MR 251

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81/3A, "Acwell Court", 1st Lane, Koswatta Road, Rajagiriya.

Tel. - 0112053342 / 0114347223
Web -
Project Name : -Construction of Kumarapuram Water Supply Scheme MR No :- KMP/MR/OCT.23/251
Location :- Kumarapuram
Required Date :- 23.10.2023
For Office Use Only
Req: Market Previous Qty Previous
No Details Item Unit Amount (Rs) Remarks Total supplied Qty @ Take off Balance to
Qty Rate (Rs.) approved Approved
No Qty Site qty be
Date Qty

1 CR-Book 160 Pag Nr 2 430.00 860.00 To using the Record of the mr Details
2 CR-Book 200 Pag Nr 1 520.00 520.00 To using the Daily material Use
3 Note Book Nr 5 80.00 400.00 To all the Technical Officer and the staff
to using Electrnoic water pump This Qty requested by (
4 1" Flexabale Rubber hose ( Role) Nr 1 12,650.00 12,650.00
project Eng Mr. Tharaka)
5 Uria Bags ( filling Sand) Nr 70 50.00 3,500.00 to block the water flow blow the E-Type Culvert

make a Wire code to using the site work (This Qty

6 15A Power Supply wire ( Full Role) Nr 1 21,500.00 21,500.00
requested by ( project Eng Mr. Tharaka)

7 Sun Box Double Nr 2 260.00 520.00 Make the power supply wire Code

8 15 A / 13A Plug box Nr 4 950.00 3,800.00 Make the power supply wire Code

9 Hire Agricluture water Pump Hr 16 1,500.00 24,000.00 to using De watering under the culvert for Structur Work

To excavate the Hume pipe placing location ( in the site

10 Excavater Hr 8 4,500.00 36,000.00
situvation JCB not do the woek )

11 Petty Cash day 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 this is Requested By project Eng Mr. Tharaka
Refreshment ( 160 & 225 mm Pipe this is used on 14.10.2023 ( 160mm & 225mm PE pipes
12 Nr 1 1,070.00 1,070.00
Unloding) Unloding)
(02.10.2023 - made this payment ) for WaSSIP
13 WaSSIP Refreshment Nr 1 580.00 580.00
Refreshment ( Labour & Staff for E- Type (18.10.2023 - nade this payment ) for Labour Refresh
14 Nr 1 1,650.00 1,650.00
Culvert Crossing) ment for E-Type Culvert Late Night work
to using Power Saw Meachin to Using Form workc in
15 Power Shw Blade 80 x 2.4 x 25.4 mm Nr 2 2,000.00 4,000.00
16 PVC Bend 2" Nr 5 850.00 4,250.00 to using Electrnoic water pump
17 Valve Socket 2" Nr 5 280.00 1,400.00 to using Electrnoic water pump
Total 126,700.00
From :- Head Office

Prepared by, Requested by: Checked by, Checked by, Approved by, Approved By Approved by,

Hasini …………………… ….................. ………………………

Mr.J.Naha Archchun Mr.H.A.T.S Dasanayaka Mr. Piraveen Premarathne Managing Director HO Project Engineer CEO

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