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The art of War

Sun Tzu’s strategies of war

1: Anciently the skilful warriors first made themselves invincible and awaited
the enemy’s moment of vulnerability.
Sun tzu Says the Propose of Being too much powerful was not to attack others but
to defend itself from external Threats . Enemy’s Vulnerabilities were exploited by
powerful people to attack them
2: depends on one’s self; the enemy’s vulnerability on him.
There was no Scale to measure the strengths but Strengths were measured by the
weak attacking points of enemy
3: It follows that those skilled in war can make themselves invincible but
cannot cause an enemy to be certainly vulnerable.
Sun tzu says Skilled warriors can Take all measures to defend themselves and be
invincible but it doesn’t make enemy weak It’s like work on self not against other
therefore One should not underestimate the strengths of enemy.
4: One defends when his strength is inadequate; he attacks when it is abundant.
Sun tzu believes Aggression comes from being too much powerful however
defensive people are always seems to be less aggressive in terms of war the
defender is always less powerful than attacker.
5: Therefore it is said that one may know how to win, but cannot necessarily do
One must be aware with all the possible measures of very victory and
Vulnerabilities of it’s enemy but not Practice in usual until it becomes necessary
to do.
Offensive strategy:
1: Next best is to disrupt his alliances
The more allies your enemy has the more hard it becomes to defeat so Keep your
Enemy out of alliances and Isolated to defeat without any interference of other
force or Army .
2: If equally matched you may engage him.
If your army is equally numbered and equally equipped then engaged in direct
war otherwise without proper information about enemy will cost you.
3: If weaker numerically, be capable of withdrawing;
If your army is less in number than Better to withdraw from war losing number
instead because later you can find a soft point to attack your enemy with less
4: He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious
I wise warrior is one who knows when to attack and when to defend and he
always stays alert about circumstances and possible war factors
5: Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy’s
War is always fight for the interests and gains so better to destroy enemies
strengths not his Infrastructure or Useable Things because after victory these
things will benefit you.
1: When he is united, divide him
War can not only be win by attacking enemy it can be win bt Defeating enemy
without attacking on it Sun tzu says use unconventional method to weaken your
enemy by dividing it’s elites ,army or generals Ultimately it will lose it’ strength
2: Attack where he is unprepared; sally out when he does not expect you
Every enemy Knows his weak and strong points he always expect attack from a
weaker point but sometimes he neglect his stronger point by not deploying it’s
army so Surprise him by attacking from unexpected positions
3: Anger his general and confuse him
Provoke your enemy and confuse him by Doing Raging things to himand make
him do a silly mistake which results in his defeat
4: Which has the better trained officers and men
Train your army for every Hard condition and Always make them ready for War
Make them Sacrifice their lives for victory this is the best for a army to get victory
5: When he concentrates, prepare against him; where he is strong, avoid him
Always keep your eyes on your enemy what is he doing or planning to do If he is
planning an attack then be ready if he is too strong then try to avoid for a while
1: Generally, management of many is the same as management of few. It is a
matter of organization
Manage your large army in section, battalions and squad to avoid any disturbance
during war because a single person can not control a large army so divide your
army with the division of power to Generals.
2: And to control many is the same as to control few. This is a matter of
formations and signals.
Use Symbols flags and Louder Voice and sounds to give command to troops
because thousands of troops can not listed command be given from far .
3: In battle there are only the normal and extraordinary forces, but their
combinations are limitless; none can comprehend them all
A large army is always comprised of different Groups, nations or ethnicity they
may be not one nation but their aim must be one which makes them more strong.
4: He selects his men and they exploit the situation
The selection of Different persons for different responsibilities is always good and
wise decisions to Exploit the situation one should not only depends on Limited
persons for Every kind of duty.
5: Order or disorder depends on organization; courage or cowardice on
circumstances; strength or weakness on dispositions
Pattern of war is not limited it’s complicated and divided in different functions
and one should use different lense for different maners of war according to this
Weaknesses and strengths:
1: Generally, he who occupies the field of battle first and awaits his enemy is at
ease; he who comes later to the scene and rushes into the fight is weary
Sun tzu says One who is more prepared for war and take all the measures before
entering battlefield and reach first will hold the stronger position than the one
who comes later.
2: When the enemy is at ease, be able to weary him; when well fed, to starve
him; when at rest make him move
Always disturb your enemy never let him feel relax it will attack him
psychologically to think about you again and again which will make do Mistakes
against you.
3: Therefore, determine the enemy’s plans and you will know which strategy
will be successful and which will not
Use mind and read his past war and determine his possible actions and then use
your strategy to counter his actions with successful Strategies.
4: Appear at places to which he must hasten; move swiftly where he does not
expect you
Always attack from places where enemy hasten to give response and gently move
your army from those positions where he never expected just confuse him.
5: He whose advance is irresistible plunges into his enemy’s weak positions; he
who in withdrawal cannot be pursued moves so swiftly that he cannot be
Be like lightning and Attack your enemy so fast he couldn’t even find time to
respond back And break his momentum so quickly.

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