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HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL ERARNING SCHOOL Chapter — 2 Work and energy Learning Outcomes < ‘The students will be able to: Interpret the scientific concept of work. Calculate che work done by a constant force in moving an object through a given displacement. Identify various forms of energy and infer that it can convert from one form to another. Differentiate between potential energy and kinetic energy. Solve numerical problems based on kinetic and potential energy. Explain the law of conservation of energy through the example of a falling object and the ccrresponding changes in its potential and kinetic energy. Define power as rate of doing work and solve numerical problems kased on it. Solve numerical problems involving kilowatt hour as a commercial unit of energy. 19 PP DOUCTPEYTY 1S 9) 9 COV FFITFVIVTIVV IV VCCIVIVCOVC OC aCT: i HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL WORK, Read section 11.1.1 from NCERT on page 146 and answer the questions that follow. My notes: Consider the pictures below and indicate whether you think some useful work is getting done. Write Yes or No in the space provided. Man pushing a wall: aie ‘Man holding a bucket: A woman climbing stairs: Person studying: 20 ‘When a forve acts upon an object to cause a displacement of the object, itis said that work was done upon the object. There are three key ingredients to work - force, displacement, and cause. In order for a force to qualify as having done work on an object, there must be a displacement and the force must cause the displacement. ‘There are several good examples of work that can be observed in everyday life -a horse pulling a plow through the field, a father pushing a grocery cart down the aisle oa grocery store, a freshman lifting a backpack full of books upon her shoulder, a weightlifter lifting a barbell above his head, an Olympian launching the shot-put, ete. In each case described here there is a force exerted upon an object to cause that object to be displaced. 1. State the conditions for deciding if work is done. 2. Work is said to be done when Unit of Work: Formula for calculating work: Work Done = Force applied x Displacement WeFs Where, W =Work Done = Displacement of the object 21 ") LOT ELEVIE EELS PPP PRELLLL VGFHEUOU KOH UKEHOUWVUHOUTVUITUVTVe ow wo HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL One joule of work is said to be done when a foree of __|_ newton applied to an object causes it to displace by _\ _ m, in the direction of force. Work is a scalar quantity. ‘Work done can either be positive, negative or zero. What it would be depends entirely on the angle between force and displacement. To gather an idea of its meaning, consider the following three scenarios. Here ‘F’ and “@' represent ‘Force!’ and ‘Displacement’ respectively. Scenario A: A force acts rightward upon an object as itis displaced rightward. Tn such an instance, the force vector and the displacement vector a are in the same direction. oe = ‘Thus, the angle between F —-+ &=0 degrees and dis 0 degrees. The F corresponding work is positive. Scenario B: A force acts a, leftward upon an object that —— 9=180 degrees is displaced rightward. In F such an instance, the force vector and the displacement vector are in the opposite direction. Thus, the angle d between F and d is 180 eee F 6=980 degrees degrees. The corresponding work is negative. ‘Scenario C: A force acts upward on an object as it is displaced rightward. In such an instance, the force vector and the displacement vector are at right angles to each other. Thus, the angle between F and d is 90 degrees. ‘The corresponding work is zero. Are there any other conditions under which work done could be zero??? 22 {pq HERrTace \\Op@ertmntiaL (iumannme scxcon I. In each of the pictures given below, draw the ‘F’ and ‘d’ vectors and decide if the work done is positive, negative or zero. By man in trying to push a wall. By child in pulling a bucket out of a well COORG AAGACNVVQOHVdaynggnyagngqn a: VCCCTIOCCCI CCF CCC CCC: > ls Pr Pp HERITAGE ‘XPERIENTIAL Check for understanding Deseribe the conditions required for each of the following. Also, write one example that will support it. Positive work is said to be done when: Negative work is said to be done when: Zero work is said to he done when: What will happen to the amount of work done, if: a) The magnitude of the force applied is doubled? b) The displacement of the body is reduced to one third? 24 Notes IIL. Solve the below questions: a) Calculate the work done by friction force of 40 N in bringirg a block to rest which ‘was moving with an initial velocity of 4 m/s in 2 seconds. Show the steps of working. {Ans -160 J] Given [A Force HON ae Ot UMIs as eS | Ss 25 (Se eon T tind 2A SS s24um Szor +Leor Wma ay i leo T Work dont —™ 1 9 | Mp < ©) ny ey ey | yd | VUUNRNUYUDTUHUHHWOHOUVUUVd « uv vweugvs HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL TEAEMING SCHOOL b) A force of 40 N does a work of 300 J in moving a block Lorizontally along the direction of the force. Calculate the distance through which it must have moved. [Ans. ©) Acertain force does 1250 J of work in moving a table through a distance of 6.25 m along its direction. Find the magnitude of the force. Show steps. [Ans.= 200 NJ 26 Vb bbb ebb bbb bbb bb bb bbb baal | a @) Explain why is work done by gravity on a satellite in orbiting a planet is zero. XPERIENTIAL [EARNING SCHOO HERITAGE SCCVIFIIOVICIIVTGIV CCITT CdadIdTs HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL Extension Questions: 1. Identify whether the work done in following is positive or negative and why? Se 1 Situation ‘Work done by a man in lifting a bucket out of the well tied by a rope over a pulley. Negahve ‘Work done by gravitational force in the above case ‘a’. N ort ee Work done by friction on a body sliding down an inclined plane. N ae ‘Work done by applied force on a body moving on a rough horizontal plane with uniform velocity. ‘Work done by resistive force of air on a vibrating pendulum to bring it to rest. 28 ENERGY 1. _ List down the various forms of energy you know: GANA , Hgde guia) TH . oe gobesiricat gourd igh and Solr IL Unscramble the definition of energy - "work ability the do is called energy to”. State popular units of energy: Toults Kelty Belge — POTENTIAL ENERGY II. Activity 1- Perform the below steps and record your observations in the space provided: 1, Build a small construct using a scale and a pen/pencil (Like a small see-saw). 2. Now balance a light object (like a sharpener) on one side and drop an eraser from about 3 inches high. 3. Observe. 4. Repeat the steps by dropping the same eraser from 6 inches, 9 inches and observe the difierence between each iteration. 29 TVVIVVOVOVVUVVOUTVTVOVOVTVOVOUVDGOOOCCoW HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL sé Height dropped from = inch 2. 6 inch 3 ginch 5. Thesame construct. Energy Height Gained (approx.) 6. Now balance a light object (like a sharpener) on one side and drop a small eraser, a large eraser, a pencil box from same height each time. 7. Observe. se Object dropped Height Gained (approx.) 1 2. 3 Height gained is_O ieee proportional to the height dropped from. Height gained is_D cect proportional to the weight of the object dropped. Define Potential Energy: E oO: ed - te itp position Po. ener = SL ong > Formbla = Meh MeMaos Jouk = 30 ; Qu Peeloranen dee PO graviny Wa Height admined oy gt sdpech - (0s) HEarrace XPERIENTIAL, IV. _ Derive expression for calculating Potential Energy Introduction: An _ohpece a Mons mis Raised ie greenest Celie | beight_ 5 accelscatien ee do: bg obsect is Fas ‘Mass of the object be ‘m’ Height attained by the object be ‘h’ Acceleration due to gravity beg’ Thus, Wit. eK _EamMxn (Frm dh. Second lon paohion) = 8 du wi Say (distonce = height | Pur re verses Irn dre fanenwuta we Exs We MAH We PES Man i 1 yt ¢ © R ny 4 9 » 4 PANT CITA VTP Ds -) TUVVTVVUVUVUUOUTVUUVUOUOVUOVGUWUOUUoeUdWv.t HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL v. Qu. Compare the potential energy in below cases: @ Two dalls of mass'm' and 'm/4' kept at the same height, Bat PES meh PE 2 mgh Bre L Bou PER amgh Gott 2 a (GW) Anestis raised to four times its original height, > gh = gh =u) mn G Mosa mM Awe erabion gevihg Hei gh na aa stat lees. FE2 doe Massa AccelemaAan Gee eo | Brew 89 Meigne a PE = =mg XH ee eee es Qe, To what height should a box of mass 150 kg be lifted so that its potentiel energy becomes 7350 J. (Take g = 9.8 m/s*). PEs aagociba. 9% HITS x4-g | eo a 32 Q3. A body of mass 2 kg is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. What will be its potential energy at the end of 2 s. (Take g = 10 m/s») Moss = 2! Uz omg Noo Va 2s | Qzlomls* | Q4. A boy weighing 40 kg makes a high jump of 1.5 m What is his potential energy at the highest point. (Take g = 10 m/s-) 33 b/ 8) b/ my 99 ie § OPEV OTGaUV1tteeL_e 4 ee HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL TEARNExG ScHOOE KINETIC ENERGY Crew Task: Which one do you think has more energy? Sachin Tendulkar Walking Sachin Tendulkar Running Kinetic Energy is defined as E 6 Obrect cde do Energy a Pessened a fare 42 __paodiion __reprenent = IE Tonite = Toste Sq! pear lel Xena eee a 34 HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL Give some examples: Owing pail! 2. lor: on rsd So fan rotah ng. VII. Derive the expression for kinetic energy: Introduction: Ww ven : ‘ Qe Vo dthor~ tre, an eae | eetelaplig ay ange Consider an object of mass, ‘m’ moving with a uniform velocity, ‘uw’. Let it now be displaced ‘through a distance ‘s' when a constant force, ‘F’ acts on it in the direction of its displacement. Mass of the object = Initial velocity of the object Final velocity of the object = ‘V_ ‘Thus, N= FE as E = yyva Qna kat 04 ont = ||) Ml | Bl | ye | TTT T TT L4 149 2 | VII. Qu. Compare the kinetic energy of: Pp tp A 1 Gj a) Car and truck moving with same speed: Mass of car is one-third of that of truck. J i/o) CAR TRO Meas 13 Mrasem & Velatty oY vetoer ty a b) Two similar ears plying at speed v and v/2. KES «Ke my? i. axons = KE = crs | Ke = Sood Q2. What will be the kinetic energy of a boy of mass 40 kg runningat the speed of 5 m/s. 37 LIPPER tLe Ee "q GUUUVYUKOKDS OT UUOTCTTCTOCUIdOT UO w wud 3. A ball cf mass 0.5 kg slows down from a speed of 5 m/s to that of 3 m/s. Calculate the change in kinetic energy of the ball. Q4. What would have a greater effect on kinetic energy of an object — doubling the mass or doubling the velocity? (Show steps) Qs. What is the work to be done to increase the velocity of a car from 36 km/h to 72 km/h if the mass of the car is 1500 kg? 38 ‘Test your understanding Qu. Kinetic energy of a body is a) Directly proportional to mass and square of velocity. ) Inversely proportional to momentum, ©) Directly proportional to square of velocity and inversely proportional to mass 4) Independent of momentum but directly proportional to mass. Qe. The type of energy possessed by a swinging simple pendulum, when itis at the extreme position is a) Kinetic energy b) Potential energy ©) Potential energy + kinetic energy 4) Sound energy Q3..A.1kg mass has a kinetic energy of 1 joule when its speed is a) 0.45 m/s b)im/s 0) 1.414m/s 4.4 m/s Obtain a relation between kinetic energy K and momentum p of a body. 39 OOrnnagn yg as hf 9) LEVPROUDPRAAnntrtLe? 17% 4 vuuvvW VuUuVvVUUWH HHH wsvuuVve ww HERITAGE | XPERIENTIAL [LEARNING SCHOOL Q4. A body of mass 2 kg is moving with a certain velocity 5 m/s. Find the momentum of the body. Qa. Find the momentum of a body of mass 100 g having kinetis energy of 20 J. Q3. A lighter and a heavier body have equal momenta. Which one of them has higher Kinetic energy? 40 ENERGY TRANSFORMATIONS Read the below passage and pen down your thoughts: We all use our cell phones, tablets, laptops all the time and all these things operate on batteries. Every now and then we must charge the batteries so that we can start using them again. Batteries provide us with the energy to operate these devices and this energy is stored in them in the form of chemical energy. Do you think our devices use this energy in the chemical form? And, after we initially charge the batteries where does this energy go? Does it gets destroyed? Pen down your thoughts in the space below: ‘Watch the video below and note down atleast 4 energy conversions happening in the video:, Meax enorge, +0 __Kinanis snc 4 ad __ Foner, #9 __Kinghi_emoryy Poteorat Excorgig Pele. A1e__eaigig Ligne 25. Chemical» au one m ne LV VOPOnnnagnannn 9 GUEUUUUKDUUKHEODGUKOUGDCKBTUOUOUDUY ES ‘b HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL LEARNING SCHOOL Consider the lighting up of a hand help torch having an incandescent light bulb and mention the energy transformations taking place in lighting up the bulb. iecericdk }2. ‘Think of devices/sources where the following energy conversions take place (@) Hleetrical energy to Heat energy_F.ilement sypa boos (b) Electrical energy to Sound energy_$ Peatcors (6) Chemical energy to Light energy. iceagsing 5 (ood (@) Light energy to Chemical energy_ Pinas arden (e) Mechanical Energy to Electrical Energyrtarrs CONSERVATION OF ENERGY IL. Crew Task: ‘Swing your I-cards like a pendulum and compare the changes in the kinetic and potential energy taking place in it at various positions during oseillation(s). Identify the position(s) where the potential energy is at maximum, Br oe extremes Posi ren Identify the position(s) where the kinetic energy is at maximum. ech ie Poston. ‘The sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of an object is its total mechanical energy. | Mechanical energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy L So we can say that for a process not subjected to any external farce its total mechanical energy is a constant. Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy = constant Or, mgh + ¥2 my? = constant 43 “YEOUVUVUUHOHUWUVWVy ¢ ewwuwuu €& us wwe s woud XPERIENTIAL ‘J uearwine scx0oe, t Ears Energy Conservation in a Pendulum. Posi on I State the law of conservation of energy: I. Doyou think that the total energy of the system remains conserved during any process? Justify your answer with the help of an example. Derive with the help of an Illustration how the total mechanical energy remains conserved fora freely falling object. OP RPONTeannngagnrTtTTT Teor girgTg 1 Tees VVITFTGVOUVGOUVUCVUVUCCVU CG COCO CWI. HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL Extension Questions: ‘Would life have been possible without it if nature had not allowed the transformation of energy? Suppert your answer with relevant evidence(s). State the energy transformations taking place in the motion of a car. 46 HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL POWER I. Think-Pair-Share Consider an example - Two young mountaineers Tilary and Henzing having equal mass, decided to climb up a peak 2160 m high. Tilary did so in 5 hours while Henzing took 6 hours to cover the same height. Another example — Vettel drove the Ferrari and he increased his speed from 40 m/s to 60 m/s in § s. Next he drove the Mercedes which has the exact same mass as the Ferrari and it took him 4 s to his speed from 40 m/s to 60 m/s. So in both the above situations we will find that the work done by Tilary and Henzing in reaching the peak is exactly the same. And so is the work done in changing the velocity of ‘Mercedes and Ferrari, But we know that the manner in which both these energy changes took place are indeed not the same. Do you think simply the amount of work done is enough to explain the manner in which any energy change takes place? ‘Suggest a more relevant measurement/method to compare these energy changes? I. Power is defined as i thal cr I SI Unit of Power is_ vet = Jovle /s 26 Formula for Power: P = 4 = Fas I+ List some more popular units of Powers” 47 1 VS L174 POTPOTEDODODREOUTOHOD | 100: 4 CU SS 2 HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL TEaRNMG SCHOOL One watt of power: A body'is said to have power of One watt if it does work at the rate of. joule in second_. IIL Answer the following questions: 2. Perform the following conversior horse power = 746 watt= _©.Vu6 _ kilowatt 2oowatt= _©-2._ kilowatt 12Kilowatt=_i2>0 watt 0.746 watt = 5.06 1 _horse power Qe. Caleulate the power of a pump that takes 2 min to lift 1200 kg of water toa tank situated at a height of 20 m. (Take g as 10 m/s). - — Tmacam = 120s Pages yoru Moos Aso) ee hieiget Pome Pz 2.cow 6 @aqqpmis* Formula. = Neh, + Q3. An electric geyser consumes 60 kJ of electrical energy in 30 s. What is the its power? HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL LEARNING SCHOOL Q4. A100 watt bulb is operated for 20 mins and a 50 watt television set is run for 40 mins. Calculate the total amount of electrical energy consumed. [Pavers Work done [time Television (Psu! * | | Pa snares | crengey = powers Ame | elect Feak eraey Bhouwer x Hn) 3 | eaPxt = Tere ensrgig 2222 ne Ceewh i in w= hee L 3 ! 49 ORD PON TOA Ra Onan PRaAaGTnTneyrragun nae VUTFTTPVUVVTVVUUUVUVUUVUUVUUUUUUUUU HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL ieaRNeG: COMMERCIAL UNIT OF ELECTRICITY if Below is a sample electricity bill of a factory. Read it carefully and answer the questions that follow: Biiog Petals er Poa Corgs wat erat) Tete | Stables Energy Charges | ey ac | Teague] Uso] eats [Unto Ani) Sc soouao | awaoo ) ietmo0 | 4a «(| eeieate | sooaai | rarer sonia) | i j t { I Tae | r9es0 une | corer | | Past Dues / Refunds / Subsidy ‘ieas/tatnds UaePament | otegShenes, | Top Cree “agg vtscn | “Stren | Oem | “Reyna Saaoie | ct Pasig atin SHED | | | [a ‘aieiaT sar | | | Units Consumed = Total billed units = Unit Rate 7 Cost of Unit consumed (excluding tax) = = What do you think could we mean by the term “units” in the above bill? ‘Name the Commercial Unit of Energy applicable in our country: Short form for Commercial unit of energy: One kilo watt hour is defined as the 50 Calculate how many joules make up 1 kilowatt-hour. | | | : | Compare the units of power and Commercial Unit of Energy. Do they represent same physical quantities? y By By 8 | | | 1749 9 4% ' q 79 7? TPE pes BL VOUUKUUHUKVOKOUHOUWUWUWUWUS evVUNUUKBUYYYU wou {ip BERITAGE || XPERIENTIAL Answer the below questions: Qu. The electricity bill of a household is 300 rupees. and price per unit of leetricity(kWh) is 6 rupees. Find: a) Total units consumed b) Energy consumed in joules 2. Consider the consumption of electricity of a household mentioned below. It operates, ‘one 100-watt fan for 3 hours every day, two 50-watt bulbs for 2 hours every day and one 2000 watt electric geyser for 1 hour every day. Find out the cost of electricity bill for the month of December of a family if it The price per unit of energy is Rs 6. S# [Name ofthe |PowerRatingof No.of | Time Daily equipment —_| the equipment (in | equipment |duration _| Consumption kw) ct (kWh) 1 Fan O41 f 3 2 Bulb 3 Geyser Total Daily Consumption 52 (HERITAGE \) XPERIENTIAL LTEARNING SHOOT Rate per unit __rupees Monthly Consumption = Daily Consumption x No. of days in the month Cost of monthly consumption = Monthly Consumption x Rate perunit 53 TVUTTFVTVVIOVVVVUVVVUVOVTUUOOUUUODUG. HERITAGE ) XPERIENTIAL PRACTICE WORKSHEET Qu. A car is accelerated on a levelled road and attains a velocity 4 times of its initial velocity. In this process, the potential energy of the car (a) does not change (b) becomes twice to that of initial (©) becomes 4 times that of initial (@) becomes 16 times that of Qz2. Water stored in a dam possesses (a) no energy (b) electrical energy (c) kinetic energy (4) potential energy Qs. When a body falls freely towards the earth, then its total energy (@) increases (b) decreases (© remains constant (@) first increases and then decreases Q4. A body is falling from a height h. After it has fallen a height h/2, it will possess (@) only potential energy. (b) only kinetic energy. (©) Equal poteatial and kinetic energy. (d) more kinetic and less potential energy. Q5. An Iron sphere of mass 10 kg has the same diameter as an Aluminum sphere of mass is 3.5 kg, Both spheres are dropped simultaneously from a tower. When they are 10 m above the ground, they have the same (a) acceleration (b) momentum _(c) potential energy (d) kinetic energy Q6. 2 bodies of masses m1 and m2 have equal kinetic energies. The ratio of their respective momenta pt and p2 is: (a) m:m2 (b)ma:mi (© Vi: Vm2 4) mu: maz | HERITAGE \U|XPERIENTIAL {il pearnina scxooL Q7. The sum of P.E and K.E is called. energy. Q8. “Kinetic energy of a body cannot be negative.” - Comment. Qo. Can a body have mechanical energy even though its momentum is zero. (Explain with an example) Quo. Whea does a free-falling object have its maximum kinetic energy? Qut. The height of a moving plane is lowered to half of its original height without changing its speed. How will this affect the kinetic energy of the plane. 35 " CEEOL", RPPTVR Ten 1! ha © VUYVvOeVVVUUVUUUVUV Vee UVUUVTVO UVC OU0V OG. woo HERITAGE XPERIENTIAL Qu2. Consider the below diagram depicting a ball rolling up and down an inclined curve. The points A to G are highlighted for you to help answer the following questio1 Height at point D= 0, a) At which point is the potential energy of the ball highest? b) At which point is the kinetic energy of the balll highest? ¢) At which point is the potential energy of the ball slightly more than that at point B? 4) At which point is the kinetic energy of the ball slightly more than that at point G? ) What can be said about the total mechanical energy of the ball at any point, during the fall? £) Can there be any possible points where the potential energy of the ball is equal to its kinetic energy? 8) Ifyou have answered yes for above question, then how many such points can be there? 56

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