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..._ Edlton: ~ a.t. Mel Tony Droc:M-.

English for Science and Technology 0
N U C L E U S is an integrated series for students who need
English language skills for specialist purpoees. It provides a
sound basis for the study of scientific and technological subjects
in English. Moreover, it ensures complete motivation through
interesting situations and enjoyable language activities
The concept-building 'core' of the aeries il the G.,.,./ SCient:t~
course. Related to this core there are eight specific cou
different subjects, of which Architecture and Building
Construction is one. General ScitJnCe pra1ants Hpects
language use common to all dilcipllnes. Architecture
James Cumming
Building Construction exploits the same Hpects with
context of the subject, and develops reeding end llmlnl-
ArchitBCture 11~d Building ~OMtfllctlon can be .-cl:h'a.,.....
with Gentlftll Sctenctl, follow1ng on from It, or 1~:
an intensive course.
The titles in the aerielare

Biology Geology
Agriculture Medletne
An:hi-=ture and 8u

IS BN 0-562-74606- 9



James Cumming

Series Editors
Martin Bates and Tony Dudley-Evans
Science Adviser to the Series
Arthur Godman C. Chern., MRIC


Longman Group UK Limited, Contents
Longman House, Burnt Mill, Harlow.
Essex CM20 21£, England page
and Associated Companies throughout the world.

© Longman Group Limited 1985

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be
reproduced, ltOred in a retrieval system, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, Unit 1 Properties and Shapes 1
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without Unit 2 Location 10
the prior written permission of the Publishers. Unit 3 Structure 20
Unit A Revision 27
First published 1985 Unit 4 Measurement 1 29
Sixth impression 1992 Unit 5 Process 1 Function and Ability
ISBN 0 582 74808 9
Unit 6 Process 2 Actions in Sequence 46
Illustrated by Jerry Collins Unit B Revision 56
Cover: Sectional plan of The Leaning Tower, Pisa Unit 7 Measurement 2 Quantity 59
Unit 8 Process 3 Cause and Effect 69
Acknowledgements Unit 9 Measurement 3 Proportion 76
Unit C Revision 84
I wish to thank Graham Waterhouse for his Unit 10 Measurement 4 Frequency, Tendency, Probability 89
help and technical advice on the architectural Unit 11 Process 4 Method 98
text and illustrations, and also Donald Unit 12 Consolidation 109
Adamson, Kurala Varkey, Megan Hall, John
Hendry, Judith King, Joy Marshall, Janet Glossary 117
Scriven, Norman Pritchard and Specialist Bibliography 124
Language Services, York for their invaluable
We are grateful to the following for permission to
reproduce copyright material:
From Mitchell's Building Construction 'Structure and
Fabric Part 1' by Jack Stroud Foster, revic;ed edition
1983, Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd for
pages 9, 25, 26, 66 (top) and 66 (middle left) ; from
Mitchell's Building Construction 'Environment and
Services' by Peter Burberry, revised edition 1983,
Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd for pages 73
and 104; drawings and details appertain to a particular
form of construction contained in patents owned by
Conder International, Winchester, Hants, England for
pages 56 and 58; from 'Manual of T ropical I lousing
and Building-Part I Climate Design' by
Koenigsberger, Ingersoll, Mayhew & Szokolay, ©
1973, Longman Group Ltd for pages 18, 19 and 64;
from 'Blueprint Reading for the Construction
Trades/Second Edition' by Rellis/Schmidt, © 1978,
1968 by McGraw-Hill, Inc for page 15; from
'Archi tectural Technology' by Obermeyer,© 1976 by
McGraw-Hill, Inc for page 43.

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Printed in Singapore
Unit 1 Properties and Shapes
Section 1 Presentation
1. Look at these:

Here are some examples of basic forms:

a cube
a hemisphere a triangular

To my parents

a pyramid
a rectangular
a cone
a cylinder

Now look at these drawings of buildings and building components:

~ ~-(@

a hotel a minaret an Egyptian
a mosque

~ []_ fi ~:-
a brick an Arabic a Roman the structure
arch arch of a factory

a church a power station a steel a steel

building beam channel

Look at this example: 3. Now answer these questions about the drawings in exercise 1:

The brick is shaped like a rectangular prism. a) Which building is pencil-shaped?

b) Which building component is !-shaped in cross-section?
Now complete these sentences: c) Which building component is C-shaped in cross-section?
d) Which dome is egg-shaped?
a) The hotel is shaped like a _ _ _ e) Which arch is horseshoe-shaped?
b) The top of the minaret ..... . f) Which building has diamond-shaped windows?
c) The dome of the Egyptian house ..... .
d) T he column ..... .
e) The slab ..... . 4. Look and read:
f) The church . .... .
g) The power station building ..... . surtaoe

- ·'""(;:/"'"
2. Look at these drawings of two-dimensional shapes:
a tube is hollow a rod is solid

a square shape
a circular shape
a semi-circular shape

a curved surface a flat surface

a rectangular shape a triangular shape The power station building is hollow. It has five flat external

Now look and read: Now describe these buildings and components in a similar way:

The cross-section of a square prism is a) The church

LiJ square in shape. b)
The slab
The column
l!J The longitudinal section of a square prism
is rectangular in shape.
The mosque
The steel beam

5. Now describe the shapes of the buildings in exercise 1, page 1 and

compare them with the buildings around you.

Section 2 Development
Make sentences from this table:
6. Look at these examples:
The cross-section brick square
of the hotel circular A man can easily lift a large roll of
top of the minaret is semi-circular in shape.
glass wool but not a concrete beam.
The longitudinal column
church triangular
section of the Glass wool is light but concrete is

2 3
A man can bend a rubber tile but LOok at these diagrams. Match the letters A-H in the diagrams with the
not a concrete tile. sentences below:

Rubber is flexible but concrete is


Wood can burn but concrete cannot


Wood is combustible but concrete is


Water vapour can pass through

stone but not through bitumen.

Stone is permeable but bitumen is


You can see through glass but not

~ ~-fllllTn
through wood.
,~ UWill
glass wood
. <&""

Glass is transparent but wood is


Stainless steel can resist corrosion

but mild steel cannot .
Now complete these sentences with properties:
Stainless steel is corrosion resistant
but mild steel is not corrosion resis- a) The polythene membrane can prevent moisture from rising into
tant. the concrete floor. This means that polythene is _ __

Heat can be easily transferred b) The T-shaped aluminium section can resist chemical action, i.e.
through copper but not through aluminium is ..... .

c) The stone block cannot be lifted without using a crane. T his
~ ~ ::e.pan Copper is a good conductor of heat means that stone is _ __
but wood is a poor conductor of
heat. d) The corrugated iron roof cannot prevent the sun from heating up
~~= Rubber can be stretched or com-
the house, i.e. iron is . ... . .
~compressive Ioree pressed and will then return to its e) Glass wool can help to keep a house warm in the winter and cool
~ delonns block
original shape but clay cannot. in the summer, i.e. glass wool is . .... .
returns to orig1nal scratch
shape when
Ioree removed Rubber is elastic but clay is plastic. f) The ceramic tiles on the floor cannot be scratched easily by peo-
ple walking on them. This means that ceramic tiles are _ __
Bitumen can be dented or scratched
easily but glass cannot. g) Asbestos sheeting can be used to fireproof doors. In other words
asbestos is _ __
Bitumen is soft but glass is hard.
h) Black cloth blinds can be used to keep the light out of a room,
i.e. cloth is _ __

4 5
7. Make sentences about four other properties of materials from this table: Section 3 Reading
Steel ',
Stone good sound insulation.
has the 1 9. Look at these diagrams and then read the passage:
Glass good thermal insulation. 1
wool property of high compressive strength. '
Brick high tensile strength. :

it can resist high compressive forces.

it can resist high tensile forces .
This means it does not transmit heat easily.
it does not transmit sound easily.

8. Answer the foUowing questions:

Frame construction Planar construction
a) Why is glass used for window
Because glass is _ _ _

b) Why is glass wool used to keep

the heat in hot-water tanks?
Because glass wool has the
property of .... . .
Why is some steel covered with a Mass construction
thin layer of zinc?
Because zinc is .. ... .
d) Building materials are used in two ,basic ways. In the first way they
are used to support the loads on a building and in the second way
Why are some fire doors covered they are used to divide the space in a building. Building components
with asbestos sheets? are made from building materials and the form of a component is
Because asbestos is .. ... . related to the way in which it is used. We can see how this works by
considering three different types of construction:
Why are some metal sheets 1. In one kind of construction, blocks of materials such as brick,
formed into a corrugated shape? stone, or concrete are put together to form solid walls. These
Because the corrugated shape materials are heavy, however, they can support the structural
makes the sheet _ _ _ loads because they have the property of high compressive
f) strength. Walls made up of blocks both support the building and
divide the space in the building.
Why is concrete used for the
columns of a building structure? 2. In another type of construction, sheet materials are used to form
Because . .. .. . walls which act as both space-dividers and structural support.
Timber, concrete and some plastics can be made into large rigid
sheets and fixed together to form a building. These buildings are
lighter and faster to construct than buildings made up of blocks.
6 7
3. Rod materials, on the other hand, can be used for structural sup- Section 4 Listening
port but not for dividing spaces. Timber, steel and concrete can
be formed into rods and used as columns. Rod materials with
high tensile and compressive strength can be fixed together to 13. Look and read:
form framed structures. The spaces between the rods can be
filled with light sheet materials which act as space dividers but do These are drawings of the three types of components used in building:
not support structural loads.

Now say which paragraph discusses:

a) planar construction
b) frame construction
c) mass construction

10. Copy and complete this table by putting ticks in the boxes to show the
functions of the components: tile
steel stanchion

Form of
support only
Function of components

dividing only
Both structural
support and
space dividing
rolled metal
sheet pipe door and frame

Now listen to the passage. Copy and complete this table to classify the
Blocks j

Section Unit Compound unit


Name of Tube
Rods component

11. Now say whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false

a) Rod materials can be used for both dividing space and support-
ing the building.
b) Concrete can be used as a block material, a sheet material and a 14. Now complete these sentences:
rod material.
c) Steel is used for frame construction because it has high tensile a) A copper tube is an example of a _ __
strength and low compressive strength. because it is ..... .
d) The sheet materials, which act as space dividers in a frame con- b) A concrete block is an example of a _ __
struction building, can be very light because they do not support because .. . .. .
structural loads. c) A steel stanchion is an example of a _ __ _ _ _
e) Mass construction buildings are light whereas planar construc- because ..... .
tion buildings are heavy.

12. Look at the buildings in exercise I, page 1 and discuss the basic forms of 15. Listen to the passage again and draw a sketch of the compound unit
the materials used to build them. described.

8 9
Unit2 Location Example: The site is bounded by a road to the west.
A road runs along the western boundary.

Section 1 Presentation e) The site ...... an irrigation ditch ... .. .

An irrigation ditch ..... .
I. Look at this diagram of a building under construction in the southern part f) The site is bounded by ...... to the east.
of a building site: runs along the eastern boundary.

Example: The site has vehicular access from the road to the west.
It does not have vehicular access from the north, south
or east.

g) The site has ...... the open space ..... .

NORTH It does not have ..... .

2. Now complete this:

The building site is approximately . in shape. It is bounded

by ...... to the north, ...... to the east and ...... to the west.
Vehicular access is from a which ...... the western bound-
open space ary. The long axis of the building is east-west to minimise

3. Now write a similar description of a building site in your local area.

4. Look at these diagrams and answer the following questions:

Now look at the examples and complete the following sentences:

Example: The front of the building faces west.

It is a west-facing wall. ~ \
a) The back of the building ..... . l
It is ..... .
b) The sides of the building ..... .

They are ..... .

a) In which direction do the longer walls of House A face?
Example: The long axis of the building is orientated east-west. b) Does this maximise the area of wall exposed to the sun?
The orientation of the long axis is east-west. c) Does this help to keep the inside of the house cool?

c) The short axis of the building ..... .

The orientation ..... .

Example: The longer walls of the building face north and south to
minimise the area of wall exposed to the sun .

d) The shorter walls of the building ..... . !3

d) In which direction is the long axis of House <;>rientated?
e) Will the inside of House B be cooler than the mstde of House A?
10 11
Now look at a cut-away view of the interior of the house:


f) Which house has the minimum length of wall exposed to the

prevailing breeze?
g) Which house has the best orientation for a hot country?
h) In a warm-humid country with the prevailing wind from the east,
what is the best orientation for the long axis of a house? Draw a

5. Read this:

Four factors which can influence the orientation of buildings are:

1. climate
2. view A view looking straight down on a cut-away view of the interior of a
3. building site requirements, e.g. the shape of a building site may building is known as a plan:
determine the orientation of a building
4. the function of the building, e.g. a coastguard building will look Looking north, the living room is
out to sea on the right of the house.
Now look at some local buildings and say which factors have
helped to determine their orientation.
Looking north, the bedroom is to
kitchen the left of the living room.
Section 2 Development
living room
6. Look and read:
. h . { next to
The krtc } h
en IS adjacent to t e
Look at this drawing of the exterior of a single-story house:
living room.
.. { perpendicular }
The Side walls are at right angles Plan
Viewed from the front, the kitchen
to the front wall. is behind the bedroom (or, the bed-
wom is in front of the kitchen).
The front wall is parallel to the back
wall .

The ground slab foundation extends

beyond the perimeter walls.

The roof of the house is removed by cutting along line AB which is

parallel to the floor.

12 13
Views at right angles to the front, rear and sides of a building are I) What are on either side of the windows?
known as elevations: m) What is on the left-hand side of the living room?
n) What extends beyond the top of the roof?
Viewed from the front , the chimney o) Which rooms are in front of the bedroom?
c;tack is on the right-hand side of p) What is in the centre of the chimney stack?
the house. q) Which room is behind the kitchen?
r) What runs along the edge of the roof?
.---- There is a lintel over the window s) Where is the down pipe?

?- ~g
There is a sill under the window
1. Study these plans of a two-storey house:
bathroom 1 ll<l!hooom 2

bl <!!)

There is a window at the top of the

The knocker is in the centre of the

South elevation door. living room

The letter box is at the bottom of the

First floor plan Ground floor plan
There are windows on either side of
the door. Now say whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false
The door is between the windows.
a) The dining room is located under the main bedroom.
Now look at this elevation of the house and answer the questions: b) A hall is located in the centre of the first floor.
c) There are three adjacent bathrooms on the first floor.
d) There is a toilet between the kitchen and the dining room.
e) Bedroom 2 is situated over the family room.
f) There is a cupboard under the stairs.
- - down pope g) Bedrooms occupy most of the ground floor.
h) Viewed from the front, the dining room is on the left of the
i) Viewed from the rear, the living room is behind the family room.
a) Is this the north or west elevation of the house? j) Entering the house from the garage, you pass through the living
b) Which wall is parallel to it? room to enter the family rvom.
c) Which walls are at right angles to it? k) The entrance is situated at the bottom of the stairs.
d) Does the back door have a canopy over it? I) The kitchen and family room are located on either side of the
e) Is the window shown on the right of the elevation the kitchen toilet.
window or the bathroom window? m) A door in the garage leads to the kitchen.
f) What is between the back door and the bathroom window?
g) Looking south, where is the living room?
h) Which room is to the left of the bathroom and adjacent to the 8. Say where these rooms are in relation to each other:
living room?
i) What is under the bathroom window? a) kitchen - dining room
j) Where do flue gases come out of the chimney stack? b) bathroom 1 - kitchen
k) What is at the bottom of the chimney stack? c) cupboard- bedroom 2, bedroom 3

14 15
9. Read this: Section 3 Reading
When the architect designed the house, he placed the bedrooms
away from the living room (A). He also placed the kitchen next to 11. Read this description of House A:
the dining room (B) and the bathrooms near the bedrooms (C). On
the outside of the house he placed a covered porch over the entrance The house is a single-storey building with a square-shaped plan. It
(D). contains seven rooms. The entrance which is located on the south
side leads into a hall. On the left of the hall is the living room and
Each of the following sentences will fit into one of the spaces in the above beyond that in the north-west corner is the dining area. The kitchen
passage which are marked by the letters A, B, C, D. Match the sentences is adjacent to the dining area. A terrace is situated outside the living
with these letters. room on the west side. A toilet is located in the centre of the house.
Access to the toilet is from the hall. The two bedrooms are located
a) because people need to wash before going to bed on the east side with a bathroom between them. There is also an
b) because people waiting to enter the house need protecting from entrance to the kitchen on the north side.
the weather
c) because the noise from the living room will disturb people
d) because it makes serving food easier f)

10. Look at this plan for a single-storey house:

g) N

i) b)
c. living room
~ining room Plan of House A
Match the letters with the names of the areas.

Now read this discussion between an architect and his client: 12. Now write a description of House B.

CLIENT: I don't like this plan because the dining room and
the kitchen are on opposite sides of the house.
ARCHITECf: So what!
Well, it is a long way to carry the food.

ARCHITECT: Does that matter very much?
CLIENT: Yes. I think it does, because the food will get cold
on its way from the kitchen to the dining room.
Plan of House B
Make similar discussions between the architect and his client complaining
about: 13. Say whether these statements are true of House A, House B or both. Then
make statements comparing the two houses.
a) the relative position of the bathroom and bedroom
b) the relative position of the bedroom and living room Example: This house contains eight rooms.
c) the lack of a covered porch over the entrance Answer: House B .
House A contains seven rooms whereas House B
contains eight rooms.

16 17
a) The front door of this house opens inwards.
b) The toilet is located in the south-east corner of the house.
c) The terrace extends the whole length of the western wall.
d) It has a longer and narrower shaped plan.
e) The kitchen door opens outwards.
f) The bathroom has a window.
g) This house has a study.
h) It does not have a separate dining room.
i) The windows of the living room face west.
j) The kitchen window faces north.

14. Now design a single-storey house and compare your plan with House A.

Section 4 Listening Section A- A

15. Look at these plans and sections of an Egyptian house:


Section B- B

Now listen to a conversation between an architect and his client about

Ground floor plan
the location of rooms and other areas in the house. Match the letters
a) -g) with the names of the rooms and areas.

16. Now answer these questions by reading the drawings:

a) Is there a roof over the courtyard?

b) Is there a roof over the stable?
g) c) In which wall is the door to the first floor bedroom located?
d) What type of construction is used for the house? (mass, planar
or frame)
e) What is the shape of the roof over the winter bedroom?
f) Why are there no windows in the two longest walls of the
First floor (roof) plan house?

18 19
Unit3 Structure 3. Look at the diagrams in exercise 1 and answer these questions:

a) What do the stanchions carry?

Section 1 Presentation b) What do the floor beams support?
c) What does the steel frame consist of?
1. Look and read: d) What is the arch made up of?
e) At what centres are the steel frames spaced?
Some examples of structural systems are: f) What are the horizontal members which connect steel frames
Trabeated Arcuated Framed together called?
g) What distance does the vault span?
/ '' h)
What is the span of the arch?
What is the stone in the centre of the arch called?
' stone
j) Give some examples of materials used for arcuated and framed
lintel structures.

post 4. Look at this table:
The components of a factory

Elements Compound units Units Materials

Roof roof structure joists and timber

waterproof slabs wood-wool
covering asphalt

loadbearing Walls cladding corrugated steel

wall and joists vault
wall structure beams and
The post-and-lintel structure consists of three upright posts and stanchions steel
two horizontal lintels.

The posts { scuapport } the lintels which { carry t } the roof. Floors wearing surface tiles vinyl
rry suppor floor structure panels precast concrete
The lintels span a distance of 1 metre.
Materials used for post-and-lintel structures include stone and
Foundations column bases concrete

Now make similar statements about the load bearing wall and joist structure. Now make questions and answers using this table and the table above:

2. Read this:

The post-and-lintel structure, in the diagram above, is composed of

a) What { does} the (
) consist of?
straight members. The vertical and horizontal members which are
used to make the structure are called posts and lintels respectively.
The posts are spaced at 1 metre centres. They are made up of blocks.
Both the posts and the lintels are made of stone. b) How many { elements d . } is the (
compoun uruts roof
e~:~ry )
constructed from?

Now write a similar description of the loadbearing wall and joist structure.

20 21
roof structure l
What is the wall structure made up of?
( floor structure
8. Now make tables like this analysing the structures of several different
buildings found in your country. Use the following headings:

Elements Compound units Units Materials


d) What are the corrugated sheets made of?
precast panels

5. Look at this section through a factory and label the components using the
first table in exercise 4:
Compare the structures of the buildings and the properties of the materials
Example: a) timber joists used to make them.

a) b) c) Section 2 Development
9. Look and read:

- plane

rough wooden plank

.____- - contact faces
not machined flat
6. Now complete this passage: transmitted
The factory . ..... from four elements: the , the , welds
the , and the . The roof . . . . . . a waterproof cover- Joint X Joint Y
ing, which is made of , and a ...... , which is made of tim-
ber joists and slabs. The walls are constructed from two Joint X
. . . . . . , the wall structure, which consists of ...... , and the Plate A is welded to plate B .
_ _ _ , which is made of ...... sheets. The consists of a Plate A is joined to plate B by welds.
wearing surface, which is made of . . . . . . and a floor structure, Plates A and B are welded together.
which is made of ...... The foundations consist of .. .. . The force on plate A is transmitted through the welds to plate B.
Joint X is not filled with packing because the contact faces of the
joint are machined flat.
7. Answer these questions by giving properties of materials:
Now complete these sentences about Joint Y:
a) Why is steel used for the frame structure of the factory? a) Plate C .. . ... plate D by ... .. .
b) Why is asphalt used for the waterproof covering? b) Plates C and D ..... .
c) Why are corrugated steel sheets used for the cladding? c) The force on plate C .... . .
d) Why are vinyl tiles used for the wearing surface? d) Plate C ...... plate D.
e) Why is concrete used for the column bases? e) Joint Y is filled with packing ..... .

22 23
10. Look at these diagrams of joints:

floorboard joist aluminium sheet


thin sheet of wood

connecting plate
welded to end cap plate welded
of roof beam to stanchion

Joint C

_ _ mortar bed
base plate welded ---lf-<:-.---.~::"­
to stanchion

Joint E
The single-storey structure consists of three frames. These frames
Joint D are made up of steel stanchions and beams. The frames are placed
between end walls and spaced at 3 metre centres. The stanchions
Now answer these questions: carry the beams. These beams support the roof. The roof beams
cantilever a short distance beyond the stanchions. This means that
a) For each joint, say how the un.its are joined toget~~r. they extend over the profiled sheet steel cladding. The cladding can
b) Explain how forces are transmitted through each JOint. then be placed outside the line of the stanchions.
c) In which joints can packing be used? . The beams are bolted to steel stanchion caps. The stanchion caps
d) In which joints should the joint surfaces be machmed flat? are welded to the top of each stanchion. The load on each beam is
transmitted through these plates to the stanchions.
The upper face of the steel base plates and the ends of the stan-
Section 3 Reading chions are machined flat. The bottom of each stanchion is welded to a
base plate. Each base plate is fixed to a concrete column base by two
ll. Look and read: holding-down bolts.
Steel angles are fixed across the ends of the beams and built into
In the following diagram showing the layout of frames the span of the brick walls. These angles tie the frames together and also pro-
beams is 9 metres. vide a place to fix the top of the cladding.
The frames are spaced at 3 metre centres.

24 25
Now answer these questions:
Unit A Revision
a) How are the angles fixed to the roof beams?
b) How are the loads on a roof beam transmitted to the column 1. Look and read:
c) What is the joint between a base plate and a column base filled Look ~t these drawings o~ two famous buildings. Building A is lo-
cated m Italy and was designed by Gio Ponti; Building B is located
d) Why do the roof beams cantilever a short distance? in the USA and was designed by Mies van der Rohe.

12. Copy and complete this table:

The elements of the single-storey steel structure

Elements Compound units Units Materials ...--1"1

/ .... II
// I I
/ 1I
Structure / 1 I
Space I


Section 4 Listening
13. Look at this diagram and listen to the passage:

:,-,-- ----J
I '::.--
Now copy and complete these notes: I

Name of structure: _ _ _ arch c)

Reason for name: shaped like of _ __ g)

Advantage of structure: can use components than

_ _ _ of opening
Shape of components:
Reason for shape: bricks _ __ each other
Name of last brick:
Position of joints: between _ __ at _ __ Building A Building B
_ __ to curve
Materials of mortar: _ __ and _ __
Type of forces in arch:
If tensile forces: arch will _ _ _ _ __
Now say which building each of these sentences refers to: Unit4 Measurement 1
a) The roof and floor frames are made up of !-shaped beams and
channels. Section 1 Presentation
b) The building has 30 storeys above ground and 3 basement levels.
c) The skeleton structure is made of reinforced concrete. 1. Look and read:
d) The roof and floor frames are supported by steel stanchions.
e) Its plan is roughly hexagonal in shape. A room has three spatial dimensions: length, height and width .
f) The roof and the floor consist of precast concrete panels. These dimensions are measured in millimetres or metres. The
g) The building has one storey which is raised above ground level. volume of _a roo'"? equals len~}h times height times wid_th. Volume is
h) The structure consists of four triangular-shaped loadbearing measured m cubtc metres (m ). The area of a surface m the room is
comer units and two wall columns between them . measured in square metres (m 2).
i) The skeleton structure is made of welded steel.
j) The precast concrete panels span between the beams.
k) The steel stanchions are spaced at 7 metre centres.
height(3 m)
I) Each reinforced concrete wall column is made up of four
tapering columns with floor slabs spanning between them .
m) It has a plan shaped like a rectangle
2. Label the diagrams with these names of parts of the buildings:
Internal measurements of a room
loadbearing comer unit floor frame
wall column floor beam Make questions and answers about the volume, longitudinal-sectional area,
tapering column precast concrete panels cross-sectional area and surface areas of the room:
roof frame
Example: What is the internal area of the north-facing wall?
The internal area of the north-facing wall is 12 square
3. Write a description of the structures of Building A and Building B by metres.
rearranging and joining the sentences above.
Now make statements like this :

4. Read this description of another building: The north-facing wall has an internal area of 12 square metres.

Looking at the building from across the river, you can see the two
main elements of the building. The first element you notice is a 2. Estimate the internal measurements of your classroom and make a table
series of horizontal bands of concrete on four levels. These are ex- like this:
ternal walkways around the perimeter of the building. The second
element consists of two vertical bands of concrete. These are lift
towers which are located at each end of the building. T hey both Name Dimension Quantity Unit
extend above the roof of the building. However, the tower on the
left is higher than the tower on the right. The ground floor of the
classroom width 4 metre
building may be entered on the right from a broad paved terrace on window area 2 square metres
the river shore. It may also be entered on the first floor from a road etc.
which runs parallel to the river on the other side of the building.
Entry from the terrace is through double glass doors, set in glazed
panels in aluminium frames which in turn are set in the concrete
structural elements.

Now draw a diagram of the elevation of the building as seen from across the
river, and a diagram of the entrance doors.

28 29
Now from your table make sentences like the following: 4. Look and read:

The classroom has a width of approximately 4 metres. When designing a building for a group of people, an architect
The classroom is approximately 4 metres wide. considers the maximum, minimum and average dimensions of their
bodies. For each design situation shown below say which dimension
The window has an area of approximately 2 square metres. an architect should base his calculations on:
The window is approximately 2 square metres in area.
Design situation Dimension

3. Look and read:

jl] Example:
maximum height in the
group (tallest person)

- width of doorway

height of seat
above floor

. . { varies between } c) - •--•

height of
In a group of three people, the1r he1ght ranges jirom

X{~;d} Zmm. The maximum height is Zmm and the minimum LL notices

IS X mm. The average he1g · t h'IS group is therefore { X + y + Z
· ht m fI d)

3 length of seat
= Wmm. surface from
backrest to
Now make a table of the following measurements of each person in your front edge
group and then write three similar paragraphs:

Anthropometric data
width of
sink unit
Height Eye Forward Shoulder Length of Length of
inmm height reach width lower leg upper leg
inmm mmm in mm inmm inmm
5. Use the measurements you collected in exercise 3 to help you complete this
Student 1
Student 2 When deciding on the floor-to-ceiling height of a building, an
etc. architect should base his calculations on the tallest person in a group
of people. The tallest person in our group is mm. Therefore
the floor-to-ceiling height of our building should be greater than
_ _ _ mm.

Now write similar paragraphs about two other design situations.

30 31
6. Explain the following facts:

a) The tables used in infant schools are lower than the ones used in
I I' I

b) More people can be carried on a train during rush hour in

summer than in winter.
c) An African will be uncomfortable sitting in a chair designed for a
d) The doorway height in Britain is usually 2 100 mm although
e) illumination f) luminous g) electric h) temperature i) heat
some Britons are taller than 2 100 mm.
{light falling flux {flow current
on surface) of light
measured in
7. Design a table and chair using data from exercise 3, page 30.
9. Look at this diagram and complete the sentences below:
Section 2 Development
8. Look and read:

Common measurements in architecture

1000 watts (=
10 000 joules/second)
Units of measurement
5 N/mm2
Unit (maximum value) j-o-L--:~~.,--.....,..,..-,-..,...,.,..,.,.....,....,....,.,......k-1
symbol SI unit symbol SI unit

a) The temperature of the room is measured in

1m lumen kgtm3 kilogramme per cubic metre
b) The in the concrete block is 5 N/mrn-.,2-. - -
lx lux (llumen!m2) N/mm2 newton per square millimetre
c) The noise level of the television is measured in
oc degree Celsius dB decibel
d) The illumination in the room is measured in - - -. -
kg kilogramme A ampere
J joule e) The . of the concrete foundation is 2 400 kglm 3 .
s second f) The electnc current to the television is measured in
g) The from the light bulb is 50 lux. ---
h) The heat flow rate of the radiator is measured in
Say which unit is used to measure these dimensions: ---
10. Now make a list of some of the things in your classroom that can be
measured. Say what they are and what units they are measured in.

11. Read this:

The performance requirements of a building are expressed in this

b)density c) noise level d) stress The area of the room should be 40 m2 •
a) mass For maximum requirements:
(mass per (force per square
cubic metre) millimetre) The area of the room should not be greater than 50m2 .
For minimum requirements:
The area of the room should not be less than 30 m2 .

32 33
Now read these problems and complete the solutions: In concrete with widely spaced reinforcement , such as solid slabs,
the size of the coarse aggregate should not be greater than the
a) Problem minimum cover to the reinforcement otherwise spa lling will occur,
A fami ly of 5 persons want to build a house. The. floor area i.e. the breaking off of pieces of concrete below the reinforcement.
allowed for each pe rson is 10 square metres. What 1s the floor For heavily reinforced sections, e.g. the ribs of main beams, the
area required? maximum size of the coarse aggregate should be either:

Solution (i) 5 mm less than the minimum horizontal distance between the
There are people. The floor area allowed per person is reinforcing rods, or,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Therefore ..... .
(ii) 5 mm less than the minimum cover to the reinforcement,
b) Problem whichever is the smaller.
An architect wants to build a concrete column to take a com-
pressive force of 2 000 newtons. The maximu!Il comi:'r~ssive Now say whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false
stress allowed in the concrete is 5 N/mm 2 . What IS the mmunum statements.
cross-sectional area of the column required?
a) Concrete is made from three different materials.
Solution b) Coarse aggregate ranges in size from 20 mm to 40 mm.
T he load on the column is . The c) When the minimum thickness of the finished concrete is 100 mm ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ allowed in the concrete is _ __ _ __
the maximum size of aggregate should not be greater than
Therefore . . ... . 25 mm.
c) Problem d) When the reinforcing rods are close together, the maximum size
An architect wants to build a concrete wall with a volume of 10 o f aggregate used should be 10 mm.
cubic metres. The maximum weight of the wall allowed is 22 000 e) Cover is the thickness of concrete between the reinforcing rods.
kilogramrnes. What is the maximum de nsity of concrete f) The reinforcing rods are placed near the bottom of the ri b of a
required? concrete beam.
g) Spalling can occur in a solid concrete <;(a b when the cover to the
Solution reinforcement is greater than the maximum <;ize of the coarse
The volume aggregate.
h) When the minimum horizontal distance between reinforcing rods
is 15 mm , the maximum size of aggregate should be less than
Section 3 Reading 12 mm .

12. Read this passage:

13. Look at t hese drawings. What is the maximum size of aggregate that
Concrete is made from cement, coarse aggregate (stones), fine should be used? Explain why.
aggregate (sand or crushed stone) and water . Coarse aggregate
ranging from 5 mm to 40 mm may be used for normal work. The b)
maximum size of the aggregate should not be greater than one t120mm
quarter of the minimum thickness of the finished concr~te. The
normal maximum sizes are 20 mm and 40 mm (20 mm bemg more
common. The maximum size of aggregate which should be used in
small concrete sections, or where reinforcement is close together,
is 10 mm. c)

rib of concrete beam

Reinforced concrete section

34 35
Section 4 Listening Unit 5 Process 1 Function and Ability
14. Look and listen: Section 1 Presentation
Study these drawings of a residential building. Listen to a discussion I. From the list of types of buildings, try to label the drawings below:
between two workmen about the dimensions of the building and
make notes about the dimensions marked a)-m) on the drawings. block of flats fire station railway station
hotel school swimming pool

r -
;.- ------
tA. - 'l
hospital church bank

• • •
• •

Ground floor plan Section A - A

Now make statements like this:

a) The external length of the building is 12 500 mm

15. Look at this:

The scale of the drawing is 1:100. This means that one millimetre on
the drawing represents one hundred millimetres in the actual

Use a ruler to measure the drawings and say what the following dimensions
are in the actual building:

a) width of the entrance door

b) total height of the building
c) width of the first floor living room balcony
d) length of the canopy over the kitchen and dining room window.

Now say what each building is used for and discuss the types of activities that
16. Using graph paper, draw the front elevation of the building to a scale of could go on in each building.

36 37
2. Look at this table and complete the examples: 4. Look at this example:

. . { has the capacity to educate }

Building type Purpose of Examples of Spaces Th e umverstty . .
IS capable of educatzng
building activities provided
200 students a year.

University educating 200 giving lecture room Now match the building type on the left with the phrase on the right to make
students per lectures similar sentences:
year a) ...... laboratory
storing and
House make 400 precast panels per week.
reading books b)
Hospital accommodating a family of five persons.
Factory serving up to 200 customers per day.
House accommodating preparing and e) ...... Post office treat up to 150 patients per day.
a family of cooking food Shop dealing with 10 train movements per day .
5 persons c) .... .. dining room Railway station handle up to 1 000 letters per day.
d) bedroom
Add other examples from your list of building types.

Hospital treating 150 f) ...... treatment room

patients Section 2 Development
per day examining
patients h) ...... 5. Look and read:
g) ...... dispensary

Factory making400 storing j) ......

precast materials
concrete panels
per week i) .. •• 0. mixing space
concrete k) . .. ...
Building enclosure~
Now add examples from the list of building types in exercise 1.

3. Ask and answer questions like the following:

heat and~
natural light +•
a) What is the fu nction of a university?

A university { functions } as a place for educating students.


b) What spaces are provided in the building?

Spaces provided in the building include a lecture room , External envelope
laboratories and a library.

c) What is the lecture room used for?

T he lecture room is used for giving lectures.

38 39
Use the table to make statements like the following:
The functions of the lowest floor include providing surfaces for
activities and modifying the passage of heat.
6. Look at these examples:

The external wall acts as a thermal insulator.

The roof and the external walls are designed to resist loads.
T he partition enables the building to provide visual screening.
Now answer these questions:

a) What enables the occupants of a building

Internal division - to keep dry?
- to have privacy?
Buildings are designed so they are cap~ble of p~rforming. the design - to keep warm?
requirements. The most important destgn reqmrements mclude the - to be safe from fire?
following: - to read during the nighttime?
- to be safe from intruders?
A Weather resistance- keep out wind, dust and precipitation b) What element is designed to
B Privacy - provide visual screening - control the noise level between rooms?
C Surfaces - provide surfaces for activities - support snow loads?
D Security - keep out intruders . - resist the passage of moisture?
E Fire resistance - prevent fire from spreadmg - let in natural light?
F Structure - resist loads - control the movement of people into and out of the building?
G Ventilation- provide fresh air c) What elements act as
H Thermal insulation - modify the passage of heat - a thermal insulator?
I Sound insulation - control sound transmission - a sound insulator?
J Moisture - control the passage of moisture - a space divider?
K Light - provide natural and artificial light - a filter to separate the internal volume from the external
Now complete this table: - a moisture barrier?

Element Main functions 7. Look at this table:

lowest floor C,H,etc. Name Properties

External Concrete low combustibility, high density, pervious

envelope external wall

roof Aluminium impervious, corrosion resistant, high strength

suspended floor Steel high strength, high thermal conductivity

Internal Mineral wool low thermal conductivity, low strength


suspended ceiling Ceramic tile hard, impervious, good appearance

40 41
Look at this example: ?f high thermal conductivity. The shape of the radiator is also
t~portant because the greater ~he surface area the more rapidly it
has the ability to keep out gtves off heat. One type of radtator, called a fin tube consists of a
An impervious material is able to keep out water. number of thin fins shaped like a circle which are welded to a pipe
( is capable of keeping out passing through their centres.
A thermostat in the room can be set to the required temperature.
Now make statements about the materials in the table. For example: When the air temperature in the room decreases the thermostat
switches on the pump which is located on the retu'rn line from the
Concrete is capable of withstanding high temperatures. radiators. When the room reaches the set temperature the thermo-
stat switches off the pump. '
~n expansion tank is provided to allow for expansion of the water
8. Look at these sections through walls and complete the labels: as tt heats. ~safety valve, located on the pipe leading to this tank,
serves to relieve the pressure in the boiler if it is too high.

Now look at the diagram and match the letters with the parts of the heating
- Function:
Function: ----U-I::;;::==~r.J sound insulation
Function: f)
thermal insulation fire resistance /j
Suitable material: Suitable material:
Suitable material: air e)
a)- - c) _ _ _ __ e) _ _

Function: - - --1
fire resistance
Suitable material:
d) _ _
attractive finish
Suitable material:
!) _ _ _ _ J d)
Suitable material:

~r~~ if
b) _ _

Now write four sentences like this example:
~ I ~ l~
Concrete has low combustibility and is therefore used to provide fire fuel-
resistance for walls. Reproduced with permission

9. Look again at the diagrams in exercise 5, page 39. Choose a suitable

material for each element and say why you have chosen that material. 11. Answer these questions:

a) Wh~t enables the inside of a building to be kept warm?

b) Whtch part of the heating system circulates hot water through
Section 3 Reading the continuous pipe?
c) Which part acts as the room temperature controller?
10. Read this passage: d) Which part functions as a means of controlling the temperature
of the water in the boiler?
One method of heating a building is to circulate hot water through e) Which part is designed to transfer the heat from the hot water to
radiators which are located in each room. The water is heated in a the air in the room?
boiler by a burner and is kept at a constant temperature by a f) Wh~ch part prevents the boiler from blowing up?
thermostat device e:alled an aquastat. The aquastat is located on the g) Whtch part serves as a device for heating the water in the boiler?
outlet pipe from the boiler. The pipe runs in a continuous lo<;>p from h) Which part enables the water to expand safely?
the boiler to the radiators and back to the boiler. The function of a
radiator is to transfer the heat from the hot water to the air in the
room. Therefore they are made of a material which has the property

42 43
12. Make true statements by matching these halves of sentences: Section 4 Listening
a) When the pump is switched the aquastat shuts down the 14. Look at the diagram of a packaged air conditioning unit. Listen to a
on burner. lecturer explaining to a class of students how it works:
b) When the temperature of the safety valve relieves the
the water in the boiler de- pressure. A four-way adjustable louvre
B thermostat control and
c) When the temperature of the thermostat switches on the OFF-AIR-COOL switch
the water in the boiler burner. C Adjustable speed fan
reaches the set temperature D Fan motor
d) When the air temperature it flows into the expansion tank. E Evaporator
F Air filters
e) When the radiator is turned the aquastat startl> up the bur- G Fresh air opening at back
on ner. H Condenser
f) When the water in the boiler heat is transferred from the hot I Compressor
expands water to the air in the room.
g) When the boiler pressure is hot water flows through the
too high pipe to the radiators.

13. Read this:

Functions of an air conditioner:

A temperature control E noise control
B air cleaning F air motion
C odour removal G relative humidity
D germicidal treatment Describe the location and function of the parts labelled in the diagram.
Air conditioners are designed so they are capable of performing
some or all of the above functions. 15. Now answer these questions:
Look at the following list of the most important functions for the following
spaces, and make statements like the example below: a) Why is it called a 'packaged air conditioning unit'?
b) Why is it located on an outside wall?
Auditoria ACE c) What are the air filters made of?
Commercial offices CBF d) When should the filters be cleaned?
Apartments ACE e) What materials are used to make the evaporator?
School classrooms ACD f) What are the cooling coils designed to do?
Motels AEC

Example: In an auditorium, the three most important functions of

an air conditioner are to control the temperature, to
remove odour and to control noise.

Now make similar statements about what you think to be the three most
important functions of an air conditioner for the following spaces and discuss
the reasons for your choice:

Hospital patients' rooms Medical buildings

Factory buildings Hotel guests' rooms
Computer rooms

Unit6 Process2 Actions in Sequence
Phase 2
·- - - Roof decking
Section 1 Presentation is put in
1. Look and read: Upper floor
steel columns
Assembly sequence of a prefabricated building are erected.
The sequence is divided into four stages or phases: .......~~~~~~-Concrete floor slabs
are put in place.

""-~~Beams and
Phase 1 bracing are

iLJll--- - - - - - - - Ground is excavated.

"""'"'"'"...J' Concrete foundations
are constructed. Phase 3
_...--- Column base plates
are fixed. - Weatherproof
~~~ roof membrane
~~~~~~- is laid.
......'"'............ Balustrade
fixing plates
are fixed.
IlL - - - -:=:lli==~rt- Steel columns
are erected. Comer units
are erected.
cladding panels
are fixed.
Vertical dadding
panels are fixed.

Initially } . Phase 4
Event 1 First , the ground ts excavated.
~ceilings are
Event 2 Then, the concrete foundations are constructed. , fixed.

Event 3
Later }
Subsequently , the column base plates are fixed.
Partitions are
(~~118.- Services are
Event 4 Finally, the steel columns are erected. installed in
the ceiling void
Now look at the drawings of the next three stages and make state- Floor finishes
ments about the sequence of events in phases 2, 3 and 4. are laid.
~~~~--Building is

46 47
2. Read these questions: the. steel columns. The wo~kmen begin by excavating the ground.
Thts precedes the constructmg of the concrete foundations because
Why are the upper floor steel columns erected before the roof th~y require solid ground to support them. This is followed by the
decking has been put in place? fixmg of the column base plates. Finally the steel columns are
Why is the roof decking put in place after the upper floor steel erected.
columns have been erected?
Now use it as a model to write similar descriptions of phases 2 , 3 and 4.
Now read the answer:

Because the roof decking requires the upper floor steel columns to Section 2 Development
support it.
5. Look and read:
Look at the drawings for phases 1, 2, 3 and 4 and make similar questions to
which these are the answers:
a) Because the concrete fou ndations require solid ground to .. ,. If .•..:·,,
doing manual work
support them. Labourers . .. • i :::.•>•:.
b) Because the column base plates need a fl at rigid surface to excavating
support them. Machine drivers
c) Because the steel columns transmit their loads through them to
the foundations.
d) Because the concrete floors are supported by the beams. Steel erectors I

e) Because the weatherproof membrane is laid over the balustrade

fixing plates. Bricklayers I building
] brickwork

f) Because the horizontal cladding panels are fixed to the corner

units. Plumbers I installation of pipework
'--""1=:::4-a_nd_sa.j._n....,itary {'ttingsl
g) Because the vertical cladding panels are fixed to the horizontal
cladding panels. .. . . Joiners I ·l~dows,~
manufacture of doors,
screenls, etc.
h) Because the workmen require access to the cellmg votd to mstall fixing of floor joists,
roof timbers, doors,
the services. Carpenters
i) Because the partitions are fixed to the suspended ceilings. windows,~e~

3. Identify the part of the building or the phase of the assembly sequence
Roofing contractor I
laying roof
fixing cladding
described in these sentences: Cladding fixers
a) This cannot be put in place until the upper floor steel columns installation of
Heati ng contractor heating equipment
have been erected. ~~~
b) Before fixing these , the workmen erect the corner units. installation of
Electricians electrical equipment . ,,
c) During this phase the beams and bracing are fixed. r-"--1-----r-----1
d) The workmen fix these after constructing the concrete founda-
e) The electric wiring is installed during this phase.
Glaziers I P
. utting in
decorating 1
f) When the balustrade fixing plates have been fixed , the workmen Decorators building 1
can start laying this. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Week number
4. Read this description of phase 1 of the assembly sequence: Bar chart of the sequence of trades on a building site

Having completed the preparation of the site, the workmen be~in

the initial stage. This includes excavating the ground, construct!ng
the concrete foundations, fixing the column base plates and erectmg

48 49
Trade: steel erectors Trade: cladding fixers b) Trade: _ __ _ __
Job: erecting the steelwork Job: fixing the cladding Job: .. . .. .
Weeks working: 9 to 15 Weeks working: 16 to 30 Weeks working: .. . . . .
''{ fr .
,r ' .•

... ~ .· . . .c - rrl
Trade: _ __ Trade: - - -
Trade: bricklayer Job: ..... . Job: ..... .
Job: building the brickwork Weeks working: ..... . Weeks working: ..... .
Weeks working: 13 to 21

During weeks 13, 14 and 15 } h t 1 c) Trade: _ _ _

From the beginning of week 13 to the end of week 15 t e see Job: . .. .. .
Weeks working: ..... .
simultaneously with } .
erectors work { at the same time as the bncklayers.
While the former erect the steelwork, the latter build the brickwork.
As soon as } . .
Immediately after the steel erectors have fimshed, the claddmg

fixers begin.

Use the bar chart to ·help you label the following drawings. Then make
similar paragraphs:
Trade: _ _ _ _ _ __ Trade: _ _ _ _ __
a) Trade: _ _ _ Trade: _ _ _ Job: ..... . Job: .. ... .
Job: .. . .. . Job: .... . . Weeks working: . .. .. . Weeks working: .... . .
Weeks working: .. .. Weeks working: ..... .
d) Trade: _ _ _ _ __
Job: .. . .. .
Weeks working: ..... .

(four weeks after)

Trade: _ __ __ _
Job: .... . .
Weeks working: .. . . . . Trade: _ __ Trade: _ _ _
Job: .... . . Job: .. .. . .
Weeks working: . .... . Weeks working: ... .. .

50 51
6. Read this: Section 3 Reading
While the steelwork is being erected, some of the brickwork is built. 10. Read this:

Now look at the bar chart and make similar sentences. Whe~ an archit.ect recei~es a e<;>mmission for a building, he meets
the ~hent and dtscusse~ h~s reqmrements. After visiting the site , the
archttect draws up prelmunary plans and, together with a rough esti-
7. Complete these sentences with the name of a building trade: m.ate of the cost, submits them to the client for his approval. If the
cltent suggests changes, the architect incorporates them into the
a) The finish just before the plumbers start. fin~! ?esign wh~ch shows the exact dimension of every part of the
b) The .. . ... should finish by the end of week 40. b~tldmg. f\t thts stage , several building contractors are invited to
c) The work until the end of week 30. btd for the JO? of construc~ing the building. When they submit their
d) The work up to the end of week 50. tenders or pnce~ , the archttect assists his client in selecting the best
e) The should finish no later than the end of one and helps htm to draw up a contract between the client and the
week 8. contractor.
W?rk now starts ?n .th~ building. As construction proceeds, the
Now make similar sentences. ~rcht~ect makes penodtc mspections. to make sure that the building
ts b~mg ~onstructed accordmg to hts plans and that the materials
spectfied m the contract are being used. During the building period
8. Read this: the client pays the bills from the contractor. Subsequently , the con~
tractor completes the building and the client occupies it. For six
During building construction, several things went wrong so there are months after completion there is a period known as the 'defects
several changes to be made to the bar chart in exercise 5. Here is a liability period'. Du.ring this period, the contractor must correct any
description of what happened: Excavation was delayed for two defects that appear m the fabric of the building. Finally, when all the
weeks because the excavator broke down. Therefore the machine defects have been corrected , the client takes full possession of the
drivers could not start work until week 3. As the steel erectors had building.
to wait until the machine drivers had completed their work, they
were also delayed by two weeks. Consequently, the cladding fixers Now find a word or an expression in the passage which means:
could not start until week 17. Bricks were in short supply during
weeks 15 to 20 and this resulted in the bricklayers working three a) to be given the job of designing a building
weeks longer than expected. So the plumbers and the roofing con- b) to offer to a client for his consideration
tractor started three weeks later. In week 30 the joiners went on c) to combine into a whole
strike which was settled after one week. However, this meant both d) to offer to do some work at a certain price
the carpenters and the glaziers started one week late. The wrong e) to look at the building work in detail at regular intervals
paint was delivered to the decorators, which delayed them by one f) named or described exactly
week, but by putting on extra men the building was completed on g) an .interval of time after the building has been finished during
schedule. whtch the contractor is responsible for correcting any faults in it
h) to have complete ownership of the building
Now draw a new bar chart using the information in the passage .

9. Make a list of other things that could go wrong on a building site. Say
when they might occur and how they could affect the time schedule.

52 53
ll. Complete this flow diagram: 12. Now write three separate descriptions of the parts played in the
construction of a building by the client, the contractor and the architect.

appoints an a) ...... lor a building Section 4 Listening
13. Listen to this discussion on the application of cost control to
building contracts. As you listen complete these notes:
gives architect
his b) _ __ a) Phase 1 ( stage)
architect submits - --
client sets a - : - - - : -
cost limit broken down into _ _ _ __ _
architect completes and _ __
specifications sent to _ _ _
b) Phase 2 ( stage)
regular checks made to compare _ _ _ _ __
with of _ _ _
all information filed to help .... . .


14. Describe the sequence of events in the application of cost control to
building contracts.
submits tender

15. Now answer these questions:

helps client h) ••....
a) Why is cost control applied at all stages of the building contract?
b) When does the architect give the client an approximate estimate?
c) What is the cost limit broken down into? Why?
d) What are specifications?
e) Who receives them?
f) What is the aim of cost control?
g) What is the final stage in cost control? What is the reason for
doing this?

makes sure that

the building is
completed according
to the contract

corrects defects in
the building during
the q) ......

54 55
UnitB Revision 2. Look at these drawings of the same building:

9000mm - - ~~
1. Look at this diagram of a prefabricated building:

gutter Chippings on 3 layers of felt

on insulation board on metal
roof decking
alumil'\ium framed windOWs
aluminium head flashing
aluminium Sill H
n ., /
roof zone


1'-900 mm
0 fl+rzone

Section Plan of stanchions
Make sentences saying what the dimensions marked on the drawings
Example: The floor to ceiling height is 2 700 mm.
rainwater pipe
3. Read this:
wall planks
The external walls are made up of brick cladding, wall planks, win-
steel stanchion casing wilh dows , doors, heads and sills, stanchion casings and inner lining
fibreboard lining
panels. While the steel frame is being erected, the wall planks and
' - -- - - inner lining panels floor units are fixed. At the same time, the stanchions are enclosed
1 . . - - - - -- - -- - steelframe
in casings which serve the function of resisting fire. The precast
concrete floor units are capable of carrying a load of up to 5 kN/
heating, electrical and telephone
services are passed through pre-cut ' - - - - - - - -- - -precast concrete sq m. The wall planks are designed to be weatherproof and to sup-
slots in stanchions floor units port the outer cladding. The aluminium heads, sills and windows are
then fixed from inside the building. After this, the 900 mm and
Ask and answer questions like this: 1 800 mm wide external doors are installed. These doors are either
aluminium framed and pre-glazed or hardwood framed and glazing
Example: Why is the steel frame erected before the wall planks is done on site. Finally, the internal sills and lining panels are
have been fixed? installed. These form a cavity for the heating and electrical ser-
Because the wall planks are supported by the steel vices. A grill underneath the sill, together with an air intake at
frame. skirting level, enables air to circulate up past the finned heating
element. The lining panels are capable of being removed to give
access to the services.

56 57
Now label this drawing: Unit 7 Measurement 2 Quantity
Section 1 Presentation
1. Look and read:

111-+- b) teach1ng space

,......,__c) d) library
g) Sketch plan of a school
h) The library is slightly bigger than the office.
Section through ~::::....__-i) The office is considerably bigger than the entrance hall.
the external wall The teaching space is much bigger than the entrance hall.
The library is approximately one and a quarter times as big as the
4. Write a short passage giving the sequence of events in constructing the The library is approximately three times as big as the entrance hall.
external walls only. The teaching space is approximately twelve times as big as the
entrance hall.

5. Now complete the following sentences to match the idea in brackets: Draw a sketch plan of the rooms in your building. Label the spaces and
compare their sizes.
a) The external walls . .. .. . (structure)
b) The wall planks and floor units . .... . (time)
c) The stanchion casings ...... (function) 2. Now look at this table:
d) The precast concrete floor uriits ...... (ability)
e) The wall planks . .. .. . (function)
f) The external doors . .. .. . (measurement) Density Melting Typical tensile Relative
g) The glazing of the hardwood framed doors . . . . . . (location) kg/m 3 point oo C strength N/mm 2 cost
h) The internal sills and lining panels ...... (function)
i) The grill ... .. . (location) Glass 2 520 1 500 60 12
j) The grill and air intake ...... (function) Concrete 2 300 - 4 1
k) The lining panels ...... (ability) Softwood (pine) 5 500 - 40 6
Hardwood (oak) 8 800 - 100 15
Mild steel 7 850 1900 450 9
6. Answer these questions: Aluminium 2 640 660 90 35
Copper 8 950 1 083 340 25
a) Why do you think the aluminium heads, sills and windows are Zinc 7 100 420 110 20
designed to be fixed from inside the building?
b) What is the function of the fins o.n the heating element?
c) Are the aluminium framed windows glazed on site?
d) What are the advantages of using aluminium instead of steel to
make the windows?
e) What other types of cladding could be used instead of brick?
f) What could this type of building be used for?

58 59
Identify these materials from the table: 5. Look at this table:
a) This material has a slightly lower density than aluminium .
b) This material has a much higher melting point than glass. Building Possible Performance
c) This material has a tensile strength much higher than concrete, component materials requirement
but slightly lower than zinc.
d) This material is slightly lighter than oak but is much stronger in cladding aluminium a tensile strength
tension. mild steel of not less than
e) This material has a considerably higher melting point than 90 N/mm2
copper, but a much lower tensile strength.
f) This material has a tensile strength approximately twice that of
pine. beam pine a tensile strength
g) The melting point of this material is approximately 1V2 times as oak of not less than
high as that of copper. 35 N/mm 2
h) The density of this material is approximately half that of pine.
i) This material is ten times as strong as concrete in tension.
roof zinc weight should not
j) These two materials have very nearly the same tensile strength. covering copper exceed 8 000 kg/m 3

3. Look at these sentences: fire door mild steel melting point should
copper be in excess of
The tensile strength of copper is approximately three times that of 1 000° c
Copper has a much higher tensile strength than zinc.
Use the above table together with the table in exercise 2, page 59, to make
Now make similar sentences to compare the following: conversations like the following:

a) Copper and aluminium with regard to their densities. CLIENT: What do you think is the best material to use for
b) Zinc and oak with regard to their tensile strength. the cladding?
c) Mild steel and aluminium with regard to their tensile strength. ARCHITECT: Well, aluminium isn't really suitable. It's strong
d) Glass and concrete with regard to their densities. enough but it's too expensive. I think we should
e) Mild steel and copper with regard to their melting points. use mild steel. It's not only strong enough but it's
also cheaper.

4. Read this:
6. Make a list of the building materials found in your country. Compare
Oak is considerably heavier than pine, has a much higher tensile these materials from the point of view of cost, strength and appearance.
strength and costs 2V2 times more per kilogramme.

Now compare the following in a similar way: Section 2 Development - thermal insulation

a) glass and concrete low temperature

7. Look and read:
b) aluminium and mild steel person uncomfortable
c) copper and zinc Ql: Why is this person uncomfortable?
d) pine and mild steel

Because the temperature in the
A: room is too low.
Because the room is excessively cold.

60 61
02: Why is the temperature too low? a) (designs size of windows) a dequate window area/sufficient
Because the thermal insulation privacy
is inadequate. b) {designs window area) sufficie nt warmth/adequate light
Because it has an insufficient c) (designs thickness of sound insulation) cheap enough materials/
A: amount of thermal insulation. adequate sound insulation
Because the thermal insulation d) (designs ventilation system) sufficient warmth/not excessive
is not thick enough . humidity
e) (designs roof) cheap enough materials/adequate weather
Look a t these drawings and make similar pairs of questions and answers: proofing

,. window area Section 3 Reading
sound insulation - sunlight
10. Read this:
r.r-Hf-- - person unable person unable
to hear music to read book Design of houses for tropical climates
The tropical regions of the earth can be divided into three major
climatic zones:
1. Warm-humid climates are found in a belt near the Equator e x-
root not strong d) te nding to about 15° north and south. There is very little seasonal
enough variation throughout the year. The air temperature is never ex-
to support load _ person unhappy
cessive, but there is considerable rainfall during most of the year.

l ~ l-i:::,
load too ~ ~ - excessive Relative humidity (RH) is excessively high - at about 75% for

most of the time, but it may vary from 55% to almost 100% (RH
person should not exceed 70% for human comfort).
in danger In this climate the rooms of houses must have adequate shade
and ventilation. Usually houses have an open layout so they can
e) gain maximum benefit from the prevailing wind. Walls have less
f) importance here than in other climates. They are used primarily
ventilation for screening from insects and for their wind penetration qual-
inadequate roof pitch too low
n -·--+t - person - tiles not weather 2. Hot-dry climates are found in two belts of latitude between
uncomfortable resistant enough approximately 15° and 30° north and south of the Equator. Two
- high hum1dity marked seasons occur: a hot and a slightly cooler period. Day-
time air temperatures are excessively hot (normally higher than
the 31°C to 34°C skin temperature) , but at night it may fall as
8. Now ask and answer questions about anthropometric dimensions by m uch as 35°C. During the day there is too little cloud cover to
looking at the diagrams of design situations in Unit 4, exercise 4, page 31: reduce the high intensity of direct solar radiation. However, at
night the clear skies permit a considerable amount of heat to be
Example: Why can't this man stand up straight? reradiated to outer space.
Because the ceiling is too low. In this climate houses must give adequate protection against
the excessive heat of the sun. Usually they have compact layouts,
so that surfaces exposed to the sun are reduced as much as possi-
9. Read this: ble. Walls should be very thick and made of heat storing
materials so they hold the heat of the day and give it back to the
When an architect designs a house, he often has to strike a balance interior of the house at night.
between two conflicting requirements. For example, he needs to 3. Composite or monsoon climates are found in large land masses
ensure that there is adequate ventilation and at the same time he near the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Two seasons occur
needs to ensure that the noise level is not excessive . normally. Approximately two-thirds of the year is hot-dry and
the other third is warm-humid. Consequently, houses designed to
Now make similar statements using the following prompts: be suitable for one season may be unsuitable for the other.

62 63
Now say which climate zone each of these graphs represent. Explain 11. The graphs show the climates for the following towns. Describe the
you choice by quoting from the text: location of the towns and their climates:

New Delhi Phoenix Mombasa

Now describe the location of your town and its climate.

12. Make statements saying when and where an architect would have to take
500 Climate A into account the following (which times of the year and for which places):

400= a) excessive humidity

300 1 b)
insufficient rainfall
excessive rainfall
100 ~ d) excessive heat

13. Look at these diagrams of two house types:

overhead sun protection


100 soo Climate B

trees for shade
and screening ~
-- - - wind

80 400 £ :::---- openings




raised building allows wind
... wind

0 Open layout to pass under for cooling

Type A

u 30
• 20
! thick
~ 10 insulating roof


thick external walls with

few openings
Type B Section

Say which is most suitable for a hot-dry climate and which is most
suitable for a warm-humid climate. Then explain why using informa-
Climatic zones in the tropics tion from the reading passage and the diagrams.

64 65
14. Now complete this passage using these words:

hottest, coolest, cool enough, warm enough , excessively,

much lighter, inadequately, adequately

In composite climates, houses designed to perform _ _ __ for one

season will perform for the other. To solve this problem
houses are sometimes built two storeys high. The ground floor is
built with thick walls. These retain the heat so that it is
...... to sleep comfortably on the ground floor during the _ __
part of the year. The first floor structure is built with ..... .
materials. This structure cools quickly at night so that it is ..... . Temple 5, Tikal (after AD 700)
Temple of Aphaia, Aegina
to sleep comfortably on the first tloor during the part of
the year.

15. Draw a sketch section through a house suitable for a composite climate.

16. Look at the following sketches of buildings from different parts of the
world. Compare the buildings from the following points of view:

a) different forms due to climate Palace of the National Congress, Brasilia

b) different types of structure
Guaranty Building, Buffalo
c) different materials used for their construction
d) different uses of the buildings
e) different social organisations and civilisations which use these


Air supported structure

Typical house of Colonial America:

mid 17th century

Monolithic dwellings

Vaults and domes

Airy shelters
Temple of Heaven, Peking

Ibn Tulun Mosque, Cairo

66 67
Section 4 Listening UnitS Process 3 Cause and Effect
17. Listen to the passage and look at these diagrams while you listen: Section 1 Presentation
1. Look and read:

Cause Effect

foundation subsided column moved

column moved span increased
span increased beam deflected excessively
foundation subsided beam deflected cracks formed on the
column moved
excessively underside of beam
too much

Diagram 2
, , . { with the result that }
Now answer these questions: Example: The foundatiOn subs1ded and as a result

a) is the mathematical law that is very important in structural the column moved.
b) ~hy are simple beams not economical over spans greater ·than
SIX metres? Now make similar cause/effect statements from the table.
c) Wh~t stru~tural system can be used when the economical length
of guders IS exceeded?
2. Look at these diagrams and put the events in the correct order to make
cause/effect tables as in exercise 1:
18. Lisle~ to t~e passage again. Draw sketches of the three structural systems
descr1bed m the passage and label them.
Now ~xplain why the number of structural elements increases as the concrete floor expanded
span mcreases. cracks formed in floor
hardcore below the floor contained
soluble salts
salts interacted with cement in concrete

1,'1; 1; '·;'r .
roof expanded
waiVroof joint failed
heavy rain washed away gravel on roof
roof heated up
roof inadequately protected from the sun
68 69
c) 5. Look at the first diagram in Unit 7 t exercise 7, page 61 and read this:
gaps formed between window and frame
woodwork expanded We have a problem with the air temperature in this room. It's too
moisture content of wood increased
wood was painted with poor quality paint ! Th .IS .IS { because
co Ic. due to
of } . d h . . y
ma equate t erma1msu 1at10n. ou see,
later the wood dried and contracted to a certain extent, the temperature in the room depends on the
thickness of the insulation. Consequently, we should increase the
thickness of the insulation.

Now look at the other diagrams and write similar paragraphs about these:
3. Read this:
a) noise level
Q: How did the subsidence of the foundation { b/e~d to b
rmg a out
} cracks b) amount of light
c) degree of humidity
in the beam?

A : The subsidence of the foundation { resultded in} the movement of Section 2 Development
6. Look and read:
. . { resulted in } . . h
t he coI umn. Th1s, m turn, caused an mcrease m t e span

of the beam, excessive deflection of the beam and the formation of

cracks in the underside of the beam.
Now write answers to these questions:

a) How did the presence of soluble salts in the hardcore bring about
cracks in the floor?
b) How did the washing away of the gravel by the rain bring about
the failure of the wall/roof joint?
c) How did the poor quality paint bring about gaps between the
window and the frame.

4. Read this:

Stabilising the ground under the foundations prevents the columns

from moving. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •-------:::,....r~artv wall
-1-- - - - -- duct
Now complete these sentences:

a) Removing the soluble salts from the hardcore ..... .

b) Protecting the roof from the sun ..... .
c) Painting the woodwork with good quality paint ..... . courtyard

Enlarged section

Courtyard house in Iraq

70 71
In some Iraqi houses a duct is contained between the two skins of a j) Condensation on the surface of a wall causes damp patches and
party wall. A wind tower is placed above the duct. This tower faces stains and encourages mould growth .
the prevailing wind with the result that it directs the wind through k) Climate affects the form and orientation of buildings as well as
the duct into the basement of the house. The surfaces of the internal the type of materials and construction methods used.
party wall remain at a lower temperature than the rest of the house
throughout the day. This is because the wall is very thick and does
not receive any direct solar radiation. The incoming air comes into Section 3 Reading
contact with the surfaces of the duct and, as a result, is cooled by
~onduction. The relative humidity of the air is increased, just before 9. Look and read:
tt enters the basement, by passing it over porous water jugs. The air
then leaves the basement through an outlet thereby helping to
ventilate the courtyard during the daytime.

Find the cause or causes of these effects :

a) the wind is directed into the basement

b) the internal party wall is kept cool
c) the incoming air is cooled
d) the relative humidity of the air is increased
e) the courtyard is ventilated during the daytime

7. Now answer these questions:

a) What material do you think the house is made of? Why?

b) For what reason is the wind tower placed on the roof?
c) Why is the duct placed between the two skins of the party wall?
d) Why are the water jugs porous?
e) Why is the cooled air let into the courtyard from the basement
and not from the bedroom?
f) Why is the courtyard in the centre of the house?
g) Where is the entrance to the house?
h) Which bedroom would be best to sleep in?

8. From your own knowledge or from information in previous exercises say

whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false statements. A low-pressure hot-water system is shown in the diagram. Water in
the boiler is heated, and consequently becomes less dense than the
a) Earthquakes lead to cracking in buildings. cold water in the higher parts of the system. The denser cold water
b) If moisture laden air is not allowed to escape from a building sinks to displace the heated water, which is forced to rise. In this
then condensation will occur. way , a circulation of water is set up - the process known as
c) Frequent painting of steelwork results in corrosion. convection. The water rises up the primary flow (PF) into the
d) Insulating a house allows the air inside to cool to its dew point. hot-water storage cylinder, or tank, and is replaced by water
e) The expansion of a roof is caused by a decrease in temperature. descending the primary return (PR). If a temperature difference is
f) In an arch the bricks are wedge-shaped thereby causing their maintained between the water in the primary flow and that in the
weight to be distributed upwards along the curve of the arch. primary return , then the process will continue. This is called the
g) Houses in hot-dry climates have compact layouts owing to the primary circulation and it is made more effective by connecting the
high solar radiation. primary flow to the upper region of both the boiler and the
h) A profiled sheet is rigid because of its shape. cylinder, and the primary return to the lower region of each: If a
i) The contraction of a column is due to tensile forces. draw-off point is opened, water will be forced from it because of

72 73
the height of the water in the feed tank (often this tank is also the Section 4 Listening
?uilding's main cold-water storage cistern). The hot-water supply
IS drawn from the top of the storage cylinder, where it collects
because its density is lower t han that of the colder water. 13. Look at the way these terms can be abbreviated:
Heating water causes the dissolved air contained in cold water to
be released. Consequently, a vent pipe has to be taken from t he top structural failure str flr
of the storage cylinder and carried up above the level of the water in faults in design fits in dsgn
the feed tank. The pipe allows air to escape from the system and, as reinforced concrete r.c.
a result. prevents the formation of air locks.
A safety vaJve, set to operate at a certain pressure, is fitted to the Now make your own abbreviations of these terms for use in exercise 14:
system. Also, a draw-off point is fitted at the lowest part of the
system so that it can be drained. high alumina cement collapse of beam
earthquakes foundations
Match these words and abbreviations with the letters a) to f) on the diagram: tensile strength chemical reaction
strain on structure roof support/wall
PR, PF, draw-off point , boiler, vent pipe, cold-water cistern natural causes

10. What do you think the following initials stand for on the diagram? 14. Now listen to the dialogue and use the abbreviations to complete these
a) h.w. (b) SV (c) B d) w.c.
Causes of _ _ _ _ __
There are types of cause:
11. Answer these questions: 1. ..... .
These may be due to mistakes by or _ __
a) What is the function of the cold-water cistern? e.g. a) ...... beams
b) Where on the cylinder is the primary flow connected? cause: insufficient _ __
Why is it connected there? result: ...... affected,
c) How does heating affect cold water? leading to .... . .
d) How can you stop the process of convection? b)
e) What causes water to be forced out of a draw-off point? cause: ..... .
f) What is the most important function of the vent pipe? which affects strength of .... . .
g) If a safety vaJve is not fitted to the system, what might be the 2 ..... .
result? e.g. a) _ __
effect: (i) shake _ __
(ii) causing stress and .. ... .
12. Complete these sentences which describe how the low-pressure hot-water leading to (iii) ..... .
system works: b) Other causes include _ __
and _ __
a) Water in the boiler is heated with the result that . .... . • c) In normal conditions, failure caused by ..... .
b) ...... is caused by the dense cold water sinking. d)
c) As a result of ...... water rises up the primary flow and is
replaced by water descending the primary return.
d) .. .. .. thereby continuing the process of convection. 15. Now use the notes to write two paragraphs on the causes of structural
e) The pressure at a draw-off point is due to . . ... . failure.
f) Hot water has a lower density than cold water. Consequently

g) The formation of air locks in the system is prevented by .... . .

h) The operation of the safety valve results in .. ... .
i) .... .. the system will drain.

74 75
Unit 9 Measurement 3 Proportion e) What is the approximate ratio between the length of the columns
of the block of flats and the height of the building?
f) What is the approximate ratio between the length of the columns
Section 1 Presentation of the tropical house and the height of the building?
g) Which building has longer columns in proportion to its size?
l. Look and read: h) What is the approximate ratio between the length and thickness
of the columns of the block of flats? (This ratio is called the
slenderness ratio.)
i) What is the approximate ratio between the length and thickness
of the columns of the tropical house?
j) Which building has proportionately thicker colum=ts?

Plan of a building
2. Make sentences from this table:
The ratio between the length and width of Room A is 5 : 3 (five to
three). I
The ratio between the length and width of Room B is 3 : 1 (three to water tower, water tower I
In comparison with I
micro-wave tower, micro-wave tower I
one). a a I
Compared with block of flats, block of flats I
Room B is wider than Room A , but its width is less in proportion to tropical house,
tropical house I
its length. I
. { relatively narrow.
Therefore Room B lS proportionately narrower.
Now look at these diagrams showing the relation between size and I
I supports a relatively load and has
supporting strength: light - I

D 101---- structure
structure thinner
D I proportionately
I longer
tower structure.
Micro-wave tower I shorter
Water tower I

D c=J D O
3. Now read these two paragraphs and add the missing words:
D c=J CJ D
D c=J CJ D a) If we compare the columns supporting the two buildings, we can
D C=:J C=:J D see that the columns of the block of flats are relatively short and
1~ II l r l
Block of flats Tropical house
thick in proportion to its size, while those of the tropical house
. . . . . . We can conclude that the heavier building needs
proportionately shorter and thicker columns, whereas ..... .
Residential buildings
b) The explanation for this is that short thick columns are stronger
than long thin ones since the strength of the column depends on
Answer these questions: its thickness and its length. Supporting strength is directly
proportional to and inversely proportional to _ _ _
a) Which tower carries a relatively heavy load? Consequently, the heavier the building, the and _ _ _
b) Which building carries a relatively light load? its columns, and conversely , the lighter the building ... .. .
c) Which part of the block of flats supports its weight?
d) Which part of the tower supports its weight?

76 77
4. Use the words in italics from exercise 3 to write two similar paragraphs Now complete these statements:
comparing the two towers shown in exercise 1. g) By comparing the ratio of perimeter to floor area for the two
buildings we can see that the building has a higher
Note: Substitute 'structure' for 'columns' and 'tower' for 'building', perimeter/area ratio.
and make any other necessary changes. h) We can conclude that smaller buildings have a _ _ (longer
or shorter) perimeter in proportion to floor area than larger
5. Say whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false
7. Now read and complete these:
a) The ratio between the height and width of the micro-wave tower
is higher than that between the height and width of the water To show how perimeter also varies with shape
tower. (1 : 3 is a higher ratio than 1 : 2). a) These floor plans have the same area but they differ in shape. Do
b) The structure of the water tower has to support less weight than they have the same perimeter? Calculate the perimeters of the
that of the micro-wave tower. square and rectangular buildings.
c) The columns of the block of flats have greater supporting
strength than those of the tropical house. floor area perimeter
d) The strength of a column is directly proportional to its height and
inversely proportional to its thickness.
e) Compare with a micro-wave tower, a water tower has a
7m 49·6 m
relatively tall structure.
f) The lighter the load on a tower, the thicker its structure.
g) Similarly, the heavier a building, the thinner its columns.

Section 2 Development
6. Read this and follow the instructions:

Perimeter in relation to size and shape

The ratio between the perimeter and floor area of a building has an
important effect on the cost of the enclosing wall element. The
perimeter/area ratio depends on the size and shape of the plan of b) The circular building, which has the most compact shape, has the
the building. smallest perimeter in proportion to area, whereas the ...... ,
To show how the perimeter varies with size: which has the least ...... has the perimeter in propor-
Calculate the floor areas of the buildings illustrated below. tion to area.
Calculate their perimeters. c) If we the perimeters of buildings with the same floor
Find the ratio between the perimeter and the floor area for each area but different shapes, we will that the more compact
building. the shape
d) We can that ...... ratio depends on as well as

8. Now use exercise 7 to help you show how surface area varies with shape.
Calculate the surface areas of a sphere, a cube and a rectangular prism
Building A Building B which all have the same volume.
a) Floor area = d) Floor area =
b) Perimeter = e) Perimeter =
c) Perimeter/area ratio = f) Perimeter/area ratio =

78 79
Section 3 Reading
The higher the ratio between the more quickly it gains or lo!)es
surface area and volume, heat.
9. Read this passage and look at the diagrams: The lower the ratio between
surface area and volume, the more it retains heat.
The effects of the surface area/volume ratio in architecture The smaller the size of the the faster the rate of heat transfer.
The relation between surface area and volume has many effects on building,
The larger the size of the building, the less it retains heat.
the performance of buildings. For example, the rate at which a
building gains or loses heat through its walls depends on its surface The thicker the insulation of a the more slowly it gains or loses
building, heat.
area/volume ratio. Heat transfer is directly proportional to surface
The more compact the shape of a
area and inversely proportional to volume. Thus a building with a building, the slower the rate of heat transfer.
proportionately large surface area, such as a one room house, will The less compact the shape of a
lose or gain heat relatively rapidly. Conversely, a building with a building,
large volume in relation to its surface area, such as a block of flats,
will retain more heat.
Heat losses from a building are reduced by using insulating
materials such as expanded polystyrene. Thickness of insulation JO. Now read this passage:
is in inverse proportion to heat transfer.
We can conclude that the more compact the shape of the plan of a
building for a given area the less the heat loss. It can also be shown
that for a given required total floor area in a two or more storey
building, the higher the building the greater the heat loss. However,
buildings gain heat from the sun as well as losing heat to the cold.
The more directly the face of a building is at right angles to the sun
the greater the heat gain.

The following examples illustrate the effects of the perimeter/area ratio, the
temperature temperature surface area/volume ratio and orientation of the building on heat transfer.
r--------, 25' C 18 C Explain them by answering the questions:

temperature gradient
= 25-18 insulation a) Igloos are built by Eskimos in the Arctic where the cold is very
=1·c intense. Why do they build them this shape?
Make true statements from these tables:

air temperature
Heat transfer gradient.
Heat loss directly proportional thickness of b) Mud houses are built by people in the tropics where the heat is
is very intense. Why do they build the walls so thick?
Heat gain inversely to insulation.
Heat retention surface area.


c) Why are some houses in tropical climates built with plans shaped
like this?

80 81
d) k = ...... X

Building B
The units of k are
Building A
___ x ___ x .. _...
that is
h) Material k value
e) Why do radiators have fins?
copper 380

same surface area

!oo b mIBuilding A
f) Which of these two south-facing elevations will receive the
greater amount of solar radiation. Why? Will the solar 12. Cal~ulate the number of joules of heat flowing through these two walls
radiation be greater in summer or winter? durmg one hour:

Building B

Building A area = 10m2

area= 10 m1

g) Both these buildings have the same fl~or area and the same
height. Which one will be more expensive to heat?
Now complete the statements:

Section 4 Listening a) !he ratio between the rates of flow of heat through the two walls
IS .•....

11. Listen to the passage. Copy and complete the diagram, the notes and b) ~he brick wall has a thermal conductivity than the
timber wall.
the table:
c) The rate of flow of heat through a material is
proportional to its coefficient of thermal conductiv-:-it-y-. - -
d) If we the two materials we can see that is a
---a-1) f'mpe.. ture(T+_ rc J~mpe"'"" rc relatively poor insulating material compared with
e) We can that the material with a -c-o-ef""fi-c,...
ient of
thermal conductivity needs a relatively wall to achieve
( lu,....,..,.,;""""""""' the same degree of insulation.

b) ~•o------.--;----~·1 c) (areaofcross-section=_nfl
(length-_ m)

82 83
Unit C Revision 2. Read this:

Stability of concrete block walls

1. Look at the diagrams and the table:
Block walls should be designed so that they have stability against
tongue cellular, :;,~
overturning. Walls may be divided into a series of panels and stabil-
tongued and -;;?:':_,
plain ends ity provided by connecting the edges of the panels to supports which
are capable of transmitting the lateral forces to the structure. The
. ~
length or height of the panel in relation to the thickness of the wall
has to be limited. The limits for three different design situations are
described below and may not be exceeded.
plain end
From the text complete the following sentences to match the idea in
Concrete blocks
a) Block walls ..... . (ability)
Tbkkness and Dimensions Block Thermal b) The height of the panel . . . . . . (proportion)
type of block of face weight resistance ( r) c) The edges of the panels . . . . . . (structure)
(length x width) d) The panel supports . ... .. (ability)
And this sentence from your own experience:
e) If a wall is too thin ...... (cause and effect)
inmm in kg m2 oC/w

3. Continue reading:
tongued and
grooved 400 200 6·3
Design situation 1
X 0·26
Walls with adequate lateral restraint at both ends but not at the top
(i) The panel may be of any height provided the length does not
100 mm cellular, exceed 40 times the thickness; or
plain ends 450 X 225 9·5 0·50 (ii) The panel may be of any length provided the height does not
exceed 15 times the thickness; or
(iii) Where the length of the panel is over 40 times and less than 59
140 mm cellular, times the thickness, the height plus twice the length may not exceed
tongued and 133 times the thickness.
grooved 450 X 225 10·9 0·36
Design situation 2
Wails with adequate lateral restraint at both ends and at the top
Now answer these questions: (i) The panel may be of any height provided the length does not
exceed 40 times the thickness; or
a) What is the ratio of the length to width to thickness of each (ii) The panel may be of any length provided the height does not
block? exceed 30 times the thickness; or
b) Which block is proportionately thickest? . . . (iii) Where the length of the panel is over 40 times and less than 110
c) Compare the three blocks with regard to thetr thtckness, wtdth , times the thickness, the length plus three times the height should not
weight and thermal resistance. exceed 200 times the thickness.
d) What do you think is the function of the tongue and groove? Design situation 3
e) Why do you think the two largest blocks have a cellular
Walls with adequate lateral restraint at the top but not at the ends
structure? The panel may be of any length provided the height does not exceed
f) What do you think are the advantages of concrete blocks over 30 times the thickness.
bricks with regard to cost, speed of building and the amount of
mortar used?

Now identify the three design situations in the drawings: The U-value is a measure of the overall rate of heat loss through the
total roof structure. A well insulated roof has a low U-value. The
~ higher the U-valuc , the greater the heat loss through the roof.
---, 140mm
U-value is defined as the heat loss (w) per unit roof area (m) per
==:::!:. cellular degree celsius temperature difference (<>C) between the warm
interior of the building and the cold exterior.

Walle Now complete this paragraph about thermal resistance using these words:
WaliA 75mm 6x5 m
5x2·8 m solid high , higher, low, lower, greater

The _ _ _ the U-value of a roof, the the R-value and the

_ _ _ the loss of heat through the roof. A well insulated roof has
Wall A Wall B Wall C a _ __ thermal resistance and a U-value.

Work out if any of the walls are unstable because their design limits have 5. Look at this table:
been exceeded and make sentences like this:

Example: The 75 mm solid block wall is { ~~~:ble }

length { does ndot exceed /l 40 times its thickness.
because its
Element of roof
Material Thickness
(w/m oq

excee s
Waterproof membrane 3-layer bitumen 0·01 m 0·18
copper sheet 0·002 m 380
4. Read this:

The thermal resistance of a material and the thickness of that Insulation board polyurethane 0·025 m 0·023
material used in a roof determine the loss of heat through a roof. foam
Poor insulants have high k-values whereas good insulants have cellular glass 0·025 m 0·046
very low k-values. Increasing the thickness of the insulation laid on
a roof will increase its resistance to heat loss in direct proportion.
Thus the thermal resistance (r) of each element of the roof
Vapour barrier felt - -
structure is directly proportional to its thickness (x) and inversely
proportional to the thermal conductivity (k) of the material, i.e. Roof deck concrete slab 0·15m 1·40
X wood-wool slabs 0·05m 0·10
If the resistance of all the elements of the roof structure are added, Internal lining dense plaster 0·016 m 0·50
this gives the total or overall thermal resistance (R). ceiling
plasterboard 0·013 m 0·16
R = r 1 + r2 + r3 + r4 + ..... .
where r 1 is the resistance of the waterproof membrane , etc.
The overall thermal conductance of the whole roof structure (U) is Now design two roofs each with five elements and using all the materials in
the reciprocal of the overall thermal resistance (R), i.e. the table. Calculate the total thickness and the U-value for each roof.

86 87
6. Look and read: Unit 10 Measurement 4 Frequency,
Tendency, Probability
Section 1 Presentation
1. Look and read:

Section through a pipe

O r@ All buildings enclose space.

B ut.1d.mgs { always
. bly enclose space .

One disadvantage of the direct hot-water system described in Unit Nearly all people live in houses.
8, exercise 9 is that it is liable to 'scaling'. Scaling is caused by People nearly always live in houses.
deposits made by hard water when it is heated. Hard water occurs in
areas which have soluble salts in the ground. Because the highest Most buildings have windows.
temperatures in the system occur in the boiler, the largest amounts
of scale are deposited there. Since the deposited material is a bad M -. Buildings { usuallyll } have windows
genera y ·
conductor, heat is prevented from passing through the walls to the
water and the efficiency of the boiler is reduced. This can lead to
further trouble because the boiler walls may overheat, and in some
cases the plates may even burn out, causing leaks. Because of this,
u " Many architects work in a design

boilers often have removable plates so that the inside can be Architects { fioften } work in
a design team.
Now make statements about: Some buildings have air-
a) The effect of soluble salts in the ground. Buildings sometimes have air-
b) The cause of scaling. conditioning.
c) Which factor determines the amount of scaling.
d) A property of scale. A few people build their own
e) Four possible effects resulting from a property of scale. houses.
f) The function of removable plates in boilers. People occasionally build their own
Few people live in very cold
p { rarely } 1. .
eop1e seldom 1Ve m very cold
Very few buildings are portable.

But.1d.mgs are very { seldom

rarely }

No building lasts forever.

Buildings never last forever.

88 89
Now complete these statements by starting with one of the following: Section 2 Development
all nearly all most many some a few few very few no
4. Look and read:
a) Architects have studied architecture at university.
b) Buildings have entrances on the ground floor.
c) Bridges are built of concrete.
d) Buildings have doors.
e) People live in cities.
f) Blocks of flats are over 50 metres high.
g) Architects are self-employed.
h) Houses are prefabricated.
i) Shops are accessible by car.
j) Buildings are built on rock foundations.
k) People are taller than 1·8 metres.
1) Factories have solid walls.
m) Buildings are designed to keep out the weather.
n) Hotels are completely fireproof. Cl seismic areas
o) Buildings are two dimensional. - cyclone areas
Seismic areas and cyclone zones
Note: llurricanes often tend to cause serious flooding.
2. Now rewrite the above statements using the adverbs of frequency
introduced in exercise 1: Read these -.tatements about the possibility of a catastrophe occurring
during the next year:
Examples: Buildings usually have doors.
Buildings are sometimes built on rock foundations. it is almost impossible that an earthquake will cause serious damage
(Note the position of the adverb.) in Great Britain.
. h. hi f unlikely
I t IS } h h k . .
tg y \ improbable t at an eart qua e w1ll cause senous damage
3. Look at these statements:
in Australia.
People tend to need heating when the weather is cold.
People tend not to need heating when the weather is warm. It is possible that an earthquake will cause serious damage in Italy.
. { probable } h
1tIS h . .
i.e. This is usually true , but there are some exceptions. likely t at an eart quake wiLl cause senous damage in Japan.

Now say whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false Now choose the correct words in these sentences:
a) During the next year it is possible/improbable/probable that
a) People tend to walk in straight lines. floods will destroy several houses in Great Britain.
b) People tend to come together in gr.oups. . . b) During the next year it is likely/unlikely/impossible that a hurri-
c) Climate tends not to affect the des1gn of buddmgs. cane will destroy a city in Peru.
d) People tend to sit in the sun when it is very hot. . c) During the next ten years it is highly improbable/likely/unlikely
e) People open the windows in their houses when it IS cold. that an earthquake will kill several people in California.
f) People tend to live near their place of work. .
g) A tall building tends to be relatively less expenstve than a low Here are some more expressions used to talk about the possibili ty of an
building. event occurring:
h) In a house, the kitchen tends to be situated near the bedr~oms.
i) A building with a simple plan tends to be more expens1ve to A major earthquake might occur in Australia during the next year,
build than a building with a complex plan. but it is unlikely.
A major earthquake may occur in Italy soon.

90 9l
A major earthquake will probably occur in Japan during the next six 7. Look at this table about other hazards:
There is a very slight possibility that a major earthquake will occur in Country Hazard Possible effect Precautions taken
Australia during the next twelve months.

The { likel~h~~d } that a major earthquake will occur in Great Britain a) Iran hailstorm penetrate the make roof
possibzltty roof of a light covering hail
in the near future is Low. structure resistant
The chances that a major earthquake will occur in Peru in the next
five years are high. b) All thunderstorm cause structural fit a lightning
countries damage to tall conductor
Choose the correct words in these sentences: buildings

d) A flood may/might/will probably cover large areas of ground in

Australia sometime during the next ten years.
e) A hurricane might/may/will not kill several people in Japan c) Hot-dry sandstorm damage exterior stop by erecting
countries surfaces of a barrier screens a
before the end of the year.
f) The possibility that a flood will damage crops in India sometime building few metres from
during the next year is high/low/non-existent. the building
g) There is no/a slight/a strong possibility that a hurricane will
destroy several buildings in Peru sometime during the next ten d) Africa attack by destroy the treat wood with
years. termites wooden components preservatives
h) The likelihood of an earthquake causing a breakdown in power of a building
supplies in Florida is low/non-existent/high .

e) All fire cause structural use fireproof

countries damage to buildings materials
5. Discuss the possibility of catastrophes occurring in your country and their
likely effects.

6. Look and read: (i) ~ha~ observations do you think you could make about build-
mgs tn the above countries?
Example: During a hailstorm in Iran, the roof of a light structure was
penetrated because the roof covering had not been made
hail resistant.
(ii) What generalisations can you make?
Example: Ro?fs of l ig~t struct~res in Iran are likely to be penetrated
dunng a hailstorm 1f they are not hail resistant.
Houses in Japan after an earthquake

Architects looking at buildings in Japan after an earthquake,

observe that Building A has collapsed because the structural frame Section 3 Reading
was not braced to resist the force of the earthquake. From this
observation we can make the following generalisation: 8. Read this:

The ~ravitational force on a structure can be divided into dead loads

Buildings { tend .1k0 } collapse during an earthquake if their
are 1z e1y to and hve loads. D~ad ~oads can be calculated accurately because they
structural frames are not braced to resist the force of earthquakes. rarely change With hme and are usually fixed in one place. Live
loads are always variable and movable, so no exact figures can be
calculated for these forces.
92 93
Structures must also resist ot her types of forces, such as wind or
earthquakes, '"hich are extremdy variable . It is impossible to pre- 20
dict accurately the magnitude of all the forces that act on a structure Frequency 15
during its life; we can only predict from past e\perie nce the prob- (number of vehicles)
able magnitude and frequency of the loads. 5
Engineers never design a structure so tha t the applied loads exact- o~~~~~~~~~~
ly equal the strength of the structure. This condihon is too danger- 1Y:! 2 2'h Load (weight in tonnes)
ous because we can never know the exact value of either the applied
loads or the strength of the structure. Therefore, a number called a Now complete these sentences predicting average future loads from vehicles
'factor of safety' is used. The safet} factor is defined as the ratio of on the bridge:
the probable strength of the structure and the probable loads on the
structure. This factor may range from 1·1 (where there is little un- a) It is that the load will be Jess than 0 tonnes.
certainty) to perhaps 5 or 10 (where there is great uncertainty) . b) The that the load will be 0·3 tonnes is _ __
c) It is _ _ that the load will exceed 2 tonnes.
Now answer these questions: d) The most frequent load on the bridge will probably be between
_ _ _ and tonnes.
a) Can the loads from the internal partitions of a building be
estimated accurately? Why?
b) Can the loads from storage in a building be estimated accurately? 10. Now read this:
Why not?
c) How can a n engineer predict the possible loads that will occur on 74 identical structural components were tested for tensile strength.
a structure? The results were as follows:
d) Why do engineers never design a structure so that the applied
loads exactly equal the strength of the structure?
e) When there is grea t uncertainty about the loads on a structure Tensile strength at Number of
failure in tonnes components
and the strength of a structure, does an engineer choose a high or
low safety factor?
f) When does failure occur?
I V4 to lll:z 4
I \12 to P/4 18
I:Y4 to 2 30
9. Read this: 2 to2V4 18
2VHo2 11l 4
A survey was made of t he weights of 74 vehicles passing over a
bridge. T he results of the survey were recorded as fo llows:
Copy the diagram in exercise 9 again and use these results to make another
bar chart.
Weight in tonnes Number of vehicles
Now say whe ther these statements are true or false . Correct the false
Oto Y4 statements.
Y4 to 112 3
Y2 to :Y4 7 a) Most of the components failed at a load between I Y2 and 1¥4
:Y4 to 1 15 tonnes.
1 to llf4 20 b) No components failed below a load of 11/4 tonnes .
1 Y~ to I \12 13 c) Nearly all the components failed above a load of I Y2 tonnes.
1\12 to P/4 8 d) Very few components failed over a load of 2Y2 tonnes.
PI~ to2 4 e) If these components are used in a bridge which is loaded to
2 to 2V4 2 destruction , they will probably fail at a load between 2 and 2 1/4
2!1.1 to 2\12 1 tonnes.

Copy the diagram at the top of page 95 and usc the results to make a bar

94 95
11. Read this:

T here is great uncertainty about the magnitude of the loads that wiU
occur on this bridge. However, there is more certainty about the
magnitude of the strength of the bridge, i.e. its ability to resist the
loads, because it is a simple structure. The graph of probability
against load and strength for the bridge will look like this:

design strength

design load

Probability f design load

sa ety factor = design strength

Now match these two graphs with these two design situations. Say when
there is great certainty or uncertainty about loads or strength:

Water tower in Great Britain Multi-storey building in Japan

Design situation 1 Design situation 2

""" M
13. Now listen to the passage and list the numbers of the diagrams in the
order you hear them described.
Probability )X\
Load Strength Load Strength 14. Listen to the passage again and for each pair of diagrams take notes on:
Graph A Graph B a) the design mistake
In which situation will the safety factor be 2 and in which 6? b) the possible event resulting from the mistake
c) the action needed to correct the design mistake

Section 4 Listening Now use these notes to make paragraphs like this:

12. Look at the pairs of drawings on page 97 and discuss them: E xternal fire escapes can become wet and icy. As a result, people
may slip and injure themselves when escaping from a fire. There-
Each pair of drawings shows a design mistake which could be fore, if it is possible, a fire escape should be enclosed and protected
dangerous, and a way of reducing the danger. from the weather.

96 97
Unit 11 Process 4 Method Now copy and complete the table with the correct tools or combination of
tools for the jobs:
Section 1 Presentation
Tradesman Job Tool (s)
1. Look at these diagrams of the tools used by tradesmen working on a
building site:
a) Carpenter drilling holes in wood
b) Bricklayer mixing mortar
c) Plasterer smoothing the plaster

on a wall
d) Carpenter cutting wood
e) Plumber cutting metal pipes
f) Electrician cutting electric cables
lump hammer and bolster g) Carpenter making a mortise-and-
tenon joint
h) Plumber smoothing metal surfaces
i) Electrician removing the outer
sheathing of wire
j) Carpenter turning screws
k) Decorator painting surfaces
I) Bricklayer cutting bricks
m) Plumber tightening nuts
n) Electrician twisting strands of
wire together
o) Carpenter smoothing wood surfaces
panel saw p) Bricklayer laying mortar on
c: ;;g> q) Carpenter
removing nails

mallet and chisel pincers

Now make sentences like the example:
A brace and bit is a tool for drilling holes in wood.

2. Look at these drawings of instruments:

~ {D voltmeter

wire strippers
sound pressu: meter (fJ
daylight factor meter
spirit level square

98 99
Now make sentences from this table:

a square
lighting engineer a plumb-bob I
a hygrometer I
structural engineer I
bricklayer a strain gauge I
A acoustic engineer a voltmeter I b) reduction in noise due
An a sound pressure meter I
heating and ventilating engineer I to sound insulation
carpenter a daylight factor meter
a thermometer
I a) strain in beam is not
electrician I excessive
a spirit level I
a steel tape I

I check verticality.
I d) column is vertical
measure the illumination from the sky.

I measure the sound pressure.
I measure the relative humidity. c) power circuit is
I to check vertical and horizontal work . working properly
I measure the temperature.
I measure the voltage of a circuit.
I check squareness.
I measure distances.
I measure the strain on a structure. f) daylight on a working
I surface
e) two walls are at
Use the table again to make sentences like the following: right angles

by means of )
h~ .'

Verticality { '::z? } be checked ':!:rJ:'~ing a plumb-bob.

l:_j i) temperature
3. Ask and answer questions like the example with the help of the diagrams: h) moisture content difference between
length of wall in the air inside and outside
Q: If a bricklayer wants to check that the course of bricks he has Section 2 Development
laid is horizontal, which instrument should he use?
4. Read this:
A: He should use a spirit level.
An experiment to investigate the effect of water content on the
compressive strength of concrete
Three different mixes of concrete were separately prepared. The
materials in mix A were mixed dry in the proportion of 1 : 1 : 2.
The cement used was normal Portland cement. The mix was divided
and each half was separately mixed with water, one half having 30
per cent more water added than the other. A 150 mm cube was then
made from each half of each batch and tested for compression
strength at the end of twenty-eight days. Mixes B and C were dealt
with in a similar manner, the excess water added to one-half of each
mix being also 30 per cent.

100 101
Now calculate this reduction in strength for mixes Band C, and complete
the following table and paragraph:

per cent reduction

in strength

A 33
plate A ---*--s:::=~:;~ c
specimen'-- -1-tt-+--- +--- --lever
plate 8---f~~=:I:J We can conclude that the of concrete is considerably
ram and- - --1+--
_ _ _ as a result of the additional . The reason for this
cytinder is that water combines chemically with cement and an excess of
water weakens this reaction on which the strength of the concrete

5. Now divide the report of the experiment above into sections with the
following headings:
Compression testing machine

Mix Proportions Normal mixes I
of cement, I Apparatus
sand and Conclusion
aggregate water-cement strength lI Procedure
ratio Nl mm I Purpose
A I : 1:2 0·43 34·9 I
I 6. Read these instructions for carrying out a compression test on a concrete
B 1 : 2: 4 0·62 20·3 I
c 1: 3: 6
cube using the apparatus shown in the diagram in exercise 4:
0·85 10·7 I
! a) Cast the concrete mix in a steel mould of 150 mm by 150 mm by
150 mm internal dimensions and store in a damp cabinet for 24
1 Mixes with 30 per cent hours.
1 excess water b) Remove the specimen from the mould and immerse in water
I until the cube is ready for testing.
r1 c) Place the concrete specimen on the lower compression plate.
water-cement strength d) Lower the upper compression plate on to the top of the
I ratio specimen.
I e). Raise and lower the lever to operate the hydraulic ram moving
I plate B upwards.
I 0·56 23·4 f) Continue this pumping action until the specimen is crushed.
I 0·81 11 ·6 g) Note the reading on the pressure gauge.
I 1·10 5·9
! Now look at these results of compression tests done on concrete specimens
From these results we can calculate the per cent reduction in made of three different types of cement and performed at different intervals
strength for the three mixes due to the excess water. of time:

usually expressed as the daylight factor in the room, that is, the
Compressive strength (Nimm 2 ) ratio of the light in the room to the light of the unobstructed sky.
Type of cement Nominal
mix Direct daylight
3days 7 days 28 days 3 months 1 year The direct light from the sky which reaches any given point in a
room is determined by how big a patch of sky can be seen from that
point (Figure 1), or, more strictly, the pr?jecte~ solid angle ~ub­
Ordinary Portland 9·65 17·2 26·8 33 45
tended by the patch of visible sky at that pomt. It IS also determmed
1: 2: 4 17·2 24·1 34·4 38 48·2
High alumina by the brightness of the patch of sky. If the brightness of the patch of
48·2 49 55 No appreciable sky can be assumed to be uniform, the ratio of direct internal light t?
the external light from the sky is known as the sky component, and 1t
is proportional to this projected solid angle.
Formulae have been worked out to enable the sky component to
Write a report of the experiment with the following headings: be calculated.
A simpler method of determining the direct light from the sky is
Purpose Results by means of sky component protractors which can be laid directly on
Description of apparatus Conclusion to the working drawings. Figure 2 shows the use of the protractors.
Procedure An alternative method is to use published tables.

7. The experiment above measured the compressive strength of concrete.
Discuss methods of measuring these properties:

a) tensile strength of steel

b) hardness of copper working plane
c) combustibility of plastic
d) permeability of brick . point under consideration
Section 3 Reading Section
use a normal degree scale protractor
to find the mean altitude of visible sky
8. Look and read:
Reading 6%-02% = 5·8%

sky hemisphere
portion of sky contributing A B c E F G H
light directly to point
under consideration grid

correction 4

Figure 1

To calculate the amount of daylight in a room, first calculate the

dir~ct light ~rom the sky, and secondly, calculate the indirect light Plan
whtch cons1sts of the reflected light from external surfaces and
light received by reflection from the internal surfaces of the room. Reading 018 + 018 = 036
The total of direct and indirect light gives the total daylight. This is Figure 2 Sky factor at point under consideration = 5·8 x 036 = 200%

104 105
Indirect daylight e) How can the sky component be determined at the design stage?
The indirect component can be obtained from special graphs called f) What is the advantage of using the protractor to calculate the sky
nomograms or more simply (but less accurately) from published component?
tables. g) Is the indirect component directly proportional to the area of the
The indirect light in a room can also be calculated by using the internal surfaces of the room?
formula: h) If another building obstructs incoming light , is the indirect
component increased or decreased?
Average level of indirect light in room expressed as a percentage of
external light from whole sky = 0·85S (CRrw + 5Rcw)%
A(l- R) 9. Read this:
where S = area of window (actual glazed area);
A = total area of cei ling, floor and walls; One method of calculating the sky component is by using formulae.
R = average reflectance of ceiling, floor and all walls, Alternatively, a simpler method may be used whereby the ratio is
expressed as a fraction; calculated by means of protractors.
Rn.v = average reflectance of the floor and those parts of the Another method of calculating the sky component is by referring to
walls below the plane of the mid-height of the window published tables.
(excluding the window wall);
Rcw = average reflectance of the ceiling and those parts of Now write three similar sentences about the methods used to calculate the
the walls above the plane of the mid-height of the win- indirect component of the daylight factor.
dow (excluding the window wall);
C is a constant having values dependent on the degree of
obstruction outside the window. The table below Section 4 Listening
gives values of C for various obstructions.
10. Listen to the instructions on how to use protractors to determine the
sky component and complete these notes:
Angle of obstruction as seen
Sky component consists of two values:
from centre of window c A. Value of for an infinitely long window
(degrees above horizontal)
1. Draw
2. Mark _ __ _ _ _ and _ _ _ on section.
no obstruction
10 39 3. Draw
20 35 4. Place base and centre - - -
31 5. Read off _ __
30 25
40 6. Note _ _ _ _ _ _ of _ __ _ __
50 14
60 B. Value of _ _ _ _ __
70 10
7 1. Draw
80 5 2. Construct . .. .. .
3. Place base _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and centre _ _ _
Answer these questions: 4. Choose the appropriate _ _ _ _ __
5. Read for each side of window.
a) What is the purpose of determining the daylight factor? 6. Add where otherwise subtract
b) What are the three sources of indirect light in a room? Calculation of _ _ _ __ _
c) What two factors determine the amount of direct light which Multiply . ... . .
reaches any given point in a room?
d) What is proportional to the area of the patch of sky seen from a
given point in a room?

106 107
11. Rewrite the instructions in a similar way to the following, using linking
phrases to join the instructions together:
Unit 12 Consolidation
1. Look at these elevations of three buildings:

First of all' ) a sectiOn
. of the room perpendtcular
. to the
Exampl e: Th en,
BuildingAl O D D O D D
window should be drawn .

Buildings! 0 0 0 D 0 0
12. Draw this:

Draw a plan of a room and then draw a one metre square grid on Buildingcl 0 0 0 0 0 D
it. Calculate the daylight factor for each grid point. For this exer-
cise use sky component protractors. You can make them by tracing
the protractors illustrated in Figure 2, exercise 8 and sticking the Now read this:
diagrams on card.
The wi!ldo~s of buildin.g have a different ratio of long side to
short stde, 1.e. thetr proportions are different. Architects also talk
13. Now say if the daylight factor of any point in the room is below the about a building having good proportions. By this they mean that
minimum standard by referring to this table: certain definite ratios between dimensions and sizes are more
pleasant than others.

Minimum daylight standards

Discuss which elevation you find most pleasing to look at.

Now look at these rectangles and say which shape in your opinion has the
Room Daylight factor best proportions:
(measured on working plane)

living room
2 percent
1 per cent
0·5 percent
2 percent
1 percent
Now copy the graph and complete it from a survey of the opinions of at least
Note: Minimum design standards are based on an illumination of
5 000 lux from the whole unobstructed sky.

Percentage of 30%
people choosing
one rectangle 20%


1:1 4:5 2:3 5:8 1:2 2:5
Ratio of sides of rectangle

Discuss whether the results show that a majority of people find the
proportions of one rectangle more pleasing than the others.

108 109
2. Read this: a) What ratios have been used to design Elevation A and Elevation
B'! (Describe the ratios used for the overall shape, doors and
In an experiment, a great number of people were shown the rect- windows.)
angles you looked at in exercise 1. About 35 per cent thought that b) I las one ratio been used to \vhich all the other ratios are related?
the rectangle with sides at a ratio of 5 : 8 had the best proportions. If so, \\ hat is it?
Architects have known about this ratio for many centuries and it is c) Which elevation do you think has the most pleasant appearance?
called "The Golden Section" (sometimes referred to by the Greek
symbol <j>).
Architects have always been concerned with the problem of ratio , 3. Draw the plan and elevations of a real building and try to discover what
not only the overall shape of the building but also the smaller ratios have been used to design it.
shapes. They consider the ratios of windows and doors and relate
them to the ratios of the outside walls. They also consider the ratio
of the height, length and width of each room in relation to each 4. Look and read:
other. A building, then, can be seen as a complicated system of
ratios. In order to design a building which people felt had a pleasing
appearance, architects often related their measurements to <j>
(m: M = 5: 8). Column A Column B


, 13
86 70

! Lc Corbusier devised a system of proportions and measurements

The <j> proportion also appears in the human body: which he called the Modulor. This consists of two sets of figures. The
~ 71 I first is based on the height of the average man which he assumed to
be 1 830 mm. If this height is divided according to the Golden Sec-
tion, the longer of the two parts will be 1 130 mm which corresponds
to the navel height. This height can again be divided according to
the Golden Section, when the figure 700 mm will be obtained for the
,I I
longer part. We can go on dividing and subdividing according to <j>
V----+--~~ I~ until a whole range of figures is found. This is column A in the dia-
gram. Column B is obtained in the same way, but in this case the

starting point is the height of the at~erage man with his arm stretched
up (2 260 mm). This dimension is divided again and again as in the
case of column A. Dimensions can be obtained from the Modular
that give heights for chairs, low benches, counters and other
Now look at these two elevations and answer the questions:

Say whether these statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.

a) Le Corbusier invented the Modular.

b) The dimensions of column B are based on the height of the
D average man.
c) The dimensions are divided according to the ratio 5 : 8.
Elevation A Elevation B

110 lll
d) The maximum measurement used in the Modulor is 2 250 mm wide verandahs are used to obstruct the view of most of the sky. In
and the minimum 160 mm. traditional houses thin external walls of coarsely woven mats,
e) According to the Modulor the height of a chair seat should be which in some cases can be rolled up, allow full advantage to be
430 mm. taken of every breeze.

5. Redesign the building you drew in exercise 3 using the Golden Section. 7. Now choose a title for the paragraph:
Relate all the proportions of the building to this ratio.
Give reasons for your choice by saying which of the titles is too
Now answer these questions: general, too specific, or not sufficiently accurate.
The difference between arid and humid regions
a) Does the building now have a more plea~ing app~arance?. . Glare and daylight
b) What advantages do you think there are m destgmng a bmldmg Methods of overcoming glare from the sky
using the Modulor? . , . Problem of admitting sufficient daylight
c) Does the text in exercise 4 say whether Le Corbuster s chotce of
1 830 mm for the height of the average man was based on adequ- 8. Draw diagrams to illustrate the following:
ate data?
d) Compare the Modulor with the anthropometric data you col- a) Five methods of overcoming glare in hot-dry regions.
lected in Unit 4. Do you think the Modulor would be a good b) Three methods of overcoming glare in warm-humid regions.
system to use for designing buildings in your country? Why?

9. Read this:
6. Read this passage quickly to find the answers to these questions:
Solar water heaters
What causes glare in
a) hot-dry regions?
b) warm-humid regions?
A -.---::-:=-
: : : :.: :
dark wall
Solar water heaters consist of a solar collector and a well-insulated
tank. The function of the collector is to absorb solar radiation during
the day and transfer heat to the water. The tank serves to store the
_,.·glare ' water with little temperature loss until it is required. Various types

' ~//

of absorber units are found, but the relatively simple flat-plate

collector is most commonly used. The collector normally consists of
the following components: an absorber or heat-exchanger element,
One of the problems in hot climates is. to exclu.d~ not onl~ radiant insulation, cover and absorber box.
heat but also glare, while at the same ttme admtttmg sufficten~ day-
light. There is a fundamental diff~rence. between t~e problem m the Now read the following descriptions of the components of a collector and
arid and humid regions. In the and regtons, glare IS caused. by sun- name them:
light being reflected from the surface of the ground and h~ht co!-
oured walls of other buildings. A traditional way of overcommg thts a) A thick layer of material with a low U-value placed behind the
problem is by keeping windows on the exter~al elevations sm.all and unexposed side of the collector plate.
few in number, with the larger, low level wmdows overlookmg. the b) A weatherproof container made of wood, metal, or plastic.
shaded internal courtyard. Too sharp a contrast between a bnght c) Two flat sheets of transparent glass or plastic.
opening and the surrounding inside wall surface results in glare. For d) A sheet of flat material constructed so that channels are formed
this reason when small windows are used on the external walls, they through which water can circulate. It is painted black.
must be de~igned with care. One traditional method of overcoming
this problem is to use vertical slit windows ~hich are usually l.ocated Now match these functions with the components of the collector:
in the corners of rooms. Another method tS to locate the wmdows e) To prevent rain from affecting the insulation and to provide a
between the ceiling and eye level, or alternatively filters can be used support for the transparent cover.
in the form of lattices, screens or shutters. f) To absorb the maximum amount of radiation and to prevent the
High humidity and typica.lly overcas~ conditions in. t~e war.m- minimum amount of radiation being re-radiated.
humid regions result in a htgh proport1on of the radtatwn bemg g) To reduce heat losses to the rear to a minimum.
diffused so that the sky is the main source of glare. B~cause large h) To reduce convection and low-temperature radiation heat losses
openings are needed for cross ventilation, low overhangmg eaves or from the absorber surface.

112 113
10. Label this diagram: g) Thi~ process is also exothermic, thus the absorber will also reject
some heat to the environment.
. / ) solar radiation h) W~en thi~ high pressure heated gas condenses. it will dissipate heat
to tts env1ronment.
[/ e)
Now label items A and B on the diagram.

12. Answer these questions:

a) What does the word 'exothermic' mean? (Guess from its context
in the paragraph.)
a) b) Why is the absorber located separately from the collector?

13. Read this:

Solar water heater Building materials in the hot climate zones

Cane and leaves are available in the warm-humid zones and grass in
the intermediate and s~bt_ropi~al zones. Vine, bamboo and palm-
fronds are used for bmldmgs m the warm-humid zones. Because
ll. Read this: these materials are light, do not store heat, and allow the free
passage of air, they are frequently used for making roofs. However
Space cooling can be achieved by use of the heat obtained from the they have a rel~tively short life span because they deteriorate rapid~
sun directly, to drive an absorption refrigerator. This is essentially ly due to termtte attack. They are also highly combustible.
the same machine as the domestic gas or paraffin (kerosene) Both _hardwoods. and softwoods are found in most tropical and
operated refrigerator. subtroptcal areas wtth the exception of the hot dry zones. On exter-
nal_ woodwork preservative stains should be used rather than paints
wh1ch tend to deteriorate fai rly rapidly in the hot zones. Extremes of
clif!iatic conditi_ons ca~se dimensional changes producing cracks,
sphts a~d warpmg. Wmd-blown sand and grit gradually erode ex-
posed timber. In warm-humid zones timber is liable to wet and dry
rot and to attack by termites and beetles.
COOled space Earth is one of the most widely used traditional building materials
c in hot-dry lands. Earth is used not only for walls but also for roofs·
mud brick vaults and domes are common in countries like Iran and
Egypt. Because mud has less strength than most other construction
materials, mud walls are built thicker. Partly due to the thickness of
m~d walls and partly due to its low thermal conductivity, rooms
Put these sentences in the correct order to make a paragraph bu1lt ~f mud are ~uch coole~ in hot climates than those of any other
describing the principles of operation of an absorption refrigerator: matenal. Mud bncks are bnttle and do not withstand tension well.
a) Heating by solar radiation (or any other means) will expel some For this reason the vault and the dome were evolved in the East.
of the refrigerant from the solution. There is a ~igh risk o~ termit~ damage in some areas. Walls exposed
b) The warmed refrigerant gas is re-absorbed in the carrier fluid. to weathenng and ram requtre frequent repair work.
c) It operates on the following principles: Concrete and reinforced concrete are widely used throughout the
d) The liquid refrigerant will then enter the evaporator through a non-tempera~e zones. Cement is manufactured locally in many
throttle valve, it will rapidly evaporate, cool, and take up heat pl~ces. Sand IS found ~!most everywhere but it may be contaminated
from its environment. w1th soluble salts. Smtable aggregate may be difficult to find. Con-
e) This solution will then be pumped back into the solar heater. crete is most frequently used for the structure, foundations and floor
f) The refrigerant (e.g. ammonia) is more soluble in the carrier slabs of buildings. Care must be taken when using concrete for walls
fluid (e.g. water) at low temperatures. and roofs. Heat builds up on the exterior of concrete walls and roofs

114 115
due to solar radiation and surface temperatures usually .exceed air Glossary
temperatures. Then, because concrete walls tend to be and con-
crete has a low resistance to the passage of heat, heat 1s conduc~ed
into the interior. Salts in aggregates and water can cause corrosiOn This list gives the pronunciation of technical and semi-technical words used in this
of the reinforcement and subsequent spalling of the concrete cover. book and definitions of those words that are not fully explained in the text or dia-
In hot-dry areas the rapid ~vaporati~n and short?~e of water can grams. The number after each entry indicates the unit in which the word first
result in low strength, crackmg and h1gh permeab1hty. appears.

Pronunciations are shown in the system that is used in the Longman Dictionary of
Complete this table with notes about all the materials described above: Contemporary English. The symbols are shown in this table, with a key word for
each. The letters printed in bold type represent the sound value of the symbol.
Material Availability Use Properties Problems/
Durability Consonants

p pea few J fishing h hot

Cane, warm-humid
b bay v view 3 pleasure m sum
leaves, zones
t tea e thing tf choose n sun
d day 0 then d3 jump sung
bamboo, lJ
k key s soon I led j yet
palm-fronds g gay z zoo r red w wet

and i: sheep :>: caught e1 make I;} here
softwoods I ship u put au note ea there
e bed u: boot a1 bite ua poor
re bad A cut au now era player
Earth a: calm 3: bird :>I boy aua lower
0 cot a about ara tire
Concrete au a tower
:>Ia employer

1. A small raised/'/ at the end of a word means that the /r/ is pronounced if a vowel
follows (at the beginning of the next word), but not otherwise. For example, far
/fo:'/ means that far away is pronounced /fo:r awe1/ but far down is /fo: daun/.
2. The italic liJ/ means that the sound /a/ can be used but is often omitted. It may be
found before the consonants /m, n, IJ, I, r/ in certain positions. For example, travel
/' trrev ~l/ means that the pronunciation /'trrevaU is possible but /'trrevU may be
more common.
3. The mark /'/ means that the following syllable has main stress, and /,1 means that
the following syllable has secondary stress. For example. understand /,Anda'strend/

116 ll7
of fibres matted into a felt for chippings /'tS tproz/ B curve /b:v/ 3
aggregate /'regng:n/ gravel or
roofing and treated with bitumen C chisel/'tS m 1/11 cut-away 'iew /'kAtawer vju:/ 2
broken stone used in concrete 4
block /blok/ I circular /'s3: kjula'/ 1 cyclone zone /'sarklaunz::~un/10
air conditioner /'eakan,dtSana'/ 5
air lock /'ealok/ air in pipework boiler /' b;,rl3'/ device which burns cistern /'srstan/ water tank , e.g. tank cylinder /'srhnda'/ I
fuel to produce heat 5 fur flushing w.c. (water closet) 8
which is difficult to get out 8
bolster /'b<lUI~ta'/ tool for cutting cladding fixer /'klredro ,frksa'/ 6 daylight /'derlart/ II
altitude /'reltitju:d/ angular distance
bricks II clay /kler/ earth that becomes hard decibel /'desabel/ 4
of a celestial object above the when baked I
horiwn II boundary /' line around decorator /'dek~rerta'/ building
the edge of the site 2 client /'klarant/ 6 tradesman who paints a building 6
aluminium /,relju'mim3rnll
brace and bit /,breis and 'bit/ 11 climate zone /'klarmrt z;:~un/7 defects liability period /, di:fekt~
ampere /' rempe3'/ 4
bracing /'brerSIIJ/ structural coefficient of thermal conductivity lara'brlrti ,prarr3d/ 6
angle /'reogal/3
members which make a structure /kaur,friant av ,(h:mal deOection /dr 'tlekS an/7
anthropometric data
rigid 6 ,kondAk'trvati/ 9 dimension /dar 'menS an/
/,ren9rap3metnk 'delta/
brick /bnk/ hand-sized building column /'kolam/ an upright (vertical measurement of any sort
information about the body and
block, mostly made from clay 1 or near vertical) loadbearing (breadth, length, thickness.
reach characterisation of people 4
bricklayer /'bnk,lera'/ building member I height, etc.) 4
aquastat /'rekw~stret/ 5
tradesman who lays bricks 6 column bases /,kol;:~m 'bersrz/3 direct solar radiation /da,rekt 'saula
arc /o:k/12
brickwork /'bnkw3:k/ bricks built combination pliers re!di,erS,m/7
arch /o:tV 1
/, kombr 'ne1San ' plar~z/tool which down pipe /'daunparp/ rainwater
architect /'o:k1tekt/ person who into a wall or other structure 6
brightness /'brartnas/ 11 can strip and cut electrical wire 11 pipe fixed vertically to a wall 2
designs and supervises the
construction of buildings 6 brush fbrAV tool for applying paint combustible /kam 'bAstabal/ (adj) can draught /dro:ft/ the pressure
11 burn easily l difference causing a current of air 10
arcuated /'o:kjueitld/ a building
building enclosure/' brldll] component /k<~m'paonant/ 1 draw:off ~oint /'drJ: of p:lint/ tap by
dependent structurally on the use
rn,ki~U33'/ 5
compressive strength /kam'presrv which prpework may be emptied
of arches 3
building materials strco9/I of water 8
artificial light /,o:tifiS al 'lait/5
/'bddrl) ma,trmalz/ the material compressor /kam'presa'/ 5 dry rot /,dra1 'rot/ (merulius
asbestos /res'best3s/ I
from which building elements are concentric scale /k3n'sentnk skerl/ 11 lacrymans) fungus which destroys
asphalt /'resfrelt/ mixture of bitumen
and mineral matter occurring made 1 concrete /'kookri:t/ material made timber 8
naturally 3 building site /' brldii)Sart/ land which from cement and aggregate I duct ldAkt/ 8
IS used, or will be used. for condenser /kan'dens<~'/ device which
atmosphere /'retm3sfr3'/ 8
auditoria /,;,:dr't:>:n~/ buildings in construction 2 removes water from air; the water earth 13:9/ any soft, fine material
burner /' b3:na'/ part of a gas or oil condenses on to a cold surface 5 with vegetable content dug from
which audiences sit (singular:
boiler where the fuel burns 5 conductor lkan 'dAkta'/ material the ground 12
auditorium) 5
axis /'reksrs/2 which conducts electricity easily I elastic lr 'lresu k/ 1
cone /k3un/ I electrician lr'lek'trrS an/ building
cable shears /'kerb<?l SI<Jzlll
balcony /' brelkani/ platform built on cane /kern/ grass-like plants I2 connecting plate /ka'nektro plert/ 3 tradesman who installs electrical
canopy /'krenapi/ 2 contract /'kontrrekt/ (noun) 6 wiring and fittings 6
an outside wall of a building 4
cantilever /'krentr,li :va'/ structure convection /k;:m'vekian/ 8 elevation /,eh'verS ;ml 2
balustrade /, brela'strerdl collective
name to the whole infilling from with no support at one end or on correction factor /ka'reki an ,frekta'/ 11 estimate /'estamat/ an approximate
handrail down to the floor level at one side 3 corrosion /ka'rao3<m/ being calculation 6
the edge of a building, stair, etc. 6 cap plate /'krep plert/3 destroyed by chemical action I excavate /'ekskavert/ remove earth
carpenter /'ko:ponta'/ building corrugated /'korageltrd/ 1 by digging 6
bamboo /,brem'bu :/ fast-growing
cost /k ost/ 6 expanded polystyrene lrks,prendrd
plant 12 tradesman who works with wood
barrier screen /'brerraskri:n/lO 6 cost target /'kost ,to:gtt/6 poli'starari:n/ an insulating
base plate /'bersplett/ plate to fix a ceiling void /'si: lro v:>rd/ space courtyard /'b: tjo:d/ rectangular material9
between a structural floor and a space enclosed by buildings 2 exterior /rk'strana'/2
stanchion to a concrete
suspended ceiling 6 cover /'kAva'/ thickness of concrete external envelope lrk,st3:nal
foundation 3
cellular l'seljolo'/ consisting of cells covering steel reinforcement 4 'envalaup/5
bay lber/ area of concreting, tiling or
crane /krern/ I
screeding laid at one time 11 c cross-section /'kros ,seki an/ 1
beam /bi:m/ structural member ceramics /s<~'rremrks/ products made feed tank /'fi:d treok/8
designed to carry loads between from fire clay I cross-ventilation /'kros ventr,letS an/ 12 felt (see bitumen felt) C
channel /'tS renl/ 1 crown /kraon/ 3 fibreboard /'farbab;,:d/ boards built
points of support 1
beetle /' bi:tl/ insect which damages chimney effect /'tirmni r,fekt/10 crushed marble lkrASt 'mo:bal/ 11 up by felting from wood or other
chimney stack /ti rmnistrekl brick- cube /kju:b/ I vegetable fibre B
timber 12
work containing one or more flues cupboard /'kAbad/ small enclosed file /farl/ 11
bitumen /' bitSum;m/ 1
bitumen felt / ,bitSum3n 'felt/ sheets and projecting above a roof 2 storage space with door or doors 2 6nisb /'frnrS/ final covering of a

118 119
surface so that it is attractive, horizontal /,hon'zontl/ 3 mortar on which a brick or other pollution /pa'lu:fan/ 5
hardwearing and easily cleaned 6 hurricane /'hAnk3n/10 item is laid 3 polythene /'poll6i:n/ type of p la~tic I
fire escape /'fatan,sketp/10 hygrometer fhar'gron11tar/ 11 mortise-and-tenon I, m;,:tts and porch /p;,:tf/ projecting or recessed
fire resistance /'fata n,ztstans/ 5 'tenant a joint usually between covered space at the entrance to a
flashing /'fheS tl)/ strip of impe rvious illumination / r,lu:mt'nerSan/4 members at right angles to each building 2
material used to make a impermeable IJm'p3:mi3bJII 1 other 11 porous /'p;,:ras/8
wcathertight joint 13 interior IJn 'tr Jna•/ 2 mould /mauld/ 11 post-and-lintel /, paust <~nd 'lmtl/ 3
flexible /'fleksabaV 1 internal division lln't3:nl di,Vt3:mf5 precast concrete /pri: ,ko:st ' koukri:tl
float lflaut/ 11 iron /'ar<m/ l natural light /, mctS ~ral 'latt/ 5 concrete cast in a factory and
floor boarding /' tb:b;,:dtg/ 1 newton /' nju:tan/4 transported to the place it is
flue !flu:/ duct which carries burnt joiner /'d3Jtna•t craftsman who nomogram /'nomagrrem/ 11 needed 3
gases from a boiler up into the air makes components out of wood 6 non-combustible /,nonkam'bAstab~ll precipitation /pn,srpt'terS an/ fall of
o utside the building 2 joint /d3:ltnt/ 3 (adj) does not burn 1 rain, sleet, snow or hail 5
foreman /' b:manl person who joist /d3:ltst/ structural timber preservative stain /pn ,z3:vauv 'stern/
supervises other tradesmen 6 forming a floor or ceiling 3 opaque /au' perk/ I a protective finish for wood 12
foundation /faun 'detS an/ solid part joule /d3u:l/4 ordinary Portland cement /,;,:d;mri prevailing wind /prr 'verhg wrnd/
of a building under the ground ,p:l:tland st'ment/ a yellowish direction from which a wind most
which transmits the load of a k-value /' ke t ,vrelju:/ C cement ma de from a burned frequently comes 8
building to the earth 2 kilogramme /' kll3grrem/ 4 mixture of clay and limestone 11 prism /'pnzam/1
frame /fretm/ 3 orientation /,;, :n:m' te iS ~n/ 2 profiled /'praufarld/ 3
lateral restraint /,lretar3l n 'stremt/ outer sheathing /,auta 'Si:OtiJ/11 protractor /pra'trrekta•tt1
germicidal treatment /'d33:mtsatdl prevent from moving sideways C overhanging eaves /, aov;:~hreiJIIJ 'i:vz/
,tri:tmant/ using a substance to Le Corbusier /Ia b:' bu:sjet/ famous rafters, tiles, slates, etc. radiator /'rerdieita•f type of heat
destroy germs, especially bacteria French architect 12 projecting over the wall plate and emitter 5
5 lightning conductor /'lattmg clear of the wall 12 rapid-hardening cement /rreprd
Gio Ponti /,d31au 'ponti/ famous kan,dAktar/ a thick copper lead ,ho:dnrg st'ment/11
Italian architect A connected to earth, projecting paint /pernt/ decorative fi nish rectangular prism /rek,treggjola
girder /'g3:da'/ large beam 7 above a building, which reduces applied with a brush or roller 8 'prrzam/ 1
glare /glea'/ 12 the chance of the building being panel /'prenl/ portion of a floor, roof reflection coefficient /rr,flekS ~n
glass wool /,glo:s 'wuV flexible fibres struck by lightning 10 slab or wall supported by a frame 1 kau'f•S ant/11
formed from molte n glass and lintel /'hntl/ structural support over panel saw l'prenl s;,:/ 1I reinforced concrete /,ri:rnb:sd
used as an insulator 1 an opening in a loadbearing parallel /'prer<llel/2 'kogkri:t/4
glazed /gletzd/ A wall3 party wall /,po:ti 'w;,:l/ wall between relative humidity /, relatrv
glazier /'gletztar/ building tradesman load /laud/ 5 two houses or other buildings, hju:'mtdati/5
who cuts glass and fixes it in a loadbearing waii /'I<>UdbeaniJ w;,:l/3 and jointly owned 8 rib / nb/ 4
window o r door 6 longitudinal section /lond3r'tju:d;mal pedestrian access /pa' destn~m rigid / 'nd3td/ 1
glue /glu:/ liquid used for sticking ,sekSan/ 1 ,rekses/ way for people on foot to rod / rod/ 1
materials together 3 louvre /'lu:va•t horizontal sloping get into a place or building 2 roof decking /'ru:f ,dekrg/
Golden Section /'gaoldan ,sekSan/ 12 slats which allow ventilation 5 perimeter /pa'rrmtta•/ 2 lightweight panels used to form a
gravel /'grrev;,l/ small stones 8 lumen /'lu:m;>n/4 permeable /'p3:mi<lbl111 1 roof 6
gutter /'gAta'/ channel along the luminOUS fluX /')u:mtn<lS fiAks/4 perpendicular /,p3:p;)n'drkjuJa•t 2 rubber /' rAba'/ 1
edge of a road or an eave to lump hammer /'lAmp ,hrema'/11 pincers /'prnsaz/ II
remove rainwater 2 lux IIAks/4 pipe /patp/ tube used to carry liquids safety valve /'serfti vrelv/5
and gases l sanitary fittings /'sremtari ,frtiiJz/
hacksaw /' hreks:l:/ 11 mallet /'mrellt/ 11 pipework /'patpw3:k/6 fittings used to remove dirt a nd
hardcore /, ho :d'b:/loose fill membrane /'membrem/1 plan / phen/2 waste 6
material which will not settle once Mies van der Rohe /,mi:z vren d<1 planar construction /' plerno: scale /skerl/ the de posit of
compacted 8 'raua/ famous German architect A kan,strAkS an/ J magnesium or calcium salts
hardwood /' ho:dwod/ timber from a mineral wool /'m rnaral wul/ plane /ple rn/ II formed in a pipe 4
tree with a broad leaf 12 insulation made into a quilt or plastic /' plrestrk/ 1 screen /skri:n/ a fence or wall which
heat transfer /' hi:t ,trrensf3:'/9 slab 5 pliers (see combination pliers) closes off a view. often to make a
heating contractor /' hi:UIJ moisture l' m:>rstSa•t liquid in the plumb-bob /'plAm bob/ tool to check space mo re private 6
kan,trrektar/ 6 form of vapour 1 that something is vertical II screwdriver /'skru:,drarva•/ tool for
hemisphere /' hemtsftar/ 1 mortar /'m;,:ta•t binding material for plumber /'piAma•/ building tightening screws 11
high alumina cement /,hat a,lu:mtn3 use with bricks and blocks 3 tradesman who works with seasonal variation /,si :vnal
st'ment/8 mortar bed l'm:>:ta bed/layer of pipework and flashings 6 veari'etS an/7

120 121
section /'sek~ an/ 1 steel skeleton l ,sti: l'ske13tn/ steel vault lv:l:lt/ an arched nHNmry roof waste pipe !'we 1st parp/ small pipe
security /si'kju:;lr'Jtil protection from frame for a building 3 3 carrying waste water from a
thieves 5 steelwork l'sti:lw3:k/6 vehicular access /vi : 'hrk.1ular ,<ehes: basin. bath or ~ink 2
segmental arch I seg,mentl'o:tV strain /strem/ amount of way for vehicles to get into a weather resis tance /'wet5a n ,z1~tans1
a segmental arch is formed by a dimensio nal change caused by a place or building 2 5
segment of a large circle drawn from force 8 vent pipe /'Ycnt pa1p/ an outlet for weld /wcld/ 3
a centre below the springing line 3 stress /stres/ force per unit area 8 airo wet rot /' wet rot/ fungus whrch
seismic area l'sa•sm•k ,ean~ 10 strip /stnp/ 1 verandah /va'rrenda/ a covered destroys timber which has become
semi-circular /,semi's3:kjui'Jr/ 1 structure /'strAkti 'Jr/Joadbearing outdoor 'pace open on one or wet 8
sheet ISi:t/ 1 part of a building 1 more ~rdes extending from a windo~ head /'wmd'Ju bed/ top part
shovel/'S ,waU hand tool for moving subsided /sab'saidJd/ moved building 12 of a window B
earth 11 downwards 8 vertical /'v3:ttk.?l/3 wire strippers /'wara ,stnp'Jz/ tool
shutter /'iAtar/ a wooden or steel suspended noor /sas'pendid ,fb:r/ verticality /,v3:tl 'kre1Iti/11 for removing the insulation from
cover that fastens over a window 2 floor which does not rest on the vice /Va1s/ II electrical wiring 11
silllsiU bottom of a window; the sill ground 5 vinyl /'va m'Jl/ type of plastic 3
allows water to drip off the zinc IZIIJk/1
window without running down the tender figure /'tend'J ,fJgar/6 warping /'w::>:pt!J/ any distortion of
side of the building B tensile strength /'tensaii ,strel)9/l timber caused by changing the
slab /slreb/1 termite /'t3:matt/ insect which eats moisture content 12
softwood /'softwud/ timber from a wood 10
tree with a pinnate leaf 12 terrace /'ter'Js/ raised level platform
solar collector /,s'JUI'J ka'lekt'Jr/ 2
device which collects solar terrazzo /ta'rretsau/ concrete floor
radiation and converts it into heat finish containing chips of marble
12 (a type of stone) 11
solar radiation /,s'Jul'J reidi'eiXanl thermal conductance /,93:mal
radiant energy received from the kan'dAktansl C
sun 12 thermal insulation /,93:mal
solid angle /,sohd 'reiJgaU an angle msju'le1S iJnl 5
formed in three dimensions 11 thermal resistance /,93:mal
soluble sulphates /'soljubal 'sAifeus/8 n'zJstans/ C
sound insulation /'saund thermostat /'(b: m'Jstret/ switch which
msju,le•Xe~n/5 goes off and on as the temper-
spalling /'sp::>:hiJ/ 4 ature in the room rises and falls 5
span /spren/ the distance between tile /tatU 1
supports 3 timber I' tim bar/ wood used in
spanner /'spren'Jr/11 building 3
specification /,spesifi'ke•~ ani written tongued and grooved /,tAIJd and
description of work to be done 6 'gru:vd/ C
spirit level /'spmt ,leva!/ 11 trabeated /'trerbieltJd/ (adj.)
split /split/ a crack in wood which constructed on the post-and-lintel
passes through it 12 principle 3
springing line/' spriiJIIJ lam/ the transparent /trren'sprer'Jnt/ able to
level at which an arch springs be seen through 1
from its supports 3 transverse section /trrenz'v3:s
square /skwe'Jr/1 ,sekS an/ cross section 2
squareness /'skwe'Jn'Js/11 triangular /trairel)gjular/1
stability /st'J'b1hti/ the resistance of trowel/'trauaU tool used to apply
a structure to sliding, overturning, sand/cement mixture 11
or collapsing C truss ltrAsl assembly of structural
stanchion /'sto:nt~an/ steel column 1 roof members which may be
stanchion casing /,sto:nt~an 'keiSIIJ/ prefabricated 7
material covering a steel column tube /tju:b/ 1
usually to protect it from fire B
steel /sti:U 1 U-value /'j u: ,vrelju:/ C

122 123

ALLEN, E. How Buildings Work: The Natural Order of Architecture. Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 1980.
DANBY, M. Grammar of Architectural Design (with special reference to the tro-
pics). Oxford University Press, 1963.
Housing and Building Part I, Climatic Design. Longman, 1974.
MITCHELL, G. A., MITCHELL, A.M. Building Construction. Batsford. 6 volumes:
Components King, H., Osbourn, D. (revised edition 1979)
Environment and Services Burberry, P. (revised edition 1979)
Finishes Everett, A. (revised edition 1979)
Materials Everett, A. (revised edition 1979)
Structure and Fabric Part 1 Foster, 1. S. (revised edition 1979)
Structure and Fabric Part2 Foster, J. S., Harrington, R. (revised edition 1980)
NUTTGENS. P. The Mitchell Beazley Pocket Guide to Architecture. Mitchell Beazley,
PROPERTY SERVICES AGENCY Construction Industry Thesaurus (abridged version). De-
partment of the Environment, 1976.
TUTT, P., ADLER, D. (eds.) New Metric Handbook. The Architectural Press, 1979.
WATERHOUSE, G & c. English for the Construction Industry. The Macmillan Press
Limited, 1981.
WILSON, F. Architecture and Interior Environment: A Book of Projects for Young
Adults. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1972.


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