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Name: Reas, Rosemarie C.

Globus Inc. SWOT Analysis


1. Market Leadership - As a leading manufacturer, Globus Inc. likely has a strong brand reputation and a
large customer base.

2. Product Range - Globus Inc. may offer a wide range of baby products, catering to various needs of
parents and babies.

3. Quality - If Globus Inc. is known for high-quality products, this is a significant strength.


1. Dependence on Suppliers - If Globus Inc. relies heavily on certain suppliers for raw materials, this
could be a weakness.

2. Limited Global Presence - If Globus Inc. is not globally diversified, it may be vulnerable to market
fluctuations in its primary markets.

3. High Prices - If Globus Inc.'s products are more expensive than competitors, this could deter cost-
conscious consumers.


1. Online Sales - If Globus Inc. has not fully exploited online sales channels, this could be a significant

2. Emerging Markets - Developing countries with growing middle classes present opportunities for

3. Eco-friendly Products - There's a growing demand for eco-friendly and organic baby products.


1. Competition - Other manufacturers of baby products are a constant threat.

2. Regulatory Changes - Changes in safety regulations for baby products could impact Globus Inc.

3. Economic Downturn - Economic downturns can reduce consumer spending on non-essential items,
including some baby products.

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