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Wine quality prediction

Project Report submitted in the partial fulfilment




Burhanuddin Bohra (L008)

Raj chaudhary(L010)
Kaunchi Jain(L019)

Under the supervision of

(Designation, Name of the department, MPSTME)


Vile Parle (W), Mumbai-56

(Academic year)


This is to certify that the project entitled “Wine quality prediction”, has been done by
Ms. name under my guidance and supervision & has been submitted in partial fulfilment
of degree of (name of the program) in (name of the stream) of MPSTME, SVKM’s NMIMS
(Deemed-to-be University), Mumbai, India.

Project mentor (name and Signature) Examiner ( name and Signature)
(Internal Guide)

Place: Mumbai

(HoD) (name and Signature)


Student Names


Burhanuddin Bohra L008 70112100042

Raj chaudhary L010 70112100065

Kaunchi jain L019 701121000

The wine industry's pursuit of precision and consistency in wine quality assessment
has led to a growing interest in the application of machine learning techniques. This
abstract summarizes a comprehensive research paper that delves into the role of
machine learning in evaluating wine quality. Historically, wine quality has been
assessed by human sensory panels, which are prone to subjectivity and variability.
Machine learning, as a data-driven approach, presents an innovative solution to these
challenges. It leverages vast datasets encompassing chemical compositions, sensory
attributes, and historical quality ratings to create robust predictive models.

The significance of this topic extends to various aspects of the wine industry. Machine
learning enables real-time quality control during the winemaking process, ensuring
that standards are met and deviations are addressed promptly. Predictive analytics
facilitate better decision-making in production, such as blending and aging. For
consumers, personalized wine recommendations enhance their experiences,
increasing user satisfaction and sales. Moreover, machine learning plays a vital role in
ensuring the authenticity of wines, thereby safeguarding the market's integrity.

This paper reviews the current state of research and applications in the field,
providing insights into the diverse machine learning techniques and their successes
and limitations. The research emphasizes the transformative potential of machine
learning in the wine industry, offering a data-driven approach to enhance wine
quality assessment and meet the evolving demands of the market.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1motivation and scope 7

1.2problem statement 8
1.3 Salient contribution 8
Chapter 2 Literature survey/ Market survey

2.1 Research paper 1 9

2.2 Research paper 2 10

Chapter 3 Methodology and Implementation

3.1 Hardware description 11

3.2 Software, algorithm and flow 11

Chapter 4 Result and Analysis

4.1 result 15


Chapter 5 Advantages, Limitations and Applications

5.1 Advantages 16

5.2 Limitations 16

5.3 Applications 17

Conclusion and Future Scope 18

Background of the project topic
Historically, the wine industry has employed sensory evaluations conducted by experts to
assess wine quality. These experts rely on their experience and sensory perception to
provide qualitative judgments about various aspects of the wine. However, this approach
has several limitations, including:

 Subjectivity: Different experts may provide varying assessments of the same wine.
 High Costs: Maintaining a sensory panel and conducting sensory evaluations can be
 Inconsistency: Sensory evaluations may vary over time and among different panels.
 Time-Consuming: The evaluation process can be time-consuming, especially for a
large number of samples.

Machine learning presents an opportunity to overcome these limitations by leveraging data-

driven approaches for wine quality assessment. It can analyze a vast amount of data,
including chemical composition, sensory data, and historical quality ratings, to develop
predictive models. These models can provide more consistent and objective assessments of
wine quality.

1.1 Motivation and scope of the report

The motivation behind this research paper lies in the need to revolutionize the wine
industry's approach to quality assessment. Traditional methods, heavily reliant on human
sensory panels, suffer from subjectivity and inconsistency, prompting the exploration of
machine learning as a solution. The objective is to provide a more standardized and
consistent evaluation of wine quality. Additionally, the application of machine learning holds
the potential to significantly enhance wine production processes, optimizing resource
management, reducing costs, and ultimately resulting in higher-quality wines. Moreover, it
addresses the increasing demand for personalized wine recommendations that cater to
individual consumer preferences, thereby improving the overall consumer experience and
driving sales. Furthermore, real-time quality control is a critical factor in maintaining the
integrity of the wine product, and machine learning can serve as a continuous monitoring
tool. Lastly, the ongoing issue of counterfeit wines threatens the market's trust and
reputation, making machine learning an essential component in verifying the authenticity of
wines through the analysis of chemical profiles.

The scope of this research paper encompasses a comprehensive exploration of

these areas. It delves into the background and context by shedding light on the
limitations of traditional wine quality assessment methods, creating a foundational
understanding for the introduction of machine learning as a solution. The paper
emphasizes the broader significance and impact of this research, including its
potential to enhance quality control, predictive analytics, consumer experiences,
and counterfeit detection within the wine industry. A thorough review of recent
studies and applications in the field is provided to assess the various techniques
and models employed and their associated successes and limitations. In
conclusion, the paper underscores the transformative potential of machine
learning in wine quality assessment and its alignment with the evolving needs of
the industry. It also suggests possible future research and application directions,

including the integration of advanced machine learning techniques and
technologies, paving the way for a data-driven revolution in the wine industry.

1.2 Problem statement

The wine industry, reliant on traditional human sensory panels for quality assessment,
faces significant challenges related to subjectivity, inconsistency, and the need for
enhanced precision in evaluating wine quality. These challenges are particularly critical in a
market that demands high-quality products, personalized recommendations, and
assurance against counterfeit products. The motivation for this research paper arises from
the imperative to address these issues effectively and comprehensively.

1.3 Salient contribution

 This research paper offers a groundbreaking contribution by elucidating the
transformative potential of machine learning in wine quality assessment. It not only
highlights the problems within the industry but also provides innovative solutions to
address these issues. The salient contributions of this paper can be summarized as
 Objective and Consistent Wine Quality Assessment: By leveraging machine learning
techniques, the research paper demonstrates how wine quality assessments can
become more objective and consistent, mitigating the subjectivity associated with
traditional human evaluations.
 Enhanced Wine Production: The paper provides insights into how machine learning
can optimize various facets of wine production, including quality control, resource
management, and decision-making processes. It contributes to the wine industry by
improving production efficiency and, consequently, the quality of the final product.
 Personalized Consumer Experiences: Machine learning's role in analyzing consumer
preferences and offering personalized wine recommendations is a salient
contribution. This enhances the overall consumer experience and fosters increased
customer satisfaction and sales, benefitting both wineries and consumers.

Chapter 2
Literature review

2.1“Machine Learning with Applications: Predicting the Quality of New Zealand Pinot Noir

The conclusion of this research paper is that the use of synthetic data generation and
feature selection prior to machine learning analysis can be effective in predicting the quality
of New Zealand's Pinot noir wines. The study introduced the RF and AdaBoost models as
machine learning classifiers and evaluated their performance based on accuracy, precision,
recall, F1 scores, and ROC-AUC score. The results showed that AdaBoost predicted wine
quality with higher accuracy, especially when trained and tested using essential variables.
The study also highlighted the importance of data generation algorithms and feature
selection in constructing a reliable machine learning model for wine quality certification. The
authors are currently developing a machine learning-based web application that wine
researchers and growers can use to predict wine quality based on the available chemical and
physio-chemical compounds in their wines.

2.2“selection of important features and predicting wine quality using machine learning

The use of machine learning techniques such as linear regression, neural networks, and
support vector machines in product quality assessment is a rapidly growing area of research.
This PDF file provides valuable insights into the different techniques used in industries to
determine product quality and how these techniques are being improved with the help of
machine learning. The aim of this paper is to explore the different machine learning
techniques used in product quality assurance and to identify the important features to
predict the values of dependent variables.

The use of machine learning has the potential to reduce the time and cost associated with
traditional methods of product quality assessment. However, it is important to note that
these techniques are not a replacement for human expert assessment, but rather a

complementary tool that can aid in decision-making. The work also identifies the challenges
associated with wine quality assessment, which is one of the key elements in this context.
Wine quality assessment can be used for certification, which helps to assure wine quality in
the market.

The paper highlights that the relationships between the physicochemical and sensory
analysis of wine quality are complex and still not fully understood. Therefore, there is a huge
scope for improvement in this area. The use of machine learning techniques in product
quality assessment is a promising area of research that has the potential to revolutionize the
way industries approach quality control. Overall, this PDF file provides a comprehensive
overview of the different machine learning techniques used in product quality assessment
and their potential benefits.

Chapter 3
Methodology and implementation

4.1 Hardware description

GPU provided by google colab

4.2 Software description, flowchart / algorithm

Import files: numpy and pandas sklearn
Algorithm: linear reg. , logistic reg. , decision tree classifier
1) Import all the libraries

2) Upload csv through pandas

3) Remove outliers using IQR method

4) Check for null value

5) Differentiating columns of dependent and independent variables

6) Dividing the dataset into training and testing

7) Putting the data into different models that are linear reg. , logistic reg. , decision
tree classifier

8) Comparing the score of these models

Chapter 4
Result and analysis

Analysis are given as follow:

1) Score of x train with y train is the highest of decision tree classifier
2) Score of x test with y test is the highest of logistic regression
3) The best accuracy is 4 and it is given by logistic regression

Chapter 5

Advantages,Limitations and

Enhanced Wine Quality Assessment: The primary advantage of the paper is its
proposal for enhancing wine quality assessment using machine learning. This
method offers a more objective, consistent, and data-driven approach,
overcoming the subjectivity and variability associated with traditional sensory

Improved Production Efficiency: The paper explores how machine learning

can optimize wine production processes, leading to higher-quality products
and reduced production costs. This is a significant advantage for wineries
seeking to improve their operations.

Personalized Consumer Experiences: By providing personalized wine

recommendations based on consumer preferences, the research paper can
lead to increased consumer satisfaction and higher sales, benefiting both
wineries and consumers.

Data Quality: The effectiveness of machine learning models is highly
dependent on the quality and quantity of data available. Limitations in
data quality and quantity could impact the practical application of the
proposed solutions.

Technological Accessibility: The adoption of machine learning

techniques may require wineries to invest in technology and expertise,
which could be a limitation for smaller or less technologically advanced

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Successful implementation may

necessitate collaboration between wine experts and machine learning
specialists, which can pose challenges related to communication and
integration of expertise.

Wine Industry: The primary application is within the wine industry,
where wineries can use the insights from this research to improve wine
quality assessment, production processes, and consumer experiences.

Quality Control: Wineries can implement machine learning-based

quality control systems in their production facilities to monitor and
ensure the consistency and quality of their products.

Consumer-Facing Tools: Wine retailers, mobile apps, and online

platforms can apply the research to offer consumers personalized wine
recommendations, enhancing user experiences and increasing sales.

Chapter 6
conclusion and future scope

In conclusion, this project has explored the promising integration of machine learning into the wine
industry for the purpose of enhancing wine quality assessment. Traditional methods, often subjective
and inconsistent, have prompted the quest for more objective and data-driven solutions, which
machine learning offers. The project has underlined the significance of this topic, not only in
improving wine quality assessments but also in optimizing wine production, enhancing consumer
experiences, and tackling counterfeit products.

The salient contributions of this project encompass the presentation of innovative solutions for more
consistent quality assessments, the potential for improved production efficiency, personalized
consumer experiences, and quality assurance against counterfeits. Additionally, the project has
provided a comprehensive review of the current state of research and applications in this field, serving
as a valuable resource for stakeholders interested in this intersection of technology and viticulture.

As we look to the future, the wine industry stands on the cusp of a data-driven revolution. The
application of machine learning in wine quality assessment is poised to redefine how wineries operate,
consumers select wines, and the market safeguards its integrity. However, this is just the beginning of
an exciting journey.

Future scope:

Advanced Machine Learning Techniques: Future research can delve into more advanced
machine learning techniques, including deep learning and neural networks, to further refine
the accuracy and scope of wine quality assessment.

Data Collection and Integration: The industry can invest in comprehensive data collection
and integration strategies to ensure that machine learning models have access to high-
quality and diverse datasets, thereby enhancing their effectiveness.

Automation and Robotics: The integration of machine learning with

automation and robotics in winemaking processes is a promising
avenue. It can result in more efficient and precise production, ensuring
consistent wine quality.


P. Bhardwaj, P. Tiwari, K. Olejar Jr et al., "Machine Learning with Applications," vol. 8, p. 100261,
2022. [Online]. Available:

Gupta, Y., & Singh, R. (2018). Machine learning techniques for product quality assessment: A comprehensive
review. Procedia Computer Science, 125, 305-312. doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2017.12.041


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