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Curriculum Connections

Most Essential Learning Competency:

Differentiates kinds of variables and their uses
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of the characteristics, strengths,
weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research.
1. Define variables;
2. Compare and contrast variables;
3. Distinguish independent variables from dependent variables;
4. Distinguish the different forms of variables such as ratio, interval, ordinal and


Day Leaning Objectives Activities

Monday Define variables Activity 1:
3V’s: Variables has
Values and Varies
Tuesday Compare and contrast variables Activity 2: Which is
which: Dependent or
Wednesday Distinguish independent variables from Activity 3:
dependent variables; Click with our
Similarities yet Clash
with our Differences
Thursday Distinguish the different forms of Activity 4:
variables such as ratio, interval, ordinal Classify the Level of
and nominal Measurement

Friday Conduct a Weekly Test Activity 5:

Concept Learning
Conduct a Weekly

Name : Date :
Grade : Section :
Parent /Guardian Signature :


Materials Needed
 Pen or Pencil
 Colored Paper
 Internet Access
 Crayon

Directions and Tips

 There is a schedule for each day.
 You may complete these activities in any order.
 Read the directions carefully before completing each
 Make sure you plan your time so that you do not let
things pile up at the end.
 Parents or guardians must sign the activity before you
bring to school.

3V’s: Variables has Values and Varies

Direction: Tell whether the words/phrases below can be used as variables in any research
study. Write V if it can be used as variable if not write NV on the space before the number.
Then, answer the follow up questions.

__1. Water __11. Academic grades

__2. Skills __12. Aspirations
__3. Ghost __13. Economic status
__4. Experience __14. Mental pictures
__5. World __15. Physical exercise
__6. Dreams __16. textbooks
__7. Reading comprehension __17. Life plans
__8. Voice __18. Guardian angel
__9. Handwriting __19. chairs
__10. Class size __20. Gender

1. How did you come up with the correct answer?

2. What is a variable? Explain.

Variables are “changing qualities or characteristics” that have values of either

persons or things. It can be an age, gender, intelligence, ideas, achievements,
confidence, and so on that are involved in your study. For example, your intelligence
may change over the years either it will increase due to your experiences or
decrease due to some unfavourable conditions like having a disease or no access to
any source of knowledge.

Congratulations for the Job Well done!


Which is which: Dependent or Independent?

Direction: Identify the independent and dependent variables in each research problem.
Write your answer under the right column.

Research Questions Independent Variable Dependent Variable

1. How does logical thinking
develop critical thinking?
2. What are the effects of foreign
movies on the Filipino value

3. In what way does collaborative

learning increase academic
performance of the students?
4. To what extent does texting
affect the spelling skills of
5. What extent is online game
addiction affect the students
study habit?
6. Bullying experiences and its
relation to the students’

7. Government war on drugs and

the crime incidence in the

8. Opinion of Filipinos on the

bashing and fake news in
social media

9. Contested Islands in Philippine

Sea and the relationship of
China and Philippines

10. Attitude of millennial on social

media bashing

Congratulations for another Job Well

done! Keep on working! 


Click with our SIMILARITIES yet clash with our DIFFERENCES

Direction: Compare and contrast the dependent and independent variables using the Venn
diagram below. Write in the intersecting circles the common things about the two types of
variables and their differences on the appropriate circle. Then, answer the following

1. What is the difference between the independent and dependent variables? Explain.
2. What are the other types of variables aside from dependent and independent? Explain
each type?

Congratulations for another Job Well

done! Keep on working! 
Classify the Level of Measurement

Direction: Tell whether the variable is ratio, interval, ordinal and nominal. Write R for ratio,
I for interval, O for ordinal and N for nominal on the space before the number. Then,
answer the following questions.

___1. Salaries of teacher

___2. Work capacity of machine (in horsepower)
___3. Temperature (in Celsius) of automatic popcorn poppers
___4. Time required by astronauts to complete a course
___5. Number of chairs in the classroom
___6. Mass of malfunctioning bulbs
___7. Number of pages in statistics textbooks
___8. Brand of automobiles in a distributing display
___9. Capacity (in gallons) of water in selected dams
___10. Ratings of newscasts in the Philippines (poor, fair, good, excellent) Amount
of gasoline used
___11. Types of solvent
___12. Average rainfall
___13. Rate of population increase
___14. Seasons in a year
___15. Rank of countries in terms of population

1. What insights did you gain from this activity?

2. Differentiate the levels of measurement such as ratio, interval, ordinal and

Ratio possesses all the characteristics of interval measurement, and there exists a
true zero. In addition, true ratios exist when the same variable is measured on two different
members of the population. Ranks data, and precise differences between units of measure
exists; however, there is no meaningful zero. Classifies data into categories that can be
ranked; however, precise differences between the ranks do not exist.

Congratulations for another Job Well

done! Hurray! 

Concept Learning Assessment

Direction: Rate your understanding of the concepts behind the following topics by checking
the appropriate column of your answer.
Topics Very Poor Fair Good Excel
Poor lent
1. Meaning of Variables
2. Dependent Variables
3. Independent Variables
4. Relationship between the dependent and
independent variables
5. Role of extraneous variables
6. Controlled variables
7. Difference of ratio and interval level of
8. Meaning of ordinal level of measurement
9. Meaning of nominal level of measurement
10. Cause-effect relationship of independent and
dependent variable

Evaluation: Conduct a weekly test.

Weekly Test

Direction: Multiple Choice: Read each statement carefully. Choose and encircle
the letter of the correct answer among the given choices.

1. What are the two basic types of variables?

A. Control and dependent variable
B. Control and extraneous variable
C. Extraneous and nuisance variable
D. Dependent and independent variable
2. Which variable cause an effect to the dependent variable and at the same time the
manipulated variable?
A. Control variable
B. Extraneous variable
C. Independent variable
D. Nuisance variable

3. What are the four levels of measurement in a variable?

A. Ratio, Interval, Ordinal and Nominal

B. Extraneous, Control, Ordinal and Nominal
C. Dependent, Independent, Extraneous and Control
D. Ratio, Interval, Dependent, and Independent

4. Which of the following variables can be classified as ratio?

A. Age C. Temperature in 0C
B. Catholic Church D. Highest Educational Attainment

5. Which of the following is an ordinal variable?

A. Grades C. Rating
B. Rank D. Score in a test

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Dinagat Islands Division


LRMS Coordinator

*Kung ipasa sa Division (if dili School LR Team ang ibutang sa ubos)
CID Chief
LR Manager
School Head


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