Uber Answer Sheet

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Name: Reas, Rosemarie C.

1. What ideas from Managerial Decision Making could improve decision making at Uber?

Uber is a creative innovation organization that is disturbing the taxi business.

Nonetheless, two issues are distinguished dependent on the short article, which are far
reaching sexism and lewd behavior in the organization and furthermore the utilization of an
information sharing system considered Greyball that is utilized to recognize and avoid
authorization authorities in urban communities even though the fundamental motivation
behind the program is to recognize hazardous riders. Utilizing thoughts from the section would
improve dynamic at Uber and tackle these issues. To handle the issue of far and wide sexism
and lewd behavior, Uber can use the six dynamic stages recorded in the section. It should begin
with distinguishing the issue on why there is far reaching sexism and disturbances happening
in the organization. At that point, as it is a typical issue that ought not occur in the public arena,
Uber should produce elective arrangements utilizing instant arrangements. These incorporate
making severe arrangements, disciplinary activity towards the individual completing the
activity, elective objection frameworks, trainings, setting up provocation teams and so forth.

2. What’s been happening lately? Has there been any evidence of improved decision making?

Certain steps of pre caution have been made to ensure the safety of Uber drivers has been
happening lately. There is evidence of improved decision making where is, they engage new
strategies to ensure the safeties of the drivers. To protect the drivers, Uber's company has installed
a program named VTOS. The program helps to use to tag would be riders Uber suspected might be
municipal enforcement officers. These officials might in turn be engaging in a sting operation to
locate Uber drivers, who could be issued tickets or have their cars impounded, with proper
assessment of the best available evidence.

3. Discuss Uber’s success and crises in terms of risk, uncertainty, and how its managers are
handling the company’s challenges. What is the current news on this company?

Uber has grabbed the market share and has forced a reduction in the price of other high
price taxi medallions. Uber has not stopped there, they have expanded their services and
introduced ride-sharing which makes the already cheaper rides, even cheaper. They have also
introduced uber eats, a service that allows for restaurants without its own delivery system in place,
to deliver orders to customers. Uber, like any other company is not perfect. The managers made
the decision to make its drivers independent contractors, rather than employees, which was a huge
risk. This basically means that its workers are not covered by employment and labor laws, and Uber
came under scrutiny in several countries across the world for conducting flawed background
checks. In addition to this, Uber was charged with "fraudulent and arguably criminal conduct" for
investigating the lawyer and plaintiff who were suing the company. Uber maintained its airport
services, getting a lot of criticism on social media in the bargain.
4. Identify some risky decisions you have made. Why did you take the risks? How did they work
out? Looking back, what did you learn?

The risky decisions I made in my life was taking up the Bachelor of Science in Accountancy.
I do not have any background about being an accountant. The first thing that comes to my mind is
that they are those front desk staffs accompanying you inside a bank. I took this risk because of our
family business. It was what my mother wanted me to have. As of today, it worked out well, I have
knowledge on accounting which is a great help in our family business and at the same time I am
working in a franchise of Petron Corporation as an accounting officer. Looking back, I learned that
mother is always right and she knows well what is good for her child.

5. Identify a decision you made that had important unexpected consequences. Were the
consequences good, bad, or both? Should you, and could you, have done anything differently
in making the decision?

The decision that had an important unexpected consequence I made was taking up and
finishing my accountancy course. Those consequences are good in my perspective. I will not have
done anything differently if I will be given the chance.

6. What effects does time pressure have on your decision making? In what ways do you handle
it well and not so well?

I lacked time to deliberate the choice options because of time pressure in decision making.
I handled it well by focusing on different aspects of the choices. On the other hand, I handled
it not so well when only given a small amount of time.

7. Recall a recent decision that you had difficulty making. Describe it in terms of the characteristics
of managerial decisions.

Whether to focus only in our family business or engage in other companies and render my
service as an accountant. After analyzing different aspects and with thorough time
management I was able to pull off both.

8. What do you think are some advantages and disadvantages to using computer technologies in
decision making?

Computer technology makes a huge impact on decision-making. I hardly make the decision
to purchase anything without looking it up on the Internet and reading reviews first. Some
advantages of computer technology in decision-making would include: emailing, the Internet, and
Microsoft office. When seeking advice from someone on a decision, email is an ideal form of
communication. You can always review the advice you receive, because it is stored in your inbox. If
you get advice over the phone and don't record it yourself, you wouldn't be able to look back on it
if you forget it later on. The Internet is another helpful tool that can be used when making decisions.
If you have problem chances are some else has had the same issue and has posted how they
resolved it online.

Disadvantages include lack of creativity, security, and complacency. When people look to
the Internet for all of the answers to their problems, they may tend to lose that creative thinking
ability the solution to the problem requires. When you aren't able to find your answer on the
Internet; formulating your own answer may be difficult. Security can be a disadvantage with
computer technology. With the ever-growing rate of cybercrime hardly anything on a computer is
safe. This can be an issue when decision making if a company’s proprietary information is stolen.
The company may have to make additional decisions for an already finished project.

9. Do you think that when managers make decisions, they follow the decision-making steps as
presented in this chapter? Which steps are apt to be overlooked or given inadequate attention?
What can people do to make sure they do a more thorough job?

Yes, when managers make decisions, they often follow the decision-making steps as presented
in this chapter. The steps typically begin with problem identification and analysis, followed by the
gathering of relevant information, the evaluation of alternatives, the selection of a preferred
alternative, and finally, the implementation of the chosen alternative. However, it is possible that some
of these steps may be overlooked or given inadequate attention. This is especially true when the
manager is in a hurry or feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand. In such cases, the manager may jump
to the selection of a preferred alternative without taking the time to thoroughly evaluate all of the
available options. Additionally, the manager may not take the time to properly identify the problem or
consider other possible solutions that could be implemented

In order to make sure they do a more thorough job, managers should take the time to
thoroughly analyze the problem, gather the necessary information, and evaluate all of the available
alternatives. Additionally, managers should look for multiple solutions to the problem and consider
both short-term and long-term impacts of their decisions. Managers should also be willing to seek out
external advice and input from other stakeholders to gain additional perspectives on the situation.
Finally, managers should take the time to thoroughly review the chosen solution and plan for its
successful implementation. By taking the time to properly consider all of the steps in the decision-
making process, managers can ensure that they are making the most informed and beneficial decisions
for their organization. Ultimately, making sound decisions is a key component of successful
management. By taking the time to thoroughly consider the steps in the decision-making process,
managers can make more informed and effective decisions that benefit the organization as a whole.

10. Discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of using a group to make decisions. Give
examples from your experience.

Group decision making involves a wide range of processes, so these are general and by no
means that only ones. Potential advantages are it Include multiple perspectives, needs, and goals.
Attribution can only be assigned to the group, not any particular individual. Lastly, it allows participants
to learn from each other (this is IMHO the biggest unspoken benefit of these exercises, and the positive
outcome with the longest lasting impact for the organization. As to disadvantages, If using a voting
mechanism, all voting mechanisms are inherently flawed which means that it is possible a better
solution was discarded for a lesser one. People use their mental models of others to project how they
will vote and adapt their strategies to suit their own needs, oftentimes these strategies backfire, even
more often, they lead to sub-optimal solutions for the rest of the group. Difficult in decisions may lead
to bike shedding, sufficing (good enough/low risk) solutions and trivialization of the problem/option
11. Suppose you are the CEO of a major corporation and one of your company’s oil tanks has
ruptured, spilling thousands of gallons of oil into a river that empties into the ocean. What do
you need to do to handle the crisis?

As, a CEO, I would have taken the responsibility of problem which happened. I would order, my
crisis management team to work with government authorities and different experts to minimize the
damage on water animals, communities and prevent more oil expansion. I would have asked to clean
the water-body as early as possible to minimize water pollution. I would have paid compensation for
our mistakes. I would have been present all the time for media brief, for updating the steps which are
been taken to minimize the damage. I would have also sent alert notice to the community who will be
get affected due to oil spilling, so that they can take necessary actions to minimize damage due to spill.

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