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Cortes Journal of English for Academic Purposes 12 (2013) 33-43, Tables 0 Lexical bundles in research article introduction moves. The superscript numbers indicate the numberof steps in which the bundle was Wentifed. Move 1 Step 1 Gaming relevance of eld Step 2: making topic generalizations Step 3: reviewing items of previous iterature Move 2 Step 1A: indicating 2 exp Step 18 adding to what, is known postive justification Move 3. Step 1: announcing present esearch descriptively and/or purposefully 2 great deal of, ‘Asone of the, Ima variety of, is one ofthe most, fone ofthe major, ‘one ofthe most important, fone ofthe most, Play an important rote in the, ‘The importance of the 4 function of the, ‘an understanding of the, ‘asa measure of, ‘swell asin, {swells the, fora variety of, thas been shown to, thas been shown to be, Ihave been shown to, Inthe use of, In terms of the, ithhas been shown that, itis well known that ‘the development ofthe, ‘the presence ofthe, these af a, tere has been 3, to the development of, to the extent that are likely to be, ‘asa result of the, atthe end of, ina number of, by the presence ofthe, inthe development of in the use ofthe, ‘thas been suggested that, it was found that the, referred to asthe, ‘Studies have shown that, ‘te impact of the, the sizeof the, the structure ofthe, with the use of it is necessary to, Ht should be noted that, the effect ofthe, a better understanding of, 2 better understanding ofthe, of this study was to, ‘the purpose ofthe present study was to, ‘the alm of this paper i to, ‘the aim of this study, inthis paper we, the objective of this paper is to, the objectives of this study were, ‘the objective of this study was to evaluate the, ‘the purpose of this std is (0, ‘the purpose ofthis paper i to, ‘the purpose of this study was to, ‘to determine the effets of, ‘used in this study, ‘we show that the a wide range oF, a wide vanity of Am analysis of the’, In the held of ‘The relationship between the? a great dea of, ie more likely to, asa result of, at the same time’, Bt the time of, have been shown to be?, ina number of way, in relation tothe’, in the absence oF, in the case oF, in the content of in the Fld oP, in the Form of, in the presence of, is based on the? itis atfcul tr itis possible to! tn the basis of a wide variety of bre more likely to, asa function of the, 2s well asin the’ atthe time of, an be used to" for the frst time have been shown to be, in addition tothe? in the absence oP, in the ease of, in the ease ofthe in the context ofthe, in the held of, is known about the? lil s known about the, ne degre to which" inthe context of, itis aiuto, is known about the? Tie is known about the”, there ia need to an analysis ofthe for the rst time, im addition tothe in the content of in the context ofthe? in the present sty, fs related tothe tm the basis ofthe’ fn the use ofthe the eects of tne’, the ature ofthe”, the performance of the, the tse of the the ways in which, tothe we of, fon the other hand fon the use of the, playa roe in ‘tht there isa, the Fact thatthe! the nature of the! the use of the. the ways in which?, tothe use oP” in Ue presence of fs related to the? fon the basis of the play arte i’ the Fact that the’ the value ofthe’, tothe use of, the relationship ‘between the there ia need to, there area number of, with respect tothe? 0 V. Cortes Journal of English for Academic Purposes 12 (2013) 33-43, Step 2: presenting R's or there area number of, hnypoteses| inthe case oF, Step 3: definitional clarifications as well asin the’ bo the other hand, the degree to whic Step 4: summarizing methods 2 wide range of, in the presence of 353 function of the? in the presen study? 25 wellas inthe! fon the basis of Bt the same time’, is ased om the! in the absence oF, the relationship in the case oF between the’ in the ease ofthe, the est of the in the context of Step 5: announcing am increase in the, inthe ease of, principal outcomes {the results ofthe, in relation tothe’, vith respect to the? Step 6: stating the vale {in the sense that the, 2 wide range of ofthe present research am be use 02, for the frst cme ina number of wave, the value ofthe? Step 7: outining the are presented in section, the performance of the®, Structure ofthe paper tthe end of the, the test ofthe, in the next section, the paper organized 2s follows, this paper i organized as follows, {the remainder of the paper is organized as follows, ‘the remainder ofthis paper is organized as follows, the rest of the paper is ‘organized as follows, the rest of this paper is organized as follow Move 3 step 1, announcing present research descriptively andor purposefully Ex. 4. In this paper, we examine the same question in the context of arbitrary hierarchies that are consistent with the technology. (Economics) ig methods Move 3 step 4 summari Ex. 5. The present research tests the two explanations in the context ofa real-life case. (Communication studies) In order to have more reliable bundle-move connection identification, 50% of the occurrences of the bundles were analyzed and classified into moves and steps by a second researcher. The comparison showed 99% of agreement between researchers for moves and 92% for steps in moves. The main cause of disagreement lied in the fact that some lexical bundles appeared in sentences that may represent more than one step and this was recorded differently by each analyst. When this occurred, the use ofthe bundle under analysis was revised and the bundle was re-classified as occurring in the two steps that ‘may have caused the mismatch. ‘The reason for longer bundles (lexical bundles with five or more wortis) to be used in only one move is simple: longer bundles contain more lexical words within their composition which help them be more informational than shorter bundles, which are mainly made up of function words that surround a central lexical word, such asa noun. The nouns in shorter bundles, however, are in most cases shell nouns (Aktas & Cortes, 2008; Schmid, 2000),a type of abstract noun that has little or no meaning, in itself, particularly when used in academic discourse. The content of these nouns can often be found in the surrounding, discourse, in preceding clauses or in succeeding phrases or noun complement clauses. That isthe case of the nouns in lexical bundles such as the fact that the, in which the noun fact is used as a shell noun, as shown in the following example: Ex. 6. The three-fold distinction in the types of publication reflects the fact that the readers of the journals are researchers ‘and/or practitioners (Applied Linguistics) In example 6, the fact is realized in the noun complement clause following the noun (the readers of the journals are researchers and/or practitioners). The shell noun fact is encapsulating the meaning that is explained in the succeeding discourse.

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