2023 10MAT T3 - Trigonometry

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Name: Class:


Year 10 Mathematics – 2023
Investigative Task – Term 3
Due Date: 19/09/2023 – beginning of Period 3
Weighting: 20%
Nature of the task:
This task consists of an investigative component (90%) completed at home and a short validation test
(10%), completed in the classroom on the day of submission.
Section 1 – 5.1 content – this section is worth 40% of the investigative component
Section 2 – 5.2 content – this section is worth 40% of the investigative component
Section 3 – 5.3 content – this section is worth 20% of the investigative component
To complete this task:
• Answer all questions and provide appropriate mathematical working and reasoning in the boxes
as requested (and only in the boxes provided).
• Use the MS Forms links provided to submit your ‘codes’ and gain clues for the next section. This
is an excellent opportunity to reflect on any errors and seek assistance in correcting them.
• Submit this document to your teacher at the beginning of your lesson in Period 3 on 19/09/2023
Whilst completing the task you will be required to use:
• a black pen
• a calculator
• a computer/device
• a ruler
• your own course notes
Guidelines for Illness, Misadventure and Absence
If you know you will be absent on the submission due date, you are required to inform the Head Teacher
immediately and then submit the task to your teacher prior to your absence. This is a student
responsibility, and failure to do so may result in a zero mark.
If you are absent on the day of the task, you will be required to provide a doctor’s certificate obtained
that day (or evidence of a positive PCR or RAT test), along with a Misadventure Appeal form. These
must be provided in hardcopy to Mr Neilsen within 7 days of the assessment. You will also be required
to turn in the task on your first day back at school – please ensure you see/contact the Head Teacher of
Mathematics before 8:30am on the day of your return to turn in your task and evidence.
Failure to follow the school assessment procedures correctly may result in a zero mark for the task.
This includes absence on the day prior to submission, as this would constitute an unfair advantage. Late
submissions without an approved Misadventure Appeal Form will attract a zero mark.
In submitting this task, you acknowledge that all the work in this assessment task is original and is your
own work. Plagiarism, the copying of text from other learners or from other sources, is not allowed.
Students who submit copied text will obtain a mark of zero for the assignment. A similar penalty will
apply to students who make their work available to others for copying.
Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

Syllabus outcomes assessed

MA5.1-10MG applies trigonometry, given diagrams, to solve problems, including problems
involving angles of elevation and depression
MA5.2-13MG applies trigonometry to solve problems, including problems involving bearings

MA5.3-15MG applies Pythagoras’ theorem, trigonometric relationships, the sine rule, the cosine
rule and the area rule to solve problems, including problems involving three
MA5.1-2WM selects and uses appropriate strategies to solve problems

MA5.1-3WM provides reasoning to support conclusions that are appropriate to the context

MA5.2-2WM interprets mathematical or real-life situations, systematically applying appropriate

strategies to solve problems
MA5.2-3WM constructs arguments to prove and justify results

MA5.3-2WM generalises mathematical ideas and techniques to analyse and solve problems
MA5.3-3WM generalises mathematical ideas and techniques to analyse and solve problems

Marking Criteria
You will be assessed on how well you:
• select and use appropriate mathematical processes and language to investigate, organise and
interpret given information
• perform calculations involving Trigonometry

Marks are indicated throughout this task.

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

Section 1 – 5.1 content 10 marks

Dr Archibald Ulogi has spent years researching the lost treasures of the forgotten bush ranger, Emu
Jack, and has refined his search to the grounds of Hunters Hill High School. Given his strong belief in
public education, he has reached out to students to assist him with his search, challenging them with a
range of trigonometry problems, in the hope that they will aid him in uncovering the treasure.
Whilst he has yet to find the location of the treasures, Archie’s research so far has found evidence that
the treasures are hidden behind a series of traps. He provides you with the 10 questions below – a list
of clues to plan your way around the traps.

In this section:
• Circle the correct answer to each multiple-choice question; they will provide safe passage
around the traps.
• You will be marked on the mathematical working and reasoning you provide (in the boxes
below), rather than a correct answer only.
• You will have the opportunity to check your answers using the following Teams Quiz.
The link forms.microsoft.com/r/saQ26SC49Y will open the form.

1. a. Identify the side opposite the angle 𝜃𝜃 in the triangle below.

b. Describe the reason for your choice. You may annotate the diagram if you wish. 1

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

2. a. Find the value of sin 𝜃𝜃 for the triangle below.

65 33
56 65
𝜃𝜃 33
33 (D)

b. Describe the reason for your choice. You may annotate the diagram if you wish. 1

3. Calculate the value of 𝑥𝑥 for the triangle below. Round to 1 decimal place. 1

(A) 10.1 m

3.5m (B) 0.1 m

55° (C) 2.0 m

(D) 1.8 m

(E) 5.0 m

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

4. Calculate the value of 𝑥𝑥 for the triangle below given that cos 𝛼𝛼 = . 1

(A) 125 mm
250 mm
(B) 250 mm
(C) 245 mm
(D) 100 mm

5. Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle below to the nearest centimetre. 1

(A) 8 cm

(B) 9 cm

(C) 17 cm
13.5 cm
(D) 19 cm

(E) 21 cm

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

6. Calculate the size of the angle 𝜙𝜙 for the triangle below. Round to the nearest degree. 1

(A) 1°

(B) 29°

5.2 (C) 20°

𝜙𝜙 (D) 19°
(E) 30°

7. a. Convert 52.74° to degrees, minutes and seconds.

(A) 52°74′ (B) 52°7′4′′ (C) 52°44′24" (D) 52°74′24′′

b. Draw the symbol displayed on the button of your scientific calculator that is used 1
to make this conversion.

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

8. Calculate the value of 𝜃𝜃 to the nearest second for the triangle below. 1

(A) 55.77°
(B) 55°46′16′′

8 (C) 34.29°
(D) 32°12′52′′

(E) 32°13′52"

9. a. Identify the angle of elevation of the plane from the person in the diagram below.

(A) 𝛼𝛼

(B) 𝜃𝜃
𝛼𝛼 𝜙𝜙
(C) 𝜙𝜙

(D) 𝛽𝛽

b. Describe the reason for your choice. You may annotate the diagram if you wish. 1

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

10. Calculate the length of side 𝐵𝐵𝐵𝐵 for the triangle below. Round to 3 decimal places. 1

(A) 335.660 m
𝐵𝐵 (B) 337.242 m
71°13′ 𝐶𝐶 (C) 319.885 m

103 m (D) 321.128 m

(E) 108.221 m
𝐴𝐴 (F) 108.168 m

Remember that you will not receive any marks unless mathematical working and reasoning is shown.
Write down your answers and go to the Section 1 MS Form (forms.microsoft.com/r/saQ26SC49Y) to
see if you pass all the traps safely.


Share a brick (something that challenged you) and balloon (something positive/uplifting) about your
attempt in Section 1. Then, describe the support you accessed, where necessary.

End of Section 1
Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

Section 2 – 5.2 content 21 Marks

Now that you have deduced a path through the traps, you will need to help Dr Archie discover their true
location, along with the treasure! He has assigned you a range of trigonometry questions to discover
the coordinates of the site, so he may begin his dig.

Part A (8 marks)
Using the school map below, answer each of the following questions. To do so:
- Draw a line from the point to the building listed.
- Draw a horizontal line and a vertical line to create the right-angled triangle.
- Measure two of the side lengths using a ruler.
- Select and use an appropriate trigonometric ratio to find the relevant angle, using the writing
space on Page 10 for your mathematical working.
- Calculate the correct three-figure bearing.

Marking Rubric
Marks will be assigned for Section 2 – Part A according to the following rubric.
Criteria 0 marks 1 mark 2 marks
Drawing skills Triangles are not drawn, or Demonstrates ability to draw Uses a ruler to draw right-
they are drawn incorrectly. triangles to satisfy the needs angle triangles with care, to
of the problem. address the needs of the
Distances are Distances are measured
approximations or not noted accurately and noted on the
on the diagram. diagrams.

Selection of Trig ratios are chosen Chooses trig ratios correctly Chooses trig ratios correctly
appropriate incorrectly. relative to sides of the relative to sides of the
triangle. triangle.
ratios Demonstrates ability to use Demonstrates ability to use
one or two of the trig ratios. each of the trig ratios.

Consistency and Solutions lack consistency. Demonstrates some ability to Demonstrates consistent
accuracy No evidence of accuracy of find unknown angles of each practice to find unknown
calculations. triangle. angles of each triangle.

Three-digit No evidence that three-digit Demonstrates some ability to Demonstrates consistent

bearings bearings can be found. deduce three-digit bearings ability to deduce three-digit
Use of compass bearings from unknown angles of a bearings from unknown
instead of three-digit triangle. angles of a triangle.

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

1. Find the bearing of the COLA from point P.
2. Find the bearing of K-Block from point P.
3. Find the bearing of the Library from point Q.
4. Find the bearing of the Reiby Rd Main Gate from point Q.

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

Part B (13 marks)

Instructions: The answers to the following problems form a key. Each answer is a 3-4-digit number
which will be combined to create a 13-digit code. To deduce the code, the first and last digit of each
answer will overlap with that of another.

For example, three questions yield the responses 402, 61.24, and 281. These can be arranged as follows,
so that the 4 in 61.24 matches the 4 at the front of 402. Likewise, the 2 in 402 aligns with the start of
6 1 2 4 2 8 1

4 0 2

This will generate the code 61240281 as shown below.

6 1 2 4 0 2 8 1

Once you have your code, upload it to the Section 2 Form (forms.microsoft.com/r/VyVHgCVacU).

1. In search of snacks, Mori leaves her home (𝐻𝐻), walks south down Chifley St for 200m, turns
east on to Rhondda St and walks for another 155m to the café (𝐶𝐶). This is shown in the
diagram below.

Find Mori’s three-figure bearing from home. Round your answer to the nearest degree. 2


Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

2. A guard (𝐺𝐺) atop a watch tower looks down on a weary traveller. The angle of depression
of the traveller (𝑇𝑇) from the guard is 32°15′ and the direct distance between the two of
them is 50.9 m, as shown in the diagram below.

What is the height of the watchtower, correct to one decimal place? 2



50.9 m


3. A jewel thief stands on the edge of a tall building readying themselves to use their escape
route – a zipline down to the car park below. The angle of elevation of the zipline from the
ground is 22°10′ and the zipline is affixed to the ground 48.4m from the base of the

a. Draw a diagram to represent the information provided. 1

b. Calculate the length of the zipline, correct to 1 decimal place. 2

Diagram Solution


Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

4. A young child stands in the park looking up at his kite. He has let out 4.41m of string when
the kite is flying 2.74m above the ground.

a. Draw a diagram to represent the information provided. 1

b. Find the angle of elevation of the kite from the boy, correct to the nearest minute. 2

Diagram Solution


5. Marn is designing a piece of art using some polymer clay. She has cut the clay into right-
angled triangles and measured the side lengths; 51mm, 45mm and 24mm.

a. Draw a diagram to represent the information provided. 1

b. Find the size of the smallest angle, correct to the nearest minute. 2

Diagram Solution


Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

The Code – combine the answers to the questions above as instructed at the beginning of this section.

Upload the 13-digit code to the form (forms.microsoft.com/r/VyVHgCVacU)

Share one thing that you were grateful for when attempting this section, and one thing that you feel
you could do better next time.

End of Section 2

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

Section 3 – 5.3 content 12 Marks

Part A (10 marks)
Dr Archibald Ulogi has begun his dig on the school oval. Now that he (and you) have identified the
location of the treasure, the doctor has shut you out of the investigation!

Sneaking into his tent, you find the following plane table radial survey.


25.6 m
16.9 m

24.1 m

18 m
13.5 m

278°𝑇𝑇 210°𝑇𝑇

Searching online, you quickly find some instructions and examples (shorturl.at/quyXZ) for how to use
a plane table radial survey. Calculate the perimeter and area of the dig site to complete the table below.
Note that two sets of entries have already been calculated – you can use these to check your working.

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

Triangle Area Outer side length

1 216.2 m2 31.2 m

2 100.7 m2 26.1 m

Total Area = Perimeter =

Record the Total Area (1dp) and Perimeter (1dp) on the form (forms.microsoft.com/r/zmPzqsRh2S).

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS

Year 10 – Task 3 2023 – HHHS
Part B (2 marks)
You will find this problem once you have submitted the form in Section 3. This question involves 5.3
content and a high level of problem solving. It is not intended for every student to attempt.

End of Task

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