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Name: Terrence James M. Alicaway Date: Nov.

20, 2020

Course & Year Level: BSAM-3A

Subject: Organiation and Management Small Business

Era Management

l. Summary

Selmer isn’t an academic or a professional in administration theory; he is the CEO of

a successful industrial company. But possibly it is time we redefine the term “manager”,

and question whether or not the thinking of “management” as it was inherited from the industrial

era, has outlived its usefulness. 5 billion people, and by using no skill would I

expect, tons less advocate, that those who are employed nowadays will transition into a

management-free structure in the near or even medium term. The extensive majority of work

involving human labor is nevertheless quality carried out in a usual organizational structure. In a

world of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity), it is the tech unicorns that will

be the early adopters of a post-hierarchical model. Dealing with uncertainty is

the variety one venture and, as the cliché goes, it’s the variety one chance too. If

your enterprise isn’t the disruptor, it’s a clear signal that it’s about to be disrupted.

The backside line is that the hierarchical administration mode is no longer acceptable for the

challenges of the current economy. The popularity quo are frequently blanketed through the

vocabulary of business: directors direct, presidents preside, and managers manage.

ll. Insights

As I scan the article this text are base on however they are going progress to improve it

and management and manage the worker on their business. During a business there's an in

operation officer corporate executive business executive} WHO is Selmer isn’t a tutorial or

associate knowledgeable in management theory; he’s the chief operating officer of a successful

industrial company. But perhaps it is time we tend to tend to redefine the term “manager”, and

question whether or not or not the thought of “management “because it had been transmissible

from the economic era, has outlived its utility.

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