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[Your Company/Organization Name]

Substance Abuse Policy including Use of Marijuana

Effective Date: [Date]


The purpose of this Substance Abuse Policy is to ensure a safe, healthy, and productive work
environment for all employees of [Your Company/Organization Name]. This policy outlines the rules and
regulations concerning substance abuse, including the use of marijuana, and aims to prevent accidents,
maintain employee well-being, and comply with applicable laws and regulations.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, temporary workers, and visitors while on the premises
or engaged in company-related activities. It encompasses the use, possession, distribution, and sale of
substances, including marijuana, regardless of whether such activities occur during work hours or off-
duty time.

Policy Statements

3.1 Prohibition of Substance Abuse

[Your Company/Organization Name] strictly prohibits the use, possession, distribution, sale, or being
under the influence of illegal drugs, controlled substances, and any unauthorized substances, including
marijuana, while on company premises or during work-related activities.

3.2 Medical Marijuana

Employees who are authorized to use medical marijuana as part of a valid prescription in accordance
with applicable state laws must notify their immediate supervisor and the Human Resources
Department. The company will make reasonable accommodations, if feasible, to ensure compliance with
state laws, provided that such accommodation does not compromise safety, security, or job

3.3 Impairment and Safety

Employees are required to perform their job duties free from the influence of any substances that may
impair their ability to perform their work safely and effectively. The use of marijuana, even if legally
prescribed for medical reasons, is not allowed during working hours or in situations where it may
compromise job safety, performance, or the safety of others.

3.4 Drug Testing

As part of maintaining a drug-free workplace, [Your Company/Organization Name] may conduct random
drug testing. Employees may also be subject to drug testing in the following situations:

a. Pre-employment screening

b. Reasonable suspicion of substance abuse

c. Post-accident or injury investigation

d. Periodic or scheduled testing as required by law or contract

3.5 Consequences of Violations

Any employee found to be in violation of this Substance Abuse Policy, including the unauthorized use of
marijuana, will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include verbal or written warnings,
mandatory counseling, suspension, termination, or any other action deemed appropriate by the

3.6 Confidentiality and Support

All information related to an employee's substance abuse issues, including medical marijuana use, will
be treated confidentially, to the extent permitted by law. The company encourages employees to seek
help for substance abuse issues and provides access to employee assistance programs or resources for

Legal Compliance

[Your Company/Organization Name] will adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and
regulations related to substance abuse, including the use of marijuana. The policy will be updated
periodically to remain in compliance with the latest legal requirements.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Any changes
to the policy will be communicated to all employees.
By acknowledging this Substance Abuse Policy, employees agree to abide by its terms and understand
the consequences of violating it.

[Your Company/Organization Name] will provide appropriate training and resources to help employees
understand and comply with this policy.

Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ________________

Employee Name (printed): ____________________________________________________

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