Glossary (Jesús)

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Glossary: Unit 1

Word or Phonetic Part of Definition Example Picture and/or

Expression Transcription speech Meaning in Spanish
Establishes a Both her children are now Casado
1. Married /ˈ Adjective marital bond married with children of their own
between people

2. table /ˈteɪ.bəl/ noun A flat surface, There was a really noisy table
usually behind us celebrating someone's
supported by birthday.
four legs, used
for putting
things on
3. Pour /pɔːr/ /pɔːr/ verb Pour the After four minutes, pour the Vertir
contents into a pasta into a colander to drain

4. Seafood /ˈsiː.fuːd/ noun Any edible In the supermarkets that sell Marisco
marine seafood, there is almost an
invertebrate obsessive concern about
intended for hygiene.
and mollusks.
5. Sauce /sɑːs/ noun Mixture of The sauce is very spicy Salsa
crushed and
diluted edible
used to season
food, mixed with
it or served

6. Spicy /ˈspaɪ.si/ adjetive It produces a The rib in dried chili was very Picante
sensation of spicy
itching or
burning on the
palate or smell.
7. Stalls /stɑːl/ noun Establishment The taco stalls is closed Puesto
where they sell
a product

8. Tasty /ˈteɪ.sti/ adjetive Which has an The restaurant food was very Sabroso
intense and tasty
pleasant flavor.
9. Noodles /ˈnuː.dəl/ noun Italian pasta of the noodles is not cooked well Fideos
short and thin
shape although
of variable

10. Sausage /ˈsɑː.sɪdʒ/ noun It is a tripe with At night we prepared some hot Salchicha/Embutido
minced pork, dogs for dinner.
bacon, cooked
blood or other
ingredients with
an elongated
and rounded
shape and
which is raw,
cooked, cured
or smoked.
11. Upstairs /ʌpˈsterz/ adverb, Smooth surface The upstairs lounge is darker Piso superior
adjective covered with a and more casual.
material on
which to step.

12. Skills /skɪl/ noun A person's I have many sports skills. Habilidades
ability to do
correctly and
with ease.

13. Bowl /boʊl/ noun Any concave Crack three eggs into a bowl and Recipiente
object or utensil mix them together.
that serves to
14. Kabsa noun Rice dish wit The kabsa is a rice dish from Plato de arroz
spieces and Saudi Arabia

15. Slice /slaɪs/ noun A thin, She took a slice of chocolate Rebanada
elongated piece cake and smothered it in cream.
of uniform
thickness that is
cut from a piece
of bread or
other food.
Glossary: Unit 2
Word or Phonetic Part of Definition Example Picture and/or
Expression Transcription speech Meaning in Spanish
adjetive Upper range of The Burj khalifa tower is he Mas alto
1. Higher /ˈhaɪ.ɚ/ a stage higher tower in the world

2. Huge /hjuːdʒ/ adjetive Used to Yesterday, there was a huge fire Enorme
describe the an the forest
size of an object

3. Climbs /klaɪm/ verb Go up or climb In two days we will go to climbs Escalar

a steep slope or the mountain
to a great

4. Slower /sloʊ/ adjetive Slow moving The car is slower than the Mas lento
object people.

5. Grow up /ɡroʊ/ verb Increase in size Children have to grow up to Crecer

of a person or become adults

6. Boring /ˈbɔː.rɪŋ/ adjetive Person who Geography class is boring. Aburrido

does not find
meaning in

7. Hope /hoʊp/ verb Confidence of I hope they get the punishment Esperanza
achieving they deserve.
something or
that something
you want will be

8. Stayed /steɪ/ verb Remain without The dog stayed lying down all Permanecio
mutation in the day.
same place,
state or quality.
9. Asleep /əˈsliːp/ adjetive Which is quiet, My friend fell asleep in the living Dormido
not very lively. room.

10. Fact /fækt/ noun Concrete Two opposed interpretations of Hechos/Datos

information the facts have been presented.
about facts,
elements, etc.

11. Mistakes /mɪˈsteɪk/ noun Idea, opinion or It was a mistake to go to the Errores
expression that cinema so late
a person
correct but that
is actually false
or incorrect.
12. Scared /skerd/ adjetive Cause a scare I couldn't speak to her - I was too Asustado
or momentary scared.
impression of

13. /sɚˈpraɪ.zɪŋ.li/ adverb The pizza was a Many teenagers are surprisingly Asombroso
Surprisingly surprisingly ignorant about current politics.

14. Pour /pɔːr/ verb Used in cooking I like to pour honey an my Derramar/Vertir
to mix pancakes

15. Desserts /dɪˈzɝːt/ noun Sweet served at The cafeteria has very expensive Postre
the end of the desserts.

Glossary: Unit 3
Word or Phonetic Part of Definition Example Picture and/or
Expression Transcription speech Meaning in Spanish
/ˈsen.tʃər.i/ noun Hundred year In the 19th century the steam Siglo
1. Century period locomotive was invented.

2. Currency /ˈkɝː.ə noun Piece of The currency of Russia is the Moneda

economic value ruble.
3. Skirt /skɝːt/ noun Female gourmet My friend bought a yellow skirt. Falda

4. Eyebrows /ˈaɪ.braʊ/ noun Part of the face My sister has defined eyebrows. Cejas
above the eyes

5. Tongue /tʌŋ/ noun Inner organ of Carlos has a very long tangue. Lengua
the mouth.

6. Neck /nek/ noun Part of the body The giraffe has a long neck. Cuello
that connects
the head to the

7. Beard /bɪrd/ noun Hair growing on My father has no beard. Barba

the chin.

8. Lungs /lʌŋ/ noun Respiratory Daniel had a collapsed lung 3 Pulmon

organ of years ago.

9. Skinny /ˈskɪn.i/ adjetive Person with little Taylor swift is skinny. Flaco (a)
body fat

10. Sells /sel/ verb Person who My sister sells clothes online. Vendedor
offers products

11. Holding /ˈhoʊl.dɪŋ/ Oun Grab an object I’m holding my cell phone. Sostener

12. /ɪnˌvaɪ.rən adverb Protection of Enviromentally speaking, we are Ambiental

Enviromentall ˈmen.t̬ əl.i/ green areas ignorant.

13. Laughing /læf/ verb Fappy mood My friend was laughing a lot Reir

14. Improving /ɪmˈpruːv/ verb Refine a I’m improving better at my Mejorando

technique. routine.

15. Weight /weɪt/ noun That requires a Weight is measured in kilos. Peso
lot of effort.

Glossary: Unit 4
Word or Phonetic Part of Definition Example Picture and/or
Expression Transcription speech Meaning in Spanish
/ˈstɔː.riˌtel.ɪŋ/ noun It’s an event The storytelling of the book is Narracion
1. Storytelling that happened. confusing

2. Disappear /ˌdɪs.əˈpɪr/ verb Person you I will disappear from the peace of Desaparecer
can’t find the earth.

3. Afterward /ˈɑːf.tə.wəd/ adverb Situation that Afterward this incident we went Despues
precedes to the hospital.

4. Instead /ɪnˈsted/ adverb Action that Instead of going by truck we En cambio

takes place of went by taxi.

5. Wildlife /ˈwaɪld.laɪf/ noun Living beings of In the Granada waterfall there is Fauna silvestre
a place or little wildlife.

6. /əˈpɔɪnt.mənt/ noun Gathering of Last Friday I had on appointment Cita

Appointment two person in with the dentist
one place

7. Waiter /ˈweɪ.t̬ ɚ/ noun Person who The waiter dropped the plates. Mesero
customers in a

8. Grass /ɡræs/ noun Green stemless They planted grass in the garden Cesped
plants of the house.

9. Lakes /leɪk/ noun Water tank on In hot season the lake of Lago
land. miradores dries up.

10. /ˈlænd.skeɪp/ noun Terrain seen The landscape of the fort of San Paisaje
Landscape from a distant Juan is very beautiful.

11. Shapes /ʃeɪp/ noun Sets of gestures Art has shapes forms. Formas

12. Felt /felt/ verb State of mind of Juan felt bad in class. Sentir
a person.

13. Laughed /læf/ verb Positive mood. Alma got tired of laughed at the Reirse

14. Awfull /ˈɑː.fəl/ adjetive Dislike of a Yesterday was aufull. Horrible


15. Tasted /teɪst/ noun Verify operation. I tasted the buld but it burned Probar

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