas in de- effect of the actual inertia forces in-
quake resistance, have not had the sign and construction. duced by earthquake shaking, the
same extensive laboratory testing. In New Zealand general design total horizontal seismic force in
However, moment-resisting frames provisions for reinforced and pre- each direction under consideration
incorporating precast concrete stressed concrete building structures is given by:'
members have become widely used are contained in a code for general V = CRSMW,
in New Zealand, because composite structural design and design where
systems of concrete buildings com- loadings' and a code for the design C = basic seismic coefficient,
bining precast and cast-in-place re- of concrete structures? These codes varying between 0.15 and
inforced concrete have a number of contain comprehensive provisions 0.05, depending on the seis-
advantages in construction. The in- for the seismic design of cast-in- mic zone and the fundamen-
corporation of precast concrete ele- place concrete structures but do not tal period of vibration for
ments has the advantages of high have provisions covering all aspects the structure
quality control, a reduction in site of precast concrete structures. Nev- R = risk factor, varying between
formwork and site labor, and in- ertheless, significant developments 1.0 and 2.0, being 1.0 for
creased speed of construction; the involving the use of precast con- buildings with normal occu-
cast-in-place reinforced concrete crete have been made in New Zea- pancy orausage, 1.3 for
provides the structural continuity land and most reinforced concrete buildings which are intended
and the ductility necessary for ade- building structures currently under to be functioning in the res-
quate seismic performance. The de- construction, or recently con- toration period after a ma-
sign aim for earthquake resistance structed, are moment-resisting jor earthquake or whose
of such composite frames in New frames combining precast and cast- contents have high value to
Zealand has been to achieve ductile in-place reinforced concrete de- the community, 1.6 for
behaviour as for a cast-in-place signed to perform as monolithic buildings which are intended
concrete structure. struct~res.~*~J to remain functional during
The basic problem in the design Several aspects of the seismic de- and after a major earth-
of building structures incorporating sign of reinforced concrete mo- quake, or whose failure
precast concrete elements for earth- ment-resisting frames incorporating could cause high loss of life
quake resistance is in finding an ec- precast concrete elements could now S = structural type factor, vary-
onomical and practical method for be formally c~dified.~ ing between 0.8 for ductile
connecting the precast elements to- frames to 4 to 6 for elastic-
gether. Because of its poor seismic Seismic design concepts ity responding structures
record in earthquakes overseas, A4 = structural material factor,
precast concrete in moment-resist- Ductility being 0.8 for reinforced
ing frames was shunned in New In common with other countries, concrete and 1.0 for pre-
Zealand for many years. However, the seismic design forces recom- stressed concrete


_ _- - _. ._

ACI COHP*3L t f Obb2949 0525211 373 D

W,= gravity load of structure

considered t o be present
during an earthquake

The total horizontal seismic force Frame Column sides way Beam sides way
Vis distributed up the height of the mechanism mechanism
building. The distribution of seis-
mic forces generally follows the Fig. 1 - Possible mechanisms of inelastic deformation of moment-resisting
shape of an inverted triangle or frames of buildings during severe seismic loading0
some variation of that shape de-
pending on building geometry and
mass distribution. ity is adequate.’J Adequate ductility clude an actual yield strength of the
The above seismic design forces may be considered t o have been longitudinal reinforcing steel which
recommended by the New Zealand provided if all the primary elements is higher than the specified yield
loadings code for ductile structures of the structure resisting seismic strength, additional longitudinal
were obtained assuming that in the forces are detailed for ductility in steel strength due to strain harden-
event of a major earthquake the accordance with the seismic provi- ing at large ductility factors, and
structure is capable of deforming in sions of the concrete design code.’ additional reinforcement that may
the postelastic range to a lateral dis- be present.
placement of at least 4 t o 6 times Capacity design The shear reinforcement in the
the displacement at first yield dur- To ensure that the most suitable plastic hinge regions, and all rein-
ing several cycles of seismic loading mechanism of inelastic deformation forcement in parts of the structure
without significant loss in strength. OCCUTS in a structure during a major away from plastic hinge regions,
The displacement at first yield is earthquake, New Zealand codes re- will need to be designed for actions
defined as that displacement ob- quire that ductile structures be the which are at least 1.25 times the ac-
tained assuming elastic behaviour of subject of “capacity design.” In the tions associated with the design
the cracked structure up to the seis- capacity design of structures, ele- bending moments of the plastic
mic design force. ments of the primary lateral earth- hinge regions in order to ensure that
The required strength U to resist quake load resisting systems are non-ductile failures do not occur
the effects of dead load 0,live load chosen and suitably designed and elsewhere. If plastic hinges in col-
LR,and earthquake load E should detailed for adequate strength and umns are to be avoided, the design
not be less than whichever of the ductility for a major earthquake. column bending moments may need
following factored load equations All other structural elements and to be amplified by much more than
gives the greatest effect:’ other possible failure modes are 1.25 in order to take into account
then provided with sufficient higher mode effects and concurrent
U = 1.40 + 1.7LR strength so that the chosen means earthquake loading as well as beam
U = 0.9D + E for achieving ductility can be main- overstrength.2
U = 1.OD + 1 . 3 L R +E tained throughout the deformations
Preferred modes of inelastic
that may occur.
The exact characteristics of the For moment-resisting frames of deformatlon
earthquake ground motions that buildings the best means of achiev- Fig. 1 shows mechanisms of inelas-
may occur at a given site cannot be ing ductile inelastic deformations is tic deformation that could form in
predicted with certainty and it is by flexural yielding at selected plas- moment-resisting frames due to the
difficult to evaluate all aspects of tic hinge positions, since with formation of plastic hinges.
the complete behaviour of a com- proper design the plastic hinges can If yielding begins in the columns
plex structure when subjected to a be made adequately ductile. To en- of a moment-resisting frame before
major earthquake. Nevertheless it is sure that failure in flexure cannot it begins in the beams, a column si-
possible to design the structure so occur in parts of the structure not desway mechanism can form. In the
that it has features that will ensure designed for ductility, or that fail- worst case the plastic hinges may
the most desirable behavior. The ure in shear cannot occur anywhere form in the columns of only one
rational approach for achieving this in the structure, the maximum ac- storey, since the columns of the
aim in earthquake resistant design is tions likely to be imposed on the other storeys are stronger. Such a
to choose the most suitable mecha- structure should be calculated from mechanism can make very large
nism of inelastic deformation for the probable maximum flexural curvature ductility demands on the
the structure and to ensure by ap- strengths at the plastic hinges tak- plastic hinges of the critical storey,’
propriate design procedures that ing into account all the possible particularly for tall buildings.
yielding will occur only in the cho- factors that may cause an increase On the other hand, if yielding be-
sen manner during a major earth- in the flexural strength of the plas- gins in the beams before it begins in
quake and that the available ductil- tic hinge regions. These factors in- the columns, a beam sidesway

-. - - - _. _..

A C I COMP*3L $3: 0662949 0525232 20T


Mechanism and Rwnhrcement Mechanisms and Two

for Conventiona/ Pias tic Reinforcement Arrangements
for Relocated P(astic H i n g E

Fig. 2 - Conventional and relocated plastic hinge design for seismic dominated moment resisting frames:

mechanism will develop, which modes to be prevented are those due and bond stresses that can develop
makes more moderate demands on to diagonal tension or diagonal there during seismic loading.'V6
the curvature ductility required at compression caused by shear, ex- In the design of multistorey mo-
the plastic hinges in the beams and cessive plastic hinge rotation of ment-resisting frames it is often ad-
at the column bases. Therefore a heavily loaded columns, sliding vantageous to intentionally shift the
beam sidesway mechanism is the shear along costruction joints or plastic hinges in the beams away
preferred mode of inelastic defor- other jointing faces or in plastic from the column faces. This per-
mation, particularly since ductility hinge regions, buckling of com- mits easier detailing of the beam-
can be more easily provided by re- pressed longitudinal reinforcement, column joint cores for shear and
inforcing details in beams than in and bond failure along lapped bond, since the diagonal compres-
columns. splices or at anchorages. All of sion strut carrying shear across the
As a result of the above consid- these undesirable failure modes lead joint core is then more effective and
erations, the New Zealand code for to premature strength degradation yield penetration into the joint core
general structural design and design and reduced ductility and can be from the longitudinal reinforcing
loadings requires that columns of avoided by use of the capacity de- steel in the plastic hinge regions will
multistorey ductile moment-resist- sign procedures. not occur. According to the New
ing frames should have adequate The most important design con- Zealand concrete design code the
flexural strength to avoid the for- sideration for ductility in the plastic joint core requires less shear rein-
mation of column sidesway mecha- hinge regions of reinforced concrete forcement, and larger diameter lon-
nisms. Thus a strong columdweak members is the provision of ade- gitudinal bars are permitted to pass
beam approach is advocated. How- quate longitudinal compression re- through the joint core, when the
ever for ductile frames of one or inforcement as well as tension rein- plastic hinging does not occur at the
two storey buildings, or in the top forcement, and the provision of ad- face of the joint core.
storey of a multistorey building, the equate transverse reinforcement in Fig. 2 shows mechanisms and
code permits column sidesway the form of rectangular stirrups or possible reinforcement details for
mechanisms (that is, a strong beam/ hoops and cross ties or spirals, in conventional and relocated plastic
weak column approach) since the order to act as shear reinforcement, hinge positions in beams which have
curvature ductility demand at the to confine and hence to enhance the been used in New Zealand. For the
plastic hinges in the columns in such ductility of the compressed con- design of the relocated plastic
cases of low frames is not hi& and crete, and to prevent premature hinges shown in Fig. 2, the flexural
can be provided by proper reinforc- buckling of the compressed longi- strength of the beam sections
ing detailing. tudinal reinforcement. A centre-to- should be such that the bending
centre spacing of transverse bars not moment in the beam at the column
Detailing for ductility exceeding six longitudinal bar di- face at A can only reach the nomi-
The design of ductile structures ameters in plastic hinge regions is nal flexural strength of the section
should be such as to ensure that considered to be necessary to con- at A if the bending moment at the
flexural yielding at the chosen plas- trol bar buckling.2 plastic hinge section at B reaches a
tic hinge position controls the Joint core regions of beam-col- flexural overstrength value of at
strength and inelastic deformation umn connections need special atten- least 1.25 times the nominal flex-
capacity of the structure. Failure tion because of the critical shear ural strength at B. The 1.25 factor


is to take into account a likely yield
strength higher than specified, and f 2!t!2ep2Ftop
strain hardening of the longitudinal sfeel in beom :
reinforcement, at the plastic hinge
Precast elements can be con-
nected by protruding reinforcing
Precost 1 LPrecast beam !
bars which are lap spliced or an- unit
chored in cast in place concrete. Al- beam wit
in place Midwan I
ternatively the reinforcing bars can concrete and
be welded or mechanically con- steel in column 1
nected. If the connections between ( a ) SYSTEM 1 - Precast Beam &its Between Columns
the precast elements are placed In
critical regions the design approach
in New Zealand is to ensure that the
behavior of the connection region
approaches that of a monolithic ce
cast-in-place structure. Possible
brittle connections between mem-
bers should be made overstrong and
placed away from the critical
regions. Reinforcing details and
structural configurations can be ar-
ranged to ensure that the plastic
hinging occurs away from the joint-
ing faces of precast members if nec- I

essary. (6)SYSTEM 2 - Precast Beam Units d o u g h Columns_

Precast concrete in floors Precast
As is common in many countries,
floors in New Zealand buildings in
T- unit I
early years were mainly of cast-in- ! Castin place
place reinforced concrete construc- @ f o r t a r joint I f ioint
tion. Some use of post-tensioning
was made in cast-in-place floors.
However in the 1960s precast con-
crete elements became widely used
in floors in New Zealand. Cur-
rently, the majority of floors in
New Zealand buildings are con-
structed of precast concrete, span-
ning one-way between beams or -
Icl SYSTEM 3 Precast T- Units
walls. The precast elements are ei- Notes : Reinforcement in precast concrete is not shown
ther of pretensioned or reinforced
concrete, and generally act compos-
fllAor & -
F Precast concrete units
itely with a reinforced concrete t o p
ping slab. Fig. 3 - Arrangements of precast concrete members and cast-in-place
This trend to mainly precast concrete commonly used for the construction of moment resisting reinforced
floors in New Zealand has come concrete frames in New Zealand.s
about because of the reduction of
site costs resulting from reduced site
labor and fast erection, and also slabs, rib slabs, single tees or dou- primary seismic load resisting com-
because most precast floors are ble tees, which are seated side by ponents such as frames and walls.
lighter than cast-in-place floors side making up the whole bottom When floors are constructed of pre-
leading to smaller seismic forces. surface of the floor. Alternatively, cast elements it is essential that con-
The current New Zealand practice precast concrete ribs spaced apart tinuity of seismic shear transfer over
of using mainly precast concrete with permanent formwork of tim- the whole floor is achieved. It is
floors contrasts greatly with the ber or thin precast concrete slabs considered in New Zealand that a
practice of most overseas countries spanning between are used. cast-in-place reinforced concrete
of using mainly cast-in-place con- The floor system also has to act topping slab at least 50 mm (2 in.)
crete floors. as a diaphragm during earthquakes, thick containing at least the mini-
The commonly used precast con- in order to transfer the in-plane di- mum reinforcement required for
crete elements in floors in New Zea- aphragm forces caused by its own slabs is an excellent means for
land are either solid slabs, voided mass and the live load on it to the transferring the in-plane diaphragm

A C I COflP*33 ** W Obb2949 0525234 082
shows a building under construc-
tion using this system.
System2 :An arrangement making
more extensive use of precast con-
crete and avoiding the placing of
cast-in-place concrete in the con-
gested beam-column joint core
regions is shown in Fig. 3b. The re-
inforced concrete columns can be
either precast or cast-in-place to oc-
cupy the clear height between
beams. The precast portions of the
beams extend from near midspan to
midspan, and hence include within
the precast element over the col-
Fig. 4 - Reinforced concrete building frame incorporating precast concrete
elements in the beams between columns. umns the complex arrangement of
joint core hoop reinforcement
which is fabricated in the factory.
The precast portions of the beams
forces. Some use of precast con- to achieve behaviour as for a mon- are placed seated on the concrete
crete elements in floors without a olithic structure. column below with a sand-cement
cast-in-place topping slab, but with Systeml: An arrangement involv- mortar joint or other suitable mate-
adequate shear connection between ing the use of precast members to rial between, and propped for con-
the elements, has also been made. form the lower part of the beams is struction stability.
shown in Fig. 3a. The precast beam The protruding longitudinal col-
Ductile composite elements are placed between col- umn bars from the reinforced con-
reinforced concrete moment umns and seated on the cover con- crete column below pass through
resisting frames crete on the previously cast-in-place preformed vertical holes in the pre-
Multistorey reinforced concrete reinforced concrete column below cast beam element and protrude
frames with strong column/ and propped under the precast ele- above the top surface of the ele-
weak beam design ments. In some cases there m a y be ment. The holes in the precast beam
The general trend in New Zea- two precast beam elements per span elements are preformed using cor-
land for framed buildings is to de- with a cast-in-place joint at mid- rugated steel ducting and are
sign the perimeter frames with suf- span where the longitudinal beam grouted after the column bars have
ficient stiffness and strength to re- bars are spliced. A precast concrete passed through. The protruding
sist most of the seismic loading. The floor system is placed seated on the bars of the precast beam elements
interior columns of the building top of the precast beam elements are lapped in a joint to be cast in
then carry mainly gravity loading and spanning between them. The place at midspan. Alternatively,
and can be placed with greater reinforcement is then placed in the they can be connected by welding at
spacing between columns. For the top of the beam, the topping slab midspan.
perimeter frames the depth of the over the floor system, the beam- A precast floor system is placed
beams may be large without effect- column joint core and the next sto- seated on the precast beam ele-
ing the clear height between floors rey height of column, and the cast- ments and spanning between them.
inside the building and the columns in-place concrete is placed. The The reinforcement is then placed in
can be at close centers. The use of frame can be designed using the the top of the beam and the top-
one-way perimeter frames avoids provisions for totally cast-in-place ping slab, and the cast in place con-
the complexity of the design of concrete structures. crete is placed. Alternatively, the
beam-column joints of two-way This system leads to a large re- total depth of the beam can be pre-
moment-resisting frames. Refer- duction in the quantity of site cast, including top and bottom steel
ences 8-12 give the details of several formwork necessary. A difficulty in the precast beam, and the precast
recently designed buildings in New with the connection detail is that the floor system would then be sup-
Zealand that encorporate signifi- bottom longitudinal bars of the ported on ledges on the sides of the
cant quantities of precast concrete beams, protruding from the precast precast beams. The columns of the
in their frames and floors. beam elements, need to be an- next storey are next positioned
A number of possible arrange- chored in the joint cores. Hence the above the beams using grouted steel
ments of precast concrete members column dimensions need to be rea- sleeves (NMB)to connect the verti-
and cast-in-place concrete forming sonably large to accommodate the cal bars if the columns are precast
ductile moment resisting multisto- required development length and to or using normal reinforced concrete
rey reinforced concrete frames have reduce the congestion of the hooked details if the columns are cast in
been used in New Zealand.’ Ar- anchorages. Also, it is difficult to place.
rangements commonly used in New detail strong end regions in the An advantage of this system is
Zealand for strong column/weak beams if it is desired to force the that the plastic hinge regions in the
beam designs, are shown in Fig. 3. plastic hinges in the beams to form beams occur within the precast ele-
The aim in design of the systems is away from the column faces. Fig. 4 ments away from the jointing faces

' -. -
ACI COflP*31 **
._ ._

Obb2949 0525235 T19

Fig. 5a - 22-storey building frame incorporating precast Fig. 5b - Precast concrete beam corner unit being
concrete beam elements passing through the columns. lowered into place.

between the precast elements. Also, in Fig. 3c. This allows plastic hinge steel sleeves (NMB)were used to
it is possible to incorporate in the regions to be designed to occur in connect the column bars at the in-
precast concrete beam element rein- the beams at or away from the col- terface between units above the
forcing details as shown in Fig. 2 umn faces. The vertical column bars joint core, and high strength fric-
and hence the plastic hinge regions in the precast T units are connected tion grip bolts were used to connect
can be relocated away from the col- using grouted steel sleeves (NMB). the beam bars which were welded to
umn faces if necessary. This system At the midspan of the beams the steel channels at midspan.
uses extensive precast concrete and bottom bars can be spliced in a cast- Fig. 7 shows a perimeter frame of
eliminates fabrication of complex in-place concrete joint or connected a building constructed using precast
reinforcing details on the building by welding to steel plates which are concrete cruciform-shaped units,
site. A possible difficulty is the tight bolted together. An alternative to two storeys in height, with grouted
tolerances necessary when assem- the T-shaped units is to use cruci- steel sleeves (NMB) connecting the
bling the precast elements. form-shaped precast concrete units column bars at midstorey height
Fig. 5 shows a 22 storey building with the joints between columns oc- and hooked splices connecting the
under construction using this sys- curring at the midheight of the sto- beam bars in cast in place concrete
tem. Fig. 5a shows the structure of reys. Precast floor systems can be joints at midspan.
the building nearing completion. used as with the other systems.
The structure consisted of moment An advantage of System 3 is the Low frames with strong beam/
resisting perimeter frames with in- extensive use of precast concrete weak column design
terior frames carrying mainly only possible, and the elimination of the For one or two storey frames a
gravity loading. Fig. Sb shows a fabrication of complex reinforcing strong beadweak column design
precast concrete beam corner unit details on the building site. A pos- concept is permitted by the New
being lowered into position. Plastic sible constraint is that the precast Zealand code for general structural
tubes (removed later) are used to elements are heavy and crane ca- design and design loadings. Hence
lead the column bars through the pacity may be an important consid- for such low frames the postelastic
beam unit. Fig. 5c shows the beam eration. deformations in a major earth-
unit after grouting the column bars, Fig. 6 shows the details of the quake can be designed to occur by
and Fig. 5d shows a spliced mid- precast concrete T-shaped units plastic hinges forming at the col-
span connection in the beam being making up a perimeter frame of a umn ends, as in the column side-
prepared. building in which plastic hinging sway mechanism of Fig. 1.
System 3: A further possible ar- was designed to occur in the diago- For a strong beadweak column
rangement incorporating T-shaped nally reinforced beam regions away design, System 1 of Fig. 3a would
precast concrete elements is shown from the column faces. Grouted be suitable. Also suitable would be

_. _.

ACI COMP*31 ** W 0bb2949 052521b 955 W

System 3 but with cruciform-shaped

units as in Fig. 7 with connections
between precast elements at the
midheight of columns and at the
midspan of beams rather than T-
shaped units. A further possible ar-
rangement of precast elements for
such a design is shown in Fig. 8.
For the buildins of Fig. 8 the two
storey columns are precast in one
length for the full height of the
frame and the beams are precast to
occupy about the middle 60 percent
of the spans. The top and bottom
beam bars protruding from the pre-
cast beam elements are spliced in
the end regions of the beams in cast
in place concrete. These bars are
spliced with lengths of beam bar Fig. 5c -
Column bars after being grouted in the joint core of a precast
which are cast passing through the concrete beam unit.
precast column.
Composite reinforced concrete
moment resisting frames of
limlted ductility
Cast-in-place ductile reinforced
concrete structural walls in a build-
ing can be designed to resist almost
all of the seismic loading acting on
the building. Then the frames in the
building are present mainly to carry
the gravity loading. Such moment
resisting frames can be designed for
limited ductility, using less trans-
verse reinforcement than for ductile
frames, providing it can be shown
that when the walls have deformed
inelastically to the required dis-
placement ductility factor during Fig. 5d - Preparing cast-in-place concrete midspan joint of a perimeter frame.
severe seismic loading the ductility
demand on the frames is not large.
This is possible because the frames
are much more flexible than the
Mixed precast prestressed
concrete and cast=ln=place
reinforced concrete
A further building system which has
become popular in New Zealand in-
volves the use of precast concrete
beam shells as permanent form-
work for beams. The precast beam
shells are typically pretensioned
prestressed concrete U-beams and
are left permanently in position af-
ter the cast-in-place reinforced con-
crete core has been cast. The pre-
cast U-beams support the self
weight and construction loads and
act compositely with the reinforced
concrete core when subjected to Fig. 6 - Details of precast concrete T-shaped units of the perimeter frame of a
other loading in the completed reinforcedconcrete building.

- - __ -_
ACI COMPx3B ** Obb2949 0525217 891 W

structure. The precast U-beams are

not connected by steel to the cast-in-
place concrete of the beam or col-
umn. The typical structural organi-
sation of a building floor and mo-
ment resisting frame system incor-
porating precast pretensioned U-
beam units is shown in Fig. 9.
Initially in New Zealand precast
concrete U-beams were used princi-
pally in the construction of low-rise
buildings in which the lateral seis-
mic loads are resisted primarily by
other elements such as totally cast-
in-place reinforced concrete struc-
tural walls or frames. Recent trends
have seen this form of composite
beam construction used in multi-
storey moment-resisting frame
structures. In this application, the Fig. 7 - Perimeter frame of a reinforced concrete building constructed using
composite beams will be required to two storey high precast concrete cruciform units.
develop ductile plastic hinges dur-
ing major earthquakes.
Doubts have been expressed by does not concentrate in the beam at fiation for effective application to
some designers and checking au- the column face and no undesirable the design of moment-resisting
thorities concerning the ability of concentration of curvature results. frames incorporating precast con-
this form of composite construction Seismic design recommendations crete elements.
to be able to fulfill that demand. It for such construction are given For example, the connection de-
had been felt that the cracking may elsewher@.It is considered that this tails between precast members at
concentrate in the beam at the col- type of construction is suitable for beam-column joints and at the mid-
umn face at the discontinuity ductile moment-resisting frames. span of beams need to be given
caused by the termination of the more consideration. More specific
prestressed strand reinforcement at Research needs code provisions for hooked anchor-
the end of the precast U-beam. The New Zealand concrete design ages and splices, resulting in com-
However recent testsShave demon- code,* as with the ACI building pact and practical cast in place
strated that during severe seismic code,' has provisions for the seis- joints, are needed.
loading there is a tendency for the mic design of moment-resisting Also, the length of beam ends
plastic hinging to spread along the frames which were written mainly which need to be detailed as poten-
cast-in-place reinforced concrete for use for totally cast-in-place tial plastic hinge regions needs fur-
core within the precast U-beam. structures. Several areas of the ther consideration. In short span
Hence the plastic hinge rotation codes need amplification and modi- beams of perimeter frames the
splice in beam bars of the cast-in-
place midspan joint may need to
commence closer to the column face
than two beam depths. Since the
bending moment diagram for such
a beam is dominated by seismic
loading, it would appear to be sat-
isfactory to permit the splice to
commence at one beam depth from
the column face.
Other areas requiring research are
the requirements for grouting of re-
inforcing bars in ducts, types of
mechanical splices between rein-
forcing bars, effective methods for
seating precast floor units on pre-
cast beam members, and require-
ments for diaphragms formed of
precast concrete floor units.
A research project investigating
some of these aspects has recently
Fig. 8 - Two-storey frame with columns precast in one length for the full height commenced at the University of
and cast-ikplace spliced joints at the ends of precast concrete beams. Canterbury.'l

ACI COMPa31 t* = Obb2949 0525218 7 2 8 I I
Seminar on Preccst Concrete Constructionin
Seismic Zones, Japan Society for the Pro-
motion of Science/U.S. National Science
Foundation, Tokyo. 1986,V. 1, p. 1-38.
4. Park, R.. “New Zealand Research Into
the Seismic Desiin of Building Frames In-
corporating Precast Prestressed Concrete.”
Seminar on Preaxt Concrete Constructionin
Seismfc Zones, Japan Society for the Pro-
motion of Science/U.S. National Science
Foundation, Tokyo, 1986,V. 1, pp. 3960.
5. Park, Robert, and Bull, D. K., “Seis-
mic Resistance of Frames IncorporatingPre-
cast Prestressed Concrete Beam Shells,”
Journui, Prestressed Concrete Institute. V.
31, NO. 4,July-AUg. 1986,pp. 54-93.
6. Park, Robert, and Paulay. Thomas,
Reworced Concrete Structum, John Wiey
& Sons, New York, 1975,769 pp.
concrete 7. ACI Committee 318, “Building Code
Pr efensioned, precast column Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI
318-89),” American Concrete Institute, b
concrete U-beam troit, 1989,353 pp.
8. O’Lmry, A. J.; Monastra, D. P.; and
Fig. 9 - Construction details of a structural system involving precast concrete Mason, J. E., “A Precast Concrete Moment
beam shells and cast-in-place reinforced concrete (not all reinforcement shown). Resisting Framing System,” Proceedings,
Pacific Concrete Conference, Auckland,
NOV.1988. V. 1, pp. 281-298.
9. Billings, I. J., and Thorn, 0. W., “NZI
Conclusions ment resisting frames are currently Centre-Design of Multi-Storey Towers,”
The general philosophy for the seis- in common use in New Zealand. Proceedings, Pacific Concrete Conference,
mic design of precast concrete mo- The frames are designed to perform Auckland, Nov. 1988. V. 1, pp. 3W318.
as monolithic structures. The ar- 10. Poole, R. A., and Clendon, J. E.,
ment resisting frame structures in “Mid City Towers-An Efficient Precast
New Zealand is similar to that for rangements include precast concrete Concrete Framed Building,” Proceedings,
cast-in-place reinforced concrete beam elements placed spanning be- Pacific Concrete Conference, Auckland,
structures. That is, structures de- tween columns, precast concrete Nov. 1988,V. 1, pp. 319-332.
signed to withstand the seismic de- beam elements placed passing 11. Sivester, D. B.. and Dickson, A. R.,
“Fanshawe Street Building-A Precast Con-
sign loads of the code should be ca- through columns and T-shaped and crete Study,” Proceedings, Pacific Concrete
pable of inelastic deformations by cruciform-shaped precast concrete Conference, Auckland, Nov. 1988,V. 1, pp.
the formation of ductile plastic elements. Structural continuity be- 333-344.
hinges. In New Zealand a capacity tween precast elements is generally 12. O’Orady, C. R., “Precast Cruciform
achieved using cast-in-place rein- Columns, H. Frames and Precast Concrete
design procedure is used to ensure Shear Walls in Building Construction.” Pro-
that in the event of a major earth- forced concrete. A structural sys- ceedings, Pacific Concrete Conference,
quake the plastic hinges form only tem utilizing precast prestressed Auckland, Nov. 1988,V. 1, pp. 345-354.
in regions detailed for ductility and concrete U-beams with a cast-in- 13. Restrepo, J.; Park, R.;and Buchanan,
place reinforced concrete core is A. H.,“ S e i i c Load Testa on Connections
that the other regions are strong Between Precast Concrete Elements,” Pro-
enough not to yield and that shear also in use. ceedings, Silver Jubilee Conference of the
failure does not occur. In the ca- New Zealand Concrete Society, Wairakei,
pacity design procedure the design Acknowledgements Oct. 1989,pp. S110.
actions for the other regions and for The author gratefully acknowledges
Received and reviewed under Institute
shear take into account the possible the helpful discussions with many publication policies.
overstrength of the plastic hinge structural engineers in New Zea-
regions due to an actual longitudi- land. Particular thanks are due to
nal reinforcing steel yield strength ACI Fellow Robert
the consulting engineers of the Park is Professor
greater than the specified yield Holmes Consulting Group and and Head of the
strength, strain hardening of steel, Morrison Cooper Ltd, who de- Department of Civil
and greater steel areas provided signed the buildings illustrated by Engineering at the
than needed. photographs in the paper, and to University of Can-
The use of precast concrete in the building contractors. terbury, Chrlst-
building structures has the advan- church, New Zea-
tage of better quality control, re- References land. He h a s
duction in site fonnwork, and speed 1. “Code of Practice for General Struc- teaching and research interests in re-
of construction. Critical regions of tural Design and Design Loadhgs for Build- inforced and prestressed concrete
the structures can often be precast,
ings.” (NZS 4203:1984), Standards Associa- structures, particularly in earthquake-
tion of New Zealand, Wellington, 1984, 100 resistant design. He is a member of
thus avoiding the fabrication of PP. joint ACIASCE Committees 352, Joints
complex reinforcing details on the 2. “Code of Practice for the Design of and Connections In Monolithic Con-
building site. Concrete Structures,” (NZS 3101:1982),
Standards Association of New Zealand, crete Structures; and 441, Reinforced
Several alternative arrangements Wellington, 1982, 127 pp. Concrete Columns. He was the recipi-
for precast concrete members in 3. Park, R., “Seismic Design Considera- ent of ACl’s Raymond C. Reese Re-
multistorey reinforced concrete mo- tions for Precast Concrete in New Zealand,” search Awards In 1984 and 1989.

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ACI COMP*33 ** Ob62949 0525239 bb4

Retrofit Practice in the

e considerable damage done states (Fig. l), representing all geo- seismic retrofitting program at each

T”. several highway bridges by

the October 1989 Loma Prieta
Earthquakehas stimulated are-
evaluation of the seismic resistance of
highway bridges in many states. Be-
graphic regions of the country. These
states include nearly 52 percent of the
bridges in the United States (Table 1).
For the survey results to be valuable,
they needed to include data for states
state and the retrofit details that each
state is using.

Retrofit programs
The responses varied in terms of the
cause highway bridges constructed prior with moderate to high seismicity. The type and extent of detail. The results are
to the development of modern seismic American Associationof State Highway summarized in Table 3. A typical re-
codes are generally unable to resist and Transportation Officials sponse from states with accelerationco-
forces from moderate to strong earth- (AASHTO) specifications recognize efficients of 9 percent or less was that
quakes, a substantial number of these three levels of bedrock acceleration to seismic loads are of no concern
bridges need to be retrofitted. The State determine the level of expected seismic (Column 2). However, some of these
of California started its seismic retrofit performance.4 These levels are at 10.20, states plan to evaluate the seismic vul-
program soon after the 1971 San Fer- and 30 percent of gravity acceleration. nerability of bridges that are scheduled
nando earthquake,during which several Table 1 shows that respondent states for rehabilitation (Column 4). Several
freeway superstructures collapsed.lJ cover all these levels. Table 2 summa- states are reviewing specificbridges that
This program has been substantially ex- rizes the number and percentage of appear to be critical, either because of
panded since the Loma Prieta earth- bridges with different bedrock acceler- geometric similarity to some of the
quake.3 ation levels. It is important to note that bridges that were damaged during the
State transportationdepartmentsgen- some states (for example, Illinois, Ken- Loma Prieta earthquake or because of
erally use different approaches for tucky, and Oregon) include only a very the disastrous consequence of failure
bridge rehabilitation. The variation is small region in which the acceleration (Column 3). These bridges are not nec-
due to different climates, seismicity, coefficient is relatively large. essarily selected on the basis of a sys-
available construction materials, past Column 1 in Table 2 shows the tematic screening process. A common
experience, etc. To avoid duplication number of bridges in the states that in- approach by some states (Column 4) is
and to learn from the collective experi- clude a region with different accelera- to focus on bridges that are to be reha-
ence of individual states, a study was tion levels. Column 2 presents similar bilitated for other reasons and to up-
undertakenon behalf of ACI Committee data for the respondents. The data in grade the seismic resistance of these
34 1, Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Column 3 show that 52 percent of the bridges as part of the general rehabili-
Bridges, in April 1991 to obtain infor- states encompass some region for the tation project. There is variation in the
mation on how different states are ap- which the bedrock acceleration is ten level of rehabilitation that triggers
proaching the seismic retrofit problem. percent or higher. Nineteen percent of seismic retrofitting. Some states con-
the states have an acceleration level of sider “major widening” as the justifi-
Survey process 0.3g.Column 4 indicatesthat at least 5 1 cation to retrofit the bridge for earth-
A letter was sent to the bridge division percent of bridges are representedin the quake effects.
in the transportation (highway) depart- survey data. Columns 5 through 8 list Many states are developing pro-
ments of all 50 states, the District of Co- data that are similar to those in Columns grams to screen their bridges for seismic
lumbia, and the Commonwealth of 1 through 4, except that the number of vulnerability and to retrofit the poten-
Puerto Rico in April 1991. Each state states instead of number of bridges is tially unsafe bridges (Column 5). Others
was asked to provide information on the shown. The data in Column 8 show that are already using a retrofit program
methods they currently use to strengthen at least 48 percent of states with each while refining their methodology
seismically vulnerableconcretebridges, acceleration level are included in the (Column 6).
a list of reference materials used, and a survey-results.It can, therefore, be con- The replies indicate that many states
copy of any in-house seismic retrofit cluded that the data is from a represen- are aware of the potential for significant
guidelines. The informationwas sought tative sample. damage to some of their bridges, and
for the retrofitting of all bridge compo- that they are taking steps to remedy the
nents including piers, foundations,abut- Responses problem. The approach,however, varies
ments, bearing, and hinges. To facilitate the analysis of the replies, widely from state to state. To evaluate
Information was received from 25 they were reviewed with respect to the the seismic vulnerability of bridges,


A C I COMP83L t t EI 0662747 0525220 386 W

Table 1 - Number of bridges and

acceleration data for respondent states

Fig. 1 - States from which information was obtained. (Re-

spondent states darkened.)

Table 2 - Number and percentage of

bridges in respondent states
X *.x X I

6). (3) ' (4)'

No.of bridg?
~ ,
Texas . '44,314 Maximum. in thousaods Col. I/ Col. Y (6) 0 (8)
Virginia X bebock . Total Col. 1 (5) No. of COL5/ Col. 61
X X X accelep T O A ~ a p o n - N0.0f resp~n- (52) cOl.5
West Virginia 6,513 tion U.S. dents (%) (96) states dents (45) (%)

Wyoming ' , 2826 X X 2cllOg 300 174 52 58 33 16 63 48

20.u)g 1 9 88 26 58 17 9 33 ' 53
Total ' ' 298,855 TotalU.S.Bridnes $77,710 I I
20.30~ - 111 I 56 I 19 I
51 I 13 I 7 I
25 54 J

many states are relying on publications the substructureforces and ductility de- details that CALTRANS presents in its
that are prepared through different re- mands. CALTRANS has installed iso- retrofit manual. Both circular and rec-
search projects funded by the Federal lators on several bridges,' and is con- tangular columns are upgraded in terms
Highway Administration (FHWA). One sidering one other bridge for the use of of shear strength and confinement. In
or more of References 4 to 11 are cited isolators. The States of Illinois, Nevada, Tennessee, the square columns of a
by at least one state. These publications and New Jersey are also considering bridge are being retrofitted over the full
are generally viewed as basic guides for isolators as an alternative means of height using a circular steel jacket (Fig.
forming an in-house retrofit program. retrofitting. 3). Similar to what is done for rectan-
The State of California, having been in- The bridge components that poten- gular columns retrofitted by an oval
volved in seismicrehabilitation for over tially need to be retrofitted are piers, jacket, the space between the column
15 years, has an established approach to hinges, foundations,abutments, and su- and the steel shell is filled with grout.
upgrading the seismic resistance of perstructures. Except for retrofitting Hinges: One of the first major attempts
highway bridges, but this approach is hinges, which was initiated by CAL- to improve the seismic performance of
expected to be refined. The State of TRANS in the 1970s, the retrofit of highway bridges has been to retrofit
Washington has been installing hinge other components is relatively new. hinges. Three general steps have been
restrainers as a retrofit measure since Retrofit concepts are still being devel- to add hinge restrainers, to widen the
1978, and is expected to expand this oped and, in many cases, have not been bearing areas,and to provide shear keys.
program. studied even in a preliminary way. Of the respondent states, California,
Piers: The elements of piers include Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Jersey,
Retrofit details columns, walls, pier caps, column-cap Oregon, Tennessee, and Washington
The retrofitting of bridges may be car- joints, and wall-capjoints. Of these, the have indicated the use of hinge re-
ried out at two levels: the system level survey data address only columns. Since strainers that consist of cables (Fig. 4)
and the component level. The approach 1987,C A L W S has been sponsoring or high-strength steel rods. In initial
at the system level is to change the struc- research at the University of California, retrofit projects, the detail in Fig. 4 was
tural system so that the seismic forces San Diego on the strengthening of rein- used with seven cables. However, tests
imparted to the bridge are reduced. One forced concrete bridge columns.'2 Dif- on C-type restrainer systems reported in
such retrofit measure is to install dy- ferent means of jacketing columns to Reference 13 concluded that the number
namic isolators at the superstructure-to- improve their flexural ductility and of cables needs to be reduced to five.
substructure connections. The isolators shear resistance have been developed, Examples of restrainers used in Ten-
can increase the effective period of vi- some of which have been adopted by nessee and Washington are shown in
bration, thus leading to a reduction in California. Fig. 2 shows the steel jacket Fig. 5 and 6.


ACI C O M P t 3 1 tf Ob62747 0525223 212

Table 3 Summary of the general
responses from different states

.. SECTlpJ A-A
U ru*

0. b x l U I I )
d d

~ m . p
3 p ah
wcu n- e
Fig. 2 - Steel jacketing of reinforced concrete columns
recommended bv CALTRANS.

Fig. 3 - Retrofit detail for a square Column in Tennessee.

The majority of the states involved in abutments and superstructure, thus

seismic retrofitting indicated that rocker making it necessary to re-examine these
bearings are being replaced by elas- elements for adequacy against seismic
tomeric bearings to improve the stability forces.
of the superstructure during earth-
quakes. Conclusions
0 The majority of states are only begin-
Foundations: The foundation system ning to develop programs to systemati- PLAN
in many bridges is unable to adequately cally evaluate and seismically retrofit
resist seismic forces and deformation their bridges.
demands. One logical method practiced
in California involves encasing the 0 Even among states that are entirely in
footing in a new reinforced concrete areas with low seismicity,there is a con-
jacket (Fig. 7). This detail has yet to be siderabledifference in attitudes towards
tested. seismic retrofitting. While some states
Abutments: Abutments may be mod- are unconcerned, others appear to be
ified to change and improve the seismic committed to reviewing their bridges ELEVATION
response of some of the shorter bridges. and upgrading them if necessary.
Fig. 4 - C-type hinge restrainer detail
The movement of abutments in some of 0 As expected, the State of California used in California.
the recent earthquakes has pointed out has a considerably more extensive pro-
the need to better anchor abutment walls gram in place. The State of Washington
to the soil. Fig. 8 shows a detail used by has installed hinge restrainers in 50 form seismic retrofit program available
CALTRANS for this purpose. The data bridges since 1978. Some states tend to in the near future.
provided by other states in the survey follow the CALTRANS with modifica-
did not point out any plans about up- 0 The use of isolator-damper devices as
grading abutment systems. The author an alternative seismic retrofit measure
expects that strengthening the weak The approaches taken by different for the overall bridge system is being
components of a bridge will increase the states vary from state to state, and it is practiced to some extent by four of the
force and deformation demand on the doubtful if there will be a detailed uni- respondent states.


ACI COMP*31 ** = 0662949 0525222 159 W

‘-“- -s

;.: . . - I+.:.-.,
. . I
;. .- .I -
... .
: *
........ .. . . ’.
: I
.. ..
iaaEkuk m n U D I N A L RESTRNNER
Fig. 5 - Example hinge restrainer detail used in Ten- Fig. 6 - Example hinge restrainer detail used in Wash-
nessee. ington.


This project was funded by &Department of En-
ergy through the Center for Infrastructure-Studies
at the University of Nevada, Reno. Professor
Seible of the University of California, San Diego,
and Mr. Mark Yashinsky of CALTRANS are
thanked for providing information about retrofit
research and practice. Professors David Sanders
of the University of Nevada, Reno. and Marc HIGH-STRENGTH
Eberhard of the University of Washington are STEEL RODS
thanked for their helpful comments. Fig. 8 - Detail to anchor abutment
References walls.
1. Gates, J.. “Seismic Damage and Retrofit of
Bridges in California,’’ Seismic Design and Con-
struction of Complex Civil Engineering Systems, Mechanicsand Enginee- Sciences. University
American Society of Civil Engineus, New York, of California, San Diego, 1991.
1988. pp. 79-92. Fig. 7 -CALTRANS detail to 13. Selna, L.; Malvar, L. J.; and Zelinski. R.,
2. Yashinsky. M., “Performance of Retrofit strengthen existing footings. “Box Girder Bar and Bracket Seismic Retrofit
Measures on Existing Older Bridges.” Proceed- Devices,” ACI StructuralJournal, V. 86, No.5,
ings, Sixth US-Japan Workshop on Bridge Engi- Sep.-Oct. 1989. pp. 532-540.
neering, Lake Tahoe. Nevada, May 1990.
3. Roberts, J., Report No. SSRP-91fl3, Depan- Administration, May 1987. Selected for reader intemt by the editors.
ment of Applied Mechanicsand EngineeringSci- 8. “Seismic Retrofit Measures for Highway
ences, University of California, San Diego, July Bridges,” Report No. FHWA/Ts-791217, US.
1991. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Ad-
4. AASHTO, “Standard Specifications for ministration, V. 2, April 1979. “Saiid” Saiidi is a
Seismic Design of Highway Bridges.” American 9. “Guide Specificationsfor SeismicDesign of professor and the
Association of State Highway andTransportation Highway Bridges, American Association of State chairman of the
Officials, Interim, 1991. Highway and Transportation officials, A A S W . Civil Engineering
5. “Seismic Retrofitting Guidelines for 1983. Department at the
Highway Bridges,” Report No. FHWAIRD- 10. “Structures Seismic Design References,” University of
83/007. U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal State of California, Department of Transportation. Nevado, Reno. He
Highway Administration, 1983. Division of Structures, June 1990. is the chairman of
6. “Seismic Retrofit Measures for Highway 1 1. “Seismic Design of Highway Bridge Foun- ACI Committee 341, Earthquake-Resis-
Bridges.” Report No. FHWA/TS-79L216, U.S. dations,” Report No. FHWA/RD-84/10, U.S.
Dept. of Transportation. Federal Highway Ad- Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Ad- tant Concrete Bridges, and a member of
ministration, V. 1, April 1979. ministration, V. 1,2. and 3,1986. joint ACI-ASCE Committees 343, Con-
7. “Seismic Design and Retrofit Manual for 12. Riestley. M. J. N.. and Seible. F.. @%tors) crete Bridge Design, and 352, Joints
Highway Bridges,’’ Report No. FHWMP-87/4, “Seismic Assessment and Retrofit of Bridges,” and Connections in Monolithic Concrete
U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Report No. SSRP-91Al3, Department of Applied Structures.


A C I COMP*3L ** W 0662749 0525223 095 W

Point of View:
30 Years of Observations on the Performance
of Buildings with Shearwalls in Earthquakes

T he evolution of the modem

approach to earthquake en-
gineering of buildings
started in the 1950s, at a
time of intense construction activity
following the conclusion of the sec-
ond world war. Early attempts to
ductility to the then available sys-
tem created a convenient solution to
the problem of earthquake resis-
tance. This concept of the ductile
moment-resistant frame remained
frozen until the late 1970s.
concluded that severe damage could
be expected in shearwall buildings.
Based on this thinking, shear-
walls were considered undesirable
for earthquake resistance and
buildings were built primarily with
moment-resistant frames. While in
But in the meantime, better and
provide earthquake resistance in more efficient structural systems for some countries a degree of ductility
buildings were based on rather multistory structures, of both steel was built into those frames, as re-
crude assumptions about structural and concrete, were developed for quired by codes, in the majority of
behavior and were handicapped by wind resistance, incorporating countries, and particularly in those
a lack of proper analytical tools as shearwalls or trusses for concrete or less advanced economically, the
well as earthquake records. steel structures, respectively. Pure frames were brittle and&c.pable of
Observations of the behavior of frames for high-rise buildings have withstanding severe earthquake
structures subjected to actual earth- almost disappeared, since they are shaking without severe damage.
quakes, analytical studies, labora- technically less efficient and not ec- Consequently, many people in seis-
tory testing of structural elements onomically viable. mic regions of the world live in
and subassemblies, and accumula- During the 1960s, 1970s, and death traps, as has been seen in
tion of earthquake records over the 1980s, a large amount of very sig- many of the earthquakes of the last
last four decades all have contrib- nificant analytical and experimental four decades.
uted to putting the subject of earth- research was carried out through- The author has observed the be-
quake-resistant structural design on out the world, resulting in a wealth havior of buildings containing
a rational basis. of sophisticated information on the shearwalls in the earthquakes of the
Initially, the ductile moment-re- earthquake response of structural last thirty years. What follows are
sistant frame evolved in the 1950s systems, including those containing some highlights of those observa-
out of the moment-resistant frame shearwalls. Also, beginning in the tions.
which, at that time, was the only mid-195&, a substantial body of in-
system for multistory buildings of
both steel and concrete. Adding
formation was accumulated on per-
formance of buildings in actual
Chile - May 1960
Among the first reported observa-
earthquakes. tions concerning shearwalls were
Most of the analytical research in those from the Chilean earthquake
POINT OF VIEW This article was the 1950s and 1960s on the response of 1960, as contained in Advanced
selected for reader interest by the of structures to earthquakes has Engineering Bulletin No. 6, issued
editors; however, the opinions emphasized the importance of a by the Portland Cement Associa-
expressed by the author are not ductile moment-resistant frame to tion. The report states: ". . . the
necessarily those of the American
Concrete Institute. The edltors reduce the seismic forces. Presup- Chilean experience confirms the ef-
invite comments from our readers posing higher seismic forces in more ficiency of concrete shearwalls in
about the personal views given in rigid structures, and assuming brit- controlling structural and nonstruc-
this article. tle response of shearwalls to in- tural damage in severe earthquakes.
plane lateral forces, it has been There were instances of cracking of
. ..

Fig. 1 - Caracas, Venezuela. Plaza One building behind

the remains of a collapsed 1@story building. Fia. 2 - Structural lavout of Plaza One buildina.
shearwalls, but this did not affect vere, sometimes irreparable, dam-
the overall performance of the age. The Plaza One Building went
buildings. In all cases observed, the through the earthquake without any
reinforcement held the walls to- damage whatsoever.
gether in good alignment, even The typical multistory building in
though the amounts of steel ex- Caracas, as well as in most of South
posed after spalling were, as a rule, and Central America, contained a
less than specified by code. In es- relatively flexible reinforced con-
sence, the walls continued to func- crete frame (Fig. 3), with brittle clay
tion after damage had occurred tile infd walls. A number of these
. . ..YY
multistory buildings collapsed in

Skopje, Yugoslavia
- July Caracas, and the hollow clay tile in-
fill walls suffered very severe dam-
age in most of the other multistory
In the earthquake of Skopje, Yugo- frame buildings.
slavia of July 1963, a number of
buildings containing unreinforced
concrete walls across the building or
San Fernando, California -
February 1971
in the core exhibited no damage due The 6-story Indian Hill Medical
to inhibited interstory distortions, Center, with a shearwall-frame in- Fig. 3 - Typical flexible concrete
except for some separation at the frame.
teractive system, survived the earth-
underside of the spandrel beams. quake, needing only moderate re-
This was despite the documented pairs (Fig. 4), while the neighboring
severe shaking undergone by these !?-story Holy Cross Hospital (Fig. that contained shearwalls and those
buildings. Some frame buildings 5), with a frame structure, was se- that did not.
collapsed and many were severely verely damaged and subsequently The National Theatre of Mana-
damaged in this quake. demolished. gua (Fig. 6 and 7) suffered no dam-
Caracas, Venezuela - July There was extensive damage t o
many buildings and bridges, the 01-
age, thanks to the concrete wall en-
closing the auditorium.
1967 ive View hospital being the most The 18-story Banco de America
A noteworthy case of exemplary widely described in the engineering and the 16-story Banco Central
shearwall building behavior was literature. stood across the corner from each
provided by the 17-story Plaza One other (Fig. 8). While the Banco
Building in Caracas (Fig. 1). It was
the only shearwall-type structure in Managua, Nicaragua
December 1972
- Central, a reinforced concrete frame
structure (Fig. 9 ) , was severely
Caracas that had a load-carrying damaged and had to be demol-
system consisting of walls in both The severe earthquake of Managua ished, the Banco de America, a
directions (Fig. 2). Of the sur- provided a particularly telling ex- shearwall-frame interactive system
rounding buildings, several col- ample of the difference in earth- with substantial core walls (Fig. IO),
lapsed and all others suffered se- quake resistance between buildings suffered little damage.
- - -- __
A C I COMP*31 t* D Obb2949 0525225 9b8

Fig. 4 - San Fernando. Calif. Indian Hill Medical Center. Fig. 5 - San Fernando, Calif. Holy Cross Hospital.

Another pair for comparison the Mexican earthquake of the same In the city of Spitak, which was
from Managua, although separated year. The earthquake went almost almost totally destroyed, the only
by a distance (Fii. ll), was the 5- unnoticed by the profession be- structure remaining standing and
story concrete frame Insurance cause there were no dramatic col- undamaged was a 5-story building
Building, which suffered severe lapses, notwithstanding the severity constructed as a large-panel struc-
damage, and the 5-story Enaluf of the event. ture, with concrete wall panels in
Building, containing a relatively The primary reason for the mini- both directions (Fig. 14).
large core in addition to the frame. mal damage was the widely used
The Enaluf went through the earth- engineering practice in Chile of in-
quake exceptionally well. corporating concrete walls into their Discussion
In previous decades, significant at-
Bucharest, Romania
March 1977
- buildings to control drift. It should
be noted that the detailing practice
for shearwalls in Chile generally
tention was devoted to ductility de-
tails of structural systems, some of
does not follow the ductile detailing which proved inappropriate for
In Bucarest, where 35 multistory seismic resistance ofwmwete struc-
buildings collapsed, hundreds of requirements of seismic regions in
the U.S.,but rather follows con- tures, Ductility details incorporated
high-rise apartment buildings con- into the wrong structural system are
taining concrete walls, some along ventional detailing as required in
previous ACI Building Codes. wasted, while creating a false sense
the corridors, others across the of security.
buildings, remained intact and The exceptionally good perform-
ance of Chilean buildings during the During the early days of earth-
mostly without damage. quake engineering, many profes-
earthquakes of 1960 and particu-
Mexico City -October 1985
The extreme extent of destruction in
larly of 1985 bears testimony that
drift control provided by shearwalls
sionals confused ductility with flex-
ibility. As a result, a large number
can protect relatively nonductile of flexible buildings were built in
Mexico City provided further evi- framing elements. many seismic areas of the world.
dence of the consequences of not Although some of these may have a
including shearwalls to stiffen con-
crete frames of multistory build-
ings. About 280 multistory frame
Armenia - December 1988 reasonable degree of built-in ductil-
ity, their responses in future earth-
Further evidence of the benefit of quakes.have the potential to cause
buildings (6to 15 stones) collapsed incorporating concrete walls into large economic losses due to large
in this earthquake (Fig. 12); none of multistory structures, or, con- interstorj. distortions.
those contained shearwalls. As in versely, the negative consequence of When building today, the cost of
most South and Central American omitting shearwalls, was reaffirmed the structure itself may be as low as
countries, reinforced concrete in the 1988 Armenian earthquake. 20 percent of the total, while the re-
frames without stiffening walls were In that earthquake, a total of 72 maining 80 percent is for the archi-
the predominant structural system frame-type buildings collapsed, and tectural, mechanical, and electrical
for multistory buildings. 149 were severely damaged in the components. Thus, it is of primary
Chile - 1985 four affected cities of Leninakan,
Spitak, Kirovakan, and Stepana-
van. At the same time, all of the 21
importance to select a structural
system that will provide the best
protection for both life and prop-
The 1985 Chilean earthquake re-
ceived relatively little attention in large panel-type buildings in those erty in future earthquakes. For con-
the profession, despite the fact that cities went through the earthquake crete structures, shearwalls have
its magnitude was similar to that of damage-free (Fig. 13). demonstrated the ability to fulfil1
ACI COflP*:31 ** W Ob62949 052522b B T Y W

L a
b a
b 4

* a
b a

b a
D 0

L - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - J
Fia. 6 - Manaaua. Nicaraaua. National Theater. Fig. 7 - Plan of National Theater.

;. Fc--------#s‘-----------.J
Fia. 8 - Manaaua. Nicaragua. Two bank buildings. Fig. 9 - Typical floor in Banco Central.

Fig. 10 - Typical floor in Banco de America. Fig. 11 - Managua, Nicaragua. Two fivestory buildings.


._- - ___ --
A C I COMP*3L ** Obb2949 OS25227 730 M

ity, but also what happens between

the onset of shear cracking and
shear failure.
Whether and to what extent the
grinding within shear cracks, caused
by reversible cycles of lateral move-
ment, can serve as an energy dissi-
pation mechanism needs to be de-
termined and has not yet been suf-
ficiently investigated
If we look at the task ahead of
us, I believe that the research com-
munity can provide a great service
by further developing experimental
and analytical information on
shearwalls so that their design and
proportioning can be brought to the
same level of confidence as pres-
ently available for seismic beams
and columns.
The following is needed:
Fig. 12 - Mexico City. Collapsed 14-story frame building. 1. Experimentally developed
force-deformation characteristics of
various configurations of shear-
these requirements at the least cost. cal investigations and incorporated walls throughout their elastic and
Considering the suitability of into some codes, have not yet been inelastic ranges of seismic response.
structural systems as related to the tested in actual earthquakes. In- Knowledge of moment and shear
functional requirements of build- cluding ductility details in shear- capacities will enable us to propor-
ings, we can divide the universe of walls will unquestionably improve tion and reinforce the sections to
multistory buildings into residential the ductile properties of the walls. assure ductility.
and commercial occupancies. There However, to the extent to which 2. Analytically derived inelastic
is no question that for residential shearwall ductility is actually util- dynamic responses providing both
buildings shearwalls can be used as ized during earthquakes, and how strength and ductility demands on
the primary, or even the only, ver- such ductility affects the perform- shearwalls contained in shearwall
tical load-carrying elements, thus ance of the connected frames, re- structures as well as in shearwall-
serving the double function of car- mains to be determined, either us- frame interactive systems.
rying the loads and dividing the ing sophisticated dynamic response These two types of9nfwnation
space. In commercial buildings, studies or in actual earthquakes. will give us a realistic picture of
where large unobstructed space is a To design a shearwall to behave both sides of the demand-capacity
functional requirement, a central in a ductile manner requires that its inequality: the demands for strength
core provides a shearwall-frame in- strength be governed by flexure and deformability, and the availa-
teractive system with both rigidity rather than by shear. Its shear ca- ble capacities. Only then are we go-
and space flexibility. pacity must be known and be larger ing to be able to create better con-
Ductility details for shearwalls, than the shear corresponding to its crete structures by using ductility
which were developed as a result of moment capacity. We need to know details judiciously instead of wast-
recent laboratory tests and analyti- not only the ultimate shear capac- ing them on structural elements that

Fig. 13 - Leninakan, Armenia, USSR. Surviving lhtory Fig. 14 - Spitak, Armenia, USSR. Undamaged 5-story
largepanel structures amid collapsed nelghbors. largepanel structure In the totally devastated city.


.- - .__
A C I COflP*31 ff W Obb2949 0525228 b77 W

do not enter the inelastic range dur- tortions of frames caused signifi- We cannot afford to build con-
ing earthquake response. cant property losses. Crete buildings meant to resist se-
This should not be taken to im- vere earthquakes without shear-
Concluding remarks ply that frame structures built by walls.
During the earthquakes of the last present advanced codes would also
three decades, buildings containing collapse in severe earthquakes; Selected for reader interest by the editors.
shearwalls exhibited extremely good however. it has been demonstrated
earthquake performance. In most that buildings containing shear- ACI member Mark
cases, the shearwalls were rein- walls, even if only conventionally Fintel is a consult-
forced in the traditional manner for reinforced, do withstand severe ing engineer i n
gravity and overturning, without earthquakes, mostly without dam- Boca Raton, Flor-
consideration to special details for age. ida. Until recently,
ductility, as required in recent U.S. After observing the devastations he was Director of
codes. and the resulting staggering loss of Advanced Engi-
The author, who has investigated life in many earthquakes, particu- neering Services of
the Portland Ce-
and reported on the behavior of larly those in Managua in 1972, ment Association, serving as a recog-
modem structures in a dozen earth- Mexico City, in 1985 and Armenia nized authority on tall concrete struc-
quakes throughout the world since in 1988, the author believes it to be tures and seismic design. He has
1963, is not aware of a single con- the responsibility of the engineering chaired a number of ACI and ASCE
crete building containing shearwalls profession to make sure that resi- technical committees having to do
that has collapsed. While there were dential buildings in particular be with high-rise building design for wind
cases of cracking of various degrees constructed with shearwalls. and earthquake resistance and vol-
of severity, no lives were lost in Whether such walls are made of ume changes. As head of PCA's
these buildings. Of the hundreds of plain concrete, traditionally rein- Earthquake Investigation Team, he in-
forced, or reinforced for ductility vestigated and reported on the behav-
concrete structures that did col- ior of contemporary structures in the
lapse, most suffered excessive in- will depend upon the economic ca- earthquakes of the last 25 years, in-
terstory distortions that, in turn, pacity of a given society and on en- cluding the recent ones in Mexico City
caused shear failures of columns. gineering judgment; however, they and Armenia. He also has participated
Even where collapse of frame struc- all protect life and in most cases in the U.S. delegations of intergovern-
tures did not occur and no lives also provide good protection of mental technical cooperation with Ja-
were lost, the large interstory dis- property. pan, the U.S.S.R., and Bulgaria.

//Durability of Concrete =
Third International
Conference Proceedings
In 1994, The Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology
(CANMET) in association with the American Concrete 'Institute,
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- . .. _ .

ACI COMP*3L ** Obb29Ll9 0525229 503

of Reinforced Concrete
A computationaltool for seismic mation envelopes that are used later viceability, repairability, or even-
evaluation of reinforced concrete in the inelastic dynamic analysis. tual collapse of the component or
buildings is presented. Using modern Program input is achieved at the structure.
concepts in concrete modeling, the
newly developed computer program basic section level, with cross-sec- Pertinent details of the program
performs a static collapse mode tion data such as area of reinforce- and its features are described in
analysis to estimate the building base ment, confinement, and concrete subsequent sections, beginning with
shear coefficient, and an inelastic grade. This is unlike conventional the structural model used to discre-
dynamic response analysis under programs, which require only tize a building.
horizontal and vertical base excitations.
The results of the dynamic analysis are equivalent properties such as mo-
represented using a calibrated damage ment of inertia and Young’s modu- Structure modeling
model to enable a physical lus. These basic properties are then A reinforced concrete building is
interpretationof the response. the used to set up moment-curvature discretized as a series of plane
program can be used for seismic
evaluation of existing buiidinga and in envelopes, either through the use of frames linked together by rigid
damage-limitingdesign of new mechanical models (fiber-model) or floors and transverse elements that
buildings. through empirical relations. allow for flexural-torsiaPaL-cou-

T here is a growing need for Collapse Mode refers to the failure pling between frames. This enables
techniques that allow an en- mechanism of the structure when capture of the space interaction of
gineering understanding of subjected to a monotonically in- parallel frame systems. Each frame
complex component behav- creasing lateral load. This proce- must lie in the same vertical plane.
ior and a qualitative interpretation dure evaluates the building base Since floors are assumed to be infi-
of the overall inelastic response of shear coefficient. A collapse mode nitely rigid in their plane, identical
structures to severe seismic excita- analysis is a simple and efficient frames can be lumped together. Fig.
tions. This need has brought forth technique to evaluate the seismic re- 2 shows a section of a discretized
the concept of damage modeling, sponse of a building in an approxi- building with the following element
which attempts to capture the phys- mate sense before performing a types:
ical state of a structure following fully inelastic dynamic analysis. beams
earthquake action. Dynamic Response Analysis of the columns
A new computer program, structure is carried out using the shear walls
IDARC, performs an inelastic dam- Newmark’s beta algorithm in con- edge columns
age analysis of reinforced concrete junction with a versatile hysteretic transverse elements
frame-wall structures. The program model to monitor inelastic behavior Beams and columns are modeled
is designed to provide users with the of critical sections. The hysteretic as continuous equivalent shear-flex-
tools required for assessing behav- model accounts for stiffness degra- ure springs. Shear walls are mod-
ior and capacity of critical sections, dation, strength deterioration and eled using a pair of shear and flex-
studying static collapse modes and bond-slip or pinching. ure springs connected in series.
evaluating dynamic failure pat- Damage Analysis of the system re- Edge columns of shear walls are
terns. sponse is performed, in which the modeled as inelastic axial springs.
Following the input of structural results of the dynamic analysis are
data, IDARC is organized into four expressed as quantified damage us-
sequential operations (Fig. 1): ing the Park-Ang damage model’. Keywords: balldings; collapse; compulcr
program; damage; dynDmlc strpelorpl W y s h ;
System Identification consists of the This model is calibrated using a enrlhqaakc resistant stmctons; frames; models;
procedure to set up the force-defor- simple scale suggesting limits of ser- reinforced coancte.

ACI COMP*3'L $1: = Obb29r19 0525230 225

7 INPUT DATA Structural configuration

Material roperttes
Element kformatlan

Nonsymmetric trillnea[
envelops usin empincol
relations or fl%er model
analysts of sectlone
Hysteretic pammetera

Establish collapse mods

of structure showing
MECHANISM formotion of yield hinges
due to monotonlcally
increasing lateral load

Time hlstory analysts

DYNAMIC RESPONSE Newmark's beta algorithm column
3-pammeter hydemtic model
ANALYSIS element

Evaluation of structural damage

DAMAGE Erpression of response terms
using Park-Ang damage
model for component, atory
level and overall damage
Fig. 2-Section of discretized building showing all element
Fig. 1-Organization of the program IDARC. types.

Transverse elements that contrib- member. A linear distribution of Damage indexing

ute to the stiffness of the building flexibility is assumed along the The damage model proposed by
are assumed to have an effect on member between the critical sec- Park et al.' has been implemented
both the vertical and rotational de- tions and the point of contraflex- in IDARC, since it is the only cali-
formation of the walls or main we. This allows for modeling of the brated model based on actual ob-
beams to which they are connected, contraflexure point within or out- served damage of reinforced con-
and are modeled as elastic linear side the element. Details of the flex- crete buildings. Until more experi-
and rotational springs. The struc- ibility formulation and the stiffness mental and post-damage veri-
tural model is therefore capable of matrix development for compo- fication is made, the authors be-
integrating ductile moment-resisting nents with rigid end zones can be lieve that this model serves as a use-
frames with shear wall models and found in an earlier report? ful indicator in interpreting the
out-of-plane elements to permit a overall damage sustained by the
realistic model of overall structural structure and its components.
behavior. Hysteretlc modeling Structural damage is expressed as
The hysteretic model that was de- a linear combination of the damage
veloped for the analysis of critical caused by peak deformation and
Distributed flexiblllty model sections uses three parameters in that contributed by hysteretic en-
All structural components of paral- conjunction with a non-symmetric ergy dissipation due to repeated
lel frames are assumed to behave trilinear curve to establish the rules cyclic loading:
inelastically with plastic deforma- under which inelastic loading re-
tions concentrated at the joints. versals take place. A variety of hys-
However, to account for the spread teretic properties can be achieved
of plasticity, the model assumes a through the combination of the tri-
distributed flexibility rule that is linear envelope and the three pa-
governed by the behavior of critical rameters. The values of these pa-
sections of members. rameters determine the properties of where:
The distributed flexibility model stiffness degradation, strength dete-
is used to construct the element rioration and pinching, respec- 6, = max deformation experi-
stiffness matrix for all components, tively. Additional information on enced under earthquake load
which accounts for the spread of the three-parameter model can be 6, = ultimate deformation capac-
plastic deformations along the found in Park et al.' ity under monotonic load



. 7'

L9" slab

ELEVATION Fig. 4 - 1 0 ~ generated

~~ plot showing variation of base
Fig. 3-Plan and elevation of sample six-story building. shear with top deformation.

fl = strength deterioration pa- damage index used in this study. As

rameter stated earlier, local damage of a
Py = yield strength of component more severe degree may be detected
where: at the component or story level. The
dE = incremental absorbed energy assessment of critical damage is
A, = enery weighting factor then a matter of interpretation.
6, and dE are response quantities E, = total energy absorbd by com-
that are evaluated during the dy-
namic analysis. 6, and Pyare deter- ponent i Applications
mined by IDARC as part of the sys- A few sample applications are de-
tem identification routine. fl has In the case of strong-column, scribed using the developed pro-
been empirically calibrated from weak-beam type buildings, it is nec- gram IDARC. These applications are
observed test data, the details of essary to extend the above concept only a representative sample of the
which may be found in Park et to the entire structure. In the deter- capability of the program.
It will be seen that the damage in- mination of the story-level index, The examples presented are all
dex defined will yield normalized the summation is carried out for the based on analyses carried out on a
values between 0 and unity. A dam- components in each story, but the six-story reinforced concrete frame
age index of approximately 1.0 sig- overall damage index is obtained by structure designed primarily for
nifies partial or complete collapse of performing a final weighted sum- gravity loads according to ACI 318-
the component. mation over all the stories of the 83.9 Such buildings are typical in the
A story-level damage index is building. eastern United States or other re-
useful when analyzing weak-col- The damage index used has been gions of low seismicity.
umn strong-beam type buildings calibrated by Park et al,' with ob- A uniform live load of 100 psf
where sudden shear drifts due to the served damage data of nine rein- (4.8 kPa) corresponding to require-
formation of shear-panel mecha- forced concrete buildings that were ments for general office space was
nisms may trigger progressive col- moderately or severely damaged used. The concrete specified has a
lapse of the total structure. For the during the 1971 San Fernando 28-day compressive strength of 3000
purpose of establishing the story- earthquake and the 1978 Miyagi- psi (20.7 MPa) and the reinforce-
level damage index, a weighting ken-Oki earthquake in Japan. Ta- ment is grade 40 deformed bars
factor was introduced based on the ble l corresponds to the calibrated with an ultimate strength of 70 ksi
energy-absorbing capacity of ele- index, which is meant only to serve (483 MPa). The basic structural
ments: as a qualitative indicator of the configuration of the building is
ACI COMP*!3L ** IIB 0662949 0525232 O T 8 m

Table 1 - Interpretation of damage -

Table 2 IDARC summa of damage
of damage
distribution across story evels. 7

, .*



Slight I Damage index for total structure = 0,106 I

shown in Fig. 3. Additional details analysis under increasing lateral A sample response evaluation as
of the test structure may be found load will provide vital information produced by IDARC is shown in Fig.
in Reinhorn et al.4 For the dynamic regarding the overall structural be- 6, which examines the damage to
analysis, the NS component of the havior under seismic action. Failure the 1st frame. The figure shows
1940-ElCentro accelerogram with patterns can be established since the both a component index and a
scaled peak of 0.3 g was used. formation of plastic hinges is re- weighting factor based on dissi-
corded. pated energy (see Eq. 2). The re-
Base shear estimation Fig. 5 shows a typical output sults of the damage evaluation were
The base shear estimate of the from I D A R C in which the failure assessed based on the calibration
building was obtained from an in- mechanism of one of the frames of given in Table 1. As predicted by
elastic monotonic analysis under the building is highlighted. Based on the collapse mode analysis, damage
lateral loading. The lateral load was this output, it is possible to rede- was more severe in the columns of
applied as a function of building sign critical sections to achieve a the 4th and 5th story.
weight in an inverted triangular desired collapse mode and to avoid Table 2 is a damage index sum-
form. Loading proceeded until the certain scenarios (for example, mary produced by IDARC showing
structure yielded and reached a those which lead to failure through the variation of damage across the
maximum deformation of approxi- weak-column strong-beam panel different story levels. In evaluating
mately 2 percent of the overall mechanisms). For the test structure the seismic vulnerability of the
building height. under consideration, the analysis building, all aspects of the pre-
A typical plot from IDARC is revealed a dangerous panel mecha- dicted damage indices must be
shown in Fig. 4, presenting the nism in the 4th and 5th stories. taken into account. The overall
variation of base shear with top de- damage index must be considered in
formation. For the sample building Damage evaluation parallel with the story level indices
being analyzed, the figure shows to arrive at a meaningful under-
Another unique feature of IDARC is standing of the building behavior.
that the structure can resist a maxi- its representation of dynamic re-
mum base shear of about 15 per- sponse statistics using a damage
cent of the total building weight. model. As described earlier, both Conclusions
ductility and energy dissipation have This new computer model for seis-
Collapse mode been included in the damage quan- mic evaluation of reinforced con-
In most cases, a static collapse tification. crete frame-wall buildings incorpo-


-- . ___- - - - __
ACI COMPx31 ** 0662949 0525233 T 3 4


! I 1 1 I !


I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 ! 0.00 ! 0.00 I

I (0.14) ! (0.07) I (0.08) 1 (0.09) I (0.13) I
!O.OS 10.07 10.07 10.07 10.07 10.04
1(.051 I(.lO) 1(.09) 11.10) Ii.10) !(.OS)
I I I I I !

! 0.02 I 0.01 I 0.00 I 0.01 I 0.01 I

I (0.20) I (0.05) I (0.05) I (0.05) I (0.17) 1
IO.12 10.17 10.18 !0.18 10.18 10.11
l(.04l l(.lO) ;(.lO) !(.10) 11.10) !(.06)
I 0.05 I 0.01 I 0.01 I 0.01 I 0.03 !
I (0.16) ! (0.03) I (0.02) I (0.01) I (0.13) !
10.16 10.18 10.17 10.11 10.18 10.11
Il.05) I(.11) 1(.10) I(.O9) I(.10) 1l.05)

I I 1 I I I
I 0.07 I 0.01 I 0.07 I 0.06 ! 0.06 I
! (0.10) I (0.10) ! (0.11) ! (0.11) I (0.10) I
10.04 10.09 10.04 10.05 10.04 10.06
I(.08) 11.08) 1(.09) 1(.09) !(.08) 1t.09)
I 0.06 I 0.06I 0.06 I 0.06 ! 0.06 I
I 10.10) I (0.08) I (0.10) I (0.11) ! (0.10) I
10.06 IO.08 10.08 10.08 10.08 10.06
NOTATION: Il.05) 1(.10) 1(.10) l(.lO) 1(.10) 1(.04)
I I I I I !



output showing damage distribution in

Fig. 5-Failure mechanism of frame as produced by IDARC. frame.

rates beam-column elements with 2. Park, Y. J.; Reinhorn, A. M.;and active computer graphics with the
shear wall models and out-of-plane Kumath, S. K., “IDARC: Inelastic Damage National Center for Earthquake Engi-
Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frame neering Research (NCEER) at Buffalo.
elements to represent realistic 3di- Shear-Wall Structures.” Technicul Reporr
mensional behavior within a 2-d No. NCEER-87-0008, National Center- for
model. The spread of plasticity into Earthquake Engineering Research, State ACI member An.
the member is accounted for by us- University of New York, Buffalo, 1987. 190 drei M. Reinhorn
PP. is an Associate
ing a distributed flexibility model. 3. ACI Committee 318, “Building Code Professor at the
The static collapse mechanism of Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI State University of
the structure is determined under 318-83),” Amencan Concrete Institute, De- New York at Buf-
lateral monotonic loading, and dy- troit, 1983, 111 pp. falo. Dr. Reinhorn
namic response results are ex- 4. Reinhorn, A. M.; Seidel, M.; Kunnath,
S. K.; and Park, Y. J., “Damage Assess- Is active in experi-
pressed as damage indices to pro- ment of Reinforced Concrete Structures in mental and analyti-
vide a physical interpretation of the Eastern United States.” Technical Renort cal research on seismic damage as-
results. No. NCEER-88-0016,‘National Cente; for Sf3SSment of reinforced concrete
The program can be used in seis- Earthquake Engineering Research, State structures and on modern Seismic
University of New York, Buffalo, 1988. protective systems. He is member of
mic evaluation studies of existing
buildings and for damage-limiting ACI Committees 549, Ferrocement,
and 118, Use of Computers.
design of new structures. The pro-
gram IDARC is available through Selected for reader interest by the editors.
NISEE at the University of Califor- Young J. Park is a
Structural Engi-
nia, Berkeley, or 3 r d from ~ the Sashi K. Kunnath neer at the Brook-
National Center )r Earthquake
is a Research As- haven National
Engineering Research (NCEER), sistant Professor at Laboratory, Long
Buffalo. the State Univer- Island, New York.
sity of New York at H e has a Ph.D
References Buffalo where he from the University
1. Park, Young-Ji. and Ang, Alfred0 H.-
also obtained his of Tokyo and the
S., “Mechanistic Seismic Damage Model for Ph.D in civil engi- University of lilinolIs, Urbana. He is
Reinforced Concrete,” Journal of Structural neerina. He is cur- currently involved inI experimental and
Engineering, ASCE, V. 111, No. 4, Apr., rentlyhvolved in research on rein- analytical research on‘seismic resis-
1985, pp. 722-739. forced concrete modeling and inter- tance of nuclear plants.
ACI COMPt3L ** Obb2949 0525234 970 =
Seismic Design and Construction


was founded in 1905 as a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to

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